Title: | Bayesian Mixing Models in R |
Description: | Creates and runs Bayesian mixing models to analyze biological tracer data (i.e. stable isotopes, fatty acids), which estimate the proportions of source (prey) contributions to a mixture (consumer). 'MixSIAR' is not one model, but a framework that allows a user to create a mixing model based on their data structure and research questions, via options for fixed/ random effects, source data types, priors, and error terms. 'MixSIAR' incorporates several years of advances since 'MixSIR' and 'SIAR'. |
Authors: | Brian Stock [cre, aut], Brice Semmens [aut], Eric Ward [ctb], Andrew Parnell [ctb], Andrew Jackson [ctb], Donald Phillips [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Brian Stock <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 3.1.12 |
Built: | 2025-02-24 11:57:34 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
calculates the normalized surface area of the SOURCE + TDF
convex hull, only if there are exactly 2 biotracers.
calc_area(source, mix, discr)
calc_area(source, mix, discr)
source |
output from |
mix |
output from |
discr |
output from |
Important detail is that, unlike in Brett (2014), calc_area
uses the
combined SOURCE + TDF variance to normalize the surface area:
This is the variance used in fitting the mixing model.
relies on the splancs::areapl()
function from the splancs
package. If splancs
is not installed, a WARNING message will appear.
If source$by_factor = FALSE, calc_area
returns a scalar, the
normalized surface area of the SOURCE + TDF convex hull
If source$by_factor = TRUE, calc_area
returns a vector, where
the entries are the normalized surface areas of the convex hull of each
source factor level (e.g. source data by 3 Regions, returns a 3-vector of
the areas of the Region 1 convex hull, Region 2 convex hull, etc.)
aggregates the proportions from multiple sources.
Proportions are summed across posterior draws, since the source proportions
are correlated.
combine_sources(jags.1, mix, source, alpha.prior = 1, groups)
combine_sources(jags.1, mix, source, alpha.prior = 1, groups)
jags.1 |
mix |
list, output from |
source |
list, output from |
alpha.prior |
vector with length = n.sources, Dirichlet prior on p.global (default = 1, uninformative) |
groups |
list, which sources to combine, and what names to give the new combined sources. See example. |
Note: Aggregating sources after running the mixing model (a posteriori)
effectively changes the prior weighting on the sources. Aggregating
uneven numbers of sources will turn an 'uninformative'/generalist
prior into an informative one. Because of this, combine_sources
automatically generates a message describing this effect and a figure
showing the original prior, the effective/aggregated prior, and what the
'uninformative'/generalist prior would be if sources were instead grouped
before running the mixing model (a priori).
, a list including:
: matrix, posterior draws with new source groupings
: list, original source
list with modified entries for n.sources
and source_names
: (input) list, shows original and combined sources
: (input) rjags
model object
: (input) list of original source data
: (input) list of original mix data
: (input) prior vector on original sources
: (output) prior vector on combined sources
and plot_intervals
## Not run: # first run mantis shrimp example # combine 6 sources into 2 groups of interest (hard-shelled vs. soft-bodied) # 'hard' = 'clam' + 'crab' + 'snail' # group 1 = hard-shelled prey # 'soft' = 'alphworm' + 'brittlestar' + 'fish' # group 2 = soft-bodied prey combined <- combine_sources(jags.1, mix, source, alpha.prior=alpha, groups=list(hard=c("clam","crab","snail"), soft=c("alphworm","brittlestar","fish"))) # get posterior medians for new source groupings apply(combined$post, 2, median) summary_stat(combined, meanSD=FALSE, quantiles=c(.025,.5,.975), savetxt=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # first run mantis shrimp example # combine 6 sources into 2 groups of interest (hard-shelled vs. soft-bodied) # 'hard' = 'clam' + 'crab' + 'snail' # group 1 = hard-shelled prey # 'soft' = 'alphworm' + 'brittlestar' + 'fish' # group 2 = soft-bodied prey combined <- combine_sources(jags.1, mix, source, alpha.prior=alpha, groups=list(hard=c("clam","crab","snail"), soft=c("alphworm","brittlestar","fish"))) # get posterior medians for new source groupings apply(combined$post, 2, median) summary_stat(combined, meanSD=FALSE, quantiles=c(.025,.5,.975), savetxt=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
uses the 'loo' package
to compute LOO (leave-one-out cross-validation) or WAIC (widely applicable information criterion)
for 2 of more fit MixSIAR models.
