Package 'OptimalDesign'

Title: A Toolbox for Computing Efficient Designs of Experiments
Description: Algorithms for D-, A-, I-, and c-optimal designs. Some of the functions in this package require the 'gurobi' software and its accompanying R package. For their installation, please follow the instructions at <> and the file gurobi_inst.txt, respectively.
Authors: Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova
Maintainer: Lenka Filova <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.0.1
Built: 2025-01-28 07:52:31 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Procedures for computing D-, A-, I-, and c-optimal approximate and exact designs of experiments on finite domains, for regression models with uncorrelated observations.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova

Vector of directional derivatives


Computes the vector of derivatives at a normalized approximate design w of length n in the directions of singular designs e_i, where i ranges from 1 to n.


dirder(Fx, w, crit="D", h=NULL, echo=TRUE)



the n times m matrix of candidate regressors (as rows), where n is the number of candidate design points and m (where m>=2, m<=n) is the number of parameters.


a non-negative vector of length n representing the design. It is normalized prior to the computation of the directional derivatives.


the criterion; possible values are "D", "A", "I", "C" and "c".


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" nor "c" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" or "c" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1).


Print the call of the function?


The i-th directional derivative measures the increase of the criterion value provided that we infinitesimally increase the i-th design weight (and decrease other weights by the same proportion). For a concave optimality criterion, an approximate design is optimal in the class of all normalized approximate designs if and only if all its directional derivatives are non-positive. This statement can be rewritten to the form of the so-called equivalence theorem. See the reference paper at for mathematical details.


The vector of directional derivatives of the chosen criterion at w/sum(w) in the direction of the singular designs e_i, where i ranges from 1 to n.


The design w should have a non-singular information matrix.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova

See Also

effbound, varfun


## Not run: 
# The directional derivatives of the D-optimal approximate design
# for a cubic regression on a square grid.

form.cube <- ~x1 + x2 + I(x1^2) + I(x2^2) + I(x1*x2) +
              I(x1^3) + I(x1^2*x2) + I(x1*x2^2) + I(x2^3)
Fx <- Fx_cube(form.cube, n.levels = c(101, 101))
w <- od_REX(Fx)$

# Because w is optimal approximate, no directional derivative is positive:
boxplot(dirder(Fx, w))

# The yellow values indicate the directional derivative at each design point:
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 2:3])

# An alternative view is a "projection" of the above plot:
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 2], dd.pool = c("max", "min"))

## End(Not run)

Lower bound on efficiency


Computes a lower bound on the efficiency of a design w in the class of all approximate designs of the same size as w.


effbound(Fx, w, crit="D", h=NULL, echo=TRUE)



the n times m matrix of candidate regressors (as rows), where n is the number of candidate design points and m (where m>=2, m<=n) is the number of parameters.


a non-negative vector of length n representing the design.


the criterion; possible values are "D", "A", "I", "C" and "c".


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" nor "c" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" or "c" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1).


Print the call of the function?


The lower bounds are based on the standard methods of convex analysis. See the reference paper at for mathematical details.


A lower bound on the D-, A-, I-, c-, or C-efficiency of w in the class of all approximate designs of the same size as w at the set of candidate regressors given by Fx.


The design w should have a non-singular information matrix. Occasionally, the lower bound is very conservative. The exact value of the efficiency of w is the ratio of the criterion value of w and the criterion value of the optimal design.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova

See Also

varfun, dirder


# A lower bound on the D-efficiencies of the uniform designs
# for the quadratic regression on a line grid

Fx <- Fx_cube(~x1 + I(x1^2), n.levels = 101)
effbound(Fx, rep(1/101, 101))

# The precise value of the D-efficiency
# requires computing the D-optimal design:

w.opt <- od_REX(Fx)$
optcrit(Fx, rep(1/101, 101)) / optcrit(Fx, w.opt)

## Not run: 
# Let us do this for polynomial regressions of various degrees:

n <- 101; d.max <- 10; x <- seq(-1, 1, length = n)
effs <- matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = d.max)
Fx <- matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = n)
for(d in 1:d.max) {
  Fx <- cbind(Fx, x^d)
  effs[d, 1] <- effbound(Fx, rep(1/n, n))
  w.opt <- od_REX(Fx)$
  effs[d, 2] <- optcrit(Fx, rep(1/n, n)) / optcrit(Fx, w.opt)

# We see that the lower bound becomes more and more conservative
# compared to the real efficiency which actually increases with d.

# Compute a D-optimal design for the main effects model
# on a random subsample of a 6D cube

n <- 1000000; m <- 6
Fx <- cbind(1, matrix(runif(n*m), ncol = m))
w <- od_REX(Fx, eff = 0.99)$
Fx <- od_DEL(Fx, w)$Fx.keep
w <- od_REX(Fx)$

# Now we will compute a lower bound on efficiency of such design
# on the entire (continuous) cube:
Fx <- rbind(Fx, Fx_cube(~x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6, lower = rep(0, 6)))
w <- c(w, rep(0, 2^6))
effbound(Fx, w)

# The real D-efficiency of w on the entire cube is
optcrit(Fx, w)/od_REX(Fx)$

## End(Not run)

Matrix of candidate regressors for a block size-two model


Creates the matrix of all candidate regressors of a linear regression model corresponding to the problem of the optimal block size-two design.


Fx_blocks(n.treats, blocks=NULL, echo=TRUE)



the number of "treatments" in the block experiment.


the 2 times n matrix of all permissible blocks (that is, permissible pairings of treatments). If blocks=NULL, blocks is set to combn(n.treats, 2), which means that all treatment pairings are permissible.


Print the call of the function?


Creates the matrix Fx of artificial regressors, such that the D- and A-optimal designs for the corresponding artificial LRM are are the same as what is called the D- and A-optimal design in the original block model with blocks of size two.


the n times m matrix of all candidate regressors of an auxiliary linear regression model corresponding to the problem of the optimal block size-two design (n is ncol(blocks), m is n.treats-1).


This optimal design problem is equivalent to various optimum-subgraph problems, depending on the criterion.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova


Harman R, Filova, L: Computing efficient exact designs of experiments using integer quadratic programming, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 71 (2014) 1159-1167.

Sagnol G, Harman R: Computing Exact D-optimal designs by mixed integer second-order cone programming, The Annals of Statistics 43 (2015), 2198-2224.

See Also

Fx_cube, Fx_simplex, Fx_glm, Fx_dose, Fx_survival


## Not run: 
# Compute a D-efficient block size-two design
# with 15 treatments and 10 blocks of size two

Fx <- Fx_blocks(10)
w <- od_KL(Fx, 15, t.max = 5)$
des <- combn(10, 2)[, as.logical(w)]

# We can visualize the design as a graph
grp <- graph_(t(des), from_edgelist(directed = FALSE))
plot(grp, layout=layout_with_graphopt)

## End(Not run)

Transformation of candidate regressors for regularized c-optimality


Pre-transforms the matrix of all candidate regressors to the form suitable for computing regularized c-optimal designs via A-optimum algorithms.


Fx_CtoA(Fx, h=NULL, echo=TRUE)



the n times m matrix of candidate regressors (as rows), where n is the number of candidate design points and m (where m>=2, m<=n) is the number of parameters.


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" nor "c" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" or "c" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1).


Print the call of the function?


The standard c-optimal designs are often singular, which may render them unsuitable for practical use. The regularized c-optimality, which we call C-optimality, is an approach to computing designs that are non-singular, but still efficient with respect to the criterion of c-optimality. See for more details.


The n times m matrix Fx.trans of all candidate regressors with the following property: The A-optimal design for the problem defined by Fx.trans is the same as the regularized c-optimal (i.e., C-optimal) design for the problem defined by Fx.


Radoslav Harman and Lenka Filova

See Also



# We will compute a C-efficient (regularized c-optimal) design
# for estimating the mean response in x=1 for a quadratic regression
# using and algorithm for A-optimality.

