Title: | Penalised Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Hidden Semi-Markov Models |
Description: | Provides tools for penalised maximum likelihood estimation of hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) with flexible state dwell-time distributions. These include functions for model fitting, model checking and state-decoding. The package considers HSMMs for univariate time series with state-dependent gamma, normal, Poisson or Bernoulli distributions. For details, see Pohle, J., Adam, T. and Beumer, L.T. (2021): Flexible estimation of the state dwell-time distribution in hidden semi-Markov models. <arXiv:2101.09197>. |
Authors: | Jennifer Pohle |
Maintainer: | Jennifer Pohle <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-27 07:22:44 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Probability mass function and cumulative distribution function of the Bernoulli distribution.
dbern(y, prob) pbern(y, prob)
dbern(y, prob) pbern(y, prob)
y |
a vector of zeros and ones. |
prob |
probability. |
The code relies on the functions dbinom
and pbinom
with size=1
and log=FALSE
returns the probability mass function, pbern
returns the cumulative distribution function.
See the documentation for dbinom
and pbinom
for more details.
dbern(c(0,1),0.4) pbern(c(0,1),0.4)
dbern(c(0,1),0.4) pbern(c(0,1),0.4)
State decoding for the HSMM estimated using pmleHSMM
. Decoding is based on the Viterbi algorithm and the corresponding HMM model representation.
decodeHSMM(y, mod)
decodeHSMM(y, mod)
y |
vector containing the observed time series. |
mod |
model object as returned by |
Returns a vector containing the decoded states.
For more details about the Viterbi algorithm, see for example:
Zucchini, W., MacDonald, I.L. and Langrock, R. (2016): Hidden Markov models for time series: An introduction using R. 2nd edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.
# running this example might take a few minutes # # 1.) 2-state gamma-HSMM for hourly muskox step length # with an unstructured start of length of 10 # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) mu0<-c(5,150) sigma0<-c(3,180) # # fit 2-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(100,100) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take a few minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=2,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,lambda=c(100,100),order_diff=3, y_dist='gamma') # # state decoding s_HSMM<-decodeHSMM(muskox$step,mod=PHSMM) # plot sequence of the decoded time series plot(muskox$step[1:1000],type='h',xlab='time (h)',ylab='step (m)', main='',col=s_HSMM) legend('topright',c('state 1','state 2'),lwd=2,col=1:2) # running this example might take a few minutes # # 2.) 3-state gamma-HSMM for hourly muskox step length # with an unstructured start of length of 10 # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[3]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) omega0<-matrix(0.5,3,3) diag(omega0)<-0 mu0<-c(5,100,350) sigma0<-c(3,90,300) # # fit 3-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(1000,1000,1000) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take some minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=3,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,omega=omega0, lambda=c(1000,1000,1000), order_diff=3,y_dist='gamma') # # state decoding s_HSMM<-decodeHSMM(muskox$step,mod=PHSMM) # plot sequence of the decoded time series plot(muskox$step[1:1000],type='h',xlab='time (h)',ylab='step (m)', main='',col=s_HSMM) legend('topright',c('state 1','state 2', 'state 3'),lwd=2,col=1:3)
# running this example might take a few minutes # # 1.) 2-state gamma-HSMM for hourly muskox step length # with an unstructured start of length of 10 # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) mu0<-c(5,150) sigma0<-c(3,180) # # fit 2-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(100,100) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take a few minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=2,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,lambda=c(100,100),order_diff=3, y_dist='gamma') # # state decoding s_HSMM<-decodeHSMM(muskox$step,mod=PHSMM) # plot sequence of the decoded time series plot(muskox$step[1:1000],type='h',xlab='time (h)',ylab='step (m)', main='',col=s_HSMM) legend('topright',c('state 1','state 2'),lwd=2,col=1:2) # running this example might take a few minutes # # 2.) 3-state gamma-HSMM for hourly muskox step length # with an unstructured start of length of 10 # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[3]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) omega0<-matrix(0.5,3,3) diag(omega0)<-0 mu0<-c(5,100,350) sigma0<-c(3,90,300) # # fit 3-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(1000,1000,1000) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take some minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=3,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,omega=omega0, lambda=c(1000,1000,1000), order_diff=3,y_dist='gamma') # # state decoding s_HSMM<-decodeHSMM(muskox$step,mod=PHSMM) # plot sequence of the decoded time series plot(muskox$step[1:1000],type='h',xlab='time (h)',ylab='step (m)', main='',col=s_HSMM) legend('topright',c('state 1','state 2', 'state 3'),lwd=2,col=1:3)
Example data based on the movement of a muskox tracked in northeast Greenland.
