Title: | Lazy Search in R Packages, Task Views, CRAN, the Web. All-in-One Download |
Description: | Search by keywords in R packages, task views, CRAN, the web and display the results in the console or in txt, html or pdf files. Download the package documentation (html index, README, NEWS, pdf manual, vignettes, source code, binaries) with a single instruction. Visualize the package dependencies and CRAN checks. Compare the package versions, unload and install the packages and their dependencies in a safe order. Explore CRAN archives. Use the above functions for task view maintenance. Access web search engines from the console thanks to 80+ bookmarks. All functions accept standard and non-standard evaluation. |
Authors: | Patrice Kiener [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Patrice Kiener <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 5.2.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-12 06:36:09 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Search by keywords in R packages, task views, CRAN, the web and display the results in the console or in txt, html or pdf files. Download the package documentation (html index, README, NEWS, pdf manual, vignettes, source code, binaries) with a single instruction. Visualize the package dependencies and CRAN checks. Compare the package versions, unload and install the packages and their dependencies in a safe order. Explore CRAN archives. Use the above functions for task view maintenance. Access web search engines from the console thanks to 80+ bookmarks. All functions accept standard and non-standard evaluation. Inspired by the packages ctv, foghorn, latexpdf, pacman and sos.
Maintainer: Patrice Kiener [email protected] (ORCID)
### THE W IN RWsearch: LAUNCH WEBSITES AND SEARCH ENGINES if (interactive()) { h_cranbydate(repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") h_yt("Serge Gainsbourg Ne dis rien") h_osm("La Ferriere sous Jougne") h_mw(recension) h_lexilogos() } ### A CONVENIENT FUNCTION FOR NON-STANDARD EVALUATION ## Non-standard content (nsc1, nsc2), standard content ("stc3", "double word4") ## and regular object (obj) stored in .GlobalEnv can be merged with cnsc() obj <- c("obj5", "obj6") cnsc(nsc1, nsc2, "stc3", "double word4", obj) ### DOWNLOAD CRANDB, BINARYDB AND CHECKDB ## In real life, download crandb, binarydb and checkdb from CRAN or load them ## with functions crandb_down(), binarydb_down(), checkdb_down() or ## crandb_load(), binarydb_load() and checkdb_load(). ## checkdb can be ignored if less than npkgs are explored. ## In this example, we use three small files. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) binarydb_load(system.file("data", "zbinarydb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) checkdb_load(system.file("aabb", "zcheck_results.rds", package = "RWsearch")) ### PRINT THE LATEST PACKAGES UPLOADED ON CRAN (LAST DATE = "2024-09-20") crandb_fromto(from = -30, to = max(crandb$Published)) crandb_fromto(from = "2024-01-01", to = Sys.Date()) ### SEARCH IN CRANDB ## Search in crandb. Use standard or non-standard content. ## Display the results in a vector or in a list. s_crandb(search, find, cran, web) s_crandb(search, find, cran, web, select = "PD", mode = "and") s_crandb("^f", select = "P") s_crandb(c("thermodynamic", "chemical reaction")) (lst <- s_crandb_list(thermodynamic, "chemical reaction")) p_vers(lst) ### DISPLAY THE RESULTS ## in the console, in (txt, md, pdf) files or in the browser. if (interactive()) { p_table2(lst) p_table7pdf(lst, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "ptable"), openpdf = TRUE) p_text(lst, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "ptext1"), pager = TRUE, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") p_text2pdf(lst, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "ptext1"), openpdf = TRUE, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") p_display(lst, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "pdisp1")) } ### VISUALIZE THE DOCUMENTATION (IN A BROWSER) ## from the installed packages on your computer ## or from the packages listed in https://search.r-project.org if (interactive()) { p_html(brew, sig) p_man(foghorn) p_pdfweb(sos, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") } ### VISUALIZE THE PACKAGE DEPENDENCIES AND THE PACKAGE STATUS if (interactive()) { p_graphF(actuar, fitdistrplus, reverse = TRUE) # Children p_graphF(RWsearch) # Parents p_vers(RWsearch) # Installed versions p_vers_deps(RWsearch) # Installed versions } ### VISUALIZE THE PACKAGE CHECKS (USE checkdb FOR FASTER RESULTS) if (interactive()) { p_check(RWsearch, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") res <- p_checkdeps_lst(RWsearch, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") head(res, 3) } ### DOWNLOAD THE DOCUMENTATION ## Vector => download in the "docpkgs" directory ("." is the current directory) ## List => download in subdirectories named after the keywords ## (non-standard content is accepted) p_down(pacman, pdfsearch, sos, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "pdown"), repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") p_down(lst, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "pdown"), repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") ### SEARCH WITH sos (ON R-PROJECT HELP PAGES), rdrr AND rdoc if (interactive()) { (res <- s_sos(aluminium)) head(data.frame(res), 3) tail(data.frame(res), 3) h_rdrr(aluminium) h_rdoc(distillation) } ### TASK VIEW MAINTENANCE ## In real life, download crandb and tvdb from CRAN or load them from your directory ## with functions crandb_down(), tvdb_down(), crandb_load(), tvdb_load(). ## In this example, we use small files. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) tvdb_load(system.file("data", "ztvdb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## List the task views tvdb_vec() tvdb_pkgs(ChemPhys, Robust) ## Search for some packages in the task views s_tvdb(actuar, FatTailsR, MASS, zoo, nopackage) ## Search for recent packages in crandb that contain the keyword ## and verify if the packages are already referred in the task view. ## from = "2024-01-01" and "2018-01-01" are selected for this small example. s_crandb_tvdb("distribution", tv = "Distributions", from = "2024-01-01") s_crandb_tvdb("distribution", tv = "Distributions", from = "2018-01-01") ### EXPLORE CRAN ARCHIVE AND DOWNLOAD OLD tar.gz FILES ## In real life, download archivedb and crandb from CRAN ## with the functions archivedb_down() and crandb_down(). ## In this example, we load two small files (94 and 85 packages). crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) archivedb_load(system.file("aabb", "zCRAN-archive.html", package = "RWsearch")) archivedb_npkgs() lapply(archivedb_list(), tail) ## Download the latest tar.gz version from CRAN archive ## (this works for both both existing and removed packages). p_vers(fitur, zmatrix) # zmatrix is an archived package p_downarch(fitur, zmatrix, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "pdownarch"))
### THE W IN RWsearch: LAUNCH WEBSITES AND SEARCH ENGINES if (interactive()) { h_cranbydate(repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") h_yt("Serge Gainsbourg Ne dis rien") h_osm("La Ferriere sous Jougne") h_mw(recension) h_lexilogos() } ### A CONVENIENT FUNCTION FOR NON-STANDARD EVALUATION ## Non-standard content (nsc1, nsc2), standard content ("stc3", "double word4") ## and regular object (obj) stored in .GlobalEnv can be merged with cnsc() obj <- c("obj5", "obj6") cnsc(nsc1, nsc2, "stc3", "double word4", obj) ### DOWNLOAD CRANDB, BINARYDB AND CHECKDB ## In real life, download crandb, binarydb and checkdb from CRAN or load them ## with functions crandb_down(), binarydb_down(), checkdb_down() or ## crandb_load(), binarydb_load() and checkdb_load(). ## checkdb can be ignored if less than npkgs are explored. ## In this example, we use three small files. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) binarydb_load(system.file("data", "zbinarydb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) checkdb_load(system.file("aabb", "zcheck_results.rds", package = "RWsearch")) ### PRINT THE LATEST PACKAGES UPLOADED ON CRAN (LAST DATE = "2024-09-20") crandb_fromto(from = -30, to = max(crandb$Published)) crandb_fromto(from = "2024-01-01", to = Sys.Date()) ### SEARCH IN CRANDB ## Search in crandb. Use standard or non-standard content. ## Display the results in a vector or in a list. s_crandb(search, find, cran, web) s_crandb(search, find, cran, web, select = "PD", mode = "and") s_crandb("^f", select = "P") s_crandb(c("thermodynamic", "chemical reaction")) (lst <- s_crandb_list(thermodynamic, "chemical reaction")) p_vers(lst) ### DISPLAY THE RESULTS ## in the console, in (txt, md, pdf) files or in the browser. if (interactive()) { p_table2(lst) p_table7pdf(lst, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "ptable"), openpdf = TRUE) p_text(lst, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "ptext1"), pager = TRUE, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") p_text2pdf(lst, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "ptext1"), openpdf = TRUE, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") p_display(lst, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "pdisp1")) } ### VISUALIZE THE DOCUMENTATION (IN A BROWSER) ## from the installed packages on your computer ## or from the packages listed in https://search.r-project.org if (interactive()) { p_html(brew, sig) p_man(foghorn) p_pdfweb(sos, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") } ### VISUALIZE THE PACKAGE DEPENDENCIES AND THE PACKAGE STATUS if (interactive()) { p_graphF(actuar, fitdistrplus, reverse = TRUE) # Children p_graphF(RWsearch) # Parents p_vers(RWsearch) # Installed versions p_vers_deps(RWsearch) # Installed versions } ### VISUALIZE THE PACKAGE CHECKS (USE checkdb FOR FASTER RESULTS) if (interactive()) { p_check(RWsearch, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") res <- p_checkdeps_lst(RWsearch, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") head(res, 3) } ### DOWNLOAD THE DOCUMENTATION ## Vector => download in the "docpkgs" directory ("." is the current directory) ## List => download in subdirectories named after the keywords ## (non-standard content is accepted) p_down(pacman, pdfsearch, sos, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "pdown"), repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") p_down(lst, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "pdown"), repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") ### SEARCH WITH sos (ON R-PROJECT HELP PAGES), rdrr AND rdoc if (interactive()) { (res <- s_sos(aluminium)) head(data.frame(res), 3) tail(data.frame(res), 3) h_rdrr(aluminium) h_rdoc(distillation) } ### TASK VIEW MAINTENANCE ## In real life, download crandb and tvdb from CRAN or load them from your directory ## with functions crandb_down(), tvdb_down(), crandb_load(), tvdb_load(). ## In this example, we use small files. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) tvdb_load(system.file("data", "ztvdb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## List the task views tvdb_vec() tvdb_pkgs(ChemPhys, Robust) ## Search for some packages in the task views s_tvdb(actuar, FatTailsR, MASS, zoo, nopackage) ## Search for recent packages in crandb that contain the keyword ## and verify if the packages are already referred in the task view. ## from = "2024-01-01" and "2018-01-01" are selected for this small example. s_crandb_tvdb("distribution", tv = "Distributions", from = "2024-01-01") s_crandb_tvdb("distribution", tv = "Distributions", from = "2018-01-01") ### EXPLORE CRAN ARCHIVE AND DOWNLOAD OLD tar.gz FILES ## In real life, download archivedb and crandb from CRAN ## with the functions archivedb_down() and crandb_down(). ## In this example, we load two small files (94 and 85 packages). crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) archivedb_load(system.file("aabb", "zCRAN-archive.html", package = "RWsearch")) archivedb_npkgs() lapply(archivedb_list(), tail) ## Download the latest tar.gz version from CRAN archive ## (this works for both both existing and removed packages). p_vers(fitur, zmatrix) # zmatrix is an archived package p_downarch(fitur, zmatrix, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "pdownarch"))
The following functions deal with the packages archived in CRAN. The html file
downloaded from CRAN contains the regular packages that have been updated once and
the packages that have been removed from CRAN by CRAN administrators. It does not contain
the first version of the packages uploaded to CRAN and never updated. These files and
the files removed from CRAN index can be guessed through a comparison with crandb
downloads from CRAN the html file of the archived packages, saves
it on the disk under the name filename
, extracts from it and loads in .GlobalEnv
a data.frame named archivedb
reads the html file filename
saved on the disk, extracts
from it and loads in .GlobalEnv a data.frame named archivedb
returns the number of packages listed each category: number of
packages in crandb
, in archivedb
, at first version, at subsequent version
and removed from crandb
(CRAN index).
returns the packages listed in CRAN archive (= archivedb
returns the packages removed from CRAN but available in CRAN
archive. The result can be combined with p_check
to display the last
CRAN check performed (if available). See the example.
compares the data.frame archivedb
and crandb
returns a list with the following items:
pkgs_crandb: the packages listed in crandb
pkgs_archivedb: the packages listed in archivedb
pkgs_first: the packages in first version in crandb
pkgs_updated: the packages with more than one version in crandb
pkgs_removed: the archived packages removed from CRAN regular index,
i.e. not listed in crandb
dfr_crandb: data.frame pkgs_crandb + Published date.
dfr_archivedb: data.frame pkgs_archivedb + Archived date.
dfr_first: data.frame pkgs_first + Published date.
dfr_updated: data.frame pkgs_updated + Published date.
dfr_removed: data.frame pkgs_removed+ Archived date.
npkgs: the number of packages in each category.
