Title: | Empirical Bayes Estimation and Inference |
Description: | Kiefer-Wolfowitz maximum likelihood estimation for mixture models and some other density estimation and regression methods based on convex optimization. See Koenker and Gu (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1--26, <DOI:10.18637/jss.v082.i08>. |
Authors: | Roger Koenker [aut, cre], Jiaying Gu [ctb], Ivan Mizera [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Roger Koenker <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 2.56 |
Built: | 2025-02-20 06:34:48 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Interior point solution of Kiefer-Wolfowitz NPMLE for mixture of bivariate binomials
B2mix(x, k, u = 40, v = 40, weights = NULL, ...)
B2mix(x, k, u = 40, v = 40, weights = NULL, ...)
x |
n by 2 matrix of counts of "successes" for binomial observations |
k |
n by 2 matrix of Number of trials for binomial observations |
u |
Grid Values for the mixing distribution defaults to equal spacing of length u on [eps, 1- eps], if u is scalar. |
v |
Grid Values for the mixing distribution defaults to equal spacing of length v on [eps, 1- eps], if v is scalar. |
weights |
replicate weights for x obervations, should sum to 1 |
... |
Other arguments to be passed to KWDual to control optimization |
This function was inspired by a paper by Kline and Walters (2019) on evaluation of audit experiments for employment discrimination. An example of its usage is available with 'demo(B2mix1)'. There can be identification issues particularly when the numbers of trials are modest as described in Koenker and Gu (2024). Caveat emptor! The predict method for B2mix objects will compute posterior means,
An object of class density with components:
u |
grid of evaluation points of the mixing density |
v |
grid of evaluation points of the mixing density |
y |
function values of the mixing density at x |
g |
estimates of the mixture density at the distinct data values |
logLik |
Log Likelihood value at the estimate |
dy |
Bayes rule estimates of binomial probabilities for distinct data values |
status |
exit code from the optimizer |
R. Koenker
Kiefer, J. and J. Wolfowitz Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Presence of Infinitely Many Incidental Parameters Ann. Math. Statist. 27, (1956), 887-906.
Kline, P. and C. Walters, (2019) Audits as Evidence: Experiments, Ensembles and Enforcement, preprint.
Koenker, R. and Gu, J. (2024) Empirical Bayes: Some Tools, Rules and Duals, Cambridge University Press.
'Bmix' for univariate binomial mixtures.
Data frame consisting of the following variables:
Data is aggregated into half seasons: so season indicates whether
the observation is in the first or second half of the season of a
given year. Only players who have more than 10 at bats in any half
season are included, and only players who have more than three
half seasons are represented. The transformed batting average is
. Only regular seasons data are included.
R programs to extract the data from the original sources are available on request.
HA transformed batting average;
AB at bats
H hits
BB walks
YOB Year of Birth;
age age of the player
agesq age squared
ESPN Website: https://www.espn.com/mlb/stats
Gu, Jiaying and Roger Koenker (2015) Empirical Bayesball Remixed: Empirical Bayes Methods for Longitudinal Data, J. Applied Econometrics, forthcoming.
Efron (2016, 2019) penalized logspline density estimator for Gaussian mixture model g-modeling. Returns an object of class GLmix to facilitate prediction compatible with Kiefer-Wolfowitz GLmix estimation. In particular percentile confidence intervals can be constructed based on posterior quantiles. Assumes homoscedastic standard Gaussian noise, for the moment.
BDGLmix(y, T = 300, sigma = 1, df = 5, c0 = 0.1)
BDGLmix(y, T = 300, sigma = 1, df = 5, c0 = 0.1)
y |
Data: Sample Observations |
T |
Undata: Grid Values defaults equal spacing of with T bins, when T is a scalar |
sigma |
scale parameter of the Gaussian noise, may take vector value of length(y) |
df |
degrees of freedom of the natural spline basis |
c0 |
penalty parameter for the Euclidean norm penalty. |
An object of class GLmix, density with components:
x |
points of evaluation on the domain of the density |
y |
estimated function values at these points of the mixing density |
sigma |
returns a sigma = 1 for compatibility with GLmix |
Adapted from a similar implementation in the R package deconvolveR of Narasimhan and Efron.
Efron, B. (2016) Empirical Bayes deconvolution estimates, Biometrika, 103, 1–20, Efron, B. (2019) Bayes, Oracle Bayes and Empirical Bayes, Statistical Science, 34, 177-201.
Interior point solution of Kiefer-Wolfowitz NPMLE for mixture of binomials
Bmix(x, k, v = 300, collapse = TRUE, weights = NULL, unique = FALSE, ...)
Bmix(x, k, v = 300, collapse = TRUE, weights = NULL, unique = FALSE, ...)
x |
Count of "successes" for binomial observations |
k |
Number of trials for binomial observations |
v |
Grid Values for the mixing distribution defaults to equal spacing of length v on [eps, 1- eps], if v is scalar. |
collapse |
Collapse observations into cell counts. |
weights |
replicate weights for x obervations, should sum to 1 |
unique |
option to check unique of reported solution |
... |
Other arguments to be passed to KWDual to control optimization |
The predict method for Bmix
objects will compute means, medians or
modes of the posterior according to whether the Loss
argument is 2, 1
or 0, or posterior quantiles if Loss
is in (0,1).
When the number of trials is small the NPMLE may be non-unique. This happens
when there exists a vector in the unit simplex of
such that
the observed frequencies,
and A is the k by m matrix with typical element
If there exists such a solution, it follows that the maximal likelihood value is attained by any Ghat such that
for j = 0, ... , k.
There will be many such solutions, but by the Caratheodory theorem any one of them can be expressed
as a linear combination of no more than k extreme points of the constraint set.
In contrast, when there are no solutions
inside the simplex satisfying the equation, then the NPMLE is the unique projection onto the boundary
of that set. To facilitate checking this condition if the check
parameter is TRUE
, the
linear program is feasible and the unique
component is returned as TRUE
the program is infeasible, and FALSE
is returned otherwise. This check is restricted to
settings in which k is fixed, and collapse
. See Robbins (1956, p 161) for
some further discussion of the binomial mixture model and a very clever alternative approach to
An object of class density with components:
x |
grid midpoints of evaluation of the mixing density |
y |
function values of the mixing density at x |
g |
estimates of the mixture density at the distinct data values |
logLik |
Log Likelihood value at the estimate |
dy |
Bayes rule estimates of binomial probabilities for distinct data values |
unique |
Flag indicating whether the solution is unique |
status |
exit code from the optimizer |
R. Koenker
Kiefer, J. and J. Wolfowitz Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Presence of Infinitely Many Incidental Parameters Ann. Math. Statist. 27, (1956), 887-906.
Koenker, R and I. Mizera, (2013) “Convex Optimization, Shape Constraints, Compound Decisions, and Empirical Bayes Rules,” JASA, 109, 674–685.
Robbins, H. (1956) An Empirical Bayes Approach to Statistics, 3rd Berkeley Symposium.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
Interior point solution of Kiefer-Wolfowitz NPMLE for mixture of Poisson Binomials
BPmix(x, m, v = 50, weights = NULL, ...)
BPmix(x, m, v = 50, weights = NULL, ...)
x |
Count of "successes" for binomial observations |
m |
Number of trials for binomial observations |
v |
Grid Values for the mixing distribution defaults to equal spacing of length v on [eps, 1- eps], if v is scalar. |
weights |
replicate weights for x obervations, should sum to 1 |
... |
Other arguments to be passed to KWDual to control optimization |
The joint distribution of the probabilities of success and the number of trials
is estimated. The grid specification for success probabilities is as for Bmix
whereas the grid for the Poisson rate parameters is currently the support of the
observed trials. There is no predict method as yet. See demo(BPmix1)
An object of class density with components:
v |
grid points of evaluation of the success probabilities |
u |
grid points of evaluation of the Poisson rate for number of trials |
y |
function values of the mixing density at (v,u) |
g |
estimates of the mixture density at the distinct data values |
logLik |
Log Likelihood value at the estimate |
status |
exit code from the optimizer |
R. Koenker
Kiefer, J. and J. Wolfowitz Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Presence of Infinitely Many Incidental Parameters Ann. Math. Statist. 27, (1956), 887-906.
