Changes in version 1.0-10 o added area under the Precision/Recall curve (aucpr) Changes in version 1.0-8 o Changed maintainer email address o fixed issues for R 4.0 Changes in version 1.0-7 (2015-03-26) o Changed maintainer email address Changes in version 1.0-5 (2013-05-16) o Used standardized license specification in DESCRIPTION file o Removed LICENCE file o Removed .First.lib in zzz.R o CITATION moved into inst folder and adjusted Changes in version 1.0-4 (2012-10-29) o fixes bug with 1.0-3 that prevented plot arguments getting passed through Changes in version 1.0-3 (2009-10-28) o adapted to more strict R CMD CHECK rules in R > 2.9 Changes in version 1.0-2 (2007-01-28) o fixed minor bug in 'prediction' function concerning the optional parameter 'label.ordering' (thanks to Robert Perdisci for notifying us). o added an optional parameter 'fpr.stop' to the performance measure 'auc', allowing to calculate the partial area under the ROC curve up to the false positive rate given by 'fpr.stop'.