A data frame with 6825 GPS-based observations and 5 columns:
: date
: time of day
: UTM easting coordinate
: UTM northing coordinate
: hourly step length calculated based on the coordinates of time t and t+1
Schmidt, N.M. (2020). Data for "An application of upscaled optimal foraging theory using hidden Markov modelling: year-round behavioural variation in a large arctic herbivore" [Data set]. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3768080.
The data set is based on a subset of the data described and analysed in:
Beumer, L.T., Pohle, J., Schmidt, N.M, Chimienti, M., Desforges, J.-P., Hansen, L.H., Langrock, R., Pedersen, S.H., Stelvig, M. and van Beest, F.M. (2020). An application of upscaled optimal foraging theory using hidden Markov modelling: year-round behavioural variation in a large arctic herbivore". Movement Ecology, 8, https://doi.org/10.1186/s40462-020-00213-x.
Parameter transformation from the natural (constraint) HSMM parameters into unconstraint working parameters which are used in the numerical maximum likelihood estimation. Not intended to be run by the user (internal function, called by the function pmleHSMM
n2wHSMM(N, p_list, mu, sigma=NULL, omega=NULL, delta=NULL, y_dist=c("norm","gamma","pois","bern"), stationary=TRUE, p_ref=2)
n2wHSMM(N, p_list, mu, sigma=NULL, omega=NULL, delta=NULL, y_dist=c("norm","gamma","pois","bern"), stationary=TRUE, p_ref=2)
N |
number of states of the HSMM, integer greater than 1. |
p_list |
list containing the parameters of the states' dwell-time distributions. The list consists of |
mu |
vector of length |
sigma |
vector of length |
omega |
conditional transition probability matrix of the underlying semi-Markov chain. Only needed if the number of states is greater than 2, |
delta |
vector of length N containing the initial distribution. Only needed if |
y_dist |
character determining the class of state-dependent distributions. Supported values are |
stationary |
Logical, if |
p_ref |
positive integer determining the reference dwell-time probability used for the multinomial logit parameter transformation. Default value is 2. Only needs to be changed if the dwell-time probability for dwell time r=2 is estimated very close to zero in order to avoid numerical problems. |
The transformation from natural to working parameters is needed to carry out an unconstraint optimisation. The function includes log-transformations for positive parameters and (multinomial) logit-transformations for probabilities, probability vectors and matrices.
A vector of unconstraint working parameters characterising the HSMM.
# natural parameters for 2-state HSMM with state-dependent normal distributions p_list0<-list() # list of dwell-time distribution vectors, # vector elements must sum to one p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.1),1-pgeom(9,0.1)) mu0<-c(-10,10) # mean values sigma0<-c(3,5) # standard deviations # parameter transformation: n2wHSMM(N=2,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0,sigma=sigma0,y_dist='norm',stationary=TRUE)
# natural parameters for 2-state HSMM with state-dependent normal distributions p_list0<-list() # list of dwell-time distribution vectors, # vector elements must sum to one p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.1),1-pgeom(9,0.1)) mu0<-c(-10,10) # mean values sigma0<-c(3,5) # standard deviations # parameter transformation: n2wHSMM(N=2,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0,sigma=sigma0,y_dist='norm',stationary=TRUE)
Evaluation of the negative HMM log-likelihood function based on the forward algorithm, written in C++
(internal function, called by the function npllHSMM
nll_Rcpp(allprobs, gamma, delta, T_y)
nll_Rcpp(allprobs, gamma, delta, T_y)
allprobs |
matrix containing the state-dependent distribution values for each observation (row) and state (column), respectively. |
gamma |
transition probability matrix. |
delta |
initial distribution. |
T_y |
number of observations. |
Returns the negative log-likelihood value.
