Title: | Fast Online Changepoint Detection for Temporally Correlated Data |
Description: | Sequential Kalman filter for scalable online changepoint detection by temporally correlated data. It enables fast single and multiple change points with missing values. See the reference: Hanmo Li, Yuedong Wang, Mengyang Gu (2023), <arXiv:2310.18611>. |
Authors: | Hanmo Li [aut, cre], Yuedong Wang [aut], Mengyang Gu [aut] |
Maintainer: | Hanmo Li <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 0.2.4 |
Built: | 2025-02-12 06:53:41 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
The 'SKFCPD' package provides estimation of changepoint locations using the Dynamic Linear Model (DLM) within the Bayesian Online Changepoint Detection (BOCPD) framework. The efficient computation is achieved through implementation of the Sequential Kalman filter. The range parameter and noise-to-signal ratio are estimated from training samples via a Gaussian process model. This package is capable of handling multidimensional data with temporal correlations and random missing patterns.
Package: | SKFCPD |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Fast Online Changepoint Detection for Temporally Correlated Data |
Version: | 0.2.4 |
Date: | 2024-02-15 |
Authors@R: | c(person(given="Hanmo",family="Li",role=c("aut", "cre"), email="[email protected]"), person(given="Yuedong",family="Wang", role=c("aut"), email="[email protected]"), person(given="Mengyang",family="Gu", role=c("aut"), email="[email protected]")) |
Maintainer: | Hanmo Li <[email protected]> |
Author: | Hanmo Li [aut, cre], Yuedong Wang [aut], Mengyang Gu [aut] |
Description: | Sequential Kalman filter for scalable online changepoint detection by temporally correlated data. It enables fast single and multiple change points with missing values. See the reference: Hanmo Li, Yuedong Wang, Mengyang Gu (2023), <arXiv:2310.18611>. |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Depends: | R (>= 3.5.0), methods (>= 4.2.2), rlang (>= 1.0.6), ggplot2 (>= 3.4.0), ggpubr (>= 0.5.0), reshape2 (>= 1.4.4), FastGaSP (>= 0.5.2) |
Imports: | Rcpp (>= 1.0.9) |
LinkingTo: | Rcpp, RcppEigen |
NeedsCompilation: | yes |
Encoding: | UTF-8 |
Packaged: | 2024-02-16 05:00:08 UTC; lihan |
Repository: | CRAN |
Date/Publication: | 2024-02-17 23:30:12 UTC |
Config/pak/sysreqs: | cmake make libicu-dev |
Index of help topics:
Estimate_GP_params Estimate parameters from fast computation of GaSP model SKFCPD Getting the results of the SKFCPD model SKFCPD-class Class '"SKFCPD"' SKFCPD-package Dynamic Linear Model for Online Changepoint Detection plot_SKFCPD Plot for SKFCPD model
Implements a fast online changepoint detection algorithm using dynamic linear model based on Sequential Kalman filter. It's for temporally correlated data and accepts multi-dimensional datasets with missing values.
Hanmo Li [aut, cre], Yuedong Wang [aut], Mengyang Gu [aut]
Maintainer: Hanmo Li <[email protected]>
Li, Hanmo, Yuedong Wang, and Mengyang Gu. Sequential Kalman filter for fast online changepoint detection in longitudinal health records. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.18611 (2023).
Fearnhead, Paul, and Zhen Liu. On-line inference for multiple changepoint problems. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology 69, no. 4 (2007): 589-605.
Adams, Ryan Prescott, and David JC MacKay. Bayesian online changepoint detection. arXiv preprint arXiv:0710.3742 (2007).
Hartikainen, Jouni, and Simo Sarkka. Kalman filtering and smoothing solutions to temporal Gaussian process regression models. In 2010 IEEE international workshop on machine learning for signal processing, pp. 379-384. IEEE, 2010.
Gu, Mengyang, and Yanxun Xu. Fast nonseparable Gaussian stochastic process with application to methylation level interpolation. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 29, no. 2 (2020): 250-260.
Gu, Mengyang, and Weining Shen. Generalized probabilistic principal component analysis of correlated data. The Journal of Machine Learning Research 21, no. 1 (2020): 428-468.
