Title: | Robust Bayesian Copas Selection Model |
Description: | Fits the robust Bayesian Copas (RBC) selection model of Bai et al. (2020) <arXiv:2005.02930> for correcting and quantifying publication bias in univariate meta-analysis. Also fits standard random effects meta-analysis and the Copas-like selection model of Ning et al. (2017) <doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxx004>. |
Authors: | Ray Bai |
Maintainer: | Ray Bai <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 2.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-01 07:10:49 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
This data set contains 73 studies with results on the effectiveness of antidepressants that were reported to the FDA. However, only 50 of these studies were subsequently published. Since studies reported their outcomes on different scales, effect sizes were all expressed as standardized mean differences by means of Hedges' g scores, accompanied by corresponding variances. This data set was originally analyzed by Turner et al. (2008).
A dataframe with 73 studies with the following seven variables.
:Antidepressant name.
:Study identifier.
:A binary variable indicating whether the study was published: "1"=published, "0"=not published.
:Estimated mean improvement in depression symptoms (nonstandardized).
:Estimated standard error (nonstandardized).
Estimated mean improvement in depression symptoms (standardized). Note that the standardized values are only available for the published studies (NA
if not published). The non-missing data in this column should be used as y
in the selection model.
:Estimated standard error (standardized). Note that the standardized values are only available for the published studies (NA
if not published). The non-missing data in this column should be used as s
in the selection model.
Turner, E. H., Matthews, A. M., Linardatos, E., Tell, R. A., and Rosenthal, R. (2008). "Selective publication of antidepressant trials and its influence on apparent efficacy." New England Journal of Medicine, 358(3):252-260.
This data set contains 26 studies with the standardized mean differences between the improvement in parental psychosocial health for subjects who were enrolled in parent training programs vs. those who were not. This data set is also available in the R
package altmeta
, along with many other useful data sets.
A dataframe with 26 studies with the following five variables within each study.
:Standardized mean differences in improvement of parental psychosocial health.
:Sample standard errors of standardized mean differences.
:Sample sizes in treatment group 1 (parent training programs).
:Sample sizes in treatment group 2 (control).
:Total sample size.
Barlow J, Smailagic N, Huband N, Roloff V, Bennett C (2014). "Group-based parent training programmes for improving parental psychosocial health." Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,5, Art. No.: CD002020. <doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002020.pub4>
This function implements the non-bias-corrected Robust Bayesian Copas selection model of Bai et al. (2020) when there is no publication bias (i.e. ). In this case, the Copas selection model reduces to the standard random effects meta-analysis model:
where is the reported treatment effect for the
th study,
is the reported standard error for the
th study,
is the population treatment effect of interest,
is a heterogeneity parameter,
is distributed as
, and
are independent.
For the non-bias-corrected model, we place noninformative priors on (see Bai et al. (2020) for details). For the random effects
, we give the option for using normal, Student's t, Laplace, or slash distributions for the random effects. If this function is being run in order to quantify publication bias with the robust Bayesian Copas selection model, then the practitioner should use the same random effects distribution that they used for
BayesNonBiasCorrected(y, s, re.dist=c("normal", "StudentsT", "Laplace", "slash"), t.df = 4, slash.shape = 1, init=NULL, seed=NULL, burn=10000, nmc=10000)
BayesNonBiasCorrected(y, s, re.dist=c("normal", "StudentsT", "Laplace", "slash"), t.df = 4, slash.shape = 1, init=NULL, seed=NULL, burn=10000, nmc=10000)
y |
An |
s |
An |
re.dist |
Distribution for the between-study random effects |
t.df |
Degrees of freedom for t-distribution. Only used if |
slash.shape |
Shape parameter in the slash distribution. Only used if |
init |
Optional initialization values for |
seed |
Optional seed. This needs to be specified if you want to reproduce the exact results of your analysis. |
burn |
Number of burn-in samples. Default is |
nmc |
Number of posterior samples to save. Default is |
The function returns a list containing the following components:
theta.hat |
posterior mean for |
theta.samples |
MCMC samples for |
tau.hat |
posterior mean for |
tau.samples |
MCMC samples for |
Bai, R., Lin, L., Boland, M. R., and Chen, Y. (2020). "A robust Bayesian Copas selection model for quantifying and correcting publication bias." arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.02930.
