Package 'SpaceTimeBSS'

Title: Blind Source Separation for Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Data
Description: Simultaneous/joint diagonalization of local autocovariance matrices to estimate spatio-temporally uncorrelated random fields.
Authors: Christoph Muehlmann [aut] , Nikolaus Piccolotto [aut] , Claudia Cappello [aut] , Sandra De Iaco [aut] , Klaus Nordhausen [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Klaus Nordhausen <>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.4-0
Built: 2025-02-25 06:35:26 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Blind Source Separation for Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Data


Simultaneous/joint diagonalization of local autocovariance matrices to estimate spatio-temporally uncorrelated random fields.


Package: SpaceTimeBSS
Type: Package
Version: 0.4-0
Date: 2024-05-29
License: GPL (>= 2)

Solving the second order blind source separation problem for multivariate space-time random fields. The random fields can be irregular in space but must be regular in time.

The main function of this package is:


This function computes local autocovariance matrices. The considered temporal lags are integer numbers and the spatial lags are defined by spatial kernel functions. Then, these local autocovariance matrices and the sample covariance are simultaneously/jointly diagonalized.

The package also contains a 9-variate dataset of deseasonalized weekly climate and meteorological measurements from the Italian Veneto region between 2000 and 2022 meteo_veneto.

Joint diagonalization is computed with the frjd (fast real joint diagonalization) algorithm from the package JADE.

The available finite realizations of the space time random fields can be defined by matrices or an object of classes STFDF, STSDF or st_sftime.


Christoph Muehlmann, Nikolaus Piccolotto, Claudia Cappello, Sandra De Iaco, Klaus Nordhausen

Maintainer: Klaus Nordhausen


Muehlmann, C., De Iaco, S. and Nordhausen, K. (2023), Blind Recovery of Sources for Multivariate Space-Time Environmental Data. Stochastic and Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37, 1593–1613, <doi:10.1007/s00477-022-02348-2>.

Coef Method for an Object of Class 'stbss'


Extracts the estimated unmixing matrix of an object of class 'stbss'.


## S3 method for class 'stbss'
coef(object, ...)



object of class 'stbss'. Usually result of stbss.


further arguments to be passed to or from methods.


Returns the estimated unmixing matrix of an object of class 'stbss' as a numeric matrix. For a description of the class 'stbss' see stbss.

See Also


Local Autocovariance Matrices


Computation of local autocovariance matrices for a multivariate space-time dataset based on a given set of spatio-temporal kernel functions.


lacov(x, coords, time, kernel_type, kernel_parameters, 
      lags, kernel_list = NULL, center = TRUE)



either a numeric matrix of dimension c(n, p) where the p columns correspond to the entries of the space-time random field and the n rows are the observations.


a numeric matrix of dimension c(n,2) where each row represents the spatial coordinates of the corresponding observation over a 2D spatial domain.


a numeric vector of length n where each entry represents the temporal coordinate of the corresponding observation.


either a string or a string vector of length K (or 1) indicating which spatio-temporal kernel function to use. Implemented choices are 'ring', 'ball' or 'gauss'.


a numeric vector of length K (or 1) for the 'ball' and 'gauss' kernel function or a list of length K (or 1) for the 'ring' kernel, see details.


an integer vector of length K (or 1) that provides the temporal lags for the spatio-temporal kernel functions, see details.


a list of spatio-temporal kernel matrices with dimension c(n,n), see details. Usually computed by the function stkmat.


logical. If TRUE the data x is centered prior computing the local covariance matrices. Default is TRUE.


Local autocovariance matrices are defined by

LACov(f)=1/(nFf,n)i,jf(sisj,titj)(x(si,ti)xˉ)(x(sj,tj)xˉ),LACov(f) = 1/(n F_{f,n}) \sum_{i,j} f(s_i-s_j,t_i-t_j) (x(s_i,t_i)-\bar{x}) (x(s_j,t_j)-\bar{x})',


Ff,n2=1/ni,jf2(sisj,titj).F^2_{f,n} = 1 / n \sum_{i,j} f^2(s_i-s_j,t_i-t_j).

