Package 'WaveSampling'

Title: Weakly Associated Vectors (WAVE) Sampling
Description: Spatial data are generally auto-correlated, meaning that if two units selected are close to each other, then it is likely that they share the same properties. For this reason, when sampling in the population it is often needed that the sample is well spread over space. A new method to draw a sample from a population with spatial coordinates is proposed. This method is called wave (Weakly Associated Vectors) sampling. It uses the less correlated vector to a spatial weights matrix to update the inclusion probabilities vector into a sample. For more details see Raphaël Jauslin and Yves Tillé (2019) <doi:10.1007/s13253-020-00407-1>.
Authors: Raphaël Jauslin [aut, cre] , Yves Tillé [aut]
Maintainer: Raphaël Jauslin <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.1.4
Built: 2025-03-10 06:43:05 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Squared Euclidean distances of the unit k.


Calculate the squared Euclidean distance from unit kk to the other units.


distUnitk(X, k, tore, toreBound)



matrix representing the spatial coordinates.


the unit index to be used.


an optional logical value, if we are considering the distance on a tore. See Details.


an optional numeric value that specify the length of the tore.


Let xk,xl\mathbf{x}_k,\mathbf{x}_l be the spatial coordinates of the unit k,lUk,l \in U. The classical euclidean distance is given by

d2(k,l)=(xkxl)(xkxl).d^2(k,l) = (\mathbf{x}_k - \mathbf{x}_l)^\top (\mathbf{x}_k - \mathbf{x}_l).

When the points are distributed on a N1×N2N_1 \times N_2 regular grid of R2R^2. It is possible to consider the units like they were placed on a tore. It can be illustrated by Pac-Man passing through the wall to get away from ghosts. Specifically, we could consider two units on the same column (resp. row) that are on the opposite have a small distance,

dT2(k,l)=min((xk1xl1)2,(xk1+N1xl1)2,(xk1N1xl1)2)+d^2_T(k,l) = min( (x_{k_1} - x_{l_1})^2, (x_{k_1} + N_1 - x_{l_1})^2, (x_{k_1} - N_1 - x_{l_1})^2) +

min((xk2xl2)2,(xk2+N2xl2)2,(xk2N2xl2)2).min( (x_{k_2} - x_{l_2})^2, (x_{k_2} + N_2 - x_{l_2})^2, (x_{k_2} - N_2 - x_{l_2})^2).

The option toreBound specify the length of the tore in the case of N1=N2=NN_1 = N_2 = N. It is omitted if the tore option is equal to FALSE.


a vector of length NN that contains the distances from the unit kk to all other units.

See Also

wpik, wave and dist.


N <- 5
  x <- seq(1,N,1)
  X <- as.matrix(expand.grid(x,x))
  distUnitk(X,k = 2,tore = TRUE,toreBound = 5)
  distUnitk(X,k = 2,tore = FALSE,toreBound = -1)

Spreading measure based on Moran's II index


This function implements the spreading measure based on Moran's II index.


IB(W, s)



a stratification matrix inheriting from sparseMatrix that represents the spatial weights. See wpik.


a vector of size NN with elements equal to 0 or 1. The value 1 indicates that the unit is selected while the value 0 is for non-chosen units.


This index is developped by Tillé et al. (2018) and measure the spreading of a sample drawn from a population. It uses a corrected version of the traditional Moran's II index. Each row of the matrix W\bf W should represents a stratum. Each stratum is defined by a particular unit and its neighbouring units. See wpik. The spatial balance measure is equal to

IB=(ssˉw)W(ssˉw)(ssˉw)D(ssˉw)(ssˉw)B(ssˉw),I_B =\frac{( \bf s- \bar{s}_w)^\top W ( s- \bar{s}_w)}{\bf \sqrt{( s- \bar{s}_w)^\top D ( s- \bar{s}_w) ( s- \bar{s}_w)^\top B ( s- \bar{s}_w)}},

where D\bf D is the diagonal matrix containing the wiw_i,

sˉw=1sW11W1\bf \bar{s}_w = 1 \frac{ s^\top W 1}{ 1^\top W 1}


B=WD1WW11W1W1.\bf B = W^\top D^{-1} W - \frac{ W^\top 1 1^\top W}{1^\top W 1}.