###################################### # Example on the Barlow2014 data set # ###################################### data(Barlow2014) attach(Barlow2014) # Observed treatment effect y.obs = Barlow2014[,1] # Observed standard error s.obs = Barlow2014[,2] #################################### # Fit the non-bias-corrected model # #################################### # NOTE: Use default burn-in (burn=10000) and post-burn-in samples (nmc=10000) # Fit the model with Laplace errors. RBCNoBias.mod = BayesNonBiasCorrected(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="Laplace", burn=500, nmc=500) # Point estimate for theta theta.hat.RBCNoBias = RBCNoBias.mod$theta.hat # Standard error for theta theta.se.RBCNoBias = sd(RBCNoBias.mod$theta.samples) # 95% posterior credible interval for theta theta.cred.int = quantile(RBCNoBias.mod$theta.samples, probs=c(0.025,0.975)) # Display results theta.hat.RBCNoBias theta.se.RBCNoBias theta.cred.int # Plot the posterior for theta hist(RBCNoBias.mod$theta.samples)
###################################### # Example on the Barlow2014 data set # ###################################### data(Barlow2014) attach(Barlow2014) # Observed treatment effect y.obs = Barlow2014[,1] # Observed standard error s.obs = Barlow2014[,2] #################################### # Fit the non-bias-corrected model # #################################### # NOTE: Use default burn-in (burn=10000) and post-burn-in samples (nmc=10000) # Fit the model with Laplace errors. RBCNoBias.mod = BayesNonBiasCorrected(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="Laplace", burn=500, nmc=500) # Point estimate for theta theta.hat.RBCNoBias = RBCNoBias.mod$theta.hat # Standard error for theta theta.se.RBCNoBias = sd(RBCNoBias.mod$theta.samples) # 95% posterior credible interval for theta theta.cred.int = quantile(RBCNoBias.mod$theta.samples, probs=c(0.025,0.975)) # Display results theta.hat.RBCNoBias theta.se.RBCNoBias theta.cred.int # Plot the posterior for theta hist(RBCNoBias.mod$theta.samples)
This function performs maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of using the EM algorithm of Ning et al. (2017) for the Copas selection model,
where is the reported treatment effect for the
th study,
is the reported standard error for the
th study,
is the population treatment effect of interest,
is a heterogeneity parameter, and
, and
are marginally distributed as
, and
are independent.
In the Copas selection model, is published (selected) if and only if the corresponding propensity score
(or the propensity to publish) is greater than zero. The propensity score
contains two parameters:
controls the overall probability of publication, and
controls how the chance of publication depends on study sample size. The reported treatment effects and propensity scores are correlated through
. If
, then there is no publication bias and the Copas selection model reduces to the standard random effects meta-analysis model.
This is called the "Copas-like selection model" because to find the MLE, the EM algorithm utilizes a latent variable that is treated as missing data. See Ning et al. (2017) for more details. An alternative funtion for implementing the Copas selection model using a grid search for
is available in the
package metasens
CopasLikeSelection(y, s, init = NULL, tol=1e-20, maxit=1000)
CopasLikeSelection(y, s, init = NULL, tol=1e-20, maxit=1000)
y |
An |
s |
An |
init |
Optional initialization values for |
tol |
Convergence criterion for the Copas-like EM algorithm for finding the MLE. Default is |
maxit |
Maximum number of iterations for the Copas-like EM algorithm for finding the MLE. Default is |
The function returns a list containing the following components:
theta.hat |
MLE of |
tau.hat |
MLE of |
rho.hat |
MLE of |
gamma0.hat |
MLE of |
gamma1.hat |
MLE of |
H |
conv |
"1" if the optimization algorithm converged, "0" if algorithm did not converge. If |
Ning, J., Chen, Y., and Piao, J. (2017). "Maximum likelihood estimation and EM algorithm of Copas-like selection model for publication bias correction." Biostatistics, 18(3):495-504.
