Title: | Multidimensional Adaptive Testing |
Description: | Simulates Multidimensional Adaptive Testing using the multidimensional three-parameter logistic model as described in Segall (1996) <doi:10.1007/BF02294343>, van der Linden (1999) <doi:10.3102/10769986024004398>, Reckase (2009) <doi:10.1007/978-0-387-89976-3>, and Mulder & van der Linden (2009) <doi:10.1007/s11336-008-9097-5>. |
Authors: | Seung W. Choi and David R. King |
Maintainer: | Seung W. Choi <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2.10) |
Version: | 2.3.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-27 07:32:36 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
MAT is a package to simulate Multidimensional Adaptive Testing (MAT) for the Multidimensional 3-Parameter Logistic (M3PL) Model as described in Segall (1996), Reckase (2009), and Mulder & van der Linden (2009).
Seung W. Choi and David R. King
Maintainer: Seung W. Choi <[email protected]>
Choi, S. W., & King, D. R. (2015). R Package MAT: Simulation of multidimensional adaptive testing for dichotomous IRT models. Applied Psychological Measurement, 39(3), 239-240.
Segall, D. O. (1996). Multidimensional adaptive testing, Psychometrika, 61(2), 331-354
van der Linden, W. J. (1999). Multidimensional adaptive testing with a minimum error-variance criterion, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 24(4), 398-412.
Mulder, J., & van der Linden, W. J. (2009). Multidimensional adaptive testing with optimal design criteria for item selection, Psychometrika, 74(2), 273-296.
Reckase, M. D. (2009). Multidimensional Item Response Theory. New York: Springer.
#load sample item parameters containing 180 items measuring three dimensions data(sample.ipar) #create a variance-covariance (correlation) matrix vcv1<-diag(3); vcv1[lower.tri(vcv1,diag=FALSE)]<-c(.5,.6,.7) #simulate item responses resp1<-simM3PL(sample.ipar, vcv1, 3, n.simulee = 100)$resp #specify target content distributions target.content.dist1<-c(1/3,1/3,1/3) #content category designations for items content.cat1<-rep(1:3,rep(60,3)) #simulate multidimensional adaptive testing MCAT.1<-MAT(sample.ipar, resp1, vcv1, target.content.dist=target.content.dist1, content.cat=content.cat1, ncc=3, p=3, selectionMethod="A", topN=1, selectionType="FISHER", stoppingCriterion="CONJUNCTIVE", minNI=10, maxNI=30)
#load sample item parameters containing 180 items measuring three dimensions data(sample.ipar) #create a variance-covariance (correlation) matrix vcv1<-diag(3); vcv1[lower.tri(vcv1,diag=FALSE)]<-c(.5,.6,.7) #simulate item responses resp1<-simM3PL(sample.ipar, vcv1, 3, n.simulee = 100)$resp #specify target content distributions target.content.dist1<-c(1/3,1/3,1/3) #content category designations for items content.cat1<-rep(1:3,rep(60,3)) #simulate multidimensional adaptive testing MCAT.1<-MAT(sample.ipar, resp1, vcv1, target.content.dist=target.content.dist1, content.cat=content.cat1, ncc=3, p=3, selectionMethod="A", topN=1, selectionType="FISHER", stoppingCriterion="CONJUNCTIVE", minNI=10, maxNI=30)
MAT is a package to simulate multidimensional adaptive testing for the Multidimensional 3-Parameter Logistic (M3PL) model.
