Package 'Numero'

Title: Statistical Framework to Define Subgroups in Complex Datasets
Description: High-dimensional datasets that do not exhibit a clear intrinsic clustered structure pose a challenge to conventional clustering algorithms. For this reason, we developed an unsupervised framework that helps scientists to better subgroup their datasets based on visual cues, please see Gao S, Mutter S, Casey A, Makinen V-P (2019) Numero: a statistical framework to define multivariable subgroups in complex population-based datasets, Int J Epidemiology, 48:369-37, <doi:10.1093/ije/dyy113>. The framework includes the necessary functions to construct a self-organizing map of the data, to evaluate the statistical significance of the observed data patterns, and to visualize the results.
Authors: Song Gao [aut], Stefan Mutter [aut], Aaron E. Casey [aut], Ville-Petteri Makinen [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Ville-Petteri Makinen <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.9.8
Built: 2025-02-15 06:58:25 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Regional averages on a self-organizing map


Estimate district averages based on assigned map locations for each data point.


nroAggregate(topology, districts, data = NULL)



A data frame with K rows and six columns, see details.


An integer vector of M best-matching districts.


A vector of M elements or an M x N matrix of data values.


Topology can be either the output from nroKohonen() or a data frame in the same format as the element topology within the the output from nroKohonen().

The input argument districts is expected to be the output from nroMatch().


If the input argument data is empty, the histogram of the data points on the map is returned (a vector of K elements).

If data are available, a matrix of K rows and N columns that contains the average district values after smoothing is returned. The output includes the attribute 'histogram' that contains data point counts over each data column. Column names and the attribute 'binary' are copied from the input.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Prepare training data.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- scale.default(dataset[,trvars]) 

# K-means clustering.
km <- nroKmeans(data = trdata)

# Self-organizing map.
sm <- nroKohonen(seeds = km)
sm <- nroTrain(map = sm, data = trdata)

# Assign data points into districts.
matches <- nroMatch(centroids = sm, data = trdata)

# District averages for one variable.
chol <- nroAggregate(topology = sm, districts = matches,
                     data = dataset$CHOL)

# District averages for all variables.
planes <- nroAggregate(topology = sm, districts = matches, data = dataset)

Assign colors based on value


Assign colors to map districts based on the respective district values.


nroColorize(values, ranges = NULL, amplitudes = 1, palette = "rhodo")



A vector of K values or a K x N data frame, where K is the number of map districts and N is the number of variables.


A data frame with N rows and 2 columns, see details.


Single value or a vector of N elements or a data frame of N rows that contains the column AMPLITUDE.


One of pre-defined colormap names (see details).


The argument ranges sets the minimum and maximum district values irrespective of the contents of values. It can be used as a fixed reference across different colorings to ensure that the same value produces the same color across function calls.

The argument amplitudes controls the proportion of the color range that is available for the district value range. For proportions below 1, the minimum district value is assigned to a color that is between the first and middle element in the color palette, and the maximum is assigned to a color that is between the middle and the last element. If amplitude is greater than 1, extreme low and high values are clipped to the first and last color in the palette, respectively.

Available color palettes include "grey", "fire", "jungle", "miami", "rhodo" or "tan". Any other word will revert to a rainbow colormap.


A matrix of hexadecimal color codes as strings. The output also includes the attribute 'contrast' that indicates which colors have a good contrast with black as opposed to white, the attribute 'ranges' that contains a copy of the dynamic ranges across districts, and the attribute 'palette' that indicates the color scheme.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Prepare training data.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- scale.default(dataset[,trvars]) 

# K-means clustering.
km <- nroKmeans(data = trdata)

# Self-organizing map.
sm <- nroKohonen(seeds = km)
sm <- nroTrain(map = sm, data = trdata)

# Assign data points into districts.
matches <- nroMatch(centroids = sm, data = trdata)

# District averages for all variables.
planes <- nroAggregate(topology = sm, districts = matches, data = dataset)

# District colors for cholesterol.
chol <- nroColorize(values = planes[,"CHOL"])

# District colors for all variables.
colrs <- nroColorize(values = planes)

Mitigate data stratification


Removes differences in value distribution within subsets of data points.


nroDestratify(data, labels)



A matrix or a data frame with M rows.


A vector of M subset labels.


Only non-binary numerical columns are processed, the rest will be excluded from the results.

