MECfda: An R package for bias correction due to measurement error in functional and scalar covariates in scalar-on-function regression models


Functional data analysis is commonly used to analyze high-dimensional data that appear as functions or images [1] [2] [3]. Functional data analysis can be used to analyzed data collected continuously or frequently over a given time period that appear as complex high dimensional functions of time. When assessing how both functional and scalar-valued covariates influence scalar-valued outcomes, scalar-on-function regression models may be used. Self-reported measures, such as dietary intake, are well known to be prone to measurement error[4], and recent studies have indicated that even the relatively more objective data obtained from wearable devices is prone to measurement error [5] [6]. It has been demonstrated that similar to scalar-valued covariates prone to measurement error, the failure to correct for biases due to measurement error associated with functional data also leads to biased estimates

We develop an R package MECfda for solving scalar-on-function regression models including multi-level generalized scalar-on-function regression models and functional quantile linear regression models measurement error corrections using various bias reduction techniques in these models.


Scalar-on-Function Linear Regression Models

The general form of scalar-on-function linear regression model is $$T(F_{Y_i|X_i,Z_i}) = \sum_{l=1}^{L} \int_{\Omega_l} \beta_l(t) X_{li}(t) dt + (1,Z_i^T)\gamma$$ where Yi represents the scalar-valued response variable, Xli(t) represents the l-th function-valued covariate (l = 1, …, L), Ωl is the domain of the l-th function-valued covariate, βl is a function-valued parameter, βl and Xli (t ∈ Ωl) are in L2(Ωl), Zi = (Z1i, …, Zqi)T represents the scalar valued covariates, γ = (γ0, γ1, …, γq)T represents scalar-valued parameter, FYi|Xi, Zi represents the cumulative distribution function of Yi given Xi and Zi, and T(⋅) is a statistical functional. A statistical functional is defined as a mapping from probability distribution to real numbers. Statistical functionals represent quantifiable properties of probability distributions, such as expectation and variance. The following gives forms of the statistical functionals in the two types of scalar-on-function linear regression models that can be solved using the algorithms included in MECfda package.

In multi-level generalized scalar-on-function generalized linear regression models, T(FYi|Xi, Zi) = g{∫ydFYi|Xi, Zi(y)} = g(E[Yi|Xi, Zi]), where g(⋅) is a link function as in generalized linear model. The only restriction of g(⋅) is that it should be strictly monotonic.

In scalar-on-function quantile linear regression models, T(FYi|Xi, Zi) = QYi|Xi, Zi(τ) = FYi|Xi, Zi−1(τ), where FYi|Xi, Zi−1(⋅) is the inverse of FYi|Xi, Zi(⋅), τ ∈ (0, 1).

Functional Data

Function-valued variables (functional variables) are usually recorded as the value of the functions at certain (time) points in its domain. The data of a function-valued variable are often presented in the form of a matrix, (xij)n × m, where xij = fi(tj), represents the value of fi(tj), each row represents an observation (subject), and each column corresponds to a measurement (time) point.

S4 class functional_variable

In the MECfda package, we have an s4 class, functional_variable, that represents the data of a function-valued variable in a matrix form. The class has four slots. The slot X, represents matrix (xij)n × m. The slots t_0 and period represent the left end and length of the domain of the function-valued variable, respectively. The slot t_points represents the (time) points that the functional variable is measured. A method, dim, is provided to return the number of subjects and measurement (time) points for a functional_variable object.

fv = functional_variable(
  X = matrix(rnorm(10*24),10,24),
  t_0 = 0,
  period = 1,
  t_points = (0:9)/10
#>     subject time_points 
#>          10          24

Basis Expansion

{ρk}k = 1 is a basis of L2(Ω). For an arbitrary function-valued parameter β(⋅) ∈ L2(Ω), there exists a number sequence {ck}k = 1 such that $$\beta(t) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty c_{k}\rho_{k}(t)$$ and for a function-valued variable, Xi(t), $$\int_\Omega\beta(t) X_i(t) dt = \int_\Omega X_i(t) \sum_{k=1}^\infty c_{k}\rho_{k}(t) dt = \sum_{k=1}^\infty c_{k} \int_\Omega \rho_{k}(t) X_i(t) dt $$ We perform a truncation for the infinite basis sequence, then $$\int_\Omega\beta(t) X_i(t) dt \approx \sum_{k=1}^p c_{k} \int_\Omega X_i(t) \rho_{k}(t) dt$$ where p < ∞. For statistical models with parts in the form of Ωβ(t)Xi(t)dt, we use ckΩXi(t)ρk(t)dt to approximate Ωβ(t)Xi(t)dt and treat Ωρk(t)Xi(t)dt as the variable. In practice, we usually choose the number of basis, p based on the sample size, n, and the p is in a form of p(n). The scalar-on-function linear model is converted to an ordinary scalar-on-scalar linear model, and the problem of estimating β(t) is converted to estimating ck, k = 1, …p.

