Title: | Simultaneous Tolerance Bounds |
Description: | Provides an implementation of simultaneous tolerance bounds (STB), useful for checking whether a numeric vector fits to a hypothetical null-distribution or not. Furthermore, there are functions for computing STB (bands, intervals) for random variates of linear mixed models fitted with package 'VCA'. All kinds of, possibly transformed (studentized, standardized, Pearson-type transformed) random variates (residuals, random effects), can be assessed employing STB-methodology. |
Authors: | Andre Schuetzenmeister <[email protected]> |
Maintainer: | Andre Schuetzenmeister <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 0.6.5 |
Built: | 2025-03-09 06:37:57 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Compute simultaneous tolerance bounds for arbitrary null-distributions or random variates of linear mixed models (LMM).
A common problem is to check whether a numeric values follow a distinct distribution. Formal significance tests lack power
when its most needed, when sample size is small and have sort of too much power for large sample sizes, i.e. rejecting
e.g. normality even if departure from normality is negligible for drawing inference.
Graphical methods are usually preferred over formal testing but lack some objectivity, i.e.
the same plot is differently interpreted by two different persons. Simultaneous tolerance bounds (intervals or bands)
add some objectivity to plots like the QQ-plot, a plot frequently used to check for specific distributions. See the first reference
for details about simultaneous tolerance bounds (there, used for checking normality in the general linear model).
Various other null-distributions can be checked, since resampling can be applied to all sorts of distributions (see argument 'rand.func' of stb
Besides checking distributional assumptions of numeric vectors, graphical methods are available for linear mixed models fitted using R-package VCA
Various types of random variates exist in this framework, i.e. random effects and at least two types of residuals. All types of random variates of
LMM need to be checked for their particular distributional assumptions. Departure from these may indicate that a transformation of the response variable
is required or that extreme values (possible outliers) have a negative effect on the distribution of random variates. See the 2nd reference for
a discussion of this topic and for practical examples.
Generic function stb
applies to either numeric vectors or to objects of class VCA
. The former generates a quantile-quantile (QQ) plot
following a specified null-distribution with simultaneous tolerance band (see stb.default
). The latter checks residuals or random effects,
possibly transformed (e.g. studentized) to be normally distributed, incorporating the covariance-structure of the fitted model (see stb.VCA
Plotting methods exists for the resulting objects (see plot.STB
and plot.stbVCA
for details).
There are two graphical methods available for random variates of LMM, the usual QQ-plot with simultaneous tolerance band (argument type
set to 1 or 3)
and a plot of the random variates with a simultaneous tolerance interval (STI) (argument type
set to 2 or 3), where the STI is derived from the extreme
values (first and last order statistics).
Package: | STB |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 0.6.5 |
Date: | 2021-09-14 |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
LazyLoad: | yes |
Andre Schuetzenmeister <[email protected]>
Schuetzenmeister, A., Jensen, U., Piepho, H.P. (2011), Checking assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity in the general linear model. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation; S. 141-154
Schuetzenmeister, A. and Piepho, H.P. (2012). Residual analysis of linear mixed models using a simulation approach. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 1405-1416
This function represents the interface to a C-implementation of the bisection algorithm for computing simultaneous tolerance bounds as described in Schuetzenmeister et al. 2012.
fastSTB( mat, alpha = 0.05, tol = 1e-04, max.iter = 100L, Ncpu = 2, timer = FALSE )
fastSTB( mat, alpha = 0.05, tol = 1e-04, max.iter = 100L, Ncpu = 2, timer = FALSE )
mat |
(numeric) matrix with rows representing simulations of 'ncol' values, rows are supposed to be sorted |
alpha |
(numeric) 100(1-alpha)% simultaneous tolerance level (coverage) |
tol |
(numeric) convergence tolerance level for the bisection algorithm |
max.iter |
(integer) number of bisection-steps for the algorithm |
Ncpu |
(integer) specifying the number of processors (CPUs, cores, ...) to be used |
timer |
(logical) TRUE = the time spent for computing the STB will be printed |
Quantiles will be computed according to SAS PCTLDEF5 definition of quantiles, which is identical to 'type=2'
in function quantile
. This is also the default-option throughout this package. Function SASquantile
is a R-implementation identical to the C-implementation used here.