The de-stratification algorithm is based on ranked data: the distribution of each subset will be mapped to the pooled distribution over all subsets by matching subset-specific ranking with ranking of all values.


A matrix of de-stratified values. The output also includes the attribute 'incomplete' that lists those columns where (some of) the values were set to missing due to processing failures.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Remove sex differences for creatinine.
creat <- nroDestratify(dataset$CREAT, dataset$MALE)

# Compare creatinine distributions.
men <- which(dataset$MALE == 1)
women <- which(dataset$MALE == 0)

# Remove sex differences (produces warnings for binary traits).
ds <- nroDestratify(dataset, dataset$MALE)

# Compare HDL2C distributions.

K-means clustering


K-means clustering for multi-dimensional data.


nroKmeans(data, k = 3, subsample = NULL, balance = 0, message = NULL)



A data frame or a matrix.


Number of centroids.


Number of randomly selected rows used during a single training cycle.


Penalty parameter for size difference between clusters.


If positive, progress information is printed at the specified interval in seconds.


The K centroids are determined by Lloyd's algorithm with Euclidean distances or by using 1 - Pearson correlation as the distance measure.

If subsample is less than the number of data rows, a random subset of the specified size is used for each training cycle. By default, subsample is set automatically depending on the size of the dataset.

If balance = 0.0, the algorithm is applied with no balancing, if balance = 1.0 all the clusters will be forced to be of equal size. Intermediate values are permitted. Note that if subsampling is applied, balancing may become less accurate.


A list with named elements: centroids is a matrix of the main results, layout contains the best-matching centroid labels and model residuals for each usable data point and history is the chronological record of training errors. The subsampling parameter that was used during training is stored in the element subsample.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Prepare training data.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- scale.default(dataset[,trvars]) 

# Unbalanced K-means clustering.
km0 <- nroKmeans(data = trdata, k = 5, balance = 0.0)

# Balanced K-means clustering.
km1 <- nroKmeans(data = trdata, k = 5, balance = 1.0)

Self-organizing map


Interpolates the initial district profiles of a self-organizing map based on pre-determined seed profiles.


nroKohonen(seeds, radius = 3, smoothness = 1.0)



A matrix or a data frame of K rows and N columns.


Map radius.


Rigidity of the map to adapt to regional differences.


A list of named elements: centroids contains the N-dimensional district profiles, and topology is an H x 6 matrix that contains the 2D spatial layout for the map districts: the first two columns (X, Y) indicate the positions of districts in Cartesian coordinates, the other four columns (RADIUS1, RADIUS2, ANGLE1, ANGLE2) define the perimeter of the district areas for visualisation on a circular map.

Additional parameters are stored as attributes in topology.

The function is named after Teuvo Kohonen, the inventor of the self-organizing map.

See Also

Please see nroKmeans() to create the seeds.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Prepare training data.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- scale.default(dataset[,trvars]) 

# K-means clustering.
km <- nroKmeans(data = trdata)

# Self-organizing map.
sm <- nroKohonen(seeds = km)

Label pruning


Optimize the look and selection of labels on map districts.


nroLabel(topology, values, gap = 2.3)



A data frame with K rows and six columns, see details.


A vector of K values or a K x N data frame, where K is the number of map districts and N is the number of variables.


Minimum distance between map districts with non-empty labels.


The function assigns visible labels for districts based on the absolute deviations from the average district value. The most extreme districts are picked first, and then the remaining districts are prioritized based on their value and distance to the other districts already labeled. Columns that are listed in the attribute "binary" in values are given percentage labels.

Topology can be either the output from nroKohonen() or a data frame in the same format as the element topology within the aforementioned output list.


A matrix with K rows and N columns that contains selected labels for the map districts for each of the columns in values. The output has the attribute 'visible' that contains binary flags to guide visibility.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Prepare training data.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- scale.default(dataset[,trvars]) 

# K-means clustering.
km <- nroKmeans(data = trdata)

# Self-organizing map.
sm <- nroKohonen(seeds = km)
sm <- nroTrain(map = sm, data = trdata)

# Assign data points into districts.
matches <- nroMatch(centroids = sm, data = trdata)

# District averages for all variables.
planes <- nroAggregate(topology = sm, districts = matches, data = dataset)

# District labels for cholesterol.
chol <- nroLabel(topology = sm, values = planes[,"CHOL"])
print(head(attr(chol, "visible")))

# District labels for all variables.
colrs <- nroLabel(topology = sm, values = planes)
print(head(attr(colrs, "visible")))

Best-matching districts


Compare multi-dimensional data points against the district profiles of a self-organizing map (SOM).


nroMatch(centroids, data)



Either a matrix, a data frame or a list that contains the element centroids.