Evaluates the negative penalised log-likelihood function of the HSMM (internal function, called by the function pmleHSMM
npllHSMM(parvect ,N, y, R_vec, lambda, order_diff, y_dist=c("norm","gamma","pois","bern"), stationary=TRUE, T_y, p_ref=2)
npllHSMM(parvect ,N, y, R_vec, lambda, order_diff, y_dist=c("norm","gamma","pois","bern"), stationary=TRUE, T_y, p_ref=2)
parvect |
vector of unconstraint working parameter as returned by the function |
N |
number of states of the HSMM, integer greater than 1. |
y |
vector containing the observed time series. |
R_vec |
vector of length |
lambda |
vector of length |
order_diff |
order of the differences used for the penalty term, positive integer which does not exceed the length of the unstructured starts. |
y_dist |
character determining the class of state-dependent distributions. Supported values are |
stationary |
Logical, if |
T_y |
length of the observed time series. |
p_ref |
positive integer determining the reference dwell-time probability used for the multinomial logit parameter transformation. Default value is 2. Only needs to be changed if the dwell-time probability for dwell time r=2 is estimated very close to zero in order to avoid numerical problems. |
The penalised log-likelihood function relies on the exact HMM representation of the HSMM and is evaluated using the forward algorithm which is implemented in C++
to speed up the calculation.
Returns the value of the negative penalised HSMM log-likelihood function for the given parameters and time series.
Pohle, J., Adam, T. and Beumer, L.T. (2021): Flexible estimation of the state dwell-time distribution in hidden semi-Markov models. arXiv:https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.09197.
Zucchini, W., MacDonald, I.L. and Langrock, R. (2016): Hidden Markov models for time series: An introduction using R. 2nd edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.
# 3-state gamma HSMM and hourly muskox step length # natural parameters p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[3]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) omega0<-matrix(0.5,3,3) diag(omega0)<-0 mu0<-c(5,100,350) sigma0<-c(3,90,300) R_vec<-sapply(p_list0,length)-1 # lengths of the unstructured starts # working parameter vector parvect<-n2wHSMM(N=3,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0,sigma=sigma0, omega=omega0,y_dist='gamma') # evaluate the negative penalised log-likelihood function npllHSMM(parvect,N=3,muskox$step,R_vec=R_vec,lambda=c(1000,1000,1000), order_diff=2,y_dist="gamma",T_y=nrow(muskox))
# 3-state gamma HSMM and hourly muskox step length # natural parameters p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[3]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) omega0<-matrix(0.5,3,3) diag(omega0)<-0 mu0<-c(5,100,350) sigma0<-c(3,90,300) R_vec<-sapply(p_list0,length)-1 # lengths of the unstructured starts # working parameter vector parvect<-n2wHSMM(N=3,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0,sigma=sigma0, omega=omega0,y_dist='gamma') # evaluate the negative penalised log-likelihood function npllHSMM(parvect,N=3,muskox$step,R_vec=R_vec,lambda=c(1000,1000,1000), order_diff=2,y_dist="gamma",T_y=nrow(muskox))
Plots the HSMM dwell-time distributions estimated using pmleHSMM
plotDw(mod, R_max, state='all', mfrow=NULL)
plotDw(mod, R_max, state='all', mfrow=NULL)
mod |
model object as returned by |
R_max |
integer, maximum dwell time for which the dwell-time probabilities are plotted. |
state |
value determining the states for which the distributions are plotted. Either "all" (default) for plotting the dwell-time distributions of all states, or positive integer in 1,..,N. |
mfrow |
If |
Plot of the estimated HSMM dwell-time distributions.