Fx <- Fx_cube(~x1 + I(x1^2), n.levels=101)
Fx.trans <- Fx_CtoA(Fx, h=c(1, 1, 1))
w <- od_REX(Fx.trans, crit="A")$
od_print(Fx, w, h=c(1, 1, 1))

# Compare the design to the (non-regularized) c-optimal design
w.crisp <- od_REX(Fx, crit="c", h=c(1, 1, 1))$
od_print(Fx, w.crisp, h=c(1, 1, 1))

# The c-efficiency of the C-optimal design is about 0.68
# The D-efficiency of the c-optimal design is 0
# The D-efficiency of the C-optimal design is a very decent
optcrit(Fx, w) / od_REX(Fx)$

Matrix of candidate regressors for a model on a cuboid grid


Creates the matrix of all candidate regressors for a factor regression model on a cuboid grid (up to 9 factors).


Fx_cube(formula, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, n.levels=NULL, echo=TRUE)



the formula of the model. The rules for creating the formula are standard for R but: 1) the formula must not contain the dependent variable (it is one-sided); 2) the d factors (variables) must be labeled x1,x2,x3,...


the d-dimensional vector of the smallest values of factors. If lower=NULL, the program sets lower <- rep(-1, d).


the d-dimensional vector of the largest values of factors. If upper=NULL, the program sets upper <- rep(1, d).


the d-dimensional vector of the numbers of levels of each factor. If n.levels=NULL, the program sets n.levels <- rep(2, d).


Print the call of the function?


The n times m matrix of all candidate regressors for a factor regression model on a cuboid grid. The rows of Fx are the regressors f(x) for all candidate design points x.


Note that Fx is not the design matrix (which is also sometimes called the regression matrix, or the model matrix). The design matrix depends on Fx as well as on the exact experimental design w. For this package, an exact experimental design is formalized as the vector of non-negative integer values corresponding to the replication of trials (observations) in individual design points. Thus, if Fx is the matrix of all candidate regressors and w is the exact design then Fx[rep(1:nrow(Fx), w),] is the actual design matrix for the experiment.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova

See Also

Fx_simplex, Fx_blocks, Fx_glm, Fx_survival, Fx_dose


## Not run: 
# The Fx for the cubic model on a discretized interval
Fx <- Fx_cube(~x1 + I(x1^2) + I(x1^3), lower=0, upper=2, n.levels=101)

# The D-optimal design of size 20
w <- od_KL(Fx, 20, t.max=5)$
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 2])

# The Fx for the full quadratic response surface model on a non-convex region
Fx <- Fx_cube(~x1 + x2 + I(x1^2) + I(x2^2) + I(x1*x2), n.levels=c(51, 51))
keep <- rep(TRUE, nrow(Fx))
for(i in 1:nrow(Fx)) if(prod(abs(Fx[i, 2:3])) > 0.2) keep[i] <- FALSE
Fx <- Fx[keep, ]

# The D-optimal design of size 29 without replications
w <- od_KL(Fx, 29, bin=TRUE, t.max=5)$
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 2:3])

# The Fx for the chemical weighing with 3 items and a bias term
Fx <- Fx_cube(~x1 + x2 + x3, n.levels=c(3, 3, 3))

# The D-optimal design of size 12
w <- od_KL(Fx, 12, t.max=2)$
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 2:4])

## End(Not run)

Matrix of candidate regressors for a dose-response model


Creates the matrix of all candidate regressors for a linearization of a dose response model.


Fx_dose(dose.levels, theta0, dose.model="emax", echo=TRUE)



the n-dimensional vector of admissible doses.


the 3-dimensional vector of values of the unknown parameter in which to linearize the model.


the type of the dose-response model, possible values are "emax", "loglin", and "exp".


Print the call of the function?


For mathematical details, see the referenced paper.


The n times 3 matrix of all candidate regressors of a dose-response model linearized in theta0.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova


Dette H, Kiss C, Bevanda M, Bretz F (2010). Optimal designs for the EMAX, log-linear and exponential models. Biometrika, 97(2), 513-518.

See Also

Fx_cube, Fx_simplex, Fx_blocks, Fx_glm, Fx_survival


# The loglinear model for the doses 1:150
# Localized at the values of theta0=c(0, 0.0797, 1)
Fx <- Fx_dose(1:150, c(0, 0.0797, 1), dose.model="loglin")

# The locally D-optimal approximate design
w_a <- od_REX(Fx)$
od_plot(Fx, w_a, 1:150)

# The locally D-optimal exact design of size 10
w_e <- od_KL(Fx, 10, t.max=3)$
od_plot(Fx, w_e, 1:150)

Matrix of candidate regressors for a generalized linear model


Creates the matrix of all candidate regressors for a linearization of a generalized linear model.


Fx_glm(formula, theta0, glm.model="bin-logit", lower=NULL, upper=NULL,
       n.levels=NULL, echo=TRUE)



the formula of the linear part of the model. The rules for creating the formula are standard for R but: 1) the formula must not contain the dependent variable (it is one-sided); 2) the d factors (variables) must be labeled x1,x2,x3,...


the d-dimensional vector of values of the unknown parameter in which to linearize the model


the type of the generalized linear model. Available models are "bin-logit", "bin-probit", "bin-cloglog", and Poisson-log.


the d-dimensional vector of the smallest values of factors. If lower=NULL, the program sets lower <- rep(-1, d).


the d-dimensional vector of the largest values of factors. If upper=NULL, the program sets upper <- rep(1, d).


the d-dimensional vector of the numbers of levels of each factor. If n.levels=NULL, the program sets n.levels <- rep(2, d).


Print the call of the function?


For mathematical details, see the referenced paper.


The n times m matrix of all candidate regressors of a generalized linear regression model linearized in theta0.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova


Atkinson AC, Woods DC (2015). Designs for generalized linear models. Handbook of Design and Analysis of Experiments, 471-514.

See Also

Fx_cube, Fx_simplex, Fx_blocks, Fx_survival, Fx_dose


# The logistic model with second-order predictors x1, x2 in [-1,1]
# discretized into 21 points and theta0=c(1, 2, 2, -1, -1.5, 1.5)

form.quad <- ~ x1 + x2 + I(x1*x2) + I(x1^2) + I(x2^2)
Fx <- Fx_glm(form.quad, c(1, 2, 2, -1, -1.5, 1.5),
             glm.model="bin-logit", n.levels=c(21,21))

# The locally D-optimal approximate design
w <- od_REX(Fx)$
Fx.lin <- Fx_cube(form.quad, n.levels=c(21,21)) # Just for the plot
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx.lin[, 2:3], dd.size=2)

## Not run: 
#The GLM with Poisson link and 2 linear predictors x1,x2 in [-1,1]
# discretized into 21 points and theta0=c(0,2,2)
Fx <- Fx_glm(~x1+x2, c(0, 2, 2), glm.model="Poisson-log", n.levels=c(21, 21))

# The locally D-optimal exact design of size 50 without replications
w <- od_KL(Fx, 50, bin=TRUE, t.max=5)$
Fx.lin <- Fx_cube(~x1+x2, n.levels=c(21, 21))
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx.lin[, 2:3], w.lim=Inf)

## End(Not run)

Transformation of candidate regressors for I-optimality


Pre-transforms the matrix of all candidate regressors to the form suitable for computing I-optimal designs via A-optimum algorithms.


Fx_ItoA(Fx, echo=TRUE)



the n times m matrix of candidate regressors (as rows), where n is the number of candidate design points and m (where m>=2, m<=n) is the number of parameters.


Print the call of the function?


It is simple to see that the problem of I-optimality is equivalent to the problem of A-optimality for a transformed matrix of candidate regressors. This function performs the transformation. See for more details.


The n times m matrix Fx.trans of all candidate regressors with the following property: The A-optimal design for the problem defined by Fx.trans is the same as the I-optimal design for the problem defined by Fx.


It is also simple to transform the weighted I-optimality to A-optimality; just multiply the rows of Fx by the squares roots of weights of individual design points and transform the resulting matrix by Fx_ItoA.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova

See Also



## Not run: 
# Compute an I-efficient exact size 20 design without replications
# for the Scheffe mixture model with 4 components
# using the AQUA heuristic for A-optimality.