Bandwidth selection for KW smoothing
bwKW(g, k = 1, minbw = 0.1)
bwKW(g, k = 1, minbw = 0.1)
g |
KW fitted object |
k |
multiplicative fudge factor |
minbw |
minimum allowed value of bandwidth |
R. Koenker
Bandwidth selection for bivariate KW smoothing
bwKW2(g, k = 1)
bwKW2(g, k = 1)
g |
bivariate KW fitted object |
k |
multiplicative fudge factor |
R. Koenker
Kiefer-Wolfowitz-Cosslett estimator for binary response model.
Cosslett(x, y, v = 300, weights = NULL, ...)
Cosslett(x, y, v = 300, weights = NULL, ...)
x |
is the observed utility difference between two choices, it would be possible to extend this to make x a linear (index) function of some parameters |
y |
is the binary outcome |
v |
the unobserved utility difference taking values on a grid, by default
this grid is equally spaced with 300 distinct points, however it is known that
the mass points for the problem are located at the data points, x, so users may
wish to set |
weights |
replicate weights for x observations, should sum to 1 |
... |
optional parameters to be passed to KWDual to control optimization |
In the primal form of the problem the pseudo log likelihood is:
as usual the implementation used here solves the corresponding dual problem.
Cumsum of the output y gives the CDF of the unobserved utility difference.
See the demo(Cosslett1)
and demo(Cosslett2)
for illustrations
without any covariate, and demo(Cosslett3)
for an illustration with a
covariate using profile likelihood. This model is also known as current
status linear regression in the biostatistics literature, see e.g. Groeneboom
and Hendrickx (2016) for recent results and references.
an object of class density with the components:
x |
points of evaluation of the mixing density |
y |
function values of the mixing density at x |
logL |
log likelihood of estimated model |
status |
exit code from the optimizer |
Jiaying Gu and Roger Koenker
Kiefer, J. and J. Wolfowitz (1956) Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Presence of Infinitely Many Incidental Parameters, Ann. Math. Statist, 27, 887-906.
Cosslett, S. (1983) Distribution Free Maximum Likelihood Estimator of the Binary Choice Model, Econometrica, 51, 765-782.
Groeneboom, P. and K. Hendrickx (2016) Current Status Linear Regression, preprint available from https://arxiv.org/abs/1601.00202.
Huber (1964) least favorable density for the Gaussian contamination model
dhuber(x, mu = 0, sigma = 1, k = 1.642, heps = hubereps(k))
dhuber(x, mu = 0, sigma = 1, k = 1.642, heps = hubereps(k))
x |
points to evaluate the density |
mu |
center of symmetry of the density |
sigma |
standard deviation of the nominal Gaussian model |
k |
Huber k value |
heps |
Huber epsilson value |
A vector of density values
R. Koenker
Given a function, F(x, ...), and a scalar y, find
x such that F(x, ...) = y. Note that there is no
checking for the monotonicity of F wrt to x, or that
the interval specified is appropriate to the problem.
Such fine points are entirely the responsibility of
the user/abuser. If the interval specified doesn't
contain a root some automatic attempt to expand the
interval will be made. Originally intended for use
with F as ThreshFDR
Finv(y, F, interval = c(0, 1), ...)
Finv(y, F, interval = c(0, 1), ...)
y |
the scalar at which to evaluate the inverse |
F |
the function |
interval |
the domain within which to begin looking |
... |
other arguments for the function F |
R. Koenker
Medfly data from the Carey et al (1992) experiment. There are 1,203,646 uncensored survival times!
A data frame with 19072 observations on the following 17 variables.
age at death in days
frequency count of age at death
current proportion male
current density
cohort/pupal batch
pupal size
cage number
female = 1
cumulative density
cumulative proportion male
initial cage density
initial proportion mail
size group 4
size group 5
size group 6
size group 7
size group 8
Quoting from Carey et al (1992) “...Pupae were sorted into one of five size classes using a pupal sorter. This enabled size dimorphism to be eliminated as a potential source of sex-specific mortality differences. Approximately, 7,200 medflies (both sexes) of a given size class were maintained in each of 167 mesh covered, 15 cm by 60 cm by 90 cm aluminum cages. Adults were given a diet of sugar and water, ad libitum, and each day dead flies were removed, counted and their sex determined ...”
Carey, J.R., Liedo, P., Orozco, D. and Vaupel, J.W. (1992) Slowing of mortality rates at older ages in large Medfly cohorts, Science, 258, 457-61.
Koenker, R. and O. Geling (2001) Reappraising Medfly Longevity: A Quantile Regression Survival Analysis, J. Am. Stat. Assoc, 96, 458-468.
Koenker, R. and Jiaying Gu, (2013) “Frailty, Profile Likelihood and Medfly Mortality,” Contemporary Developments in Statistical Theory: A Festschrift for Hira Lal Koul, S.N. Lahiri, A. Schick, Ashis Sengupta, and T.N. Sriram, (eds.), Springer.
A Kiefer-Wolfowitz MLE for Gamma mixture models
Gammamix(x, v = 300, shape = 1, weights = NULL, eps = 1e-10, ...)
Gammamix(x, v = 300, shape = 1, weights = NULL, eps = 1e-10, ...)
x |
vector of observed variances |
v |
A vector of bin boundaries, if scalar then v equally spaced bins are constructed |
shape |
vector of shape parameters corresponding to x |
weights |
replicate weights for x obervations, should sum to 1 |
eps |
tolerance for default gridding |
... |
optional parameters passed to KWDual to control optimization |
An object of class density
with components:
x |
midpoints of the bin boundaries |
y |
estimated function values of the mixing density |
g |
function values of the mixture density at the observed x's. |
logLik |
the value of the log likelihood at the solution |
dy |
Bayes rule estimates of |
status |
the Mosek convergence status. |
J. Gu and R. Koenker
Gu J. and R. Koenker (2014) Unobserved heterogeneity in income dynamics: an empirical Bayes perspective, JBES, 35, 1-16.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
Gammamix for a general implementation for Gamma mixtures
Kiefer Wolfowitz Nonparametric MLE for Gaussian Location Mixtures
GLmix(x, v = 300, sigma = 1, hist = FALSE, histm = 300, weights = NULL, ...)
GLmix(x, v = 300, sigma = 1, hist = FALSE, histm = 300, weights = NULL, ...)
x |
Data: Sample Observations |
v |
Undata: Grid Values defaults equal spacing of with v bins, when v is a scalar |
sigma |
scale parameter of the Gaussian noise, may take vector values of length(x) |
hist |
If TRUE then aggregate x to histogram bins, when sigma is vector valued this option is inappropriate unless there are only a small number of distinct sigma values. |
histm |
histogram bin boundaries, equally spacing with |
weights |
replicate weights for x obervations, should sum to 1 |
... |
other parameters to pass to KWDual to control optimization |
Kiefer Wolfowitz MLE as proposed by Jiang and Zhang for
the Gaussian compound decision problem. The histogram option is intended
for large problems, say n > 1000, where reducing the sample size dimension
is desirable. When sigma
is heterogeneous and hist = TRUE
procedure tries to do separate histogram binning for distinct values of
, however this is only feasible when there are only a small
number of distinct sigma
. By default the grid for the binning is
equally spaced on the support of the data. This function does the normal
convolution problem, for gamma mixtures of variances see GVmix
, or
for mixtures of both means and variances TLVmix
The predict method for GLmix
objects will compute means, medians or
modes of the posterior according to whether the Loss
argument is 2, 1
or 0, or posterior quantiles if Loss
is in (0,1).