In practice, we may not necessarily use the truncated complete basis of L2 function space. Instead, we can just use a finite sequence of linearly independent functions as the basis function.

Performing basis expansion methods on function-valued variable data in matrix form as we mentioned is to compute (bik)n × p, where bik = ∫Ωf(t)ρk(t)dt.

Usually the domain Ω of a function-valued variable {X(t), t ∈ Ω} is an interval. The commonly used basis sequence types includes the Fourier basis, b-splines basis, and eigen function basis.

Fourier basis

The Fourier basis of L2([t0, t0 + T]) consists of $$\frac{1}{2},\ \cos(\frac{2\pi}{T}k[x-t_0]),\ \sin (\frac{2\pi}{T}k[x-t_0])$$ where k = 1, …, ∞.

S4 class Fourier_series

In the MECfda package, we have an s4 class, Fourier_series that represents the linear combination of Fourier basis functions $$\frac{a_0}{2} + \sum_{k=1}^{p_a} a_k \cos{(\frac{2\pi}{T}k(x-t_0))} + \sum_{k=1}^{p_b} b_k \sin{(\frac{2\pi}{T}k(x-t_0))},\qquad x\in[t_0,t_0+T].$$ The slot double_constant is the value of a0. The slot cos contains the coefficient value of cos  waves, ak. The slot sin contains the coefficient value of sin  waves, bk. The slot k_cos contains the values of k that correspond to the coefficients of cos  waves. The slot k_sin contains the values of k that correspond to the coefficients of sin  waves. The slot t_0 is the left end of the domain interval t0. The slot period is length of the domain interval T.

The method plot for class Fourier_series is provided to generate a visual representation of the summation function. The method FourierSeries2fun is provided to compute the value of the summation function. The argument object should be an object of Fourier_series class. The argument x is the value of independent variable x. The method extractCoef is provided to extract the Fourier coefficients of Fourier_series class object.

fsc = Fourier_series(
  double_constant = 3,
  cos = c(0,2/3),
  sin = c(1,7/5),
  k_cos = 1:2,
  k_sin = 1:2,
  t_0 = 0,
  period = 1

#>  [1]  2.1666667  3.1712610  3.6252757  3.4344848  2.7346112  1.8333333
#>  [7]  1.0888125  0.7715265  0.9623175  1.5254623  2.1666667  2.5532270
#> [13]  2.4497052  1.8164508  0.8324982 -0.1666667 -0.8133005 -0.8465074
#> [19] -0.2132530  0.9074283  2.1666667
#> $a_0
#> 0 
#> 3 
#> $a_k
#>         1         2 
#> 0.0000000 0.6666667 
#> $b_k
#>   1   2 
#> 1.0 1.4

The object fsc represents the summation $$\frac32 + \frac23 \cos(2\pi\cdot2x) + \sin(2\pi x) + \frac75\sin(2\pi\cdot2x).$$

B-splines basis

A b-spline basis {Bi, p(x)}i = −pk on the interval [t0, tk + 1] is defined as $$B_{i,0}(x) = \left\{ \begin{aligned} &I_{(t_i,t_{i+1}]}(x), & i = 0,1,\dots,k\\ &0, &i<0\ or\ i>k \end{aligned} \right.$$ $$B_{i,r}(x) = \frac{x - t_{i}}{t_{i+r}-t_{i}} B_{i,r-1}(x) + \frac{t_{i+r+1} - x} {t_{i+r+1} - t_{i+1}}B_{i+1,r-1}(x)$$ For all discontinuity points of Bi, r (r > 0) in the interval (t0, tk), let the value equals its limit, which means Bi, r(x) = limt → xBi, r(t). The slot Boundary.knots is the boundary of the spline domain (start and end), which is t0 and tk + 1; the default is [0, 1]. The slot knots represents the spline knots, which is (t1, …, tk), an equally spaced sequence is chosen by the function automatically ($t_j = t_0 + j\cdot\frac{t_{k+1}-t_0}{k+1}$) when not assigned. The slot intercept is used to define whether an intercept is included in the basis; the default value is TRUE, and must be TRUE. The slot df is the degrees of freedom of the basis, which is the number of the splines, equal to p + k + 1. By default k = 0 and df = p + 1. The slot degree is the degree of the splines, which is the degree of piecewise polynomials, p; the default value is 3. See degree in bs.