Here, x(si,ti)x(s_i,t_i) are the p random field values at location si,tis_i,t_i, xˉ\bar{x} is the sample mean vector, and the space-time kernel function ff determines the locality. The following kernel functions are implemented and chosen with the argument kernel_type:

  • 'ring': the spatial parameters are inner radius rir_i and outer radius ror_o, with ri<ror_i < r_o, and ri,ro0r_i, r_o \ge 0, the temporal parameter is the temporal lag uu:

    f(ds,dt)=I(ri<dsro)I(dt=u)f(d_s,d_t) = I(r_i < d_s \le r_o)I(d_t = u)

  • 'ball': the spatial parameter is the radius rr, with r0r \ge 0, the temporal parameter is the temporal lag uu:

    f(ds,dt)=I(dsr)I(dt=u)f(d_s,d_t) = I(d_s \le r)I(d_t = u)

  • 'gauss': Gaussian function where 95% of the mass is inside the spatial parameter rr, with r0r \ge 0, the temporal parameter is the temporal lag uu:

    f(ds,dt)=exp(0.5(Φ1(0.95)ds/r)2)I(dt=u)f(d_s,d_t) = exp(-0.5 (\Phi^{-1}(0.95) d_s/r)^2)I(d_t = u)

Above, I()I() represents the indicator function. The argument kernel_type determines the used kernel function as presented above, the argument lags provides the used temporal lags for the kernel functions (uu in the above formulas) and the argument kernel_parameters gives the spatial parameters for the kernel function. Each of the arguments kernel_type, lags and kernel_parameters can be of length K or 1. Specifically, kernel_type can be either one kernel, then each local autocovariance matrix use the same kernel type, or of length K which leads to different kernel functions for the provided kernel parameters. lags can be either one integer, then for each kernel the same temporal lag is used, or an integer vector of length K which leads to different temporal lags. In the same fashion kernel_parameters is a vector of length K or 1. If kernel_type equals 'ball' or 'gauss' then the corresponding entry of kernel_parameters gives the single spatial radius parameter. In contrast, if (at least one entry of) kernel_type equals 'ring', then kernel_parameters must be a list of length K (or 1) where each entry is a numeric vector of length 2 defining the inner and outer spatial radius. See examples below.

Alternatively, a list of kernel matrices can be given directly to the function lacov through the kernel_list argument. A list with kernel matrices can be computed with the function stkmat.


lacov returns a list of length K where each entry is a numeric matrix of dimension c(p, p) corresponding to a local autocovariance matrix.


Muehlmann, C., De Iaco, S. and Nordhausen, K. (2023), Blind Recovery of Sources for Multivariate Space-Time Environmental Data. Stochastic and Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37, 1593–1613, <doi:10.1007/s00477-022-02348-2>.

See Also

stkmat, stbss


# space and time coordinates
n_t <- 50
n_sp <- 10
st_coords <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:n_sp, 1:n_sp, 1:n_t))

# simulate three latent white noise fields
field_1 <- rnorm(nrow(st_coords))
field_2 <- rnorm(nrow(st_coords))
field_3 <- rnorm(nrow(st_coords))

# compute the observed field
latent_field <- cbind(field_1, field_2, field_3)
mixing_matrix <- matrix(rnorm(9), 3, 3)
observed_field <- latent_field 

# lacov with different ring kernels and same lags
lacov_r <- lacov(observed_field, coords = st_coords[, 1:2], time = st_coords[, 3], 
                 kernel_type = 'ring', 
                 kernel_parameters = list(c(0, 1), c(1, 2)), lags = 1)