A data matrix with identical column names to the centroid matrix.


The input argument centroids can be a matrix or a data frame that contains multivariable data profiles organized row-wise. It can also be the output list object from nroKmeans() or nroTrain().


A vector of integers with elements corresponding to the rows in data. Each element contains the index of the best matching row from centroids.

The vector also has the attribute 'quality' that contains three columns: RESIDUAL is the distance between a point and a centroid in data space (shorter is better), RESIDUAL.z is a scale-independent version of RESIDUAL if the mean residual and standard deviation are available from training history, and COVERAGE shows the proportion of data elements that were available for matching.

The names of the columns that were used for matching are stored in the attribute variables.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Prepare training data.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- scale.default(dataset[,trvars]) 

# K-means clustering.
km <- nroKmeans(data = trdata, k = 10)

# Assign data points into districts.
matches <- nroMatch(centroids = km, data = trdata)

Permutation analysis of map layout


Estimate the dynamic range and statistical significance for regional patterns on a self-organizing maps using permutations.


nroPermute(map, districts, data, n = 1000, message = NULL,
           zbase = NULL, seed = 0.0)



A list object in the format from nroTrain().


An integer vector of M best matching districts.


A numeric vector of M values or an M x N matrix (or data frame), where M is the number of data points and N is the number of variables.


Maximum number of permutations per variable.


If positive, progress information is printed at the specified interval in seconds.


Reference Z-score for determining color amplitudes.


Seed value for random number generator.


The input argument map must contain the map topology and the centroid profiles as returned by the functions nroKmeans(), nroKohonen(), or nroTrain().

The input argument districts must contain integers between 1 and K, where K is the number map units. Any other values will be ignored.

Training variables and data points are detected by the column names of map$centroids, the attribute "variables" in districts and the names of elements in districts.


A data frame with eight columns: P.z is a parametric estimate for statistical significance, P.freq is the frequency-based estimate for statistical signicance, and Z is the estimated z-score of how far the observed map plane is from the average randomly generated layout. indicates how many data values were used and N.cycles tells the number of completed permutations. AMPLITUDE is a dynamic range modifier for colors that can be used in nroColorize().

The output also contains the attribute 'zbase' that indicates the normalization factor for the color amplitudes.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Set row names.
rownames(dataset) <- paste("r", 1:nrow(dataset), sep="")

# Prepare training data.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- scale.default(dataset[,trvars])

# K-means clustering.
km <- nroKmeans(data = trdata)

# Self-organizing map.
sm <- nroKohonen(seeds = km)
sm <- nroTrain(map = sm, data = trdata)

# Assign data points into districts.
matches <- nroMatch(centroids = sm, data = trdata)

# Estimate statistics for cholesterol
chol <- nroPermute(map = sm, districts = matches, data = dataset$CHOL)
print(chol[,c("TRAINING", "Z", "P.z", "P.freq")])

# Estimate statistics.
stats <- nroPermute(map = sm, districts = matches, data = dataset)
print(stats[,c("TRAINING", "Z", "P.z", "P.freq")])

Plot a self-organizing map


Create a graphical interface for selecting subgroups from multiple map colorings simultaneously.


nroPlot(topology, colors, labels = NULL, subplot = NULL,
        interactive = FALSE, clear = NULL), topology, colors, labels = NULL,
             subplot = NULL, font = 1.0)



A data frame with K rows and six or more columns that contain the district positions of a self-organizing map and optional region assignments.


A character vector with K elements or a K x N matrix of hexadecimal color codes as strings.


A character vector with K elements or a K x N matrix of district labels.


A two-element vector that sets out the number of rows and columns for a grid layout of multiple colorings.


If TRUE, all graphics devices are cleared when the plot is refreshed.


If TRUE, an interactive version of the plot is launched.


If non-empty, the figure is saved as an SVG or HTML file instead of plotting on graphics device.


Multiplier to adjust font size for SVG and HTML output.


The input topology must follow the format from nroKohonen(), but may also contain the columns REGION, and REGION.label that specify the names for subsets of districts and the single character labels to be shown on top of those districts. The input can also be the list object as returned by nroKohonen().

