Package 'PAFit'

Title: Generative Mechanism Estimation in Temporal Complex Networks
Description: Statistical methods for estimating preferential attachment and node fitness generative mechanisms in temporal complex networks are provided. Thong Pham et al. (2015) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137796>. Thong Pham et al. (2016) <doi:10.1038/srep32558>. Thong Pham et al. (2020) <doi:10.18637/jss.v092.i03>. Thong Pham et al. (2021) <doi:10.1093/comnet/cnab024>.
Authors: Thong Pham, Paul Sheridan, Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Maintainer: Thong Pham <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.2.10
Built: 2024-10-25 06:23:36 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Generative Mechanism Estimation in Temporal Complex Networks


A package for estimating preferential attachment and node fitness generative mechanisms in temporal complex networks. References: Thong Pham et al. (2015) <10.1371/journal.pone.0137796>, Thong Pham et al. (2016) <doi:10.1038/srep32558>, Thong Pham et al. (2020) <doi:10.18637/jss.v092.i03>, Thong Pham et al. (2021) <doi:10.1093/comnet/cnab024>.


Package: PAFit
Type: Package
Version: 1.2.10
Authors: Thong Pham, Paul Sheridan, Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Maintainer: Thong Pham [email protected]
Date: 2024-03-28
License: GPL-3

The PAFit package provides a comprehensive framework to deal with growth mechanisms of temporal complex networks. In particular, it implements functions to simulate various temporal network models, gather essential network statistics from raw input data, and use these summarized statistics in the estimation of the attachment function AkA_k and node fitnesses ηi\eta_i. The heavy computational parts of the package are implemented in C++ through the use of the Rcpp package. Furthermore, users with a multi-core machine can enjoy a hassle-free speed up through OpenMP parallelization mechanisms implemented in the code. Apart from the main functions, the package also includes a real-world collaboration network dataset between scientists in the field of complex networks ( The main package functionalities are as follows.

Firstly, most well-known temporal network models based on the preferential attachment (PA) and node fitness mechanisms can be easily simulated using the package. PAFit implements generate_BA for the Barabási-Albert (BA) model, generate_ER for the growing Erdős–Rényi (ER) model, generate_BB for the Bianconi-Barabási (BB) model and generate_fit_only for the Caldarelli model. These functions have many customizable options, for example the number of new edges at each time-step are tunable stochastic variables. They are actually wrappers of the more powerful generate_net function, which simulates networks with more flexible attachment function and node fitness settings.

Secondly, the function get_statistics efficiently collects all temporal network summary statistics. We note that get_statistics automatically handles both directed and undirected networks. It returns a list containing many statistics that can be used to characterize the network growth process. Notable fields are m_tk containing the number of new edges that connect to a degree-kk node at time-step tt, and node_degree containing the degree sequence, i.e., the degree of each node at each time-step.

The most important functionality of the package is estimating the attachment function and node fitnesses of a temporal network. This is implemented through various methods. There are three usages: estimation of the attachment function in isolation, estimation of the node fitnesses in isolation, and the joint estimation of the attachment function and node fitnesses.

  • The functions for estimating the attachment function in isolation are: Jeong for Jeong's method (Ref. 1), Newman for Newman's method (Ref. 2), and only_A_estimate for the PAFit method (Ref. 3).

  • For estimation of node fitnesses in isolation, only_F_estimate implements a variant of the PAFit method (Ref. 4).

  • For the joint estimation of the attachment function and node fitnesses, we implement the full version of the PAFit method in joint_estimate (Ref. 4).

  • For estimating the nonparametric attachment function from a single snapshot, use PAFit_oneshot (Ref. 6).

Excluding PAFit_oneshot, the input of the remaining functions is the output object of the function get_statistics. The output object of these functions contains the estimation results as well as some additional information pertaining to the estimation process. The estimated attachment function and/or node fitnesses can be plotted by using the plot command directly on this output object. This will visualize not only the estimated results but also the remaining uncertainties when possible.


Thong Pham [email protected], Paul Sheridan, and Hidetoshi Shimodaira.


1. Jeong, H., Néda, Z. & Barabási, A. (2003). Measuring Preferential Attachment in Evolving Networks. Europhysics Letters 61(61):567-572. (doi:10.1209/epl/i2003-00166-9).

2. Newman, M. (2001). Clustering and Preferential Attachment in Growing Networks. Physical Review E 64(2):025102. (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.64.025102).

3. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2015). PAFit: A Statistical Method for Measuring Preferential Attachment in Temporal Complex Networks. PLOS ONE 10(9):e0137796. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137796).

4. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2016). Joint Estimation of Preferential Attachment and Node Fitness in Growing Complex Networks. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 32558. (doi:10.1038/srep32558).

5. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2020). PAFit: An R Package for the Non-Parametric Estimation of Preferential Attachment and Node Fitness in Temporal Complex Networks. Journal of Statistical Software 92 (3). (doi:10.18637/jss.v092.i03)

6. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2021). Non-parametric estimation of the preferential attachment function from one network snapshot. Journal of Complex Networks 9(5): cnab024. (doi:10.1093/comnet/cnab024).

See Also

See the accompanying vignette for a tutorial.

See also the GitHub page.


## Not run: 
  ### Jointly estimate the attachment function and node fitnesses
  # a Bianconi-Barabasi network 
  # size of initial network = 100
  # number of new nodes at each time-step = 100
  # Ak = k; inverse variance of distribution of fitness: s = 10
  net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 10 , 
                            num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                            s        = 10)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
  #Joint estimation of attachment function Ak and node fitness
  result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
  # plot the estimated attachment function
  plot(result, net_stats)
  # true function
  true_A     <- pmax(result$estimate_result$center_k,1)
  lines(result$estimate_result$center_k, true_A, col = "red") # true line
  legend("topleft" , legend = "True function" , col = "red" , lty = 1 , bty = "n")
  #plot distribution of estimated node fitnesses
  plot(result, net_stats, plot = "f")
  #plot the estimated node fitnesses and true node fitnesses
  plot(result, net_stats, true = net$fitness, plot = "true_f")

## End(Not run)

Converting an edgelist matrix to a PAFit_net object


This function converts a graph stored in an edgelist matrix format to a PAFit_net object.


as.PAFit_net(graph, type = "directed", PA = NULL, fitness = NULL)



An edgelist matrix. Each row is assumed to be of the form (from_node_id to_node_id time_stamp). For a directed network ,from_node_id is the id of the source node and to_node_id is the id of the destination node. For an undirected network, the order is ignored and from_node_id and to_node_id are the ids of two ends. time_stamp is the arrival time of the edge. from_node_id and to_node_id are assumed to be integers that are at least 00. The whole ids need not to be contiguous.

To register a new node ii at time tt without any edge, add a row with format (i -1 t). This works for both undirected and directed networks.

time_stamp can be either numeric or string. The value of a time-stamp can be arbitrary, but we assume that a smaller time_stamp (regarded so by the sort function in R) represents an earlier arrival time. Examples of time-stamps that satisfy this assumption are the integer 0:T, the string format ‘yyyy-mm-dd’, and the POSIX time.


String. Indicates whether the network is "directed" or "undirected".


Numeric vector. Contains the PA function. Default value is NULL.


Numeric vector. Contains node fitnesses. Default value is NULL.


An object of class PAFit_net


Thong Pham [email protected]


# a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
net        <- generate_BB(N = 50 , m = 10 , s = 10)

A collaboration network between authors of papers in the field of complex networks with article time-stamps


The dataset is collaboration network of authors of network science articles with article time-stamps. An edge between two authors represents an article in common. Time stamps denote article publication dates. The network without time-stamps was compiled by Mark Newman in May 2006 from the bibliographies of two review articles on networks, M. E. J. Newman, SIAM Review 45, 167-256 (2003) and S. Boccaletti et al., Physics Reports 424, 175-308 (2006), with a few additional references added by hand. Paul Sheridan independently supplemented the network with time-stamps and some basic metadata in June 2015. The network is undirected with monthly resolution, and contains no duplicated edges. contains the network. coauthor.truetime contains the real times of processed time-stamps. Finally coauthor.author_id contains author names.

Reference: M. E. J. Newman, Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices, Preprint physics/0605087 (2006).



Format is a matrix with 2849 rows and 3 columns. Each row is an edge with the format (author id 1, author id 2, time_stamp). coauthor.truetime is a two-column matrix whose each row is (time_stamp, real time). coauthor.author_id is a two-column matrix whose each row is (author id, author name).


Convert an igraph object to a PAFit_net object


This function converts an igraph object (of package igraph) to a PAFit_net object.





An object of class igraph.


The function returns a PAFit_net object.


Thong Pham [email protected]


  # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
  net          <- generate_BB(N = 50 , m = 10 , s = 10)
  igraph_graph <- to_igraph(net)
  back         <- from_igraph(igraph_graph)

Convert a networkDynamic object to a PAFit_net object


This function converts a networkDynamic object (of package networkDynamic) to a PAFit_net object.





An object of class networkDynamic.


The function returns a PAFit_net object.


Thong Pham [email protected]


# a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
net          <- generate_BB(N = 50 , m = 10 , s = 10)
nD_graph     <- to_networkDynamic(net)
back         <- from_networkDynamic(nD_graph)

Simulating networks from the generalized Barabasi-Albert model


This function generates networks from the generalized Barabási-Albert model. In this model, the preferential attachment function is power-law, i.e. Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha, and node fitnesses are all equal to 11. It is a wrapper of the more powerful function generate_net.


generate_BA(N              = 1000, 
            num_seed       = 2   , 
            multiple_node  = 1   , 
            m              = 1   ,
            alpha          = 1)



Integer. Total number of nodes in the network (including the nodes in the seed graph). Default value is 1000.


Integer. The number of nodes of the seed graph (the initial state of the network). The seed graph is a cycle. Default value is 2.


Positive integer. The number of new nodes at each time-step. Default value is 1.


Positive integer. The number of edges of each new node. Default value is 1.


Numeric. This is the attachment exponent in the attachment function Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha.