compare_models(x, loo = TRUE)
compare_models(x, loo = TRUE)
x |
list of two or more |
loo |
LOO and WAIC are "methods for estimating pointwise out-of-sample prediction accuracy from a fitted Bayesian model using the log-likelihood evaluated at the posterior simulations of the parameter values". See Vehtari, Gelman, & Gabry (2017). In brief:
LOO and WAIC are preferred over AIC or DIC
LOO is more robust than WAIC
estimates standard errors for the difference in LOO/WAIC between two models
We can calculate the relative support for each model using LOO/WAIC weights
Data frame with the following columns:
: names of x
(input list)
: LOO information criterion or WAIC
/ se_WAIC
: standard error of LOOic / WAIC
: difference between each model and the model with lowest LOOic/WAIC. Best model has dLOOic = 0.
/ se_dWAIC
: standard error of the difference between each model and the model with lowest LOOic/WAIC
: relative support for each model, calculated as Akaike weights (p.75 Burnham & Anderson 2002). Interpretation: "an estimate of the probability that the model will make the best predictions on new data, conditional on the set of models considered" (McElreath 2015).
Vehtari, A, A Gelman, and J Gabry. 2017. Practical Bayesian model evaluation using leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC. Statistics and Computing.
Pages 75-88 in Burnham, KP and DR Anderson. 2002. Model selection and multimodel inference: a practical information-theoretic approach. Springer Science & Business Media.
Pages 188-201 in McElreath, R. 2016. Statistical rethinking: a Bayesian course with examples in R and Stan. CRC Press.
## Not run: # Model 1 = wolf diet by Region + Pack mix.1 <- load_mix_data(filename=mix.filename, iso_names=c("d13C","d15N"), factors=c("Region","Pack"), fac_random=c(TRUE,TRUE), fac_nested=c(FALSE,TRUE), cont_effects=NULL) source.1 <- load_source_data(filename=source.filename, source_factors="Region", conc_dep=FALSE, data_type="means", mix.1) discr.1 <- load_discr_data(filename=discr.filename, mix.1) # Run Model 1 jags.1 <- run_model(run="test", mix.1, source.1, discr.1, model_filename, alpha.prior = 1, resid_err=T, process_err=T) # Model 2 = wolf diet by Region (no Pack) mix.2 <- load_mix_data(filename=mix.filename, iso_names=c("d13C","d15N"), factors=c("Region"), fac_random=c(TRUE), fac_nested=c(FALSE), cont_effects=NULL) source.2 <- load_source_data(filename=source.filename, source_factors="Region", conc_dep=FALSE, data_type="means", mix.2) discr.2 <- load_discr_data(filename=discr.filename, mix.2) # Run Model 2 jags.2 <- run_model(run="test", mix.2, source.2, discr.2, model_filename, alpha.prior = 1, resid_err=T, process_err=T) # Compare models 1 and 2 using LOO compare_models(x=list(jags.1, jags.2), loo=TRUE) # Compare models 1 and 2 using WAIC compare_models(x=list(jags.1, jags.2), loo=FALSE) # Get WAIC for model 1 compare_models(x=list(jags.1), loo=FALSE) # Create named list of rjags objects to get model names in summary x <- list(jags.1, jags.2) names(x) <- c("Region + Pack", "Region") compare_models(x) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Model 1 = wolf diet by Region + Pack mix.1 <- load_mix_data(filename=mix.filename, iso_names=c("d13C","d15N"), factors=c("Region","Pack"), fac_random=c(TRUE,TRUE), fac_nested=c(FALSE,TRUE), cont_effects=NULL) source.1 <- load_source_data(filename=source.filename, source_factors="Region", conc_dep=FALSE, data_type="means", mix.1) discr.1 <- load_discr_data(filename=discr.filename, mix.1) # Run Model 1 jags.1 <- run_model(run="test", mix.1, source.1, discr.1, model_filename, alpha.prior = 1, resid_err=T, process_err=T) # Model 2 = wolf diet by Region (no Pack) mix.2 <- load_mix_data(filename=mix.filename, iso_names=c("d13C","d15N"), factors=c("Region"), fac_random=c(TRUE), fac_nested=c(FALSE), cont_effects=NULL) source.2 <- load_source_data(filename=source.filename, source_factors="Region", conc_dep=FALSE, data_type="means", mix.2) discr.2 <- load_discr_data(filename=discr.filename, mix.2) # Run Model 2 jags.2 <- run_model(run="test", mix.2, source.2, discr.2, model_filename, alpha.prior = 1, resid_err=T, process_err=T) # Compare models 1 and 2 using LOO compare_models(x=list(jags.1, jags.2), loo=TRUE) # Compare models 1 and 2 using WAIC compare_models(x=list(jags.1, jags.2), loo=FALSE) # Get WAIC for model 1 compare_models(x=list(jags.1), loo=FALSE) # Create named list of rjags objects to get model names in summary x <- list(jags.1, jags.2) names(x) <- c("Region + Pack", "Region") compare_models(x) ## End(Not run)
loads the trophic discrimination factor (TDF) data.
