Title: | Spatial Position Models |
Description: | Computes spatial position models: the potential model as defined by Stewart (1941) <doi:10.1126/science.93.2404.89> and catchment areas as defined by Reilly (1931) or Huff (1964) <doi:10.2307/1249154>. |
Authors: | Timothée Giraud [cre, aut] , Hadrien Commenges [aut], Joël Boulier [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Timothée Giraud <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 2.1.2 |
Built: | 2025-01-23 06:53:28 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
This function creates a distance matrix between two spatial objects (sp or sf objects).
CreateDistMatrix(knownpts, unknownpts, bypassctrl = FALSE, longlat = TRUE)
CreateDistMatrix(knownpts, unknownpts, bypassctrl = FALSE, longlat = TRUE)
knownpts |
sp or sf object; rows of the distance matrix. |
unknownpts |
sp or sf object; columns of the distance matrix. |
bypassctrl |
logical; bypass the distance matrix size control (see Details). |
longlat |
logical; if FALSE, Euclidean distance, if TRUE Great Circle (WGS84 ellipsoid) distance. |
The function returns a full matrix of distances in meters.
If the matrix to compute is too large (more than 100,000,000 cells, more than
10,000,000 origins or more than 10,000,000 destinations)
the function sends a confirmation message to warn users about the amount of
RAM mobilized.
Use bypassctrl
= TRUE to skip this control.
A distance matrix, row names are knownpts
row names, column
names are unknownpts
row names.
# Create a grid of paris extent and 200 meters # resolution data(hospital) mygrid <- CreateGrid(w = paris, resolution = 200, returnclass = "sf") # Create a distance matrix between known hospital and mygrid mymat <- CreateDistMatrix(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid, longlat = FALSE) mymat[1:5,1:5] nrow(paris) nrow(mygrid) dim(mymat)
# Create a grid of paris extent and 200 meters # resolution data(hospital) mygrid <- CreateGrid(w = paris, resolution = 200, returnclass = "sf") # Create a distance matrix between known hospital and mygrid mymat <- CreateDistMatrix(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid, longlat = FALSE) mymat[1:5,1:5] nrow(paris) nrow(mygrid) dim(mymat)
This function creates a regular grid of points from the extent of a given spatial object and a given resolution.
CreateGrid(w, resolution, returnclass = "sp")
CreateGrid(w, resolution, returnclass = "sp")
w |
sp or sf object; the spatial extent of this object is used to create the regular grid. |
resolution |
numeric; resolution of the grid (in map units). If resolution is not set, the grid will contain around 7500 points. (optional) |
returnclass |
"sp" or "sf"; class of the returned object. |
The output of the function is a regularly spaced points grid
with the extent of w
# Create a grid of paris extent and 200 meters # resolution library(SpatialPosition) library(sf) data(hospital) mygrid <- CreateGrid(w = paris, resolution = 200, returnclass = "sf") plot(st_geometry(mygrid), cex = 0.1, pch = ".") plot(st_geometry(paris), border="red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
# Create a grid of paris extent and 200 meters # resolution library(SpatialPosition) library(sf) data(hospital) mygrid <- CreateGrid(w = paris, resolution = 200, returnclass = "sf") plot(st_geometry(mygrid), cex = 0.1, pch = ".") plot(st_geometry(paris), border="red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
An sf POINT data frame of 18 public hospitals with their capacity ("capacity" = number of beds).
This function computes the catchment areas as defined by D. Huff (1964).
huff( knownpts, unknownpts, matdist, varname, typefct = "exponential", span, beta, resolution, mask, bypassctrl = FALSE, longlat = TRUE, returnclass = "sp" )
huff( knownpts, unknownpts, matdist, varname, typefct = "exponential", span, beta, resolution, mask, bypassctrl = FALSE, longlat = TRUE, returnclass = "sp" )
knownpts |
sp or sf object; this is the set of known observations to estimate the catchment areas from. |
unknownpts |
sp or sf object;
this is the set of unknown units for which the function computes the estimates.
Not used when |
matdist |
matrix; distance matrix between known observations and unknown
units for which the function computes the estimates. Row names match the row
names of |
varname |
character; name of the variable in the |
typefct |
character; spatial interaction function. Options are "pareto"
(means power law) or "exponential".
If "pareto" the interaction is defined as: (1 + alpha * mDistance) ^ (-beta).