(list) with elements:
mat |
(numeric) matrix with sorted random vector stored in rows |
nCol |
(integer) number of columns of 'mat' |
nRow |
(integer) number of rows of 'mat' |
alpha |
(numeric) values used for the 100(1-alpha)% STB |
tol |
(numeric) the tolerance value used as stopping criterion for the bisection algorithm |
max.iter |
(integer) the max. number of iteration of the bisection algorithm |
Q |
(numeric) matrix with 2 rows, corresponding to the bounds of the STB (1st row = lower bounds, 2nd row = upper bounds) |
coverage |
(numeric) value corresponding to the actual coverage of the STB |
Andre Schuetzenmeister [email protected]
Schuetzenmeister, A., Jensen, U., Piepho, H.P. (2011), Checking assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity in the general linear model. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation; S. 141-154
## Not run: ### example for 10000 x 30 matrix set.seed(333) mat <- t(apply(matrix(rnorm(10000*30), ncol=30), 1, sort)) stb.obj1 <- fastSTB(mat, timer=TRUE) stb.obj1$coverage stb.obj2 <- fastSTB(mat, timer=TRUE, Ncpu=4) stb.obj3 <- fastSTB(mat, timer=TRUE, Ncpu=6) stb.obj4 <- fastSTB(mat, timer=TRUE, Ncpu=8) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ### example for 10000 x 30 matrix set.seed(333) mat <- t(apply(matrix(rnorm(10000*30), ncol=30), 1, sort)) stb.obj1 <- fastSTB(mat, timer=TRUE) stb.obj1$coverage stb.obj2 <- fastSTB(mat, timer=TRUE, Ncpu=4) stb.obj3 <- fastSTB(mat, timer=TRUE, Ncpu=6) stb.obj4 <- fastSTB(mat, timer=TRUE, Ncpu=8) ## End(Not run)
Compute simultaneous tolerance bounds (STB) from a matrix.
getSTB( mat, alpha = 0.05, tol = 1e-04, max.iter = 100L, q.type = 2L, logfile = NULL, output = TRUE, timer = FALSE, Ncpu = 2 )
getSTB( mat, alpha = 0.05, tol = 1e-04, max.iter = 100L, q.type = 2L, logfile = NULL, output = TRUE, timer = FALSE, Ncpu = 2 )
mat |
(numeric) matrix with nrow=N_simulation, ncol=N_points, where each row is sorted in increasing order |
alpha |
(numeric) 100(1-alpha)% simultaneous tolerance-level will be computed |
tol |
(numeric) value controlling the termination of the bisection algorithm, i.e. the condition |
max.iter |
(integer) maximum number of iterations of the bisection algorithm. If this number is reached the algorithm terminates and returns the best approximation of lower and upper bounds reached up to this iteration. |
q.type |
(integer) the quantile-type used if |
logfile |
(character) string specifying the name of the (optional) log-file, storing the iteration history |
output |
(logical) TRUE a txtProgressBar will be printed as well as additional status information |
timer |
(logical) TRUE = the time spent for computing the STB will be printed |
Ncpu |
(integer) specifying the number cores/CPUs to be used in computing the coverage on C-level, for N>1 multi-processing is applied |
Function computes 100(1-alpha)% simultaneous tolerance bounds (intervals, bands) from a matrix, where rows correspond
to order statistics (sorted) of random samples of a, e.g. normal distribution. It starts by computing joint coverage
of the naive unadjusted (point-wise) alpha-level intervals, computed as percentiles across each order statistic (columns).
Alpha is decreased using a bisection search until the joint coverage becomes at least 100(1-alpha)% depending on arguments
and tol
. If the number of simulated random samples goes to infinity, the STB becomes exact.
Note that checking whether a numeric vector is normally distributed is equal to checking whether the residuals of the simplest
linear model y = mu + e (y~1) are normally distributed [e ~ N(0, sigma^2)].
(list) with elements:
Q |
(numeric) matrix with two rows, where the 1st row = lower bounds of the STB, 2nd row = upper bounds of the STB |
cov |
(numeric) value indicating the actual coverage of the STB |
Andre Schuetzenmeister [email protected]
Schuetzenmeister, A., Jensen, U., Piepho, H.P. (2011), Checking assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity in the general linear model. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation; S. 141-154
## Not run: set.seed(333) mat <- t(apply(matrix(rnorm(10000*30), ncol=30), 1, sort)) stb.obj <- getSTB(mat, timer=TRUE) stb.obj$cov ## End(Not run)
## Not run: set.seed(333) mat <- t(apply(matrix(rnorm(10000*30), ncol=30), 1, sort)) stb.obj <- getSTB(mat, timer=TRUE) stb.obj$cov ## End(Not run)
Standard plotting method for objects of class 'STB'.
## S3 method for class 'STB' plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'STB' plot(x, ...)
x |
(object) of class 'STB' as generated by function |
... |
arguments passed to other methods |
This function plots objects of class 'STB' as generated by function stb
Objects of S3-class 'STB' are list-type objects storing all the information
needed to plot QQ-plots with simultaneous tolerance bounds.
Andre Schuetzenmeister [email protected]
## Not run: ### generate an 'STB' object without plotting obj <- stb(rnorm(30), plot=FALSE) plot(obj) ### manipulate the 'STB' object for plotting obj$legend=TRUE plot(obj) ### add a previously generated STB-ocject to an existing plot plot(sort(rnorm(30)), sort(rnorm(30))) obj$add <- TRUE plot(obj) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ### generate an 'STB' object without plotting obj <- stb(rnorm(30), plot=FALSE) plot(obj) ### manipulate the 'STB' object for plotting obj$legend=TRUE plot(obj) ### add a previously generated STB-ocject to an existing plot plot(sort(rnorm(30)), sort(rnorm(30))) obj$add <- TRUE plot(obj) ## End(Not run)
Standard plotting method for objects of Class 'stbVCA'.
