Title: | Truncated Maximum Likelihood Fit and Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression for Gaussian and Log-Weibull Case |
Description: | R functions for the computation of the truncated maximum likelihood and the robust accelerated failure time regression for gaussian and log-Weibull case. |
Authors: | Alfio Marazzi <[email protected]>, Jean-Luc Muralti |
Maintainer: | A. Randriamiharisoa <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.4-7 |
Built: | 2025-03-13 06:45:02 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
This package computes the truncated maximum likelihood regression estimates
described in Marazzi and Yohai (2004) and Locatelli et al. (2010).
The error distribution is assumed to follow approximately a Gaussian or a log-Weibull distribution.
The cut-off values for outlier rejection are fixed or adaptive.
The main functions of this package are TML.noncensored
and TML.censored
Package: | RobustAFT |
Type: | Package |
#Version: | 1.4-6 |
#Date: | 2023-06-19 |
License: | GPL-2 or later |
LazyLoad: | yes |
Alfio Marazzi <[email protected]>, Jean-Luc Muralti
Maintainer: A. Randriamiharisoa <[email protected]>
Marazzi A., Yohai V. (2004). Adaptively truncated maximum likelihood regression with asymmetric errors. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 122, 271-291.
Locatelli I., Marazzi A., Yohai V. (2010). Robust accelerated failure time regression. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55, 874-887.
Marazzi A. (1993) Algorithm, Routines, and S functions for Robust Statistics. Wadsworth & Brooks/cole, Pacific Grove, California.
# Example 1. This is the example described in Marazzi and Yohai (2004). # --------- # The two following auxiliary functions, not included in the library, #must be loaded. # ------------- Auxiliary functions ------------------------------------- SDmux.lw <- function(x,theta,sigma,COV){ # Standard deviation of the conditional mean estimate: log-Weibull case np <- length(theta); nc <- ncol(COV); nr <- nrow(COV) if (np!=length(x)) cat("length(x) must be the same as length(theta)") if (nc!=nr) cat("COV is not a square matrix") if (nc!=(np+1)) cat("ncol(COV) must be the same as length(theta)+1") log.mu.x <- t(x)%*%theta+lgamma(1+sigma) # log of conditional mean estimate mu.x <- exp(log.mu.x) # conditional mean estimate dg <- digamma(1+sigma) COV.TT <- COV[1:np,1:np] Var.S <- COV[(np+1),(np+1)] COV.TS <- COV[1:np,(np+1)] V.mu.x <- t(x)%*%COV.TT%*%x + dg^2*Var.S + 2*dg*(t(x)%*%COV.TS) SD.mu.x <- as.numeric((sqrt(V.mu.x))*mu.x) SD.mu.x} plt <- function(LOS,Cost,Adm,theta.fr,sigma.fr,sd0.fr,sd1.fr,theta.ml, sigma.ml,sd0.ml,sd1.ml){ # Plot of the conditional mean and confidence intervals: log-Weibull case par(mfrow=c(1,2),oma=c(0,0,2,0)) plot(LOS,Cost,type="n") points(LOS[Adm==0],Cost[Adm==0],pch=1) points(LOS[Adm==1],Cost[Adm==1],pch=16,col=2) x0t <- x0%*%theta.fr; x1t <- x1t <- x1%*%theta.fr lines(l0,exp(x0t)*gamma(1+sigma.fr)) lines(l0,exp(x1t)*gamma(1+sigma.fr),col=2) z0min <- exp(x0t)*gamma(1+sigma.fr)-2.576*sd0.fr z0max <- exp(x0t)*gamma(1+sigma.fr)+2.576*sd0.fr z1min <- exp(x1t)*gamma(1+sigma.fr)-2.576*sd1.fr z1max <- exp(x1t)*gamma(1+sigma.fr)+2.576*sd1.fr lines(l0,z0min,lty=2,col=1) lines(l0,z0max,lty=2,col=1) lines(l0,z1min,lty=2,col=1) lines(l0,z1max,lty=2,col=1) polygon(c(l0,rev(l0)), c(z0min,rev(z0max)), border=FALSE, density=10, angle=90) polygon(c(l0,rev(l0)), c(z1min,rev(z1max)), border=FALSE, density=12, angle=90,col=2) plot(LOS,Cost,type="n") points(LOS[Adm==0],Cost[Adm==0],pch=1) points(LOS[Adm==1],Cost[Adm==1],pch=16,col=2) x0t <- x0%*%theta.ml; x1t <- x1t <- x1%*%theta.ml lines(l0,exp(x0t)*gamma(1+sigma.ml)) lines(l0,exp(x1t)*gamma(1+sigma.ml),col=2) z0min <- exp(x0t)*gamma(1+sigma.ml)-2.576*sd0.ml z0max <- exp(x0t)*gamma(1+sigma.ml)+2.576*sd0.ml z1min <- exp(x1t)*gamma(1+sigma.ml)-2.576*sd1.ml z1max <- exp(x1t)*gamma(1+sigma.ml)+2.576*sd1.ml lines(l0,z0min,lty=2,col=1) lines(l0,z0max,lty=2,col=1) lines(l0,z1min,lty=2,col=1) lines(l0,z1max,lty=2,col=1) polygon(c(l0,rev(l0)), c(z0min,rev(z0max)), border=FALSE, density=10, angle=90) polygon(c(l0,rev(l0)), c(z1min,rev(z1max)), border=FALSE, density=12, angle=90,col=2)} #------ End of auxiliary functions -------------------------------------------------- library(RobustAFT) data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) Ass <- D243$Typass; Ass <- (Ass=="P" )*1 # Type of insurance (0=usual, 1=private) Age <- D243$age # Age (years) Dst <- D243$dest; Dst <- (Dst=="DOMI")*1 # Destination (1=Home, 0=another hospital) Sex <- D243$Sexe; Sex <- (Sex=="M" )*1 # Sex (1=Male, 0=Female) ## Not run: # Plot data par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(LOS,Cost); plot(log(LOS),log(Cost)) # log-Weibull fits # ---------------- # Full robust model zwff <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm+Ass+Age+Sex+Dst, errors="logWeibull") summary(zwff) # Reduced model zwfr <- update(zwff,log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm) summary(zwfr) # Residual plots par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(zwfr,which=c(1,3)) # Plot robust predictions on log-log scale par(mfrow=c(1,1)) l0 <- seq(from=2,to=60,by=0.5) x0 <- as.matrix(cbind(1,log(l0),0)) x1 <- as.matrix(cbind(1,log(l0),1)) plot(log(LOS),log(Cost),type="n") points(log(LOS[Adm==1]),log(Cost[Adm==1]),pch=16,col=2) points(log(LOS[Adm==0]),log(Cost[Adm==0]),pch=1) lines(log(l0),predict(zwfr,x0)) lines(log(l0),predict(zwfr,x1),col=2) # Maximum likelihood : full model zmlf <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm+Ass+Age+Sex+Dst, errors="logWeibull",cu=100) summary(zmlf) # Maximum likelihood : reduced model zmlr <- update(zmlf,log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm) summary(zmlr) # Plot conditional means and confidence intervals l0 <- seq(from=2,to=62,by=0.5) x0 <- as.matrix(cbind(1,log(l0),0)) x1 <- as.matrix(cbind(1,log(l0),1)) theta.fr <- coef(zwfr) sigma.fr <- zwfr$v1 COV.fr <- vcov(zwfr) sd0.fr <- apply(x0,1,SDmux.lw,theta.fr,sigma.fr,COV.fr) sd1.fr <- apply(x1,1,SDmux.lw,theta.fr,sigma.fr,COV.fr) theta.ml <- coef(zmlr) sigma.ml <- zmlr$v1 COV.ml <- zmlr$COV sd0.ml <- apply(x0,1,SDmux.lw,theta.ml,sigma.ml,COV.ml) sd1.ml <- apply(x1,1,SDmux.lw,theta.ml,sigma.ml,COV.ml) plt(LOS,Cost,Adm,theta.fr,sigma.fr,sd0.fr,sd1.fr,theta.ml,sigma.ml,sd0.ml,sd1.ml) # Gaussian