This package considers the estimation and inference of sparse graphical models that characterize the dependency structure of high-dimensional tensor-valued data. Data are assumed to follow a tensor normal distribution whose covariance has a Kronecker product structure. For estimation, this package provides an alternating minimization algorithm, which iteratively estimates each sparse precision matrix while fixing the others, and attains an estimator with the optimal statistical rate of convergence. Notably, such an estimator achieves estimation consistency with only one tensor sample, which is unobserved in previous work. For inference, this package provides a large-scale multiple testing method for support recovery of sparse precision matrix. A FDR control procedure can be easily implmented into the inference. Test consistency and FDR convergence achieves with only two tensor samples.
A tensor ${\cal T} \in \mathbb R^{m_1
\times m_2 \times \cdots \times m_K}$ follows the tensor normal
distribution with zero mean and covariance matrices $\bf{\Sigma}_1, \ldots, \bf{\Sigma}_K$,
denoted as ${\cal T} \sim \textrm{TN}({\bf0};
\bf{\Sigma}_1, \ldots, \bf{\Sigma}_K)$, if its probability
density function is
A standard approach to estimate precision matrix $\bf{\Omega}_k^*$, k = 1, …, K, is to use the
maximum likelihood method. Up to a constant, the negative log-likelihood
function of the tensor normal distribution is
$q_n(\bf{\Omega}_1, \ldots,
\bf{\Omega}_K)$ is jointly non-convex with respect to $\bf{\Omega}_1, \ldots, \bf{\Omega}_K$.
Nevertheless, $q_n(\bf{\Omega}_1, \ldots,
\bf{\Omega}_K)$ is bi-convex problem since $q_n(\bf{\Omega}_1, \ldots, \bf{\Omega}_K)$
is convex in $\bf{\Omega}_k$ when the
rest K − 1 precision matrices
are fixed. According to its bi-convex property, this package solves this
non-convex problem by alternatively update one precision matrix with
other matrices fixed. Note that, for any k = 1, …, K, minimizing
$q_n(\bf{\Omega}_1, \ldots,
\bf{\Omega}_K)$ with respect to $\bf{\Omega}_k$ while fixing the rest K − 1 precision matrices is
equivalent to minimizing
Multiple testing method is established to testing the entries of
precision matrix for each way of the tensor, Lyu et al. (2019). We focus
on $\bf{\Omega}_1^*$, and procedures on
the rest K − 1 precision
matrices are symmetric. Hypothesis for $\bf{\Omega}_1^*$ is, ∀ 1 ≤ i < j ≤ m1,
Let index −i in k-th mode denote all elements of
mode-k except the i-th one. From the distribution of
${\cal T }_{: , i_2 , \ldots , i_K}$,
we have, for every ik ∈ {1, …, mk},
k ∈ {1, …, K}, ${\cal T}_{i_1 , i_2 , \ldots , i_K} | {\cal
T}_{-i_1 , i_2 , \ldots , i_K} \sim \textrm{N} ( -
[\bf{\Omega}_1^*]_{i_1,i_1}^{-1} [\bf{\Omega}_1^*]_{i_1, - i_1} {\cal
T}_{-i_1 , i_2 , \ldots , i_K} ; [\bf{\Omega}_1^*]_{i_1, i_1 }^{-1}
\prod_{k=2}^K[\bf{\Sigma}_k^*]_{i_k, i_k} )$. An equivalent
linear model is
Test statistic is constructed by both bias and variance correction of
sample covariance of residuals. Let $\hat{\bf{\theta}}_{i_1} = (\hat{\theta}_{1, i_1} ,
\ldots , \hat{\theta}_{m_1-1, i_1})^\top = -
[\hat{\bf{\Omega}}_1]_{i_1,i_1}^{-1} [\hat{\bf{\Omega}}_1]_{i_1, -
i_1}$ be the estimator of $\bf{\theta}_{i_1}$, where $\hat{\bf{\Omega}}_1$ is the output of
Tlasso Algorithm. Given $\{
\hat{\bf{\theta}}_{i_1} \}_{i_1 = 1 }^{m_1}$, the residual of
the linear model is defined as
Let $\tilde{\tau}_{i,j}= \sqrt{(n-1) m/
(m_1\hat{\varrho}_{i,i} \hat{\varrho}_{j,j}) } \tau_{i,j}$. Given
the values of τ̃ij and
thresholding level 𝜍, we define a test
procedure φ𝜍(τ̃i, j) = 1{|τ̃i, j| ≥ 𝜍}
and reject H01, ij
if φ𝜍(τ̃i, j) = 1.
