Title: | Methods for Dimension Reduction |
Description: | Functions for dimension reduction, using MAVE (Minimum Average Variance Estimation), OPG (Outer Product of Gradient) and KSIR (sliced inverse regression of kernel version). Methods for selecting the best dimension are also included. Xia (2002) <doi:10.1111/1467-9868.03411>; Xia (2007) <doi:10.1214/009053607000000352>; Wang (2008) <doi:10.1198/016214508000000418>. |
Authors: | Hang Weiqiang<E0010758@u.nus.edu>, Xia Yingcun<staxyc@nus.edu.sg> |
Maintainer: | Hang Weiqiang<E0010758@u.nus.edu> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.3.11 |
Built: | 2025-02-18 07:41:04 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
This function returns the basis matrix of CS or CMS of given dimension
## S3 method for class 'mave' coef(object, dim, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mave.dim' coef(object, dim = "dim.min", ...)
## S3 method for class 'mave' coef(object, dim, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mave.dim' coef(object, dim = "dim.min", ...)
object |
dim |
the dimension of CS or CMS. The value of dim should be given when the class of the
argument dr is mave. When the class of the argument dr is mave.dim and dim is not given, the
function will return the basis matrix of CS or CMS of dimension selected by |
... |
no use. |
dir the matrix of CS or CMS of given dimension
for obtaining the reduced data
x <- matrix(rnorm(400),100,4) y <- x[,1]+x[,2]+as.matrix(rnorm(100)) dr <- mave(y~x) dir3 <- coef(dr,3) dr.dim <- mave.dim(dr) dir3 <- coef(dr.dim,3) dir.best <- coef(dr.dim)
x <- matrix(rnorm(400),100,4) y <- x[,1]+x[,2]+as.matrix(rnorm(100)) dr <- mave(y~x) dir3 <- coef(dr,3) dr.dim <- mave.dim(dr) dir3 <- coef(dr.dim,3) dir.best <- coef(dr.dim)
Concrete strength is very important in civil engineering and is a highly nonlinear function of age and ingredients. This dataset contains 1030 instances and there are 8 features relevant to concrete strength. The description of the varaibles are given below. The description is from https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Concrete+Compressive+Strength. Name – Data Type – Measurement – Description
A data frame with 1030 rows and 8 covariate variables and 1 response variable
Cement (component 1) – quantitative – kg in a m3 mixture – Input Variable
Blast Furnace Slag (component 2) – quantitative – kg in a m3 mixture – Input Variable
Fly Ash (component 3) – quantitative – kg in a m3 mixture – Input Variable
Water (component 4) – quantitative – kg in a m3 mixture – Input Variable
Superplasticizer (component 5) – quantitative – kg in a m3 mixture – Input Variable
Coarse Aggregate (component 6) – quantitative – kg in a m3 mixture – Input Variable
Fine Aggregate (component 7) – quantitative – kg in a m3 mixture – Input Variable
Age – quantitative – Day (1~365) – Input Variable
Concrete compressive strength – quantitative – MPa – Output Variable
-Cheng Yeh, "Modeling of strength of high performance concrete using artificial neural networks," Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 28, No. 12, pp. 1797-1808 (1998).
data(Concrete) train = sample(1:1030)[1:500] x.train = as.matrix(Concrete[train,1:8]) y.train = as.matrix(Concrete[train,9]) x.test = as.matrix(Concrete[-train,1:8]) y.test = as.matrix(Concrete[-train,9]) dr = mave.compute(x.train,y.train, method='meanopg',max.dim=8) dr.dim = mave.dim(dr) y.pred = predict(dr.dim,x.test) #estimation error mean((y.pred-y.test)^2)
data(Concrete) train = sample(1:1030)[1:500] x.train = as.matrix(Concrete[train,1:8]) y.train = as.matrix(Concrete[train,9]) x.test = as.matrix(Concrete[-train,1:8]) y.test = as.matrix(Concrete[-train,9]) dr = mave.compute(x.train,y.train, method='meanopg',max.dim=8) dr.dim = mave.dim(dr) y.pred = predict(dr.dim,x.test) #estimation error mean((y.pred-y.test)^2)
A data set contains 21613 obervations with 19 features plus house price. The names of the columns are given below.