S4 class bspline_basis and bspline_series

In the MECfda package, we have an s4 class, bspline_basis that represents a b-spline basis, {Bi, p(x)}i = −pk, on the interval [t0, tk + 1]. We also have an s4 class, bspline_series, that represents the summation $\sum_{i=0}^{k}b_i B_{i,p}(x)$. The slot coef contains the b-spline coefficients, bi. (i = 0, …, k) The slot bspline_basis is a bspline_basis object, that represents the b-spline basis used, {Bi, p(x)}i = −pk.

The method plot for class bspline_basis is provided to generate a visual representation of the summation function. The method bsplineSeries2fun is provided to compute the value of the summation function. The argument object should be an object of the bspline_series class. The argument x is the value of the independent variable x.

bsb = bspline_basis(
  Boundary.knots = c(0,24),
  df             = 7,
  degree         = 3
bss = bspline_series(
  coef = c(2,1,3/4,2/3,7/8,5/2,19/10),
  bspline_basis = bsb

#>  [1] 2.0000000 1.7677509 1.5690908 1.4011502 1.2610597 1.1459499 1.0529514
#>  [8] 0.9791948 0.9218107 0.8779297 0.8446824 0.8191993 0.7986111 0.7805266
#> [15] 0.7644676 0.7504340 0.7384259 0.7284433 0.7204861 0.7145544 0.7106481
#> [22] 0.7087674 0.7089120 0.7110822 0.7152778 0.7216857 0.7312404 0.7450629
#> [29] 0.7642747 0.7899969 0.8233507 0.8654574 0.9174383 0.9804145 1.0555073
#> [36] 1.1438380 1.2465278 1.3634786 1.4897151 1.6190430 1.7452675 1.8621942
#> [43] 1.9636285 2.0433759 2.0952418 2.1130317 2.0905511 2.0216053 1.9000000

The object bsb represents {Bi, 3(x)}i = −30, and the object bss represents
$$2B_{i,-3}(x)+B_{i,-2}(x)+\frac34B_{i,-1}(x)+\frac23B_{i,0}(x) + \frac78B_{i,1}(x) + \frac52B_{i,2}(x) +\frac{19}{10}B_{i,3}(x),$$ where x ∈ [t0, t4] and t0 = 0, tk = tk − 1 + 6 ,k = 1, 2, 3, 4.


A generic function, basis2fun, is provided for the class Fourier_series and bspline_series. When applied to a Fourier_series object, it is equivalent to method FourierSeries2fun. When applied to a bspline_series object, it is equivalent to method bsplineSeries2fun.

#>  [1]  2.1666667  3.1712610  3.6252757  3.4344848  2.7346112  1.8333333
#>  [7]  1.0888125  0.7715265  0.9623175  1.5254623  2.1666667  2.5532270
#> [13]  2.4497052  1.8164508  0.8324982 -0.1666667 -0.8133005 -0.8465074
#> [19] -0.2132530  0.9074283  2.1666667
#>  [1] 2.0000000 1.7677509 1.5690908 1.4011502 1.2610597 1.1459499 1.0529514
#>  [8] 0.9791948 0.9218107 0.8779297 0.8446824 0.8191993 0.7986111 0.7805266
#> [15] 0.7644676 0.7504340 0.7384259 0.7284433 0.7204861 0.7145544 0.7106481
#> [22] 0.7087674 0.7089120 0.7110822 0.7152778 0.7216857 0.7312404 0.7450629
#> [29] 0.7642747 0.7899969 0.8233507 0.8654574 0.9174383 0.9804145 1.0555073
#> [36] 1.1438380 1.2465278 1.3634786 1.4897151 1.6190430 1.7452675 1.8621942
#> [43] 1.9636285 2.0433759 2.0952418 2.1130317 2.0905511 2.0216053 1.9000000

Eigenfunction basis

Suppose K(s, t) ∈ L2(Ω × Ω), f(t) ∈ L2(Ω). Then K induces an linear operator 𝒦 by (𝒦f)(x) = ∫ΩK(t, x)f(t)dt If ξ(⋅) ∈ L2(Ω) such that 𝒦ξ = λξ where λ ∈ C, we call ξ an eigenfunction/eigenvector of 𝒦, and λ an eigenvalue associated with ξ.

All the eigenfunctions of 𝒦 make a basis of L2(Ω). We call the basis induced by K(s, t) = Cov(X(t), X(s)) a functional principal component (FPC) basis, where {X(t), t ∈ Ω} is a stochastic process.

Basis expansion methods for the functional_variable class

The MECfda pakcage provide the methods fourier_basis_expansion and bspline_basis_expansion for the class functional_variable, which perform basis expansion using Fourier basis and b-spline basis respectively.

fv =$FC[[1]]
BE.fs = fourier_basis_expansion(fv,5L) = bspline_basis_expansion(fv,5L,3L)

Numerical Computation of Integrals

We use $$\frac{1}{|T|}\sum_{t\in T} \rho_{k}(t) X_{i}(t)$$ to compute the integral Ωρk(t)Xi(t)dt where T is the measurement (time) points of Xi(t), and |T| represents the cardinal number of T.