TDF is the amount that a consumer's tissue biotracer values are modified
(enriched/depleted) after consuming a source. If tracers are conservative,
then set TDF = 0 (ex. essential fatty acids, fatty acid profile data,
element concentrations).
load_discr_data(filename, mix)
load_discr_data(filename, mix)
filename |
csv file with the discrimination data |
mix |
output from |
discr, a list including:
, matrix of discrimination means
, matrix of discrimination variances
loads the mixture data file and names the biotracers and
any Fixed, Random, or Continuous Effects.
load_mix_data( filename, iso_names, factors, fac_random, fac_nested, cont_effects )
load_mix_data( filename, iso_names, factors, fac_random, fac_nested, cont_effects )
filename |
csv file with the mixture/consumer data |
iso_names |
vector of isotope column headings in 'filename' |
factors |
vector of random/fixed effect column headings in 'filename'. NULL if no factors. |
fac_random |
vector of TRUE/FALSE, TRUE if factor is random effect, FALSE if fixed effect. NULL if no factors. |
fac_nested |
vector of TRUE/FALSE, TRUE if factor is nested within the other. Only applies if 2 factors. NULL otherwise. |
cont_effects |
vector of continuous effect column headings in 'filename' |
, a list including:
: dataframe, raw mix/consumer data (all columns in 'filename'),
: matrix, mix/consumer biotracer/isotope values (those
specified in 'iso_names'),
: integer, number of biotracers/isotopes,
: integer, number of random effects,
: integer, number of continuous effects,
: list of fixed/random effect values, each of which contains:
: factor, values of the effect for each mix/consumer point
: numeric vector, total number of values
: character vector, names for each factor level
: numeric vector, if 2 factors and Factor.2 is nested
within Factor.1, stores Factor.1 values for each level of Factor.2 (e.g.
Wolf Ex has 8 Packs in 3 Regions, and mix$FAC[[2]]$lookup =
, the Regions each Pack belongs to).
: T/F, is the factor a Random Effect? (FALSE = Fixed Effect)
: character, name of the factor (e.g. "Region")
: list of length n.ce
, contains the cont_effects
values centered (subtract the mean) and scaled (divide by SD)
: list of length n.ce
, contains the original
(unscaled) cont_effects
: vector of length n.ce
, means of each cont_effects
: vector of length n.ce
, SD of each cont_effects
: vector of length n.ce
, names of each cont_effects
: vector of biotracer/iso MEAN column headings to look for
in the source and discrimination files (e.g. 'd13C' in iso_names
'Meand13C' here)
: vector of biotracer/iso SD column headings to look for
in the source and discrimination files (e.g. 'd13C' in iso_names
'SDd13C' here)
: vector of isotope column headings in 'filename' (same
as input)
: integer, number of mix/consumer data points
: integer, number of Fixed Effects
: integer, number of Fixed Effects + Random Effects
: vector of length n.effects
, names of the
Fixed and Random Effects
: T/F vector of length n.effects
which effects are Random (= TRUE) and Fixed (= FALSE)
: T/F vector of length n.effects
which effects are nested within the other, if any
: TRUE if there are 2 Fixed Effects or 1 Fixed Effect and
1 Random Effect, FALSE otherwise. Used by write_JAGS_model
If no biotracer/isotope columns are specified, a WARNING prompts the user to select 2, 1, or 0.
If more than 2 Fixed/Random Effects are selected, a WARNING prompts the user to select 2, 1, or 0.