## S3 method for class 'stbVCA' plot(x, orient = 1, pick = FALSE, type = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'stbVCA' plot(x, orient = 1, pick = FALSE, type = NULL, ...)
x |
(object) of class 'STB' as generated by function |
orient |
(integer) in 'type=1' plots, 1 = expected vs. observed values, 2 = observed vs. expected values |
pick |
(logical, integer) TRUE = triggers function |
type |
(integer) 1 = plot simultaneous tolerance band (STB), 2 = plot simultaneous tolerance interval (STI), 3 = plot STB and STI |
... |
additional arguments changing the visual appearance of the plot, e.g. 'pch', 'pch.out', 'col', 'col.out', 'stb.col', 'stb.main', "'sti.main', 'legend', ... in fact all elements of 'x' |
This function plots objects of class 'stbVCA' as generated by function stb.VCA
Objects of S3-class 'stbVCA' are list-type objects storing all the information
needed to plot QQ-plots with simultaneous tolerance bounds. Additionally to the information
contained in ordinary 'STB' objects, a copy of the 'VCA' object is stored as well as the
type of random variate and the mode, i.e. the type of transformation applied.
One can specify additional parameters for changing the appearance of the plot(s). Any of the following
parameters can be set to a value different from the default:
legend |
... | (logical) TRUE = will add legend to plot(s) (is default) |
pch |
... | plotting symbol for non-outlying points (default=16) |
col |
... | point color for non-outlying points (default="black") |
col.out |
... | point color for outlying points (default="red") |
pch.out |
... | plotting symbold for outlying points (default=16) |
stb.col |
... | color of the STB in the QQ-plot (default="#0000FF40") |
stb.lpos |
... | position placement as done in function 'legend', or, character string "title" indicating |
that legend information should be displayed as (sub-main) title (default="title") | ||
stb.main |
... | character string used as main title in the QQ-plot with STB |
sti.lty |
... | line type for STI-bounds in the residual plot (default=2) |
sti.lwd |
... | line width for STI-bounds (default=1) |
sti.col |
... | line color for STI bounds (default="red") |
sti.ylab |
... | character string specifying the Y-axis label in the resiudal plot with STI |
sti.lpos |
... | position placement as done in function 'legend' (default="topright") |
sti.main |
... | character string used as main title in the residual plot with STI |
(stbVCA) object is invisibly returned, any additional compution results are added
Andre Schuetzenmeister [email protected]
## Not run: library(VCA) data(dataEP05A2_1) fit <- anovaVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_1) fit # use studentized conditional residuals stb.obj1 <- stb.VCA(fit, term="cond", mode="student", N=1000) # plot it again plot(stb.obj1) # use random effects "day" and apply standardization stb.obj2 <- stb.VCA(fit, term="day", mode="stand", N=1000) # plot it again plot(stb.obj2) # initially, request QQ-plot with STB stb.obj3 <- stb.VCA(fit, term="day", mode="stand", N=1000, type=1) # now request plotting of the residual plot as well # catch computation result which are invisibly returned stb.obj4 <- plot(stb.obj3, type=3) # individualize the appearance of the plot plot(stb.obj4, sti.lpos="top", col="darkblue", out.pch=17, out.col="green") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(VCA) data(dataEP05A2_1) fit <- anovaVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_1) fit # use studentized conditional residuals stb.obj1 <- stb.VCA(fit, term="cond", mode="student", N=1000) # plot it again plot(stb.obj1) # use random effects "day" and apply standardization stb.obj2 <- stb.VCA(fit, term="day", mode="stand", N=1000) # plot it again plot(stb.obj2) # initially, request QQ-plot with STB stb.obj3 <- stb.VCA(fit, term="day", mode="stand", N=1000, type=1) # now request plotting of the residual plot as well # catch computation result which are invisibly returned stb.obj4 <- plot(stb.obj3, type=3) # individualize the appearance of the plot plot(stb.obj4, sti.lpos="top", col="darkblue", out.pch=17, out.col="green") ## End(Not run)
Implementation of a rank-based algorithm for constructing 100(1-alpha)% STBs as outlined in the reference.
rankSTB(mat, alpha = 0.05)
rankSTB(mat, alpha = 0.05)
mat |
(numeric) matrix of dimension (N, n), where i-th row corrsponds to ordered values of the i-th simulation |
alpha |
(numeric) value defining the desired coverage as 100(1-alpha)% |
This function is a performance optimized version of the original rank-based algorithm avoiding the time-consuming iteration. In principle it sorts out simulation results which have at least one extreme order statistic untill exactly 100(1-alpha)% of all simulation results remain. From these, bounds of the STB are constructed determining extreme-values per order-statistic (column).
This implementation also corrects step 4) of the published algorithm, which has to find those indices of elements being equal to "min(c)" OR being equal to "N-min(c)+1". This reflects the construction of vector "c", where max. rank-values are transformed to min. rank-values. In step 6) the "N_k-1-(1-alpha)*N largest" elements of "d_l^theta" have to be selected, which needs also correction.
Parallel processing did not minimize the computation time in contrast to the algorithms for computing the quantile-based algorithm. Thus, parallel processing is not supported for this algorithm.