Use p_archive_lst
to list the package versions stored in CRAN archive.
Use p_downarch
to download packages from CRAN archive, either the
latest version or a specific version number.
archivedb_down(filename = "CRAN-archive.html", dir = ".", url = "https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive") archivedb_load(filename = "CRAN-archive.html") archivedb_npkgs(archivedb = get("archivedb", envir = .GlobalEnv), crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) archivedb_pkgs(archivedb = get("archivedb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) archivedb_rempkgs(archivedb = get("archivedb", envir = .GlobalEnv), crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) archivedb_list(archivedb = get("archivedb", envir = .GlobalEnv), crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
archivedb_down(filename = "CRAN-archive.html", dir = ".", url = "https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive") archivedb_load(filename = "CRAN-archive.html") archivedb_npkgs(archivedb = get("archivedb", envir = .GlobalEnv), crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) archivedb_pkgs(archivedb = get("archivedb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) archivedb_rempkgs(archivedb = get("archivedb", envir = .GlobalEnv), crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) archivedb_list(archivedb = get("archivedb", envir = .GlobalEnv), crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
filename |
character. The path to file "CRAN-archive.html" (or equivalent). |
dir |
character. The directory where |
url |
character. The url address of CRAN archive html file. |
archivedb |
data.frame |
crandb |
data.frame |
### DOWNLOAD archivedb AND COMPARE IT WITH crandb. ## In real life, download archivedb and crandb from CRAN ## with the functions archivedb_down() and crandb_down(). ## In this example, we load two small files made with 94 and 85 packages. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) archivedb_load(system.file("aabb", "zCRAN-archive.html", package = "RWsearch")) archivedb_npkgs() archivedb_pkgs() archivedb_rempkgs() lst <- archivedb_list() lapply(lst, head) lapply(lst, tail) xlim <- as.Date(range(lst$dfr_archivedb$Archived)) ; xlim op <- par(mfrow = c(2,1)) hist(as.Date(lst$dfr_first$Published), breaks = 12, freq = TRUE, las = 1, xlim = xlim) hist(as.Date(lst$dfr_archivedb$Archived), breaks = 12, freq = TRUE, las = 1, xlim = xlim) par(op)
### DOWNLOAD archivedb AND COMPARE IT WITH crandb. ## In real life, download archivedb and crandb from CRAN ## with the functions archivedb_down() and crandb_down(). ## In this example, we load two small files made with 94 and 85 packages. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) archivedb_load(system.file("aabb", "zCRAN-archive.html", package = "RWsearch")) archivedb_npkgs() archivedb_pkgs() archivedb_rempkgs() lst <- archivedb_list() lapply(lst, head) lapply(lst, tail) xlim <- as.Date(range(lst$dfr_archivedb$Archived)) ; xlim op <- par(mfrow = c(2,1)) hist(as.Date(lst$dfr_first$Published), breaks = 12, freq = TRUE, las = 1, xlim = xlim) hist(as.Date(lst$dfr_archivedb$Archived), breaks = 12, freq = TRUE, las = 1, xlim = xlim) par(op)
downloads the matrix of the packages available in binary
format available in CRAN (Windows or macOS depending the computer), saves it
it in a file named binarydb
and finally loads it in .GlobalEnv under
the name binarydb
. It is a wrapper around the function
available.packages(type = "binary")
loads the file filename
in .GlobalEnv under the
name binarydb
When loaded in .GlobalEnv, binarydb
is recognized by the functions
and p_vers_deps
to compare the package
version numbers of the installed packages with the most recent versions of
the binary and the source versions available in CRAN.
binarydb_down(dir = ".", repos = getOption("repos")[1]) binarydb_load(filename = "binarydb.rda")
binarydb_down(dir = ".", repos = getOption("repos")[1]) binarydb_load(filename = "binarydb.rda")
dir |
character. The directory where "binarydb.rda" is saved
Default value |
repos |
character. The address of your local CRAN. |
filename |
character. The (path to a) file "binarydb.rda" or an equivalent. |
## In real life, to get the latest version, use ## binarydb_down() ## Here, we use a small file binarydb_load(system.file("data", "zbinarydb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) class(binarydb) colnames(binarydb) dim(binarydb) head(binarydb)
## In real life, to get the latest version, use ## binarydb_down() ## Here, we use a small file binarydb_load(system.file("data", "zbinarydb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) class(binarydb) colnames(binarydb) dim(binarydb) head(binarydb)
downloads from CRAN the file check_results.rds,
saves it unchanged in the designated directory and loads it in .GlobalEnv
under the name checkdb
loads the file check_results.rds
in .GlobalEnv
under the name checkdb
is a data.frame of dimension 200000 x 10 (approximatively). It is
used by the functions p_check_lst
and p_checkdeps_lst
checkdb_down(dir = ".", repos = getOption("repos")[1]) checkdb_load(filename = "check_results.rds")
checkdb_down(dir = ".", repos = getOption("repos")[1]) checkdb_load(filename = "check_results.rds")
dir |
character. The directory where |
repos |
character. The address of your local CRAN. |
filename |
character. The path to file "check_results.rds" (or equivalent). |
### zcheck_results.rds is a subset of 94 packages synchronized with zcrandb. checkdb_load(system.file("aabb", "zcheck_results.rds", package = "RWsearch")) unique(checkdb$Package) dim(checkdb) head(checkdb, 15)
### zcheck_results.rds is a subset of 94 packages synchronized with zcrandb. checkdb_load(system.file("aabb", "zcheck_results.rds", package = "RWsearch")) unique(checkdb$Package) dim(checkdb) head(checkdb, 15)
reads standard content (object in .GlobalEnv
or quoted
characters) and non-standard content. Standard content, including calls,
is evaluated. Non-standard content and non-existing objects (in .GlobalEnv
are converted into character chains. Regular lists are kept unchanged.
is used inside cnsc
. It should not be called directly.
If you find cnsc
and cnscinfun
appealing, copy the code of
in your package and use it as an hidden function.
cnsc(...) cnscinfun() cnscinfun2(...)
cnsc(...) cnscinfun() cnscinfun2(...)
... |
Character vectors, standard or non-standard, existing or non-existing
R objects, regular call. Examples : |
### cnsc ## Non-standard content (nsc1, nsc2), standard content ("stc3", "double word4") ## and regular object (vec) stored in .GlobalEnv are merged. vec <- c("obj5", "obj6") cnsc(nsc1, nsc2, "stc3", "double word4", vec) ## Lists, either name in .GlobalEnv or call, are evaluated. lst <- list(A = c("txt1","txt2","txt3"), B = c("txt4", "txt5")) cnsc(lst) cnsc(list(C = c("pkg1","pkg2","pkg3"), D = c("pkg4","pkg5"))) ### cnscinfun fun <- function(...) cnscinfun() fun(nsc1, nsc2, "stc3", "double word4", vec) fun(lst) ### cnscinfun used in RWsearch: one line at the begining of each function. ### An easy-to-use Non Standard Evaluation, mainly for characters. funsort <- function(..., char = NULL) { words <- if (is.null(char)) cnscinfun() else char sort(words) # or more complex code } funsort(nsc1, nsc2, "stc3", "double word4", vec) funsort(char = sample(vec, 5, replace = TRUE))
### cnsc ## Non-standard content (nsc1, nsc2), standard content ("stc3", "double word4") ## and regular object (vec) stored in .GlobalEnv are merged. vec <- c("obj5", "obj6") cnsc(nsc1, nsc2, "stc3", "double word4", vec) ## Lists, either name in .GlobalEnv or call, are evaluated. lst <- list(A = c("txt1","txt2","txt3"), B = c("txt4", "txt5")) cnsc(lst) cnsc(list(C = c("pkg1","pkg2","pkg3"), D = c("pkg4","pkg5"))) ### cnscinfun fun <- function(...) cnscinfun() fun(nsc1, nsc2, "stc3", "double word4", vec) fun(lst) ### cnscinfun used in RWsearch: one line at the begining of each function. ### An easy-to-use Non Standard Evaluation, mainly for characters. funsort <- function(..., char = NULL) { words <- if (is.null(char)) cnscinfun() else char sort(words) # or more complex code } funsort(nsc1, nsc2, "stc3", "double word4", vec) funsort(char = sample(vec, 5, replace = TRUE))
downloads from CRAN the file packages.rds, a file
refreshed everyday that describes the packages available in CRAN for this day,
opens it as a data.frame and cleans this data.frame with the following oprations:
rename (with make.names
) the column names that are syntactically invalid,
remove the duplicated lines located at the end of the file, clean some bad
characters in the Description column. The resulting clean data.frame is then
loaded in .GlobalEnv under the name crandb
and saved in the current
directory with the filename crandb.rda
. If oldfile
is defined,
the vector of packages between the two files is compared and a short message
is printed about the differences (removed packages, new packages, updated packages).
loads the file filename
in .GlobalEnv under the name
. It embeds the function load("crandb.rda")
and add a short
message about the data.frame properties.
displays all packages listed in crandb
. The number of
packages is larger than the number obtained with nrow(available.packages())
since packages for all OSes are counted.
displays the packages published in CRAN between two dates.
crandb_down(dir = ".", oldfile = "crandb.rda", verbose = TRUE, repos = getOption("repos")[1]) crandb_load(filename = "crandb.rda") crandb_comp(filename = "crandb.rda", oldfile = "crandb-old.rda", addtxt = "") crandb_pkgs(bydate = FALSE, rev = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) crandb_fromto(from = -10, to = Sys.Date(), crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
crandb_down(dir = ".", oldfile = "crandb.rda", verbose = TRUE, repos = getOption("repos")[1]) crandb_load(filename = "crandb.rda") crandb_comp(filename = "crandb.rda", oldfile = "crandb-old.rda", addtxt = "") crandb_pkgs(bydate = FALSE, rev = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) crandb_fromto(from = -10, to = Sys.Date(), crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
dir |
character. The directory where "crandb.rda" is saved and the old
"crandb.rda" is read. Default value |
oldfile |
character or NULL. The (path to an) old file that will be compared
to a freshly downloaded version of "crandb.rda" or to |
verbose |
logical. |
repos |
character. The address of your local CRAN. |
filename |
character. The (path to a) file "crandb.rda" or an equivalent. |
addtxt |
character. Internal use. |
bydate |
logical. List the package by date of publication rather than by alphabetical order. |
rev |
logical. Print in reverse order. |
crandb |
data.frame |
from |
Negative integer or character representing a date. The number of
days preceeding |
to |
date. The upper date in the search. |
### In this example, we use the small file zcrandb.rda made of 94 packages ## extracted from CRAN on 2024-09-27. In real life, use crandb_down(). # crandb_down(dir = tempdir(), repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) crandb_pkgs() dim(crandb) colnames(crandb) crandb$Published crandb_fromto(from = "2024-01-01", to = Sys.Date()) pkgs <- crandb_fromto(from = -60, to = max(crandb$Published)) ; pkgs ## Print the table in the console (better if full width) p_table2(pkgs) ## Display in the browser if (interactive()) { p_display7(pkgs, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "crandbdown")) } ### In the real life, we use a fresh file downloaded from CRAN (6.4 Mo / 20"). ## Here, we retrieve the packages uploaded during the last 2 days.