An object of class density with components:
x |
points of evaluation on the domain of the density |
y |
estimated function values at the points v, the mixing density |
g |
the estimated mixture density function values at x |
logLik |
Log likelihood value at the proposed solution |
dy |
prediction of mean parameters for each observed x value via Bayes Rule |
status |
exit code from the optimizer |
Roger Koenker
Kiefer, J. and J. Wolfowitz Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Presence of Infinitely Many Incidental Parameters Ann. Math. Statist. Volume 27, Number 4 (1956), 887-906.
Jiang, Wenhua and Cun-Hui Zhang General maximum likelihood empirical Bayes estimation of normal means Ann. Statist., Volume 37, Number 4 (2009), 1647-1684.
Koenker, R and I. Mizera, (2013) “Convex Optimization, Shape Constraints, Compound Decisions, and Empirical Bayes Rules,” JASA, 109, 674–685.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
A Kiefer-Wolfowitz procedure for ML estimation of a Gaussian model with
possibly dependent mean and variance components. This version differs from
in that it doesn't assume the data is in longitudinal form.
This version assumes a general bivariate distribution for the mixing
distribution. The defaults use a rather coarse bivariate gridding.
GLVmix(t, s, m, u = 30, v = 30, ...)
GLVmix(t, s, m, u = 30, v = 30, ...)
t |
A vector of location estimates |
s |
A vector of variance estimates |
m |
A vector of sample sizes of the same length as t and s, or if scalar a common sample size length |
u |
A vector of bin boundaries for the location effects |
v |
A vector of bin boundaries for the variance effects |
... |
optional parameters to be passed to KWDual to control optimization |
A list consisting of the following components:
u |
midpoints of mean bin boundaries |
v |
midpoints of variance bin boundaries |
fuv |
the function values of the mixing density. |
logLik |
log likelihood value for mean problem |
du |
Bayes rule estimate of the mixing density means. |
dv |
Bayes rule estimate of the mixing density variances. |
A |
Constraint matrix |
status |
Mosek convergence status |
R. Koenker and J. Gu
Gu, J. and R. Koenker (2014) Heterogeneous Income Dynamics: An Empirical Bayes Perspective, JBES,35, 1-16.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
WTLVmix for an implementation assuming independent heterogeneity, and WGLVmix for a version that requires access to a full longitudinal data structure.
Kiefer-Wolfowitz NPMLE for Gompertz Mixtures of scale parameter
Gompertzmix( x, v = 300, u = 300, alpha, theta, hist = FALSE, weights = NULL, ... )
Gompertzmix( x, v = 300, u = 300, alpha, theta, hist = FALSE, weights = NULL, ... )
x |
Survival times |
v |
Grid values for mixing distribution |
u |
Grid values for mixing distribution |
alpha |
Shape parameter for Gompertz distribution |
theta |
Scale parameter for Gompertz Distribution |
hist |
If TRUE aggregate to histogram counts |
weights |
replicate weights for x obervations, should sum to 1 |
... |
optional parameters passed to KWDual to control optimization |
Kiefer Wolfowitz NPMLE density estimation for Gompertz scale mixtures. The histogram option is intended for relatively large problems, say n > 1000, where reducing the sample size dimension is desirable. By default the grid for the binning is equally spaced on the support of the data. Parameterization: f(t|alpha,theta,v) = theta * exp(v) * exp(alpha * t) * exp(-(theta/alpha) * exp(v) * (exp(alpha*t)-1))
An object of class density with components
x |
points of evaluation on the domain of the density |
y |
estimated function values at the points x, the mixing density |
logLik |
Log likelihood value at the proposed solution |
dy |
Bayes rule estimates of theta at observed x |
status |
exit code from the optimizer |
Roger Koenker and Jiaying Gu
Kiefer, J. and J. Wolfowitz Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Presence of Infinitely Many Incidental Parameters Ann. Math. Statist. Volume 27, Number 4 (1956), 887-906.
This data was generated by dithering the cell counts
in the crimtab
available in the base stats package.
A data frame with 3000 observations on 2 variables.
Length of Left Middle Finger (cm).
Height (cm)
see the man page for crimtab
Kernel density estimates of the log density of annual increments in log income for U.S. individuals over the period 1994-2013, as estimated by Guvenen.
A data frame with 279 observations on two variables.
annual increment in log income
estimated log density values
Fatih Guvenen, Fatih Karahan, Serdar Ozkan and Jae Song, (2016) What Do Data on Millions of U.S. Workers Reveal about Life-Cycle Earnings Dynamics? https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w20913/w20913.pdf
A Kiefer-Wolfowitz MLE for Gaussian models with independent variances. This
can be viewed as a general form for mixtures, see
for a more general form for Gamma mixtures.
GVmix(x, m, v = 300, weights = NULL, ...)
GVmix(x, m, v = 300, weights = NULL, ...)
x |
vector of observed variances |
m |
vector of sample sizes corresponding to x |
v |
A vector of bin boundaries, if scalar then v equally spaced bins are constructed |
weights |
replicate weights for x obervations, should sum to 1 |
... |
optional parameters passed to KWDual to control optimization |
An object of class density
with components:
x |
midpoints of the bin boundaries |
y |
estimated function values of the mixing density |
g |
function values of the mixture density at the observed x's. |
logLik |
the value of the log likelihood at the solution |
dy |
Bayes rule estimates of |
status |
the Mosek convergence status. |
R. Koenker
Koenker, R and I. Mizera, (2013) “Convex Optimization, Shape Constraints, Compound Decisions, and Empirical Bayes Rules,” JASA, 109, 674–685.
Gu J. and R. Koenker (2014) Unobserved heterogeneity in income dynamics: an empirical Bayes perspective, JBES, 35, 1-16.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
Gammamix for a general implementation for Gamma mixtures
Kiefer Wolfowitz Nonparametric MLE for Huber Location Mixtures
HLmix(x, v = 300, sigma = 1, k = 1.345, heps = hubereps(k), ...)
HLmix(x, v = 300, sigma = 1, k = 1.345, heps = hubereps(k), ...)
x |
Data: Sample Observations |
v |
Undata: Grid Values defaults equal spacing of with v bins, when v is a scalar |
sigma |
scale parameter of the Gaussian noise, may take vector values of length(x) |
k |
Huber k value |
heps |
Huber epsilon contamination value, should match k, by default this is automatically enforced. |
... |
other parameters to pass to KWDual to control optimization |
Kiefer Wolfowitz NPMLE for location mixtures with Huber (1964) base density
The Huber k
specifies the point at which the influence function of
the Huber M-estimator kinks.
The predict method for HLmix
objects compute means, medians or
modes of the posterior according to whether the Loss
argument is 2, 1
or 0, or posterior quantiles if Loss
is in (0,1).
An object of class density with components:
x |
points of evaluation on the domain of the density |
y |
estimated function values at the points v, the mixing density |
g |
marginal density values |
logLik |
log likelihood |
sigma |
sigma |
dy |
posterior means at the observed |
k |
Huber k |
heps |
Huber epsilon |
Roger Koenker
Find the epsilon corresponding to a Huber k value
k |
Huber k value |
Huber epsilon value
R. Koenker
Smooth a bivariate Kiefer-Wolfowitz NPMLE
KW2smooth(f, bw = NULL, k = 2)
KW2smooth(f, bw = NULL, k = 2)
f |
bivariate KW fitted object as from GLVmix |
bw |
bandwidth defaults to bwKW2(f), |
k |
kernel 1 for Gaussian, 2 for biweight, 3 for triweight |
R. Koenker
Interface function for calls to optimizer from various REBayes functions There is currently only one option for the optimization that based on Mosek. It relies on the Rmosek interface to R see installation instructions in the Readme file in the inst directory of this package. This version of the function is intended to work with versions of Mosek after 7.0.
KWDual(A, d, w, ...)
KWDual(A, d, w, ...)
A |
Linear constraint matrix |
d |
constraint vector |
w |
weights for |
... |
other parameters passed to control optimization: These may
include |
Returns a list with components:
f |
dual solution vector, the mixing density |
g |
primal solution vector, the mixture density evaluated at the data points |
logLik |
log likelihood |
status |
return status from Mosek |
. Mosek termination messages are treated as warnings from an R perspective since solutions producing, for example, MSK_RES_TRM_STALL: The optimizer is terminated due to slow progress, may still provide a satisfactory solution, especially when the return status variable is "optimal".
