Title: | Additions and Extensions of the 'VGAM' Package |
Description: | Extending the functionalities of the 'VGAM' package with additional functions and datasets. At present, 'VGAMextra' comprises new family functions (ffs) to estimate several time series models by maximum likelihood using Fisher scoring, unlike popular packages in CRAN relying on optim(), including ARMA-GARCH-like models, the Order-(p, d, q) ARIMAX model (non- seasonal), the Order-(p) VAR model, error correction models for cointegrated time series, and ARMA-structures with Student-t errors. For independent data, new ffs to estimate the inverse- Weibull, the inverse-gamma, the generalized beta of the second kind and the general multivariate normal distributions are available. In addition, 'VGAMextra' incorporates new VGLM-links for the mean-function, and the quantile-function (as an alternative to ordinary quantile modelling) of several 1-parameter distributions, that are compatible with the class of VGLM/VGAM family functions. Currently, only fixed-effects models are implemented. All functions are subject to change; see the NEWS for further details on the latest changes. |
Authors: | Victor Miranda [aut, cre, cph], Thomas Yee [ctb, ths, cph] |
Maintainer: | Victor Miranda <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 0.0-7 |
Built: | 2025-03-14 07:48:05 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
VGAMextra supplies additional functions and methods to the package VGAM, under three main topics:
** Time series modelling. A novel class of VGLMs to model univariate time series, called vector generalized linear time series models (VGLTSMs). It is characterized by incorporating past information in the VGLM/VGAM loglikelihood.
** 1–parameter distribution mean modelling. We return full circle by developing new link functions for the mean of 1–parameter distributions. VGAMs, VGLMs and GAMLSSs are restricted to location, scale and shape, however, the VGLM/VGAM framework has infrastructure to accommodate new links as a function of the parameters.
** Quantile modelling of 1–parameter distributions. Similarly, we have implemented link functions to model the quantiles of several 1–parameter distributions, for quantile regression.
The inference infrastructure of VGAMextra relies on the VGLM/VGAM framework. Particularly, estimation is carried out via IRLS using Fisher scoring, whilst additive models and reduced rank regression are also accommodated by all VGAMextra family functions.
At present, this package
allows the extent of VGLMs/VGAMs to operate
popular time series models as special cases, as well as
cointegrated time series (bivariate case), and
modelling choices for volatility models incorporating
explanatories in the variance equation.
The central family functions in this respect are
, and
Regarding modelling the mean/quantile-functions, VGAMextra
affords links for several 1-parameter distributions,
e.g., expMlink
, or
Collectively, the quantile-links represent an alternative
to quantile regression by directly modelling the quantile
function for distributions
beyond the exponential family (See Example 3 below).
The VGLM/VGAM framework is very large and encompasses a wide range of
multivariate response types and models, e.g., it includes
univariate and multivariate distributions,
categorical data analysis, and extreme values.
See VGAM-package
for a broad
description and further information on VGAM.
* Implement VGLM time series family functions to handle error correction models (ECMs) for cointegrated time series. Upgrade this framework beyond the bivariate case, e.g., the the Vector ECM (VECMs).
* Upgrade VGLMs time series family functions to handle multivariate time series, e.g., the VAR model (Coming shortly).
* Incorporate VGLM/VGAM-links to model the mean and quantile functions of distributions with > 1 parameters.
* Develop the class of multiple reduced–rank VGLMs towards time series, to handle, e.g., vector error correction models (VECMs), for multiple cointegrated time series.
VGAMextra is revised, altered, and/or upgraded on a regular basis.
Hence, be aware that any feature, e.g., function names, arguments, or
methods, may be modified without prior notice.
Check the NEWS
for the latest changes and additions across
the different versions.
Victor Miranda, [email protected].
Maintainer: Victor Miranda, [email protected].
Contributor: Thomas Yee, [email protected].
Pfaff, B. (2011) Analysis of Integrated and Cointegrated Time Series with R. Seattle, Washington, USA: Springer.
Chan, N., Li, D., Peng, L. and Zhang, R. (2013) Tail index of an AR(1) model with ARCH(1) errors. Econometric Theory, 29(5):920-940.
Yee, T. W. (2015) Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models: With an Implementation in R. New York, USA: Springer.
Miranda, V. and Yee, T. W. Vector generalized linear time series models. In preparation.
Miranda, V. and Yee, T. W. On mean modelling of 1-parameter distributions using vector generalized linear models. In preparation
Miranda, V. and Yee, T. W. Two–Parameter Link Functions with Applications to Negative Binomail, Weibull, and Quantile Regression. To be submitted to the Scandinavian Journal of Statistics.
Miranda, V. and Yee, T.W. New Link Functions for Distribution-Specific Quantile Regression Based on Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models. Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 2019, Article ID 3493628.
Yee, T. W. (2008)
R News, 8, 28–39.
##### EXAMPLE 1. An AR(1) model with ARCH(1) errors. # Chan et.al. (2013) proposed a long and technical methodology to # estimate the tail index of an AR(1) with ARCH(1) errors involving # its estimation by QMLE. I fit this model straightforwardly by MLE # using the family function ARXff() for time series, and constraining # the effect of Y^2_{t - 1} to the conditional variance using # constraint matrices. # Generate some data set.seed(1) nn <- ceiling(runif(1, 150, 160)) my.rho <- rhobitlink(-1.0, inverse = TRUE) # -0.46212 my.mu <- 0.0 my.omega <- 1 my.b <- 0.5 tsdata <- data.frame(x2 = sort(runif(n = nn))) tsdata <- transform(tsdata, index = 1:nn, TS1 = runif(nn)) for (ii in 2:nn) tsdata$TS1[ii] <- my.mu + my.rho * tsdata$TS1[ii-1] + sqrt(my.omega + my.b * (tsdata$TS1[ii-1])^2) * rnorm(1) # Remove the burn-in data: nnr <- ceiling(nn/5) tsdata <- tsdata[-(1:nnr), ] tsdata["index"] <- 1:(nn - nnr) # The timeplot. with(tsdata, plot(ts(TS1), lty = "solid", col = "blue", xlab ="Time", ylab = "Series")) abline(h = mean(tsdata[, "TS1"]), lty = "dotted") # The constraint matrices, to inhibit the effect of Y^2_{t - 1} # over sigma^2 only. const.mat <- list('(Intercept)' = diag(3), 'TS1l1sq' = cbind(c(0, 1, 0))) # Set up the data using function WN.lags() from VGAMextra to generate # our 'explanatory' tsdata <- transform(tsdata, TS1l1sq = WN.lags(y = cbind(tsdata[, "TS1"])^2, lags = 1)) # Fitting the model fit.Chan.etal <- vglm(TS1 ~ TS1l1sq, ARXff(order = 1, # AR order zero = NULL, noChecks = FALSE, var.arg = TRUE, lvar = "identitylink"), crit = "loglikelihood", trace = TRUE, constraints = const.mat, data = tsdata) ## Constraints... summary(fit.Chan.etal, lrt0 = TRUE, score0 = TRUE, wald0 = TRUE) constraints(fit.Chan.etal) ###### EXAMPLE 2. VGLMs handling cointegrated (bivariate) time series. # In this example, vglm() accommodates an error correction model # of order (2, 2) to fit two (non-stationary) cointegrated time series. # Simulating some data. set.seed(2017081901) nn <- 280 rho <- 0.75 s2u <- exp(log(1.5)) # Gaussian noise1 s2w <- exp(0) # Gaussian noise2 my.errors <- rbinorm(nn, mean1 = 0, mean2 = 0, var1 = s2u, var2 = s2w, cov12 = rho) ut <- my.errors[, 1] wt <- my.errors[, 2] yt <- xt <- numeric(0) xt[1] <- ut[1] # Initial value: error.u[0] yt[1] <- wt[1] # Initial value: error.w[0] beta <- c(0.0, 2.5, -0.32) # Coefficients true values. for (ii in 2:nn) { xt[ii] <- xt[ii - 1] + ut[ii] yt[ii] <- beta[1] + beta[2] * xt[ii] + beta[3] * yt[ii - 1] + wt[ii] } # Regression of yt on xt, save residuals. Compute Order--1 differences. errors.coint <- residuals(lm(yt ~ xt)) # Residuals from the static regression yt ~ xt difx1 <- diff(ts(xt), lag = 1, differences = 1) # First difference for xt dify1 <- diff(ts(yt), lag = 1, differences = 1) # First difference for yt # Set up the dataset (coint.data), including Order-2 lagged differences. coint.data <- data.frame(embed(difx1, 3), embed(dify1, 3)) colnames(coint.data) <- c("difx1", "difxLag1", "difxLag2", "dify1", "difyLag1", "difyLag2") # Remove unutilized lagged errors accordingly. Here, use from t = 3. errors.cointLag1 <- errors.coint[-c(1:2, nn)] coint.data <- transform(coint.data, errors.cointLag1 = errors.cointLag1) # Plotting the data plot(ts(yt[-c(1:3, NULL)]), lty = 4, type = "l", col = "red", main = "", xlab = "Time", las = 1, ylim = c(-32, 20), ylab = expression("Series"~x[t]~"and"~y[t])) lines(ts(xt[-c(1:3, NULL)]), lty = 4, type = "l", col = "blue") legend("bottomleft", c(expression("Series"~x[t]), expression("Series"~y[t])), col = c("red", "blue"), lty = c(4, 4)) # Fitting an error correction model (2, 2), aka ECM(2, 2) fit.coint <- vglm(cbind(dify1, difx1) ~ errors.cointLag1 + difxLag1 + difyLag1 + difxLag2 + difyLag2, binormal(zero = c("sd", "rho")), # 'sigma', 'rho' are intercept--only. trace = FALSE, data = coint.data) summary(fit.coint) coef(fit.coint, matrix = TRUE) ##### EXAMPLE 3. Quantile Modelling (QM). # Here, the quantile function of the Maxwell distribution is modelled # for percentiles 25%, 50% and 75%. The resulting quantile-curves # are plotted. The rate parameter is determined by an artificial covariate. set.seed(123) # An artificial covariate. maxdata <- data.frame(x2 = sort(runif(n <- nn <- 120))) # The 'rate' function. mymu <- function(x) exp(2 - 6 * sin(2 * x - 0.2) / (x + 0.5)^2) # Set up the data. maxdata <- transform(maxdata, y = rmaxwell(n, rate = mymu(x2))) # 25%, 50% and 75% quantiles are to be modelled. mytau <- c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75) mydof <- 4 ### Using B-splines with 'mydof'-degrees of freedom on the predictors fit.QM <- vglm(Q.reg(y, pvector = mytau) ~ bs(x2, df = mydof), family = maxwell(link = "maxwellQlink(p = mytau)", zero = NULL), data = maxdata, trace = TRUE) summary(fit.QM, lscore0 = TRUE) head(predictors(fit.QM)) # The 'fitted values' ## The 25%, 50%, and 75% quantile curves. mylwd <- 1.5 with(maxdata, plot(x2, y, col = "orange", main = "Example 1; Quantile Modelling", ylab = "y", pch = "o", cex = 0.75)) with(maxdata, matlines(x2, predict(fit.QM)[, 1], col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = mylwd)) with(maxdata, matlines(x2, predict(fit.QM)[, 2], col = "chocolate", lty = "dotted", lwd = mylwd)) with(maxdata, matlines(x2, predict(fit.QM)[, 3], col = "brown", lty = "dotted", lwd = mylwd)) legend("topleft", c("percentile25", "percentile50", "percentile75"), lty = rep("dotted", 3), lwd = rep(mylwd, 3)) ### Double check: The data (in percentage) below the 25%, 50%, and 75% curves round(length(predict(fit.QM)[, 1][(maxdata$y <= predict(fit.QM)[, 1] )]) /nn, 5) * 100 ## Should be 25% approx round(length(predict(fit.QM)[, 2][(maxdata$y <= predict(fit.QM)[, 2] )]) /nn, 5) * 100 ## Should be 50% approx round(length(predict(fit.QM)[, 3][(maxdata$y <= predict(fit.QM)[, 3] )]) /nn, 5) * 100 ## Should be 75% approx
##### EXAMPLE 1. An AR(1) model with ARCH(1) errors. # Chan et.al. (2013) proposed a long and technical methodology to # estimate the tail index of an AR(1) with ARCH(1) errors involving # its estimation by QMLE. I fit this model straightforwardly by MLE # using the family function ARXff() for time series, and constraining # the effect of Y^2_{t - 1} to the conditional variance using # constraint matrices. # Generate some data set.seed(1) nn <- ceiling(runif(1, 150, 160)) my.rho <- rhobitlink(-1.0, inverse = TRUE) # -0.46212 my.mu <- 0.0 my.omega <- 1 my.b <- 0.5 tsdata <- data.frame(x2 = sort(runif(n = nn))) tsdata <- transform(tsdata, index = 1:nn, TS1 = runif(nn)) for (ii in 2:nn) tsdata$TS1[ii] <- my.mu + my.rho * tsdata$TS1[ii-1] + sqrt(my.omega + my.b * (tsdata$TS1[ii-1])^2) * rnorm(1) # Remove the burn-in data: nnr <- ceiling(nn/5) tsdata <- tsdata[-(1:nnr), ] tsdata["index"] <- 1:(nn - nnr) # The timeplot. with(tsdata, plot(ts(TS1), lty = "solid", col = "blue", xlab ="Time", ylab = "Series")) abline(h = mean(tsdata[, "TS1"]), lty = "dotted") # The constraint matrices, to inhibit the effect of Y^2_{t - 1} # over sigma^2 only. const.mat <- list('(Intercept)' = diag(3), 'TS1l1sq' = cbind(c(0, 1, 0))) # Set up the data using function WN.lags() from VGAMextra to generate # our 'explanatory' tsdata <- transform(tsdata, TS1l1sq = WN.lags(y = cbind(tsdata[, "TS1"])^2, lags = 1)) # Fitting the model fit.Chan.etal <- vglm(TS1 ~ TS1l1sq, ARXff(order = 1, # AR order zero = NULL, noChecks = FALSE, var.arg = TRUE, lvar = "identitylink"), crit = "loglikelihood", trace = TRUE, constraints = const.mat, data = tsdata) ## Constraints... summary(fit.Chan.etal, lrt0 = TRUE, score0 = TRUE, wald0 = TRUE) constraints(fit.Chan.etal) ###### EXAMPLE 2. VGLMs handling cointegrated (bivariate) time series. # In this example, vglm() accommodates an error correction model # of order (2, 2) to fit two (non-stationary) cointegrated time series. # Simulating some data. set.seed(2017081901) nn <- 280 rho <- 0.75 s2u <- exp(log(1.5)) # Gaussian noise1 s2w <- exp(0) # Gaussian noise2 my.errors <- rbinorm(nn, mean1 = 0, mean2 = 0, var1 = s2u, var2 = s2w, cov12 = rho) ut <- my.errors[, 1] wt <- my.errors[, 2] yt <- xt <- numeric(0) xt[1] <- ut[1] # Initial value: error.u[0] yt[1] <- wt[1] # Initial value: error.w[0] beta <- c(0.0, 2.5, -0.32) # Coefficients true values. for (ii in 2:nn) { xt[ii] <- xt[ii - 1] + ut[ii] yt[ii] <- beta[1] + beta[2] * xt[ii] + beta[3] * yt[ii - 1] + wt[ii] } # Regression of yt on xt, save residuals. Compute Order--1 differences. errors.coint <- residuals(lm(yt ~ xt)) # Residuals from the static regression yt ~ xt difx1 <- diff(ts(xt), lag = 1, differences = 1) # First difference for xt dify1 <- diff(ts(yt), lag = 1, differences = 1) # First difference for yt # Set up the dataset (coint.data), including Order-2 lagged differences. coint.data <- data.frame(embed(difx1, 3), embed(dify1, 3)) colnames(coint.data) <- c("difx1", "difxLag1", "difxLag2", "dify1", "difyLag1", "difyLag2") # Remove unutilized lagged errors accordingly. Here, use from t = 3. errors.cointLag1 <- errors.coint[-c(1:2, nn)] coint.data <- transform(coint.data, errors.cointLag1 = errors.cointLag1) # Plotting the data plot(ts(yt[-c(1:3, NULL)]), lty = 4, type = "l", col = "red", main = "", xlab = "Time", las = 1, ylim = c(-32, 20), ylab = expression("Series"~x[t]~"and"~y[t])) lines(ts(xt[-c(1:3, NULL)]), lty = 4, type = "l", col = "blue") legend("bottomleft", c(expression("Series"~x[t]), expression("Series"~y[t])), col = c("red", "blue"), lty = c(4, 4)) # Fitting an error correction model (2, 2), aka ECM(2, 2) fit.coint <- vglm(cbind(dify1, difx1) ~ errors.cointLag1 + difxLag1 + difyLag1 + difxLag2 + difyLag2, binormal(zero = c("sd", "rho")), # 'sigma', 'rho' are intercept--only. trace = FALSE, data = coint.data) summary(fit.coint) coef(fit.coint, matrix = TRUE) ##### EXAMPLE 3. Quantile Modelling (QM). # Here, the quantile function of the Maxwell distribution is modelled # for percentiles 25%, 50% and 75%. The resulting quantile-curves # are plotted. The rate parameter is determined by an artificial covariate. set.seed(123) # An artificial covariate. maxdata <- data.frame(x2 = sort(runif(n <- nn <- 120))) # The 'rate' function. mymu <- function(x) exp(2 - 6 * sin(2 * x - 0.2) / (x + 0.5)^2) # Set up the data. maxdata <- transform(maxdata, y = rmaxwell(n, rate = mymu(x2))) # 25%, 50% and 75% quantiles are to be modelled. mytau <- c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75) mydof <- 4 ### Using B-splines with 'mydof'-degrees of freedom on the predictors fit.QM <- vglm(Q.reg(y, pvector = mytau) ~ bs(x2, df = mydof), family = maxwell(link = "maxwellQlink(p = mytau)", zero = NULL), data = maxdata, trace = TRUE) summary(fit.QM, lscore0 = TRUE) head(predictors(fit.QM)) # The 'fitted values' ## The 25%, 50%, and 75% quantile curves. mylwd <- 1.5 with(maxdata, plot(x2, y, col = "orange", main = "Example 1; Quantile Modelling", ylab = "y", pch = "o", cex = 0.75)) with(maxdata, matlines(x2, predict(fit.QM)[, 1], col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = mylwd)) with(maxdata, matlines(x2, predict(fit.QM)[, 2], col = "chocolate", lty = "dotted", lwd = mylwd)) with(maxdata, matlines(x2, predict(fit.QM)[, 3], col = "brown", lty = "dotted", lwd = mylwd)) legend("topleft", c("percentile25", "percentile50", "percentile75"), lty = rep("dotted", 3), lwd = rep(mylwd, 3)) ### Double check: The data (in percentage) below the 25%, 50%, and 75% curves round(length(predict(fit.QM)[, 1][(maxdata$y <= predict(fit.QM)[, 1] )]) /nn, 5) * 100 ## Should be 25% approx round(length(predict(fit.QM)[, 2][(maxdata$y <= predict(fit.QM)[, 2] )]) /nn, 5) * 100 ## Should be 50% approx round(length(predict(fit.QM)[, 3][(maxdata$y <= predict(fit.QM)[, 3] )]) /nn, 5) * 100 ## Should be 75% approx
Daily air pollution levels in Mexico City, January 2004 – June 2005.
This data frame stores time series vectors with the following information:
Time vector.
24–hr average concentration of
, in micrograms per milliliter.
Daily maximum 8–hour moving average of ozone, in micrograms per milliliter.
Daily mean average of temperature, in celsius degrees.
Daily mean average (%) of relative humidity.
These are readings of ,
, temperature and humidity between
1 January 2004 and 30 June 2005 in
Mexico City Metropolitan Area.
Each observation is the 24–hr mean average (between
00:00 and 23:59 hrs), except for
ozone, where the
maximum over all the sliding 8–hour–windows,
between 00:00 and 23:59 hrs is reported, viz.
the daily maximum 8–hour moving average.
National Institute of Ecology. Gathers and disseminates the data generated by the central air quality monitoring network in Mexico City. Website: https://www.gob.mx/inecc/
data(ap.mx) summary(ap.mx[, -1]) class(ap.mx[, "PM10"]) layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 2,3), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)) plot.ts(ts(ap.mx$PM10), ylab = expression(PM[10]~"Series"), col = "brown", xaxt = "n", las = 1) xtick <- c(1, 92, 183, 275, 367, 457, 518) xtext <- c("Jan/04", "April/04", "July/04", "Oct/04", "Jan/05", "April/05", "June/05") axis(side = 1, at = xtick, labels = FALSE) text(x = xtick, par("usr")[3], labels = xtext, pos = 1, xpd = TRUE, col = "black") pacf(ap.mx$PM10, main = "", ylim= c(-0.5, 1), lag.max = 60, las = 1) acf(ap.mx$PM10, main = "", ylim= c(-0.5, 1), lag.max = 60, las = 1)
data(ap.mx) summary(ap.mx[, -1]) class(ap.mx[, "PM10"]) layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 2,3), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)) plot.ts(ts(ap.mx$PM10), ylab = expression(PM[10]~"Series"), col = "brown", xaxt = "n", las = 1) xtick <- c(1, 92, 183, 275, 367, 457, 518) xtext <- c("Jan/04", "April/04", "July/04", "Oct/04", "Jan/05", "April/05", "June/05") axis(side = 1, at = xtick, labels = FALSE) text(x = xtick, par("usr")[3], labels = xtext, pos = 1, xpd = TRUE, col = "black") pacf(ap.mx$PM10, main = "", ylim= c(-0.5, 1), lag.max = 60, las = 1) acf(ap.mx$PM10, main = "", ylim= c(-0.5, 1), lag.max = 60, las = 1)
ARMA errorsA VLTSMff for dynamic regression.
Estimates regression models with order– ARIMA
errors by maximum likelihood.
ARIMAX.errors.ff(order = c(1, 1, 1), zero = "var", # optionally, "mean". order.trend = 0, include.int = TRUE, diffCovs = TRUE, xLag = 0, include.currentX = TRUE, lvar = "loglink", lmean = "identitylink")
ARIMAX.errors.ff(order = c(1, 1, 1), zero = "var", # optionally, "mean". order.trend = 0, include.int = TRUE, diffCovs = TRUE, xLag = 0, include.currentX = TRUE, lvar = "loglink", lmean = "identitylink")
order |
The usual |
zero |
What linear predictor is modelled as intercept–only?
See |
order.trend |
Non–negative integer. Allows to incorporate a polynomial
trend of order |
include.int |
Logical. Should an intercept (int) be included in
the model for |
diffCovs |
Logical. If |
xLag |
Integer. If entered, the covariates, say
include.currentX |
Logical. If |
lvar , lmean
Link functions applied to conditional mean and the variance.
Same as |
The generalized linear regression model with ARIMA errors is another subclass of VGLTSMs (Miranda and Yee, 2018).
For a univariate time series, say ,
and a
–dimensional vector of covariates
the model described by this VGLTSM family function is
The first entry in equals 1, allowing
an intercept, for every $t$. Set
include.int = FALSE
to set this to zero,
dimissing the intercept.
Also, if diffCovs = TRUE
, then the differences up to order
of the set
are embedded in the model
, the lagged values up to order
of the covariates are also included.
The random disturbances are by default
handled as
. Then,
as the history of the
up to time
, yields
the default linear predictor for this VGLTSM family function is
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
to be used by VGLM/VGAM modelling functions, e.g.,
or vgam
If d = 0
in order
, then ARIMAX.errors.ff
will perform as ARIMAXff
Victor Miranda
### Estimate a regression model with ARMA(1, 1) errors. ## Covariates are included up to lag 1. set.seed(20171123) nn <- 250 x2 <- rnorm(nn) # One covariate sigma2 <- exp(1.15); theta1 <- 0.5; phi1 <- 0.27 # True coefficients beta0 <- 1.25; beta1 <- 0.25; beta2 <- 0.5 y <- numeric(nn) u <- numeric(nn) z <- numeric(nn) u[1] <- rnorm(1) z[1] <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(sigma2)) for(ii in 2:nn) { z[ii] <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(sigma2)) u[ii] <- theta1 * u[ii - 1] + phi1 * z[ii - 1] + z[ii] y[ii] <- beta0 + beta1 * x2[ii] + beta2 * x2[ii - 1] + u[ii] } # Remove warm-up values. x2 <- x2[-c(1:100)] y <- y[-c(1:100)] plot(ts(y), lty = 2, col = "blue", type = "b") abline(h = 0, lty = 2) ## Fit the model. ARIMAX.reg.fit <- vglm(y ~ x2, ARIMAX.errors.ff(order = c(1, 0, 1), xLag = 1), data = data.frame(y = y, x2 = x2), trace = TRUE) coef(ARIMAX.reg.fit, matrix = TRUE) summary(ARIMAX.reg.fit, HD = FALSE) # Compare to arima() # arima() can't handle lagged values of 'x2' by default, but these # may entered at argument 'xreg'. arima(y, order = c(1, 0, 1), xreg = cbind(x2, c(0, x2[-150])))
### Estimate a regression model with ARMA(1, 1) errors. ## Covariates are included up to lag 1. set.seed(20171123) nn <- 250 x2 <- rnorm(nn) # One covariate sigma2 <- exp(1.15); theta1 <- 0.5; phi1 <- 0.27 # True coefficients beta0 <- 1.25; beta1 <- 0.25; beta2 <- 0.5 y <- numeric(nn) u <- numeric(nn) z <- numeric(nn) u[1] <- rnorm(1) z[1] <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(sigma2)) for(ii in 2:nn) { z[ii] <- rnorm(1, 0, sqrt(sigma2)) u[ii] <- theta1 * u[ii - 1] + phi1 * z[ii - 1] + z[ii] y[ii] <- beta0 + beta1 * x2[ii] + beta2 * x2[ii - 1] + u[ii] } # Remove warm-up values. x2 <- x2[-c(1:100)] y <- y[-c(1:100)] plot(ts(y), lty = 2, col = "blue", type = "b") abline(h = 0, lty = 2) ## Fit the model. ARIMAX.reg.fit <- vglm(y ~ x2, ARIMAX.errors.ff(order = c(1, 0, 1), xLag = 1), data = data.frame(y = y, x2 = x2), trace = TRUE) coef(ARIMAX.reg.fit, matrix = TRUE) summary(ARIMAX.reg.fit, HD = FALSE) # Compare to arima() # arima() can't handle lagged values of 'x2' by default, but these # may entered at argument 'xreg'. arima(y, order = c(1, 0, 1), xreg = cbind(x2, c(0, x2[-150])))
Autoregressive Integrated Moving
Average Model (ARIMA(p, d, q)) with covariatesMaximum likelihood estimation of the drift,
standard deviation or variance of the random noise,
and coefficients of an autoregressive integrated
moving average process of order-
with covariates by MLE using Fisher scoring.
No seasonal terms handled yet. No seasonal components
handled yet.
ARIMAXff(order = c(1, 1, 0), zero = c("ARcoeff", "MAcoeff"), diffCovs = TRUE, xLag = 0, include.current = FALSE, type.EIM = c("exact", "approximate")[1], var.arg = TRUE, nodrift = FALSE, noChecks = FALSE, ldrift = "identitylink", lsd = "loglink", lvar = "loglink", lARcoeff = "identitylink", lMAcoeff = "identitylink", idrift = NULL, isd = NULL, ivar = NULL, iARcoeff = NULL, iMAcoeff = NULL)
ARIMAXff(order = c(1, 1, 0), zero = c("ARcoeff", "MAcoeff"), diffCovs = TRUE, xLag = 0, include.current = FALSE, type.EIM = c("exact", "approximate")[1], var.arg = TRUE, nodrift = FALSE, noChecks = FALSE, ldrift = "identitylink", lsd = "loglink", lvar = "loglink", lARcoeff = "identitylink", lMAcoeff = "identitylink", idrift = NULL, isd = NULL, ivar = NULL, iARcoeff = NULL, iMAcoeff = NULL)
order |
Integer vector with three components,
( |
zero |
Integer or character–strings vector.
Name(s) or position(s) of the parameters/linear predictors
to be modeled as intercept-only. Details at
diffCovs |
Logical. The default is |
xLag |
Integer, non–negative. If |
include.current |
Logical. Same as
type.EIM |
The type of expected information matrix (EIM) of the ARMA process
to be utilized in Fisher scoring.
var.arg |
Logical. If |
nodrift |
Logical. |
noChecks |
Logical. If |
ldrift , lsd , lvar , lARcoeff , lMAcoeff
Link functions applied to the intercept, the random noise standard deviation (or optionally, the variance), and the coefficients in the ARMA–type conditional–mean model. |
idrift , isd , ivar , iARcoeff , iMAcoeff
Optional initial values for the intercept (drift), noise SD
(or variance), and ARMA coeffcients (a vector of length |
Let be a (probably time–varying) vector of
suitable covariates. The ARIMAX model handled by
with the operator differencing a
times. If diffCovs = TRUE
, this function
differencing the covariates d
times too.
Similarly, ARMAXff
Note, is conditional on
the information
of the joint process
at time
, and hence may be
modelled in terms of
if required.
and ARMAXff()
handle multiple responses, thus a
matrix can be used as the response.
Note, no seasonal terms handled. This feature is to be
incorporated shortly.
The default linear predictor is
Other links are also handled. See Links
Further choices for the random noise, besides Gaussian, will be implemented over time.
As with ARXff
and MAXff
choices for the EIMs are "exact"
and "approximate"
Covariates may be incorporated in the fit for any linear
predictor above. Hence, ARIMAXff
supports non–stationary
processes () may depend on
Also, constraint matrices
on the linear predictors may be
entered through
using the argument constraints
, from
Checks on stationarity and
invertibility on the esitmated process are performed by default.
Set noChecks = TRUE
to dismiss this step.
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
to be used by VGLM/VGAM modelling functions, e.g.,
or vgam
can be a numeric or a character–strings
vector specifying the position(s) or the name(s) of
the parameter(s) modeled as intercept–only.
Numeric values can be set as
usual (See CommonVGAMffArguments
If names are entered, the parameter names in this
family function are:
c("drift.mean", "noiseVar" || "noiseSD", "ARcoeff", "MAcoeff")
Manually modify this if required. For simplicity, the second choice is recommended.
No seasonal components handled yet.
If no covariates, ,
are incorporated in the analysis,
fits an ordinary ARIMA model.
Ditto with ARMAXff
If nodrift = TRUE
, then the 'drift' is removed from the
vector of parameters and is not estimated.
By default, an ARMA model of order– with
order–1 differences is fitted. When initial
values are entered (
, iARcoeff
, etc.),
they are recycled
according to the number of responses.
Also, the ARMA coefficients
are intercept–only (note, zero = c("ARcoeff",
This may altered via zero
, or by
constraint matrices (See constraints
using cm.ARMA
Checks on stationarity and/or
invertibility can be manually via
Victor Miranda and T. W. Yee
Miranda, V. and Yee, T.W. (2018) Vector Generalized Linear Time Series Models. In preparation.
Porat, B., and Friedlander, B. (1986) Computation of the Exact Information Matrix of Gaussian Time Series with Stationary Random Components. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. ASSp-34(1), 118–130.
set.seed(3) nn <- 90 theta <- c(0.12, 0.17) # AR coefficients phi <- c(-0.15, 0.20) # MA coefficients. sdWNN <- exp(1.0) # SDs mu <- c(1.25, 0.85) # Mean (not drift) of the process. covX <- runif(nn + 1) # A single covariate. mux3 <- mu[1] + covX ## ## Simulate ARMA processes. Here, the drift for 'tsd3' depends on covX. ## tsdata <- data.frame(TS1 = mu[1] + arima.sim(model = list(ar = theta, ma = phi, order = c(2, 1, 2)), n = nn, sd = sdWNN ), TS2 = mu[2] + arima.sim(model = list(ar = theta, ma = phi, order = c(2, 1, 2)), n = nn, sd = exp(2 + covX)), TS3 = mux3 + arima.sim(model = list(ar = theta, ma = phi, order = c(2, 1, 2)), n = nn, sd = exp(2 + covX) ), x2 = covX) ### EXAMPLE 1. Fitting a simple ARIMA(2, 1, 2) using vglm(). # Note that no covariates involved. fit.ARIMA1 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1, ARIMAXff(order = c(2, 1, 2), var.arg = FALSE, # OPTIONAL INITIAL VALUES # idrift = c(1.5)*(1 - sum(theta)), # ivar = exp(4), isd = exp(2), # iARcoeff = c(0.20, -0.3, 0.1), # iMAcoeff = c(0.25, 0.35, 0.1), type.EIM = "exact"), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") Coef(fit.ARIMA1) summary(fit.ARIMA1) vcov(fit.ARIMA1, untransform = TRUE) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Fitting same model using arima(). #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # COMPARE to EXAMPLE1 ( fitArima <- arima(tsdata$TS1, order = c(2, 1, 2)) ) ### EXAMPLE 2. Here only the ARMA coefficients and drift are intercept-only. # The random noise variance is not constant. fit.ARIMA2 <- vglm(TS2 ~ x2, ARIMAXff(order = c(2, 1, 2), var.arg = TRUE, lARcoeff = "rhobitlink", lMAcoeff = "identitylink", type.EIM = c("exact", "approximate")[1], # NOTE THE ZERO ARGUMENT. zero = c("drift.mean", "ARcoeff", "MAcoeff")), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) coef(fit.ARIMA2, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit.ARIMA2) constraints(fit.ARIMA2) ### EXAMPLE 3. Here only ARMA coefficients are intercept-only. # The random noise variance is not constant. # Note that the "drift" and the "variance" are "generated" in # terms of 'x2' above for TS3. fit.ARIMA3 <- vglm(TS3 ~ x2, ARIMAXff(order = c(1, 1, 2), var.arg = TRUE, lARcoeff = "identitylink", lMAcoeff = "identitylink", type.EIM = c("exact", "approximate")[1], nodrift = FALSE, zero = c( "ARcoeff", "MAcoeff")), # NOTE THE ZERO ARGUMENT. data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) coef(fit.ARIMA3, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit.ARIMA3) constraints(fit.ARIMA3)
set.seed(3) nn <- 90 theta <- c(0.12, 0.17) # AR coefficients phi <- c(-0.15, 0.20) # MA coefficients. sdWNN <- exp(1.0) # SDs mu <- c(1.25, 0.85) # Mean (not drift) of the process. covX <- runif(nn + 1) # A single covariate. mux3 <- mu[1] + covX ## ## Simulate ARMA processes. Here, the drift for 'tsd3' depends on covX. ## tsdata <- data.frame(TS1 = mu[1] + arima.sim(model = list(ar = theta, ma = phi, order = c(2, 1, 2)), n = nn, sd = sdWNN ), TS2 = mu[2] + arima.sim(model = list(ar = theta, ma = phi, order = c(2, 1, 2)), n = nn, sd = exp(2 + covX)), TS3 = mux3 + arima.sim(model = list(ar = theta, ma = phi, order = c(2, 1, 2)), n = nn, sd = exp(2 + covX) ), x2 = covX) ### EXAMPLE 1. Fitting a simple ARIMA(2, 1, 2) using vglm(). # Note that no covariates involved. fit.ARIMA1 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1, ARIMAXff(order = c(2, 1, 2), var.arg = FALSE, # OPTIONAL INITIAL VALUES # idrift = c(1.5)*(1 - sum(theta)), # ivar = exp(4), isd = exp(2), # iARcoeff = c(0.20, -0.3, 0.1), # iMAcoeff = c(0.25, 0.35, 0.1), type.EIM = "exact"), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") Coef(fit.ARIMA1) summary(fit.ARIMA1) vcov(fit.ARIMA1, untransform = TRUE) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Fitting same model using arima(). #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # COMPARE to EXAMPLE1 ( fitArima <- arima(tsdata$TS1, order = c(2, 1, 2)) ) ### EXAMPLE 2. Here only the ARMA coefficients and drift are intercept-only. # The random noise variance is not constant. fit.ARIMA2 <- vglm(TS2 ~ x2, ARIMAXff(order = c(2, 1, 2), var.arg = TRUE, lARcoeff = "rhobitlink", lMAcoeff = "identitylink", type.EIM = c("exact", "approximate")[1], # NOTE THE ZERO ARGUMENT. zero = c("drift.mean", "ARcoeff", "MAcoeff")), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) coef(fit.ARIMA2, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit.ARIMA2) constraints(fit.ARIMA2) ### EXAMPLE 3. Here only ARMA coefficients are intercept-only. # The random noise variance is not constant. # Note that the "drift" and the "variance" are "generated" in # terms of 'x2' above for TS3. fit.ARIMA3 <- vglm(TS3 ~ x2, ARIMAXff(order = c(1, 1, 2), var.arg = TRUE, lARcoeff = "identitylink", lMAcoeff = "identitylink", type.EIM = c("exact", "approximate")[1], nodrift = FALSE, zero = c( "ARcoeff", "MAcoeff")), # NOTE THE ZERO ARGUMENT. data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) coef(fit.ARIMA3, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit.ARIMA3) constraints(fit.ARIMA3)
For an ARMA model, estimates a 3–parameter
Student- distribution characterizing the errors
plus the ARMA coefficients by MLE usign Fisher
scoring. Central Student–t handled currently.
