ex3 <- read.sym.table(file = 'tsym1.csv', header=TRUE, sep=';',dec='.', row.names=1)
#> # A tibble: 7 × 7
#> F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7
#> <dbl> <symblc_n> <symbl> <dbl> <symblc_> <symblc_n> <symblc_n>
#> 1 2.8 [1.00 : 2.00] <hist> 6 {a,d} [0.00 : 90.00] [9.00 : 24.00]
#> 2 1.4 [3.00 : 9.00] <hist> 8 {b,c,d} [-90.00 : 98.00] [-9.00 : 9.00]
#> 3 3.2 [-1.00 : 4.00] <hist> -7 {a,b} [65.00 : 90.00] [65.00 : 70.00]
#> 4 -2.1 [0.00 : 2.00] <hist> 0 {a,b,c,d} [45.00 : 89.00] [25.00 : 67.00]
#> 5 -3 [-4.00 : -2.00] <hist> -9.5 {b} [20.00 : 40.00] [9.00 : 40.00]
#> 6 0.1 [10.00 : 21.00] <hist> -1 {a,d} [5.00 : 8.00] [5.00 : 8.00]
#> 7 9 [4.00 : 21.00] <hist> 0.5 {a} [3.14 : 6.76] [4.00 : 6.00]
##How to save a Symbolic Table in a CSV file with RSDA?
#> # A tibble: 7 × 7
#> F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
#> <dbl> <symblc_n> <symblc_m> <dbl> <symblc_> <symblc_n>
#> 1 2.8 [1.00 : 2.00] M1:0.10 M2:0.70 M3:0.20 6 {e,g,i,k} [0.00 : 90.00]
#> 2 1.4 [3.00 : 9.00] M1:0.60 M2:0.30 M3:0.10 8 {a,b,c,d} [-90.00 : 98.00]
#> 3 3.2 [-1.00 : 4.00] M1:0.20 M2:0.20 M3:0.60 -7 {2,b,1,c} [65.00 : 90.00]
#> 4 -2.1 [0.00 : 2.00] M1:0.90 M2:0.00 M3:0.10 0 {a,3,4,c} [45.00 : 89.00]
#> 5 -3 [-4.00 : -2.00] M1:0.60 M2:0.00 M3:0.40 -9.5 {e,g,i,k} [20.00 : 40.00]
#> 6 0.1 [10.00 : 21.00] M1:0.00 M2:0.70 M3:0.30 -1 {e,1,i} [5.00 : 8.00]
#> 7 9 [4.00 : 21.00] M1:0.20 M2:0.20 M3:0.60 0.5 {e,a,2} [3.14 : 6.76]
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: F7 <symblc_n>
#> # A tibble: 1 × 7
#> F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
#> <dbl> <symblc_n> <symblc_m> <dbl> <symblc_s> <symblc_n>
#> 1 1.4 [3.00 : 9.00] M1:0.60 M2:0.30 M3:0.10 8 {a,b,c,d} [-90.00 : 98.00]
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: F7 <symblc_n>
#> # A tibble: 7 × 1
#> F3
#> <symblc_m>
#> 1 M1:0.10 M2:0.70 M3:0.20
#> 2 M1:0.60 M2:0.30 M3:0.10
#> 3 M1:0.20 M2:0.20 M3:0.60
#> 4 M1:0.90 M2:0.00 M3:0.10
#> 5 M1:0.60 M2:0.00 M3:0.40
#> 6 M1:0.00 M2:0.70 M3:0.30
#> 7 M1:0.20 M2:0.20 M3:0.60
#> # A tibble: 2 × 1
#> F5
#> <symblc_s>
#> 1 {a,b,c,d}
#> 2 {2,b,1,c}
#> [1] 2.8 1.4 3.2 -2.1 -3.0 0.1 9.0
#> state sex county group age
#> 1 Florida M 2 6 3
#> 2 California F 4 3 4
#> 3 Texas M 12 3 4
#> 4 Florida F 2 3 4
#> 5 Texas M 4 6 4
#> 6 Texas F 2 3 3
#> 7 Florida M 6 3 4
#> 8 Florida F 2 6 4
#> 9 California M 2 3 6
#> 10 California F 21 3 4
#> 11 California M 2 3 4
#> 12 California M 2 6 7
#> 13 Texas F 23 3 4
#> 14 Florida M 2 3 4
#> 15 Florida F 12 7 4
#> 16 Texas M 2 3 8
#> 17 California F 3 7 9
#> 18 California M 2 3 11
#> 19 California M 1 3 11
The classic.to.sym
function allows to convert a
traditional table into a symbolic one, to this we must indicate the
following parameters.
= a data.frameconcept
= variables to be used as a conceptvariables
= variables to be used, conceptible with
tidyselect optionsdefault.numeric
= function that will be used by default
for numerical values (sym.interval)default.categorical
= functions to be used by default
for categorical values (sym.model)result <- classic.to.sym(x = ex1_db2so,
concept = c(state, sex),
variables = c(county, group, age))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#> county group age
#> <symblc_n> <symblc_n> <symblc_n>
#> 1 [3.00 : 21.00] [3.00 : 7.00] [4.00 : 9.00]
#> 2 [1.00 : 2.00] [3.00 : 6.00] [4.00 : 11.00]
#> 3 [2.00 : 12.00] [3.00 : 7.00] [4.00 : 4.00]
#> 4 [2.00 : 6.00] [3.00 : 6.00] [3.00 : 4.00]
#> 5 [2.00 : 23.00] [3.00 : 3.00] [3.00 : 4.00]
#> 6 [2.00 : 12.00] [3.00 : 6.00] [4.00 : 8.00]
We can add new variables indicating the type we want them to be.