The output is a PAFit_net object, which is a List contains the following four fields:


a three-column matrix, where each row contains information of one edge, in the form of (from_id, to_id, time_stamp). from_id is the id of the source, to_id is the id of the destination.


a string indicates whether the network is "directed" or "undirected".


a numeric vector contains the true PA function.


fitness values of nodes in the network. The fitnesses are all equal to 11.


Thong Pham [email protected]


1. Albert, R. & Barabási, A. (1999). Emergence of scaling in random networks. Science, 286,509–512 (

See Also

For subsequent estimation procedures, see get_statistics.

For other functions to generate networks, see generate_net, generate_ER, generate_BB and generate_fit_only.


  # generate a network from the BA model with alpha = 1, N = 100, m = 1
  net <- generate_BA(N = 100)

Simulating networks from the Bianconi-Barabasi model


This function generates networks from the Bianconi-Barabási model. It is a ‘preferential attachment with fitness’ model. In this model, the preferential attachment function is linear, i.e. Ak=kA_k = k, and node fitnesses are sampled from some probability distribution.


generate_BB(N              = 1000   , 
            num_seed       = 2      , 
            multiple_node  = 1      , 
            m              = 1      ,
            mode_f         = "gamma", 
            s              = 10     )


The parameters can be divided into two groups.

The first group specifies basic properties of the network:


Integer. Total number of nodes in the network (including the nodes in the seed graph). Default value is 1000.


Integer. The number of nodes of the seed graph (the initial state of the network). The seed graph is a cycle. Default value is 2.


Positive integer. The number of new nodes at each time-step. Default value is 1.


Positive integer. The number of edges of each new node. Default value is 1.

The final group of parameters specifies the distribution from which node fitnesses are generated:


String. Possible values:"gamma", "log_normal" or "power_law". This parameter indicates the true distribution for node fitness. "gamma" = gamma distribution, "log_normal" = log-normal distribution. "power_law" = power-law (pareto) distribution. Default value is "gamma".


Non-negative numeric. The inverse variance parameter. The mean of the distribution is kept at 11 and the variance is 1/s1/s (since node fitnesses are only meaningful up to scale). This is achieved by setting shape and rate parameters of the Gamma distribution to ss; setting mean and standard deviation in log-scale of the log-normal distribution to 1/2log(1/s+1)-1/2*log (1/s + 1) and (log(1/s+1))0.5(log (1/s + 1))^{0.5}; and setting shape and scale parameters of the pareto distribution to (s+1)0.5+1(s+1)^{0.5} + 1 and (s+1)0.5/((s+1)0.5+1)(s+1)^{0.5}/((s+1)^{0.5} + 1). If s is 0, all node fitnesses η\eta are fixed at 1 (i.e., Barabási-Albert model). The default value is 10.


The output is a PAFit_net object, which is a List contains the following four fields:


a three-column matrix, where each row contains information of one edge, in the form of (from_id, to_id, time_stamp). from_id is the id of the source, to_id is the id of the destination.


a string indicates whether the network is "directed" or "undirected".


a numeric vector contains the true PA function.


fitness values of nodes in the network. The name of each value is the ID of the node.


Thong Pham [email protected]


1. Bianconni, G. & Barabási, A. (2001). Competition and multiscaling in evolving networks. Europhys. Lett., 54, 436 (doi:10.1209/epl/i2001-00260-6).

See Also

For subsequent estimation procedures, see get_statistics.

For other functions to generate networks, see generate_net, generate_BA, generate_ER and generate_fit_only.


  # generate a network from the BB model with alpha = 1, N = 100, m = 1
  # The inverse variance of the Gamma distribution of node fitnesses is s = 10
  net <- generate_BB(N = 100,m = 1,mode = 1, s = 10)

Simulating networks from the Erdos-Renyi model


This function generates networks from the Erdős–Rényi model. In this model, the preferential attachment function is a constant function, i.e. Ak=1A_k = 1, and node fitnesses are all equal to 11. It is a wrapper of the more powerful function generate_net.


generate_ER(N              = 1000, 
              num_seed       = 2   , 
              multiple_node  = 1   , 
              m              = 1)



Integer. Total number of nodes in the network (including the nodes in the seed graph). Default value is 1000.


Integer. The number of nodes of the seed graph (the initial state of the network). The seed graph is a cycle. Default value is 2.


Positive integer. The number of new nodes at each time-step. Default value is 1.


Positive integer. The number of edges of each new node. Default value is 1.


The output is a PAFit_net object, which is a List contains the following four fields:


a three-column matrix, where each row contains information of one edge, in the form of (from_id, to_id, time_stamp). from_id is the id of the source, to_id is the id of the destination.


a string indicates whether the network is "directed" or "undirected".


a numeric vector contains the true PA function.


fitness values of nodes in the network. The fitnesses are all equal to 11.


Thong Pham [email protected]


1. Erdös P. & Rényi A.. On random graphs. Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen. 1959;6:290–297 (

See Also

For subsequent estimation procedures, see get_statistics.

For other functions to generate networks, see generate_net, generate_BA, generate_BB and generate_fit_only.


  # generate a network from the ER model with N = 1000 nodes
  net <- generate_ER(N = 1000)

Simulating networks from the Caldarelli model


This function generates networks from the Caldarelli model. In this model, the preferential attachment function is constant, i.e. Ak=1A_k = 1, and node fitnesses are sampled from some probability distribution.


generate_fit_only(N             = 1000   , 
                 num_seed       = 2      , 
                 multiple_node  = 1      , 
                 m              = 1      ,
                 mode_f         = "gamma", 
                 s              = 10     )


The parameters can be divided into two groups.

The first group specifies basic properties of the network:


Integer. Total number of nodes in the network (including the nodes in the seed graph). Default value is 1000.


Integer. The number of nodes of the seed graph (the initial state of the network). The seed graph is a cycle. Default value is 2.


Positive integer. The number of new nodes at each time-step. Default value is 1.


Positive integer. The number of edges of each new node. Default value is 1.

The final group of parameters specifies the distribution from which node fitnesses are generated:


String. Possible values:"gamma", "log_normal" or "power_law". This parameter indicates the true distribution for node fitness. "gamma" = gamma distribution, "log_normal" = log-normal distribution. "power_law" = power-law (pareto) distribution. Default value is "gamma".


Non-negative numeric. The inverse variance parameter. The mean of the distribution is kept at 11 and the variance is 1/s1/s (since node fitnesses are only meaningful up to scale). This is achieved by setting shape and rate parameters of the Gamma distribution to ss; setting mean and standard deviation in log-scale of the log-normal distribution to 1/2log(1/s+1)-1/2*log (1/s + 1) and (log(1/s+1))0.5(log (1/s + 1))^{0.5}; and setting shape and scale parameters of the pareto distribution to (s+1)0.5+1(s+1)^{0.5} + 1 and (s+1)0.5/((s+1)0.5+1)(s+1)^{0.5}/((s+1)^{0.5} + 1). If s is 0, all node fitnesses η\eta are fixed at 1 (i.e., Barabási-Albert model). The default value is 10.


The output is a PAFit_net object, which is a List contains the following four fields:


a three-column matrix, where each row contains information of one edge, in the form of (from_id, to_id, time_stamp). from_id is the id of the source, to_id is the id of the destination.


a string indicates whether the network is "directed" or "undirected".


a numeric vector contains the true PA function.


fitness values of nodes in the network. The name of each value is the ID of the node.


Thong Pham [email protected]


1. Caldarelli, G., Capocci, A. , De Los Rios, P. & Muñoz, M.A. (2002). Scale-Free Networks from Varying Vertex Intrinsic Fitness. Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 258702 (doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.258702).

See Also

For subsequent estimation procedures, see get_statistics.

For other functions to generate networks, see generate_net, generate_BA, generate_ER and generate_BB.


  # generate a network from the Caldarelli model with alpha = 1, N = 100, m = 1
  # the inverse variance of distribution of node fitnesses is s = 10
  net <- generate_fit_only(N = 100,m = 1,mode = 1, s = 10)

Simulating networks from preferential attachment and fitness mechanisms


This function generates networks from the General Temporal model, a generative temporal network model that includes many well-known models such as the Erdős–Rényi model, the Barabási-Albert model or the Bianconi-Barabási model as special cases. This function also includes some flexible mechanisms to vary the number of new nodes and new edges at each time-step in order to generate realistic networks.


generate_net (N                 = 1000   , 
             num_seed           = 2      , 
             multiple_node      = 1      , 
             specific_start     = NULL   ,
             m                  = 1      ,
             prob_m             = FALSE  ,
             increase           = FALSE  , 
             log                = FALSE  , 
             no_new_node_step   = 0      ,
             m_no_new_node_step = m      ,
             custom_PA          = NULL   ,
             mode               = 1      , 
             alpha              = 1      , 
             beta               = 2      , 
             sat_at             = 100    ,
             offset             = 1      ,
             mode_f             = "gamma", 
             s                  = 10       )


The parameters can be divided into four groups.

The first group specifies basic properties of the network:


Integer. Total number of nodes in the network (including the nodes in the seed graph). Default value is 1000.


Integer. The number of nodes of the seed graph (the initial state of the network). The seed graph is a cycle. Default value is 2.


Positive integer. The number of new nodes at each time-step. Default value is 1.


Positive Integer. If specific_start is specified, then all the time-steps from time-step 1 to specific_start are grouped to become the initial time-step in the final output. This option is usefull when we want to create a network with a large initial network that follows a scale-free degree distribution. Default value is NULL.

The second group specifies the number of new edges at each time-step:


Positive integer. The number of edges of each new node. Default value is 1.


Logical. Indicates whether we fix the number of edges of each new node as a constant, or let it follows a Poisson distribution. If prob_m == TRUE, the number of edges of each new node follows a Poisson distribution. The mean of this distribution depends on the value of increase and log. Default value is FALSE.


Logical. Indicates whether we increase the mean of the Poisson distribution over time. If increase == FALSE, the mean is fixed at m. If increase == TRUE, the way the mean increases depends on the value of log. Default value is FALSE.


Logical. Indicates how to increase the mean of the Poisson distribution. If log == TRUE, the mean increases logarithmically with the number of current nodes. If log == FALSE, the mean increases linearly with the number of current nodes. Default value is FALSE.


