Package 'LogConcDEAD'

Title: Log-Concave Density Estimation in Arbitrary Dimensions
Description: Software for computing a log-concave (maximum likelihood) estimator for independent and identically distributed data in any number of dimensions. For a detailed description of the method see Cule, Samworth and Stewart (2010, Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series B, <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2010.00753.x>).
Authors: Madeleine Cule [aut], Robert Gramacy [aut], Richard Samworth [aut], Yining Chen [aut, cre], Lutz Duembgen [ctb] (helped improve the numerical stability), Vikneswaran Gopal [ctb] (proposed the Metropolis-Hastings scheme for draw samples from a log-concave distribution), George Casella [ctb] (proposed the Metropolis-Hastings scheme for draw samples from a log-concave distribution), C. Bradford Barber [cph] (author of the Qhull library), The Geometry Center [cph], Kai Habel [cph] (author of the function that imports convex hull computation from Qhull to R), Raoul Grasman [cph] (author of the function that imports convex hull computation from Qhull to R), Alexei Kuntsevich [cph] (author of the C function for Shor's r algorithm), Franz Kappel [cph] (author of the C function for Shor's r algorithm)
Maintainer: Yining Chen <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.6-12
Built: 2025-03-13 13:29:28 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Computes a log-concave (maximum likelihood) estimator for i.i.d. data in any number of dimensions


This package contains a function to compute the maximum likelihood estimator of a log-concave density in any number of dimensions using Shor's rr-algorithm.

Functions to plot (for 1- and 2-d data), evaluate and draw samples from the maximum likelihood estimator are provided.


This package contains a selection of functions for maximum likelihood estimation under the constraint of log-concavity.

mlelcd computes the maximum likelihood estimator (specified via its value at data points). Output is a list of class "LogConcDEAD" which is used as input to various auxiliary functions.

hatA calculates the difference between the sample covariance and the fitted covariance.

dlcd evaluates the estimated density at a particular point.

dslcd evaluates the smoothed version of estimated density at a particular point.

rlcd draws samples from the estimated density.

rslcd draws samples from the smoothed version of estimated density.

interplcd interpolates the estimated density on a grid for plotting purposes.

dmarglcd evaluates the estimated marginal density by integrating the estimated density over an appropriate subspace.

interpmarglcd evaluates a marginal density estimate at equally spaced points along the axis for plotting purposes. This is done by integrating the estimated density over an appropriate subspace.

plot.LogConcDEAD produces plots of the maximum likelihood estimator, optionally using the rgl package.

print and summary methods are also available.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Lutz Duembgen at the University of Bern for his insight into the objective function in mlelcd.

For one dimensional data, the active set algorithm in logcondens is much faster.


Yining Chen (maintainer) [email protected]

Madeleine Cule

Robert Gramacy

Richard Samworth


Barber, C.B., Dobkin, D.P., and Huhdanpaa, H.T. (1996) The Quickhull algorithm for convex hulls ACM Trans. on Mathematical Software, 22(4) p.469-483

Chen, Y. and Samworth, R. J. (2013) Smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimation with applications Statist. Sinica, 23, 1373-1398.

Cule, M. L. and Duembgen, L. (2008) On an auxiliary function for log-density estimation, University of Bern technical report.

Cule, M. L., Samworth, R. J., and Stewart, M. I. (2010) Maximum likelihood estimation of a multi-dimensional log-concave density J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Ser. B. (with discussion), 72, 545-600.

Gopal, V. and Casella, G. (2010) Discussion of Maximum likelihood estimation of a log-concave density by Cule, Samworth and Stewart J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Ser. B., 72, 580-582.

Grundmann, A. and Moeller, M. (1978) Invariant Integration Formulas for the N-Simplex by Combinatorial Methods SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, 282-290.

Kappel, F. and Kuntsevich, A. V. (2000) An implementation of Shor's r-algorithm Computational Optimization and Applications, Volume 15, Issue 2, 193-205.