result <- classic.to.sym(x = ex1_db2so,
concept = c("state", "sex"),
variables = c(county, group, age),
age_hist = sym.histogram(age, breaks = pretty(ex1_db2so$age, 5)))
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#> age_hist county group age
#> <symblc_h> <symblc_n> <symblc_n> <symblc_n>
#> 1 <hist> [3.00 : 21.00] [3.00 : 7.00] [4.00 : 9.00]
#> 2 <hist> [1.00 : 2.00] [3.00 : 6.00] [4.00 : 11.00]
#> 3 <hist> [2.00 : 12.00] [3.00 : 7.00] [4.00 : 4.00]
#> 4 <hist> [2.00 : 6.00] [3.00 : 6.00] [3.00 : 4.00]
#> 5 <hist> [2.00 : 23.00] [3.00 : 3.00] [3.00 : 4.00]
#> 6 <hist> [2.00 : 12.00] [3.00 : 6.00] [4.00 : 8.00]
#> state fold population householdsize racepctblack racePctWhite racePctAsian
#> 1 8 1 0.19 0.33 0.02 0.90 0.12
#> 2 53 1 0.00 0.16 0.12 0.74 0.45
#> 3 24 1 0.00 0.42 0.49 0.56 0.17
#> 4 34 1 0.04 0.77 1.00 0.08 0.12
#> 5 42 1 0.01 0.55 0.02 0.95 0.09
#> 6 6 1 0.02 0.28 0.06 0.54 1.00
#> racePctHisp agePct12t21 agePct12t29 agePct16t24 agePct65up numbUrban pctUrban
#> 1 0.17 0.34 0.47 0.29 0.32 0.20 1.0
#> 2 0.07 0.26 0.59 0.35 0.27 0.02 1.0
#> 3 0.04 0.39 0.47 0.28 0.32 0.00 0.0
#> 4 0.10 0.51 0.50 0.34 0.21 0.06 1.0
#> 5 0.05 0.38 0.38 0.23 0.36 0.02 0.9
#> 6 0.25 0.31 0.48 0.27 0.37 0.04 1.0
#> medIncome pctWWage pctWFarmSelf pctWInvInc pctWSocSec pctWPubAsst pctWRetire
#> 1 0.37 0.72 0.34 0.60 0.29 0.15 0.43
#> 2 0.31 0.72 0.11 0.45 0.25 0.29 0.39
#> 3 0.30 0.58 0.19 0.39 0.38 0.40 0.84
#> 4 0.58 0.89 0.21 0.43 0.36 0.20 0.82
#> 5 0.50 0.72 0.16 0.68 0.44 0.11 0.71
#> 6 0.52 0.68 0.20 0.61 0.28 0.15 0.25
#> medFamInc perCapInc whitePerCap blackPerCap indianPerCap AsianPerCap
#> 1 0.39 0.40 0.39 0.32 0.27 0.27
#> 2 0.29 0.37 0.38 0.33 0.16 0.30
#> 3 0.28 0.27 0.29 0.27 0.07 0.29
#> 4 0.51 0.36 0.40 0.39 0.16 0.25
#> 5 0.46 0.43 0.41 0.28 0.00 0.74
#> 6 0.62 0.72 0.76 0.77 0.28 0.52
#> OtherPerCap HispPerCap NumUnderPov PctPopUnderPov PctLess9thGrade
#> 1 0.36 0.41 0.08 0.19 0.10
#> 2 0.22 0.35 0.01 0.24 0.14
#> 3 0.28 0.39 0.01 0.27 0.27
#> 4 0.36 0.44 0.01 0.10 0.09
#> 5 0.51 0.48 0.00 0.06 0.25
#> 6 0.48 0.60 0.01 0.12 0.13
#> PctNotHSGrad PctBSorMore PctUnemployed PctEmploy PctEmplManu PctEmplProfServ
#> 1 0.18 0.48 0.27 0.68 0.23 0.41
#> 2 0.24 0.30 0.27 0.73 0.57 0.15
#> 3 0.43 0.19 0.36 0.58 0.32 0.29
#> 4 0.25 0.31 0.33 0.71 0.36 0.45
#> 5 0.30 0.33 0.12 0.65 0.67 0.38
#> 6 0.12 0.80 0.10 0.65 0.19 0.77
#> PctOccupManu PctOccupMgmtProf MalePctDivorce MalePctNevMarr FemalePctDiv
#> 1 0.25 0.52 0.68 0.40 0.75
#> 2 0.42 0.36 1.00 0.63 0.91
#> 3 0.49 0.32 0.63 0.41 0.71
#> 4 0.37 0.39 0.34 0.45 0.49
#> 5 0.42 0.46 0.22 0.27 0.20
#> 6 0.06 0.91 0.49 0.57 0.61
#> TotalPctDiv PersPerFam PctFam2Par PctKids2Par PctYoungKids2Par PctTeen2Par
#> 1 0.75 0.35 0.55 0.59 0.61 0.56
#> 2 1.00 0.29 0.43 0.47 0.60 0.39
#> 3 0.70 0.45 0.42 0.44 0.43 0.43
#> 4 0.44 0.75 0.65 0.54 0.83 0.65
#> 5 0.21 0.51 0.91 0.91 0.89 0.85
#> 6 0.58 0.44 0.62 0.69 0.87 0.53
#> PctWorkMomYoungKids PctWorkMom NumIlleg PctIlleg NumImmig PctImmigRecent
#> 1 0.74 0.76 0.04 0.14 0.03 0.24
#> 2 0.46 0.53 0.00 0.24 0.01 0.52
#> 3 0.71 0.67 0.01 0.46 0.00 0.07
#> 4 0.85 0.86 0.03 0.33 0.02 0.11
#> 5 0.40 0.60 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.03
#> 6 0.30 0.43 0.00 0.11 0.04 0.30
#> PctImmigRec5 PctImmigRec8 PctImmigRec10 PctRecentImmig PctRecImmig5
#> 1 0.27 0.37 0.39 0.07 0.07
#> 2 0.62 0.64 0.63 0.25 0.27
#> 3 0.06 0.15 0.19 0.02 0.02
#> 4 0.20 0.30 0.31 0.05 0.08
#> 5 0.07 0.20 0.27 0.01 0.02
#> 6 0.35 0.43 0.47 0.50 0.50
#> PctRecImmig8 PctRecImmig10 PctSpeakEnglOnly PctNotSpeakEnglWell
#> 1 0.08 0.08 0.89 0.06
#> 2 0.25 0.23 0.84 0.10
#> 3 0.04 0.05 0.88 0.04
#> 4 0.11 0.11 0.81 0.08
#> 5 0.04 0.05 0.88 0.05
#> 6 0.56 0.57 0.45 0.28
#> PctLargHouseFam PctLargHouseOccup PersPerOccupHous PersPerOwnOccHous
#> 1 0.14 0.13 0.33 0.39
#> 2 0.16 0.10 0.17 0.29
#> 3 0.20 0.20 0.46 0.52
#> 4 0.56 0.62 0.85 0.77
#> 5 0.16 0.19 0.59 0.60
#> 6 0.25 0.19 0.29 0.53
#> PersPerRentOccHous PctPersOwnOccup PctPersDenseHous PctHousLess3BR MedNumBR
#> 1 0.28 0.55 0.09 0.51 0.5
#> 2 0.17 0.26 0.20 0.82 0.0
#> 3 0.43 0.42 0.15 0.51 0.5
#> 4 1.00 0.94 0.12 0.01 0.5
#> 5 0.37 0.89 0.02 0.19 0.5
#> 6 0.18 0.39 0.26 0.73 0.0
#> HousVacant PctHousOccup PctHousOwnOcc PctVacantBoarded PctVacMore6Mos
#> 1 0.21 0.71 0.52 0.05 0.26
#> 2 0.02 0.79 0.24 0.02 0.25
#> 3 0.01 0.86 0.41 0.29 0.30
#> 4 0.01 0.97 0.96 0.60 0.47
#> 5 0.01 0.89 0.87 0.04 0.55
#> 6 0.02 0.84 0.30 0.16 0.28
#> MedYrHousBuilt PctHousNoPhone PctWOFullPlumb OwnOccLowQuart OwnOccMedVal
#> 1 0.65 0.14 0.06 0.22 0.19
#> 2 0.65 0.16 0.00 0.21 0.20
#> 3 0.52 0.47 0.45 0.18 0.17
#> 4 0.52 0.11 0.11 0.24 0.21
#> 5 0.73 0.05 0.14 0.31 0.31
#> 6 0.25 0.02 0.05 0.94 1.00
#> OwnOccHiQuart RentLowQ RentMedian RentHighQ MedRent MedRentPctHousInc
#> 1 0.18 0.36 0.35 0.38 0.34 0.38
#> 2 0.21 0.42 0.38 0.40 0.37 0.29
#> 3 0.16 0.27 0.29 0.27 0.31 0.48
#> 4 0.19 0.75 0.70 0.77 0.89 0.63
#> 5 0.30 0.40 0.36 0.38 0.38 0.22
#> 6 1.00 0.67 0.63 0.68 0.62 0.47
#> MedOwnCostPctInc MedOwnCostPctIncNoMtg NumInShelters NumStreet PctForeignBorn
#> 1 0.46 0.25 0.04 0 0.12
#> 2 0.32 0.18 0.00 0 0.21
#> 3 0.39 0.28 0.00 0 0.14
#> 4 0.51 0.47 0.00 0 0.19
#> 5 0.51 0.21 0.00 0 0.11
#> 6 0.59 0.11 0.00 0 0.70
#> PctBornSameState PctSameHouse85 PctSameCity85 PctSameState85 LandArea PopDens
#> 1 0.42 0.50 0.51 0.64 0.12 0.26
#> 2 0.50 0.34 0.60 0.52 0.02 0.12