To specify the spatial weights uses the argument W.


A numeric value that represents the spatial balance. It could be any real value between -1 (spread) and 1 (clustered).


Tillé, Y., Dickson, M.M., Espa, G., and Guiliani, D. (2018). Measuring the spatial balance of a sample: A new measure based on Moran's I index. Spatial Statistics, 23, 182-192.

See Also



N <- 36
  n <- 12
  x <- seq(1,sqrt(N),1)
  X <- expand.grid(x,x)
  pik <- rep(n/N,N)
  W <- wpik(as.matrix(X),pik,bound = 1,tore = TRUE,shift = FALSE,toreBound = sqrt(N))
  W <- W - diag(diag(W))
  s <- wave(as.matrix(X),pik,tore = TRUE,shift = TRUE,comment = TRUE)

Values vkv_k to compute the Spatial balance


Calculates the vkv_k values of the spatial balance developped by Stevens and Olsen (2004) and suggested by Grafström et al. (2012).


sb_vk(pik, X, s)



vector of the inclusion probabilities. The length should be equal to NN.


matrix representing the spatial coordinates.


A vector of size NN with elements equal 0 or 1. The value 1 indicates that the unit is selected while the value 0 is for non-chosen unit.


The spatial balance measure based on the Voronoï polygons is defined by

B(S)=1nkS(vk1)2.B(S) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{k\in S} (v_k -1)^2 .

The function return the vkv_k values and is mainly based on the function sb of the package BalancedSampling Grafström and Lisic (2019).


A vector of size NN with elements equal to the vkv_k values. If the unit is not selected then the value is equal to 0.


Grafström, A., Lundström, N.L.P. and Schelin, L. (2012). Spatially balanced sampling through the Pivotal method. Biometrics, 68(2), 514-520

Grafström, A., Lisic J. (2019). BalancedSampling: Balanced and Spatially Balanced Sampling. R package version 1.5.5.

Stevens, D. L. Jr. and Olsen, A. R. (2004). Spatially balanced sampling of natural resources. Journal of the American Statistical Association 99, 262-278

See Also



N <- 50
n <- 10
X <- as.matrix(cbind(runif(N),runif(N)))
pik <- rep(n/N,N)
s <- wave(X,pik)
v <- sb_vk(pik,X,s)

Hajek-Rosen variance estimator


Estimator of the variance of the Horvitz-Thompson estimator. It is based on the variance estimator of the conditional Poisson sampling design. See Tillé (2020, Chapter 5) for more informations.


varHAJ(y, pik, s)



vector of size nn that represent the variable of interest.


vector of the inclusion probabilities. The length should be equal to nn.


index vector of size nn with elements equal to the selected units.


The function computes the following quantity :

vHAJ(Y^HT)=nn1kS(1πk)(ykπklS(1πk)/πklS(1πk))2.v_{HAJ}(\widehat{Y}_{HT}) = \frac{n}{n-1} \sum_{k\in S} (1-\pi_k)\left( \frac{y_k}{\pi_k}-\frac{ \sum_{l\in S} (1-\pi_k)/\pi_k }{\sum_{l\in S} (1-\pi_k) } \right)^2 .

This estimator is well-defined for maximum entropy sampling design and use only inclusion probabilities of order one.


A number, the variance.