Gu, Mengyang, Xiaojing Wang, and James O. Berger. Robust Gaussian stochastic process emulation. The Annals of Statistics 46, no. 6A (2018): 3038-3066.
library(SKFCPD) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Example: fast online changepoint detection with DEPENDENT data. # # Data generation: Data follows a multidimensional Gaussian process with Matern 2.5 kernel. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Data Generation set.seed(1) n_obs = 150 n_dim = 2 seg_len = c(70, 30, 20,30) mean_each_seg = c(0,1,-1,0) x_mat=matrix(1:n_obs) y_mat=matrix(NA, nrow=n_obs, ncol=n_dim) gamma = rep(5, n_dim) # range parameter of the covariance matrix # compute the matern 2.5 kernel construct_cor_matrix = function(input, gamma){ n = length(input) R0=abs(outer(input,(input),'-')) matrix_one = matrix(1, n, n) const = sqrt(5) * R0 / gamma Sigma = (matrix_one + const + const^2/3) * (exp(-const)) return(Sigma) } for(j in 1:n_dim){ y_each_dim = c() for(i in 1:length(seg_len)){ nobs_per_seg = seg_len[i] Sigma = construct_cor_matrix(1:nobs_per_seg, gamma[j]) L=t(chol(Sigma)) theta=rep(mean_each_seg[i],nobs_per_seg)+L%*%rnorm(nobs_per_seg) y_each_dim = c(y_each_dim, theta+0.1*rnorm(nobs_per_seg)) } y_mat[,j] = y_each_dim } ## Detect changepoints by SKFCPD Online_CPD_1 = SKFCPD(design = x_mat, response = y_mat, train_prop = 1/3) ## visulize the results plot_SKFCPD(Online_CPD_1)
library(SKFCPD) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Example: fast online changepoint detection with DEPENDENT data. # # Data generation: Data follows a multidimensional Gaussian process with Matern 2.5 kernel. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Data Generation set.seed(1) n_obs = 150 n_dim = 2 seg_len = c(70, 30, 20,30) mean_each_seg = c(0,1,-1,0) x_mat=matrix(1:n_obs) y_mat=matrix(NA, nrow=n_obs, ncol=n_dim) gamma = rep(5, n_dim) # range parameter of the covariance matrix # compute the matern 2.5 kernel construct_cor_matrix = function(input, gamma){ n = length(input) R0=abs(outer(input,(input),'-')) matrix_one = matrix(1, n, n) const = sqrt(5) * R0 / gamma Sigma = (matrix_one + const + const^2/3) * (exp(-const)) return(Sigma) } for(j in 1:n_dim){ y_each_dim = c() for(i in 1:length(seg_len)){ nobs_per_seg = seg_len[i] Sigma = construct_cor_matrix(1:nobs_per_seg, gamma[j]) L=t(chol(Sigma)) theta=rep(mean_each_seg[i],nobs_per_seg)+L%*%rnorm(nobs_per_seg) y_each_dim = c(y_each_dim, theta+0.1*rnorm(nobs_per_seg)) } y_mat[,j] = y_each_dim } ## Detect changepoints by SKFCPD Online_CPD_1 = SKFCPD(design = x_mat, response = y_mat, train_prop = 1/3) ## visulize the results plot_SKFCPD(Online_CPD_1)
Getting the estimated parameters from fast computation of the Gaussian stochastic process (GaSP) model with the Matern kernel function with a noise.
Estimate_GP_params(input, output, kernel_type='matern_5_2')
Estimate_GP_params(input, output, kernel_type='matern_5_2')
input |
a vector with dimension num_obs x 1 for the sorted input locations. |
output |
a vector with dimension n x 1 for the observations at the sorted input locations. |
kernel_type |
a |
returns an S4 object of class Estimated_GP_params
with estimated parameters including
beta |
the inverse range parameter, i.e. beta=1/gamma |
eta |
the noise-to-signal ratio |
sigma_2 |
the variance parameter |
Hanmo Li [aut, cre], Yuedong Wang [aut], Mengyang Gu [aut]
Maintainer: Hanmo Li <[email protected]>
Hartikainen, Jouni, and Simo Sarkka. Kalman filtering and smoothing solutions to temporal Gaussian process regression models. In 2010 IEEE international workshop on machine learning for signal processing, pp. 379-384. IEEE, 2010.
Gu, Mengyang, and Yanxun Xu. Fast nonseparable Gaussian stochastic process with application to methylation level interpolation. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 29, no. 2 (2020): 250-260.
