--- title: "buildRepSeqNetwork()/buildNet()" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: number_sections: false tabset: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{buildRepSeqNetwork()/buildNet()} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.align = "center", out.width = "100%", fig.width = 9, fig.height = 7 ) ``` # Introduction General network analysis on Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire Sequencing (AIRR-Seq) data is performed using `buildRepSeqNetwork()` or its convenient alias `buildNet()`. This function does the following: * Filters the AIRR-Seq data according to user specifications * Builds the network graph for the immune repertoire * Performs additional network analysis, which can include: * Cluster analysis * Network properties * Customizable visual plots of the network graph * Returns (and optionally saves) the following output: * The network graph (as `igraph` and adjacency matrix) * Metadata for the network * Metadata for the nodes in the network * Metadata for the clusters in the network * Plots of the network graph #### Simulate Data for Demonstration We simulate some toy data for demonstration. We simulate data consisting of two samples with 100 observations each, for a total of 200 observations (rows). ```{r } set.seed(42) library(NAIR) dir_out <- tempdir() toy_data <- simulateToyData() head(toy_data) ``` ```{r} nrow(toy_data) ``` # Required Arguments * The first parameter `data` accepts a data frame containing the AIRR-seq data, where each row corresponds to a single TCR/BCR clone (bulk data) or cell (single-cell data). * The second parameter `seq_col` specifies the data column containing the receptor sequences to be used as the basis of similarity between two cells or clones. It accepts the column name as a character string or the column position index. ```{r} net <- buildNet(toy_data, "CloneSeq") ``` # Filtering the Input Data {.tabset} The following options are useful for removing noise or irrelevant data from the analysis, potentially improving the quality of the network graph and downstream analysis results. #### Sequence Length The `min_seq_length` parameter specifies the minimum TCR/BCR sequence length (in number of characters). Sequences with lengths below this value are dropped prior to analysis. An argument value of `NULL` bypasses this filter. This filter applies to the sequence in the column specified by [`seq_col`](#mainargs). By default, `min_seq_length` is set to 3. ```{r, eval = FALSE} net <- buildNet(toy_data, "CloneSeq", min_seq_length = 10) ``` #### Sequence Content The optional `drop_matches` parameter can be used to remove TCR/BCR sequences matching a specified pattern. It accepts a character string containing a regular expression specifying the pattern of content to search for. Each sequence in the column specified by [`seq_col`](#mainargs) is checked for a pattern match using `grep()`. If a match is found, the sequence is removed prior to analysis. ```{r, eval = FALSE} net <- buildNet(toy_data, "CloneSeq", drop_matches = "\\W") ``` # Network Settings {.tabset} The following settings pertain to the network construction. #### Distance Function The default method for quantifying the similarity between TCR/BCR sequences is the Hamming distance, which is computed using `hamDistBounded()`. It calculates the number of differences between two sequences of the same length. For each position in one sequence, the character in that position is checked to see whether it differs from the character in the same position of the other sequence. If the sequences have different lengths, the shorter sequence is extended by adding non-matching characters to make it the same length as the longer sequence. The Levenshtein distance, which is computed using `levDistBounded()`, can be used as an alternative measurement to determine the similarity between sequences. It calculates the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions and transformations) needed to transform one sequence into the other. This method is particularly useful for comparing sequences of different lengths and can account for insertions and deletions. When constructing a network based on the similarity of CDR-3 nucleotide sequences, it is preferable to use the Levenshtein distance instead of the default Hamming distance by specifying `dist_type = "lev"`. However, the Levenshtein distance requires significantly more computation than the Hamming distance, which may be challenging when working with large data sets having long TCR/BCR sequences. ```{r, eval = FALSE} net <- buildNet(toy_data, "CloneSeq", dist_type = "lev") ``` #### Distance Cutoff The function specified by `dist_type` quantifies the similarity between TCR/BCR sequences as a nonnegative distance, with values closer to 0 indicating greater similarity. Each node in the network graph corresponds to a row of the AIRR-Seq data. By default, two nodes are connected by an edge if the distance