Scalar-on-Function Linear Regression in MECfda


fcRegression(Y, FC, Z, formula.Z, family = gaussian(link = "identity"),
             basis.type = c("Fourier", "Bspline"), basis.order = 6L, 
             bs_degree = 3)

The MECfda package provides a function, fcRegression, to fit generalized linear mixed effect models, including ordinary linear models, and generalized linear models with fixed and random effects, using basis expansion to discretize the function-valued covariates. The function fcRegression can solve a linear model in the following form: $$g(E(Y_i|X_i,Z_i)) = \sum_{l=1}^{L} \int_{\Omega_l} \beta_l(t) X_{li}(t) dt + (1,Z_i^T)\gamma.$$ The function can allow one or multiple function-valued covariates to be used as fixed effects, and zero, one, or multiple scalar-valued covariates to be used as fixed or random effects. Response variable, function-valued covariates, and scalar-valued covariates are input separately as three different arguments, Y, FC, and Z, respectively. The format of the input data can be very flexible. For response variable, the input format can be an atomic vector, a one-column matrix or data frame. The recommended form is a one-column data frame or matrix with a column name, because in this case, the name of response variable is specified. For function-valued covariates, a functional_variable object or a matrix or a data frame or a list of these objects can be accepted as input data. When one functional_variable object, matrix or, data frame is input as argument FC, only one function-valued covariate is included in the model. When a list of these objects is input as argument FC, the model can have multiple function-valued covariates, with each element of the list corresponding to a different function-valued covariate. For of scalar-valued covariates, a matrix, data frame, atomic vector, NULL, or, no input can be accepted as input data. When argument Z is not assigned, no scalar-valued covariate is included in the model and argument formula.Z should also be NULL, or no input. When an atomic vector is input as argument Z, only one scalar-valued is included in the model, and, the name of the scalar-valued covariate is not specified. So even if only one scalar-valued covariate is included in the model, a matrix or data frame with column name is recommended as the input for argument Z. The argument formula.Z is used to specify which part of the argument Z is used and whether to treat scalar-valued covariates as fixed effects or random effects. The argument family can specify the distribution type of the response variable and link function to be used in the regression. The argument basis.type indicate the type of basis function to be used in basis expansion process. Available options are ‘Fourier’ and ‘Bspline’, representing the Fourier basis and the b-spline basis, respectively. The argument basis.order indicates the number of function basis to be used. When using the Fourier basis $\frac{1}{2},\sin k t, \cos k t, k = 1,\dots,p_f$, basis.order is the number pf. When using the b-splines basis {Bi, p(x)}i = −pk, basis.order is the number of splines, equal to k + p + 1. The argument bs_degree specifies the degree of the piecewise polynomials of the b-spline basis function if using the b-splines basis, and is only needed when using the b-spline basis.

The function fcRegression returns an object of s3 class fcRegression. as a list that containing the following elements.

  1. regression_result: Result of the regression.
  2. FC.BasisCoefficient: A list of Fourier_series or bspline_series objects, representing the function-valued linear coefficients of the function-valued covariates.
  3. function.basis.type: Type of function basis used.
  4. basis.order: Same as in the arguments.
  5. data: Original data.
  6. bs_degree: Degree of splines, returned only if the b-splines basis is used.

We can use the method predict to get a predicted value from the model. We can use the method fc.beta to get the values of function-valued linear coefficient parameters, βl(t).

res = fcRegression(FC =$FC, 
                   family = gaussian(link = "identity"),
                   basis.order = 5, basis.type = c('Bspline'),
                   formula.Z = ~ Z_1 + (1|Z_2))
t = (0:100)/100
plot(x = t, y = fc.beta(res,1,t), ylab = expression(beta[1](t)))

plot(x = t, y = fc.beta(res,2,t), ylab = expression(beta[2](t)))

predict(object = res, newData.FC =$FC,
        newData.Z =$Z)
#>        1        2        3        4        5 
#> 6.500129 5.690171 2.388979 5.441011 4.821000


fcQR(Y, FC, Z, formula.Z, tau = 0.5, basis.type = c("Fourier", "Bspline"),
     basis.order = 6L, bs_degree = 3)

The MECfda package provides a function, fcQR, for fitting quantile linear regression models. The method for addressing function-valued covariates is discretization using basis expansion. The function fcQR can solve a linear model in the following form: $$Q_{Y_i|X_i,Z_i}(\tau) = \sum_{l=1}^L\int_{\Omega_l} \beta_l(\tau,t) X_{li}(t) dt + (1,Z_i^T)\gamma.$$ The function allows one or multiple function-valued covariates, and zero, one, or multiple scalar-valued covariates. Data input occurs as described for the function fcRegression. The treatment of the scalar-valued covariates is specified by the argument formula.Z, similar to the function fcRegression. The only difference between function fcQR and function fcRegression is that the quantile linear regression model does not include a random effect. The quantile τ is specified by the argument tau. The type and parameters of the basis function are specified bythe argument basis.type, basis.order, and bs_degree, as described for the function fcRegression.