The color input can include the attribute 'contrast' that contains a binary vector or a matrix of equal size. If an element is set, it means a dark label or highlight will have better contrast with the background.

The label input can include the attribute 'visible' that contains a binary vector or a matrix of equal size. If an element is set, it means a label is visible, otherwise it will not be shown on the map.

Some non-alphanumeric characters are not supported and will be automatically converted to "_". Too long labels or column names will be truncated.

The default value for clear is TRUE to prevent multiple plot windows from accumulating within the RStudio. If you are running R from the terminal or using detached devices, setting clear to FALSE will retain the current window when refreshing.

If the file name ends with ".html", an interactive HTML document is produced, otherwise an SVG document is created. We recommend opening the HTML file with a web browser to select regions on large maps (i.e. when the R plot window becomes too slow to use). The HTML page allows you to assign subgroups and to save the results as tab-delimited text.


The main function returns a data frame with K rows that contains the topology and subgrouping information. The .save subroutine returns the number of bytes written in the output file.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Detect binary columns.
dataset <- nroPreprocess(dataset, method = "")

# Prepare training data.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- scale.default(dataset[,trvars])

# K-means clustering.
km <- nroKmeans(data = trdata)

# Self-organizing map.
sm <- nroKohonen(seeds = km)
sm <- nroTrain(map = sm, data = trdata)

# Assign data points into districts.
matches <- nroMatch(centroids = sm, data = trdata)

# Select a subset of variables and detect binary data.
vars <- c("AGE", "MALE", "uALB", "CHOL", "DIAB_KIDNEY", "DECEASED")
selected <- nroPreprocess(dataset[,vars], method = "")

# Calculate district averages for seleted variables.
vars <- c("AGE", "MALE", "uALB", "CHOL", "DIAB_KIDNEY", "DECEASED")
planes <- nroAggregate(topology = sm, districts = matches, data = selected)

# Estimate statistics.
stats <- nroPermute(map = sm, districts = matches, data = selected)

# Set visuals.
colrs <- nroColorize(values = planes, amplitudes = stats)
labls <- nroLabel(topology = sm, values = planes)

# Add subgrouping information.
topo <- sm$topology
topo$REGION <- ""
topo$REGION[1:8] <- "Center"
topo$REGION[9:21] <- "Perimeter"

# Add subgroup labels.
topo$REGION.label <- ""
topo$REGION.label[1:8] <- "C"
topo$REGION.label[9:21] <- "P"

# Add subgroup colors.
topo$REGION.color <- ""
topo$REGION.color[1:8] <- "#00f00060"
topo$REGION.color[9:21] <- "#f000f060"

# Plot colorings on screen.
nroPlot(topology = topo, colors = colrs, labels = labls)

# Save colorings in file.
#fn <- "colorings.html"
#n <- = fn, topology = topo,
#    colors = colrs, labels = labls)
#cat(n, " bytes saved in '", fn, "'\n", sep="")

Standardization using existing parameters


Process a new dataset using a standardization procedure that was created for another dataset


nroPostprocess(data, mapping, reverse = FALSE, trim = FALSE)



A matrix or a data frame with column names.


A list object or a matrix or a data frame.


If true, standardized data will be reverted back to original scale.


If true, unusable rows and columns are removed.


The input argument can be a data frame with the attribute 'mapping' as returned from nroPreprocess() or a list object with the elements input and output that each contain a data frame or a matrix of equal size.

The function projects the input data to the values in mapping$input to determine the positions of the input values with respect to the rows in the model. These positions are then used to interpolate corresponding output values in mapping$output.

The mapping elements must have consistent row and column names.


A matrix or data frame of processed values.


Ville-Petteri Makinen


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Show original data characteristics.

# Preprocess a subset of data.
ds.pre <- nroPreprocess(dataset[1:100,])

# Repeat preprocessing for the whole dataset (approximation). <- nroPostprocess(dataset, ds.pre)

Data cleaning and standardization


Convert to numerical values, remove unusable rows and columns, and standardize scale of each variable.


nroPreprocess(data, method = "standard", clip = 5.0,
    resolution = 100, trim = FALSE)



A matrix or a data frame.


Method for standardizing scale and location, see details below.


Range for clipping extreme values in multiples of standard deviations.


Maximum number of sampling points to capture distribution shape.


if TRUE, empty rows and columns are removed.