If "exponential" the interaction is defined as:
exp(- alpha * mDistance ^ beta).
The alpha parameter is computed from parameters given by the user
( |
span |
numeric; distance where the density of probability of the spatial interaction function equals 0.5. |
beta |
numeric; impedance factor for the spatial interaction function. |
resolution |
numeric; resolution of the output grid (in map units). If resolution is not set, the grid will contain around 7000 points. (optional) |
mask |
sp or sf object; the spatial extent of this object is used to create the regularly spaced points output. (optional) |
bypassctrl |
logical; bypass the distance matrix size control (see
longlat |
logical; if FALSE, Euclidean distance, if TRUE Great Circle (WGS84 ellipsoid) distance. |
returnclass |
"sp" or "sf"; class of the returned object. |
Point object with the computed catchment areas in a new
field named OUTPUT
HUFF D. (1964) Defining and Estimating a Trading Area. Journal of Marketing, 28: 34-38.
huff, rasterHuff, plotHuff, CreateGrid, CreateDistMatrix.
# Create a grid of paris extent and 200 meters # resolution data(hospital) mygrid <- CreateGrid(w = paris, resolution = 200, returnclass = "sf") # Create a distance matrix between known points (hospital) and mygrid mymat <- CreateDistMatrix(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid, longlat = FALSE) # Compute Huff catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a given # grid (mygrid) using a given distance matrix (mymat) myhuff <- huff(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid, matdist = mymat, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Compute Huff catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution myhuff2 <- huff(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, resolution = 200, mask = paris, returnclass= "sf") # The two methods have the same result identical(myhuff, myhuff2) # the function output an sf object class(myhuff)
# Create a grid of paris extent and 200 meters # resolution data(hospital) mygrid <- CreateGrid(w = paris, resolution = 200, returnclass = "sf") # Create a distance matrix between known points (hospital) and mygrid mymat <- CreateDistMatrix(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid, longlat = FALSE) # Compute Huff catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a given # grid (mygrid) using a given distance matrix (mymat) myhuff <- huff(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid, matdist = mymat, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Compute Huff catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution myhuff2 <- huff(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, resolution = 200, mask = paris, returnclass= "sf") # The two methods have the same result identical(myhuff, myhuff2) # the function output an sf object class(myhuff)
This function creates spatial polygons of contours from a raster.
isopoly( x, nclass = 8, breaks, mask, xcoords = "COORDX", ycoords = "COORDY", var = "OUTPUT", returnclass = "sp" )
isopoly( x, nclass = 8, breaks, mask, xcoords = "COORDX", ycoords = "COORDY", var = "OUTPUT", returnclass = "sp" )
x |
sf POINT data.frame; must contain X, Y and OUTPUT fields. |
nclass |
numeric; a number of class. |
breaks |
numeric; a vector of break values. |
mask |
sf POLYGON data.frame; mask used to clip contour shapes. |
xcoords |
character; name of the X coordinates field in x. |
ycoords |
character; name of the Y coordinates field in x. |
var |
character; name of the OUTPUT field in x. |
returnclass |
"sp" or "sf"; class of the returned object. |
The output is an sf POLYGON data.frame. The data frame contains four fields: id (id of each polygon), min and max (minimum and maximum breaks of the polygon), center (central values of classes).
data(hospital) # Compute Stewart potentials mystewart <- stewart(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1000, beta = 3, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Create contour contourpoly <- isopoly(x = mystewart, nclass = 6, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") library(sf) plot(st_geometry(contourpoly)) if(require(cartography)){ # Created breaks bks <- sort(unique(c(contourpoly$min, contourpoly$max))) opar <- par(mar = c(0,0,1.2,0)) # Display the map choroLayer(x = contourpoly, var = "center", legend.pos = "topleft", breaks = bks, border = "grey90", lwd = 0.2, legend.title.txt = "Potential number\nof beds in the\nneighbourhood", legend.values.rnd = 0) plot(st_geometry(paris), add = TRUE) propSymbolsLayer(x = hospital, var = "capacity", legend.pos = "right", legend.title.txt = "Number of beds", col = "#ff000020") layoutLayer(title = "Global Accessibility to Public Hospitals", sources = "", author = "") par(opar) }
data(hospital) # Compute Stewart potentials mystewart <- stewart(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1000, beta = 3, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Create contour contourpoly <- isopoly(x = mystewart, nclass = 6, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") library(sf) plot(st_geometry(contourpoly)) if(require(cartography)){ # Created breaks bks <- sort(unique(c(contourpoly$min, contourpoly$max))) opar <- par(mar = c(0,0,1.2,0)) # Display the map choroLayer(x = contourpoly, var = "center", legend.pos = "topleft", breaks = bks, border = "grey90", lwd = 0.2, legend.title.txt = "Potential number\nof beds in the\nneighbourhood", legend.values.rnd = 0) plot(st_geometry(paris), add = TRUE) propSymbolsLayer(x = hospital, var = "capacity", legend.pos = "right", legend.title.txt = "Number of beds", col = "#ff000020") layoutLayer(title = "Global Accessibility to Public Hospitals", sources = "", author = "") par(opar) }
This function computes Stewart potentials using parallel computation.