MAT(ipar, resp, cors, target.content.dist = NULL, content.cat = NULL, ncc = 1, content.order = NULL, p = stop("p is required"), selectionMethod = c("D", "A", "C", "R"), selectionType = c("FISHER", "BAYESIAN"), c.weights = NA, stoppingCriterion = c("CONJUNCTIVE", "COMPENSATORY"), topN = 1, minNI = 10, maxNI = 30, minSE = 0.3, D = 1, maxIter = 30, conv = 0.001, minTheta = -4, maxTheta = 4, plot.audit.trail = TRUE, theta.labels = NULL, easiness = TRUE)
MAT(ipar, resp, cors, target.content.dist = NULL, content.cat = NULL, ncc = 1, content.order = NULL, p = stop("p is required"), selectionMethod = c("D", "A", "C", "R"), selectionType = c("FISHER", "BAYESIAN"), c.weights = NA, stoppingCriterion = c("CONJUNCTIVE", "COMPENSATORY"), topN = 1, minNI = 10, maxNI = 30, minSE = 0.3, D = 1, maxIter = 30, conv = 0.001, minTheta = -4, maxTheta = 4, plot.audit.trail = TRUE, theta.labels = NULL, easiness = TRUE)
ipar |
a data frame containing M3PL item parameters, specifically a1, a2, ... , d, and c |
resp |
a data frame (that will be converted to a numeric matrix) of item responses, e.g., R1, R2, ..., R180 |
cors |
a square matrix of the lower diagonal elements of a variance-covariance (VCV) matrix, including 1's in the main diagonal |
target.content.dist |
an optional vector of target content distributions summed to 1.0, e.g., c(0.25,0.5,0.25) |
content.cat |
an optional vector specifying content designations |
ncc |
the number of content categories (default=1, i.e., no content balancing) |
content.order |
an optional vector specifying administration order of content categories, e.g., c(3,1,2) |
p |
the number of latent dimensions |
selectionMethod |
item selection criterion: "D"=D-optimality, "A"=A-optimality, "C"=C-optimality, "R"=Random (default="D") |
selectionType |
item selection method type: "FISHER"=Fisher information, "BAYESIAN"=adds inverse prior VCV |
c.weights |
an optional vector of weights of length p when selectionMethod="C" |
stoppingCriterion |
stopping criterion: "CONJUNCTIVE"=SEs for all dimensions must be met, "COMPENSATORY"=the generalized variance or SEs weighted by c-weights must be met |
topN |
Randomesque exposure control: selects an item randomly from the top N most informative items (default=1, no exposure control) |
minNI |
minimum number of items to administer (default=10) |
maxNI |
maximum number of items to administer (default=30) |
minSE |
minimum SE for stopping (default=0.3) |
D |
scaling constant: 1.7 or 1.0 (default=1.0) |
maxIter |
maximum number of Fisher scoring (default=30) |
conv |
convergence criterion for Fisher scoring (default=0.001) |
minTheta |
minimum theta value for plotting (default=-4) |
maxTheta |
maximum theta value for plotting (default=4) |
plot.audit.trail |
show CAT audit trail: T or F (default=T) |
theta.labels |
theta labels for plotting (default=c("Theta 1","Theta 2",...)) |
easiness |
logical, T if d is related to the easiness of items per Reckase, F otherwise |
The purpose of this function is to simulate multidimensional adaptive testing based on the Multidimensional 3-Parameter Logistic (M3PL) model (Reckase, 2009):
where is a vector of discrimination parameters of item i,
is a vector of abilities,
is a scalar representing the
guessing parameter of item i,
is a scalar representing the easiness of item i.
Thetas are estimated using the Bayesian maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator and the Fisher scoring method. Three item
selection criteria are available: D-optimality, A-optimality, and C-optimality (Segall, 1996; van der Linden, 1999;
Mulder & van der Linden, 2009). An option is provided to add the inverse of a prior variance-covariance
matrix to the multivariate information matrix (selectionType="BAYESIAN"). The stopping condition can be specified as a conjunctive criterion or a compensatory
criterion. Content balancing can be imposed by specifying target content distributions. An exposure control option is
provided via the randomesque technique.