date: Date house was sold(String)
price: Price of the sold house
bedrooms: Numer of Bedrooms
bathrooms: Numer of bathrooms
sqft_living: Square footage of the living room
sqrt_log: Square footage of the log
floors: Total floors in the house
waterfront: Whether the house has a view a waterfront(1: yes, 0: not)
view: unknown
condtion: Condition of the house
grade: unknown
sqft_above: Square footage of house apart from basement
sqft_basement: Square footage of the basement
yr_built: Built year
yr_renovated: Year when the house was renovated
zipcode: zipcode of the house
lat: Latitude coordinate
long Longitude coordinate
sqft_living15: Living room area in 2015(implies some renovations)
sqrt_lot15: Lot area in 2015(implies some renovations)
A data frame with 21613 rows and 19 variables
data(kc_house_data) #convert date in string to date in numeric value kc_house_data[,2]=sapply(kc_house_data[,2],as.double) train = sample(1:21613)[1:1000] x.train = as.matrix(kc_house_data[train,c(2,4:21)]) #exclude id, house price y.train = as.matrix(kc_house_data[train,3]) # house price x.test = as.matrix(kc_house_data[-train,c(2,4:21)]) y.test = as.matrix(kc_house_data[-train,3])
data(kc_house_data) #convert date in string to date in numeric value kc_house_data[,2]=sapply(kc_house_data[,2],as.double) train = sample(1:21613)[1:1000] x.train = as.matrix(kc_house_data[train,c(2,4:21)]) #exclude id, house price y.train = as.matrix(kc_house_data[train,3]) # house price x.test = as.matrix(kc_house_data[-train,c(2,4:21)]) y.test = as.matrix(kc_house_data[-train,3])
This function provides several methods to estimate the central space or central mean space of y on x.
It returns the matrix of central space or central mean space for different dimensions and contains
other information used for dimension selection by mave.dim
mave( formula, data, method = "CSOPG", max.dim = 10, screen = NULL, subset, na.action = na.fail ) mave.compute( x, y, method = "CSOPG", max.dim = 10, screen = nrow(x)/log(nrow(x)) )
mave( formula, data, method = "CSOPG", max.dim = 10, screen = NULL, subset, na.action = na.fail ) mave.compute( x, y, method = "CSOPG", max.dim = 10, screen = nrow(x)/log(nrow(x)) )
formula |
the model used in regression |
data |
the data |
method |
This parameter specify which method will be used in dimension reduction. It provides five methods, including "csMAVE","csOPG","meanOPG","meanMAVE","KSIR" by default, method = 'csOPG'
max.dim |
the maximum dimension of dimension reduction space. The default is 10. In practice, max.dim will be equal to min(max.dim,ncol(x),screen). |
screen |
specify the number of variables retained after screening method. The default is n/log(n). When this number is smaller than max.dim, then max.dim will change to the value of screen |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process. |
na.action |
a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. The default is na.action, which wil stop calculations. If na.action is set to be na.omit, the incomplete cases will be removed. |
x |
The n by p design matrix. |
y |
The n by q respond matrix. |
dr is a list which contains:
dir: dir[[d]] is the central space with d-dimension d = 1, 2, ..., p reduced direction of different dimensions
y: the value of response
idx: the index of variables which survives after screening
max.dim: the largest dimensions of CS or CMS which have been calculated in mave function
ky: parameter used for DIM for selection
x: the original training data
Li K C. Sliced inverse regression for dimension reduction[J]. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1991, 86(414): 316-327.
Xia Y, Tong H, Li W K, et al. An adaptive estimation of dimension reduction space[J]. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 2002, 64(3): 363-410.
Xia Y. A constructive approach to the estimation of dimension reduction directions[J]. The Annals of Statistics, 2007: 2654-2690.
Wang H, Xia Y. Sliced regression for dimension reduction[J]. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2008, 103(482): 811-821.