mcStewart( knownpts, unknownpts, varname, typefct = "exponential", span, beta, resolution, mask, cl, size = 1000, longlat = TRUE, returnclass = "sp" )
mcStewart( knownpts, unknownpts, varname, typefct = "exponential", span, beta, resolution, mask, cl, size = 1000, longlat = TRUE, returnclass = "sp" )
knownpts |
sp or sf object; this is the set of known observations to estimate the potentials from. |
unknownpts |
sp or sf object; this is the set of unknown units for which
the function computes the estimates. Not used when |
varname |
character; name of the variable in the |
typefct |
character; spatial interaction function. Options are "pareto"
(means power law) or "exponential".
If "pareto" the interaction is defined as: (1 + alpha * mDistance) ^ (-beta).
If "exponential" the interaction is defined as:
exp(- alpha * mDistance ^ beta).
The alpha parameter is computed from parameters given by the user
( |
span |
numeric; distance where the density of probability of the spatial interaction function equals 0.5. |
beta |
numeric; impedance factor for the spatial interaction function. |
resolution |
numeric; resolution of the output SpatialPointsDataFrame (in map units). If resolution is not set, the grid will contain around 7250 points. (optional) |
mask |
sp or sf object; the spatial extent of this object is used to create the regularly spaced points output. (optional) |
cl |
numeric; number of clusters. By default cl is determined using
size |
numeric; mcStewart splits unknownpts in chunks, size indicates the size of each chunks. |
longlat |
logical; if FALSE, Euclidean distance, if TRUE Great Circle (WGS84 ellipsoid) distance. |
returnclass |
"sp" or "sf"; class of the returned object. |
The parallel implementation splits potentials computations along chunks of unknownpts (or chunks of the grid defined using resolution).
Point object with the computed potentials in a new field
named OUTPUT
## Not run: if(require(cartography)){ nuts3.spdf@data <- nuts3.df t1 <- system.time( s1 <- stewart(knownpts = nuts3.spdf,resolution = 40000, varname = "pop2008", typefct = "exponential", span = 100000, beta = 3, mask = nuts3.spdf, returnclass = "sf") ) t2 <- system.time( s2 <- mcStewart(knownpts = nuts3.spdf, resolution = 40000, varname = "pop2008", typefct = "exponential", span = 100000, beta = 3, mask = nuts3.spdf, cl = 3, size = 500, returnclass = "sf") ) identical(s1, s2) cat("Elapsed time\n", "stewart:", t1[3], "\n mcStewart:",t2[3]) iso <- isopoly(x = s2, breaks = c(0,1000000,2000000, 5000000, 10000000, 20000000, 200004342), mask = nuts3.spdf, returnclass = "sf") # cartography opar <- par(mar = c(0,0,1.2,0)) bks <- sort(unique(c(iso$min, iso$max))) choroLayer(x = iso, var = "center", breaks = bks, border = NA, legend.title.txt = "pop") layoutLayer("potential population", "","", scale = NULL) par(opar) } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: if(require(cartography)){ nuts3.spdf@data <- nuts3.df t1 <- system.time( s1 <- stewart(knownpts = nuts3.spdf,resolution = 40000, varname = "pop2008", typefct = "exponential", span = 100000, beta = 3, mask = nuts3.spdf, returnclass = "sf") ) t2 <- system.time( s2 <- mcStewart(knownpts = nuts3.spdf, resolution = 40000, varname = "pop2008", typefct = "exponential", span = 100000, beta = 3, mask = nuts3.spdf, cl = 3, size = 500, returnclass = "sf") ) identical(s1, s2) cat("Elapsed time\n", "stewart:", t1[3], "\n mcStewart:",t2[3]) iso <- isopoly(x = s2, breaks = c(0,1000000,2000000, 5000000, 10000000, 20000000, 200004342), mask = nuts3.spdf, returnclass = "sf") # cartography opar <- par(mar = c(0,0,1.2,0)) bks <- sort(unique(c(iso$min, iso$max))) choroLayer(x = iso, var = "center", breaks = bks, border = NA, legend.title.txt = "pop") layoutLayer("potential population", "","", scale = NULL) par(opar) } ## End(Not run)
This function plots the raster produced by the
plotHuff(x, add = FALSE)
plotHuff(x, add = FALSE)
x |
raster; output of the |
add |
logical; if TRUE the raster is added to the current plot, if FALSE the raster is displayed in a new plot. |
Display the raster nicely.