Fx <- Fx_simplex(~x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + I(x1*x2) + I(x1*x3) + I(x1*x4) +
                  I(x2*x3) + I(x2*x4) + I(x3*x4) - 1, 11)

w <- od_AQUA(Fx_ItoA(Fx), b3=24, bin=TRUE, crit="I", conic=FALSE)$
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 2:4])

## End(Not run)

Matrix of candidate regressors for a regression model on a simplex grid


Creates the matrix of all candidate regressors for a mixture regression model on a regular simplex grid (up to 9 factors).


Fx_simplex(formula, n.levels.mix=NULL, echo=TRUE)



the formula of the model. The rules for creating the formula are standard for R but: 1) the formula must not contain the dependent variable (it is one-sided); 2) the d factors (variables) must be labeled x1,x2,x3,...


the number of levels of each factor (each factor has the same number of levels). If n.levels=NULL, the program sets n.levels <- 2*d + 1.


Print the call of the function?


The n times m matrix of all candidate regressors of a mixture regression model on a regular simplex grid.


Note that Fx is not the design matrix (which is also sometimes called the regression matrix, or the model matrix). The design matrix depends on Fx as well as on the exact experimental design w. For this package, an exact experimental design is formalized as the vector of non-negative integer values corresponding to the replication of trials (observations) in individual design points. Thus, if Fx is the matrix of all candidate regressors and w is the exact design then Fx[rep(1:nrow(Fx), w),] is the actual design matrix for the experiment.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova

See Also

Fx_cube, Fx_glm, Fx_dose, Fx_survival, Fx_blocks


## Not run: 
# The Fx of the Scheffe quadratic mixture model
# with 3 mixture components, each with 21 levels.
Fx <- Fx_simplex(~x1 + x2 + x3 + I(x1*x2) + I(x1*x3) + I(x2*x3) - 1, 21)

# The approximate I-optimal design of size 20
# bound by 1 at each design point
w <- od_MISOCP(Fx, b3=20, bin=TRUE, crit="I", type="approximate")$
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 2:3])

# As above, with constraints on the proportions
r <- c(); for (i in 1:nrow(Fx)) if (max(Fx[i, 2:4]) > 0.7) r <- c(r, i)
w <- od_MISOCP(Fx[-r, ], b3=20, bin=TRUE, crit="I", type="approximate")$
od_plot(Fx[-r, ], w, Fx[-r, 2:3])

# Note that one must be careful when choosing a model for a mixture experiment:
# Let us compute the matrix of regressors of the simple linear mixture model
# with 4 mixture components, each with levels {0, 0.5, 1}.

Fx <- Fx_simplex(~x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, 3)

# The model has only 5 parameters and as many as 10 design points,
# but there is no design that guarantees estimability of the parameters.
# This can be shown by evaluating:
det(infmat(Fx, rep(1, 10)))

## End(Not run)

Matrix of candidate regressors for a survival model


Creates the matrix of all candidate regressors for a linearization of a proportional hazards survival model.


Fx_survival(formula, theta0, censor.time, survival.model="phI", lower=NULL,
            upper=NULL, n.levels=NULL, echo=TRUE)



the formula of the linear part of the model. The rules for creating the formula are standard for R but: 1) the formula must not contain the dependent variable (it is one-sided); 2) the d factors (variables) must be labeled x1,x2,x3,...


the d-dimensional vector of values of the unknown parameter in which to linearize the model.


the censoring time, a positive constant.


the type of the survival model, can be either proportional hazards with Type I censoring ("phI") or with random censoring ("phrand"). Both models assume a constant baseline hazard.


the d-dimensional vector of the smallest values of factors. If lower=NULL, the program sets lower <- rep(-1, d).


the d-dimensional vector of the largest values of factors. If upper=NULL, the program sets upper <- rep(1, d).


the d-dimensional vector of the numbers of levels of each factor. If n.levels=NULL, the program sets n.levels <- rep(2, d).


Print the call of the function?


For mathematical details, see the referenced paper.


The n times m matrix of all candidate regressors of a proportional hazards model linearized in theta0.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova


Konstantinou M, Biedermann S, Kimber A (2014). Optimal designs for two-parameter nonlinear models with application to survival models. Statistica Sinica, 24(1), 415-428.

See Also

Fx_cube, Fx_simplex, Fx_blocks, Fx_glm, Fx_dose


# The proportional hazards model with random censoring
# for three binary explanatory variables x1,x2,x3 without intercept
# censoring time 30 and parameter values theta0=c(1,1,1)
Fx <- Fx_survival(~x1 + x2 + x3 - 1, c(1, 1, 1), 30, "phrand",
      lower = c(0, 0, 0), upper = c(1, 1, 1), n.levels = c(2, 2, 2))

# The locally D-optimal approximate design
w <- od_REX(Fx, crit="D")$
od_print(Fx, w, Fx)

## Not run: 
# The proportional hazards model with random censoring
# for explanatory variables x1,x2,x3 in the range [0,1] discretized into 11 points
# censoring time 30 and parameter values theta0=c(1,1,1)
Fx <- Fx_survival(~x1 + x2 + x3 - 1, c(1, 1, 1), 30, "phrand",
      lower = c(0, 0, 0), upper = c(1, 1, 1), n.levels = c(11, 11, 11))

# The locally A-optimal exact design of size 50 without replications
w <- od_KL(Fx, 50, crit="A", bin=TRUE, t.max=5)$
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx)

## End(Not run)

Information matrix of a design


Computes the information matrix of a design w in the model determined by the matrix Fx of candidate regressors.


infmat(Fx, w, echo=TRUE)



the n times m matrix of candidate regressors (as rows), where n is the number of candidate design points and m (where m>=2, m<=n) is the number of parameters.


a non-negative vector of length n representing the design.


Print the call of the function?


The information matrix of the design w in the model with all candidate regresors given by the rows of Fx.


The information matrix is standardized, i.e., it assumes that the variance of the errors is 1.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova

See Also



# Compute its information matrix for the design that is
# uniform on all the points with at most two levels equal to 1
# in the main effects model with 2 factors.

Fx <- Fx_cube(~x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, lower = rep(0, 5))
w <- rep(0, 2^5)
for (i in 1:(2^5)) if (sum(Fx[i, 2:6]) <= 2) w[i] <- 1
print(M <- infmat(Fx, w))

## Not run: 
# Visualize the correlation matrix of the parameter estimators

V <- solve(M); Y <- diag(1/sqrt(diag(V)))
library(corrplot); corrplot(Y %*% V %*% Y)

## End(Not run)

Minimum-volume enclosing ellipsoid


Computes the shape matrix H and the center z of the minimum-volume ellipsoid enclosing a finite set of data-points.


mvee_REX(Data, alg.AA="REX", eff=0.999999, it.max=Inf, t.max=60,
         picture=FALSE, echo=TRUE, track=TRUE)



the n times d (where d<n) matrix containing the d-dimensional data-vectors as rows.


the underlying computational method for approximate D-optimal design; possible values are "REX", "MUL" and "VDM".


the minimum required efficiency.


a limit on the number of iterations of the underlying D-optimum approximate design algorithm.


a limit on the time of computation.


Should a picture be plotted? (For the picture, the data need to be either two- or three-dimensional.)


Print the call of the function?


Display the progress of the computation?


The problem of the minimum-volume data-enclosing ellipsoid (MVEE) is computationally equivalent to the problem of D-optimal approximate design for an artificial problem based on the data. This procedure performs the computation and the proper conversion of the D-optimal approximate design to the MVEE parameters (the center and the shape matrix).


Output is a list with components:


the call of the function


the shape matrix of the MVEE


the center of the MVEE


a set containing the boundary points of the MVEE


the volume of the MVEE

the actual precision of the result (1 is the perfect precision)


the number of iterations of the underlying D-optimum design algorithm


the actual time of the computation


Note: The affine hull of the rows of X should be the full space of dimension d. For the choice of the algorithm, see the comments in od_REX.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova


Harman R, Filova L, Richtarik P (2019). A randomized exchange algorithm for computing optimal approximate designs of experiments. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-30.