Gu, Mengyang, and Weining Shen. Generalized probabilistic principal component analysis of correlated data. The Journal of Machine Learning Research 21, no. 1 (2020): 428-468.
Gu, Mengyang, Xiaojing Wang, and James O. Berger. Robust Gaussian stochastic process emulation. The Annals of Statistics 46, no. 6A (2018): 3038-3066.
library(SKFCPD) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # simple example with noise #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ y_R<-function(x){ cos(2*pi*x) } ###let's test for 100 observations set.seed(1) num_obs=100 input=runif(num_obs) output=y_R(input)+rnorm(num_obs,mean=0,sd=1) ## run Estimate_GP_params to get estimated parameters params_est = Estimate_GP_params(input, output) print(params_est@beta) ## inverse of range parameter print(params_est@eta) ## noise-to-signal ratio print(params_est@sigma_2) ## variance
library(SKFCPD) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # simple example with noise #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ y_R<-function(x){ cos(2*pi*x) } ###let's test for 100 observations set.seed(1) num_obs=100 input=runif(num_obs) output=y_R(input)+rnorm(num_obs,mean=0,sd=1) ## run Estimate_GP_params to get estimated parameters params_est = Estimate_GP_params(input, output) print(params_est@beta) ## inverse of range parameter print(params_est@eta) ## noise-to-signal ratio print(params_est@sigma_2) ## variance
Function to make plots on SKFCPD models after the SKFCPD model has been constructed.
plot_SKFCPD(x, type = "cp")
plot_SKFCPD(x, type = "cp")
x |
an object of class |
type |
A character specifying the type of plot. |
Two plots: (1) plot of data with the red dashed lines mark the estimated changepoint locations, and (2) plot of the run length posterior distribution matrix. For multidimensional data, only the first dimension is plotted.
Hanmo Li [aut, cre], Yuedong Wang [aut], Mengyang Gu [aut]
Maintainer: Hanmo Li <[email protected]>
Li, Hanmo, Yuedong Wang, and Mengyang Gu. Sequential Kalman filter for fast online changepoint detection in longitudinal health records. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.18611 (2023).
library(SKFCPD) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Example: fast online changepoint detection with DEPENDENT data. # # Data generation: Data follows a multidimensional Gaussian process with Matern 2.5 kernel. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Data Generation set.seed(1) n_obs = 150 n_dim = 2 seg_len = c(70, 30, 20,30) mean_each_seg = c(0,1,-1,0) x_mat=matrix(1:n_obs) y_mat=matrix(NA, nrow=n_obs, ncol=n_dim) gamma = rep(5, n_dim) # range parameter of the covariance matrix # compute the matern 2.5 kernel construct_cor_matrix = function(input, gamma){ n = length(input) R0=abs(outer(input,(input),'-')) matrix_one = matrix(1, n, n) const = sqrt(5) * R0 / gamma Sigma = (matrix_one + const + const^2/3) * (exp(-const)) return(Sigma) } for(j in 1:n_dim){ y_each_dim = c() for(i in 1:length(seg_len)){ nobs_per_seg = seg_len[i] Sigma = construct_cor_matrix(1:nobs_per_seg, gamma[j]) L=t(chol(Sigma)) theta=rep(mean_each_seg[i],nobs_per_seg)+L%*%rnorm(nobs_per_seg) y_each_dim = c(y_each_dim, theta+0.1*rnorm(nobs_per_seg)) } y_mat[,j] = y_each_dim } ## Detect changepoints by SKFCPD Online_CPD_1 = SKFCPD(design = x_mat, response = y_mat, train_prop = 1/3) ## visulize the results plot_SKFCPD(Online_CPD_1)
library(SKFCPD) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Example: fast online changepoint detection with DEPENDENT data. # # Data generation: Data follows a multidimensional Gaussian process with Matern 2.5 kernel. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Data Generation set.seed(1) n_obs = 150 n_dim = 2 seg_len = c(70, 30, 20,30) mean_each_seg = c(0,1,-1,0) x_mat=matrix(1:n_obs) y_mat=matrix(NA, nrow=n_obs, ncol=n_dim) gamma = rep(5, n_dim) # range parameter of the covariance matrix # compute the matern 2.5 kernel construct_cor_matrix = function(input, gamma){ n = length(input) R0=abs(outer(input,(input),'-')) matrix_one = matrix(1, n, n) const = sqrt(5) * R0 / gamma Sigma = (matrix_one + const + const^2/3) * (exp(-const)) return(Sigma) } for(j in 1:n_dim){ y_each_dim = c() for(i in 1:length(seg_len)){ nobs_per_seg = seg_len[i] Sigma = construct_cor_matrix(1:nobs_per_seg, gamma[j]) L=t(chol(Sigma)) theta=rep(mean_each_seg[i],nobs_per_seg)+L%*%rnorm(nobs_per_seg) y_each_dim = c(y_each_dim, theta+0.1*rnorm(nobs_per_seg)) } y_mat[,j] = y_each_dim } ## Detect changepoints by SKFCPD Online_CPD_1 = SKFCPD(design = x_mat, response = y_mat, train_prop = 1/3) ## visulize the results plot_SKFCPD(Online_CPD_1)
Estimating changepoint locations using the Dynamic Linear Model (DLM) within the Bayesian Online Changepoint Detection (BOCPD) framework. The efficient computation is achieved through implementation of the Kalman filter. The range parameter and noise-to-signal ratio are estimated from training samples via a Gaussian process model. This function is capable of handling multidimensional data with temporal correlations and random missing patterns.