#> 3 0.49 0.54 0.67 0.56 0.01 0.21
#> 4 0.30 0.73 0.64 0.65 0.02 0.39
#> 5 0.72 0.64 0.61 0.53 0.04 0.09
#> 6 0.42 0.49 0.73 0.64 0.01 0.58
#> PctUsePubTrans LemasPctOfficDrugUn ViolentCrimesPerPop
#> 1 0.20 0.32 0.20
#> 2 0.45 0.00 0.67
#> 3 0.02 0.00 0.43
#> 4 0.28 0.00 0.12
#> 5 0.02 0.00 0.03
#> 6 0.10 0.00 0.14
result <- classic.to.sym(x = USCrime,
concept = state,
variables= c(NumInShelters,
ViolentCrimesPerPop_hist = sym.histogram(ViolentCrimesPerPop,
breaks = pretty(USCrime$ViolentCrimesPerPop,5)))
#> # A tibble: 46 × 4
#> ViolentCrimesPerPop_hist NumInShelters NumImmig ViolentCrimesPerPop
#> <symblc_h> <symblc_n> <symblc_n> <symblc_n>
#> 1 <hist> [0.00 : 0.32] [0.00 : 0.04] [0.01 : 1.00]
#> 2 <hist> [0.01 : 0.18] [0.01 : 0.09] [0.05 : 0.36]
#> 3 <hist> [0.00 : 1.00] [0.00 : 0.57] [0.05 : 0.57]
#> 4 <hist> [0.00 : 0.08] [0.00 : 0.02] [0.02 : 1.00]
#> 5 <hist> [0.00 : 1.00] [0.00 : 1.00] [0.01 : 1.00]
#> 6 <hist> [0.00 : 0.68] [0.00 : 0.23] [0.07 : 0.75]
#> 7 <hist> [0.00 : 0.79] [0.00 : 0.14] [0.00 : 0.94]
#> 8 <hist> [0.01 : 0.01] [0.01 : 0.01] [0.37 : 0.37]
#> 9 <hist> [1.00 : 1.00] [0.39 : 0.39] [1.00 : 1.00]
#> 10 <hist> [0.00 : 0.52] [0.00 : 1.00] [0.06 : 1.00]
#> # ℹ 36 more rows
#> suspect age hair eyes region
#> 1 1 42 h_red e_brown Bronx
#> 2 2 20 h_black e_green Bronx
#> 3 3 64 h_brown e_brown Brooklyn
#> 4 4 55 h_blonde e_brown Bronx
#> 5 5 4 h_brown e_green Manhattan
#> 6 6 61 h_blonde e_green Bronx
sym.table <- classic.to.sym(x = ex_mcfa1,
concept = suspect,
default.categorical = sym.set)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 3
#> hair eyes region
#> <symblc_s> <symblc_s> <symblc_s>
#> 1 {h_red} {e_brown,e_black} {Bronx}
#> 2 {h_black,h_blonde} {e_green,e_black} {Bronx,Manhattan}
#> 3 {h_brown,h_white} {e_brown,e_green} {Brooklyn,Queens}
#> 4 {h_blonde} {e_brown,e_black} {Bronx,Manhattan}
#> 5 {h_brown,h_red} {e_green} {Manhattan,Bronx}
#> 6 {h_blonde,h_white} {e_green,e_blue} {Bronx,Queens}
#> 7 {h_white,h_red} {e_black,e_blue} {Queens,Bronx}
#> 8 {h_blonde,h_white} {e_brown,e_black} {Manhattan,Brooklyn}
#> 9 {h_blonde,h_white} {e_black,e_brown} {Brooklyn,Bronx}
#> 10 {h_brown,h_black} {e_brown,e_green} {Manhattan,Bronx}
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
We can modify the function that will be applied by default to the categorical variables
sym.table <- classic.to.sym(x = ex_mcfa1,
concept = suspect,
default.categorical = sym.set)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 4
#> age hair eyes region
#> <symblc_n> <symblc_s> <symblc_s> <symblc_s>
#> 1 [22.00 : 42.00] {h_red} {e_brown,e_black} {Bronx}
#> 2 [20.00 : 57.00] {h_black,h_blonde} {e_green,e_black} {Bronx,Manhattan}
#> 3 [29.00 : 64.00] {h_brown,h_white} {e_brown,e_green} {Brooklyn,Queens}
#> 4 [14.00 : 55.00] {h_blonde} {e_brown,e_black} {Bronx,Manhattan}
#> 5 [4.00 : 47.00] {h_brown,h_red} {e_green} {Manhattan,Bronx}
#> 6 [32.00 : 61.00] {h_blonde,h_white} {e_green,e_blue} {Bronx,Queens}
#> 7 [49.00 : 61.00] {h_white,h_red} {e_black,e_blue} {Queens,Bronx}
#> 8 [8.00 : 32.00] {h_blonde,h_white} {e_brown,e_black} {Manhattan,Brooklyn}
#> 9 [39.00 : 67.00] {h_blonde,h_white} {e_black,e_brown} {Brooklyn,Bronx}
#> 10 [50.00 : 68.00] {h_brown,h_black} {e_brown,e_green} {Manhattan,Bronx}
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
hani3101 <- SDS.to.RSDA(file.path = "hani3101.sds")
#> Preprocessing file
#> Converting data to JSON format
#> Processing variable 1: R3101
#> Processing variable 2: RNINO12
#> Processing variable 3: RNINO3
#> Processing variable 4: RNINO4
#> Processing variable 5: RNINO34
#> Processing variable 6: RSOI
#> # A tibble: 32 × 6
#> R3101 RNINO12
#> <symblc_m> <symblc_m>
#> 1 X2:0.21 X4:0.18 X3:0.15 X5:... X1:0.17 X2:0.83 X3:0.00
#> 2 X2:0.30 X4:0.14 X3:0.19 X5:... X1:0.00 X2:0.25 X3:0.75
#> 3 X2:0.16 X4:0.12 X3:0.20 X5:... X1:0.67 X2:0.33 X3:0.00
#> 4 X2:0.13 X4:0.15 X3:0.22 X5:... X1:0.17 X2:0.83 X3:0.00
#> 5 X2:0.14 X4:0.14 X3:0.18 X5:... X1:0.42 X2:0.58 X3:0.00
#> 6 X2:0.26 X4:0.06 X3:0.23 X5:... X1:0.00 X2:0.67 X3:0.33
#> 7 X2:0.28 X4:0.14 X3:0.10 X5:... X1:0.00 X2:1.00 X3:0.00
#> 8 X2:0.25 X4:0.15 X3:0.19 X5:... X1:0.00 X2:1.00 X3:0.00
#> 9 X2:0.20 X4:0.15 X3:0.19 X5:... X1:0.00 X2:1.00 X3:0.00
#> 10 X2:0.21 X4:0.16 X3:0.31 X5:... X1:0.08 X2:0.92 X3:0.00
#> # ℹ 22 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: RNINO3 <symblc_m>, RNINO4 <symblc_m>, RNINO34 <symblc_m>,
#> # RSOI <symblc_m>
abalone <- SODAS.to.RSDA("abalone.xml")
#> Processing variable 1: LENGTH
#> Processing variable 2: DIAMETER
#> Processing variable 3: HEIGHT
#> Processing variable 4: WHOLE_WEIGHT
#> Processing variable 5: SHUCKED_WEIGHT
#> Processing variable 6: VISCERA_WEIGHT
#> Processing variable 7: SHELL_WEIGHT
#> # A tibble: 24 × 7
#> <symblc_n> <symblc_n> <symblc_n> <symblc_n> <symblc_n>
#> 1 [0.28 : 0.66] [0.20 : 0.48] [0.07 : 0.18] [0.08 : 1.37] [0.03 : 0.64]
#> 2 [0.30 : 0.74] [0.22 : 0.58] [0.02 : 1.13] [0.15 : 2.25] [0.06 : 1.16]
#> 3 [0.34 : 0.78] [0.26 : 0.63] [0.06 : 0.23] [0.20 : 2.66] [0.07 : 1.49]
#> 4 [0.39 : 0.82] [0.30 : 0.65] [0.10 : 0.25] [0.26 : 2.51] [0.11 : 1.23]
#> 5 [0.40 : 0.74] [0.32 : 0.60] [0.10 : 0.24] [0.35 : 2.20] [0.12 : 0.84]
#> 6 [0.45 : 0.80] [0.38 : 0.63] [0.14 : 0.22] [0.64 : 2.53] [0.16 : 0.93]
#> 7 [0.49 : 0.72] [0.36 : 0.58] [0.12 : 0.21] [0.68 : 2.12] [0.16 : 0.82]
#> 8 [0.55 : 0.70] [0.46 : 0.58] [0.18 : 0.22] [1.21 : 1.81] [0.32 : 0.71]
