Package 'LikertMakeR'

Title: Synthesise and Correlate Likert Scale and Related Rating-Scale Data
Description: Synthesise Likert scale and related rating-scale data with predefined first and second moments (mean and standard deviation), and, optionally, correlate multiple vectors using a predefined correlation matrix. Additionally, generate synthetic rating-scale items with a predefined Cronbach's Alpha, or create rating-scale items based on a predefined summated scale.
Authors: Hume Winzar [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Hume Winzar <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.4.0
Built: 2025-02-18 07:44:44 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Calculate Cronbach's Alpha from a correlation matrix or dataframe


alpha() calculate Cronbach's Alpha from a given correlation matrix or a given dataframe.


alpha(cormatrix = NULL, data = NULL)



(real) a square symmetrical matrix with values ranging from -1 to +1 and '1' in the diagonal


(real) a dataframe or matrix


a single value


## Sample data frame
df <- data.frame(
  V1  =  c(4, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1),
  V2  =  c(4, 1, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 3),
  V3  =  c(4, 1, 3, 5, 4, 1, 4, 2),
  V4  =  c(4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3)

## example correlation matrix
corMat <- matrix(
    1.00, 0.35, 0.45, 0.70,
    0.35, 1.00, 0.60, 0.55,
    0.45, 0.60, 1.00, 0.65,
    0.70, 0.55, 0.65, 1.00
  nrow = 4, ncol = 4

## apply function examples

alpha(cormatrix = corMat)

alpha(, df)

alpha(corMat, df)

Create a dataframe of correlated scales from different dataframes of scale items


correlateScales() creates a dataframe of scale items representing correlated constructs, as one might find in a completed questionnaire.


correlateScales(dataframes, scalecors)



a list of 'k' dataframes to be rearranged and combined


target correlation matrix - should be a symmetric k*k positive-semi-definite matrix, where 'k' is the number of dataframes


Correlated rating-scale items generally are summed or averaged to create a measure of an "unobservable", or "latent", construct. correlateScales() takes several such dataframes of rating-scale items and rearranges their rows so that the scales are correlated according to a predefined correlation matrix. Univariate statistics for each dataframe of rating-scale items do not change, but their correlations with rating-scale items in other dataframes do.


Returns a dataframe whose columns are taken from the starter dataframes and whose summated values are correlated according to a user-specified correlation matrix


## three attitudes and a behavioural intention
n <- 32
lower <- 1
upper <- 5

### attitude #1
cor_1 <- makeCorrAlpha(items = 4, alpha = 0.90)
means_1 <- c(2.5, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5)
sds_1 <- c(0.9, 1.0, 0.9, 1.0)

Att_1 <- makeItems(
  n = n, means = means_1, sds = sds_1,
  lowerbound = rep(lower, 4), upperbound = rep(upper, 4),
  cormatrix = cor_1

### attitude #2
cor_2 <- makeCorrAlpha(items = 5, alpha = 0.85)
means_2 <- c(2.5, 2.5, 3.0, 3.0, 3.5)
sds_2 <- c(1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 1.0, 1.5)

Att_2 <- makeItems(
  n = n, means = means_2, sds = sds_2,
  lowerbound = rep(lower, 5), upperbound = rep(upper, 5),
  cormatrix = cor_2

### attitude #3
cor_3 <- makeCorrAlpha(items = 6, alpha = 0.75)
means_3 <- c(2.5, 2.5, 3.0, 3.0, 3.5, 3.5)
sds_3 <- c(1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 1.5, 1.0, 1.5)

Att_3 <- makeItems(
  n = n, means = means_3, sds = sds_3,
  lowerbound = rep(lower, 6), upperbound = rep(upper, 6),
  cormatrix = cor_3

### behavioural intention
intent <- lfast(n, mean = 3.0, sd = 3, lowerbound = 0, upperbound = 10) |>
names(intent) <- "int"

### target scale correlation matrix
scale_cors <- matrix(
    1.0, 0.6, 0.5, 0.3,
    0.6, 1.0, 0.4, 0.2,
    0.5, 0.4, 1.0, 0.1,
    0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 1.0
  nrow = 4

data_frames <- list("A1" = Att_1, "A2" = Att_2, "A3" = Att_3, "Int" = intent)