data(hospital) # Compute Huff catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution myhuff <- huff(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 750, beta = 2, resolution = 100, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Create a raster of huff values myhuffraster <- rasterHuff(x = myhuff, mask = paris) plotHuff(myhuffraster)
data(hospital) # Compute Huff catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution myhuff <- huff(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 750, beta = 2, resolution = 100, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Create a raster of huff values myhuffraster <- rasterHuff(x = myhuff, mask = paris) plotHuff(myhuffraster)
This function plots the raster produced by the
plotReilly(x, add = FALSE, col = rainbow)
plotReilly(x, add = FALSE, col = rainbow)
x |
raster; output of the |
add |
logical; if TRUE the raster is added to the current plot, if FALSE the raster is displayed in a new plot. |
col |
function; color ramp function, such as |
Display the raster nicely.
data(hospital) # Compute Reilly catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution myreilly <- reilly(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, resolution = 200, mask = paris, returnclass = 'sf') # Create a raster of reilly values myreillyraster <- rasterReilly(x = myreilly, mask = paris) # Plot the raster nicely plotReilly(x = myreillyraster)
data(hospital) # Compute Reilly catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution myreilly <- reilly(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, resolution = 200, mask = paris, returnclass = 'sf') # Create a raster of reilly values myreillyraster <- rasterReilly(x = myreilly, mask = paris) # Plot the raster nicely plotReilly(x = myreillyraster)
This function plots the raster produced by the
plotStewart( x, add = FALSE, breaks = NULL, typec = "equal", nclass = 5, legend.rnd = 0, col = colorRampPalette(c("#FEA3A3", "#980000")) )
plotStewart( x, add = FALSE, breaks = NULL, typec = "equal", nclass = 5, legend.rnd = 0, col = colorRampPalette(c("#FEA3A3", "#980000")) )
x |
raster; output of the |
add |
logical; if TRUE the raster is added to the current plot, if FALSE the raster is displayed in a new plot. |
breaks |
numeric; vector of break values to map. If used,
this parameter overrides |
typec |
character; either "equal" or "quantile", how to discretize the values. |
nclass |
numeric (integer), number of classes. |
legend.rnd |
numeric (integer); number of digits used to round the values displayed in the legend. |
col |
function; color ramp function, such as |
Display the raster nicely and return the list of break values (invisible).
stewart, rasterStewart, quickStewart, CreateGrid, CreateDistMatrix.
data(hospital) # Compute Stewart potentials from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution mystewart <- stewart(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1000, beta = 3, resolution = 100, mask = paris) # Create a raster of potentials values mystewartraster <- rasterStewart(x = mystewart, mask = paris) # Plot stewart potentials nicely plotStewart(x = mystewartraster, add = FALSE, nclass = 5) # Can be used to obtain break values break.values <- plotStewart(x = mystewartraster, add = FALSE, nclass = 5) break.values
data(hospital) # Compute Stewart potentials from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution mystewart <- stewart(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1000, beta = 3, resolution = 100, mask = paris) # Create a raster of potentials values mystewartraster <- rasterStewart(x = mystewart, mask = paris) # Plot stewart potentials nicely plotStewart(x = mystewartraster, add = FALSE, nclass = 5) # Can be used to obtain break values break.values <- plotStewart(x = mystewartraster, add = FALSE, nclass = 5) break.values
This function is a wrapper around stewart, and isopoly functions. Providing only the main parameters of these functions, it simplifies a lot the computation of potentials. This function creates polygons of potential values. It also allows to compute directly the ratio between the potentials of two variables.