for dimension selection, predict.mave
for prediction
using the dimension reduction space, coef.mave
for accessing the basis vectors of
dimension reduction space of given dimension, plot.mave
for plot method for mave class
x <- matrix(rnorm(400*5),400,5) b1 <- matrix(c(1,1,0,0,0),5,1) b2 <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0),5,1) eps <- matrix(rnorm(400),400,1) y <- x%*%b1 + (x%*%b2)*eps #finding central space based on OPG method #dr.csopg <- mave.compute(x,y, method = 'csopg') #or dr.csopg <- mave(y ~ x, method = 'csopg') #dr.meanopg <- mave.compute(x,y, method = 'meanopg') #or dr.meanopg <- mave(y ~ x, method = 'meanopg') #find central mean space based on ksir method dr.ksir <- mave(y~x,method='ksir') #or #dr.ksir <- mave.compute(x,y,method='ksir') #See more examples about screening and mutiple responses in the vignette #Using screening for high dimensional data #x <- matrix(rnorm(100*50),100,50) #y1 = as.matrix(x[,1])+rnorm(100)*.2 #y2 = as.matrix(x[,2]+x[,3])*as.matrix(x[,1]+x[,5])+rnorm(100)*.2 #y = cbind(y1,y2) #dr.sc = mave(y~x,method='CSOPG',max.dim=5,screen=20) #dr.sc.dim = mave.dim(dr.sc) #print the directions of central space with the selected variables #dr.sc.dim$dir[[3]][dr.sc$idx,]
x <- matrix(rnorm(400*5),400,5) b1 <- matrix(c(1,1,0,0,0),5,1) b2 <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0),5,1) eps <- matrix(rnorm(400),400,1) y <- x%*%b1 + (x%*%b2)*eps #finding central space based on OPG method #dr.csopg <- mave.compute(x,y, method = 'csopg') #or dr.csopg <- mave(y ~ x, method = 'csopg') #dr.meanopg <- mave.compute(x,y, method = 'meanopg') #or dr.meanopg <- mave(y ~ x, method = 'meanopg') #find central mean space based on ksir method dr.ksir <- mave(y~x,method='ksir') #or #dr.ksir <- mave.compute(x,y,method='ksir') #See more examples about screening and mutiple responses in the vignette #Using screening for high dimensional data #x <- matrix(rnorm(100*50),100,50) #y1 = as.matrix(x[,1])+rnorm(100)*.2 #y2 = as.matrix(x[,2]+x[,3])*as.matrix(x[,1]+x[,5])+rnorm(100)*.2 #y = cbind(y1,y2) #dr.sc = mave(y~x,method='CSOPG',max.dim=5,screen=20) #dr.sc.dim = mave.dim(dr.sc) #print the directions of central space with the selected variables #dr.sc.dim$dir[[3]][dr.sc$idx,]
The function returns the reduced data matrix of the original data. The reduced data matrix is obtained by the original data multiplied by the dimension reduction directions of given dimension.
mave.data(dr, x, dim = NULL)
mave.data(dr, x, dim = NULL)
dr |
x |
the original data matrix of p dimensions |
dim |
the dimension of the reduced data matrix. |
for obtaining the dimension reduction directions
x <- matrix(rnorm(400),100,4) y <- x[,1]+x[,2]+as.matrix(rnorm(100)) dr <- mave(y~x) x.reduced <- mave.data(dr,x,3)
x <- matrix(rnorm(400),100,4) y <- x[,1]+x[,2]+as.matrix(rnorm(100)) dr <- mave(y~x) x.reduced <- mave.data(dr,x,3)
This function selects the dimension of the central (mean) space based on the calculation of MAVE using cross-validation method.
mave.dim(dr, max.dim = 10)
mave.dim(dr, max.dim = 10)
dr |
the result of MAVE function |
max.dim |
the maximum dimension for cross-validation. |
dr.dim contains all information in dr plus cross-validation values of corresponding direction
cv0 : the cross-validation value when the null model is used
cv : the cross-validation value using dimension reduction directions of different dimensions
dim.min : the dimension of minimum cross-validation value. Note that this value can be 0.
for computing the dimension reduction space, predict.mave.dim
for prediction method of mave.dim class
x <- matrix(rnorm(400*5),400,5) b1 <- matrix(c(1,1,0,0,0),5,1) b2 <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0),5,1) eps <- matrix(rnorm(400),400,1) y <- x%*%b1 + (x%*%b2)*eps #seleted dimension of central space dr.cs <- mave(y~x,method='csmave') dr.cs.dim <- mave.dim(dr.cs) #seleted dimension of central mean space dr.mean <- mave(y~x,method='meanmave') dr.mean.dim <- mave.dim(dr.mean)
x <- matrix(rnorm(400*5),400,5) b1 <- matrix(c(1,1,0,0,0),5,1) b2 <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0),5,1) eps <- matrix(rnorm(400),400,1) y <- x%*%b1 + (x%*%b2)*eps #seleted dimension of central space dr.cs <- mave(y~x,method='csmave') dr.cs.dim <- mave.dim(dr.cs) #seleted dimension of central mean space dr.mean <- mave(y~x,method='meanmave') dr.mean.dim <- mave.dim(dr.mean)
Plot the scatterplot of given dimension directions and reponse variables.