### In this example, we use the small file zcrandb.rda made of 94 packages ## extracted from CRAN on 2024-09-27. In real life, use crandb_down(). # crandb_down(dir = tempdir(), repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) crandb_pkgs() dim(crandb) colnames(crandb) crandb$Published crandb_fromto(from = "2024-01-01", to = Sys.Date()) pkgs <- crandb_fromto(from = -60, to = max(crandb$Published)) ; pkgs ## Print the table in the console (better if full width) p_table2(pkgs) ## Display in the browser if (interactive()) { p_display7(pkgs, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "crandbdown")) } ### In the real life, we use a fresh file downloaded from CRAN (6.4 Mo / 20"). ## Here, we retrieve the packages uploaded during the last 2 days.
downloads the csv file of CRAN mirrors, modifies the
"Maintainer" and "Host" columns, eventually saves the modified data.frame on
the disk, loads this data.frame in .GlobalEnv and prints in the console a
subset of the data.frame made of the selected columns.
cranmirrors_down(filename = "CRAN-mirrors1.csv", dir = ".", columns = c(1, 2, 3, 7), save = FALSE, url = "https://cran.r-project.org/CRAN_mirrors.csv")
cranmirrors_down(filename = "CRAN-mirrors1.csv", dir = ".", columns = c(1, 2, 3, 7), save = FALSE, url = "https://cran.r-project.org/CRAN_mirrors.csv")
filename |
character. The path to file "CRAN-mirrors1.csv" (or equivalent). |
dir |
character. The directory where |
columns |
a vector of integers or a vector of names. The column numbers or the column names. Allowed numbers are within 1:9. Allowed names are: "Name", "Country", "City", "URL", "Host", "Maintainer", "OK", "CountryCode" and "Comment". |
save |
logical. Save the file. If |
url |
character. The url address of the CRAN csv file. |
cranmirrors_down(dir = file.path(tempdir(), "cranmirrors"), save = TRUE)
cranmirrors_down(dir = file.path(tempdir(), "cranmirrors"), save = TRUE)
opens the browser and returns the "CRAN Check Results" page(s)
of the packages maintained by one or several maintainers identified by their
regular email addresses (but not the orphaned ones). An internet connection
is required. This function is a simplified version of the functions proposed
in the package foghorn.
e_check(..., char = NULL, repos = getOption("repos")[1])
e_check(..., char = NULL, repos = getOption("repos")[1])
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if
repos |
character. The address of your local CRAN. |
if (interactive()) { e_check(c("[email protected]", "[email protected]"), repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") }
if (interactive()) { e_check(c("[email protected]", "[email protected]"), repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") }
is a wrapper of the base function args
prints the name and arguments of one or several functions in a readable
style. It wraps the function sig::sig
prints the name and arguments of the functions exported by one or
several packages. It wraps the function sig::list_sigs
f_args(..., char = NULL) f_sig(..., char = NULL) p_sig(..., char = NULL, pattern = NULL)
f_args(..., char = NULL) f_sig(..., char = NULL) p_sig(..., char = NULL, pattern = NULL)
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if
pattern |
a regular expression. See the example. |
f_args(mean, p_display) f_sig( mean, p_display) library(brew) library(sos) p_sig(brew) p_sig(RWsearch, sos, pattern = "^f")
f_args(mean, p_display) f_sig( mean, p_display) library(brew) library(sos) p_sig(brew) p_sig(RWsearch, sos, pattern = "^f")
generates in the current directory the pdf pages of one or several
functions. The pdf pages are printed but not opened. Miktex or Texlive is required.
This function wraps {utils::help}
with the pdf option activated.
Similar functions are available in the packages document and sinew.
f_pdf(..., char = NULL)
f_pdf(..., char = NULL)
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if
## FALSE is here to avoid a NOTE in CRAN checks. Ignore this line. if (FALSE) { f_pdf(c("RWsearch::cnsc", "RWsearch::p_inun")) }
## FALSE is here to avoid a NOTE in CRAN checks. Ignore this line. if (FALSE) { f_pdf(c("RWsearch::cnsc", "RWsearch::p_inun")) }
Use funmaintext
or funmaintext2
to select the function that displays
the main text. Usage is f\_maintext = funmaintext
(without curly braces).
Use funheadermd
to insert markdown header in function sep1 = funheadermd()
(with curly braces).
See the example in p\_text
. To create you own functions, use these functions
as a pattern. The five parameters in f\_maintext, funmaintext
are mandatory.
can be freely modified.
funmaintext(pkg, sep1, sep2, eol, crandb, repos) funmaintex(pkg, sep1, sep2, eol, crandb, repos) funheadermd(title = "TITLE", author = "AUTHOR", date = Sys.Date(), keep_tex = "false", toc = "false", number_sections = "true", fontsize = "10pt", papersize = "a4paper", margin = "1in") funheadertex(fontsize = "10pt", papersize = "a4paper", margin = "1in") funfootertex()
funmaintext(pkg, sep1, sep2, eol, crandb, repos) funmaintex(pkg, sep1, sep2, eol, crandb, repos) funheadermd(title = "TITLE", author = "AUTHOR", date = Sys.Date(), keep_tex = "false", toc = "false", number_sections = "true", fontsize = "10pt", papersize = "a4paper", margin = "1in") funheadertex(fontsize = "10pt", papersize = "a4paper", margin = "1in") funfootertex()
pkg |
character. The package name. |
sep1 |
character. The symbols written just before each package name. |
sep2 |
character. The symbols written just after each package name. |
eol |
character. The end of line for the main text (but not for the
header and the footer). |
crandb |
data.frame |
repos |
character. The address of your local CRAN. |
title |
character. The title of the .md document (and then in the .pdf file). |
author |
character. The author of the .md document. |
date |
character. The date of the document. Any text format is accepted. |
keep_tex |
character. "true" or "false". |
toc |
character. "true" or "false". |
number_sections |
character. "true" or "false". |
fontsize |
character. Usually "10pt", "11pt", "12pt. |
papersize |
character. The usual tex format. Example: "a4paper". |
margin |
character. In inches, cm or mm. Example: "0.5in", "1.5cm", "25mm". |
gives access to several free web services (as in speech and in
half pint of beer) that are good alternatives to GAFA services.
is a bookmark to the Academie francaise's dictionary.
gives access to hundreds of dictionaries in many languages.
, h_googletranslate
, h_interglot
, h_reverso
, h_promt
, h_reverso
, h_systran
translation engines. h_linguee
returns examples with long sentences.
is a decentralized peer-to-peer web search software.
is a bookmark to the EveryTimeZone website.
and h_tadsm
are bookmarks to timeanddate.com, a website
dedicated to date and time conversion plus timezone management.
and h_windy
are bookmarks to the Meteoblue and Windy
meteo and weather websites.
h_academie() h_deepl() h_etz() h_framasoft() h_framasoft0() h_googletranslate() h_interglot() h_lexilogos() h_linguee() h_meteoblue() h_promt() h_reverso() h_systran() h_tad() h_tadsm() h_windy() h_yacy()
h_academie() h_deepl() h_etz() h_framasoft() h_framasoft0() h_googletranslate() h_interglot() h_lexilogos() h_linguee() h_meteoblue() h_promt() h_reverso() h_systran() h_tad() h_tadsm() h_windy() h_yacy()
if (interactive()) { h_linguee() h_lexilogos() }
if (interactive()) { h_linguee() h_lexilogos() }
Launch the default browser and search in: ABC Bourse (short stock names), arXiv (vectorized), Ask, Baidu, Blackle, Bing, Bing Map (bmap), Boursorama (short stocknames), CNRTL (French dictionary), Collins English Dictionary, CPAN and metaCPAN (Perl), Crossref (DOI and bibliographic metadata), CTAN (Latex), Daum, DailyMotion (dm), DOI, DuckDuckGo (ddg), Ecosia, Egerin, Evene (citations), Exalead, Excite, Gigablast, GitHub, GitLab, Google Map (gmap), Google, Google Scholar (gscholar), IANA TLD root domain database, IANA WHOIS service, Info, Khoj, Les Echos, La Tribune (lt), Lilo, Lycos, Mappy Map, Merriam-Webster (mw, English dictionary), Nabble, Nate, Naver (see N2H4 package), Orcid, Open Street Map, OSM Nominatim, Parsijoo, PeerTube, Peru, Pipilika, Qwant (qw + qwfr), R-bloggers, Rdocumentation (rdoc), Rdocumentation task views (rdoctv), Rdrr, Reverso dictionnary, Rseek, Sapo, Searx, Sogou, SSRN and SSRN Author (vectorized), Stackoverflow (so), Startpage (ex-Ixquick), Twitter (+ twfr), L'Usine Nouvelle (un), ViaMichelin Map and Routes (via), Les Verbes, Vimeo, Wego (Here maps), Wikipedia (wp + wpfr), Yahoo, Yahoo Finance, Yandex, Yooz, Youtube (yt).
is a bookmark to ZoteroBib, a service that returns the complete
bibliographic reference from a fragment of information: URL, ISBN, DOI, PMID,
arXiv id or title and generates a MD5 number to retrieve it later.t
Using the regular R format "w1 w2 w3" rather than w1, w2, w3 makes sense as most functions collapse the words into character chains "w1 w2 w3", "w1+w2+w3" or "w1-w2-w3".
Visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_search_engine for a list of web search engines.