# running this example might take a few minutes # # 1.) 2-state gamma-HSMM for hourly muskox step length # with an unstructured start of length of 10 # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) mu0<-c(5,150) sigma0<-c(3,180) # # fit 2-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(100,100) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take a few minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=2,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,lambda=c(100,100),order_diff=3, y_dist='gamma') # # plot the estimated dwell-time distributions # for dwell-times up to 12 plotDw(mod=PHSMM,R_max=12) plotDw(mod=PHSMM,R_max=12,state=1) plotDw(mod=PHSMM,R_max=12,mfrow=c(1,2)) # running this example might take a few minutes # # 2.) 3-state gamma-HSMM for hourly muskox step length # with an unstructured start of length of 10 # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[3]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) omega0<-matrix(0.5,3,3) diag(omega0)<-0 mu0<-c(5,100,350) sigma0<-c(3,90,300) # # fit 3-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(1000,1000,1000) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take some minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=3,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,omega=omega0, lambda=c(1000,1000,1000), order_diff=3,y_dist='gamma') # # plot the estimated dwell-time distributions # for dwell-times up to 15 plotDw(mod=PHSMM,R_max=15) plotDw(mod=PHSMM,R_max=15,state=1) plotDw(mod=PHSMM,R_max=15,mfrow=c(1,3))
# running this example might take a few minutes # # 1.) 2-state gamma-HSMM for hourly muskox step length # with an unstructured start of length of 10 # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) mu0<-c(5,150) sigma0<-c(3,180) # # fit 2-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(100,100) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take a few minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=2,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,lambda=c(100,100),order_diff=3, y_dist='gamma') # # plot the estimated dwell-time distributions # for dwell-times up to 12 plotDw(mod=PHSMM,R_max=12) plotDw(mod=PHSMM,R_max=12,state=1) plotDw(mod=PHSMM,R_max=12,mfrow=c(1,2)) # running this example might take a few minutes # # 2.) 3-state gamma-HSMM for hourly muskox step length # with an unstructured start of length of 10 # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[3]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) omega0<-matrix(0.5,3,3) diag(omega0)<-0 mu0<-c(5,100,350) sigma0<-c(3,90,300) # # fit 3-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(1000,1000,1000) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take some minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=3,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,omega=omega0, lambda=c(1000,1000,1000), order_diff=3,y_dist='gamma') # # plot the estimated dwell-time distributions # for dwell-times up to 15 plotDw(mod=PHSMM,R_max=15) plotDw(mod=PHSMM,R_max=15,state=1) plotDw(mod=PHSMM,R_max=15,mfrow=c(1,3))
Estimates the parameters of a hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM) for univariate time series using numerical penalised maximum likelihood estimation. The dwell times are modelled using distributions with an unstructured start and a geometric tail. During the estimation, (higher-order) differences between adjacent dwell-time probabilities are penalised to derive smooth and flexible estimates. The function allows for normal-, gamma-, Poisson- or Bernoulli-distributions in the state-dependent process.
pmleHSMM(y, N, p_list, mu, sigma=NULL, omega=NULL, delta=NULL, lambda, order_diff, y_dist=c("norm","gamma","pois","bern"), stationary=TRUE, p_ref=2, print.level=0, iterlim=10000, stepmax=NULL, hessian=FALSE, gradtol=10^(-6))
pmleHSMM(y, N, p_list, mu, sigma=NULL, omega=NULL, delta=NULL, lambda, order_diff, y_dist=c("norm","gamma","pois","bern"), stationary=TRUE, p_ref=2, print.level=0, iterlim=10000, stepmax=NULL, hessian=FALSE, gradtol=10^(-6))
y |
vector containing the observed time series. |
N |
number of states of the HSMM, integer greater than 1. |
p_list |
list of vectors containing the starting values for the state dwell-time distributions. The list comprises |
mu |
starting values for the state-dependent mean values if normal, gamma or Poisson distributions are used to model the state-dependent observations. State-dependent probabilities if Bernoulli distributions are chosen. The vector is of length |
sigma |
starting values for the state-dependent standard deviations if gamma or normal state-dependent distributions are used. In that case, |
omega |
starting values for the conditional transition probability matrix of the underlying semi-Markov chain. Only needed if the number of states exceeds 2, otherwise it is |
delta |
starting values for the initial distribution of the underlying semi-Markov chain if |
lambda |
vector of length N containing the smoothing parameter values to weight the penalty term. |
order_diff |
order of the differences used for the penalty term, positive integer which does not exceed the length of the unstructured starts (as determined by |
y_dist |
character determining the class of state-dependent distributions used to model the observations. Supported values are |
stationary |
Logical, if |
p_ref |
positive integer determining the reference dwell-time probability used for the multinomial logit parameter transformation. Default value is 2. Only needs to be changed if the dwell-time probability for dwell time r=2 is estimated very close to zero in order to avoid numerical problems. |
print.level |
print level for the optimisation procedure |
iterlim |
maximum number of iterations for the optimisation procedure |
stepmax |
stepmax value for |
hessian |
Logical, if TRUE, the hessian matrix is calculated and returned by |
gradtol |
tolerance value for a convergence criterion used by |
The numerical penalised maximum likelihood estimation requires starting values for each HSMM parameter. If these starting values are poorly chosen, the algorithm might fail in finding the global optimum of the penalised log-likelihood function. Therefore, it is highly recommended to repeat the estimation several times using different sets of starting values.