Shor, N. Z. (1985) Minimization methods for nondifferentiable functions Springer-Verlag

See Also

logcondens, rgl


## Some simple normal data, and a few plots

x <- matrix(rnorm(200),ncol=2)
lcd <- mlelcd(x)
g <- interplcd(lcd)
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,1))
par(mfrow=c(2,2), ask=TRUE)
plot(lcd, g=g, type="c")
plot(lcd, g=g, type="c", uselog=TRUE)
plot(lcd, g=g, type="i")
plot(lcd, g=g, type="i", uselog=TRUE)

## Some plots of marginal estimates
g.marg1 <- interpmarglcd(lcd, marg=1)
g.marg2 <- interpmarglcd(lcd, marg=2)
plot(lcd, marg=1, g.marg=g.marg1)
plot(lcd, marg=2, g.marg=g.marg2) 

## generate some points from the fitted density
generated <- rlcd(100, lcd)
genmean <- colMeans(generated)

## evaluate the fitted density
mypoint <- c(0, 0)
dlcd(mypoint, lcd, uselog=FALSE)
mypoint <- c(10, 0)
dlcd(mypoint, lcd, uselog=FALSE)

## evaluate the marginal density
dmarglcd(0, lcd, marg=1)
dmarglcd(1, lcd, marg=2)

Compute the covariance matrix of a log-concave maximum likelihood estimator


This function computes the covariance matrix of a log-concave maximum likelihood estimator.





Object of class "LogConcDEAD" (typically output from mlelcd)


This function evaluates the covariance matrix of a given log-concave maximum likelihood estimator using the second order partial derivatives of the auxiliary function studied in Cule, M. L. and Duembgen, L. (2008).

For examples, see mlelcd.


A matrix equals the covariance matrix of the log-concave maximum likelihood density estimator.


Yining Chen

Madeleine Cule

Robert Gramacy

Richard Samworth


Cule, M. L. and Duembgen, L. (2008) On an auxiliary function for log-density estimation, University of Bern technical report.

See Also


Evaluation of a log-concave maximum likelihood estimator at a point


This function evaluates the density function of a log-concave maximum likelihood estimator at a point or points.


dlcd(x,lcd, uselog=FALSE, eps=10^-10)



Point (or matrix of points) at which the maximum likelihood estimator should be evaluated


Object of class "LogConcDEAD" (typically output from mlelcd)


Scalar logical: should the estimator should be calculated on the log scale?


Tolerance for numerical stability


A log-concave maximum likelihood estimate f^n\hat{f}_n is satisfies logf^n=hˉy\log \hat{f}_n = \bar{h}_y for some yRny \in R^n, where

hˉy(x)=inf{h(x) ⁣:h concave ,h(xi)yi for i=1,,n}.\bar{h}_y(x) = \inf \lbrace h(x) \colon h \textrm{ concave }, h(x_i) \geq y_i \textrm{ for } i = 1, \ldots, n \rbrace.

Functions of this form may equivalently be specified by dividing CnC_n, the convex hull of the data into simplices CjC_j for jJj \in J (triangles in 2d, tetrahedra in 3d etc), and setting

f(x)=exp{bjTxβj}f(x) = \exp\{b_j^T x - \beta_j\}

for xCjx \in C_j, and f(x)=0f(x) = 0 for xCnx \notin C_n. The estimated density is zero outside the convex hull of the data.

The estimate may therefore be evaluated by finding the appropriate simplex CjC_j, then evaluating exp{bjTxβj}\exp\{b_j^T x - \beta_j\} (if xCnx \notin C_n, set f(x)=0f(x) = 0).

For examples, see mlelcd.


A vector of maximum likelihood estimate (or log maximum likelihood estimate) values, as evaluated at the points x.


Madeleine Cule

Robert Gramacy

Richard Samworth

See Also


Evaluate the marginal of multivariate log-concave maximum likelihood estimators at a point


Integrates the log-concave maximum likelihood estimator of multivariate data to evaluate the marginal density at a point.


dmarglcd(x=0, lcd, marg=1)



Point (or vector of points) at which the marginal density is to be evaluated


Object of class "LogConcDEAD" (typically output from mlelcd)


Which margin is required?


Given a multivariate log-concave maximum likelihood estimator in the form of an object of class "LogConcDEAD", a margin marg, and a real-valued point x, this function evaluates the estimated marginal density f^n,marg(x)\hat{f}_{n,\tiny\texttt{marg}}(x), as obtained by integrating over all the other dimensions.

For examples, see mlelcd.


A vector containing the values of the marginal density f^n,marg\hat{f}_{n, \tiny\texttt{marg}} at the points x.


