Package 'PortfolioOptim'

Title: Small/Large Sample Portfolio Optimization
Description: Two functions for financial portfolio optimization by linear programming are provided. One function implements Benders decomposition algorithm and can be used for very large data sets. The other, applicable for moderate sample sizes, finds optimal portfolio which has the smallest distance to a given benchmark portfolio.
Authors: Andrzej Palczewski [aut, cre], Aleksandra Dabrowska [ctb]
Maintainer: Andrzej Palczewski <[email protected]>
License: GNU General Public License version 3
Version: 1.1.1
Built: 2024-10-30 06:47:23 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Portfolio Optimization by Benders decomposition


BDportfolio_optim is a linear program for financial portfolio optimization. Portfolio risk is measured by one of the risk measures from the list c("CVAR", "DCVAR", "LSAD", "MAD"). Benders decomposition method is explored to enable optimization for very large returns samples (106\sim 10^6).

The optimization problem is:
minF(θTr)\min F({\theta^{T}} r)
θTE(r)\theta^{T} E(r) \ge portfolio_returnportfolio\_return,
LBLB θ\le \theta \le UBUB,
AconstrAconstr θ\theta \le bconstrbconstr,
FF is a measure of risk;
rr is a time series of returns of assets;
θ\theta is a vector of portfolio weights.


BDportfolio_optim(dat, portfolio_return,  
risk=c("CVAR", "DCVAR","LSAD","MAD"), alpha=0.95,  
Aconstr=NULL, bconstr=NULL, LB=NULL, UB=NULL, maxiter=500,tol=1e-8)



Time series of returns data; dat = cbind(rr, pk), where rrrr is an array (time series) of asset returns, for nn returns and kk assets it is an array with dim(rr)=(n,k)\dim(rr) = (n, k), pkpk is a vector of length nn containing probabilities of returns.


Target portfolio return.


Risk measure chosen for optimization; one of "CVAR", "DCVAR", "LSAD", "MAD", where "CVAR" – denotes Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR), "DCVAR" – denotes deviation CVaR, "LSAD" – denotes Lower Semi Absolute Deviation, "MAD" – denotes Mean Absolute Deviation.


Value of alpha quantile used to compute portfolio VaR and CVaR; used also as quantile value for risk measures CVAR and DCVAR.


Matrix defining additional constraints, dim(Aconstr)=(m,k)\dim (Aconstr) = (m,k), where kk – number of assets, mm – number of constraints.


Vector defining additional constraints, length (bconstrbconstr) =m= m.


Vector of length k, lower bounds of portfolio weights θ\theta; warning: condition LB = NULL is equivalent to LB = rep(0, k) (lower bound zero).


Vector of length k, upper bounds for portfolio weights θ\theta.


Maximal number of iterations.


Accuracy of computations, stopping rule.


BDportfolio_optim returns a list with items:

return_mean vector of asset returns mean values.
mu realized portfolio return.
theta portfolio weights.
CVaR portfolio CVaR.
VaR portfolio VaR.
MAD portfolio MAD.
risk portfolio risk measured by the risk measure chosen for optimization.
new_portfolio_return modified target portfolio return; when the original target portfolio return
is to high for the problem, the optimization problem is solved for
new_portfolio_return as the target return.


Benders, J.F., Partitioning procedures for solving mixed-variables programming problems. Number. Math., 4 (1962), 238–252, reprinted in Computational Management Science 2 (2005), 3–19. DOI: 10.1007/s10287-004-0020-y.

Konno, H., Piecewise linear risk function and portfolio optimization, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 33 (1990), 139–156.

Konno, H., Yamazaki, H., Mean-absolute deviation portfolio optimization model and its application to Tokyo stock market. Management Science, 37 (1991), 519–531.

Konno, H., Waki, H., Yuuki, A., Portfolio optimization under lower partial risk measures, Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, 9 (2002), 127–140. DOI: 10.1023/A:1022238119491.

Kunzi-Bay, A., Mayer, J., Computational aspects of minimizing conditional value at risk. Computational Management Science, 3 (2006), 3–27. DOI: 10.1007/s10287-005-0042-0.

Rockafellar, R.T., Uryasev, S., Optimization of conditional value-at-risk. Journal of Risk, 2 (2000), 21–41. DOI: 10.21314/JOR.2000.038.