#################################### # Example on the Hackshaw data set # #################################### data(Hackshaw1997) attach(Hackshaw1997) # Extract the log OR y.obs = Hackshaw1997[,2] # Extract the observed standard error s.obs = Hackshaw1997[,3] ################################## # Fit Copas-like selection model # ################################## # First fit RBC model with normal errors RBC.mod = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="normal", seed=123, burn=500, nmc=500) # Fit CLS model with initial values given from RBC model fit. # Initialization is not necessary but the algorithm will converge faster with initialization. CLS.mod = CopasLikeSelection(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, init=c(RBC.mod$theta.hat, RBC.mod$tau.hat, RBC.mod$rho.hat, RBC.mod$gamma0.hat, RBC.mod$gamma1.hat)) # Point estimate for theta CLS.theta.hat = CLS.mod$theta.hat # Use Hessian to estimate standard error for theta CLS.Hessian = CLS.mod$H # Standard error estimate for theta CLS.theta.se = sqrt(CLS.Hessian[1,1]) # # 95 percent confidence interval CLS.interval = c(CLS.theta.hat-1.96*CLS.theta.se, CLS.theta.hat+1.96*CLS.theta.se) # Display results CLS.theta.hat CLS.theta.se CLS.interval # Other parameters controlling the publication bias CLS.mod$rho.hat CLS.mod$gamma0.hat CLS.mod$gamma1.hat
#################################### # Example on the Hackshaw data set # #################################### data(Hackshaw1997) attach(Hackshaw1997) # Extract the log OR y.obs = Hackshaw1997[,2] # Extract the observed standard error s.obs = Hackshaw1997[,3] ################################## # Fit Copas-like selection model # ################################## # First fit RBC model with normal errors RBC.mod = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="normal", seed=123, burn=500, nmc=500) # Fit CLS model with initial values given from RBC model fit. # Initialization is not necessary but the algorithm will converge faster with initialization. CLS.mod = CopasLikeSelection(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, init=c(RBC.mod$theta.hat, RBC.mod$tau.hat, RBC.mod$rho.hat, RBC.mod$gamma0.hat, RBC.mod$gamma1.hat)) # Point estimate for theta CLS.theta.hat = CLS.mod$theta.hat # Use Hessian to estimate standard error for theta CLS.Hessian = CLS.mod$H # Standard error estimate for theta CLS.theta.se = sqrt(CLS.Hessian[1,1]) # # 95 percent confidence interval CLS.interval = c(CLS.theta.hat-1.96*CLS.theta.se, CLS.theta.hat+1.96*CLS.theta.se) # Display results CLS.theta.hat CLS.theta.se CLS.interval # Other parameters controlling the publication bias CLS.mod$rho.hat CLS.mod$gamma0.hat CLS.mod$gamma1.hat
This function computes Bai's measure for quantifying publication bias based on the robust Bayesian Copas (RBC) selection model. Let
be the posterior distribution for
under the full RBC (bias-corrected) model, and let
be the posterior distribution for
under the non-bias corrected model (when
is fixed at
). The
measure is the Hellinger distance
between the bias-corrected and non-bias-corrected posteriors.
is always between 0 and 1, with
indicating negligible publication bias and
indicating a very high magnitude of publication bias.
The random effects distributions for the bias-corrected and non-bias-corrected models should be the same in order for the measure to be valid. The posterior densities for
are approximated using MCMC samples. Numerical integration is used to compute the Hellinger distance between them.
D.measure(samples.RBCmodel, samples.nobiasmodel)
D.measure(samples.RBCmodel, samples.nobiasmodel)
samples.RBCmodel |
A vector of the MCMC samples from the RBC model. These can be obtained from the output of the function |
samples.nobiasmodel |
A vector of the MCMC samples from the non-bias-corrected model. These can be obtained from the output of the function |
The function returns Bai's measure, a value between 0 and 1.
means negligible publication bias, and
means a very high magnitude of publication bias.