fits (for comparison) # ------------------------------ # Reduced model zgfr <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm,errors="Gaussian") summary(zgfr) # Residual plots par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(zgfr,which=c(1,3)) # Classical Gaussian fit lr <- lm(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm) summary(lr) # Compare several fits # -------------------- comp <- fits.compare(TML.logWeibull=zwfr,ML.logWeibull=zmlr,least.squares=lr) comp plot(comp,leg.position=c("topleft","topleft","bottomleft")) # click on graphics ## End(Not run) # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Example 2. This is the example described in Locatelli Marazzi and Yohai (2010). # --------- # This is the example described in Locatelli et al. (2010). # The estimates are slighty different due to changes in the algorithm for the # final estimate. ## Not run: # Remove data of Example 1 rm(Cost,LOS,Adm,Ass,Age,Dst,Sex) data(MCI) attach(MCI) # Exploratory Analysis par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(Age,log(LOS),type= "n",cex=0.7) # (1) filled square : regular, complete # (2) empty square : regular, censored # (3) filled triangle : emergency, complete # (4) empty triangle : emergency, censored points(Age[Dest==1 & TypAdm==0], log(LOS)[Dest==1 & TypAdm==0], pch=15,cex=0.7) # (1) points(Age[Dest==0 & TypAdm==0], log(LOS)[Dest==0 & TypAdm==0], pch=0, cex=0.7) # (2) points(Age[Dest==1 & TypAdm==1], log(LOS)[Dest==1 & TypAdm==1], pch=17,cex=0.7) # (3) points(Age[Dest==0 & TypAdm==1], log(LOS)[Dest==0 & TypAdm==1], pch=2, cex=0.7) # (4) # Maximum Likelihood ML <- survreg(Surv(log(LOS), Dest) ~ TypAdm*Age, dist="gaussian") summary(ML) B.ML <- ML$coef; S.ML <- ML$scale abline(c(B.ML[1] ,B.ML[3] ),lwd=1,col="grey",lty=1) abline(c(B.ML[1]+B.ML[2],B.ML[3]+B.ML[4]),lwd=1,col="grey",lty=1) # Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression with Gaussian errors ctrol.S <- list(N=150, q=5, sigma0=1, MAXIT=100, TOL=0.001,seed=123) ctrol.ref <- list(maxit.sigma=2,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=2,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.S=50, tol.S.sigma=0.001, tol.S.Beta=0.001,alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) ctrol.tml <- list(maxit.sigma=50,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=50,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.TML=50, tol.TML.sigma=0.001, tol.TML.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) WML <- TML.censored(log(LOS)~TypAdm*Age,data=MCI,delta=Dest,otp="adaptive", control.S=ctrol.S,control.ref=ctrol.ref,control.tml=ctrol.tml) summary(WML) B.WML <-coef(WML) abline(c(B.WML[1] ,B.WML[3] ),lty=1, col="red") abline(c(B.WML[1]+B.WML[2],B.WML[3]+B.WML[4]),lty=1, col="red") # detach(MCI) ## End(Not run)
# Example 1. This is the example described in Marazzi and Yohai (2004). # --------- # The two following auxiliary functions, not included in the library, #must be loaded. # ------------- Auxiliary functions ------------------------------------- SDmux.lw <- function(x,theta,sigma,COV){ # Standard deviation of the conditional mean estimate: log-Weibull case np <- length(theta); nc <- ncol(COV); nr <- nrow(COV) if (np!=length(x)) cat("length(x) must be the same as length(theta)") if (nc!=nr) cat("COV is not a square matrix") if (nc!=(np+1)) cat("ncol(COV) must be the same as length(theta)+1") log.mu.x <- t(x)%*%theta+lgamma(1+sigma) # log of conditional mean estimate mu.x <- exp(log.mu.x) # conditional mean estimate dg <- digamma(1+sigma) COV.TT <- COV[1:np,1:np] Var.S <- COV[(np+1),(np+1)] COV.TS <- COV[1:np,(np+1)] V.mu.x <- t(x)%*%COV.TT%*%x + dg^2*Var.S + 2*dg*(t(x)%*%COV.TS) SD.mu.x <- as.numeric((sqrt(V.mu.x))*mu.x) SD.mu.x} plt <- function(LOS,Cost,Adm,theta.fr,sigma.fr,sd0.fr,sd1.fr,theta.ml, sigma.ml,sd0.ml,sd1.ml){ # Plot of the conditional mean and confidence intervals: log-Weibull case par(mfrow=c(1,2),oma=c(0,0,2,0)) plot(LOS,Cost,type="n") points(LOS[Adm==0],Cost[Adm==0],pch=1) points(LOS[Adm==1],Cost[Adm==1],pch=16,col=2) x0t <- x0%*%theta.fr; x1t <- x1t <- x1%*%theta.fr lines(l0,exp(x0t)*gamma(1+sigma.fr)) lines(l0,exp(x1t)*gamma(1+sigma.fr),col=2) z0min <- exp(x0t)*gamma(1+sigma.fr)-2.576*sd0.fr z0max <- exp(x0t)*gamma(1+sigma.fr)+2.576*sd0.fr z1min <- exp(x1t)*gamma(1+sigma.fr)-2.576*sd1.fr z1max <- exp(x1t)*gamma(1+sigma.fr)+2.576*sd1.fr lines(l0,z0min,lty=2,col=1) lines(l0,z0max,lty=2,col=1) lines(l0,z1min,lty=2,col=1) lines(l0,z1max,lty=2,col=1) polygon(c(l0,rev(l0)), c(z0min,rev(z0max)), border=FALSE, density=10, angle=90) polygon(c(l0,rev(l0)), c(z1min,rev(z1max)), border=FALSE, density=12, angle=90,col=2) plot(LOS,Cost,type="n") points(LOS[Adm==0],Cost[Adm==0],pch=1) points(LOS[Adm==1],Cost[Adm==1],pch=16,col=2) x0t <- x0%*%theta.ml; x1t <- x1t <- x1%*%theta.ml lines(l0,exp(x0t)*gamma(1+sigma.ml)) lines(l0,exp(x1t)*gamma(1+sigma.ml),col=2) z0min <- exp(x0t)*gamma(1+sigma.ml)-2.576*sd0.ml z0max <- exp(x0t)*gamma(1+sigma.ml)+2.576*sd0.ml z1min <- exp(x1t)*gamma(1+sigma.ml)-2.576*sd1.ml z1max <- exp(x1t)*gamma(1+sigma.ml)+2.576*sd1.ml lines(l0,z0min,lty=2,col=1) lines(l0,z0max,lty=2,col=1) lines(l0,z1min,lty=2,col=1) lines(l0,z1max,lty=2,col=1) polygon(c(l0,rev(l0)), c(z0min,rev(z0max)), border=FALSE, density=10, angle=90) polygon(c(l0,rev(l0)), c(z1min,rev(z1max)), border=FALSE, density=12, angle=90,col=2)} #------ End of auxiliary functions -------------------------------------------------- library(RobustAFT) data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) Ass <- D243$Typass; Ass <- (Ass=="P" )*1 # Type of insurance (0=usual, 1=private) Age <- D243$age # Age (years) Dst <- D243$dest; Dst <- (Dst=="DOMI")*1 # Destination (1=Home, 0=another hospital) Sex <- D243$Sexe; Sex <- (Sex=="M" )*1 # Sex (1=Male, 0=Female) ## Not run: # Plot data par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(LOS,Cost); plot(log(LOS),log(Cost)) # log-Weibull fits # ---------------- # Full robust model zwff <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm+Ass+Age+Sex+Dst, errors="logWeibull") summary(zwff) # Reduced model zwfr <- update(zwff,log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm) summary(zwfr) # Residual plots par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(zwfr,which=c(1,3)) # Plot