To cite package 'RRPP' in a publication use: M. L. Collyer D. C. Adams (2024). _RRPP: Linear Model Evaluation with Randomized Residuals in a Permutation Procedure. R package version 2.1.0._. . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Manual{, title = {{RRPP}: Linear Model Evaluation with Randomized Residuals in a Permutation Procedure. R package version 2.1.0.}, author = {{M. L. Collyer D. C. Adams}}, year = {2024}, url = {}, } M. L. Collyer D. C. Adams (2018). “RRPP: An R package for fitting linear models to high‐dimensional data using residual randomization.” _Methods in Ecology and Evolution_, *9*, 1772-1779. . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {{RRPP}: An R package for fitting linear models to high‐dimensional data using residual randomization.}, author = {{M. L. Collyer D. C. Adams}}, year = {2018}, journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {9}, issue = {2}, pages = {1772-1779}, url = {}, } Please cite both references, noting version number for RRPP package (first citation), as the RRPP package will evolve quickly.