Non-negative integer. The number of time-steps in which no new node is added, while new edges are added between existing nodes. Default value is 0, i.e., new nodes are always added at each time-step.


Positive integer. The number of new edges in the no-new-node steps. Default value is equal to m. Note that the number of new edges in the no-new-node steps is not effected by the parameters increase or prob_m; this number is always the constant specified by m_no_new_node_step.

The third group of parameters specifies the preferential attachment function:


Numeric vector. This is the user-input PA function: A0,A1,...,AKA_0, A_1,..., A_K. If custom_PA is specified, then mode is ignored, and we grow the network using the PA function custom_PA. Degrees greater than KK will have attachment value AkA_k. Default value is NULL.


Integer. Indicates the parametric attachment function to be used in generating the network. If mode == 1, the attachment function is Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha. If mode == 2, the attachment function is Ak=min(k,αA_k = min(k,^\alpha. If mode == 3, the attachment function is Ak=αlog(k)βA_k = \alpha log (k)^\beta. Default value is 1.


Numeric. If mode == 1, this is the attachment exponent in the attachment function Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha. If mode == 2, this is the attachment exponenet in the attachment function Ak=min(k,αA_k = min(k,^\alpha. If mode == 3, this is the α\alpha in the attachment function Ak=αlog(k)β+1A_k = \alpha log (k)^\beta + 1.


Numeric. This is the beta in the attachment function Ak=αlog(k)β+1A_k = \alpha log (k)^\beta + 1.


Integer. This is the saturation position in the attachment function Ak=min(k,αA_k = min(k,^\alpha.


Numeric. The attachment value of degree 0. Default value is 1.

The final group of parameters specifies the distribution from which node fitnesses are generated:


String. Possible values:"gamma", "log_normal" or "power_law". This parameter indicates the true distribution for node fitness. "gamma" = gamma distribution, "log_normal" = log-normal distribution. "power_law" = power-law (pareto) distribution. Default value is "gamma".


Non-negative numeric. The inverse variance parameter. The mean of the distribution is kept at 11 and the variance is 1/s1/s (since node fitnesses are only meaningful up to scale). This is achieved by setting shape and rate parameters of the Gamma distribution to ss; setting mean and standard deviation in log-scale of the log-normal distribution to 1/2log(1/s+1)-1/2*log (1/s + 1) and (log(1/s+1))0.5(log (1/s + 1))^{0.5}; and setting shape and scale parameters of the pareto distribution to (s+1)0.5+1(s+1)^{0.5} + 1 and (s+1)0.5/((s+1)0.5+1)(s+1)^{0.5}/((s+1)^{0.5} + 1). If s is 0, all node fitnesses η\eta are fixed at 1 (i.e., Barabási-Albert model). The default value is 10.


The output is a PAFit_net object, which is a List contains the following four fields:


a three-column matrix, where each row contains information of one edge, in the form of (from_id, to_id, time_stamp). from_id is the id of the source, to_id is the id of the destination.


a string indicates whether the network is "directed" or "undirected".


a numeric vector contains the true PA function.


fitness values of nodes in the network. The name of each value is the ID of the node.


Thong Pham [email protected]

See Also

For subsequent estimation procedures, see get_statistics.

For simpler functions to generate networks from well-known models, see generate_BA, generate_ER, generate_BB and generate_fit_only.


#Generate a network from the original BA model with alpha = 1, N = 100, m = 1
net <- generate_net(N = 100,m = 1,mode = 1, alpha = 1, s = 0)

Generating simulated data from a fitted model


This function generates simulated networks from a fitted model and performs estimations on these simulated networks with the same setting used in the original estimation. Each simulated network is generated using parameters of the fitted model, while keeping other aspects of the growth process as faithfully as possible to the original observed network.


generate_simulated_data_from_estimated_model(net_object, net_stat, result, M = 5)



an object of class PAFit_net that contains the original network.


An object of class PAFit_data which contains summarized statistics of the original network. This object is created by the function get_statistics.


An object of class Full_PAFit_result which contains the fitted model obtained by applying the function joint_estimate.


integer. The number of simulated networks. Default value is 5.


Outputs a Simulated_Data_From_Fitted_Model object, which is a list containing the following fields:

  • graph_list: a list containing M simulated graphs.

  • stats_list: a list containing M objects of class PAFit_data, which are the results of applying get_statistics on the simulated graphs.

  • result_list: a list containing M objects of class Full_PAFit_result, which are the results of applying joint_estimate on the simulated graphs.


Thong Pham [email protected]


1. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2015). PAFit: A Statistical Method for Measuring Preferential Attachment in Temporal Complex Networks. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137796. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137796).

2. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2016). Joint Estimation of Preferential Attachment and Node Fitness in Growing Complex Networks. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 32558. (doi:10.1038/srep32558).

3. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2020). PAFit: An R Package for the Non-Parametric Estimation of Preferential Attachment and Node Fitness in Temporal Complex Networks. Journal of Statistical Software 92 (3). (doi:10.18637/jss.v092.i03).

4. Inoue, M., Pham, T. & Shimodaira, H. (2020). Joint Estimation of Non-parametric Transitivity and Preferential Attachment Functions in Scientific Co-authorship Networks. Journal of Informetrics 14(3). (doi:10.1016/j.joi.2020.101042).

See Also

get_statistics, joint_estimate, plot_contribution


## Not run: 
  net_object     <- generate_net(N = 500, m = 10, s = 10, alpha = 0.5)
  net_stat       <- get_statistics(net_object) 
  result         <- joint_estimate(net_object, net_stat)
  simulated_data <- generate_simulated_data_from_estimated_model(net_object, net_stat, result)
  plot_contribution(simulated_data, result, which_plot = "PA")
  plot_contribution(simulated_data, result, which_plot = "fit")
## End(Not run)

Getting summarized statistics from input data


The function summarizes input data into sufficient statistics for estimating the attachment function and node fitness, together with additional information about the data, such as total number of nodes, number of time-steps, maximum degree, and the final degree of the network, etc. . It also provides mechanisms to automatically deal with very large datasets by binning the degree, setting a degree threshold, or grouping time-steps.


get_statistics(net_object, only_PA  = FALSE , 
               only_true_deg_matrix = FALSE ,
               binning              = TRUE  , g              = 50    , 
               deg_threshold        = 0     , 
               compress_mode        = 0     , compress_ratio = 0.5   , 
               custom_time          = NULL)


The parameters can be divided into four groups. The first group specifies input data and how the data will be summarized:


An object of class PAFit_net. You can use the function as.PAFit_net to convert from an edgelist matrix, function from_igraph to convert from an igraph object, function from_networkDynamic to convert from a networkDynamic object, and function graph_from_file to read from a file.


Logical. Indicates whether only the statistics for estimating AkA_k are summarized. if TRUE, the statistics for estimating ηi\eta_i are NOT collected. This will save memory at the cost of unable to estimate node fitness). Default value is FALSE.


Logical. Return only the true degree matrix (without binning), and no other statistics is returned. The result cannot be used in PAFit function to estimate PA or fitness. The motivation for this option is that sometimes we only want to get a degree matrix that summarizes the growth process of a very big network for plotting etc. Default value is FALSE.

Second group of parameters specifies how to bin the degrees:


Logical. Indicates whether the degree should be binned together. Default value is TRUE.


Positive integer. Number of bins. Should be at least 3. Default value is 50.

Third group contains a single parameter specifying how to reduce the number of node fitnesses:


Integer. We only estimate the fitnesses of nodes whose number of new edges acquired is at least deg_threshold. The fitnesses of all other nodes are fixed at 1. Default value is 0.

Last group of parameters specifies how to group the time-stamps:


Integer. Indicates whether the timeline should be compressed. The value of CompressMode:

0: No compression

1: Compressed by using a subset of time-steps. The time stamps in this subset are equally spaced. The size of this subset is CompressRatio times the size of the set of all time stamps.

2: Compressed by only starting from the first time-step when CompressRatio100CompressRatio*100 percentages of the total number of edges (in the final state of the network) had already been added to the network.

3: This mode offers the most flexibility, but requires user to supply the time stamps in CustomTime. Only time stamps in this CustomTime will be used. This mode can be used, for example, when investigating the change of the attachment function or node fitness in different time intervals.

Default value is 0, i.e. no compression.


Numeric. Indicates how much we should compress if CompressMode is 1 or 2. Default value is 0.5.


Vector. Custom time stamps. This vector is a subset of the vector that contains all time-stamps. Only effective if CompressMode == 3. In that case, only these time stamps are used.


An object of class PAFit_data, which is a list. Some important fields are:


A matrix where the (t,k+1) element is the number of nodes with degree kk at time tt, counting among all the nodes whose number of new edges acquired is less than deg_thresh


A matrix where the (t,k+1) element is the number of nodes with degree kk at time tt


A matrix where the (t,k+1) element is the number of new edges connect to a degree-kk node at time tt


A vector where the (k+1)-th element is the total number of edges that linked to a degree kk node, counting over all time steps


A matrix recording the degree of all nodes (that satisfy degree_threshold condition) at each time step


A vector where the t-th element is the number of new edges at time tt


A vector where the j-th element is the total number of edges that linked to node jj


Numeric. The number of nodes in the network


Numeric. The number of time steps


Numeric. The maximum degree in the final network


A vector contains the id of all nodes


A vector contains the final degree of all nodes (including those that do not satisfy the degree_threshold condition)


Integer. The specified degree threshold.


Numeric vector. The index in the node_id vector of the nodes we want to estimate (i.e. nodes whose number of new edges acquired is at least deg_thresh)


Integer. The specified degree at which we start binning.


Numeric vector contains the beginning degree of each bin


Numeric vector contains the ending degree of each bin


Numeric vector contains the length of each bin.


Logical. Indicates whether binning was applied or not.


Integer. Number of bins


Integer. The mode of time compression.


Integer. The number of time stamps actually used


The time stamps that are actually used




Vector. The time stamps specified by user.