The maximisation of the penalised log-likelihood function is carried out using the optimisation routine nlm
. The likelihood evaluation is written in C++
to speed up the estimation.
An HSMM model object, i.e. a list containing:
p_list |
list containing the penalised maximum likelihood estimates for the state dwell-time distributions. |
mu |
vector containing the penalised maximum likelihood estimates for the state-dependent mean values or state-dependent probabilities, depending on the chosen class of state-dependent distributions. |
sigma |
vector containing the penalised maximum likelihood estimates for the state-dependent standard deviations if state-dependent gamma or normal distributions are used. |
delta |
vector containing the equilibrium distribution if |
omega |
penalised maximum likelihood estimate of the conditional HSMM transition probability matrix. |
Gamma |
transition probability matrix corresponding to the HMM representation of the estimated HSMM. |
npll |
minimum negative penalised log likelihood value as found by nlm. |
gradient |
gradient of the negative penalised log-likelihood function as returned by nlm. |
iterations |
number of iterations until convergence. |
code_conv |
convergence code as returned by nlm. |
w_parvect |
vector of the penalised maximum likelihood working parameters. |
stationary |
Logical, as specified for the estimation. |
y_dist |
state-dependent distribution, as specified for the estimation. |
See nlm
for further details on the numerical optimisation routine.
For details on the model formulation and likelihood function, see:
Pohle, J., Adam, T. and Beumer, L.T. (2021): Flexible estimation of the state dwell-time distribution in hidden semi-Markov models. arXiv:https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.09197.
Langrock, R. and Zucchini W. (2011): Hidden Markov models with arbitrary state dwell-time distributions. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55, p. 715–724.
Zucchini, W., MacDonald, I.L. and Langrock, R. (2016): Hidden Markov models for time series: An introduction using R. 2nd edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.
# running this example might take a few minutes # # 1.) fit 2-state gamma-HSMM to hourly muskox step length # using a length of 10 for the unstructured start # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) mu0<-c(5,150) sigma0<-c(3,180) # # fit 2-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(100,100) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take a few minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=2,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,lambda=c(100,100),order_diff=3, y_dist='gamma') # running this example might take a few minutes # # 2.) fit 3-state gamma-HSMM to hourly muskox step length # using a length of 10 for the unstructured start # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[3]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) omega0<-matrix(0.5,3,3) diag(omega0)<-0 mu0<-c(5,100,350) sigma0<-c(3,90,300) # # fit 3-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(1000,1000,1000) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take some minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=3,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,omega=omega0, lambda=c(1000,1000,1000), order_diff=3,y_dist='gamma')
# running this example might take a few minutes # # 1.) fit 2-state gamma-HSMM to hourly muskox step length # using a length of 10 for the unstructured start # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) mu0<-c(5,150) sigma0<-c(3,180) # # fit 2-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(100,100) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take a few minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=2,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,lambda=c(100,100),order_diff=3, y_dist='gamma') # running this example might take a few minutes # # 2.) fit 3-state gamma-HSMM to hourly muskox step length # using a length of 10 for the unstructured start # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[3]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) omega0<-matrix(0.5,3,3) diag(omega0)<-0 mu0<-c(5,100,350) sigma0<-c(3,90,300) # # fit 3-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(1000,1000,1000) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take some minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=3,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,omega=omega0, lambda=c(1000,1000,1000), order_diff=3,y_dist='gamma')
Pseudo-residuals based on the one-step ahead forecast distributions under the HSMM which was estimated using pmleHSMM
. This function can only be used for HSMMs with state-dependent normal or gamma distributions.
pseudoResHSMM(y, mod)
pseudoResHSMM(y, mod)
y |
vector containing the observations. |
mod |
model object as returned by |
A good model fit is indicated by standard normally distributed pseudo-residuals.