Tillé, Y. (2020). Sampling and estimation from finite populations. New York: Wiley

Weakly associated vectors sampling


Select a spread sample from inclusion probabilities using the weakly associated vectors sampling method.


  bound = 1,
  tore = FALSE,
  shift = FALSE,
  toreBound = -1,
  comment = FALSE,
  fixedSize = TRUE



matrix representing the spatial coordinates.


vector of the inclusion probabilities. The length should be equal to N.


a scalar representing the bound to reach. See Details. Default is 1.


an optional logical value, if we are considering the distance on a tore. See Details. Default is TRUE.


an optional logical value, if you would use a shift perturbation. See Details. Default is FALSE.


a numeric value that specify the size of the grid. Default is -1.


an optional logical value, indicating some informations during the execution. Default is FALSE.


an optional logical value, if you would impose a fixed sample size. Default is TRUE


The main idea is derived from the cube method (Devill and Tillé, 2004). At each step, the inclusion probabilities vector pik is randomly modified. This modification is carried out in a direction that best preserves the spreading of the sample.

A stratification matrix A\bf A is computed from the spatial weights matrix calculated from the function wpik. Depending if A\bf A is full rank or not, the vector giving the direction is not selected in the same way.

If matrix A\bf A is not full rank, a vector that is contained in the right null space is selected:

Null(A)={xRNAx=0}.Null(\bf A) = \{ \bf x \in R^N | \bf A\bf x = \bf 0 \}.

If matrix A\bf A is full rank, we find v\bf v, u\bf u the singular vectors associated to the smallest singular value σ\sigma of A\bf A such that

Av=σu,    Au=σv.\bf A\bf v = \sigma \bf u,~~~~ \bf A^\top \bf u = \sigma \bf v.

Vector v\bf v is then centered to ensure fixed sample size. At each step, inclusion probabilities is modified and at least on component is set to 0 or 1. Matrix A\bf A is updated from the new inclusion probabilities. The whole procedure it repeated until it remains only one component that is not equal to 0 or 1.

For more informations on the options tore and toreBound, see distUnitk. If tore is set up TRUE and toreBound not specified the toreBound is equal to


where pp is equal to the number of column of the matrix X.

For more informations on the option shift, see wpik.

If fixedSize is equal TRUE, the weakest associated vector is centered at each step of the algorithm. This ensures that the size of the selected sample is equal to the sum of the inclusion probabilities.


A vector of size NN with elements equal 0 or 1. The value 1 indicates that the unit is selected while the value 0 is for non-chosen unit.


Deville, J. C. and Tillé, Y. (2004). Efficient balanced sampling: the cube method. Biometrika, 91(4), 893-912

See Also

wpik, distUnitk.


# Example 2D

N <- 50
n <- 15
pik <- rep(n/N,N)
X <- as.matrix(cbind(runif(N),runif(N)))
s <- wave(X,pik)

# Example 2D grid 

N <- 36 # 6 x 6 grid
n <- 12 # number of unit selected
x <- seq(1,sqrt(N),1)
X <- as.matrix(cbind(rep(x,times = sqrt(N)),rep(x,each = sqrt(N))))
pik <- rep(n/N,N)
s <- wave(X,pik, tore = TRUE,shift = FALSE)

# Example 1D

N <- 100
n <- 10
X <- as.matrix(seq(1,N,1))
pik <- rep(n/N,N)
s <- wave(X,pik,tore = TRUE,shift =FALSE,comment = TRUE)

Stratification matrix from inclusion probabilities


The stratification matrix is calculated from the inclusion probabilities. It takes the distances between units into account. See Details.


wpik(X, pik, bound = 1, tore = FALSE, shift = FALSE, toreBound = -1)



matrix representing the spatial coordinates.


vector of the inclusion probabilities. The length should be equal to NN.


a scalar representing the bound to reach. Default is 1.


an optional logical value, if we are considering the distance on a tore. Default is FALSE.


an optional logical value, if you would use a shift perturbation. See Details for more informations. Default is FALSE.


a numeric value that specify the size of the grid. Default is -1.


Entries of the stratification matrix indicates how the units are close from each others. Hence a large value wklw_{kl} means that the unit kk is close to the unit ll. This function considers that a unit represents its neighbor till their inclusion probabilities sum up to bound.