# lacov with same ball kernels and different lags
lacov_b <- lacov(observed_field, coords = st_coords[, 1:2], time = st_coords[, 3], 
                 kernel_type = 'ball', kernel_parameters = 1, lags = c(1, 2, 3))

# lacov with different gauss kernels and different lags
lacov_g <- lacov(observed_field, coords = st_coords[, 1:2], time = st_coords[, 3], 
                 kernel_type = 'gauss', kernel_parameters = 1, lags = 1:3)

# lacov mixed kernels
lacov_m <- lacov(observed_field, coords = st_coords[, 1:2], time = st_coords[, 3], 
                 kernel_type = c('ball', 'ring', 'gauss'), 
                 kernel_parameters = list(1, c(1:2), 3), lags = 1:3)

# lacov with a kernel list
kernel_list <- stkmat(coords = st_coords[, 1:2], time = st_coords[, 3], 
                      kernel_type = 'ring', 
                      kernel_parameters = list(c(0, 1)), lags = 1)
lacov_k <- lacov(observed_field, kernel_list = kernel_list)

Climate and Meteorological Deseasonalized Data in Veneto


Weekly aggregated climate and meteorological deseasonalized data in Veneto region (Italy) for a 23-year span (2000-2022).




Object of class data.frame with 85248 rows and 13 variables, where 85248 consists of 1184 weekly observations times 72 spatial locations. The variables are as follows:


x coordinates in meters (Gauss Boaga - EPSG:3003)


y coordinates in meters (Gauss Boaga - EPSG:3003)


code for the spatial location


code for the temporal observation, from 1 to 1184


evapotranspiration levels (mm)


solar radiation (MJ/m^2)


maximum temperature (degrees C)


average temperature (degrees C)


minimum temperature (degrees C)


maximum humidity (%)


minimum humidity (%)


wind velocity (m/s)


log of precipitation (mm)


The evapotranspiration levels were estimated by ARPA Veneto according to the Hargreaves equation. The data have been obtained by removing the annual periodicity from the raw data and then computing weekly averages.


The raw data can be downloaded from the Environmental Protection Agency of Veneto Region (ARPA Veneto) website.

Print Method for an Object of Class 'stbss'


Prints the estimated unmixing matrix, the (pseudo-)eigenvalues and the diagonalized local autocovariance matrices for an object of class 'stbss'.


## S3 method for class 'stbss'
print(x, ...)



object of class 'stbss'. Usually result of stbss.


additional arguments for the method print.listof.


No return value.

See Also


Space Time Blind Source Separation


For a given multivariate space-time dataset, stbss estimates the realization of spatio-temporally uncorrelated random fields through a linear transformation which is defined by a so-called mixing matrix and a location vector. This is done assuming a spatio-temporal blind source separation model and simultaneously/jointly diagonalizing the sample covariance matrix and one/many local autocovariance matrices.


stbss(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
stbss(x, coords, time, kernel_type, 
      kernel_parameters, lags, ordered = TRUE, kernel_list = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'STFDF'
stbss(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'STSDF'
stbss(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'sftime'
stbss(x, ...)



either a numeric matrix of dimension c(n, p) where the p columns correspond to the entries of the space-time random field and the n rows are the observations, an object of class STFDF, an object of class STSDF or an object of class st_sftime.


a numeric matrix of dimension c(n,2) where each row represents the coordinates of a point in the spatial domain over a 2D spatial domain. Only needed if x is a matrix and the argument kernel_list is NULL.


a numeric vector of length n where each entry represents the time of a point in the temporal domain. Only needed if x is a matrix and the argument kernel_list is NULL.


either a string or a string vector of length K (or 1) indicating which spatio-temporal kernel function to use. Implemented choices are 'ring', 'ball' or 'gauss'.


a numeric vector of length K (or 1) for the 'ball' and 'gauss' kernel function or a list of length K (or 1) for the 'ring' kernel, see details.


an integer vector of length K (or 1) that provides the temporal lags for the spatio-temporal kernel functions, see details.


logical. If TRUE the entries of the latent field are ordered by the sum of squared (pseudo-)eigenvalues of the diagonalized local covariance matrix/matrices. Default is TRUE.


a list of spatio-temporal kernel matrices with dimension c(n,n), see details. Usually computed by the function stkmat.


further arguments for the fast real joint diagonalization algorithm that jointly diagonalizes the local covariance matrices. See details and frjd.