ARMA.studentt.ff(order = c(1, 0), zero = c("scale", "df"), cov.Reg = FALSE, llocation = "identitylink", lscale = "loglink", ldf = "logloglink", ilocation = NULL, iscale = NULL, idf = NULL)
ARMA.studentt.ff(order = c(1, 0), zero = c("scale", "df"), cov.Reg = FALSE, llocation = "identitylink", lscale = "loglink", ldf = "logloglink", ilocation = NULL, iscale = NULL, idf = NULL)
order |
Two–entries vector, non–negative. The order $u$ and $v$ of the ARMA model. |
zero |
Same as |
cov.Reg |
Logical. If covariates are entered, Should these be
included in the ARMA model as a |
llocation , lscale , ldf , ilocation , iscale , idf
Same as |
The normality assumption for time series analysis is relaxed to handle
heavy–tailed data, giving place to the ARMA model with shift-scaled
Student- errors, another subclass of VGLTSMs.
For a univariate time series, say ,
the model described by this VGLTSM family function is
where are distributed as
a shift-scaled Student–
degrees of freedom, i.e.,
This family functions estimates the location (
scale (
) and degrees of freedom (
parameters, plus the ARMA coefficients by MLE.
Currently only centered Student–t distributions are handled. Hence, the non–centrality parameter is set to zero.
The linear/additive predictors are
are intercept–only
by default.
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
to be used by VGLM/VGAM modelling functions, e.g.,
or vgam
If order = 0
, then AR.studentt.ff
fits a usual 3–parameter Student–, as with
If covariates are incorporated in the analysis,
these are embedded in the location–parameter model.
Modify this through zero
See CommonVGAMffArguments
for details on zero
Victor Miranda
### Estimate the parameters of the errors distribution for an ## AR(1) model. Sample size = 50 set.seed(20180218) nn <- 250 y <- numeric(nn) ncp <- 0 # Non--centrality parameter nu <- 3.5 # Degrees of freedom. theta <- 0.45 # AR coefficient res <- numeric(250) # Vector of residuals. y[1] <- rt(1, df = nu, ncp = ncp) for (ii in 2:nn) { res[ii] <- rt(1, df = nu, ncp = ncp) y[ii] <- theta * y[ii - 1] + res[ii] } # Remove warm up values. y <- y[-c(1:200)] res <- res[-c(1:200)] ### Fitting an ARMA(1, 0) with Student-t errors. AR.stut.er.fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, ARMA.studentt.ff(order = c(1, 0)), data = data.frame(y = y), trace = TRUE) summary(AR.stut.er.fit) Coef(AR.stut.er.fit) plot(ts(y), col = "red", lty = 1, ylim = c(-6, 6), main = "Plot of series Y with Student-t errors") lines(ts(fitted.values(AR.stut.er.fit)), col = "blue", lty = 2) abline( h = 0, lty = 2)
### Estimate the parameters of the errors distribution for an ## AR(1) model. Sample size = 50 set.seed(20180218) nn <- 250 y <- numeric(nn) ncp <- 0 # Non--centrality parameter nu <- 3.5 # Degrees of freedom. theta <- 0.45 # AR coefficient res <- numeric(250) # Vector of residuals. y[1] <- rt(1, df = nu, ncp = ncp) for (ii in 2:nn) { res[ii] <- rt(1, df = nu, ncp = ncp) y[ii] <- theta * y[ii - 1] + res[ii] } # Remove warm up values. y <- y[-c(1:200)] res <- res[-c(1:200)] ### Fitting an ARMA(1, 0) with Student-t errors. AR.stut.er.fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, ARMA.studentt.ff(order = c(1, 0)), data = data.frame(y = y), trace = TRUE) summary(AR.stut.er.fit) Coef(AR.stut.er.fit) plot(ts(y), col = "red", lty = 1, ylim = c(-6, 6), main = "Plot of series Y with Student-t errors") lines(ts(fitted.values(AR.stut.er.fit)), col = "blue", lty = 2) abline( h = 0, lty = 2)
Maximum likelihood estimation of the order–p autoregressive model (AR(p)) with covariates. Estimates the drift, standard deviation (or variance) of the random noise (not necessarily constant), and coefficients of the conditional–mean model.
ARXff(order = 1, zero = c(if (nodrift) NULL else "ARdrift", "ARcoeff"), xLag = 0, type.EIM = c("exact", "approximate")[1], var.arg = TRUE, nodrift = FALSE, noChecks = FALSE, ldrift = "identitylink", lsd = "loglink", lvar = "loglink", lARcoeff = "identitylink", idrift = NULL, isd = NULL, ivar = NULL, iARcoeff = NULL)
ARXff(order = 1, zero = c(if (nodrift) NULL else "ARdrift", "ARcoeff"), xLag = 0, type.EIM = c("exact", "approximate")[1], var.arg = TRUE, nodrift = FALSE, noChecks = FALSE, ldrift = "identitylink", lsd = "loglink", lvar = "loglink", lARcoeff = "identitylink", idrift = NULL, isd = NULL, ivar = NULL, iARcoeff = NULL)
order |
The order (i.e., 'p') of the AR model, which is recycled if needed.
See below for further details.
By default, an autoregressive model of order- |
zero |
Integer or character–strings vector.
Name(s) or position(s) of the parameters/linear predictors
to be modeled as intercept-only. Details at
xLag |
Same as |
type.EIM , var.arg , nodrift , noChecks
Same as |
ldrift , lsd , lvar , lARcoeff
Link functions applied to the drift,
the standar deviation (or variance) of the noise, and the
AR coefficients.
Same as Further details on
idrift , isd , ivar , iARcoeff
Same as |
This family function describes an autoregressive model of order-
with covariates (ARX(p)). It is a special case of the subclass VGLM–ARIMA
(Miranda and Yee, 2018):
a (possibly time–varying) covariate vector and
is a (time–dependent) scaled–mean, known as drift.
At this stage, conditional Gaussian white noise,
is handled, in the form
The distributional assumptions on the observations are then
involving the conditional mean equation for the ARX(p) model:
denotes the information
of the joint process
at time
The loglikelihood is computed by dARp
at each Fisher scoring iteration.
The linear predictor is
Note, the covariates may also intervene in the conditional
variance model
Hence, this family function
does not restrict the noise to be strictly white noise
(in the sense of constant variance).
The unconditional mean,
, satisfies
when the process is stationary, and no covariates are involved.
This family function currently handles
multiple responses so that a matrix can be used as the response.
Also, for further details on VGLM/VGAM–link functions refer to
Further choices for the random noise, besides Gaussian, will be implemented over time.
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
). The
object is used by VGLM/VGAM modelling functions, such as
or vgam
can be either an integer vector
or a vector of character strings
specifying either the position(s) or name(s) (partially or not) of the
parameter(s) modeled as intercept-only. Numeric values can be set as usual
(See CommonVGAMffArguments
Character strings can be entered as per
parameter names in this family function, given by:
c("drift", "noiseVar" or "noiseSD", "ARcoeff")
Users can modify the zero
argument according to their needs.
By default, and the coefficients
are intercept–only. That is,
is modelled in terms of any explanatories
entered in the
Users, however, can modify this
according to their needs via
. For example, set the covariates in the
model, .
In addition, specific constraints
for parameters are handled through the function
If var.arg = TRUE
, this family function estimates
Else, the
estimate is returned.
For this family function the order
is recycled. That is,
will be replicated up to the number of responses
given in the vglm
call is matched.
Values of the estimates may not correspond
to stationary ARs, leading to low accuracy in the MLE estimates,
e.g., values very close to 1.0.
Stationarity is then examined, via
noChecks = FALSE
and no constraint matrices are set
(See constraints
for further
details on this).
If the estimated model very close to be non-stationary, then
a warning
will be outlined.
Set noChecks = TRUE
to completely ignore this.
NOTE: Full details on these 'checks' are shown within the
Victor Miranda and T. W. Yee
Madsen, H. (2008) Time Series Analysis. Florida, USA: Chapman & Hall(Sections 5.3 and 5.5).
Porat, B., and Friedlander, B. (1986) Computation of the Exact Information Matrix of Gaussian Time Series with Stationary Random Components. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. ASSp-34(1), 118–130.
set.seed(1) nn <- 150 tsdata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn)) # A single covariate. theta1 <- 0.45; theta2 <- 0.31; theta3 <- 0.10 # Coefficients drift <- c(1.3, -1.1) # Two responses. sdAR <- c(sqrt(4.5), sqrt(6.0)) # Two responses. # Generate AR sequences of order 2 and 3, under Gaussian noise. # Note, the drift for 'TS2' depends on x2 ! tsdata <- data.frame(tsdata, TS1 = arima.sim(nn, model = list(ar = c(theta1, theta1^2)), rand.gen = rnorm, mean = drift[1], sd = sdAR[1]), TS2 = arima.sim(nn, model = list(ar = c(theta1, theta2, theta3)), rand.gen = rnorm, mean = drift[2] + tsdata$x2 , sd = sdAR[2])) # EXAMPLE 1. A simple AR(2), maximizing the exact log-likelihood # Note that parameter constraints are involved for TS1, but not # considered in this fit. "rhobitlink" is used as link for AR coeffs. fit.Ex1 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1, ARXff(order = 2, type.EIM = "exact", #iARcoeff = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.3), # OPTIONAL INITIAL VALUES # idrift = 1, ivar = 1.5, isd = sqrt(1.5), lARcoeff = "rhobitlink"), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "loglikelihood") Coef(fit.Ex1) summary(fit.Ex1) vcov(fit.Ex1, untransform = TRUE) # Conformable with this fit. AIC(fit.Ex1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Fitting same model using arima(). #------------------------------------------------------------------------# (fitArima <- arima(tsdata$TS1, order = c(2, 0, 0))) # Compare with 'fit.AR'. True are theta1 = 0.45; theta1^2 = 0.2025 Coef(fit.Ex1)[c(3, 4, 2)] # Coefficients estimated in 'fit.AR' # EXAMPLE 2. An AR(3) over TS2, with one covariate affecting the drift only. # This analysis makes sense as the TS2's drift is a function ox 'x2', # i.e., 'x2' affects the 'drift' parameter only. The noise variance # (var.arg = TRUE) is estimated, as intercept-only. See the 'zero' argument. #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This model CANNOT be fitted using arima() #------------------------------------------------------------------------# fit.Ex2 <- vglm(TS2 ~ x2, ARXff(order = 3, zero = c("noiseVar", "ARcoeff"), var.arg = TRUE), ## constraints = cm.ARMA(Model = ~ 1, lags.cm = 3, Resp = 1), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") # True are theta1 <- 0.45; theta2 <- 0.31; theta3 <- 0.10 coef(fit.Ex2, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit.Ex2) vcov(fit.Ex2) BIC(fit.Ex2) constraints(fit.Ex2) # EXAMPLE 3. Fitting an ARX(3) on two responses TS1, TS2; intercept-only model with # constraints over the drifts. Here, # a) No checks on invertibility performed given the use of cm.ARMA(). # b) Only the drifts are modeled in terms of 'x2'. Then, 'zero' is # set correspondingly. #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # arima() does not handle this model. #------------------------------------------------------------------------# fit.Ex3 <- vglm(cbind(TS1, TS2) ~ x2, ARXff(order = c(3, 3), zero = c("noiseVar", "ARcoeff"), var.arg = TRUE), constraints = cm.ARMA(Model = ~ 1 + x2, lags.cm = c(3, 3), Resp = 2), trace = TRUE, data = tsdata, crit = "log") coef(fit.Ex3, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit.Ex3) vcov(fit.Ex3) constraints(fit.Ex3)
set.seed(1) nn <- 150 tsdata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn)) # A single covariate. theta1 <- 0.45; theta2 <- 0.31; theta3 <- 0.10 # Coefficients drift <- c(1.3, -1.1) # Two responses. sdAR <- c(sqrt(4.5), sqrt(6.0)) # Two responses. # Generate AR sequences of order 2 and 3, under Gaussian noise. # Note, the drift for 'TS2' depends on x2 ! tsdata <- data.frame(tsdata, TS1 = arima.sim(nn, model = list(ar = c(theta1, theta1^2)), rand.gen = rnorm, mean = drift[1], sd = sdAR[1]), TS2 = arima.sim(nn, model = list(ar = c(theta1, theta2, theta3)), rand.gen = rnorm, mean = drift[2] + tsdata$x2 , sd = sdAR[2])) # EXAMPLE 1. A simple AR(2), maximizing the exact log-likelihood # Note that parameter constraints are involved for TS1, but not # considered in this fit. "rhobitlink" is used as link for AR coeffs. fit.Ex1 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1, ARXff(order = 2, type.EIM = "exact", #iARcoeff = c(0.3, 0.3, 0.3), # OPTIONAL INITIAL VALUES # idrift = 1, ivar = 1.5, isd = sqrt(1.5), lARcoeff = "rhobitlink"), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "loglikelihood") Coef(fit.Ex1) summary(fit.Ex1) vcov(fit.Ex1, untransform = TRUE) # Conformable with this fit. AIC(fit.Ex1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Fitting same model using arima(). #------------------------------------------------------------------------# (fitArima <- arima(tsdata$TS1, order = c(2, 0, 0))) # Compare with 'fit.AR'. True are theta1 = 0.45; theta1^2 = 0.2025 Coef(fit.Ex1)[c(3, 4, 2)] # Coefficients estimated in 'fit.AR' # EXAMPLE 2. An AR(3) over TS2, with one covariate affecting the drift only. # This analysis makes sense as the TS2's drift is a function ox 'x2', # i.e., 'x2' affects the 'drift' parameter only. The noise variance # (var.arg = TRUE) is estimated, as intercept-only. See the 'zero' argument. #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This model CANNOT be fitted using arima() #------------------------------------------------------------------------# fit.Ex2 <- vglm(TS2 ~ x2, ARXff(order = 3, zero = c("noiseVar", "ARcoeff"), var.arg = TRUE), ## constraints = cm.ARMA(Model = ~ 1, lags.cm = 3, Resp = 1), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") # True are theta1 <- 0.45; theta2 <- 0.31; theta3 <- 0.10 coef(fit.Ex2, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit.Ex2) vcov(fit.Ex2) BIC(fit.Ex2) constraints(fit.Ex2) # EXAMPLE 3. Fitting an ARX(3) on two responses TS1, TS2; intercept-only model with # constraints over the drifts. Here, # a) No checks on invertibility performed given the use of cm.ARMA(). # b) Only the drifts are modeled in terms of 'x2'. Then, 'zero' is # set correspondingly. #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # arima() does not handle this model. #------------------------------------------------------------------------# fit.Ex3 <- vglm(cbind(TS1, TS2) ~ x2, ARXff(order = c(3, 3), zero = c("noiseVar", "ARcoeff"), var.arg = TRUE), constraints = cm.ARMA(Model = ~ 1 + x2, lags.cm = c(3, 3), Resp = 2), trace = TRUE, data = tsdata, crit = "log") coef(fit.Ex3, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit.Ex3) vcov(fit.Ex3) constraints(fit.Ex3)
Computes the benini1Qlink
transformation, its inverse and the
first two derivatives.
benini1Qlink(theta, p = stop("Argument 'p' must be entered."), y0 = stop("Argument 'y0' must be specified."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
benini1Qlink(theta, p = stop("Argument 'p' must be entered."), y0 = stop("Argument 'y0' must be specified."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. See below for further details. |
p |
Numeric. A single value between 0.0 and 1.0.
It is the |
y0 |
Same as |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
This is a link function to model any –quantile of the
1–parameter Benini distribution. It is called the
transformation defined as
where is a scale parameter and
a positive shape parameter, as in
Numerical values of or
out of range may
result in
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
In particular, arguments inverse
and deriv
disregarded if theta
is character.
For deriv = 0
, the benini1Qlink
transformation of
, when inverse = FALSE
. If inverse = TRUE
, then
the inverse transformation given by
-log(1 - p) / (theta - log y0)^2
is returned.
For deriv = 1
, this function returns the derivative
if inverse = FALSE
. Else, the reciprocal
as a function of theta
If deriv = 2
, then the second order derivatives in terms of
are accordingly returned.
The horizontal straight line is a lower asymptote
for this link function as
increases to
Thus, when
inverse = TRUE
and deriv = 0
entries at
becoming must be greater than
. Else,
will be returned.
See examples 2 and 3 below.
Numerical instability may occur for values theta
too close
to zero or lower than .
Use argument
to replace them before computing the link.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
## E1. benini1Qlink() and its inverse ## p <- 0.50; y0 = 1.25 ## Modeling the median my.s <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)[-1] max(my.s - benini1Qlink(benini1Qlink(my.s, p = p, y0 = y0), p = p, y0 = y0, inverse =TRUE)) ## Zero ## E2. Plot of the benini1Qlink() transformation and its inverse ## ## Note, inverse = TRUE implies that argument 'theta' becomes 'eta'. ## ## which must be greater than log(y0). Else, value less than log(y0) ## ## are replaced by NaN. ## #--- THE LINK my.b <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.01)[-1] plot(benini1Qlink(theta = my.b, p = p, y0 = y0) ~ my.b, type = "l", col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = 3, xlim = c(-0.1, 6), ylim = c(-0.1, 5), las = 1, main = c("Blue is benini1Qlink(), green is the inverse"), ylab = "eta = benini1Qlink", xlab = "theta") abline(h = 0, v = 0, lwd = 2) #--- THE INVERSE lines(my.b, benini1Qlink(theta = my.b, p = p, y0 = y0, inv = TRUE), col = "green", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed") #--- Tracing the identity function for double--check lines(my.b, my.b) ## E3. WARNING! The first two values are less than log(y0) ## benini1Qlink(theta = c(0.10, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35) , p = p, y0 = y0, inverse = TRUE)
## E1. benini1Qlink() and its inverse ## p <- 0.50; y0 = 1.25 ## Modeling the median my.s <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)[-1] max(my.s - benini1Qlink(benini1Qlink(my.s, p = p, y0 = y0), p = p, y0 = y0, inverse =TRUE)) ## Zero ## E2. Plot of the benini1Qlink() transformation and its inverse ## ## Note, inverse = TRUE implies that argument 'theta' becomes 'eta'. ## ## which must be greater than log(y0). Else, value less than log(y0) ## ## are replaced by NaN. ## #--- THE LINK my.b <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.01)[-1] plot(benini1Qlink(theta = my.b, p = p, y0 = y0) ~ my.b, type = "l", col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = 3, xlim = c(-0.1, 6), ylim = c(-0.1, 5), las = 1, main = c("Blue is benini1Qlink(), green is the inverse"), ylab = "eta = benini1Qlink", xlab = "theta") abline(h = 0, v = 0, lwd = 2) #--- THE INVERSE lines(my.b, benini1Qlink(theta = my.b, p = p, y0 = y0, inv = TRUE), col = "green", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed") #--- Tracing the identity function for double--check lines(my.b, my.b) ## E3. WARNING! The first two values are less than log(y0) ## benini1Qlink(theta = c(0.10, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35) , p = p, y0 = y0, inverse = TRUE)
Computes the borel.tannerMlink
its inverse and the first two derivatives.
borel.tannerMlink(theta, Qsize = 1, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
borel.tannerMlink(theta, Qsize = 1, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. See below for further details. |
Qsize |
A positive integer. It is called |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
Details at |
As with
this link function is part of a set of link functions in
VGAM developed under a common methodology: by taking the
logarithm of the mean of the corresponding distribution.
In particular, this link function emerges by computing the logarithm of the mean of the Borel–Tanner distribution. It is defined as
where ,
, is a scale parameter
as in
The domain set of borel.tannerMlink
is the open interval
, except when
inverse = TRUE
and deriv = 0
See below for further details about this.
Moreover, unlike zetaffMlink
or posPoiMlink
, the
inverse of borel.tannerMlink
can be written in
Values of (i.e.
) out of range will result in
of NA
If theta
is a character, arguments inverse
are discarded.
For deriv = 0
, the borel.tannerMlink
transformation of
, if inverse = FALSE
. When inverse = TRUE
becomes and the inverse of
, given by
is returned. Here, the domain set changes to .
For deriv = 1
, d eta
/ d theta
as a function of theta
if inverse = FALSE
, else
the reciprocal d theta
/ d eta
Similarly, when deriv = 2
the second order derivatives
in terms of theta
are returned.
Haight, F. and Brueuer, M. A. (1960) The Borel–Tanner distribution. Biometrika, 47, 143–150.
The vertical line is an asymptote for this link
function, which sharply grows for values of
too close to 1.0
from the left. For such cases,
might result when computing
This link function is useful to model any parameter
in . Then, some problems may occur if there
are covariates causing out of range values.
V. Miranda and T. W. Yee
## Example 1. Special values for theta (or eta, accordingly) ## a.par <- c(0, 1:10/10, 20, 1e1, Inf, -Inf, NaN, NA) # The borel.tannerMlink transformation and the first two derivatives. print(rbind(a.par, deriv1 = borel.tannerMlink(theta = a.par, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 1), deriv2 = borel.tannerMlink(theta = a.par, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 2)), digits = 2) # The inverse of 'borel.tannerMlink()' and the first two derivatives. # 'theta' turns into 'eta'. print(rbind(a.par, Invderiv1 = borel.tannerMlink(theta = a.par, inverse = TRUE, deriv = 1), Invderiv2 = borel.tannerMlink(theta = a.par, inverse = TRUE, deriv = 2)), digits = 2) ## Example 2 ## a.param <- c(0, 1, 5, 10, 1e2, 1e3) rbind(a.values = a.param, inv.BT = borel.tannerMlink(theta = a.param, inverse = TRUE)) data.inv <- borel.tannerMlink(borel.tannerMlink(a.param, inv = TRUE)) - a.param summary(data.inv) ## Should be zero ## Example 3. Some link functions in VGAM with domain set (0, 1) ## a.param <- ppoints(100) par(lwd = 2) plot(a.param, borel.tannerMlink(a.param), ylim = c(-5, 7), xlim = c(-0.01, 1.01), type = "l", col = "gray10", ylab = "transformation", las = 1, main = "Some probability link functions") lines(a.param, logffMlink(a.param), col = "blue") lines(a.param, logitlink(a.param), col = "limegreen") lines(a.param, probitlink(a.param), col = "purple") lines(a.param, clogloglink(a.param), col = "chocolate") lines(a.param, cauchitlink(a.param), col = "tan") abline(v = c(0.5, 1), lty = "dashed") abline(v = 0, h = 0, lty = "dashed") legend(0.05, 7, c("borel.tanneMlink", "logffMlink", "logitlink", "probitlink", "clogloglink", "cauchitlink"), col = c("gray10", "blue", "limegreen", "purple", "chocolate", "tan"), lwd = 1) par(lwd = 1)
## Example 1. Special values for theta (or eta, accordingly) ## a.par <- c(0, 1:10/10, 20, 1e1, Inf, -Inf, NaN, NA) # The borel.tannerMlink transformation and the first two derivatives. print(rbind(a.par, deriv1 = borel.tannerMlink(theta = a.par, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 1), deriv2 = borel.tannerMlink(theta = a.par, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 2)), digits = 2) # The inverse of 'borel.tannerMlink()' and the first two derivatives. # 'theta' turns into 'eta'. print(rbind(a.par, Invderiv1 = borel.tannerMlink(theta = a.par, inverse = TRUE, deriv = 1), Invderiv2 = borel.tannerMlink(theta = a.par, inverse = TRUE, deriv = 2)), digits = 2) ## Example 2 ## a.param <- c(0, 1, 5, 10, 1e2, 1e3) rbind(a.values = a.param, inv.BT = borel.tannerMlink(theta = a.param, inverse = TRUE)) data.inv <- borel.tannerMlink(borel.tannerMlink(a.param, inv = TRUE)) - a.param summary(data.inv) ## Should be zero ## Example 3. Some link functions in VGAM with domain set (0, 1) ## a.param <- ppoints(100) par(lwd = 2) plot(a.param, borel.tannerMlink(a.param), ylim = c(-5, 7), xlim = c(-0.01, 1.01), type = "l", col = "gray10", ylab = "transformation", las = 1, main = "Some probability link functions") lines(a.param, logffMlink(a.param), col = "blue") lines(a.param, logitlink(a.param), col = "limegreen") lines(a.param, probitlink(a.param), col = "purple") lines(a.param, clogloglink(a.param), col = "chocolate") lines(a.param, cauchitlink(a.param), col = "tan") abline(v = c(0.5, 1), lty = "dashed") abline(v = 0, h = 0, lty = "dashed") legend(0.05, 7, c("borel.tanneMlink", "logffMlink", "logitlink", "probitlink", "clogloglink", "cauchitlink"), col = c("gray10", "blue", "limegreen", "purple", "chocolate", "tan"), lwd = 1) par(lwd = 1)
Splitting out the names of linear predictors or Numeric values for parameters in time series family functions in VGAMextra.
break.VGAMextra(eta = NULL, M1 = NULL, noInter = NULL, bOrder = NULL, NOS = NULL, lInter = "identitylink", lvar = "loglink", lsd = "loglink", lcoeff1 = "rhobitlink", lcoeff2 = "rhobitlink", typeTS = "AR", namesLP = FALSE, Complete = FALSE, varArg = NULL)
break.VGAMextra(eta = NULL, M1 = NULL, noInter = NULL, bOrder = NULL, NOS = NULL, lInter = "identitylink", lvar = "loglink", lsd = "loglink", lcoeff1 = "rhobitlink", lcoeff2 = "rhobitlink", typeTS = "AR", namesLP = FALSE, Complete = FALSE, varArg = NULL)
eta |
A matrix of dimensions |
M1 |
Number of parameters involved in the |
noInter |
Logical. To determine whether the intercept is
estimated. If |
bOrder |
A vector. The order of the linear process fitted. Either a single number (if one response), or a vector (if multiple responses). |
Integer. Number of respones set in the |
lInter , lvar , lsd , lcoeff1 , lcoeff2
Link functions applied to parameters. Same as in
typeTS |
Character. Currently, options |
namesLP |
Logical. This function returns either the names of linear the
predictors/parameters ( if |
Complete |
Logical. If |
varArg |
Time series family functions in VGAMextra currently recycle
the order set in the vglm
Particularly, it occurs when the number of responses is fewer than
the specified order. For instance, if the order set in vglm
is , and 5 responses are managed, then the new order
Due to such flexibility, time series family functions require specific functions to unload the amount of code within each one.
Moreover, when the order is recycled, the matrix eta
completed, as if the order was the same for each response.
This feature is enabled when Complete = TRUE
This ‘common’ order turns out to be the maximum order established in
the vector order
. This trick makes the family function to work
properly. To return to the riginal ‘order’, eta
is reduced
in the same number of colums initially added.
works in this context. It may return either
the names of the linear predictors/parameters, or the parameter values
splitted out as a list. Thus, link functions entered in the vglm
call must be passed down to this functions.
For further details on link functions refer to
A list containing either the names of the linear predictors or the
parameters values (not linear predictors) unwrapped from tje
matrix, as follows:
a) If namesLP = FALSE
(default), value of parameters are
returned in this order: the intercept (1), standard deviation and
variance of the white noise (2, 3), and the coefficients (4).
b) If namesLP = TRUE
, names of linear predictors are
returned in the first entry, whereas parameter names are
allocated to the second entry.
Yee and Wild (1996) provide more detailed information about the relationship between linear predictors and parameters within the VGLM statistical framework.
Note that library VGAM is definitely required.
Be aware of the dimensions of matrix eta
. It is c(n, M)
where is the sample size, and
is the number of
parameters. If multiple responses, then
equals the summation
of parameters individually.
Victor Miranda and T. W. Yee
Yee, T. W. and Wild, C. J. (1996) Vector Generalized Additive Models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, Methodological, 58(3), 481–493.
library(VGAM) eta <- matrix(runif(100), nrow = 10, ncol = 10) M1 <- c(5, 5) noInter <- FALSE bOrder <- c(3, 3) NOS <- 2 ### ONLY LINEAR PREDICTORS/PARAMETERS NAMES! ### RETURNED OBJECT IS A LIST ! break.VGAMextra(M1 = M1, noInter = noInter, bOrder = bOrder, NOS = NOS, typeTS = "AR", namesLP = TRUE, varArg = TRUE) ### PARAMETER VALUEs... "UNWRAPPED". Inverse link functions are applied. ### Note that namesLP must be set to FALSE break.VGAMextra(eta = eta, M1 = M1, noInter = noInter, bOrder = bOrder, NOS = NOS, typeTS = "AR", namesLP = FALSE, varArg = TRUE)
library(VGAM) eta <- matrix(runif(100), nrow = 10, ncol = 10) M1 <- c(5, 5) noInter <- FALSE bOrder <- c(3, 3) NOS <- 2 ### ONLY LINEAR PREDICTORS/PARAMETERS NAMES! ### RETURNED OBJECT IS A LIST ! break.VGAMextra(M1 = M1, noInter = noInter, bOrder = bOrder, NOS = NOS, typeTS = "AR", namesLP = TRUE, varArg = TRUE) ### PARAMETER VALUEs... "UNWRAPPED". Inverse link functions are applied. ### Note that namesLP must be set to FALSE break.VGAMextra(eta = eta, M1 = M1, noInter = noInter, bOrder = bOrder, NOS = NOS, typeTS = "AR", namesLP = FALSE, varArg = TRUE)
computes the polynomial roots as per
transfer operator in Vector
Generalized Time Series Family Functions in VGAMextra
checkTS.VGAMextra(thetaEst = NULL, tsclass = c("AR", "MA"), chOrder = 1, NofS = 1, retmod = TRUE, pRoots = TRUE)
checkTS.VGAMextra(thetaEst = NULL, tsclass = c("AR", "MA"), chOrder = 1, NofS = 1, retmod = TRUE, pRoots = TRUE)
thetaEst |
A vector of coefficients. Its lenght must be |
tsclass |
Character indicating the model class to be checked. Presently,
options |
chOrder |
Positive integer. The order of polynomial associated to the
underlying procees involved:
either $p$ or $q$, which apply for
NofS |
A positive integer denoting the number of Time Series to verify.
In the |
retmod |
Logical. If |
pRoots |
Logical. If |
Stationarity and/or Invertibility of time series (TS) are usually verified via the roots of the polynomial derived from the transfer operators.
In particular, checkTS.VGAMextra
computes such roots via
the coefficients estimated by vector generalized TS family functions
available in VGAMextra ( ARXff
, and
Specifically, checkTS.VGAMextra
verifies whether the TS
analyzed via vglm
is stationary or
invertible, accordingly.
Note that an autoregressive process of order-
)] with coefficients
can be written in the form
Here, is referred to as
the transfer operator of the process, and
, is the lagged single-function.
In general, an autoregressive process of order- is
stationary if the roots of
lie outside the unit circle, i.e. .
Similarly, a moving-average process of order-q
can be formulated
(without loss of generality )
where is the transfer operator, given by
Note that , and
Hence, a moving-average process of order- [MA(
generally given by (note
is invertible if all the roots of
lie outside the unit circle., i.e.m .
Parallel arguments can be stated for autoregressive moving aberage processes (ARMA). See Box and Jenkins (1970) for further details.
A vector whose elements are the roots of polynomials inherited from transfer operators according to the process analyzed.
Alternatively, the modules of roots can by returned instead of merely roots
via the retmod
The argument thetaEst
manages the coefficients of the TS
model(s) in turn. Then, it must be NofS * chOrder
where NofS
is the number of responses established in the
Here the coefficients for each response must be sequentially groped.
A moving average process is always stationary (See Madsen (2007) for
further details). Consequently, the MAXff
in VGAMextra verifies (by default) only for invertibility.
To enable this option set nowarning = FALSE
in the
Similarly, ARXff
verifies whether the TS data
fitted is stationary, whereas ARMAXff()
verifies both properties.
For TS family functions in the VGLM/VGAM framework,
is called at the final iteration of Fisher scoring.
It means that the MLE estimates are actually evaluated to
verify whether the process is stationary or invertible.
If any root has module less than , a
is displayed
for informative purposes.
Argument thetaEst
manages the parameters of the TS model
in turn.
Victor Miranda and T. W. Yee.
Box, G.E.P. and Jenkins, G.M. (1970) Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control. Holden-Day, San Francisco, USA.
Madsen, H (2007) Time Series Analysis. Chapman and Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
# A moving average process order-3 with coeffs --> c(2.4, -5.6, 0.83) #-------------------------# # This is NOT invertible ! #-------------------------# MAcoeffs <- c(2.4, -5.6, 0.83) checkTS.VGAMextra(thetaEst = MAcoeffs, tsclass = "MA", chOrder = 3, retmod = FALSE) # AR process order-3 with coeffs --> c( 0.45, 0.45^2, 0.45^3 ) #-------------------------# # This is stationary ! #-------------------------# ARcoeffs <- c( 0.45 , 0.45^2 , 0.45^3 ) checkTS.VGAMextra(thetaEst = ARcoeffs, tsclass = "AR", chOrder = 3, retmod = TRUE, pRoots = TRUE) # DEFAULT for 'pRoots'
# A moving average process order-3 with coeffs --> c(2.4, -5.6, 0.83) #-------------------------# # This is NOT invertible ! #-------------------------# MAcoeffs <- c(2.4, -5.6, 0.83) checkTS.VGAMextra(thetaEst = MAcoeffs, tsclass = "MA", chOrder = 3, retmod = FALSE) # AR process order-3 with coeffs --> c( 0.45, 0.45^2, 0.45^3 ) #-------------------------# # This is stationary ! #-------------------------# ARcoeffs <- c( 0.45 , 0.45^2 , 0.45^3 ) checkTS.VGAMextra(thetaEst = ARcoeffs, tsclass = "AR", chOrder = 3, retmod = TRUE, pRoots = TRUE) # DEFAULT for 'pRoots'
Constraint matrices for coefficients of vector genelized time series family functions in VGAMextra.
cm.ARMA(Model = ~ 1, Resp = 1, lags.cm = 2, offset = -2, whichCoeff = 1, factorSeq = 2)
cm.ARMA(Model = ~ 1, Resp = 1, lags.cm = 2, offset = -2, whichCoeff = 1, factorSeq = 2)
Model |
A symbolic description of the model being fitted. Must match that
formula specified in the |
lags.cm |
Vector of POSITIVE integers greater than 1 indicating the order
for each response. It must match the orders entered in the
offset |
Vector of integers specifying the position of the ARMA coefficient
at which constraints initiate FOR each response.
If negative, it is recycled and the absolute value is used. The default
value is Particularly, if only one coefficient is being estimated, i.e, an AR
or MA process of order-1 is being fitted, then NO restrictions over the
(unique) coefficient are needed. Consequently, |
whichCoeff |
Vector of POSITIVE integers strictly less than ' If |
Resp |
The number of responses in the model fitted. Must match the number of
responses given in |
factorSeq |
Vector of POSITIVE integers. Thus far, restrictions handled are
geometric sequences and arithmetic progressions.
Hence, See below for further details. |
NOTE: Except for the Model
, all arguments of length 1 are
recycled when Resp
Time Series family functions in VGAMextra that are derived from AR(p) or MA(q) processes include the drift term (or mean) and the white noise standard deviation as the first two elements in the vector parameter. For an MA(4), for example, it is given by
Thus, constraint matrices on coefficients can be stated from the
second coefficient, i.e., from
. This feature is specified with
offset = -2
by default.
In other words, offset
indicates the exact position at
which parameter restrictions commence. For example, offset = -3
indicates that is the first coefficient over
which constraints are applied. Then, in order to successfully utilize
this argument, it must be greater than or equal to 2 in absolute value.
Otherwise, an error message will be displayed as no single restriction
are amenable with
Furthermore, if lags.cm = 1
, i.e, a AR or MA process of order one
is being fitted, then NO constraints are required either, as only one
coefficient is directly considered.
Hence, the miminum absolute value for argument offset
As for the factorSeq
argument, its defaul value is 2.
Let factorSeq = 4
, lags.cm = 5
, offset = -3
, and
whichCoeff = 1
. The coefficient restrictions if a
geometric progression is assumed are
If coefficient restrictions are in arithmetic sequence, constraints are given by
The difference lies on thelink function used:
for the first case, and
for the latter.
Note that conditions above are equivalent to test the following two Null Hypotheses:
for .
Simpler hypotheses can be tested by properly setting all arguments
in cm.ARMA()
For instance, the default list of constraint matrices returned by
allows to test
for , in a TS model of order-2 with one response.
A list of constraint matrices with specific restrictions over
the AR(), MA(
) or ARMA (
) coefficients.
Each matrix returned is conformable with the VGAM/VGLM framework.
Paragrpah above means that each constraint matrix returned by
is full-rank with M rows (number of parameters),
as required by VGAM. Note that constraint matrices within
the VGAM/VGLM framework are M by M identity matrices
by default.
Restrictions currently handled by cm.ARMA()
are (increasing)
arithmetic and geometric progressions.
