Package 'SimInf'

Title: A Framework for Data-Driven Stochastic Disease Spread Simulations
Description: Provides an efficient and very flexible framework to conduct data-driven epidemiological modeling in realistic large scale disease spread simulations. The framework integrates infection dynamics in subpopulations as continuous-time Markov chains using the Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm and incorporates available data such as births, deaths and movements as scheduled events at predefined time-points. Using C code for the numerical solvers and 'OpenMP' (if available) to divide work over multiple processors ensures high performance when simulating a sample outcome. One of our design goals was to make the package extendable and enable usage of the numerical solvers from other R extension packages in order to facilitate complex epidemiological research. The package contains template models and can be extended with user-defined models. For more details see the paper by Widgren, Bauer, Eriksson and Engblom (2019) <doi:10.18637/jss.v091.i12>. The package also provides functionality to fit models to time series data using the Approximate Bayesian Computation Sequential Monte Carlo ('ABC-SMC') algorithm of Toni and others (2009) <doi:10.1098/rsif.2008.0172>.
Authors: Stefan Widgren [aut, cre] , Robin Eriksson [aut] , Stefan Engblom [aut] , Pavol Bauer [aut] , Thomas Rosendal [ctb] , Ivana Rodriguez Ewerlöf [ctb] , Attractive Chaos [cph] (Author of 'kvec.h'.)
Maintainer: Stefan Widgren <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 9.8.1
Built: 2024-10-22 06:44:02 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Approximate Bayesian computation


Approximate Bayesian computation


  priors = NULL,
  npart = NULL,
  ninit = NULL,
  distance = NULL,
  tolerance = NULL,
  verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE),
  post_gen = NULL

## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'
  priors = NULL,
  npart = NULL,
  ninit = NULL,
  distance = NULL,
  tolerance = NULL,
  verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE),
  post_gen = NULL



The SimInf_model object to generate data from.


The priors for the parameters to fit. Each prior is specified with a formula notation, for example, beta ~ uniform(0, 1) specifies that beta is uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. Use c() to provide more than one prior, for example, c(beta ~ uniform(0, 1), gamma ~ normal(10, 1)). The following distributions are supported: gamma, normal and uniform. All parameters in priors must be only in either gdata or ldata.


An integer (>1) specifying the number of particles to approximate the posterior with.


Specify a positive integer (>npart) to adaptively select a sequence of tolerances using the algorithm of Simola and others (2021). The initial tolerance is adaptively selected by sampling ninit draws from the prior and then retain the npart particles with the smallest distances. Note there must be enough initial particles to satisfactorily explore the parameter space, see Simola and others (2021). If the tolerance parameter is specified, then ninit must be NULL.


A function for calculating the summary statistics for a simulated trajectory. For each particle, the function must determine the distance and return that information. The first argument, result, passed to the distance function is the result from a run of the model with one trajectory attached to it. The second argument, generation, to distance is an integer with the generation of the particle(s). Further arguments that can passed to the distance function comes from ... in the abc function. Depending on the underlying model structure, data for one or more particles have been generated in each call to distance. If the model only contains one node and all the parameters to fit are in ldata, then that node will be replicated and each of the replicated nodes represent one particle in the trajectory (see ‘Examples’). On the other hand if the model contains multiple nodes or the parameters to fit are contained in gdata, then the trajectory in the result argument represents one particle. The function can return a numeric matrix (number of particles ×\times number of summary statistics). Or, if the distance contains one summary statistic, a numeric vector with the length equal to the number of particles. Note that when using adaptive tolerance selection, only one summary statistic can be used, i.e., the function must return a matrix (number of particles ×\times 1) or a numeric vector.


A numeric matrix (number of summary statistics ×\times number of generations) where each column contains the tolerances for a generation and each row contains a sequence of gradually decreasing tolerances. Can also be a numeric vector if there is only one summary statistic. The tolerance determines the number of generations of ABC-SMC to run. If the ninit parameter is specified, then tolerance must be NULL.


Further arguments to be passed to fn.


prints diagnostic messages when TRUE. The default is to retrieve the global option verbose and use FALSE if it is not set.


An optional function that, if non-NULL, is applied after each completed generation. The function must accept one argument of type SimInf_abc with the current state of the fitting process. This function can be useful to, for example, save and inspect intermediate results.


A SimInf_abc object.


T. Toni, D. Welch, N. Strelkowa, A. Ipsen, and M. P. H. Stumpf. Approximate Bayesian computation scheme for parameter inference and model selection in dynamical systems. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 6, 187–202, 2009. doi:10.1098/rsif.2008.0172

U. Simola, J. Cisewski-Kehe, M. U. Gutmann, J. Corander. Adaptive Approximate Bayesian Computation Tolerance Selection. Bayesian Analysis, 16(2), 397–423, 2021. doi: 10.1214/20-BA1211


## Not run: 
## Let us consider an SIR model in a closed population with N = 100
## individuals of whom one is initially infectious and the rest are
## susceptible. First, generate one realisation (with a specified
## seed) from the model with known parameters \code{beta = 0.16} and
## \code{gamma = 0.077}. Then, use \code{abc} to infer the (known)
## parameters from the simulated data.
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Run the SIR model and plot the number of infectious.
infectious <- trajectory(run(model), "I")$I
plot(infectious, type = "s")

## The distance function to accept or reject a proposal. Each node
## in the simulated trajectory (contained in the 'result' object)
## represents one proposal.
distance <- function(result, ...) {
    ## Extract the time-series of infectious in each node as a
    ## data.frame.
    sim <- trajectory(result, "I")

    ## Split the 'sim' data.frame by node and calculate the sum of the
    ## squared distance at each time-point for each node.
    dist <- tapply(sim$I, sim$node, function(sim_infectious) {
        sum((infectious - sim_infectious)^2)

    ## Return the distance for each node. Each proposal will be
    ## accepted or rejected depending on if the distance is less than
    ## the tolerance for the current generation.

## Fit the model parameters using ABC-SMC and adaptive tolerance
## selection. The priors for the parameters are specified using a
## formula notation. Here we use a uniform distribtion for each
## parameter with lower bound = 0 and upper bound = 1. Note that we
## use a low number particles here to keep the run-time of the example
## short. In practice you would want to use many more to ensure better
## approximations.
fit <- abc(model = model,
           priors = c(beta ~ uniform(0, 1), gamma ~ uniform(0, 1)),
           npart = 100,
           ninit = 1000,
           distance = distance,
           verbose = TRUE)

## Print a brief summary.

## Display the ABC posterior distribution.

## End(Not run)

Coerce to data frame


Coerce to data frame


## S3 method for class 'SimInf_abc', ...)



any R object.


additional arguments to be passed to or from methods.

Coerce events to a data frame


Coerce events to a data frame


## S3 method for class 'SimInf_events', ...)



any R object.


additional arguments to be passed to or from methods.

Coerce to data frame


Coerce to data frame


## S3 method for class 'SimInf_indiv_events', ...)



any R object.


additional arguments to be passed to or from methods.

Box plot of number of individuals in each compartment


Produce box-and-whisker plot(s) of the number of individuals in each model compartment.


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'
boxplot(x, compartments = NULL, index = NULL, ...)



The model to plot


specify the names of the compartments to extract data from. The compartments can be specified as a character vector e.g. compartments = c('S', 'I', 'R'), or as a formula e.g. compartments = ~S+I+R (see ‘Examples’). Default (compartments=NULL) includes all compartments.


indices specifying the nodes to include when plotting data. Default index = NULL include all nodes in the model.


Additional arguments affecting the plot produced.


## Create an 'SIR' model with 10 nodes and initialise
## it with 99 susceptible individuals and one infected
## individual. Let the model run over 100 days.
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = rep(99, 10),
                             I = rep(1, 10),
                             R = rep(0, 10)),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Run the model and save the result.
result <- run(model)

## Create a boxplot that includes all compartments in all nodes.

## Create a boxplot that includes the S and I compartments in
## nodes 1 and 2.
boxplot(result, ~S+I, 1:2)

Extract the C code from a SimInf_model object


Extract the C code from a SimInf_model object





The SimInf_model object to extract the C code from.


Character vector with C code for the model.


## Use the model parser to create a 'SimInf_model' object that
## expresses an SIR model, where 'b' is the transmission rate and
## 'g' is the recovery rate.
model <- mparse(transitions = c("S -> b*S*I/(S+I+R) -> I", "I -> g*I -> R"),
                compartments = c("S", "I", "R"),
                gdata = c(b = 0.16, g = 0.077),
                u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
                tspan = 1:10)

## View the C code.

Run more generations of ABC SMC


Run more generations of ABC SMC


continue(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_abc'
  tolerance = NULL,
  verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE),
  post_gen = NULL



The SimInf_abc to continue from.


Further arguments to be passed to the SimInf_abc@fn.


A numeric matrix (number of summary statistics ×\times number of generations) where each column contains the tolerances for a generation and each row contains a sequence of gradually decreasing tolerances. Can also be a numeric vector if there is only one summary statistic. The tolerance determines the number of generations of ABC-SMC to run.


prints diagnostic messages when TRUE. The default is to retrieve the global option verbose and use FALSE if it is not set.


An optional function that, if non-NULL, is applied after each completed generation. The function must accept one argument of type SimInf_abc with the current state of the fitting process. This function can be useful to, for example, save and inspect intermediate results.


A SimInf_abc object.

Create a distance matrix between nodes for spatial models


Calculate the euclidian distances beween coordinates for all coordinates within the cutoff.


distance_matrix(x, y, cutoff, min_dist = NULL, na_fail = TRUE)



Projected x coordinate


Projected y coordinate


The distance cutoff


The minimum distance to separate two nodes. If the coordinates for two nodes are identical, the min_dist must be assigned or an error is raised. Default is NULL, i.e., to raise an error.


A logical indicating whether missing values in x or y should raise an error or assign zero to all distances involving missing values. Default is TRUE, i.e., to raise an error.




## Generate a grid 10 x 10 and place one node in each cell
## separated by 100m.
nodes <- expand.grid(x = (0:9) * 100, y = (0:9) * 100)
plot(y ~ x, nodes)

## Define the cutoff to only include neighbors within 300m.
d <- distance_matrix(x = nodes$x, y = nodes$y, cutoff = 300)

## View the first 10 rows and columns in the distance matrix
d[1:10, 1:10]

Convert an edge list with properties to a matrix


A utility function to facilitate preparing edge properties for ldata in a model.


edge_properties_to_matrix(edges, n_nodes)



a data.frame with properties assigned for each edge 'from' –> 'to', for example, weight or count. The data.frame must contain the columns 'from' and 'to' with valid indices to the nodes (1 <= index <= n_nodes).


the total number of nodes in the model. The resulting matrix will have the number of columns equal to n_nodes.


The edge properties will be converted to a matrix where each row in edges will become a sequence of (index, value_1, value_2, ..., value_n) where 'index' is the zero-based index of the from node. The reason for a zero-based index is to facilitate it's usage in C code. The sequence will be added to the 'to' column in the matrix. There will always be at least one stop value=-1 in each column. All other values in the matrix will be set to NaN. See ‘Examples’.


a numeric matrix with the number of rows equal to max(table(edges$to)) * (ncol(edges) - 1) + 1 and the number of columns equal to n_nodes.


## Let us consider the following edge properties.
edges <- data.frame(
    from  = c(  2,    3,     4,  1,   4,    5,   1,   3,   1,   3),
    to    = c(  1,    1,     1,  2,   3,    3,   4,   4,   5,   5),
    rate  = c(0.2, 0.01,  0.79,  1, 0.2, 0.05, 0.2, 0.8, 0.2, 0.8),
    count = c(  5,    5,     5, 50,  10,   10,   5,   5,   5,   5))

## Converting the edge properties into a matrix
edge_properties_to_matrix(edges, 6)

## Gives the following output. The first column contains first the
## properties for the edge from = 2 --> to = 1, where the first
## row is the zero-based index of from, i.e., 1. The second row
## contains the rate=0.2 and the third row count=5. On the fourth
## row starts the next sequence with the values in the second row
## in the edges data.frame. The stop value in the first column is
## on row 10. As can be seen in column 6, there are no edge
## properties for node=6.
##        [,1] [,2]  [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
##  [1,]  1.00    0  3.00  0.0  0.0   -1
##  [2,]  0.20    1  0.20  0.2  0.2  NaN
##  [3,]  5.00   50 10.00  5.0  5.0  NaN
##  [4,]  2.00   -1  4.00  2.0  2.0  NaN
##  [5,]  0.01  NaN  0.05  0.8  0.8  NaN
##  [6,]  5.00  NaN 10.00  5.0  5.0  NaN
##  [7,]  3.00  NaN -1.00 -1.0 -1.0  NaN
##  [8,]  0.79  NaN   NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN
##  [9,]  5.00  NaN   NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN
## [10,] -1.00  NaN   NaN  NaN  NaN  NaN

Extract the events from a SimInf_model object


Extract the scheduled events from a SimInf_model object.


events(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'
events(object, ...)



The model to extract the events from.


Additional arguments affecting the generated events.


SimInf_events object.


## Create an SIR model that includes scheduled events.
model <- SIR(u0     = u0_SIR(),
             tspan  = 1:(4 * 365),
             events = events_SIR(),
             beta   = 0.16,
             gamma  = 0.077)

## Extract the scheduled events from the model and display summary

## Extract the scheduled events from the model and plot them

Example data to initialize events for the ‘SEIR’ model


Example data to initialize scheduled events for a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SEIR model.