#> 9 [0.08 : 0.24] [0.06 : 0.18] [0.01 : 0.06] [0.00 : 0.07] [0.00 : 0.03]
#> 10 [0.13 : 0.58] [0.10 : 0.45] [0.00 : 0.15] [0.01 : 0.89] [0.00 : 0.50]
#> # ℹ 14 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: VISCERA_WEIGHT <symblc_n>, SHELL_WEIGHT <symblc_n>
#> [1] 15.98238
#> [1] 90.66667
#> [1] 1872.358
var(example3$F6, method = 'interval')
#> <symbolic_interval[1]>
#> [1] [2,408.97 : 1,670.51]
var(example3$F6, method = 'billard')
#> [1] 1355.143
#> [1] 3.997797
#> [1] 6.733003
#> [1] 30.59704
sd(example3$F6, method = 'interval')
#> <symbolic_interval[1]>
#> [1] [49.08 : 40.87]
sd(example3$F6, method = 'billard')
#> [1] 36.81226
#> Loading required package: ggplot2
oils <- RSDA:::to.v3(RSDA:::to.v2(oils))
#> Warning in type.convert.default(X[[i]], ...): 'as.is' should be specified by
#> the caller; using TRUE
#> Warning in type.convert.default(X[[i]], ...): 'as.is' should be specified by
#> the caller; using TRUE
#> Warning in type.convert.default(X[[i]], ...): 'as.is' should be specified by
#> the caller; using TRUE
#> Warning in type.convert.default(X[[i]], ...): 'as.is' should be specified by
#> the caller; using TRUE
#> Warning in ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = 0.5, y = 0, label = round(min(real.value), : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 20 rows.
#> ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
#> a single row.
#> Warning in ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = 0.5, y = 0.25, label = inverse.rescale(0.25, : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 20 rows.
#> ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
#> a single row.
#> Warning in ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, label = inverse.rescale(0.5, : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 20 rows.
#> ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
#> a single row.
#> Warning in ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = 0.5, y = 0.75, label = inverse.rescale(0.75, : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 20 rows.
#> ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
#> a single row.
#> Warning in ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = 0.5, y = 1, label = round(max(real.value), : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 20 rows.
#> ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
#> a single row.
#> Warning in type.convert.default(X[[i]], ...): 'as.is' should be specified by
#> the caller; using TRUE
#> Warning in type.convert.default(X[[i]], ...): 'as.is' should be specified by
#> the caller; using TRUE
#> Warning in type.convert.default(X[[i]], ...): 'as.is' should be specified by
#> the caller; using TRUE
#> Warning in type.convert.default(X[[i]], ...): 'as.is' should be specified by
#> the caller; using TRUE
#> Warning in ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = 0.5, y = 0, label = round(min(real.value), : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 40 rows.
#> ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
#> a single row.
#> Warning in ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = 0.5, y = 0.25, label = inverse.rescale(0.25, : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 40 rows.
#> ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
#> a single row.
#> Warning in ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, label = inverse.rescale(0.5, : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 40 rows.
#> ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
#> a single row.
#> Warning in ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = 0.5, y = 0.75, label = inverse.rescale(0.75, : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 40 rows.
#> ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
#> a single row.
#> Warning in ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = 0.5, y = 1, label = round(max(real.value), : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 40 rows.
#> ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
#> a single row.
#> $frequency
#> [1] 25 49 1 25
#> $histogram
#> [,1]
#> [1,] 0.7
#> [2,] 1.9
#> [3,] 3.1
#> [4,] 4.3
res <- interval.histogram.plot(oils[,3],
n.bins = 3,
main = "Histogram",
col = c(2, 3, 4))
DM <- sym.dist.interval(sym.data = oils[,1:4],
method = "Gowda.Diday")
model <- hclust(DM)
plot(model, hang = -1)
res.cm <- sym.lm(formula = lpsa~., sym.data = int_prost_train, method = 'cm')
#> Call:
#> stats::lm(formula = formula, data = centers)
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept) lcavol lweight age lbph svi
#> 0.411537 0.579327 0.614128 -0.018659 0.143918 0.730937
#> lcp gleason pgg45
#> -0.205536 -0.030924 0.009507
RMSE.L(int_prost_test$lpsa, pred.cm$Fitted)
#> [1] 0.7229999
RMSE.U(int_prost_test$lpsa, pred.cm$Fitted)
#> [1] 0.7192467
R2.L(int_prost_test$lpsa, pred.cm$Fitted)
#> [1] 0.501419
R2.U(int_prost_test$lpsa, pred.cm$Fitted)
#> [1] 0.5058389
deter.coefficient(int_prost_test$lpsa, pred.cm$Fitted)
#> [1] 0.4962964
#> [1] 0.7172516
#> [1] 0.7136356
#> [1] 0.5090679
#> [1] 0.5133541
deter.coefficient(int_prost_test$lpsa, pred.cm.lasso)
#> [1] 0.4968871
RMSE.L(int_prost_test$lpsa, pred.cm.ridge)
#> [1] 0.703543
RMSE.U(int_prost_test$lpsa, pred.cm.ridge)
#> [1] 0.7004145
R2.L(int_prost_test$lpsa, pred.cm.ridge)
#> [1] 0.5286114
R2.U(int_prost_test$lpsa, pred.cm.ridge)
