Package 'Tushare'

Title: Interface to 'Tushare Pro' API
Description: Helps the R users to get data from 'Tushare Pro'<>. 'Tushare Pro' is a platform as well as a community with a lot of staffs working in financial area. We support financial data such as stock price, financial report statements and digital coins data.
Authors: Feifei ZHANG
Maintainer: Feifei ZHANG<[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.1.4
Built: 2025-02-16 06:43:09 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Interface to 'Tushare Pro' API


Helps the R users to get data from "Tushare Pro". "Tushare Pro" is a platform as well as a community with a lot of staffs working in financial area. We support financial data such as stock price, financial report statements and digital coins data.

Tushare api to get data


After passing your token you get the api. Let's name it 'pro'(such as pro = Tushare::pro_api(token = 'YOUR TOKEN HERE')). Then you can call pro(api_name = 'API_NAME', other_params = 'YOUR OTHER PARAMETERS') to get data.





Your token. You can obtain it from Tushare Pro website after logging.


## step 1. Use your token and call Tushare::pro_api to get pro_api interface
## You can get your token from the Tushare Pro website<>.
## Check details via visiting <>
## and <>.

## Not run: pro <- Tushare::pro_api(token = 'YOUR TOKEN HERE')

## step 2. Use pro to call each data api via passing "api_name" and other optional parameters.

## Not run: pro(api_name = 'daily', ts_code='000001.SZ', start_date='20180702', end_date='20180704')
## This code will return daily k-line information of stock '000001.SZ' from 20180702 to 20180704.
##     ts_code trade_date open high  low close pre_close change pct_change        vol      amount
## 1 000001.SZ   20180704 8.63 8.75 8.61  8.61      8.67  -0.06      -0.69  711153.37  617278.559
## 2 000001.SZ   20180703 8.69  8.7 8.45  8.67      8.61   0.06        0.7 1274838.57 1096657.033
## 3 000001.SZ   20180702 9.05 9.05 8.55  8.61      9.09  -0.48      -5.28 1315520.13 1158545.868

Pro Bar to get quotations of different financial products


Return the interface "pro_bar". "pro_bar" is an interface like "bar" in tushare. The interface lets you get quotations of different financial products such as stock, mutual fund and index.





Your token. You can obtain it from Tushare Pro website after logging.


## step 1. Use your token and call Tushare::pro_bar to get pro_bar interface
## You can get your token from the Tushare Pro website<>.
## Check details via visiting <>
## and <>.

## Not run: bar <- Tushare::pro_bar(token = 'YOUR TOKEN HERE')

## step 2. Use "bar" to get quotations of different financial products via passing specific
## parameters(see next lines). There are some examples after paramters introduction.
## parameters for "bar"
## ts_code:       the code to specify stock, fund or other products
## start_date:    the start date
## end_date:      the end date
## freq:          frequency, support 1/5/15/30/60 minutes, Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Annually
## asset:         security type,
##                    "E": stock, LOF
##                    "I": index
##                    "C": digital coin
##                    "F": forward/future/other stock and index except "A Share Stock"
## market:        code for market
## adj:           adjusted price, None/hfq/qfq
## ma:            moving average price, a number, 5 for ma5, 10 for ma10 ...
## retry_count:   times to retry

## Example 1. Two ways to get quotations of index
## Not run: 
  api(api_name = 'index_daily', ts_code = '000001.SH', start_date = '20181001',
      end_date = '20181010')
## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
  bar(ts_code = '000001.SH', start_date = "20181001", end_date = "20181010", asset = 'I')
## End(Not run)
## These two instructions will get the same data as below.
##     ts_code trade_date     close      open      high       low pre_close    change
## 1 000001.SH   20181010 2725.8367 2723.7242  2743.548 2703.0626  2721.013    4.8237
## 2 000001.SH   20181009  2721.013 2713.7319 2734.3142 2711.1971 2716.5104    4.5026
## 3 000001.SH   20181008 2716.5104 2768.2075 2771.9384 2710.1781 2821.3501 -104.8397
##   pct_change       vol      amount
## 1     0.1773 113485736 111312455.3
## 2     0.1657 116771899 110292457.8
## 3    -3.7159 149501388 141531551.8

## Example 2. Two ways to get quotations of stock
## Not run: 
  api(api_name = 'daily', ts_code = "000001.SZ", start_date = "20181001", end_date = "20181010")
## End(Not run)
## Not run: 
  bar(ts_code = "000001.SZ", start_date = "20181001", end_date = "20181010")
## End(Not run)
## These two instructions will get the same data as below.
##     ts_code trade_date  open  high   low close pre_close change pct_change        vol
## 1 000001.SZ   20181010 10.54 10.66 10.38 10.45     10.56  -0.11    -1.0417  995200.08
## 2 000001.SZ   20181009 10.46 10.70 10.39 10.56     10.45   0.11     1.0526 1064084.26
## 3 000001.SZ   20181008 10.70 10.79 10.45 10.45     11.05   -0.6    -5.4299 1686358.52
##        amount
## 1  1045666.18
## 2  1117946.55
## 3 1793455.283