quickStewart( x, spdf, df, spdfid = NULL, dfid = NULL, var, var2, typefct = "exponential", span, beta, resolution, mask, nclass = 8, breaks, bypassctrl = FALSE, returnclass = "sp" )
quickStewart( x, spdf, df, spdfid = NULL, dfid = NULL, var, var2, typefct = "exponential", span, beta, resolution, mask, nclass = 8, breaks, bypassctrl = FALSE, returnclass = "sp" )
x |
sp or sf object; this is the set of known observations to estimate the potentials from. |
spdf |
a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame. |
df |
a data frame that contains the values to compute |
spdfid |
name of the identifier field in spdf, default to the first column of the spdf data frame. (optional) |
dfid |
name of the identifier field in df, default to the first column of df. (optional) |
var |
name of the numeric field in df used to compute potentials. |
var2 |
name of the numeric field in df used to compute potentials. This field is used for ratio computation (see Details). |
typefct |
character; spatial interaction function. Options are "pareto"
(means power law) or "exponential".
If "pareto" the interaction is defined as: (1 + alpha * mDistance) ^ (-beta).
If "exponential" the interaction is defined as:
exp(- alpha * mDistance ^ beta).
The alpha parameter is computed from parameters given by the user
( |
span |
numeric; distance where the density of probability of the spatial interaction function equals 0.5. |
beta |
numeric; impedance factor for the spatial interaction function. |
resolution |
numeric; resolution of the output SpatialPointsDataFrame (in map units). If resolution is not set, the grid will contain around 7250 points. (optional) |
mask |
sp or sf object; the spatial extent of this object is used to create the regularly spaced points output. (optional) |
nclass |
numeric; a targeted number of classes (default to 8). Not used if breaks is set. |
breaks |
numeric; a vector of values used to discretize the potentials. |
bypassctrl |
logical; bypass the distance matrix size control (see
returnclass |
"sp" or "sf"; class of the returned object. |
If var2 is provided, the ratio between the potentials of var (numerator) and var2 (denominator) is computed.
A polyfon object is returned ("sp" or "sf", see isopoly Value).
# load data data("hospital") # Compute potentials pot <- quickStewart(x = hospital, var = "capacity", span = 1000, beta = 2, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # cartography if(require("cartography")){ breaks <- sort(c(unique(pot$min), max(pot$max)), decreasing = FALSE) choroLayer(x = pot, var = "center", breaks = breaks, legend.pos = "topleft", legend.title.txt = "Nb. of Beds") } # Compute a ratio of potentials hospital$dummy <- hospital$capacity + c(rep(50, 18)) pot2 <- quickStewart(x = hospital, var = "capacity", var2 = "dummy", span = 1000, beta = 2, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # cartography if(require("cartography")){ breaks <- sort(c(unique(pot2$min), max(pot2$max)), decreasing = FALSE) choroLayer(x = pot2, var = "center", breaks = breaks, legend.pos = "topleft",legend.values.rnd = 3, legend.title.txt = "Nb. of DummyBeds") }
# load data data("hospital") # Compute potentials pot <- quickStewart(x = hospital, var = "capacity", span = 1000, beta = 2, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # cartography if(require("cartography")){ breaks <- sort(c(unique(pot$min), max(pot$max)), decreasing = FALSE) choroLayer(x = pot, var = "center", breaks = breaks, legend.pos = "topleft", legend.title.txt = "Nb. of Beds") } # Compute a ratio of potentials hospital$dummy <- hospital$capacity + c(rep(50, 18)) pot2 <- quickStewart(x = hospital, var = "capacity", var2 = "dummy", span = 1000, beta = 2, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # cartography if(require("cartography")){ breaks <- sort(c(unique(pot2$min), max(pot2$max)), decreasing = FALSE) choroLayer(x = pot2, var = "center", breaks = breaks, legend.pos = "topleft",legend.values.rnd = 3, legend.title.txt = "Nb. of DummyBeds") }
This function creates a raster from a regularly spaced
Huff grid (output of the huff
rasterHuff(x, mask = NULL)
rasterHuff(x, mask = NULL)
x |
sp or sf object; output of the |
mask |
sp or sf object; this object is used to clip the raster. (optional) |
Raster of catchment areas values.
library(raster) data(hospital) # Compute Huff catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution myhuff <- huff(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 750, beta = 2, resolution = 100, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Create a raster of huff values myhuffraster <- rasterHuff(x = myhuff, mask = paris) plot(myhuffraster)
library(raster) data(hospital) # Compute Huff catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution myhuff <- huff(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 750, beta = 2, resolution = 100, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Create a raster of huff values myhuffraster <- rasterHuff(x = myhuff, mask = paris) plot(myhuffraster)
This function creates a raster from a regularly spaced
Reilly grid (output of the reilly
rasterReilly(x, mask = NULL)
rasterReilly(x, mask = NULL)
x |
sp or sf object; output of the |
mask |
sp or sf object; this object is used to clip the raster. (optional) |
Raster of catchment areas values.