h_abcbourse(..., char = NULL) h_ask(..., char = NULL) h_arxiv(..., char = NULL) h_arxivpdf(..., char = NULL) h_baidu(..., char = NULL) h_blackle(..., char = NULL) h_bing(..., char = NULL) h_biorxiv(..., char = NULL) h_biorxivpdf(..., char = NULL) h_bmap(..., char = NULL) h_boursorama(..., char = NULL) h_cnrtl(..., char = NULL) h_collins(..., char = NULL) h_cpan(..., char = NULL) h_crossref(..., char = NULL) h_ctan(..., char = NULL) h_daum(..., char = NULL) h_ddg(..., char = NULL) h_dm(..., char = NULL) h_doi(..., char = NULL) h_ecosia(..., char = NULL) h_egerin(..., char = NULL) h_estrep(..., char = NULL) h_evene(..., char = NULL) h_exalead(..., char = NULL) h_excite(..., char = NULL) h_framabee(..., char = NULL) h_gigablast(..., char = NULL) h_github(..., char = NULL) h_gitlab(..., char = NULL) h_gmap(..., char = NULL) h_google(..., char = NULL) h_gscholar(..., char = NULL) h_ianaTLD(..., char = NULL) h_ianaWHOIS(..., char = NULL) h_info(..., char = NULL) h_ixquick(..., char = NULL) h_khoj(..., char = NULL) h_lesechos(..., char = NULL) h_lilo(..., char = NULL) h_lt(..., char = NULL) h_lycos(..., char = NULL) h_mappy(..., char = NULL) h_mw(..., char = NULL) h_nate(..., char = NULL) h_naver(..., char = NULL) h_orcid(..., char = NULL) h_osm(..., char = NULL) h_osmn(..., char = NULL) h_parsijoo(..., char = NULL) h_peertube(..., char = NULL) h_peru(..., char = NULL) h_pipilika(..., char = NULL) h_qwant(..., char = NULL, lang = "en") h_qwfr(..., char = NULL) h_reverso_d(..., char = NULL) h_sapo(..., char = NULL) h_searx(..., char = NULL) h_so(..., char = NULL) h_sogou(..., char = NULL) h_ssrn(..., char = NULL) h_ssrnauth(..., char = NULL) h_startpage(..., char = NULL) h_twfr(..., char = NULL) h_twitter(..., char = NULL, lang = "en") h_un(..., char = NULL) h_verbes(..., char = NULL) h_via(..., char = NULL) h_vimeo(..., char = NULL) h_wego(..., char = NULL) h_wp(..., char = NULL, lang = "en") h_wpfr(..., char = NULL) h_yahoo(..., char = NULL, lang = "en") h_yahoofin(..., char = NULL, lang = "en") h_yandex(..., char = NULL) h_yooz(..., char = NULL) h_yt(..., char = NULL) h_zbib(..., char = NULL)
h_abcbourse(..., char = NULL) h_ask(..., char = NULL) h_arxiv(..., char = NULL) h_arxivpdf(..., char = NULL) h_baidu(..., char = NULL) h_blackle(..., char = NULL) h_bing(..., char = NULL) h_biorxiv(..., char = NULL) h_biorxivpdf(..., char = NULL) h_bmap(..., char = NULL) h_boursorama(..., char = NULL) h_cnrtl(..., char = NULL) h_collins(..., char = NULL) h_cpan(..., char = NULL) h_crossref(..., char = NULL) h_ctan(..., char = NULL) h_daum(..., char = NULL) h_ddg(..., char = NULL) h_dm(..., char = NULL) h_doi(..., char = NULL) h_ecosia(..., char = NULL) h_egerin(..., char = NULL) h_estrep(..., char = NULL) h_evene(..., char = NULL) h_exalead(..., char = NULL) h_excite(..., char = NULL) h_framabee(..., char = NULL) h_gigablast(..., char = NULL) h_github(..., char = NULL) h_gitlab(..., char = NULL) h_gmap(..., char = NULL) h_google(..., char = NULL) h_gscholar(..., char = NULL) h_ianaTLD(..., char = NULL) h_ianaWHOIS(..., char = NULL) h_info(..., char = NULL) h_ixquick(..., char = NULL) h_khoj(..., char = NULL) h_lesechos(..., char = NULL) h_lilo(..., char = NULL) h_lt(..., char = NULL) h_lycos(..., char = NULL) h_mappy(..., char = NULL) h_mw(..., char = NULL) h_nate(..., char = NULL) h_naver(..., char = NULL) h_orcid(..., char = NULL) h_osm(..., char = NULL) h_osmn(..., char = NULL) h_parsijoo(..., char = NULL) h_peertube(..., char = NULL) h_peru(..., char = NULL) h_pipilika(..., char = NULL) h_qwant(..., char = NULL, lang = "en") h_qwfr(..., char = NULL) h_reverso_d(..., char = NULL) h_sapo(..., char = NULL) h_searx(..., char = NULL) h_so(..., char = NULL) h_sogou(..., char = NULL) h_ssrn(..., char = NULL) h_ssrnauth(..., char = NULL) h_startpage(..., char = NULL) h_twfr(..., char = NULL) h_twitter(..., char = NULL, lang = "en") h_un(..., char = NULL) h_verbes(..., char = NULL) h_via(..., char = NULL) h_vimeo(..., char = NULL) h_wego(..., char = NULL) h_wp(..., char = NULL, lang = "en") h_wpfr(..., char = NULL) h_yahoo(..., char = NULL, lang = "en") h_yahoofin(..., char = NULL, lang = "en") h_yandex(..., char = NULL) h_yooz(..., char = NULL) h_yt(..., char = NULL) h_zbib(..., char = NULL)
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if
lang |
character. The language accepted by the search engine, usually "en", "de", "es", "fr", "jp", etc. |
if (interactive()) { h_yt("Serge Gainsbourg Ne dis rien") h_so(R, deep, neural, network) h_osm("Le Chateau d'Oleron") h_mw(recension) h_arxiv(c(1212.4320, 1605.08732)) h_doi("10.1016/j.ejor.2013.06.029") }
if (interactive()) { h_yt("Serge Gainsbourg Ne dis rien") h_so(R, deep, neural, network) h_osm("Le Chateau d'Oleron") h_mw(recension) h_arxiv(c(1212.4320, 1605.08732)) h_doi("10.1016/j.ejor.2013.06.029") }
opens the page https://www.r-project.org.
opens the page dedicated to the mailing lists
opens the page https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-devel/NEWS.html.
opens the page of the HTML documentation of base and CRAN packages (+ full list) https://search.r-project.org/R/doc/html/packages.html.
opens a page (from rversions package) that keeps a record
of all R versions and their release dates.
opens the page of you local CRAN.
and h_cranbyname
open the page of CRAN packages
sorted by date of publication and in alphabetical order.
and h_crancheckwindows
open the pages related to
the checks of all packages listed by name, maintainers, dates, os. A special
page is dedicated to Windows packages with the results for the previous, the
current and the devel R versions.
opens the page of CRAN task views.
, h_nabble
, h_rbloggers
, h_rdoc
, h_rdoctv
(RDocumentation), h_rdrr
, h_rseek
open the pages of web sites related
to R.
lists all (most) R packages available on GitHub. A huge file.
h_R() h_Rblog() h_Rman() h_Rml() h_Rnews(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_Rpkgs() h_Rversions(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_cran(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_cranbydate(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_cranbyname(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_cranchecks(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_crancheckwindows(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_crantv(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_cranstatus() h_cranberries() h_gepuro() h_nabble(..., char = NULL) h_rbloggers(..., char = NULL) h_rdoc(..., char = NULL) h_rdoctv(..., char = NULL) h_rdrr(..., char = NULL) h_rseek(..., char = NULL) h_biocstats()
h_R() h_Rblog() h_Rman() h_Rml() h_Rnews(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_Rpkgs() h_Rversions(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_cran(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_cranbydate(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_cranbyname(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_cranchecks(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_crancheckwindows(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_crantv(repos = getOption("repos")[1]) h_cranstatus() h_cranberries() h_gepuro() h_nabble(..., char = NULL) h_rbloggers(..., char = NULL) h_rdoc(..., char = NULL) h_rdoctv(..., char = NULL) h_rdrr(..., char = NULL) h_rseek(..., char = NULL) h_biocstats()
repos |
character. The address of your local CRAN. |
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if
if (interactive()) { h_crantv(repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") h_cranberries() }
if (interactive()) { h_crantv(repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") h_cranberries() }
opens the page coresponding to the mentionned address in the default browser.
h_ttp(..., char = NULL, https = TRUE, www = FALSE)
h_ttp(..., char = NULL, https = TRUE, www = FALSE)
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if
https |
logical. Use https or http. |
www |
logical. Add www. to the address. |
if (interactive()) { h_ttp("www.r-project.org") }
if (interactive()) { h_ttp("www.r-project.org") }
opens in the browser one page per package and displays
the package versions stored in CRAN archive.
prints in the console a list of the package versions
stored in CRAN archive.
takes as input the list issued by p_archive_lst
and lists the last package versions archived before a certain date.
Use p_downarch
to download packages from the CRAN archives,
either the latest version stored or a specific version number.
Use archivedb_list
to list all packages stored in CRAN archive
(does not include the valid packages having a single version which are stored
in regular CRAN).
p_archive(..., char = NULL) p_archive_lst(..., char = NULL) l_targz(lst, before = Sys.Date())
p_archive(..., char = NULL) p_archive_lst(..., char = NULL) l_targz(lst, before = Sys.Date())
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if |
lst |
list. A list produced by |
before |
character which can be converted to a Date, for instance "2017-05-14". Extract from CRAN archive the package(s) available before this date. Can be synchronized with the release dates of base-R versions listed at: https://CRAN.R-project.org/src/contrib/ and https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rversions/readme/README.html |
if (interactive()) p_archive(brew, RWsearch, NotAPkg) lst <- p_archive_lst(RWsearch, zmatrix, NotAPkg) ; lst l_targz(lst, before = "2020-01-01")
if (interactive()) p_archive(brew, RWsearch, NotAPkg) lst <- p_archive_lst(RWsearch, zmatrix, NotAPkg) ; lst l_targz(lst, before = "2020-01-01")
opens the default browser, connects to your local CRAN and displays
for each package the CRAN Package Check Results or the last Check Results recorded in
CRAN archive (with the date of the archive). An internet connexion is required.
reads the check results from the repository and print the
results as a list in the console, with a message for the archived package(s).
An internet connexion is required. If a large number of packages is to be analyzed,
a preload of checkdb
is required before launching the instruction (via
or checkdb_load
). This preload speeds
up significantly the analysis.
and p_checkdeps_lst
extend the analysis to the
package dependencies.
Comprehensive tables of the check results for package sources and Windows binaries
can be displayed with h_cranchecks
and h_crancheckwindows
p_check(..., char = NULL, repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_check_lst(..., char = NULL, npkgs = 10, repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_checkdeps(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_checkdeps_lst(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, npkgs = 10, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1])
p_check(..., char = NULL, repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_check_lst(..., char = NULL, npkgs = 10, repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_checkdeps(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_checkdeps_lst(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, npkgs = 10, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1])
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if
repos |
character. The address of your local CRAN. |
npkgs |
integer. The number of packages from which a preload of
which |
character vector. A sub-vector of
recursive |
logical. Search for (reverse) dependencies of (reverse) dependencies. |
reverse |
logical. Search for reverse dependencies. |
crandb |
data.frame |
## In real life, download crandb and checkdb from CRAN or load them ## with functions crandb_down(), crandb_load(), checkdb_down(), checkdb_load(). ## checkdb can be ignored if less than npkgs are explored. ## In these examples, we use two small files of 110 and 107 packages. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) checkdb_load(system.file("aabb", "zcheck_results.rds", package = "RWsearch")) if (interactive()) { p_check(RWsearch, igraph, zmatrix, NotApkg, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") p_check_lst(RWsearch, igraph, zmatrix, NotApkg, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") p_checkdeps_lst(igraph, zmatrix, NotApkg, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") }
## In real life, download crandb and checkdb from CRAN or load them ## with functions crandb_down(), crandb_load(), checkdb_down(), checkdb_load(). ## checkdb can be ignored if less than npkgs are explored. ## In these examples, we use two small files of 110 and 107 packages. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) checkdb_load(system.file("aabb", "zcheck_results.rds", package = "RWsearch")) if (interactive()) { p_check(RWsearch, igraph, zmatrix, NotApkg, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") p_check_lst(RWsearch, igraph, zmatrix, NotApkg, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") p_checkdeps_lst(igraph, zmatrix, NotApkg, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") }
returns a table with the packages that failed to R CMD check
and are flagged by CRAN to make some changes before a certain deadline. This
feature has been introduced in the new version R_4.4.1 released mid-June 2024.
p_deadline(crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
p_deadline(crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
crandb |
data.frame |
## In real life, download crandb with function crandb_down(), crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) dfr <- p_deadline() ; dfr if (interactive() & nrow(dfr) > 0) { p_check(dfr$Package, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") }
## In real life, download crandb with function crandb_down(), crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) dfr <- p_deadline() ; dfr if (interactive() & nrow(dfr) > 0) { p_check(dfr$Package, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") }
returns the (reverse) dependencies of a (vector of) package(s).