Hypotheses above can be tested by properly applying parameter link functions. If the test
arises, then constraint matrices returned by cm.ARMA()
conformable to the use of loglink
On the other hand, the following hypothesis
properly adapts to the link function
. .
For further details on parameter link functions within VGAM, see
can be utilized to compute constraint matrices
for many VGLTSM fmaily functions, e.g.,
in VGAMextra.
More improvements such as restrictions on the drift parameter and white noise standard deviation will be set later.
Victor Miranda and T. W. Yee
Yee, T. W. and Hastie, T. J. (2003) Reduced-rank vector generalized linear models. Statistical Modelling, 3, 15–41.
Yee, T. W. (2008)
R News, 8, 28–39.
############# # Example 1. ############# # Constraint matrices for a TS family function (AR or MA) # with 6 lagged terms. # Restriction commences at the third position (theta[3]) powered to # or multiplied by 4. Intercept-only model. position <- -3 numberLags <- 6 myfactor <- 4 cm.ARMA(offset = position, lags.cm = numberLags, factorSeq = myfactor) # With one covariate cm.ARMA(Model = ~ x2, offset = position, lags.cm = numberLags, factorSeq = myfactor) # Or 2 responses... cm.ARMA(offset = position, lags.cm = numberLags, factorSeq = myfactor, Resp = 2) # The following call causes an ERROR. # cm.ARMA(offset = -1, lags.cm = 6, factorSeq = 2) ############## # Example 2. ############## # In this example, the use of constraints via 'cm.ARMA()' is # included in the 'vglm' call. Here, two AR(2) models are fitted # in the same call (i.e. two responses), where different constraints # are set, as follows: # a) list(ar = c(theta1, theta1^2)) and # b) list(ar = c(theta2, theta2^2 )). # 2.0 Generate the data. set.seed(1001) nn <- 100 # A single covariate. covdata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn)) theta1 <- 0.40; theta2 <- 0.55 drift <- c(0.5, 0.75) sdAR <- c(sqrt(2.5), sqrt(2.0)) # Generate AR sequences, TS1 and TS2, considering Gaussian white noise # Save both in a data.frame object: the data. tsdata <- data.frame(covdata, # Not used TS1 = arima.sim(nn, model = list(ar = c(theta1, theta1^2)), rand.gen = rnorm, mean = drift[1], sd = sdAR[1]), TS2 = arima.sim(nn, model = list(ar = c(theta2, theta2^2)), rand.gen = rnorm, mean = drift[2], sd = sdAR[2])) # 2.1 Fitting both time series with 'ARXff'... multiple responses case. fit1 <- vglm(cbind(TS1, TS2) ~ 1, ARXff(order = c(2, 2), type.EIM = "exact"), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) Coef(fit1) coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit1) ## Same length for both vectors, i.e. no constraints. length(Coef(fit1)) length(coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE)) ###2.2 Now, fit the same models with suitable constraints via 'cm.ARMA()' # Most importantly, "loglink" is used as link function to adequately match # the relationship between coefficients and constraints. That is: # theta2 = theta1^2, then log(theta2) = 2 * log(theta1). fit2 <- vglm(cbind(TS1, TS2) ~ 1, ARXff(order = c(2, 2), type.EIM = "exact", lARcoeff = "loglink"), constraints = cm.ARMA(Model = ~ 1, Resp = 2, lags.cm = c(2, 2), offset = -2), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) Coef(fit2) coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit2) # NOTE, for model 1, Coeff2 = Coeff1^2, then log(Coeff2) = 2 * log(Coeff1) ( mycoef <- coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE)[c(3, 4)] ) 2 * mycoef[1] - mycoef[2] # SHOULD BE ZERO # Ditto for model 2: ( mycoef <- coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE)[c(7, 8)] ) 2 * mycoef[1] - mycoef[2] # SHOULD BE ZERO ## Different lengths, due to constraints length(Coef(fit2)) length(coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE))
############# # Example 1. ############# # Constraint matrices for a TS family function (AR or MA) # with 6 lagged terms. # Restriction commences at the third position (theta[3]) powered to # or multiplied by 4. Intercept-only model. position <- -3 numberLags <- 6 myfactor <- 4 cm.ARMA(offset = position, lags.cm = numberLags, factorSeq = myfactor) # With one covariate cm.ARMA(Model = ~ x2, offset = position, lags.cm = numberLags, factorSeq = myfactor) # Or 2 responses... cm.ARMA(offset = position, lags.cm = numberLags, factorSeq = myfactor, Resp = 2) # The following call causes an ERROR. # cm.ARMA(offset = -1, lags.cm = 6, factorSeq = 2) ############## # Example 2. ############## # In this example, the use of constraints via 'cm.ARMA()' is # included in the 'vglm' call. Here, two AR(2) models are fitted # in the same call (i.e. two responses), where different constraints # are set, as follows: # a) list(ar = c(theta1, theta1^2)) and # b) list(ar = c(theta2, theta2^2 )). # 2.0 Generate the data. set.seed(1001) nn <- 100 # A single covariate. covdata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn)) theta1 <- 0.40; theta2 <- 0.55 drift <- c(0.5, 0.75) sdAR <- c(sqrt(2.5), sqrt(2.0)) # Generate AR sequences, TS1 and TS2, considering Gaussian white noise # Save both in a data.frame object: the data. tsdata <- data.frame(covdata, # Not used TS1 = arima.sim(nn, model = list(ar = c(theta1, theta1^2)), rand.gen = rnorm, mean = drift[1], sd = sdAR[1]), TS2 = arima.sim(nn, model = list(ar = c(theta2, theta2^2)), rand.gen = rnorm, mean = drift[2], sd = sdAR[2])) # 2.1 Fitting both time series with 'ARXff'... multiple responses case. fit1 <- vglm(cbind(TS1, TS2) ~ 1, ARXff(order = c(2, 2), type.EIM = "exact"), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) Coef(fit1) coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit1) ## Same length for both vectors, i.e. no constraints. length(Coef(fit1)) length(coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE)) ###2.2 Now, fit the same models with suitable constraints via 'cm.ARMA()' # Most importantly, "loglink" is used as link function to adequately match # the relationship between coefficients and constraints. That is: # theta2 = theta1^2, then log(theta2) = 2 * log(theta1). fit2 <- vglm(cbind(TS1, TS2) ~ 1, ARXff(order = c(2, 2), type.EIM = "exact", lARcoeff = "loglink"), constraints = cm.ARMA(Model = ~ 1, Resp = 2, lags.cm = c(2, 2), offset = -2), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) Coef(fit2) coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit2) # NOTE, for model 1, Coeff2 = Coeff1^2, then log(Coeff2) = 2 * log(Coeff1) ( mycoef <- coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE)[c(3, 4)] ) 2 * mycoef[1] - mycoef[2] # SHOULD BE ZERO # Ditto for model 2: ( mycoef <- coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE)[c(7, 8)] ) 2 * mycoef[1] - mycoef[2] # SHOULD BE ZERO ## Different lengths, due to constraints length(Coef(fit2)) length(coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE))
Density for the multivariate Normal distribution
dmultinorm(vec.x, vec.mean = c(0, 0), mat.cov = c(1, 1, 0), log = FALSE)
dmultinorm(vec.x, vec.mean = c(0, 0), mat.cov = c(1, 1, 0), log = FALSE)
vec.x |
For the |
vec.mean |
The vector of means. |
mat.cov |
The vector of variances and covariances, arranged in that order. See below for further details. |
log |
Logical. If |
This implementation of the multivariate (say
–dimensional) Normal density
handles the variances and covariances, instead of
correlation parameters.
For more than one observation, arrange all entries in matrices accordingly.
For each observation, mat.cov
is a vector of
length ,
where the first
entries are the variances
, and
then the covariances arranged as per rows, that is,
By default, it returns the density of two independent standard Normal distributions.
The density of the multivariate Normal distribution.
For observations whose covariance matrix is not positive definite,
will be returned.
Victor Miranda
### ### Two - dimensional Normal density. ### set.seed(180228) nn <- 25 mean1 <- 1; mean2 <- 1.5; mean3 = 2 var1 <- exp(1.5); var2 <- exp(-1.5); var3 <- exp(1); cov12 = 0.75 dmvndata <- rbinorm(nn, mean1 = 1, mean2 = 1.5, var1 = var1, var2 = var2, cov12 = cov12) ## Using dbinorm() from VGAM. d2norm.data <- dbinorm(x1 = dmvndata[, 1], x2 = dmvndata[, 2], mean1 = mean1, mean2 = mean2, var1 = var1, var2 = var2, cov12 = cov12) ## Using dmultinorm(). d2norm.data2 <- dmultinorm(vec.x = dmvndata, vec.mean = c(mean1, mean2), mat.cov = c(var1, var2, cov12)) summary(d2norm.data) summary(d2norm.data2) ## ## 3--dimensional Normal. ## dmvndata <- cbind(dmvndata, rnorm(nn, mean3, sqrt(var3))) d2norm.data3 <- dmultinorm(dmvndata, vec.mean = c(mean1, mean2, mean3), mat.cov = c(var1, var2, var3, cov12, 0, 0)) hist(d2norm.data3) summary(d2norm.data3)
### ### Two - dimensional Normal density. ### set.seed(180228) nn <- 25 mean1 <- 1; mean2 <- 1.5; mean3 = 2 var1 <- exp(1.5); var2 <- exp(-1.5); var3 <- exp(1); cov12 = 0.75 dmvndata <- rbinorm(nn, mean1 = 1, mean2 = 1.5, var1 = var1, var2 = var2, cov12 = cov12) ## Using dbinorm() from VGAM. d2norm.data <- dbinorm(x1 = dmvndata[, 1], x2 = dmvndata[, 2], mean1 = mean1, mean2 = mean2, var1 = var1, var2 = var2, cov12 = cov12) ## Using dmultinorm(). d2norm.data2 <- dmultinorm(vec.x = dmvndata, vec.mean = c(mean1, mean2), mat.cov = c(var1, var2, cov12)) summary(d2norm.data) summary(d2norm.data2) ## ## 3--dimensional Normal. ## dmvndata <- cbind(dmvndata, rnorm(nn, mean3, sqrt(var3))) d2norm.data3 <- dmultinorm(dmvndata, vec.mean = c(mean1, mean2, mean3), mat.cov = c(var1, var2, var3, cov12, 0, 0)) hist(d2norm.data3) summary(d2norm.data3)
–variablesEstimates a bidimensional error-correction model of
), as proposed by Engle–Granger
(Two step–approach; 1987), with bivariate normal errors
by maximum likelihood estimation using Fisher scoring.
ECM.EngleGran(ecm.order = c(1, 1), zero = c("var", "cov"), resids.pattern = c("intercept", "trend", "neither", "both")[1], lag.res = 1, lmean = "identitylink", lvar = "loglink", lcov = "identitylink", ordtsDyn = 0)
ECM.EngleGran(ecm.order = c(1, 1), zero = c("var", "cov"), resids.pattern = c("intercept", "trend", "neither", "both")[1], lag.res = 1, lmean = "identitylink", lvar = "loglink", lcov = "identitylink", ordtsDyn = 0)
ecm.order |
Length–2 (positive) integer vector. The order of the ECM model. |
zero |
Integer or character–string vector.
Details at |
resids.pattern |
Character. How the static linear regression
lag.res |
Numeric, single positive integer. The error
term for the long–run equilibrium path is
lagged up to order |
lmean , lvar , lcov
Same as |
ordtsDyn |
Positive integer. Allows to compare the estimated coefficients with those provided by the package 'tsDyn'. See below for further details. |
This is an implementation of the two–step approach as
proposed by Engle–Granger [1987] to estimate an
) bidimensional error correction
model (ECM) with bivariate normal errors.
This ECM class models the dynamic behaviour of two
cointegrated -variables,
a function of
Note, the response must be a two–column matrix,
where the first entry is the regressor,
above, and the regressand in the
second colum. See Example 2 below.
The general specification of the ECM class described by this family function is
Under the binormality assumption on the errors
with covariance matrix
model above can be seen as a
VGLM fitting linear models over the conditional means,
The covariance matrix is assumed
to have elements
Hence, the parameter vector is
for and
The linear predictor is
The estimated cointegrated vector,
is obtained by linear regression
depending upon
as follows:
1) ,
resids.pattern = "intercept"
2) ,
resids.pattern = "trend"
3) ,
resids.pattern = "neither"
, or else,
4) ,
resids.pattern = "both"
where and
assigns the error term.
Note, the estimated residuals,
are (internally) computed
from any of the linear models 1) – 4) selected, and then lagged
up to order
and embedded as explanatories in models
By default,
are considered (as
= 1), although it may be any lag
, for
Change this through argument
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
) to be
used by VGLM/VGAM modelling functions, e.g.,
or vgam
Reduced–Rank VGLMs (RR-VGLMs) can be utilized to aid the increasing
number of parameters as and
By default, and
are intercept–only. Set argument
accordingly to change this.
Package tsDyn also has routines to fit ECMs.
However, the bivariate–ECM handled (similar to that one
above) differs in their parametrization:
tsDyn considers the current estimated residual,
instead of
in models
See Example 3 below which compares ECMs fitted with VGAMextra and tsDyn.
Victor Miranda
Engle, R.F. and Granger C.W.J. (1987) Co-integration and error correction: Representation, estimation and testing. Econometrica, 55(2), 251–276.
Pfaff, B. (2011)
Analysis of Integrated and Cointegrated Time Series with R
Seattle, Washington, USA: Springer.
## Example 1. Comparing the Engle -- Granger procedure carried oud by two procedures. ## ECM.EngleGran() makes easier the fitting process. ## Here, we will use: ## A) The R code 4.2, in Chapter 4, Pfaff (2011). ## This code 1) generates artificial data and 2) fits an ECM, following ## the Engle --Granger procedure. ## B) The ECM.EngleGran() family function to fit the same model assuming ## bivariate normal innovations. ## The downside in the R code 4.2 is the assumption of no--correlation among ## the errors. These are generated indenpendently. ## A) ## STEP 1. Set up the data (R code as in Pfaff (2011)). nn <- 100 set.seed(123456) e1 <- rnorm(nn) # Independent of e2 e2 <- rnorm(nn) y1 <- cumsum(e1) y2 <- 0.6 * y1 + e2 lr.reg <- lm(y2 ~ y1) error <- residuals(lr.reg) error.lagged <- error[-c(nn - 1, nn)] dy1 <- diff(y1) dy2 <- diff(y2) diff.dat <- data.frame(embed(cbind(dy1, dy2), 2)) colnames(diff.dat) <- c('dy1', 'dy2', 'dy1.1', 'dy2.1') ## STEP 2. Fit the ECM model, using lm(), R code as in Pfaff (2011). ecm.reg <- lm(dy2 ~ error.lagged + dy1.1 + dy2.1, data = diff.dat) summary(ecm.reg) ## B) Now, using ECM.EngleGran() and VGLMs, the steps at A) can be skipped. ## Enter the I(1)--variables in the response vector only, putting down the ## the dependent variable from the I(1) set, i.e. y2, in the second column. coint.data <- data.frame(y1 = y1, y2 = y2) fit.ECM <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2) ~ 1, ECM.EngleGran, data = coint.data, trace = TRUE) ## Check coefficients ## coef(fit.ECM, matrix = TRUE) ## Compare 'Diff2' with summary(ecm.reg) coef(summary(ecm.reg)) head(depvar(fit.ECM)) # The estimated differences (first order) vcov(fit.ECM) constraints(fit.ECM, matrix = TRUE) ## Not run: ### Example 2. Here, we compare ECM.EngleGran() from VGAMextra with VECM() from ## package "tsDyn" when fitting an ECM(1, 1). We will make use of ## the argument 'ordtsDyn' so that the outcomes can be compared. library("tsDyn") # Need to be installed first. fit.tsDyn1 <- with(coint.data, VECM(cbind(y2, y1), lag = 1, estim = "2OLS")) # MODEL 1 summary(fit.tsDyn1) ### Fit same model using ECM.EngleGran(). NOTE: Set ordtsDyn = 1 !! # MODEL 2 fit.ECM.2 <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2) ~ 1, ECM.EngleGran(ecm.order = c(1, 1), resids.pattern = "neither", ordtsDyn = 1), data = coint.data, trace = TRUE) coef.ECM.2 <- coef(fit.ECM.2, matrix = TRUE) fit.tsDyn1$coefficients ## From pakage 'tsDyn'. t(coef.ECM.2[, 1:2][c(2, 1, 4, 3), ][, 2:1]) ## FROM VGAMextra ### Example 3. An ECM(2, 2), with residuals estimated by OLS, with NO intercept ### and NO trend term. The data set is 'zeroyld', from package tsDyn. ### ECM.EngleGran() and with VECM() willbe compared again. data(zeroyld, package = "tsDyn") # Fit a VECM with Engle-Granger 2OLS estimator: vecm.eg <- VECM(zeroyld, lag=2, estim = "2OLS") summary(vecm.eg) # For the same data, fit a VECM with ECM.EngleGran(), from VGAMextra. # Set ordtsDyn = 1 for compatibility! fit.ECM.3 <- vglm(cbind(long.run, short.run) ~ 1, ECM.EngleGran(ecm.order = c(2, 2), resids.pattern = "neither", ordtsDyn = 1), data = zeroyld, trace = TRUE) coef.ECM.3 <- coef(fit.ECM.3, matrix = TRUE) #### Compare results vecm.eg$coefficients # From tsDyn t(coef.ECM.3[, 1:2][c(2, 1, 5, 3, 6, 4 ),][, 2:1]) # FROM VGAMextra ## End(Not run)
## Example 1. Comparing the Engle -- Granger procedure carried oud by two procedures. ## ECM.EngleGran() makes easier the fitting process. ## Here, we will use: ## A) The R code 4.2, in Chapter 4, Pfaff (2011). ## This code 1) generates artificial data and 2) fits an ECM, following ## the Engle --Granger procedure. ## B) The ECM.EngleGran() family function to fit the same model assuming ## bivariate normal innovations. ## The downside in the R code 4.2 is the assumption of no--correlation among ## the errors. These are generated indenpendently. ## A) ## STEP 1. Set up the data (R code as in Pfaff (2011)). nn <- 100 set.seed(123456) e1 <- rnorm(nn) # Independent of e2 e2 <- rnorm(nn) y1 <- cumsum(e1) y2 <- 0.6 * y1 + e2 lr.reg <- lm(y2 ~ y1) error <- residuals(lr.reg) error.lagged <- error[-c(nn - 1, nn)] dy1 <- diff(y1) dy2 <- diff(y2) diff.dat <- data.frame(embed(cbind(dy1, dy2), 2)) colnames(diff.dat) <- c('dy1', 'dy2', 'dy1.1', 'dy2.1') ## STEP 2. Fit the ECM model, using lm(), R code as in Pfaff (2011). ecm.reg <- lm(dy2 ~ error.lagged + dy1.1 + dy2.1, data = diff.dat) summary(ecm.reg) ## B) Now, using ECM.EngleGran() and VGLMs, the steps at A) can be skipped. ## Enter the I(1)--variables in the response vector only, putting down the ## the dependent variable from the I(1) set, i.e. y2, in the second column. coint.data <- data.frame(y1 = y1, y2 = y2) fit.ECM <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2) ~ 1, ECM.EngleGran, data = coint.data, trace = TRUE) ## Check coefficients ## coef(fit.ECM, matrix = TRUE) ## Compare 'Diff2' with summary(ecm.reg) coef(summary(ecm.reg)) head(depvar(fit.ECM)) # The estimated differences (first order) vcov(fit.ECM) constraints(fit.ECM, matrix = TRUE) ## Not run: ### Example 2. Here, we compare ECM.EngleGran() from VGAMextra with VECM() from ## package "tsDyn" when fitting an ECM(1, 1). We will make use of ## the argument 'ordtsDyn' so that the outcomes can be compared. library("tsDyn") # Need to be installed first. fit.tsDyn1 <- with(coint.data, VECM(cbind(y2, y1), lag = 1, estim = "2OLS")) # MODEL 1 summary(fit.tsDyn1) ### Fit same model using ECM.EngleGran(). NOTE: Set ordtsDyn = 1 !! # MODEL 2 fit.ECM.2 <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2) ~ 1, ECM.EngleGran(ecm.order = c(1, 1), resids.pattern = "neither", ordtsDyn = 1), data = coint.data, trace = TRUE) coef.ECM.2 <- coef(fit.ECM.2, matrix = TRUE) fit.tsDyn1$coefficients ## From pakage 'tsDyn'. t(coef.ECM.2[, 1:2][c(2, 1, 4, 3), ][, 2:1]) ## FROM VGAMextra ### Example 3. An ECM(2, 2), with residuals estimated by OLS, with NO intercept ### and NO trend term. The data set is 'zeroyld', from package tsDyn. ### ECM.EngleGran() and with VECM() willbe compared again. data(zeroyld, package = "tsDyn") # Fit a VECM with Engle-Granger 2OLS estimator: vecm.eg <- VECM(zeroyld, lag=2, estim = "2OLS") summary(vecm.eg) # For the same data, fit a VECM with ECM.EngleGran(), from VGAMextra. # Set ordtsDyn = 1 for compatibility! fit.ECM.3 <- vglm(cbind(long.run, short.run) ~ 1, ECM.EngleGran(ecm.order = c(2, 2), resids.pattern = "neither", ordtsDyn = 1), data = zeroyld, trace = TRUE) coef.ECM.3 <- coef(fit.ECM.3, matrix = TRUE) #### Compare results vecm.eg$coefficients # From tsDyn t(coef.ECM.3[, 1:2][c(2, 1, 5, 3, 6, 4 ),][, 2:1]) # FROM VGAMextra ## End(Not run)
Computes the expMlink
transformation, its inverse and
the first two derivatives.
expMlink(theta, location = 0, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
expMlink(theta, location = 0, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. This is |
location |
This is a known location parameter.
Same as |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
This is a link function to model the mean of the exponential
distribution, exponential
It is defined as
where is a rate parameter and
is a
known location parameter,
same as
Numerical values of out of range may
result in
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
For deriv = 0
, the expMlink
transformation of
when inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then the inverse exp(theta - A)^(-1)
For deriv = 1
when inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then
as a function of
Similarly, when deriv = 2
, the second derivatives in
terms of theta
are returned.
Numerical instability may occur for values theta
too close
to zero. Use argument bvalue
to replace them before
computing the link.
If theta
is character, then arguments inverse
are ignored. See Links
for further details.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
## E1. Modelling the mean of the exponential distribution ## set.seed(17010402) nn <- 100 edata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn) - 0.5, x3 = runif(nn) - 0.5) edata <- transform(edata, eta = 0.2 - 0.7 * x2 + 1.9 * x3) #----- The mean is a function of 'x2' and 'x3' ------# edata <- transform(edata, rate = expMlink(eta, inverse = TRUE)) edata <- transform(edata, y = rexp(nn, rate = rate)) with(edata, stem(y)) with(edata, hist(y)) exp.fit <- vglm(y ~ x2 + x3, exponential(link = "expMlink"), data = edata, zero = NULL, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") coef(exp.fit, matrix = TRUE) summary(exp.fit) ## E2. expMlink() and its inverse ## theta <- 0.1 + 1:5 location <- 1.5 my.diff <- theta - expMlink(expMlink(theta = theta, location = location), location = location, inverse =TRUE) summary(my.diff) # Zero ## E3. Special values in a matrix ## theta <- matrix(c(Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN, 1 , 2), ncol = 3, nrow = 2) expMlink(theta = theta, location = location)
## E1. Modelling the mean of the exponential distribution ## set.seed(17010402) nn <- 100 edata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn) - 0.5, x3 = runif(nn) - 0.5) edata <- transform(edata, eta = 0.2 - 0.7 * x2 + 1.9 * x3) #----- The mean is a function of 'x2' and 'x3' ------# edata <- transform(edata, rate = expMlink(eta, inverse = TRUE)) edata <- transform(edata, y = rexp(nn, rate = rate)) with(edata, stem(y)) with(edata, hist(y)) exp.fit <- vglm(y ~ x2 + x3, exponential(link = "expMlink"), data = edata, zero = NULL, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") coef(exp.fit, matrix = TRUE) summary(exp.fit) ## E2. expMlink() and its inverse ## theta <- 0.1 + 1:5 location <- 1.5 my.diff <- theta - expMlink(expMlink(theta = theta, location = location), location = location, inverse =TRUE) summary(my.diff) # Zero ## E3. Special values in a matrix ## theta <- matrix(c(Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN, 1 , 2), ncol = 3, nrow = 2) expMlink(theta = theta, location = location)
Computes the expQlink
transformation, its inverse and
the first two derivatives.
expQlink(theta, p = stop("Argument 'p' must be entered."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
expQlink(theta, p = stop("Argument 'p' must be entered."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. This is |
p |
Numeric. A prespecified number between 0 and 1.
The particular |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
This is a link function to model any fixed quantile, say
, of the exponential distribution.
It is called the
transformation and is defined as
where is positive as in
Numerical values of or
out of range may
result in
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
With deriv = 0
, the expQlink
transformation of
for prespecified when
inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then the inverse -log(1 - p)/theta
For deriv = 1
, this link function returns
when inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then
as a function of
Similarly, when deriv = 2
, the second derivatives in
terms of theta
are returned.
Numerical instability may occur for values theta
too close
to zero. Use argument bvalue
to replace them before
computing the link.
If theta
is character, then arguments inverse
are ignored. See Links
for further details.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
## E1. expQlink() and its inverse ## p <- 0.25 # Modelling the first quartile. my.theta <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)[-1] my.diff <- my.theta - expQlink(expQlink(my.theta, p = p), p = p, inverse =TRUE) summary(my.diff) # Zero ## E2. Special values ## expQlink(theta = c(Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN), p = p) ## E3. Plot of expQlink() for different quantiles ## plot(expQlink(my.theta, p = p) ~ my.theta, type = "l", lty = "dotted", col = "blue", lwd = 2, main = "expQink(p) transformation", xlab = "theta", ylab = "expQLink", xlim = c(-0.5, 5), ylim = c(-0.5, 5)) abline(h = 0, v = 0, lwd = 2) lines(my.theta, expQlink(my.theta, p = 0.50), col = "green", lty = "dotted", lwd = 2) lines(my.theta, expQlink(my.theta, p = 0.75), col = "red", lty = "dotted", lwd = 2) legend(2, 4, c("p = 0.25", "p = 0.50", "p = 0.75"), col = c("blue", "green", "red"), lwd = c(2, 2, 2), lty = c("dotted", "dotted", "dotted"))
## E1. expQlink() and its inverse ## p <- 0.25 # Modelling the first quartile. my.theta <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)[-1] my.diff <- my.theta - expQlink(expQlink(my.theta, p = p), p = p, inverse =TRUE) summary(my.diff) # Zero ## E2. Special values ## expQlink(theta = c(Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN), p = p) ## E3. Plot of expQlink() for different quantiles ## plot(expQlink(my.theta, p = p) ~ my.theta, type = "l", lty = "dotted", col = "blue", lwd = 2, main = "expQink(p) transformation", xlab = "theta", ylab = "expQLink", xlim = c(-0.5, 5), ylim = c(-0.5, 5)) abline(h = 0, v = 0, lwd = 2) lines(my.theta, expQlink(my.theta, p = 0.50), col = "green", lty = "dotted", lwd = 2) lines(my.theta, expQlink(my.theta, p = 0.75), col = "red", lty = "dotted", lwd = 2) legend(2, 4, c("p = 0.25", "p = 0.50", "p = 0.75"), col = c("blue", "green", "red"), lwd = c(2, 2, 2), lty = c("dotted", "dotted", "dotted"))
Computes the gamma1Qlink
transformation, its inverse and the
first two derivatives.
gamma1Qlink(theta, p = stop("Argument 'p' must be specified."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
gamma1Qlink(theta, p = stop("Argument 'p' must be specified."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. It is |
p |
A numeric vector of |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
This link function has been specifically designed to model any
–quantile of the 1–parameter gamma distribution,
, in the VGLM/VGAM context.
It is defined as
where is a positive shape parameter as in
, whilst
is the quantile function
The inverse of the gamma1Qlink
cannot be expressed in closed
form. Instead, the inverse image, ,
is numerically approximated by
Numerical values of or
out of range will
result in
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
Arguments inverse
and deriv
are dismissed
if theta
is character.
For deriv = 0
, the gamma1Qlink
transformation of
, when inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then
becomes , and therefore,
the approximate inverse image of
is returned.
For deriv = 1
, the partial derivative
is returned,
if inverse = FALSE
. If inverse = TRUE
then the reciprocal
as a function of theta
If deriv = 2
, then the second order derivatives as a function
of theta
Numerical instability may occur for values theta
too large, or
too close to 0.0. Use argument bvalue
to replace them before
computing the link.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
## E1. gamma1QLink() and values causing NaNs or out of range ## p <- 0.75 # The third quartile is of interest. my.s <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)[-1] max(my.s - gamma1Qlink(gamma1Qlink(my.s, p = p), p = p, inverse =TRUE)) ## Zero ## E2. Special values of theta ## gamma1Qlink(theta = c(-0.15, -0.10, 0, 1:10) , p = p, inverse = FALSE) ## NaNs gamma1Qlink(theta = c(-5, -3, 0, 1:10) , p = p, inverse = TRUE) ## Out of range ## E3. Plot of gamma1QLink() and its inverse. ## # gamma1Qlink() plot(gamma1Qlink(theta = my.s, p = p) ~ my.s, type = "l", col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = 3, xlim = c(-0.1, 5), ylim = c(-5, 15), las = 1, main = c("Blue is gamma1Qlink(), green is the inverse"), ylab = "gamma1Qlink transformation", xlab = "theta") abline(h = 0, v = 0, lwd = 2) # The inverse lines(my.s, gamma1Qlink(theta = my.s, p = p, inverse = TRUE), col = "green", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed") # The identity function, for double-checking. lines(my.s, my.s, lty = "dotted")
## E1. gamma1QLink() and values causing NaNs or out of range ## p <- 0.75 # The third quartile is of interest. my.s <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)[-1] max(my.s - gamma1Qlink(gamma1Qlink(my.s, p = p), p = p, inverse =TRUE)) ## Zero ## E2. Special values of theta ## gamma1Qlink(theta = c(-0.15, -0.10, 0, 1:10) , p = p, inverse = FALSE) ## NaNs gamma1Qlink(theta = c(-5, -3, 0, 1:10) , p = p, inverse = TRUE) ## Out of range ## E3. Plot of gamma1QLink() and its inverse. ## # gamma1Qlink() plot(gamma1Qlink(theta = my.s, p = p) ~ my.s, type = "l", col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = 3, xlim = c(-0.1, 5), ylim = c(-5, 15), las = 1, main = c("Blue is gamma1Qlink(), green is the inverse"), ylab = "gamma1Qlink transformation", xlab = "theta") abline(h = 0, v = 0, lwd = 2) # The inverse lines(my.s, gamma1Qlink(theta = my.s, p = p, inverse = TRUE), col = "green", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed") # The identity function, for double-checking. lines(my.s, my.s, lty = "dotted")
Estimates the 2–parameter gamma distribution by maximum likelihood. One linear predictor models the mean.
gammaRff(zero = "shape", lmu = "gammaRMlink", lrate = NULL, lshape = "loglink", irate = NULL, ishape = NULL, lss = TRUE)
gammaRff(zero = "shape", lmu = "gammaRMlink", lrate = NULL, lshape = "loglink", irate = NULL, ishape = NULL, lss = TRUE)
zero |
Specifies the parameters to be modelled as intercept–only. |
lmu |
The link function applied to the gamma distribution mean, i.e.,
lrate , lshape , irate , ishape , lss
Same as |
This family function slightly enlarges the functionalities of
by directly modelling the mean
of the gamma distribution. It performs very much like
, but involves the ordinary
(not reparametrized) density, given by
Here, and
are positive shape
and rate parameters as in
The default linear predictors are
, and
overrides lrate
and no link other than
is a valid entry
). To
mimic gammaR
set lmu = NULL
and lrate = "loglink"
The mean () is returned as the fitted values.
differs from
. The latter estimates a
of the gamma distribution in terms and
This VGAM family function does not handle censored data.
An object of class "vglm"
See vglm-class
for full details.
The parameters and
match the arguments
and of
Multiple responses are handled.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
Yee, T. W. (2015) Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models: With an Implementation in R. Springer, New York, USA.
### Modelling the mean in terms of x2, two responses. set.seed(2017022101) nn <- 80 x2 <- runif(nn) mu <- exp(2 + 0.5 * x2) # Shape and rate parameters in terms of 'mu' shape <- rep(exp(1), nn) rate <- gammaRMlink(theta = log(mu), shape = shape, inverse = TRUE, deriv = 0) # Generating some random data y1 <- rgamma(n = nn, shape = shape, rate = rate) gdata <- data.frame(x2 = x2, y1 = y1) rm(y1) # lmu = "gammaRMlink" replaces lshape, whilst lrate = "loglink" fit1 <- vglm(cbind(y1, y1) ~ x2, gammaRff(lmu = "gammaRMlink", lss = TRUE, zero = "shape"), data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit1) # Comparing fitted values with true values. compare1 <- cbind(fitted.values(fit1)[, 1, drop = FALSE], mu) colnames(compare1) <- c("Fitted.vM1", "mu") head(compare1) ### Mimicking gammaR. Note that lmu = NULL. fit2 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, gammaRff(lmu = NULL, lrate = "loglink", lshape = "loglink", lss = FALSE, zero = "shape"), data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") # Compare fitted values with true values. compare2 <- with(gdata, cbind(fitted.values(fit2), y1, mu)) colnames(compare2) <- c("Fitted.vM2", "y", "mu") head(compare2) ### Fitted values -- Model1 vs Fitted values -- Model2 fit1vsfit2 <- cbind(fitted.values(fit1)[, 1, drop = FALSE], fitted.values(fit2)) colnames(fit1vsfit2) <- c("Fitted.vM1", "Fitted.vM2") head(fit1vsfit2) ### Use gamma2() fit3 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, gamma2, data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") fit1.fit3 <- cbind(fitted.values(fit1)[, 1, drop = FALSE], fitted.values(fit2), fitted.values(fit3)) colnames(fit1.fit3) <- c("Fitted.vM1", "Fitted.vM2", "Fitted.vM3") head(fit1.fit3)
### Modelling the mean in terms of x2, two responses. set.seed(2017022101) nn <- 80 x2 <- runif(nn) mu <- exp(2 + 0.5 * x2) # Shape and rate parameters in terms of 'mu' shape <- rep(exp(1), nn) rate <- gammaRMlink(theta = log(mu), shape = shape, inverse = TRUE, deriv = 0) # Generating some random data y1 <- rgamma(n = nn, shape = shape, rate = rate) gdata <- data.frame(x2 = x2, y1 = y1) rm(y1) # lmu = "gammaRMlink" replaces lshape, whilst lrate = "loglink" fit1 <- vglm(cbind(y1, y1) ~ x2, gammaRff(lmu = "gammaRMlink", lss = TRUE, zero = "shape"), data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit1) # Comparing fitted values with true values. compare1 <- cbind(fitted.values(fit1)[, 1, drop = FALSE], mu) colnames(compare1) <- c("Fitted.vM1", "mu") head(compare1) ### Mimicking gammaR. Note that lmu = NULL. fit2 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, gammaRff(lmu = NULL, lrate = "loglink", lshape = "loglink", lss = FALSE, zero = "shape"), data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") # Compare fitted values with true values. compare2 <- with(gdata, cbind(fitted.values(fit2), y1, mu)) colnames(compare2) <- c("Fitted.vM2", "y", "mu") head(compare2) ### Fitted values -- Model1 vs Fitted values -- Model2 fit1vsfit2 <- cbind(fitted.values(fit1)[, 1, drop = FALSE], fitted.values(fit2)) colnames(fit1vsfit2) <- c("Fitted.vM1", "Fitted.vM2") head(fit1vsfit2) ### Use gamma2() fit3 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, gamma2, data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") fit1.fit3 <- cbind(fitted.values(fit1)[, 1, drop = FALSE], fitted.values(fit2), fitted.values(fit3)) colnames(fit1.fit3) <- c("Fitted.vM1", "Fitted.vM2", "Fitted.vM3") head(fit1.fit3)
Computes the gammaRMlink
transformation, its inverse and
the first two derivatives.
gammaRMlink(theta, shape = NULL, wrt.param = NULL, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
gammaRMlink(theta, shape = NULL, wrt.param = NULL, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. This is |
shape |
The shape parameter. Same as
wrt.param |
Positive integer, either |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
The link to model the mean of the 2–parameter gamma distribution.
The gammaRMlink
transformation, for given
('shape' parameter),
is defined as
where is a rate parameter.
This link is expressly a function of
, i.e.
, therefore
must be entered at every call.
Numerical values of or
out of range may
result in
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
For deriv = 0
, the gammaRMlink
transformation of
, i.e. , when
inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then becomes
and the inverse,
, for given , is
For deriv = 1
, theta
, and
and then, the argument
must be
A) If inverse = FALSE
, then
wrt.param = 1
, and
wrt.param = 2
B) For inverse = TRUE
, this function returns
conformably arranged
in a matrix, if wrt.param = 1
as a function of ,
Also, when
wrt.param = 2
, a matrix with columns
is returned.