#> [1] 0.5322683
deter.coefficient(int_prost_test$lpsa, pred.cm.ridge)
#> [1] 0.4808652
#> suspect age hair eyes region
#> 1 1 42 h_red e_brown Bronx
#> 2 2 20 h_black e_green Bronx
#> 3 3 64 h_brown e_brown Brooklyn
#> 4 4 55 h_blonde e_brown Bronx
#> 5 5 4 h_brown e_green Manhattan
#> 6 6 61 h_blonde e_green Bronx
#> 7 7 61 h_white e_black Queens
#> 8 8 32 h_blonde e_brown Manhattan
#> 9 9 39 h_blonde e_black Brooklyn
#> 10 10 50 h_brown e_brown Manhattan
#> 11 11 41 h_red e_blue Manhattan
#> 12 12 35 h_blonde e_green Brooklyn
#> 13 13 56 h_blonde e_brown Bronx
#> 14 14 52 h_red e_brown Queens
#> 15 15 55 h_red e_green Brooklyn
#> 16 16 25 h_brown e_brown Queens
#> 17 17 52 h_blonde e_brown Brooklyn
#> 18 18 28 h_red e_brown Manhattan
#> 19 19 21 h_white e_blue Manhattan
#> 20 20 66 h_black e_black Brooklyn
#> 21 21 67 h_blonde e_brown Queens
#> 22 22 13 h_white e_blue Brooklyn
#> 23 23 39 h_brown e_green Manhattan
#> 24 24 47 h_black e_green Brooklyn
#> 25 25 54 h_blonde e_brown Bronx
#> 26 26 75 h_brown e_blue Brooklyn
#> 27 27 3 h_white e_green Manhattan
#> 28 28 40 h_white e_green Manhattan
#> 29 29 58 h_red e_blue Queens
#> 30 30 41 h_brown e_green Bronx
#> 31 31 25 h_white e_black Brooklyn
#> 32 32 75 h_blonde e_blue Manhattan
#> 33 33 58 h_white e_brown Bronx
#> 34 34 61 h_white e_brown Manhattan
#> 35 35 52 h_white e_blue Bronx
#> 36 36 19 h_red e_black Queens
#> 37 37 58 h_red e_black Bronx
#> 38 38 46 h_black e_green Manhattan
#> 39 39 74 h_brown e_black Manhattan
#> 40 40 26 h_blonde e_brown Brooklyn
#> 41 41 63 h_blonde e_blue Queens
#> 42 42 40 h_brown e_black Queens
#> 43 43 65 h_black e_brown Brooklyn
#> 44 44 51 h_blonde e_brown Brooklyn
#> 45 45 15 h_white e_black Brooklyn
#> 46 46 32 h_blonde e_brown Bronx
#> 47 47 68 h_white e_black Manhattan
#> 48 48 51 h_white e_black Queens
#> 49 49 14 h_red e_green Queens
#> 50 50 72 h_white e_brown Brooklyn
#> 51 51 7 h_red e_blue Brooklyn
#> 52 52 22 h_red e_brown Bronx
#> 53 53 52 h_red e_brown Brooklyn
#> 54 54 62 h_brown e_green Bronx
#> 55 55 41 h_black e_brown Queens
#> 56 56 32 h_black e_black Manhattan
#> 57 57 58 h_brown e_brown Queens
#> 58 58 25 h_black e_brown Queens
#> 59 59 70 h_blonde e_green Brooklyn
#> 60 60 64 h_brown e_blue Queens
#> 61 61 25 h_white e_blue Bronx
#> 62 62 42 h_black e_black Brooklyn
#> 63 63 56 h_red e_black Brooklyn
#> 64 64 41 h_blonde e_black Brooklyn
#> 65 65 8 h_white e_black Manhattan
#> 66 66 7 h_black e_green Brooklyn
#> 67 67 42 h_white e_brown Queens
#> 68 68 10 h_white e_blue Manhattan
#> 69 69 60 h_brown e_black Bronx
#> 70 70 52 h_blonde e_brown Brooklyn
#> 71 71 39 h_brown e_blue Manhattan
#> 72 72 69 h_brown e_green Queens
#> 73 73 67 h_blonde e_green Manhattan
#> 74 74 46 h_red e_black Brooklyn
#> 75 75 72 h_black e_black Queens
#> 76 76 66 h_red e_blue Queens
#> 77 77 4 h_black e_blue Manhattan
#> 78 78 62 h_black e_green Brooklyn
#> 79 79 10 h_blonde e_blue Bronx
#> 80 80 16 h_blonde e_black Manhattan
#> 81 81 59 h_blonde e_brown Bronx
#> 82 82 63 h_blonde e_blue Manhattan
#> 83 83 54 h_red e_blue Queens
#> 84 84 14 h_brown e_blue Brooklyn
#> 85 85 48 h_black e_green Manhattan
#> 86 86 59 h_blonde e_black Bronx
#> 87 87 73 h_blonde e_black Bronx
#> 88 88 51 h_brown e_brown Bronx
#> 89 89 14 h_white e_black Bronx
#> 90 90 58 h_blonde e_black Queens
#> 91 91 56 h_red e_green Manhattan
#> 92 92 26 h_red e_blue Brooklyn
#> 93 93 59 h_brown e_black Manhattan
#> 94 94 27 h_white e_green Manhattan
#> 95 95 38 h_black e_green Manhattan
#> 96 96 5 h_blonde e_green Bronx
#> 97 97 14 h_black e_blue Queens
#> 98 98 13 h_black e_brown Manhattan
#> 99 99 54 h_white e_blue Brooklyn
#> 100 100 66 h_white e_green Manhattan
#> 101 1 22 h_red e_black Bronx
#> 102 2 57 h_blonde e_black Manhattan
#> 103 3 29 h_white e_green Queens
#> 104 4 14 h_blonde e_black Manhattan
#> 105 5 47 h_red e_green Bronx
#> 106 6 32 h_white e_blue Queens
#> 107 7 49 h_red e_blue Bronx
#> 108 8 8 h_white e_black Brooklyn
#> 109 9 67 h_white e_brown Bronx
#> 110 10 68 h_black e_green Bronx
#> 111 11 15 h_black e_brown Manhattan
#> 112 12 46 h_white e_brown Bronx
#> 113 13 68 h_white e_black Manhattan
#> 114 14 55 h_blonde e_blue Manhattan
#> 115 15 7 h_white e_green Bronx
#> 116 16 10 h_black e_brown Brooklyn
#> 117 17 49 h_red e_blue Manhattan
#> 118 18 12 h_brown e_blue Brooklyn
#> 119 19 41 h_white e_blue Bronx
#> 120 20 10 h_brown e_blue Bronx
#> 121 21 12 h_white e_green Manhattan
#> 122 22 53 h_white e_blue Manhattan
#> 123 23 5 h_black e_black Manhattan
#> 124 24 46 h_brown e_black Queens
#> 125 25 14 h_brown e_black Queens
#> 126 26 55 h_white e_green Brooklyn
#> 127 27 53 h_red e_brown Manhattan
#> 128 28 31 h_black e_brown Manhattan
#> 129 29 31 h_blonde e_brown Queens
#> 130 30 55 h_brown e_black Brooklyn
sym.table <- classic.to.sym(x = ex_mcfa1,
concept = suspect,
default.categorical = sym.set)
#> # A tibble: 100 × 4
#> age hair eyes region
#> <symblc_n> <symblc_s> <symblc_s> <symblc_s>
#> 1 [22.00 : 42.00] {h_red} {e_brown,e_black} {Bronx}
#> 2 [20.00 : 57.00] {h_black,h_blonde} {e_green,e_black} {Bronx,Manhattan}
#> 3 [29.00 : 64.00] {h_brown,h_white} {e_brown,e_green} {Brooklyn,Queens}
#> 4 [14.00 : 55.00] {h_blonde} {e_brown,e_black} {Bronx,Manhattan}
#> 5 [4.00 : 47.00] {h_brown,h_red} {e_green} {Manhattan,Bronx}
#> 6 [32.00 : 61.00] {h_blonde,h_white} {e_green,e_blue} {Bronx,Queens}