It is a wrapper of the tools::package_dependencies
function. A warning
is issued for packages that are not in crandb + .libPaths()
(for instance in CRAN archive, Bioconductor, Github or your own directories).
is a shortcut to p_deps(recursive = TRUE)
. It returns
the recursive dependencies (e.g. the list of all ancestors).
is a shortcut to p_deps(reverse = TRUE)
. It returns
the reverse dependencies (e.g. the children packages).
returns a list with the recursive dependencies for the packages
packages and every first level dependencies (including or excluding the ones
in .Library
returns a vector of the number of dependencies for each
package and their parent dependencies. With the argument sort = TRUE
the packages are listed from no dependency to the largest number of dependencies.
counts the number of (recursive/reverse) dependencies for
each package and returns a data.frame with 4 columns:
, ParentsN
, Children1
, ChildrenN
returns the package dependencies that are installed
in the computer.
returns the package dependencies that are not installed
in the computer.
combines p_deps
and p_inun_crandb
, then returns
the status of all dependencies: installed or not installed in the computer,
available or not available in the current crandb (see CRAN archives, Bioconductor,
Github, your own packages).
The missing packages available on CRAN can be downloaded with p_down0
downloaded and checked (by R CMD check) with xfun::rev_check
or installed
with install.packages
. The packages removed from CRAN but available in
CRAN archive can be downloaded with p_downarch
p_deps(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_depsrec(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", reverse = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_depsrev(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_deps_deps(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", Library = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_deps_ndeps(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", Library = FALSE, sort = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_deps_count(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_deps_inpkgs(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_deps_unpkgs(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_deps_inun(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
p_deps(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_depsrec(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", reverse = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_depsrev(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_deps_deps(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", Library = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_deps_ndeps(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", Library = FALSE, sort = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_deps_count(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_deps_inpkgs(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_deps_unpkgs(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_deps_inun(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if
which |
character vector. A sub-vector of
recursive |
logical. Search for (reverse) dependencies of (reverse) dependencies. |
reverse |
logical. Search for reverse dependencies. |
verbose |
logical. Print the message. |
crandb |
data.frame |
Library |
logical. The default |
sort |
logical. The default |
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) p_deps(networkD3, visNetwork) p_deps(networkD3, visNetwork, recursive = TRUE) p_deps(actuar, fitdistrplus, reverse = TRUE, which = "DILSN") p_deps_inpkgs(RWsearch, canprot) p_deps_unpkgs(RWsearch, canprot) p_deps_inun(RWsearch, canprot, NotApkg) p_deps_deps(actuar, networkD3, FatTailsR, RWsearch, NotApkg) p_deps_ndeps(actuar, networkD3, FatTailsR, RWsearch, NotApkg) p_deps_count(actuar, networkD3, FatTailsR, RWsearch, NotApkg)
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) p_deps(networkD3, visNetwork) p_deps(networkD3, visNetwork, recursive = TRUE) p_deps(actuar, fitdistrplus, reverse = TRUE, which = "DILSN") p_deps_inpkgs(RWsearch, canprot) p_deps_unpkgs(RWsearch, canprot) p_deps_inun(RWsearch, canprot, NotApkg) p_deps_deps(actuar, networkD3, FatTailsR, RWsearch, NotApkg) p_deps_ndeps(actuar, networkD3, FatTailsR, RWsearch, NotApkg) p_deps_count(actuar, networkD3, FatTailsR, RWsearch, NotApkg)
, p_display5
and p_display7
open the default browser and
display the results of p_table
, p_table5
and p_table7
in one or
several html pages. If ...
(or char
) is a list, several pages are opened.
p_display(..., char = NULL, columns = c("Package", "Title", "Description"), dir = tempdir(), verbose = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_display5(..., char = NULL, dir = tempdir(), verbose = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_display7(..., char = NULL, dir = tempdir(), verbose = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
p_display(..., char = NULL, columns = c("Package", "Title", "Description"), dir = tempdir(), verbose = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_display5(..., char = NULL, dir = tempdir(), verbose = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_display7(..., char = NULL, dir = tempdir(), verbose = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if |
columns |
character vector. A sub-vector of |
dir |
character. The directory in which the html file(s) is (are) saved.
verbose |
logical. List the generated html file(s). |
crandb |
data.frame |
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. ## No package has the 'distillation' keyword. An empty table is returned. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) (lst <- s_crandb_list("thermodynamic", "chemical reaction", "distillation")) if (interactive()) { dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "pdisplay") ## Vector => 1 page p_display(RWsearch, pacman, pdfsearch, sos, brew, dir = dir) ## List with 3 items => 3 pages with one empty p_display5(lst, dir = dir) }
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. ## No package has the 'distillation' keyword. An empty table is returned. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) (lst <- s_crandb_list("thermodynamic", "chemical reaction", "distillation")) if (interactive()) { dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "pdisplay") ## Vector => 1 page p_display(RWsearch, pacman, pdfsearch, sos, brew, dir = dir) ## List with 3 items => 3 pages with one empty p_display5(lst, dir = dir) }
If pkgs
is a vector of packages obtained from s_crandb
downloads from CRAN and saves in the dir
directory (by default
the current directory) the index page, the manual, the vignettes, the README, NEWS,
ChangeLog, CRAN checks files, the source code in pkg_ver.tar.gz format,
the binary code in pkg_ver.tgz (Mac OSX) or pkg_ver.zip (Windows)
format and a minimal R-script of each package. The files that do not exist are
ignored, with no warning.
If pkgs
is a list of packages obtained from s_crandb_list
saves the downloaded files in subdirectories named after the names
of the list, e.g. the keywords used at the search step. The names are
eventually modified with gsub(".", "_", make.names(pkg), fixed = TRUE)
to cope with Unix and Windows directory names.
calls p_down
with different values for each argument.
With the default configuration, this function downloads nothing. It is mostly
used to download one specific item which has not been previously downloaded.
downloads from CRAN archive the tar.gz file of one or several
packages, either the last version(s) with Sys.Date()
or the version(s)
before a given date. It combines 3 functions: p_archive_lst
lists the packages stored in CRAN archive and their version numbers,
extracts the appropriate version numbers available
before a given date, targz_down
downloads the tar.gz files in the selected
directory (default is the current directory) and eventually decompresses it.
downloads the tar.gz files from CRAN archive to the selected
directory (default is the current directory) and eventually decompresses it.
If url = "https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib"
, targz_down
will take the latest version of the package.
p_down(..., char = NULL, index = TRUE, manual = TRUE, vignettes = TRUE, RqmdRmd = FALSE, README = TRUE, NEWS = FALSE, ChangeLog = FALSE, checks = FALSE, targz = FALSE, untar = FALSE, binary = FALSE, type = "binary", script = FALSE, dir = ".", crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_down0(..., char = NULL, index = FALSE, manual = FALSE, vignettes = FALSE, RqmdRmd = FALSE, README = FALSE, NEWS = FALSE, ChangeLog = FALSE, checks = FALSE, targz = FALSE, untar = FALSE, binary = FALSE, type = "binary", script = FALSE, dir = ".", crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_downarch(..., char = NULL, before = Sys.Date(), dir = ".", untar = FALSE, url = "https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive") targz_down(ptargz, dir = ".", untar = FALSE, url = "https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive")
p_down(..., char = NULL, index = TRUE, manual = TRUE, vignettes = TRUE, RqmdRmd = FALSE, README = TRUE, NEWS = FALSE, ChangeLog = FALSE, checks = FALSE, targz = FALSE, untar = FALSE, binary = FALSE, type = "binary", script = FALSE, dir = ".", crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_down0(..., char = NULL, index = FALSE, manual = FALSE, vignettes = FALSE, RqmdRmd = FALSE, README = FALSE, NEWS = FALSE, ChangeLog = FALSE, checks = FALSE, targz = FALSE, untar = FALSE, binary = FALSE, type = "binary", script = FALSE, dir = ".", crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_downarch(..., char = NULL, before = Sys.Date(), dir = ".", untar = FALSE, url = "https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive") targz_down(ptargz, dir = ".", untar = FALSE, url = "https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive")
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector or a list. Use this argument if
index |
logical. Download the html index page of each package. |
manual |
logical. Download the pdf manual. |
vignettes |
logical. Download the html and pdf vignettes, if they exist. |
RqmdRmd |
logical. Download the R, Rmd and qmd source files of the vignettes, if they exist. |
logical. Download the README file, if it exists. |
logical. Download the NEWS file, if it exists. |
ChangeLog |
logical. Download the ChangeLog file, if it exists. |
checks |
logical. Download the CRAN checks file. |
targz |
logical. Download the *.tar.gz source file. |
untar |
logical. Decompress the downloaded tar.gz file. |
binary |
logical. Download the *.tgz (Mac OSX) or *.zip (Windows)
binary file, depending the |
type |
character. Either |
script |
logical. Create a mini-script and save it in a *.R file. |
dir |
character. The directory in which the files are saved.
Default value |
crandb |
data.frame |
repos |
character. The address of your local CRAN. |
before |
character which can be converted to a Date, for instance "2017-05-14". Extract from CRAN archive the package(s) available before this date. Can be synchronized with the release dates of base-R versions listed at: https://CRAN.R-project.org/src/contrib/ and https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rversions/readme/README.html |
url |
character. The url address of CRAN archive html file. |
ptargz |
character. A vector of package(s) with their version number
and tar.gz extension stored in CRAN archive. These packages
can be identified with |
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## Download the documentation in the "dirpkgs" directory. Flat representation. dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "dirpkgs") p_down(RWsearch, pdfsearch, sos, dir = dir, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") list.files(dir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE) ## Download the documentation in subdirectories named after the keywords. dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "dirpkgslist") (lst <- s_crandb_list(thermodynamic, "chemical reaction")) (lst2 <- lapply(lst, function(x) x[1:2])) system.time( p_down(lst2, dir = dir, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") ) list.files(dir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE) ## Download tar.gz files stored in CRAN archive. dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "targzip") p_downarch(fitur, zmatrix, NotAPkg, before = "2017-05-14", dir = dir) targz_down("SVN_1.0.tar.gz", dir = dir, untar = TRUE) list.files(dir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## Download the documentation in the "dirpkgs" directory. Flat representation. dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "dirpkgs") p_down(RWsearch, pdfsearch, sos, dir = dir, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") list.files(dir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE) ## Download the documentation in subdirectories named after the keywords. dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "dirpkgslist") (lst <- s_crandb_list(thermodynamic, "chemical reaction")) (lst2 <- lapply(lst, function(x) x[1:2])) system.time( p_down(lst2, dir = dir, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") ) list.files(dir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE) ## Download tar.gz files stored in CRAN archive. dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "targzip") p_downarch(fitur, zmatrix, NotAPkg, before = "2017-05-14", dir = dir) targz_down("SVN_1.0.tar.gz", dir = dir, untar = TRUE) list.files(dir, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
calculates the (recursive/reverse) dependencies of a (vector
of) package(s) and displays in the default browser a standard graph (F/Force
in the networkD3 terminology) of the package dependencies. It combines the
and n_graphF
calculates the (recursive/reverse) dependencies of a (vector
of) package(s) and displays in the default browser a Sankey graph
(in the networkD3 terminology) of the package dependencies. It combines the
and n_graphS
returns the (recursive/reverse) dependencies of a (vector
of) package(s) as a network of nodes and links.
taks as input a network of package nodes and links and displays
them in the default browser as a standard graph (F/Force in the networkD3
terminology) representing the package dependencies.
taks as input a network of package nodes and links and displays
them in the default browser as a Sankey graph (in the networkD3 terminology)
representing the package dependencies.