## S3 method for class 'mave' plot(x, dim = 4, plot.method = pairs, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mave.dim' plot(x, dim = "dim.min", plot.method = pairs, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mave' plot(x, dim = 4, plot.method = pairs, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mave.dim' plot(x, dim = "dim.min", plot.method = pairs, ...)
x |
the object returned by mave |
dim |
the dimension |
plot.method |
the method for plotting scatter plot. The default is 'pairs' |
... |
arguments passed to the plot.method. |
for computing the dimension reduction space
x = matrix(rnorm(2000),400,5) beta1 = as.matrix(c(1,1,0,0,0)) beta2 = as.matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0)) err = as.matrix(rnorm(400)) y = (x%*%beta1)^2+x%*%beta2+err dr = mave(y~x, method = 'meanopg') dr.dim = mave.dim(dr) plot(dr,dim=3) plot(dr.dim)
x = matrix(rnorm(2000),400,5) beta1 = as.matrix(c(1,1,0,0,0)) beta2 = as.matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0)) err = as.matrix(rnorm(400)) y = (x%*%beta1)^2+x%*%beta2+err dr = mave(y~x, method = 'meanopg') dr.dim = mave.dim(dr) plot(dr,dim=3) plot(dr.dim)
This method make predictions based the reduced dimension of data using mars
## S3 method for class 'mave' predict(object, newx, dim, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mave.dim' predict(object, newx, dim = "dim.min", ...)
## S3 method for class 'mave' predict(object, newx, dim, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mave.dim' predict(object, newx, dim = "dim.min", ...)
object |
the object of class 'mave' |
newx |
Matrix of the new data to be predicted |
dim |
the dimension of central space or central mean space. The matrix of the original data will be
multiplied by the matrix of dimension reduction directions of given dimension. Then the prediction will be
made based on the data of given dimensions. The value of dim should be given when the class of the
argument dr is mave. When the class of the argument dr is mave.dim and dim is not given, the
function will return the basis matrix of CS or CMS of dimension selected by |
... |
further arguments passed to |
the prediced response of the new data
for computing the dimension reduction space and mave.dim
estimating the dimension of the dimension reduction space
X = matrix(rnorm(10000),1000,10) beta1 = as.matrix(c(1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0)) beta2 = as.matrix(c(0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0)) err = as.matrix(rnorm(1000)) Y = X%*%beta1+X%*%beta2+err train = sample(1:1000)[1:500] x.train = X[train,] y.train = as.matrix(Y[train]) x.test = X[-train,] y.test = as.matrix(Y[-train]) dr = mave(y.train~x.train, method = 'meanopg') yp = predict(dr,x.test,dim=3,degree=2) #mean error mean((yp-y.test)^2) dr.dim = mave.dim(dr) yp = predict(dr.dim,x.test,degree=2) #mean error mean((yp-y.test)^2)
X = matrix(rnorm(10000),1000,10) beta1 = as.matrix(c(1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0)) beta2 = as.matrix(c(0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0)) err = as.matrix(rnorm(1000)) Y = X%*%beta1+X%*%beta2+err train = sample(1:1000)[1:500] x.train = X[train,] y.train = as.matrix(Y[train]) x.test = X[-train,] y.test = as.matrix(Y[-train]) dr = mave(y.train~x.train, method = 'meanopg') yp = predict(dr,x.test,dim=3,degree=2) #mean error mean((yp-y.test)^2) dr.dim = mave.dim(dr) yp = predict(dr.dim,x.test,degree=2) #mean error mean((yp-y.test)^2)
A dataset containing 4601 record of email with 57 features. These features are the relative frequency of most commonly used phrases and punctions. The data of these features are recorded 1 to 57 columns of the spam data. The outcome is spam or email which is denoted as 1 or 0, recorded in the 58th column of the data.
A data frame with 4601 rows and 57 variables
data(spam) train = sample(1:4601)[1:1000] x.train <- as.matrix(spam[train,1:57]) y.train <- as.matrix(spam[train,58]) x.test <- as.matrix(spam[-train,1:57]) y.test <- as.matrix(spam[-train,58]) x.train <- sqrt(x.train) x.test <- sqrt(x.test)
data(spam) train = sample(1:4601)[1:1000] x.train <- as.matrix(spam[train,1:57]) y.train <- as.matrix(spam[train,58]) x.test <- as.matrix(spam[-train,1:57]) y.test <- as.matrix(spam[-train,58]) x.train <- sqrt(x.train) x.test <- sqrt(x.test)