See Also



# Generate random 1000 points in a 3-dimensional space
# and compute the MVEE

Data <- matrix(rnorm(3000), ncol = 3)
mvee_REX(Data, picture = FALSE)

Efficient exact design using a quadratic approximation


Computes an efficient exact design under general linear constraints via a quadratic approximation of the optimality criterion.


od_AQUA(Fx, b1=NULL, A1=NULL, b2=NULL, A2=NULL, b3=NULL, A3=NULL, w0=NULL,
      bin=FALSE, crit="D", h=NULL, M.anchor=NULL,"+", conic=TRUE,
      t.max=120, echo=TRUE)



the n times m (where m>=2, m<=n) matrix containing all candidate regressors (as rows), i.e., n is the number of design points, and m (where m>=2) is the number of parameters

b1, A1, b2, A2, b3, A3

the real vectors and matrices that define the constraints on permissible designs w as follows: A1 %*% w <= b1, A2 %*% w >= b2, A3 %*% w == b3. Each of the arguments can be NULL, but at least one of b1, b2, b3 must be non-NULL. If some bi is non-NULL and Ai is NULL, then Ai is set to be matrix(1, nrow =1, ncol = n).


a non-negative vector of length n representing the design to be augmented (i.e., the function adds the constraint w >= w0 for permissible designs w). This argument can also be NULL; in that case, w0 is set to the vector of zeros.


Should each design point be used at most once?


The optimality criterion. Possible values are "D", "A", "I", "C".


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1).


the m times m information matrix of the optimal or nearly-optimal approximate design for the design problem (for the non-normalized version of the problem and including the design constraints). The argument M.anchor can also be NULL. In that case the procedure computes M.anchor using an appropriate approximate design procedure from the package.

version of the criterion; possible values are "+" and "-".


Should the conic reformulation be used?


the time limit for the computation.


Print the call of the function?


At least one of b1, b2, b3 must be non-NULL. If bi is non-NULL and Ai is NULL for some i then Ai is set to be the vector of ones. If bi is NULL for some i then Ai is ignored.


A list with the following components:


The call of the function.

The permissible design found, or NULL. The value NULL indicates a failed computation.


The indices of the support of


The weights of on the support.

The information matrix of or NULL if is NULL.

The value of the criterion of optimality of the design If has a singular information matrix or if the computation fails, the value of is 0.


The status variable of the gurobi optimization procedure; see the gurobi solver documentation for details.


The actual time of the computation.


The function does not support the classical c-optimality, but it includes its regularized version referred to as C-optimality. The computation is generally stable, but it may fail for instance if the model is numerically singular, there is no exact design satisfying the constraints, no permissible exact design was found within the time limit, the set of feasible exact designs is unbounded and so on; see the status variable for more details. Note, however, that status = "OPTIMAL" indicates that the auxiliary integer programming problem was completely solved, which for this procedure does not guarantee that the result is a globally optimal design.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova


Harman R., Filova L. (2014): Computing efficient exact designs of experiments using integer quadratic programming, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Volume 71, pp. 1159-1167

Filova L., Harman R. (2018). Ascent with Quadratic Assistance for the Construction of Exact Experimental Designs. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.09124. (Submitted to Computational Statistics)

See Also

od_KL, od_RC, od_MISOCP


## Not run: 
# Compute an I-efficient non-replicated exact design of size 51
# for the "special cubic" model with 3 mixture components

# Each factor has 11 levels: <- ~x1 + x2 + x3 + I(x1*x2) + I(x1*x3) + I(x2*x3) + I(x1*x2*x3) - 1
Fx <- Fx_simplex(, 11)
w <- od_AQUA(Fx, b3 = 51, crit = "I", bin = TRUE)$
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 1:3])

# Each factor has 101 levels (memory intensive without the conic trick)
Fx <- Fx_simplex(, 101)
w <- od_AQUA(Fx, b3 = 51, crit = "I", bin = TRUE, t.max = 10)$
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 1:3])

# Find an A-efficient exact design for the spring balance model
# with 5 items and 10 weighings
Fx <- Fx_cube(~x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 - 1, lower = rep(0, 5))
w <- od_AQUA(Fx, b3 = 10, crit = "A", t.max = 10)$
od_print(Fx, w)

## End(Not run)

Removal of redundant design points


Removes the design points (or, equivalently, candidate regressors) that cannot support an optimal approximate design.


od_DEL(Fx, w, crit = "D", h=NULL, echo = TRUE)



the n times m (where m>=2, m<=n) matrix containing all candidate regressors (as rows), i.e., n is the number of candidate design points, and m is the number of parameters


a non-negative vector of length n representing the design


the optimality criterion. Possible values are "D", "A", "I", "C".


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" nor "c" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" or "c" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1).


Print the call of the function?


Output is the list with components:


the call of the function


the indices of w that have not been removed


the approximate design on the reduced space


the model matrix of the regressors on the reduced space


The design vector w should have a non-singular information matrix. The procedure is valid only for the standard (size) constraint.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova


Harman R, Pronzato L (2007): Improvements on removing non-optimal support points in D-optimum design algorithms, Statistics & Probability Letters 77, 90-94

Pronzato L (2013): A delimitation of the support of optimal designs for Kiefers Phi_p-class of criteria. Statistics & Probability Letters 83, 2721-2728


## Not run: 
# Generate a model matrix for the quadratic model
# on a semi-circle with a huge number of design points
form.q <- ~x1 + x2 + I(x1^2) + I(x2^2) + I(x1*x2)
Fx <- Fx_cube(form.q, lower = c(-1, 0), n.levels = c(1001, 501))
remove <- (1:nrow(Fx))[Fx[ ,2]^2 + Fx[ ,3]^2 > 1]
Fx <- Fx[-remove, ]

# Compute an approximate design w with an efficiency of cca 0.999
w <- od_REX(Fx, eff = 0.999)$

# Remove the redundant design points based on w
Fx <- od_DEL(Fx, w)$Fx.keep

# Now an almost perfect design can be computed very rapidly:
w <- od_REX(Fx, eff = 0.9999999999)$

# Plotting of the relevant directional derivative is also faster:
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[ , 2:3], dd.size = 0.1)

## End(Not run)

The KL exchange algorithm for efficient exact designs


Computes an optimal or near-optimal exact design of experiments under the standard (size) constraint on the size of the experiment.


od_KL(Fx, N, bin=FALSE,, crit="D", h=NULL, w1=NULL, K=NULL,
      L=NULL, rest.max=Inf, t.max=120, echo=TRUE, track=TRUE)



the n times m (where m>=2, m<=n) matrix containing all candidate regressors (as rows), i.e., n is the number of candidate design points, and m (where m>=2) is the number of parameters.


the size of the experiment (i.e., the required number of trials).


Should each design point be used at most once?

the optimal value of the corresponding approximate (relaxed) problem. If = NULL, the value is pre-computed using od_REX.


the optimality criterion. Possible values are "D", "A", "I", "C".


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" nor "c" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" or "c" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1).


the initial design; it must have a non-singular information matrix and the size sum(w1) of w1 must be N. The default option w1 = NULL prompts the algorithm to generate its own initial design using od_PIN.

K, L

integer numbers (or Inf) representing parameters of the method. Various combinations of K and L lead to specific variants of the exchange method. If K = NULL or L = NULL, the algorithm automatically chooses appropriate values.


the limit on the number of restarts of the method.


the time limit for the computation.


Print the call of the function?


Display the progress of the computation?


This implementation of the KL algorithm is loosely based on the ideas described in Atkinson et al. (2007); see the references.

The tuning parameter K is the (upper bound on the) number of "least promising" support points of the current design, for which exchanges are attempted. The tuning parameter L is the (upper bound on the) number of "most promising" candidate design points for which exchanges are attempted.

The implemented method is greedy in the sense that each improving exchange is immediately executed. If the algorithm stops in a local optimum before the allotted time elapsed, the computation is restarted with a random initial design (independent of w1). The final result is the best design found within all restarts.

