Title: | R Commander Plug-in for Discrete Choice Experiments |
Description: | Adds menu items for discrete choice experiments (DCEs) to the R Commander. DCE is a question-based survey method that designs various combinations (profiles) of attribute levels using the experimental designs, asks respondents to select the most preferred profile in each choice set, and then measures preferences for the attribute levels by analyzing the responses. For details on DCEs, refer to Louviere et al. (2000) <doi:10.1017/CBO9780511753831>. |
Authors: | Hideo Aizaki |
Maintainer: | Hideo Aizaki <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 0.2-3 |
Built: | 2025-02-17 06:54:08 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
This package adds menu items for discrete choice experiments (DCEs) to the R Commander. DCE is a question-based survey method that designs various combinations (profiles) of attribute levels using the experimental designs, asks respondents to select the most preferred profile in each choice set, and then measures preferences for the attribute levels by analyzing the responses. For details on DCEs, refer to Louviere et al. (2000).
This package is an R Commander plug-in package for DCEs. It depends on support.CEs (Aizaki 2012), survival (Therneau 2020; Therneau and Grambsch 2000), and Rcmdr (Fox 2005, 2017; Fox and Bouchet-Valat 2020). Refer to Aizaki (2012), Aizaki et al. (2014), and ‘Non-Market Valuation with R’ <http://lab.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/nmvr/> for a brief introduction to DCEs in R. A manual for this package is available at <https://sites.google.com/view/r4sp/rcmdrplugin>.
After successfully installing and loading RcmdrPlugin.DCE,
the R Commander window will appear, and then you will find ‘DCE
added to the top-level menus in the R Commander window.
Selecting ‘DCE
’ displays menu items. When selecting a menu item,
the corresponding dialog box opens. The following dialog boxes are
provided by RcmdrPlugin.DCE:
The dialog box for ‘Design choice sets...
’ designs
choice sets for DCE with the rotation design method or mix-and-match method
using the function rotation.design
in support.CEs.
The dialog box for ‘Display questions...
shows DCE questions from the choice sets designed in the first dialog box
using the function questionnaire
The dialog box for ‘Create data set for analysis...
creates a data set for DCE analysis from the choice sets designed in the first
dialog box and a data set containing responses to DCE questions using
the function ce.dataset
in support.CEs. The menu item is activated if a data frame is
selected as the active data set.
The dialog box for ‘Create interactions...
’ creates
interactions between attribute/level variables and covariates
in the data set for DCE analysis. The menu item is activated
if the data set for DCE analysis created in the previous dialog box is selected as
the active data set.
The dialog box for ‘Fit model...
’ implements
a conditional logit model analysis of the data set for analysis using
the functions clogit
in survival and
in support.CEs.
The menu item is activated if the data set for DCE analysis created in
the previous dialog box is selected as the active data set.
The dialog box for ‘Calculate MWTP...
calculates marginal willingness to pays (MWTPs) of nonmonetary variables
from the model fitted in the previous dialog box using the function
in support.CEs. The menu item
is activated if the fitted model is selected as the active model.
The dialog box for ‘Load saved objects...
’ loads
an R Data file saved in the dialog box for
‘Design choice sets...
’ or
‘Create data set for analysis...
using the function load
in base.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP20K06251.
Hideo Aizaki
Aizaki H (2012) Basic Functions for Supporting an Implementation of Choice Experiments in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 50(C2): 1–24. https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v050c02.
Aizaki H (2021) support.CEs: Basic Functions for Supporting an Implementation of Choice Experiments. R package version 0.5-0. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=support.CEs.
Aizaki H, Nakatani T, Sato K (2014) Stated Preference Methods Using R. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
Fox J (2005) The R Commander: A Basic Statistics Graphical User Interface to R. Journal of Statistical Software, 14(9): 1–42. https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v014i09.
Fox J (2017) Using the R Commander: A Point-and-Click Interface for R. Chapman and Hall/CRC. https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Books/RCommander/
Fox J, Bouchet-Valat M (2020) Rcmdr: R Commander. R package version 2.7-1. https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Misc/Rcmdr/.
Louviere JJ, Hensher DA, Swait JD (2000) Stated Choice Methods: Analysis and Application. Cambridge University Press.
Therneau T (2020) survival: Survival Analysis. R package version 3.2-7. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=survival.
Therneau TM, Grambsch PM (2000) Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model. Springer.
if(interactive()) { library(RcmdrPlugin.DCE) }
if(interactive()) { library(RcmdrPlugin.DCE) }
Create a data set for analysis from choice sets for DCEs and data set containing responses to DCE questions.
This dialog box uses the function ce.dataset
in support.CEs to create a data set for DCE analysis from the choice
sets designed in the ‘Design Choice Sets for DCE
’ dialog box
and a data set containing responses to DCE questions.
This dialog box is activated if a data frame is selected as the active
data set.
For details on the results of this dialog box, refer to help for
the function ce.dataset
GUI elements of this dialog box are as follows.
Name for data set
: An R object name into which a data set
generated using this dialog box is stored.
The default name ‘DCEdata
’ can be changed following R's
rules for naming objects. If changed, you should take note of the new
object name, which will be used later.
Save to file
: A check box for saving the resultant data set
to an external file in RDA format (.rda
If necessary, check this box.
: An R object name containing DCE choice sets generated
in the ‘Design Choice Sets for DCE
’ dialog box.
The default name ‘DCEdesign
’ is displayed automatically.