The raster uses a RAT (ratify
) that contains the
correspondance between raster values and catchement areas values. Use
to see the correpondance table.
library(raster) data(hospital) # Compute Reilly catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution myreilly <- reilly(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, resolution = 200, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Create a raster of reilly values myreillyraster <- rasterReilly(x = myreilly, mask = paris) plot(myreillyraster, col = rainbow(18)) # Correspondance between raster values and reilly areas head(unique(levels(myreillyraster)[[1]]))
library(raster) data(hospital) # Compute Reilly catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution myreilly <- reilly(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, resolution = 200, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Create a raster of reilly values myreillyraster <- rasterReilly(x = myreilly, mask = paris) plot(myreillyraster, col = rainbow(18)) # Correspondance between raster values and reilly areas head(unique(levels(myreillyraster)[[1]]))
This function creates a raster from a regularly spaced
Stewart points grid (output of the stewart
rasterStewart(x, mask = NULL)
rasterStewart(x, mask = NULL)
x |
sp or sf object; output of the |
mask |
sp or sf object; this object is used to clip the raster. (optional) |
Raster of potential values.
stewart, quickStewart, plotStewart, CreateGrid, CreateDistMatrix.
library(raster) data(hospital) # Compute Stewart potentials from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution mystewart <- stewart(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1000, beta = 3, resolution = 100, mask = paris) # Create a raster of potentials values mystewartraster <- rasterStewart(x = mystewart, mask = paris) plot(mystewartraster)
library(raster) data(hospital) # Compute Stewart potentials from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution mystewart <- stewart(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1000, beta = 3, resolution = 100, mask = paris) # Create a raster of potentials values mystewartraster <- rasterStewart(x = mystewart, mask = paris) plot(mystewartraster)
This function computes the catchment areas as defined by W.J. Reilly (1931).
reilly( knownpts, unknownpts, matdist, varname, typefct = "exponential", span, beta, resolution, mask, bypassctrl = FALSE, longlat = TRUE, returnclass = "sp" )
reilly( knownpts, unknownpts, matdist, varname, typefct = "exponential", span, beta, resolution, mask, bypassctrl = FALSE, longlat = TRUE, returnclass = "sp" )
knownpts |
sp or sf object; this is the set of known observations to estimate the catchment areas from. |
unknownpts |
sp or sf object;
this is the set of unknown units for which the function computes the estimates.
Not used when |
matdist |
matrix; distance matrix between known observations and unknown
units for which the function computes the estimates. Row names match the row
names of |
varname |
character; name of the variable in the |
typefct |
character; spatial interaction function. Options are "pareto"
(means power law) or "exponential".
If "pareto" the interaction is defined as: (1 + alpha * mDistance) ^ (-beta).
If "exponential" the interaction is defined as:
exp(- alpha * mDistance ^ beta).
The alpha parameter is computed from parameters given by the user
( |
span |
numeric; distance where the density of probability of the spatial interaction function equals 0.5. |
beta |
numeric; impedance factor for the spatial interaction function. |
resolution |
numeric; resolution of the output grid (in map units). If resolution is not set, the grid will contain around 7250 points. (optional) |
mask |
sp or sf object; the spatial extent of this object is used to create the regularly spaced points output. (optional) |
bypassctrl |
logical; bypass the distance matrix size control (see
longlat |
logical; if FALSE, Euclidean distance, if TRUE Great Circle (WGS84 ellipsoid) distance. |
returnclass |
"sp" or "sf"; class of the returned object. |
Point object with the computed catchment areas in a new
field named OUTPUT
. Values match the row names of knownpts
REILLY, W. J. (1931) The law of retail gravitation, W. J. Reilly, New York.
reilly, rasterReilly, plotReilly, CreateGrid, CreateDistMatrix.