The performance of the function depends on the problem, on the chosen parameters, and on the hardware used, but in most cases the function can compute a nearly-optimal exact design for a problem with a ten thousands design points within seconds of computing time. Because this is only a heuristic, we advise the user to verify the quality of the resulting design by comparing it to the result of an alternative method (such as od_RC).


Output is the list with components:


the call of the function

the best exact design found by the algorithm


the indices of the support of


the weights of on the support

the information matrix of

the criterion value of

a lower bound on the eff of with respect to

number of restarts performed


the total number of exchanges performed


the actual time of the computation


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova


Atkinson AC, Donev AN, Tobias RD (2007): Optimum experimental designs, with SAS. Vol. 34. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

See Also

od_RC, od_AQUA, od_MISOCP


## Not run: 
# Compute a D-efficient exact design of size 27 on a unit square
# for the full quadratic model with 2 discretized factors

form.q <- ~x1 + x2 + I(x1^2) + I(x2^2) + I(x1*x2)
Fx <- Fx_cube(form.q, n.levels = c(101, 101))
w <- od_KL(Fx, 13, t.max = 8)$
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 2:3])
od_print(Fx, w)

# Compute an I-efficient exact design of size 100 without replications
# on a discretized L1 ball for the full quadratic model with 3 factors

form.q <- ~x1 + x2 + x3 + I(x1^2) + I(x2^2) + I(x3^2) + I(x1*x2) + I(x1*x3) + I(x2*x3)
Fx <- Fx_cube(form.q, n.levels = c(21, 21, 21))
remove <- (1:nrow(Fx))[apply(abs(Fx[, 2:4]), 1, sum) > 1 + 1e-9]
Fx <- Fx[-remove, ]
w <- od_KL(Fx, 100, bin = TRUE, crit = "I", t.max = 3)$
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 2:4])

# Compute a D-efficient exact design of size 20 on a 4D cube
# for the full quadratic model with 4 continuous factors

# We can begin with a crude discretization and compute
# an initial (already good) exact design using the KL algorithm

form.q <- ~x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + I(x1^2) + I(x2^2) + I(x3^2) + I(x4^2) +
           I(x1*x2) + I(x1*x3) + I(x1*x4) + I(x2*x3) + I(x2*x4) + I(x3*x4)
Fx <- Fx_cube(form.q, n.levels = rep(11, 4))
w <- od_KL(Fx, 20, t.max = 10)$
od_print(Fx, w)$design[, c(2:5, 16)]
print(paste("D-criterion value:", optcrit(Fx, w)))

# Now we can fine-tune the positions of the design points
# using any general-purpose continuous optimization method

F <- Fx[rep(1:nrow(Fx), w), ]
f <- function(x) {c(1, x, x^2, x[1]*x[2], x[1]*x[3], x[1]*x[4],
                               x[2]*x[3], x[2]*x[4], x[3]*x[4])}
obj <- function(x, {-log(det( + f(x) %*% t(f(x))))}
for (i in 1:10)
  for (j in 1:20) {
    F[j, ] <- f(optim(F[j, 2:5], obj, = t(F[-j, ]) %*% F[-j, ],
              method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = rep(-1, 3), upper = rep(1, 3))$par)

tune <- od_pool(round(F, 4), rep(1, 20))
Fx.tune <- tune$X.unique; w.tune <- tune$val.pooled
od_print(Fx.tune, w.tune)$design[, c(2:5, 16)]
print(paste("D-criterion value:", optcrit(Fx.tune, w.tune)))

## End(Not run)

Optimal exact design using mixed integer second-order cone programming


Computes an optimal or nearly-optimal approximate or exact experimental design using mixed integer second-order cone programming.


od_MISOCP(Fx, b1=NULL, A1=NULL, b2=NULL, A2=NULL, b3=NULL, A3=NULL, w0=NULL,
          bin=FALSE, type="exact", crit="D", h=NULL, gap=NULL,
          t.max=120, echo=TRUE)



the n times m (where m>=2, m<=n) matrix containing all candidate regressors (as rows), i.e., n is the number of candidate design points, and m (where m>=2) is the number of parameters

b1, A1, b2, A2, b3, A3

the real vectors and matrices that define the constraints on permissible designs w as follows: A1 %*% w <= b1, A2 %*% w >= b2, A3 %*% w == b3. Each of the arguments can be NULL, but at least one of b1, b2, b3 must be non-NULL. If some bi is non-NULL and Ai is NULL, then Ai is set to be matrix(1, nrow =1, ncol = n).


a non-negative vector of length n representing the design to be augmented (i.e., the function adds the constraint w >= w0 for permissible designs w). This argument can also be NULL; in that case, w0 is set to the vector of zeros.


Should each design point be used at most once?


the type of the design. Permissible values are "approximate" and "exact".


the optimality criterion. Possible values are "D", "A", "I", "C", "c".


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" nor "c" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" or "c" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1).


the gap for the MISOCP solver to stop the computation. If NULL, the default gap is used. Setting gap=0 and t.max=Inf will ultimately provide the optimal exact design, but the computation may be extremely time consuming.


the time limit for the computation.


Print the call of the function?


At least one of b1, b2, b3 must be non-NULL. If bi is non-NULL and Ai is NULL for some i then Ai is set to be the vector of ones. If bi is NULL for some i then Ai is ignored.


A list with the following components:


the call of the function

the permissible design found, or NULL. The value NULL indicates a failed computation


the indices of the support of


the weights of on the support

the information matrix of or NULL if is NULL

the value of the criterion of optimality of the design If has a singular information matrix or if the computation fails, the value of is 0


the status variable of the gurobi optimization procedure; see the gurobi solver documentation for details


the actual time of the computation


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova


Sagnol G, Harman R (2015): Computing exact D-optimal designs by mixed integer second order cone programming. The Annals of Statistics, Volume 43, Number 5, pp. 2198-2224.

See Also

od_KL, od_RC, od_AQUA


## Not run: 
# Compute an A-optimal block size two design
# for 6 treatments and 9 blocks

Fx <- Fx_blocks(6)
w <- od_MISOCP(Fx, b3 = 9, crit = "A", bin = TRUE)$
des <- combn(6, 2)[, as.logical(w)]

grp <- graph_(t(des), from_edgelist(directed = FALSE))
plot(grp, layout=layout_with_graphopt)

# Compute a symmetrized D-optimal approximate design
# for the full quadratic model on a square grid
# with uniform marginal constraints

Fx <- Fx_cube(~x1 + x2 + I(x1^2) + I(x2^2) + I(x1*x2), n.levels = c(21, 21))
A3 <- matrix(0, nrow = 21, ncol = 21^2)
for(i in 1:21) A3[i, (i*21 - 20):(i*21)] <- 1
w <- od_MISOCP(Fx, b3 = rep(1, 21), A3 = A3, crit = "D", type = "approximate")$
w.sym <- od_SYM(Fx, w, b3 = rep(1, 21), A3 = A3)$w.sym
od_plot(Fx, w.sym, Fx[, 2:3], dd.size = 2)

## End(Not run)

Efficient saturated exact design


Use a fast greedy method to compute an efficient saturated subset (saturated exact design).


od_PIN(Fx, alg.PIN="KYM", echo=TRUE)



the n times m (where m>=2, m<=n) matrix containing all candidate regressors (as rows), i.e., n is the number of candidate design points, and m is the number of parameters.


the method used (either "KYM" or "GKM"). KYM is randomized, faster but provides somewhat less efficient subsets/designs. GKM is deterministic, slower, but tends to give more efficient subsets/designs.


Print the call of the function?


The function is developed with the criterion of D-optimality in mind, but it also gives reasonably efficient subset/designs with respect to other criteria. The main purpose of od_PIN is to initialize algorithms for computing optimal approximate and exact designs. It can also be used to verify whether a model, represented by a matrix Fx of candidate regressors, permits a non-singular design.