robust predictions on log-log scale par(mfrow=c(1,1)) l0 <- seq(from=2,to=60,by=0.5) x0 <- as.matrix(cbind(1,log(l0),0)) x1 <- as.matrix(cbind(1,log(l0),1)) plot(log(LOS),log(Cost),type="n") points(log(LOS[Adm==1]),log(Cost[Adm==1]),pch=16,col=2) points(log(LOS[Adm==0]),log(Cost[Adm==0]),pch=1) lines(log(l0),predict(zwfr,x0)) lines(log(l0),predict(zwfr,x1),col=2) # Maximum likelihood : full model zmlf <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm+Ass+Age+Sex+Dst, errors="logWeibull",cu=100) summary(zmlf) # Maximum likelihood : reduced model zmlr <- update(zmlf,log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm) summary(zmlr) # Plot conditional means and confidence intervals l0 <- seq(from=2,to=62,by=0.5) x0 <- as.matrix(cbind(1,log(l0),0)) x1 <- as.matrix(cbind(1,log(l0),1)) theta.fr <- coef(zwfr) sigma.fr <- zwfr$v1 COV.fr <- vcov(zwfr) sd0.fr <- apply(x0,1,SDmux.lw,theta.fr,sigma.fr,COV.fr) sd1.fr <- apply(x1,1,SDmux.lw,theta.fr,sigma.fr,COV.fr) theta.ml <- coef(zmlr) sigma.ml <- zmlr$v1 COV.ml <- zmlr$COV sd0.ml <- apply(x0,1,SDmux.lw,theta.ml,sigma.ml,COV.ml) sd1.ml <- apply(x1,1,SDmux.lw,theta.ml,sigma.ml,COV.ml) plt(LOS,Cost,Adm,theta.fr,sigma.fr,sd0.fr,sd1.fr,theta.ml,sigma.ml,sd0.ml,sd1.ml) # Gaussian fits (for comparison) # ------------------------------ # Reduced model zgfr <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm,errors="Gaussian") summary(zgfr) # Residual plots par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(zgfr,which=c(1,3)) # Classical Gaussian fit lr <- lm(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm) summary(lr) # Compare several fits # -------------------- comp <- fits.compare(TML.logWeibull=zwfr,ML.logWeibull=zmlr,least.squares=lr) comp plot(comp,leg.position=c("topleft","topleft","bottomleft")) # click on graphics ## End(Not run) # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Example 2. This is the example described in Locatelli Marazzi and Yohai (2010). # --------- # This is the example described in Locatelli et al. (2010). # The estimates are slighty different due to changes in the algorithm for the # final estimate. ## Not run: # Remove data of Example 1 rm(Cost,LOS,Adm,Ass,Age,Dst,Sex) data(MCI) attach(MCI) # Exploratory Analysis par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(Age,log(LOS),type= "n",cex=0.7) # (1) filled square : regular, complete # (2) empty square : regular, censored # (3) filled triangle : emergency, complete # (4) empty triangle : emergency, censored points(Age[Dest==1 & TypAdm==0], log(LOS)[Dest==1 & TypAdm==0], pch=15,cex=0.7) # (1) points(Age[Dest==0 & TypAdm==0], log(LOS)[Dest==0 & TypAdm==0], pch=0, cex=0.7) # (2) points(Age[Dest==1 & TypAdm==1], log(LOS)[Dest==1 & TypAdm==1], pch=17,cex=0.7) # (3) points(Age[Dest==0 & TypAdm==1], log(LOS)[Dest==0 & TypAdm==1], pch=2, cex=0.7) # (4) # Maximum Likelihood ML <- survreg(Surv(log(LOS), Dest) ~ TypAdm*Age, dist="gaussian") summary(ML) B.ML <- ML$coef; S.ML <- ML$scale abline(c(B.ML[1] ,B.ML[3] ),lwd=1,col="grey",lty=1) abline(c(B.ML[1]+B.ML[2],B.ML[3]+B.ML[4]),lwd=1,col="grey",lty=1) # Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression with Gaussian errors ctrol.S <- list(N=150, q=5, sigma0=1, MAXIT=100, TOL=0.001,seed=123) ctrol.ref <- list(maxit.sigma=2,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=2,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.S=50, tol.S.sigma=0.001, tol.S.Beta=0.001,alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) ctrol.tml <- list(maxit.sigma=50,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=50,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.TML=50, tol.TML.sigma=0.001, tol.TML.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) WML <- TML.censored(log(LOS)~TypAdm*Age,data=MCI,delta=Dest,otp="adaptive", control.S=ctrol.S,control.ref=ctrol.ref,control.tml=ctrol.tml) summary(WML) B.WML <-coef(WML) abline(c(B.WML[1] ,B.WML[3] ),lty=1, col="red") abline(c(B.WML[1]+B.WML[2],B.WML[3]+B.WML[4]),lty=1, col="red") # detach(MCI) ## End(Not run)
Sample of 100 patients hospitalized for medical back problems in Switzerland
A data frame with 100 observations on the following 11 variables.
Gender: M=Male, F=Female
Age in years
Destination: DOMI=Home else=another hospital
Type of admission: Urg=Emergency else=on notification
Type of insurance: P=Private else=usual
Length of stay (days)
DRG code: Always 243
Cost (Swiss francs)
Intermediate cost
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
See Marazzi A. (1993), p.405
dfcomn2(ipsi = -9, c = -1.345, h1 = -1.7, h2 = -3.4, h3 = -8.5, xk = -1.548, d = -1.345, beta = -0.5, bet0 = -1, iucv = -1, a2 = 0, b2 = -3, chk = -9, ckw = -2, bb = -1, bt = -1, cw = -1, em = -1.345, cr = -2, vk = -1, np = -2, nu = -1, v7 = -1, iwww = -1)
dfcomn2(ipsi = -9, c = -1.345, h1 = -1.7, h2 = -3.4, h3 = -8.5, xk = -1.548, d = -1.345, beta = -0.5, bet0 = -1, iucv = -1, a2 = 0, b2 = -3, chk = -9, ckw = -2, bb = -1, bt = -1, cw = -1, em = -1.345, cr = -2, vk = -1, np = -2, nu = -1, v7 = -1, iwww = -1)
ipsi |
Option parameter for the choice of |
c |
Parameter |
h1 |
Parameter |
h2 |
Parameter |
h3 |
Parameter |
xk |
Parameter |
d |
See reference |
beta |
Parameter |
bet0 |
Parameter |
iucv |
Option parameter for the choice of u(s), u'(s), v(s), v'(s), w(s) or w'(s) |
a2 |
Parameter a^2 of Huber's mimimax u-function |
b2 |
Parameter b^2 of Huber's mimimax u-function |
chk |
Parameter c of the Hampel-Krasker u-function |
ckw |
Parameter c of the Krasker-Welsch u-function |
bb |
Parameter b of the Mallows-unstandard u-function |
bt |
Option parameter for w(s) or w'(s) |
cw |
Option parameter for w(s) or w'(s) |
em |
Parameter em for unstandard u-function |
cr |
Parameter cr for unstandard u-function |
vk |
Parameter vk for unstandard u-function |
np |
Parameter np for unstandard u-function |
nu |
Parameter nu for unstandard u-function |
v7 |
Parameter v for unstandard u-function |
iwww |
Option parameter for the choice of |
See reference
Marazzi A. (1993) Algorithm, Routines, and S functions for Robust Statistics. Wadsworth & Brooks/cole, Pacific Grove, California. p.405
Creates a class "fits.compare" object allowing the user to display model summary statistics in a form allowing easy comparison of models.