Standardization methods include empty string for no action, "standard" for centering by mean and division by standard deviation, "uniform" for normalized ranks between -1 and 1, "tapered" for a version of the rank-based method that puts more samples around zero and "normal" for quantile-based mapping to standard normal distribution.

The standard method also checks if the distribution is skewed and applies logarithm if it makes the distribution closer to the normal curve.

Clipping is not applied if the method is rank-based or if the threshold is set to NULL.


A matrix of numerical values. A value mapping model is stored in the attribute 'mapping'. The names of binary columns are stored in the attribute 'binary'.


Ville-Petteri Makinen


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Show original data characteristics.

# Detect binary columns.
ds <- nroPreprocess(dataset, method = "")

# Centering and scaling cholesterol.
ds <- nroPreprocess(dataset$CHOL)

# Centering and scaling.
ds <- nroPreprocess(dataset)

# Tapered ranks.
ds <- nroPreprocess(dataset, method = "tapered")

# Standard normal ranks.
ds <- nroPreprocess(dataset, method = "normal")

Estimate subgroup statistics


Combine data points that reside in districts that belong to a larger region into a subgroup; compare descriptive statistics between subgroups.


nroSummary(data, districts, regions = NULL, categlim = 8, capacity = 10)



A vector of named M elements or an M x N matrix of data values with row names.


An integer vector of M named elements that indicate the best match out of K districts for each row name in the data matrix, please see nroMatch for an example.


An vector of K elements or a data frame of K rows that defines if a district belongs to a larger region (i.e. a subgroup), see details.


The threshold for the number of unique values before a variable is considered continuous.


Maximum number of subgroups to compare.


If defined, the region vector should have K elements where K is the total number of map districts.

The region input can also be a data frame of K rows where the column REGION will be used for assigning district to regions, and REGION.label will be used as the character label as seen on the map, see the output from nroPlot() for an example.

Districts and data points are connected by comparing element names in districts and names or row names of data.

Districts and regions are connected by comparing element values in districts and names or row names of regions.

If the region vector is empty, each district is automatically assigned to its own region.

Safeguards are in place to prevent crashes from empty categories; this reduces statistical power slightly when numbers are small.


A data frame of summary statistics that contains a row for every combination of subgroups and variables. The chi-squared test is used for comparisons with respect to categorical variables, and rank-regulated t-test and ANOVA are applied to continuous variables. Region labels for each row are stored in the attribute 'labels' and a list that contains the subsets of rows in each region is stored in the attribute 'subgroups'.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Prepare training data.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- scale.default(dataset[,trvars])

# K-means clustering.
km <- nroKmeans(data = trdata)

# Self-organizing map.
sm <- nroKohonen(seeds = km)
sm <- nroTrain(map = sm, data = trdata)

# Assign data points into districts.
matches <- nroMatch(centroids = sm, data = trdata)

# Calculate district averages for urinary albumin.
plane <- nroAggregate(topology = sm, districts = matches,
                      data = dataset$uALB)
plane <- as.vector(plane)

# Assign subgroups based on urinary albumin.
regns <- rep("HighAlb", length.out=length(plane))
regns[which(plane < quantile(plane, 0.67))] <- "MiddleAlb"
regns[which(plane < quantile(plane, 0.33))] <- "LowAlb"

# Add label info and make a data frame.
regns <- data.frame(REGION=regns, REGION.label="",
regns[which(regns$REGION == "HighAlb"),"REGION.label"] <- "H"
regns[which(regns$REGION == "MiddleAlb"),"REGION.label"] <- "M"
regns[which(regns$REGION == "LowAlb"),"REGION.label"] <- "L"

# Calculate summary statistics.
st <- nroSummary(data = dataset, districts = matches, regions = regns)

Train self-organizing map


Iterative algorithm to adapt a self-organizing map (SOM) to a set of multivariable data.


nroTrain(map, data, subsample = NULL, balance = 0, message = NULL)



A list object as returned by nroKohonen().


A matrix or a data frame.


Number of rows used during a single training cycle.


Penalty parameter for variation in the numbers of resident samples across disctricts, see nroKmeans().


If positive, progress information is printed at the specified interval in seconds.


The map is fitted according to columns that are found both in the SOM centroids and the input data.

If subsample is less than the number of data rows, a random subset of the specified size is used for each training cycle. By default, subsample is set automatically depending on the size of the dataset.