Example data to initialize scheduled events (see SimInf_events) for a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SEIR model. The dataset contains 466692 events for 1600 nodes distributed over 4 * 365 days. The events are divided into three types: ‘Exit’ events remove individuals from the population (n = 182535), ‘Enter’ events add individuals to the population (n = 182685), and ‘External transfer’ events move individuals between nodes in the population (n = 101472). The vignette contains a detailed description of how scheduled events operate on a model.


A data.frame


## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SEIR' model with 1600 nodes and initialize
## it to run over 4*365 days. Add one infected individual
## to the first node.
u0 <- u0_SEIR()
u0$I[1] <- 1
tspan <- seq(from = 1, to = 4*365, by = 1)
model <- SEIR(u0      = u0,
              tspan   = tspan,
              events  = events_SEIR(),
              beta    = 0.16,
              epsilon = 0.25,
              gamma   = 0.01)

## Display the number of individuals affected by each event type
## per day.

## Run the model to generate a single stochastic trajectory.
result <- run(model)

## Summarize the trajectory. The summary includes the number of
## events by event type.

Example data to initialize events for the ‘SIR’ model


Example data to initialize scheduled events for a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SIR model.




Example data to initialize scheduled events (see SimInf_events) for a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SIR model. The dataset contains 466692 events for 1600 nodes distributed over 4 * 365 days. The events are divided into three types: ‘Exit’ events remove individuals from the population (n = 182535), ‘Enter’ events add individuals to the population (n = 182685), and ‘External transfer’ events move individuals between nodes in the population (n = 101472). The vignette contains a detailed description of how scheduled events operate on a model.


A data.frame


## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SIR' model with 1600 nodes and initialize
## it to run over 4*365 days. Add one infected individual
## to the first node.
u0 <- u0_SIR()
u0$I[1] <- 1
tspan <- seq(from = 1, to = 4*365, by = 1)
model <- SIR(u0     = u0,
             tspan  = tspan,
             events = events_SIR(),
             beta   = 0.16,
             gamma  = 0.01)

## Display the number of individuals affected by each event type
## per day.

## Run the model to generate a single stochastic trajectory.
result <- run(model)

## Summarize the trajectory. The summary includes the number of
## events by event type.

Example data to initialize events for the ‘SIS’ model


Example data to initialize scheduled events for a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SIS model.




Example data to initialize scheduled events (see SimInf_events) for a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SIS model. The dataset contains 466692 events for 1600 nodes distributed over 4 * 365 days. The events are divided into three types: ‘Exit’ events remove individuals from the population (n = 182535), ‘Enter’ events add individuals to the population (n = 182685), and ‘External transfer’ events move individuals between nodes in the population (n = 101472). The vignette contains a detailed description of how scheduled events operate on a model.


A data.frame


## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SIS' model with 1600 nodes and initialize
## it to run over 4*365 days. Add one infected individual
## to the first node.
u0 <- u0_SIS()
u0$I[1] <- 1
tspan <- seq(from = 1, to = 4*365, by = 1)
model <- SIS(u0     = u0,
             tspan  = tspan,
             events = events_SIS(),
             beta   = 0.16,
             gamma  = 0.01)

## Display the number of individuals affected by each event type
## per day.

## Run the model to generate a single stochastic trajectory.
result <- run(model)

## Summarize the trajectory. The summary includes the number of
## events by event type.

Example data to initialize events for the ‘SISe’ model


Example data to initialize scheduled events for a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SISe model.




Example data to initialize scheduled events (see SimInf_events) for a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SISe model. The dataset contains 466692 events for 1600 nodes distributed over 4 * 365 days. The events are divided into three types: ‘Exit’ events remove individuals from the population (n = 182535), ‘Enter’ events add individuals to the population (n = 182685), and ‘External transfer’ events move individuals between nodes in the population (n = 101472). The vignette contains a detailed description of how scheduled events operate on a model.


A data.frame


## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SISe' model with 1600 nodes and initialize
## it to run over 4*365 days. Add one infected individual
## to the first node.
u0 <- u0_SISe()
u0$I[1] <- 1
tspan <- seq(from = 1, to = 4*365, by = 1)
model <- SISe(u0 = u0, tspan = tspan, events = events_SISe(),
              phi = 0, upsilon = 1.8e-2, gamma = 0.1, alpha = 1,
              beta_t1 = 1.0e-1, beta_t2 = 1.0e-1, beta_t3 = 1.25e-1,
              beta_t4 = 1.25e-1, end_t1 = 91, end_t2 = 182,
              end_t3 = 273, end_t4 = 365, epsilon = 0)

## Display the number of individuals affected by each event type
## per day.

## Run the model to generate a single stochastic trajectory.
result <- run(model)

## Summarize the trajectory. The summary includes the number of
## events by event type.

Example data to initialize events for the ‘SISe3’ model


Example data to initialize scheduled events for a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SISe3 model.




A data.frame


Example data to initialize scheduled events (see SimInf_events) for a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SISe3 model. The dataset contains 783773 events for 1600 nodes distributed over 4 * 365 days. The events are divided into three types: ‘Exit’ events remove individuals from the population (n = 182535), ‘Enter’ events add individuals to the population (n = 182685), ‘Internal transfer’ events move individuals between compartmens within one node e.g. ageing (n = 317081), and ‘External transfer’ events move individuals between nodes in the population (n = 101472). The vignette contains a detailed description of how scheduled events operate on a model.


## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SISe3' model with 1600 nodes and initialize
## it to run over 4*365 days. Add one infected individual
## to the first node.
data("u0_SISe3", package = "SimInf")
data("events_SISe3", package = "SimInf")
u0_SISe3$I_1[1] <- 1
tspan <- seq(from = 1, to = 4*365, by = 1)
model <- SISe3(u0 = u0_SISe3, tspan = tspan, events = events_SISe3,
               phi = rep(0, nrow(u0_SISe3)), upsilon_1 = 1.8e-2,
               upsilon_2 = 1.8e-2, upsilon_3 = 1.8e-2,
               gamma_1 = 0.1, gamma_2 = 0.1, gamma_3 = 0.1,
               alpha = 1, beta_t1 = 1.0e-1, beta_t2 = 1.0e-1,
               beta_t3 = 1.25e-1, beta_t4 = 1.25e-1, end_t1 = 91,
               end_t2 = 182, end_t3 = 273, end_t4 = 365, epsilon = 0)

## Display the number of individuals affected by each event type
## per day.

## Run the model to generate a single stochastic trajectory.
result <- run(model)

## Summarize the trajectory. The summary includes the number of
## events by event type.

Extract global data from a SimInf_model object


The global data is a numeric vector that is common to all nodes. The global data vector is passed as an argument to the transition rate functions and the post time step function.



## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'



The model to get global data from.


a numeric vector


## Create an SIR model
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = 1:5, beta = 0.16, gamma = 0.077)

## Set 'beta' to a new value
gdata(model, "beta") <- 2

## Extract the global data vector that is common to all nodes

Set a global data parameter for a SimInf_model object


The global data is a numeric vector that is common to all nodes. The global data vector is passed as an argument to the transition rate functions and the post time step function.


gdata(model, parameter) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SimInf_model'
gdata(model, parameter) <- value



The model to set a global model parameter for.


The name of the parameter to set.


A numeric value.


a SimInf_model object


## Create an SIR model
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = 1:5, beta = 0.16, gamma = 0.077)

## Set 'beta' to a new value
gdata(model, "beta") <- 2

## Extract the global data vector that is common to all nodes

Extract individuals from SimInf_indiv_events


Lookup individuals, in which node they are located and their age at a specified time-point.


get_individuals(x, time = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_indiv_events'
get_individuals(x, time = NULL)



an individual events object of class SimInf_indiv_events.


the time-point for the lookup of individuals. Default is NULL which means to extract the individuals at the minimum time-point in the events object x.


a data.frame with the columns id, node, and age.

Determine in-degree for each node in a model


The number of nodes with inward external transfer events to each node.





determine in-degree for each node in the model.


vector with in-degree for each node.


## Create an 'SIR' model with 1600 nodes and initialize
## it with example data.
model <- SIR(u0 = u0_SIR(), tspan = 1:1460, events = events_SIR(),
             beta   = 0.16, gamma  = 0.077)

## Display indegree for each node in the model.

Individual events


In many countries, individual-based livestock data are collected to enable contact tracing during disease outbreaks. However, the livestock databases are not always structured in such a way that relevant information for disease spread simulations is easily retrieved. The aim of this function is to facilitate cleaning livestock event data and prepare it for usage in SimInf.





a data.frame with the columns id, event, time, node, and dest to define the events, see details.


The argument events in individual_events must be a data.frame with the following columns:

  • id: an integer or character identifier of the individual.

  • event: four event types are supported: exit, enter, internal transfer, and external transfer. When assigning the events, they can either be coded as a numerical value or a character string: exit; 0 or 'exit', enter; 1 or 'enter', internal transfer; 2 or 'intTrans', and external transfer; 3 or 'extTrans'.

  • time: an integer, character, or date (of class Date) for when the event occured. If it's a character it must be able to coerce to Date.

  • node: an integer or character identifier of the source node.

  • dest: an integer or character identifier of the destination node for movement events, and 'dest' will be replaced with NA for non-movement events.



See Also


Extract local data from a node


The local data is a numeric vector that is specific to a node. The local data vector is passed as an argument to the transition rate functions and the post time step function.


ldata(model, node)

## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'
ldata(model, node)



The model to get local data from.


index to node to extract local data from.


a numeric vector


## Create an 'SISe' model with 1600 nodes.
model <- SISe(u0 = u0_SISe(), tspan = 1:100, events = events_SISe(),
              phi = 0, upsilon = 1.8e-2, gamma = 0.1, alpha = 1,
              beta_t1 = 1.0e-1, beta_t2 = 1.0e-1, beta_t3 = 1.25e-1,
              beta_t4 = 1.25e-1, end_t1 = c(91, 101), end_t2 = c(182, 185),
              end_t3 = c(273, 275), end_t4 = c(365, 360), epsilon = 0)

## Display local data from the first two nodes.
ldata(model, node = 1)
ldata(model, node = 2)

Log likelihood


Extract the estimated log likelihood from a SimInf_pfilter object.


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_pfilter'



The SimInf_pfilter object.


the estimated log likelihood.

Model parser to define new models to run in SimInf


Describe your model in a logical way in R. mparse creates a SimInf_model object with your model definition that is ready to run.


  transitions = NULL,
  compartments = NULL,
  ldata = NULL,
  gdata = NULL,
  u0 = NULL,
  v0 = NULL,
  tspan = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  E = NULL,
  N = NULL,
  pts_fun = NULL,
  use_enum = FALSE



character vector containing transitions on the form "X -> ... -> Y". The left (right) side is the initial (final) state and the propensity is written in between the ->-signs. The special symbol @ is reserved for the empty set. For example, transitions = c("S -> beta*S*I/(S+I+R) -> I", "I -> gamma*I -> R") expresses the SIR model. It is also possible to define variables which can then be used in calculations of propensities or in calculations of other variables. A variable is defined by the operator <-. Using a variable for the size of the population, the SIR model can instead be written transitions = c("S -> beta*S*I/N -> I", "I -> gamma*I -> R", "N <- S+I+R"). By default, the type of a variable is defined as a double in the generated C code, but it is possible to also define it as an integer by writing (int) before the variable name. For example, for the SIR model, the population size can be defined as "(int)N <- S+I+R". It is also possible to explicitly use (double) in front of the variable name, but it is not needed because it is the default. Note that the order of propensities and variables does not matter.


contains the names of the involved compartments, for example, compartments = c("S", "I", "R").


optional data for the nodes. Can be specified as a data.frame with one row per node, as a numeric matrix where column ldata[, j] contains the local data vector for the node j, or as a as a named vector when the model only contains one node. If ldata is specified as a data.frame, each column is one parameter. If v0 is specified as a matrix, it must have row names to identify the parameters in the transitions. If v0 is specified as a named vector, the names identify the parameters. The local data vector is passed as an argument to the transition rate functions and the post time step function.


optional data that are common to all nodes in the model. Can be specified either as a named numeric vector or as as a one-row data.frame. The names are used to identify the parameters in the transitions. The global data vector is passed as an argument to the transition rate functions and the post time step function.


A data.frame with the initial state in each node, i.e., the number of individuals in each compartment in each node when the simulation starts (see ‘Details’). The parameter u0 can also be an object that can be coerced to a data.frame, e.g., a named numeric vector will be coerced to a one row data.frame.


optional data with the initial continuous state in each node. v0 can be specified as a data.frame with one row per node, as a numeric matrix where column v0[, j] contains the initial state vector for the node j, or as a named vector when the model only contains one node. If v0 is specified as a data.frame, each column is one parameter. If v0 is specified as a matrix, the row names identify the parameters. If v0 is specified as a named vector, the names identify the parameters. The ‘v’ vector is passed as an argument to the transition rate functions and the post time step function. The continuous state can be updated in the post time step function.


A vector (length >= 1) of increasing time points where the state of each node is to be returned. Can be either an integer or a Date vector. A Date vector is coerced to a numeric vector as days, where tspan[1] becomes the day of the year of the first year of tspan. The dates are added as names to the numeric vector.