It is assumed that the p-variate space-time random field x(s,t)x(s,t) is formed by

x(s,t)=Az(s,t)+b,x(s,t) = A z(s,t) + b,

where z(s,t)z(s,t) is the latent p-variate space-time random field, AA and bb are the mixing matrix and a location vector and ss and tt are the space and time coordinates. Furthermore, it is assumed that z(s,t)z(s,t) is white and consists of space-time uncorrelated components. The goal is to reverse the linear form by estimating an unmixing matrix and the location vector. This is done by simultaneously/jointly diagonalizing local autocovariance matrices which are defined by

LACov(f)=1/(nFf,n)i,jf(sisj,titj)(x(si,ti)xˉ)(x(sj,tj)xˉ),LACov(f) = 1/(n F_{f,n}) \sum_{i,j} f(s_i-s_j,t_i-t_j) (x(s_i,t_i)-\bar{x}) (x(s_j,t_j)-\bar{x})',


Ff,n2=1/ni,jf2(sisj,titj).F^2_{f,n} = 1 / n \sum_{i,j} f^2(s_i-s_j,t_i-t_j).

Here, x(si,ti)x(s_i,t_i) are the p random field values at location si,tis_i,t_i, xˉ\bar{x} is the sample mean vector, and the space-time kernel function ff determines the locality. The following kernel functions are implemented and chosen with the argument kernel_type:

  • 'ring': the spatial parameters are inner radius rir_i and outer radius ror_o, with ri<ror_i < r_o, and ri,ro0r_i, r_o \ge 0, the temporal parameter is the temporal lag uu:

    f(ds,dt)=I(ri<dsro)I(dt=u)f(d_s,d_t) = I(r_i < d_s \le r_o)I(d_t = u)

  • 'ball': the spatial parameter is the radius rr, with r0r \ge 0, the temporal parameter is the temporal lag uu:

    f(ds,dt)=I(dsr)I(dt=u)f(d_s,d_t) = I(d_s \le r)I(d_t = u)

  • 'gauss': Gaussian function where 95% of the mass is inside the spatial parameter rr, with r0r \ge 0, the temporal parameter is the temporal lag uu:

    f(ds,dt)=exp(0.5(Φ1(0.95)ds/r)2)I(dt=u)f(d_s,d_t) = exp(-0.5 (\Phi^{-1}(0.95) d_s/r)^2)I(d_t = u)

Above, I()I() represents the indicator function. The argument kernel_type determines the used kernel function as presented above, the argument lags provides the used temporal lags for the kernel functions (uu in the above formulas) and the argument kernel_parameters gives the spatial parameters for the kernel function. Each of the arguments kernel_type, lags and kernel_parameters can be of length K or 1. Specifically, kernel_type can be either one kernel, then each local autocovariance matrix use the same kernel type, or of length K which leads to different kernel functions for the provided kernel parameters. lags can be either one integer, then for each kernel the same temporal lag is used, or an integer vector of length K which leads to different temporal lags. In the same fashion kernel_parameters is a vector of length K or 1. If kernel_type equals 'ball' or 'gauss' then the corresponding entry of kernel_parameters gives the single spatial radius parameter. In contrast, if (at least one entry of) kernel_type equals 'ring', then kernel_parameters must be a list of length K (or 1) where each entry is a numeric vector of length 2 defining the inner and outer spatial radius.

