Bioequivalence Tests for Parallel Trial Designs: 2 Arms, 1 Endpoint

In the SimTOST R package, which is specifically designed for sample size estimation for bioequivalence studies, hypothesis testing is based on the Two One-Sided Tests (TOST) procedure. (Sozu et al. 2015) In TOST, the equivalence test is framed as a comparison between the the null hypothesis of ‘new product is worse by a clinically relevant quantity’ and the alternative hypothesis of ‘difference between products is too small to be clinically relevant’. This vignette focuses on a parallel design, with 2 arms/treatments and 1 primary endpoint.


Difference of Means Test

This example, adapted from Example 1 in the PASS manual chapter 685 (NCSS 2025), illustrates the process of planning a clinical trial to assess biosimilarity. Specifically, the trial aims to compare blood pressure outcomes between two groups.


Drug B is a well-established biologic drug used to control blood pressure. Its exclusive marketing license has expired, creating an opportunity for other companies to develop biosimilars. Drug A is a new competing drug being developed as a potential biosimilar to Drug B. The goal is to determine whether Drug A meets FDA biosimilarity requirements in terms of safety, purity, and therapeutic response when compared to Drug B.

Trial Design

The study follows a parallel-group design with the following key assumptions:

  • Reference Group (Drug B): Average blood pressure is 96 mmHg, with a within-group standard deviation of 18 mmHg.
  • Mean Difference: As per FDA guidelines, the assumed difference between the two groups is set to δ = σ/8 = 2.25 mmHg.
  • Biosimilarity Limits: Defined as ±1.5σ = ±27 mmHg.
  • Desired Type-I Error: 2.5%
  • Target Power: 90%

To implement these parameters in R, the following code snippet can be used:

# Reference group mean blood pressure (Drug B)
mu_r <- setNames(96, "BP")

# Treatment group mean blood pressure (Drug A)
mu_t <- setNames(96 + 2.25, "BP")

# Common within-group standard deviation
sigma <- setNames(18, "BP")

# Lower and upper biosimilarity limits
lequi_lower <- setNames(-27, "BP")
lequi_upper <- setNames(27, "BP")


To explore the power of the test across a range of group sample sizes, power for group sizes varying from 6 to 20 will be calculated.


To estimate the power for different sample sizes, we use the sampleSize() function. The function is configured with a power target of 0.90, a type-I error rate of 0.025, and the specified mean and standard deviation values for the reference and treatment groups. The optimization method is set to "step-by-step" to display the achieved power for each sample size, providing insights into the results.

Below illustrates how the function can be implemented in R:


(N_ss <- sampleSize(
  power = 0.90,                  # Target power
  alpha = 0.025,                 # Type-I error rate
  mu_list = list("R" = mu_r, "T" = mu_t), # Means for reference and treatment groups
  sigma_list = list("R" = sigma, "T" = sigma), # Standard deviations
  list_comparator = list("T_vs_R" = c("R", "T")), # Comparator setup
  list_lequi.tol = list("T_vs_R" = lequi_lower),  # Lower equivalence limit
  list_uequi.tol = list("T_vs_R" = lequi_upper),  # Upper equivalence limit
  dtype = "parallel",            # Study design
  ctype = "DOM",                 # Comparison type
  lognorm = FALSE,               # Assumes normal distribution
  optimization_method = "step-by-step", # Optimization method
  ncores = 1,                    # Single-core processing
  nsim = 1000,                   # Number of simulations
  seed = 1234                    # Random seed for reproducibility
#> Sample Size Calculation Results
#> -------------------------------------------------------------
#> Study Design: parallel trial targeting 90% power with a 2.5% type-I error.
#> Comparisons:
#>    R vs. T 
#>     - Endpoints Tested: BP 
#> -------------------------------------------------------------
#>                  Parameter       Value
#>          Total Sample Size          26
#>             Achieved Power        90.8
#>  Power Confidence Interval 88.8 - 92.5
#> -------------------------------------------------------------

# Display iteration results
#> Index: <n_iter>
#>     n_iter n_drop   n_R   n_T n_total power  power_LCI  power_UCI
#>      <int>  <num> <num> <num>   <num> <num>      <num>      <num>
#>  1:      2      0     2     2       4 0.042 0.03079269 0.05685194
#>  2:      3      0     3     3       6 0.071 0.05622292 0.08916283
#>  3:      4      0     4     4       8 0.118 0.09898992 0.14000650
#>  4:      5      0     5     5      10 0.197 0.17305355 0.22331236
#>  5:      6      0     6     6      12 0.335 0.30593958 0.36534479
#>  6:      7      0     7     7      14 0.468 0.43675913 0.49948974
#>  7:      8      0     8     8      16 0.597 0.56577960 0.62746582
#>  8:      9      0     9     9      18 0.698 0.66831899 0.72613905
#>  9:     10      0    10    10      20 0.766 0.73825476 0.79167071
#> 10:     11      0    11    11      22 0.828 0.80284126 0.85059491
#> 11:     12      0    12    12      24 0.885 0.86320172 0.90377751
#> 12:     13      0    13    13      26 0.908 0.88794993 0.92484078

We can visualize the power curve for a range of sample sizes using the following code snippet:


To account for an anticipated dropout rate of 20% in each group, we need to adjust the sample size. The following code demonstrates how to incorporate this adjustment using a custom optimization routine. This routine is designed to find the smallest integer sample size that meets or exceeds the target power. It employs a stepwise search strategy, starting with large step sizes that are progressively refined as the solution is approached.

# Adjusted sample size calculation with 20% dropout rate
(N_ss_dropout <- sampleSize(
  power = 0.90,                  # Target power
  alpha = 0.025,                 # Type-I error rate
  mu_list = list("R" = mu_r, "T" = mu_t), # Means for reference and treatment groups
  sigma_list = list("R" = sigma, "T" = sigma), # Standard deviations
  list_comparator = list("T_vs_R" = c("R", "T")), # Comparator setup
  list_lequi.tol = list("T_vs_R" = lequi_lower),  # Lower equivalence limit
  list_uequi.tol = list("T_vs_R" = lequi_upper),  # Upper equivalence limit
  dropout = c("R" = 0.20, "T" = 0.20), # Expected dropout rates
  dtype = "parallel",            # Study design
  ctype = "DOM",                 # Comparison type
  lognorm = FALSE,               # Assumes normal distribution
  optimization_method = "fast",  # Fast optimization method
  nsim = 1000,                   # Number of simulations
  seed = 1234                    # Random seed for reproducibility
#> Sample Size Calculation Results
#> -------------------------------------------------------------
#> Study Design: parallel trial targeting 90% power with a 2.5% type-I error.
#> Comparisons:
#>    R vs. T 
#>     - Endpoints Tested: BP 
#> -------------------------------------------------------------
#>                  Parameter       Value
#>          Total Sample Size          32
#>             Achieved Power        90.8
#>  Power Confidence Interval 88.8 - 92.5
#> -------------------------------------------------------------

Previously, finding the required sample size took 12 iterations. With the custom optimization routine, the number of iterations was reduced to 8, significantly improving efficiency.


NCSS. 2025. “Biosimilarity Tests for the Difference Between Means Using a Parallel Two-Group Design.” In PASS Sample Size Software. NCSS Statistical Software.
Sozu, Takashi, Tomoyuki Sugimoto, Toshimitsu Hamasaki, and Scott R. Evans. 2015. Sample Size Determination in Clinical Trials with Multiple Endpoints. SpringerBriefs in Statistics. Cham: Springer International Publishing.