#> 7 [49.00 : 61.00] {h_white,h_red} {e_black,e_blue} {Queens,Bronx}
#> 8 [8.00 : 32.00] {h_blonde,h_white} {e_brown,e_black} {Manhattan,Brooklyn}
#> 9 [39.00 : 67.00] {h_blonde,h_white} {e_black,e_brown} {Brooklyn,Bronx}
#> 10 [50.00 : 68.00] {h_brown,h_black} {e_brown,e_green} {Manhattan,Bronx}
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
res <- sym.mcfa(sym.table, c(2,3))
mcfa.scatterplot(res[,2], res[,3], sym.data = sym.table, pos.var = c(2,3))
res <- sym.mcfa(sym.table, c(2,3,4))
mcfa.scatterplot(res[,2], res[,3], sym.data = sym.table, pos.var = c(2,3,4))
datos <- oils
#> # A tibble: 8 × 4
#> * <symblc_n> <symblc_n> <symblc_n> <symblc_n>
#> 1 [0.93 : 0.94] [-27.00 : -18.00] [170.00 : 204.00] [118.00 : 196.00]
#> 2 [0.93 : 0.94] [-5.00 : -4.00] [192.00 : 208.00] [188.00 : 197.00]
#> 3 [0.92 : 0.92] [-6.00 : -1.00] [99.00 : 113.00] [189.00 : 198.00]
#> 4 [0.92 : 0.93] [-6.00 : -4.00] [104.00 : 116.00] [187.00 : 193.00]
#> 5 [0.92 : 0.92] [-25.00 : -15.00] [80.00 : 82.00] [189.00 : 193.00]
#> 6 [0.91 : 0.92] [0.00 : 6.00] [79.00 : 90.00] [187.00 : 196.00]
#> 7 [0.86 : 0.87] [30.00 : 38.00] [40.00 : 48.00] [190.00 : 199.00]
#> 8 [0.86 : 0.86] [22.00 : 32.00] [53.00 : 77.00] [190.00 : 202.00]
x <- sym.umap(datos)
#> V1 V2 V3 V4
#> 1 -8.37902826 1.7589304 14.9405244 -5.3931236
#> 2 -8.42078608 1.8006874 14.8987716 -5.4348743
#> 3 -8.24521299 1.6251160 15.0741625 -5.2593171
#> 4 -8.39463437 1.7745337 14.9249101 -5.4087272
#> 5 -8.24754809 1.6274486 15.0723260 -5.2616579
#> 6 -8.32004462 1.6999278 15.0033025 -5.3342120
#> 7 -8.13752358 1.5174309 15.1816270 -5.1516228
#> 8 -8.31374014 1.6936346 15.0062465 -5.3278528
#> 9 -1.88458393 -0.7932010 -5.7247579 -7.1248175
#> 10 -1.82727443 -0.7882245 -5.7469910 -7.1667824
#> 11 -1.98163613 -0.5059227 -5.8332501 -7.0857915
#> 12 -1.88228007 -0.6002083 -5.8888435 -7.1519361
#> 13 -1.80557507 -0.8065018 -5.8697935 -7.2918087
#> 14 -1.86030648 -0.7882319 -5.7630142 -7.1517635
#> 15 -1.70992047 -0.8503514 -5.9097267 -7.3531853
#> 16 -1.74782446 -0.8139683 -5.9604684 -7.4020037
#> 17 -0.79949258 -0.3003863 -5.8860600 -7.5577562
#> 18 -0.85666113 -0.2451562 -5.7998941 -7.4310198
#> 19 -0.90051533 -0.1497627 -5.8841912 -7.3891967
#> 20 -0.87936558 -0.2082160 -5.8995514 -7.4524492
#> 21 -0.58783318 -0.4006869 -6.1708411 -7.6144673
#> 22 -0.48330336 -0.1399684 -6.0118497 -7.6388784
#> 23 -0.61859816 -0.3345049 -6.0772751 -7.5306385
#> 24 -0.59201024 -0.2655131 -6.1181991 -7.5287715
#> 25 -1.06069200 -0.6156222 -6.0766914 -7.4613034
#> 26 -1.01423888 -0.5391786 -5.7884047 -7.3326552
#> 27 -1.04485287 -0.5238565 -5.9902753 -7.3080227
#> 28 -1.08403481 -0.5691747 -5.9324121 -7.3715823
#> 29 -0.82589956 -0.6850691 -6.1119184 -7.4920332
#> 30 -0.79939366 -0.7188496 -5.9357465 -7.3394631
#> 31 -0.79385867 -0.6797366 -6.1399281 -7.5252298
#> 32 -0.73418509 -0.6589565 -5.7738585 -7.2934103
#> 33 -6.34142441 -4.0246786 1.5534918 4.5887979
#> 34 -6.23858760 -3.9467859 1.5084358 4.4438543
#> 35 -6.21661549 -3.9269199 1.2435873 4.2591355
#> 36 -6.09696278 -3.9369396 1.3346522 4.1762886
#> 37 -6.78923444 -3.9603964 1.5616384 4.6728085
#> 38 -6.85567801 -4.2145385 1.5215488 4.5850426
#> 39 -6.60267216 -4.2737525 1.3794869 4.3558086
#> 40 -6.57783757 -4.0768643 1.6413853 4.4247339
#> 41 -6.93001670 -4.0461118 2.0690480 3.0074027
#> 42 -6.81159076 -3.9847527 1.9695287 3.1111623
#> 43 -6.73598493 -3.9068822 1.8178970 2.8468451
#> 44 -6.61941224 -3.8175576 1.7413446 2.7154604
#> 45 -7.15794965 -4.0323846 1.9815896 3.2755902
#> 46 -7.32351507 -3.9752273 1.9117856 3.3985240
#> 47 -7.05982030 -3.9303025 2.0119821 3.0151542
#> 48 -7.03076054 -4.0110518 1.9332707 3.1193380
#> 49 -6.53421616 -4.0870018 1.5294818 4.6560563
#> 50 -6.72013958 -3.7703166 1.8716196 4.8074187
#> 51 -6.39957250 -4.0053397 1.5631214 4.7602667
#> 52 -6.57338121 -3.8265797 1.8583499 4.9493444
#> 53 -6.66594679 -4.2509265 1.5484313 4.8905350
#> 54 -6.75963648 -3.8439155 1.8243622 4.8970106
#> 55 -6.75567307 -4.1917154 1.6859532 4.8210608
#> 56 -6.84739293 -3.9771194 1.8676644 4.9838389
#> 57 -7.09201632 -3.9078463 1.8967090 3.9891895
#> 58 -7.33428204 -3.8203390 1.9752774 4.2508901
#> 59 -6.93826242 -3.8201413 1.9273197 3.9573216
#> 60 -7.24779839 -3.8729659 1.9891211 4.3522677
#> 61 -7.36246178 -4.1060589 1.8246539 3.9703460
#> 62 -7.62196396 -3.9501856 1.6552640 4.1867359
#> 63 -7.47866957 -4.0315795 1.6807634 4.0392194
#> 64 -7.46552869 -4.0353127 1.8378600 4.3315125
#> 65 0.15213120 14.5060570 -1.1262315 1.9539076
#> 66 0.06951483 14.5832555 -0.9322825 1.7561237
#> 67 -1.11775123 16.2068686 -2.1817558 -0.3552349
#> 68 -1.14605349 16.1518202 -2.1157635 -0.3035530
#> 69 0.02799480 14.6277158 -0.9598975 1.7880064
#> 70 -0.07724807 14.7329394 -1.1086721 1.9251347
#> 71 -0.97624131 16.1864205 -2.0906700 -0.4894007
#> 72 -1.12977254 16.0940241 -2.0207088 -0.3393824
#> 73 -0.07864990 14.7453886 -1.1932205 2.0284603
#> 74 0.03839232 14.6246889 -1.1585491 2.0268446
#> 75 -0.90919816 15.9752032 -2.2297603 -0.5706925
#> 76 -1.03955060 15.8214117 -2.0537953 -0.4379304
#> 77 -0.17954218 14.8490562 -1.0701874 1.9480176
#> 78 -0.13052193 14.7919830 -1.0523515 1.9212957
#> 79 -1.09661289 15.9565655 -2.1360587 -0.3753457
#> 80 -1.01791411 15.8455995 -2.1968057 -0.4751090
#> 81 -5.56860097 -3.7623990 1.1196856 3.6888463
#> 82 -5.52167935 -3.7779527 1.1392184 3.6761474
#> 83 -5.39658766 -3.6892797 1.0345319 3.3917634