Internally, stbss calls stkmat to compute a list of c(n,n) kernel matrices based on the parameters given, where each entry of those matrices corresponds to f(sisj,titj)f(s_i-s_j,t_i-t_j). Alternatively, such a list of kernel matrices can be given directly to the function stbss through the kernel_list argument. This is useful when stbss is called numerous times with the same coordinates/kernel functions as the computation of the kernel matrices is then only done once prior the actual stbss calls. For details see also lacov.

If more than one local autocovariance matrix is used stbss jointly diagonalizes these matrices with the function frjd. ... provides arguments for frjd, useful arguments might be:

  • eps: tolerance for convergence.

  • maxiter: maximum number of iterations.


stbss returns a list of class 'stbss' with the following entries:


object of class(x) containing the estimated source space-time values.


coordinates of the observations. Is NULL if class(x) is not a matrix or if kernel_list is provided at the stbss call.


time of the observations. Is NULL if kernel_list is provided or if class(x) is not a matrix at the stbss call.


estimated unmixing matrix.


inverse of the estimated unmixing matrix.


(pseudo-)eigenvalues for each latent field entry.


matrix of stacked (jointly) diagonalized local autocovariance matrices with dimension c(length(kernel_parameters)*p,p).


columnmeans of x.


square root of the inverse sample covariance matrix of x.


Muehlmann, C., De Iaco, S. and Nordhausen, K. (2023), Blind Recovery of Sources for Multivariate Space-Time Environmental Data. Stochastic and Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37, 1593–1613, <doi:10.1007/s00477-022-02348-2>.

See Also

stkmat, frjd


# space and time coordinates
n_t <- 50
n_sp <- 10
st_coords <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:n_sp, 1:n_sp, 1:n_t))

# simulate three latent white noise fields
field_1 <- rnorm(nrow(st_coords))
field_2 <- rnorm(nrow(st_coords))
field_3 <- rnorm(nrow(st_coords))
# compute the observed field
latent_field <- cbind(field_1, field_2, field_3)
mixing_matrix <- matrix(rnorm(9), 3, 3)
observed_field <- latent_field 

# apply stbss with lag 1 and a ring kernel
stbss_res <- stbss(observed_field, coords = st_coords[, 1:2], time = st_coords[, 3], 
                   kernel_type = 'ring', kernel_parameters = list(c(0, 1)), lags = 1)

# print object

# unmixing matrix
w_unmix <- coef(stbss_res)

# apply the same stbss with a kernel list
kernel_list <- stkmat(coords = st_coords[, 1:2], time = st_coords[, 3], 
                      kernel_type = 'ring', kernel_parameters = list(c(0, 1)), lags = 1)
stbss_res_k <- stbss(observed_field, kernel_list = kernel_list)

# apply stbss with three ball kernels 
stbss_res_b <- stbss(observed_field, coords = st_coords[, 1:2], time = st_coords[, 3], 
                     kernel_type = 'ball', kernel_parameters = 1:3, lags = 1:3)

Spatio-Temporal Kernel Matrices


Computation of spatio-temporal kernel matrices for given kernel functions.


stkmat(coords, time, kernel_type, kernel_parameters, lags)



a numeric matrix of dimension c(n,2) where each row represents the spatial coordinates of the corresponding observation over a 2D spatial domain.


an integer vector of length n where each entry represents the temporal coordinate of the corresponding observation.


either a string or a string vector of length K (or 1) indicating which spatio-temporal kernel function to use. Implemented choices are 'ring', 'ball' or 'gauss'.


a numeric vector of length K (or 1) for the 'ball' and 'gauss' kernel function or a list of length K (or 1) for the 'ring' kernel, see details.


an integer vector of length K (or 1) that provides the temporal lags for the spatio-temporal kernel functions, see details.