... |
one or more class "lm", class "lm.robust" or class "TML" objects. Names given to objects in the list are used as labeling information in the printed output. |
The fits.compare
function processes its arguments one at a time to create a named list of objects.
The object returned is a member of class "fits.compare".
Because of differences in the computed summary statistics, the list of input objects is currently limited to class "lm",
class "lm.robust" and class "TML" objects.
The print.fits.compare
function displays a textual comparison of the input models,
and the plot.fits.compare
function provides comparative plots.
An object of class "fits.compare" containing the list of input models to be compared.
, plot.fits.compare
## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) lwrob <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm, errors="logWeibull") grob <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm) reg <- lm(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm) fits.compare(least.squares=reg, TML.logWeibull=lwrob, TML.Gaussian=grob) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) lwrob <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm, errors="logWeibull") grob <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm) reg <- lm(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm) fits.compare(least.squares=reg, TML.logWeibull=lwrob, TML.Gaussian=grob) ## End(Not run)
Sample of 75 hospital for major cardiovascular interventions
A data frame with 75 observations on the following 6 variables.
Gender: 1=Female, 2=Male
Age in years
Length of stay (days)
Type of admission: 1=Emergency 0=on notification
Destination: 1=Home 0=another hospital
Cost (Swiss francs)
Comparative plots for objects of class "fits.compare".
## S3 method for class 'fits.compare' plot(x, xplots = FALSE, ask = TRUE, which = 1:4, leg.position = c("topleft", "topleft", "topleft"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'fits.compare' plot(x, xplots = FALSE, ask = TRUE, which = 1:4, leg.position = c("topleft", "topleft", "topleft"), ...)
x |
An object of class "fits.compare", usually, a result of a call to |
xplots |
If xplots=TRUE, plots of the independent variables versus the residuals are produced. |
ask |
If ask=TRUE, plot.fits.compare() operates in interactive mode. |
which |
If a subset of the plots is required, specify a subset of the numbers |
leg.position |
A vector of character string specifying the legend position of the second, third and fourth plots. |
... |
Optional arguments for |
For clarity reasons, at most three models should be compared.
Four default plots (selectable by which) are produced: histograms of the residuals of each model,
a residual Q-Q plot, response against fitted values and residuals against fitted values.
Additional plots are produced if xplots=TRUE
, plot.default
, plot.TML
## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) lwrob <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm, errors="logWeibull") reg <- lm(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm) comp <- fits.compare(least.squares=reg, TML.logWeibull=lwrob) plot(comp, leg.position=c("topleft", "topleft", "bottomleft"), xplots=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) lwrob <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm, errors="logWeibull") reg <- lm(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm) comp <- fits.compare(least.squares=reg, TML.logWeibull=lwrob) plot(comp, leg.position=c("topleft", "topleft", "bottomleft"), xplots=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
Diagnostic plots for elements of class "TML". Three plots (selectable by which) are currently available: a residual Q-Q plot, a plot of response against fitted values and a plot of standardized residuals against fitted values.
## S3 method for class 'TML' plot(x, which = 1:3, caption = c("Residual QQ-plot", "Response vs. Fitted Values", "Standardized Residuals vs. Fitted Values"), panel = points, sub.caption = deparse(x$call$formula), main = "", ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), ...)
## S3 method for class 'TML' plot(x, which = 1:3, caption = c("Residual QQ-plot", "Response vs. Fitted Values", "Standardized Residuals vs. Fitted Values"), panel = points, sub.caption = deparse(x$call$formula), main = "", ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), ...)
x |
An object of class "TML", usually, a result of a call to |
which |
If a subset of the plots is required, specify a subset of the numbers |
caption |
Caption for the different plots. |
panel |
Panel. |
sub.caption |
Sub titles. |
main |
Main title. |
ask |
If ask=TRUE, plot.TML() operates in interactive mode. |
... |
Optional arguments for |
The residual Q-Q plot is build with respect to the errors
argument of the object.
This means that the expected order statistics are calculated either for a Gaussian or a log-Weibull distribution.
The two horizontal dotted lines on the first and the third plots represent the upper and lower cut-off values for outlier rejection.
Observations that were not retained for the estimation (outliers) are identified on the third plot.
, TML.censored
, plot.default
## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) # Truncated maximum likelihood regression with log-Weibull errors w <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm, errors="logWeibull", otp="adaptive", control=list(fastS=TRUE)) plot(w) plot(w, which = 1) plot(w, which = 2) plot(w, which = 3) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) # Truncated maximum likelihood regression with log-Weibull errors w <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm, errors="logWeibull", otp="adaptive", control=list(fastS=TRUE)) plot(w) plot(w, which = 1) plot(w, which = 2) plot(w, which = 3) ## End(Not run)
Obtains predictions from a fitted Truncated Maximum Likelihood (TML) object.
## S3 method for class 'TML' predict(object, newdata = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'TML' predict(object, newdata = NULL, ...)
object |
An object of class "TML", usually, a result of a call to |
newdata |
Optionally, a vector, a matrix or a data frame containing the variables with which to predict.
If omitted, the fitted values of |
... |
Additional arguments affecting the predictions produced. |
must have the same number of variables (that is of columns) as the model.
If object
is a model with an intercept, newdata
must have a first column of 1.
Returns a vector of predictions.
, TML.censored
, predict
## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) # Fitting the model z <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm, errors="logWeibull") # With a vector of data vec <- c(1, 2.4, 1) predict(object = z, newdata = vec) # With a matrix of data mat <- matrix(c(1,1,2.4,2.7,1,0), ncol=3) predict(z, mat) # With a data frame dat <- as.data.frame(cbind("intercept"=c(1,1,1), "log(LOS)"=c(2.4,2.7,2.2), "Adm"=c(1,0,1))) predict(z, dat) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) # Fitting the model z <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm, errors="logWeibull") # With a vector of data vec <- c(1, 2.4, 1) predict(object = z, newdata = vec) # With a matrix of data mat <- matrix(c(1,1,2.4,2.7,1,0), ncol=3) predict(z, mat) # With a data frame dat <- as.data.frame(cbind("intercept"=c(1,1,1), "log(LOS)"=c(2.4,2.7,2.2), "Adm"=c(1,0,1))) predict(z, dat) ## End(Not run)
Summary and print methods
for R
object of class "TML" and print
method for the summary object.