(list) with two elements:
Q |
(matrix) 1st row stores lower bounds, 2nd row upper bounds |
cov |
(numeric) value corresponding the coverage |
Andre Schuetzenmeister [email protected]
Schuetzenmeister, A. and Piepho, H.P. (2012). Residual analysis of linear mixed models using a simulation approach. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 1405-1416
## Not run: # for following problem size the rank-based algo # outperforms the quantile based one, although, # ran serially mat <- matrix(rnorm(10000*100), ncol=100) mat <- t(apply(mat, 1, sort)) system.time(stb.rank <- rankSTB(mat)) system.time(stb.q.R <- getSTB(mat)) system.time(stb.q.C <- fastSTB(mat)) x <- apply(mat, 2, mean) plot(x,x, ylim=c(-5,5)) lines(x, stb.q.R$Q[1,], col="blue", lwd=2) lines(x, stb.q.R$Q[2,], col="blue", lwd=2) lines(x, stb.q.C$Q[1,], col="red", lwd=2) lines(x, stb.q.C$Q[2,], col="red", lwd=2) lines(x, stb.rank$Q[1,], col="cyan", lwd=2) lines(x, stb.rank$Q[2,], col="cyan", lwd=2) legend("top", legend=c("R-quantile", "C-quantile", "rank-based"), fill=c("blue", "red", "cyan")) # varying Ncpu for the C-implementation of the quantile-based algo system.time(stb.q.C <- fastSTB(mat, Ncpu=4)) system.time(stb.q.C <- fastSTB(mat, Ncpu=6)) system.time(stb.q.C <- fastSTB(mat, Ncpu=8)) system.time(stb.q.C <- fastSTB(mat, Ncpu=10)) system.time(stb.q.C <- fastSTB(mat, Ncpu=12)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # for following problem size the rank-based algo # outperforms the quantile based one, although, # ran serially mat <- matrix(rnorm(10000*100), ncol=100) mat <- t(apply(mat, 1, sort)) system.time(stb.rank <- rankSTB(mat)) system.time(stb.q.R <- getSTB(mat)) system.time(stb.q.C <- fastSTB(mat)) x <- apply(mat, 2, mean) plot(x,x, ylim=c(-5,5)) lines(x, stb.q.R$Q[1,], col="blue", lwd=2) lines(x, stb.q.R$Q[2,], col="blue", lwd=2) lines(x, stb.q.C$Q[1,], col="red", lwd=2) lines(x, stb.q.C$Q[2,], col="red", lwd=2) lines(x, stb.rank$Q[1,], col="cyan", lwd=2) lines(x, stb.rank$Q[2,], col="cyan", lwd=2) legend("top", legend=c("R-quantile", "C-quantile", "rank-based"), fill=c("blue", "red", "cyan")) # varying Ncpu for the C-implementation of the quantile-based algo system.time(stb.q.C <- fastSTB(mat, Ncpu=4)) system.time(stb.q.C <- fastSTB(mat, Ncpu=6)) system.time(stb.q.C <- fastSTB(mat, Ncpu=8)) system.time(stb.q.C <- fastSTB(mat, Ncpu=10)) system.time(stb.q.C <- fastSTB(mat, Ncpu=12)) ## End(Not run)
This implementation seems to be identical with 'type=2' in function quantile
but less efficiently implemented, i.e. for large vectors x it is much slower than the built-in
SASquantile(x, prob, tol = 1e-12, type = c("R", "C"))
SASquantile(x, prob, tol = 1e-12, type = c("R", "C"))
x |
(numeric) vector |
prob |
(numeric) value 0 < prob < 1 |
tol |
(numeric) value used for checking numerical equivalence |
type |
(character) "R" = uses the R-implementation, "C" = calls the C-implementation n |
Andre Schuetzenmeister [email protected]
## Not run: SASquantile(1:100, .75) ### compare to R-default quantile(1:100, .75) ### or to what R calls SAS-definition quantile(1:100, .75, type=3) # should work for any vector (no seed) v <- rnorm(50000,20,7) Q.R2 <- quantile(v, probs=c(.01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, .75, .9, .95, .975, .99), type=2) Q.SAS.R <- SASquantile(v, prob=c(.01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, .75, .9, .95, .975, .99), type="R") Q.SAS.C <- SASquantile(v, prob=c(.01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, .75, .9, .95, .975, .99), type="C") Q.R2 Q.SAS.R Q.SAS.C ## End(Not run)
## Not run: SASquantile(1:100, .75) ### compare to R-default quantile(1:100, .75) ### or to what R calls SAS-definition quantile(1:100, .75, type=3) # should work for any vector (no seed) v <- rnorm(50000,20,7) Q.R2 <- quantile(v, probs=c(.01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, .75, .9, .95, .975, .99), type=2) Q.SAS.R <- SASquantile(v, prob=c(.01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, .75, .9, .95, .975, .99), type="R") Q.SAS.C <- SASquantile(v, prob=c(.01, .025, .05, .1, .25, .5, .75, .9, .95, .975, .99), type="C") Q.R2 Q.SAS.R Q.SAS.C ## End(Not run)
If the generic method is applied to an object of class VCA
function stb.VCA
is called and all its arguments may be specified. Otherwise, function stb.default
is called and all its arguments may be specified. The latter was developed for numeric vectors
(see ?stb.default). Therefore this method will most likely produce strange results on other
types of objects than VCA
and numeric vectors.
stb(obj, ...)
stb(obj, ...)
obj |
(object) passed on |
... |
additional parameters |
Compute And/Or Plot Simultaneous Tolerance Bands for numeric vectors.