We define GkG_k the set of the nearest neighbor of the unit kk including kk such that the sum of their inclusion probabilities is just greater than bound. Moreover, let gk=#Gkg_k = \#{G_k}, the number of elements in GkG_k. The matrix W\bf W is then defined as follows,

  • wkl=πlw_{kl} = \pi_l if unit ll is in the set of the gk1g_k - 1 nearest neighbor of kk.

  • wkl=πl+1(tGkπt)w_{kl} = \pi_l + 1 - (\sum_{t \in G_k} \pi_t) if unit ll is the gkg_k nearest neighbour of kk.

  • wkl=0w_{kl} = 0 otherwise.

Hence, the kkth row of the matrix represents neighborhood or stratum of the unit such that the inclusion probabilities sum up to 1 and the kkth column the weights that unit kk takes for each stratum.

The option shift add a small normally distributed perturbation rnorm(0,0.01) to the coordinates of the centroid of the stratum considered. This could be useful if there are many unit that have the same distances. Indeed, if two units have the same distance and are the last unit before that the bound is reached, then the weights of the both units is updated. If a shift perturbation is used then all the distances are differents and only one unit weight is update such that the bound is reached.

The shift perturbation is generated at the beginning of the procedure such that each stratum is shifted by the same perturbation.


A sparse matrix representing the spatial weights.

See Also

wpikInv, distUnitk, wave.


N <- 25
n <- 5
X <- as.matrix(cbind(runif(N),runif(N)))
pik <- rep(n/N,N)
W <- wpik(X,pik)

Stratification matrix from inverse inclusion probabilities


The stratification matrix is calculated from the inverse inclusion probabilities. It is a direct implementation of the spatial weights specified in Tillé et al., (2018).


wpikInv(X, pik, tore = FALSE, shift = FALSE, toreBound = -1)



matrix representing the spatial coordinates.


vector of the inclusion probabilities. The length should be equal to N.


an optional logical value, if we are considering the distance on a tore. Default is FALSE.


an optional logical value, if you would use a shift perturbation. See Details for more informations. Default is FALSE.


a numeric value that specify the size of the grid. Default is -1.


Entries of the stratification matrix indicates how the units are close from each others. Hence a large value wklw_{kl} means that the unit kk is close to the unit ll. This function considers that if unit kk were selected in the sample drawn from the population then kk would represent 1/πk1/\pi_k units in the population and, as a consequence, it would be natural to consider that kk has nk=(1/πk1)n_k = (1/\pi_k - 1) neighbours in the population. The nkn_k neighbours are the nearest neighbours of kk according to distances. The weights are so calculated as follows :

  • wkl=1w_{kl} = 1 if unit lNnkl \in N_{\lfloor n_k \rfloor }

  • wkl=nknkw_{kl} = n_k - \lfloor n_k \rfloor if unit ll is the nk\lceil n_k \rceil nearest neighbour of kk.

  • wkl=0w_{kl} = 0 otherwise.

nk\lfloor n_k \rfloor and nk\lceil n_k \rceil are the inferior and the superior integers of nkn_k.

The option shift add a small normally distributed perturbation rnorm(0,0.01) to the coordinates of the centroid of the stratum considered. This could be useful if there are many unit that have the same distances. Indeed, if two units have the same distance and are the last unit before that the bound is reached, then the weights of the both units is updated. If a shift perturbation is used then all the distances are differents and only one unit weight is update such that the bound is reached.

The shift perturbation is generated at the beginning of the procedure such that each stratum is shifted by the same perturbation.


A sparse matrix representing the spatial weights.


Tillé, Y., Dickson, M.M., Espa, G., and Guiliani, D. (2018). Measuring the spatial balance of a sample: A new measure based on Moran's I index. Spatial Statistics, 23, 182-192.

See Also

wpik, distUnitk, wave.


N <- 25
n <- 5
X <- as.matrix(cbind(runif(N),runif(N)))
pik <- rep(n/N,N)
W <- wpikInv(X,pik)