### apply the function
my_correlated_scales <- correlateScales(
  dataframes = data_frames,
  scalecors = scale_cors

calculate eigenvalues of a correlation matrix with optional scree plot


eigenvalues() calculate eigenvalues of a correlation matrix and optionally produces a scree plot.


eigenvalues(cormatrix, scree = FALSE)



(real, matrix) a correlation matrix


(logical) default = FALSE. If TRUE (or 1), then eigenvalues() produces a scree plot to illustrate the eigenvalues


a vector of eigenvalues

report on positive-definite status of cormatrix


## define parameters

correlationMatrix <- matrix(
    1.00, 0.25, 0.35, 0.40,
    0.25, 1.00, 0.70, 0.75,
    0.35, 0.70, 1.00, 0.80,
    0.40, 0.75, 0.80, 1.00
  nrow = 4, ncol = 4

## apply function

evals <- eigenvalues(cormatrix = correlationMatrix)
evals <- eigenvalues(correlationMatrix, 1)

Rearrange columns in a data-frame to fit a predefined correlation matrix


lcor_C() rearranges values in each column of a data-frame so that columns are correlated to match a predefined correlation matrix.


lcor(data, target)



data-frame that is to be rearranged


target correlation matrix - should be a symmetric k*k positive-semi-definite matrix


Values in a column do not change, so univariate statistics remain the same.


Returns a dataframe whose column-wise correlations approximate a user-specified correlation matrix


## parameters
n <- 32
lowerbound <- 1
upperbound <- 5
items <- 5

mydat3 <- data.frame(
  x1 = lfast(n, 2.5, 0.75, lowerbound, upperbound, items),
  x2 = lfast(n, 3.0, 1.50, lowerbound, upperbound, items),
  x3 = lfast(n, 3.5, 1.00, lowerbound, upperbound, items)

cor(mydat3) |> round(3)

tgt3 <- matrix(
    1.00, 0.50, 0.75,
    0.50, 1.00, 0.25,
    0.75, 0.25, 1.00
  nrow = 3, ncol = 3

## apply function
new3 <- lcor(mydat3, tgt3)

## test output
cor(new3) |> round(3)

Deprecated. Use lfast() instead


lexact is DEPRECATED. Replaced by new version of lfast.

lexact remains as a legacy for earlier package users. It is now just a wrapper for lfast

Previously, lexact used a Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm to find an optimum solution with desired mean and standard deviation, but we found that the updated lfast function is much faster and just as accurate.

Also the package is much less bulky.


lexact(n, mean, sd, lowerbound, upperbound, items = 1)



(positive, int) number of observations to generate


(real) target mean


(real) target standard deviation


(positive, int) lower bound (e.g. '1' for a 1-5 rating scale)


(positive, int) upper bound (e.g. '5' for a 1-5 rating scale)


(positive, int) number of items in the rating scale. Default = 1


a vector of simulated data approximating user-specified conditions.


x <- lexact(
  n = 256,
  mean = 4.0,
  sd = 1.0,
  lowerbound = 1,
  upperbound = 7,
  items = 6

x <- lexact(256, 2, 1.8, 0, 10)

Synthesise rating-scale data with predefined mean and standard deviation


lfast() applies a simple Evolutionary Algorithm to find a vector that best fits the desired moments.

lfast() generates random discrete values from a scaled Beta distribution so the data replicate a rating scale - for example, a 1-5 Likert scale made from 5 items (questions) or 0-10 likelihood-of-purchase scale.


lfast(n, mean, sd, lowerbound, upperbound, items = 1, precision = 0)



(positive, int) number of observations to generate


(real) target mean, between upper and lower bounds


(positive, real) target standard deviation


(positive, int) lower bound (e.g. '1' for a 1-5 rating scale)


(positive, int) upper bound (e.g. '5' for a 1-5 rating scale)


(positive, int) number of items in the rating scale. Default = 1


(positive, real) can relax the level of accuracy required. (e.g. '1' generally generates a vector with moments correct within '0.025', '2' generally within '0.05') Default = 0


a vector approximating user-specified conditions.