## Default S3 method: stb( obj, N = 10000L, alpha = 0.05, rand.func = rnorm, tol = 1e-04, max.iter = 100L, algo = c("rank", "C", "R"), Ncpu = 1, q.type = 2L, stb.col = "#0000FF40", col.points = "black", col.out = "red", col.pwb = "#0000FF40", main = NULL, add.pwb = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, add = FALSE, plot = TRUE, legend = FALSE, timer = FALSE, pch = 16, pch.out = 16, seed = NULL, ... )
## Default S3 method: stb( obj, N = 10000L, alpha = 0.05, rand.func = rnorm, tol = 1e-04, max.iter = 100L, algo = c("rank", "C", "R"), Ncpu = 1, q.type = 2L, stb.col = "#0000FF40", col.points = "black", col.out = "red", col.pwb = "#0000FF40", main = NULL, add.pwb = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, add = FALSE, plot = TRUE, legend = FALSE, timer = FALSE, pch = 16, pch.out = 16, seed = NULL, ... )
obj |
(numeric) vector, which is supposed to be N(my, sigma^2)-distributed |
N |
(integer) value specifying the number of random samples to be used for constructing the STB |
alpha |
(numeric) value specifying the simultaneous tolerance level, i.e. 100(1-alpha)% of all 'N' random samples have to be completely enclosed by the bounds of the STB |
rand.func |
(function) a function which generates random samples, e.g. |
tol |
(numeric) value specifying the max. acceptable deviation from 'alpha' used in the bisection algorithm |
max.iter |
(integer) value specifying the max. number of iteration for finding the bounds of the STB |
algo |
(character) (string) specifying the method to be used for constructing a 100(1-alpha)% STB,
choose "rank" for the rank-based, "C" for a C-implementation of the quantile-based, and
"R" for an R-implentation of the quantile-based algorithm (see details). "C" uses SAS PCTLDEF5 definition of quantiles,
whereas "R" can use any of the built-in R types of quantiles (see |
Ncpu |
(integer) specifying the number cores/CPUs to be used, for N>1 multi-processing is applied |
q.type |
(integer) the quantile-type used if |
stb.col |
(character) string, a valid specification of a color to be used for the STB |
col.points |
(character) color for the points in the QQ-plot |
col.out |
(character) color for points outsied of the 100(1-alpha)% STB |
col.pwb |
(character) color for the point-wise STB (not adjusted for multiplicity), defaults to "#0000FF40" which is "blue" with 80% transparency |
main |
(characer) string for a main title appearing over the plot |
add.pwb |
(logical) should the point-wise tolerance band be plotted for comparison? |
quiet |
(logical) TRUE = no additional output ist printed (progress bar etc.) |
add |
(logical) TRUE = the 100(1-alpha)% STB is added to an existing plot |
plot |
(logical) TRUE = either a QQ-plot with STB (add=FALSE) or a STB added to an existing plot (add=TRUE) is plotted. FALSE = only computations are carried out without plotting, an object of class 'STB' is returned which can be stored an plotted later on, e.g. to avoid computing an STB every time a Sweave/mWeave report is updated |
legend |
(logical) TRUE a legend is plotted "topleft" |
timer |
(logical) TRUE = the time spent for computing the STB will be printed |
pch |
(integer) plotting symbols for the QQ-plot |
pch.out |
(integer) plotting symbols for outlying points |
seed |
(numeric) value interpreted as integer, setting the random number generator (RNG) to a defined state |
... |
further graphical parameters passed on |
Function takes a numeric vector 'vec' and computes the 100(1-alpha)%-simultaneous tolerance band (STB) for
the (DEFAULT )Null-hypothesis H0: vec~N(my, sigma^2) distributed, which is equal to checking whether the residuals of
the simplest linear model y = mu + e (y~1) are normally distributed, i.e. 'e ~ N(0, sigma^2)'. By specification of argument rand.func
other null-distributions can be specified. One has to specify a function with a single argument 'n', which returns a random sample with 'n'
observations, randomly drawn from the desired null-distribution (see description argument rand.func
Note that all random samples as well as vector vec
will be centered to mean=0 and scaled to sd=1.
One can choose between three methods for constructing the 100(1-alpha)% STB. There are two implementations of the quantile-based algorithm ("C", "R" see 1st reference) and one of the rank-based algorithm (see 2nd reference). Methods "C" and "R" can be run in parallel. The rank-based algorithm does not benefit form parallel processing, at least not in the current implementation. It is still the default and recommended for small to medium sized vectors and 10000 <= N <= 20000 simulations, which should be sufficiently accurate reflect the null-distribution. The "C" and "R" options refer to implementations of the quantile-based algorithm. The "C" implementation benefits most from using multiple cores, i.e. the larger 'Ncpu' the better, and should be used for large problems, i.e. rather large number of elements and large number of simulations.