## Example 3.  Get quotations of stock with adjusted price("hfq")
## Not run: 
  bar(ts_code = "000001.SZ", start_date = "20181001", end_date = "20181010", adj = "hfq")
## End(Not run)
##     ts_code trade_date    open    high     low   close pre_close change pct_change
## 1 000001.SZ   20181010 1138.65 1151.61 1121.36 1128.92   1140.81  -0.11    -1.0417
## 2 000001.SZ   20181009 1130.00 1155.93 1122.44 1140.81   1128.92   0.11     1.0526
## 3 000001.SZ   20181008 1155.93 1165.65 1128.92 1128.92   1193.74   -0.6    -5.4299
##          vol      amount
## 1  995200.08  1045666.18
## 2 1064084.26  1117946.55
## 3 1686358.52 1793455.283

## Example 4.  Get quotations of stock with adjusted price("qfq")
## Not run: 
  bar(ts_code = "000001.SZ", start_date = "20181001", end_date = "20181010", adj = "qfq")
## End(Not run)
##     ts_code trade_date  open  high   low close pre_close change pct_change        vol
## 1 000001.SZ   20181010 10.54 10.66 10.38 10.45     10.56  -0.11    -1.0417  995200.08
## 2 000001.SZ   20181009 10.46 10.70 10.39 10.56     10.45   0.11     1.0526 1064084.26
## 3 000001.SZ   20181008 10.70 10.79 10.45 10.45     11.05   -0.6    -5.4299 1686358.52
##        amount
## 1  1045666.18
## 2  1117946.55
## 3 1793455.283

## Example 5.  Get quotations of stock with adjusted price("hfq")
## and two moving average prices("ma5"" and "ma10"")
## Not run: 
  bar(ts_code = "000001.SZ", start_date = "20181001", adj = "hfq", ma = c(5,10))
## End(Not run)
##      ts_code trade_date    open    high     low   close pre_close change pct_change
## 1  000001.SZ   20181101 1187.26 1193.74 1162.41 1169.98   1178.62  -0.08    -0.7333
## 2  000001.SZ   20181031 1182.94 1187.26 1161.33 1178.62   1177.54   0.01     0.0917
## 3  000001.SZ   20181030 1164.57 1196.98 1159.17 1177.54   1161.33   0.15     1.3953
## 4  000001.SZ   20181029 1209.95 1214.27 1147.29 1161.33   1207.79  -0.43    -3.8462
## 5  000001.SZ   20181026 1219.67 1221.83 1184.02 1207.79   1219.67  -0.11    -0.9743
## 6  000001.SZ   20181025 1166.73 1219.67 1157.01 1219.67   1192.66   0.25     2.2645
## 7  000001.SZ   20181024 1177.54 1223.99 1166.73 1192.66   1171.06    0.2      1.845
## 8  000001.SZ   20181023 1209.95 1212.11 1159.17 1171.06   1204.55  -0.31    -2.7803
## 9  000001.SZ   20181022 1167.82 1238.04 1164.57 1204.55   1162.41   0.39     3.6245
## 10 000001.SZ   20181019 1074.91 1164.57 1071.67 1162.41   1090.03   0.67     6.6402
## 11 000001.SZ   20181018 1111.64 1111.64 1086.79 1090.03   1115.96  -0.24    -2.3233
## 12 000001.SZ   20181017 1134.33 1139.73 1095.43 1115.96   1120.28  -0.04    -0.3857
## 13 000001.SZ   20181016 1095.43 1138.65 1093.27 1120.28   1092.19   0.26     2.5717
## 14 000001.SZ   20181015 1122.44 1131.08 1090.03 1092.19   1112.72  -0.19    -1.8447
## 15 000001.SZ   20181012 1077.07 1117.04 1066.27 1112.72   1065.19   0.44     4.4625
## 16 000001.SZ   20181011 1085.71 1097.59 1047.90 1065.19   1128.92  -0.59    -5.6459
## 17 000001.SZ   20181010 1138.65 1151.61 1121.36 1128.92   1140.81  -0.11    -1.0417
## 18 000001.SZ   20181009 1130.00 1155.93 1122.44 1140.81   1128.92   0.11     1.0526
## 19 000001.SZ   20181008 1155.93 1165.65 1128.92 1128.92   1193.74   -0.6    -5.4299
##           vol      amount     ma5    ma10
## 1  1542776.32 1679443.449 1179.05 1176.57
## 2  1152683.79 1252156.775 1188.99 1170.30
## 3  1501827.86 1641371.787 1191.80 1164.57
## 4  1591628.78 1725932.497 1190.50 1157.66
## 5   1299975.1 1448843.512 1199.15 1148.15
## 6  1685011.36 1855823.739 1190.07 1132.71
## 7  1829424.64 2026171.911 1164.14 1126.33
## 8  1602545.92 1759265.958 1148.80 1123.31
## 9  2645543.12  2932714.47 1138.65 1115.74
## 10 2083667.32 2173571.254 1116.17      NA
## 11 1001156.05 1015654.821 1106.24      NA
## 12 1350889.83 1400306.336 1101.27      NA
## 13 1396921.05 1450020.371 1103.86      NA
## 14  1402685.3 1443043.059 1107.97      NA
## 15 1516810.28   1532651.4 1115.31    <NA>
## 16 1995143.83 1994186.611      NA    <NA>
## 17  995200.08  1045666.18      NA    <NA>
## 18 1064084.26  1117946.55    <NA>    <NA>
## 19 1686358.52 1793455.283    <NA>    <NA>