Thong Pham [email protected]

See Also

For creating the needed input for this function (a PAFit_net object), see as.PAFit_net, from_igraph, from_networkDynamic, and graph_from_file.

For the next step, see Newman, Jeong or only_A_estimate for estimating the attachment function in isolation, only_F_estimate for estimating node fitnesses in isolation, and joint_estimate for joint estimation of the attachment function and node fitnesses.


net        <- generate_BA(N = 100 , m = 1)
net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)

Read file to a PAFit_net object


This function reads an input file to a PAFit_net object. Accepted formats are the edgelist format or the gml format.


graph_from_file(file_name, format = "edgelist", type = "directed")



A string indicates the file name.


String. Possible values are "edgelist" and "gml".

If format is "edgelist", we assume the following edgelist matrix format. Each row is assumed to be of the form (from_node_id to_node_id time_stamp). from_node_id is the id of the source node. to_node_id is the id of the destination node. time_stamp is the arrival time of the edge. from_node_id and to_node_id are assumed to be integers that are at least 00. They need not to be contiguous.

To register a new node ii at time tt without any edge, add a row with format (i -1 t). This works for both undirected and directed networks.

time_stamp can be either numeric or string. The value of a time-stamp can be arbitrary, but we assume that a smaller time_stamp (regarded so by the sort function in R) represents an earlier arrival time. Examples of time-stamps that satisfy this assumption are the integer 0:T, the string format ‘yyyy-mm-dd’, and the POSIX time.

If format is "gml", there must be a binary field directed indicating the type of the network (0: undirected, 1: directed). The required fields for an edge are: source, target, and time. source and target are the ID of the source node and the target node, respectively. time is the time-stamp of the edge. The required fields for a node are: id, isolated (binary) and time. The binary field isolated indicates whether this node is an isolated node when it enters the system or not. If isolated is 1, then time must contain the node's appearance time. If isolated is 0, then we can automatically infer the node's appearance time from its edges, so the field time in this case can be NULL. The assumptions on node IDs and the format of time-stamps are the same as in the case when format = "edgelist". See graph_to_file to see detail on the format of the gml file this package outputs.


String. Indicates whether the network is "directed" or "undirected". This option is ignored if format is "gml", since the information is assumed to be contained in the gml file.


An object of class PAFit_net containing the network.


Thong Pham [email protected]


  # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
  net        <- generate_BB(N = 50 , m = 10 , s = 10)
  #graph_to_file(net, file_name = "test.gml", format = "gml")
  #reread    <- graph_from_file(file_name = "test.gml", format = "gml")

Write the graph in a PAFit_net object to file


This function writes a graph in a PAFit_net object to an output file. Accepted file formats are the edgelist format or the gml format.


graph_to_file(net_object, file_name, format = "edgelist")



An object of class PAFit_net.


A string indicates the file name.


String. Possible values are "edgelist" and "gml".

If format = "edgelist", we just output the edgelist matrix contained in the PAFit_net object as it is.

If format = "gml", here is the specification of the gml file. There is a binary field directed indicating the type of the network (0: undirected, 1: directed). There are three atrributes for an edge: source, target, and time. There are three atrributes for a node: id, isolated (binary) and time. The atrribute time is NULL if the attribute isolated is 0 (since this is not an isolated node, we do not need to record its first apperance time). On the other hand, time is the node's appearance time if attribute isolated is 1.


The function writes directly to the output file.


Thong Pham [email protected]


# a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
net        <- generate_BB(N = 50 , m = 10 , s = 10)
#graph_to_file(net, file_name = "test.gml", format = "gml")

Jeong's method for estimating the preferential attachment function


This function estimates the preferential attachment function by Jeong's method.


Jeong(net_object                               , 
      net_stat  = get_statistics(net_object)   , 
      T_0_start = 0                            ,
      T_0_end   = round(net_stat$T * 0.75)     ,
      T_1_start = T_0_end + 1                  ,
      T_1_end   = net_stat$T                   ,
      interpolate = FALSE)



an object of class PAFit_net that contains the network.


An object of class PAFit_data which contains summerized statistics needed in estimation. This object is created by the function get_statistics. Default value is get_statistics(net_object).


Positive integer. The starting time-step of the T_0_interval. Default value is 0.


Positive integer. The ending time-step of T_0_interval. Default value is round(net_stat$T * 0.75).


Positive integer. The starting time-step of the T_1_interval. Default value is T_0_end + 1.


Positive integer. The ending time-step of T_1_interval. Default value is net_stat$T.


Logical. If TRUE then all the gaps in the estimated PA function are interpolated by linear interpolating in logarithm scale. Default value is FALSE.


Outputs an PA_result object which contains the estimated attachment function. In particular, it contains the following field:

  • k and A: a degree vector and the estimated PA function.

  • center_k and theta: when we perform binning, these are the centers of the bins and the estimated PA values for those bins.

  • g: the number of bins used.

  • alpha and ci: alpha is the estimated attachment exponenet α\alpha (when assume Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha), while ci is the confidence interval.

  • loglinear_fit: this is the fitting result when we estimate α\alpha.


Thong Pham [email protected]


1. Jeong, H., Néda, Z. & Barabási, A. . Measuring preferential attachment in evolving networks. Europhysics Letters. 2003;61(61):567–572. (doi:10.1209/epl/i2003-00166-9).

See Also

See get_statistics for how to create summerized statistics needed in this function.

See Newman and only_A_estimate for other methods to estimate the attachment function in isolation.


  net        <- generate_net(N = 1000 , m = 1 , mode = 1 , alpha = 1 , s = 0)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
  result     <- Jeong(net, net_stats)
  # true function
  true_A     <- result$center_k
  #plot the estimated attachment function
  plot(result , net_stats)
  lines(result$center_k, true_A, col = "red") # true line
  legend("topleft" , legend = "True function" , col = "red" , lty = 1 , bty = "n")

Joint inference of attachment function and node fitnesses


This function jointly estimates the attachment function AkA_k and node fitnesses ηi\eta_i. It first performs a cross-validation to select the optimal parameters rr and ss, then estimates AkA_k and etaieta_i using that optimal pair with the full data (Ref. 2).


joint_estimate(net_object                               , 
              net_stat      = get_statistics(net_object), 
              p             = 0.75                      ,
              stop_cond     = 10^-8                     ,
              mode_reg_A    = 0                         , 



an object of class PAFit_net that contains the network.


An object of class PAFit_data which contains summarized statistics needed in estimation. This object is created by the function get_statistics. The default value is get_statistics(net_object).


Numeric. This is the ratio of the number of new edges in the learning data to that of the full data. The data is then divided into two parts: learning data and testing data based on p. The learning data is used to learn the node fitnesses and the testing data is then used in cross-validation. Default value is 0.75.


Numeric. The iterative algorithm stops when abs(h(ii)h(ii+1))/(abs(h(ii))+1)<stop.condabs(h(ii) - h(ii + 1)) / (abs(h(ii)) + 1) < stop.cond where h(ii)h(ii) is the value of the objective function at iteration iiii. We recommend to choose stop.cond at most equal to 10(numberofdigitsofh2)10^(- number of digits of h - 2), in order to ensure that when the algorithm stops, the increase in posterior probability is less than 1% of the current posterior probability. Default is 10^-8. This threshold is good enough for most applications.


Binary. Indicates which regularization term is used for AkA_k:

  • 0: This is the regularization term used in Ref. 1 and 2. Please refer to Eq. (4) in the tutorial for the definition of the term. It approximately enforces the power-law form Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha. This is the default value.

  • 1: Unlike the default, this regularization term exactly enforces the functional form Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha. Please refer to Eq. (6) in the tutorial for the definition of the term. Its main drawback is it is significantly slower to converge, while its gain over the default one is marginal in most cases.


Other arguments to pass to the underlying algorithm.


Outputs a Full_PAFit_result object, which is a list containing the following fields:

  • cv_data: a CV_Data object which contains the cross-validation data. This is the testing data.

  • cv_result: a CV_Result object which contains the cross-validation result. Normally the user does not need to pay attention to this data.

  • estimate_result: this is a PAFit_result object which contains the estimated attachment function AkA_k, the estimated fitnesses ηi\eta_i and their confidence intervals. In particular, the important fields are:

    • ratio: this is the selected value for the hyper-parameter rr.

    • shape: this is the selected value for the hyper-parameter ss.

    • k and A: a degree vector and the estimated PA function.

    • var_A: the estimated variance of AA.

    • var_logA: the estimated variance of logAlog A.

    • upper_A: the upper value of the interval of two standard deviations around AA.

    • lower_A: the lower value of the interval of two standard deviations around AA.

    • center_k and theta: when we perform binning, these are the centers of the bins and the estimated PA values for those bins. theta is similar to A but with duplicated values removed.

    • var_bin: the variance of theta. Same as var_A but with duplicated values removed.

    • upper_bin: the upper value of the interval of two standard deviations around theta. Same as upper_A but with duplicated values removed.

    • lower_bin: the lower value of the interval of two standard deviations around theta. Same as lower_A but with duplicated values removed.

    • g: the number of bins used.

    • alpha and ci: alpha is the estimated attachment exponent α\alpha (when assume Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha), while ci is the confidence interval.

    • loglinear_fit: this is the fitting result when we estimate α\alpha.

    • f: the estimated node fitnesses.

    • var_f: the estimated variance of ηi\eta_i.

    • upper_f: the estimated upper value of the interval of two standard deviations around ηi\eta_i.

    • lower_f: the estimated lower value of the interval of two standard deviations around ηi\eta_i.

    • objective_value: values of the objective function over iterations in the final run with the full data.

    • diverge_zero: logical value indicates whether the algorithm diverged in the final run with the full data.

  • contribution: a list containing an estimate of the contributions of preferential attachment and fitness mechanisms in the growth process of the network. The calculation adapts a quantification method proposed in Section 3 of Ref. 4, which is for preferential attachment and transitivity, to preferential attachment and fitness.