The table below gives an impression how these algorithms perform. Runtimes were measured under Windows 7 on a Intel Xeon E5-2687W 3.1 GHz workstation with 16 logical cores and 16 GB RAM. The runtime of the C-implementation of the quantile-based algorithm is denoted as "t_qC12" applied parallely with 12 cores. Each setting was repeated 10 times and the overall run time was then divided by 10 providing sufficiently robust simulation results. Note, that for smaller problem sizes a large proportion of the overall runtime is due to simulating, i.e. drawing from the null-distribution.
_____N_obs | _____N_sim | ____t_rank | ____t_qC12 |
25 | 5000 | 0.4s | 0.5s |
25 | 10000 | 0.8s | 1.3s |
50 | 10000 | 1.0s | 3.2s |
100 | 10000 | 1.7s | 2.9s |
100 | 20000 | 3.0s | 4.8s |
225 | 20000 | 5.1s | 8.3s |
300 | 30000 | 9.6s | 17.2s |
300 | 50000 | 16.1s | 24.9s |
1000 | 50000 | 47.8s | 123.5s |
invisibly returns a list-type object of class STB
, which comprises all arguments accepted by this function.
Andre Schuetzenmeister [email protected]
Schuetzenmeister, A., Jensen, U., Piepho, H.P. (2011), Checking assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity in the general linear model. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation; S. 141-154
Schuetzenmeister, A. and Piepho, H.P. (2012). Residual analysis of linear mixed models using a simulation approach. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 1405-1416
### log-normal vector to be checked for normality ## Not run: set.seed(111) stb(exp(rnorm(30)), col.out="red", legend=TRUE) ### uniformly distributed sample checked for Chi-Squared Distribution with DF=1, degrees of freedom set.seed(707) stb(runif(25, -5, 5), rand.func=function(n){rchisq(n=n, df=1)}, col.out="red", legend=TRUE, main="Chi-Squared with DF=1") ### check whether an Chi-Squared (DF=1) random sample better fits stb(rchisq(25, df=1), rand.func=function(n){rchisq(n=n, df=1)}, col.out="red", legend=TRUE, main="Chi-Squared with DF=1") ### add STB to an existing plot plot(sort(rnorm(30)), sort(rnorm(30))) stb(rnorm(30), add=TRUE) ### compute STB for later use and prevent plotting STB <- stb(rnorm(30), plot=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
### log-normal vector to be checked for normality ## Not run: set.seed(111) stb(exp(rnorm(30)), col.out="red", legend=TRUE) ### uniformly distributed sample checked for Chi-Squared Distribution with DF=1, degrees of freedom set.seed(707) stb(runif(25, -5, 5), rand.func=function(n){rchisq(n=n, df=1)}, col.out="red", legend=TRUE, main="Chi-Squared with DF=1") ### check whether an Chi-Squared (DF=1) random sample better fits stb(rchisq(25, df=1), rand.func=function(n){rchisq(n=n, df=1)}, col.out="red", legend=TRUE, main="Chi-Squared with DF=1") ### add STB to an existing plot plot(sort(rnorm(30)), sort(rnorm(30))) stb(rnorm(30), add=TRUE) ### compute STB for later use and prevent plotting STB <- stb(rnorm(30), plot=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
Simulate -times data incorporating the estimated variance-covariance
matrix of observations
and construct a 100(1-alpha)% simultaneous tolerance band.