Similarly, when deriv = 2
, the second derivatives in
terms of theta
are returned.
Numerical instability may occur for values theta
too close
to zero. Use argument bvalue
to replace them before
computing the link.
If theta
is character, then arguments inverse
are ignored. See Links
for further details.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
eta <- seq(-3, 3, by = 0.1) # this is eta = log(mu(b, a)). shape <- rep(exp(0.8), length(eta)) # 'shape' argument. ## E1. Get 'rate' values. theta <- gammaRMlink(theta = eta, shape = shape, inverse = TRUE) # rate ## Not run: ## E2. Plot theta vs. eta, 'shape' fixed. plot(theta, eta, type = "l", las = 1, ylab = "", main = "gammaRMlink(theta; shape)") ## End(Not run) ## E3. gammaRMlink() and its inverse ## etabis <- gammaRMlink(theta = theta, shape = shape, inverse = FALSE) my.diff <- eta - etabis summary(my.diff) # Zero ## E4. Special values arranged in a matrix ## bbeta <- matrix(eta[1:9], ncol = 3, nrow = 3) #Ensure equal dimensions. alpha <- matrix(c(Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN, -1 , 1, 0, -2, 2), ncol = 3, nrow = 3) # The gammaRMlink transformation (log(a/b)) gammaRMlink(theta = bbeta, shape = alpha, inv = FALSE) # NaNs produced. # Same as log(alpha/bbeta)
eta <- seq(-3, 3, by = 0.1) # this is eta = log(mu(b, a)). shape <- rep(exp(0.8), length(eta)) # 'shape' argument. ## E1. Get 'rate' values. theta <- gammaRMlink(theta = eta, shape = shape, inverse = TRUE) # rate ## Not run: ## E2. Plot theta vs. eta, 'shape' fixed. plot(theta, eta, type = "l", las = 1, ylab = "", main = "gammaRMlink(theta; shape)") ## End(Not run) ## E3. gammaRMlink() and its inverse ## etabis <- gammaRMlink(theta = theta, shape = shape, inverse = FALSE) my.diff <- eta - etabis summary(my.diff) # Zero ## E4. Special values arranged in a matrix ## bbeta <- matrix(eta[1:9], ncol = 3, nrow = 3) #Ensure equal dimensions. alpha <- matrix(c(Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN, -1 , 1, 0, -2, 2), ncol = 3, nrow = 3) # The gammaRMlink transformation (log(a/b)) gammaRMlink(theta = bbeta, shape = alpha, inv = FALSE) # NaNs produced. # Same as log(alpha/bbeta)
Maximum likelihood estimation of the 4-parameter generalized beta II distribution using Fisher scoring.
gen.betaIImr(lscale = "loglink", lshape1.a = "loglink", lshape2.p = "loglink", lshape3.q = "loglink", iscale = NULL, ishape1.a = NULL, ishape2.p = NULL, ishape3.q = NULL, imethod = 1, lss = TRUE, gscale = exp(-5:5), gshape1.a = exp(-5:5), gshape2.p = exp(-5:5), gshape3.q = exp(-5:5), probs.y = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75), zero = "shape" )
gen.betaIImr(lscale = "loglink", lshape1.a = "loglink", lshape2.p = "loglink", lshape3.q = "loglink", iscale = NULL, ishape1.a = NULL, ishape2.p = NULL, ishape3.q = NULL, imethod = 1, lss = TRUE, gscale = exp(-5:5), gshape1.a = exp(-5:5), gshape2.p = exp(-5:5), gshape3.q = exp(-5:5), probs.y = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75), zero = "shape" )
lscale , lshape1.a , lshape2.p , lshape3.q
Parameter link functions applied to the
shape parameter |
iscale , ishape1.a , ishape2.p , ishape3.q
Optional initial values for |
imethod |
Initializing method to internally compute the initial values.
Currently, only |
gscale , gshape1.a , gshape2.p , gshape3.q
Grid search initial values.
See |
zero |
Numeric or Character vector. Position(s) or name(s) of the
parameters/linear predictors to be modeled as intercept-only.
Details at
lss , probs.y
See |
This distribution is most useful for unifying a substantial number of size distributions. For example, the Singh-Maddala, Dagum, Fisk (log-logistic), Lomax (Pareto type II), inverse Lomax, beta distribution of the second kind distributions are all special cases. Full details can be found in Kleiber and Kotz (2003), and Brazauskas (2002). The argument names given here are used by other families that are special cases of this family. Fisher scoring is used here and for the special cases too.
The 4-parameter generalized beta II distribution has density
for ,
is the beta function, and
is the scale parameter
while the others are shape parameters.
The mean is
provided ; these are returned as the fitted values.
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
The object is used by modelling functions such as
and vgam
can be a numeric or a character vector
specifying the position(s) or the name(s) (partially or not) of the linear
predictors modeled as intercept–only. Numeric values can be
entered as usual. If names are used, note that the linear predictors in
this family function are
c("scale", "shape1.a", "shape2.p", "shape3.q")
For simplicity, using names rather than numeric vectors is recommended.
Paramaters "shape1.a", "shape2.p", "shape3.q"
are modeled
as intercept only, by default.
If the self-starting initial values fail, try experimenting
with the initial value arguments, iscale
, ishape1.a
and ishape3.q
whose default is NULL
Also, the constraint may be violated as the
iterations progress so it is worth monitoring convergence, e.g.,
trace = TRUE
Successful convergence depends on choosing good initial values. This
process might be difficult for this distribution, since 4 parameters are
involved. Presently, only method = 1
is internally handled to set
initial values. It involves grid search, an internal implementation
of the well-known grid search algorithm for exhaustive searching through
a manually specified subset of the hyperparameter space.
Default value of lss
standing for the
following order: location (b), shape1.a (a), shape2.p (p),
shape3.q (q). In order to match the arguments of existing R functions,
the option lss = FALSE
might be set leading to switch the
position of location (b) and shape1.a (a), only.
T. W. Yee and V. Miranda.
Brazauskas, V. (2002) Fisher information matrix for the Feller-Pareto distribution. Statistics & Probability Letters, 59, 159–167.
Kleiber, C. and Kotz, S. (2003) Statistical Size Distributions in Economics and Actuarial Sciences. Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.
McDonald, J. B. and Xu, Y. J. (1995) A generalization of the beta distribution with applications. Journal of Econometrics. 66, p.133–152.
McDonald, J. B. (1984) Some generalized functions for the size distribution of income. Econometrica, 52, 647–663.
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # An example.- In this data set parameters 'shape1.a' and 'shape3.q' are # generated in terms of x2. set.seed(1003) nn <- 200 gdata1 <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn)) gdata <- transform(gdata1, y1 = rgen.betaII(nn, scale = exp(1.1), shape1.a = exp(1.2 + x2), shape2.p = exp(0.7) , shape3.q = exp(2.1 - x2)), y2 = rgen.betaII(nn, scale = exp(2.0), shape1.a = exp(1.8 + x2), shape2.p = exp(2.3) , shape3.q = exp(1.9 - x2)), y3 = rgen.betaII(nn, scale = exp(1.5), shape1.a = exp(1.8), shape2.p = exp(2.3) , shape3.q = exp(1.3))) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # A single intercept-only model. No covariates. # Note the use of (optional) initial values. fit <- vglm(y2 ~ 1, #y3 ~ 1 gen.betaIImr(lss = TRUE, # OPTIONAL INITIAL VALUES #iscale = exp(1.5), #ishape1.a = exp(1.8), #ishape2.p = exp(2.3), #ishape3.q = exp(1.3), imethod = 1), data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "loglik") Coef(fit) coef(fit, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # An intercept-only model. Two responses. fit1 <- vglm(cbind(y2, y2) ~ 1, # cbind(y1, y2) gen.betaIImr(lss = TRUE), data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "loglik") Coef(fit1) coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit1) vcov(fit1, untransform = TRUE) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # An example incorporating one covariate. Constraints are set accordingly. # x2 affects shape1.a and shape3.q. # Note that the first option uses 'constraints', whilst in the second # choice we use the argument 'zero' to 'set' the same constraints. ### Option 1. c1 <- rbind(0, 1, 0, 0) c2 <- rbind(0, 0, 0, 1) mycons <- matrix( c(c1, c2), nc = 2, byrow = FALSE) fit2 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, gen.betaIImr(lss = TRUE, zero = NULL), data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "loglik", constraints = list(x2 = mycons )) coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit2) vcov(fit2) constraints(fit2) ### Option 2. fit3 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, gen.betaIImr(lss = TRUE, zero = c("scale", "shape2.p")), data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "loglik") coef(fit3, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit3) vcov(fit3) constraints(fit3)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # An example.- In this data set parameters 'shape1.a' and 'shape3.q' are # generated in terms of x2. set.seed(1003) nn <- 200 gdata1 <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn)) gdata <- transform(gdata1, y1 = rgen.betaII(nn, scale = exp(1.1), shape1.a = exp(1.2 + x2), shape2.p = exp(0.7) , shape3.q = exp(2.1 - x2)), y2 = rgen.betaII(nn, scale = exp(2.0), shape1.a = exp(1.8 + x2), shape2.p = exp(2.3) , shape3.q = exp(1.9 - x2)), y3 = rgen.betaII(nn, scale = exp(1.5), shape1.a = exp(1.8), shape2.p = exp(2.3) , shape3.q = exp(1.3))) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # A single intercept-only model. No covariates. # Note the use of (optional) initial values. fit <- vglm(y2 ~ 1, #y3 ~ 1 gen.betaIImr(lss = TRUE, # OPTIONAL INITIAL VALUES #iscale = exp(1.5), #ishape1.a = exp(1.8), #ishape2.p = exp(2.3), #ishape3.q = exp(1.3), imethod = 1), data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "loglik") Coef(fit) coef(fit, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # An intercept-only model. Two responses. fit1 <- vglm(cbind(y2, y2) ~ 1, # cbind(y1, y2) gen.betaIImr(lss = TRUE), data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "loglik") Coef(fit1) coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit1) vcov(fit1, untransform = TRUE) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # An example incorporating one covariate. Constraints are set accordingly. # x2 affects shape1.a and shape3.q. # Note that the first option uses 'constraints', whilst in the second # choice we use the argument 'zero' to 'set' the same constraints. ### Option 1. c1 <- rbind(0, 1, 0, 0) c2 <- rbind(0, 0, 0, 1) mycons <- matrix( c(c1, c2), nc = 2, byrow = FALSE) fit2 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, gen.betaIImr(lss = TRUE, zero = NULL), data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "loglik", constraints = list(x2 = mycons )) coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit2) vcov(fit2) constraints(fit2) ### Option 2. fit3 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, gen.betaIImr(lss = TRUE, zero = c("scale", "shape2.p")), data = gdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "loglik") coef(fit3, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit3) vcov(fit3) constraints(fit3)
Density, distribution function, inverse distribution (quantile function) and random generation for the Generalized Beta of the Second Kind (GB2).
dgen.betaII(x, scale = 1.0, shape1.a = 1.0, shape2.p = 1.0, shape3.q = 1.0, log = FALSE) pgen.betaII(q, scale = 1.0, shape1.a = 1.0, shape2.p = 1.0, shape3.q = 1.0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qgen.betaII(p, scale = 1.0, shape1.a = 1.0, shape2.p = 1.0, shape3.q = 1.0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rgen.betaII(n, scale = 1.0, shape1.a = 1.0, shape2.p = 1.0, shape3.q = 1.0)
dgen.betaII(x, scale = 1.0, shape1.a = 1.0, shape2.p = 1.0, shape3.q = 1.0, log = FALSE) pgen.betaII(q, scale = 1.0, shape1.a = 1.0, shape2.p = 1.0, shape3.q = 1.0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qgen.betaII(p, scale = 1.0, shape1.a = 1.0, shape2.p = 1.0, shape3.q = 1.0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rgen.betaII(n, scale = 1.0, shape1.a = 1.0, shape2.p = 1.0, shape3.q = 1.0)
x , q
Vector of quantiles. |
p |
Vector of probabilities. |
n |
Number of observations. If |
scale , shape1.a , shape2.p , shape3.q
Strictly positive scale and shape parameters. |
log , log.p , lower.tail
Same meaning as in |
The GB2 Distribution is defined by the probability density (pdf)
for , and
is the beta function as in
The GB2 Distribution and the Beta Distribution
(see Beta
) are linked, as follows:
Let be a random variable with the Beta density and parameters
Then, introducing additional
parameters, the variable
has the GB2 Distribution, with parameters .
The GB2 moment exists for
and is given by
or, equivalently,
Here, is the gamma function as in
returns the density (p.d.f), pgen.betaII()
the distribution function (p.d.f), qgen.betaII()
gives the quantile
function (Inverse Distribution function), and rgen.betaII()
random numbers from the GB2 distribution.
Values of the shape2.p
parameter moderately close to zero may imply
obtaning numerical values too close to zero or values represented as zero
in computer arithmetic from the function rgen.betaII()
Additionally, for specific values of the arguments x, q, p
such as
Inf, -Inf, NaN
and NA
, the functions qgen.betaII()
and qgen.betaII()
will return the limit when
the argument tends to such value.
In particular, the quantile qgen.betaII()
retunrs zero for negative
values and for missed probabilities greater than 1.0.
V. Miranda and T. W. Yee
Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. A. (1972) Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, ch.6, p.255. Dover, New York, USA.
Kleiber, C. and Kotz, S. (2003) Statistical Size Distributions in Economics and Actuarial Sciences. Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.
McDonald, J. B. and Xu, Y. J. (1995) A generalization of the beta distribution with applications. Journal of Econometrics, 66, p.133–152.
McDonald, J. B. (1984) Some generalized functions for the size distribution of income. Econometrica, 52, p.647–663.
# Setting parameters to both examples below. b <- exp(0.4) # Scale parameter. a <- exp(0.5) # Shape1.a p <- exp(0.3) # Shape2.p q <- exp(1.4) # Shape3.q # (1) ______________ probs.y <- seq(0.0, 1.0, by = 0.01) data.1 <- qgen.betaII(p = probs.y, scale = b, shape1.a = a, shape2.p = p, shape3.q = q) max(abs(pgen.betaII(q = data.1, scale = b, shape1.a = a, shape2.p = p, shape3.q = q)) - probs.y) # Should be 0. # (2)_________________ xx <- seq(0, 10.0, length = 200) yy <- dgen.betaII(xx, scale = b, shape1.a = a, shape2.p = p, shape3.q = q) qtl <- seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1) d.qtl <- qgen.betaII(qtl, scale = b, shape1.a = a, shape2.p = p, shape3.q = q) plot(xx, yy, type = "l", col = "red", main = "Red is the GB2 density, blue is the GB2 Distribution Function", sub = "Brown dashed lines represent the 10th, ..., 90th percentiles", las = 1, xlab = "x", ylab = "", xlim = c(0, 3), ylim = c(0,1)) abline(h = 0, col = "navy", lty = 2) abline(h = 1, col = "navy", lty = 2) lines(xx, pgen.betaII(xx, scale = b, shape1.a = a, shape2.p = b, shape3.q = q), col= "blue") lines(d.qtl, dgen.betaII(d.qtl, scale = b, shape1.a = a, shape2.p = p, shape3.q = q), type ="h", col = "brown", lty = 3)
# Setting parameters to both examples below. b <- exp(0.4) # Scale parameter. a <- exp(0.5) # Shape1.a p <- exp(0.3) # Shape2.p q <- exp(1.4) # Shape3.q # (1) ______________ probs.y <- seq(0.0, 1.0, by = 0.01) data.1 <- qgen.betaII(p = probs.y, scale = b, shape1.a = a, shape2.p = p, shape3.q = q) max(abs(pgen.betaII(q = data.1, scale = b, shape1.a = a, shape2.p = p, shape3.q = q)) - probs.y) # Should be 0. # (2)_________________ xx <- seq(0, 10.0, length = 200) yy <- dgen.betaII(xx, scale = b, shape1.a = a, shape2.p = p, shape3.q = q) qtl <- seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1) d.qtl <- qgen.betaII(qtl, scale = b, shape1.a = a, shape2.p = p, shape3.q = q) plot(xx, yy, type = "l", col = "red", main = "Red is the GB2 density, blue is the GB2 Distribution Function", sub = "Brown dashed lines represent the 10th, ..., 90th percentiles", las = 1, xlab = "x", ylab = "", xlim = c(0, 3), ylim = c(0,1)) abline(h = 0, col = "navy", lty = 2) abline(h = 1, col = "navy", lty = 2) lines(xx, pgen.betaII(xx, scale = b, shape1.a = a, shape2.p = b, shape3.q = q), col= "blue") lines(d.qtl, dgen.betaII(d.qtl, scale = b, shape1.a = a, shape2.p = p, shape3.q = q), type ="h", col = "brown", lty = 3)
Computes the geometricffMlink
transformation, including its inverse
and the first two derivatives.
geometricffMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
geometricffMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. See below for further details. |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
Details at |
This is a natural link function to model the mean of the (discret)
geometric distribution, geometric
defined as the logarithmm of its mean, i.e.,
Here, is the probability of succes, as in
While this link function can be used to model any parameter lying in
, it is particularly useful for event-rate geometric data
where the mean can be written in terms of some rate of events,
, as
and the time (as
) can be easily
incorporated in the analysis as an offset.
Under this link function the domain set for
. Hence, values of
close to the extremes, or out of range will result
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
Use argument bvalue
to adequately replace them before
computing the link function.
If theta
is a character, arguments inverse
are disregarded.
For deriv = 0
, the geometricffMlink
transformation of
when inverse = FALSE
. When
inverse = TRUE
then theta
becomes , and
exp(-theta) / (exp(-theta) - 1)
is returned.
For deriv = 1
, d eta
/ d theta
if inverse = FALSE
, else
the reciprocal d theta
/ d eta
as a function of theta
For deriv = 2
the second order derivatives
are correspondingly returned.
Numerical instability may occur if covariates are used leading to
values of out of range. Try to overcome this by using
This function may return Inf
of -Inf
for values of
too close to
V. Miranda and T. W. Yee
### Example 1 ### my.probs <- ppoints(100) geol.inv <- geometricffMlink(theta = geometricffMlink(theta = my.probs), # the inverse inverse = TRUE) - my.probs summary(geol.inv) ## zero ### Example 2. Special values of 'prob' ### my.probs <- c(-Inf, -2, -1, 0, 0.25, 0.75, 1.0, 5, Inf, NaN, NA) rbind(probs = my.probs, geoffMlink = geometricffMlink(theta = my.probs), inv.geoffl = geometricffMlink(theta = my.probs, inverse = TRUE)) ### Example 3 Some probability link functions ### my.probs <- ppoints(100) par(lwd = 2) plot(my.probs, logitlink(my.probs), xlim = c(-0.1, 1.1), ylim = c(-5, 8), type = "l", col = "limegreen", ylab = "transformation", las = 1, main = "Some probability link functions") lines(my.probs, geometricffMlink(my.probs), col = "gray50") lines(my.probs, logffMlink(my.probs), col = "blue") lines(my.probs, probitlink(my.probs), col = "purple") lines(my.probs, clogloglink(my.probs), col = "chocolate") lines(my.probs, cauchitlink(my.probs), col = "tan") abline(v = c(0.5, 1), lty = "dashed") abline(v = 0, h = 0, lty = "dashed") legend(0.1, 8, c("geometricffMlink", "logffMlink","logitlink", "probitlink", "clogloglink", "cauchitlink"), col = c("gray50", "blue", "limegreen", "purple", "chocolate", "tan"), lwd = 1, cex = 0.5) par(lwd = 1)
### Example 1 ### my.probs <- ppoints(100) geol.inv <- geometricffMlink(theta = geometricffMlink(theta = my.probs), # the inverse inverse = TRUE) - my.probs summary(geol.inv) ## zero ### Example 2. Special values of 'prob' ### my.probs <- c(-Inf, -2, -1, 0, 0.25, 0.75, 1.0, 5, Inf, NaN, NA) rbind(probs = my.probs, geoffMlink = geometricffMlink(theta = my.probs), inv.geoffl = geometricffMlink(theta = my.probs, inverse = TRUE)) ### Example 3 Some probability link functions ### my.probs <- ppoints(100) par(lwd = 2) plot(my.probs, logitlink(my.probs), xlim = c(-0.1, 1.1), ylim = c(-5, 8), type = "l", col = "limegreen", ylab = "transformation", las = 1, main = "Some probability link functions") lines(my.probs, geometricffMlink(my.probs), col = "gray50") lines(my.probs, logffMlink(my.probs), col = "blue") lines(my.probs, probitlink(my.probs), col = "purple") lines(my.probs, clogloglink(my.probs), col = "chocolate") lines(my.probs, cauchitlink(my.probs), col = "tan") abline(v = c(0.5, 1), lty = "dashed") abline(v = 0, h = 0, lty = "dashed") legend(0.1, 8, c("geometricffMlink", "logffMlink","logitlink", "probitlink", "clogloglink", "cauchitlink"), col = c("gray50", "blue", "limegreen", "purple", "chocolate", "tan"), lwd = 1, cex = 0.5) par(lwd = 1)
Daily air pollution levels and hospital admissions due to respiratory and cardiovascular causes, between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1997, Hong Kong.
This is a subset of the data analyzed in Xia and Tong (2006) which stores the following time series:
Time vector,
Integer. Daily hospital admissions due to respiratory and cardiovascular causes, 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1997.
Daily mean average of ,
, respirable
suspended particles (rsp; that is
), and
, in parts per billion (ppb).
Numeric. Daily mean average of temperature (Celsius deg.) and humidity (%)
Factors with two levels. Weekdays/weekends indicator variables.
Data set retrieved from https://blog.nus.edu.sg/homepage/research/
Xia, Y. and Tong, H. (2006) Cumulative effects of air pollution on public health. Statistics in Medicine. 25(29), 3548-3559.
data(HKdata) summary(HKdata[, -1])
data(HKdata) summary(HKdata[, -1])
Density, CDF, quantile function and random number generator for the Inverse Chi–squared distribution.
dinv.chisq(x, df, log = FALSE) pinv.chisq(q, df, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qinv.chisq(p, df, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rinv.chisq(n, df)
dinv.chisq(x, df, log = FALSE) pinv.chisq(q, df, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qinv.chisq(p, df, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rinv.chisq(n, df)
x , q , p , n
Same as |
df , lower.tail , log , log.p
Same as |
The inverse chi–squared distribution with non–negative
= degrees
of freedom implemented here has density
where , and
is the
The mean is , for
, and the variance is
given by
, for
Also, as with Chisquare
, the degrees
of freedom can be non–integer.
returns the density, pinv.chisq
returns the
distribution function, qinv.chisq
gives the quantiles, and
generates random numbers from this distribution.
Specifically, it is the probability distribution of a random variable whose reciprocal follows a chi–squared distribution, i.e.,
If chi–squared
, then
Inverse chi–squared
As a result, dinv.chisq, pinv.chisq, qinv.chisq
use the functions
as a basis. Hence,
invalid arguments will lead these functions to return
or NaN
Yet to do: A non–central parameter as an argument, if amenable.
Two similar versions of the Inverse chi–squared distribution with
degrees of freedom may be found in the literature, as
Let chi–squared
, then
I. Inverse chi–squared
, and
Inverse chi–squared
Here, the former, which is the popular version, has been implemented.
V. Miranda
Johnson, N.L., Kotz, S. and Balakrishnan, N. (1995) Continuous Univariate Distributions. Chapters 18 (volume 1) and 29 (volume 2). Wiley, New York.
## Example 1 ## nn <- 50; df <- 1.4 data.1 <- ppoints(nn) data.q <- qinv.chisq(-data.1, df = df, log.p = TRUE) data.p <- -log(pinv.chisq(data.q, df = df)) max(abs(data.p - data.1)) # Should be zero ## Example 2 ## xx <- seq(0, 3.0, len = 301) yy <- dinv.chisq(xx, df = df) qtl <- seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1) d.qtl <- qinv.chisq(qtl, df = df) plot(xx, yy, type = "l", col = "orange", main = "Orange is density, blue is cumulative distribution function", sub = "Brown dashed lines represent the 10th, ... 90th percentiles", las = 1, xlab = "x", ylab = "", ylim = c(0, 1)) abline(h = 0, col= "navy", lty = 2) lines(xx, pinv.chisq(xx, df = df), col = "blue") lines(d.qtl, dinv.chisq(d.qtl, df = df), type ="h", col = "brown", lty = 3)
## Example 1 ## nn <- 50; df <- 1.4 data.1 <- ppoints(nn) data.q <- qinv.chisq(-data.1, df = df, log.p = TRUE) data.p <- -log(pinv.chisq(data.q, df = df)) max(abs(data.p - data.1)) # Should be zero ## Example 2 ## xx <- seq(0, 3.0, len = 301) yy <- dinv.chisq(xx, df = df) qtl <- seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1) d.qtl <- qinv.chisq(qtl, df = df) plot(xx, yy, type = "l", col = "orange", main = "Orange is density, blue is cumulative distribution function", sub = "Brown dashed lines represent the 10th, ... 90th percentiles", las = 1, xlab = "x", ylab = "", ylim = c(0, 1)) abline(h = 0, col= "navy", lty = 2) lines(xx, pinv.chisq(xx, df = df), col = "blue") lines(d.qtl, dinv.chisq(d.qtl, df = df), type ="h", col = "brown", lty = 3)
Maximum likelihood estimation of the degrees of freedom for an inverse chi–squared distribution using Fisher scoring.
inv.chisqff(link = "loglink", zero = NULL)
inv.chisqff(link = "loglink", zero = NULL)
link , zero
For further details, see
The inverse chi–squared distribution
with degrees of
freedom implemented here has density
where , and
is the
The mean of is
(returned as the fitted
values), provided
That is, while the expected information matrices used here are
valid in all regions of the parameter space, the regularity conditions
for maximum likelihood estimation are satisfied only if .
To enforce this condition, choose
link = logoff(offset = -2)
As with, chisq
, the degrees of freedom are
treated as a parameter to be estimated using (by default) the
link loglink
. However, the mean can also
be modelled with this family function.
See inv.chisqMlink
for specific details about this.
This family VGAM function handles multiple responses.
An object of class "vglmff"
See vglmff-class
for further details.
By default, the single linear/additive predictor in this family
function, say ,
can be modeled in terms of covariates,
zero = NULL
To model as intercept–only set
zero = "dof"
See zero
for more details about this.
As with chisq
, the degrees of freedom are
non–negative but allowed to be non–integer.
V. Miranda.
set.seed(17010504) dof <- 2.5 yy <- rinv.chisq(100, df = dof) ics.d <- data.frame(y = yy) # The data. fit.inv <- vglm(cbind(y, y) ~ 1, inv.chisqff, data = ics.d, trace = TRUE, crit = "coef") Coef(fit.inv) summary(fit.inv)
set.seed(17010504) dof <- 2.5 yy <- rinv.chisq(100, df = dof) ics.d <- data.frame(y = yy) # The data. fit.inv <- vglm(cbind(y, y) ~ 1, inv.chisqff, data = ics.d, trace = TRUE, crit = "coef") Coef(fit.inv) summary(fit.inv)
Computes the inv.chisqMlink
transformation, its inverse and
the first two derivatives.
inv.chisqMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
inv.chisqMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. This is |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
This link functions models the mean of the
inverse chi–squared distribution,
It is defined as
where denotes the (non–negative) degrees of freedom, as in
Notice, however, that is required for the mean of
this distribution to be real. Consequently, the domain set for
for this link function is .
Numerical values of out of range will
result in
or NaN
For deriv = 0
, the inv.chisqMlink
transformation of
when inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then the inverse exp(-theta) + 2
For deriv = 1
when inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then
as a function of
When deriv = 2
, the second derivatives in
terms of theta
are returned.
Numerical instability may occur for values theta
too large or
possibly, too close to 2. Use argument bvalue
to replace them
before computing the link.
If theta
is character, then arguments inverse
are ignored. See Links
for further details.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
## E1. Modelling the mean of the exponential distribution ## set.seed(17010502) dof <- 2.5 isq.data <- data.frame(x2 = runif(100, 0, 1)) isq.data <- transform(isq.data, y = rinv.chisq(n = 100, df = dof + x2)) hist(isq.data$y) fit.inv <- vglm(y ~ x2, family = inv.chisqff(link = "inv.chisqMlink"), data = isq.data, trace = TRUE ) coef(fit.inv, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit.inv) ## E3. Special values in a matrix ## (theta <- matrix(c(Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN, 1 , 2, 3, 4), ncol = 4, nrow = 2)) inv.chisqMlink(theta = theta) ## NaNs for df = theta <= 2 ## E2. inv.chisqMlink() and its inverse ## theta <- 0.1 + 1:5 # dof = df my.diff <- theta - inv.chisqMlink(inv.chisqMlink(theta = theta), inverse =TRUE) summary(my.diff) # Zero
## E1. Modelling the mean of the exponential distribution ## set.seed(17010502) dof <- 2.5 isq.data <- data.frame(x2 = runif(100, 0, 1)) isq.data <- transform(isq.data, y = rinv.chisq(n = 100, df = dof + x2)) hist(isq.data$y) fit.inv <- vglm(y ~ x2, family = inv.chisqff(link = "inv.chisqMlink"), data = isq.data, trace = TRUE ) coef(fit.inv, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit.inv) ## E3. Special values in a matrix ## (theta <- matrix(c(Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN, 1 , 2, 3, 4), ncol = 4, nrow = 2)) inv.chisqMlink(theta = theta) ## NaNs for df = theta <= 2 ## E2. inv.chisqMlink() and its inverse ## theta <- 0.1 + 1:5 # dof = df my.diff <- theta - inv.chisqMlink(inv.chisqMlink(theta = theta), inverse =TRUE) summary(my.diff) # Zero
Estimates the 2-parameter Inverse Gamma distribution by maximum likelihood estimation.
invgamma2mr(lmu = "loglink", lshape = logofflink(offset = -2), parallel = FALSE, ishape = NULL, imethod = 1, zero = "shape")
invgamma2mr(lmu = "loglink", lshape = logofflink(offset = -2), parallel = FALSE, ishape = NULL, imethod = 1, zero = "shape")
lmu , lshape
Link functions applied to the (positives) mu and shape
parameters (called |
parallel |
Same as |
ishape |
Optional initial value for shape, same as
imethod |
Same as |
zero |
Numeric or character vector. Position or name(s) of the
parameters/linear predictors to be
modeled as intercept–only. Default is |
The Gamma distribution and the Inverse Gamma distribution are related
as follows:Let X be a random variable distributed as
, where
denotes the shape parameter and
is the
scale paramater. Then
is an Inverse Gamma
random variable with parameters scale =
shape =
The Inverse Gamma density function is given by
for ,
is the gamma function, as in
. The mean of Y is
(returned as the fitted values) with variance
, else is infinite. Thus, the
link function for the shape parameter is
. Then, by default, the two
linear/additive predictors are ,
, i.e in the VGLM context,
This VGAM family function handles multiple reponses by
implementing Fisher scoring and unlike
, the working-weight matrices
are not diagonal.
The Inverse Gamma distribution is right-skewed and either for small values
of (plus modest
) or very large values of
(plus moderate
), the density has
values too close to zero.
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
The object is used by modelling functions
such as vglm
and vgam
Note that zero
can be a numeric or a character
vector specifying the position of the names
(partially or not) of the linear predictor modeled as intercept only.
In this family function such names are
c("mu", "shape")
Numeric values can be entered as usual.
See CommonVGAMffArguments
for further details.
The response must be strictly positive.
If mu
and shape
are vectors, then rinvgamma(n = n,
shape = shape, scale = mu/(shape - 1)
will generate random inverse gamma
variates of this parameterization, etc.;
see invgammaDist
Given the math relation between the Gamma and the Inverse Gamma distributions, the parameterization of this VGAM family function underlies on the parametrization of the 2-parameter gamma distribution described in the monograph
Victor Miranda and T. W. Yee
McCullagh, P. and Nelder, J. A. (1989) Generalized Linear Models, 2nd ed. London, UK. Chapman & Hall.
for the 2-parameter gamma distribution,
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Essentially fitting a 2-parameter inverse gamma distribution # with 2 responses. set.seed(101) y1 = rinvgamma(n = 500, scale = exp(2.0), shape = exp(2.0)) y2 = rinvgamma(n = 500, scale = exp(2.5), shape = exp(2.5)) gdata <- data.frame(y1, y2) fit1 <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2) ~ 1, family = invgamma2mr(zero = NULL, # OPTIONAL INITIAL VALUE # ishape = exp(2), imethod = 1), data = gdata, trace = TRUE) Coef(fit1) c(Coef(fit1), log(mean(gdata$y1)), log(mean(gdata$y2))) summary(fit1) vcov(fit1, untransform = TRUE) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # An example including one covariate. # Note that the x2 affects the shape parameter, which implies that both, # 'mu' and 'shape' are affected. # Consequently, zero must be set as NULL ! x2 <- runif(1000) gdata <- data.frame(y3 = rinvgamma(n = 1000, scale = exp(2.0), shape = exp(2.0 + x2))) fit2 <- vglm(y3 ~ x2, family = invgamma2mr(lshape = "loglink", zero = NULL), data = gdata, trace = TRUE) coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit2) vcov(fit2)
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Essentially fitting a 2-parameter inverse gamma distribution # with 2 responses. set.seed(101) y1 = rinvgamma(n = 500, scale = exp(2.0), shape = exp(2.0)) y2 = rinvgamma(n = 500, scale = exp(2.5), shape = exp(2.5)) gdata <- data.frame(y1, y2) fit1 <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2) ~ 1, family = invgamma2mr(zero = NULL, # OPTIONAL INITIAL VALUE # ishape = exp(2), imethod = 1), data = gdata, trace = TRUE) Coef(fit1) c(Coef(fit1), log(mean(gdata$y1)), log(mean(gdata$y2))) summary(fit1) vcov(fit1, untransform = TRUE) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # An example including one covariate. # Note that the x2 affects the shape parameter, which implies that both, # 'mu' and 'shape' are affected. # Consequently, zero must be set as NULL ! x2 <- runif(1000) gdata <- data.frame(y3 = rinvgamma(n = 1000, scale = exp(2.0), shape = exp(2.0 + x2))) fit2 <- vglm(y3 ~ x2, family = invgamma2mr(lshape = "loglink", zero = NULL), data = gdata, trace = TRUE) coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit2) vcov(fit2)
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random numbers generator for the Inverse Gamma Distribution.
dinvgamma(x, scale = 1/rate, shape, rate = 1, log = FALSE) pinvgamma(q, scale = 1/rate, shape, rate = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qinvgamma(p, scale = 1/rate, shape, rate = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rinvgamma(n, scale = 1/rate, shape, rate = 1)
dinvgamma(x, scale = 1/rate, shape, rate = 1, log = FALSE) pinvgamma(q, scale = 1/rate, shape, rate = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qinvgamma(p, scale = 1/rate, shape, rate = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rinvgamma(n, scale = 1/rate, shape, rate = 1)
x , q , p , n
Same as |
scale , shape
Scale and shape parameters, same as
rate |
Same as |
log , log.p , lower.tail
Same as |
The Inverse Gamma density with parameters scale = and
shape =
is given by
for ,
, and
is the gamma function as in
The relation between the Gamma Distribution and the Inverse Gamma Distribution is as follows:
Let be a random variable distributed as Gamma
), then
is distributed as
Inverse Gamma (
It is worth noting that the math relation between the scale paramaters
of both, the Inverse Gamma and Gamma distributions, is inverse.
Thus, algorithms of dinvgamma(), pinvgamma(), qinvgamma() and
rinvgamma() underlie on the algorithms
Let distributed as Inverse Gamma (
). Then the
moment of
exists for
and is
given by
The mean (if ) and variance (if
) are
returns the density, pinvgamma()
gives the
distribution function, qinvgamma()
gives the quantiles, and
generates random deviates.
The order of the arguments scale and shape does not match
Unlike the GammaDist
, small values
of (plus modest
) or very large values of
(plus moderate
), generate Inverse Gamma
values so near to zero. Thus,
may return either values
too close to zero or values represented as zero in computer arithmetic.
In addition, function dinvgamma
will return zero for
, which is the limit of the Inverse Gamma density when
tends to zero.
V. Miranda and T. W. Yee.
Kleiber, C. and Kotz, S. (2003) Statistical Size Distributions in Economics and Actuarial Sciences. Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.