# Create a grid of paris extent and 200 meters # resolution data(hospital) mygrid <- CreateGrid(w = hospital, resolution = 200, returnclass = "sf") # Create a distance matrix between known points (hospital) and mygrid mymat <- CreateDistMatrix(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid) # Compute Reilly catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a given # grid (mygrid) using a given distance matrix (mymat) myreilly2 <- reilly(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid, matdist = mymat, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Compute Reilly catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution myreilly <- reilly(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, resolution = 200, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # The function output an sf object class(myreilly) # The OUTPUT field values match knownpts row names head(unique(myreilly$OUTPUT))
# Create a grid of paris extent and 200 meters # resolution data(hospital) mygrid <- CreateGrid(w = hospital, resolution = 200, returnclass = "sf") # Create a distance matrix between known points (hospital) and mygrid mymat <- CreateDistMatrix(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid) # Compute Reilly catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a given # grid (mygrid) using a given distance matrix (mymat) myreilly2 <- reilly(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid, matdist = mymat, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Compute Reilly catchment areas from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution myreilly <- reilly(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, resolution = 200, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # The function output an sf object class(myreilly) # The OUTPUT field values match knownpts row names head(unique(myreilly$OUTPUT))
This function computes a distance weighted mean. It offers the
same parameters as stewart
: user defined distance matrix, user
defined impedance function (power or exponential), user defined exponent.
smoothy( knownpts, unknownpts, matdist, varname, typefct = "exponential", span, beta, resolution, mask, bypassctrl = FALSE, longlat = TRUE, returnclass = "sp" )
smoothy( knownpts, unknownpts, matdist, varname, typefct = "exponential", span, beta, resolution, mask, bypassctrl = FALSE, longlat = TRUE, returnclass = "sp" )
knownpts |
sp or sf object; this is the set of known observations to estimate the potentials from. |
unknownpts |
sp or sf object;
this is the set of unknown units for which the function computes the estimates.
Not used when |
matdist |
matrix; distance matrix between known observations and unknown
units for which the function computes the estimates. Row names match the row
names of |
varname |
character; name of the variable in the |
typefct |
character; spatial interaction function. Options are "pareto"
(means power law) or "exponential".
If "pareto" the interaction is defined as: (1 + alpha * mDistance) ^ (-beta).
If "exponential" the interaction is defined as:
exp(- alpha * mDistance ^ beta).
The alpha parameter is computed from parameters given by the user
( |
span |
numeric; distance where the density of probability of the spatial interaction function equals 0.5. |
beta |
numeric; impedance factor for the spatial interaction function. |
resolution |
numeric; resolution of the output grid (in map units). If resolution is not set, the grid will contain around 7250 points. (optional) |
mask |
sp or sf object; the spatial extent of this object is used to create the regularly spaced points output. (optional) |
bypassctrl |
logical; bypass the distance matrix size control (see
longlat |
logical; if FALSE, Euclidean distance, if TRUE Great Circle (WGS84 ellipsoid) distance. |
returnclass |
"sp" or "sf"; class of the returned object. |
Point object with the computed distance weighted mean in a new field
named OUTPUT
# Create a grid of paris extent and 200 meters # resolution data(hospital) mygrid <- CreateGrid(w = paris, resolution = 200, returnclass = "sf") # Create a distance matrix between known points (hospital) and mygrid mymat <- CreateDistMatrix(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid) # Compute distance weighted mean from known points (hospital) on a given # grid (mygrid) using a given distance matrix (mymat) mysmoothy <- smoothy(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid, matdist = mymat, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Compute distance weighted mean from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution mysmoothy2 <- smoothy(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, resolution = 200, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # The two methods have the same result identical(mysmoothy, mysmoothy2) # Computed values summary(mysmoothy$OUTPUT)
# Create a grid of paris extent and 200 meters # resolution data(hospital) mygrid <- CreateGrid(w = paris, resolution = 200, returnclass = "sf") # Create a distance matrix between known points (hospital) and mygrid mymat <- CreateDistMatrix(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid) # Compute distance weighted mean from known points (hospital) on a given # grid (mygrid) using a given distance matrix (mymat) mysmoothy <- smoothy(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid, matdist = mymat, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Compute distance weighted mean from known points (hospital) on a # grid defined by its resolution mysmoothy2 <- smoothy(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, resolution = 200, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # The two methods have the same result identical(mysmoothy, mysmoothy2) # Computed values summary(mysmoothy$OUTPUT)
Computes spatial position models:
Stewart potentials,
Reilly catchment areas,
Huff catchment areas.