    • PA_contribution: an array containing the contributions of preferential attachment at each time-step

    • fit_contribution: an array containing the contributions of the fitness mechanism at each time-step

    • mean_PA_contrib: the average contribution of preferential attachment through the whole growth process

    • mean_fit_contrib: the average contribution of the fitness mechanism through the whole growth process


Thong Pham [email protected]


1. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2015). PAFit: A Statistical Method for Measuring Preferential Attachment in Temporal Complex Networks. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137796. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137796).

2. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2016). Joint Estimation of Preferential Attachment and Node Fitness in Growing Complex Networks. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 32558. (doi:10.1038/srep32558).

3. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2020). PAFit: An R Package for the Non-Parametric Estimation of Preferential Attachment and Node Fitness in Temporal Complex Networks. Journal of Statistical Software 92 (3). (doi:10.18637/jss.v092.i03).

4. Inoue, M., Pham, T. & Shimodaira, H. (2020). Joint Estimation of Non-parametric Transitivity and Preferential Attachment Functions in Scientific Co-authorship Networks. Journal of Informetrics 14(3). (doi:10.1016/j.joi.2020.101042).

See Also

See get_statistics for how to create summarized statistics needed in this function.

See Jeong, Newman and only_A_estimate for functions to estimate the attachment function in isolation.

See only_F_estimate for a function to estimate node fitnesses in isolation.


## Not run: 
  #### Example 1: a linear preferential attachment kernel, i.e., A_k = k ############
  # size of initial network = 100
  # number of new nodes at each time-step = 100
  # Ak = k; inverse variance of the distribution of node fitnesse = 5
  net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                            num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                            s        = 5)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
  # Joint estimation of attachment function Ak and node fitness
  result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
  # plot the estimated attachment function
  true_A     <- pmax(result$estimate_result$center_k,1) # true function
  plot(result , net_stats, max_A = max(true_A,result$estimate_result$theta))
  lines(result$estimate_result$center_k, true_A, col = "red") # true line
  legend("topleft" , legend = "True function" , col = "red" , lty = 1 , bty = "n")
  # plot the estimated node fitnesses and true node fitnesses
  plot(result, net_stats, true = net$fitness, plot = "true_f")
  #### Example 2: a non-log-linear preferential attachment kernel ############
  # size of initial network = 100
  # number of new nodes at each time-step = 100
  # A_k = alpha* log (max(k,1))^beta + 1, with alpha = 2, and beta = 2
  # inverse variance of the distribution of node fitnesse = 10
  net        <- generate_net(N       = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                            num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                            s        = 10   , mode = 3, alpha = 2, beta = 2)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
  # Joint estimation of attachment function Ak and node fitness
  result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
  # plot the estimated attachment function
  true_A     <- 2 * log(pmax(result$estimate_result$center_k,1))^2 + 1 # true function
  plot(result , net_stats, max_A = max(true_A,result$estimate_result$theta))
  lines(result$estimate_result$center_k, true_A, col = "red") # true line
  legend("topleft" , legend = "True function" , col = "red" , lty = 1 , bty = "n")
  # plot the estimated node fitnesses and true node fitnesses
  plot(result, net_stats, true = net$fitness, plot = "true_f")
  #### Example 3: another non-log-linear preferential attachment kernel ############
  # size of initial network = 100
  # number of new nodes at each time-step = 100
  # A_k = min(max(k,1),sat_at)^alpha, with alpha = 1, and sat_at = 100
  # inverse variance of the distribution of node fitnesse = 10
  net        <- generate_net(N       = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                            num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                            s        = 10   , mode = 2, alpha = 1, sat_at = 100)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
  # Joint estimation of attachment function Ak and node fitness
  result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
  # plot the estimated attachment function
  true_A     <- pmin(pmax(result$estimate_result$center_k,1),100)^1 # true function
  plot(result , net_stats, max_A = max(true_A,result$estimate_result$theta))
  lines(result$estimate_result$center_k, true_A, col = "red") # true line
  legend("topleft" , legend = "True function" , col = "red" , lty = 1 , bty = "n")
  # plot the estimated node fitnesses and true node fitnesses
  plot(result, net_stats, true = net$fitness, plot = "true_f")
## End(Not run)

Corrected Newman's method for estimating the preferential attachment function


This function implements a correction proposed in [1] of the original Newman's method in [2] to estimate the preferential attachment function.


Newman(net_object                              , 
         net_stat    = get_statistics(net_object), 
         start       = 1                         , 
         interpolate = FALSE)



an object of class PAFit_net that contains the network.


An object of class PAFit_data which contains summerized statistics needed in estimation. This object is created by the function get_statistics. Default value is get_statistics(net_object).


Positive integer. The starting time from which the method is applied. Default value is 11.


Logical. If TRUE then all the gaps in the estimated PA function are interpolated by linear interpolating in logarithm scale. Default value is FALSE.


Outputs an PA_result object which contains the estimated attachment function. In particular, it contains the following field:

  • k and A: a degree vector and the estimated PA function.

  • center_k and theta: when we perform binning, these are the centers of the bins and the estimated PA values for those bins.

  • g: the number of bins used.

  • alpha and ci: alpha is the estimated attachment exponenet α\alpha (when assume Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha), while ci is the mean plus/minus two-standard-deviation interval.

  • loglinear_fit: this is the fitting result when we estimate α\alpha.


Thong Pham [email protected]


1. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2015). PAFit: A Statistical Method for Measuring Preferential Attachment in Temporal Complex Networks. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137796. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137796).

2. Newman, M.. Clustering and preferential attachment in growing networks. Physical Review E. 2001;64(2):025102 (doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.64.025102).

See Also

See get_statistics for how to create summerized statistics needed in this function.

See Jeong, only_A_estimate for other methods to estimate the attachment function in isolation.


  net        <- generate_net(N = 1000 , m = 1 , mode = 1 , alpha = 1 , s = 0)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
  result     <- Newman(net, net_stats)
  # true function
  true_A     <- result$center_k
  #plot the estimated attachment function
  plot(result , net_stats)
  lines(result$center_k, true_A, col = "red") # true line
  legend("topleft" , legend = "True function" , col = "red" , lty = 1 , bty = "n")

Estimating the attachment function in isolation by PAFit method


This function estimates the attachment function AkA_k by PAFit method. The method has a hyper-parameter rr. It first performs a cross-validation step to select the optimal parameter rr for the regularization of AkA_k, then uses that rr to estimate the attachment function with the full data.


only_A_estimate(net_object                             , 
                net_stat   = get_statistics(net_object), 
                p          = 0.75                      ,
                stop_cond  = 10^-8                     , 
                mode_reg_A = 0                         ,
                MLE        = FALSE                     ,



an object of class PAFit_net that contains the network.


An object of class PAFit_data which contains summerized statistics needed in estimation. This object is created by the function get_statistics. The default value is get_statistics(net_object).


Numeric. This is the ratio of the number of new edges in the learning data to that of the full data. The data is then divided into two parts: learning data and testing data based on p. The learning data is used to learn the node fitnesses and the testing data is then used in cross-validation. Default value is 0.75.


Numeric. The iterative algorithm stops when abs(h(ii)h(ii+1))/(abs(h(ii))+1)<stop.condabs(h(ii) - h(ii + 1)) / (abs(h(ii)) + 1) < stop.cond where h(ii)h(ii) is the value of the objective function at iteration iiii. We recommend to choose stop.cond at most equal to 10(numberofdigitsofh2)10^(- number of digits of h - 2), in order to ensure that when the algorithm stops, the increase in posterior probability is less than 1% of the current posterior probability. Default is 10^-8. This threshold is good enough for most applications.


Binary. Indicates which regularization term is used for AkA_k:

  • 0: This is the regularization term used in Ref. 1 and 2. Please refer to Eq. (4) in the tutorial for the definition of the term. It approximately enforces the power-law form Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha. This is the default value.

  • 1: Unlike the default, this regularization term exactly enforces the functional form Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha. Please refer to Eq. (6) in the tutorial for the definition of the term. Its main drawback is it is significantly slower to converge, while its gain over the default one is marginal in most cases.


Logical. If TRUE, then not perform cross-validation and estimate the PA function with r = 0, i.e., maximum likelihood estimation. Default is FALSE. One might want to set this option to TRUE when one believes that there are sufficient data to get a reasonable MLE result, or when one wants to compare the default, regularized result with the MLE result.


Other arguments to pass to the underlying algorithm.


Outputs a Full_PAFit_result object, which is a list containing the following fields:

  • cv_data: a CV_Data object which contains the cross-validation data. This is the final Normally the user does not need to pay attention to this data. NULL if MLE = TRUE.

  • cv_result: a CV_Result object which contains the cross-validation result. Normally the user does not need to pay attention to this data. NULL if MLE = TRUE.

  • estimate_result: this is a PAFit_result object which contains the estimated PA function and its confidence interval. It also includes the estimated attachment exponenent α\alpha (assuming the model Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha) in the field alpha, and the confidence interval of α\alpha (in the field ci) when possible. In particular, the important fields are:

    • ratio: this is the selected value for the hyper-parameter rr.

    • k and A: a degree vector and the estimated PA function.

    • var_A: the estimated variance of AA.

    • var_logA: the estimated variance of logAlog A.

    • upper_A: the upper value of the interval of two standard deviations around AA.

    • lower_A: the lower value of the interval of two standard deviations around AA.

    • center_k and theta: when we perform binning, these are the centers of the bins and the estimated PA values for those bins. theta is similar to A but with duplicated values removed.

    • var_bin: the variance of theta. Same as var_A but with duplicated values removed.

    • upper_bin: the upper value of the interval of two standard deviations around theta. Same as upper_A but with duplicated values removed.

    • lower_lower: the lower value of the interval of two standard deviations around theta. Same as lower_A but with duplicated values removed.

    • g: the number of bins used.

    • alpha and ci: alpha is the estimated attachment exponenet α\alpha (when assume Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha), while ci is the confidence interval.

    • loglinear_fit: this is the fitting result when we estimate α\alpha.

    • objective_value: values of the objective function over iterations in the final run with the full data.

    • diverge_zero: logical value indicates whether the algorithm diverged in the final run with the full data.


Thong Pham [email protected]


1. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2015). PAFit: A Statistical Method for Measuring Preferential Attachment in Temporal Complex Networks. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137796. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137796).

2. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2016). Joint Estimation of Preferential Attachment and Node Fitness in Growing Complex Networks. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 32558. (doi:10.1038/srep32558).

See Also

See get_statistics for how to create summerized statistics needed in this function.

See Newman and Jeong for other methods to estimate the attachment function AkA_k in isolation.


## Not run: 
  #### Example 1: Linear preferential attachment  #########
  # a network from BA model
  net        <- generate_net(N = 1000 , m = 50 , mode = 1, alpha = 1, s = 0)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net, only_PA = TRUE)
  result     <- only_A_estimate(net, net_stats)
  # plot the estimated attachment function
  plot(result, net_stats)
  # true function
  true_A     <- result$estimate_result$center_k
  lines(result$estimate_result$center_k, true_A, col = "red") # true line
  legend("topleft" , legend = "True function" , col = "red" , lty = 1 , bty = "n")
  #### Example 2: a non-log-linear preferential attachment  #########
  # A_k = alpha* log (max(k,1))^beta + 1, with alpha = 2, and beta = 2
  net        <- generate_net(N = 1000 , m = 50 , mode = 3, alpha = 2, beta = 2, s = 0)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net,only_PA = TRUE)
  result     <- only_A_estimate(net, net_stats)
  # plot the estimated attachment function
  plot(result, net_stats)
  # true function
  true_A     <- 2 * log(pmax(result$estimate_result$center_k,1))^2 + 1 # true function
  lines(result$estimate_result$center_k, true_A, col = "red") # true line
  legend("topleft" , legend = "True function" , col = "red" , lty = 1 , bty = "n")
  #### Example 3: another non-log-linear preferential attachment kernel ############
  # A_k = min(max(k,1),sat_at)^alpha, with alpha = 1, and sat_at = 200
  # inverse variance of the distribution of node fitnesse = 10
  net        <- generate_net(N = 1000 , m = 50 , mode = 2, alpha = 1, sat_at = 200, s = 0)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net, only_PA = TRUE)
  result     <- only_A_estimate(net, net_stats)
  # plot the estimated attachment function
  true_A     <- pmin(pmax(result$estimate_result$center_k,1),200)^1 # true function
  plot(result , net_stats, max_A = max(true_A,result$estimate_result$theta))
  lines(result$estimate_result$center_k, true_A, col = "red") # true line
  legend("topleft" , legend = "True function" , col = "red" , lty = 1 , bty = "n")
## End(Not run)

Estimating node fitnesses in isolation


This function estimates node fitnesses ηi\eta_i assusming either Ak=kA_k = k (i.e. linear preferential attachment) or Ak=1A_k = 1 (i.e. no preferential attachment). The method has a hyper-parameter ss. It first performs a cross-validation to select the optimal parameter ss for the prior of ηi\eta_i, then estimates etaieta_i with the full data (Ref. 1).


only_F_estimate(net_object                             , 
               net_stat    = get_statistics(net_object), 
               p           = 0.75                      ,
               stop_cond   = 10^-8                     , 
               model_A     = "Linear"                  ,



an object of class PAFit_net that contains the network.


An object of class PAFit_data which contains summerized statistics needed in estimation. This object is created by the function get_statistics. The default value is get_statistics(net_object).


Numeric. This is the ratio of the number of new edges in the learning data to that of the full data. The data is then divided into two parts: learning data and testing data based on p. The learning data is used to learn the node fitnesses and the testing data is then used in cross-validation. Default value is 0.75.


Numeric. The iterative algorithm stops when abs(h(ii)h(ii+1))/(abs(h(ii))+1)<stop.condabs(h(ii) - h(ii + 1)) / (abs(h(ii)) + 1) < stop.cond where h(ii)h(ii) is the value of the objective function at iteration iiii. We recommend to choose stop.cond at most equal to 10(numberofdigitsofh2)10^(- number of digits of h - 2), in order to ensure that when the algorithm stops, the increase in posterior probability is less than 1% of the current posterior probability. Default is 10^-8. This threshold is good enough for most applications.


String. Indicates which attachment function AkA_k we assume:

  • "Linear": We assume Ak=kA_k = k, i.e. the Bianconi-Barabási model (Ref. 2).

  • "Constant": We assume Ak=1A_k = 1, i.e. the Caldarelli model (Ref. 3).


Other arguments to pass to the underlying algorithm.


Outputs a Full_PAFit_result object, which is a list containing the following fields:

  • cv_data: a CV_Data object which contains the cross-validation data. Normally the user does not need to pay attention to this data.

  • cv_result: a CV_Result object which contains the cross-validation result. Normally the user does not need to pay attention to this data.

  • estimate_result: this is a PAFit_result object which contains the estimated node fitnesses and their confidence intervals. In particular, the important fields are:

    • shape: this is the selected value for the hyper-parameter ss.

    • g: the number of bins used.

    • f: the estimated node fitnesses.

    • var_f: the estimated variance of ηi\eta_i.

    • upper_f: the estimated upper value of the interval of two standard deviations around ηi\eta_i.

    • lower_f: the estimated lower value of the interval of two standard deviations around ηi\eta_i.

    • objective_value: values of the objective function over iterations in the final run with the full data.

    • diverge_zero: logical value indicates whether the algorithm diverged in the final run with the full data.


Thong Pham [email protected]


1. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2016). Joint Estimation of Preferential Attachment and Node Fitness in Growing Complex Networks. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 32558. (doi:10.1038/srep32558).

2. Bianconni, G. & Barabási, A. (2001). Competition and multiscaling in evolving networks. Europhys. Lett., 54, 436 (doi:10.1209/epl/i2001-00260-6).

3. Caldarelli, G., Capocci, A. , De Los Rios, P. & Muñoz, M.A. (2002). Scale-Free Networks from Varying Vertex Intrinsic Fitness. Phys. Rev. Lett., 89, 258702 (doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.258702).

See Also

See get_statistics for how to create summerized statistics needed in this function.

See joint_estimate for the method to jointly estimate the attachment function AkA_k and node fitnesses ηi\eta_i.


## Not run: 
  # size of initial network = 100
  # number of new nodes at each time-step = 100
  # Ak = k; inverse variance of the distribution of node fitnesse = 10
  net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                            num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                            s        = 10)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
  # estimate node fitnesses in isolation, assuming Ak = k
  result     <- only_F_estimate(net, net_stats)
  # plot the estimated node fitnesses and true node fitnesses
  plot(result, net_stats, true = net$fitness, plot = "true_f")
## End(Not run)

Estimating the nonparametric preferential attachment function from one single snapshot.


This function estimates the attachment function AkA_k from one snapshot.


              M    = 10,
              S    = 5,
              loop = 5,
              G    = 1000)



an object of class PAFit_net that contains the network. Any time-step information, if available, will be ignored.


Integer. Number of simulated networks in each iteration. Default is 10.


Integer. Number of iterations inside each loop. Default is 5.


Integer. Number of loops of the whole process. Default is 5.


Integer. Number of bins for the PA function. Default is 1000.


Outputs a PAFit_result object.


Thong Pham [email protected]


1. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2021). Non-parametric estimation of the preferential attachment function from one network snapshot. Journal of Complex Networks 9(5): cnab024. (doi:10.1093/comnet/cnab024).


## Not run: 
  net_1    <- generate_BA(N = 10000, alpha = 1) # true attachment exponent = 1.0
  result_1 <- PAFit_oneshot(net_1)

  net_2    <- generate_BA(N = 10000, alpha = 0.5) # true attachment exponent = 0.5
  result_2 <- PAFit_oneshot(net_2)
## End(Not run)

Plotting contributions calculated from the observed data and contributions calculated from simulated data


This function extracts from a Simulated_Data_From_Fitted_Model object contributions of rich-get-richer and fit-get-richer effects calculated using simulated networks and plots these contributions versus the contributions calculated from the original observed network. See joint_estimate for a description of how the contributions are calculated.


                  which_plot = "PA",
                  y_label = ifelse("PA" == which_plot,
                  "Contribution of the rich-get-richer effect",
                  "Contribution of the fit-get-richer effect"),
                  legend_pos_x = 0.75,
                  legend_pos_y = 0.9)



an object of class Simulated_Data_From_Fitted_Model that contains simulated data.


an object of class Full_PAFit_result that contains the estimation results from the original observed data.


String. “PA": plots contributions of rich-get-richer effect, “fit": plots contribution of fit-get-richer effect. Default is “PA".


String. The label for y-axis. Default is "Contribution of rich-get-richer effect".


Numeric. The horizontal position, between (0,1), of the legend. Default value is 0.75.


Numeric. The vertical position, between (0,1), of the legend. Default value is 0.9.


Output a plot.


Thong Pham [email protected]


1. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2015). PAFit: A Statistical Method for Measuring Preferential Attachment in Temporal Complex Networks. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137796. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137796).

2. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2016). Joint Estimation of Preferential Attachment and Node Fitness in Growing Complex Networks. Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 32558. (doi:10.1038/srep32558).

3. Pham, T., Sheridan, P. & Shimodaira, H. (2020). PAFit: An R Package for the Non-Parametric Estimation of Preferential Attachment and Node Fitness in Temporal Complex Networks. Journal of Statistical Software 92 (3). (doi:10.18637/jss.v092.i03).

4. Inoue, M., Pham, T. & Shimodaira, H. (2020). Joint Estimation of Non-parametric Transitivity and Preferential Attachment Functions in Scientific Co-authorship Networks. Journal of Informetrics 14(3). (doi:10.1016/j.joi.2020.101042).

See Also

joint_estimate, plot_contribution


## Not run: 
  net_object     <- generate_net(N = 500, m = 10, s = 10, alpha = 0.5)
  net_stat       <- get_statistics(net_object) 
  result         <- joint_estimate(net_object, net_stat)
  simulated_data <- generate_simulated_data_from_estimated_model(net_object, net_stat, result)
  plot_contribution(simulated_data, result, which_plot = "PA")
  plot_contribution(simulated_data, result, which_plot = "fit")
## End(Not run)

Plotting the estimated attachment function and node fitness


This function plots the estimated attachment function AkA_k and node fitness etaieta_i, together with additional information such as their confidence intervals or the estimated attachment exponent (α\alpha when assuming Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha).


