ShapePattern 3.0.1 (2023-08-22)
- Improvements
- Minor error trapping in ssr() that now provides meaningful feedback.
- Bugfixes
- Corresponding minor updates to manual pages and code.
ShapePattern 3.0.0 (2023-08-07)
- Improvements
- Adaptations for retired rgeos and rgdal packages.
- Transfer reliance to package: terra.
- Bugfixes
- Minor updates to manual pages and code.
- Removed some old commented code to clean scripts.
- Retire
- Retired batchssr() that are not necessary given the simplicity with which ssr() can be called in a loop.
- Retired shpsplitter() as it was a niche tool used infrequently and it forces the data to be brought into ssr() clean, rather than rely on the tool to attempt to handle exceptions.
ShapePattern 2.2.0 (2021-12-10)
- Improvements
- Removal of as.vector() calls to data.frames as per new CRAN requirements.
- Bugfixes
- Minor updates to manual pages and code.
- Removed some old commented code.
- Moved some console feedback to warning() calls.
- Fixed some index references that used integers to column names.
ShapePattern 2.1.0 (2020-04-27)
- Improvements
- Inclusion of 'porosity()' function that provides the functionality of Remmel (2018), fully implemented in R and not relying on ArcGIS or Python.
- Manual page included for 'porosity()'.
- Added a small test raster, 'rst', in the 'data' supplied with this package.
- New reference (Remmel 2018) added.
- Changed earlier incorrect reference to Remmel (2018) to Remmel (2015).
- Keeping pace with updated build of 'raster' package requiring R version 3.6.2
- Bugfixes
- Minor updates to manual pages and code.
ShapePattern 2.0.4 (2020-04-09)
- Improvements
- 'patternbits()' function to handle toroidal and non-toroidal grids is now working.
- 'patternbits()' function now also handles grids whose number of rows and columns may differ.
- Manual pages updated.
- New reference (Remmel 2020) added.
- Included a NEWS page to list updates.
- Bugfixes
ShapePattern 2.0.3 (2020-04-02)
- Bugfixes
- Fixed manual and description pages that provided outdated information.
ShapePattern 2.0.2 (2020-03-15)
- Improvements
- Major bringing together of the origianl ShapePattern and PatternClass packages under this umbrella.
- Included 'patternbits()' function, though some functionality is not fully operational.
ShapePattern 1.0.1 (2016-10-26)
- Improvements
- Bugfixes
- Fix examples and clear warnings.
ShapePattern 1.0 (2016-04-27)
- First submission to CRAN.