Bai, R., Lin, L., Boland, M. R., and Chen, Y. (2020). "A robust Bayesian Copas selection model for quantifying and correcting publication bias." arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.02930.
###################################### # Example on the Barlow2014 data set # ###################################### data(Barlow2014) attach(Barlow2014) # Observed treatment effect y.obs = Barlow2014[,1] # Observed standard error s.obs = Barlow2014[,2] ############################################# # Compute D measure using posterior samples # ############################################# # Fit RBC (bias-corrected) model with t-distributed random effects. # NOTE: Use default burn-in (burn=10000) and post-burn-in samples (nmc=10000) RBC.mod = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="StudentsT", burn=500, nmc=500) # Fit non-bias-corrected model with t-distributed random effects. # NOTE: Use default burn-in (burn=10000) and post-burn-in samples (nmc=10000) RBCNoBias.mod = BayesNonBiasCorrected(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="StudentsT", burn=500, nmc=500) # Compute the D measure based on posterior samples for theta D = D.measure(RBC.mod$theta.samples, RBCNoBias.mod$theta.samples) ############################################ # Example on the antidepressants data set. # # This is from Section 6.2 of the paper # # by Bai et al. (2020). # ############################################ # Set seed, so we can reproduce the exact same results as in the paper. seed = 123 set.seed(seed) # Load the full data data(antidepressants) attach(antidepressants) # Extract the 50 published studies published.data = antidepressants[which(antidepressants$Published==1),] # Observed treatment effect y.obs = published.data$Standardized_effect_size # Observed standard error s.obs = published.data$Standardized_SE ################################ # Compute the D measure for # # quantifying publication bias # ################################ # Fit RBC model with different random effects distributions and compare them using DIC. # Normal RBC.mod.normal = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="normal", seed=seed) RBC.mod.normal$DIC # DIC=369.3126 # Student's t RBC.mod.StudentsT = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="StudentsT", seed=seed) RBC.mod.StudentsT$DIC # DIC=515.5151 # Laplace RBC.mod.laplace = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="Laplace", seed=seed) RBC.mod.laplace$DIC # DIC=475.5845 # Slash RBC.mod.slash = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="slash", seed=seed) RBC.mod.slash$DIC # DIC=381.2705 # The model with normal random effects gave the lowest DIC, so we use the model # with normal study-specific effects for our final analysis. RBC.mod.normal$rho.hat # rho.hat=0.804 # Plot posterior for rho, which suggests strong publication bias. hist(RBC.mod.normal$rho.samples) # Fit non-biased-corrected model. Make sure that we specify the random effects as normal. RBCNoBias.mod = BayesNonBiasCorrected(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="normal", seed=seed) # Compute D measure using posterior samples for theta D.RBC = D.measure(RBC.mod.normal$theta.samples, RBCNoBias.mod$theta.samples) # D=0.95
###################################### # Example on the Barlow2014 data set # ###################################### data(Barlow2014) attach(Barlow2014) # Observed treatment effect y.obs = Barlow2014[,1] # Observed standard error s.obs = Barlow2014[,2] ############################################# # Compute D measure using posterior samples # ############################################# # Fit RBC (bias-corrected) model with t-distributed random effects. # NOTE: Use default burn-in (burn=10000) and post-burn-in samples (nmc=10000) RBC.mod = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="StudentsT", burn=500, nmc=500) # Fit non-bias-corrected model with t-distributed random effects. # NOTE: Use default burn-in (burn=10000) and post-burn-in samples (nmc=10000) RBCNoBias.mod = BayesNonBiasCorrected(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="StudentsT", burn=500, nmc=500) # Compute