Output is the list with components:


the call of the function

the resulting exact design


the indices of the support of

the information matrix of


the D-criterion value of


the actual time of the computation


Radoslav Harman, Samuel Rosa, Lenka Filova


Harman R, Rosa S (2019): On greedy heuristics for computing D-efficient saturated subsets, (submitted to Operations Research Letters),


# Compute a saturated subset of a random Fx
Fx <- matrix(rnorm(10000), ncol = 5)
w.KYM <- od_PIN(Fx)$
w.GKM <- od_PIN(Fx, alg.PIN = "GKM")$
w.REX <- 5*od_REX(Fx)$
optcrit(Fx, w.KYM)
optcrit(Fx, w.GKM)
optcrit(Fx, w.REX)

Visualization of a design


Visualizes selected aspects of an experimental design


od_plot(Fx, w, X=NULL, w.pool=c("sum", "0"), w.color="darkblue",
        w.size=1, w.pch=16, w.cex=0.8, w.lim=0.01, crit="D",
        h=NULL, dd.pool=c("max", "mean"), dd.color="orange",
        dd.size=1.5, dd.pch=15, asp = NA, main.lab="",
        y.lab="", return.pools=FALSE, echo=TRUE)



the n times m (where m>=2, m<=n) matrix containing all candidate regressors (as rows), i.e., n is the number of candidate design points, and m is the number of parameters


the vector of non-negative real numbers of length n representing the design


an n times k matrix of coordinates of design points


a vector with components from the set "sum", "min", "max", "mean", "median", "0" that determines various "pools" of the design weights along the projections defined by the coordinates provided by X


the color string for plotting the design weight (from the standard list of R colors)


the size of the characters/balls that represent the non-zero design weights


the numerical code of the characters used to plot the non-zero design weights


the size of the text labels representing the magnitudes of the design weights


a threshold fraction of the total design weight to plot the labels


the optimality criterion. Possible values are "D", "A", "I", "C"


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1)


a vector with components from the set "sum", "min", "max", "mean", "median", "0" that determines various "pools" of the directional derivatives along the projections defined by the coordinates provided by X


the color string for plotting the directional derivatives (from the standard list of R colors)


the size of the characters that represent the directional derivatives


the numerical code of the character used to plot the directional derivatives


the aspect ration of the axes


the main title of the plot


the label of the y axis


Return the pooled values?


Print the call of the function?


This function performs a simple visualization of some aspects of an experimental design. It visualizes (the selected pools of) the design weights and (the selected pools of) the directional derivative. The type of graph depends on the number of columns in X.


If return.pool is set to TRUE, the procedure returns the data used to plot the figure. The data can be used to plot a different figure according to the user's needs.


The labels of the axes correspond to the column names of X. For a large unique(Fx), rendering the plot can take a considerable time. Note also that using RStudio, it may be a good idea to open an external graphical window (using the command windows()) before running od_plot.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova

See Also

od_pool, od_print


# Compute a D-optimal approximate design
# for the 2nd degree Fourier regression on a partial circle
# Use several types of graphs to visualize the design

Fx <- Fx_cube(~I(cos(x1)) + I(sin(x1)) + I(cos(2*x1)) + I(sin(2*x1)),
              lower = -2*pi/3, upper = 2*pi/3, n.levels = 121)
w <- od_REX(Fx)$
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
od_plot(Fx, w, X = seq(-2*pi/3, 2*pi/3, length = 121), main = "Plot 1")
od_plot(Fx, w, X = Fx[, 2:3], asp = 1, main = "Plot 2")
od_plot(Fx, w, X = Fx[, c(2,5)], asp = 1, main = "Plot 3")
od_plot(Fx, w, X = Fx[, c(3,4)], asp = 1, main = "Plot 4")
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

## Not run: 
# Compute an I-efficient exact design of size 20 without replications
# for the Scheffe mixture model
# Use several types of graphs to visualize the design

Fx <- Fx_simplex(~x1 + x2 + x3 + I(x1*x2) + I(x1*x3) + I(x2*x3) - 1, 21)
w <- od_AQUA(Fx, b3=20, bin=TRUE, crit="I")$
X <- Fx[, 1:2] 
colnames(X) <- c("", "")
od_plot(Fx, w, X, asp = 1, main = "Plot 1")
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 1:3], main = "Plot 2")

# Compute a symmetrized D-optimal approximate design
# for the full quadratic model with 4 factors
# Use several types of graphs to visualize the design

form.q <- ~x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + I(x1^2) + I(x2^2) + I(x3^2) + I(x4^2) +
           I(x1*x2) + I(x1*x3) + I(x1*x4) + I(x2*x3) + I(x2*x4) + I(x3*x4)
Fx <- Fx_cube(form.q, n.levels = rep(11, 4))
w <- od_REX(Fx)$
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 2:3], dd.size=3)
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 2:4], w.lim=Inf)

# A more complex example:

# Compute the D-optimal 17 point exact design
# for the spring-balance weighing model with 4 items

Fx <- Fx_cube(~x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 - 1, lower = rep(0, 4))
w <- od_KL(Fx, 17, t.max = 5)$
od_print(Fx, w)$design
U <- eigen(diag(4) - 0.25 * rep(1, 4) 

# A 2D visualization

X <- Fx[, 1:4] 
X[, 2] <- -2*X[, 2]
colnames(X) <- c("V", "Number of items on the pan")
od_plot(Fx, w+0.001, X)
for(i in 1:16) for(j in 1:16)
    lines(X[c(i,j),1], X[c(i,j),2])

# A 3D visualization

X <- Fx[, 1:4] 
colnames(X) <- c("V1", "V2", "V3")
od_plot(Fx, w+0.001, X)
for(i in 1:16) for(j in 1:16)
  if(sum(abs(Fx[i, 1:4] - Fx[j, 1:4])) == 1)
    rgl::lines3d(X[c(i, j), 1], X[c(i, j), 2], X[c(i, j), 3])

## End(Not run)

Pool of a vector


A function is applied to all the elements of a vector val that appear within the groups formed by identical rows of a matrix X.


od_pool(X, val=NULL,"sum", echo=TRUE)



the n times k matrix of real values.


a real vector of length n.

a string denoting the function to be applied to the subgroups of elements of val corresponding to the identical rows of X. Possible values are "sum", "min", "max", "mean", "median" and "0".


Print the call of the function?


This function is useful for plotting (and understanding) of designs of experiments with more factors than the dimension of the plot.


A list with components:


the call of the function


the matrix of unique rows of X


the vector of the length nrows(X.unique) containing the values of val pooled using


The function performs a non-trivial operation only if some of the rows of X are identical.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova

See Also

od_plot, od_print


v1 <- c(1, 2, 3); v2 <- c(2, 4, 6); v3 <- c(2, 5, 3)
X <- rbind(v1, v1, v1, v1, v2, v3, v2, v3, v3)
val <- c(1, 2, 7, 9, 5, 8, 4, 3, 6)
od_pool(X, val, "sum")

# The result $val.pooled is a vector with components:
# 19 (=1+2+7+9) because the first 4 rows of X are identical
# 9 (=5+4) because the 5th and the 7th rows of X are identical
# 17 (=8+3+6) because the 6th, the 8th and the 9th rows of X are identical

Compact information about a design


Prints various characteristics of an experimental design


od_print(Fx, w, X=NULL, h=NULL, echo=TRUE)



the n times m (where m>=2, m<=n) matrix containing all candidate regressors (as rows), i.e., n is the number of candidate design points, and m is the number of parameters


the vector of non-negative real numbers of length n representing the design


an n times k matrix of coordinates of design points


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1)


Print the call of the function?


Output is a list with components


the call of the function


a matrix with the rows of Fx corresponding to non-zero design weights and the non-weights themselves


the information matrix of w


the eigenvalues of M


the value of the D-optimality criterion for w


the value of the A-optimality criterion for w


the value of the I-optimality criterion for w


the value of the C-optimality criterion for w


the value of the c-optimality criterion for w


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova

See Also

od_plot, od_pool


Fx <- Fx_cube(~x1 + I(x1^2), n.levels = 11)
w <- 1:11/sum(1:11)
od_print(Fx, w, Fx[, 2])

Efficient rounding of an approximate design


Compute the classical efficient rounding of a non-normalized approximate design w such that the resulting exact design has size floor(sum(w)).


od_PUK(Fx, w, echo=TRUE)



the n times m (where m>=2, m<=n) matrix containing all candidate regressors (as rows), i.e., n is the number of candidate design points, and m (where m>=2) is the number of parameters


the vector of non-negative real numbers of length n representing the design


Print the call of the function?