The function fcQR returns an object of s3 class fcQR, as a list that contains containing the following elements.

  1. regression_result: Result of the regression.
  2. FC.BasisCoefficient: A list of Fourier_series or bspline_series objects, representing the function-valued linear coefficients of the function-valued covariates.
  3. function.basis.type: Type of function basis used.
  4. basis.order: Same as in the arguments.
  5. data: Original data.
  6. bs_degree: Degree of the splines, returned only if the b-splines basis is used.

We can use the method predict to obtain a predicted value from the model and use the method fc.beta to obtain the values of function-valued linear coefficient parameters βl(t).

res = fcQR(FC =$FC, 
           tau = 0.5,
           basis.order = 5, basis.type = c('Bspline'),
           formula.Z = ~ .)
t = (0:100)/100
plot(x = t, y = fc.beta(res,1,t), ylab = expression(beta[1](t)))

plot(x = t, y = fc.beta(res,2,t), ylab = expression(beta[2](t)))

predict(object = res, newData.FC =$FC,
        newData.Z =$Z)
#>        1        2        3        4        5 
#> 6.497759 5.682573 2.404464 5.440699 4.830085

Measurement Error Models and Bias Correction Estimation Methods

Data collected in real- world settings often include measurement error, especially function-valued data. Measurement error in a data set may result in estimation bias. The *MECfda** package also provides bias correction estimation method functions for certain linear regression models for use with data containing measurement error.


  method = c("UP_MEM", "MP_MEM", "average"),
  t_interval = c(0, 1),
  t_points = NULL,
  d = 3,
  family.W = c("gaussian", "poisson"),
  family.Y = "gaussian",
  basis.type = c("Fourier", "Bspline"),
  basis.order = NULL,
  bs_degree = 3,
  smooth = FALSE,
  silent = TRUE

Wearable monitoring devices permit the continuous monitoring of biological processes, such as blood glucose metabolism, and behaviors, such as sleep quality and physical activity.
Continuous monitoring often collect data in 60-second epochs over multiple days, resulting in high-dimensional multi-level longitudinal curves that are best described and analyzed as multi-level functional data.
Although researchers have previously addressed measurement error in scalar covariates prone to error, less work has been done for correcting measurement error in multi-level high dimensional curves prone to heteroscedastic measurement error. Therefore, Luan et. al. proposed mixed effects-based-model-based (MEM) methods for bias correction due to measurement error in multi-level functional data from the exponential family of distributions that are prone to complex heteroscedastic measurement error.

They first developed MEM methods to adjust for biases due to the presence of measurement error in multi-level generalized functional regression models.
They assumed that the distributions of the function-valued covariates prone to measurement error belong to the exponential family. This assumption allows for a more general specification of the distributions of error-prone functional covariates compared to current approaches that often entail normality assumptions for these observed measures. The approach adopted by Luan et al. allows a nonlinear association between the true measurement and the observed measurement prone to measurement error.
Second, they treated the random errors in the observed measures as complex heteroscedastic errors from the Gaussian distribution with covariance error functions. Third, these methods can be used to evaluate relationships between multi-level function-valued covariates with complex measurement error structures and scalar outcomes with distributions in the exponential family.
Fourth, they treat the function-valued covariate as an observed measure of the true function-valued unobserved latent covariate.
Additionally, these methods employ a point-wise method for fitting the multi-level functional MEM approach, avoiding the need to compute complex and intractable integrals that would be required in traditional approaches for reducing biases due to measurement error in multi-level functional data [7].

Their statistical model is as follows: where the response variable Yi and scalar-valued covariates Zi are measured without error, function-valued covariate Xi(t) is repeatedly measured with error as Wij(t). The model also includes the following assumptions:

  1. Yi|Xi, Zi ∼ EF(⋅), EF refers to an exponential family distribution.
  2. g(⋅) and h(⋅) are known to be strictly monotone, twice continuously differentiable functions.
  3. Cov{Xi(t), Wij(t)} ≠ 0,
  4. Wij(t)|Xi(t) ∼ EF(⋅)
  5. fYi|Wij(t), Xi(t)(⋅) = fYi|Xi(t)(⋅), f refers to probability density function.
  6. Xi(t) ∼ GP{μx(t), Σxx}, GP refers to the Gaussian process.