# Example 1.______________________ n <- 20 scale <- exp(2) shape <- exp(1) data.1 <- runif(n, 0, 1) data.q <- qinvgamma(-data.1, scale = scale, shape = shape, log.p = TRUE) data.p <- -log(pinvgamma(data.q, scale = scale, shape = shape)) arg.max <- max(abs(data.p - data.1)) # Should be zero # Example 2.______________________ scale <- exp(1.0) shape <- exp(1.2) xx <- seq(0, 3.0, len = 201) yy <- dinvgamma(xx, scale = scale, shape = shape) qtl <- seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1) d.qtl <- qinvgamma(qtl, scale = scale, shape = shape) plot(xx, yy, type = "l", col = "orange", main = "Orange is density, blue is cumulative distribution function", sub = "Brown dashed lines represent the 10th, ... 90th percentiles", las = 1, xlab = "x", ylab = "", ylim = c(0, 1)) abline(h = 0, col= "navy", lty = 2) lines(xx, pinvgamma(xx, scale = scale, shape = shape), col = "blue") lines(d.qtl, dinvgamma(d.qtl, scale = scale, shape = shape), type ="h", col = "brown", lty = 3)
# Example 1.______________________ n <- 20 scale <- exp(2) shape <- exp(1) data.1 <- runif(n, 0, 1) data.q <- qinvgamma(-data.1, scale = scale, shape = shape, log.p = TRUE) data.p <- -log(pinvgamma(data.q, scale = scale, shape = shape)) arg.max <- max(abs(data.p - data.1)) # Should be zero # Example 2.______________________ scale <- exp(1.0) shape <- exp(1.2) xx <- seq(0, 3.0, len = 201) yy <- dinvgamma(xx, scale = scale, shape = shape) qtl <- seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1) d.qtl <- qinvgamma(qtl, scale = scale, shape = shape) plot(xx, yy, type = "l", col = "orange", main = "Orange is density, blue is cumulative distribution function", sub = "Brown dashed lines represent the 10th, ... 90th percentiles", las = 1, xlab = "x", ylab = "", ylim = c(0, 1)) abline(h = 0, col= "navy", lty = 2) lines(xx, pinvgamma(xx, scale = scale, shape = shape), col = "blue") lines(d.qtl, dinvgamma(d.qtl, scale = scale, shape = shape), type ="h", col = "brown", lty = 3)
Maximum likelihood estimation of the 2-parameter Inverse Weibull distribution. No observations should be censored.
invweibull2mr(lscale = loglink, lshape = logofflink(offset = -2), iscale = NULL, ishape = NULL, imethod = 2, lss = TRUE, gscale = exp(-4:4), gshape = exp(-4:4), probs.y = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75), zero = "shape")
invweibull2mr(lscale = loglink, lshape = logofflink(offset = -2), iscale = NULL, ishape = NULL, imethod = 2, lss = TRUE, gscale = exp(-4:4), gshape = exp(-4:4), probs.y = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75), zero = "shape")
lscale , lshape
Parameter link functions applied to the
(positive) |
iscale , ishape
Optional initial values for the |
gscale , gshape
lss , probs.y
Details at
imethod |
Initializing method internally implemented. Currently only the values 1 and 2 are allowed and NO observations should be censored. |
zero |
Numeric or character vector. The position(s) of the name(s) of
the parameters/linear predictors to be
modeled as intercept–only. Default is |
The Weibull distribution and the Inverse Weibull distributions are related as follows:
Let be a Weibull random variable with paramaters scale =
and shape =
. Then, the random variable
the Inverse Weibull density with parameters scale =
shape =
The Inverse weibull density for a response is given by
for ,
The mean, that is returned as the fitted values, (if
) and
the variance (if
) are
Fisher scoring is used to estimate both parameters.
Although the expected information matrices used are valid in all regions of
the parameter space, the regularity conditions for maximum likelihood
estimation (MLE) are satisfied only if
(according to Kleiber and Kotz (2003)). If this is violated then a warning
message is issued. To enforce
, it has been set by default
lshape = logofflink(offset = 2)
As a result of the math relation between the Weibull and the Inverse Weibull
distributions, regularity conditions for inference for the latter, are the
if then the MLE's are not consisten,
then MLEs exist but are not assymptotically
normal, if
, the MLE's exist and are normal and
asymptotically efficient but the convergence rate is slower compared when
. If
, then the MLE's have classical
asymptotic properties.
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
The object is used to model special models such as
and vgam
Note that zero
can be a numeric or a character
vector specifying the position of the names
(partially or not) of the linear predictor modeled as intercept only.
In this family function these names are
c("scale", "shape")
Numeric values can be entered as usual.
See CommonVGAMffArguments
for further details.
For simplicity, the second choice is recommended.
If the shape parameter is less than two (i.e. less than
), then misleading inference may
result ! (see above the regularity condition for the 'variance'),
e.g., in the summary
and vcov
of the object.
However, the larger the shape parameter is (for instance, greater than
, plus reasonable scale), the more unstable the algorithm
may become. The reason is that inverse weibull densities under such
conditions are highly peaked and left skewed. Thus, density values are
too close to zero (or values represented as zero in computer arithmetic).
By default, the shape paramater is modeled as intercept only.
Successful convergence depends on having reasonably good initial
values. If the initial values chosen by this function are not good,
make use the two initial value arguments, iscale
and ishape
This VGAM family function currently handles multiple responses however, it does not handle censored data. This feature will be considered in a later version of the package.
The Inverse Weibull distribution, which is that of
has the Weibull density, is known as the
log-Gompertz distribution.
Victor Miranda and T. W. Yee.
Harper, W. V., Eschenbach, T. G. and James, T. R. (2011) Concerns about Maximum Likelihood Estimation for the Three-Parameter Weibull Distribution: Case Study of Statistical Software. The American Statistician, 65(1), 44-54.
Kleiber, C. and Kotz, S. (2003) Statistical Size Distributions in Economics and Actuarial Sciences, Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
Johnson, N. L. and Kotz, S. and Balakrishnan, N. (1994) Continuous Univariate Distributions, 2nd edition, Volume 1, New York: Wiley.
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------# # Here, covariate 'x2' affects the scale parameter. # See how data is generated. set.seed(102) wdata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn <- 1000)) # Complete data wdata <- transform(wdata, y1 = rinvweibull(nn, scale = exp(2.5 - (0.5) * x2), shape = exp(1.5) ), y2 = rinvweibull(nn, scale = exp(1.5 + x2), shape = exp(1.25) )) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Fitting the Inverse Weibull distribution accordingly. # Note that multiple responses are handled. fit1 <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2) ~ x2, invweibull2mr(zero = "shape", # OPTIONAL INITIAL VALUE. Be carefull here when # entered initial value. Sensitive distribution ishape = exp(1.2), lss = TRUE), data = wdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE) vcov(fit1) summary(fit1) ### A second option (producing same results!!) might be to use the ### constraints argument in the 'vglm()' call. Note that 'x2' affects ### the scale parameter only. fit2 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, invweibull2mr(zero = NULL), data = wdata, trace = TRUE, constraints = list(x2 = rbind(1, 0))) coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) vcov(fit2) summary(fit2) constraints(fit2)
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------# # Here, covariate 'x2' affects the scale parameter. # See how data is generated. set.seed(102) wdata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn <- 1000)) # Complete data wdata <- transform(wdata, y1 = rinvweibull(nn, scale = exp(2.5 - (0.5) * x2), shape = exp(1.5) ), y2 = rinvweibull(nn, scale = exp(1.5 + x2), shape = exp(1.25) )) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Fitting the Inverse Weibull distribution accordingly. # Note that multiple responses are handled. fit1 <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2) ~ x2, invweibull2mr(zero = "shape", # OPTIONAL INITIAL VALUE. Be carefull here when # entered initial value. Sensitive distribution ishape = exp(1.2), lss = TRUE), data = wdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "log") coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE) vcov(fit1) summary(fit1) ### A second option (producing same results!!) might be to use the ### constraints argument in the 'vglm()' call. Note that 'x2' affects ### the scale parameter only. fit2 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, invweibull2mr(zero = NULL), data = wdata, trace = TRUE, constraints = list(x2 = rbind(1, 0))) coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) vcov(fit2) summary(fit2) constraints(fit2)
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random numbers generator for the Inverse Weibull Distribution.
dinvweibull(x, scale = 1, shape, log = FALSE) pinvweibull(q, scale = 1, shape, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qinvweibull(p, scale = 1, shape, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rinvweibull(n, scale = 1, shape)
dinvweibull(x, scale = 1, shape, log = FALSE) pinvweibull(q, scale = 1, shape, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qinvweibull(p, scale = 1, shape, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rinvweibull(n, scale = 1, shape)
x , q , p , n
Same as |
scale , shape
Scale and shape parameters, same as |
log , log.p , lower.tail
Same as |
The Inverse Weibull density with parameters scale = b and
shape = , is
for ,
, and
The Weibull distribution and the Inverse Weibull distributions are related as follows:
Let be a Weibull random variable with paramaters scale =
and shape =
. Then, the random variable
the Inverse Weibull density with parameters scale =
shape =
. Thus, algorithms of [dpqr]-Inverse Weibull
underlie on
Let be a r.v. distributed as Inverse Weibull (
moment exists for
and is given by
The mean (if ) and variance (if
) are
Here, is the gamma function as in
returns the density, pinvweibull()
computes the
distribution function, qinvweibull()
gives the quantiles, and
generates random numbers from the Inverse Weibull
The order of the arguments of [dpqr]-Inverse Weibull does not match
those in Weibull
Small values of scale or shape will provide Inverse Weibull
values too close to zero. Then, function rinvweibull()
with such
characteristics will return either values too close to zero or values
represented as zero in computer arithmetic.
The Inverse Weibull distribution, which is that of where
has the Weibull density, is known as the log-Gompertz
distribution. Thus, in order to emphazise the continuity concept of the
Inverse Weibull density, if
, then
returns zero, which is the limit of such a density when
tends to zero.
V. Miranda and T. W. Yee.
Kleiber, C. and Kotz, S. (2003) Statistical Size Distributions in Economics and Actuarial Sciences. Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.
Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. A. (1972) Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables. ch.6, p.255. Dover, New York, USA.
#(1) ______________ n <- 20 scale <- exp(2) shape <- exp(1) data.1 <- runif(n, 0, 1) data.q <- qinvweibull(-data.1, scale = scale, shape = shape, log.p = TRUE) data.p <- -log(pinvweibull(data.q, scale = scale, shape = shape)) arg.max <- max(abs(data.p - data.1)) # Should be zero #(2)_________________ scale <- exp(1.0) shape <- exp(1.2) xx <- seq(0, 10.0, len = 201) yy <- dinvweibull(xx, scale = scale, shape = shape) qtl <- seq(0.1, 0.9, by =0.1) d.qtl <- qinvweibull(qtl, scale = scale, shape = shape) plot(xx, yy, type = "l", col = "red", main = "Red is density, blue is cumulative distribution function", sub = "Brown dashed lines represent the 10th, ... 90th percentiles", las = 1, xlab = "x", ylab = "", ylim = c(0,1)) abline(h = 0, col= "navy", lty = 2) lines(xx, pinvweibull(xx, scale = scale, shape = shape), col= "blue") lines(d.qtl, dinvweibull(d.qtl, scale = scale, shape = shape), type ="h", col = "brown", lty = 3)
#(1) ______________ n <- 20 scale <- exp(2) shape <- exp(1) data.1 <- runif(n, 0, 1) data.q <- qinvweibull(-data.1, scale = scale, shape = shape, log.p = TRUE) data.p <- -log(pinvweibull(data.q, scale = scale, shape = shape)) arg.max <- max(abs(data.p - data.1)) # Should be zero #(2)_________________ scale <- exp(1.0) shape <- exp(1.2) xx <- seq(0, 10.0, len = 201) yy <- dinvweibull(xx, scale = scale, shape = shape) qtl <- seq(0.1, 0.9, by =0.1) d.qtl <- qinvweibull(qtl, scale = scale, shape = shape) plot(xx, yy, type = "l", col = "red", main = "Red is density, blue is cumulative distribution function", sub = "Brown dashed lines represent the 10th, ... 90th percentiles", las = 1, xlab = "x", ylab = "", ylim = c(0,1)) abline(h = 0, col= "navy", lty = 2) lines(xx, pinvweibull(xx, scale = scale, shape = shape), col= "blue") lines(d.qtl, dinvweibull(d.qtl, scale = scale, shape = shape), type ="h", col = "brown", lty = 3)
The Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS)
test for the null hypothesis that the series is
or trend
KPSS.test(x, type.H0 = c("level", "trend")[1], trunc.l = c("short", "large")[1], show.output = TRUE)
KPSS.test(x, type.H0 = c("level", "trend")[1], trunc.l = c("short", "large")[1], show.output = TRUE)
x |
Numeric. A univariate series. |
type.H0 |
The null hypothesis to be tested: either |
trunc.l |
The lag truncation parameter. See below for more details. |
show.output |
Logical. Should the results be displyed? Default is
To test the null hypothesis that a univariate time series is level–stationary or stationary around a deterministic trend. The alternative states the existence of a unit root.
Under this methodology, the series, say
is assumed to be decomposed as
that is, as the sum of a deterministic trend,
a random walk (), and a stationary error
Hence, this test reduces to simply test the
hypothesis that
is stationary,
that is,
The test statistic combines the one–sided Lagrange
multiplier (LM) statistic
and the locally best invariant (LBI) test
statistic (Nabeya and Tanaka, (1988)).
Its asymptotic distribution is discussed
in Kwiatkowski et al. (1992), and depends on
the ‘long–run’ variance .
The test statistic is given by
where is a consistent estimate of
, given by
Here, , where
is taken from trunc.l
, the
lag–truncation parameter. The choice "short"
gives the smallest integer not less than
, or else,
, if
trunc.l = "large"
Note, here the errors, , are
estimated from the regression
(level) or
(trend), depending upon
the argument
Unlike other software using linear interpolates, here
the p–values for both, trend and level stationarity,
are interpolated by cubic spline interpolations
from the tail critical values given
in Table 1 in Kwiatkowski et al. (1992).
The interpolation takes place on .
A list with the following:
1) Test statistic and P-value,
2) Critical values,
3) Residuals, .
There is no standard methodology to select an
appropriate value for trunc.l
, however,
satisfactory results have been found for
proportional to .
See Andrews, D.W.K. (1991) for a discussion on this.
Empirically, this parameter may be suggested
by the problem in turn, and should be large enough to
approximate the true dynamic behaviour of the series.
Victor Miranda.
Andrews, D.W.K. (1991) Heteroskedasticiy and autocorrelation consistent covariance matrix estimation. Econometrica, 59, 817–858.
Kwiatkowski, D., Phillips, P.C.B., Schmidt, P., and Shin, Y. (1992) Testing the null hypothesis of stationarity against the alternative of a unit root. Journal of Econometrics, 54, 159–178.
Nabeya, S. and Tanaka, K. (1988) Asymptotic theory of a test for the constancy regression coefficients against the random walk alternative. Annals of Statistics, 16, 218–235.
Phillips, P.C.B. and Perron, P. (1988) Testing for a unit root in time series regression. Biometrika, 75, 335–346.
Phillips, P.C.B. (1987) Time series with unit roots. Econometrica, 55, 277–301
set.seed(2802) test <- KPSS.test(rnorm(20), type.H0 = "trend") class(test) test$crit.value
set.seed(2802) test <- KPSS.test(rnorm(20), type.H0 = "trend") class(test) test$crit.value
Computes the logffMlink
transformation, including its inverse
and the first two derivatives.
logffMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, alg.roots = c("Newton-Raphson", "bisection")[1], inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
logffMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, alg.roots = c("Newton-Raphson", "bisection")[1], inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. This is |
bvalue |
This is a boundary value. See below.
Also refer to |
alg.roots |
Character. The iterative algorithm to find the inverse of this link function. Default is the first (Newton–Raphson). Optionally, the bisection method is also available. See below for more details. |
inverse , deriv , short , tag
Details at |
This link function arises as a natural link function for the mean,
, of the logarithmic (or log-series) distribution,
. It is defined for any value
of the shape parameter (i.e.
in the
VGLM/VGAM context), , as the
logarithm of
. It can be easily shown that
is the difference of two common link functions:
It is particularly usefull for event–rate data where the expected number of events can be modelled as
Here is the standardized mean (or event-rate)
per unit time,
is the timeframe observed,
are the mean and the
shape parameter of the logarithmic distribution respectively.
The logarithm is then applied to both sides so
can be incorporated in the analysis as an offset.
While logffMlink
is not the canonical link function of
the logarithmic distribution, it is certainly part of the
canonical link, given by the composite
where denotes the inverse of
The domain set of this link function is .
Therefore, values of
(that is ) too close to
or to
or out of range will result in
, NA
or NaN
. Use argument bvalue
to adequately replace them before computing the link function.
Particularly, if inverse = TRUE
and deriv = 0
then becomes
, and therefore the domain set
turns to
If theta
is a character, then arguments inverse
are disregarded.
For deriv = 0
, the logffMlink
transformation of
, i.e., logitlink(theta) - clogloglink(theta)
, if
inverse = FALSE
When inverse = TRUE
the vector entered at theta
becomes and, then, this link function
returns a unique vector
such that
i.e., the inverse image of .
Specifically, the inverse of
cannot be written in
closed–form, then the latter is equivalent to search for the roots
of the function
as a function of . To do this, the auxiliary
is internally generated.
Then, with the method established at alg.roots
either Newton–Raphson or bisection, this link function
approximates and returns the inverse image
(of given
), which
plays the role of the inverse of
. In particular,
for and
, it returns
For deriv = 1
, d eta
/ d theta
as a function of theta
if inverse = FALSE
, else
the reciprocal d theta
/ d eta
Similarly, when deriv = 2
the second order derivatives
are correspondingly returned.
Both, first and second derivatives, can be written in closed–form.
is a monotonically
increasing, convex, and strictly positive function in such
that the horizontal axis is an asymptote. Therefore, when the inverse
image of
is required, each entry of
(via argument
) must be non-negative so that
is shifted down. This fact allows this function to uniquely
intersect the horizontal axis which guarantees to iteratively find
the corresponding root
, i.e., the
inverse image of
. Else,
will be returned.
See example 3. It is the plot of logffMlink
Besides, the vertical straight line theta
is also
an asymptote. Hence, this link function may grow sharply for
values of
too close to .
See Example 4 for further details.
To find the inverse image of
, either
or bisection.basic
This link function can be used for modelling any parameter lying
between 0.0 and 1.0. Consequently, when there are covariates,
some problems may occur. For example, the method entered
at alg.roots
to approximate the inverse image may converge
at a slow rate. Similarly if the sample size is small, less than 20 say.
Try another link function, as
, in such cases.
V. Miranda and T. W. Yee
## Example 1 ## set.seed(0906) Shapes <- sort(runif(10)) logffMlink(theta = Shapes, deriv = 1) ## d eta/d theta, as function of theta logldata.inv <- logffMlink(theta = logffMlink(theta = Shapes), inverse = TRUE) - Shapes summary(logldata.inv) ## Should be zero ## Example 2 Some probability link funtions ## s.shapes <- ppoints(100) par(lwd = 2) plot(s.shapes, logitlink(s.shapes), xlim = c(-0.1, 1.1), type = "l", col = "limegreen", ylab = "transformation", las = 1, main = "Some probability link functions") lines(s.shapes, logffMlink(s.shapes), col = "blue") lines(s.shapes, probitlink(s.shapes), col = "purple") lines(s.shapes, clogloglink(s.shapes), col = "chocolate") lines(s.shapes, cauchitlink(s.shapes), col = "tan") abline(v = c(0.5, 1), lty = "dashed") abline(v = 0, h = 0, lty = "dashed") legend(0.1, 4.5, c("logffMlink","logitlink", "probitlink", "clogloglink", "cauchitlink"), col = c("blue", "limegreen", "purple", "chocolate", "tan"), lwd = 1) par(lwd = 1) ## Example 3. Plot of 'logffMlink()' with eta = 1.5. ## m.eta1.5 <- logffMlink(theta = s.shapes, deriv = 0) - 1.5 plot(m.eta1.5 ~ s.shapes, type = "l", col = "limegreen", las = 1, lty = 2, lwd = 3, xlim = c(-0.1, 1.0), ylim = c(-2, 3), xlab = "shape parameter, s, in (0, 1).", ylab = "logffMlink(s) - 1.5", main = "logff.func(s; 1.5) = logffMlink(s) - 1.5, in (0, 1)") abline(h = 0, v = 0) abline(v = 1.0, lty = 2) ## Example 4. Special values of theta, inverse = FALSE ## s.shapes <- c(-Inf, -2, -1, 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 10, 100, Inf, NaN, NA) rbind(s.shapes, logffMlink(theta = s.shapes))
## Example 1 ## set.seed(0906) Shapes <- sort(runif(10)) logffMlink(theta = Shapes, deriv = 1) ## d eta/d theta, as function of theta logldata.inv <- logffMlink(theta = logffMlink(theta = Shapes), inverse = TRUE) - Shapes summary(logldata.inv) ## Should be zero ## Example 2 Some probability link funtions ## s.shapes <- ppoints(100) par(lwd = 2) plot(s.shapes, logitlink(s.shapes), xlim = c(-0.1, 1.1), type = "l", col = "limegreen", ylab = "transformation", las = 1, main = "Some probability link functions") lines(s.shapes, logffMlink(s.shapes), col = "blue") lines(s.shapes, probitlink(s.shapes), col = "purple") lines(s.shapes, clogloglink(s.shapes), col = "chocolate") lines(s.shapes, cauchitlink(s.shapes), col = "tan") abline(v = c(0.5, 1), lty = "dashed") abline(v = 0, h = 0, lty = "dashed") legend(0.1, 4.5, c("logffMlink","logitlink", "probitlink", "clogloglink", "cauchitlink"), col = c("blue", "limegreen", "purple", "chocolate", "tan"), lwd = 1) par(lwd = 1) ## Example 3. Plot of 'logffMlink()' with eta = 1.5. ## m.eta1.5 <- logffMlink(theta = s.shapes, deriv = 0) - 1.5 plot(m.eta1.5 ~ s.shapes, type = "l", col = "limegreen", las = 1, lty = 2, lwd = 3, xlim = c(-0.1, 1.0), ylim = c(-2, 3), xlab = "shape parameter, s, in (0, 1).", ylab = "logffMlink(s) - 1.5", main = "logff.func(s; 1.5) = logffMlink(s) - 1.5, in (0, 1)") abline(h = 0, v = 0) abline(v = 1.0, lty = 2) ## Example 4. Special values of theta, inverse = FALSE ## s.shapes <- c(-Inf, -2, -1, 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 10, 100, Inf, NaN, NA) rbind(s.shapes, logffMlink(theta = s.shapes))
Estimates the intercept, standard deviation (or variance) of the random noise (not necessarily constant), and the conditional–mean model coefficients of an order–q moving average (MA) process with covariates (MAX(q)) by maximum likelihood estimation using Fisher scoring.
MAXff(order = 1, zero = c(if (nomean) NULL else "Mean", "MAcoeff"), xLag = 0, type.EIM = c("exact", "approximate")[1], var.arg = TRUE, nomean = FALSE, noChecks = FALSE, lmean = "identitylink", lsd = "loglink", lvar = "loglink", lMAcoeff = "identitylink", imean = NULL, isd = NULL, ivar = NULL, iMAcoeff = NULL)
MAXff(order = 1, zero = c(if (nomean) NULL else "Mean", "MAcoeff"), xLag = 0, type.EIM = c("exact", "approximate")[1], var.arg = TRUE, nomean = FALSE, noChecks = FALSE, lmean = "identitylink", lsd = "loglink", lvar = "loglink", lMAcoeff = "identitylink", imean = NULL, isd = NULL, ivar = NULL, iMAcoeff = NULL)
order |
The order 'q' of the MA model, recycled if needed.
By default |
zero |
Integer or character–string vector.
Same as |
xLag |
Same as |
type.EIM , var.arg
Same as |
nomean |
Logical. |
noChecks |
Logical. Same as |
lmean , lsd , lvar , lMAcoeff
Link functions applied to the mean (intercept),
the standard deviation or variance of the random noise, and
the MA coefficients (conditional–mean model).
Note, |
imean , isd , ivar , iMAcoeff
Same as |
Similar to ARXff
this family function fits an order– moving average model
with covariates (MAX(q)),
another special case of the class VGLM–ARIMA
(Miranda and Yee, 2018). Observations,
, are
modelled as
where is the (possibly time–dependent) intercept,
modelled as
, and
the errors are mean–zero Gaussian:
The symbol
denotes the history
of the joint process
at time
for a time–varying covariate
At each step of Fisher scoring, the exact log-likelihood
based on model above
is computed through dMAq
The linear predictor by default is
The unconditional mean of the process is simply
, provided no covariates added.
This family function
is not restricted to the noise to be strictly white noise
(in the sense of constant variance).
That is, covariates may be incorporated in the linear predictor
Also, it handles
multiple responses so that a matrix can be used as the response.
For further details on VGLM/VGAM–link functions,
such as
, refer to
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
) to be
used by VGLM/VGAM modelling functions, e.g.,
or vgam
By default, a moving-average model of order- is fitted.
If different, the order
is recycled up to the number of responses
entered in the vglm \ vgam
call has been matched.
Successful convergence depends on reasonably setting initial values. If
initial values computed by the algorithm are not adequate, make use of
the the optional initial values (imean
, isd
, etc.)
For constraints on the paramaters see
Further choices for the random noise, besides Gaussian, will be implemented over time.
can be either an integer vector
or a vector of character strings
specifying either the position(s) or name(s) (partially or not) of the
parameter(s) modeled as intercept-only. For MAXff
the parameters are placed and named as follows (by convention):
c("Mean", "noiseVar" or "noiseSD", "MAcoeff")
Users can modify the zero
argument accordingly.
For simplicity, the second choice recommended.
See CommonVGAMffArguments
for further details on zero
If no constraints are entered in the fitting process,
(e.g., via cm.ARMA
this family function internally verifies by default
whether the estimated series
is invertible (since noChecks = FALSE
To ignore this step, set noChecks = TRUE
If the estimated MA process is non-invertible, MLE
coefficients will conform with the corresponding
invertible MA model.
Further details about these checks are shown within
the summary()
Victor Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
Miranda, V. and Yee, T.W. (2018) Vector Generalized Linear Time Series Models. In preparation.
Madsen, H. (2008) Time Series Analysis Florida, USA: Chapman & Hall. (Sections 5.3 to 5.5).
Tsay, R. (2013)
An Introduction to Analysis of Financial data with R
New Jersey, USA: Wiley Sections 2.2 to 2.4.
set.seed(2) nn <- 130 ### Coefficients phi1 <- 0.34; phi2 <- -1.19; phi3 <- 0.26 ### Intercept mu <- c(-1.4, 2.3) ### Noise standar deviations (Two responses) sdMA <- c(sqrt(6.5), sqrt(4.0)) ### A single covariate. Xcov <- runif(nn) # Generating two MA processes, TS1 and TS2, Gaussian noise. # Note, the SD noise for TS2 is function of Xcov. y1 <- mu[1] + arima.sim(nn, model = list( ma = c(phi1, phi1^2)), rand.gen = rnorm, sd = exp(sdMA[1]) ) y2 <- mu[2] + arima.sim(nn, model = list( ma = c(phi1, phi2, phi3) ), rand.gen = rnorm, sd = exp(Xcov + sdMA[2]) ) # OUR DATA tsdata <- data.frame(x2 = Xcov , TS1 = y1, TS2 = y2) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # 1. A simple MA(3) to compare with 'arima()'. myfit0 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1, MAXff(order = 3, type.EIM = "exact", var.arg = FALSE), #constraints = cm.ARMA(Model = ~ 1, # lags.cm = 2, # Resp = 1), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) Coef(myfit0)[c(3, 4, 1)] fitArima <- arima(tsdata$TS1, order = c(0, 0, 2)) coef(fitArima) AIC(myfit0); BIC(myfit0) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------# # 2. Estimate an MA(3), intercept-only, using initial values. myfit <- vglm(TS2 ~ 1, MAXff(order = 3, type.EIM = c("exact", "approx")[1], # Optional initial values. imean = 3, iMAcoeff = c(0.3, -0.2, 0.25), var.arg = TRUE), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) Coef(myfit) summary(myfit) constraints(myfit) #----------------------------------------# # Same model fitted using arima() #----------------------------------------# fitArima <- arima(tsdata$TS2, order = c(0, 0, 3)) coef(fitArima) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # 3. An MAX(3) with one covariate, testing its effect over the # standard deviation of the Gaussian noise. Note the 'zero' argument. myfit1 <- vglm(TS2 ~ x2, # Or Multiple responses! # cbind(TS1, TS2) ~ 1, MAXff(order = 3, type.EIM = "exact", xLag = 1, # Optional initial values: # idev.mean = 1.4, # iMAcoeff = c(2.3, -1.2, 0.25), isd = 1.6, # NOTE THE ZERO ARGUMENT: zero = c("Mean", "MAcoeff"), var.arg = TRUE), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) coef(myfit1, matrix = TRUE) summary(myfit1) vcov(myfit1) constraints(myfit1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Model above CANNOT be fitted using arima() #------------------------------------------------------------------------#
set.seed(2) nn <- 130 ### Coefficients phi1 <- 0.34; phi2 <- -1.19; phi3 <- 0.26 ### Intercept mu <- c(-1.4, 2.3) ### Noise standar deviations (Two responses) sdMA <- c(sqrt(6.5), sqrt(4.0)) ### A single covariate. Xcov <- runif(nn) # Generating two MA processes, TS1 and TS2, Gaussian noise. # Note, the SD noise for TS2 is function of Xcov. y1 <- mu[1] + arima.sim(nn, model = list( ma = c(phi1, phi1^2)), rand.gen = rnorm, sd = exp(sdMA[1]) ) y2 <- mu[2] + arima.sim(nn, model = list( ma = c(phi1, phi2, phi3) ), rand.gen = rnorm, sd = exp(Xcov + sdMA[2]) ) # OUR DATA tsdata <- data.frame(x2 = Xcov , TS1 = y1, TS2 = y2) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # 1. A simple MA(3) to compare with 'arima()'. myfit0 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1, MAXff(order = 3, type.EIM = "exact", var.arg = FALSE), #constraints = cm.ARMA(Model = ~ 1, # lags.cm = 2, # Resp = 1), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) Coef(myfit0)[c(3, 4, 1)] fitArima <- arima(tsdata$TS1, order = c(0, 0, 2)) coef(fitArima) AIC(myfit0); BIC(myfit0) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------# # 2. Estimate an MA(3), intercept-only, using initial values. myfit <- vglm(TS2 ~ 1, MAXff(order = 3, type.EIM = c("exact", "approx")[1], # Optional initial values. imean = 3, iMAcoeff = c(0.3, -0.2, 0.25), var.arg = TRUE), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) Coef(myfit) summary(myfit) constraints(myfit) #----------------------------------------# # Same model fitted using arima() #----------------------------------------# fitArima <- arima(tsdata$TS2, order = c(0, 0, 3)) coef(fitArima) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # 3. An MAX(3) with one covariate, testing its effect over the # standard deviation of the Gaussian noise. Note the 'zero' argument. myfit1 <- vglm(TS2 ~ x2, # Or Multiple responses! # cbind(TS1, TS2) ~ 1, MAXff(order = 3, type.EIM = "exact", xLag = 1, # Optional initial values: # idev.mean = 1.4, # iMAcoeff = c(2.3, -1.2, 0.25), isd = 1.6, # NOTE THE ZERO ARGUMENT: zero = c("Mean", "MAcoeff"), var.arg = TRUE), data = tsdata, trace = TRUE) coef(myfit1, matrix = TRUE) summary(myfit1) vcov(myfit1) constraints(myfit1) #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Model above CANNOT be fitted using arima() #------------------------------------------------------------------------#
Computes the maxwellQlink
transformation, its inverse and the
first two derivatives.
maxwellQlink(theta, p = stop("Argument 'p' must be specified."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
maxwellQlink(theta, p = stop("Argument 'p' must be specified."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. See below for further details. |
p |
Numeric. A single value between 0 and 1.
It is the |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
In the VGLM/VGAM quantile regression context, this link function
can be used to model any –quantile of the
Maxwell distribition. It is the
given by
Here, is positive parameter as in
whereas qgamma
is the quantile
function of the gamma distribution.
Numerical values of or
out of range will
result in
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
In particular, arguments inverse
and deriv
disregarded if theta
is character.
Also, if inverse = TRUE
and deriv = 0
, then argument
becomes . See
for further details about this.
For deriv = 0
, the maxwellQlink
transformation of
, when inverse = FALSE
. If inverse = TRUE
then the inverse given by 2*qgamma(p, 1.5) / theta^2
is returned.
For deriv = 1
, this function returns the derivative
if inverse = FALSE
. Else, the reciprocal
as a function of theta
If deriv = 2
, then the second order derivatives in terms of
are accordingly returned.
Numerical instability may occur for values theta
too close
to zero. Use argument bvalue
to replace them before
computing the link.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
## E1. maxwellQlink() and its inverse ## p <- 0.25 ## Modeling the first quartile my.a <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)[-1] max(my.a - maxwellQlink(maxwellQlink(my.a, p = p), p = p, inverse =TRUE)) ## Zero ## E2. The first two values are negative, NaN is returned ## maxwellQlink(theta = c(-0.15, -0.10, 0.25, 0.35) , p = p, inverse = FALSE) maxwellQlink(theta = c(-0.15, -0.10, 0.25, 0.35) , p = p, inverse = TRUE) ## E3. Plot of the maxwellQlink() and its inverse ## ## Note, inverse = TRUE implies that argument 'theta' becomes 'eta'. ## #--- THE LINK plot(maxwellQlink(theta = my.a, p = p) ~ my.a, type = "l", col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = 3, xlim = c(-0.1, 10), ylim = c(-0.1, 5), las = 1, main = c("Blue is maxwellQlink(), green is the inverse"), ylab = "eta = maxwellQlink", xlab = "theta") abline(h = 0, v = 0, lwd = 2) #--- THE INVERSE lines(my.a, maxwellQlink(theta = my.a, p = p,inv = TRUE), col = "green", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed") lines(my.a, my.a) # Tracing the identity function for double--check
## E1. maxwellQlink() and its inverse ## p <- 0.25 ## Modeling the first quartile my.a <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)[-1] max(my.a - maxwellQlink(maxwellQlink(my.a, p = p), p = p, inverse =TRUE)) ## Zero ## E2. The first two values are negative, NaN is returned ## maxwellQlink(theta = c(-0.15, -0.10, 0.25, 0.35) , p = p, inverse = FALSE) maxwellQlink(theta = c(-0.15, -0.10, 0.25, 0.35) , p = p, inverse = TRUE) ## E3. Plot of the maxwellQlink() and its inverse ## ## Note, inverse = TRUE implies that argument 'theta' becomes 'eta'. ## #--- THE LINK plot(maxwellQlink(theta = my.a, p = p) ~ my.a, type = "l", col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = 3, xlim = c(-0.1, 10), ylim = c(-0.1, 5), las = 1, main = c("Blue is maxwellQlink(), green is the inverse"), ylab = "eta = maxwellQlink", xlab = "theta") abline(h = 0, v = 0, lwd = 2) #--- THE INVERSE lines(my.a, maxwellQlink(theta = my.a, p = p,inv = TRUE), col = "green", lwd = 2, lty = "dashed") lines(my.a, my.a) # Tracing the identity function for double--check
Maximum likelihood estimation of the Multivariate Normal distribution. The covariances (not correlation coefficients) are included in the parameter vector.
MVNcov(zero = c("var", "cov"), lmean = "identitylink", lvar = "loglink", lcov = "identitylink")
MVNcov(zero = c("var", "cov"), lmean = "identitylink", lvar = "loglink", lcov = "identitylink")
zero |
Integer or character–string vector.
Which linear predictors are intercept–only.
Details at |
lmean , lvar , lcov
VGLM–link functions applied to the means, variances and covariances. |
For the –dimensional normal distribution,
this fits a linear model to the
, which are the
first entries in the linear predictor. The variances
and then the covariances
, are next aligned.
The fitted means are returned as the fitted values.
The log–likelihood is computed via
an implementation of the multivariate Normal density.
The score and expected information matrices are internally computed at each Fisher scoring step, using its vectorized form.
The response should be an –column matrix.
The covariances may be any real number so that
is a reasonable choice.
For further details on VGLM/VGAM–link functions, see
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
) to be
used by VGLM/VGAM modelling functions, e.g.,
or vgam
Unlike other implementations, e.g.,
VGAM in terms of and standard deviations,
the variances and covariances, modeled as intercept–only.
See argument zero
, whose default is c("var", "cov")
to change this.
Thus far, there is no guarantee that the estimated var–cov matrix will be
positive–definite. Proper procedures to validate this will
be incorporated shortly, such as the @validparams
Although the function has been tested on
data sets, it is recommended that
unless the data are nice and
is sufficiently large.
Victor Miranda.