## S3 method for class 'VCA' stb( obj, term = NULL, mode = c("raw", "student", "standard", "pearson"), N = 5000, alpha = 0.05, algo = c("rank", "R", "C"), q.type = 2L, plot = TRUE, legend = TRUE, orient = 1, main1 = NULL, main2 = NULL, seed = NULL, type = 1, pb = TRUE, parallel = TRUE, Ncpu = 2, ... )
## S3 method for class 'VCA' stb( obj, term = NULL, mode = c("raw", "student", "standard", "pearson"), N = 5000, alpha = 0.05, algo = c("rank", "R", "C"), q.type = 2L, plot = TRUE, legend = TRUE, orient = 1, main1 = NULL, main2 = NULL, seed = NULL, type = 1, pb = TRUE, parallel = TRUE, Ncpu = 2, ... )
obj |
(VCA) object |
term |
(character, integer) specifying a type of residuals if one of c("conditional", "marginal"), or, the name of a random term (one of obj$re.assign$terms). If 'term' is a integer, it is interpreted as the i-th random term in 'obj$re.assign$terms'. |
mode |
(character) string specifying a possible transformation of random effects or
residuals (see |
N |
(integer) specifying the number of simulated datasets |
alpha |
(numeric) value 0 < alpha < 1 specifying the min. 100(1-alpha)% coverage of the simultaneous tolerance band (STB) |
algo |
(character) (string) specifying the method to be used for constructing a 100(1-alpha)% STB, choose "rank" for the rank-based, "C" for a C-implementation of the quantile-based, and "R" for an R-implentation of the quantile-based algorithm (see details). |
q.type |
(integer) value specifying the quantile type to be used as offered in |
plot |
(logical) TRUE = create 'stbVCA' object and plot it, FALSE = only create the 'stbVCA' object |
legend |
(logical) TRUE = add legend to the plot(s) |
orient |
(integer) in QQ-plot, specifying whether to plot expected values vs. observed values (1) or observed vs. expected (2) |
main1 |
(character) string specifying an user-defined main-title of the 'type=1' plot (STB) |
main2 |
(character) string specifying an user-defined main-title of the 'type=2' plot (STI) |
seed |
(integer) value used as seed for the RNG |
type |
(integer) 1 = QQ-plot with simultaneous tolerance band (STB), 2 = residual plot with simultaneous tolerance interval (STI), 3 = both plot at once |
pb |
(logical) TRUE = a text-based progress bar will display the simulation progress |
parallel |
(logical) TRUE = parallel processing will be attempted on 'Ncpu' cores of the local machine. FALSE = no parallel processing applied, only in this case, 'pb' will have an effect, since this is only available for non-parallel processing. |
Ncpu |
(integer) specifying the number of CPUs on which the parallelization will be carried out. In case that 'Ncup' is larger than the number of existing CPUs, the max. number of CPUs will be used instead. Note, that setting 'Ncpu' to the max. number available may not result in the min. time spent on computing. |
... |
additional arguments passed to other methods |
A Linear Mixed Models, noted in standard matrix notation, can be written as , where
is the column vector of observations,
are design matrices assigning fixed (
respectively, random (
) effects to observations, and
is the column vector of residual errors.
Here, simulation is performed incorporating the variance-covariance matrix of observations
There are two types of random variates in a mixed model, random effects
and residual errors
. These
follow a multivariate normal distribution with expectation zero and covariance matrices
. See the 1st
reference for a detailed description of the properties.
Following Schuetzenmeister and Piepho (2012), a Cholesky decomposition
is applied to
yielding the upper triangular matrix
, which can be used to simulate a new set of observations
, where
is a vector of independent standard normal deviates of the same size as
is used here, because the Cholesky decomposition in
is defined as .
For each simulated dataset, random variates of interest ('term') are extracted, possibly transformed ('mode') and
stored in ordered form (order statistics) in a
being the number of simulated datasets and
being the number of random variates of interest. For each column of this matrix tolerance intervals
are computed iteratively untill the joint coverage is as close to but >= 100(1-alpha)/
iterations is reached. This quantile-based algorithm is exact for
SAS-quantile definition PCTLDEF=5 is used in the fast C-implementation of the STB-algorithm (SASquantile
i.e. in case algo="C"
. One can compute and plot two types of plots (see argument 'type'). Simultaneous tolerance
bands (STB) are helpful in assessing the general distribution of a random variate, i.e. checking for departure from
the normality assumption. Outlying observations may also be detected using STB. Simultaneous tolerance intervals (STI)
are taylored for identification of extreme values (possible outliers). STI are a simplification of STB, where simultaneous
coverage is only required for extreme values of each simulation, i.e. an STB is constructed from the min and max values
from all N simulations. This results in lower and upper bounds, which can be used in residuals plots for assessing outliers.
One can choose between 3 methods for constructing the 100(1-alpha)% STB. The fastest one is the rank-based algorithm ("rank"), which
should only be applied for reasonably large number of simulations (rule of thumb: N>5000). For fewer simulations,
the quantile-based algorithm is recommended. It exists in two flavours, a native R-implementation ("R") and a pure C-implementation ("C").
Both can be applied using parallel-processing (see arguments 'parallel' and 'Ncpu'). Only the R-implementation allows to specify
a specific quantile-definition other than type=2
of function quantile
(stbVCA) object, a list with all information needed to create the QQ-plot with ~100(1-alpha)% STB.
Andre Schuetzenmeister [email protected]
Schuetzenmeister, A. and Piepho, H.P. (2012). Residual analysis of linear mixed models using a simulation approach. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 1405-1416
Schuetzenmeister, A., Jensen, U., Piepho, H.P., 2012. Checking the assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity in the general linear model using diagnostic plots. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 41, 141-154.