Madeleine Cule

Robert Gramacy

Richard Samworth

See Also


Evaluation of a smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimator at given points


This function evaluates the density function of a smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimator at a point or points.


dslcd(x, lcd, A=hatA(lcd))



Point (or matrix of points) at which the smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimator should be evaluated


Object of class "LogConcDEAD" (typically output from mlelcd)


A positive definite matrix that determines the degree of smoothing, typically taken as the output of hatA(lcd)


The smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimator is a fully automatic nonparametric density estimator, obtained as a canonical smoothing of the log-concave maximum likelihood estimator. More precisely, it equals the convolution f^ϕd,A^\hat{f} * \phi_{d,\hat{A}}, where ϕd,A^\phi_{d,\hat{A}} is the density function of d-dimensional multivariate normal with covariance matrix A^\hat{A}. Typically, A^\hat{A} is taken as the difference between the sample covariance and the covariance of fitted log-concave maximum likelihood density. Therefore, this estimator matches both the empirical mean and empirical covariance.

The estimate is evaluated numerically either by Gaussian quadrature in two dimensions, or in higher dimensions, via a combinatorial method proposed by Grundmann and Moeller (1978). Details of the computational aspects can be found in Chen and Samworth (2011). In one dimension, explicit expression can be derived. See logcondens for more information.

For examples, see mlelcd


A vector of smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimate values, as evaluated at the points x.


Yining Chen

Madeleine Cule

Robert Gramacy

Richard Samworth


Chen, Y. and Samworth, R. J. (2013) Smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimation with applications Statist. Sinica, 23, 1373-1398.

Grundmann, A. and Moeller, M. (1978) Invariant Integration Formulas for the N-Simplex by Combinatorial Methods SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, 282-290.

See Also

dlcd, hatA, mlelcd

Estimate the mixture proportions and component densities using EM algorithm


Uses EM algorithm to estimate the mixture proportions and the component densities. The output is an object of class "lcdmix" which contains mixture proportions at each observation and all the information of the estimated component densities.


EMmixlcd( x, k = 2, y, props, epsratio=10^-6, max.iter=50,
            epstheta=10^-8, verbose=-1 )



Data in RdR^d, in the form of an n×dn \times d numeric matrix


The number of components, equals 2 by default


An n×kn \times k numeric matrix giving the starting values for the EM algorithm. If none given, a hierachical Gaussian clustering model is used. To reduce the computational burden while allowing sufficient flexibility for the EM algorithm, it is recommended to leave this argument unspecified.


Vector of length kk containing the starting value of proportions. If none given, a hierachical Gaussian clustering model is used. To reduce the computational burden while allowing sufficient flexibility for the EM algorithm, it is recommended to leave this argument unspecified.


EM algorithm will terminate if the increase in the proportion of the likelihood is less than this specified ratio. Default value is 10610^{-6}.


The maximum number of iterations for the EM algorithm


epstheta/nepstheta/n is the thresold of the weight below which data point is discarded from the cluster. This quantity is introduced to increase the computational efficiency and stability.

  • -1: (default) prints nothing

  • 0: prints warning messages

  • >0>0: prints summary information every nn iterations


An introduction to the Em algorithm can be found in McLachlan and Krishnan (1997). Briefly, given the current estimates of the mixture proportions and component densities, we first update the estimates of the mixture prroportions. We then update the estimates of the component densities by using mlelcd. In fact, the incorporation of the weights in the maximization process in mlelcd presents no additional complication.

In our case, because of the computational intensity of the method, we first cluster the points according to ta hierarchical Gaussian clustering model and then iterate the EM algorithm until the increase in the proportion of the likelihood is less than a pre-specified quantity at each step.

More technical details can be found in Cule, Samworth and Stewart(2010)


An object of class "lcdmix", with the following components:


Data copied from input (may be reordered)


An n×kn \times k maxtrix of the log of the maximum likelihood estimate, evaluated at the observation points for each component.


Vector containing the estimated proportions of components


Number of iterations of the EM algorithm


The log-likelihood after the final iteration


Yining Chen

Madeleine Cule

Robert B. Gramacy

Richard Samworth


Cule, M. L., Samworth, R. J., and Stewart, M. I. (2010) Maximum likelihood estimation of a log-concave density, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 72(5) p.545-607.

McLachlan, G. J. and Krishnan, T. (1997) The EM Algorithm and Extensions, New York: Wiley.