A data.frame with the scheduled events. Default is NULL i.e. no scheduled events in the model.


matrix to handle scheduled events, see SimInf_events. Default is NULL i.e. no scheduled events in the model.


matrix to handle scheduled events, see SimInf_events. Default is NULL i.e. no scheduled events in the model.


optional character vector with C code for the post time step function. The C code should contain only the body of the function i.e. the code between the opening and closing curly brackets.


generate enumeration constants for the indices to each parameter in the 'u', 'v', 'ldata', and 'gdata' vectors in the generated C code. The name of each enumeration constant will be transformed to the upper-case name of the corresponding parameter, for example, a parameter 'beta' will become 'BETA'. Using enumeration constants can make it easier to modify the C code afterwards, or when writing C code for the pts_fun parameter. Default is FALSE, i.e., the parameters are specified by using integer indices for the parameters.


a SimInf_model object


## Not run: 
## Use the model parser to create a 'SimInf_model' object that
## expresses the SIR model, where 'beta' is the transmission rate
## and 'gamma' is the recovery rate.
model  <- mparse(transitions = c("S -> beta*S*I/N -> I",
                                 "I -> gamma*I -> R",
                                 "N <- S+I+R"),
                 compartments = c("S", "I", "R"),
                 gdata = c(beta = 0.16, gamma = 0.077),
                 u0 = data.frame(S = 100, I = 1, R = 0),
                 tspan = 1:100)

## Run and plot the result
result <- run(model)

## End(Not run)

Determine the number of generations


Determine the number of generations



## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_abc'



the SimInf_abc object to determine the number of generations for.


an integer with the number of generations.

Determine the number of nodes in a model


Determine the number of nodes in a model



## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'



the model object to extract the number of nodes from.


the number of nodes in the model.


## Create an 'SIR' model with 100 nodes, with 99 susceptible,
## 1 infected and 0 recovered in each node.
u0 <- data.frame(S = rep(99, 100), I = rep(1, 100), R = rep(0, 100))
model <- SIR(u0 = u0, tspan = 1:10, beta = 0.16, gamma = 0.077)

## Display the number of nodes in the model.

Transform individual events to node events for a model


In many countries, individual-based livestock data are collected to enable contact tracing during disease outbreaks. However, the livestock databases are not always structured in such a way that relevant information for disease spread simulations is easily retrieved. The aim of this function is to facilitate cleaning livestock event data and prepare it for usage in SimInf.


node_events(x, time = NULL, target = NULL, age = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_indiv_events'
node_events(x, time = NULL, target = NULL, age = NULL)



an individual events object of class SimInf_indiv_events.


All events that occur after ‘time’ are included. Default is NULL which means to extract the events after the minimum time-point in the SimInf_indiv_events object.


The SimInf model ('SEIR', 'SIR', 'SIS', 'SISe3', 'SISe3_sp', 'SISe', or 'SISe_sp') to target the events and u0 for. The default, NULL, creates events but they might have to be post-processed to fit the specific use case.


Integer vector with break points in days for the ageing events.


The individual-based events will be aggregated on node-level. The select value is determined by the event type and age category. If there is only one age category, i.e., age=NULL, then select=1 for the enter events, and select=2 for all other events. If there are two age categories, then select=1 for the enter events in the first age category, and select=2 for the enter events in the second age category. Similarly, select=3 for all other events in the first age category, and select=4 for all other events in the first second category. With three age categories, it works similarly with select=1,2,3 for the enter events in each age category, respectively. And select=4,5,6 for all other events.


a data.frame with the columns event, time, node, dest, n, proportion, select, and shift.

See Also


Example data with spatial distribution of nodes


Example data to initialize a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate various models.




A data.frame


## Not run: 
## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SIR' model with 1600 nodes and initialize
## it to run over 4*365 days. Add one infected individual
## to the first node.
u0 <- u0_SIR()
u0$I[1] <- 1
tspan <- seq(from = 1, to = 4*365, by = 1)
model <- SIR(u0     = u0,
             tspan  = tspan,
             events = events_SIR(),
             beta   = 0.16,
             gamma  = 0.077)

## Run the model to generate a single stochastic trajectory.
result <- run(model)

## Determine nodes with one or more infected individuals in the
## trajectory. Extract the 'I' compartment and check for any
## infected individuals in each node.
infected <- colSums(trajectory(result, ~ I, format = "matrix")) > 0

## Display infected nodes in 'blue' and non-infected nodes in 'yellow'.
data("nodes", package = "SimInf")
col <- ifelse(infected, "blue", "yellow")
plot(y ~ x, nodes, col = col, pch = 20, cex = 2)

## End(Not run)

Determine out-degree for each node in a model


The number nodes that are connected with external transfer events from each node.





determine out-degree for each node in the model.


vector with out-degree for each node.


## Create an 'SIR' model with 1600 nodes and initialize
## it with example data.
model <- SIR(u0 = u0_SIR(), tspan = 1:1460, events = events_SIR(),
             beta   = 0.16, gamma  = 0.077)

## Display outdegree for each node in the model.

Create a package skeleton from a SimInf_model


Describe your model in a logical way in R, then mparse creates a SimInf_model object with your model definition that can be installed as an add-on R package.


  name = NULL,
  path = ".",
  author = NULL,
  email = NULL,
  maintainer = NULL,
  license = "GPL-3"



The model SimInf_model object with your model to create the package skeleton from.


Character string with the package name. It should contain only (ASCII) letters, numbers and dot, have at least two characters and start with a letter and not end in a dot. The package name is also used for the class name of the model and the directory name of the package.


Path to put the package directory in. Default is '.' i.e. the current directory.


Author of the package.


Email of the package maintainer.


Maintainer of the package.


License of the package. Default is 'GPL-3'.


invisible NULL.


Read the Writing R Extensions manual for more details.

Once you have created a source package you need to install it: see the R Installation and Administration manual, INSTALL and install.packages.

Scatterplot of number of individuals in each compartment


A matrix of scatterplots with the number of individuals in each compartment is produced. The ijth scatterplot contains x[,i] plotted against x[,j].


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'
pairs(x, compartments = NULL, index = NULL, ...)



The model to plot


specify the names of the compartments to extract data from. The compartments can be specified as a character vector e.g. compartments = c('S', 'I', 'R'), or as a formula e.g. compartments = ~S+I+R (see ‘Examples’). Default (compartments=NULL) includes all compartments.


indices specifying the nodes to include when plotting data. Default index = NULL include all nodes in the model.


Additional arguments affecting the plot produced.


## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SIR' model with 10 nodes and initialise
## it with 99 susceptible individuals and one infected
## individual. Let the model run over 100 days.
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = rep(99, 10),
                             I = rep(1, 10),
                             R = rep(0, 10)),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Run the model and save the result.
result <- run(model)

## Create a scatter plot that includes all compartments in all
## nodes.

## Create a scatter plot that includes the S and I compartments in
## nodes 1 and 2.
pairs(result, ~S+I, 1:2)

Bootstrap particle filter


The bootstrap filtering algorithm. Systematic resampling is performed at each observation.


pfilter(model, obs_process, data, npart)

## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'
pfilter(model, obs_process, data, npart)



The SimInf_model object to simulate data from.


Specification of the stochastic observation process. The obs_process can be specified as a formula if the model contains only one node and there is only one data point for each time in data. The left hand side of the formula must match a column name in the data data.frame and the right hand side of the formula is a character specifying the distribution of the observation process, for example, Iobs ~ poisson(I). The following distributions are supported: x ~ binomial(size, prob), x ~ poisson(rate) and x ~ uniform(min, max). The observation process can also be a function to evaluate the probability density of the observations given the simulated states. The first argument passed to the obs_process function is the result from a run of the model and it contains one trajectory with simulated data for a time-point. The second argument to the obs_process function is a data.frame containing the rows for the specific time-point that the function is called for. Note that the function must return the log of the density.


A data.frame holding the time series data.


An integer with the number of particles (> 1) to use at each timestep.


A SimInf_pfilter object.


N. J. Gordon, D. J. Salmond, and A. F. M. Smith. Novel Approach to Nonlinear/Non-Gaussian Bayesian State Estimation. Radar and Signal Processing, IEE Proceedings F, 140(2) 107–113, 1993. doi:10.1049/ip-f-2.1993.0015


## Not run: 
## Let us consider an SIR model in a closed population with N = 100
## individuals of whom one is initially infectious and the rest are
## susceptible. First, generate one realisation (with a specified
## seed) from the model with known parameters 'beta = 0.16' and
## 'gamma = 0.077'. Then, use 'pfilter' to apply the bootstrap
## particle algorithm on the simulated data.
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = seq(1, 100, by = 3),
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Run the SIR model to generate simulated observed data for the
## number of infected individuals.
infected <- trajectory(run(model), "I")[, c("time", "I")]
colnames(infected) <- c("time", "Iobs")

## Use a Poison observation process for the infected individuals, such
## that 'Iobs ~ poison(I + 1e-6)'. A small constant '1e-6' is added to
## prevent numerical errors, since the simulated counts 'I' could be
## zero, which would result in the Poisson rate parameter being zero,
## which violates the conditions of the Poisson distribution. Use 1000
## particles.
pf <- pfilter(model,
              obs_process = Iobs ~ poisson(I + 1e-6),
              data = infected,
              npart = 1000)

## Print a brief summary.

## Compare the number infected 'I' in the filtered trajectory with the
## infected 'Iobs' in the observed data.
plot(pf, ~I)
lines(Iobs ~ time, infected, col = "blue", lwd = 2, type = "s")

## End(Not run)

Display the ABC posterior distribution


Display the ABC posterior distribution


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_abc'
plot(x, y, ...)



The SimInf_abc object to plot.


The generation to plot. The default is to display the last generation.


Additional arguments affecting the plot.

Display the distribution of scheduled events over time


Display the distribution of scheduled events over time


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_events'
plot(x, frame.plot = FALSE, ...)



The events data to plot.


Draw a frame around each plot. Default is FALSE.


Additional arguments affecting the plot

Display the distribution of individual events over time


Display the distribution of individual events over time


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_indiv_events'
plot(x, frame.plot = FALSE, ...)



The individual events data to plot.


a logical indicating whether a box should be drawn around the plot.


Other graphical parameters that are passed on to the plot function.

Display the outcome from a simulated trajectory


Plot either the median and the quantile range of the counts in all nodes, or plot the counts in specified nodes.


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'
  level = 1,
  index = NULL,
  range = 0.5,
  type = "s",
  lwd = 2,
  frame.plot = FALSE,
  legend = TRUE,



The model to plot.


Character vector or formula with the compartments in the model to include in the plot. Default includes all compartments in the model. Can also be a formula that specifies the compartments that define the cases with a disease or that have a specific characteristic (numerator), and the compartments that define the entire population of interest (denominator). The left-hand-side of the formula defines the cases, and the right-hand-side defines the population, for example, I~S+I+R in a ‘SIR’ model (see ‘Examples’). The . (dot) is expanded to all compartments, for example, I~. is expanded to I~S+I+R in a ‘SIR’ model (see ‘Examples’).


The level at which the prevalence is calculated at each time point in tspan. 1 (population prevalence): calculates the proportion of the individuals (cases) in the population. 2 (node prevalence): calculates the proportion of nodes with at least one case. 3 (within-node prevalence): calculates the proportion of cases within each node. Default is 1.


Indices specifying the nodes to include when plotting data. Plot one line for each node. Default (index = NULL) is to extract data from all nodes and plot the median count for the specified compartments.


Show the quantile range of the count in each compartment. Default is to show the interquartile range i.e. the middle 50% of the count in transparent color. The median value is shown in the same color. Use range = 0.95 to show the middle 95% of the count. To display individual lines for each node, specify range = FALSE.


The type of plot to draw. The default type = "s" draws stair steps. See base plot for other values.


The line width. Default is 2.


a logical indicating whether a box should be drawn around the plot.


a logical indicating whether a legend for the compartments should be added to the plot. A legend is not drawn for a prevalence plot.


Other graphical parameters that are passed on to the plot function.


## Not run: 
## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SIR' model with 100 nodes and initialise
## it with 990 susceptible individuals and 10 infected
## individuals in each node. Run the model over 100 days.
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = rep(990, 100),
                             I = rep(10, 100),
                             R = rep(0, 100)),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Run the model and save the result.
result <- run(model)

## Plot the median and interquartile range of the number
## of susceptible, infected and recovered individuals.

## Plot the median and the middle 95\
## number of susceptible, infected and recovered individuals.
plot(result, range = 0.95)

## Plot the median and interquartile range of the  number
## of infected individuals.
plot(result, "I")

## Use the formula notation instead to plot the median and
## interquartile range of the number of infected individuals.
plot(result, ~I)

## Plot the number of susceptible, infected
## and recovered individuals in the first
## three nodes.
plot(result, index = 1:3, range = FALSE)

## Use plot type line instead.
plot(result, index = 1:3, range = FALSE, type = "l")

## Plot the number of infected individuals in the first node.
plot(result, "I", index = 1, range = FALSE)

## Plot the proportion of infected individuals (cases)
## in the population.
plot(result, I ~ S + I + R)

## Plot the proportion of nodes with infected individuals.
plot(result, I ~ S + I + R, level = 2)

## Plot the median and interquartile range of the proportion
## of infected individuals in each node
plot(result, I ~ S + I + R, level = 3)

## Plot the proportion of infected individuals in the first
## three nodes.
plot(result, I ~ S + I + R, level = 3, index = 1:3, range = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Diagnostic plot of a particle filter object


Diagnostic plot of a particle filter object


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_pfilter'
plot(x, y, ...)



The SimInf_pfilter object to plot.


If y is NULL or missing (default), the filtered trajectory (top) and the effective sample size (bottom) are displayed. If y is a character vector or a formula, the plot function for a SimInf_model object is called with the filtered trajectory, see plot,SimInf_model-method for more details about the specification a plot.