## Not run: library(VCA) data(dataEP05A2_1) fit <- anovaVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_1) fit # use studentized conditional residuals stb.obj1 <- stb(fit, term="cond", mode="student", N=1000) # plot it again plot(stb.obj1) # now request also plotting the corresponding residual plot # capture additional computation results which are invisibly # returned stb.obj1 <- plot(stb.obj1, type=3) # use other type of legend in QQ-plot plot(stb.obj1, stb.lpos="topleft") # use random effects "day" and apply standardization stb.obj2 <- stb(fit, term="day", mode="stand", N=1000) # plot it again plot(stb.obj2) # more complex example data(Orthodont) Ortho <- Orthodont Ortho$age2 <- Ortho$age - 11 Ortho$Subject <- factor(as.character(Ortho$Subject)) fit.Ortho <- anovaMM(distance~Sex+Sex:age2+(Subject)+(Subject):age2-1, Ortho) # studentized conditional residuals stb.cr.stud <- stb(fit.Ortho, term="cond", mode="stud", N=1000) # same model fitted via REML (same covariance structure of random effects by # constraining it to be diagonal) fit.Ortho.reml1 <- remlMM(distance~Sex*age2+(Subject)*age2, Ortho, cov=FALSE) # allow block-diagonal covariance structure of random effects due to non-zero # correlation between intercept and slope of random regression part, # not 'cov=TRUE' is the default fit.Ortho.reml2 <- remlMM(distance~Sex*age2+(Subject)*age2, Ortho) fit.Ortho.reml1 fit.Ortho.reml2 # covariance matrices of random effects 'G' differ getMat(fit.Ortho.reml1, "G")[1:10, 1:10] getMat(fit.Ortho.reml2, "G")[1:10, 1:10] # therefore, (conditional) residuals differ resid(fit.Ortho.reml1) resid(fit.Ortho.reml2) # therefore, STB differ # studentized conditional residuals system.time({ stb.cr.stud.reml1 <- stb(fit.Ortho.reml1, term="cond", mode="stud", N=5000, Ncpu=2, seed=11) }) system.time({ stb.cr.stud.reml2 <- stb(fit.Ortho.reml2, term="cond", mode="stud", N=5000, Ncpu=4, seed=11) }) # same seed-value should yield identical results system.time({ stb.cr.stud.reml3 <- stb(fit.Ortho.reml2, term="cond", mode="stud", N=5000, Ncpu=4, seed=11) }) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(stb.cr.stud.reml2) plot(stb.cr.stud.reml3) # both type of plots side-by-side plot(stb.cr.stud.reml2, type=3) # and enabling identification of points # identified elements in the 1st plot will # be automatically added to the 2nd one plot(stb.cr.stud.reml2, type=3, pick=TRUE) # raw "day" random effects stb.re.subj <- stb(fit.Ortho, term="Subject", N=1000) # identify points using the mouse stb.re.subj <- plot(stb.re.subj, pick=TRUE, type=3) # now click on points ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(VCA) data(dataEP05A2_1) fit <- anovaVCA(y~day/run, dataEP05A2_1) fit # use studentized conditional residuals stb.obj1 <- stb(fit, term="cond", mode="student", N=1000) # plot it again plot(stb.obj1) # now request also plotting the corresponding residual plot # capture additional computation results which are invisibly # returned stb.obj1 <- plot(stb.obj1, type=3) # use other type of legend in QQ-plot plot(stb.obj1, stb.lpos="topleft") # use random effects "day" and apply standardization stb.obj2 <- stb(fit, term="day", mode="stand", N=1000) # plot it again plot(stb.obj2) # more complex example data(Orthodont) Ortho <- Orthodont Ortho$age2 <- Ortho$age - 11 Ortho$Subject <- factor(as.character(Ortho$Subject)) fit.Ortho <- anovaMM(distance~Sex+Sex:age2+(Subject)+(Subject):age2-1, Ortho) # studentized conditional residuals stb.cr.stud <- stb(fit.Ortho, term="cond", mode="stud", N=1000) # same model fitted via REML (same covariance structure of random effects by # constraining it to be diagonal) fit.Ortho.reml1 <- remlMM(distance~Sex*age2+(Subject)*age2, Ortho, cov=FALSE) # allow block-diagonal covariance structure of random effects due to non-zero # correlation between intercept and slope of random regression part, # not 'cov=TRUE' is the default fit.Ortho.reml2 <- remlMM(distance~Sex*age2+(Subject)*age2, Ortho) fit.Ortho.reml1 fit.Ortho.reml2 # covariance matrices of random effects 'G' differ getMat(fit.Ortho.reml1, "G")[1:10, 1:10] getMat(fit.Ortho.reml2, "G")[1:10, 1:10] # therefore, (conditional) residuals differ resid(fit.Ortho.reml1) resid(fit.Ortho.reml2) # therefore, STB differ # studentized conditional residuals system.time({ stb.cr.stud.reml1 <- stb(fit.Ortho.reml1, term="cond", mode="stud", N=5000, Ncpu=2, seed=11) }) system.time({ stb.cr.stud.reml2 <- stb(fit.Ortho.reml2, term="cond", mode="stud", N=5000, Ncpu=4, seed=11) }) # same seed-value should yield identical results system.time({ stb.cr.stud.reml3 <- stb(fit.Ortho.reml2, term="cond", mode="stud", N=5000, Ncpu=4, seed=11) }) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(stb.cr.stud.reml2) plot(stb.cr.stud.reml3) # both type of plots side-by-side plot(stb.cr.stud.reml2, type=3) # and enabling identification of points # identified elements in the 1st plot will # be automatically added to the 2nd one plot(stb.cr.stud.reml2, type=3, pick=TRUE) # raw "day" random effects stb.re.subj <- stb(fit.Ortho, term="Subject", N=1000) # identify points using the mouse stb.re.subj <- plot(stb.re.subj, pick=TRUE, type=3) # now click on points ## End(Not run)