See Also

mclust, logcondens, plot.LogConcDEAD,mlelcd, dlcd


##Simple bivariate normal data
  set.seed( 1 )
  n = 15
  d = 2
  props=c( 0.6, 0.4 )
  x <- matrix( rnorm( n*d ), ncol = d )
  shiftvec <- ifelse( runif( n ) > props[ 1 ], 0, shift )
  x[,1] <- x[,1] + shiftvec
  EMmixlcd( x, k = 2, max.iter = 2)

Construct an object of class LogConcDEAD


A function to construct an object of class LogConcDEAD from a dataset (given as a matrix) and the value of the log maximum likelihood estimator at datapoints.


getinfolcd(x, y, w = rep(1/length(y), length(y)), chtol = 10^-6, 
  MinSigma = NA, NumberOfEvaluations = NA)



Data in RdR^d, in the form of an n×dn \times d numeric matrix


Value of log of maximum likelihood estimator at data points


Vector of weights wiw_i such that the computed estimator maximizes

i=1nwilogf(xi)\sum_{i=1}^n w_i \log f(x_i)

subject to the restriction that ff is log-concave. The default is 1n\frac{1}{n} for all ii, which corresponds to i.i.d. observations.


Tolerance for computation of convex hull. Altering this is not recommended.


Real-valued scalar giving minimum value of the objective function


Vector containing the number of steps, number of function evaluations, and number of subgradient evaluations. If the SolvOpt algorithm fails, the first component will be an error code (<0)(<0)


This function is used in mlelcd


An object of class "LogConcDEAD", with the following components:


Data copied from input (may be reordered)


weights copied from input (may be reordered)


vector of the log of the maximum likelihood estimate, evaluated at the observation points


Vector containing the number of steps, number of function evaluations, and number of subgradient evaluations. If the SolvOpt algorithm fails, the first component will be an error code (<0)(<0).


Real-valued scalar giving minimum value of the objective function


matrix containing row by row the values of bjb_j's corresponding to each triangulation; see also mlelcd


vector containing the values of βj\beta_j's corresponding to each triangulation; see also mlelcd


matrix containing final triangulation of the convex hull of the data


matrix containing details of triangulation for use in dlcd


matrix containing details of triangulation for use in dlcd


Vector containing vertices of faces of the convex hull of the data


matrix where each row is an outward pointing normal vectors for the faces of the convex hull of the data. The number of vectors depends on the number of faces of the convex hull.


matrix where each row is a point on a face of the convex hull of the data. The number of vectors depends on the number of faces of the convex hull.


Madeleine Cule

Robert B. Gramacy

Richard Samworth

Yining Chen

See Also


Find appropriate weights for likelihood calculations


This function takes takes a matrix of (possibly binned) data and returns a matrix containing the distinct observations, and a vector of weights ww as described below.





a data matrix


Given an n×dn \times d matrix xx of points in RdR^d, this function removes duplicated observations, and counts the number of times each observation occurs. This is used to compute a vector ww such that

wi=# of times value i is observed # of observations.w_i = \frac{\# \textrm{ of times value } i\textrm{ is observed }}{\# \textrm{ of observations}}.

This function is called by mlelcd in order to compute the maximum likelihood estimator when the observed data values are not distinct. In this case, the log likelihood function is of the form

j=1mwjlogf(Xj),\sum_{j=1}^m w_j \log f(X_j),

where the sum is over distinct observations.



A matrix containing the distinct rows of the input matrix x


A real-valued vector of weights as described above


Madeleine Cule

Robert Gramacy

Richard Samworth

See Also



## simple normal example

x <- matrix(rnorm(200),ncol=2)
tmp <- getweights(x)
lcd <- mlelcd(tmp$x,tmp$w)

Compute the smoothing matrix of the smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimator


This function computes the matrix A^\hat{A} of the smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimator





Object of class "LogConcDEAD" (typically output from mlelcd)


This function evaluates the the matrix A^\hat{A} of the smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimator, which is positive definite, and equals the difference between the sample covariance matrix and the covariance matrix of the fitted log-concave maximum likelihood density estimator.

For examples, see mlelcd


A matrix equals A^\hat{A} of the smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimator


Details of the computational aspects can be found in Chen and Samworth (2011).


Yining Chen

Madeleine Cule

Robert Gramacy

Richard Samworth


Chen, Y. and Samworth, R. J. (2013) Smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimation with applications Statist. Sinica, 23, 1373-1398.