Returns a vector containing the forecast pseudo-residuals.
For more details about pseudo-residuals in the context of HMMs, see:
Zucchini, W., MacDonald, I.L. and Langrock, R. (2016): Hidden Markov models for time series: An introduction using R. 2nd edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.
# running this example might take a few minutes # # 1.) 2-state gamma-HSMM for hourly muskox step length # with an unstructured start of length of 10 # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) mu0<-c(5,150) sigma0<-c(3,180) # # fit 2-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(100,100) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take a few minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=2,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,lambda=c(100,100),order_diff=3, y_dist='gamma') # # pseudo-residuals pseudoRes<-pseudoResHSMM(y=muskox$step,PHSMM) hist(pseudoRes,probability=TRUE) z<-seq(-3,3,0.01) lines(z,dnorm(z),col='blue') # running this example might take a few minutes # # 2.) 3-state gamma-HSMM for hourly muskox step length # with an unstructured start of length of 10 # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[3]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) omega0<-matrix(0.5,3,3) diag(omega0)<-0 mu0<-c(5,100,350) sigma0<-c(3,90,300) # # fit 3-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(1000,1000,1000) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take some minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=3,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,omega=omega0, lambda=c(1000,1000,1000), order_diff=3,y_dist='gamma') # # pseudo-residuals pseudoRes<-pseudoResHSMM(y=muskox$step,PHSMM) hist(pseudoRes,probability=TRUE) z<-seq(-3,3,0.01) lines(z,dnorm(z),col='blue')
# running this example might take a few minutes # # 1.) 2-state gamma-HSMM for hourly muskox step length # with an unstructured start of length of 10 # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) mu0<-c(5,150) sigma0<-c(3,180) # # fit 2-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(100,100) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take a few minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=2,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,lambda=c(100,100),order_diff=3, y_dist='gamma') # # pseudo-residuals pseudoRes<-pseudoResHSMM(y=muskox$step,PHSMM) hist(pseudoRes,probability=TRUE) z<-seq(-3,3,0.01) lines(z,dnorm(z),col='blue') # running this example might take a few minutes # # 2.) 3-state gamma-HSMM for hourly muskox step length # with an unstructured start of length of 10 # # initial values p_list0<-list() p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[3]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) omega0<-matrix(0.5,3,3) diag(omega0)<-0 mu0<-c(5,100,350) sigma0<-c(3,90,300) # # fit 3-state gamma-HSMM with lambda=c(1000,1000,1000) # and difference order 3 # estimation might take some minutes PHSMM<-pmleHSMM(y=muskox$step,N=3,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0, sigma=sigma0,omega=omega0, lambda=c(1000,1000,1000), order_diff=3,y_dist='gamma') # # pseudo-residuals pseudoRes<-pseudoResHSMM(y=muskox$step,PHSMM) hist(pseudoRes,probability=TRUE) z<-seq(-3,3,0.01) lines(z,dnorm(z),col='blue')
Construction of the transition probability matrix corresponding to the HMM which exactly represents the HSMM. Not intended to be run by the user (internal function, called by the functions w2nHSMM
and pmleHSMM
tpmHMM(N, omega, d_r, R_vec, eps=1e-10)
tpmHMM(N, omega, d_r, R_vec, eps=1e-10)
N |
number of states of the HSMM, integer greater than 1. |
omega |
conditional transition probability matrix of the HSMM with N rows and N columns. The diagonal elements must be zero and the rows must sum to one. |
d_r |
list of vectors containing the dwell-time probabilities of the unstructured starts. |
R_vec |
vector of length N containing the lengths of the unstructured starts of the state dwell-time distributions. |
eps |
to avoid negative probabilities due to numerical underflow. Default is |
Returns the transition probability matrix of the HMM which exactly represents the HSMM.