An introduction to the package conceptual background and usage:
- vignette(topic = "SpatialPosition")
A Stewart potentials use case:
- vignette(topic = "StewartExample")
Maintainer: Timothée Giraud [email protected] (ORCID)
Hadrien Commenges
Other contributors:
Joël Boulier [contributor]
COMMENGES H., GIRAUD, T., LAMBERT, N. (2016) "ESPON FIT: Functional Indicators for Spatial-Aware Policy-Making", Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization, 51(3): 127-136.
Useful links:
Report bugs at https://github.com/riatelab/SpatialPosition/issues
This function computes the potentials as defined by J.Q. Stewart (1942).
stewart( knownpts, unknownpts, matdist, varname, typefct = "exponential", span, beta, resolution, mask, bypassctrl = FALSE, longlat = TRUE, returnclass = "sp" )
stewart( knownpts, unknownpts, matdist, varname, typefct = "exponential", span, beta, resolution, mask, bypassctrl = FALSE, longlat = TRUE, returnclass = "sp" )
knownpts |
sp or sf object; this is the set of known observations to estimate the potentials from. |
unknownpts |
sp or sf object; this is the set of unknown units for which
the function computes the estimates. Not used when |
matdist |
matrix; distance matrix between known observations and unknown
units for which the function computes the estimates. Row names match the row
names of |
varname |
character; name of the variable in the |
typefct |
character; spatial interaction function. Options are "pareto"
(means power law) or "exponential".
If "pareto" the interaction is defined as: (1 + alpha * mDistance) ^ (-beta).
If "exponential" the interaction is defined as:
exp(- alpha * mDistance ^ beta).
The alpha parameter is computed from parameters given by the user
( |
span |
numeric; distance where the density of probability of the spatial interaction function equals 0.5. |
beta |
numeric; impedance factor for the spatial interaction function. |
resolution |
numeric; resolution of the output grid (in map units). If resolution is not set, the grid will contain around 7250 points. (optional) |
mask |
sp or sf object; the spatial extent of this object is used to create the regularly spaced points output. (optional) |
bypassctrl |
logical; bypass the distance matrix size control (see
longlat |
logical; if FALSE, Euclidean distance, if TRUE Great Circle (WGS84 ellipsoid) distance. |
returnclass |
"sp" or "sf"; class of the returned object. |
Point object with the computed potentials in a new field
named OUTPUT
STEWART J.Q. (1942) "Measure of the influence of a population at a distance", Sociometry, 5(1): 63-71.
rasterStewart, plotStewart, quickStewart, isopoly, CreateGrid, CreateDistMatrix.
# Create a grid of paris extent and 200 meters # resolution data(hospital) mygrid <- CreateGrid(w = paris, resolution = 200, returnclass = "sf") # Create a distance matrix between known points (spatPts) and mygrid mymat <- CreateDistMatrix(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid) # Compute Stewart potentials from known points (spatPts) on a given # grid (mygrid) using a given distance matrix (mymat) mystewart <- stewart(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid, matdist = mymat, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Compute Stewart potentials from known points (spatPts) on a # grid defined by its resolution mystewart2 <- stewart(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, resolution = 200, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # The two methods have the same result identical(mystewart, mystewart2) # the function output a sf data.frame class(mystewart) # Computed values summary(mystewart$OUTPUT)
# Create a grid of paris extent and 200 meters # resolution data(hospital) mygrid <- CreateGrid(w = paris, resolution = 200, returnclass = "sf") # Create a distance matrix between known points (spatPts) and mygrid mymat <- CreateDistMatrix(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid) # Compute Stewart potentials from known points (spatPts) on a given # grid (mygrid) using a given distance matrix (mymat) mystewart <- stewart(knownpts = hospital, unknownpts = mygrid, matdist = mymat, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # Compute Stewart potentials from known points (spatPts) on a # grid defined by its resolution mystewart2 <- stewart(knownpts = hospital, varname = "capacity", typefct = "exponential", span = 1250, beta = 3, resolution = 200, mask = paris, returnclass = "sf") # The two methods have the same result identical(mystewart, mystewart2) # the function output a sf data.frame class(mystewart) # Computed values summary(mystewart$OUTPUT)