See Also


A GUI for classification in two dimensions using smoothed log-concave


Uses tkrplot to create a GUI for two-class classification in two dimensions using the smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimates


interactive2D(data, cl)



Data in R2R^2, in the form of an n×2n \times 2 numeric matrix


factor of true classifications of the data set


This function uses tkrplot to create a GUI for two-class classification in two dimensions using the smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimates. The construction of the classifier is standard, and can be found in Chen and Samworth (2013). The slider controls the risk ratio of two classes (equals one by default), which provides a way of demonstrating how the decision boundaries change as the ratio varies. Observations from different classes are plotted in red and green respectively.


A GUI with a slider


Yining Chen

Madeleine Cule

Robert B. Gramacy

Richard Samworth


Chen, Y. and Samworth, R. J. (2013) Smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimation with applications Statist. Sinica, 23, 1373-1398.

Cule, M. L., Samworth, R. J., and Stewart, M. I. (2010) Maximum likelihood estimation of a log-concave density, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 72(5) p.545-607.

See Also



## Simple bivariate normal data
## only works interactively, not run as a test example here
  set.seed( 1 )
  n = 15
  d = 2
  props=c( 0.6, 0.4 )
  x <- matrix( rnorm( n*d ), ncol = d )
  shiftvec <- ifelse( runif( n ) > props[ 1 ], 0, 1)
  x[,1] <- x[,1] + shiftvec
  interactive2D( x, shiftvec )

Evaluate the log-concave maximum likelihood estimator of 2-d data on a grid for plotting


Evaluates the logarithm of the log-concave maximum likelihood estimator on a grid for 2-d data, for use in plot.LogConcDEAD.


interplcd(lcd, gridlen=100 )



Object of class "LogConcDEAD" (typically output from mlelcd)


A scalar indicating the size of the grid


Interpolates the MLE over a grid.

The output is of a form readily usable by plot.LogConcDEAD, image, contour, etc, as illustrated in the examples below.

For examples, please see mlelcd.



Vector of xx-values of the grid


Vector of yy-values of the grid


A matrix of the values of the log of the maximum likelihood estimator at points on the grid


Madeleine Cule

Robert Gramacy

Richard Samworth

See Also


Finds marginals of multivariate logconcave maximum likelihood estimators by integrating


Integrates the maximum likelihood estimator of multivariate data over an appropriate subspace to produce axis-aligned marginals for use in plot.LogConcDEAD.


interpmarglcd(lcd, marg=1, gridlen=100)



Output from mlelcd (of class "LogConcDEAD")


An (integer) scalar indicating which margin is required


An (integer) scalar indicating the size of the grid


Given a multivariate log-concave maximum likelihood estimator in the form of an object of class "LogConcDEAD" and a margin marg, this function will compute the marginal density estimate f^n,marg\hat{f}_{n, \textrm{\tiny{marg}}}. The estimate is evaluated at gridlen equally spaced points in the range where the density estimate is nonzero. These points are given in the vector xo.

f^n,marg\hat{f}_{n, \textrm{\tiny{marg}}} is evaluated by integrating the log-concave maximum likelihood estimator f^n\hat{f}_n over the other components. The marginal density is zero outside the range of xo.

For examples, see mlelcd.



Vector of values at which the marginal density is estimate is computed.


Vector of values of the integrated maximum likelihood estimator at the locations xo


Madeleine Cule

Robert Gramacy

Richard Samworth

See Also

dmarglcd, mlelcd

Compute the maximum likelihood estimator of a log-concave density


Uses Shor's rr-algorithm to compute the maximum likelihood estimator of a log-concave density based on an i.i.d. sample. The estimator is uniquely determined by its value at the data points. The output is an object of class "LogConcDEAD" which contains all the information needed to plot the estimator using the plot method, or to evaluate it using the function dlcd.


mlelcd(x, w=rep(1/nrow(x),nrow(x)), y=initialy(x),
  verbose=-1, alpha=5, c=1, sigmatol=10^-8, integraltol=10^-4,
  ytol=10^-4, Jtol=0.001, chtol=10^-6)



Data in RdR^d, in the form of an n×dn \times d numeric matrix


Vector of weights wiw_i such that the computed estimator maximizes

i=1nwilogf(xi)\sum_{i=1}^n w_i \log f(x_i)

subject to the restriction that ff is log-concave. The default is 1n\frac{1}{n} for all ii, which corresponds to i.i.d. observations.