Further, methods fitted
(), residuals
(), weights
or update
() work (via the default methods), and coef
(), vcov
have explicitly defined TML methods.
## S3 method for class 'TML' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'TML' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) ## S3 method for class 'TML' coef(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'TML' vcov(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.TML' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'TML' summary(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'TML' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) ## S3 method for class 'TML' coef(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'TML' vcov(object, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.TML' print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...)
object |
An object of class "TML", usually, a result of a call to |
... |
Potentially more arguments passed to methods. |
digits |
Number of digits for printing, see |
x |
An object of class "TML" or "summary.TML". |
signif.stars |
Logical indicating if the P-values should be visualized by so called "significance stars". |
returns an object of class
returns a printed summary of object of class "TML".
tries to be smart about formatting the coefficients, standard errors, etc, and gives "significance stars" if signif.stars is TRUE (as per default when options
where not changed).
returns the final coefficient estimates (value th1
of a "TML" object), and vcov.TML
returns the covariance matrix of the final estimates (value CV1
of a "TML" object).
An object of class "summary.TML" is a list with the following components:
call |
The component from |
terms |
The component from |
residuals |
The component from |
fitted.values |
The component from |
tn |
The component from |
coefficients |
The matrix of coefficients, standard errors, t-values and p-values. Aliased coefficients are omitted. |
aliased |
Named logical vector showing if the original coefficients are aliased. |
df |
Degrees of freedom, a 3-vector (p, n-p, p*), the last being the number of non-aliased coefficients. |
sigma |
The final scale estimate from |
cutoff.values |
A vector of the final lower and upper cut-off values from |
, TML.censored
, summary
, print
## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) Ass <- D243$Typass; Ass <- (Ass=="P" )*1 # Type of insurance # (0=usual, 1=private) Age <- D243$age # Age (years) Dst <- D243$dest; Dst <- (Dst=="DOMI")*1 # Destination # (1=Home, 0=another hospital) Sex <- D243$Sexe; Sex <- (Sex=="M" )*1 # Sex (1=Male, 0=Female) # Truncated maximum likelihood regression with Gaussian errors z <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm+Ass+Age+Dst+Sex, otp="adaptive", cov="nonparametric", control=list(fastS=TRUE)) z # -> print.TML(....) sumz <- summary(z) # -> summary.TML(....) sumz # -> print.summary.TML(....) coef(z) # -> coef.TML(....) vcov(z) # -> vcov.TML(....) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) Ass <- D243$Typass; Ass <- (Ass=="P" )*1 # Type of insurance # (0=usual, 1=private) Age <- D243$age # Age (years) Dst <- D243$dest; Dst <- (Dst=="DOMI")*1 # Destination # (1=Home, 0=another hospital) Sex <- D243$Sexe; Sex <- (Sex=="M" )*1 # Sex (1=Male, 0=Female) # Truncated maximum likelihood regression with Gaussian errors z <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm+Ass+Age+Dst+Sex, otp="adaptive", cov="nonparametric", control=list(fastS=TRUE)) z # -> print.TML(....) sumz <- summary(z) # -> summary.TML(....) sumz # -> print.summary.TML(....) coef(z) # -> coef.TML(....) vcov(z) # -> vcov.TML(....) ## End(Not run)
This function computes the truncated maximum likelihood estimates of accelerated failure time regression described in Locatelli et al. (2010). The error distribution is assumed to follow approximately a Gaussian or a log-Weibull distribution. The cut-off values for outlier rejection are fixed or adaptive.
TML.censored(formula, delta, data, errors = "Gaussian", initial = "S", input = NULL, otp = "fixed", cov=TRUE, cu = NULL, control.S=list(), control.ref=list(), control.tml=list())
TML.censored(formula, delta, data, errors = "Gaussian", initial = "S", input = NULL, otp = "fixed", cov=TRUE, cu = NULL, control.S=list(), control.ref=list(), control.tml=list())
formula |
A |
data |
An optional data frame containing the variables in the model. If not
found in |
delta |
Vector of 0 and 1.
errors |
initial |
input |
A list(theta=c(...),sigma=...): initial input estimates where
theta is a vector of p coefficients and sigma a scalar scale. |
otp |
cov |
If TRUE the covariance matrix is computed. |
cu |
Preliminary minimal upper cut-off. The default is 2.5 in the Gaussian case and 1.855356 in the log-Weibull case. |
control.S |
A list of control parameters for the computation of the initial S estimates.
See the function |
control.ref |
A list of control parameters for the refinement algorithm of the initial S estimates.
See the function |
control.tml |
AA list of control parameters for the computation of the final estimates.
See the function |
returns an object of class "TML".
The function summary
can be used to obtain or print a summary of the results.
The generic extractor functions fitted
, residuals
can be used to extract various elements of the object returned
by TML.censored
. The function update
can be used to update the model.
An object of class "TML" is a list with at least the following components:
th0 |
Initial coefficient estimates. |
v0 |
Initial scale estimate. |
nit.ref |
Reached number of iteration in the refinement step for the initial estimates. |
th1 |
Final coefficient estimates. |
v1 |
Final scale estimate. |
nit.tml |
Number of iterations reached in IRLS algorithm for the final estimates. |
tu , tl
Final cut-off values. |
alpha |
Estimated proportion of retained observations. |
tn |
Number of retained observations. |
weights |
Vector of weights (0 for rejected observations, 1 for retained observations). |
Covariance matrix of the final estimates (th1[1],...,th1[p],v1) (where p=ncol(X)). |
residuals |
Residuals of noncensored observations are calculated as response minus fitted values. For censored observations, the the expected residuals given that the response is larger than the recorded censored value are provided. |
fitted.values |
The fitted mean values. |
call |
The matched call. |
formula |
The formula supplied. |
terms |
The |
data |
The |
Locatelli I., Marazzi A., Yohai V. (2010). Robust accelerated failure time regression. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55, 874-887.