the D measure based on posterior samples for theta D = D.measure(RBC.mod$theta.samples, RBCNoBias.mod$theta.samples) ############################################ # Example on the antidepressants data set. # # This is from Section 6.2 of the paper # # by Bai et al. (2020). # ############################################ # Set seed, so we can reproduce the exact same results as in the paper. seed = 123 set.seed(seed) # Load the full data data(antidepressants) attach(antidepressants) # Extract the 50 published studies published.data = antidepressants[which(antidepressants$Published==1),] # Observed treatment effect y.obs = published.data$Standardized_effect_size # Observed standard error s.obs = published.data$Standardized_SE ################################ # Compute the D measure for # # quantifying publication bias # ################################ # Fit RBC model with different random effects distributions and compare them using DIC. # Normal RBC.mod.normal = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="normal", seed=seed) RBC.mod.normal$DIC # DIC=369.3126 # Student's t RBC.mod.StudentsT = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="StudentsT", seed=seed) RBC.mod.StudentsT$DIC # DIC=515.5151 # Laplace RBC.mod.laplace = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="Laplace", seed=seed) RBC.mod.laplace$DIC # DIC=475.5845 # Slash RBC.mod.slash = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="slash", seed=seed) RBC.mod.slash$DIC # DIC=381.2705 # The model with normal random effects gave the lowest DIC, so we use the model # with normal study-specific effects for our final analysis. RBC.mod.normal$rho.hat # rho.hat=0.804 # Plot posterior for rho, which suggests strong publication bias. hist(RBC.mod.normal$rho.samples) # Fit non-biased-corrected model. Make sure that we specify the random effects as normal. RBCNoBias.mod = BayesNonBiasCorrected(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="normal", seed=seed) # Compute D measure using posterior samples for theta D.RBC = D.measure(RBC.mod.normal$theta.samples, RBCNoBias.mod$theta.samples) # D=0.95
This data set contains 37 studies analyzed by Hackshaw et al. (1997). Hackshaw et al. (1997) evaluated the risk of developing lung cancer in women who were lifelong nonsmokers but whose husbands smoked, compared to women whose husbands had never smoked.
A dataframe with 37 studies with the following four variables within each study.
:Study identifier.
:The reported log-odds ratio. Use this as the treatment effect in meta-analysis.
:The reported standard error.
:The percent weight that the study contributes to the pooled log-odds ratio.
Hackshaw, A. K., Law, M. R., and Wald, N. J. (1997). "The accumulated evidence on lung cancer and environmental tobacco smoke." BMJ, 315(7114):980-988.
This function implements the Robust Bayesian Copas selection model of Bai et al. (2020) for the Copas selection model,
where is the reported treatment effect for the
th study,
is the reported standard error for the
th study,
is the population treatment effect of interest,
is a heterogeneity parameter, and
, and
are marginally distributed as
, and
are independent.
In the Copas selection model, is published (selected) if and only if the corresponding propensity score
(or the propensity to publish) is greater than zero. The propensity score
contains two parameters:
controls the overall probability of publication, and
controls how the probability of publication depends on study sample size. The reported treatment effects and propensity scores are correlated through
. If
, then there is no publication bias and the Copas selection model reduces to the standard random effects meta-analysis model.
The RBC model places noninformative priors on (see Bai et al. (2020) for details). For the random effects
, we give the option for using normal, Student's t, Laplace, or slash distributions for the random effects. The function returns the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC), which can be used to select the appropriate distribution to use for the final analysis.