Vector giving starting point for the rr-algorithm. If none given, a kernel estimate is used.

  • -1: (default) prints nothing

  • 0: prints warning messages

  • n>0n>0: prints summary information every nn iterations


Scalar parameter for SolvOpt


Scalar giving starting step size


Real-valued scalar giving one of the stopping criteria: Relative change in σ\sigma must be below sigmatol for algorithm to terminate. (See Details)


Real-valued scalar giving on of the stopping criteria: Relative change in yy must be below ytol for algorithm to terminate. (See Details)


Real-valued scalar giving one of the stopping criteria: 1exp(hˉy)| 1 - \exp(\bar{h}_y) | must be below integraltol for algorithm to terminate. (See Details)


Parameter controlling when Taylor expansion is used in computing the function σ\sigma


Parameter controlling convex hull computations


The log-concave maximum likelihood density estimator based on data X1,,XnX_1, \ldots, X_n is the function that maximizes

i=1nwilogf(Xi)\sum_{i=1}^n w_i \log f(X_i)

subject to the constraint that ff is log-concave. For i.i.d.~data, the weights wiw_i should be 1n\frac{1}{n} for each ii.

This is a function of the form hˉy\bar{h}_y for some yRny \in R^n, where

hˉy(x)=inf{h(x) ⁣:h concave ,h(xi)yi for i=1,,n}.\bar{h}_y(x) = \inf \lbrace h(x) \colon h \textrm{ concave }, h(x_i) \geq y_i \textrm{ for } i = 1, \ldots, n \rbrace.

Functions of this form may equivalently be specified by dividing CnC_n, the convex hull of the data, into simplices CjC_j for jJj \in J (triangles in 2d, tetrahedra in 3d etc), and setting

f(x)=exp{bjTxβj}f(x) = \exp\{b_j^T x - \beta_j\}

for xCjx \in C_j, and f(x)=0f(x) = 0 for xCnx \notin C_n.

This function uses Shor's rr-algorithm (an iterative subgradient-based procedure) to minimize over vectors yy in RnR^n the function

σ(y)=1ni=1nyi+exp(hˉy(x))dx.\sigma(y) = -\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n y_i + \int \exp(\bar{h}_y(x)) \, dx.

This is equivalent to finding the log-concave maximum likelihood estimator, as demonstrated in Cule, Samworth and Stewart (2008).

An implementation of Shor's rr-algorithm based on SolvOpt is used.

Computing σ\sigma makes use of the qhull library. Code from this C-based library is copied here as it is not currently possible to use compiled code from another library. For points not in general position, this requires a Taylor expansion of σ\sigma, discussed in Cule and Duembgen (2008).


An object of class "LogConcDEAD", with the following components:


Data copied from input (may be reordered)


weights copied from input (may be reordered)


vector of the log of the maximum likelihood estimate, evaluated at the observation points


Vector containing the number of steps, number of function evaluations, and number of subgradient evaluations. If the SolvOpt algorithm fails, the first component will be an error code (<0)(<0).


Real-valued scalar giving minimum value of the objective function


matrix containing row by row the values of bjb_j's corresponding to each triangulation; see also the Details section above


vector containing the values of βj\beta_j's corresponding to each triangulation; see also the Details section above


matrix containing final triangulation of the convex hull of the data


matrix containing details of triangulation for use in dlcd


matrix containing details of triangulation for use in dlcd


Vector containing vertices of faces of the convex hull of the data


matrix where each row is an outward pointing normal vectors for the faces of the convex hull of the data. The number of vectors depends on the number of faces of the convex hull.


matrix where each row is a point on a face of the convex hull of the data. The number of vectors depends on the number of faces of the convex hull.


For one-dimensional data, the active set algorithm of logcondens is faster, and may be preferred.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Lutz Duembgen at the University of Bern for his insight into the objective function σ\sigma.

Further references, including definitions and background material, may be found in Cule, Samworth and Stewart (2010).


Madeleine Cule

Robert B. Gramacy

Richard Samworth

Yining Chen


Barber, C.B., Dobkin, D.P., and Huhdanpaa, H.T. (1996) The Quickhull algorithm for convex hulls ACM Trans. on Mathematical Software, 22(4) p.469-483

Cule, M. L. and Duembgen, L. (2008) On an auxiliary function for log-density estimation, University of Bern technical report.