SKFCPD(design = NULL, response = NULL, FCPD = NULL, init_params = list(gamma = 1, sigma_2 = 1, eta = 1), train_prop = NULL, kernel_type = "matern_5_2", hazard_vec=100, print_info = TRUE, truncate_at_prev_cp = FALSE)
SKFCPD(design = NULL, response = NULL, FCPD = NULL, init_params = list(gamma = 1, sigma_2 = 1, eta = 1), train_prop = NULL, kernel_type = "matern_5_2", hazard_vec=100, print_info = TRUE, truncate_at_prev_cp = FALSE)
design |
A vector with the length of n. The design of the experiment. |
response |
A matrix with dimension n x q. The observations. |
An object of the class |
init_params |
A list with estimated range parameter |
train_prop |
A numerical value between 0 and 1. The propotation of training samples for parameter estimation. When |
kernel_type |
A character specifying the type of kernels of the input. |
hazard_vec |
Either a constant or a vector with the length of n. The hazard vector in the SKFCPD method. hazard_vec = 1/ |
print_info |
This setting prints out updates on the progress of the algorithm if set to TRUE. |
truncate_at_prev_cp |
If TRUE, truncate the run length at the most recently detected changepoint. The default value of truncate_at_prev_cp is FALSE. |
returns a S4 object of class SKFCPD
(see SKFCPD-class
Hanmo Li [aut, cre], Yuedong Wang [aut], Mengyang Gu [aut]
Maintainer: Hanmo Li <[email protected]>
Li, Hanmo, Yuedong Wang, and Mengyang Gu. Sequential Kalman filter for fast online changepoint detection in longitudinal health records. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.18611 (2023).
Fearnhead, Paul, and Zhen Liu. On-line inference for multiple changepoint problems. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology 69, no. 4 (2007): 589-605.
Adams, Ryan Prescott, and David JC MacKay. Bayesian online changepoint detection. arXiv preprint arXiv:0710.3742 (2007).
Hartikainen, Jouni, and Simo Sarkka. Kalman filtering and smoothing solutions to temporal Gaussian process regression models. In 2010 IEEE international workshop on machine learning for signal processing, pp. 379-384. IEEE, 2010.