# K = 3. set.seed(180227) nn <- 85 mvndata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn), x3 = runif(nn)) mvndata <- transform(mvndata, y = rbinorm(nn, mean1 = 2 - 2 * x2 + 1 * x3, mean2 = 2 - 1.5 * x3, var1 = exp(1.0), var2 = exp(-0.75), cov12 = 0.5 * exp(1.0) * exp(-0.75))) mvndata <- transform(mvndata, y3 = rnorm(nn, mean = 2 + x2, sd = exp(1.5))) colnames(mvndata) <- c("x2", "x3", "y1", "y2", "y3") mvnfit <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3) ~ x2 + x3, MVNcov, data = mvndata, trace = TRUE) (mvncoef <- coef(mvnfit, mat = TRUE)) ## Check variances and covariances: var1, var2 and var3. exp(mvncoef[c(10, 13, 16)]) # True are var1 = exp(1.0) = 2.718, # var2 = exp(-0.75) = 0.472 # and var3 = exp(1.5)^2 = 20.08554 vcov(mvnfit) constraints(mvnfit) summary(mvnfit)
# K = 3. set.seed(180227) nn <- 85 mvndata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn), x3 = runif(nn)) mvndata <- transform(mvndata, y = rbinorm(nn, mean1 = 2 - 2 * x2 + 1 * x3, mean2 = 2 - 1.5 * x3, var1 = exp(1.0), var2 = exp(-0.75), cov12 = 0.5 * exp(1.0) * exp(-0.75))) mvndata <- transform(mvndata, y3 = rnorm(nn, mean = 2 + x2, sd = exp(1.5))) colnames(mvndata) <- c("x2", "x3", "y1", "y2", "y3") mvnfit <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3) ~ x2 + x3, MVNcov, data = mvndata, trace = TRUE) (mvncoef <- coef(mvnfit, mat = TRUE)) ## Check variances and covariances: var1, var2 and var3. exp(mvncoef[c(10, 13, 16)]) # True are var1 = exp(1.0) = 2.718, # var2 = exp(-0.75) = 0.472 # and var3 = exp(1.5)^2 = 20.08554 vcov(mvnfit) constraints(mvnfit) summary(mvnfit)
Newton–Raphson algorithm to approximate the roots of univariate real–valued functions.
This function is vectorized.
newtonRaphson.basic(f, fprime, a, b, tol = 1e-8, n.Seq = 20, nmax = 15, ...)
newtonRaphson.basic(f, fprime, a, b, tol = 1e-8, n.Seq = 20, nmax = 15, ...)
f |
A univariate function whose root(s) are approximated. This is the target function. Must return a vector. |
fprime |
A function. The first derivative of |
a , b
Numeric vectors.
Upper and lower real limits of the open interval These vectors are subject to be recycled if |
tol |
Numeric. A number close to zero to test whether the
approximate roots from iterations |
n.Seq |
Numeric. The number of equally spaced initial points within
the interval ( |
nmax |
Maximum number of iterations. Default is |
... |
Any other argument passed down to functions |
This is an implementation of the well–known Newton–Raphson
algorithm to find a real root, ,
of the function
Initial values, say, for the algorithm are
internally computed by drawing '
' equally spaced points
in . Then, the function
is evaluated at this
sequence. Finally, results from the closest image to
the horizontal axis.
At iteration , the
given by
is computed, unless the approximate root from step is the
desired one.
approximates this root up to
a relative error less than tol
. That is, at each iteration,
the relative error between the estimated roots from iterations
is calculated and then compared to
The algorithm stops when this condition is met.
Instead of being single real values, arguments a
and b
can be entered as vectors of length , say
In such cases, this function approaches the (supposed) root(s)
at each interval
. Here, initial values are searched
for each interval
The approximate roots in the intervals
, then a single estimated root is returned, if any.
The explicit forms of the target function f
and its
first derivative fprime
must be available for the algorithm.
does not handle yet numerically approximated derivatives.
A warning is displayed if no roots are found, or if more than one
root might be lying in
, for any
If a
and b
lengths differ, then the recyling rule
is applied. Specifically, the vector with minimum length
will be extended up to match the maximum length by repeating
its values.
V. Miranda.
# Find the roots in c(-0.5, 0.8), c(0.6, 1.2) and c(1.3, 4.1) for the # f(x) = x * (x - 1) * (x - 2). Roots: r1 = 0, and r2 = 1, r3 = 2. f <- function(x) x * (x - 1) * (x - 2) fprime <- function(x) 3 * x^2 - 6 * x + 2 # Three roots. newtonRaphson.basic(f = f, fprime = fprime, a = c(-0.5, 0.6, 1.3), b = c(0.8, 1.2, 4.1)) ## 0.0, 1.0 and 2.0 # Recycling rule. Intervals analysed are (-0.5, 1.2) and (0.6, 1.2) newtonRaphson.basic(f = f, fprime = fprime, a = c(-0.5, 0.6), b = c(1.2)) ## Warning: There is more than one root in (-0.5, 1.2)!
# Find the roots in c(-0.5, 0.8), c(0.6, 1.2) and c(1.3, 4.1) for the # f(x) = x * (x - 1) * (x - 2). Roots: r1 = 0, and r2 = 1, r3 = 2. f <- function(x) x * (x - 1) * (x - 2) fprime <- function(x) 3 * x^2 - 6 * x + 2 # Three roots. newtonRaphson.basic(f = f, fprime = fprime, a = c(-0.5, 0.6, 1.3), b = c(0.8, 1.2, 4.1)) ## 0.0, 1.0 and 2.0 # Recycling rule. Intervals analysed are (-0.5, 1.2) and (0.6, 1.2) newtonRaphson.basic(f = f, fprime = fprime, a = c(-0.5, 0.6), b = c(1.2)) ## Warning: There is more than one root in (-0.5, 1.2)!
Maximum likelihood estimation of the standard deviation, including inference for conditional quantiles, of a univariate normal distribution.
normal1sdff(zero = NULL, link = "loglink", fixed.mean = 0, p.quant = NULL, var.arg = FALSE)
normal1sdff(zero = NULL, link = "loglink", fixed.mean = 0, p.quant = NULL, var.arg = FALSE)
zero |
Allows to model the single linear predictor in this family function as intercept–only. See below for important details about this. |
link |
This is the link function applied to the standard deviation.
If |
fixed.mean |
Numeric, a vector or a matrix. It allocates the (fixed) mean of the response in the fitting process. See below for further details. |
p.quant |
Numeric. A prototype vector of probabilities indicating the quantiles of interest, when quantile regression is to be performed. |
var.arg |
If |
This family function is a variant of
to estimate the standard deviation of a Normal distribution
with known mean. The estimated values are returned as
the fitted values, unlike some other family functions where the mean
is returned as fitted values. However, here the mean is
assumed to be known.
By default, the response is supposedly centered on its mean,
that is, fixed.mean
. Change this accordingly:
For a single response or multiple responses,
be a numeric vector where each entry is the mean of each response,
only if the mean is fixed. When the mean is not constant,
must be matrix with the number of columns matching
the number of responses.
Quantile regression:
The (single) linear/additive predictor by default is the log
of the standard deviation. However, if quantile regression is of
primary interest, then the response must be entered using the function
, and the corresponding
–quantiles through
in the
or vgam
Additionally, set normalsdQlink
as the link function via the argument link
This family VGAM function handles multiple responses.
An object of class "vglmff"
See vglmff-class
for further details.
Be aware of the argument zero
by default, the single linear/additive predictor in this family
function, say , can be modeled in terms of covariates,
zero = NULL
To model as intercept–only, set
zero = "sd"
See zero
for more details about this.
V. Miranda.
set.seed(121216) my.mean <- -1 # Mean (CONSTANT) my.sd <- 2.5 y <- rnorm(100, mean = my.mean, sd = 2.0) # Generate some data. normdat <- data.frame(y = y) # Setting up our data. # Plotting the data plot(y, main = c("Y ~ Normal ( mean(known), sd = 2.5 ). "), ylab = "The data", pch = 20, xlim = c(0, 100), ylim = c(-7, 7), col = "blue") abline(h = 0, v = 0, lwd = 2, col = "black") ### EXAMPLE 1. Estimate the SD with two responses. The mean is fixed. ### fit1 <- vglm(cbind(y, y) ~ 1, family = normal1sdff(fixed.mean = my.mean), data = normdat, trace = TRUE, crit = "coef") Coef(fit1) summary(fit1) ### EXAMPLE 2. Quantile regression. The link normal1sdQlink() is used. ### my.p <- c(25, 50, 75) / 100 # Quantiles 25%, 50% and 75% are of interest. fit2 <- vglm(Q.reg(y, length.arg = 3) ~ 1, family = normal1sdff(fixed.mean = my.mean, p.quant = my.p, link = normal1sdQlink), data = normdat, trace = TRUE, crit = "coef") summary(fit2) head(predict(fit2)) constraints(fit2) ### EXAMPLE 3. Complete the plot. Quantiles matching. ### ( my.c3Q <- coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) ) with(normdat, lines(rep(my.c3Q[1], 100), col = "tan" , lty = "dotted", lwd = 2)) with(normdat, lines(rep(my.c3Q[2], 100), col = "orange", lty = "dotted", lwd = 2)) with(normdat, lines(rep(my.c3Q[3], 100), col = "brown1", lty = "dotted", lwd = 2)) legend(20, 7.0, c("Percentil 75", "Percentil 50", "Percentil 25"), col = c("brown1", "orange", "tan"), lty = rep("dotted", 3), lwd = rep(2, 3), cex = 0.75)
set.seed(121216) my.mean <- -1 # Mean (CONSTANT) my.sd <- 2.5 y <- rnorm(100, mean = my.mean, sd = 2.0) # Generate some data. normdat <- data.frame(y = y) # Setting up our data. # Plotting the data plot(y, main = c("Y ~ Normal ( mean(known), sd = 2.5 ). "), ylab = "The data", pch = 20, xlim = c(0, 100), ylim = c(-7, 7), col = "blue") abline(h = 0, v = 0, lwd = 2, col = "black") ### EXAMPLE 1. Estimate the SD with two responses. The mean is fixed. ### fit1 <- vglm(cbind(y, y) ~ 1, family = normal1sdff(fixed.mean = my.mean), data = normdat, trace = TRUE, crit = "coef") Coef(fit1) summary(fit1) ### EXAMPLE 2. Quantile regression. The link normal1sdQlink() is used. ### my.p <- c(25, 50, 75) / 100 # Quantiles 25%, 50% and 75% are of interest. fit2 <- vglm(Q.reg(y, length.arg = 3) ~ 1, family = normal1sdff(fixed.mean = my.mean, p.quant = my.p, link = normal1sdQlink), data = normdat, trace = TRUE, crit = "coef") summary(fit2) head(predict(fit2)) constraints(fit2) ### EXAMPLE 3. Complete the plot. Quantiles matching. ### ( my.c3Q <- coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) ) with(normdat, lines(rep(my.c3Q[1], 100), col = "tan" , lty = "dotted", lwd = 2)) with(normdat, lines(rep(my.c3Q[2], 100), col = "orange", lty = "dotted", lwd = 2)) with(normdat, lines(rep(my.c3Q[3], 100), col = "brown1", lty = "dotted", lwd = 2)) legend(20, 7.0, c("Percentil 75", "Percentil 50", "Percentil 25"), col = c("brown1", "orange", "tan"), lty = rep("dotted", 3), lwd = rep(2, 3), cex = 0.75)
Computes the normal1sdQlink
transformation for the Univariate
Normal Distribution, its inverse and the first two derivatives.
normal1sdQlink(theta, mean = stop("Please, enter the fixed 'mean'."), p = stop(" Please, enter argument 'p'."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
normal1sdQlink(theta, mean = stop("Please, enter the fixed 'mean'."), p = stop(" Please, enter argument 'p'."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character.
This is |
mean |
A numeric vector or a matrix. It is the (known) fixed mean of the Normal distribution of interest. See below for further details. |
p |
Numeric vector of |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
Details at |
This link function is necessarily required by
if quantile regression
is to be performed. It computes the normal1sdQlink
transformation, defined as
Here, denotes the inverse
of the error function
, and
is the standard deviation (
) as in
Technically, normal1sdQlink
can be used for quantile regression
over any vector of –quantiles of Normally distributed data
with known mean.
See normal1sd
for further details
about the latter.
Values of out of the open interval
or non–positive
values of
will result in Inf
, -Inf
or NaN
When deriv = 0
, the normal1sdQlink
of theta
, if inverse = FALSE
. Conversely, if
inverse = TRUE
, theta
becomes and
the inverse transformation given by
(theta - mean)/
is returned.
For deriv = 1
if inverse = FALSE
. Else, this function returns
as a function of theta
For deriv = 2
, the second order derivatives are accordingly
If p
is a vector, then the recycling rule applies only
if theta
is entered as a matrix. Else, only the first entry in
is considered.
When inverse = TRUE
, the reciprocal of the error function,
, evaluated at p
is required. However, the result is
for p
Here, in consequence, the limit of
tends to is returned to avoid numerical issues.
V. Miranda
### Example 1 ### theta <- seq(0, 3, by = 0.1)[-1] # This is sigma, then must be positive. mean <- -2.5 # Intentionally, a negative value for mu. p <- 0.25 # Modelling the first quartile. eta <- normal1sdQlink(theta = theta, p = p, mean = mean) inv.eta <- normal1sdQlink(theta = eta, p = p, mean = mean, inverse = TRUE) summary(inv.eta - theta) ## Should be 0 ### Example 2. Special values of theta, using argument 'bvalue'. ### theta <- c(-Inf, -5, -2.5, 0, 2.5, 5, Inf, NA, NaN) my.matrix <- rbind(theta, normal1sdQlink(theta = theta, p = p, mean = mean), normal1sdQlink(theta = theta, p = p, mean = mean, bvalue = 1e-5)) rownames(my.matrix) <- c("theta", "No 'bvalue'", "With 'bvalue'") colnames(my.matrix) <- rep("", 9) my.matrix # Second row has NAs, whilst third row has NO NAs except for theta = NA
### Example 1 ### theta <- seq(0, 3, by = 0.1)[-1] # This is sigma, then must be positive. mean <- -2.5 # Intentionally, a negative value for mu. p <- 0.25 # Modelling the first quartile. eta <- normal1sdQlink(theta = theta, p = p, mean = mean) inv.eta <- normal1sdQlink(theta = eta, p = p, mean = mean, inverse = TRUE) summary(inv.eta - theta) ## Should be 0 ### Example 2. Special values of theta, using argument 'bvalue'. ### theta <- c(-Inf, -5, -2.5, 0, 2.5, 5, Inf, NA, NaN) my.matrix <- rbind(theta, normal1sdQlink(theta = theta, p = p, mean = mean), normal1sdQlink(theta = theta, p = p, mean = mean, bvalue = 1e-5)) rownames(my.matrix) <- c("theta", "No 'bvalue'", "With 'bvalue'") colnames(my.matrix) <- rep("", 9) my.matrix # Second row has NAs, whilst third row has NO NAs except for theta = NA
Those functions not documented yet in VGAMextra are aliased to this file.
These functions are still under review or being tested, and will be documented over time.
Overall, these functions returns objects required by time series family functions in VGAMextra.
Further details will be given shortly.
V. Miranda
Computes the posPoiMlink
its inverse and the first two derivatives.
posPoiMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, alg.roots = c("Newton-Raphson", "bisection")[1], inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
posPoiMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, alg.roots = c("Newton-Raphson", "bisection")[1], inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. This is |
bvalue |
Details at |
alg.roots |
Character. The iterative method to find the inverse of this link
function. Same as |
inverse , deriv , short , tag
Details at |
This is a link function for the mean of the positive Poisson distribution. It is defined as
where stands for the single parameter of
, i.e.
in the VGLM/VGAM context.
Notice, the mean of the positive Poisson is given by
This link function comes up by taking the logarithm on both sides of this equation.
The domain set for is
Hence, non–positive values of
will result in
or NA
. Use argument bvalue
to properly replace
them before computing the link function.
tends to infinity as
increases. Specially, its inverse grows at a higher rate. Therefore,
large values of
will result in
See example 2 below.
If theta
is a character, arguments inverse
are disregarded.
For deriv = 0
, the posPoiMlink
transformation of
, if inverse = FALSE
. When inverse = TRUE
becomes and the inverse of
is needed but cannot be written in
closed–form. Instead this link function returns the approximated
inverse image of , say
such that
Here, is iteratively computed
as the unique root of the auxiliary function
as a function of .
This work is performed via Newton–Raphson or bisection,
as per argument
For deriv = 1
, d eta
/ d theta
as a function of theta
if inverse = FALSE
, else
the reciprocal d theta
/ d eta
Similarly, when deriv = 2
the second order derivatives
are returned in terms of theta
This link function is monotonic increasing in so that
the horizontal axis is an asymptote. Then, in order to assure the root
of the auxiliary
to be real, must be positive. As a result,
is shited–down and hence intersecting
the horizontal axis uniquely.
This link function is useful to model any parameter
in . Some numerical issues may arise if there are
covariates causing negative values the parameter.
V. Miranda and T. W. Yee.
## Example 1. Special values for theta (or eta, accordingly) ## m.lambda <- c(0, 0.5, 1, 10, 20, 25, 1e2, 1e3, Inf, -Inf, NaN, NA) # The 'posPoiMlink' transformation and the first two derivatives. print(rbind(m.lambda, deriv1 = posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 1), deriv2 = posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 2)), digits = 2) # The inverse of 'posPoiMlink' and the first two derivatives. print(rbind(m.lambda, Invderiv1 = posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, inverse = TRUE, deriv = 1), Invderiv2 = posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, inverse = TRUE, deriv = 2)), digits = 2) ## Example 2. The inverse of 'posPoiMlink' ## m.lambda <- c(0, 1, 5, 10, 1e2, 1e3) posPoiMlink(theta = posPoiMlink(m.lambda, inverse = TRUE)) pospoi.inv <- posPoiMlink(posPoiMlink(m.lambda, inverse = TRUE)) - m.lambda summary(pospoi.inv) ## Should be zero. ## Example 3. Plot of 'posPoiMlink' and its first two derivatives ## ## inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, 1, 2. ## m.lambda <- seq(0, 35, by = 0.01)[-1] y.lambda <- posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, deriv = 0) der.1 <- posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, deriv = 1) der.2 <- posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, deriv = 2) plot(y.lambda ~ m.lambda, col = "black", main = "log(mu), mu = E[Y], Y ~ pospoisson(lambda).", ylim = c(-1, 10), xlim = c(-1, 26), lty = 1, type = "l", lwd = 3) abline(v = 0, h = 0, col = "gray50", lty = "dashed") lines(m.lambda, der.1, col = "blue", lty = 5, lwd = 3) lines(m.lambda, der.2, col = "chocolate", lty = 4, lwd = 3) legend(5, 9, legend = c("posPoiMlink", "deriv = 1", "deriv = 2"), col = c("black", "blue", "chocolate"), lty = c(1, 5, 4), lwd = c(3, 3, 3))
## Example 1. Special values for theta (or eta, accordingly) ## m.lambda <- c(0, 0.5, 1, 10, 20, 25, 1e2, 1e3, Inf, -Inf, NaN, NA) # The 'posPoiMlink' transformation and the first two derivatives. print(rbind(m.lambda, deriv1 = posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 1), deriv2 = posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 2)), digits = 2) # The inverse of 'posPoiMlink' and the first two derivatives. print(rbind(m.lambda, Invderiv1 = posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, inverse = TRUE, deriv = 1), Invderiv2 = posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, inverse = TRUE, deriv = 2)), digits = 2) ## Example 2. The inverse of 'posPoiMlink' ## m.lambda <- c(0, 1, 5, 10, 1e2, 1e3) posPoiMlink(theta = posPoiMlink(m.lambda, inverse = TRUE)) pospoi.inv <- posPoiMlink(posPoiMlink(m.lambda, inverse = TRUE)) - m.lambda summary(pospoi.inv) ## Should be zero. ## Example 3. Plot of 'posPoiMlink' and its first two derivatives ## ## inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, 1, 2. ## m.lambda <- seq(0, 35, by = 0.01)[-1] y.lambda <- posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, deriv = 0) der.1 <- posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, deriv = 1) der.2 <- posPoiMlink(theta = m.lambda, deriv = 2) plot(y.lambda ~ m.lambda, col = "black", main = "log(mu), mu = E[Y], Y ~ pospoisson(lambda).", ylim = c(-1, 10), xlim = c(-1, 26), lty = 1, type = "l", lwd = 3) abline(v = 0, h = 0, col = "gray50", lty = "dashed") lines(m.lambda, der.1, col = "blue", lty = 5, lwd = 3) lines(m.lambda, der.2, col = "chocolate", lty = 4, lwd = 3) legend(5, 9, legend = c("posPoiMlink", "deriv = 1", "deriv = 2"), col = c("black", "blue", "chocolate"), lty = c(1, 5, 4), lwd = c(3, 3, 3))
Use this function to adequately confer the formula
in VGAM when fitting quantile regression models.
Q.reg(y, pvector = NULL, length.arg = NULL)
Q.reg(y, pvector = NULL, length.arg = NULL)
y |
Numeric, a vector or a matrix. It is the response or dependent
variable in the |
pvector |
A prototype vector. Entries are the conditional |
length.arg |
A length–1 positive integer. It is the number of |
Conditional quantile regression can be carried out using family
functions in VGAM and VGAMextra.
The formula
must be set up using this function, Q.reg
Here, the –quantiles of interest may be entered via
. Alternatively, use argument length.arg
establishing the length of pvector
Besides, the corresponding link must be entered.
For example, gamma1Qlink
is the proper link to fit models of conditional quantiles for
data distributed as Gamma via the family function
See examples for further details.
A matrix, each column adequately arranged for regression on conditional quantiles, conforming with VGAM.
Indeed, this is equivalent to cbind(y, y, ...)
, where the
total number of columns is, either the length of pvector
, or
Link functions for quantile regression in VGAM require the
vector of –quantiles of interest via the argument
See normal1sdQlink
for instance.
Therefore, the integer entered at length.arg
in this function,
if utilized, must match the length of the vector p
. Else,
it will be recycled.
V. Miranda and T. W. Yee.
### Quantile regression with data distributed as Maxwell(s) ### set.seed(12073) x2 <- seq(0, 100,length.out = 100) # independent variable b0 <- 0.5 # true intercept b1 <- 0.25 # true slope b2 <- 0.02 # true second order coef. alpha <- b0 + b1 * x2 + b2 * x2^2 # Quadratically modelling the parameters nn <- 100 # Sample size # The data as a data frame. # mdata <- data.frame(y = rmaxwell(n = nn, rate = alpha), x2 = x2, x3 = x2^2) # Quantile regression using our link function maxwellQlink(). # # Quantiles 25%, 50%, 75% are of interest # my.p <- c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75) fit <- vglm(Q.reg(y, pvector = my.p) ~ x2 + x3, # OPTIONALLY Q.reg(y, length = length(my.p)) ~ x2 + x3 maxwell(link = "maxwellQlink(p = my.p)"), data = mdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "coef") coef(fit, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit) head(predict(fit)) constraints(fit)
### Quantile regression with data distributed as Maxwell(s) ### set.seed(12073) x2 <- seq(0, 100,length.out = 100) # independent variable b0 <- 0.5 # true intercept b1 <- 0.25 # true slope b2 <- 0.02 # true second order coef. alpha <- b0 + b1 * x2 + b2 * x2^2 # Quadratically modelling the parameters nn <- 100 # Sample size # The data as a data frame. # mdata <- data.frame(y = rmaxwell(n = nn, rate = alpha), x2 = x2, x3 = x2^2) # Quantile regression using our link function maxwellQlink(). # # Quantiles 25%, 50%, 75% are of interest # my.p <- c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75) fit <- vglm(Q.reg(y, pvector = my.p) ~ x2 + x3, # OPTIONALLY Q.reg(y, length = length(my.p)) ~ x2 + x3 maxwell(link = "maxwellQlink(p = my.p)"), data = mdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "coef") coef(fit, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit) head(predict(fit)) constraints(fit)
The rayleighMlink
and the maxwellMlink
transformations, their inverse and the first two derivatives.
rayleighMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) maxwellMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
rayleighMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE) maxwellMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. It is |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
and maxwellMlink
are link functions
to model the mean of the Rayleigh distirbution,
and the mean of the Maxwell distribution,
Both links are somehow defined as the
plus an offset. Specifcally,
where is a scale parameter as in
; and
Here, is positive as in
Non–positive values of and/or
will result in
, whereas values too close to zero will return
or -Inf
For deriv = 0
, the corresponding transformation of
when inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then theta
becomes , and
the inverse transformations
I) exp(theta) * sqrt
(2) / gamma(0.5)
for rayleighMlink
, and
II) * exp(-2 * theta)
/ gamma(0.5)
are returned.
For deriv = 1
when inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then
as a function of
When deriv = 2
, the second derivatives in
terms of theta
are returned.
Values of or
out of range, e.g. when covariates
involved, may cause numerical instability.
Use argument
to replace them before computing any link.
If theta
is character, then arguments inverse
are ignored. See Links
for further details.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
## The link and its inverse ## theta <- 0.1 + 1:10 eta <- maxwellMlink(maxwellMlink(theta = theta), inverse =TRUE) summary(eta - theta) # Zero eta <- rayleighMlink(rayleighMlink(theta = theta), inverse =TRUE) summary(eta - theta) # Zero ## Modelling the mean of the Maxwell distribution ## set.seed(17010401) rate <- maxwellMlink(theta = 2, inverse = TRUE) # ~ 0.046 mdata <- data.frame(y = rmaxwell(1000, rate = rate )) fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, maxwell(link = "maxwellMlink"), data = mdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "coef") coef(fit, matrix = TRUE) Coef(fit)
## The link and its inverse ## theta <- 0.1 + 1:10 eta <- maxwellMlink(maxwellMlink(theta = theta), inverse =TRUE) summary(eta - theta) # Zero eta <- rayleighMlink(rayleighMlink(theta = theta), inverse =TRUE) summary(eta - theta) # Zero ## Modelling the mean of the Maxwell distribution ## set.seed(17010401) rate <- maxwellMlink(theta = 2, inverse = TRUE) # ~ 0.046 mdata <- data.frame(y = rmaxwell(1000, rate = rate )) fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, maxwell(link = "maxwellMlink"), data = mdata, trace = TRUE, crit = "coef") coef(fit, matrix = TRUE) Coef(fit)
Computes the rayleighQlink
transformation, its inverse and the
first two derivatives.
rayleighQlink(theta, p = stop("Argument 'p' must be specified."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
rayleighQlink(theta, p = stop("Argument 'p' must be specified."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. It is |
p |
Numeric. A single value between 0.0 and 1.0.
It is the |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
This link function directly models any –quantile of the
Rayleigh distribution specified by the argument
It is called the rayleighQlink
transformation defined as
where is a scale parameter as in
Numerical values of or
out of range may
result in
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
If theta
is character, then arguments inverse
are discarded.
For deriv = 0
, the rayleighQlink
transformation of
, when inverse = FALSE
. If inverse = TRUE
, then
this function returns theta / sqrt(-2 log(1 - p))
For deriv = 1
, then the function returns
if inverse = FALSE
. If inverse = TRUE
, then
as a function of theta
If deriv = 2
, then the second order derivatives in terms of
Numerical instability may occur for values theta
too close
to zero. Use argument bvalue
to replace them before
computing the link.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
## E1. rayleighQlink() and its inverse ## p <- 0.50 ## Modeling the median my.b <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)[-1] max(my.b - rayleighQlink(rayleighQlink(my.b, p = p), p = p, inverse =TRUE)) ## Zero ## E2. Special values ## rayleighQlink(theta = c(Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN), p = p) ## E3. Use of argument 'bvalue' ## rayleighQlink(theta = seq(-0.2, 1.0, by = 0.1), p = p) # WARNING: NaNs if theta <= 0 rayleighQlink(theta = seq(-0.2, 1.0, by = 0.1), p = p, bvalue = .Machine$double.xmin)
## E1. rayleighQlink() and its inverse ## p <- 0.50 ## Modeling the median my.b <- seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)[-1] max(my.b - rayleighQlink(rayleighQlink(my.b, p = p), p = p, inverse =TRUE)) ## Zero ## E2. Special values ## rayleighQlink(theta = c(Inf, -Inf, NA, NaN), p = p) ## E3. Use of argument 'bvalue' ## rayleighQlink(theta = seq(-0.2, 1.0, by = 0.1), p = p) # WARNING: NaNs if theta <= 0 rayleighQlink(theta = seq(-0.2, 1.0, by = 0.1), p = p, bvalue = .Machine$double.xmin)
S4 summary methods for models fitted with time series family functions from VGAMextra.
These function are all
for objects of class
with signature
Implementation of vector generalized time series (TS) family functions
(vgltsmff) in VGAMextra is entirely based on the structure
of family functions of class
from VGAM. More precisely, vgltsmff family functions
can be created by calls of the form new("vgltsmff",...)
following the structure vglmff-class
See vglmff-class
additional details.
In this line, specific S4 dispatching methods are currently implemented at VGAM to show (or plot) essential statistical information about the model fitted.
For the generic summary
, specifically, S4 methods for
objects with signature vgtsff
are incorporated
in VGAMextra to display supplementary analyses commonly
required by TS practicioners. That is, additional information
to the default output shown by
for family functions
at VGAM, as follows:
a) The standard errors, which are computed from the asymptotic distribution of the MLE estimates, unlike the asymptotic approach (z-value) from VGAM.
b) Checks on stationarity and/or invertibility for autoregressive (AR), moving average (MA), and autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models via the polynomial roots.
c) The AIC, AICC and BIC criteria for model identification.
Notice that, for intercept-only models in the 'vglm' context,
the asypmtotic distribution of the estimates, either conditional
or unconditional, will coincide with the theoretical distributions
as long as increases. In particular, for the AR(
process, the MLEs and the Yule-Walker estimates will concur
Where covariates or parameter constraints are involved,
the standard errors for the estimates from time series
family functions at VGAMextra are calculated from the
predicted values allocated in the slot @predictors
when summary(...)
is called.
In this case, the conditional mean,
, is considered as the estimate, where:
for .
An object of class
printed by specific methods defined
at VGAMextra for objects with signature
As for the intercept, notice that this is called drift-term
at ARXff
whilst it is refered as intercept
in MAXff
This parameter is also estimated by TS family
functions in VGAMextra. In the MA model, particularly,
it is the mean of the process.
The drift-term,
denoted as ,
is linearly linked to the mean,
of the AR and ARMA processes in turn, as follows:
Here, are the AR coefficients.
Hence, the standard error for the drift-term is
accordingly computed based on the asymptotic distribution
of the mean. More precisely, the relation
is considered,
where is the variance
of the random errors.
Finally, the AIC, AICC and BIC criteria are computed of the well-known expressions
with denoting the number of parameters.
V. Miranda and T.W. Yee.
Woodward, H., Gray, H. and Elliot A. (2012) Applied Time Series Analysis. Taylor & Francis/CRC, Florida, USA.
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Fitting a simple Moving Average model to compare with arima(). #------------------------------------------------------------------------# set.seed(0628) nn <- 300 theta <- c(0.2, -0.37) # Autoregressive coefficients phi <- c(0.25) # MA coefficients. mu <- c(1.5, 0.85) # Mean (not drift) of the MA process. x2 <- runif(nn) tsd1 <- mu[1]/(1 - sum(theta)) + arima.sim(n = nn, model = list(order = c(2, 0, 0), ar = theta), sd = exp(1.5)) tsd2 <- mu[2]/(1 - sum(theta)) + arima.sim(n = nn, model = list(order = c(2, 0, 1), ar = theta, ma = phi), sd = exp(1 + 2 * x2)) tsdata <- data.frame(TS1 = tsd1, TS2 = tsd2, x2 = x2) head(tsdata) ### An ARIMA(2, 0, 0) model, that is an AR(2) model ### #fit1 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1, # ARIMAXff(order = c(2, 0, 0), var.arg = FALSE, type.EIM = "exact"), # data = tsdata, crit = "log", trace = TRUE) fit1 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1, ARXff(order = 2, var.arg = FALSE, type.EIM = "exact"), data = tsdata, crit = "log", trace = TRUE) m.coe <- Coef(fit1) ## Using arima to compare to summary(vgtsff) summary(fit1) arima(tsdata$TS1, order = c(2, 0, 0)) ## Similar SE's than VGAMextra. m.coe[1] / (1 - sum(m.coe[-(1:2)])) # THIS IS SIMILAR TO THE INTERCEPT # ESTIMATED BY arima(): 1.1898 ### An ARIMA(2, 0, 1) models, that is an ARMA(2, 1) ### ### The errors standard deviation is a function of 'x2' ### ### NOTICE: ARIMA and ARMA use the "identitylink" for coefficients ### #fit2 <- vglm(TS2 ~ x2, # ARMAXff(order = c(2, 1), var.arg = FALSE, type.EIM = "exact", # zero = NULL), # # constraints = list('x2' = rbind(0, 1, 0, 0, 0)), # data = tsdata, crit = "loglikelihood", trace = TRUE) #m.coe <- coef(fit2) #coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) ## Compare summary(vglm) to arima(). #summary(fit2) #arima(tsdata$TS2, order = c(2, 0, 1))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Fitting a simple Moving Average model to compare with arima(). #------------------------------------------------------------------------# set.seed(0628) nn <- 300 theta <- c(0.2, -0.37) # Autoregressive coefficients phi <- c(0.25) # MA coefficients. mu <- c(1.5, 0.85) # Mean (not drift) of the MA process. x2 <- runif(nn) tsd1 <- mu[1]/(1 - sum(theta)) + arima.sim(n = nn, model = list(order = c(2, 0, 0), ar = theta), sd = exp(1.5)) tsd2 <- mu[2]/(1 - sum(theta)) + arima.sim(n = nn, model = list(order = c(2, 0, 1), ar = theta, ma = phi), sd = exp(1 + 2 * x2)) tsdata <- data.frame(TS1 = tsd1, TS2 = tsd2, x2 = x2) head(tsdata) ### An ARIMA(2, 0, 0) model, that is an AR(2) model ### #fit1 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1, # ARIMAXff(order = c(2, 0, 0), var.arg = FALSE, type.EIM = "exact"), # data = tsdata, crit = "log", trace = TRUE) fit1 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1, ARXff(order = 2, var.arg = FALSE, type.EIM = "exact"), data = tsdata, crit = "log", trace = TRUE) m.coe <- Coef(fit1) ## Using arima to compare to summary(vgtsff) summary(fit1) arima(tsdata$TS1, order = c(2, 0, 0)) ## Similar SE's than VGAMextra. m.coe[1] / (1 - sum(m.coe[-(1:2)])) # THIS IS SIMILAR TO THE INTERCEPT # ESTIMATED BY arima(): 1.1898 ### An ARIMA(2, 0, 1) models, that is an ARMA(2, 1) ### ### The errors standard deviation is a function of 'x2' ### ### NOTICE: ARIMA and ARMA use the "identitylink" for coefficients ### #fit2 <- vglm(TS2 ~ x2, # ARMAXff(order = c(2, 1), var.arg = FALSE, type.EIM = "exact", # zero = NULL), # # constraints = list('x2' = rbind(0, 1, 0, 0, 0)), # data = tsdata, crit = "loglikelihood", trace = TRUE) #m.coe <- coef(fit2) #coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) ## Compare summary(vglm) to arima(). #summary(fit2) #arima(tsdata$TS2, order = c(2, 0, 1))
Computes the toppleMlink
transformation, its inverse and
the first two derivatives.
toppleMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
toppleMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character.
See |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
The toppleMlink
transformation arises as a link function to
model the mean of the Topp–Leone distribution,
. It is defined as
Here, is a shape parameter as in
, whereas
is the supremum of
in , as a function of
For numerical values of out of
, this link may
result in
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
For deriv = 0
, the toppleMlink
transformation of
when inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then theta
becomes , and
the inverse transformation is required. However, it
can't be expressed in close form. Therefore, the approximate
inverse image of entered
computed by
is returned.
For deriv = 1
when inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then
as a function of
Values of too close to zero or 1.0 may cause numerical
instability. Use argument
to replace them before
computing the link.
If theta
is character, then arguments inverse
are ignored. See Links
for further details.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
## E1. The toppleMlink() and its inverse ## theta <- ppoints(10) eta <- toppleMlink(toppleMlink(theta = theta), inverse =TRUE) summary(eta - theta) # Zero ## E2. Some probability link functions ## my.probs <- ppoints(100) par(lwd = 2) plot(my.probs, logitlink(my.probs), xlim = c(-0.1, 1.1), ylim = c(-5, 8), type = "l", col = "limegreen", ylab = "transformation", las = 1, main = "Some probability link functions") lines(my.probs, geometricffMlink(my.probs), col = "gray50") lines(my.probs, logffMlink(my.probs), col = "blue") lines(my.probs, probitlink(my.probs), col = "purple") lines(my.probs, clogloglink(my.probs), col = "chocolate") lines(my.probs, cauchitlink(my.probs), col = "tan") lines(my.probs, toppleMlink(my.probs), col = "black") abline(v = c(0.5, 1), lty = "dashed") abline(v = 0, h = 0, lty = "dashed") legend(0.1, 8, c( "toppleMlink", "geometricffMlink", "logffMlink", "logitlink", "probitlink", "clogloglink", "cauchitlink"), col = c("black", "gray50", "blue", "limegreen", "purple", "chocolate", "tan"), lwd = 1, cex = 0.5) par(lwd = 1)
## E1. The toppleMlink() and its inverse ## theta <- ppoints(10) eta <- toppleMlink(toppleMlink(theta = theta), inverse =TRUE) summary(eta - theta) # Zero ## E2. Some probability link functions ## my.probs <- ppoints(100) par(lwd = 2) plot(my.probs, logitlink(my.probs), xlim = c(-0.1, 1.1), ylim = c(-5, 8), type = "l", col = "limegreen", ylab = "transformation", las = 1, main = "Some probability link functions") lines(my.probs, geometricffMlink(my.probs), col = "gray50") lines(my.probs, logffMlink(my.probs), col = "blue") lines(my.probs, probitlink(my.probs), col = "purple") lines(my.probs, clogloglink(my.probs), col = "chocolate") lines(my.probs, cauchitlink(my.probs), col = "tan") lines(my.probs, toppleMlink(my.probs), col = "black") abline(v = c(0.5, 1), lty = "dashed") abline(v = 0, h = 0, lty = "dashed") legend(0.1, 8, c( "toppleMlink", "geometricffMlink", "logffMlink", "logitlink", "probitlink", "clogloglink", "cauchitlink"), col = c("black", "gray50", "blue", "limegreen", "purple", "chocolate", "tan"), lwd = 1, cex = 0.5) par(lwd = 1)
Computes the toppleQlink
transformation, its inverse and the
first two derivatives.
toppleQlink(theta, p = stop("Argument 'p' must be specified."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
toppleQlink(theta, p = stop("Argument 'p' must be specified."), bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. It is |
p |
Numeric. A single value between 0 and 1.