For details on the code and construction of the matrix, see:
Langrock, R. and Zucchini W. (2011): Hidden Markov models with arbitrary state dwell-time distributions. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55, p. 715–724.
Zucchini, W., MacDonald, I.L. and Langrock, R. (2016): Hidden Markov models for time series: An introduction using R. 2nd edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.
# list of dwell-time probability vectors # (vector elements should not sum to one) d_r<-list() d_r[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2)) d_r[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.1)) # tranistion probability matrix: Gamma<-tpmHMM(N=2,omega=matrix(c(0,1,1,0),2,2), d_r=d_r,R_vec=sapply(d_r,length))
# list of dwell-time probability vectors # (vector elements should not sum to one) d_r<-list() d_r[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2)) d_r[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.1)) # tranistion probability matrix: Gamma<-tpmHMM(N=2,omega=matrix(c(0,1,1,0),2,2), d_r=d_r,R_vec=sapply(d_r,length))
Transforms unconstraint HSMM working parameters back into (constraint) natural parameters. Not intended to be run by the user (internal function, called by the functions pmleHSMM
and npllHSMM
w2nHSMM(N, parvect, R_vec, y_dist=c("norm","gamma","pois","bern"), stationary=TRUE, p_ref=2)
w2nHSMM(N, parvect, R_vec, y_dist=c("norm","gamma","pois","bern"), stationary=TRUE, p_ref=2)
N |
number of states of the HSMM, integer greater than 1. |
parvect |
vector of unconstraint working parameter as obtained by the function |
R_vec |
vector of length |
y_dist |
character determining the class of state-dependent distributions used to model the observations. Supported values are |
stationary |
Logical, if |
p_ref |
positive integer determining the reference dwell-time probability used for the multinomial logit parameter transformation. Default value is 2. Only needs to be changed if the dwell-time probability for dwell time r=2 is estimated very close to zero in order to avoid numerical problems. |
The function reverses the transformation of the function n2wHSMM
and back-transforms the unconstraint parameters into the constraint natural parameters. Note that if y_dist="gamma"
, mu
and sigma
do not include the mean values and standard deviations, but the shape and rate parameters as required by the density functions dgamma
and pgamma
. The mean and standard deviations are then assigned to mu2
and sigma2
A list containing the natural parameters
p_list |
list containing the dwell-time distribution vectors for each state. Each of the |
mu |
vector of length |
sigma |
vector of length |
omega |
conditional transition probability matrix of the HSMM. |
delta |
equilibrium distribution if |
d_r |
list containing the dwell-time probabilities of the unstructured starts. |
Gamma |
transition probability matrix of the HMM which represents the HSMM. |
# natural parameters for 2-state HSMM with state-dependent normal distributions p_list0<-list() # list of dwell-time distribution vectors, # vector elements must sum to one p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.1),1-pgeom(9,0.1)) mu0<-c(-10,10) # mean values sigma0<-c(3,5) # standard deviations # parameter transformation: parvect<-n2wHSMM(N=2,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0,sigma=sigma0,y_dist='norm',stationary=TRUE) # back-transformation: npar<-w2nHSMM(N=2,parvect=parvect,R_vec=sapply(p_list0,length)-1,y_dist='norm')
# natural parameters for 2-state HSMM with state-dependent normal distributions p_list0<-list() # list of dwell-time distribution vectors, # vector elements must sum to one p_list0[[1]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.2),1-pgeom(9,0.2)) p_list0[[2]]<-c(dgeom(0:9,0.1),1-pgeom(9,0.1)) mu0<-c(-10,10) # mean values sigma0<-c(3,5) # standard deviations # parameter transformation: parvect<-n2wHSMM(N=2,p_list=p_list0,mu=mu0,sigma=sigma0,y_dist='norm',stationary=TRUE) # back-transformation: npar<-w2nHSMM(N=2,parvect=parvect,R_vec=sapply(p_list0,length)-1,y_dist='norm')