A copy of the list object map, where the element centroids is updated according to the data patterns. The quantization errors during training are stored in the element history. The subsampling parameter that was used during training is stored in the element subsample.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Prepare training data.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- scale.default(dataset[,trvars]) 

# K-means clustering.
km <- nroKmeans(data = trdata)

# Train with full data.
sm <- nroKohonen(seeds = km)
sm <- nroTrain(map = sm, data = trdata, subsample = nrow(trdata))

# Train with subsampling.
sm <- nroKohonen(seeds = km)
sm <- nroTrain(map = sm, data = trdata, subsample = 200)

Clean datasets


Sets row names and removes unusable columns and rows.


numero.clean(..., identity = NULL, na.freq = 0.9,
             num.only = TRUE, select = "")



Matrices or a data frames.


Name(s) of the column(s) that contain identification information.


The proportion of how many missing values are allowed in each column and in each row.


If true, only numeric columns are included.


Indicate if only identities present in all datasets or in exactly one of the datasets are included.


If multiple identity columns are provided, composite identity keys are constructed by concatenating elements from each column with "_" added as a separator.

The frequency of missing values (against na.freq) is tested first by column then by row.

Selection can take three values: "" for no selection, "union" for all identities expanded to every dataset, "shared" for only those data points present in all usable datasets or "distinct" for excluding any points that can be found in more than one dataset. Note that the union may result in rows with no usable values.


A data frame if only one input dataset, or a list of data frames if multiple datasets.


Ville-Petteri Makinen


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Create new versions for testing.
dsA <- dataset[1:250, c("INDEX","AGE","MALE","uALB")]
dsB <- dataset[151:300, c("INDEX","AGE","MALE","uALB","CHOL")]
dsC <- dataset[201:500, c("INDEX","AGE","MALE","DIAB_RETINO")]

# Select all rows.
results <- numero.clean(a = dsA, b = dsB, c = dsC, identity = "INDEX")
cat("\n\nNo selection:\n")

# Select all rows and expanded for all identities.
results <- numero.clean(a = dsA, b = dsB, c = dsC, identity = "INDEX",
                        select = "union")

# Select only rows that are shared between all datasets.
results <- numero.clean(a = dsA, b = dsB, c = dsC, identity = "INDEX",
                        select = "intersection")

# Select only rows with a unique INDEX ('dsB' has none).
results <- numero.clean(a = dsA, b = dsB, c = dsC, identity = "INDEX",
                        select = "exclusion")

# Add extra identification information.
dsA$GROUP <- "A"
dsB$GROUP <- "B"
dsC$GROUP <- "C"

# Select rows with a unique identifier.
results <- numero.clean(a = dsA, b = dsB, c = dsC,
                        identity = c("GROUP","INDEX"),
                        select = "exclusion")

Create a self-organizing map


Set up a self-organizing map and train it with data


numero.create(data, radius = NULL, smoothness = NULL, subsample = NULL)



A matrix or a data frame.


Map radius.


Rigidity of the map to adapt to regional differences.


Number of data points used during a single training cycle.


The parameter subsample sets the number of data points that are randomly picked for each training cycle; if the number is substantially less than the size of the dataset, the function will finish quicker.


A list with named elements: data contains the training data, kmeans is the output from nroKmeans() during the initialiation of the SOM, map is the finished self-organising map from nroTrain() and layout contains the output from nroMatch() for the training data points.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Set identities and manage missing data.
dataset <- numero.clean(dataset, identity = "INDEX")

# Prepare training set.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- numero.prepare(data = dataset, variables = trvars)

# Create a self-organizing map.
modl <- numero.create(data = trdata)

Self-organizing map statistics


Evaluate regional variation of data values on a self-organizing map


numero.evaluate(model, data, ranked = TRUE, n = 1000)



A list object that contains a self-organizing map and a data layout.


A matrix or a data frame.


If true, a rank transform is applied to avoid problems from skewed distributions or outliers.


Maximum number of permutations per data column.


The input argument model can be the output from numero.create() or from numero.quality().