It is the |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
This link function comforms with requirements of VGAM in order
to be compatible within the VGLM/VGAM framework. That is, monotonic,
onto, among other features.
In this line, the toppleQlink
transformation arises as the
proper link to model any quantile of the Topp–Leone distribution
. It is defined as
Here, is a shape parameter lying in
as in
whereas stands for the maximum in
as a function of . Note,
is prespecified (fixed) between
Numerical values of or
out of range will
result in
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
Arguments inverse
and deriv
will be ignored
if theta
is character.
For deriv = 0
, the toppleQlink
transformation of
, when inverse = FALSE
. If inverse = TRUE
, then
the inverse transformation
log(p)/log(1 - (1 - theta *
is returned.
For deriv = 1
, this function returns
if inverse = FALSE
. If inverse = TRUE
, then the reciprocal
as a function of theta
If deriv = 2
, then the second order derivatives as a function of
The expression tends rapidly to zero specially
for values of
less than
. Therefore, in such cases
numerical values represented as zero may be returned when computing
this link function, regardless the value of argument
Numerical instability may occur for values theta
too close
to 0.0 or 1.0. Use argument bvalue
to replace them before
computing the link.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
## E1. toppleQLink() and its inverse. ## my.s <- ppoints(50); p <- 0.75 max(my.s - toppleQlink(toppleQlink(my.s, p = p), p = p, inverse =TRUE)) ## Zero toppleQlink(theta = c(-0.15, -0.10, 0.25, 0.35) , p = p, inverse = FALSE) ## NaNs toppleQlink(theta = c(-0.15, -0.10, 0.25, 0.35) , p = p, inverse = TRUE) ## NaNs ## E2. toppleQLink() for different avlues of 'p'. ## plot(toppleQlink(theta = my.s, p = 0.05) ~ my.s, type = "l", col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = 3, xlim = c(-0.1, 1.65), ylim = c(-0.1, 1.1), las = 1, main = c("The toppleQlink() transformation"), ylab = "eta = toppleQlink", xlab = "theta") abline(h = 0, v = 0, lwd = 2) abline(h = 1, v = 1, lty = "dotted", col = "green") lines(toppleQlink(theta = my.s, p = 0.25) ~ my.s, lwd = 2, lty = "dashed", col = "gray") lines(toppleQlink(theta = my.s, p = 0.50) ~ my.s, lwd = 2, lty = "dashed", col = "brown") lines(toppleQlink(theta = my.s, p = 0.75) ~ my.s, lwd = 2, lty = "dashed", col = "orange") lines(toppleQlink(theta = my.s, p = 0.95) ~ my.s, lwd = 2, lty = "dashed", col = "gray50") legend(1.1, 1.0, c("p = 0.05", "p = 0.25", "p = 0.50", "p = 0.75", "p = 0.95"), lwd = rep(2, 5), lty = rep("dashed", 5), col = c("blue", "gray", "brown", "orange", "gray50"))
## E1. toppleQLink() and its inverse. ## my.s <- ppoints(50); p <- 0.75 max(my.s - toppleQlink(toppleQlink(my.s, p = p), p = p, inverse =TRUE)) ## Zero toppleQlink(theta = c(-0.15, -0.10, 0.25, 0.35) , p = p, inverse = FALSE) ## NaNs toppleQlink(theta = c(-0.15, -0.10, 0.25, 0.35) , p = p, inverse = TRUE) ## NaNs ## E2. toppleQLink() for different avlues of 'p'. ## plot(toppleQlink(theta = my.s, p = 0.05) ~ my.s, type = "l", col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = 3, xlim = c(-0.1, 1.65), ylim = c(-0.1, 1.1), las = 1, main = c("The toppleQlink() transformation"), ylab = "eta = toppleQlink", xlab = "theta") abline(h = 0, v = 0, lwd = 2) abline(h = 1, v = 1, lty = "dotted", col = "green") lines(toppleQlink(theta = my.s, p = 0.25) ~ my.s, lwd = 2, lty = "dashed", col = "gray") lines(toppleQlink(theta = my.s, p = 0.50) ~ my.s, lwd = 2, lty = "dashed", col = "brown") lines(toppleQlink(theta = my.s, p = 0.75) ~ my.s, lwd = 2, lty = "dashed", col = "orange") lines(toppleQlink(theta = my.s, p = 0.95) ~ my.s, lwd = 2, lty = "dashed", col = "gray50") legend(1.1, 1.0, c("p = 0.05", "p = 0.25", "p = 0.50", "p = 0.75", "p = 0.95"), lwd = rep(2, 5), lty = rep("dashed", 5), col = c("blue", "gray", "brown", "orange", "gray50"))
Estimates the means and the upper-half of the (symmetric) covariance matrix of a trivariate normal distribution by maximum likelihood.
trinormalCovff(zero = c("var", "cov"), lmean = "identitylink", lvar = "loglink", lcov = "identitylink")
trinormalCovff(zero = c("var", "cov"), lmean = "identitylink", lvar = "loglink", lcov = "identitylink")
zero |
The linear predictors modelled as intercept–only.
See |
lmean , lvar , lcov
Link functions applied to the means, variances (diagonal elements of the
covariance matrix), and covariances (off-diagonal elements).
See |
This family function is similar to
. The only difference is
that the variances and covariances, instead of the
standard deviations and correlation coefficients,
are directly modelled and estimated.
Similarly, trinormalCovff
also fits linear models to the means of a trivariate normal distribution.
The fitted means are returned as the fitted values in the form of a
three–column matrix. By default, the variances and covariances
are modelled as intercept–only, where a
link is applied to the variances
and an identitylink
the covariances.
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
) to be
used by VGLM/VGAM modelling functions, e.g.,
or vgam
Victor Miranda and Thomas Yee.
set.seed(123); nn <- 350 var1 <- exp(1.5); var2 <- exp(0.75); var3 <- exp(1.0) ### Artificial data, with two covariates. tdata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn), x3 = runif(nn)) tdata <- transform(tdata, y1 = rnorm(nn, 1 + 2 * x2, sd = sqrt(var1)), y2 = rnorm(nn, 3 + 1 * x2, sd = sqrt(var2)), y3 = rnorm(nn, 3 - 1 * x3, sd = sqrt(var2 * var3))) ### Fit the model using VGAMextra::trinormalCovff(). fit.trinormCovff <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3) ~ x2 + x3, trinormalCovff, data = tdata, trace = TRUE) summary(fit.trinormCovff) vcov(fit.trinormCovff) ### Fitting the model using VGAM::trinormal() fit.trinormVGAM <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3) ~ x2 + x3, trinormal, data = tdata, trace = TRUE) summary(fit.trinormVGAM) vcov(fit.trinormVGAM) #### Compare the estimated coefficients. Note that #### trinormal() estimates the sd's and correlation coeffs. coef(fit.trinormCovff, matrix = TRUE) coef(fit.trinormVGAM, matrix = TRUE)
set.seed(123); nn <- 350 var1 <- exp(1.5); var2 <- exp(0.75); var3 <- exp(1.0) ### Artificial data, with two covariates. tdata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn), x3 = runif(nn)) tdata <- transform(tdata, y1 = rnorm(nn, 1 + 2 * x2, sd = sqrt(var1)), y2 = rnorm(nn, 3 + 1 * x2, sd = sqrt(var2)), y3 = rnorm(nn, 3 - 1 * x3, sd = sqrt(var2 * var3))) ### Fit the model using VGAMextra::trinormalCovff(). fit.trinormCovff <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3) ~ x2 + x3, trinormalCovff, data = tdata, trace = TRUE) summary(fit.trinormCovff) vcov(fit.trinormCovff) ### Fitting the model using VGAM::trinormal() fit.trinormVGAM <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3) ~ x2 + x3, trinormal, data = tdata, trace = TRUE) summary(fit.trinormVGAM) vcov(fit.trinormVGAM) #### Compare the estimated coefficients. Note that #### trinormal() estimates the sd's and correlation coeffs. coef(fit.trinormCovff, matrix = TRUE) coef(fit.trinormVGAM, matrix = TRUE)
Maximum likelihood estimate of the two–parameter lognormal distribution with lower/upper truncation.
trunclognormal(lmeanlog = "identitylink", lsdlog = "loglink", min.support = 1e-6, max.support = Inf, zero = "sdlog")
trunclognormal(lmeanlog = "identitylink", lsdlog = "loglink", min.support = 1e-6, max.support = Inf, zero = "sdlog")
lmeanlog , lsdlog , zero
Same as |
min.support , max.support
Positive lower and upper truncation limits (recycled).
MLE of the two–parameter (univariate) lognormal distribution subject
to lower/upper truncation. All response values are greater
than min.support
and lower than max.support
Default values of min.support
, max.suppport
effectively reproduce lognormal
The truncated–lognormal density for a response is
where is the ordinary lognormal density (see
) and
is the standard normal CDF.
The mean of Y, given by
are returned as the fitted values.
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
The object is used by modelling functions such as
and vgam
Victor Miranda, Siqi (Vicky) Liu and Thomas W. Yee.
Nadarajah, S. and Kotz, S. (2003).
Programs for Computing Truncated Distributions.
Journal of Statistical Software, Code
16(2), 1–8.
Cohen, A.C. (1991) Truncated and Censored Samples: Theory and Applications, New York, USA. Marcel Dekker.
########## set.seed(10470923) nn <- 3000 ## Parameters mysdlog <- exp(-1.5) # sdlog LL <- 3.5 # Lower bound UL <- 8.0 # Upper bound ## Truncated data ldata2 <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn)) ldata2 <- transform(ldata2, y1 = rtrunclnorm(nn, 1 + 1.5 * x2, mysdlog, min.support = LL, max.support = UL)) # head(ldata2) # hist(ldata2$y1, breaks = 22, col = "blue", xlim = c(0, 10)) ############################################################## # Fitting a truncated lognormal distribution - sd is intercept only fit1 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, trunclognormal(zero = "sdlog", min.support = LL, max.support = UL), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE) vcov(fit1) ############################################################## # Fitting a truncated lognormal distribution - zero = NULL fit2 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, trunclognormal(zero = NULL, min.support = LL, max.support = UL), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) vcov(fit2) ############################################################## # Mimicking lognormal() fit3 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, trunclognormal(zero = "sdlog"), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit3, mat = TRUE) # Same as fit3bis <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, lognormal(zero = "sdlog"), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit3bis, mat = TRUE)
########## set.seed(10470923) nn <- 3000 ## Parameters mysdlog <- exp(-1.5) # sdlog LL <- 3.5 # Lower bound UL <- 8.0 # Upper bound ## Truncated data ldata2 <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn)) ldata2 <- transform(ldata2, y1 = rtrunclnorm(nn, 1 + 1.5 * x2, mysdlog, min.support = LL, max.support = UL)) # head(ldata2) # hist(ldata2$y1, breaks = 22, col = "blue", xlim = c(0, 10)) ############################################################## # Fitting a truncated lognormal distribution - sd is intercept only fit1 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, trunclognormal(zero = "sdlog", min.support = LL, max.support = UL), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE) vcov(fit1) ############################################################## # Fitting a truncated lognormal distribution - zero = NULL fit2 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, trunclognormal(zero = NULL, min.support = LL, max.support = UL), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) vcov(fit2) ############################################################## # Mimicking lognormal() fit3 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, trunclognormal(zero = "sdlog"), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit3, mat = TRUE) # Same as fit3bis <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, lognormal(zero = "sdlog"), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit3bis, mat = TRUE)
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the truncated log-normal distribution
dtrunclnorm(x, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, min.support = 0, max.support = Inf, log = FALSE) ptrunclnorm(q, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, min.support = 0, max.support = Inf) qtrunclnorm(p, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, min.support = 0, max.support = Inf, log.p = FALSE) rtrunclnorm(n, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, min.support = 0, max.support = Inf)
dtrunclnorm(x, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, min.support = 0, max.support = Inf, log = FALSE) ptrunclnorm(q, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, min.support = 0, max.support = Inf) qtrunclnorm(p, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, min.support = 0, max.support = Inf, log.p = FALSE) rtrunclnorm(n, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, min.support = 0, max.support = Inf)
x , q , p , n , meanlog , sdlog
Same as |
min.support , max.support
Lower and upper truncation limits. |
log , log.p
Same as |
that is,
The (conditional)
random variable
has a log–truncated normal distribution. Its p.d.f. is given by
where ,
Its mean is:
Here, is the standard normal c.d.f and
is the standard normal p.d.f.
returns the density,
gives the
distribution function,
gives the quantiles, and
generates random deviates.
Victor Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
Johnson, N. L., Kotz, S. and Balakrishnan, N. (1995) Continuous Univariate Distributions, Second Edition, (Chapter 13) Wiley, New York.
############### ## Example 1 ## mymeanlog <- exp(0.5) # meanlog mysdlog <- exp(-1.5) # sdlog LL <- 3.5 # Lower bound UL <- 8.0 # Upper bound ## Quantiles: pp <- 1:10 / 10 (quants <- qtrunclnorm(p = pp , min.support = LL, max.support = UL, mymeanlog, mysdlog)) sum(pp - ptrunclnorm(quants, min.support = LL, max.support = UL, mymeanlog, mysdlog)) # Should be zero ############### ## Example 2 ## set.seed(230723) nn <- 3000 ## Truncated log-normal data trunc_data <- rtrunclnorm(nn, mymeanlog, mysdlog, LL, UL) ## non-truncated data - reference nontrunc_data <- rtrunclnorm(nn, mymeanlog, mysdlog, 0, Inf) ## Not run: ## Densities plot.new() par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(density(nontrunc_data), main = "Non-truncated Log--normal", col = "green", xlim = c(0, 15), ylim = c(0, 0.40)) abline(v = c(LL, UL), col = "black", lwd = 2, lty = 2) plot(density(trunc_data), main = "Truncated Log--normal", col = "red", xlim = c(0, 15), ylim = c(0, 0.40)) ## Histograms plot.new() par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) hist(nontrunc_data, main = "Non-truncated Log--normal", col = "green", xlim = c(0, 15), ylim = c(0, 0.40), freq = FALSE, breaks = 22, xlab = "mu = exp(0.5), sd = exp(-1.5), LL = 3.5, UL = 8") abline(v = c(LL, UL), col = "black", lwd = 4, lty = 2) hist(trunc_data, main = "Truncated Log--normal", col = "red", xlim = c(0, 15), ylim = c(0, 0.40), freq = FALSE, xlab = "mu = exp(0.5), sd = exp(-1.5), LL = 3.5, UL = 8") ## End(Not run) ## Area under the estimated densities # (a) truncated data integrate(approxfun(density(trunc_data)), lower = min(trunc_data) - 0.1, upper = max(trunc_data) + 0.1) # (b) non-truncated data integrate(approxfun(density(nontrunc_data)), lower = min(nontrunc_data), upper = max(nontrunc_data))
############### ## Example 1 ## mymeanlog <- exp(0.5) # meanlog mysdlog <- exp(-1.5) # sdlog LL <- 3.5 # Lower bound UL <- 8.0 # Upper bound ## Quantiles: pp <- 1:10 / 10 (quants <- qtrunclnorm(p = pp , min.support = LL, max.support = UL, mymeanlog, mysdlog)) sum(pp - ptrunclnorm(quants, min.support = LL, max.support = UL, mymeanlog, mysdlog)) # Should be zero ############### ## Example 2 ## set.seed(230723) nn <- 3000 ## Truncated log-normal data trunc_data <- rtrunclnorm(nn, mymeanlog, mysdlog, LL, UL) ## non-truncated data - reference nontrunc_data <- rtrunclnorm(nn, mymeanlog, mysdlog, 0, Inf) ## Not run: ## Densities plot.new() par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(density(nontrunc_data), main = "Non-truncated Log--normal", col = "green", xlim = c(0, 15), ylim = c(0, 0.40)) abline(v = c(LL, UL), col = "black", lwd = 2, lty = 2) plot(density(trunc_data), main = "Truncated Log--normal", col = "red", xlim = c(0, 15), ylim = c(0, 0.40)) ## Histograms plot.new() par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) hist(nontrunc_data, main = "Non-truncated Log--normal", col = "green", xlim = c(0, 15), ylim = c(0, 0.40), freq = FALSE, breaks = 22, xlab = "mu = exp(0.5), sd = exp(-1.5), LL = 3.5, UL = 8") abline(v = c(LL, UL), col = "black", lwd = 4, lty = 2) hist(trunc_data, main = "Truncated Log--normal", col = "red", xlim = c(0, 15), ylim = c(0, 0.40), freq = FALSE, xlab = "mu = exp(0.5), sd = exp(-1.5), LL = 3.5, UL = 8") ## End(Not run) ## Area under the estimated densities # (a) truncated data integrate(approxfun(density(trunc_data)), lower = min(trunc_data) - 0.1, upper = max(trunc_data) + 0.1) # (b) non-truncated data integrate(approxfun(density(nontrunc_data)), lower = min(nontrunc_data), upper = max(nontrunc_data))
Maximum likelihood estimate of the two–parameter normal distribution with lower/upper truncation.
truncnormal(lmean = "identitylink", lsd = "loglink", min.support = -Inf, max.support = Inf, zero = "sd")
truncnormal(lmean = "identitylink", lsd = "loglink", min.support = -Inf, max.support = Inf, zero = "sd")
lmean , lsd
Link functions applied to mean and standard deviation/variance. |
min.support , max.support
Vector of lower and upper truncation limits (recycled).
zero |
See |
MLE of the two–parameter (univariate) normal distribution subject to
lower/upper truncation. All response values are greater
then min.support
and/or lower than max.support
The truncated–normal density for a response is
where is the probability density function of standard normal
distribution and
is the standard normal CDF.
The mean of Y, given by
are returned as the fitted values.
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
The object is used by modelling functions such as
and vgam
Siqi (Vicky) Liu, Victor Miranda, and Thomas W. Yee.
Nadarajah, S. and Kotz, S. (2003).
Programs for Computing Truncated Distributions.
Journal of Statistical Software, Code
16(2), 1–8.
Cohen, A.C. (1991) Truncated and Censored Samples: Theory and Applications, New York, USA. Marcel Dekker.
nn <- 2000 set.seed(14290909) ## Parameters mysd <- exp(1.0) # sd LL <- -0.5 # Lower bound UL <- 8.0 # Upper bound ## Truncated data ldata2 <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn)) ldata2 <- transform(ldata2, y1 = rtruncnorm(nn, 1 + 1.5 * x2, mysd, min.support = LL, max.support = UL)) # head(ldata2) # hist(ldata2$y1, breaks = 22, col = "blue", xlim = c(-5, 10)) ############################################################## # Fitting a truncated normal distribution - sd is intercept only fit1 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, truncnormal(zero = "sd", min.support = LL, max.support = UL), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE) vcov(fit1) ############################################################## # Fitting a truncated lognormal distribution - zero = NULL fit2 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, truncnormal(zero = NULL, min.support = LL, max.support = UL), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) vcov(fit2) ############################################################## # Mimicking uninormal() fit3 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, truncnormal(zero = "sd"), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit3, mat = TRUE) # Same as fit3bis <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, uninormal(zero = "sd"), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit3bis, mat = TRUE)
nn <- 2000 set.seed(14290909) ## Parameters mysd <- exp(1.0) # sd LL <- -0.5 # Lower bound UL <- 8.0 # Upper bound ## Truncated data ldata2 <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn)) ldata2 <- transform(ldata2, y1 = rtruncnorm(nn, 1 + 1.5 * x2, mysd, min.support = LL, max.support = UL)) # head(ldata2) # hist(ldata2$y1, breaks = 22, col = "blue", xlim = c(-5, 10)) ############################################################## # Fitting a truncated normal distribution - sd is intercept only fit1 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, truncnormal(zero = "sd", min.support = LL, max.support = UL), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE) vcov(fit1) ############################################################## # Fitting a truncated lognormal distribution - zero = NULL fit2 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, truncnormal(zero = NULL, min.support = LL, max.support = UL), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) vcov(fit2) ############################################################## # Mimicking uninormal() fit3 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, truncnormal(zero = "sd"), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit3, mat = TRUE) # Same as fit3bis <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, uninormal(zero = "sd"), data = ldata2, trace = TRUE) coef(fit3bis, mat = TRUE)
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random numbers generator for the truncated normal distribution
dtruncnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = 1, min.support = -Inf, max.support = Inf, log = FALSE) ptruncnorm(q, mean = 0, sd = 1, min.support = -Inf, max.support = Inf) qtruncnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = 1, min.support = -Inf, max.support = Inf, log.p = FALSE) rtruncnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1, min.support = -Inf, max.support = Inf)
dtruncnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = 1, min.support = -Inf, max.support = Inf, log = FALSE) ptruncnorm(q, mean = 0, sd = 1, min.support = -Inf, max.support = Inf) qtruncnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = 1, min.support = -Inf, max.support = Inf, log.p = FALSE) rtruncnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1, min.support = -Inf, max.support = Inf)
x , q , p , n , mean , sd
Same as |
min.support , max.support
Lower and upper truncation limits. |
log , log.p
Same as |
Consider N(
), with
restricted to
We denote
Then the conditional
random variable
has a truncated normal distribution. Its p.d.f. is given by
where ,
Its mean is
Here, is the standard normal c.d.f and
is the standard normal p.d.f.
returns the density,
gives the
distribution function,
gives the quantiles, and
generates random deviates.
is computed from the definition, as
in 'Details'. [pqr]
truncnormal are computed based
on their relationship to the normal distribution.
Victor Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
Johnson, N. L., Kotz, S. and Balakrishnan, N. (1995) Continuous Univariate Distributions, Second Edition (Chapter 13). Wiley, New York.
############### ## Example 1 ## mymu <- 2.1 # mu mysd <- 1.0 # sigma LL <- -1.0 # Lower bound UL <- 3.0 # Upper bound ## Quantiles: pp <- 1:10 / 10 (quants <- qtruncnorm(p = pp , min.support = LL, max.support = UL, mean = mymu, sd = mysd)) sum(pp - ptruncnorm(quants, min.support = LL, max.support = UL, mean = mymu, sd = mysd)) # Should be zero ############### ## Example 2 ## ## Parameters set.seed(230723) nn <- 3000 mymu <- 12.7 # mu mysigma <- 3.5 # sigma LL <- 6 # Lower bound UL <- 17 # Upper bound ## Truncated-normal data trunc_data <- rtruncnorm(nn, mymu, mysigma, LL, UL) ## non-truncated data - reference nontrunc_data <- rnorm(nn, mymu, mysigma) ## Not run: ## Densities par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(density(nontrunc_data), main = "Non-truncated ND", col = "green", xlim = c(0, 25), ylim = c(0, 0.15)) abline(v = c(LL, UL), col = "black", lwd = 2, lty = 2) plot(density(trunc_data), main = "Truncated ND", col = "red", xlim = c(0, 25), ylim = c(0, 0.15)) ## Histograms plot.new() par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) hist(nontrunc_data, main = "Non-truncated ND", col = "green", xlim = c(0, 25), ylim = c(0, 0.15), freq = FALSE, breaks = 22, xlab = "mu = 12.7, sd = 3.5, LL = 6, UL = 17") abline(v = c(LL, UL), col = "black", lwd = 4, lty = 2) hist(trunc_data, main = "Truncated ND", col = "red", xlim = c(0, 25), ylim = c(0, 0.15), freq = FALSE, xlab = "mu = 12.7, sd = 3.5, LL = 6, UL = 17") ## End(Not run) ## Area under the estimated densities # (a) truncated data integrate(approxfun(density(trunc_data)), lower = min(trunc_data) - 1, upper = max(trunc_data) + 1) # (b) non-truncated data integrate(approxfun(density(nontrunc_data)), lower = min(nontrunc_data), upper = max(nontrunc_data))
############### ## Example 1 ## mymu <- 2.1 # mu mysd <- 1.0 # sigma LL <- -1.0 # Lower bound UL <- 3.0 # Upper bound ## Quantiles: pp <- 1:10 / 10 (quants <- qtruncnorm(p = pp , min.support = LL, max.support = UL, mean = mymu, sd = mysd)) sum(pp - ptruncnorm(quants, min.support = LL, max.support = UL, mean = mymu, sd = mysd)) # Should be zero ############### ## Example 2 ## ## Parameters set.seed(230723) nn <- 3000 mymu <- 12.7 # mu mysigma <- 3.5 # sigma LL <- 6 # Lower bound UL <- 17 # Upper bound ## Truncated-normal data trunc_data <- rtruncnorm(nn, mymu, mysigma, LL, UL) ## non-truncated data - reference nontrunc_data <- rnorm(nn, mymu, mysigma) ## Not run: ## Densities par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(density(nontrunc_data), main = "Non-truncated ND", col = "green", xlim = c(0, 25), ylim = c(0, 0.15)) abline(v = c(LL, UL), col = "black", lwd = 2, lty = 2) plot(density(trunc_data), main = "Truncated ND", col = "red", xlim = c(0, 25), ylim = c(0, 0.15)) ## Histograms plot.new() par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) hist(nontrunc_data, main = "Non-truncated ND", col = "green", xlim = c(0, 25), ylim = c(0, 0.15), freq = FALSE, breaks = 22, xlab = "mu = 12.7, sd = 3.5, LL = 6, UL = 17") abline(v = c(LL, UL), col = "black", lwd = 4, lty = 2) hist(trunc_data, main = "Truncated ND", col = "red", xlim = c(0, 25), ylim = c(0, 0.15), freq = FALSE, xlab = "mu = 12.7, sd = 3.5, LL = 6, UL = 17") ## End(Not run) ## Area under the estimated densities # (a) truncated data integrate(approxfun(density(trunc_data)), lower = min(trunc_data) - 1, upper = max(trunc_data) + 1) # (b) non-truncated data integrate(approxfun(density(nontrunc_data)), lower = min(nontrunc_data), upper = max(nontrunc_data))
Distribution–specified quantile regression.
An extension of uninormal
from VGAM.
It handles effectively uninormalQlink
via the first
linear predictor.
uninormalff(link1 = "identitylink", lsd = "loglink", percentile = 50, imethod = 1, isd = NULL, parallel = FALSE, smallno = 1.0e-5, zero = "sd")
uninormalff(link1 = "identitylink", lsd = "loglink", percentile = 50, imethod = 1, isd = NULL, parallel = FALSE, smallno = 1.0e-5, zero = "sd")
link1 |
Link function for the first linear predictor.
By default
percentile |
Numeric. A vector with the percentiles of interest, between
0 and 100.
Used only when |
lsd , imethod , isd , parallel , smallno , zero
Same as in
An extension of
adapted to handle
for normal quantile regression (QR) via the first
linear predictor.
The standard deviation only can be estimated.
The second linear predictor is fixed to
, and
is set internally to FALSE
Unlike usual QR where the distribution of is unspecified,
estimates normal distributions at different
quantiles (as entered in percentile
of the . For this, set
link1 = uninormaQlink
. To mimic
link1 = "identitylink"
Initial developments of this work are in
Miranda & Yee (2019).
See, e.g.,
for another example on distribution specified
quantile regression with the two–parameter Weibull
An object of class "vglm"
See vglm-class
for full details.
must be used in
the vglm()
or vgam()
to enter the response.
See example below.
This VGAM family function does not handle censored data.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
Miranda & Yee (2019) New Link Functions for Distribution–Specific Quantile Regression Based on Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models. Journal of Probability and Statistics, Article ID 3493628.
Miranda & Yee (2021) Two–Parameter Link Functions, With Application to Negative Binomial, Weibull and Quantile Regression. In preparation.
## Not run: x2 <- seq(0,10,length.out = 100) # independent variable sig <- exp(0.5 + 0.15*x2) # non-constant variance b_0 <- 10 # true intercept b_1 <- 0.15 # true slope set.seed(17221) # make the next line reproducible e <- rnorm(100,mean = 0, sd = sig) # normal random error with non-constant variance y <- b_0 + b_1*x2 + e # dependent variable ## Data ndata <- data.frame(y = y, x2 = x2) ## Some percentiles of interest percentile <- c(10, 25, 50, 90) ## Normal quantile regression, zero = NULL fit1 <- vglm(Q.reg(y, length.arg = 4) ~ x2, uninormalff(link1 = "uninormalQlink", percentile = percentile, zero = NULL), data = ndata, trace = TRUE) #summary(fit1) ( my.coef3Q <- coef(fit1, mat = TRUE) ) ## Plots - percentile curves. plot(y ~ x2, pch = 19, ylim = c(-1, 25), main =" Normal quantile regression") abline(h = -3:25, v = 0, col = "gray", lty = "dashed") with(ndata, lines(x2, my.coef3Q[1, 1] + my.coef3Q[2, 1] * x2, col = "red", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) with(ndata, lines(x2, my.coef3Q[1, 3] + my.coef3Q[2, 3] * x2, col = "orange", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) with(ndata, lines(x2, my.coef3Q[1, 5] + my.coef3Q[2, 5] * x2, col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) with(ndata, lines(x2, my.coef3Q[1, 7] + my.coef3Q[2, 7] * x2, col = "brown", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) legend("topleft", c("90th", "50th", "25th", "10th"), col = c("brown", "blue", "orange", "red"), lty = rep("dotted", 4), lwd = rep(4, 4)) ## Mimicking 'VGAM:uninormal' fit2 <- vglm(y ~ x2, uninormalff(link1 = "identitylink", percentile = NULL, zero = NULL), data = ndata, trace = TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: x2 <- seq(0,10,length.out = 100) # independent variable sig <- exp(0.5 + 0.15*x2) # non-constant variance b_0 <- 10 # true intercept b_1 <- 0.15 # true slope set.seed(17221) # make the next line reproducible e <- rnorm(100,mean = 0, sd = sig) # normal random error with non-constant variance y <- b_0 + b_1*x2 + e # dependent variable ## Data ndata <- data.frame(y = y, x2 = x2) ## Some percentiles of interest percentile <- c(10, 25, 50, 90) ## Normal quantile regression, zero = NULL fit1 <- vglm(Q.reg(y, length.arg = 4) ~ x2, uninormalff(link1 = "uninormalQlink", percentile = percentile, zero = NULL), data = ndata, trace = TRUE) #summary(fit1) ( my.coef3Q <- coef(fit1, mat = TRUE) ) ## Plots - percentile curves. plot(y ~ x2, pch = 19, ylim = c(-1, 25), main =" Normal quantile regression") abline(h = -3:25, v = 0, col = "gray", lty = "dashed") with(ndata, lines(x2, my.coef3Q[1, 1] + my.coef3Q[2, 1] * x2, col = "red", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) with(ndata, lines(x2, my.coef3Q[1, 3] + my.coef3Q[2, 3] * x2, col = "orange", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) with(ndata, lines(x2, my.coef3Q[1, 5] + my.coef3Q[2, 5] * x2, col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) with(ndata, lines(x2, my.coef3Q[1, 7] + my.coef3Q[2, 7] * x2, col = "brown", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) legend("topleft", c("90th", "50th", "25th", "10th"), col = c("brown", "blue", "orange", "red"), lty = rep("dotted", 4), lwd = rep(4, 4)) ## Mimicking 'VGAM:uninormal' fit2 <- vglm(y ~ x2, uninormalff(link1 = "identitylink", percentile = NULL, zero = NULL), data = ndata, trace = TRUE) ## End(Not run)
Computes the uninormalQlink
transformation, its inverse and
the first two derivatives.
uninormalQlink(theta, percentile = stop("Enter percentiles."), sd = NULL, wrt.param = NULL, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
uninormalQlink(theta, percentile = stop("Enter percentiles."), sd = NULL, wrt.param = NULL, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. This is |
percentile |
Numeric. A vector of percentiles of interest, denoted as |
sd |
Numeric, positive. The 'standard deviation' parameter (required),
denoted as |
wrt.param |
Positive integer, either |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
A 2-parameter link for the quantiles of the normal
distribution. It can only be used within
as the first linear
predictor. It is defined as
where is the error function
(see, e.g.,
, and
This link is expressly a function of
, therefore
must be entered at every call.
Numerical values of
out of range may
result in
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
For deriv = 0
, the uninormalQlink
transformation of
, i.e. , when
inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then becomes
and the inverse,
for given
, is returned.
When deriv = 1
, and
and the argument
must be
A) If inverse = FALSE
, then
is returned when
wrt.param = 1
, and
wrt.param = 2
B) For inverse = TRUE
, this link returns
conformably arranged
in a matrix, if wrt.param = 1
as a function of ,
wrt.param = 2
, then
is returned.
For deriv = 2
, the second derivatives in
terms of theta
are similarly returned.
Numerical instability may occur for values of
too close
to zero. Use argument bvalue
to replace the former only before
computing the link.
If theta
is character, then arguments inverse
are ignored. See Links
for further details.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
eta <- seq(-3, 3, by = 0.1) # this is eta = log(Normal - Quantiles). sigma <- exp(1) # 'sigma' argument. percentile <- c(25, 50, 75, 95) # some percentiles of interest. ## E1. Get 'mean' values. theta <- uninormalQlink(theta = eta, percentile = percentile, sd = sigma, inverse = TRUE) # Mu ## Not run: ## E2. Plot theta vs. eta, 'shape' fixed, for different percentiles. plot(theta[, 1], eta, type = "l", las = 1, lty = 2, lwd = 3, ylim = c(-10, 10), xlim = c(-10, 10), main = "uninormalQlink(theta; shape), fixed 'shape'.", xlab = "Theta (scale)", ylab = "uninormalQlink") abline(v = 0, h = 0, col = "red") lines(theta[, 2], eta, lty = 2, lwd = 3, col = "blue") lines(theta[, 3], eta, lty = 2, lwd = 3, col = "orange") lines(theta[, 4], eta, lty = 2, lwd = 3, col = "red") legend("bottomright", c("25th Perc", "50th Perc", "75th Perc", "95th Perc"), col = c("black", "blue", "orange", "red"), lty = c(2, 2, 2, 2), lwd = rep(3, 4)) ## End(Not run) ## E3. uninormalQlink() and its inverse ## etabis <- uninormalQlink(theta = theta, percentile = percentile, sd = sigma, inverse = FALSE) my.diff <- eta - etabis summary(my.diff) # Zero
eta <- seq(-3, 3, by = 0.1) # this is eta = log(Normal - Quantiles). sigma <- exp(1) # 'sigma' argument. percentile <- c(25, 50, 75, 95) # some percentiles of interest. ## E1. Get 'mean' values. theta <- uninormalQlink(theta = eta, percentile = percentile, sd = sigma, inverse = TRUE) # Mu ## Not run: ## E2. Plot theta vs. eta, 'shape' fixed, for different percentiles. plot(theta[, 1], eta, type = "l", las = 1, lty = 2, lwd = 3, ylim = c(-10, 10), xlim = c(-10, 10), main = "uninormalQlink(theta; shape), fixed 'shape'.", xlab = "Theta (scale)", ylab = "uninormalQlink") abline(v = 0, h = 0, col = "red") lines(theta[, 2], eta, lty = 2, lwd = 3, col = "blue") lines(theta[, 3], eta, lty = 2, lwd = 3, col = "orange") lines(theta[, 4], eta, lty = 2, lwd = 3, col = "red") legend("bottomright", c("25th Perc", "50th Perc", "75th Perc", "95th Perc"), col = c("black", "blue", "orange", "red"), lty = c(2, 2, 2, 2), lwd = rep(3, 4)) ## End(Not run) ## E3. uninormalQlink() and its inverse ## etabis <- uninormalQlink(theta = theta, percentile = percentile, sd = sigma, inverse = FALSE) my.diff <- eta - etabis summary(my.diff) # Zero
A set of common utility functions required by time series family functions at 'VGAMextra'.