Remember that the option exclpkgs = ...
whose default value TRUE
is equivalent to
exclpkgs = c("graphics", "grDevices", "methods", "stats", "tools", "utils")
can substantially modify the aspect of the graph, especially for reverse = FALSE
p_graphF(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, exclpkgs = TRUE, group = 2, fontFamily = "serif", fontSize = 11, linkDistance = 50, charge = -100, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_graphS(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, exclpkgs = TRUE, group = 2, fontFamily = "serif", fontSize = 14, nodeWidth = 30, nodePadding = 10, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_network(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, exclpkgs = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) n_graphF(netw, group = 2, fontFamily = "serif", fontSize = 11, linkDistance = 50, charge = -100) n_graphS(netw, group = 2, fontFamily = "serif", fontSize = 14, nodeWidth = 30, nodePadding = 10)
p_graphF(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, exclpkgs = TRUE, group = 2, fontFamily = "serif", fontSize = 11, linkDistance = 50, charge = -100, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_graphS(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, exclpkgs = TRUE, group = 2, fontFamily = "serif", fontSize = 14, nodeWidth = 30, nodePadding = 10, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_network(..., char = NULL, which = "DIL", recursive = TRUE, reverse = FALSE, exclpkgs = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) n_graphF(netw, group = 2, fontFamily = "serif", fontSize = 11, linkDistance = 50, charge = -100) n_graphS(netw, group = 2, fontFamily = "serif", fontSize = 14, nodeWidth = 30, nodePadding = 10)
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if
which |
character vector. A sub-vector of
recursive |
logical. Search for (reverse) dependencies of (reverse) dependencies. |
reverse |
logical. Search for reverse dependencies. |
exclpkgs |
logical or character vector. |
group |
integer, currently 1, 2 or 3. The suffix of the "NGroup" column in netw. Define a scheme for colouring the nodes. |
fontFamily |
character. Either "serif" or "sans-serif". |
fontSize |
integer. The size of the font. |
linkDistance |
integer. The minimal distance of a link between two nodes. |
charge |
integer. A repulsive value between two nodes. |
crandb |
data.frame |
nodeWidth |
integer. The width of the rectangular nodes in the Sankey graph. |
nodePadding |
integer. The vertical space between two nodes in the same column of a Sankey graph. |
netw |
a list of class "pkgsnetwork" produced by |
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) lst <- list("RWsearch", "visNetwork") ; lst netw <- p_network(actuar, fitdistrplus, reverse = TRUE) ; netw if (interactive()) { p_graphF(lst) p_graphS(RWsearch, visNetwork) n_graphF(netw) n_graphS(netw) }
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) lst <- list("RWsearch", "visNetwork") ; lst netw <- p_network(actuar, fitdistrplus, reverse = TRUE) ; netw if (interactive()) { p_graphF(lst) p_graphS(RWsearch, visNetwork) n_graphF(netw) n_graphS(netw) }
opens the default browser, connects to your local CRAN and displays the
home page of the package(s). An internet connexion is required.
and p_html2
open the default browser and display the html help
page of the package, if it is installed. On Windows, p_html
returns a local
server address*.html and subfunctions listed in the page can
be explored whereas p_html2
returns a file address file:///C:/*.html
with no links to the subfunctions.
and its alias p_htmlweb
open the default browser and display
the html help pages stored by the R-project at https://search.r-project.org.
An internet connexion is required. A message is returned if the package does not
exist in CRAN. In such case, use the function s_man
for a deeper
displays in a pdf reader the pdf manual of the package, or generates
it on the fly
in the current directory if the package is installed. Miktex or Texlive is required.
This is a very fast function if the files already exist (and overwrite= FALSE
) and
a (relatively) slow function if the files needs to be generated, usually much slower than:
downloads from you local CRAN the pdf manual of the package, saves it
in the current directory and opens it in the pdf application of your browser.
An internet connexion is required.
is a wrapper of utils::browseVignettes
. It opens the default browser
and displays a list of the vignettes related to a package, if they exist.
wraps utils::browseVignettes(NULL)
. It opens the default browser
and displays all vignettes available in the computer. This can be a very large html file.
Use p_archive
or p_archive
to display in the browser
or in the console the package archives. An internet connexion is required.
p_page(..., char = NULL, repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_html(..., char = NULL) p_html2(..., char = NULL) p_htmlweb(..., char = NULL) p_man(..., char = NULL) p_pdf(..., char = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, dir = ".") p_pdfweb(..., char = NULL, repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_vig(..., char = NULL) p_vig_all()
p_page(..., char = NULL, repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_html(..., char = NULL) p_html2(..., char = NULL) p_htmlweb(..., char = NULL) p_man(..., char = NULL) p_pdf(..., char = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, dir = ".") p_pdfweb(..., char = NULL, repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_vig(..., char = NULL) p_vig_all()
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if
repos |
character. The address of your local CRAN. |
overwrite |
logical. Overwrite already existing file (and use LaTeX intensively). |
dir |
character. The directory in which the files are read or written.
Default value |
if (interactive()) { p_page(RWsearch, sos, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") p_html(RWsearch, sos) p_man(RWsearch) p_pdfweb(sos, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") ## Try p_pdf(sos, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "ppdf")) p_vig(RWsearch) }
if (interactive()) { p_page(RWsearch, sos, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") p_html(RWsearch, sos) p_man(RWsearch) p_pdfweb(sos, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") ## Try p_pdf(sos, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "ppdf")) p_vig(RWsearch) }
is a wrapper around install.packages
which tries
hard to select the most appropriate lib
and stops in case of conflict.
allows a non-standard evaluation of unquoted packages separated by commas.
Use install.packages
if any additional argument is needed.
p_inst(..., char = NULL, lib = NULL, repos = getOption("repos"), contriburl = NULL, dependencies = NA, type = getOption("pkgType"))
p_inst(..., char = NULL, lib = NULL, repos = getOption("repos"), contriburl = NULL, dependencies = NA, type = getOption("pkgType"))
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector or a list. Use this argument if
lib |
character. The directory where to install the packages, usually
one of the directories listed by |
repos |
character. The address of your local CRAN. |
contriburl |
character. The address of your private repository. |
dependencies |
logical. |
type |
character. Either |
returns TRUE if all packages are listed in crandb
and a vector
of FALSE with the names of the packages not listed in crandb
returns a list of packages installed or not installed in the computer.
checks if the packages exist or do not exist
in crandb
(see CRAN archives, Bioconductor, Github, your own packages).
The missing packages available on CRAN can be downloaded with p_down0
downloaded and checked (by R CMD check) with xfun::rev_check
or installed
with install.packages
. The packages removed from CRAN but available in
CRAN archive can be downloaded with p_downarch
p_incrandb(..., char = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_inun(..., char = NULL) p_inun_crandb(..., char = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
p_incrandb(..., char = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_inun(..., char = NULL) p_inun_crandb(..., char = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector or a list. Use this argument if
crandb |
data.frame |
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## Check if packages are installed or not, and exist or not in crandb p_incrandb(RWsearch, NotAPkg1, pacman, NotAPkg2, sos) p_inun(RWsearch, NotAPkg1, pacman, NotAPkg2, sos) p_inun_crandb(RWsearch, NotAPkg1, pacman, NotAPkg2, sos)
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## Check if packages are installed or not, and exist or not in crandb p_incrandb(RWsearch, NotAPkg1, pacman, NotAPkg2, sos) p_inun(RWsearch, NotAPkg1, pacman, NotAPkg2, sos) p_inun_crandb(RWsearch, NotAPkg1, pacman, NotAPkg2, sos)
returns a subset of crandb
for the given packages and the selected
columns, by default the Package name, the Title and the Description.
has a preset value to 2 columns: "Package", "Title" and prints the
results in the console with a left alignment.
has a preset value to 5 columns: "Package", "Title", "Description",
"Author", "Maintainer".
has a preset value to 7 columns: "Package", "Version", "Published",
"Title", "Description", "Author", "Maintainer".
prints the results of p_table
, p_table5
or p_table7
in pdf file(s). Miktex or Texlive is required.
, p_table3pdf
, p_table5pdf
, p_table7pdf
combine the
above functions.
p_table(..., char = NULL, columns = c("Package", "Title", "Description"), crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_table2(..., char = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_table5(..., char = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_table7(..., char = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) table_pdf(x, filename = "SelectedPkgs.tex", dir = ".", texops = "a4paper,landscape,10pt", pdf = TRUE, cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) p_table2pdf(..., char = NULL, filename = "Selectedpkgs", dir = ".", texops = "a4paper,landscape,10pt", pdf = TRUE, cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_table3pdf(..., char = NULL, filename = "Selectedpkgs", dir = ".", texops = "a4paper,landscape,10pt", pdf = TRUE, cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_table5pdf(..., char = NULL, filename = "Selectedpkgs", dir = ".", texops = "a4paper,landscape,10pt", pdf = TRUE, cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_table7pdf(..., char = NULL, filename = "Selectedpkgs", dir = ".", texops = "a4paper,landscape,10pt", pdf = TRUE, cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
p_table(..., char = NULL, columns = c("Package", "Title", "Description"), crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_table2(..., char = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_table5(..., char = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_table7(..., char = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) table_pdf(x, filename = "SelectedPkgs.tex", dir = ".", texops = "a4paper,landscape,10pt", pdf = TRUE, cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) p_table2pdf(..., char = NULL, filename = "Selectedpkgs", dir = ".", texops = "a4paper,landscape,10pt", pdf = TRUE, cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_table3pdf(..., char = NULL, filename = "Selectedpkgs", dir = ".", texops = "a4paper,landscape,10pt", pdf = TRUE, cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_table5pdf(..., char = NULL, filename = "Selectedpkgs", dir = ".", texops = "a4paper,landscape,10pt", pdf = TRUE, cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) p_table7pdf(..., char = NULL, filename = "Selectedpkgs", dir = ".", texops = "a4paper,landscape,10pt", pdf = TRUE, cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if |
columns |
character vector. A sub-vector of |
crandb |
data.frame |
x |
(list of) data.frame produced by |
filename |
character. The file name (with or without extension). |
dir |
character. The directory in which the files are read or written.
Default value |
texops |
character vector. Options passed to instruction |
pdf |
logical. |
cleantex |
logical. Remove the |
openpdf |
logical. Open the generated *.pdf file(s) in a pdf viewer (only if
verbose |
logical. Print the path(s) to the generated file(s). |
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## Use a large console (useful for p_table2()) p_table2(pacman, pdfsearch, sos) (lst <- s_crandb_list("thermodynamic", "chemical reaction", "distillation")) p_table2(lst) ## Print the tables as pdf files and open them in a pdf viewer. if (interactive()) { dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "ptablepdf") p_table5pdf(pacman, pdfsearch, sos, filename = "table5", dir = dir) p_table7pdf(lst, filename = "table7", dir = dir, cleantex = FALSE) }
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## Use a large console (useful for p_table2()) p_table2(pacman, pdfsearch, sos) (lst <- s_crandb_list("thermodynamic", "chemical reaction", "distillation")) p_table2(lst) ## Print the tables as pdf files and open them in a pdf viewer. if (interactive()) { dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "ptablepdf") p_table5pdf(pacman, pdfsearch, sos, filename = "table5", dir = dir) p_table7pdf(lst, filename = "table7", dir = dir, cleantex = FALSE) }
extracts from CRAN the most relevant information related to one or
several packages and print them in a text file which can be tailored to various
formats: *.txt, *.md, *.tex for further treatment.
has preset values for markdown files.
has preset values for latex files.
has preset values for pdf files.