Other graphical parameters that are passed on to the plot function.

Generic function to calculate prevalence from trajectory data


Calculate the proportion of individuals with disease in the population, or the proportion of nodes with at least one diseased individual, or the proportion of individuals with disease in each node.


prevalence(model, formula, level = 1, index = NULL, ...)



The model with trajectory data to calculate the prevalence from.


A formula that specifies the compartments that define the cases with a disease or that have a specific characteristic (numerator), and the compartments that define the entire population of interest (denominator). The left-hand-side of the formula defines the cases, and the right-hand-side defines the population, for example, I~S+I+R in a ‘SIR’ model (see ‘Examples’). The . (dot) is expanded to all compartments, for example, I~. is expanded to I~S+I+R in a ‘SIR’ model (see ‘Examples’). The formula can also contain a condition (indicated by |) for each node and time step to further control the population to include in the calculation, for example, I ~ . | R == 0 to calculate the prevalence when the recovered is zero in a ‘SIR’ model. The condition must evaluate to TRUE or FALSE in each node and time step. Note that if the denominator is zero, the prevalence is NaN.


The level at which the prevalence is calculated at each time point in tspan. 1 (population prevalence): calculates the proportion of the individuals (cases) in the population. 2 (node prevalence): calculates the proportion of nodes with at least one case. 3 (within-node prevalence): calculates the proportion of cases within each node. Default is 1.


indices specifying the subset of nodes to include when extracting data. Default (index = NULL) is to extract data from all nodes.


Additional arguments, see prevalence,SimInf_model-method

Calculate prevalence from a model object with trajectory data


Calculate the proportion of individuals with disease in the population, or the proportion of nodes with at least one diseased individual, or the proportion of individuals with disease in each node.


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'
prevalence(model, formula, level, index, format = c("data.frame", "matrix"))



The model with trajectory data to calculate the prevalence from.


A formula that specifies the compartments that define the cases with a disease or that have a specific characteristic (numerator), and the compartments that define the entire population of interest (denominator). The left-hand-side of the formula defines the cases, and the right-hand-side defines the population, for example, I~S+I+R in a ‘SIR’ model (see ‘Examples’). The . (dot) is expanded to all compartments, for example, I~. is expanded to I~S+I+R in a ‘SIR’ model (see ‘Examples’). The formula can also contain a condition (indicated by |) for each node and time step to further control the population to include in the calculation, for example, I ~ . | R == 0 to calculate the prevalence when the recovered is zero in a ‘SIR’ model. The condition must evaluate to TRUE or FALSE in each node and time step. Note that if the denominator is zero, the prevalence is NaN.


The level at which the prevalence is calculated at each time point in tspan. 1 (population prevalence): calculates the proportion of the individuals (cases) in the population. 2 (node prevalence): calculates the proportion of nodes with at least one case. 3 (within-node prevalence): calculates the proportion of cases within each node. Default is 1.


indices specifying the subset of nodes to include when extracting data. Default (index = NULL) is to extract data from all nodes.


The default (format = "data.frame") is to generate a data.frame with one row per time-step with the prevalence. Using format = "matrix" returns the result as a matrix.


A data.frame if format = "data.frame", else a matrix.


## Create an 'SIR' model with 6 nodes and initialize
## it to run over 10 days.
u0 <- data.frame(S = 100:105, I = c(0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3), R = rep(0, 6))
model <- SIR(u0 = u0, tspan = 1:10, beta = 0.16, gamma = 0.077)

## Run the model to generate a single stochastic trajectory.
result <- run(model)

## Determine the proportion of infected individuals (cases)
## in the population at the time-points in 'tspan'.
prevalence(result, I ~ S + I + R)

## Identical result is obtained with the shorthand 'I~.'
prevalence(result, I ~ .)

## Determine the proportion of nodes with infected individuals at
## the time-points in 'tspan'.
prevalence(result, I ~ S + I + R, level = 2)

## Determine the proportion of infected individuals in each node
## at the time-points in 'tspan'.
prevalence(result, I ~ S + I + R, level = 3)

## Determine the proportion of infected individuals in each node
## at the time-points in 'tspan' when the number of recovered is
## zero.
prevalence(result, I ~ S + I + R | R == 0, level = 3)

Extract prevalence from running a particle filter


Extract prevalence from running a particle filter


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_pfilter'
prevalence(model, formula, level, index, format = c("data.frame", "matrix"))



the SimInf_pfilter object to extract the prevalence from.


A formula that specifies the compartments that define the cases with a disease or that have a specific characteristic (numerator), and the compartments that define the entire population of interest (denominator). The left-hand-side of the formula defines the cases, and the right-hand-side defines the population, for example, I~S+I+R in a ‘SIR’ model (see ‘Examples’). The . (dot) is expanded to all compartments, for example, I~. is expanded to I~S+I+R in a ‘SIR’ model (see ‘Examples’). The formula can also contain a condition (indicated by |) for each node and time step to further control the population to include in the calculation, for example, I ~ . | R == 0 to calculate the prevalence when the recovered is zero in a ‘SIR’ model. The condition must evaluate to TRUE or FALSE in each node and time step. Note that if the denominator is zero, the prevalence is NaN.


The level at which the prevalence is calculated at each time point in tspan. 1 (population prevalence): calculates the proportion of the individuals (cases) in the population. 2 (node prevalence): calculates the proportion of nodes with at least one case. 3 (within-node prevalence): calculates the proportion of cases within each node. Default is 1.


indices specifying the subset of nodes to include when extracting data. Default (index = NULL) is to extract data from all nodes.


The default (format = "data.frame") is to generate a data.frame with one row per time-step with the prevalence. Using format = "matrix" returns the result as a matrix.


A data.frame if format = "data.frame", else a matrix.

Set a template for where to record result during a simulation


Using a sparse result matrix can save a lot of memory if the model contains many nodes and time-points, but where only a few of the data points are of interest for post-processing.


punchcard(model) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SimInf_model'
punchcard(model) <- value



The model to set a template for where to record result.


A data.frame that specify the nodes, time-points and compartments to record the number of individuals at tspan. Use NULL to reset the model to record the number of inidividuals in each compartment in every node at each time-point in tspan.


Using a sparse result matrix can save a lot of memory if the model contains many nodes and time-points, but where only a few of the data points are of interest for post-processing. To use this feature, a template has to be defined for which data points to record. This is done using a data.frame that specifies the time-points (column ‘time’) and nodes (column ‘node’) to record the state of the compartments, see ‘Examples’. The specified time-points, nodes and compartments must exist in the model, or an error is raised. Note that specifying a template only affects which data-points are recorded for post-processing, it does not affect how the solver simulates the trajectory.


## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SIR' model with 6 nodes and initialize it to run over 10 days.
u0 <- data.frame(S = 100:105, I = 1:6, R = rep(0, 6))
model <- SIR(u0 = u0, tspan = 1:10, beta = 0.16, gamma = 0.077)

## Run the model.
result <- run(model)

## Display the trajectory with data for every node at each
## time-point in tspan.

## Assume we are only interested in nodes '2' and '4' at the
## time-points '3' and '5'
df <- data.frame(time = c(3, 5, 3, 5),
                 node = c(2, 2, 4, 4),
                 S = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
                 I = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
                 R = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE))
punchcard(model) <- df
result <- run(model)

## We can also specify to record only some of the compartments in
## each time-step.
df <- data.frame(time = c(3, 5, 3, 5),
                 node = c(2, 2, 4, 4),
                 S = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE),
                 I = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE),
                 R = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE))
punchcard(model) <- df
result <- run(model)

## A shortcut to specify to record all of the compartments in
## each time-step is to only inlude node and time.
df <- data.frame(time = c(3, 5, 3, 5),
                 node = c(2, 2, 4, 4))
punchcard(model) <- df
result <- run(model)

## It is possible to use an empty 'data.frame' to specify
## that no data-points should be recorded for the trajectory.
punchcard(model) <- data.frame()
result <- run(model)

## Use 'NULL' to reset the model to record data for every node at
## each time-point in tspan.
punchcard(model) <- NULL
result <- run(model)

Run the SimInf stochastic simulation algorithm


Run the SimInf stochastic simulation algorithm


run(model, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'
run(model, solver = c("ssm", "aem"), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SEIR'
run(model, solver = c("ssm", "aem"), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SIR'
run(model, solver = c("ssm", "aem"), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SIS'
run(model, solver = c("ssm", "aem"), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SISe'
run(model, solver = c("ssm", "aem"), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SISe3'
run(model, solver = c("ssm", "aem"), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SISe3_sp'
run(model, solver = c("ssm", "aem"), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SISe_sp'
run(model, solver = c("ssm", "aem"), ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_abc'
run(model, ...)



The SimInf model to run.


Additional arguments.


Which numerical solver to utilize. Default is 'ssm'.


SimInf_model object with result from simulation.


S. Widgren, P. Bauer, R. Eriksson and S. Engblom. SimInf: An R Package for Data-Driven Stochastic Disease Spread Simulations. Journal of Statistical Software, 91(12), 1–42. doi:10.18637/jss.v091.i12. An updated version of this paper is available as a vignette in the package.

P. Bauer, S. Engblom and S. Widgren. Fast Event-Based Epidemiological Simulations on National Scales. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 30(4), 438–453, 2016. doi: 10.1177/1094342016635723

P. Bauer and S. Engblom. Sensitivity Estimation and Inverse Problems in Spatial Stochastic Models of Chemical Kinetics. In: A. Abdulle, S. Deparis, D. Kressner, F. Nobile and M. Picasso (eds.), Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - ENUMATH 2013, pp. 519–527, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol 103. Springer, Cham, 2015. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10705-9_51


## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SIR' model with 10 nodes and initialise
## it to run over 100 days.
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = rep(99, 10),
                             I = rep(1, 10),
                             R = rep(0, 10)),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Run the model and save the result.
result <- run(model)

## Plot the proportion of susceptible, infected and recovered
## individuals.

Create an SEIR model


Create an SEIR model to be used by the simulation framework.


SEIR(u0, tspan, events = NULL, beta = NULL, epsilon = NULL, gamma = NULL)



A data.frame with the initial state in each node, i.e., the number of individuals in each compartment in each node when the simulation starts (see ‘Details’). The parameter u0 can also be an object that can be coerced to a data.frame, e.g., a named numeric vector will be coerced to a one row data.frame.


A vector (length >= 1) of increasing time points where the state of each node is to be returned. Can be either an integer or a Date vector. A Date vector is coerced to a numeric vector as days, where tspan[1] becomes the day of the year of the first year of tspan. The dates are added as names to the numeric vector.


a data.frame with the scheduled events, see SimInf_model.


A numeric vector with the transmission rate from susceptible to infected where each node can have a different beta value. The vector must have length 1 or nrow(u0). If the vector has length 1, but the model contains more nodes, the beta value is repeated in all nodes.


A numeric vector with the incubation rate from exposed to infected where each node can have a different epsilon value. The vector must have length 1 or nrow(u0). If the vector has length 1, but the model contains more nodes, the epsilon value is repeated in all nodes.


A numeric vector with the recovery rate from infected to recovered where each node can have a different gamma value. The vector must have length 1 or nrow(u0). If the vector has length 1, but the model contains more nodes, the beta value is repeated in all nodes.


The SEIR model contains four compartments; number of susceptible (S), number of exposed (E) (those who have been infected but are not yet infectious), number of infectious (I), and number of recovered (R). Moreover, it has three state transitions,

SβSI/NES \stackrel{\beta S I / N}{\longrightarrow} E

EϵEIE \stackrel{\epsilon E}{\longrightarrow} I

IγIRI \stackrel{\gamma I}{\longrightarrow} R

where β\beta is the transmission rate, ϵ\epsilon is the incubation rate, γ\gamma is the recovery rate, and N=S+E+I+RN=S+E+I+R.

The argument u0 must be a data.frame with one row for each node with the following columns:


The number of sucsceptible in each node


The number of exposed in each node


The number of infected in each node


The number of recovered in each node


A SimInf_model of class SEIR


## Create a SEIR model object.
model <- SEIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, E = 0, I = 1, R = 0),
              tspan = 1:100,
              beta = 0.16,
              epsilon = 0.25,
              gamma = 0.077)

## Run the SEIR model and plot the result.
result <- run(model)

Definition of the ‘SEIR’ model


Class to handle the SEIR SimInf_model.

Extract the select matrix from a SimInf_model object


Utility function to extract events@E from a SimInf_model object, see SimInf_events



## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'



The model to extract the select matrix E from.


dgCMatrix object.


## Create an SIR model
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = 1:5, beta = 0.16, gamma = 0.077)

## Extract the select matrix from the model

Set the select matrix for a SimInf_model object


Utility function to set events@E in a SimInf_model object, see SimInf_events


select_matrix(model) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SimInf_model'
select_matrix(model) <- value



The model to set the select matrix for.


A matrix.


## Create an SIR model
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = 1:5, beta = 0.16, gamma = 0.077)

## Set the select matrix
select_matrix(model) <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1), nrow = 3)

## Extract the select matrix from the model

Specify the number of threads that SimInf should use


Set the number of threads to be used in SimInf code that is parallelized with OpenMP (if available). The number of threads is initialized when SimInf is first loaded in the R session using optional envioronment variables (see ‘Details’). It is also possible to specify the number of threads by calling set_num_threads. If the environment variables that affect the number of threads change, then set_num_threads must be called again for it to take effect.


set_num_threads(threads = NULL)



integer with maximum number of threads to use in functions that are parallelized with OpenMP (if available). Default is NULL, i.e. to use all available processors and then check for limits in the environment varibles (see ‘Details’).