The rounded version of w


Radoslav Harman and Samuel Rosa


Pukelsheim F, Rieder S (1992) Efficient rounding of approximate designs. Biometrika, 79(4), 763–770.


# Compute a D-optimal approximate design
# Round it using the efficient rounding to various sizes
# Visualize the designs

Fx <- Fx_cube(~x1 + I(x1^2) + I(x1^3), lower = 0, upper = 1, n.levels = 11) <- od_REX(Fx)$ <- optcrit(Fx,

w.ex10 <- od_PUK(Fx, 10*$w.round
w.ex20 <- od_PUK(Fx, 20*$w.round
w.ex30 <- od_PUK(Fx, 30*$w.round

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
od_plot(Fx,, main.lab = "Approximate")
od_plot(Fx, w.ex10, main.lab = paste("N=10, Eff:", round(optcrit(Fx, w.ex10)/, 4)))
od_plot(Fx, w.ex20, main.lab = paste("N=20, Eff:", round(optcrit(Fx, w.ex20)/, 4)))
od_plot(Fx, w.ex30, main.lab = paste("N=30, Eff:", round(optcrit(Fx, w.ex30)/, 4)))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

Efficient exact design using the RC heuristic


Computes an efficient exact design under multiple linear resource constraints using the RC heuristic.


od_RC(Fx, b, A = NULL, w0 = NULL, bin = FALSE, = NULL, crit = "D",
      h=NULL, w1 = NULL, rest.max = Inf, t.max = 120,
      echo = TRUE, track=TRUE)



the n times m (where m>=2, m<=n) matrix containing all candidate regressors (as rows), i.e., n is the number of candidate design points, and m is the number of parameters.

b, A

the vector of length k with positive real components and the k times n matrix of non-negative reals numbers. Each column of A must have at least one strictly positive element. The linear constraints A%*%w<=b, w0<=w define the set of permissible designs w (where w0 is a described below.) The argument A can also be NULL; in that case b must be a positive number and A is set to the 1 times n matrix of ones.


a non-negative vector of length n representing the design to be augmented (i.e., the function adds the constraint w >= w0 for permissible designs w). This argument can also be NULL; in that case, w0 is set to the vector of zeros.


Should each design point be used at most once?

the optimal value of the corresponding approximate (relaxed) problem. If = NULL, a very conservative upper bound on is pre-computed.


the optimality criterion. Possible values are "D", "A", "I", "C".


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1).


an n times 1 nonnegative vector that represents the initial design. The design w1 must satisfy w0<=w1 and A*w1<=b. The argument w1 can also be NULL; in that case the procedure sets w1 to be w0.


the maximum allowed number of restarts of the method.


the time limit for the computation.


Print the call of the function?


Trace the computation?


This is an implementation of the algorithm proposed by Harman et al. (2016); see the references. The inequalities A%*%w<=b, w0<=w with the specific properties mentioned above, form the so-called resource constraints. They encompass many practical restrictions on the design, and lead to a bounded set of feasible solutions.

The information matrix of w1 should preferably have the reciprocal condition number of at least 1e-5. Note that the floor of an optimal approximate design (computed for instance using od_MISOCP) is often a good initial design. Alternatively, the initial design can be the result of another optimal design procedure, such as od_AQUA. Even if no initial design is provided, the model should be non-singular in the sense that there exists an exact design w with a well conditioned information matrix, satisfying all constraints. If this requirement is not satisfied, the computation may fail, or it may produce a deficient design.

The procedure always returns a permissible design, but in some cases, especially if t.max is too small, the resulting design can be inefficient. The performance depends on the problem and on the hardware used, but in most cases the function can compute a nearly-optimal exact design for a problem with a few hundreds design points and tens of constraints within minutes of computing time. Because this is a heuristic method, we advise the user to verify the quality of the resulting design by comparing it to the result of an alternative method (such as od_AQUA and od_MISOCP) and/or by computing its efficiency relative to the corresponding optimal approximate design.

In the very special (but frequently used) case of the single constraint on the experimental size, it is generally more efficient to use the function od_KL.


A list with the following components:


The call of the function.

The resulting exact design.


The indices of the support of


The weights of on the support.

The information matrix of

The criterion value of

A lower bound on the efficiency of with respect to the optimal approximate design.

The number of restarts performed.


The actual time of the computation.


Radoslav Harman, Alena Bachrata, Lenka Filova


Harman R, Bachrata A, Filova L (2016): Heuristic construction of exact experimental designs under multiple resource constraints, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, Volume 32, pp. 3-17

See Also

od_AQUA, od_MISOCP, od_KL


## Not run: 
# A D-efficient exact design for a quadratic model with 2 factors
# constrained by the total time and the total cost of the experiment.
# The cost of a single trial in (x1, x2) is 10 + x1 + 2*x2
# The limit on the total cost is 1000
# (we do not know the number of trials in advance)

form.quad <- ~x1 + x2 + I(x1^2) + I(x2^2) + I(x1 * x2)
Fx <- Fx_cube(form.quad, lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(10, 10), n.levels = c(11, 11))
n <- nrow(Fx); A <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = n)
for(i in 1:n) A[1, i] <- 5 + Fx[i, 2] + 2*Fx[i, 3]
w <- od_RC(Fx, 1000, A, bin = TRUE, t.max = 8)$
od_plot(Fx, w, Fx[, 2:3], dd.size = 3)

## End(Not run)

Optimal approximate size-constrained design


Computes an optimal approximate design under the standard (size) constraint using one of three methods.


od_REX(Fx, crit="D", h=NULL, w1=NULL, alg.AA="REX",
         eff=0.999999, it.max=Inf, t.max=60, echo=TRUE, track=TRUE)



the n times m (where m>=2, m<=n) matrix containing all candidate regressors (as rows), i.e., n is the number of candidate design points, and m (where m>=2) is the number of parameters


the optimality criterion. Possible values are "D", "A", "I", "C" and "c".


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" nor "c" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" or "c" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1).


a real vector of length n with non-negative components, representing the initial design. The information matrix of w1 must be nonsingular. It should have a small support (e.g., m) provided that alg.AA="REX" and it should have the full support of length n provided that alg.AA="MUL". The argument w1 can also be NULL; in that case a non-singular initial design is generated by od_PIN.


the computational method to be applied; possible choices are "REX", "MUL", and "VDM". For crit="c", argument alg.AA is ignored and the function uses the rapid linear programming approach (see the references).


the efficiency for the stopping rule in the interval (0,1). The algorithm will be stopped if a lower bound on the efficiency of the actual design is equal or greater than eff.


the maximum allowed number of iterations of the method.


the time limit for the computation.


Print the call of the function?


Trace the computation?


The function implements three algorithms for the computation of optimal approximate designs with respect to the criteria of D-, A-, I-, and C-optimality: the standard vertex-direction method ("VDM"), the standard multiplicative method ("MUL"), and the randomized exchange method ("REX"). The first two methods are classical and the method REX is proposed in Harman et al (2019).

For the specific criterion of c-optimality, the function runs the LP-based method from Harman and Jurik (2008).

The information matrix of w1 should have the reciprocal condition number of at least 1e-5. Even if no initial design is provided, the model should be non-singular in the sense that there exists an approximate design w with an information matrix that is not severely ill-conditioned. If this requirement is not satisfied, the computation may fail, or it may produce a deficient design. If w1=NULL, the initial design is computed with od_PIN.

Since the result is a normalized approximate design, it only gives recommended proportions of trials in individual design points. To convert it to an optimal approximate design of size N (under the standard, i.e., size, constraints), just multiply by N. To obtain an efficient exact design with N trials, must be multiplied by N and the result should be properly rounded to the neighboring integers by, for example, od_PUK. However, it is often more efficient to directly use od_KL to obtain an efficient exact design of size N.


A list with the following components:


The call of the function.

The resulting exact design.