p_text(..., char = NULL, filename = "txtpkgs.txt", dir = ".", beforetext = "", f_maintext = funmaintext, sep1 = "== ", sep2 = " ==", eol = "\n", README = TRUE, NEWS = TRUE, ChangeLog = TRUE, vignettes = TRUE, RqmdRmd = FALSE, DOI = FALSE, aftertext = "", editor = FALSE, pager = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_text2md(..., char = NULL, filename = "mdpkgs.md", dir = ".", beforetext = funheadermd(), f_maintext = funmaintext, sep1 = "# ", sep2 = " ", eol = " \n", README = TRUE, NEWS = TRUE, ChangeLog = TRUE, vignettes = TRUE, RqmdRmd = FALSE, DOI = FALSE, aftertext = "", editor = FALSE, pager = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_text2tex(..., char = NULL, filename = "texpkgs.tex", dir = ".", beforetext = funheadertex(), f_maintext = funmaintex, sep1 = "\\section{", sep2 = "}", eol = " \\\\\n", README = TRUE, NEWS = TRUE, ChangeLog = TRUE, vignettes = TRUE, RqmdRmd = FALSE, DOI = FALSE, aftertext = funfootertex(), editor = FALSE, pager = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_text2pdf(..., char = NULL, filename = "pdfpkgs.pdf", dir = ".", beforetext = funheadertex(), f_maintext = funmaintex, sep1 = "\\section{", sep2 = "}", eol = " \\\\\n", README = TRUE, NEWS = TRUE, ChangeLog = TRUE, vignettes = TRUE, RqmdRmd = FALSE, DOI = FALSE, aftertext = funfootertex(), cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1])
p_text(..., char = NULL, filename = "txtpkgs.txt", dir = ".", beforetext = "", f_maintext = funmaintext, sep1 = "== ", sep2 = " ==", eol = "\n", README = TRUE, NEWS = TRUE, ChangeLog = TRUE, vignettes = TRUE, RqmdRmd = FALSE, DOI = FALSE, aftertext = "", editor = FALSE, pager = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_text2md(..., char = NULL, filename = "mdpkgs.md", dir = ".", beforetext = funheadermd(), f_maintext = funmaintext, sep1 = "# ", sep2 = " ", eol = " \n", README = TRUE, NEWS = TRUE, ChangeLog = TRUE, vignettes = TRUE, RqmdRmd = FALSE, DOI = FALSE, aftertext = "", editor = FALSE, pager = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_text2tex(..., char = NULL, filename = "texpkgs.tex", dir = ".", beforetext = funheadertex(), f_maintext = funmaintex, sep1 = "\\section{", sep2 = "}", eol = " \\\\\n", README = TRUE, NEWS = TRUE, ChangeLog = TRUE, vignettes = TRUE, RqmdRmd = FALSE, DOI = FALSE, aftertext = funfootertex(), editor = FALSE, pager = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1]) p_text2pdf(..., char = NULL, filename = "pdfpkgs.pdf", dir = ".", beforetext = funheadertex(), f_maintext = funmaintex, sep1 = "\\section{", sep2 = "}", eol = " \\\\\n", README = TRUE, NEWS = TRUE, ChangeLog = TRUE, vignettes = TRUE, RqmdRmd = FALSE, DOI = FALSE, aftertext = funfootertex(), cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), repos = getOption("repos")[1])
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector or a list. Use this argument if
filename |
character. The file name with extension. If |
dir |
character. The directory in which the files are read or written.
Default value |
beforetext |
character. The text written at the beginning of the file. |
f_maintext |
function name. The function used to extract the main text from
sep1 |
character. The symbols written just before each package name. |
sep2 |
character. The symbols written just after each package name. If used with with mardkdown, add two blank characters at the end to force a new line. |
eol |
character. The end of line for the main text (but not for the header and the footer). "\n" for text, " \n" for rmarkdown, " \\ \n" for latex. |
logical. Write the line related to the README page, if it exists. |
logical. Write the line related to the NEWS page, if it exists. |
ChangeLog |
logical. Write the line related to the ChangeLog page, if it exists. |
vignettes |
logical. Write the lines related to the vignette(s), if they exist. |
RqmdRmd |
logical. Add to the vignettes the source files in R, Rmd or qmd format, if they exist. |
logical. Write the line related to the DOI link, if it exists. |
aftertext |
character. The text written at the end of the file. |
editor |
logical. Open the text file with |
pager |
logical. Open the text file with |
verbose |
logical. List the generated file(s). |
crandb |
data.frame |
repos |
character. The address of your local CRAN. |
cleantex |
logical. Remove the |
openpdf |
logical. Open the pdf files in the default pdf viewer. |
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## Search in crandb vec <- s_crandb(search, find, select = "PT") ; vec lst <- s_crandb_list(thermodynamic, "chemical reaction") ; lst lst2 <- lapply(lst, function(x) x[1:2]) ; lst2 dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "ptext") ## Generate a txt file p_text(vec[1:5], filename = "SearchFind.txt", dir = dir, RqmdRmd = TRUE, DOI = TRUE, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") ## Generate 2 tex + 2 pdf files (10-20 seconds) ## Try the options cleantex = FALSE and openpdf = TRUE on lst if (interactive()) { p_text2pdf(lst2, dir = dir, cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = FALSE, RqmdRmd = TRUE, DOI = TRUE, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") }
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## Search in crandb vec <- s_crandb(search, find, select = "PT") ; vec lst <- s_crandb_list(thermodynamic, "chemical reaction") ; lst lst2 <- lapply(lst, function(x) x[1:2]) ; lst2 dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "ptext") ## Generate a txt file p_text(vec[1:5], filename = "SearchFind.txt", dir = dir, RqmdRmd = TRUE, DOI = TRUE, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") ## Generate 2 tex + 2 pdf files (10-20 seconds) ## Try the options cleantex = FALSE and openpdf = TRUE on lst if (interactive()) { p_text2pdf(lst2, dir = dir, cleantex = TRUE, openpdf = FALSE, RqmdRmd = TRUE, DOI = TRUE, repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") }
unloads in a safe order all packages, except the base and
recommended packages, that are attached or loaded in the namespace, plus their
respective DLLs.
It must be used before installing new versions of packages that are currently
loaded in the namespace and require some forced unloading, as revealed by the
first column of the data.frame produced by p_vers_deps
. Warning:
this function also removes RWsearch and its dependencies. It is therefore
recommended to perform the installation with install.packages
rather than p_inst
This function is safe enough to reinstall locked packages but not safe enough for a further use as it does not unload the S3 and S4 classes nor the documentation which is detected as corrupted. It is therefore recommend to stop and restart R after the installation of the fresh packages.
p_unload_all(unload = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
p_unload_all(unload = FALSE, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
unload |
logical. |
crandb |
data.frame |
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) p_unload_all() ## Then run p_unload_all(TRUE), but only for maintenance!
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) p_unload_all() ## Then run p_unload_all(TRUE), but only for maintenance!
The information displayed by p_vers
depends on the availability of
and binarydb
in .GlobalEnv
If crandb
is not loaded in .GlobalEnv
, p_vers
returns a
data.frame with two columns: first column nsloaded
(TRUE/FALSE) detects
(with base::isNamespaceLoaded
) if the package namespaces are loaded.
Second column version
is the version number of the installed packages.
If crandb
is loaded in .GlobalEnv
, three columns are added.
Column crandb
displays the version number of the source packages recorded
in the crandb
file. Column gcc
displays the nedd for a compilation.
Column compare
compares this version number with the version installed
on the computer. Possible values are:
-2 for a package not installed on the computer (NA) but available in crandb ;
-1 for an installed package older than the source package available in CRAN ;
0 for an installed package with the same version number than CRAN ;
+1 for a more recent package than the one available in CRAN ;
+2 for a package installed on the computer and not available in CRAN (NA) ;
+3 for a package not installed on the computer (NA) and not available in CRAN (NA).
If binarydb
is loaded in .GlobalEnv
, two or three columns are added.
Column binary
displays the version number of the binary packages recorded
in the binarydb = available.packages, type = "binary")
Column difvb
compares the installed version on the computer with this
binary version and column difbc
compares (if crandb is in .GlobalEnv
the binary version with the source package available in CRAN (which can differ
for recently updated packages, a matter of 1 to 3 days).
The numbering is identical to the one used for crandb
If ndeps = TRUE
, two more columns are added with the number
of recursive dependencies per package. Column tdeps
includes the base
and recommended packages. Column ndeps
does not count them. This option
can take some time. Set it to FALSE
if you need speed.
calculates the same information but includes the recursive
dependencies. Subsetting by "compare < 0"
returns a shorter data.frame
with the uninstalled (-2) and the outdated (-1) packages. Packages marked with
nsloaded = TRUE
must be detached and unloaded before any reinstallation.
Using this instruction before running install.packages
or p_inst
is very useful as it detects packages that are locked and cannot be reinstalled.
The order provided by p_vers_deps
is the best one for the reinstallation
of outdated packages.
p_vers(..., char = NULL, ndeps = TRUE) p_vers_deps(..., char = NULL, ndeps = TRUE, subset = "compare < 4", crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
p_vers(..., char = NULL, ndeps = TRUE) p_vers_deps(..., char = NULL, ndeps = TRUE, subset = "compare < 4", crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if |
ndeps |
logical. Calculate the number of recursive dependencies.
subset |
character. Subset the output data.frame on some columns.
The default |
crandb |
data.frame |
pkgs <- cnsc(RWsearch, MASS, Matrix, NotAPkg, R) p_vers(pkgs) ## Now with crandb and binarydb loaded in .GlobalEnv. In real life, use: ## crandb_down() ; binarydb_down() crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) binarydb_load(system.file("data", "zbinarydb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) p_vers(pkgs) p_vers(p_deps(pkgs)) p_vers_deps(pkgs) # Dependencies can be visualized with p_graphF(pkgs) p_vers(crandb$Package)
pkgs <- cnsc(RWsearch, MASS, Matrix, NotAPkg, R) p_vers(pkgs) ## Now with crandb and binarydb loaded in .GlobalEnv. In real life, use: ## crandb_down() ; binarydb_down() crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) binarydb_load(system.file("data", "zbinarydb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) p_vers(pkgs) p_vers(p_deps(pkgs)) p_vers_deps(pkgs) # Dependencies can be visualized with p_graphF(pkgs) p_vers(crandb$Package)
The most important functions in this package along with p_down
Search packages in data.frame crandb
that contain one or several keywords
in the columns "Package", "Title", "Description", "Author" or "Maintainer".
returns a vector of the packages that contain the keywords.
returns a list where each element of the list is one of the
returns a list split by results in columns "Package", "Title"
and "Description". Option mode = "and", "relax"
is ignored.
returns a list split by results in columns "Author" and
"Maintainer". Option mode = "and", "relax"
is ignored.
Use p_table2
to print the results of s_crandb
in the console.
Use p_text
to send the results in txt, md or pdf files.
Use p_display
to visualize the results in html pages in the browser.
s_crandb(..., char = NULL, select = "PTD", mode = "or", sensitive = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, agrep = FALSE, max.distance = 0.1, costs = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) s_crandb_list(..., char = NULL, select = "PTD", mode = "or", sensitive = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, agrep = FALSE, max.distance = 0.1, costs = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) s_crandb_PTD(..., char = NULL, mode = "or", sensitive = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, agrep = FALSE, max.distance = 0.1, costs = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) s_crandb_AM(..., char = NULL, mode = "or", sensitive = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, agrep = FALSE, max.distance = 0.1, costs = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
s_crandb(..., char = NULL, select = "PTD", mode = "or", sensitive = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, agrep = FALSE, max.distance = 0.1, costs = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) s_crandb_list(..., char = NULL, select = "PTD", mode = "or", sensitive = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, agrep = FALSE, max.distance = 0.1, costs = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) s_crandb_PTD(..., char = NULL, mode = "or", sensitive = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, agrep = FALSE, max.distance = 0.1, costs = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) s_crandb_AM(..., char = NULL, mode = "or", sensitive = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, agrep = FALSE, max.distance = 0.1, costs = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if |
select |
character vector. A sub-vector of |
mode |
character among "or", "and", "relax". The search mode.