RobustBayesianCopas(y, s, re.dist=c("normal", "StudentsT", "Laplace", "slash"), t.df = 4, slash.shape = 1, init=NULL, seed=NULL, burn=10000, nmc=10000)
RobustBayesianCopas(y, s, re.dist=c("normal", "StudentsT", "Laplace", "slash"), t.df = 4, slash.shape = 1, init=NULL, seed=NULL, burn=10000, nmc=10000)
y |
An |
s |
An |
re.dist |
Distribution for the between-study random effects |
t.df |
Degrees of freedom for t-distribution. Only used if |
slash.shape |
Shape parameter in the slash distribution. Only used if |
init |
Optional initialization values for |
seed |
Optional seed. This needs to be specified if you want to reproduce the exact results of your analysis. |
burn |
Number of burn-in samples. Default is |
nmc |
Number of posterior samples to save. Default is |
The function returns a list containing the following components:
Deviance Information Criterion (DIC), a measure of model fit. This can be used to compare the results for different random effects distributions. The model that gives the lowest DIC gives the best fit to the data. |
theta.hat |
Posterior mean for |
theta.samples |
MCMC samples for |
tau.hat |
Posterior mean for |
tau.samples |
MCMC samples for |
rho.hat |
Posterior median for |
rho.samples |
MCMC samples for |
gamma0.hat |
Posterior median for |
gamma0.samples |
MCMC samples for |
gamma1.hat |
Posterior median for |
gamma1.samples |
MCMC samples for |
Bai, R., Lin, L., Boland, M. R., and Chen, Y. (2020). "A robust Bayesian Copas selection model for quantifying and correcting publication bias." arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.02930.
###################################### # Example on the Barlow2014 data set # ###################################### # Load data data(Barlow2014) attach(Barlow2014) # Observed treatment effect y.obs = Barlow2014[,1] # Observed standard error s.obs = Barlow2014[,2] ############################################### # Fit the RBC model with slash random effects # ############################################### # NOTE: Use default burn-in (burn=10000) and post-burn-in samples (nmc=10000) # Fit model with slash errors RBC.mod = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="slash", burn=500, nmc=500) # Point estimate for rho rho.hat.RBC = RBC.mod$rho.hat rho.hat.RBC # Plot posterior for rho hist(RBC.mod$rho.samples) # Point estimate for theta theta.hat.RBC = RBC.mod$theta.hat # Standard error for theta theta.se.RBC = sd(RBC.mod$theta.samples) # 95% posterior credible interval for theta theta.cred.int = quantile(RBC.mod$theta.samples, probs=c(0.025,0.975)) # Display results theta.hat.RBC theta.se.RBC theta.cred.int # Plot the posterior for theta hist(RBC.mod$theta.samples) ############################################ # Example on second-hand smoking data set. # # This is from Section 6.1 of the paper by # # Bai et al. (2020). # ############################################ # Set seed, so we can reproduce the exact same result as in the paper. seed = 1234 set.seed(seed) # Load the full data data(Hackshaw1997) attach(Hackshaw1997) # Extract the log OR y.obs = Hackshaw1997[,2] # Extract the observed standard error s.obs = Hackshaw1997[,3] ################################################### # Fit the RBC model with different random effects # # distributions and compare them using the DIC. # ################################################### # Normal RBC.mod.normal = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="normal", seed=seed) RBC.mod.normal$DIC # DIC=429.7854 # Student's t RBC.mod.StudentsT = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="StudentsT", seed=seed) RBC.mod.StudentsT$DIC # DIC=399.1955 # Laplace RBC.mod.Laplace = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="Laplace", seed=seed) RBC.mod.Laplace$DIC # DIC=410.9086 # Slash RBC.mod.slash = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="slash", seed=seed) RBC.mod.slash$DIC # DIC=407.431 ####################################################### # Use the model with t-distributed random errors for # # the final analysis since it gave the lowest DIC. # ####################################################### # Point estimate for rho rho.hat.RBC = RBC.mod.StudentsT$rho.hat # rho.hat=0.459 (moderate publication bias) # Plot posterior for