# This is the example described in Locatelli et al. (2010). # The estimates are slighty different than those of the paper due to changes # in the algorithm for the final estimate. # ## Not run: data(MCI) attach(MCI) # Exploratory Analysis plot(Age,log(LOS),type= "n",cex=0.7) # (1) filled square : regular, complete # (2) empty square : regular, censored # (3) filled triangle : emergency, complete # (4) empty triangle : emergency, censored points(Age[Dest==1 & TypAdm==0], log(LOS)[Dest==1 & TypAdm==0], pch=15,cex=0.7) # (1) points(Age[Dest==0 & TypAdm==0], log(LOS)[Dest==0 & TypAdm==0], pch=0, cex=0.7) # (2) points(Age[Dest==1 & TypAdm==1], log(LOS)[Dest==1 & TypAdm==1], pch=17,cex=0.7) # (3) points(Age[Dest==0 & TypAdm==1], log(LOS)[Dest==0 & TypAdm==1], pch=2, cex=0.7) # (4) # Maximum Likelihood ML <- survreg(Surv(log(LOS), Dest) ~ TypAdm*Age, dist="gaussian") summary(ML) B.ML <- ML$coef S.ML <- ML$scale abline(c(B.ML[1] ,B.ML[3] ),lwd=1,col="grey",lty=1) abline(c(B.ML[1]+B.ML[2],B.ML[3]+B.ML[4]),lwd=1,col="grey",lty=1) # Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression with Gaussian errors ctrol.S <- list(N=150, q=5, sigma0=1, MAXIT=100, TOL=0.001,seed=123) ctrol.ref <- list(maxit.sigma=2,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=2,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.S=50, tol.S.sigma=0.001, tol.S.Beta=0.001,alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) ctrol.tml <- list(maxit.sigma=50,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=50,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.TML=50, tol.TML.sigma=0.001, tol.TML.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) WML<-TML.censored(log(LOS)~TypAdm*Age,data=MCI,delta=Dest,otp="adaptive", control.S=ctrol.S,control.ref=ctrol.ref,control.tml=ctrol.tml) summary(WML) B.WML<-coef(WML) abline(c(B.WML[1] ,B.WML[3] ),lty=1, col="red") abline(c(B.WML[1]+B.WML[2],B.WML[3]+B.WML[4]),lty=1, col="red") ## End(Not run)
# This is the example described in Locatelli et al. (2010). # The estimates are slighty different than those of the paper due to changes # in the algorithm for the final estimate. # ## Not run: data(MCI) attach(MCI) # Exploratory Analysis plot(Age,log(LOS),type= "n",cex=0.7) # (1) filled square : regular, complete # (2) empty square : regular, censored # (3) filled triangle : emergency, complete # (4) empty triangle : emergency, censored points(Age[Dest==1 & TypAdm==0], log(LOS)[Dest==1 & TypAdm==0], pch=15,cex=0.7) # (1) points(Age[Dest==0 & TypAdm==0], log(LOS)[Dest==0 & TypAdm==0], pch=0, cex=0.7) # (2) points(Age[Dest==1 & TypAdm==1], log(LOS)[Dest==1 & TypAdm==1], pch=17,cex=0.7) # (3) points(Age[Dest==0 & TypAdm==1], log(LOS)[Dest==0 & TypAdm==1], pch=2, cex=0.7) # (4) # Maximum Likelihood ML <- survreg(Surv(log(LOS), Dest) ~ TypAdm*Age, dist="gaussian") summary(ML) B.ML <- ML$coef S.ML <- ML$scale abline(c(B.ML[1] ,B.ML[3] ),lwd=1,col="grey",lty=1) abline(c(B.ML[1]+B.ML[2],B.ML[3]+B.ML[4]),lwd=1,col="grey",lty=1) # Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression with Gaussian errors ctrol.S <- list(N=150, q=5, sigma0=1, MAXIT=100, TOL=0.001,seed=123) ctrol.ref <- list(maxit.sigma=2,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=2,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.S=50, tol.S.sigma=0.001, tol.S.Beta=0.001,alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) ctrol.tml <- list(maxit.sigma=50,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=50,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.TML=50, tol.TML.sigma=0.001, tol.TML.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) WML<-TML.censored(log(LOS)~TypAdm*Age,data=MCI,delta=Dest,otp="adaptive", control.S=ctrol.S,control.ref=ctrol.ref,control.tml=ctrol.tml) summary(WML) B.WML<-coef(WML) abline(c(B.WML[1] ,B.WML[3] ),lty=1, col="red") abline(c(B.WML[1]+B.WML[2],B.WML[3]+B.WML[4]),lty=1, col="red") ## End(Not run)
Auxiliary function for TML.censored
Typically only used internally by TML.censored
, but may be used to provide a control argument.
This function provides default values.
TML.censored.control.ref(maxit.sigma=2, tol.sigma=0.0001, maxit.Beta=2, tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.S=50, tol.S.sigma=0.001, tol.S.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1, nitmon = FALSE)
TML.censored.control.ref(maxit.sigma=2, tol.sigma=0.0001, maxit.Beta=2, tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.S=50, tol.S.sigma=0.001, tol.S.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1, nitmon = FALSE)
maxit.sigma |
Maximum number of iterations in scale step. |
tol.sigma |
Tolerance for sigma in scale step. |
maxit.Beta |
Maximum number of iterations in coefficient step. |
tol.Beta |
Tolerance for coefficients in coefficient step. |
Maxit.S |
Maximum number of iterations in global cycle. |
tol.S.sigma |
Tolerance for sigma in global cycle. |
tol.S.Beta |
Tolerance for coefficients in global cycle. |
alg.sigma |
Type of algorithm in scale step:
nitmon |
Set to TRUE if iteration monitoring is desired. Default=FALSE. |
A list with components named as the arguments.
### In the example(TML.censored), the control argument for the refinement ### algorithm can be built using this function: ## Not run: data(MCI) attach(MCI) # Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression with Gaussian errors ctrol.ref <- TML.censored.control.ref(maxit.sigma=2,tol.sigma=0.0001, maxit.Beta=2,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.S=50, tol.S.sigma=0.001, tol.S.Beta=0.001,alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) ctrol.tml <- list(maxit.sigma=50,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=50, tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.TML=50, tol.TML.sigma=0.001, tol.TML.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) WML<-TML.censored(log(LOS)~TypAdm*Age,data=MCI,delta=Dest,otp="adaptive", control.ref=ctrol.ref,control.tml=ctrol.tml) summary(WML) ## End(Not run)
### In the example(TML.censored), the control argument for the refinement ### algorithm can be built using this function: ## Not run: data(MCI) attach(MCI) # Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression with Gaussian errors ctrol.ref <- TML.censored.control.ref(maxit.sigma=2,tol.sigma=0.0001, maxit.Beta=2,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.S=50, tol.S.sigma=0.001, tol.S.Beta=0.001,alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) ctrol.tml <- list(maxit.sigma=50,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=50, tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.TML=50, tol.TML.sigma=0.001, tol.TML.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) WML<-TML.censored(log(LOS)~TypAdm*Age,data=MCI,delta=Dest,otp="adaptive", control.ref=ctrol.ref,control.tml=ctrol.tml) summary(WML) ## End(Not run)
Auxiliary function for TML.censored
Typically only used internally by TML.censored
, but may be used to provide a control argument.
This function provides default values.
TML.censored.control.S(N=100, q=6, sigma0=1, MAXIT=100, TOL=0.01, seed=153)
TML.censored.control.S(N=100, q=6, sigma0=1, MAXIT=100, TOL=0.01, seed=153)
N |
Number of subsamples. |
q |
Subsample size. |
sigma0 |
Initial value of scale. |
Maximum number of iterations for solving the equation for scale. |
Relative tolerance for scale. |
seed |
Seed for the random number generator. |
A list with components named as the arguments.
### In the example(TML.censored), the control argument for the refinement ### algorithm can be built using this function: ## Not run: data(MCI) attach(MCI) # Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression with Gaussian errors ctrol.S <- list(N=150, q=5, sigma0=1, MAXIT=100, TOL=0.001,seed=123) ctrol.ref <- TML.censored.control.ref(maxit.sigma=2,tol.sigma=0.0001, maxit.Beta=2,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.S=50, tol.S.sigma=0.001, tol.S.Beta=0.001,alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) ctrol.tml <- list(maxit.sigma=50,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=50, tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.TML=50, tol.TML.sigma=0.001, tol.TML.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) WML <- TML.censored(log(LOS)~TypAdm*Age,data=MCI,delta=Dest, otp="adaptive",control.S=ctrol.S,control.ref=ctrol.ref, control.tml=ctrol.tml) summary(WML) ## End(Not run)
### In the example(TML.censored), the control argument for the refinement ### algorithm can be built using this function: ## Not run: data(MCI) attach(MCI) # Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression with Gaussian errors ctrol.S <- list(N=150, q=5, sigma0=1, MAXIT=100, TOL=0.001,seed=123) ctrol.ref <- TML.censored.control.ref(maxit.sigma=2,tol.sigma=0.0001, maxit.Beta=2,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.S=50, tol.S.sigma=0.001, tol.S.Beta=0.001,alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) ctrol.tml <- list(maxit.sigma=50,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=50, tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.TML=50, tol.TML.sigma=0.001, tol.TML.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) WML <- TML.censored(log(LOS)~TypAdm*Age,data=MCI,delta=Dest, otp="adaptive",control.S=ctrol.S,control.ref=ctrol.ref, control.tml=ctrol.tml) summary(WML) ## End(Not run)
Auxiliary function for TML.censored
Typically only used internally by TML.censored
, but may be used to provide
a control argument. This function provides default values.