They proposed a MEM estimation method to correct for bias caused by the presence of measurement error in the function-valued covariate. This method allows for the investigation of a nonlinear measurement error model, in which the relationship between the true and observed measurements is not constrained to be linear, and the distribution assumption for the observed measurement is relaxed to encompass the exponential family rather than being limited to a Gaussian distribution.

The MEM approach is a two stage method that employs functional mixed-effects models. The first stage of the MEM approach involves using a functional mixed-effects model
to approximate the true measure Xi(t) with the repeated observed measurement Wij(t). The MEM approach is primarily based on the assumptions that h[E{Wij(t)|Xi(t)}] = Xi(t) and Xi(t) = μx(t) + εxi(t). That is, in the functional mixed-effects model containing one fixed intercept and one random intercept, the random intercept is assumed to to be the subject-wise deviation of Xi(t) from the mean process μx(t), and the fixed intercept is assumed to represent μx(t). The second stage involves replacing Xi(t) in the regression model with the resulting approximation of Xi(t) from the first stage. The MEM approach employs point-wise (UP_MEM) and multi-point-wise (MP_MEM) estimation procedures to avoid potential computational complexities caused by analyses of multi-level functional data and computations of potentially intractable and complex integrals.

The MECfda package provides a function ME.fcRegression_MEM for application to the bias correction estimation method. The response variable, function-valued covariates, and scalar-valued covariates are input separately as three different arguments. The argument data.Y is the response variable. Inputs can be an atomic vector, a one-column matrix or data frame, recommended form is a one-column data frame with column name. The argument data.W is the data for W, the measurement of X, in the statistical model. The input should be a 3-dimensional array. in which each row represents a subject, each column represent a measurement (time) point, each layer represents an observation. The argument data.Z is the data for the scalar covariates, It can be no input or NULL if the model does not include a scalar covariate, input in the form of an atomic vector when the model includes only one scalar covariate, or input as a matrix or data frame, with the recommended form being a data frame with column names. The argument method specifies the method for constructing the substitution X. Available options includes 'UP_MEM', 'MP_MEM', and 'average'. The argument t_interval specifies the domain of the function-valued covariate and should be a 2-element vector, representing an interval. The default is c(0,1), represent interval [0, 1]. The argument t_points is the sequence of measurement (time) points, and the default is NULL. The argument d is the number of measurement (time) points involved for MP_MEM (the default value is 3, which is also the minimum value). The argument family.W is the distribution of W given X, and available options are 'gaussian' and 'poisson'. The argument family.Y is a description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model. See stats::family. The argument formula.Z is used to specify which part of the argument Z is used and whether to treat the scalar-valued covariates, as fixed effects or random effects. The argument basis.type indicates the type of basis function to be used in the basis expansion process. Available options are 'Fourier' and 'Bspline', representing Fourier basis and b-spline basis respectively. The argument basis.order indicates number of the function basis to be used. When using Fourier basis $\frac{1}{2},\sin k t, \cos k t, k = 1,\dots,p_f$, basis.order is the number pf. When using b-splines basis, {Bi, p(x)}i = −pk, basis.order is the number of splines, equal to k + p + 1. The argument bs_degree specifies the degree of the piecewise polynomials of b-spline basis function if use b-splines basis. This argument is need only when using b-spline basis. The argument smooth specifies whether to smooth the substitution of X, and the default is FALSE. The argument silent specifies whether not to show the statuse of the running of the function, and the default is TRUE.

The function ME.fcRegression_MEM returns a fcRegression object.

res = ME.fcRegression_MEM(data.Y =$Y,
                          data.W =$W,
                          data.Z =$Z,
                          method = 'UP_MEM',
                          family.W = "gaussian",
                          basis.type = 'Bspline')


  tau = 0.5,
  t_interval = c(0, 1),
  t_points = NULL,
  basis.type = c("Fourier", "Bspline"),
  basis.order = NULL,
  bs_degree = 3

Health a major concerns for many people, and as technology advances, wearable devices have become the mainstream method for monitoring and evaluating individual physical activity levels. Despite personal preferences in brands and feature design, the accuracy of the data presented is what makes the device a great product. These functional data collected from devices are generally considered more accurate and subjective compared to other objective methods like questionnaires and self-reports. Because physical activity levels are not directly observable, algorithms are used generate corresponding summary reports of different activity level using complex data (e.g. steps, heart rate).
However, these results may differ depending on which device is used. And aside from variation in hardware, data collected could also vary by the combinations between how the device is worn and the activity of interest. Although current devices may be sufficiently accurate to monitor general physical activity levels, more precise data may enable additional functions such as detecting irregular heart rhythms or radiation exposures that would contribute toward improving the health of the general public and elevating the overall well-being of society.