#> 84 -5.37800132 -3.6701903 1.0158302 3.3364452
#> 85 -5.77065852 -3.8694708 1.1976241 3.9318872
#> 86 -5.66334143 -3.7923664 1.1194914 3.8453479
#> 87 -5.52362566 -3.4885593 0.8150734 3.4509153
#> 88 -5.51437291 -3.5330939 0.8567840 3.4314830
#> 89 -6.12858144 -3.8344922 1.3649028 2.5776446
#> 90 -6.21461974 -3.6765204 1.5125233 2.6312362
#> 91 -5.90507857 -3.7776897 1.2542520 2.5017414
#> 92 -5.82565324 -3.7520575 1.3901140 2.6269039
#> 93 -6.35534864 -3.7926113 1.4224025 2.7243468
#> 94 -6.43236379 -3.7937862 1.5499531 2.5757414
#> 95 -5.81581375 -3.6998732 1.3412901 2.5907435
#> 96 -5.82270089 -3.6376222 1.2368374 2.4694627
#> 97 12.35231727 -1.7009201 -1.1066603 0.9926477
#> 98 12.71802285 -1.5621899 -1.1824788 0.7976689
#> 99 12.56330284 -1.8179228 -1.1404710 0.5871285
#> 100 12.82223297 -1.7502257 -1.2375324 0.5088911
#> 101 12.30819685 -1.6603294 -1.0024885 1.0518916
#> 102 12.65796321 -1.4795467 -1.2304065 1.0100476
#> 103 12.36231732 -1.6833964 -1.3524693 0.6220538
#> 104 12.66225894 -1.7650290 -1.3384657 0.4244600
#> 105 13.47654049 -1.9484168 -0.7288533 0.7228498
#> 106 13.40558754 -1.7009576 -1.1534771 0.6291025
#> 107 13.45507944 -1.8786449 -0.9419220 0.4340517
#> 108 13.52338999 -1.7915025 -1.1011170 0.3845739
#> 109 13.39901623 -1.8753632 -0.6543078 0.6409783
#> 110 13.44367032 -1.7277000 -0.9769634 0.8419683
#> 111 13.66465517 -1.7336099 -1.0049378 0.2673945
#> 112 13.46118925 -1.9315899 -1.0509934 0.3291736
#> 113 12.57150301 -1.7594346 -0.7361842 1.1665825
#> 114 12.48765021 -1.6790168 -0.7876959 1.1784846
#> 115 12.32755787 -1.5973719 -0.9601972 0.7998678
#> 116 12.29330675 -1.6108861 -1.1911450 1.0500525
#> 117 12.50710550 -1.8662834 -0.5635176 1.1990157
#> 118 12.45722951 -1.8252408 -0.4354456 1.2332384
#> 119 12.25368885 -1.9747000 -0.6787458 1.0667481
#> 120 12.09475443 -1.8866024 -0.8063566 1.0682922
#> 121 13.31742263 -2.1099873 -0.4317733 0.9740529
#> 122 13.47475543 -1.8444703 -0.5623985 1.1524140
#> 123 13.67877460 -2.1173543 -0.6127262 0.5998969
#> 124 13.65460762 -2.0434422 -0.7361023 0.5592199
#> 125 13.20132157 -2.1661539 -0.3025189 1.1085611
#> 126 13.23739944 -2.1383536 -0.3443533 1.0876800
#> 127 13.50047823 -2.2399728 -0.4250420 0.8992960
#> 128 13.53261360 -2.2383882 -0.4906107 0.8873105
datos <- Cardiological
#> # A tibble: 11 × 3
#> Pulse Syst Diast
#> <symblc_n> <symblc_n> <symblc_n>
#> 1 [44.00 : 68.00] [90.00 : 100.00] [50.00 : 70.00]
#> 2 [60.00 : 72.00] [90.00 : 130.00] [70.00 : 90.00]
#> 3 [56.00 : 90.00] [140.00 : 180.00] [90.00 : 100.00]
#> 4 [70.00 : 112.00] [110.00 : 142.00] [80.00 : 108.00]
#> 5 [54.00 : 72.00] [90.00 : 100.00] [50.00 : 70.00]
#> 6 [70.00 : 100.00] [130.00 : 160.00] [80.00 : 110.00]
#> 7 [63.00 : 75.00] [60.00 : 100.00] [140.00 : 150.00]
#> 8 [72.00 : 100.00] [130.00 : 160.00] [76.00 : 90.00]
#> 9 [76.00 : 98.00] [110.00 : 190.00] [70.00 : 110.00]
#> 10 [86.00 : 96.00] [138.00 : 180.00] [90.00 : 110.00]
#> 11 [86.00 : 100.00] [110.00 : 150.00] [78.00 : 100.00]
x <- sym.umap(datos)
#> V1 V2 V3
#> 1 -1.613637622 -0.39340496 4.18622768
#> 2 -1.435191077 -0.03079160 3.11280792
#> 3 -1.457252690 -0.28772840 4.02548875
#> 4 -1.317467026 0.10952404 3.03513731
#> 5 -1.188346137 -0.37362626 4.04383631
#> 6 -0.757023164 0.41898741 3.07507230
#> 7 -1.192526155 -0.26415871 3.94929081
#> 8 -0.618837158 0.28999423 3.02617051
#> 9 -0.952248407 0.16281928 3.71172426
#> 10 -0.439731539 0.41645329 2.68828749
#> 11 0.141952691 0.83046969 1.52043728
#> 12 0.133905286 0.80164528 1.60730633
#> 13 -0.484830652 0.32403187 3.54912104
#> 14 -0.468590138 0.65524383 2.87733514
#> 15 0.209108969 0.78010796 0.69618357
#> 16 -0.238303537 0.81772155 0.88854134
#> 17 0.284938981 0.80361237 0.59400743
#> 18 1.006778481 -0.89923505 -1.99825491
#> 19 0.830853362 1.03483282 0.18445761
#> 20 1.607092519 0.62385043 -2.30889396
#> 21 0.067164314 0.88086189 0.40279501
#> 22 0.405000775 -0.75116132 -1.87482050
#> 23 0.705546457 1.14420592 0.11845692
#> 24 1.458634534 0.95190008 -2.42125353
#> 25 -0.305964004 0.63568628 2.45853919
#> 26 1.228258381 -1.55778395 -2.53176940
#> 27 0.332029070 1.00308899 0.97637494
#> 28 1.604477485 -1.08869872 -2.59214951
#> 29 -0.955885658 0.44432489 0.30448008
#> 30 0.240703245 -1.36371090 -2.57864313
#> 31 -0.238814408 0.65470201 0.17794313
#> 32 0.362326057 -0.75424978 -2.82886826
#> 33 -1.619019624 -0.15928583 3.93008616
#> 34 -1.338143062 0.11344111 3.12909924
#> 35 -1.659977455 -0.29964370 3.67319006
#> 36 -1.228729814 0.03592121 2.89792866
#> 37 -1.139590192 -0.08584472 4.11377921
#> 38 -0.807186937 0.53851317 2.87877612
#> 39 -1.061695423 0.03608948 3.77880402
#> 40 -0.505883421 0.52902781 2.74875936
#> 41 0.063024531 0.77327005 1.33626699
#> 42 1.580266933 -1.38410882 -2.29724268
#> 43 0.757704106 1.14891569 0.57966229
#> 44 1.738035965 -0.36748172 -2.54534438
#> 45 -0.548356563 0.56679909 0.11348875
#> 46 0.211675479 -0.92217556 -2.62864427
#> 47 0.229698813 0.83390193 -0.10707023
#> 48 0.630407004 -0.07912680 -2.57289957
#> 49 -2.620492232 0.06314178 -0.43230703
#> 50 -2.438576293 0.13490501 -0.31208159
#> 51 -2.546188550 0.03537667 -0.09562374
#> 52 -2.278071242 -0.06340544 -0.13433978
#> 53 -2.457989256 -0.08436404 -0.32843674
#> 54 -2.527466032 0.13261288 -0.53183475
#> 55 -2.497472221 -0.02080222 -0.08701939
#> 56 -2.446040540 -0.10816567 -0.13410079
#> 57 -0.095606688 0.90151701 1.31422731