R. Koenker
Koenker, R and I. Mizera, (2013) “Convex Optimization, Shape Constraints, Compound Decisions, and Empirical Bayes Rules,” JASA, 109, 674–685.
Mosek Aps (2015) Users Guide to the R-to-Mosek Optimization Interface, https://docs.mosek.com/8.1/rmosek/index.html.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
Interface function for calls to optimizer from various REBayes functions There is currently only one option for the optimization that based on Mosek. It relies on the Rmosek interface to R see installation instructions in the Readme file in the inst directory of this package. This version of the function works only with versions of Mosek 9.0. This is an experimental alternative to the main KWDual which is the usual interface from fitting functions to Mosek, caveat emptor..
KWPrimal(A, d, w, ...)
KWPrimal(A, d, w, ...)
A |
Linear constraint matrix |
d |
constraint vector |
w |
weights for |
... |
other parameters passed to control optimization: These may
include |
Returns a list with components:
f |
primal solution vector, the mixing density |
g |
the mixture density evaluated at the data points |
logLik |
log likelihood |
status |
return status from Mosek |
. Mosek termination messages are treated as warnings from an R perspective since solutions producing, for example, MSK_RES_TRM_STALL: The optimizer is terminated due to slow progress, may still provide a satisfactory solution, especially when the return status variable is "optimal".
R. Koenker
Koenker, R and I. Mizera, (2013) “Convex Optimization, Shape Constraints, Compound Decisions, and Empirical Bayes Rules,” JASA, 109, 674–685.
Mosek Aps (2015) Users Guide to the R-to-Mosek Optimization Interface, https://docs.mosek.com/8.1/rmosek/index.html.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
Smooth a Kiefer-Wolfowitz NPMLE
KWsmooth(f, bw = NULL, k = 2)
KWsmooth(f, bw = NULL, k = 2)
f |
KW fitted object |
bw |
bandwidth defaults to 2 * mad |
k |
kernel 2 for biweight, 3 for triweight |
R. Koenker
Intended to compute the L1norm of the difference between two distribution functions.
L1norm(F, G, eps = 1e-06)
L1norm(F, G, eps = 1e-06)
F |
A stepfunction |
G |
Another stepfunction |
eps |
A tolerance parameter |
Both F and G should be of class stepfun
, and they should be
non-defective distribution functions. There are some tolerance issues in
checking whether both functions are proper distribution functions at the
extremes of their support. For simulations it may be prudent to wrap
in try
A real number.
R. Koenker
# Make a random step (distribution) function with Gaussian knots rstep <- function(n){ x <- sort(rnorm(n)) y <- runif(n) y <- c(0,cumsum(y/sum(y))) stepfun(x,y) } F <- rstep(20) G <- rstep(10) S <- L1norm(F,G) plot(F,main = paste("||F - G|| = ", round(S,4))) lines(G,col = 2)
# Make a random step (distribution) function with Gaussian knots rstep <- function(n){ x <- sort(rnorm(n)) y <- runif(n) y <- c(0,cumsum(y/sum(y))) stepfun(x,y) } F <- rstep(20) G <- rstep(10) S <- L1norm(F,G) plot(F,main = paste("||F - G|| = ", round(S,4))) lines(G,col = 2)
A Generic function for estimation of Local FDR
Lfdr(G, ...) ## S3 method for class 'GLVmix' Lfdr(G, newdata, cnull, tail = "R", ...) ## S3 method for class 'WGLVmix' Lfdr(G, newdata, cnull, tail = "R", ...) ## S3 method for class 'GLmix' Lfdr(G, newdata, cnull, tail = "R", ...)
Lfdr(G, ...) ## S3 method for class 'GLVmix' Lfdr(G, newdata, cnull, tail = "R", ...) ## S3 method for class 'WGLVmix' Lfdr(G, newdata, cnull, tail = "R", ...) ## S3 method for class 'GLmix' Lfdr(G, newdata, cnull, tail = "R", ...)
G |
A fitted object from some G-modeling function. |
... |
other arguments |
newdata |
data frame to in which to evaluate Lfdr |
cnull |
threshold for evaluation of Lfdr |
tail |
either "R" or "L" to specify tail focus |
Given an estimated mixing distribution, G, Lfdr computes an estimated local false discovery rate at a specified set of points and threshold value cnull. The argument G can be specified as the fitted object from one of several possible fitting routines for nonparametric mixing distributions.
Density estimation based on maximum entropy methods
medde( x, v = 300, lambda = 0.5, alpha = 1, Dorder = 1, w = NULL, mass = 1, rtol = 1e-06, verb = 0, control = NULL )
medde( x, v = 300, lambda = 0.5, alpha = 1, Dorder = 1, w = NULL, mass = 1, rtol = 1e-06, verb = 0, control = NULL )
x |
Data: either univariate or bivariate, the latter is highly experimental |
v |
Undata: either univariate or bivariate, univariate default is an equally spaced grid of 300 values, for bivariate data there is not (yet) a default. Making v extend well beyond the support of x is advisable to avoid weird boundary behavior of the estimated density. |
lambda |
total variation penalty smoothing parameter, if lambda is in [-1,0], a shape constraint is imposed. see Koenker and Mizera (2010) for further details. When Dorder = 0, the shape constraint imposes that the density is monotonically decreasing, when Dorder = 1 it imposes a concavity constraint. |
alpha |
Renyi entropy parameter characterizing fidelity criterion by default 1 is log-concave and 0.5 is Hellinger. |
Dorder |
Order of the derivative operator for the penalty default is Dorder = 1, corresponding to TV norm constraint on the first derivative, or a concavity constraint on some transform of the density. Dorder = 0 imposes a TV penalty on the function itself, or when lambda < 0 a monotonicity constraint. |
w |
weights associated with x, |
mass |
normalizing constant for fitted density, |
rtol |
Convergence tolerance for Mosek algorithm, |
verb |
Parameter controlling verbosity of solution, 0 for silent, 5 gives rather detailed iteration log. |
control |
Mosek control list see KWDual documentation |
See the references for further details. And also Mosek "Manuals". The acronym, according to the urban dictionary has a nice connection to a term used in Bahamian dialect, mostly on the Family Islands like Eleuthera and Cat Island meaning "mess with" "get involved," "get entangled," "fool around," "bother:" "I don't like to medder up with all kinda people" "Don't medder with people (chirren)" "Why you think she medderin up in their business."
This version implements a class of penalized density estimators solving:
where is a vector with two component subvectors:
is a
vector of function values of the density
is a vector of dual values,
is typically positive, and controls the fluctuation of the Dorder
derivative of some transform of the density. When alpha = 1 this transform is
simply the logarithm of the density, and Dorder = 1 yields a piecewise exponential
estimate; when Dorder = 2 we obtain a variant of Silverman's (1982) estimator
that shrinks the fitted density toward the Gaussian, i.e. with total variation
of the second derivative of
equal to zero. See demo(Silverman) for
an illustration of this case. If
is in
then the
TV constraint is replaced by
, which for
constrains the fitted density to be log-concave; for
is constrained to be concave; and for
constrained to be concave. In these cases no further regularization of the smoothness
of density is required as the concavity constraint acts as regularizer.
As explained further in Koenker and Mizera (2010) and
Han and Wellner (2016) decreasing
constrains the fitted density to lie
in a larger class of quasi-concave
densities. See
for an illustration of these options, but be aware
that more extreme pose more challenges from an numerical optimization
perspective. Fitting for
employs a fidelity criterion closely
related to Renyi entropy that is more suitable than likelihood for very peaked, or very heavy
tailed target densities. For
fitting for
Dorder != 1
proceed at your own risk. A closely related problem is illustrated in the demo
Brown which imposes a convexity constraint
on . This ensures that the resulting Bayes rule,
aka Tweedie formula, is monotone in
, as described further in Koenker and
Mizera (2013).