Quantile regression is a tool that was developed to meet the need for modeling complex relationships between a set of covariates and quantiles of an outcome. In obesity studies, the effects of interventions or covariates on body mass index (BMI) are most commonly estimated using ordinary least square methods. However, mean regression approaches are unable to address these effects for individuals whose BMI values fall in the upper quantile of the distribution. Compared with traditional linear regression approaches, quantile regression approaches make no assumptions regarding the distribution of residuals and are robust to outlying observations.

Tekwe et. al.  proposed a simulation extrapolation (SIMEX) estimation method that uses an instrumental variable to correct for bias due to measurement error in scalar-on-function quantile linear regression. They demonstrated the usefulness of this method by evaluating the association between physical activity and obesity using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) dataset [8]. Their statistical model is as follows: where the response variable Yi and scalar-valued covariates Zi are measured without error, the function-valued covariate Xi(t) is measured with error as Wi(t), and Mi(t) is a measured instrumental variable. The model also includes the following assumptions:

  1. Cov{Xi(t), Ui(s)} = 0,
  2. Cov{Mi(t), Ui(s)} = 0,
  3. E(Wi(t)|Xi(t)) = Xi(t)
  4. Ui(t) ∼ GP{0, Σuu}, GP refers to Gaussian process.

for t, s ∈ [0, 1] and i = 1, …, n.

Their bias correction estimation method uses a two-stage strategy to correct for measurement error in a function-valued covariate and then fits a linear quantile regression model. In the first stage, an instrumental variable is used to estimate the covariance matrix associated with the measurement error. In the second stage, SIMEX is used to correct for measurement error in the function-valued covariate.

The MECfda package provides a function ME.fcQR_IV.SIMEX for the application of their bias correction estimation method. The argument data.Y is the response variable. Input can be an atomic vector, a one-column matrix or data frame, recommended form is a one-column data frame with column name. The argument data.W is the data for W, the measurement of X, in the statistical model. The input should be a dataframe or matrix, in which each row represents a subject, each column represent a measurement (time) point. The argument data.Z is the data for scalar covariates, This argument can be input as no input or NULL when no scalar covariate is included in the model, an atomic vector when only one scalar covariate is included in the model, or as a matrix or data frame. The recommended form is a data frame with column names. The argument data.M is the data of M, the instrumental variable. Input should be a dataframe or matrix, in which each row represents a subject. each column represent a measurement (time) point. The argument tau is the quantile τ ∈ (0, 1), default is 0.5. The argument t_interval specifies the domain of the function-valued covariate, which should be a 2-element vector, represents an interval. The default is c(0,1), represent interval [0, 1]. The argument t_points is the sequence of the measurement (time) points, default is NULL. The argument formula.Z is used to specify which part of the argument Z is used and how to treat the scalar-valued covariates. The argument basis.type indicates the type of basis function to be used in the basis expansion process. Available options are 'Fourier' and 'Bspline', representing the Fourier basis and the b-spline basis, respectively. The argument basis.order indicates number of the function basis to be used. When using the Fourier basis $\frac{1}{2},\sin k t, \cos k t, k = 1,\dots,p_f$, basis.order is the number pf. When using the b-splines basis {Bi, p(x)}i = −pk, basis.order is the number of splines, equal to k + p + 1. The argument bs_degree specifies the degrees of piecewise polynomials of the b-spline basis function if using the b-splines basis. This argument is only needed when using b-spline basis.

The function ME.fcQR_IV.SIMEX returns an ME.fcQR_IV.SIMEX class object as a list that containing the following elements.

  1. coef.X: A Fourier_series or bspline_series object representing the function-valued coefficient parameter of the function-valued covariate.
  2. coef.Z: The estimated linear coefficients of the scalar covariates.
  3. coef.all: Original estimate of linear coefficients.
  4. function.basis.type: Type of function basis used.
  5. basis.order: Same as in the input arguments.
  6. t_interval: A 2-element vector representing an interval, describes the domain of the function-valued covariate.
  7. t_points: Sequence of the measurement (time) points.
  8. formula: Regression model.
  9. formula.Z: Formula object containing only the scalar covariates.
  10. zlevels: Levels of the non-continuous scalar covariates.
rm(list = ls())
res = ME.fcQR_IV.SIMEX(data.Y =$Y,
                       data.W =$W,
                       data.Z =$Z,
                       data.M =$M,
                       tau = 0.5,
                       basis.type = 'Bspline')


  tau = 0.5,
  t_interval = c(0, 1),
  t_points = NULL,
  degree = 45,
  observed_X = NULL

Zhang et. al.  proposed a corrected loss score estimation method for scalar-on-function quantile linear regression to correct for bias due to measurement error [9]. Their statistical model is as follows: where the response variable Yi and the scalar-valued covariates Zi are measured without error, the function-valued covariate Xi(t) is measured with error as Wi(t).