The omp_get_num_procs() function is used to determine the number of processors that are available to the device at the time the routine is called. The number of threads is then limited by omp_get_thread_limit() and the current values of the environmental variables (if set)

  • Sys.getenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT")

  • Sys.getenv("OMP_NUM_THREADS")

  • Sys.getenv("SIMINF_NUM_THREADS")

Additionally, the maximum number of threads can be controlled by the threads argument, given that its value is not above any of the limits described above.


The previous value is returned (invisible).

Extract the shift matrix from a SimInf_model object


Utility function to extract the shift matrix events@N from a SimInf_model object, see SimInf_events



## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'



The model to extract the shift matrix events@N from.


A mtrix.


## Create an SIR model
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = 1:5, beta = 0.16, gamma = 0.077)

## Extract the shift matrix from the model

Set the shift matrix for a SimInf_model object


Utility function to set events@N in a SimInf_model object, see SimInf_events


shift_matrix(model) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SimInf_model'
shift_matrix(model) <- value



The model to set the shift matrix events@N.


A matrix.


SimInf_model object


## Create an SIR model
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = 1:5, beta = 0.16, gamma = 0.077)

## Set the shift matrix
shift_matrix(model) <- matrix(c(2, 1, 0), nrow = 3)

## Extract the shift matrix from the model

Print summary of a SimInf_abc object


Print summary of a SimInf_abc object


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_abc'



The SimInf_abc object.



Brief summary of SimInf_events


Shows the number of scheduled events.


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_events'



The SimInf_events object


None (invisible 'NULL').

Print summary of a SimInf_indiv_events object


Print summary of a SimInf_indiv_events object


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_indiv_events'



The SimInf_indiv_events object.



Brief summary of SimInf_model


Brief summary of SimInf_model


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'



The SimInf_model object


None (invisible 'NULL').


## Create an 'SIR' model with 10 nodes and initialise
## it to run over 100 days.
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = rep(99, 10),
                             I = rep(1, 10),
                             R = rep(0, 10)),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Brief summary of the model

## Run the model and save the result
result <- run(model)

## Brief summary of the result. Note that 'U' and 'V' are
## non-empty after running the model.

Brief summary of a SimInf_pfilter object


Brief summary of a SimInf_pfilter object


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_pfilter'



The SimInf_pfilter object.



A Framework for Data-Driven Stochastic Disease Spread Simulations


The SimInf package provides a flexible framework for data-driven spatio-temporal disease spread modeling, designed to efficiently handle population demographics and network data. The framework integrates infection dynamics in each subpopulation as continuous-time Markov chains (CTMC) using the Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA) and incorporates available data such as births, deaths or movements as scheduled events. A scheduled event is used to modify the state of a subpopulation at a predefined time-point.


The SimInf_model is central and provides the basis for the framework. A SimInf_model object supplies the state-change matrix, the dependency graph, the scheduled events, and the initial state of the system.

All predefined models in SimInf have a generating function, with the same name as the model, for example SIR.

A model can also be created from a model specification using the mparse method.

After a model is created, a simulation is started with a call to the run method and if execution is successful, it returns a modified SimInf_model object with a single stochastic solution trajectory attached to it.

SimInf provides several utility functions to inspect simulated data, for example, show, summary and plot. To facilitate custom analysis, it provides the trajectory,SimInf_model-method and prevalence methods.

One of our design goal was to make SimInf extendable and enable usage of the numerical solvers from other R extension packages in order to facilitate complex epidemiological research. To support this, SimInf has functionality to generate the required C and R code from a model specification, see package_skeleton


Maintainer: Stefan Widgren [email protected] (ORCID)


Other contributors:

  • Thomas Rosendal (ORCID) [contributor]

  • Ivana Rodriguez Ewerlöf (ORCID) [contributor]

  • Attractive Chaos (Author of 'kvec.h'.) [copyright holder]


S. Widgren, P. Bauer, R. Eriksson and S. Engblom. SimInf: An R Package for Data-Driven Stochastic Disease Spread Simulations. Journal of Statistical Software, 91(12), 1–42. doi:10.18637/jss.v091.i12. An updated version of this paper is available as a vignette in the package.

See Also

Useful links:

Class "SimInf_abc"


Class "SimInf_abc"



The SimInf_model object to estimate parameters in.


A data.frame containing the four columns parameter, distribution, p1 and p2. The column parameter gives the name of the parameter referred to in the model. The column distribution contains the name of the prior distribution. Valid distributions are 'gamma', 'normal' or 'uniform'. The column p1 is a numeric vector with the first hyperparameter for each prior: 'gamma') shape, 'normal') mean, and 'uniform') lower bound. The column p2 is a numeric vector with the second hyperparameter for each prior: 'gamma') rate, 'normal') standard deviation, and 'uniform') upper bound.


Character vector (gdata or ldata) that determines if the ABC-SMC method estimates parameters in model@gdata or in model@ldata.


Index to the parameters in target.


An integer vector with the number of simulated proposals in each generation.


A function for calculating the summary statistics for the simulated trajectory and determine the distance for each particle, see abc for more details.


A numeric matrix (number of summary statistics ×\times number of generations) where each column contains the tolerances for a generation and each row contains a sequence of gradually decreasing tolerances.


A numeric array (number of particles ×\times number of parameters ×\times number of generations) with the parameter values for the accepted particles in each generation. Each row is one particle.


A numeric matrix (number of particles ×\times number of generations) with the weights for the particles x in the corresponding generation.


A numeric array (number of particles ×\times number of summary statistics ×\times number of generations) with the distance for the particles x in each generation. Each row contains the distance for a particle and each column contains the distance for a summary statistic.


A numeric vector with the effective sample size (ESS) in each generation. The effective sample size is computed as

(i=1N ⁣(wg(i))2)1,\left(\sum_{i=1}^N\!(w_{g}^{(i)})^2\right)^{-1},

where wg(i)w_{g}^{(i)} is the normalized weight of particle ii in generation gg.

See Also

abc and continue.

Create a SimInf_events object


The argument events must be a data.frame with the following columns:


Four event types are supported by the current solvers: exit, enter, internal transfer, and external transfer. When assigning the events, they can either be coded as a numerical value or a character string: exit; 0 or 'exit', enter; 1 or 'enter', internal transfer; 2 or 'intTrans', and external transfer; 3 or 'extTrans'. Internally in SimInf, the event type is coded as a numerical value.


When the event occurs i.e., the event is processed when time is reached in the simulation. Can be either an integer or a Date vector. A Date vector is coerced to a numeric vector as days, where t0 determines the offset to match the time of the events to the model tspan vector.


The node that the event operates on. Also the source node for an external transfer event. 1 <= node[i] <= Number of nodes.


The destination node for an external transfer event i.e., individuals are moved from node to dest, where 1 <= dest[i] <= Number of nodes. Set event = 0 for the other event types. dest is an integer vector.


The number of individuals affected by the event. n[i] >= 0.


If n[i] equals zero, the number of individuals affected by event[i] is calculated by sampling the number of individuals from a binomial distribution using the proportion[i] and the number of individuals in the compartments. Numeric vector. 0 <= proportion[i] <= 1.


To process an event[i], the compartments affected by the event are specified with select[i] together with the matrix E, where select[i] determines which column in E to use. The specific individuals affected by the event are sampled from the compartments corresponding to the non-zero entries in the specified column in E[, select[i]], where select is an integer vector.


Determines how individuals in internal transfer and external transfer events are shifted to enter another compartment. The sampled individuals are shifted according to column shift[i] in matrix N i.e., N[, shift[i]], where shift is an integer vector. See above for a description of N. Unsued for the other event types.


SimInf_events(E = NULL, N = NULL, events = NULL, t0 = NULL)



Each row corresponds to one compartment in the model. The non-zero entries in a column indicates the compartments to include in an event. For the exit, internal transfer and external transfer events, a non-zero entry indicate the compartments to sample individuals from. For the enter event, all individuals enter first non-zero compartment. E is sparse matrix of class dgCMatrix.


Determines how individuals in internal transfer and external transfer events are shifted to enter another compartment. Each row corresponds to one compartment in the model. The values in a column are added to the current compartment of sampled individuals to specify the destination compartment, for example, a value of 1 in an entry means that sampled individuals in this compartment are moved to the next compartment. Which column to use for each event is specified by the shift vector (see below). N is an integer matrix.


A data.frame with events.


If events$time is a Date vector, then t0 determines the offset to match the time of the events to the model tspan vector, see details. If events$time is a numeric vector, then t0 must be NULL.


S4 class SimInf_events


## Let us illustrate how movement events can be used to transfer
## individuals from one node to another.  Use the built-in SIR
## model and start with 2 nodes where all individuals are in the
## first node (100 per compartment).
u0 <- data.frame(S = c(100, 0), I = c(100, 0), R = c(100, 0))

## Then create 300 movement events to transfer all individuals,
## one per day, from the first node to the second node. Use the
## fourth column in the select matrix where all compartments
## can be sampled with equal weight.
events <- data.frame(event      = rep("extTrans", 300),
                     time       = 1:300,
                     node       = 1,
                     dest       = 2,
                     n          = 1,
                     proportion = 0,
                     select     = 4,
                     shift      = 0)

## Create an SIR model without disease transmission to
## demonstrate the events.
model <- SIR(u0      = u0,
             tspan  = 1:300,
             events = events,
             beta   = 0,
             gamma  = 0)

## Run the model and plot the number of individuals in
## the second node.  As can be seen in the figure, all
## indivuduals have been moved to the second node when
## t = 300.
plot(run(model), index = 1:2, range = FALSE)

## Let us now double the weight to sample from the 'I'
## compartment and rerun the model.
model@events@E[2, 4] <- 2
plot(run(model), index = 1:2, range = FALSE)

## And much larger weight to sample from the I compartment.
model@events@E[2, 4] <- 10
plot(run(model), index = 1:2, range = FALSE)

## Increase the weight for the R compartment.
model@events@E[3, 4] <- 4
plot(run(model), index = 1:2, range = FALSE)

Class "SimInf_events"


Class to hold data for scheduled events to modify the discrete state of individuals in a node at a pre-defined time t.



Each row corresponds to one compartment in the model. The non-zero entries in a column indicates the compartments to include in an event. For the exit, internal transfer and external transfer events, a non-zero entry indicate the compartments to sample individuals from. For the enter event, all individuals enter first non-zero compartment. E is sparse matrix of class dgCMatrix.


Determines how individuals in internal transfer and external transfer events are shifted to enter another compartment. Each row corresponds to one compartment in the model. The values in a column are added to the current compartment of sampled individuals to specify the destination compartment, for example, a value of 1 in an entry means that sampled individuals in this compartment are moved to the next compartment. Which column to use for each event is specified by the shift vector (see below). N is an integer matrix.


Type of event: 0) exit, 1) enter, 2) internal transfer, and 3) external transfer. Other values are reserved for future event types and not supported by the current solvers. Integer vector.


Time of when the event occurs i.e., the event is processed when time is reached in the simulation. time is an integer vector.


The node that the event operates on. Also the source node for an external transfer event. Integer vector. 1 <= node[i] <= Number of nodes.


The destination node for an external transfer event i.e., individuals are moved from node to dest, where 1 <= dest[i] <= Number of nodes. Set event = 0 for the other event types. dest is an integer vector.


The number of individuals affected by the event. Integer vector. n[i] >= 0.


If n[i] equals zero, the number of individuals affected by event[i] is calculated by sampling the number of individuals from a binomial distribution using the proportion[i] and the number of individuals in the compartments. Numeric vector. 0 <= proportion[i] <= 1.


To process event[i], the compartments affected by the event are specified with select[i] together with the matrix E, where select[i] determines which column in E to use. The specific individuals affected by the event are proportionally sampled from the compartments corresponding to the non-zero entries in the specified column in E[, select[i]], where select is an integer vector.


Determines how individuals in internal transfer and external transfer events are shifted to enter another compartment. The sampled individuals are shifted according to column shift[i] in matrix N i.e., N[, shift[i]], where shift is an integer vector. See above for a description of N. Unsued for the other event types.

Class "SimInf_indiv_events"


Class "SimInf_indiv_events"



an integer or character identifier of the individual.


four event types are supported: exit, enter, internal transfer, and external transfer. When assigning the events, they can either be coded as a numerical value or a character string: exit; 0 or 'exit', enter; 1 or 'enter', internal transfer; 2 or 'intTrans', and external transfer; 3 or 'extTrans'.


an integer, character, or date (of class Date) for when the event occured. If it's a character it must be able to coerce to Date.


an integer or character identifier of the source node.


an integer or character identifier of the destination node.

Create a SimInf_model


Create a SimInf_model


  events = NULL,
  ldata = NULL,
  gdata = NULL,
  U = NULL,
  u0 = NULL,
  v0 = NULL,
  V = NULL,
  E = NULL,
  N = NULL,
  C_code = NULL



Dependency graph that indicates the transition rates that need to be updated after a given state transition has occured. A non-zero entry in element G[i, i] indicates that transition rate i needs to be recalculated if the state transition j occurs. Sparse matrix (Nt×NtNt \times Nt) of object class dgCMatrix.


Each column corresponds to a transition, and execution of state transition j amounts to adding the S[, j] to the state vector of the node where the state transition occurred. Sparse matrix (Nc×NtNc \times Nt) of object class dgCMatrix.


A vector (length >= 1) of increasing time points where the state of each node is to be returned. Can be either an integer or a Date vector. A Date vector is coerced to a numeric vector as days, where tspan[1] becomes the day of the year of the first year of tspan. The dates are added as names to the numeric vector.