The indices of the support of


The weights of on the support.

The information matrix of

The criterion value of

A lower bound on the efficiency of with respect to the optimal approximate design.


The number of iterations performed.


The actual time of the computation.


REX is a randomized algorithm, therefore the resulting designs may differ from run to run. In case that the optimal design is unique, the fluctuation of the results are minor and can be made negligible by setting eff to a value very close to 1.

If the optimal design is not unique, REX provides a selection of significantly different optimal designs by running it multiple times, which can help choosing the best optimal design based on a secondary criterion.

A unique and often "symmetric" optimal design (within the possibly infinite set of optimal designs) can be computed by od_SYM.

Note also that the optimal information matrix is always unique for criteria of D-, A-, I- and C-optimality, even if the optimal design is not unique.

While the default choice is alg.AA="REX", our numerical experience suggests that alg.AA="MUL" may be a better choice in problems with a relatively small n and a relatively large m.

The method VDM is included mostly for teaching purposes; it is only rarely competitive with REX or MUL. Its advantage is that it tends to be easy to generalize to more complex optimum design problems.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova


Harman R, Jurik T (2008). Computing c-optimal experimental designs using the simplex method of linear programming. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 53 (2008) 247-254

Harman R, Filova L, Richtarik P (2019). A randomized exchange algorithm for computing optimal approximate designs of experiments. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-30.

See Also

od_KL, od_RC, od_MISOCP, od_AQUA


## Not run: 
# Note: Many small examples of od_REX are in other help files.

# Compute an essentially perfect D-optimal design
# on 10 million design points in a few seconds
n <- 10000000; m <- 5
Fx <- matrix(rnorm(n*m), ncol = m)
w <- od_REX(Fx, t.max = 10)$
Fx.small <- od_DEL(Fx, w)$Fx.keep
w <- od_REX(Fx.small, eff = 0.999999999)$
od_plot(Fx.small, w, Fx.small[, 1:2], dd.pch = 16, dd.size = 0.35)

## End(Not run)

Symmetrization of an approximate design


Attempts to "symmetrize" an approximate design w by minimizing its norm while keeping its information matrix.


od_SYM(Fx, w, b1=NULL, A1=NULL, b2=NULL, A2=NULL, b3=NULL, A3=NULL, w0=NULL,
      crit="D", h=NULL, echo=TRUE)



the n times m (where m>=2, m<=n) matrix containing all candidate regressors (as rows), i.e., n is the number of candidate design points, and m is the number of parameters


a non-negative vector of length n representing the design

b1, A1, b2, A2, b3, A3

the real vectors and matrices that define the constraints on permissible designs w as follows: A1 %*% w <= b1, A2 %*% w >= b2, A3 %*% w == b3. Each of the arguments can be NULL, but at least one of b1, b2, b3 must be non-NULL. If some bi is non-NULL and Ai is NULL, then Ai is set to be matrix(1, nrow =1, ncol = n).


a non-negative vector of length n representing the design to be augmented (i.e., the function adds the constraint w >= w0 for permissible designs w). This argument can also be NULL; in that case, w0 is set to the vector of zeros.


the optimality criterion. Possible values are "D", "A", "I", "C", "c".


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" nor "c" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" or "c" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1).


Print the call of the function?


For some models, the optimum approximate design is not unique (although the optimum information matrix usually is unique). This function uses one optimal approximate design to produce an optimal approximate design with a minimum Euclidean norm, which is unique and usually more "symmetric".


A list with the following components:


The call of the function


The resulting "symmetrized" approximate design


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova


Harman R, Filova L, Richtarik P (2019). A randomized exchange algorithm for computing optimal approximate designs of experiments. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-30. (Subsection 5.1)


# Compute a D-optimal approximate design using the randomized method REX.
# Visualize both the design obtained by REX and its symmetrized version.

form.q <- ~x1 + x2 + x3 + I(x1^2) + I(x2^2) + I(x3^2) + I(x1*x2) + I(x1*x3) + I(x2*x3)
Fx <- Fx_cube(form.q, n.levels = c(5, 5, 5)) <- od_REX(Fx)$
od_plot(Fx,, X=Fx[, 2:3]) <- od_SYM(Fx,, b3 = 1)$w.sym
od_plot(Fx,, X=Fx[, 2:3])

Criterion value of a design


Computes the criterion value of a design w in the model determined by the matrix Fx of all regressors.


optcrit(Fx, w, crit="D", h=NULL, echo=TRUE)



the n times m (where m>=2, m<=n) matrix containing all candidate regressors (as rows), i.e., n is the number of candidate design points, and m (where m>=2) is the number of parameters.


a non-negative vector of length n representing the design.


the criterion; possible values are "D", "A", "I", "C" and "c".


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" nor "c" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" or "c" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1).


Print the call of the function?


The package works with optimality criteria as information functions, i.e., the criteria are concave, positive homogeneous and upper semicontinuous on the set of all non-negative definite matrices. The criteria are normalized such that they assign the value of 1 to any design with information matrix equal to the identity matrix.


A non-negative number corresponding to the criterion value.


Since the criteria are positive homogeneous, the relative efficiency of two designs is just the ratio of their criterion values.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova

See Also



# The Fx matrix for the spring balance weighing model with 6 weighed items.
Fx <- Fx_cube(~x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 - 1, lower = rep(0, 6), n.levels = rep(2, 6))

# Criteria of the design of size 15 that weighs each pair of items exactly once.
w2 <- rep(0, 64); w2[apply(Fx, 1, sum) == 2] <- 1
optcrit(Fx, w2, crit = "D")
optcrit(Fx, w2, crit = "A")
optcrit(Fx, w2, crit = "I")

# Criteria for the design of size 15 that weighs each quadruple of items exactly once.
w4 <- rep(0, 64); w4[apply(Fx, 1, sum) == 4] <- 1
optcrit(Fx, w4, crit = "D")
optcrit(Fx, w4, crit = "A")
optcrit(Fx, w4, crit = "I")

Vector of variances


Computes the vector of variances (sensitivities) for a given design w.


varfun(Fx, w, crit="D", h=NULL, echo=TRUE)



the n times m matrix of candidate regressors (as rows), where n is the number of candidate design points and m (where m>=2, m<=n) is the number of parameters.


a non-negative vector of length n representing the design.


the criterion; possible values are "D", "A", "I", "C" and "c".


a non-zero vector of length m corresponding to the coefficients of the linear parameter combination of interest. If crit is not "C" nor "c" then h is ignored. If crit is "C" or "c" and h=NULL then h is assumed to be c(0,...,0,1).


Print the call of the function?


For D-optimality, the i-th element of the vector of variances is the variance of the best linear unbiased estimator of the mean value of observations under the experimental conditions represented by the i-th design point (where the variance of the observational errors is assumed to be 1). There is a linear transformation relation of the vector of variances and the vector of directional derivatives for the criterion of D-optimality. See the reference paper at for mathematical details.


The vector of variances (sensitivities) for a given design w.


The design w should have a non-singular information matrix.


Radoslav Harman, Lenka Filova

See Also

effbound, dirder


# The values of the variance function (for crit=D)
# of D-, I-, and C-optimal approximate design

Fx <- Fx_cube(~x1 + I(x1^2), n.levels = 21)
wD <- od_REX(Fx)$
wI <- od_REX(Fx, crit="I")$
wC <- od_REX(Fx, crit="C", h=c(1, 0, 0))$
vD <- varfun(Fx, wD)
vI <- varfun(Fx, wI)
vC <- varfun(Fx, wC)
plot(Fx[, 2], rep(0, nrow(Fx)), ylim = c(0, max(vD, vI, vC)),
     type = "n", xlab = "x", ylab = "var", lwd = 2)
lines(Fx[, 2], vD, col = "red")
lines(Fx[, 2], vI, col = "blue")
lines(Fx[, 2], vC, col = "green")

# The D-optimal approximate design minimized the maximum
# of the var. function (it is "G-optimal").
# The I-optimal approximate design minimizes the integral of the var. function.
# The C-optimal design with h=f(0) makes the var. function small around 0.