An object of class "medde" with components
x |
points of evaluation on the domain of the density |
y |
estimated function values at the evaluation points x |
status |
exit status from Mosek |
Roger Koenker and Ivan Mizera
Chen, Y. and R.J. Samworth, (2013) "Smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimation with applications", Statistica Sinica, 23, 1373–1398.
Han, Qiyang and Jon Wellner (2016) “Approximation and estimation of s-concave densities via Renyi divergences, Annals of Statistics, 44, 1332-1359.
Koenker, R and I. Mizera, (2007) “Density Estimation by Total Variation Regularization,” Advances in Statistical Modeling and Inference: Essays in Honor of Kjell Doksum, V.N. Nair (ed.), 613-634.
Koenker, R and I. Mizera, (2006) “The alter egos of the regularized maximum likelihood density estimators: deregularized maximum-entropy, Shannon, Renyi, Simpson, Gini, and stretched strings,” Proceedings of the 7th Prague Symposium on Asymptotic Statistics.
Koenker, R and I. Mizera, (2010) “Quasi-Concave Density Estimation” Annals of Statistics, 38, 2998-3027.
Koenker, R and I. Mizera, (2013) “Convex Optimization, Shape Constraints, Compound Decisions, and Empirical Bayes Rules,” JASA, 109, 674–685.
Koenker, R and I. Mizera, (2014) “Convex Optimization in R.”, Journal of Statistical Software, 60, 1-23.
This function is based on an earlier function of the same name in
the deprecated package MeddeR that was based on an R-Matlab interface.
A plotting method is available, or medde estimates can be added to plots
with the usual lines(meddefit, ...
invocation. For log concave
estimates there is also a quantile function qmedde
and a random
number generation function rmedde
, eventually there should be
corresponding functionality for other alphas.
## Not run: #Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Log-Concave Density set.seed(1968) x <- rgamma(50,10) m <- medde(x, v = 50, lambda = -.5, verb = 5) plot(m, type = "l", xlab = "x", ylab = "f(x)") lines(m$x,dgamma(m$x,10),col = 2) title("Log-concave Constraint") ## End(Not run) ## Not run: #Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Gamma Density with TV constraint set.seed(1968) x <- rgamma(50,5) f <- medde(x, v = 50, lambda = 0.2, verb = 5) plot(f, type = "l", xlab = "x", ylab = "f(x)") lines(f$x,dgamma(f$x,5),col = 2) legend(10,.15,c("ghat","true"),lty = 1, col = 1:2) title("Total Variation Norm Constraint") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: #Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Log-Concave Density set.seed(1968) x <- rgamma(50,10) m <- medde(x, v = 50, lambda = -.5, verb = 5) plot(m, type = "l", xlab = "x", ylab = "f(x)") lines(m$x,dgamma(m$x,10),col = 2) title("Log-concave Constraint") ## End(Not run) ## Not run: #Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Gamma Density with TV constraint set.seed(1968) x <- rgamma(50,5) f <- medde(x, v = 50, lambda = 0.2, verb = 5) plot(f, type = "l", xlab = "x", ylab = "f(x)") lines(f$x,dgamma(f$x,5),col = 2) legend(10,.15,c("ghat","true"),lty = 1, col = 1:2) title("Total Variation Norm Constraint") ## End(Not run)
Norwegian Life Insurance Exposures and Claims
A data frame with 72 observations on the following 3 variables.
Occupational Group
Observed Deaths
The data arise from 1125 original groups insured during all or part of the period 1982-85 by a major Nowegian insurance company. Exposures can be normalized by a factor of 344 as in Hastrup (2000) and then can be interpreted as the apriori expected number of claims (deaths) for each group. The original 1125 groups were aggregated into 72 as in Norberg (1989).
Norberg, R. (1989) Experience rating in group life insurance, Scand. Actuarial J.,194-224.
Haastrup, S. (2000) Comparison of some Bayesian analyses of heterogeneity in group life insurance, Scand. Actuarial J.,2-16.
Interior point solution of Kiefer-Wolfowitz NPMLE for mixture of Normal/Poissons
NPmix(x, m, v = 50, u = 50, weights = NULL, ...)
NPmix(x, m, v = 50, u = 50, weights = NULL, ...)
x |
observed response for Gaussian observations |
m |
Number of trials for Poisson observations |
v |
Grid Values for the Gaussian means mixing distribution defaults to equal spacing of length v on [min(x) + eps, max(x) - eps], if v is scalar. |
u |
Grid Values for the Poisson rate mixing distribution defaults to equal spacing of length u on [min(m) + eps, max(m) - eps], if u is scalar. |
weights |
replicate weights for x obervations, should sum to 1 |
... |
Other arguments to be passed to KWDual to control optimization |
The joint distribution of the means and the number of trials determining sample standard
deviations is estimated. The grid specification for means is as for GLmix
whereas the grid for the Poisson rate parameters by default depends on the support of the
observed trials. There is no predict method as yet. See demo(NPmix1)
An object of class density with components:
v |
grid points of evaluation of the success probabilities |
u |
grid points of evaluation of the Poisson rate for number of trials |
y |
function values of the mixing density at (v,u) |
g |
estimates of the mixture density at the distinct data values |
logLik |
Log Likelihood value at the estimate |
status |
exit code from the optimizer |
R. Koenker and J. Gu
Kiefer, J. and J. Wolfowitz Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Presence of Infinitely Many Incidental Parameters Ann. Math. Statist. 27, (1956), 887-906.
Given a fitted mixture model by GLVmix plot the estimated mass points
Given a fitted mixture model by GLVmix plot the estimated mass points
## S3 method for class 'GLVmix' plot(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'GLVmix' plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'GLVmix' plot(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'GLVmix' plot(x, ...)
x |
is the fitted object |
... |
other arguments to pass to |
nothing (invisibly)
nothing (invisibly)
Plotting method for medde objects
## S3 method for class 'medde' plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'medde' plot(x, ...)
x |
object obtained from medde fitting |
... |
other parameters to be passed to plot method |
Poisson mixture estimation via Kiefer Wolfowitz MLE
Pmix(x, v = 300, support = NULL, exposure = NULL, ...)
Pmix(x, v = 300, support = NULL, exposure = NULL, ...)
x |
Data: Sample observations (integer valued) |
v |
Grid Values for the mixing distribution defaults to equal spacing of length v when v is specified as a scalar |
support |
a 2-vector containing the lower and upper support points of sample observations to account for possible truncation. |
exposure |
observation specific exposures to risk see details |
... |
other parameters passed to KWDual to control optimization |
The predict method for Pmix
objects will compute means, medians or
modes of the posterior according to whether the Loss
argument is 2, 1
or 0, or posterior quantiles if Loss
is in (0,1).
In the default case exposure = 1
it is assumed that
contains individual observations that are aggregated into
count bins via table
. When exposure
has the same length as
then it is presumed to be individual specific risk exposure and
the Poisson mixture is taken to be and the
is not aggregated. See for example the analysis of the Norberg data in
Koenker and Gu (2016).
An object of class density with components:
x |
points of evaluation of the mixing density |
y |
function values of the mixing density at x |
g |
function values of the mixture density on |
logLik |
Log Likelihood value at the estimate |
dy |
Bayes rule estimate of Poisson rate parameter at each x |
status |
exit code from the optimizer |
Roger Koenker and Jiaying Gu
Kiefer, J. and J. Wolfowitz Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Presence of Infinitely Many Incidental Parameters Ann. Math. Statist. Volume 27, Number 4 (1956), 887-906.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
Predict Method for Binomial Mixtures
## S3 method for class 'B2mix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, newk, ...)
## S3 method for class 'B2mix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, newk, ...)
object |
fitted object of class "B2mix" |
newdata |
Values at which prediction is desired an n by 2 matrix |
Loss |
Loss function used to generate prediction: Currently supported values: 2 to get mean predictions, 1 to get median predictions, 0 to get modal predictions or any tau in (0,1) to get tau-th quantile predictions. |
newk |
k values (number of trials) for the predictions an n by 2 matrix |
... |
optional arguments to predict |
The predict method for B2mix objects will compute posterior means.