A data.frame with the scheduled events.


local data for the nodes. Can either be specified as a data.frame with one row per node. Or as a matrix where each column ldata[, j] contains the local data vector for the node j. The local data vector is passed as an argument to the transition rate functions and the post time step function.


A numeric vector with global data that is common to all nodes. The global data vector is passed as an argument to the transition rate functions and the post time step function.


The result matrix with the number of individuals in each disease state in every node (NnNc×N_n N_c \times length(tspan)). U[, j] contains the number of individuals in each disease state at tspan[j]. U[1:Nc, j] contains the state of node 1 at tspan[j]. U[(Nc + 1):(2 * Nc), j] contains the state of node 2 at tspan[j] etc.


The initial state vector. Either a matrix (Nc×NnN_c \times N_n) or a a data.frame with the number of individuals in each compartment in every node.


The initial continuous state vector in every node. (dim(ldata)[1] ×NN\times N_N). The continuous state vector is updated by the specific model during the simulation in the post time step function.


The result matrix for the real-valued continous compartment state (NnN_ndim(ldata)[1] ×\times length(tspan)). V[, j] contains the real-valued state of the system at tspan[j].


Sparse matrix to handle scheduled events, see SimInf_events.


Sparse matrix to handle scheduled events, see SimInf_events.


Character vector with optional model C code. If non-empty, the C code is written to a temporary C-file when the run method is called. The temporary C-file is compiled and the resulting DLL is dynamically loaded. The DLL is unloaded and the temporary files are removed after running the model.



Class "SimInf_model"


Class to handle data for the SimInf_model.



Dependency graph that indicates the transition rates that need to be updated after a given state transition has occured. A non-zero entry in element G[i, i] indicates that transition rate i needs to be recalculated if the state transition j occurs. Sparse matrix (Nt×NtNt \times Nt) of object class dgCMatrix.


Each column corresponds to a state transition, and execution of state transition j amounts to adding the S[, j] column to the state vector u[, i] of node i where the transition occurred. Sparse matrix (Nc×NtNc \times Nt) of object class dgCMatrix.


The result matrix with the number of individuals in each compartment in every node. U[, j] contains the number of individuals in each compartment at tspan[j]. U[1:Nc, j] contains the number of individuals in node 1 at tspan[j]. U[(Nc + 1):(2 * Nc), j] contains the number of individuals in node 2 at tspan[j] etc. Integer matrix (NnNc×N_n N_c \times length(tspan)).


If the model was configured to write the solution to a sparse matrix (dgCMatrix) the U_sparse contains the data and U is empty. The layout of the data in U_sparse is identical to U. Please note that U_sparse is numeric and U is integer.


The result matrix for the real-valued continuous state. V[, j] contains the real-valued state of the system at tspan[j]. Numeric matrix (NnN_ndim(ldata)[1] ×\times length(tspan)).


If the model was configured to write the solution to a sparse matrix (dgCMatrix) the V_sparse contains the data and V is empty. The layout of the data in V_sparse is identical to V.


A matrix with local data for the nodes. The column ldata[, j] contains the local data vector for the node j. The local data vector is passed as an argument to the transition rate functions and the post time step function.


A numeric vector with global data that is common to all nodes. The global data vector is passed as an argument to the transition rate functions and the post time step function.


A vector of increasing time points where the state of each node is to be returned.


The initial state vector (Nc×NnN_c \times N_n) with the number of individuals in each compartment in every node.


The initial value for the real-valued continuous state. Numeric matrix (dim(ldata)[1] ×Nn\times N_n).


Scheduled events SimInf_events


Character vector with optional model C code. If non-empty, the C code is written to a temporary C-file when the run method is called. The temporary C-file is compiled and the resulting DLL is dynamically loaded. The DLL is unloaded and the temporary files are removed after running the model.

Class "SimInf_pfilter"


Class "SimInf_pfilter"



A SimInf_model object with one filtered trajectory attached.


An integer with the number of particles that was used at each timestep.


The estimated log likelihood.


A numeric vector with the effective sample size (ESS). The effective sample size is computed as

(i=1N ⁣(wti)2)1,\left(\sum_{i=1}^N\!(w_{t}^{i})^2\right)^{-1},

where wtiw_{t}^{i} is the normalized weight of particle ii at time tt.

Create an SIR model


Create an SIR model to be used by the simulation framework.


SIR(u0, tspan, events = NULL, beta = NULL, gamma = NULL)



A data.frame with the initial state in each node, i.e., the number of individuals in each compartment in each node when the simulation starts (see ‘Details’). The parameter u0 can also be an object that can be coerced to a data.frame, e.g., a named numeric vector will be coerced to a one row data.frame.


A vector (length >= 1) of increasing time points where the state of each node is to be returned. Can be either an integer or a Date vector. A Date vector is coerced to a numeric vector as days, where tspan[1] becomes the day of the year of the first year of tspan. The dates are added as names to the numeric vector.


a data.frame with the scheduled events, see SimInf_model.


A numeric vector with the transmission rate from susceptible to infected where each node can have a different beta value. The vector must have length 1 or nrow(u0). If the vector has length 1, but the model contains more nodes, the beta value is repeated in all nodes.


A numeric vector with the recovery rate from infected to recovered where each node can have a different gamma value. The vector must have length 1 or nrow(u0). If the vector has length 1, but the model contains more nodes, the beta value is repeated in all nodes.


The SIR model contains three compartments; number of susceptible (S), number of infectious (I), and number of recovered (R). Moreover, it has two state transitions,

SβSI/NIS \stackrel{\beta S I / N}{\longrightarrow} I

IγIRI \stackrel{\gamma I}{\longrightarrow} R

where β\beta is the transmission rate, γ\gamma is the recovery rate, and N=S+I+RN=S+I+R.

The argument u0 must be a data.frame with one row for each node with the following columns:


The number of sucsceptible in each node


The number of infected in each node


The number of recovered in each node


A SimInf_model of class SIR


## Create an SIR model object.
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Run the SIR model and plot the result.
result <- run(model)

Definition of the SIR model


Class to handle the SIR SimInf_model.


The SIR model contains three compartments; number of susceptible (S), number of infectious (I), and number of recovered (R). Moreover, it has two state transitions,

SβSI/NIS \stackrel{\beta S I / N}{\longrightarrow} I

IγIRI \stackrel{\gamma I}{\longrightarrow} R

where β\beta is the transmission rate, γ\gamma is the recovery rate, and N=S+I+RN=S+I+R.


## Create an SIR model object.
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Run the SIR model and plot the result.
result <- run(model)

Create an SIS model


Create an SIS model to be used by the simulation framework.


SIS(u0, tspan, events = NULL, beta = NULL, gamma = NULL)



A data.frame with the initial state in each node, i.e., the number of individuals in each compartment in each node when the simulation starts (see ‘Details’). The parameter u0 can also be an object that can be coerced to a data.frame, e.g., a named numeric vector will be coerced to a one row data.frame.


A vector (length >= 1) of increasing time points where the state of each node is to be returned. Can be either an integer or a Date vector. A Date vector is coerced to a numeric vector as days, where tspan[1] becomes the day of the year of the first year of tspan. The dates are added as names to the numeric vector.


a data.frame with the scheduled events, see SimInf_model.


A numeric vector with the transmission rate from susceptible to infected where each node can have a different beta value. The vector must have length 1 or nrow(u0). If the vector has length 1, but the model contains more nodes, the beta value is repeated in all nodes.


A numeric vector with the recovery rate from infected to recovered where each node can have a different gamma value. The vector must have length 1 or nrow(u0). If the vector has length 1, but the model contains more nodes, the beta value is repeated in all nodes.


The SIS model contains two compartments; number of susceptible (S), and number of infectious (I). Moreover, it has two state transitions,

SβSI/NIS \stackrel{\beta S I / N}{\longrightarrow} I

IγISI \stackrel{\gamma I}{\longrightarrow} S

where β\beta is the transmission rate, γ\gamma is the recovery rate, and N=S+IN=S+I.

The argument u0 must be a data.frame with one row for each node with the following columns:


The number of sucsceptible in each node


The number of infected in each node


A SimInf_model of class SIS


## Create an SIS model object.
model <- SIS(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Run the SIS model and plot the result.
result <- run(model)

Definition of the SIS model


Class to handle the SIS SimInf_model.


The SIS model contains two compartments; number of susceptible (S), and number of infectious (I). Moreover, it has two state transitions,

SβSI/NIS \stackrel{\beta S I / N}{\longrightarrow} I

IγISI \stackrel{\gamma I}{\longrightarrow} S

where β\beta is the transmission rate, γ\gamma is the recovery rate, and N=S+IN=S+I.


## Create an SIS model object.
model <- SIS(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Run the SIS model and plot the result.
result <- run(model)

Create a SISe model


Create an ‘SISe’ model to be used by the simulation framework.


  events = NULL,
  phi = NULL,
  upsilon = NULL,
  gamma = NULL,
  alpha = NULL,
  beta_t1 = NULL,
  beta_t2 = NULL,
  beta_t3 = NULL,
  beta_t4 = NULL,
  end_t1 = NULL,
  end_t2 = NULL,
  end_t3 = NULL,
  end_t4 = NULL,
  epsilon = NULL



A data.frame with the initial state in each node, i.e., the number of individuals in each compartment in each node when the simulation starts (see ‘Details’). The parameter u0 can also be an object that can be coerced to a data.frame, e.g., a named numeric vector will be coerced to a one row data.frame.


A vector (length >= 1) of increasing time points where the state of each node is to be returned. Can be either an integer or a Date vector. A Date vector is coerced to a numeric vector as days, where tspan[1] becomes the day of the year of the first year of tspan. The dates are added as names to the numeric vector.


a data.frame with the scheduled events, see SimInf_model.


A numeric vector with the initial environmental infectious pressure in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0). Default is NULL which gives 0 in each node.


Indirect transmission rate of the environmental infectious pressure


The recovery rate from infected to susceptible


Shed rate from infected individuals


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 1.


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 2.


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 3.


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 4.


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 1 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 2 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 3 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 4 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


The background environmental infectious pressure


The ‘SISe’ model contains two compartments; number of susceptible (S) and number of infectious (I). Additionally, it contains an environmental compartment to model shedding of a pathogen to the environment. Consequently, the model has two state transitions,

SυφSIS \stackrel{\upsilon \varphi S}{\longrightarrow} I

IγISI \stackrel{\gamma I}{\longrightarrow} S

where the transition rate per unit of time from susceptible to infected is proportional to the concentration of the environmental contamination φ\varphi in each node. Moreover, the transition rate from infected to susceptible is the recovery rate γ\gamma, measured per individual and per unit of time. Finally, the environmental infectious pressure in each node is evolved by,

dφ(t)dt=αI(t)N(t)β(t)φ(t)+ϵ\frac{d\varphi(t)}{dt} = \frac{\alpha I(t)}{N(t)} - \beta(t) \varphi(t) + \epsilon

where α\alpha is the average shedding rate of the pathogen to the environment per infected individual and N=S+IN = S + I the size of the node. The seasonal decay and removal of the pathogen is captured by β(t)\beta(t). It is also possible to include a small background infectious pressure ϵ\epsilon to allow for other indirect sources of environmental contamination. The environmental infectious pressure φ(t)\varphi(t) in each node is evolved each time unit by the Euler forward method. The value of φ(t)\varphi(t) is saved at the time-points specified in tspan.

The argument u0 must be a data.frame with one row for each node with the following columns:


The number of sucsceptible in each node


The number of infected in each node




The time dependent beta is divided into four intervals of the year

where 0 <= day < 365

Case 1: END_1 < END_2 < END_3 < END_4
[0, END_1) [END_1, END_2) [END_2, END_3) [END_3, END_4) [END_4, 365)

Case 2: END_3 < END_4 < END_1 < END_2
[0, END_3) [END_3, END_4) [END_4, END_1) [END_1, END_2) [END_2, 365)

Case 3: END_4 < END_1 < END_2 < END_3
[0, END_4) [END_4, END_1) [END_1, END_2) [END_2, END_3) [END_3, 365)

Create a SISe_sp model


Create a SISe_sp model to be used by the simulation framework.


  events = NULL,
  phi = NULL,
  upsilon = NULL,
  gamma = NULL,
  alpha = NULL,
  beta_t1 = NULL,
  beta_t2 = NULL,
  beta_t3 = NULL,
  beta_t4 = NULL,
  end_t1 = NULL,
  end_t2 = NULL,
  end_t3 = NULL,
  end_t4 = NULL,
  coupling = NULL,
  distance = NULL



A data.frame with the initial state in each node, i.e., the number of individuals in each compartment in each node when the simulation starts (see ‘Details’). The parameter u0 can also be an object that can be coerced to a data.frame, e.g., a named numeric vector will be coerced to a one row data.frame.


A vector (length >= 1) of increasing time points where the state of each node is to be returned. Can be either an integer or a Date vector. A Date vector is coerced to a numeric vector as days, where tspan[1] becomes the day of the year of the first year of tspan. The dates are added as names to the numeric vector.


a data.frame with the scheduled events, see SimInf_model.


A numeric vector with the initial environmental infectious pressure in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0). Default is NULL which gives 0 in each node.


Indirect transmission rate of the environmental infectious pressure


The recovery rate from infected to susceptible


Shed rate from infected individuals


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 1.


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 2.


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 3.


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 4.