The following kernel functions are implemented and chosen with the argument kernel_type:

  • 'ring': the spatial parameters are inner radius rir_i and outer radius ror_o, with ri<ror_i < r_o, and ri,ro0r_i, r_o \ge 0, the temporal parameter is the temporal lag uu:

    f(ds,dt)=I(ri<dsro)I(dt=u)f(d_s,d_t) = I(r_i < d_s \le r_o)I(d_t = u)

  • 'ball': the spatial parameter is the radius rr, with r0r \ge 0, the temporal parameter is the temporal lag uu:

    f(ds,dt)=I(dsr)I(dt=u)f(d_s,d_t) = I(d_s \le r)I(d_t = u)

  • 'gauss': Gaussian function where 95% of the mass is inside the spatial parameter rr, with r0r \ge 0, the temporal parameter is the temporal lag uu:

    f(ds,dt)=exp(0.5(Φ1(0.95)ds/r)2)I(dt=u)f(d_s,d_t) = exp(-0.5 (\Phi^{-1}(0.95) d_s/r)^2)I(d_t = u)

Above, I()I() represents the indicator function. The argument kernel_type determines the used kernel function as presented above, the argument lags provides the used temporal lags for the kernel functions (uu in the above formulas) and the argument kernel_parameters gives the spatial parameters for the kernel function. Each of the arguments kernel_type, lags and kernel_parameters can be of length K or 1. Specifically, kernel_type can be either one kernel, then each local autocovariance matrix use the same kernel type, or of length K which leads to different kernel functions for the provided kernel parameters. lags can be either one integer, then for each kernel the same temporal lag is used, or an integer vector of length K which leads to different temporal lags. In the same fashion kernel_parameters is a vector of length K or 1. If kernel_type equals 'ball' or 'gauss' then the corresponding entry of kernel_parameters gives the single spatial radius parameter. In contrast, if (at least one entry of) kernel_type equals 'ring', then kernel_parameters must be a list of length K (or 1) where each entry is a numeric vector of length 2 defining the inner and outer spatial radius. See examples below.

The output of this function can be used with the function stbss to avoid unnecessary computation of kernel matrices when stbss is called multiple times with the same coordinate/kernel function setting. Additionally, the output can be used with the function lacov.


stkmat returns a list of length K containing numeric matrices of dimension c(n,n) corresponding to the spatio-temporal kernel matrices.


Muehlmann, C., De Iaco, S. and Nordhausen, K. (2023), Blind Recovery of Sources for Multivariate Space-Time Environmental Data. Stochastic and Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37, 1593–1613, <doi:10.1007/s00477-022-02348-2>.

See Also

stbss, lacov


# space and time coordinates
n_t <- 50
n_sp <- 10
coords <- runif(n_sp ^ 2 * 2) * n_sp
dim(coords) <- c(n_sp ^ 2, 2)
time <- 1:n_t

st_coords <- as.matrix(expand.grid(1:nrow(coords), 1:length(time)))
st_coords <- cbind(coords[st_coords[, 1], ], time[st_coords[, 2]])

# different ring kernels and same lags
stkmat_r <- stkmat(coords = st_coords[, 1:2], time = st_coords[, 3], 
                   kernel_type = 'ring', 
                   kernel_parameters = list(c(0, 1), c(1, 2)), lags = c(1, 1))

# same ball kernels and different lags
stkmat_b <- stkmat(coords = st_coords[, 1:2], time = st_coords[, 3], 
                   kernel_type = 'ball', kernel_parameters = 1:3, lags = c(1, 2, 3))

# different gauss kernels and different lags
stkmat_g <- stkmat(coords = st_coords[, 1:2], time = st_coords[, 3], 
                   kernel_type = 'gauss', kernel_parameters = 1:3, lags = 1:3)

# mixed kernels
stkmat_m <- stkmat(coords = st_coords[, 1:2], time = st_coords[, 3], 
                   kernel_type = c('ball', 'ring', 'gauss'), 
                   kernel_parameters = list(1, c(1:2), 3), lags = 1:3)