Package 'SPlit'

Title: Split a Dataset for Training and Testing
Description: Procedure to optimally split a dataset for training and testing. 'SPlit' is based on the method of support points, which is independent of modeling methods. Please see Joseph and Vakayil (2021) <doi:10.1080/00401706.2021.1921037> for details. This work is supported by U.S. National Science Foundation grant DMREF-1921873.
Authors: Akhil Vakayil [aut, cre], Roshan Joseph [aut, ths], Simon Mak [aut]
Maintainer: Akhil Vakayil <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.2
Built: 2025-03-05 06:36:31 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Split a dataset for training and testing


The package SPlit provides the function SPlit() to optimally split a dataset for training and testing using the method of support points (Mak and Joseph, 2018). Support points is a model-independent method for finding optimal representative points of a distribution. SPlit() attempts to obtain a split in which the distribution of both the training and testing sets resemble the distribution of the dataset. The benefits of SPlit over existing data splitting procedures are detailed in Joseph and Vakayil (2021).


Akhil Vakayil, V. Roshan Joseph, Simon Mak

Maintainer: Akhil Vakayil <[email protected]>


Joseph, V. R., & Vakayil, A. (2021). SPlit: An Optimal Method for Data Splitting. Technometrics, 1-11. doi:10.1080/00401706.2021.1921037.

Mak, S., & Joseph, V. R. (2018). Support points. The Annals of Statistics, 46(6A), 2562-2592.

Split a dataset for training and testing


SPlit() implements the optimal data splitting procedure described in Joseph and Vakayil (2021). SPlit can be applied to both regression and classification problems, and is model-independent. As a preprocessing step, the nominal categorical columns in the dataset must be declared as factors, and the ordinal categorical columns must be converted to numeric using scoring.


  splitRatio = 0.2,
  kappa = NULL,
  maxIterations = 500,
  tolerance = 1e-10,



The dataset including both the predictors and response(s); should not contain missing values, and only numeric and/or factor column(s) are allowed.


The ratio in which the dataset is to be split; should be in (0, 1) e.g. for an 80-20 split, the splitRatio is either 0.8 or 0.2.


If provided, stochastic majorization-minimization is used for computing support points using a random sample from the dataset of size = ceiling(kappa * splitRatio * nrow(data)), in every iteration.


The maximum number of iterations before the tolerance level is reached during support points optimization.


The tolerance level for support points optimization; measured in terms of the maximum point-wise difference in distance between successive solutions.


Number of threads to be used for parallel computation; if not supplied, nThreads defaults to maximum available threads.


Support points are defined only for continuous variables. The categorical variables are handled as follows. SPlit() will automatically convert a nominal categorical variable with mm levels to m1m-1 continuous variables using Helmert coding. Ordinal categorical variables should be converted to numerical columns using a scoring method before using SPlit(). For example, if the three levels of an ordinal variable are poor, good, and excellent, then the user may choose 1, 2, and 5 to represent the three levels. These values depend on the problem and data collection method, and therefore, SPlit() will not do it automatically. The columns of the resulting numeric dataset are then standardized to have mean zero and variance one. SPlit() then computes the support points and calls the provided subsample() function to perform a nearest neighbor subsampling. The indices of this subsample are returned.

SPlit can be time consuming for large datasets. The computational time can be reduced by using the stochastic majorization-minimization technique with a trade-off in the quality of the split. For example, setting kappa = 2 will use a random sample, twice the size of the smaller subset in the split, instead of using the whole dataset in every iteration of the support points optimization. Another option for large datasets is to use data twinning (Vakayil and Joseph, 2022) implemented in the R package twinning. Twinning is extremely fast, but for small datasets, the results may not be as good as SPlit.


Indices of the smaller subset in the split.


Joseph, V. R., & Vakayil, A. (2021). SPlit: An Optimal Method for Data Splitting. Technometrics, 1-11. doi:10.1080/00401706.2021.1921037.

Vakayil, A., & Joseph, V. R. (2022). Data Twinning. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal.

Mak, S., & Joseph, V. R. (2018). Support points. The Annals of Statistics, 46(6A), 2562-2592.


## 1. An 80-20 split of a numeric dataset
X = rnorm(n = 100, mean = 0, sd = 1)
Y = rnorm(n = 100, mean = X^2, sd = 1)
data = cbind(X, Y)
SPlitIndices = SPlit(data, tolerance = 1e-6, nThreads = 2) 
dataTest = data[SPlitIndices, ]
dataTrain = data[-SPlitIndices, ]
plot(data, main = "SPlit testing set")
points(dataTest, col = 'green', cex = 2)

## 2. An 80-20 split of the iris dataset
SPlitIndices = SPlit(iris, nThreads = 2)
irisTest = iris[SPlitIndices, ]
irisTrain = iris[-SPlitIndices, ]

Optimal splitting ratio


splitratio() finds the optimal splitting ratio by assuming a polynomial regression model with interactions can approximate the true model. The number of parameters in the model is estimated from the full data using stepwise regression. A simpler solution is to choose the number of parameters to be square root of the number of unique rows in the input matrix of the dataset. Please see Joseph (2022) for details.


splitratio(x, y, method = "simple", degree = 2)



Input matrix


Response (output variable)


This could be “simple” or “regression”. The default method “simple” uses the square root of the number of unique rows in x as the number of parameters, whereas “regression” estimates the number of parameters using stepwise regression. The “regression” method works only with continuous output variable.


This specifies the degree of the polynomial to be fitted, which is needed only if method=“regression” is used. Default is 2.


Splitting ratio, which is the fraction of the dataset to be used for testing.


Joseph, V. R. (2022). Optimal Ratio for Data Splitting. Statistical Analysis & Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, to appear.


X = rnorm(n=100, mean=0, sd=1) 
Y = rnorm(n=100, mean=X^2, sd=1)
splitratio(x=X, y=Y)
splitratio(x=X, y=Y, method="regression")

Nearest neighbor subsampling


subsample() finds the nearest data points in a dataset to a given set of points as described in Joseph and Vakayil (2021). It uses an efficient kd-tree based algorithm that allows for lazy deletion of a data point from the kd-tree, thereby avoiding the need to rebuild the tree after each query. Please see Blanco and Rai (2014) for details.


subsample(data, points)



The dataset; should be numeric.


The set of query points of the same dimension as the dataset.


Indices of the nearest neighbors in the dataset.


Blanco, J. L. & Rai, P. K. (2014). nanoflann: a C++ header-only fork of FLANN, a library for nearest neighbor (NN) with kd-trees.

Joseph, V. R., & Vakayil, A. (2021). SPlit: An Optimal Method for Data Splitting. Technometrics, 1-11. doi:10.1080/00401706.2021.1921037.