rho hist(RBC.mod.StudentsT$rho.samples) # Point estimate for theta theta.hat.RBC = RBC.mod.StudentsT$theta.hat # theta.hat=0.1672 # 95% posterior credible interval for theta theta.cred.int = quantile(RBC.mod.StudentsT$theta.samples, probs=c(0.025,0.975)) # Plot the posterior for theta hist(RBC.mod.StudentsT$theta.samples) # Obtain odds ratio estimates OR.samples.RBC = exp(RBC.mod.StudentsT$theta.samples) # Samples of exp(theta) # Posterior mean OR OR.RBC.hat = mean(OR.samples.RBC) # OR.hat=1.185 # 95% posterior credible interval for OR OR.RBC.credint = quantile(OR.samples.RBC, probs=c(0.025,0.975)) # (1.018, 1.350) ############################################## # Use D measure to quantify publication bias # ############################################## # Make sure that we specify the random effects as Student's t, since that is # the distribution that we used for our final analysis. Bayes.nobias.mod = BayesNonBiasCorrected(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="StudentsT", seed=seed) # Compute D measure based on posterior samples of theta D.RBC = D.measure(RBC.mod.StudentsT$theta.samples, Bayes.nobias.mod$theta.samples) D.RBC # D=0.33
###################################### # Example on the Barlow2014 data set # ###################################### # Load data data(Barlow2014) attach(Barlow2014) # Observed treatment effect y.obs = Barlow2014[,1] # Observed standard error s.obs = Barlow2014[,2] ############################################### # Fit the RBC model with slash random effects # ############################################### # NOTE: Use default burn-in (burn=10000) and post-burn-in samples (nmc=10000) # Fit model with slash errors RBC.mod = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="slash", burn=500, nmc=500) # Point estimate for rho rho.hat.RBC = RBC.mod$rho.hat rho.hat.RBC # Plot posterior for rho hist(RBC.mod$rho.samples) # Point estimate for theta theta.hat.RBC = RBC.mod$theta.hat # Standard error for theta theta.se.RBC = sd(RBC.mod$theta.samples) # 95% posterior credible interval for theta theta.cred.int = quantile(RBC.mod$theta.samples, probs=c(0.025,0.975)) # Display results theta.hat.RBC theta.se.RBC theta.cred.int # Plot the posterior for theta hist(RBC.mod$theta.samples) ############################################ # Example on second-hand smoking data set. # # This is from Section 6.1 of the paper by # # Bai et al. (2020). # ############################################ # Set seed, so we can reproduce the exact same result as in the paper. seed = 1234 set.seed(seed) # Load the full data data(Hackshaw1997) attach(Hackshaw1997) # Extract the log OR y.obs = Hackshaw1997[,2] # Extract the observed standard error s.obs = Hackshaw1997[,3] ################################################### # Fit the RBC model with different random effects # # distributions and compare them using the DIC. # ################################################### # Normal RBC.mod.normal = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="normal", seed=seed) RBC.mod.normal$DIC # DIC=429.7854 # Student's t RBC.mod.StudentsT = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="StudentsT", seed=seed) RBC.mod.StudentsT$DIC # DIC=399.1955 # Laplace RBC.mod.Laplace = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="Laplace", seed=seed) RBC.mod.Laplace$DIC # DIC=410.9086 # Slash RBC.mod.slash = RobustBayesianCopas(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="slash", seed=seed) RBC.mod.slash$DIC # DIC=407.431 ####################################################### # Use the model with t-distributed random errors for # # the final analysis since it gave the lowest DIC. # ####################################################### # Point estimate for rho rho.hat.RBC = RBC.mod.StudentsT$rho.hat # rho.hat=0.459 (moderate publication bias) # Plot posterior for rho hist(RBC.mod.StudentsT$rho.samples) # Point estimate for theta theta.hat.RBC = RBC.mod.StudentsT$theta.hat # theta.hat=0.1672 # 95% posterior credible interval for theta theta.cred.int = quantile(RBC.mod.StudentsT$theta.samples, probs=c(0.025,0.975)) # Plot the posterior for theta hist(RBC.mod.StudentsT$theta.samples) # Obtain odds ratio estimates OR.samples.RBC = exp(RBC.mod.StudentsT$theta.samples) # Samples