"relax" is for 3 words and more. It is an intermediate between
"or" and "and" as it requires just 2 matching words:
sensitive |
logical. |
perl |
logical. Used only if |
fixed |
logical. |
agrep |
logical. For approximate matching, use |
max.distance |
integer or numeric. See |
costs |
NULL or list. See |
crandb |
data.frame |
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## Search using standard or non-standard content s_crandb(c("thermodynamic", "chemical reaction", "distillation")) s_crandb_list(thermodynamic, "chemical reaction", distillation) ## Search using the various options s_crandb("^f", select = "P") s_crandb(pH, sensitive = TRUE) s_crandb_PTD(pH, sensitive = TRUE) s_crandb_PTD("C++", fixed = TRUE) s_crandb(search, find, cran, web, select = "PD", mode = "and") s_crandb(search, find, cran, web, select = "PD", mode = "relax") s_crandb(search, find, cran, web, select = "PD", mode = "or") ## Search for some authors using the various options s_crandb_AM(Kiener, Dutang, ORPHANED) ## Non-standard content can be unquoted words or objects in .GlobalEnv ## They are transformed into character or are evaluated ## Here, the searched keywords are "find" and "search". OTHER <- "search" (lst <- s_crandb_list(find, OTHER, select = "P", sensitive = TRUE)) ## Display in the browser this list of packages if (interactive()) { p_display5(lst, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "scrandb")) }
## In real life, download crandb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions crandb_down() or crandb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## Search using standard or non-standard content s_crandb(c("thermodynamic", "chemical reaction", "distillation")) s_crandb_list(thermodynamic, "chemical reaction", distillation) ## Search using the various options s_crandb("^f", select = "P") s_crandb(pH, sensitive = TRUE) s_crandb_PTD(pH, sensitive = TRUE) s_crandb_PTD("C++", fixed = TRUE) s_crandb(search, find, cran, web, select = "PD", mode = "and") s_crandb(search, find, cran, web, select = "PD", mode = "relax") s_crandb(search, find, cran, web, select = "PD", mode = "or") ## Search for some authors using the various options s_crandb_AM(Kiener, Dutang, ORPHANED) ## Non-standard content can be unquoted words or objects in .GlobalEnv ## They are transformed into character or are evaluated ## Here, the searched keywords are "find" and "search". OTHER <- "search" (lst <- s_crandb_list(find, OTHER, select = "P", sensitive = TRUE)) ## Display in the browser this list of packages if (interactive()) { p_display5(lst, dir = file.path(tempdir(), "scrandb")) }
This is a function for task view maintenance.
Search packages in a subset of crandb
within dates from
and to
that contain one or several keywords in the columns "Package", "Title", "Description",
'Author" or "Maintainer", then verify if these packages are already refereed in one
of the task views stored in tvdb
s_crandb_tvdb(..., char = NULL, tv = "Distributions", from = -10, to = Sys.Date(), select = "PTD", mode = "or", sensitive = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, agrep = FALSE, max.distance = 0.1, costs = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), tvdb = get("tvdb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
s_crandb_tvdb(..., char = NULL, tv = "Distributions", from = -10, to = Sys.Date(), select = "PTD", mode = "or", sensitive = FALSE, perl = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, agrep = FALSE, max.distance = 0.1, costs = NULL, crandb = get("crandb", envir = .GlobalEnv), tvdb = get("tvdb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if |
tv |
character. One task view among those listed in tvdb. |
from |
character representing a date earlier than date |
to |
date. The upper date in the search. |
select |
character vector. A sub-vector of |
mode |
character among "or", "and", "relax". The search mode.
"relax" is for 3 words and more. It is an intermediate between
"or" and "and" as it requires just 2 matching words:
sensitive |
logical. |
perl |
logical. Used only if |
fixed |
logical. |
agrep |
logical. For approximate matching, use |
max.distance |
integer or numeric. See |
costs |
NULL or list. See |
crandb |
data.frame |
tvdb |
list. The list of the task views. |
A list with the following vectors:
spkgs: The selected packages that contain the keyword(s).
inTV: The packages that contain the keyword(s) already refereed in the task view.
notinTV: The packages that contain the keyword(s) not (yet) refereed in the task view.
inTV_in: Among the packages available in the task view, those installed in the computer.
inTV_un: Among the packages available in the task view, those not installed in the computer.
notinTV_in: Among the packages not refereed in the task view, those installed in the computer.
notinTV_un: Among the packages not refereed in the task view, those not installed in the computer.
### TASK VIEW MAINTENANCE (tvdb + crandb) ## In real life, download crandb and tvdb from CRAN or load them from your directory ## with functions crandb_down(), crandb_load(), tvdb_down(), tvdb_load(). ## In this example, we use small files. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) tvdb_load(system.file("data", "ztvdb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## List the task views tvdb_vec() ## Search for the recent packages in crandb that contain the keyword ## and verify that the packages are already refereed in the task view. (lst <- s_crandb_tvdb("Gumbel", tv = "Distributions", from = "2018-01-01")) if (interactive()) { p_display7(lst[c("inTV", "notinTV")], dir = file.path(tempdir(), "scrandbtvdb")) }
### TASK VIEW MAINTENANCE (tvdb + crandb) ## In real life, download crandb and tvdb from CRAN or load them from your directory ## with functions crandb_down(), crandb_load(), tvdb_down(), tvdb_load(). ## In this example, we use small files. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) tvdb_load(system.file("data", "ztvdb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) ## List the task views tvdb_vec() ## Search for the recent packages in crandb that contain the keyword ## and verify that the packages are already refereed in the task view. (lst <- s_crandb_tvdb("Gumbel", tv = "Distributions", from = "2018-01-01")) if (interactive()) { p_display7(lst[c("inTV", "notinTV")], dir = file.path(tempdir(), "scrandbtvdb")) }
is a wrapper of the well known function ??
and its parent function
. Visit the help page help.search
for details
on the various arguments.
s_hs(..., char = NULL, fields = c("alias", "concept", "title"), apropos, keyword, whatis, ignore.case = TRUE, package = NULL, agrep = NULL, use_UTF8 = FALSE)
s_hs(..., char = NULL, fields = c("alias", "concept", "title"), apropos, keyword, whatis, ignore.case = TRUE, package = NULL, agrep = NULL, use_UTF8 = FALSE)
... |
one single character string recognized by |
char |
(name to) a single character string. Use this argument if |
fields |
See |
apropos |
See |
keyword |
See |
whatis |
See |
ignore.case |
See |
package |
See |
agrep |
See |
use_UTF8 |
See |
searchs in all R documentation packages and functions that contain
one or several keywords, open the default browser and display the results in two
html pages, one for the package::functions and one for the package::vignettes.
usually find more results than s_crandb
as it goes
deeper in the documentation, down to the function level. An internet connection
is required to reach the website https://search.r-project.org.
is a minimal wrapper of the function sos::findFn.
Use this function if you need advanced search options.
sends a query to the same search engine but the results is returned
in a less edited format than s_sos
. Use the function p_man
if your search is about a package and not a function.
s_sos(..., char = NULL) s_man(..., char = NULL)
s_sos(..., char = NULL) s_man(..., char = NULL)
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector. Use this argument if |
https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=sos (index and vignette).
## Search using standard or non-standard content ## and display the results in a browser. if (interactive()) { s_sos("chemical reaction") (res <- s_sos(distillation)) tail(data.frame(res)) s_man("cran_incoming") }
## Search using standard or non-standard content ## and display the results in a browser. if (interactive()) { s_sos("chemical reaction") (res <- s_sos(distillation)) tail(data.frame(res)) s_man("cran_incoming") }
searchs if one or several package(s) are referred in some task views
and lists these task views.
s_tvdb(..., char = NULL, tvdb = get("tvdb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
s_tvdb(..., char = NULL, tvdb = get("tvdb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector or a list. Use this argument if
tvdb |
list. The list of the task views. |
## In real life, download tvdb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions tvdb_down() or tvdb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. tvdb_load(system.file("data", "ztvdb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) tvdb_dfr() s_tvdb(actuar, FatTailsR, MASS, zoo, NotAPkg)
## In real life, download tvdb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions tvdb_down() or tvdb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. tvdb_load(system.file("data", "ztvdb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) tvdb_dfr() s_tvdb(actuar, FatTailsR, MASS, zoo, NotAPkg)
downloads from CRAN the file "Views.rds", a file refreshed every day that
describes the task views available in CRAN for this day, rearranges the list in an
alphabetical order and gives names to the list names, then loads in .GlobalEnv
this list (of class ctvlist) under the name tvdb
and saves it with the filename
loads the file filename
in .GlobalEnv under the name tvdb
Equivalent to load("tvdb.rda")
displays the list of the task views. There are 36 task views in August 2018.
extracts from tvdb
a data.frame version, name, topic
of the task views.
extracts from tvdb
the list of the task views and the referenced
displays the packages referenced by one or several task views.
Visit s_crandb_tvdb
to conduct task view maintenance.
tvdb_down(dir = ".", repos = getOption("repos")[1]) tvdb_load(filename = "tvdb.rda") tvdb_vec(tvdb = get("tvdb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) tvdb_dfr(tvdb = get("tvdb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) tvdb_list(tvdb = get("tvdb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) tvdb_pkgs(..., char = NULL, tvdb = get("tvdb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
tvdb_down(dir = ".", repos = getOption("repos")[1]) tvdb_load(filename = "tvdb.rda") tvdb_vec(tvdb = get("tvdb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) tvdb_dfr(tvdb = get("tvdb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) tvdb_list(tvdb = get("tvdb", envir = .GlobalEnv)) tvdb_pkgs(..., char = NULL, tvdb = get("tvdb", envir = .GlobalEnv))
dir |
character. The directory where "tvdb.rda" is saved.
Default value |
repos |
character. The address of your local CRAN. |
filename |
character. The path to file "tvdb.rda". The default is to read in the current directory. |
tvdb |
list. The list of the task views. |
... |
any format recognized by |
char |
(name to) a character vector or a list. Use this argument if
### DOWNLOAD AND VISUALIZE THE TASK VIEWS (tvdb) ## In real life, download tvdb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions tvdb_down() or tvdb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. tvdb_load(system.file("data", "ztvdb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) length(tvdb) ## List the task views tvdb_vec() tvdb_dfr() tvdb_pkgs("Robust") lengths(tvdb_list()) ## Here, 'lst' is subsetted from the small crandb file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) funIN <- function (x, y) x[match(x, y, nomatch = 0) > 0] lst <- lapply(tvdb_list()[1:2], funIN, crandb$Package) ; lst if (interactive()) p_display7(lst[[1]], dir = file.path(tempdir(), "ptvdbdown"))
### DOWNLOAD AND VISUALIZE THE TASK VIEWS (tvdb) ## In real life, download tvdb from CRAN or load it from your directory ## with functions tvdb_down() or tvdb_load(). ## In this example, we use a small file. tvdb_load(system.file("data", "ztvdb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) length(tvdb) ## List the task views tvdb_vec() tvdb_dfr() tvdb_pkgs("Robust") lengths(tvdb_list()) ## Here, 'lst' is subsetted from the small crandb file. crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch")) funIN <- function (x, y) x[match(x, y, nomatch = 0) > 0] lst <- lapply(tvdb_list()[1:2], funIN, crandb$Package) ; lst if (interactive()) p_display7(lst[[1]], dir = file.path(tempdir(), "ptvdbdown"))
The file zcrandb.rda contains a data.frame named crandb
dimension 94 x 69. It is is a subset of 94 packages of the large crandb
data.frame usually downloaded from CRAN by the function crandb_down
The use of zcrandb.rda
avoids inappropriate connections to CRAN and
increases the speed of the examples.
crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch"))
crandb_load(system.file("data", "zcrandb.rda", package = "RWsearch"))
The file ztvdb.rda contains a list of 4 task views named tvdb
It is a subset of the large file tvdb.rda that contain 45 task views
usually downloaded from CRAN by the function tvdb_down
The use of ztvdb.rda avoids inappropriate connections to CRAN and
increases the speed of the examples.
tvdb_load(system.file("data", "ztvdb.rda", package = "RWsearch"))
tvdb_load(system.file("data", "ztvdb.rda", package = "RWsearch"))