Rockafellar, R. T., Uryasev, S., Zabarankin, M., Generalized deviations in risk analysis. Finance and Stochastics, 10 (2006), 51–74. DOI: 10.1007/s00780-005-0165-8.


library (Rsymphony)  
k = 3 
num =100
dat <-  cbind(rmvnorm (n=num, mean = rep(0,k), sigma=diag(k)), matrix(1/num,num,1)) 
# a data sample with num rows and (k+1) columns for k assets; 
port_ret = 0.05 # target portfolio return 
alpha_optim = 0.95 

# minimal constraints set: \eqn{\sum \theta_{i} = 1} 
# has to be in two inequalities: \eqn{1 - \epsilon <= \sum \theta_{i} <= 1 + \epsilon} 
a0 <- rep(1,k) 
Aconstr <- rbind(a0,-a0) 
bconstr <- c(1+1e-8, -1+1e-8) 

LB <- rep(0,k) 
UB <- rep(1,k) 

res <- BDportfolio_optim(dat, port_ret, "CVAR", alpha_optim, 
Aconstr, bconstr, LB, UB, maxiter=200, tol=1e-8) 

cat ( c("Benders decomposition portfolio:\n\n")) 
cat(c("weights \n")) 

cat(c("\n mean = ", res$mu, " risk  = ", res$risk, 
"\n CVaR = ", res$CVaR, " VaR = ", res$VaR, "\n MAD = ", res$MAD, "\n\n"))

Portfolio optimization which finds an optimal portfolio with the smallest distance to a benchmark.


PortfolioOptimProjection is a linear program for financial portfolio optimization. The function finds an optimal portfolio which has the smallest distance to a benchmark portfolio given by bvec. Solution is by the algorithm due to Zhao and Li modified to account for the fact that the benchmark portfolio bvec has the dimension of portfolio weights and the solved linear program has a much higher dimension since the solution vector to the LP problem consists of a set of primal variables: financial portfolio weights, auxiliary variables coming from the reduction of the mean-risk problem to a linear program and also a set of dual variables depending on the number of constrains in the primal problem (see Palczewski).


PortfolioOptimProjection (dat, portfolio_return,
risk=c("CVAR","DCVAR","LSAD","MAD"), alpha=0.95, bvec,
Aconstr=NULL, bconstr=NULL, LB=NULL, UB=NULL, maxiter=500, tol=1e-7)



Time series of returns data; dat = cbind(rr, pk), where rrrr is an array (time series) of asset returns, for nn returns and kk assets it is an array with dim(rr)=(n,k)\dim(rr) = (n, k), pkpk is a vector of length nn containing probabilities of returns.


Target portfolio return.


Risk measure chosen for optimization; one of "CVAR", "DCVAR", "LSAD", "MAD", where "CVAR" – denotes Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR), "DCVAR" – denotes deviation CVaR, "LSAD" – denotes Lower Semi Absolute Deviation, "MAD" – denotes Mean Absolute Deviation.


Value of alpha quantile used to compute portfolio VaR and CVaR; used also as quantile value for risk measures CVAR and DCVAR.


Benchmark portfolio, a vector of length k; function PortfolioOptimProjection finds an optimal portfolio with the smallest distance to bvec.


Matrix defining additional constraints, dim(Aconstr)=(m,k)\dim (Aconstr) = (m,k), where kk – number of assets, mm – number of constraints.


Vector defining additional constraints, length (bconstrbconstr) =m= m.


Vector of length k, lower bounds of portfolio weights θ\theta; warning: condition LB = NULL is equivalent to LB = rep(0, k) (lower bound zero).


Vector of length k, upper bounds for portfolio weights θ\theta.


Maximal number of iterations.


Accuracy of computations, stopping rule.


PortfolioOptimProjection returns a list with items:

return_mean vector of asset returns mean values.
mu realized portfolio return.
theta portfolio weights.
CVaR portfolio CVaR.
VaR portfolio VaR.
MAD portfolio MAD.
risk portfolio risk measured by the risk measure chosen for optimization.
new_portfolio_return modified target portfolio return; when the original target portfolio return
is to high for the problem, the optimization problem is solved for
new_portfolio_return as the target return.


Palczewski, A., LP Algorithms for Portfolio Optimization: The PortfolioOptim Package, R Journal, 10(1) (2018), 308–327. DOI:10.32614/RJ-2018-028.

Zhao, Y-B., Li, D., Locating the least 2-norm solution of linear programs via a path-following method, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 12 (2002), 893–912. DOI:10.1137/S1052623401386368.


k = 3 
num =100
dat <-  cbind(rmvnorm (n=num, mean = rep(0,k), sigma=diag(k)), matrix(1/num,num,1)) 
# a data sample with num rows and (k+1) columns for k assets;  
w_m <- rep(1/k,k) # benchmark portfolio, a vector of length k, 
port_ret = 0.05 # portfolio target return
alpha_optim = 0.95

# minimal constraints set: \sum theta_i = 1
# has to be in two inequalities: 1 - \epsilon <= \sum theta_i <= 1 +\epsilon
a0 <- rep(1,k)
Aconstr <- rbind(a0,-a0)
bconstr <- c(1+1e-8, -1+1e-8)

LB <- rep(0,k) 
UB <- rep(1,k)  

res <- PortfolioOptimProjection(dat, port_ret, risk="MAD",  
alpha=alpha_optim, w_m, Aconstr, bconstr, LB, UB, maxiter=200, tol=1e-7)

cat ( c("Projection optimal portfolio:\n\n"))
cat(c("weights \n"))

cat (c ("\n mean = ", res$mu, " risk  = ", res$risk,    "\n CVaR = ", res$CVaR, " VaR = ",
res$VaR, "\n MAD = ", res$MAD,  "\n\n"))