TML.censored.control.tml(maxit.sigma=20, tol.sigma=0.0001, maxit.Beta=20, tol.Beta=0.0001,Maxit.TML=50, tol.TML.sigma=0.001, tol.TML.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1, nitmon = FALSE)
TML.censored.control.tml(maxit.sigma=20, tol.sigma=0.0001, maxit.Beta=20, tol.Beta=0.0001,Maxit.TML=50, tol.TML.sigma=0.001, tol.TML.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1, nitmon = FALSE)
maxit.sigma |
Maximum number of iterations in scale step. |
tol.sigma |
Tolerance for sigma in scale step. |
maxit.Beta |
Maximum number of iterations in coefficient step. |
tol.Beta |
Tolerance for coefficients in coefficient step. |
Maxit.TML |
Maximum number of iterations for global cycle. |
tol.TML.sigma |
Tolerance for sigma in global cycle. |
tol.TML.Beta |
Tolerance for coefficients in global cycle. |
alg.sigma |
Type of algorithm in scale step:
nitmon |
Set to TRUE if iteration monitoring is desired. Default=FALSE. |
A list with components named as the arguments.
### In the example(TML.censored), the control argument for the final estimates ### can be built using this function: ## Not run: data(MCI) attach(MCI) # Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression with Gaussian errors ctrol.ref <- list(maxit.sigma=2,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=2,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.S=50, tol.S.sigma=0.001, tol.S.Beta=0.001,alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) ctrol.tml <- TML.censored.control.tml(maxit.sigma=50,tol.sigma=0.0001, maxit.Beta=50,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.TML=50, tol.TML.sigma=0.001, tol.TML.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) WML <- TML.censored(log(LOS)~TypAdm*Age,data=MCI,delta=Dest,otp="adaptive", control.ref=ctrol.ref,control.tml=ctrol.tml) summary(WML) ## End(Not run)
### In the example(TML.censored), the control argument for the final estimates ### can be built using this function: ## Not run: data(MCI) attach(MCI) # Robust Accelerated Failure Time Regression with Gaussian errors ctrol.ref <- list(maxit.sigma=2,tol.sigma=0.0001,maxit.Beta=2,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.S=50, tol.S.sigma=0.001, tol.S.Beta=0.001,alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) ctrol.tml <- TML.censored.control.tml(maxit.sigma=50,tol.sigma=0.0001, maxit.Beta=50,tol.Beta=0.0001, Maxit.TML=50, tol.TML.sigma=0.001, tol.TML.Beta=0.001, alg.sigma=1,nitmon=FALSE) WML <- TML.censored(log(LOS)~TypAdm*Age,data=MCI,delta=Dest,otp="adaptive", control.ref=ctrol.ref,control.tml=ctrol.tml) summary(WML) ## End(Not run)
This function computes the truncated maximum likelihood regression estimate described in Marazzi and Yohai (2004). The error distribution is assumed to follow approximately a Gaussian or a log-Weibull distribution. The cut-off values for outlier rejection are fixed or adaptive.
TML.noncensored(formula, data, errors = "Gaussian", cu = NULL, initial = "S",otp = "fixed", cov = "parametric", input = NULL, control = list(), ...)
TML.noncensored(formula, data, errors = "Gaussian", cu = NULL, initial = "S",otp = "fixed", cov = "parametric", input = NULL, control = list(), ...)
formula |
A |
data |
An optional data frame containing the variables in the model. If not
found in |
errors |
cu |
Preliminary minimal upper cut-off. The default is 2.5 in the Gaussian case and 1.855356 in the log-Weibull case. |
initial |
otp |
cov |
input |
Initial input estimates of location and scale.
control |
Control parameters. For the default values, see the function |
... |
If fastS=TRUE, parameters for |
returns an object of class "TML".
The function summary
can be used to obtain or print a summary of the results.
The generic extractor functions fitted
, residuals
can be used to extract various elements of the value returned
by TML.noncensored
. The function update
can be used to update the model.
An object of class "TML" is a list with the following components:
th0 |
Initial coefficient estimates (S or input). |
v0 |
Initial scale (S or input). |
nit0 |
Reached number of iteration in |
th1 |
Final coefficient estimates. |
v1 |
Final scale (S or input). |
nit1 |
Number of iterations reached by the IRLS algorithm for the final estimates. |
tu , tl
Final cut-off values. |
alpha |
Estimated proportion of retained observations. |
tn |
Number of retained observations. |
beta |
Consistency constant for scale. |
weights |
Vector of weights (0 for rejected observations, 1 for retained observations). |
Covariance matrix of the final estimates (th1[1],...,th1[p],v1) (where p=ncol(X)). |
residuals |
The residuals, that is response minus fitted values. |
fitted.values |
The fitted mean values. |
call |
The matched call. |
formula |
The formula supplied. |
terms |
The |
data |
The |
Marazzi A., Yohai V. (2004). Adaptively truncated maximum likelihood regression with asymmetric errors. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 122, 271-291.
, TML1.noncensored.control
## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) Ass <- D243$Typass; Ass <- (Ass=="P" )*1 # Type of insurance # (0=usual, 1=private) Age <- D243$age # Age (years) Dst <- D243$dest; Dst <- (Dst=="DOMI")*1 # Destination # (1=Home, 0=another hospital) Sex <- D243$Sexe; Sex <- (Sex=="M" )*1 # Sex (1=Male, 0=Female) # Truncated maximum likelihood regression with Gaussian errors z <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm+Ass+Age+Dst+Sex, otp="adaptive",control=list(fastS=TRUE)) summary(z) # Truncated maximum likelihood regression with log-Weibull errors w <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm+Ass+Age+Dst+Sex, errors="logWeibull",otp="adaptive",control=list(fastS=TRUE)) summary(w) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) Ass <- D243$Typass; Ass <- (Ass=="P" )*1 # Type of insurance # (0=usual, 1=private) Age <- D243$age # Age (years) Dst <- D243$dest; Dst <- (Dst=="DOMI")*1 # Destination # (1=Home, 0=another hospital) Sex <- D243$Sexe; Sex <- (Sex=="M" )*1 # Sex (1=Male, 0=Female) # Truncated maximum likelihood regression with Gaussian errors z <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm+Ass+Age+Dst+Sex, otp="adaptive",control=list(fastS=TRUE)) summary(z) # Truncated maximum likelihood regression with log-Weibull errors w <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm+Ass+Age+Dst+Sex, errors="logWeibull",otp="adaptive",control=list(fastS=TRUE)) summary(w) ## End(Not run)
Control parameters for TML.noncensored
Typically only used internally by TML.noncensored
, but may be used to construct a control argument.
This function provides default values.