## S3 method for class 'Full_PAFit_result'
     net_stat                 ,
     true_f         = NULL    , plot             = "A"              , plot_bin   = TRUE ,
     line           = FALSE   , confidence       = TRUE             , high_deg_A = 1    ,
     high_deg_f     = 5       ,
     shade_point    = 0.5     , col_point        = "grey25"         , pch        = 16   ,
     shade_interval = 0.5     , col_interval     = "lightsteelblue" , label_x    = NULL , 
     label_y        = NULL    ,
     max_A          = NULL    , min_A            = NULL             , f_min      = NULL , 
     f_max          = NULL    , plot_true_degree = FALSE , 



An object of class Full_PAFit_result, containing the estimated results from only_A_estimate, only_F_estimate or joint_estimate.


An object of class PAFit_data, containing the summerized statistics.


Vector. Optional parameter for the true value of node fitnesses (only available in simulated datasets). If this parameter is specified and plot == "true_f", a plot of estimated η\eta versus true η\eta is produced (after a suitable rescaling of the estimated ff).


String. Indicates which plot is produced.

  • If "A" then PA function is plotted.

  • If "f" then the histogram of estimated fitness is plotted.

  • If "true_f" then estimated fitness and true fitness are plotted together (require supplement of true fitness).

Default value is "A".


Logical. If TRUE then only the center of each bin is plotted. Default is TRUE.


Logical. Indicates whether to plot the line fitted from the log-linear model or not. Default value is TRUETRUE.


Logical. Indicates whether to plot the confidence intervals of AkA_k and etaieta_i or not. If confidence == TRUE, a 2-sigma confidence interval will be plotted at each AkA_k and etaieta_i.


Integer. The estimated PA function is plotted starting from high_deg_A. Default value is 1.


Integer. If plot == "true_f", only nodes whose number of edges acquired is not less than high_deg_f are plotted. Default value is 5.


String. The name of the color of the points. Default value is "black".


Numeric. Value between 0 and 1. This is the transparency level of the points. Default value is 0.5.


Numeric. The plot symbol. Default value is 16.


Numeric. Value between 0 and 1. This is the transparency level of the confidence intervals. Default value is 0.5.


Numeric. Specify the maximum of the axis of PA.


Numeric. Specify the minimum of the axis of PA.


Numeric. Specify the minimum of the axis of fitness.


Numeric. Specify the maximum of the axis of fitness.


Logical. The degree of each node is plotted or not.


String. The label of x-axis.


String. The label of y-axis.


String. The name of the color of the confidence intervals. Default value is "lightsteelblue".


Other arguments to pass to the underlying plotting function.


Outputs the desired plot.


Thong Pham [email protected]


## Since the runtime is long, we do not let this example run on CRAN
## Not run: 
# a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                          num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                          s        = 10)
net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
#plot A
plot(result , net_stats , plot = "A")
true_A     <- c(1,result$estimate_result$center_k[-1])
lines(result$estimate_result$center_k + 1 , true_A , col = "red") # true line
legend("topleft" , legend = "True function" , col = "red" , lty = 1 , bty = "n")
#plot true_f
plot(result, net_stats , net$fitness, plot = "true_f")

## End(Not run)

Plotting the estimated attachment function


This function plots the estimated attachment function from the corrected Newman's method or the Jeong's method. Its also plots additional information such as the estimated attachment exponenent (α\alpha when assuming Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha).


## S3 method for class 'PA_result'
     net_stat    = NULL,
     plot_bin    = TRUE   ,
     high_deg    = 1      ,  
     line        = FALSE  , 
     col_point   = "black",
     shade_point = 0.5    , 
     pch         = 16     ,
     max_A       = NULL   , 
     min_A       = NULL   , 
     label_x     = NULL   , 
     label_y     = NULL   ,



An object of class PA_result, containing the estimated attachment function and the estimated attachment exponenet from either Newman or Jeong functions.


An object of class PA_data, containing the summerized statistics. This object is created from the function get_statistics.


Logical. If TRUE then only the center of each bin is plotted. Default is TRUE.


Integer. Specifies the starting degree from which AkA_k is plotted. If this parameter is specified, the estimated attachment function is plotted from k = high_deg


Logical. Indicates whether to plot the line fitted from the log-linear model or not. Default value is FALSE.


String. The name of the color of the points. Default value is "black""black".


Numeric. Value between 0 and 1. This is the transparency level of the points. Default value is 0.5.


Numeric. The plot symbol. Default value is 16.


Numeric. Specify the maximum of the horizontal axis.


Numeric. Specify the minimum of the horizontal axis.


String. The label of x-axis. If NULL, then "Degree k" is used.


String. The label of y-axis. If NULL, then "Attachment function" is used.


Other arguments to pass to the underlying plotting function.


Outputs the desired plot.


Thong Pham [email protected]


  net        <- generate_net(N = 1000 , m = 1 , mode = 1 , alpha = 1 , s = 0)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
  result     <- Newman(net, net_stats)
  # true function
  true_A     <- result$center_k
  # plot the estimated attachment function
  plot(result , net_stats)
  lines(result$center_k, true_A, col = "red") # true attachment function
  legend("topleft" , legend = "True function" , col = "red" , lty = 1 , bty = "n")

Plot a PAFit_net object


This function plots a PAFit_net object. There are four options of plot to specify the type of plot.

The first two concern plotting the graph in $graph of the PAFit_net object. Option plot = "graph" plots the graph, while plot = "degree" plots the degree distribution. Option slice allows selection of the time-step at which the temporal graph is plotted.

The last two options concern plotting the PA function and node fitnesses (if they are not NULL).


## S3 method for class 'PAFit_net'
     plot = "graph"                         ,
     slice = length(unique(x$graph[,3])) - 1,



An object of class PAFit_net.


String. Possible values are "graph", "degree", "PA", and "fit". Default value is "graph".


Integer. Ignored when plot is not "graph" or "degree". Specifies the time-step at which the graph is plotted. Default value is the final time-step.


Other arguments to pass to the underlying plotting function.


Outputs the desired plot.


Thong Pham [email protected]. When plot = "graph", the function uses in the network package.


    # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
    net        <- generate_BB(N = 50 , m = 10 , s = 10)
    plot(net, plot = "graph")
    plot(net, plot = "degree")
    plot(net, plot = "PA")
    plot(net, plot = "fit")

Plotting the estimated attachment function and node fitness of a PAFit_result object


This function plots the estimated attachment function AkA_k and node fitness etaieta_i, together with additional information such as their confidence intervals or the estimated attachment exponent (α\alpha when assuming Ak=kαA_k = k^\alpha) of a PAFit_result object. This object is stored in the field $estimate_result of a Full_PAFit_result object, which in turn is the returning value of only_A_estimate, only_F_estimate or joint_estimate.


## S3 method for class 'PAFit_result'
    net_stat       = NULL    ,
    true_f         = NULL    , plot             = "A"              , plot_bin   = TRUE ,
    line           = FALSE   , confidence       = TRUE             , high_deg_A = 1    ,
    high_deg_f     = 5       ,
    shade_point    = 0.5     , col_point        = "grey25"         , pch        = 16   ,
    shade_interval = 0.5     , col_interval     = "lightsteelblue" , label_x    = NULL , 
    label_y        = NULL    ,
    max_A          = NULL    , min_A            = NULL             , f_min      = NULL , 
    f_max          = NULL    , plot_true_degree = FALSE , 



An object of class PAFit_result.


An object of class PAFit_data, containing the summerized statistics.


Vector. Optional parameter for the true value of node fitnesses (only available in simulated datasets). If this parameter is specified and plot == "true_f", a plot of estimated η\eta versus true η\eta is produced (after a suitable rescaling of the estimated ff).


String. Indicates which plot is produced.

  • If "A" then PA function is plotted.

  • If "f" then the histogram of estimated fitness is plotted.

  • If "true_f" then estimated fitness and true fitness are plotted together (require supplement of true fitness).

Default value is "A".


Logical. If TRUE then only the center of each bin is plotted. Default is TRUE.


Logical. Indicates whether to plot the line fitted from the log-linear model or not. Default value is TRUETRUE.


Logical. Indicates whether to plot the confidence intervals of AkA_k and etaieta_i or not. If confidence == TRUE, a 2-sigma confidence interval will be plotted at each AkA_k and etaieta_i.


Integer. The estimated PA function is plotted starting from high_deg_A. Default value is 1.


Integer. If plot == "true_f", only nodes whose number of edges acquired is not less than high_deg_f are plotted. Default value is 5.


String. The name of the color of the points. Default value is "black".


Numeric. Value between 0 and 1. This is the transparency level of the points. Default value is 0.5.


Numeric. The plot symbol. Default value is 16.


Numeric. Value between 0 and 1. This is the transparency level of the confidence intervals. Default value is 0.5.


Numeric. Specify the maximum of the axis of PA.


Numeric. Specify the minimum of the axis of PA.


Numeric. Specify the minimum of the axis of fitness.


Numeric. Specify the maximum of the axis of fitness.


Logical. The degree of each node is plotted or not.


String. The label of x-axis.


String. The label of y-axis.


String. The name of the color of the confidence intervals. Default value is "lightsteelblue".


Other arguments to pass to the underlying plotting function.


Outputs the desired plot.


Thong Pham [email protected]


## Since the runtime is long, we do not let this example run on CRAN
  ## Not run: 
    # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
    net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                              num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                              s        = 10)
    net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
    result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
    #plot A
    plot(result$estimate_result , net_stats , plot = "A")
    true_A     <- c(1,result$estimate_result$center_k[-1])
    lines(result$estimate_result$center_k + 1 , true_A , col = "red") # true line
    legend("topleft" , legend = "True function" , col = "red" , lty = 1 , bty = "n")
    #plot true_f
    plot(result, net_stats , net$fitness, plot = "true_f")
## End(Not run)

Printing simple information of the cross-validation data


This function prints simple information of the cross-validation data stored in a CV_Data object. This object is the field $cv_data of a Full_PAFit_result object, which in turn is the returning value of only_A_estimate, only_F_estimate or joint_estimate.