  1. E[Ui(t)] = 0.
  2. Cov{Ui(t), Ui(s)} = ΣU(s, t), where ΣU(s, t) is unknown.
  3. Ui(t) are i.i.d for different i.

Zhang et al. proposed a new corrected loss function for a partially functional linear quantile model with functional measurement error in this manuscript. They established a corrected quantile objective function for an observed measurement, which is an unbiased estimator of the quantile objective function that would be obtained if the true measurements were available. The estimators of the regression parameters are obtained by optimizing the resulting corrected loss function. The resulting estimator of the regression parameters is shown to be consistent.

The MECfda package provides a function, ME.fcQR_CLS, for the application of their bias correction estimation method. The argument data.Y is the response variable. Input can be an atomic vector, a one-column matrix or data frame, with the recommended form being a one-column data frame with column name. The argument data.W is the data for W, the measurement of X, in the statistical model. The input should be a 3-dimensional array, in which each row represents a subject, each column represent a measurement (time) point, each layer represents an observation. The argument data.Z is the data for scalar covariates, This argument can be no input or NULL when no scalar covariate is included in the model, as an atomic vector when only one scalar covariate is included in the model, or as a matrix or data frame. The recommended form is a data frame with column names. The argument tau is the quantile τ ∈ (0, 1), with the default value 0.5. The argument t_interval specifies the domain of the function-valued covariate, and should be a 2-element vector, representing an interval. The default is c(0,1), representing interval [0, 1]. The argument t_points is the sequence of measurement (time) points, default is NULL. The argument grid_k is an atomic vector, in which each element is a candidate basis number.
The argument grid_h is a non-zero-value atomic vector, in which each element is a candidate value for the tuning parameter. The argument degree is used in to compute the derivative and integral, and the default value is 45, which is large enough for most scenario. The argument observed_X is for estimating parametric variance, and the default value is NULL.

The function returns an ME.fcQR_CLS class object. as a list that containing the following elements.

  1. estimated_beta_hat: Estimated coefficients from the corrected loss function (including the functional part)
  2. estimated_beta_t: Estimated functional curve
  3. SE_est: Estimated parametric variance. Returned only if observed_X is not NULL.
  4. estimated_Xbasis: The basis matrix used
  5. res_naive: Results of naive method
rm(list = ls())
res = ME.fcQR_CLS(data.Y =$Y,
                  data.W =$W,
                  data.Z =$Z,
                  tau = 0.5,
                  grid_k = 4:7,
                  grid_h = 1:2)


  t_interval = c(0, 1),
  t_points = NULL,
  CI.bootstrap = F

Tekwe et. al.  proposed a bias correction estimation method for scalar-on-function linear regression model with measurement error using an instrumental variable [6]. Their statistical model is as follows: where the response variable Yi and are measured without error, the function-valued covariate Xi(t) is measured with error as Wi(t), and Mi(t) is an measured instrumental variable. They included the following additional assumptions:

  1. Eεi(t) = 0,
  2. EUi(t) = 0,
  3. Eηi(t) = 0,
  4. Cov{Xi(t), εi} = 0,
  5. Cov{Mi(t), εi} = 0,
  6. Cov{Mi(t), Ui(s)} = 0,

for t, s ∈ [0, 1] and i = 1, …, n.

The MECfda package provides a function ME.fcLR_IV for the application of their bias correction estimation method. The argument data.Y is the response variable, which can be input as an atomic vector, a one-column matrix or data frame, with the recommended form being a one-column data frame with column name. The argument data.W is the data for W, the measurement of X, in the statistical model. The input should be a dataframe or matrix, in which each row represents a subject. each column represent a measurement (time) point. The argument data.M is the data for M, the instrumental variable. Input should be a dataframe or matrix. Each row represents a subject. Each column represent a measurement (time) point. The argument t_interval specifies the domain of the function-valued covariate, and should be a 2-element vector, represents an interval. The default value is c(0,1), represent interval [0, 1]. The argument t_points is the sequence of the measurement (time) points, and the default value is NULL. The argument CI.bootstrap specifies whether to return the confidence jinterval using the bootstrap method, and the default is FALSE.

The function returns a ME.fcLR_IV class object as a list that containing the following elements.

  1. beta_tW: Parameter estimates.
  2. CI: Confidence interval, returned only when CI.bootstrap is TRUE.
rm(list = ls())
res = ME.fcLR_IV(data.Y =$Y,
                 data.W =$W,
                 data.M =$M)


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