Returns a list of class "MAT" with the following components:
call |
function call stack |
items.used |
a matrix of items administered |
selected.item.resp |
a matrix containing item responses for selected items |
ni.administered |
a vector of the number of items administered |
theta.CAT |
a matrix of theta estimates from CAT |
se.CAT |
a matrix of SE estimates from CAT |
theta.history |
a matrix of theta history from CAT |
se.history |
a matrix of SE history from CAT |
theta.Full |
a matrix of theta estimates based on the full bank |
se.Full |
a matrix of SE estimates based on the full bank |
ipar |
a matrix of item parameters |
p |
the number of latent dimensions |
The MAT function performs a number of checks to determine if the arguments for content balancing and content ordering have been specified correctly. If the arguments have not been specified correctly, content balancing and/or content ordering will not be used for the simulation. Additionally, a warning message will be printed to the console detailing the misspecification.
Content ordering is only available for fixed-length CAT. Namely, to invoke a particular content order, the user must set the minimum number of items equal to the maximum number of items (e.g., minNI=30 & maxNI=30).
requires MASS
Seung W. Choi and David R. King
Segall, D. O. (1996). Multidimensional adaptive testing, Psychometrika, 61(2), 331-354
van der Linden, W. J. (1999). Multidimensional adaptive testing with a minimum error-variance criterion, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 24(4), 398-412.
Mulder, J., & van der Linden, W. J. (2009). Multidimensional adaptive testing with optimal design criteria for item selection, Psychometrika, 74(2), 273-296.
Reckase, M. D. (2009). Multidimensional Item Response Theory. New York: Springer.
## Not run: MCAT.1<-MAT(ipar1, resp1, vcv1, target.content.dist=target.content.dist1, content.cat=content.cat1, ncc=3, p=3, selectionMethod="A", topN=1, selectionType="FISHER", stoppingCriterion="CONJUNCTIVE", minNI=10, maxNI=30) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: MCAT.1<-MAT(ipar1, resp1, vcv1, target.content.dist=target.content.dist1, content.cat=content.cat1, ncc=3, p=3, selectionMethod="A", topN=1, selectionType="FISHER", stoppingCriterion="CONJUNCTIVE", minNI=10, maxNI=30) ## End(Not run)
A sample item parameter file containing 180 Multidimensional 3-PL (M3PL) model.
A data frame with item parameters for 180 items.
the discrimination parameter for theta 1
the discrimination parameter for theta 2
the discrimination parameter for theta 3
the easiness parameter, d=-a*b
the guessing parameter
First 60 items are primarily loaded on theta 1, second 60 on theta 2, and last 60 on theta 3.
Simulates item responses according to the Multidimensional 3-Parameter Logistic (M3PL) model
simM3PL(ipar, cors, p, n.simulee = 100, D = 1, easiness = T, seed = NULL)
simM3PL(ipar, cors, p, n.simulee = 100, D = 1, easiness = T, seed = NULL)
ipar |
a data frame containing M3PL item parameters, specifically a1, a2, ... , d, and c |
cors |
a square matrix of the lower diagonal elements of a variance-covariance (VCV) matrix, including 1's in the main diagonal |
p |
the number of latent dimensions |
n.simulee |
the number of simulees to generate |
D |
scaling constant: 1.7 or 1.0 (default=1.0) |
easiness |
logical, T if d is related to the easiness of items per Reckase, F otherwise |
seed |
random number seed |
This function simulates item responses according to the Multidimensional 3-Parameter Logistic (M3PL) model using the item parameters input to the function. Thetas are drawn from the multivariate standard normal distribution with the population variance-covariance (correlation) matrix input to the function.
call |
function call stack |
theta |
a n.simulee by p matrix of true theta values |
resp |
a data frame of simulated item responses named "R1", "R2", ... |
Seung W. Choi
Reckase, M. D. (2009). Multidimensional Item Response Theory. New York: Springer.
data(sample.ipar) vcv1<-diag(3) vcv1[lower.tri(vcv1,diag=FALSE)]<-c(.5,.6,.7) resp1<-simM3PL(sample.ipar, vcv1, 3, n.simulee = 100, seed = 1234)$resp
data(sample.ipar) vcv1<-diag(3) vcv1[lower.tri(vcv1,diag=FALSE)]<-c(.5,.6,.7) resp1<-simM3PL(sample.ipar, vcv1, 3, n.simulee = 100, seed = 1234)$resp