If more than 1 Continuous Effect is selected, a WARNING prompts the user to select 1 or 0.
specifies the source data structure (factors,
concentration dependence, data type) and loads the source data file. Sources
are sorted alphabetically.
load_source_data(filename, source_factors = NULL, conc_dep, data_type, mix)
load_source_data(filename, source_factors = NULL, conc_dep, data_type, mix)
filename |
character, csv file with the source data. |
source_factors |
character, column heading in 'filename' that matches
a Fixed or Random Effect from the mixture data ( |
conc_dep |
T/F, |
data_type |
mix |
list, output from |
WARNING messages check for:
More than one source factor selected
Source factor not in mixture data
Source sample sizes missing or entered incorrectly
Source SD = 0
, a list including:
: integer, number of sources
: vector, source names/labels
: matrix, source means used for plotting - NOT
passed to JAGS. If sources are by factor, then the third column of S_MU
will be the factor values (e.g. for 4 sources and 3 Regions:
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3)
: matrix, source SDs used for plotting - NOT passed
to JAGS. Same structure as S_MU.
: factor or NULL, factor values if sources are
by factor.
: scalar or NULL, number of S_factor1
levels if sources are by factor.
: matrix or NULL, concentration dependence values
for each isotope
: array of source means, dim(src,iso,f1) or
dim(src,iso) if data_type="means", NULL if data_type="raw".
: array of source variances, dim(src,iso,f1)
or dim(src,iso) if data_type="means", NULL if data_type="raw".
: vector/matrix of source sample sizes,
dim(src,f1) or dim(src) if data_type="means", NULL if data_type="raw".
: array of source data, dim(src,iso,f1,replicate)
or dim(src,iso,replicate) if data_type="raw", NULL if data_type="means".
: vector/matrix of source sample sizes, dim(src,f1)
or dim(src) if data_type="raw", NULL if data_type="means".
: NA or factor number, are the source data by a Fixed or Random Effect?
: "raw"
or "means"
, same as input.
: T/F, same as input.
and load_discr_data
processes the mixing model output, prints and saves (in the
working directory):
summary statistics
posterior density plots
pairs plot
trace/XY plots
output_JAGS( jags.1, mix, source, output_options = list(summary_save = TRUE, summary_name = "summary_statistics", sup_post = FALSE, plot_post_save_pdf = TRUE, plot_post_name = "posterior_density", sup_pairs = FALSE, plot_pairs_save_pdf = TRUE, plot_pairs_name = "pairs_plot", sup_xy = TRUE, plot_xy_save_pdf = FALSE, plot_xy_name = "xy_plot", gelman = TRUE, heidel = FALSE, geweke = TRUE, diag_save = TRUE, diag_name = "diagnostics", indiv_effect = FALSE, plot_post_save_png = FALSE, plot_pairs_save_png = FALSE, plot_xy_save_png = FALSE, diag_save_ggmcmc = TRUE) )
output_JAGS( jags.1, mix, source, output_options = list(summary_save = TRUE, summary_name = "summary_statistics", sup_post = FALSE, plot_post_save_pdf = TRUE, plot_post_name = "posterior_density", sup_pairs = FALSE, plot_pairs_save_pdf = TRUE, plot_pairs_name = "pairs_plot", sup_xy = TRUE, plot_xy_save_pdf = FALSE, plot_xy_name = "xy_plot", gelman = TRUE, heidel = FALSE, geweke = TRUE, diag_save = TRUE, diag_name = "diagnostics", indiv_effect = FALSE, plot_post_save_png = FALSE, plot_pairs_save_png = FALSE, plot_xy_save_png = FALSE, diag_save_ggmcmc = TRUE) )
jags.1 |
rjags model object, output from |
mix |
output from |
source |
output from |
output_options |
list containing options for plots and saving:
– only if 2 fixed effects OR 1 fixed + 1 random, otherwise NULL
holds the MCMC chains for the estimated proportions at the different factor levels. Dimensions = [n.draws, f1.levels, f2.levels, n.sources].
