Rdiagnosislist 1.4.0 (2025-01-29)
- Bug fixes in createCDB, decompose and compose
- Previous version required data.table >= 1.14.3 but this was not listed
as a dependency, now it works with data.table >= 1.12.8
- Modifications to display of filenames in loadSNOMED messages to
correct CRAN errors in Windows build
- Option to omit metadata in codelist export
- New function addComposeLookupToCDB replaces createComposeLookup to
add the composition lookup table to the CDB. The composition lookup
table no longer needs to be supplied as a separate argument to compose
- Performance improvements for decompose and relatedConcepts
Rdiagnosislist 1.3 (2024-10-28)
- Ensure that 'description' returns a 'type' column if there are 0 rows
and include_synonyms = TRUE
- Ensure that 'description' returns only one Fully Specified Name per
concept, and 'semanticType' returns only a single result per concept
- New function 'createTransitive' to generate a transitive closure
table containing all ancestor-descendant pairs. This makes
subsequent ancestor / descendant searches quicker
- Revised ancestor and descendant functions to be able to use a
transitive closure table
- New function 'addInactiveConcepts' to add inactive concepts to
codelists, using the history and query tables
- New functions 'createCDB' and 'createMiADECDB' to generate a
concept database and lookups for named entity recognition
- New function 'createDisambiguationTrainer' to use longer SNOMED CT
terms to create texts to help train disambiguation of short terms.
- New functions 'decompose', 'batchDecompose' and 'createComposeLookup'
to create a lookup table for composition of SNOMED CT concepts
- New function 'compose' to select a detailed SNOMED CT concept
based on a general concept and separate concepts for attributes such
as body site
Rdiagnosislist 1.2 (2023-04-18)
- as.integer64.SNOMEDconcept now allows additional optional arguments,
like the generic as.integer64 function
- loadSNOMED also optionally loads history and query tables from a
SNOMED CT distribution
- New function addInactiveConcepts to add inactive concepts to
codelists, using the history and query tables
Rdiagnosislist 1.1
- Showing a concept description caused an error if there were
multiple descriptions for a concept and duplicate concepts in the
SNOMEDconcept vector
- SNOMEDcodelist timestamps were set to the user-supplied date instead
of the system time
- Error on exporting SNOMEDcodelists with single row maps that had NULL
values. Instead the NULLs are now zero-length character vectors, which
can be exported correctly with fwrite.
- Ensure that SNOMED environment is passed from htmlCodelistHierarchy
to showCodelistHierarchy
- Corrected bug in hasAttribute when SNOMED RELATIONSHIP table contains
duplicate source-type-destination triples (e.g. if some are inactive)
- New vignette 'customHierarchy.Rmd' explaining how to create a custom
SNOMED-like database to enable the hierarchical view
- Vignette shows how to obtain 'History of' terms for phenotyping
Rdiagnosislist 1.0 (2021-11-28)
- New getMaps function to map a codelist to another terminology
- New htmlCodelistHierarchy function to create an interactive HTML
file to explore a codelist
- SNOMED CT simple reference sets included in the SNOMED environment,
with new function getRefset
- Function to load a mapping table from the NHS Digital data
migration pack (loadREADMAPS), for mapping to Read V2 and CTV3
- SNOMEDcodelist S3 data type has been redesigned to include metadata
as well as accommodate different formats of codelists
- SNOMEDcodelist no longer includes descendants by default
- SNOMED environment now includes mapping tables and simple refsets
- Updated method of displaying SNOMED CT codelists
Rdiagnosislist 0.2 (2021-07-19)