#> 58 1.679108608 -1.43115167 -2.56799996
#> 59 0.970720081 1.12445326 0.66939895
#> 60 1.825569784 -0.44647585 -2.30297588
#> 61 -0.225588113 0.69462383 0.73593256
#> 62 0.981916597 -1.28853377 -2.48312162
#> 63 0.636647470 0.88772157 0.62464234
#> 64 1.273063953 -0.26013664 -2.56901087
#> 65 -0.484666768 0.45902160 2.25580743
#> 66 1.363450603 -1.81387429 -2.27619850
#> 67 1.253961003 0.98617844 0.23529639
#> 68 1.582879420 0.45530900 -2.27150504
#> 69 -0.848334734 0.32258091 0.03992778
#> 70 0.002866626 -1.21031415 -2.38467505
#> 71 1.260737929 1.04753257 -1.88606461
#> 72 1.245060529 0.69280224 -2.46381392
#> 73 0.919973941 -0.88456691 -1.71264812
#> 74 1.131070616 -1.02523570 -2.26077820
#> 75 1.535412539 0.90274756 -2.14319576
#> 76 1.367519844 0.56038488 -2.14350147
#> 77 0.360041079 -0.56478731 -1.76647741
#> 78 0.352943341 -0.67675585 -2.42214030
#> 79 1.293303666 1.07988590 -2.20881833
#> 80 1.177271834 0.86989184 -2.32082660
#> 81 1.165759563 -1.89900954 -1.83506146
#> 82 1.281228638 -1.89750240 -2.21095323
#> 83 1.278008242 -0.66600063 -1.66779527
#> 84 1.713461998 -0.79662554 -2.50995518
#> 85 -0.039056146 -1.25174719 -1.76434486
#> 86 0.194893901 -1.46234850 -2.36925498
#> 87 0.681395481 -0.43030504 -1.70700793
#> 88 0.720929958 -0.36630542 -2.67537330
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#> * <symblc_h> <symblc_h> <symblc_h> <symblc_h>
#> 1 <hist> <hist> <hist> <hist>
#> 2 <hist> <hist> <hist> <hist>
#> 3 <hist> <hist> <hist> <hist>
#> 4 <hist> <hist> <hist> <hist>
#> 5 <hist> <hist> <hist> <hist>
#> $breaks
#> [1] -3.9 4.2 10.3 20.6
#> $props
#> [1] 0.5 0.4 0.1
#> Warning: Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.
#> Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.
#> Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.
#> Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.
#> **Results for the Principal Component Analysis (PCA)**
#> The analysis was performed on 85 individuals, described by 4 variables
#> *The results are available in the following objects:
#> name description
#> 1 "$eig" "eigenvalues"
#> 2 "$var" "results for the variables"
#> 3 "$var$coord" "coord. for the variables"
#> 4 "$var$cor" "correlations variables - dimensions"
#> 5 "$var$cos2" "cos2 for the variables"
#> 6 "$var$contrib" "contributions of the variables"
#> 7 "$ind" "results for the individuals"
#> 8 "$ind$coord" "coord. for the individuals"
#> 9 "$ind$cos2" "cos2 for the individuals"
#> 10 "$ind$contrib" "contributions of the individuals"
#> 11 "$ind.sup" "results for the supplementary individuals"
#> 12 "$ind.sup$coord" "coord. for the supplementary individuals"
#> 13 "$ind.sup$cos2" "cos2 for the supplementary individuals"
#> 14 "$call" "summary statistics"
#> 15 "$call$centre" "mean of the variables"
#> 16 "$call$ecart.type" "standard error of the variables"
#> 17 "$call$row.w" "weights for the individuals"
#> 18 "$call$col.w" "weights for the variables"
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#> PC.1 PC.2 PC.3 PC.4
#> * <symblc_h> <symblc_h> <symblc_h> <symblc_h>
#> 1 <hist> <hist> <hist> <hist>
#> 2 <hist> <hist> <hist> <hist>
#> 3 <hist> <hist> <hist> <hist>
#> 4 <hist> <hist> <hist> <hist>
#> 5 <hist> <hist> <hist> <hist>
ACER.p1<-Sym.PCA.Hist.PCA.k.plot(data.sym.df = pca.hist$Bins.df,
title.graph = " ",
concepts.name = c("ACER"),
title.x = "First Principal Component (84.83%)",
title.y = "Frequency",
pca.axes = 1)
ALL.p1<-Sym.PCA.Hist.PCA.k.plot(data.sym.df = pca.hist$Bins.df,
title.graph = " ",
concepts.name = unique(pca.hist$Bins.df$Object.Name),
title.x = "First Principal Component (84.83%)",
title.y = "Frequency",
pca.axes = 1)
#> Warning: ggrepel: 4 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
#> increasing max.overlaps
#> Warning in min(which(props.cum >= percentils.RSDA[i])): no non-missing
#> arguments to min; returning Inf
#> Warning: Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.
label.name<-"Hard Wood"
Title<-"First Principal Plane"
axes.x.label<- "First Principal Component (84.83%)"
axes.y.label<- "Second Principal Component (9.70%)"
label.name<-"Hard Wood"
Title<-"First Principal Plane"
axes.x.label<- "First Principal Component (84.83%)"
axes.y.label<- "Second Principal Component (9.70%)"
#> Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_point()`).
#> Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values or values outside the scale range
#> (`geom_segment()`).
label.name<-"Hard Wood"
Title<-"First Principal Plane"
axes.x.label<- "PC 1 (84.83%)"
axes.y.label<- "PC 2 (9.70%)"
#> Warning: Setting row names on a tibble is deprecated.
tmp<-tmp(v = tmp.unique)
tmp2<-tmp2(v = tmp.unique)
tmp3<-tmp3(v = tmp.unique)
tmp4<-tmp4(v = tmp.unique)
tmp5<-tmp5(v = tmp.unique)
abs_dif <- abs(tmp2 - tmp)
# La distancia Kolmogorov–Smirnov es el máximo de las distancias absolutas.
distancia_ks <- max(abs_dif)
#> [1] 0.05857869
# Se unen los valores calculados en un dataframe.
df.HW <- data.frame(
PC.1 = tmp.unique,
ACER = tmp,
ALNUS = tmp2,
FRAXINUS = tmp3,
JUGLANS = tmp4,
QUERCUS = tmp5
) %>%
names_to = "HardWood",
values_to = "ecdf"
grafico_ecdf <- ggplot(data = df.HW,
aes(x = PC.1, y = ecdf, color = HardWood)) +
geom_line(size = 1) +
color = "Hardwood",
y = "Empirical Cumulative Distribution "
) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom",
plot.title = element_text(size = 12))+geom_line()