To cite package ‘SDModels’ in publications use Ulmer, Scheidegger, and
Bühlmann (2025) for Spectrally Deconfounded Random Forests (SDForest)
and Scheidegger, Guo, and Bühlmann (2025) for Spectrally Deconfounded
Additive Models (SDAMs).

  Ulmer, Scheidegger, and Bühlmann (2025) Spectrally Deconfounded
  Random Forests. arXiv preprint.

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

    title = {Spectrally Deconfounded Random Forests},
    author = {Markus Ulmer and Cyrill Scheidegger and Peter B{"u}hlmann},
    year = {2025},
    eprint = {2502.03969},
    journal = {arXiv},
    primaryclass = {stat.CO},
    url = {},

  Scheidegger, Guo, and Bühlmann (2025) Spectral deconfounding for
  high-dimensional sparse additive models. ACM/JMS Journal of Data

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

    author = {{Scheidegger} and {Cyrill} and {Guo} and {Zijian} and {B"{u}hlmann} and {Peter}},
    title = {Spectral Deconfounding for High-Dimensional Sparse Additive Models},
    year = {2025},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1145/3711116},
    journal = {ACM / IMS J. Data Sci.},