The QueryNamespace
class is designed to be a convenient
way to write (and re-write) SQL queries for packages with defined result
model specifications. The convenience is that only passed parameters
must be set in the query - any table names or other pre-defined
variables can be set once in a result spec and reused if table prefixes
are applied to the tables. The intention is to save time and limit bugs.
This also builds on the
principle of
“Write sql once, use anywhere” principle across ohdsi packages. This is
not intended to replace usage of dbplyr
style operations
which are expressive and allow use of sql. However, many find that
writing SQL strings is often more convenient and portable to other
programming language than dplyr
calls allow.
The most basic usage is to create a specification with a single table that conforms to a valid data model specification
## Loading required package: R6
## Loading required package: DatabaseConnector
## Attaching package: 'ResultModelManager'
## The following object is masked _by_ '.GlobalEnv':
## DataMigrationManager
tableSpecification <- data.frame(
tableName = "cohort_definition",
columnName = c("cohort_definition_id", "cohort_name", "json", "sql"),
primaryKey = c("yes", "no", "no", "no"),
dataType = c("bigint", "varchar", "varchar", "varchar")
Note, that generally we would save these tables to a csv file that can be loaded.
We then load a QueryNamespace
instance with this
connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails("sqlite", server = tempfile())
qns <- createQueryNamespace(
connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
usePooledConnection = FALSE,
tableSpecification = tableSpecification,
tablePrefix = "rwe_study_99_",
snakeCaseToCamelCase = TRUE,
database_schema = "main"
## Connecting using SQLite driver
# Create our schema within the namespace
sql <- generateSqlSchema(schemaDefinition = tableSpecification)
# note - the table prefix and schema parameters are not neeeded
## | | | 0% | |======================================================================| 100%
## Executing SQL took 0.02 secs
We can then query the table with sql that automatically replaces the table names:
## [1] cohortDefinitionId cohortName json sql
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
Note that the underlying query is already handling our
for us, so we don’t need to add it:
## [1] cohortDefinitionId cohortName json sql
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
Variables can naturally be added at runtime, for example, in a query:
qns$queryDb("SELECT * FROM @database_schema.@cohort_definition WHERE cohort_definition_id = @id",
id = 5
## [1] cohortDefinitionId cohortName json sql
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
Alternatively we can persist the id in the object for use in all queries.
Note that replacing the same variable will result in an error
We can also add to the table specification