Calculated by combining the ilr offsets from global intercept: ilr.both[,f1,f2,src] = ilr.global[,src] + ilr.fac1[,f1,src] + ilr.fac2[,f2,src] And then transforming from ilr- to proportion-space.
creates a plot of how the mixture proportions
change according to a continuous covariate, as well as plots of the mixture
proportions for the individuals with minimum, median, and maximum covariate
values. Called by output_JAGS
if any continuous effects are in
the model.
plot_continuous_var( jags.1, mix, source, output_options, alphaCI = 0.05, exclude_sources_below = 0.1 )
plot_continuous_var( jags.1, mix, source, output_options, alphaCI = 0.05, exclude_sources_below = 0.1 )
jags.1 |
output from |
mix |
output from |
source |
output from |
output_options |
list containing options for plots and saving, passed from |
alphaCI |
alpha level for credible intervals (default = 0.05, 95% CI) |
exclude_sources_below |
don't plot sources with median proportion below this level for entire range of continuous effect variable (default = 0.1) |
MixSIAR fits a continuous covariate as a linear regression in ILR/transform-space. Two terms are fit for the proportion of each source: an intercept and a slope. The plotted line uses the posterior median estimates of the intercept and slope, and the lines are curved because of the ILR-transform back into proportion-space. The 95% credible intervals are shaded.
If the model contains both a continuous AND a categorical (factor) covariate, MixSIAR fits a different intercept term for each factor level and all levels share the same slope term.
Francis et al. 2011
creates plot(s) of the biotracer data and saves the plot(s)
to file(s) in the working directory. All 3 required data files must have been
loaded by load_mix_data
, load_source_data
and load_discr_data
. Behavior depends on the number of tracers:
1 tracer: calls plot_data_one_iso
to create a 1-D plot.
2 tracers: calls plot_data_two_iso
to create a biplot.
>2 tracers: calls plot_data_two_iso
in a loop to create
biplots for each pairwise combination of biotracers.
plot_data( filename, plot_save_pdf, plot_save_png, mix, source, discr, return_obj = FALSE )
plot_data( filename, plot_save_pdf, plot_save_png, mix, source, discr, return_obj = FALSE )
filename |
name of the plot file(s) to save (e.g. "isospace_plot") |
plot_save_pdf |
T/F, save the plot(s) as a pdf? |
plot_save_png |
T/F, save the plot(s) as a png? |
mix |
output from |
source |
output from |
discr |
output from |
return_obj |
T/F, whether or not to return ggplot object for further modification, defaults to F |
An important detail is that plot_data_two_iso
and plot_data_one_iso
plot the raw mix data and add the TDF to the source data, since this is
the polygon that the mixing model uses to determine proportions. The plotted
source means are:
The source error bars are +/- 1 standard deviation, calculated as a combination of source and TDF variances:
looks for 'C', 'N', 'S', and 'O' in the biotracer column
headers and assumes they are stable isotopes, labeling the axes with, e.g.,
expression(paste(delta^13, "C (u2030)",sep="")).
, plot_data_one_iso
creates a 1-D plot of mix and source tracer data and
saves the plot to a file in the working directory
plot_data_one_iso( mix, source, discr, filename, plot_save_pdf, plot_save_png, return_obj = FALSE )
plot_data_one_iso( mix, source, discr, filename, plot_save_pdf, plot_save_png, return_obj = FALSE )
mix |
output from |
source |
output from |
discr |
output from |
filename |
name of the plot file(s) to save (e.g. "isospace_plot") |
plot_save_pdf |
T/F, save the plot(s) as a pdf? |
plot_save_png |
T/F, save the plot(s) as a png? |
return_obj |
T/F, whether or not to return ggplot object for further modification, defaults to F |
An important detail is that plot_data_one_iso
plots the raw mix data
and adds the TDF to the source data, since this is the polygon that the
mixing model uses to determine proportions. The plotted source means are:
The source error bars are +/- 1 standard deviation, calculated as a combination of source and TDF variances:
looks for 'C', 'N', 'S', and 'O' in the biotracer column
headers and assumes they are stable isotopes, labeling the axes with, e.g.,
expression(paste(delta^13, "C (u2030)",sep="")).
creates a 2-D plot of mix and source tracer data and
saves the plot to a file in the working directory
plot_data_two_iso( isotopes, mix, source, discr, filename, plot_save_pdf, plot_save_png, return_obj = FALSE )
plot_data_two_iso( isotopes, mix, source, discr, filename, plot_save_pdf, plot_save_png, return_obj = FALSE )
isotopes |
2-vector of biotracer indices to plot (e.g. c(1,2) or c(2,3)) |
mix |
output from |
source |
output from |
discr |
output from |
filename |
name of the plot file(s) to save (e.g. "isospace_plot") |
plot_save_pdf |
T/F, save the plot(s) as a pdf? |
plot_save_png |
T/F, save the plot(s) as a png? |
return_obj |
T/F, whether or not to return ggplot object for further modification, defaults to F |
An important detail is that plot_data_two_iso
plots the raw mix data
and adds the TDF to the source data, since this is the polygon that the
mixing model uses to determine proportions. The plotted source means are:
The source error bars are +/- 1 standard deviation, calculated as a combination of source and TDF variances:
looks for 'C', 'N', 'S', and 'O' in the biotracer column
headers and assumes they are stable isotopes, labeling the axes with, e.g.,
expression(paste(delta^13, "C (u2030)",sep="")).
plots the posterior interval estimates (quantile-based) from the MCMC draws in a MixSIAR model.