of exp(theta) # Posterior mean OR OR.RBC.hat = mean(OR.samples.RBC) # OR.hat=1.185 # 95% posterior credible interval for OR OR.RBC.credint = quantile(OR.samples.RBC, probs=c(0.025,0.975)) # (1.018, 1.350) ############################################## # Use D measure to quantify publication bias # ############################################## # Make sure that we specify the random effects as Student's t, since that is # the distribution that we used for our final analysis. Bayes.nobias.mod = BayesNonBiasCorrected(y=y.obs, s=s.obs, re.dist="StudentsT", seed=seed) # Compute D measure based on posterior samples of theta D.RBC = D.measure(RBC.mod.StudentsT$theta.samples, Bayes.nobias.mod$theta.samples) D.RBC # D=0.33
This function performs maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of for the standard random effects meta-analysis model,
where is the reported treatment effect for the
th study,
is the reported standard error for the
th study,
is the population treatment effect of interest,
is a heterogeneity parameter, and
are independent and distributed as
StandardMetaAnalysis(y, s, init = NULL, tol=1e-10, maxit=1000)
StandardMetaAnalysis(y, s, init = NULL, tol=1e-10, maxit=1000)
y |
An |
s |
An |
init |
Optional initialization values for |
tol |
Convergence criterion for the optimization algorithm for finding the MLE. Default is |
maxit |
Maximum number of iterations for the optimization algorithm for finding the MLE. Default is |
The function returns a list containing the following components:
theta.hat |
MLE of |
tau.hat |
MLE of |
H |
conv |
"1" if the optimization algorithm converged, "0" if algorithm did not converge. If |
Bai, R., Lin, L., Boland, M. R., and Chen, Y. (2020). "A robust Bayesian Copas selection model for quantifying and correcting publication bias." arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.02930.
Ning, J., Chen, Y., and Piao, J. (2017). "Maximum likelihood estimation and EM algorithm of Copas-like selection model for publication bias correction." Biostatistics, 18(3):495-504.
############################################ # Example on the antidepressants data set. # # This is from Section 6.2 of the paper by # # Bai et al. (2020). # ############################################ # Load the full data data(antidepressants) attach(antidepressants) # Extract the 50 published studies published.data = antidepressants[which(antidepressants$Published==1),] # Observed treatment effect y.obs = published.data$Standardized_effect_size # Observed standard error s.obs = published.data$Standardized_SE ################################# # Fit a standard meta-analysis # # that ignores publication bias # ################################# # Set seed set.seed(123) SMA.mod = StandardMetaAnalysis(y=y.obs, s=s.obs) # Point estimate for theta SMA.theta.hat = SMA.mod$theta.hat # Use Hessian to estimate standard error for theta SMA.Hessian = SMA.mod$H # Standard error estimate for theta SMA.theta.se = sqrt(SMA.Hessian[1,1]) # 95 percent confidence interval SMA.interval = c(SMA.theta.hat-1.96*SMA.theta.se, SMA.theta.hat+1.96*SMA.theta.se) # Display results SMA.theta.hat SMA.theta.se SMA.interval
############################################ # Example on the antidepressants data set. # # This is from Section 6.2 of the paper by # # Bai et al. (2020). # ############################################ # Load the full data data(antidepressants) attach(antidepressants) # Extract the 50 published studies published.data = antidepressants[which(antidepressants$Published==1),] # Observed treatment effect y.obs = published.data$Standardized_effect_size # Observed standard error s.obs = published.data$Standardized_SE ################################# # Fit a standard meta-analysis # # that ignores publication bias # ################################# # Set seed set.seed(123) SMA.mod = StandardMetaAnalysis(y=y.obs, s=s.obs) # Point estimate for theta SMA.theta.hat = SMA.mod$theta.hat # Use Hessian to estimate standard error for theta SMA.Hessian = SMA.mod$H # Standard error estimate for theta SMA.theta.se = sqrt(SMA.Hessian[1,1]) # 95 percent confidence interval SMA.interval = c(SMA.theta.hat-1.96*SMA.theta.se, SMA.theta.hat+1.96*SMA.theta.se) # Display results SMA.theta.hat SMA.theta.se SMA.interval