between their TCR/BCR sequences does not exceed 1. This cutoff value is specified by the `dist_cutoff` parameter, which controls the stringency of the network construction and affects the number and density of edges in the network. A lower cutoff requires greater sequence similarity to form an edge connection. If `dist_cutoff = 0`, two sequences must be identical in order for their nodes to be joined by an edge. ```{r, eval = FALSE} net <- buildNet(toy_data, "CloneSeq", dist_cutoff = 0) ``` #### Keep/Remove Isolated Nodes By default, only nodes that are joined by an edge connection to at least one other node will be kept in the network. If `drop_isolated_nodes = FALSE`, then all nodes are kept in the network, including those that do not have any edge connections to other nodes. ```{r, eval = FALSE} net <- buildNet(toy_data, "CloneSeq", drop_isolated_nodes = FALSE) ``` # Network Properties and Cluster Analysis `buildRepSeqNetwork()` can perform additional analysis after constructing the network, including cluster analysis (partitioning the network graph into densely-connected subgraphs) and computation of network properties (which describe the structural organization of the network). ### Node-Level Network Properties {.tabset} Node-level network properties pertain to individual nodes in the network graph. Some are local properties, meaning that their value for a given node depends only on a subset of the nodes in the network. One example is the network degree of a given node, which represents the number of other nodes that are directly joined to the given node by an edge connection. Other properties are global properties, meaning that their value for a given node depends on all of the nodes in the network. An example is the authority score of a node, which is computed using the entire graph adjacency matrix (if we denote this matrix by $A$, then the principal eigenvector of $A^T A$ represents the authority scores of the network nodes). Node-level network properties can be computed when calling `buildRepSeqNetwork()` by setting `node_stats = TRUE`, or as a separate step using `addNodeStats()`. ```{r} net <- buildNet(toy_data, "CloneSeq", node_stats = TRUE) ``` See [this vignette](node_properties.html) for more details on computing node-level network properties. ### Cluster Analysis {.tabset} Cluster analysis uses a community-finding algorithm to partition the network graph into clusters (densely-connected subgraphs). These clusters represent groups of clones/cells with similar receptor sequences. Cluster analysis can be performed when calling `buildRepSeqNetwork()` by setting `cluster_stats = TRUE` or as a separate step using `addClusterStats()`. ```{r, eval = FALSE} net <- buildNet(toy_data, "CloneSeq", cluster_stats = TRUE) ``` The cluster membership of each node is recorded as a variable in the node metadata. Cluster properties, such as node count and mean sequence length, are included in their own data frame within the output. See [this vignette](cluster_analysis.html) for more details. # Visualization Customized plots can be produced when calling `buildRepSeqNetwork()` or created afterward using `addPlots()`. Specify `print_plots = TRUE` to print the plots to the R plotting window. ```{r} net <- buildNet(toy_data, "CloneSeq", node_stats = TRUE, color_nodes_by = c("SampleID", "transitivity", "coreness"), color_scheme = c("default", "plasma-1", "mako-1"), color_title = c("", "Transitivity", "Coreness"), size_nodes_by = "degree", node_size_limits = c(0.1, 1.5), plot_title = NULL, plot_subtitle = NULL, print_plots = TRUE ) ``` See [this article](https://mlizhangx.github.io/Network-Analysis-for-Repertoire-Sequencing-/articles/network_visualization.html) for more on how to customize the visualizations. # Output {.tabset} The function returns a list with the following elements: ```{r} names(net) ``` We describe each element below. #### Network Metadata `details` records argument values supplied in the call to `buildRepSeqNetwork()`: ```{r} net$details ``` `nodes_in_network` records the number of nodes in the network. Additional network information is included when [cluster analysis](#cluster_analysis) is performed. #### Node Metadata `node_data` is a data frame containing metadata for the network nodes, where each row corresponds to a node in the network graph: ```{r} head(net$node_data) ``` Since `buildNet()` was called with [`drop_isolated_nodes = TRUE`](#isolated_nodes), some of the original rows are missing. The original row names are preserved, facilitating cross-referencing with the original data. By default, all variables from the original input data are present. To include only a subset of the original variables, specify those to keep using the `subset_cols` parameter, which accepts a character vector of column names or a vector of column indices. The sequence column is always included. Variables for [node-level network properties](#node_properties) will also be present if computed, as seen [here](node_properties.html#results). Variables present in the node metadata can be used to [encode node colors](https://mlizhangx.github.io/Network-Analysis-for-Repertoire-Sequencing-/articles/network_visualization.html#node-colors) in visualizations. #### Cluster Metadata If `buildRepSeqNetwork()` is called with [`cluster_stats = TRUE`](#cluster_analysis), the returned list will contain a data frame `cluster_data` with cluster properties such as node count and mean sequence length, as seen [here](https://mlizhangx.github.io/Network-Analysis-for-Repertoire-Sequencing-/articles/cluster_analysis.html#cluster-properties). #### Visual Plots `plots` is a list containing any plots created as well as a matrix `graph_layout` storing the node layout used in the plots. Each plot is named according to the variable used to color the nodes. ```{r} names(net$plots) ``` Each plot is a [`ggraph`](https://ggraph.data-imaginist.com/) (a special kind of [`ggplot`](https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/)). ```{r} class(net$plots$uniform_color) ``` Custom plots can be created when calling `buildNet()` or afterward using `addPlots()` as described [here](https://mlizhangx.github.io/Network-Analysis-for-Repertoire-Sequencing-/articles/network_visualization.html). #### Network Graph and Adjacency Matrix `igraph` is an object of class [`igraph`](https://r.igraph.org) and `adjacency_matrix` is a [`dgCMatrix`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/Matrix/versions/1.5-4/topics/dgCMatrix-class). Both objects encode the nodes and edges of the network graph, each using a different format. These objects are used by other `NAIR` functions, and are typically not of direct importance to the user. # Saving Output {.tabset} #### Output Directory `buildRepSeqNetwork()` writes its output to files if a directory path is provided to the `output_dir` parameter. The specified output directory will be created if it does not already exist. #### Output File Format * By default, the list returned by `buildRepSeqNetwork()` is saved as a compressed RDS file. * If the file will be transferred across machines, the RData format is preferred. It can be used by specifying `output_type = "rda"`. The list will be named `net` in the R environment. * To use the results outside of R, specify `output_type = "individual"`. Each list element will be saved as a separate file using the following formats: * `.csv` for `node_data` and `cluster_data` (using `write.csv()`, with `row.names = FALSE` for `cluster_data`) * `.mtx` for `adjacency_matrix` * `.txt` for `details`, `igraph` and `plots$graph_layout` * `.rda` (RData) for `plots` * Regardless of `output_type`, plots are printed to a pdf file containing one plot per page. The dimensions (in inches) for each page can be adjusted using the `plot_width` and `plot_height` parameters, with the defaults being `12` and `10`, respectively. #### Output File Name(s) By default, the name of each saved file begins with `MyRepSeqNetwork`. This prefix can be changed using the `output_name` parameter, which accepts a character string. When `output_type` is `"rds"` or `"rda"`, only two files are saved (the data file and the pdf). For each file, `output_name` is followed by the appropriate file extension. For example, if `output_name = "NetworkABC"` and `output_type = "rds"`, then the files will be named `NetworkABC.rds` and `NetworkABC.pdf`. * If `output_type = "individual"`, the prefix specified by `output_name` is followed by: * `_Details.txt` for `details` * `_EdgeList.txt` for `igraph` * `_AdjacencyMatrix.mtx` for `adjacency_matrix` * `_NodeMetadata.csv` for `node_data` * `_ClusterMetadata.csv` for `cluster_data` (if present) * `_Plots.rda` for the list `plots` * `.pdf` for the pdf of the plots * `_GraphLayout.txt` for `plots$graph_layout` For example, if `output_name = "NetworkABC"` and `output_type = "individual"`, then the node metadata is saved as `NetworkABC_NodeMetadata.csv`, the pdf is saved as `NetworkABC.pdf`, the list `plots` is saved as `NetworkABC_Plots.rds`, and so on. # Supplementary Functions {.tabset} The `NAIR` package contains a number of functions supplementary to `buildRepSeqNetwork()` that can be used to perform additional downstream tasks. See [this vignette](supplementary.html). ```{r, eval = FALSE} library(magrittr) # For pipe operator (%>%) toy_data %>% filterInputData("CloneSeq", drop_matches = "\\W") %>% buildNet("CloneSeq") %>% addNodeStats("all") %>% addClusterMembership("greedy", cluster_id_name = "cluster_greedy") %>% addClusterMembership("leiden", cluster_id_name = "cluster_leiden") %>% addClusterStats("cluster_leiden", "CloneSeq", "CloneCount") %>% addPlots(color_nodes_by = c("cluster_leiden", "cluster_greedy"), color_scheme = "Viridis" ) %>% labelClusters("cluster_leiden", cluster_id_col = "cluster_leiden") %>% labelClusters("cluster_greedy", cluster_id_col = "cluster_greedy") %>% saveNetwork(output_dir = tempdir(), output_name = "my_network") ```