A vector of predictions
Jiaying Gu and Roger Koenker
Predict Method for Binomial Mixtures
## S3 method for class 'Bmix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, newk, ...)
## S3 method for class 'Bmix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, newk, ...)
object |
fitted object of class "Bmix" |
newdata |
Values at which prediction is desired |
Loss |
Loss function used to generate prediction: Currently supported values: 2 to get mean predictions, 1 to get median predictions, 0 to get modal predictions or any tau in (0,1) to get tau-th quantile predictions. |
newk |
k values (number of trials) for the predictions |
... |
optional arguments to predict |
The predict method for Bmix
objects will compute means, quantiles or
modes of the posterior according to the Loss
argument. Typically,
would be passed to predict
A vector of predictions
Jiaying Gu
Predict Method for Gaussian Location Mixtures
## S3 method for class 'GLmix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, newsigma = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'GLmix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, newsigma = NULL, ...)
object |
fitted object of class "GLmix" |
newdata |
Values at which prediction is desired |
Loss |
Loss function used to generate prediction: Currently supported values: 2 to get mean predictions, 1 to get median predictions, 0 to get modal predictions or any tau in (0,1) to get tau-th quantile predictions. |
newsigma |
sigma values for the predictions |
... |
optional arguments to predict |
The predict method for GLmix
objects will compute means, quantiles or
modes of the posterior according to the Loss
argument. Typically,
would be passed to predict
A vector of predictions
Roger Koenker
Predict Method for Gaussian Location-scale Mixtures
## S3 method for class 'GLVmix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, ...)
## S3 method for class 'GLVmix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, ...)
object |
Fitted object of class "GLVmix" |
newdata |
data.frame with components(t,s,m) at which prediction is desired |
Loss |
Loss function used to generate prediction: Currently supported values: 2 to get mean predictions, 1 to get median predictions, 0 to get modal predictions or any tau in (0,1) to get tau-th quantile predictions. |
... |
optional arguments to predict |
The predict method for GLmix
objects will compute means, quantiles or
modes of the posterior according to the Loss
argument. Typically,
would be passed to predict
. Note that these predictions
are for the location parameter only.
A vector of predictions
Roger Koenker
Predict Method for Huber Location Mixtures
## S3 method for class 'HLmix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, newsigma = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'HLmix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, newsigma = NULL, ...)
object |
fitted object of class "HLmix" |
newdata |
Values at which prediction is desired |
Loss |
Loss function used to generate prediction: Currently supported values: 2 to get mean predictions, 1 to get median predictions, 0 to get modal predictions or any tau in (0,1) to get tau-th quantile predictions. |
newsigma |
sigma values for the predictions |
... |
optional arguments to predict |
The predict method for HLmix
objects computes means, quantiles or
modes of the posterior according to the Loss
argument. Typically,
would be passed to predict
. Note that if newdata
is simply equal to the original observations (denoising case) then the
A vector of predictions
Roger Koenker
Predict Method for Poisson Mixtures
## S3 method for class 'Pmix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, newexposure = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'Pmix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, newexposure = NULL, ...)
object |
fitted object of class "Pmix" |
newdata |
Values at which prediction is desired |
Loss |
Loss function used to generate prediction. Currently supported values: 2 to get mean predictions, 1 to get harmonic mean predictions, 0 to get modal predictions or any tau in (0,1) to get tau-th quantile predictions. The posterior harmonic mean is the Bayes rule for quadratic loss weighted by variances as in Clevenson and Zidek (1975). |
newexposure |
exposure values for the predictions |
... |
optional arguments to predict |
The predict method for Pmix
objects will compute means, quantiles or
modes of the posterior according to the Loss
argument. Typically,
would be passed to predict
A vector of predictions
Jiaying Gu and Roger Koenker
Clevenson, M. L. and Zidek, J. V. 1975. Simultaneous Estimation of the Means of Independent Poisson Laws, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 70, 698-705.
Predict Method for Gaussian Location-scale Mixtures (Longitudinal Version)
## S3 method for class 'WGLVmix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, ...)
## S3 method for class 'WGLVmix' predict(object, newdata, Loss = 2, ...)
object |
Fitted object of class "GLVmix" |
newdata |
data.frame with components(y,id,w) at which prediction is desired
this data structure must be compatible with that of |
Loss |
Loss function used to generate prediction: Currently supported values: 2 to get mean predictions, 1 to get median predictions, 0 to get modal predictions or any tau in (0,1) to get tau-th quantile predictions. |
... |
optional arguments to predict |
The predict method for WGLmix
objects will compute means, quantiles or
modes of the posterior according to the Loss
argument. Typically,
would be passed to predict
. Note that these predictions
are for the location parameter only.
A vector of predictions
Roger Koenker
Frequencies of test scores (number of correct answers) on a psychological test with 20 questions.
A data frame with 21 observations on 2 variables.
number of correct answers (out of 20 questions)
frequency out of 12990 exams.
Lord, F.M. and N. Cressie (1975). An Empirical Bayes Procedure for Finding an Interval Estimate, Sankhya, 37, 1-9.
Quantiles of KW fit
qKW(g, q)
qKW(g, q)
g |
KW fitted object |
q |
vector of quantiles to be computed |
R. Koenker
Quantiles of bivariate KW fit
qKW2(g, q)
qKW2(g, q)
g |
KW fitted object |
q |
vector of quantiles to be computed |
R. Koenker
Slightly modified version borrowed from the package logcondens
Todo: extend this to cases with .
qmedde(p, medde)
qmedde(p, medde)
p |
vector of probabilities at which to evaluate the quantiles |
medde |
fitted object from medde |
Random sample from KW object
rKW(n, g)
rKW(n, g)
n |
sample size |
g |
KW object |
R. Koenker
Logistic Regression with lasso like penalties
RLR(X, Y, D, lambda, ...)
RLR(X, Y, D, lambda, ...)
X |
a design matrix for the unconstrained logistic regression model |
Y |
a response vector of Boolean values, or n by 2 matrix of binomials as in |
D |
is a matrix specifying the penalty, |
lambda |
a scalar specifying the intensity of one's belief in the prior. No provision for automatic selection has been made (yet). |
... |
other parameters passed to control optimization: These may
include |
In some logistic regression problems, especially those with a large number of fixed effects like the Bradley-Terry rating model, it may be plausible to consider groups of effects that would be considered equivalence classes. One way to implement such prior information is to impose some form of regularization penalty. In the general formulation we are trying to solve the problem:
. For example in the Bradley-Terry rating model, we may consider penalties of the form,
so differences in all pairs of ratings are pulled together. This form of the penalty
has been used by Hocking et al (2011) for clustering, by Masarotto and Varin (2012)
for estimation of the Bradley Terry model and by Gu and Volgushev (2019) for grouping
fixed effects in panel data models. This is an implementation in
Mosek, so the package Rmosek and Mosek must be available at run time.
The demo(RLR1)
illustrates use with the conventional lasso penalty and produces a
lasso shrinkage plot. The demo(RLR2)
illustrates use with the ranking/grouping
lasso penalty and produces a plot of how the number of groups is reduced as lambda rises.
A list with components:
coef |
vector of coefficients |
logLik |
log likelihood value at the solution |
status |
return status from the Mosek optimizer |
Roger Koenker with crucial help from Michal Adamaszek of Mosek ApS
Gu, J. and Volgushev, S. (2019), 'Panel data quantile regression with grouped fixed effects', Journal of Econometrics, 213, 68–91.
Hocking, T. D., Joulin, A., Bach, F. and Vert, J.-P. (2011), 'Clusterpath: an algorithm for clustering using convex fusion penalties', Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on International Conference on Machine Learning, 745–752.
Masarotto, G. and Varin, C. (2012), 'The ranking lasso and its application to sport tournaments', The Annals of Applied Statistics, 6, 1949–1970.