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 1 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 2 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 3 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 4 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


The coupling between neighboring nodes


The distance matrix between neighboring nodes


The SISe_sp model contains two compartments; number of susceptible (S) and number of infectious (I). Additionally, it contains an environmental compartment to model shedding of a pathogen to the environment. Moreover, it also includes a spatial coupling of the environmental contamination among proximal nodes to capture between-node spread unrelated to moving infected individuals. Consequently, the model has two state transitions,

SυφSIS \stackrel{\upsilon \varphi S}{\longrightarrow} I

IγISI \stackrel{\gamma I}{\longrightarrow} S

where the transition rate per unit of time from susceptible to infected is proportional to the concentration of the environmental contamination φ\varphi in each node. Moreover, the transition rate from infected to susceptible is the recovery rate γ\gamma, measured per individual and per unit of time. Finally, the environmental infectious pressure in each node is evolved by,

dφi(t)dt=αIi(t)Ni(t)+kφk(t)Nk(t)φi(t)Ni(t)Ni(t)Ddikβ(t)φi(t)\frac{d \varphi_i(t)}{dt} = \frac{\alpha I_{i}(t)}{N_i(t)} + \sum_k{\frac{\varphi_k(t) N_k(t) - \varphi_i(t) N_i(t)}{N_i(t)} \cdot \frac{D}{d_{ik}}} - \beta(t) \varphi_i(t)

where α\alpha is the average shedding rate of the pathogen to the environment per infected individual and N=S+IN = S + I the size of the node. Next comes the spatial coupling among proximal nodes, where DD is the rate of the local spread and dikd_{ik} the distance between holdings ii and kk. The seasonal decay and removal of the pathogen is captured by β(t)\beta(t). The environmental infectious pressure φ(t)\varphi(t) in each node is evolved each time unit by the Euler forward method. The value of φ(t)\varphi(t) is saved at the time-points specified in tspan.

The argument u0 must be a data.frame with one row for each node with the following columns:


The number of sucsceptible


The number of infected




The time dependent beta is divided into four intervals of the year

where 0 <= day < 365

Case 1: END_1 < END_2 < END_3 < END_4
[0, END_1) [END_1, END_2) [END_2, END_3) [END_3, END_4) [END_4, 365)

Case 2: END_3 < END_4 < END_1 < END_2
[0, END_3) [END_3, END_4) [END_4, END_1) [END_1, END_2) [END_2, 365)

Case 3: END_4 < END_1 < END_2 < END_3
[0, END_4) [END_4, END_1) [END_1, END_2) [END_2, END_3) [END_3, 365)

Definition of the SISe_sp model


Class to handle the SISe_sp SimInf_model.

Definition of the SISe model


Class to handle the SISe SimInf_model.

Create a SISe3 model


Create a SISe3 model to be used by the simulation framework.


  events = NULL,
  phi = NULL,
  upsilon_1 = NULL,
  upsilon_2 = NULL,
  upsilon_3 = NULL,
  gamma_1 = NULL,
  gamma_2 = NULL,
  gamma_3 = NULL,
  alpha = NULL,
  beta_t1 = NULL,
  beta_t2 = NULL,
  beta_t3 = NULL,
  beta_t4 = NULL,
  end_t1 = NULL,
  end_t2 = NULL,
  end_t3 = NULL,
  end_t4 = NULL,
  epsilon = NULL



A data.frame with the initial state in each node, i.e., the number of individuals in each compartment in each node when the simulation starts (see ‘Details’). The parameter u0 can also be an object that can be coerced to a data.frame, e.g., a named numeric vector will be coerced to a one row data.frame.


A vector (length >= 1) of increasing time points where the state of each node is to be returned. Can be either an integer or a Date vector. A Date vector is coerced to a numeric vector as days, where tspan[1] becomes the day of the year of the first year of tspan. The dates are added as names to the numeric vector.


a data.frame with the scheduled events, see SimInf_model.


A numeric vector with the initial environmental infectious pressure in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0). Default is NULL which gives 0 in each node.


Indirect transmission rate of the environmental infectious pressure in age category 1


Indirect transmission rate of the environmental infectious pressure in age category 2


Indirect transmission rate of the environmental infectious pressure in age category 3


The recovery rate from infected to susceptible for age category 1


The recovery rate from infected to susceptible for age category 2


The recovery rate from infected to susceptible for age category 3


Shed rate from infected individuals


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 1.


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 2.


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 3.


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 4.


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 1 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 2 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 3 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 4 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


The background environmental infectious pressure


The SISe3 model contains two compartments in three age categories; number of susceptible (S_1, S_2, S_3) and number of infectious (I_1, I_2, I_3). Additionally, it contains an environmental compartment to model shedding of a pathogen to the environment. Consequently, the model has six state transitions,

S1υ1φS1I1S_1 \stackrel{\upsilon_1 \varphi S_1}{\longrightarrow} I_1

I1γ1I1S1I_1 \stackrel{\gamma_1 I_1}{\longrightarrow} S_1

S2υ2φS2I2S_2 \stackrel{\upsilon_2 \varphi S_2}{\longrightarrow} I_2

I2γ2I2S2I_2 \stackrel{\gamma_2 I_2}{\longrightarrow} S_2

S3υ3φS3I3S_3 \stackrel{\upsilon_3 \varphi S_3}{\longrightarrow} I_3

I3γ3I3S3I_3 \stackrel{\gamma_3 I_3}{\longrightarrow} S_3

where the transition rate per unit of time from susceptible to infected is proportional to the concentration of the environmental contamination φ\varphi in each node. Moreover, the transition rate from infected to susceptible is the recovery rate γ1,γ2,γ3\gamma_1, \gamma_2, \gamma_3, measured per individual and per unit of time. Finally, the environmental infectious pressure in each node is evolved by,

dφ(t)dt=α(I1(t)+I2(t)+I3(t))N(t)β(t)φ(t)+ϵ\frac{d\varphi(t)}{dt} = \frac{\alpha \left(I_1(t) + I_2(t) + I_3(t)\right)}{N(t)} - \beta(t) \varphi(t) + \epsilon

where α\alpha is the average shedding rate of the pathogen to the environment per infected individual and N=S1+S2+S3+I1+I2+I3N = S_1 + S_2 + S_3 + I_1 + I_2 + I_3 the size of the node. The seasonal decay and removal of the pathogen is captured by β(t)\beta(t). It is also possible to include a small background infectious pressure ϵ\epsilon to allow for other indirect sources of environmental contamination. The environmental infectious pressure φ(t)\varphi(t) in each node is evolved each time unit by the Euler forward method. The value of φ(t)\varphi(t) is saved at the time-points specified in tspan.

The argument u0 must be a data.frame with one row for each node with the following columns:


The number of sucsceptible in age category 1


The number of infected in age category 1


The number of sucsceptible in age category 2


The number of infected in age category 2


The number of sucsceptible in age category 3


The number of infected in age category 3




The time dependent beta is divided into four intervals of the year

where 0 <= day < 365

Case 1: END_1 < END_2 < END_3 < END_4
[0, END_1) [END_1, END_2) [END_2, END_3) [END_3, END_4) [END_4, 365)

Case 2: END_3 < END_4 < END_1 < END_2
[0, END_3) [END_3, END_4) [END_4, END_1) [END_1, END_2) [END_2, 365)

Case 3: END_4 < END_1 < END_2 < END_3
[0, END_4) [END_4, END_1) [END_1, END_2) [END_2, END_3) [END_3, 365)

Create an SISe3_sp model


Create an SISe3_sp model to be used by the simulation framework.


  events = NULL,
  phi = NULL,
  upsilon_1 = NULL,
  upsilon_2 = NULL,
  upsilon_3 = NULL,
  gamma_1 = NULL,
  gamma_2 = NULL,
  gamma_3 = NULL,
  alpha = NULL,
  beta_t1 = NULL,
  beta_t2 = NULL,
  beta_t3 = NULL,
  beta_t4 = NULL,
  end_t1 = NULL,
  end_t2 = NULL,
  end_t3 = NULL,
  end_t4 = NULL,
  distance = NULL,
  coupling = NULL



A data.frame with the initial state in each node, i.e., the number of individuals in each compartment in each node when the simulation starts (see ‘Details’). The parameter u0 can also be an object that can be coerced to a data.frame, e.g., a named numeric vector will be coerced to a one row data.frame.


A vector (length >= 1) of increasing time points where the state of each node is to be returned. Can be either an integer or a Date vector. A Date vector is coerced to a numeric vector as days, where tspan[1] becomes the day of the year of the first year of tspan. The dates are added as names to the numeric vector.


a data.frame with the scheduled events, see SimInf_model.


A numeric vector with the initial environmental infectious pressure in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0). Default is NULL which gives 0 in each node.


Indirect transmission rate of the environmental infectious pressure in age category 1


Indirect transmission rate of the environmental infectious pressure in age category 2


Indirect transmission rate of the environmental infectious pressure in age category 3


The recovery rate from infected to susceptible for age category 1


The recovery rate from infected to susceptible for age category 2


The recovery rate from infected to susceptible for age category 3


Shed rate from infected individuals


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 1.


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 2.


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 3.


The decay of the environmental infectious pressure in interval 4.


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 1 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 2 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 3 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


vector with the non-inclusive day of the year that ends interval 4 in each node. Will be repeated to the length of nrow(u0).


The distance matrix between neighboring nodes


The coupling between neighboring nodes


The SISe3_sp model contains two compartments in three age categories; number of susceptible (S_1, S_2, S_3) and number of infectious (I_1, I_2, I_3). Additionally, it contains an environmental compartment to model shedding of a pathogen to the environment. Moreover, it also includes a spatial coupling of the environmental contamination among proximal nodes to capture between-node spread unrelated to moving infected individuals. Consequently, the model has six state transitions,

S1υ1φS1I1S_1 \stackrel{\upsilon_1 \varphi S_1}{\longrightarrow} I_1

I1γ1I1S1I_1 \stackrel{\gamma_1 I_1}{\longrightarrow} S_1

S2υ2φS2I2S_2 \stackrel{\upsilon_2 \varphi S_2}{\longrightarrow} I_2

I2γ2I2S2I_2 \stackrel{\gamma_2 I_2}{\longrightarrow} S_2

S3υ3φS3I3S_3 \stackrel{\upsilon_3 \varphi S_3}{\longrightarrow} I_3

I3γ3I3S3I_3 \stackrel{\gamma_3 I_3}{\longrightarrow} S_3

where the transition rate per unit of time from susceptible to infected is proportional to the concentration of the environmental contamination φ\varphi in each node. Moreover, the transition rate from infected to susceptible is the recovery rate γ1,γ2,γ3\gamma_1, \gamma_2, \gamma_3, measured per individual and per unit of time. Finally, the environmental infectious pressure in each node is evolved by,

dφi(t)dt=α(Ii,1(t)+Ii,2(t)+Ii,3(t))Ni(t)+kφk(t)Nk(t)φi(t)Ni(t)Ni(t)Ddikβ(t)φi(t)\frac{d \varphi_i(t)}{dt} = \frac{\alpha \left(I_{i,1}(t) + I_{i,2}(t) + I_{i,3}(t)\right)}{N_i(t)} + \sum_k{\frac{\varphi_k(t) N_k(t) - \varphi_i(t) N_i(t)}{N_i(t)} \cdot \frac{D}{d_{ik}}} - \beta(t) \varphi_i(t)

where α\alpha is the average shedding rate of the pathogen to the environment per infected individual and N=S1+S2+S3+I1+I2+I3N = S_1 + S_2 + S_3 + I_1 + I_2 + I_3 the size of the node. Next comes the spatial coupling among proximal nodes, where DD is the rate of the local spread and dikd_{ik} the distance between holdings ii and kk. The seasonal decay and removal of the pathogen is captured by β(t)\beta(t). The environmental infectious pressure φ(t)\varphi(t) in each node is evolved each time unit by the Euler forward method. The value of φ(t)\varphi(t) is saved at the time-points specified in tspan.

The argument u0 must be a data.frame with one row for each node with the following columns:


The number of sucsceptible in age category 1


The number of infected in age category 1


The number of sucsceptible in age category 2


The number of infected in age category 2


The number of sucsceptible in age category 3


The number of infected in age category 3




The time dependent beta is divided into four intervals of the year

where 0 <= day < 365

Case 1: END_1 < END_2 < END_3 < END_4
[0, END_1) [END_1, END_2) [END_2, END_3) [END_3, END_4) [END_4, 365)

Case 2: END_3 < END_4 < END_1 < END_2
[0, END_3) [END_3, END_4) [END_4, END_1) [END_1, END_2) [END_2, 365)

Case 3: END_4 < END_1 < END_2 < END_3
[0, END_4) [END_4, END_1) [END_1, END_2) [END_2, END_3) [END_3, 365)

Definition of the ‘SISe3_sp’ model


Class to handle the SISe3_sp SimInf_model model.

Definition of the ‘SISe3’ model


Class to handle the SISe3 SimInf_model model.

Detailed summary of a SimInf_abc object


Detailed summary of a SimInf_abc object


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_abc'
summary(object, ...)



The SimInf_abc object


Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.


None (invisible 'NULL').

Detailed summary of a SimInf_events object


Shows the number of scheduled events and the number of scheduled events per event type.


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_events'
summary(object, ...)



The SimInf_events object


Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.


None (invisible 'NULL').

Detailed summary of a SimInf_indiv_events object


Detailed summary of a SimInf_indiv_events object


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_indiv_events'
summary(object, ...)



The SimInf_indiv_events object


Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.


None (invisible 'NULL').

Detailed summary of a SimInf_model object


Detailed summary of a SimInf_model object


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'
summary(object, ...)