Cule, M. L., Samworth, R. J., and Stewart, M. I. (2010) Maximum likelihood estimation of a log-concave density, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 72(5) p.545-607.

Kappel, F. and Kuntsevich, A. V. (2000) An implementation of Shor's r-algorithm, Computational Optimization and Applications, Volume 15, Issue 2, 193-205.

Shor, N. Z. (1985) Minimization methods for nondifferentiable functions, Springer-Verlag

See Also

logcondens, interplcd, plot.LogConcDEAD, interpmarglcd, rlcd, dlcd,

dmarglcd, cov.LogConcDEAD


## Some simple normal data, and a few plots

x <- matrix(rnorm(200),ncol=2)
lcd <- mlelcd(x)
g <- interplcd(lcd)

oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,1))
par(mfrow=c(2,2), ask=TRUE)
plot(lcd, g=g, type="c")
plot(lcd, g=g, type="c", uselog=TRUE)
plot(lcd, g=g, type="i")
plot(lcd, g=g, type="i", uselog=TRUE)

## 2D interactive plot (need rgl package, not run here)
if(interactive()) {plot(lcd, type="r")}

## Some plots of marginal estimates
g.marg1 <- interpmarglcd(lcd, marg=1)
g.marg2 <- interpmarglcd(lcd, marg=2)
plot(lcd, marg=1, g.marg=g.marg1)
plot(lcd, marg=2, g.marg=g.marg2) 

## generate some points from the fitted density
## via independent rejection sampling
generated1 <- rlcd(100, lcd)
## via Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
generated2 <- rlcd(100, lcd, "MH")

## evaluate the fitted density
mypoint <- c(0, 0)
dlcd(mypoint, lcd, uselog=FALSE)
mypoint <- c(1, 0)
dlcd(mypoint, lcd, uselog=FALSE)

## evaluate the marginal density
dmarglcd(0, lcd, marg=1)
dmarglcd(1, lcd, marg=2)

## evaluate the covariance matrix of the fitted density
covariance <- cov.LogConcDEAD(lcd)

## find the hat matrix for the smoothed log-concave that
## matches empirical mean and covariance
A <- hatA(lcd)

## evaluate the fitted smoothed log-concave density
mypoint <- c(0, 0)
dslcd(mypoint, lcd, A)
mypoint <- c(1, 0)
dslcd(mypoint, lcd, A)

## generate some points from the fitted smoothed log-concave density
generated <- rslcd(100, lcd, A)

Plot a log-concave maximum likelihood estimator


plot method for class "LogConcDEAD". Plots of various types are available for 1- and 2-d data. For dimension greater than 1, plots of axis-aligned marginal density estimates are available.


## S3 method for class 'LogConcDEAD'
plot(x, uselog=FALSE, type="ic", addp=TRUE,
  drawlabels=TRUE, gridlen=400, g, marg, g.marg, main, xlab, ylab, ...)



Object of class "LogConcDEAD" (typically output from mlelcd)


Scalar logical: should the plot be on the log scale?


Plot type: "p" perspective, "c" contour, "i" image, ic image and contour, r using rgl (the best!)


Scalar logical: should the data points be plotted? (as black dots on the surface for d2d \geq 2; as circles for d=1d=1)


Scalar logical: should labels be added to contour lines? (only relevant for types "ic" and "c")


Integer scalar indicating the number of points at which the maximum likelihood estimator is evaluated in each dimension


(optional) a matrix of density estimate values (the result of a call to interplcd). If many plots of a single dataset are required, it may be quicker to compute the grid using interplcd(x) and pass the result to plot


If non-NULL, this scalar integer determines which marginal should be plotted (should be between 11 and dd)


If g is non-NULL, can contain a vector of marginal density estimate values (the output of interpmarglcd). If many plots of a single dataset are required, it may be quicker to compute the marginal values to compute marginal values using interpmarglcd and pass the result to plot




x-axis label


y-axis label


Other arguments to be passed to the generic plot method


The density estimate is evaluated on a grid of points using the interplcd function. If several plots are required, this may be computed separately and passed to plot using the g argument.

For two dimensional data, the default plot type is "ic", corresponding to image and contour plots. These may be obtained separately using plot type "i" or "c" respectively. Where available, the use of plot type "r" is recommended. This uses the rgl package to produce a 3-d plot that may be rotated by the user. The option "p" produces perspective plots.