The correct name should be entered if the name
for design (DCEdesign
) was changed in the dialog box for DCE design.
Responses to DCE questions
: Names of variables containing
responses to DCE questions in the active data set. Variable names are
separated by commas (e.g., q1, q2, q3, ...).
Opt-out option
: A check box for an opt-out option.
When the opt-out option was used in the DCE questions, check this box.
Design choice sets for DCEs.
This dialog box uses the function rotation.design
in package support.CEs to design choice sets for DCE with
the rotation design method or mix-and-match method.
For details on the results of this dialog box, refer to help for the
function rotation.design
GUI elements of this dialog box are as follows.
Name for design
: An R object name into which choice sets
generated using this dialog box are stored. The default name
’ can be changed following R's rules for naming
objects. If changed, you should take note of the new object name,
which will be used later.
Save to file
: A check box used to save the resultant design
to an external file in RDA format (.rda
If necessary, check this box.
Design method
: A method used to generate DCE choice sets.
Select one from two radio buttons corresponding to ‘Rotation
and ‘Mix-and-Match
’. For the details on these methods,
see help for function rotation.design
Number of alternatives per set (without opt-out)
: The number
of alternatives per choice set (question), where an opt-out option is not
counted as this number even if the opt-out option will be used in your
Number of blocks
: The number of blocks into which the resultant
DCE choice sets are divided.
: A check box showing that a quantitative attribute
is set in the corresponding row.
: An attribute variable name following R's rules for
naming variables. Type names without skipping from the first row.
Level 1
to Level 6
: Level variable names corresponding
to the attribute entered in the first column. These variable names must
also follow R's rules for naming variables. Type names without skipping
from the ‘Level 1
Seed for random number generator (optional)
: An integer value
used as a seed for generating random numbers. If reproducibility is needed,
type an arbitrary value into this box.
Reproduce choice sets designed with R < 3.6.0
: A check box
for reproducing DCE choice sets generated with R versions older than 3.6.0.
If necessary, check this box.
Create interactions between attribute/level variables and covariates in the data set for DCE analysis.
This dialog box creates interactions between attribute/level variables and
covariates in the data set for DCE analysis. This dialog box is activated if
the data set created in the ‘Create Data Set for DCE Analysis
dialog box is selected as the active data set.
GUI elements of this dialog box are as follows.
Attribute/level variables
: Variables to be used as attribute
and/or level variables in the model. Select one or more variables from
this list box.
: Variables to be used as covariates in the model.
Select one or more variables from this list box.
Fit a model to DCE data.
This dialog box fits a conditional logit model to the data set for DCE
analysis using the functions clogit
in survival
and gofm
in support.CEs.
This dialog box is activated if the DCE data set created in the
‘Create Data Set for DCE Analysis
’ dialog box is selected
as the active data set.
For details on the results of this dialog box, refer to helps for
and gofm
GUI elements of this dialog box are as follows.
Name for model
: An R object name into which the results of
a fitted model obtained using this dialog box are stored.
The default name ‘DCEmodel.x
’, where x
the integer number assigned automatically from 1
, can be changed
following R's rules for naming objects.
Response variable
: A variable containing responses to DCE
questions in the active data set. This variable name is fixed as RES
which cannot be changed by users (A fixed variable is colored in green).
Independent variables
: Variables used as independent variables
in the model. Select one or more variables from this list box.
Stratification variable
: A variable for identifying each
combination of respondents and DCE questions. This variable name is fixed
as STR
Subset expression
: A logical expression for specifying
a subset of the observations in the active dataset to be used for
the fitting.
Calculate marginal willingness to pay (MWTP) values of nonmonetary variables from the fitted model.
This dialog box uses the function mwtp
support.CEs to calculate MWTP values of nonmonetary variables
from the model fitted in the ‘Fit Model to DCE Data
dialog box.
This dialog box is activated if the fitted model is selected as
the active model. For details on the results of this dialog
box, refer to help for the function mwtp
GUI elements of this dialog box are as follows.
Name for output
: An R object name into which the calculated
results obtained through this dialog box are stored. The default name
’ can be changed following R's rules for naming objects.
Monetary variable
: A variable used as the monetary variable in
the calculation of MWTP(s). Select one from this drop-down list of variables.
Nonmonetary variables
: Variables used as the nonmonetary
variable(s) in the calculation of MWTP(s). Select one or more variables
from this list box.
Calculation method
: A method used to calculate confidence
intervals for MWTP(s). Select one from two radio buttons corresponding to
‘Krinsky and Robb
’ and ‘Delta
For the details on these methods, see help for mwtp
Confidence level
: A confidence level used for calculating
the confidence intervals for MWTP(s). The default is 0.95
Number of replications
: A total number of replications for
the Krinsky and Robb method.
Seed for random number generator (optional)
: An integer value
used as a seed for generating random numbers. If reproducibility is needed,
type an arbitrary value into this
Display a series of questions for DCEs.
This dialog box displays a series of DCE questions that are converted from
the choice sets designed in the ‘Design Choice Sets for DCE
dialog box. This dialog box uses the function
in support.CEs.
For details on the results of this dialog box,
refer to help for questionnaire
GUI element of this dialog box is as follows.
: An R object name containing DCE choice sets
generated in the ‘Design Choice Sets for DCE
’ dialog box.
The default name ‘DCEdesign
’ is displayed automatically.
The correct name should be entered if the name of DCE choice sets
) was changed in the dialog box for DCE design.