Calls bayesplot::mcmc_intervals.
plot_intervals( combined, toplot = "p", levels = NULL, groupby = "factor", savepdf = FALSE, filename = "post_intervals", ... )
plot_intervals( combined, toplot = "p", levels = NULL, groupby = "factor", savepdf = FALSE, filename = "post_intervals", ... )
combined |
list, output from |
toplot |
vector, which parameters to plot? Options are similar to
levels |
vector if |
groupby |
character, group by "factor" or "source"? I.e. in wolves example, group proportions by Region 1, Region 2, Region 3
( |
savepdf |
filename |
character, file name to save results as ( |
... |
additional arguments to pass to bayesplot::mcmc_intervals. For example:
and summary_stat
## Not run: # 1. run mantis shrimp example original <- combine_sources(jags.1, mix, source, alpha, groups=list(alphworm="alphworm",brittlestar="brittlestar",clam="clam", crab="crab",fish="fish",snail="snail")) # 2. combine 6 sources into 2 groups of interest (hard-shelled vs. soft-bodied) # 'hard' = 'clam' + 'crab' + 'snail' # group 1 = hard-shelled prey # 'soft' = 'alphworm' + 'brittlestar' + 'fish' # group 2 = soft-bodied prey combined <- combine_sources(jags.1, mix, source, alpha.prior=alpha, groups=list(hard=c("clam","crab","snail"), soft=c("alphworm","brittlestar","fish"))) plot_intervals(combined,toplot="fac1") plot_intervals(original,toplot="fac1") plot_intervals(combined,toplot="fac1",levels=1) plot_intervals(combined,toplot="fac1",levels=2) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # 1. run mantis shrimp example original <- combine_sources(jags.1, mix, source, alpha, groups=list(alphworm="alphworm",brittlestar="brittlestar",clam="clam", crab="crab",fish="fish",snail="snail")) # 2. combine 6 sources into 2 groups of interest (hard-shelled vs. soft-bodied) # 'hard' = 'clam' + 'crab' + 'snail' # group 1 = hard-shelled prey # 'soft' = 'alphworm' + 'brittlestar' + 'fish' # group 2 = soft-bodied prey combined <- combine_sources(jags.1, mix, source, alpha.prior=alpha, groups=list(hard=c("clam","crab","snail"), soft=c("alphworm","brittlestar","fish"))) plot_intervals(combined,toplot="fac1") plot_intervals(original,toplot="fac1") plot_intervals(combined,toplot="fac1",levels=1) plot_intervals(combined,toplot="fac1",levels=2) ## End(Not run)
plots your prior on the global diet proportions (p.global)
and the uninformative prior side-by-side. Your prior is in red, and the
"uninformative"/generalist prior (alpha = 1) in dark grey.
plot_prior( alpha.prior = 1, source, plot_save_pdf = TRUE, plot_save_png = FALSE, filename = "prior_plot" )
plot_prior( alpha.prior = 1, source, plot_save_pdf = TRUE, plot_save_png = FALSE, filename = "prior_plot" )
alpha.prior |
vector of alpha (dirichlet hyperparameters, none can be = 0) |
source |
output from |
plot_save_pdf |
T/F, save the plot as a pdf? |
plot_save_png |
T/F, save the plot as a png? |
filename |
name of the file to save (e.g. "prior_plot") |
calls JAGS to run the mixing model created by
. This happens when the "RUN MODEL" button is
clicked in the GUI.