Random number generation from a medde estimate
rmedde(n, medde, smooth = TRUE)
rmedde(n, medde, smooth = TRUE)
n |
number of observations desired in calls to rmedde |
medde |
fitted medde object for calls in qmedde and rmedde |
smooth |
option to draw random meddes from the smoothed density |
Creates a tar.gz file with all of the R files needed to recreate the tables
and figures that appear in the paper. Should be considered experimental at
this stage. It presumes that tables are generated with something like the
Hmisc latex
function and included in the latex document with
commands. Likewise figures are assumed to be included with
and generated by R in pdf format. This
was originally developed to sort out the files for "Empirical Bayesball Remixed".
An optional side of effect of the function to create a tar.gz file with the gzipped
R files required for the paper.
Rxiv(fname, figures = "figures", tables = "tables", tar = FALSE)
Rxiv(fname, figures = "figures", tables = "tables", tar = FALSE)
fname |
name of the latex file of the paper sans .tex suffix |
figures |
name of the directory with the files for figures |
tables |
name of the directory with the files for tables |
tar |
logical flag, if TRUE generate a gzipped tar file of .R files |
a list with the following components
Rtables |
a character array with two columns: .tex files and .R files |
Rfigures |
a character array with two columns: .pdf files and .R files |
Rother |
a character vector with other R files required. |
Rcached |
a character vector with cached Rda files |
R. Koenker
This data was generated by Beckett and Diaconis (1994).
They describe it as follows:
"The example involves repeated rolls of a common thumbtack. A one was
recorded if the tack landed point up and a zero was recorded if the tack
landed point down. All tacks started point down. Each tack was flicked
or hit with the fingers from where it last rested. A fixed tack was flicked
9 times. The data are recorded in Table 1. There are 320 9-tuples. These
arose from 16 different tacks, 2 “flickers,” and 10 surfaces. The tacks
vary considerably in shape and in proportion of ones. The surfaces varied
from rugs through tablecloths through bathroom floors."
Following Liu (1996), we treat the data as though they came from
320 independent binomials. See demo(Bmix1)
for further details.
A data frame with 320 observations on 2 variables.
a numeric vector giving the number of tacks landed point up.
a numeric vector giving the number of trials.
Beckett, L. and Diaconis. P. (1994). Spectral analysis for discrete longitudinal data, Adv. Math., 103: 107-128.
Liu, J.S. (1996). Nonparametric Hierarchical Bayes via Sequential Imputations. Annals of Statistics, 24: 911-930.
Gaussian Location Mixture data to illustrate Mosek tolerance problem
5000 iid Gaussians
This data set was randomly generated in the course of trying to understand some
anomalies in estimating Gaussian location mixture problems with GLmix
It is used by demo(tannenbaum)
to illustrate that sometimes it is
worthwhile to tighten the default convergence tolerance for Mosek.
This function approximates FDR for various values of lambda
and is usually employed in conjunction with Finv
find an appropriate cutoff value lambda.
ThreshFDR(lambda, stat, v)
ThreshFDR(lambda, stat, v)
lambda |
is the proposed threshold |
stat |
is the statistic used for ranking |
v |
is the local false discovery statistic |
Kiefer Wolfowitz NPMLE for Student t location mixtures
TLmix(x, v = 300, u = 300, df = 1, hist = FALSE, weights = NULL, ...)
TLmix(x, v = 300, u = 300, df = 1, hist = FALSE, weights = NULL, ...)
x |
Data: Sample Observations |
v |
bin boundaries defaults to equal spacing of length v |
u |
bin boundaries for histogram binning: defaults to equal spacing |
df |
Number of degrees of freedom of Student base density |
hist |
If TRUE then aggregate x to histogram weights |
weights |
replicate weights for x obervations, should sum to 1 |
... |
optional parameters passed to KWDual to control optimization |
Kiefer Wolfowitz MLE density estimation as proposed by Jiang and Zhang for a Student t compound decision problem. The histogram option is intended for large problems, say n > 1000, where reducing the sample size dimension is desirable. By default the grid for the binning is equally spaced on the interval between the 0.01 and 0.99 quantiles of the observed sample. This is intended to avoid extreme gridding for Student's with small df.
An object of class density with components:
x |
midpoints of evaluation on the domain of the mixing density |
y |
estimated function values at the points x of the mixing density |
logLik |
Log likelihood value at the proposed solution |
dy |
Bayes rule estimates of location at x |
status |
Mosek exit code |
Roger Koenker
Kiefer, J. and J. Wolfowitz Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Presence of Infinitely Many Incidental Parameters Ann. Math. Statist. 27, (1956), 887-906.
Jiang, Wenhua and Cun-Hui Zhang General maximum likelihood empirical Bayes estimation of normal means Ann. Statist., 37, (2009), 1647-1684.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
GLmix for Gaussian version
Kiefer Wolfowitz NPMLE for Student t non-centrality parameter mixtures
x is the vector of t statistics for all groups, which follows t dist
, and noncentral t dist if
This leads to a mixture of t distribution with ncp as the mixing parameter.
df (degree of freedom) is determined by the group size in the simplest case.
Tncpmix(x, v = 300, u = 300, df = 1, hist = FALSE, weights = NULL, ...)
Tncpmix(x, v = 300, u = 300, df = 1, hist = FALSE, weights = NULL, ...)
x |
Data: Sample Observations |
v |
bin boundaries defaults to equal spacing of length v |
u |
bin boundaries for histogram binning: defaults to equal spacing |
df |
Number of degrees of freedom of Student base density |
hist |
If TRUE then aggregate x to histogram weights |
weights |
replicate weights for x obervations, should sum to 1 |
... |
optional parameters passed to KWDual to control optimization |
An object of class density with components:
x |
midpoints of evaluation on the domain of the mixing density |
y |
estimated function values at the points x of the mixing density |
g |
estimated function values at the observed points of mixture density |
logLik |
Log likelihood value at the proposed solution |
dy |
Bayes rule estimates of location at x |
status |
Mosek exit code |
Roger Koenker
Kiefer, J. and J. Wolfowitz Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Presence of Infinitely Many Incidental Parameters Ann. Math. Statist. 27, (1956), 887-906.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
GLmix for Gaussian version
Integration by Trapezoidal Rule
traprule(x, y)
traprule(x, y)
x |
points of evaluation |
y |
function values |
Crude Riemann sum approximation.
A real number.
R. Koenker
Kiefer-Wolfowitz Nonparametric MLE for Uniform Scale Mixtures
Umix(x, ...)
Umix(x, ...)
x |
Data: Sample Observations |
... |
other parameters to pass to KWDual to control optimization |
Kiefer-Wolfowitz MLE for the mixture model
No gridding is required since mass points of the mixing distribution,
must occur at the data points. This formalism is equivalent, as noted by
Groeneboom and Jongbloed (2014) to the Grenander estimator of a monotone
density in the sense that the estimated mixture density, i.e. the marginal
density of
, is the Grenander estimate, see the remark at the end
of their Section 2.2. See also
. Note that this
refers to the decreasing version of the Grenander estimator, for the
increasing version try standing on your head.
An object of class density with components:
x |
points of evaluation on the domain of the density |
y |
estimated mass at the points x of the mixing density |
g |
the estimated mixture density function values at x |
logLik |
Log likelihood value at the proposed solution |
status |
exit code from the optimizer |
Jiaying Gu and Roger Koenker
Kiefer, J. and J. Wolfowitz Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Presence of Infinitely Many Incidental Parameters Ann. Math. Statist. Volume 27, Number 4 (1956), 887-906.
Groeneboom, P. and G. Jongbloed, Nonparametric Estimation under Shape Constraints, 2014, Cambridge U. Press.
A sample of rotational velocities of stars from Hoffleit and
Warren (1991) similar to that previosly considered by Pal, Woodroofe and Meyer (2007)
and used by Koenker and Mizera (2010). The demo(velo)
illustrates fitted
densities for three relatively weak concavity constraints corresponding to
constrained to be concave.
Note that last of these pushes the optimization methods about as far as they can do.