TML.noncensored.control(iv = 1, nrep = 0, gam = 0.1, nitmon = FALSE, maxit = 200, tol = 1e-04, fastS = FALSE, seed=1313)
TML.noncensored.control(iv = 1, nrep = 0, gam = 0.1, nitmon = FALSE, maxit = 200, tol = 1e-04, fastS = FALSE, seed=1313)
iv |
nrep |
gam |
Relaxation factor for the IRLS algorithm of final estimate. Set 0 < gam <= 1. |
nitmon |
Set to TRUE if iteration monitoring in IRLS algorithm for the final estimate is desired. Default=FALSE. |
maxit |
Maximum number of iterations in IRLS algorithm for the final estimate. |
tol |
Relative tolerance in IRLS algorithm. |
fastS |
seed |
Seed for the random number generator in the resampling algorithm for the initial S-estimate. |
A list with components named as the arguments.
### In the example(TML.noncensored), the control argument can be built ### using this function: ## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) Ass <- D243$Typass; Ass <- (Ass=="P" )*1 # Type of insurance # (0=usual, 1=private) Age <- D243$age # Age (years) Dst <- D243$dest; Dst <- (Dst=="DOMI")*1 # Destination # (1=Home, 0=another hospital) Sex <- D243$Sexe; Sex <- (Sex=="M" )*1 # Sex (1=Male, 0=Female) # Truncated maximum likelihood regression with Gaussian errors ctrol <- TML.noncensored.control(iv=1, nrep=0, gam=0.2, fastS=TRUE, nitmon=FALSE) z <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm+Ass+Age+Dst+Sex, otp="adaptive") summary(z) ## End(Not run)
### In the example(TML.noncensored), the control argument can be built ### using this function: ## Not run: data(D243) Cost <- D243$Cost # Cost (Swiss francs) LOS <- D243$LOS # Length of stay (days) Adm <- D243$Typadm; Adm <- (Adm==" Urg")*1 # Type of admission # (0=on notification, 1=Emergency) Ass <- D243$Typass; Ass <- (Ass=="P" )*1 # Type of insurance # (0=usual, 1=private) Age <- D243$age # Age (years) Dst <- D243$dest; Dst <- (Dst=="DOMI")*1 # Destination # (1=Home, 0=another hospital) Sex <- D243$Sexe; Sex <- (Sex=="M" )*1 # Sex (1=Male, 0=Female) # Truncated maximum likelihood regression with Gaussian errors ctrol <- TML.noncensored.control(iv=1, nrep=0, gam=0.2, fastS=TRUE, nitmon=FALSE) z <- TML.noncensored(log(Cost)~log(LOS)+Adm+Ass+Age+Dst+Sex, otp="adaptive") summary(z) ## End(Not run)
This functions computes the truncated maximum likelihood estimates of location and scale
described in Marazzi and Yohai (2004).
It assumes that the error distribution is approximately Gaussian or log-Weibull.
The cut-off values for outlier rejection are fixed or adaptive.
This function is a simplified version of TML.noncensored
for the case without covariates.
TML1.noncensored(y, errors= c("Gaussian", "logWeibull"), cu = NULL, initial = c("S", "input"), otp = c("adaptive", "fixed"), cov = c("no", "parametric", "nonparametric"), input = NULL, control = list(), ...)
TML1.noncensored(y, errors= c("Gaussian", "logWeibull"), cu = NULL, initial = c("S", "input"), otp = c("adaptive", "fixed"), cov = c("no", "parametric", "nonparametric"), input = NULL, control = list(), ...)
y |
Observation vector |
errors |
cu |
Preliminary minimal upper cut-off. The default is 2.5 in the Gaussian case and 1.855356 in the log-Weibull case. |
initial |
otp |
cov |
input |
Initial input estimates of location and scale.
control |
Control parameters. For the default values, see the function |
... |
If initial="S", parameters for the computation of the initial S estimates. See the function |
A list with the following components:
th0 |
Initial location estimate (S or input). |
v0 |
Initial scale estimate (S or input). |
nit0 |
Reached number of iteration if initial="S" |
th1 |
Final location estimate. |
v1 |
Final scale estimate. |
nit1 |
Reached iteration number in IRLS algorithm for final estimate (only for the log_Weibull case). |
tu , tl
Final cut-off values. |
alpha |
Estimated proportion of retained observations. |
tn |
Number of retained observations. |
beta |
Consistency constant for scale. |
wi |
Vector of weights (0 for rejected observations, 1 for retained observations). |
CV0 |
Covariance matrix of the initial estimates (th0,v0). |
CV1 |
Covariance matrix of the final estimates (th1,v1). |
Marazzi A., Yohai V. (2004). Adaptively truncated maximum likelihood regression with asymmetric errors. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 122, 271-291.
, TML1.noncensored.control
, TML1.noncensored.control.S
## Not run: data(Z243) Cost <- Z243$CouTot y <- log(Cost) ctrl <- TML1.noncensored.control(iv=1,tol=1e-3) z <- TML1.noncensored(y,errors="logWeibull", initial="S",otp="adaptive", cov="no",control=ctrl) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(Z243) Cost <- Z243$CouTot y <- log(Cost) ctrl <- TML1.noncensored.control(iv=1,tol=1e-3) z <- TML1.noncensored(y,errors="logWeibull", initial="S",otp="adaptive", cov="no",control=ctrl) ## End(Not run)
Auxiliary function for TML1.noncensored
. Typically only used
internally by TML1.noncensored
, but may be used to construct a control argument.
This function provides default values.
TML1.noncensored.control(iv = 1, gam = 0.1, maxit = 200, tol = 1e-04)
TML1.noncensored.control(iv = 1, gam = 0.1, maxit = 200, tol = 1e-04)
iv |
gam |
Relaxation factor for the IRLS algorithm for the final estimate. Set 0 < gam <= 1. |
maxit |
Maximum number of iterations in the IRLS algorithm for the final estimate. |
tol |
Relative tolerance in the IRLS algorithm for the final estimate. |
A list with components named as the arguments.
Auxiliary function for TML1.noncensored
. Typically only used
internally by TML1.noncensored
, but may be used to construct a control argument.
This function provides default values.
TML1.noncensored.control.S(tlo = 1e-04, mxf = 50, mxs = 50, ntm = 50, tls = 1e-06, h = 100)
TML1.noncensored.control.S(tlo = 1e-04, mxf = 50, mxs = 50, ntm = 50, tls = 1e-06, h = 100)
tlo |
Relative tolerance in the iterative algorithms. |
mxf |
Maximum number of iterations in computing the location estimate. |
mxs |
Maximum number of iterations in computing the scale estimate. |
ntm |
Parameter used in iteration monitoring. When the number of iterations is a multiple of ntm, the current parameter values are printed. |
tls |
Tolerance for denominators. If a scale estimate is less than tls, the scale estimate is set equal to tls. |
h |
The number of subdivisions of the interval (min(yi), max(yi)) used is the
computation of the estimate |
List containing the desired values for each of the control parameters, plus the value
Beta0 of .
Sample of 100 patients hospitalized for medical back problems in Switzerland
A data frame with 100 observations on the following 14 variables.
Admission number
DRG: Always 243
Gender: 1=Male, 0=Female
Age in years
Length of stay (days)
Total Cost (Swiss francs)
Cost (Swiss francs)
Type of admission (0=on notification, 1=Emergency)
Type of insurance (0=usual, 1=private)
0=No, 1=Yes
A numeric vector
A numeric vector
A numeric vector
Adjusted length of stay