library(SKFCPD) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Example: fast online changepoint detection with DEPENDENT data. # # Data generation: Data follows a multidimensional Gaussian process with Matern 2.5 kernel. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Data Generation set.seed(1) n_obs = 150 n_dim = 2 seg_len = c(70, 30, 20,30) mean_each_seg = c(0,1,-1,0) x_mat=matrix(1:n_obs) y_mat=matrix(NA, nrow=n_obs, ncol=n_dim) gamma = rep(5, n_dim) # range parameter of the covariance matrix # compute the matern 2.5 kernel construct_cor_matrix = function(input, gamma){ n = length(input) R0=abs(outer(input,(input),'-')) matrix_one = matrix(1, n, n) const = sqrt(5) * R0 / gamma Sigma = (matrix_one + const + const^2/3) * (exp(-const)) return(Sigma) } for(j in 1:n_dim){ y_each_dim = c() for(i in 1:length(seg_len)){ nobs_per_seg = seg_len[i] Sigma = construct_cor_matrix(1:nobs_per_seg, gamma[j]) L=t(chol(Sigma)) theta=rep(mean_each_seg[i],nobs_per_seg)+L%*%rnorm(nobs_per_seg) y_each_dim = c(y_each_dim, theta+0.1*rnorm(nobs_per_seg)) } y_mat[,j] = y_each_dim } ## Detect changepoints by SKFCPD Online_CPD_1 = SKFCPD(design = x_mat, response = y_mat, train_prop = 1/3) ## visulize the results plot_SKFCPD(Online_CPD_1)
library(SKFCPD) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Example: fast online changepoint detection with DEPENDENT data. # # Data generation: Data follows a multidimensional Gaussian process with Matern 2.5 kernel. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Data Generation set.seed(1) n_obs = 150 n_dim = 2 seg_len = c(70, 30, 20,30) mean_each_seg = c(0,1,-1,0) x_mat=matrix(1:n_obs) y_mat=matrix(NA, nrow=n_obs, ncol=n_dim) gamma = rep(5, n_dim) # range parameter of the covariance matrix # compute the matern 2.5 kernel construct_cor_matrix = function(input, gamma){ n = length(input) R0=abs(outer(input,(input),'-')) matrix_one = matrix(1, n, n) const = sqrt(5) * R0 / gamma Sigma = (matrix_one + const + const^2/3) * (exp(-const)) return(Sigma) } for(j in 1:n_dim){ y_each_dim = c() for(i in 1:length(seg_len)){ nobs_per_seg = seg_len[i] Sigma = construct_cor_matrix(1:nobs_per_seg, gamma[j]) L=t(chol(Sigma)) theta=rep(mean_each_seg[i],nobs_per_seg)+L%*%rnorm(nobs_per_seg) y_each_dim = c(y_each_dim, theta+0.1*rnorm(nobs_per_seg)) } y_mat[,j] = y_each_dim } ## Detect changepoints by SKFCPD Online_CPD_1 = SKFCPD(design = x_mat, response = y_mat, train_prop = 1/3) ## visulize the results plot_SKFCPD(Online_CPD_1)
S4 class for SKFCPD where the range parameter and noise-to-signal parameters are estimated from the training samples.
Objects of this class are created and initialized with the function SKFCPD
that computes the calculations needed for setting up the analysis.
:Object of class "matrix"
with dimension n x p. The design of the experiment.
:Object of class "matrix"
with dimension n x q. The observations.
:Object of class "numeric"
. The starting index of test period.
:Object of class "character"
to specify the type of kernel to use.
:Object of class "vector"
with dimension q x 1. The range parameters.
:Object of class "vector"
with dimension q x 1. The noise-to-signal ratio.
:Object of class "vector"
with dimension q x 1. The variance parameters.
:Object of class "numeric"
. The n x 1 hazard vector in the FastCPD method.
:Object of class "list"
. The list of Kalman filter parameters from the previous run of the algorithm.
:Object of class "list"
. The list of parameters for calculating the quadratic form of the inverse covariance matrix from the previous run of the algorithm.
:Object of class "matrix"
with dimension n x n. The posterior distribution of the run length.
:Object of class "matrix"
with dimension n x n. The joint distribution of the run length and the observations.
:Object of class "matrix"
with dimension n x n. The logrithm of the predictive distribution of observations.
:Object of class "vector"
with length m. The location of estimated changepoints.
Hanmo Li [aut, cre], Yuedong Wang [aut], Mengyang Gu [aut]
Maintainer: Hanmo Li <[email protected]>
Li, Hanmo, Yuedong Wang, and Mengyang Gu. Sequential Kalman filter for fast online changepoint detection in longitudinal health records. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.18611 (2023).
Fearnhead, Paul, and Zhen Liu. On-line inference for multiple changepoint problems. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology 69, no. 4 (2007): 589-605.
Adams, Ryan Prescott, and David JC MacKay. Bayesian online changepoint detection. arXiv preprint arXiv:0710.3742 (2007).
Hartikainen, Jouni, and Simo Sarkka. Kalman filtering and smoothing solutions to temporal Gaussian process regression models. In 2010 IEEE international workshop on machine learning for signal processing, pp. 379-384. IEEE, 2010.
for more details about how to create a SKFCPD