The SimInf_model object


Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.


None (invisible 'NULL').

Detailed summary of a SimInf_pfilter object


Detailed summary of a SimInf_pfilter object


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_pfilter'
summary(object, ...)



The SimInf_pfilter object.


Unused additional arguments.



Generic function to extract data from a simulated trajectory


Generic function to extract data from a simulated trajectory


trajectory(model, compartments = NULL, index = NULL, ...)



the object to extract the trajectory from.


specify the names of the compartments to extract data from. The compartments can be specified as a character vector e.g. compartments = c('S', 'I', 'R'), or as a formula e.g. compartments = ~S+I+R (see ‘Examples’). Default (compartments=NULL) is to extract the number of individuals in each compartment i.e. the data from all discrete state compartments in the model. In models that also have continuous state variables e.g. the SISe model, they are also included.


indices specifying the subset of nodes to include when extracting data. Default (index = NULL) is to extract data from all nodes.


Additional arguments, see trajectory,SimInf_model-method

Extract data from a simulated trajectory


Extract the number of individuals in each compartment in every node after generating a single stochastic trajectory with run.


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'
trajectory(model, compartments, index, format = c("data.frame", "matrix"))



the SimInf_model object to extract the result from.


specify the names of the compartments to extract data from. The compartments can be specified as a character vector e.g. compartments = c('S', 'I', 'R'), or as a formula e.g. compartments = ~S+I+R (see ‘Examples’). Default (compartments=NULL) is to extract the number of individuals in each compartment i.e. the data from all discrete state compartments in the model. In models that also have continuous state variables e.g. the SISe model, they are also included.


indices specifying the subset of nodes to include when extracting data. Default (index = NULL) is to extract data from all nodes.


the default (format = "data.frame") is to generate a data.frame with one row per node and time-step with the number of individuals in each compartment. Using format = "matrix" returns the result as a matrix, which is the internal format (see ‘Details’).


A data.frame if format = "data.frame", else a matrix.

Internal format of the discrete state variables

Description of the layout of the internal matrix (U) that is returned if format = "matrix". U[, j] contains the number of individuals in each compartment at tspan[j]. U[1:Nc, j] contains the number of individuals in node 1 at tspan[j]. U[(Nc + 1):(2 * Nc), j] contains the number of individuals in node 2 at tspan[j] etc, where Nc is the number of compartments in the model. The dimension of the matrix is NnNc×N_n N_c \times length(tspan) where NnN_n is the number of nodes.

Internal format of the continuous state variables

Description of the layout of the matrix that is returned if format = "matrix". The result matrix for the real-valued continuous state. V[, j] contains the real-valued state of the system at tspan[j]. The dimension of the matrix is NnN_ndim(ldata)[1] ×\times length(tspan).


## Create an 'SIR' model with 6 nodes and initialize
## it to run over 10 days.
u0 <- data.frame(S = 100:105, I = 1:6, R = rep(0, 6))
model <- SIR(u0 = u0, tspan = 1:10, beta = 0.16, gamma = 0.077)

## Run the model to generate a single stochastic trajectory.
result <- run(model)

## Extract the number of individuals in each compartment at the
## time-points in 'tspan'.

## Extract the number of recovered individuals in the first node
## at the time-points in 'tspan'.
trajectory(result, compartments = "R", index = 1)

## Extract the number of recovered individuals in the first and
## third node at the time-points in 'tspan'.
trajectory(result, compartments = "R", index = c(1, 3))

## Create an 'SISe' model with 6 nodes and initialize
## it to run over 10 days.
u0 <- data.frame(S = 100:105, I = 1:6)
model <- SISe(u0 = u0, tspan = 1:10, phi = rep(0, 6),
    upsilon = 0.02, gamma = 0.1, alpha = 1, epsilon = 1.1e-5,
    beta_t1 = 0.15, beta_t2 = 0.15, beta_t3 = 0.15, beta_t4 = 0.15,
    end_t1 = 91, end_t2 = 182, end_t3 = 273, end_t4 = 365)

## Run the model
result <- run(model)

## Extract the continuous state variable 'phi' which represents
## the environmental infectious pressure.
trajectory(result, "phi")

Extract filtered trajectory from running a particle filter


Extract filtered trajectory from running a particle filter


## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_pfilter'
trajectory(model, compartments, index, format = c("data.frame", "matrix"))



the SimInf_pfilter object to extract the result from.


specify the names of the compartments to extract data from. The compartments can be specified as a character vector e.g. compartments = c('S', 'I', 'R'), or as a formula e.g. compartments = ~S+I+R (see ‘Examples’). Default (compartments=NULL) is to extract the number of individuals in each compartment i.e. the data from all discrete state compartments in the model. In models that also have continuous state variables e.g. the SISe model, they are also included.


indices specifying the subset of nodes to include when extracting data. Default (index = NULL) is to extract data from all nodes.


the default (format = "data.frame") is to generate a data.frame with one row per node and time-step with the number of individuals in each compartment. Using format = "matrix" returns the result as a matrix, which is the internal format (see ‘Details’ in trajectory,SimInf_model-method).


A data.frame if format = "data.frame", else a matrix.

Get the initial compartment state


Get the initial compartment state


u0(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_model'
u0(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'SimInf_indiv_events'
u0(object, time = NULL, target = NULL, age = NULL)



The object to get the initial compartment state u0 from.


Additional arguments.


Only used when object is of class SimInf_indiv_events object. The time-point that will be used to create u0. If left empty (the default), the earliest time among the events will be used.


Only used when object is of class SimInf_indiv_events object. The SimInf model ('SEIR', 'SIR', 'SIS', 'SISe3', 'SISe3_sp', 'SISe', or 'SISe_sp') to target the events and u0 for. The default, NULL, creates an u0, but where the compartments might have to be renamed and post-processed to fit the specific use case.


Only used when object is of class SimInf_indiv_events object. An integer vector with break points in days for the ageing events. The default, NULL, creates an u0 where all individuals belong to the same age category.


a data.frame with the initial compartment state.


## Create an SIR model object.
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Get the initial compartment state.

Example data to initialize the ‘SEIR’ model


Example data to initialize a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SEIR model.




A data.frame with the number of individuals in the ‘S’, ‘E’, ‘I’ and ‘R’ compartments in 1600 nodes. Note that the ‘E’, ‘I’ and ‘R’ compartments are zero.


A data.frame


## Not run: 
## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SEIR' model with 1600 nodes and initialize it to
## run over 4*365 days and record data at weekly time-points.
## Add ten infected individuals to the first node.
u0 <- u0_SEIR()
u0$I[1] <- 10
tspan <- seq(from = 1, to = 4*365, by = 7)
model <- SEIR(u0      = u0,
              tspan   = tspan,
              events  = events_SEIR(),
              beta    = 0.16,
              epsilon = 0.25,
              gamma   = 0.01)

## Run the model to generate a single stochastic trajectory.
result <- run(model)

## Summarize trajectory

## End(Not run)

Example data to initialize the ‘SIR’ model


Example data to initialize a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SIR model.




A data.frame with the number of individuals in the ‘S’, ‘I’ and ‘R’ compartments in 1600 nodes. Note that the ‘I’ and ‘R’ compartments are zero.


A data.frame


## Not run: 
## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SIR' model with 1600 nodes and initialize
## it to run over 4*365 days. Add one infected individual
## to the first node.
u0 <- u0_SIR()
u0$I[1] <- 1
tspan <- seq(from = 1, to = 4*365, by = 1)
model <- SIR(u0     = u0,
             tspan  = tspan,
             events = events_SIR(),
             beta   = 0.16,
             gamma  = 0.01)

## Run the model to generate a single stochastic trajectory.
result <- run(model)

## Summarize trajectory

## End(Not run)

Example data to initialize the ‘SIS’ model


Example data to initialize a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SIS model.




A data.frame with the number of individuals in the ‘S’, and ‘I’ compartments in 1600 nodes. Note that the ‘I’ compartment is zero.


A data.frame


## Not run: 
## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SIS' model with 1600 nodes and initialize
## it to run over 4*365 days. Add one infected individual
## to the first node.
u0 <- u0_SIS()
u0$I[1] <- 1
tspan <- seq(from = 1, to = 4*365, by = 1)
model <- SIS(u0     = u0,
             tspan  = tspan,
             events = events_SIS(),
             beta   = 0.16,
             gamma  = 0.01)

## Run the model to generate a single stochastic trajectory.
result <- run(model)

## Summarize trajectory

## End(Not run)

Example data to initialize the ‘SISe’ model


Example data to initialize a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SISe model.




A data.frame with the number of individuals in the ‘S’ and ‘I’ compartments in 1600 nodes. Note that the ‘I’ compartment is zero.


A data.frame


## Not run: 
## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SISe' model with 1600 nodes and initialize it to
## run over 4*365 days and record data at weekly time-points.

## Load the initial population and add ten infected individuals to
## the first node.
u0 <- u0_SISe()
u0$I[1] <- 10

## Define 'tspan' to run the simulation over 4*365 and record the
## state of the system at weekly time-points.
tspan <- seq(from = 1, to = 4*365, by = 7)

## Load scheduled events for the population of nodes with births,
## deaths and between-node movements of individuals.
events <- events_SISe()

## Create an 'SISe' model
model <- SISe(u0 = u0, tspan = tspan, events = events_SISe(),
              phi = 0, upsilon = 1.8e-2, gamma = 0.1, alpha = 1,
              beta_t1 = 1.0e-1, beta_t2 = 1.0e-1, beta_t3 = 1.25e-1,
              beta_t4 = 1.25e-1, end_t1 = 91, end_t2 = 182,
              end_t3 = 273, end_t4 = 365, epsilon = 0)

## Run the model to generate a single stochastic trajectory.
result <- run(model)

## Summarize trajectory

## Plot the proportion of nodes with at least one infected
## individual.
plot(result, I~S+I, level = 2, type = "l")

## End(Not run)

Example data to initialize the ‘SISe3’ model


Example data to initialize a population of 1600 nodes and demonstrate the SISe3 model.




A data.frame


A data.frame with the number of individuals in the ‘S_1’, ‘S_2’, ‘S_3’, ‘I_1’, ‘I_2’ and ‘I_3’ compartments in 1600 nodes. Note that the ‘I_1’, ‘I_2’ and ‘I_3’ compartments are zero.


## Not run: 
## For reproducibility, call the set.seed() function and specify
## the number of threads to use. To use all available threads,
## remove the set_num_threads() call.

## Create an 'SISe3' model with 1600 nodes and initialize it to
## run over 4*365 days and record data at weekly time-points.

## Load the initial population and add ten infected individuals to
## I_1 in the first node.
u0 <- u0_SISe3
u0$I_1[1] <- 10

## Define 'tspan' to run the simulation over 4*365 and record the
## state of the system at weekly time-points.
tspan <- seq(from = 1, to = 4*365, by = 7)

## Load scheduled events for the population of nodes with births,
## deaths and between-node movements of individuals.
events <- events_SISe3

## Create a 'SISe3' model
model <- SISe3(u0 = u0, tspan = tspan, events = events,
               phi = rep(0, nrow(u0)), upsilon_1 = 1.8e-2,
               upsilon_2 = 1.8e-2, upsilon_3 = 1.8e-2,
               gamma_1 = 0.1, gamma_2 = 0.1, gamma_3 = 0.1,
               alpha = 1, beta_t1 = 1.0e-1, beta_t2 = 1.0e-1,
               beta_t3 = 1.25e-1, beta_t4 = 1.25e-1, end_t1 = 91,
               end_t2 = 182, end_t3 = 273, end_t4 = 365, epsilon = 0)

## Run the model to generate a single stochastic trajectory.
result <- run(model)

## Summarize trajectory

## Plot the proportion of nodes with at least one infected
## individual.
plot(result, I_1 + I_2 + I_3 ~ ., level = 2, type = "l")

## End(Not run)

Update the initial compartment state u0 in each node


Update the initial compartment state u0 in each node


u0(model) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SimInf_model'
u0(model) <- value



The model to update the initial compartment state u0.


A data.frame with the initial state in each node. Each row is one node, and the number of rows in u0 must match the number of nodes in model. Only the columns in u0 with a name that matches a compartment in the model will be used.


## Create an SIR model object.
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Run the SIR model and plot the result.
result <- run(model)

## Update u0 and run the model again
u0(model) <- data.frame(S = 990, I = 10, R = 0)
result <- run(model)

Update the initial continuous state v0 in each node


Update the initial continuous state v0 in each node


v0(model) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SimInf_model'
v0(model) <- value



The model to update the initial continuous state v0.


the initial continuous state in each node. Must be a data.frame or an object that can be coerced to a data.frame. A named numeric vector will be coerced to a one-row data.frame. Each row is one node, and the number of rows in v0 must match the number of nodes in model. Only the columns in v0 with a name that matches a continuous state in v0 in the model will be used


## Create an 'SISe' model with no infected individuals and no
## infectious pressure (phi = 0, epsilon = 0).
model <- SISe(u0 = data.frame(S = 100, I = 0), tspan = 1:100,
              phi = 0, upsilon = 0.02, gamma = 0.1, alpha = 1,
              epsilon = 0, beta_t1 = 0.15, beta_t2 = 0.15,
              beta_t3 = 0.15, beta_t4 = 0.15, end_t1 = 91,
              end_t2 = 182, end_t3 = 273, end_t4 = 365)

## Run the 'SISe' model and plot the result.
result <- run(model)

## Update the infectious pressure 'phi' in 'v0' and run
## the model again.
v0(model) <- data.frame(phi = 1)
result <- run(model)