Package 'MatchGATE'

Title: Estimate Group Average Treatment Effects with Matching
Description: Two novel matching-based methods for estimating group average treatment effects (GATEs). The match_y1y0() and match_y1y0_bc() functions are used for imputing the potential outcomes based on matching and bias-corrected matching techniques, respectively. The EstGATE() function is employed to estimate the GATE after imputing the potential outcomes.
Authors: Zhaoqing Tian [aut, cre, com] , Peng Wu [aut, ths] , Yilin Chen [dtc]
Maintainer: Zhaoqing Tian <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.0.10
Built: 2025-03-05 06:39:03 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Estimating Group Average Treatment Effects


When imputed values for Y1Y^1 and Y0Y^0 are available for each individual, we can use EstGATE to estimate the group average treatment effects (GATE) defined by

GATE(z)=E[Y1Y0Z=z]GATE(z) = E[Y^1 - Y^0 | Z=z]

for some for possible values zz of ZZ.


EstGATE(Y1_Y0, Z, Zeval, h)



A vector in which each element is a treatment effect for each individual.


A subvector of the covariates X, which is used to define the subgroup of interest.


Vector of evaluation points of Z.


A smoothing parameter, bandwidth.


The value of the corresponding GATE at different evaluation points.


n <- 2000
X1 <- runif(n, -0.5,0.5)
X2 <- rnorm(n, sd = 0.5)
X = cbind(X1, X2)
A = sample(c(0,1), n, TRUE)
Y0 <- X2 + X1*X2/2 + rnorm(n, sd = 0.25)
Y1 <- A * (2*X1^2) + X2 + X1*X2/2 + rnorm(n, sd = 0.25)
Y <- A * Y1 + (1-A)*Y0
res.match <- match_y1y0(X, A, Y, K = 5)
y1_y0 <- res.match$Y1 - res.match$Y0
Z <- X1
Zeval = seq(min(Z), max(Z), len = 101)
h <- 0.5 * n^(-1/5)
res <- EstGATE(Y1_Y0 = y1_y0, Z, Zeval, h = h)
plot(x = Zeval, y = 2*Zeval^2,
     type = "l", xlim = c(-0.6, 0.5),
     main = "Estimated value vs. true value",
     xlab = "Zeval", ylab = "GATE",
     col = "DeepPink", lwd = "2")
lines(x = res$Zeval, y = res$GATE,
      col="DarkTurquoise", lwd = "2")
legend('bottomleft', c("Estimated GATE","True GATE"),
       text.col=c("DarkTurquoise","DeepPink"), cex = 0.8)

Imputing Missing Potential Outcomes with Matching


Impute missing potential outcomes for each individual with matching.


match_y1y0(X, A, Y, K = 5, method = "euclidean")



A matrix representing covariates, where each row represents the value of a different covariates for an individual.


A vector representing the treatment received by each individual.


A vector representing the observed outcome for each individual.


When imputing missing potential outcomes, the average number of similar individuals are taken based on covariates similarity.


The distance measure to be used. It is a argument embed in dist function.


Here are the implementation details for the imputation processes. Denote Y^i0\hat{Y}^0_i and Y^i1\hat{Y}^1_i as the imputed potential outcomes for individual ii. Without loss of generality, if Ai=0A_i = 0, then Y^i0=Yi\hat{Y}^0_i = Y_i, and Y^i1\hat{Y}^1_i is the average of outcomes for the K units that are the most similar to the individual ii, i.e.,

Y^i0=1KjJK(i)Yj,\hat{Y}_i^0 = \frac 1 K \sum_{j\in\mathcal{J}_K(i)}Y_j,

where JK(i)\mathcal{J}_K(i) represents the set of KK matched individuals with Ai=1A_i = 1, that are the closest to the individual ii in terms of covariates similarity, and vice versa.


Returns a matrix of completed matches, where each row is the imputed (Y1,Y0)(Y^1, Y^0) for each individual.


n <- 100
p <- 2
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol = p)
A <- sample(c(0,1), n, TRUE)
Y <- A * (2*X[,1]) + X[,2]^2 + rnorm(n)
match_y1y0(X = X, A = A, Y = Y, K =5)

Imputing Missing Potential Outcomes with Bias-Corrected Matching


Impute missing potential outcomes for each individual with bias-corrected matching.


match_y1y0_bc(X, A, Y, miu1.hat, miu0.hat, K = 5, method = "euclidean")



A matrix representing covariates, where each row represents the value of a different covariates for an individual.


A vector representing the treatment received by each individual.


A vector representing the observed outcome for each individual.


The estimated outcome regression function for Y1Y^1.


The estimated outcome regression function for Y0Y^0.


When imputing missing potential outcomes, the average number of similar individuals are taken based on covariates similarity.


The distance measure to be used. It is a argument embed in dist function.


Here are the implementation details for the imputation processes. Denote Y^i0\hat{Y}^0_i and Y^i1\hat{Y}^1_i as the imputed potential outcomes for individual ii. For example, if Ai=0A_i = 0, then Y^i0=Yi0\hat{Y}^0_i = Y^0_i. However, for obtaining Y^i1\hat{Y}^1_i, we require to introduce an outcome regression function μ1(X)\mu_1(X) for Y1Y^1. Let μ^1(X)\hat{\mu}_1(X) be the fitted value of μ1(X)\mu_1(X), then Y^i1\hat{Y}^1_i is defined as follows,

Y^i1=1KjJK(i){Yj+μ^1(Xi)μ^1(Xj)},\hat{Y}_i^1 = \frac 1 K \sum_{j\in\mathcal{J}_K(i)}\{Y_j+ \hat{\mu}_1(X_i)-\hat{\mu}_1(X_j)\},

where JK(i)\mathcal{J}_K(i) represents the set of KK matched individuals with Ai=1A_i = 1, that are the closest to the individual ii in terms of covariates similarity, and vice versa.


Returns a matrix of completed matches, where each row is the imputed (Y1,Y0)(Y^1, Y^0) for each individual.


n = 100
X1 <- runif(n, -0.5,0.5)
X2 <- sample(c(0,1,2), n, TRUE)
X = cbind(X1, X2)
A = sample(c(0,1), n, TRUE)
Y = A * (2*X1) + X1 + X2^2 + rnorm(n)
miu1_hat <- cbind(1,X) %*% as.matrix(lm(Y ~ X, subset = A==1)$coef)
miu0_hat <- cbind(1,X) %*% as.matrix(lm(Y ~ X, subset = A==0)$coef)
match_y1y0_bc(X = X, A = A, Y = Y, miu1.hat = miu1_hat,
              miu0.hat = miu0_hat, K = 5)