A list with named elements: som contains the self-organizing map, layout contains the district assignments for data points, planes contains smoothed district averages from nroAggregate(), the element ranges contains the reference ranges to be used in nroColorize(), the element statistics contains the output from nroPermute(), the element palette is the name of the colormap and the element data contains the data points that were used for calculating the statistics.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Set identities and manage missing data.
dataset <- numero.clean(dataset, identity = "INDEX")

# Prepare training variables.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- numero.prepare(data = dataset, variables = trvars)

# Create a self-organizing map.
sm <- numero.create(data = trdata)
qc <- numero.quality(model = sm)

# Evaluate map statistics.
results <- numero.evaluate(model = qc, data = dataset)
print(results$statistics[,c("TRAINING", "Z", "P.z", "P.freq")])

Plot results from SOM analysis


Plot map colorings and save them as vector graphics


numero.plot(results, variables = NULL, topology = NULL, folder = NULL,
            prefix = "figure", reference = NULL, subplot = NULL,
	    gain = 1, detach = FALSE, capacity = 500, font = NULL)



A list object that contains the self-organizing map and its statistical colorings.


A string vector that contains names of variables to show.


The topology of a SOM with subgroup labels.


Folder path for saving figures.


Prefix for each figure file (if saving enabled).


Reference color ranges and scales.


Modifier for overall color intensity.


A two-element vector that sets out the number of rows and columns for subplots per figure.


Use detached windows for figures.


Maximum number of subplots to show on screen.


Multiplier to adjust font size for SVG and HTML output, see


The input results must contain the output from numero.evaluate() or similar.

The input argument topology can be the topology of a SOM or with additional columns as in the output from numero.subgroup().

The input argument reference follows the output format from numero.evaluate().

Possible values for detach include "X11", "aqua", TRUE or FALSE. Using multiple figures may result in different behaviour in terminal vs. RStudio instances. The default behaviour is to create detached windows for each figure when the X11 display server is available (e.g. in Linux). To use detached windows in Mac, use the value "aqua". Setting detach = TRUE will use a more general approach, however, some systems may behave unpredictably. To create multiple figures that remain docked within the RStudio work window, set detach = FALSE.

If a destination folder is provided, all plots are saved in files without plotting them on screen.


The number of figures that were created.


Ville-Petteri Makinen


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Set identities and manage missing data.
dataset <- numero.clean(dataset, identity = "INDEX")

# Prepare training variables.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- numero.prepare(data = dataset, variables = trvars,
    batch = "MALE", confounders = c("AGE", "T1D_DURAT"))

# Create a self-organizing map.
sm <- numero.create(data = trdata)
qc <- numero.quality(model = sm)

# Evaluate map statistics for all variables.
stats <- numero.evaluate(model = qc, data = dataset)

# Plot map colorings.
numero.plot(results = stats)

Prepare datasets for analysis


Prepare training data by mitigating confounding factors and standardizing values.


numero.prepare(data, variables = NULL, confounders = NULL,
               batch = NULL, method = "standard", clip = 5.0,
	       pipeline = NULL, undo = FALSE)



A matrix or a data frame.


A character vector of column names, see details.


Names of columns that contain confounder data.


The name of the column that contains batch labels.


Method to standardize values, see nroPreprocess().


Range for clipping extreme values in multiples of standard deviations.


Processing parameters from a previous use of the function.


If true, standardization is reversed after adjusting for batches and confounders.


We recommend first applying numero.clean() to the full dataset, then selecting a subset for training using the input argument variables. This preserves any attributes that may be used in Numero functions.

If a previous pipeline is available, it overrides all processing parameters irrespective of other input arguments.

Due to safeguards against numerical instability, the standardized values may deviate slightly from the expected range (<0.1 percent error is typical).

Clipping of extreme values is applied only during the first round of standardization before adjustments for confounders. Therefore, the final output may contain values that exceed the threshold.


A matrix with the attributes 'pipeline' that contains the processing parameters and 'subsets' that contains row names divided into batches if batch correction was applied.


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Set identities and manage missing data.
dataset <- numero.clean(dataset, identity = "INDEX")

# Prepare training variables using default standardization.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- numero.prepare(data = dataset, variables = trvars)

# Prepare training values adjusted for age and sex and
# standardized by rank-based method.
trdata <- numero.prepare(data = dataset, variables = trvars,
                         batch = "MALE", confounders = "AGE",
			 method = "tapered")

Self-organizing map statistics


Assign new data points to map districts and calculate quality measures


numero.quality(model, data = NULL)



A list object that contains a self-organizing map (and a data layout).


A matrix or a data frame.


The input argument model must be in the the output format as returned by numero.create().