A numeric vector with 3933 observations on one variable.
a numeric vector with rotational velocities.
Hoffleit, D. and Warren, W. H. (1991). The Bright Star Catalog (5th ed.). Yale University Observatory, New Haven.
Pal, J. K., Woodroofe, M. and Meyer, M. (2007). Estimating a Polya frequency function. In Complex Datasets and Inverse Problems: Tomography, Networks and Beyond, (R. Liu, W. Strawderman, and C.-H. Zhang, eds.). IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series 54 239-249. Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Koenker, R. and Mizera, I. (2010) Quasi-Concave Density Estimation, Annals of Statistics, 38, 2998-3027.
Kiefer-Wolfowitz NPMLE for Weibull Mixtures of scale parameter
Weibullmix( x, v = 300, u = 300, alpha, lambda = 1, event = NULL, hist = FALSE, weights = NULL, ... )
Weibullmix( x, v = 300, u = 300, alpha, lambda = 1, event = NULL, hist = FALSE, weights = NULL, ... )
x |
Survival times |
v |
Grid values for mixing distribution |
u |
Grid values for histogram bins, if needed |
alpha |
Shape parameter for Weibull distribution |
lambda |
Scale parameter for Weibull Distribution; must either have length 1, or length
equal to |
event |
censoring indicator, 1 if actual event time, 0 if censored |
hist |
If TRUE aggregate to histogram counts |
weights |
replicate weights for x obervations, should sum to 1 |
... |
optional parameters passed to KWDual to control optimization |
Kiefer Wolfowitz NPMLE density estimation for Weibull scale mixtures. The histogram option is intended for relatively large problems, say n > 1000, where reducing the sample size dimension is desirable. By default the grid for the binning is equally spaced on the support of the data. Parameterization: f(t|alpha, lambda) = alpha * exp(v) * (lambda * t )^(alpha-1) * exp(-(lambda * t)^alpha * exp(v)); shape = alpha; scale = lambda^(-1) * (exp(v))^(-1/alpha) This version purports to handle right censoring.
An object of class density with components
x |
points of evaluation on the domain of the density |
y |
estimated function values at the points x of the mixing density |
logLik |
Log likelihood value at the proposed solution |
dy |
Bayes Rule estimates of mixing parameter |
status |
exit code from the optimizer |
Roger Koenker and Jiaying Gu
Kiefer, J. and J. Wolfowitz Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator in the Presence of Infinitely Many Incidental Parameters Ann. Math. Statist. Volume 27, Number 4 (1956), 887-906.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
A Kiefer-Wolfowitz procedure for ML estimation of a Gaussian model with
dependent mean and variance components and weighted longitudinal data.
This version assumes a general bivariate distribution for the mixing
distribution. The defaults use a rather coarse bivariate gridding.
In contrast to the function GLVmix
the full longitudinal data
structure is required for this function and the likelihood evaluation
reflects this difference.
WGLVmix(y, id, w, u = 30, v = 30, ...)
WGLVmix(y, id, w, u = 30, v = 30, ...)
y |
A vector of observations |
id |
A strata indicator vector of the same length |
w |
A vector of weights |
u |
A vector of bin boundaries for the mean effects |
v |
A vector of bin boundaries for the variance effects |
... |
optional parameters to be passed to KWDual to control optimization |
A list consisting of the following components:
u |
midpoints of mean bin boundaries |
v |
midpoints of variance bin boundaries |
fuv |
the function values of the mixing density. |
logLik |
log likelihood value for mean problem |
du |
Bayes rule estimate of the mixing density means. |
dv |
Bayes rule estimate of the mixing density variances. |
A |
Constraint matrix |
status |
Mosek convergence status |
R. Koenker and J. Gu
Gu, J. and R. Koenker (2014) Heterogeneous Income Dynamics: An Empirical Bayes Perspective, JBES,35, 1-16.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
WTLVmix for an implementation assuming independent heterogeneity, GLVmix for an implementation that assumes the availability of only the summary statistics but not the full longitudinal data structure.
A Kiefer-Wolfowitz procedure for ML estimation of a Gaussian model with independent variance components with weighted longitudinal data.
WGVmix( y, id, w, v, pv = 300, eps = 1e-06, rtol = 1e-06, verb = 0, control = NULL )
WGVmix( y, id, w, v, pv = 300, eps = 1e-06, rtol = 1e-06, verb = 0, control = NULL )
y |
A vector of observations |
id |
A strata indicator vector of the same length |
w |
A vector of weights |
v |
A vector of bin boundaries for the variance effects |
pv |
The number of variance effect bins, if u is missing |
eps |
A tolerance for determining the support of the bins |
rtol |
A tolerance for determining duality gap convergence tolerance in Mosek |
verb |
A flag indicating how verbose the Mosek output should be |
control |
Mosek control list see KWDual documentation |
See Gu and Koenker (2012?)
An object of class density
consisting of the following
x |
the variance bin boundaries |
y |
the function values of the mixing density for the variances. |
logLik |
the value of the log likelihood at the solution |
status |
the mosek convergence status. |
R. Koenker
Gu Y. and R. Koenker (2017) Empirical Bayesball Remixed: Empirical Bayes Methods for Longitudinal Data, J. of Applied Econometrics, 32, 575-599.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
A Kiefer-Wolfowitz NPMLE procedure for estimation of a Gaussian model with independent mean and variance prior components with weighted longitudinal data. This version iterates back and forth from Gamma and Gaussian forms of the likelihood.
WLVmix(y, id, w, u = 300, v = 300, eps = 1e-04, maxit = 2, ...)
WLVmix(y, id, w, u = 300, v = 300, eps = 1e-04, maxit = 2, ...)
y |
A vector of observations |
id |
A strata indicator vector indicating grouping of y |
w |
A vector of weights corresponding to y |
u |
A vector of bin boundaries for the mean effects |
v |
A vector of bin boundaries for the variance effects |
eps |
Convergence tolerance for iterations |
maxit |
A limit on the number of allowed iterations |
... |
optional parameters to be passed to KWDual to control optimization |
A list consisting of the following components:
u |
midpoints of the mean bin boundaries |
fu |
the function values of the mixing density of the means |
v |
midpoints of the variance bin boundaries |
fv |
the function values of the mixing density of the variances. |
logLik |
vector of log likelihood values for each iteration |
du |
Bayes rule estimate of the mixing density means. |
dv |
Bayes rule estimate of the mixing density variances. |
status |
Mosek convergence status for each iteration |
J. Gu and R. Koenker
Gu, J. and R. Koenker (2015) Empirical Bayesball Remixed: Empirical Bayes Methods for Longitudinal Data, J. Applied Econometrics, 32, 575-599.
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
WGLVmix for a more general bivariate mixing distribution version and WTLVmix for an alternative estimator exploiting a Student/Gamma decomposition
A Kiefer-Wolfowitz NPMLE procedure for estimation of a Gaussian model with independent mean and variance components with weighted longitudinal data. This version exploits a Student t decomposition of the likelihood.
WTLVmix(y, id, w, u = 300, v = 300, ...)
WTLVmix(y, id, w, u = 300, v = 300, ...)
y |
A vector of observations |
id |
A strata indicator vector indicating grouping of y |
w |
A vector of weights corresponding to y |
u |
A vector of bin boundaries for the mean effects |
v |
A vector of bin boundaries for the variance effects |
... |
optional parameters to be passed to KWDual to control optimization |
A list consisting of the following components:
u |
midpoints of the mean bin boundaries |
fu |
the function values of the mixing density of the means |
v |
midpoints of the variance bin boundaries |
fv |
the function values of the mixing density of the variances. |
logLik |
log likelihood value for mean problem |
du |
Bayes rule estimate of the mixing density means. |
dv |
Bayes rule estimate of the mixing density variances. |
status |
Mosek convergence status |
J. Gu and R. Koenker
Koenker, R. and J. Gu, (2017) REBayes: An R Package for Empirical Bayes Mixture Methods, Journal of Statistical Software, 82, 1–26.
WGLVmix for a more general bivariate mixing distribution version