run_model( run, mix, source, discr, model_filename, alpha.prior = 1, resid_err = NULL, process_err = NULL )
run_model( run, mix, source, discr, model_filename, alpha.prior = 1, resid_err = NULL, process_err = NULL )
run |
list of MCMC parameters (chainLength, burn, thin, chains, calcDIC). Alternatively, a user can use a pre-defined parameter set by specifying a valid string:
mix |
output from |
source |
output from |
discr |
output from |
model_filename |
name of JAGS model file (usually should match |
alpha.prior |
Dirichlet prior on p.global (default = 1, uninformative) |
resid_err |
include residual error in the model? (no longer used, read from 'model_filename') |
process_err |
include process error in the model? (no longer used, read from 'model_filename') |
jags.1, a rjags
model object
Note: Tracer values are normalized before running the JAGS model. This allows the same priors to be used regardless of scale of the tracer data, without using the data to select the prior (i.e. by setting the prior mean equal to the sample mean). Normalizing the tracer data does not affect the proportion estimates (p_k), but does affect users seeking to plot the posterior predictive distribution for their data. For each tracer, we calculate the pooled mean and standard deviation of the mix and source data, then subtract the pooled mean and divide by the pooled standard deviation from the mix and source data. For details, see lines 226-269.
prints and saves summary statistics
summary_stat( combined, toprint = "all", groupby = "factor", meanSD = TRUE, quantiles = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975), savetxt = TRUE, filename = "summary_statistics" )
summary_stat( combined, toprint = "all", groupby = "factor", meanSD = TRUE, quantiles = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975), savetxt = TRUE, filename = "summary_statistics" )
combined |
list, output from |
toprint |
vector, which parameters to print? Options are: |
groupby |
character, group stats by "factor" or "source"? I.e. in wolves example, group proportions by Region 1, Region 2, Region 3
( |
meanSD |
quantiles |
vector, which quantiles to print. Default = |
savetxt |
filename |
character, file name to save results as ( |
and plot_intervals
## Not run: # first run mantis shrimp example # combine 6 sources into 2 groups of interest (hard-shelled vs. soft-bodied) # 'hard' = 'clam' + 'crab' + 'snail' # group 1 = hard-shelled prey # 'soft' = 'alphworm' + 'brittlestar' + 'fish' # group 2 = soft-bodied prey combined <- combine_sources(jags.1, mix, source, alpha.prior=alpha, groups=list(hard=c("clam","crab","snail"), soft=c("alphworm","brittlestar","fish"))) summary_stat(combined) summary_stat(combined, savetxt=FALSE) summary_stat(combined, meanSD=FALSE) summary_stat(combined, quantiles=c(.05,.5,.95)) summary_stat(combined, toprint="fac1") summary_stat(combined, toprint="p") summary_stat(combined, toprint="global") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # first run mantis shrimp example # combine 6 sources into 2 groups of interest (hard-shelled vs. soft-bodied) # 'hard' = 'clam' + 'crab' + 'snail' # group 1 = hard-shelled prey # 'soft' = 'alphworm' + 'brittlestar' + 'fish' # group 2 = soft-bodied prey combined <- combine_sources(jags.1, mix, source, alpha.prior=alpha, groups=list(hard=c("clam","crab","snail"), soft=c("alphworm","brittlestar","fish"))) summary_stat(combined) summary_stat(combined, savetxt=FALSE) summary_stat(combined, meanSD=FALSE) summary_stat(combined, quantiles=c(.05,.5,.95)) summary_stat(combined, toprint="fac1") summary_stat(combined, toprint="p") summary_stat(combined, toprint="global") ## End(Not run)
creates "MixSIAR_model.txt", which is passed to JAGS
by run_model
when the "RUN MODEL" button is clicked in the GUI.
Several model options will have already been specified when loading the mix
and source data, but here is where the error term options are selected:
Residual * Process (resid_err = TRUE, process_err = TRUE)
Residual only (resid_err = TRUE, process_err = FALSE)
Process only (resid_err = FALSE, process_err = TRUE)
write_JAGS_model( filename = "MixSIAR_model.txt", resid_err = TRUE, process_err = TRUE, mix, source )
write_JAGS_model( filename = "MixSIAR_model.txt", resid_err = TRUE, process_err = TRUE, mix, source )
filename |
the JAGS model file is saved in the working directory as 'filename' (default is "MixSIAR_model.txt", but user can specify). |
resid_err |
T/F: include residual error in the model? |
process_err |
T/F: include process error in the model? |
mix |
output from |
source |
output from |
WARNING messages are displayed if:
resid_err = FALSE and process_err = FALSE are both selected.
N=1 mix data point and did not choose "Process only" error model (MixSIR)
Fitting each individual mix data point separately as a Fixed Effect, but did not choose "Process only" error model (MixSIR).