A list with named elements: som contains the self-organizing map; layout contains the district assignments for data points; planes contains smoothed district averages of quality measures, see nroAggregate() and nroMatch(); the element ranges contains the reference ranges to be used in nroColorize(); the element palette is the name of the colormap to be used for colorings; and statistics contains the output from nroPermute().


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Set identities and manage missing data.
dataset <- numero.clean(dataset, identity = "INDEX")

# Prepare training variables.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- numero.prepare(data = dataset, variables = trvars)

# Create a self-organizing map.
modl <- numero.create(data = trdata)

# Analyze map quality.
qc <- numero.quality(model = modl)

Interactive subgroup assignment


Plot self-organizing map colorings and let the user choose multi-district regions as subgroups


numero.subgroup(results, variables, topology = NULL, reference = NULL,
                gain = 1, detach = FALSE, capacity = 9, automatic = FALSE)



A list object that contains the self-organizing map and its statistical colorings.


A string vector that contains names of variables to show on screen.


A SOM topology or the output from a previous subgrouping session.


Reference color ranges and scales.


Modifier for overall color intensity.


Use a detached window.


Maximum number of subplots to show on screen.


If greater than zero, automatic segmentation of the map is triggered, the value sets the number of subgroups.


The input results must contain the output from numero.evaluate() or similar.

The input argument topology can be the structure of a SOM or with additional columns as in the output from nroPlot().

The input argument reference follows the output format from numero.evaluate().

Setting detach to FALSE will also clear all devices whenever the figure is refreshed. This may be inconvenient when using R from the terminal, for example; please see the help page of numero.plot() for using a detached window device instead.

If any districts are left unmarked, they are automatically collected into a subgroup of their own. If automatic is set, user input is skipped.


A data frame similar to the format returned by nroPlot().


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Set identities and manage missing data.
dataset <- numero.clean(dataset, identity = "INDEX")

# Prepare training variables.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- numero.prepare(data = dataset, variables = trvars)

# Create a self-organizing map.
sm <- numero.create(data = trdata)
qc <- numero.quality(model = sm)

# Evaluate map statistics for all variables.
stats <- numero.evaluate(model = qc, data = dataset)

# Define subgroups, uncomment to launch interactive window.
#elem <- numero.subgroup(results = stats, variables = trvars)

Summarize subgroup statistics


Estimates subgroup statistics after self-organizing map analysis


numero.summary(results, topology, data = NULL, capacity = 10)



A list object that contains the self-organizing map and its statistical colorings.


A SOM topology with additional labels that indicate selected regions.


A matrix or a data frame.


Maximum number of subgroups to compare.


The input results must contain the output from numero.evaluate() or similar.

The input argument topology must be a definition of a SOM with additional columns as in the output from numero.subgroup().

The function first looks for row names in data that are also included in results. The rows are then divided into subgroups according to the district assignments in results and the region labels in topology.


A data frame of summary statistics, see nroSummary() for details. The data frame also contains additional information on which variables were used for the training of the SOM.

The attribute 'layout' is added to the output. It indicates the location on the map and the subgroup name and label for each data row that were included in the analysis.


Ville-Petteri Makinen


# Import data.
fname <- system.file("extdata", "finndiane.txt", package = "Numero")
dataset <- read.delim(file = fname)

# Set identities and manage missing data.
dataset <- numero.clean(dataset, identity = "INDEX")

# Prepare training variables.
trvars <- c("CHOL", "HDL2C", "TG", "CREAT", "uALB")
trdata <- numero.prepare(data = dataset, variables = trvars)

# Create a self-organizing map.
sm <- numero.create(data = trdata)
qc <- numero.quality(model = sm)

# Evaluate map statistics for all variables.
stats <- numero.evaluate(model = qc, data = dataset)

# Define subgroups.
x <- stats$planes[,"uALB"]
tops <- which(x >= quantile(x, 0.75, na.rm=TRUE))
bottoms <- which(x <= quantile(x, 0.25, na.rm=TRUE))
elem <- data.frame(stats$map$topology, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
elem$REGION <- "MiddleAlb"
elem$REGION[tops] <- "HighAlb"
elem$REGION[bottoms] <- "LowAlb"
elem$REGION.label <- "M"
elem$REGION.label[tops] <- "H"
elem$REGION.label[bottoms] <- "L"

# Compare subgroups.
cmp <- numero.summary(results = stats, topology = elem, data = dataset)