Is.Numeric(x, isInteger = FALSE, length.arg = NULL, Nnegative = NULL) is.FormulaAR(Model = ~ 1, Resp = 1) cross.gammas(x, y = NULL, lags = 1) WN.lags(y, lags, to.complete = NULL) extract.Residuals(object, TSprocess,...) fittedVGAMextra(object,...) weightsVGAMextra(object, type.w = "prior",...) XLMmat(object,...)
Is.Numeric(x, isInteger = FALSE, length.arg = NULL, Nnegative = NULL) is.FormulaAR(Model = ~ 1, Resp = 1) cross.gammas(x, y = NULL, lags = 1) WN.lags(y, lags, to.complete = NULL) extract.Residuals(object, TSprocess,...) fittedVGAMextra(object,...) weightsVGAMextra(object, type.w = "prior",...) XLMmat(object,...)
x |
A vector of quantiles. Particularly, for |
y |
Vector of quantiles to be lagged. Then, the cross - covariances
are computed from |
isInteger |
Logical. If |
lags |
Integer indicating the number of lags or delays to be applied to
vector |
length.arg |
Integer. If |
Model |
Formula. A symbolic form of the models fitted by the |
Nnegative |
Logical. If |
Resp |
Integer. The number of responses in the |
object |
An object of class |
TSprocess |
Logical, what time series model is being fitted.
Choices are
type.w |
Character. What type of |
to.complete |
Use this argument to fill in the first 'p' observations when computing the lagged vectors in time series. |
... |
Additional parameters required by function
A set of utility functions in VGAMextra for different purposes.
Specially for time series family functions in VGAMextra which involve specific checks on the majority of arguments entered by the user.
returns a logical vector (or value)
), after verifying whether quantiles
satisfies all conditions entered.
For is.FormulaAR()
, this function returns a logical value,
after verifying whether the expression entered for the Model
argument in cm.ARMA
is an
object of class 'formula
Particularly, cross.gammas()
computes either the single lagged
covariance(s) from quantiles given in x
or the
lagged cross-covariance(s) from values given in x
and y
extracts the residuals of the process from
slot @residuals
, whilst
and weightsVGAMextra
return the
fitted values and the weights from the vglm
and inspectVGAMextra
are essentially required when
implementing link functions in VGAMextra.
V. Miranda and T. W. Yee.
# Example 1. myModel1 <- ~ x1 + x2 is.FormulaAR(myModel1) # TRUE test <- list( cbind(y1, y2) ~ x1, ~ x2 - 1) is.FormulaAR(test) # FALSE is.FormulaAR(test[[1]], 2) # TRUE # Example 2. x1 <- c(1:3, 4.5, -Inf) Is.Numeric(x1) # TRUE Is.Numeric(x1, length.arg = 5) # TRUE Is.Numeric(x1, length.arg = 5, isInteger = TRUE) # FALSE Is.Numeric(x1, length.arg = 5, Nnegative = TRUE) # FALSE # Example 3. # Here, 'cross.gammas' computes Cov(x, y_{t - 1}), Cov(x, y_{t - 2}) and # Cov(x, y_{t - 3}). x <- runif(50) y <- runif(50) cross.gammas(x, y, lags = 3)
# Example 1. myModel1 <- ~ x1 + x2 is.FormulaAR(myModel1) # TRUE test <- list( cbind(y1, y2) ~ x1, ~ x2 - 1) is.FormulaAR(test) # FALSE is.FormulaAR(test[[1]], 2) # TRUE # Example 2. x1 <- c(1:3, 4.5, -Inf) Is.Numeric(x1) # TRUE Is.Numeric(x1, length.arg = 5) # TRUE Is.Numeric(x1, length.arg = 5, isInteger = TRUE) # FALSE Is.Numeric(x1, length.arg = 5, Nnegative = TRUE) # FALSE # Example 3. # Here, 'cross.gammas' computes Cov(x, y_{t - 1}), Cov(x, y_{t - 2}) and # Cov(x, y_{t - 3}). x <- runif(50) y <- runif(50) cross.gammas(x, y, lags = 3)
Vector Auto(R)egressive ModelEstimates an Order() Vector Autoregressive Models (VAR(p)) with
white noise random errors
by maximum likelihood estimation using Fisher scoring.
VARff(VAR.order = 1, zero = c("var", "cov"), lmean = "identitylink", lvar = "loglink", lcov = "identitylink")
VARff(VAR.order = 1, zero = c("var", "cov"), lmean = "identitylink", lvar = "loglink", lcov = "identitylink")
VAR.order |
Length–1 (positive) integer vector. The order of the VAR to be fitted. |
zero |
Integer or character - string vector.
Same as |
lmean , lvar , lcov
Same as |
Let be a time dependent
vector of responses, with index
white noise with covariance matrix
fits a linear model to the means of a
–variate normal distribution, where
each variable,
is a linear function of
lags of itself and past
–lags of the other variables.
The model has the form
where are
matrices of coefficients,
to be estimated.
The elements of the covariance matrix are intercept–only by default.
An object of class "vglmff"
(see vglmff-class
) to be
used by VGLM/VGAM modelling functions, e.g.,
or vgam
Victor Miranda.
set.seed(20170227) nn <- 60 var.data <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn, -2.5, 2.5)) var.data <- transform(var.data, y1 = rnorm(nn, 1.5 - 2 * x2, sqrt(exp(1.5))), y2 = rnorm(nn, 1.0 - 1 * x2, sqrt(exp(0.75))), y3 = rnorm(nn, 0.5 + 1 * x2, sqrt(exp(1.0)))) fit.var <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3) ~ x2, VARff(VAR.order = 2), trace = TRUE, data = var.data) coef(fit.var, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit.var) vcov(fit.var)
set.seed(20170227) nn <- 60 var.data <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn, -2.5, 2.5)) var.data <- transform(var.data, y1 = rnorm(nn, 1.5 - 2 * x2, sqrt(exp(1.5))), y2 = rnorm(nn, 1.0 - 1 * x2, sqrt(exp(0.75))), y3 = rnorm(nn, 0.5 + 1 * x2, sqrt(exp(1.0)))) fit.var <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3) ~ x2, VARff(VAR.order = 2), trace = TRUE, data = var.data) coef(fit.var, matrix = TRUE) summary(fit.var) vcov(fit.var)
Time series family functions for the VGAMextra package
Objects can be created by calling
Implementation of vector generalized linear time series (TS) family
functions (vgltsff) at VGAMextra is entirely based on
the structure of family functions of the class
Hence, refer to vglmff-class
for a
thourugh description of slots and features involved when objects
of class "vgtsff"
are being created.
Thus far, the following methods for objects of class
are implemented:
Additional information to that displayed by the summary
methods from VGAM. That is:
a) Standard errors based on the MLEs asymptotic distributions, and
b) Checks on stationarity and/or invertibility via the polynomial roots.
Currently, summary methods at VGAMextra have been implemented for:
signature(VGAMff = "ARff")
:For ARX–types family functions.
signature(VGAMff = "MAff")
:For MAX–types family functions.
signature(VGAMff = "ARMAff")
:For ARMAX–like family functions.
for further details.
Programmers to write VGAM/VGLM time series family functions are also allowed to write methods functions either for specific purposes, or to extend those current methods to print some extra output required.
In such cases, notice that the class vgltsff-class
labeled by an object of class "character"
(a character vector) specified at the slot
within the family function. This is, in fact,
one of the required slots by the class
Additionally, practitioners are encouraged to mantain all previous
conventions for naming the arguments in Ts family functions
as specified at
, e.g.,
is the argument for parameter link functions, etc.
V. Miranda and T.W. Yee.
Computes the weibullMlink
transformation, its inverse and
the first two derivatives.
weibullMlink(theta, shape = NULL, wrt.param = NULL, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
weibullMlink(theta, shape = NULL, wrt.param = NULL, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. This is |
shape |
The shape parameter. Required for this link to work.
wrt.param |
Positive integer, either |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
This is the link for the mean of
the 2–parameter Weibull distribution, also known as the
It can only be used within
and is defined as
for given ('shape' parameter) where
is the scale parameter.
is expressly a function of , i.e.
, therefore
must be entered at every call.
Numerical values of or
out of range may
result in
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
For deriv = 0
, the weibmeanlnik
transformation of
, i.e., , when
inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then becomes
and the inverse,
for given
, is
When deriv = 1
, and
and the argument
must be
A) If inverse = FALSE
, then
is returned when
wrt.param = 1
, and
wrt.param = 2
B) For inverse = TRUE
, this function returns
conformably arranged
in a matrix, if wrt.param = 1
as a function of ,
wrt.param = 2
, a matrix with columns
is returned.
For deriv = 2
, the second derivatives in
terms of theta
are likewise returned.
Numerical instability may occur for values theta
too close
to zero. Use argument bvalue
to replace them before
computing the link.
If theta
is character, then arguments inverse
are ignored. See Links
for further details.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
eta <- seq(-3, 3, by = 0.1) # this is eta = log(mu(b, a)). shape <- exp(1) # 'shape' argument. ## E1. Get 'scale' values with A WARNING (not the same length)! theta <- weibullMlink(theta = eta, shape = shape, inverse = TRUE) # Scale ## Not run: ## E2. Plot theta vs. eta, 'shape' fixed. plot(theta, eta, type = "l", ylab = "", col = "blue", main = paste0("weibullMlink(theta; shape = ", round(shape, 3), ")")) abline(h = -3:3, v = 0, col = "gray", lty = "dashed") ## End(Not run) ## E3. weibullMlink() and its inverse ## etabis <- weibullMlink(theta = theta, shape = shape, inverse = FALSE) summary(eta - etabis) # Should be 0
eta <- seq(-3, 3, by = 0.1) # this is eta = log(mu(b, a)). shape <- exp(1) # 'shape' argument. ## E1. Get 'scale' values with A WARNING (not the same length)! theta <- weibullMlink(theta = eta, shape = shape, inverse = TRUE) # Scale ## Not run: ## E2. Plot theta vs. eta, 'shape' fixed. plot(theta, eta, type = "l", ylab = "", col = "blue", main = paste0("weibullMlink(theta; shape = ", round(shape, 3), ")")) abline(h = -3:3, v = 0, col = "gray", lty = "dashed") ## End(Not run) ## E3. weibullMlink() and its inverse ## etabis <- weibullMlink(theta = theta, shape = shape, inverse = FALSE) summary(eta - etabis) # Should be 0
Computes the weibullQlink
transformation, its inverse and
the first two derivatives.
weibullQlink(theta, percentile = stop("Enter percentiles."), shape = NULL, wrt.param = NULL, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
weibullQlink(theta, percentile = stop("Enter percentiles."), shape = NULL, wrt.param = NULL, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. Same as
percentile |
Same as |
shape |
Numeric, positive. The shape parameter, required. |
wrt.param |
Same as in |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
See |
The ordinary
scale–shape Weibull quantiles are directly modelled by this link,
aka weibullQlink
It can only be used within
as the first linear predictor, ,
and is defined as
for given ('shape' parameter) where
is the scale parameter.
is expressly a function of , i.e.
, therefore
must be entered at every call.
Numerical values of or
out of range may
result in
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
For deriv = 0
, the weibullQlink
transformation of
, i.e. , when
inverse = FALSE
If inverse = TRUE
, then becomes
and the inverse,
for given , is
When deriv = 1
, and
and the argument
must be
A) If inverse = FALSE
, then
is returned when
wrt.param = 1
, and
wrt.param = 2
B) For inverse = TRUE
, this link returns
conformably arranged
in a matrix, if wrt.param = 1
as a function of ,
wrt.param = 2
, a matrix with columns
is returned.
For deriv = 2
, the second derivatives in
terms of theta
are similarly returned.
See weibullMlink
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
Miranda & Yee (2021) Two–Parameter Link Functions, With Application to Negative Binomial, Weibull and Quantile Regression. In preparation.
eta <- seq(-3, 3, by = 0.1) # this is eta = log(Weibull-quantiles). shape <- exp(1) # 'shape' argument. percentile <- c(25, 50, 75, 95) # some percentiles of interest. ## E1. Get 'scale' values. Gives a warning (not of the same length) ! theta <- weibullQlink(theta = eta, percentile = percentile, shape = shape, inverse = TRUE) # Scale ## Not run: ## E2. Plot theta vs. eta, 'shape' fixed, for different percentiles. plot(theta[, 1], eta, type = "l", lwd = 3, ylim = c(-4, 4), main = paste0("weibullQlink(theta; shape = ", round(shape, 3), ")"), xlab = "Theta (scale)", ylab = "weibullQlink") abline(h = -3:3, v = 0, col = "gray", lty = "dashed") lines(theta[, 2], eta, lwd = 3, col = "blue") lines(theta[, 3], eta, lwd = 3, col = "orange") lines(theta[, 4], eta, lwd = 3, col = "red") legend("bottomright", c("25th Perc", "50th Perc", "75th Perc", "95th Perc"), col = c("black", "blue", "orange", "red"), lwd = rep(3, 4)) ## End(Not run) ## E3. weibullQlink() and its inverse ## etabis <- weibullQlink(theta = theta, percentile = percentile, shape = shape, inverse = FALSE) summary(eta - etabis) # Should be 0 for each colum (percentile)
eta <- seq(-3, 3, by = 0.1) # this is eta = log(Weibull-quantiles). shape <- exp(1) # 'shape' argument. percentile <- c(25, 50, 75, 95) # some percentiles of interest. ## E1. Get 'scale' values. Gives a warning (not of the same length) ! theta <- weibullQlink(theta = eta, percentile = percentile, shape = shape, inverse = TRUE) # Scale ## Not run: ## E2. Plot theta vs. eta, 'shape' fixed, for different percentiles. plot(theta[, 1], eta, type = "l", lwd = 3, ylim = c(-4, 4), main = paste0("weibullQlink(theta; shape = ", round(shape, 3), ")"), xlab = "Theta (scale)", ylab = "weibullQlink") abline(h = -3:3, v = 0, col = "gray", lty = "dashed") lines(theta[, 2], eta, lwd = 3, col = "blue") lines(theta[, 3], eta, lwd = 3, col = "orange") lines(theta[, 4], eta, lwd = 3, col = "red") legend("bottomright", c("25th Perc", "50th Perc", "75th Perc", "95th Perc"), col = c("black", "blue", "orange", "red"), lwd = rep(3, 4)) ## End(Not run) ## E3. weibullQlink() and its inverse ## etabis <- weibullQlink(theta = theta, percentile = percentile, shape = shape, inverse = FALSE) summary(eta - etabis) # Should be 0 for each colum (percentile)
Estimates the 2–parameter Weibull distribution by maximum likelihood.
An extension of weibullR
from VGAM.
Weibull quantile regression and Weibull–mean
modelling are also handled via the first
linear predictor.
weibullRff(link1 = c("loglink", "weibullMlink", "weibullQlink")[1], lshape = "loglink", percentile = 50, imu = NULL, iscale = NULL, ishape = NULL, lss = TRUE, nrfs = 1, probs.y = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8), imethod = 1, zero = "shape")
weibullRff(link1 = c("loglink", "weibullMlink", "weibullQlink")[1], lshape = "loglink", percentile = 50, imu = NULL, iscale = NULL, ishape = NULL, lss = TRUE, nrfs = 1, probs.y = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8), imethod = 1, zero = "shape")
link1 |
Link function for the first linear predictor.
is |
percentile |
Numeric. A vector with the percentiles of interest, between 0
and 100.
Used only in Weibull quantile regression, that is,
when |
lshape , imu , iscale , ishape , lss , nrfs , probs.y , imethod
Same as |
zero |
Specifies the parameters to be modelled as intercept–only. Further details below. |
is a modified version of
adapted to handle
and weibullMlink
two 2-parameter linear predictors that model
the Weibull mean and quantiles respectively.
The underlying density is the ordinary
() &
Weibull density (see
The second linear predictor is always
The argument
handles the first linear predictor.
** Mimicking weibullR
The default is link1 = "loglink"
, i.e.,
, and
as with
The mean () is returned as the fitted value.
** Weibull quantile regression **
For Weibull quantile regression set link1 = "weibullQlink"
and enter a numeric vector of percentiles of interest
via percentile
See examples.
NOTE: Enter the response using
. See example below.
The Weibull quantiles are returned as the fitted values.
** Weibull-mean modelling **
For Weibull-mean modelling (viz. mean time to failure)
set link1 = "weibullMlink"
The mean () is returned as the fitted value.
An object of class "vglm"
See vglm-class
for full details.
The parameters and
match the arguments
Multiple responses are handled.
This VGAM family function does not handle censored data.
V. Miranda and Thomas W. Yee.
Miranda & Yee (2021) Two–Parameter Link Functions, With Application to Negative Binomial, Weibull and Quantile Regression. In preparation.
## Not run: set.seed(18121) nn <- 300 x2 <- sort(runif(nn, 0, 3)) # Predictor/covariate. bb <- exp(1.1 + 0.2 * x2) # Scale parameter as function of x2. aa <- exp(1.0 - 0.35 * x2) # Shape parameter as function of x2. mymu <- bb * gamma(1 + 1/aa) # The Weibull mean. ## Use weibullMlink to generate appropriate scale parameter. newbb <- weibullMlink(theta = log(mymu), shape = aa, inverse = TRUE, deriv = 0) ## A single random response wdata <- data.frame(y1 = rweibull(nn, shape = aa, scale = newbb), x2 = x2) # Plotting the data / Histogram plot(y1 ~ x2, xlim = c(0, 3.1), ylim = c(-1, 35), pch = 20, data = wdata, col = "black", main = "Weibull Quantile regression~ x2") abline(h = 0, v = 0, col = "grey", lty = "dashed") with(wdata, hist(y1, col = "red", breaks = 15)) ## Weibull regression - percentile = c(25, 50, 75) ## Note the use of Q.reg. fit1 <- vglm(Q.reg(y1, length.arg = 3) ~ x2, weibullRff(link1 = "weibullQlink", zero = NULL, percentile = c(25, 50, 75)), trace = TRUE, data = wdata) head(fitted(fit1)) summary(fit1) my.coef3Q <- coef(fit1, mat = TRUE) ### Proportion of data below the estimated 25% Quantile line. 100 * (1 - (sum(wdat$y1 >= fitted(fit2)[, 1]) / nn)) # Around 25% ### Proportion of data below the estimated 50% Quantile line. 100 * (1 - (sum(wdat$y1 >= fitted(fit2)[, 2]) / nn)) # Around 50% ### Proportion of data below the estimated 75% Quantile line. 100 * (1 - ( sum(wdat$y1 >= fitted(fit2)[, 3]) / nn )) # Around 75% ## The quantile plots ## my.coef3Q <- coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) with(wdat, lines(x2, exp(my.coef3Q[1, 1] + my.coef3Q[2, 1] * x2), col = "red", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) with(wdat, lines(x2, exp(my.coef3Q[1, 3] + my.coef3Q[2, 3] * x2), col = "orange", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) with(wdat, lines(x2, exp(my.coef3Q[1, 5] + my.coef3Q[2, 5] * x2), col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) ## Adding the 'mean' or expected Weibull regression line. fit2 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, weibullRff(link1 = "weibullMlink", zero = NULL), trace = TRUE, data= wdat) my.coef3Q <- coef(fit2, mat = TRUE) with(wdat, lines(x2, exp(my.coef3Q[1, 1] + my.coef3Q[2, 1] * x2), col = "yellow", lty = "dashed", lwd = 3)) legend("topleft", c("25h Perc", "50th Perc", "Mean", "75th Perc"), col = c("red", "orange", "cyan", "blue"), lty = c("dashed", "dashed", "dashed", "dashed"), lwd = rep(4, 4)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: set.seed(18121) nn <- 300 x2 <- sort(runif(nn, 0, 3)) # Predictor/covariate. bb <- exp(1.1 + 0.2 * x2) # Scale parameter as function of x2. aa <- exp(1.0 - 0.35 * x2) # Shape parameter as function of x2. mymu <- bb * gamma(1 + 1/aa) # The Weibull mean. ## Use weibullMlink to generate appropriate scale parameter. newbb <- weibullMlink(theta = log(mymu), shape = aa, inverse = TRUE, deriv = 0) ## A single random response wdata <- data.frame(y1 = rweibull(nn, shape = aa, scale = newbb), x2 = x2) # Plotting the data / Histogram plot(y1 ~ x2, xlim = c(0, 3.1), ylim = c(-1, 35), pch = 20, data = wdata, col = "black", main = "Weibull Quantile regression~ x2") abline(h = 0, v = 0, col = "grey", lty = "dashed") with(wdata, hist(y1, col = "red", breaks = 15)) ## Weibull regression - percentile = c(25, 50, 75) ## Note the use of Q.reg. fit1 <- vglm(Q.reg(y1, length.arg = 3) ~ x2, weibullRff(link1 = "weibullQlink", zero = NULL, percentile = c(25, 50, 75)), trace = TRUE, data = wdata) head(fitted(fit1)) summary(fit1) my.coef3Q <- coef(fit1, mat = TRUE) ### Proportion of data below the estimated 25% Quantile line. 100 * (1 - (sum(wdat$y1 >= fitted(fit2)[, 1]) / nn)) # Around 25% ### Proportion of data below the estimated 50% Quantile line. 100 * (1 - (sum(wdat$y1 >= fitted(fit2)[, 2]) / nn)) # Around 50% ### Proportion of data below the estimated 75% Quantile line. 100 * (1 - ( sum(wdat$y1 >= fitted(fit2)[, 3]) / nn )) # Around 75% ## The quantile plots ## my.coef3Q <- coef(fit2, matrix = TRUE) with(wdat, lines(x2, exp(my.coef3Q[1, 1] + my.coef3Q[2, 1] * x2), col = "red", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) with(wdat, lines(x2, exp(my.coef3Q[1, 3] + my.coef3Q[2, 3] * x2), col = "orange", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) with(wdat, lines(x2, exp(my.coef3Q[1, 5] + my.coef3Q[2, 5] * x2), col = "blue", lty = "dotted", lwd = 4)) ## Adding the 'mean' or expected Weibull regression line. fit2 <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, weibullRff(link1 = "weibullMlink", zero = NULL), trace = TRUE, data= wdat) my.coef3Q <- coef(fit2, mat = TRUE) with(wdat, lines(x2, exp(my.coef3Q[1, 1] + my.coef3Q[2, 1] * x2), col = "yellow", lty = "dashed", lwd = 3)) legend("topleft", c("25h Perc", "50th Perc", "Mean", "75th Perc"), col = c("red", "orange", "cyan", "blue"), lty = c("dashed", "dashed", "dashed", "dashed"), lwd = rep(4, 4)) ## End(Not run)
) [ARMA(
Estimates the unobserved white noise of the ARMA(,
model via the corresponding inverted process.
Also, provides the initial values of ARXff
, and
family functions.
WN.InitARMA(tsData = NULL, order = c(1, 0, 1), whiteN = FALSE, moreOrder = 0, updateWN = FALSE)
WN.InitARMA(tsData = NULL, order = c(1, 0, 1), whiteN = FALSE, moreOrder = 0, updateWN = FALSE)
tsData |
A univariate data frame containing the time series to be fitted according
to an ARMA( |
order |
A vector with three integer components. It is order of the ARMA model to be
inverted. These entries, |
whiteN |
Logical. If |
moreOrder |
A non-negative integer (might be zero) used to increment the order of
the AR model initially fitted to estimate the residuals, i.e.,
an AR( |
updateWN |
Logical. if |
Overall, the autoregressive moving average process of order ,
shortly denoted as ARMA(
), with intercept
can be expressed as
It is well known that it can be expressed in terms of an autoregressive
process of infinite order, AR(), by
recursive substitutions. For instance, given a mean-zero ARMA(1, 1),
one may express
Substituting this equation in (1) yields the initial inverted process, as follows:
where is a function of
Repeated substitutions as above produces the so-called inverted process,
Hence, setting an acceptable order (via the
argument, or
for instance), an
inverted model is internally fitted
within WN.InitARMA
. Consequently, the unobserved white noise,
, is estimated by computing
the residuals in (2), after regression.
whiteN = TRUE
enables this option.
Finally, initial values of the MAXff
, and
family functions can be computed by least squares from
the estimated white noise above,
and the given data,
Initial values of ARXff
are also internally computed using only.
A list with the following components:
Coeff |
The initial values of the VGLM/VGAM family function in turn:
whiteN |
(Optional) Estimated white noise enabled only for
For some time series family functions,
for instance, values of
do NOT improve
the accuracy of estimates, and may lead the algorithm to failure to
Victor Miranda and T. W. Yee.
Brockwell, P. and Davis, R. (2002) Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting. Springer, New York, USA.
Durbin, J. (1959) Efficient Estimation of Parameters in Moving-Average Models. Biometrika, 46, pp 306–316.
# Generating some data -> an MA(3) set.seed(1004) mydata <- arima.sim( n = 200, list(ma = c(0.3, 0.56 , 0.11)) ) # Computing initial values to be passed to MAXff() WN.InitARMA(tsData = data.frame(y = mydata), order = c(0, 0, 3), moreOrder = 1) # Returning initial values and white noise. initMA <- WN.InitARMA(tsData = data.frame(y = mydata), order = c(0, 0, 3), moreOrder = 1, whiteN = TRUE) # Initial values passed to MAXff() initMA$Coeff # Estimated white noise head(initMA$WhiteNoise)
# Generating some data -> an MA(3) set.seed(1004) mydata <- arima.sim( n = 200, list(ma = c(0.3, 0.56 , 0.11)) ) # Computing initial values to be passed to MAXff() WN.InitARMA(tsData = data.frame(y = mydata), order = c(0, 0, 3), moreOrder = 1) # Returning initial values and white noise. initMA <- WN.InitARMA(tsData = data.frame(y = mydata), order = c(0, 0, 3), moreOrder = 1, whiteN = TRUE) # Initial values passed to MAXff() initMA$Coeff # Estimated white noise head(initMA$WhiteNoise)
Computes the yulesimonMlink
transformation, its inverse
and the first two derivatives.
yulesimonMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
yulesimonMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. This is |
bvalue , inverse , deriv , short , tag
Details at |
Assume ,
is a shape parameter as in
Then, the mean of
is given by
provided .
This link function may be conceived as a natural link function
for the mean of the Yule–Simon distribution which comes up by
taking the logarithm on both sides of this equation. More precisely,
the yulesimonMlink
tranformation for
is given by
While this link function can be used to model any parameter lying in
, it is particularly useful for event-rate data where
the mean,
, can be written in terms of some rate of events,
, and the timeframe observed
Assuming that additional covariates might be available to linearly
model (or
this model can be treated as a VGLM with one parameter where
the time
) can be easily incorporated
in the analysis as an offset.
Under this link function the domain set for
. Hence, values of
close to
from the right, or out of range will result
, -Inf
, NA
or NaN
Use argument bvalue
to adequately replace them before
computing the link function.
Unlike logffMlink
, the inverse of
this link function can be written in close form.
If theta
is a character, arguments inverse
are disregarded.
For deriv = 0
, the yulesimonMlink
transformation of
when inverse = FALSE
, and if
inverse = TRUE
exp(theta) / (exp(theta) - 1)
For deriv = 1
, d eta
/ d theta
as a function of theta
if inverse = FALSE
, else
the reciprocal d theta
/ d eta
For deriv = 2
the second order derivatives
are correspondingly returned.
Conforming with yulesimon
, the domain
set for is
. However, in order for
to be a real number, must be greater
then 1.0. Then, when a VGLM is fitted via
using this link function,
numerical instability will occur if the estimated or the true value of
lies between 0 and 1, or if the initial values for
generated by
fail to meet
. Alternatively, try
if this happens.
If the underlying assumption is not met,
then this function returns
This is equivalent to claim that the mean is infinite or negative
and, consequently, its logarithm will not be real.
The vertical line theta = 1
is an asymptote for this link
function. As a result, it may return Inf
for values of
too close to
from the right.
V. Miranda and T. W. Yee
## Example 1 ## Shapes <- 1:10 yulesimonMlink(theta = Shapes, deriv = 1) ## d eta/d theta, as function of theta yulesl.inv <- # The inverse minus actual values yulesimonMlink(theta = yulesimonMlink(theta = Shapes), inverse = TRUE) - Shapes summary(yulesl.inv) ## zero ## Example 2. Special values of theta (rho) ## rhos <- c(-Inf, -2, -1, 0.0, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 100, Inf, NaN, NA) rbind(rho = rhos, yuleslink = yulesimonMlink(theta = rhos), inv.yulesl =yulesimonMlink(theta = rhos, inverse = TRUE)) ## Example 3 The yulesimonMlink transformation and the first two derivatives ## rhos <- seq(1, 20, by = 0.01)[-1] y.rhos <- yulesimonMlink(theta = rhos, deriv = 0) der.1 <- yulesimonMlink(theta = rhos, deriv = 1) der.2 <- yulesimonMlink(theta = rhos, deriv = 2) plot(y.rhos ~ rhos, col = "black", main = "log(mu), mu = E[Y], Y ~ Yule-Simon(rho).", ylim = c(-5, 10), xlim = c(-1, 5), lty = 1, type = "l", lwd = 3) abline(v = 1.0, col = "orange", lty = 2, lwd = 3) abline(v = 0, h = 0, col = "gray50", lty = "dashed") lines(rhos, der.1, col = "blue", lty = 5) lines(rhos, der.2, col = "chocolate", lty = 4) legend(2, 7, legend = c("yulesimonMlink", "deriv = 1", "deriv = 2"), col = c("black", "blue", "chocolate"), lty = c(1, 5, 4))
## Example 1 ## Shapes <- 1:10 yulesimonMlink(theta = Shapes, deriv = 1) ## d eta/d theta, as function of theta yulesl.inv <- # The inverse minus actual values yulesimonMlink(theta = yulesimonMlink(theta = Shapes), inverse = TRUE) - Shapes summary(yulesl.inv) ## zero ## Example 2. Special values of theta (rho) ## rhos <- c(-Inf, -2, -1, 0.0, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 100, Inf, NaN, NA) rbind(rho = rhos, yuleslink = yulesimonMlink(theta = rhos), inv.yulesl =yulesimonMlink(theta = rhos, inverse = TRUE)) ## Example 3 The yulesimonMlink transformation and the first two derivatives ## rhos <- seq(1, 20, by = 0.01)[-1] y.rhos <- yulesimonMlink(theta = rhos, deriv = 0) der.1 <- yulesimonMlink(theta = rhos, deriv = 1) der.2 <- yulesimonMlink(theta = rhos, deriv = 2) plot(y.rhos ~ rhos, col = "black", main = "log(mu), mu = E[Y], Y ~ Yule-Simon(rho).", ylim = c(-5, 10), xlim = c(-1, 5), lty = 1, type = "l", lwd = 3) abline(v = 1.0, col = "orange", lty = 2, lwd = 3) abline(v = 0, h = 0, col = "gray50", lty = "dashed") lines(rhos, der.1, col = "blue", lty = 5) lines(rhos, der.2, col = "chocolate", lty = 4) legend(2, 7, legend = c("yulesimonMlink", "deriv = 1", "deriv = 2"), col = c("black", "blue", "chocolate"), lty = c(1, 5, 4))
Computes the zetaffMlink
transformation, including its inverse
and the first two derivatives.
zetaffMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, alg.roots = c("Newton-Raphson", "bisection")[1], inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
zetaffMlink(theta, bvalue = NULL, alg.roots = c("Newton-Raphson", "bisection")[1], inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, short = TRUE, tag = FALSE)
theta |
Numeric or character. This is |
bvalue |
Details at |
alg.roots |
Character. The iterative method to find the inverse of this link function. Default is Newton–Raphson. Optionally, the bisection method is also available. |
inverse , deriv , short , tag
Details at |
This is a link function for the zeta distribution,
, which emerges by applying
the logarithm transformation to its mean. Specifically,
assume follows a zeta distribution with shape parameter
(this is
in the VGLM/VGAM framework).
Then, the mean of is
provided , where
is the Riemann's zeta
function computed by
. The notation
adopted here conforms with zetaff
in terms of the density of the zeta distribution.
The zetaffMlink
transformation is given by
It is particularly useful when modelling event–rate data where
the expected number of events, , can be modelled as
Specifically, is a standardized mean per unit–time, and
is the observed timeframe.
The domain set for , i.e.
, is
. Hence, either large values of
, or those too close to
from the right, or out of
range will result in
, -Inf
, NA
. Use argument bvalue
to adequately replace
them before computing the link function.
WARNING: While in zetaff
the parameter
lies in
will be real when . Consequently,
for any VGLM fitted via
using this
link function, numerical problems will take place if any
value lies between 0.0 and 1.0 at any iteration. Use
optional link functions like
When inverse = TRUE
and deriv = 0
changes into
, and therefore the domain set
(only in this case) turns into
See below for further details.
If theta
is a character, arguments inverse
are disregarded.
For deriv = 0
, the zetaffMlink
transformation of
, if inverse = FALSE
. When inverse = TRUE
becomes , and then the inverse of
is required. However, it cannot be written in closed–form. Instead,
the inverse image of , say
is returned. That is, a unique vector
such that
This process is equivalent to find the root,
, of the function
which is internally carried out via the method entered
. Options available are
” and “bisection
For deriv = 1
, d eta
/ d theta
as a function of theta
if inverse = FALSE
, else
the reciprocal d theta
/ d eta
Similarly, when deriv = 2
the second order derivatives
are returned accordingly.
The first two derivatives of the Riemman's zeta function
are computed by zeta
Besides, the zetaffMlink
function as well as its derivatives
are graphically delimited for specific asymptotes.
Consequently, the mathematical limit of this link function is
returned for special values of theta
, e.g.
for theta
= . See example 2 below.
Where the inverse image of ,
is required, values entered at
(becoming ) must
be non-negative. The reason is that the
transformation is decreasing but strictly positive in
asymptotically approaching to the horizontal axis. In this way, the
uniquely intersects the horizontal axis and hence the inverse image
computed by “Newton-Raphson
” or “bisection
will be a real
Overall, this link function is useful to model any parameter
lying in , specially if the theoretical mean
can be written as
, as stated above.
As a result, some problems may arise if there are covariates.
Try another link function if any issue, such
V. Miranda and T. W. Yee
## Example 1 ## Shapes <- 1:10 + 0.1 zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes, deriv = 1) ## d eta/d theta, as function of theta zetafflk.inv <- zetaffMlink(theta = zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes), inverse = TRUE) - Shapes summary(zetafflk.inv) ## Should be zero ## Example 2. Special values of theta, inverse = FALSE ## Shapes <- c(-Inf, -1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 10, 100, Inf, NaN, NA) print(rbind(Shapes, zetaffMlink = zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes), inv.zfflink = zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes, inverse = TRUE)), digits = 3) ## Example 3. Plot of 'zetaffMlink()' and its first two derivatives ## ## inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, 1, 2 ## Shapes <- seq(1, 20, by = 0.01)[-1] y.shapes <- zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes, deriv = 0) der.1 <- zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes, deriv = 1) der.2 <- zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes, deriv = 2) plot(y.shapes ~ Shapes, col = "black", main = "log(mu), mu = E[Y], Y ~ Zeta(s).", ylim = c(-5, 10), xlim = c(-0.1, 5), lty = 1, type = "l", lwd = 3) abline(v = 1.0, col = "orange", lty = 2, lwd = 3) abline(v = 0, h = 0, col = "gray50", lty = "dashed") lines(Shapes, der.1, col = "blue", lty = 5) lines(Shapes, der.2, col = "chocolate", lty = 4) legend(2, 7, legend = c("zetaffMlink", "deriv = 1", "deriv = 2"), col = c("black", "blue", "chocolate"), lty = c(1, 5, 4), lwd = c(3, 1, 1))
## Example 1 ## Shapes <- 1:10 + 0.1 zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes, deriv = 1) ## d eta/d theta, as function of theta zetafflk.inv <- zetaffMlink(theta = zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes), inverse = TRUE) - Shapes summary(zetafflk.inv) ## Should be zero ## Example 2. Special values of theta, inverse = FALSE ## Shapes <- c(-Inf, -1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 10, 100, Inf, NaN, NA) print(rbind(Shapes, zetaffMlink = zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes), inv.zfflink = zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes, inverse = TRUE)), digits = 3) ## Example 3. Plot of 'zetaffMlink()' and its first two derivatives ## ## inverse = FALSE, deriv = 0, 1, 2 ## Shapes <- seq(1, 20, by = 0.01)[-1] y.shapes <- zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes, deriv = 0) der.1 <- zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes, deriv = 1) der.2 <- zetaffMlink(theta = Shapes, deriv = 2) plot(y.shapes ~ Shapes, col = "black", main = "log(mu), mu = E[Y], Y ~ Zeta(s).", ylim = c(-5, 10), xlim = c(-0.1, 5), lty = 1, type = "l", lwd = 3) abline(v = 1.0, col = "orange", lty = 2, lwd = 3) abline(v = 0, h = 0, col = "gray50", lty = "dashed") lines(Shapes, der.1, col = "blue", lty = 5) lines(Shapes, der.2, col = "chocolate", lty = 4) legend(2, 7, legend = c("zetaffMlink", "deriv = 1", "deriv = 2"), col = c("black", "blue", "chocolate"), lty = c(1, 5, 4), lwd = c(3, 1, 1))