## S3 method for class 'CV_Data'



An object of class CV_Data.


Other arguments to pass.


Prints simple information of the cross-validation data.


Thong Pham [email protected]


## Since the runtime is long, we do not let this example run on CRAN
  ## Not run: 
    # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
    net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                              num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                              s        = 10)
    net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
    result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
## End(Not run)

Printing simple information of the cross-validation result


This function prints simple information of the cross-validation result stored in a CV_Result object. This object is the field $cv_result of a Full_PAFit_result object, which in turn is the returning value of only_A_estimate, only_F_estimate or joint_estimate.


## S3 method for class 'CV_Result'



An object of class CV_Result.


Other arguments to pass.


Prints simple information of the cross-validation result.


Thong Pham [email protected]


## Since the runtime is long, we do not let this example run on CRAN
  ## Not run: 
    # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
    net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                              num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                              s        = 10)
    net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
    result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
## End(Not run)

printing information on the estimation result


This function outputs simple information of the estimation result.


## S3 method for class 'Full_PAFit_result'



An object of class Full_PAFit_result, containing the estimated results from only_A_estimate, only_F_estimate or joint_estimate.


Other arguments to pass.


Outputs summary information on the estimation result.


Thong Pham [email protected]


## Since the runtime is long, we do not let this example run on CRAN
  ## Not run: 
    # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
    net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                              num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                              s        = 10)
    net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
    result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
## End(Not run)

Printing information of the estimated attachment function


This function outputs simple information of the estimated attachment function from the corrected Newman's method or the Jeong's method.


## S3 method for class 'PA_result'



An object of class PA_result, containing the estimated attachment function and the estimated attachment exponenet from either Newman or Jeong functions.


Additional parameters to pass.


Simple information of the estimated attachment function.


Thong Pham [email protected]


  net        <- generate_net(N = 1000 , m = 1 , mode = 1 , alpha = 1 , s = 0)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
  result     <- Newman(net, net_stats)

Printing simple information on the statistics of the network stored in a PAFit_data object


This function prints simple information of the statistics stored in a PAFit_data object. This object is the returning value of get_statistics.


## S3 method for class 'PAFit_data'



An object of class PAFit_data.


Other arguments to pass.


Prints simple information of the network statistics.


Thong Pham [email protected]


## Since the runtime is long, we do not let this example run on CRAN
  ## Not run: 
    # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
    net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                              num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                              s        = 10)
    net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
## End(Not run)

Printing simple information of a PAFit_net object


This function outputs simple information of a PAFit_net object.


## S3 method for class 'PAFit_net'



An object of class PAFit_net.


Other arguments to pass.


Outputs simple information of the network.


Thong Pham [email protected]


  # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
  net        <- generate_BB(N = 50 , m = 10 , s = 10)

printing information on the estimation result stored in a PAFit_result object


This function outputs simple information of the estimation result stored in a PAFit_result object. This object is stored in the field $estimate_result of a Full_PAFit_result object, which in turn is the returning value of only_A_estimate, only_F_estimate or joint_estimate.


## S3 method for class 'PAFit_result'



An object of class PAFit_result.


Other arguments to pass.


Outputs summary information on the estimation result.


Thong Pham [email protected]


## Since the runtime is long, we do not let this example run on CRAN
  ## Not run: 
    # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
    net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                              num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                              s        = 10)
    net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
    result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
## End(Not run)

Printing summary information of the cross-validation data


This function outputs summary information of the cross-validation data stored in a CV_Data object. This object is the field $cv_data of a Full_PAFit_result object, which in turn is the returning value of only_A_estimate, only_F_estimate or joint_estimate.


## S3 method for class 'CV_Data'



An object of class CV_Data.


Other arguments to pass.


Outputs summary information of the cross-validation data.


Thong Pham [email protected]


## Since the runtime is long, we do not let this example run on CRAN
  ## Not run: 
    # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
    net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                              num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                              s        = 10)
    net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
    result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
## End(Not run)

Output summary information of the cross-validation result


This function outputs summary information of the cross-validation result stored in a CV_Result object. This object is the field $cv_result of a Full_PAFit_result object, which in turn is the returning value of only_A_estimate, only_F_estimate or joint_estimate.


## S3 method for class 'CV_Result'



An object of class CV_Result.


Other arguments to pass.


Outputs summary information of the cross-validation result.


Thong Pham [email protected]


## Since the runtime is long, we do not let this example run on CRAN
  ## Not run: 
    # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
    net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                              num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                              s        = 10)
    net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
    result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
## End(Not run)

Summary information on the estimation result


This function outputs a summary on the estimation result.


## S3 method for class 'Full_PAFit_result'



An object of class Full_PAFit_result, containing the estimated results from only_A_estimate, only_F_estimate or joint_estimate.


Other arguments to pass.


Outputs summary information on the estimation result.


Thong Pham [email protected]


## Since the runtime is long, we do not let this example run on CRAN
  ## Not run: 
    # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
    net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                              num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                              s        = 10)
    net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
    result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
## End(Not run)

Summary of the estimated attachment function


This function outputs summary information of the estimated attachment function from the corrected Newman's method or the Jeong's method.


## S3 method for class 'PA_result'



An object of class PA_result, containing the estimated attachment function and the estimated attachment exponenet from either Newman or Jeong functions.


Additional parameters to pass.


Summary information of the estimated attachment function.


Thong Pham [email protected]


  net        <- generate_net(N = 1000 , m = 1 , mode = 1 , alpha = 1 , s = 0)
  net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
  result     <- Newman(net, net_stats)

Output summary information on the statistics of the network stored in a PAFit_data object


This function outputs summary information of the statistics stored in a PAFit_data object. This object is the returning value of get_statistics.


## S3 method for class 'PAFit_data'



An object of class PAFit_data.


Other arguments to pass.


Outputs summary information of the network statistics.


Thong Pham [email protected]


## Since the runtime is long, we do not let this example run on CRAN
  ## Not run: 
    # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
    net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                              num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                              s        = 10)
    net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
## End(Not run)

Summary information of a PAFit_net object


This function outputs summary information of a PAFit_net object.


## S3 method for class 'PAFit_net'



An object of class PAFit_net.


Other arguments to pass.


Outputs summary information of the network.


Thong Pham [email protected]


  # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
  net        <- generate_BB(N = 50 , m = 10 , s = 10)

Output summary information on the estimation result stored in a PAFit_result object


This function outputs summary information of the estimation result stored in a PAFit_result object. This object is stored in the field $estimate_result of a Full_PAFit_result object, which in turn is the returning value of only_A_estimate, only_F_estimate or joint_estimate.


## S3 method for class 'PAFit_result'



An object of class PAFit_result.


Other arguments to pass.


Outputs summary information on the estimation result.


Thong Pham [email protected]


## Since the runtime is long, we do not let this example run on CRAN
  ## Not run: 
    # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
    net        <- generate_BB(N        = 1000 , m             = 50 , 
                              num_seed = 100  , multiple_node = 100,
                              s        = 10)
    net_stats  <- get_statistics(net)
    result     <- joint_estimate(net, net_stats)
## End(Not run)

Fitting various distributions to a degree vector


This function implements the method in Handcock and Jones (2004) to fit various distributions to a degree vector. The implemented distributions are Yule, Waring, Poisson, geometric and negative binomial. The Yule and Waring distributions correspond to a preferential attachment situation. In particular, the two distributions correspond to the case of Ak=kA_k = k for k1k \ge 1 and ηi=1\eta_i = 1 for all ii (note that, the number of new edges and new nodes at each time-step are implicitly assumed to be 11).

Thus, if the best fitted distribution, which is chosen by either the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) or the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), is NOT Yule or Waring, then the case of Ak=kA_k = k for k1k \ge 1 and ηi=1\eta_i = 1 for all ii is NOT consistent with the observed degree vector.

The method allows the low-tail probabilities to NOT follow the parametric distribution, i.e., P(K=k)=πkP(K = k) = \pi_k for all kkmink \le k_{min} and P(K=k)=f(k,θ)P(K = k) = f(k,\theta) for all k>kmink > k_{min}. Here kmink_{min} is the degree threshold above which the parametric distribution holds, πk\pi_k are probabilities of the low-tail, f(.,θ)f(.,\theta) is the parametric distribution with parameter vector θ\theta.

For fixed kmink_{min} and ff, πk\pi_k and θ\theta can be estimated by Maximum Likelihood Estimation. We can choose the best kmink_{min} for each ff by comparing the AIC (or BIC). More details can be founded in Handcock and Jones (2004).





a degree vector


Outputs a Linear_PA_test_result object which contains the fitting of five distributions to the degree vector: Yule (yule), Waring (waring), Poisson (pois), geometric (geom) and negative binomial (nb). In particular, for each distribution, the AIC and BIC are calcualted for each kmink_min.


Thong Pham [email protected]


1. Handcock MS, Jones JH (2004). “Likelihood-based inference for stochastic models of sexual network formation.” Theoretical Population Biology, 65(4), 413 – 422. ISSN 0040-5809. doi:10.1016/j.tpb.2003.09.006. Demography in the 21st Century,


## Not run: 
  net   <- generate_BA(n = 1000)
  stats <- get_statistics(net, only_PA = TRUE)
  u     <- test_linear_PA(stats$final_deg)

## End(Not run)

Convert a PAFit_net object to an igraph object


This function converts a PAFit_net object to an igraph object (of package igraph).





An object of class PAFit_net.


The function returns an igraph object.


Thong Pham [email protected]


# a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
net          <- generate_BB(N = 50 , m = 10 , s = 10)
igraph_graph <- to_igraph(net)

Convert a PAFit_net object to a networkDynamic object


This function converts a PAFit_net object to a networkDynamic object (of package networkDynamic).





An object of class PAFit_net.


The function returns a networkDynamic object.


Thong Pham [email protected]


  # a network from Bianconi-Barabasi model
  net          <- generate_BB(N = 50 , m = 10 , s = 10)
  nD_graph     <- to_networkDynamic(net)