For data of dimension at least 2, axis-aligned marginals may be plotted by setting the marg argument. This integrates the estimated density over the remaining dimensions. If several plots are required, the estimate may be computed using the function interpmarglcd and passed using the argument g.marg.

Where relevant, the colors were obtained from the function heat_hcl in the colorspace package. Thanks to Achim Zeileis for this suggestion.

For examples, see mlelcd.


No return value, plot will display


Madeleine Cule

Robert B. Gramacy

Richard Samworth

Yining Chen

See Also

mlelcd, interplcd, interpmarglcd, heat_hcl

Summarizing log-concave maximum likelihood estimator


Generic print and summary method for objects of class "LogConcDEAD"


## S3 method for class 'LogConcDEAD'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'LogConcDEAD'
summary(object, ...)



Object of class "LogConcDEAD" (typically output from mlelcd), as required by print


Object of class "LogConcDEAD" (typically output from mlelcd), as required by summary


Other arguments passed to print or summary


print and summary currently perform the same function.

If there has been an error computing the maximum likelihood estimator, an error message is printed.

Otherwise, the value of the log maximum likelihood estimator at observation points is printed. The number of interations required by the subgradient and the number of function evaluations are also printed.


No return value, log MLE at observation points will be printed out on the screen.


Madeleine Cule

Robert B. Gramacy

Richard Samworth

See Also


Sample from a log-concave maximum likelihood estimate


Draws samples from a log-concave maximum likelihood estimate. The estimate should be specified in the form of an object of class "LogConcDEAD", the result of a call to mlelcd.


rlcd(n=1, lcd, method=c("Independent","MH"))



A scalar integer indicating the number of samples required


Object of class "LogConcDEAD" (typically output from mlelcd)


Indicator of the method used to draw samples, either via independent rejection sampling (default choice) or via Metropolis-Hastings


This function by default uses a simple rejection sampling scheme to draw independent random samples from a log-concave maximum likelihood estimator. One can also use the Metropolis-Hastings option to draw (dependent) samples with a higher acceptance rate.

For examples, see mlelcd.


A numeric matrix with nsample rows, each row corresponding to a point in RdR^d drawn from the distribution with density defined by lcd.


Details of the rejection sampling can be found in Appendix B.3 of Cule, Samworth and Stewart (2010). Details of the Metropolis-Hastings scheme can be found in Gopal and Casella (2010)


Yining Chen

Madeleine Cule

Robert Gramacy

Richard Samworth


Cule, M. L., Samworth, R. J., and Stewart, M. I. (2010) Maximum likelihood estimation of a multi-dimensional log-concave density J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Ser. B. (with discussion), 72, 545-600.

Gopal, V. and Casella, G. (2010) Discussion of Maximum likelihood estimation of a log-concave density by Cule, Samworth and Stewart J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Ser. B., 72, 580-582.

See Also


Sample from a smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimate


Draws samples from a smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimate. The estimate should be specified in the form of an object of class "LogConcDEAD", the result of a call to mlelcd, and a positive definite matrix.


rslcd(n=1, lcd, A=hatA(lcd), method=c("Independent","MH"))



A scalar integer indicating the number of samples required


Object of class "LogConcDEAD" (typically output from mlelcd)


A positive definite matrix that determines the degree of smoothing, typically taken as the output of hatA(lcd)


Indicator of the method used to draw samples, either via independent rejection sampling (default choice) or via Metropolis-Hastings


This function by default uses a simple rejection sampling scheme to draw independent random samples from a smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimator. One can also use the Metropolis-Hastings option to draw (dependent) samples with a higher acceptance rate.

For examples, see mlelcd.


A numeric matrix with n rows, each row corresponding to a point in RdR^d drawn from the distribution with density defined by lcd and A.


Yining Chen

Madeleine Cule

Robert Gramacy

Richard Samworth


Chen, Y. and Samworth, R. J. (2013) Smoothed log-concave maximum likelihood estimation with applications Statist. Sinica, 23, 1373-1398.

Cule, M. L., Samworth, R. J., and Stewart, M. I. (2010) Maximum likelihood estimation of a multi-dimensional log-concave density J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Ser. B. (with discussion), 72, 545-600.

Gopal, V. and Casella, G. (2010) Discussion of Maximum likelihood estimation of a log-concave density by Cule, Samworth and Stewart J. Roy. Statist. Soc., Ser. B., 72, 580-582.

See Also

mlelcd, rlcd, hatA