The definition of FDR/FDP in our notation is
FDR/FDP control procedure is to infer the support of $\bf{\Omega}_1^*$ at thresholding level $\hat{\varsigma}$. In particular, FDR and FDP
in the procedure are
Lyu et al. (2019) gives the asymptotic control of FDP1 and FDR1 for the support of $\bf{\Omega}_{1}^*$: under certain conditions, FDP1w/υw0 → 1, FDR1w/υw0 → 1 in probability as nm/m1 → ∞.
This packages contains following functions:
nearest-neighbor graph, this function first
randomly picks p points from a unit square and computes all pairwise
distances among the points. Then it searches for the knn
nearest-neighbors of each point and a pair of symmetric entries in the
precision matrix that has a random chosen value from [−1, −0.5] ∪ [0.5, 1]. Finally, to ensure
positive definite property, it normalizes the matrix as Ω < −Ω + (λmin(Ω) + 0.2)1p
where λmin(⋅)
refers to the samllest eigenvalue.
is not given, default distribution is
from either triangle graph or nearest-neighbor graph (depends on
. Algorithm will be terminated if output in certain
iteration change less than thres
. Otherwise, T iterations
will be fully operated.
) for inference is off-diagnoal. Elements in
Omega.list are true precision matrices or estimation of the true ones,
the latter can be output of
are true
precision matrices or estimation of the true ones, the latter can be
output of
The purpose of this section is to show users the basic usage of this package. We will briefly go through main functions, see what they can do and have a look at outputs. An detailed example of complete procedures of estimation and inference will be presented to give users a general sense of the pakcage.
First, we load Tlasso
Then, we generate a list of precision matrices of triangle graph.
m.vec = c(5,5,5) # dimensionality of a tensor
# m1, m2, m3
n = 5 # sample size
Omega.true.list = list()
for (k in 1:length(m.vec)) {
Omega.true.list[[k]] = ChainOmega(m.vec[k], sd = k)
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,] 0.3168143 -0.2308893 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
## [2,] -0.2308893 0.4674875 -0.2123306 0.0000000 0.0000000
## [3,] 0.0000000 -0.2123306 0.4234692 -0.1841058 0.0000000
## [4,] 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.1841058 0.3658496 -0.1499391
## [5,] 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.1499391 0.2415995
returns a precision matrix of triangle graph
with dimension m.vec[k]
and seed number k
Given precision matrices, we generate obervations from corresponding
tensor normal distribution.
Sigma.true.list = list()
for (k in 1:length(m.vec)) {
Sigma.true.list[[k]] = solve(Omega.true.list[[k]])
} # generate covariance matrices list
# obersavations from tensor normal distribution
generates observations from separable tensor
normal distribution with covariance matrix Sigma.list[[k]]
for kth mode. DATA
is a m1 * m2 * m3 * n
array, i.e, a 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 array.
Default distribution is from triangle graph or 4 near-neighbor graph
(depends on type
# default is triangle graph
# equivalent to DATA2 = Trnorm(n,m.vec, type='Chain', sd=1)
# 4 nearest-neighbor graph
# equivalent to DATA3 = Trnorm(n,m.vec, type='Neighbor', sd=1, knn=4)
Given observations DATA
, we use
to conduct alternating optimization.
lambda.thm = 20*c( sqrt(log(m.vec[1])/(n*prod(m.vec))),
# lambda.thm is regularization parameter
out.tlasso =,T=1,lambda.vec = lambda.thm)
# output is a list of estimation of precision matrices
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,] 0.361422637 -0.23704270 0.002333856 -0.06126152 0.01539202
## [2,] -0.237046526 0.46822624 -0.192384949 -0.05154091 0.05256162
## [3,] 0.002304876 -0.19236551 0.424993048 -0.17817458 -0.07814616
## [4,] -0.061257515 -0.05155747 -0.178173408 0.37108685 -0.08295747
## [5,] 0.015405071 0.05255995 -0.078142842 -0.08296053 0.19265707
generates a list of precision matrices
. Default is maximal iteration T=1
and termination thresholding level thres=1e-05
. If
estimation output changes less than thres
, in terms of
Frobenius norm, after certain iteration,
will be
terminated immediately (before Tth iteration). The performance of
can be evaluated by
# compare out.tlasso and Omega.true.list
# main diagnoal is taken into consideration
## $error.kro
## [1] 0.3656762
## $tpr.kro
## [1] 1
## $tnr.kro
## [1] 0.4989574
## $av.error.f
## [1] 0.1986636
## $av.error.max
## [1] 0.08618703
## $av.tpr
## [1] 1
## $av.tnr
## [1] 0.3333333
## $error.f
## [1] 0.2130124 0.0980819 0.2848964
## $error.max
## [1] 0.07814616 0.05873962 0.12167531
## $tpr
## [1] 1 1 1
## $tnr
## [1] 0.0000000 0.3333333 0.6666667
returns a list of estimation performance
Argument | Explanation |
Out$error.kro |
error in Frobenius norm of kronecker product |
Out$tpr.kro |
TPR of kronecker product |
Out$tnr.kro |
TNR of kronecker product |
Out$av.error.f |
averaged Frobenius norm error across all modes |
Out$av.error.max |
averaged Max norm error across all modes |
Out$av.tpr |
averaged TPR across all modes |
Out$av.tnr |
averaged TNR across all modes |
Out$error.f |
vector; error in Frobenius norm of each mode |
Out$error.max |
vector; error in Max norm of each mode |
Out$tpr |
vector; TPR of each mode |
Out$tnr |
vector; TNR of each mode |
Given DATA
and out.tlasso
, we next show how
to compute test statistic.
mat.list=list() # list of matrices of test statistic value
for ( k in 1:length(m.vec)) {
rho=covres(DATA, out.tlasso, k = k)
# sample covariance matrix of residuals, including diagnoal
# bias corrected sample covariance of residuals, excluding diagnoal
varpi2=varcor(DATA, out.tlasso, k = k)
# variance correction term for kth mode's sample covariance of residuals
for( i in 1:(m.vec[k]-1)) {
for ( j in (i+1):m.vec[k]){
# compute final test statistic
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,] 0.0000000 2.761395 -0.231802 1.509672 -0.4881653
## [2,] 2.7613945 0.000000 2.411092 0.797850 -1.2962198
## [3,] -0.2318020 2.411092 0.000000 2.153166 1.2980072
## [4,] 1.5096719 0.797850 2.153166 0.000000 2.3900777
## [5,] -0.4881653 -1.296220 1.298007 2.390078 0.0000000
To compute test statistic, we first need to compute sample covariance
of residuals via rho
. rho
returns a sample
covariance matrix, including diagnoal. Then we conduct bias correction
and variance correction varcor
returns a bias corrected sample covariance matrix.
returns a scalar to scale test statistic into
standard normal. Given test statistic value mat.list
, we
turn to test hypothesis. The significant level we choose is 0.95.
# inference measures (off-diagnoal), critical value is 0.975 quantile of standard normal
infer.analysis(mat.list, qnorm(0.975), Omega.true.list, offdiag=TRUE)
## $fp
## [1] 0 0 2
## $fn
## [1] 0 0 4
## $d
## [1] 8 8 6
## $nd
## [1] 12 12 14
## $t
## [1] 8 8 8
returns a list of inference performance
Argument | Explanation |
Out$fp |
vector; number of false positive of each mode |
Out$fn |
vector; number of false negative of each mode |
Out$d |
vector; number of all discovery of each mode |
Out$nd |
vector; number of all non-discovery of each mode |
Out$t |
vector; number of all true non-zero entries of each mode |
Due to the fact that this inference procedure relies on multiple testing, FDR control is indispensible. Lyu et al. (2019) provides an easy-implemented and efficient FDR control procedure. This procedure asymptotically controls FDR via selecting the smallest critical value that contrains FDP under certain level.
k=1 # interested mode
upsilon=0.1 # control level
# compute the difference between FDP and upsilon
fun=function(varsigma,mk,upsilon,tautest) {
return((2*(1-pnorm(varsigma))*mk*(mk-1))/max(1,sum(sign(abs(tautest) > varsigma))) - upsilon)
# select a critical value in (0,6) that has the samllest difference
for (varsigma in inter) {
# the smallest critical value that constrains FDP under upsilon
critical=inter[min(which(diff < 0))]
# testing hypothesis with the critcal value
# FDR will converge to the limit proved in Lyu et al. 2019.
inference.FDR=infer.analysis(mat.list, critical, Omega.true.list, offdiag=TRUE)
Finally, we would like to visualize graph structure of inference via
k=1 # interested mode
# true graph structure.
# set thres=0 in case true edge is eliminated
graph.pattern(Omega.true.list[[1]],main='True graph of mode 1',thres=0)
inf.mat=mat.list[[k]] > qnorm(0.975)
# set thres=0 (<1) since inf.mat is logical
graph.pattern(inf.mat,main='Inference of mode 1',thres=0)
From graphs we can see that inference result quite matches true graph.