## six-item 1-7 rating scale
x <- lfast(
  n = 256,
  mean = 4.0,
  sd = 1.25,
  lowerbound = 1,
  upperbound = 7,
  items = 6

## four-item 1-5 rating scale with medium variation
x <- lfast(
  n = 128,
  mean = 3.0,
  sd = 1.00,
  lowerbound = 1,
  upperbound = 5,
  items = 4,
  precision = 5

## eleven-point 'likelihood of purchase' scale
x <- lfast(256, 3, 3.0, 0, 10)

Correlation matrix from Cronbach's Alpha


makeCorrAlpha() generates a random correlation matrix of given dimensions and predefined Cronbach's Alpha


makeCorrAlpha(items, alpha, variance = 0.5, precision = 0)



(positive, int) matrix dimensions: number of rows & columns to generate


(real) target Cronbach's Alpha (usually positive, must be between -1 and +1)


(positive, real) Default = 0.5. User-provided standard deviation of values sampled from a normally-distributed log transformation.


(positive, real) Default = 0. User-defined value ranging from '0' to '3' to add some random variation around the target Cronbach's Alpha. '0' gives an exact alpha (to two decimal places)


a correlation matrix


Random values generated by makeCorrAlpha() are highly volatile. makeCorrAlpha() may not generate a feasible (positive-definite) correlation matrix, especially when

  • variance is high relative to

    • desired Alpha, and

    • desired correlation dimensions

makeCorrAlpha() will inform the user if the resulting correlation matrix is positive definite, or not.

If the returned correlation matrix is not positive-definite, a feasible solution may still be possible. The user is encouraged to try again, possibly several times, to find one.


# define parameters
items <- 4
alpha <- 0.85
variance <- 0.5

# apply function
cor_matrix <- makeCorrAlpha(items = items, alpha = alpha, variance = variance)

# test function output
eigenvalues(cor_matrix, 1)

# higher alpha, more items
cor_matrix2 <- makeCorrAlpha(items = 8, alpha = 0.95)

# test output
cor_matrix2 |> round(2)
alpha(cor_matrix2) |> round(3)
eigenvalues(cor_matrix2, 1) |> round(3)

# large random variation around alpha
cor_matrix3 <- makeCorrAlpha(items = 6, alpha = 0.85, precision = 2)

# test output
cor_matrix3 |> round(2)
alpha(cor_matrix3) |> round(3)
eigenvalues(cor_matrix3, 1) |> round(3)

Synthetic rating-scale data with given first and second moments and a predefined correlation matrix


makeItems() generates a dataframe of random discrete values so the data replicate a rating scale, and are correlated close to a predefined correlation matrix.

makeItems() is wrapper function for:

  • lfast(), generates a dataframe that best fits the desired moments, and

  • lcor(), which rearranges values in each column of the dataframe so they closely match the desired correlation matrix.


makeItems(n, means, sds, lowerbound, upperbound, cormatrix)



(positive, int) sample-size - number of observations


(real) target means: a vector of length k of mean values for each scale item


(positive, real) target standard deviations: a vector of length k of standard deviation values for each scale item


(positive, int) a vector of length k (same as rows & columns of correlation matrix) of values for lower bound of each scale item (e.g. '1' for a 1-5 rating scale)


(positive, int) a vector of length k (same as rows & columns of correlation matrix) of values for upper bound of each scale item (e.g. '5' for a 1-5 rating scale)


(real, matrix) the target correlation matrix: a square symmetric positive-semi-definite matrix of values ranging between -1 and +1, and '1' in the diagonal.


a dataframe of rating-scale values


## define parameters

n <- 16
dfMeans <- c(2.5, 3.0, 3.0, 3.5)
dfSds <- c(1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 0.75)
lowerbound <- rep(1, 4)
upperbound <- rep(5, 4)

corMat <- matrix(
    1.00, 0.30, 0.40, 0.60,
    0.30, 1.00, 0.50, 0.70,
    0.40, 0.50, 1.00, 0.80,
    0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 1.00
  nrow = 4, ncol = 4

## apply function

df <- makeItems(
  n = n, means = dfMeans, sds = dfSds,
  lowerbound = lowerbound, upperbound = upperbound, cormatrix = corMat

## test function


# means
apply(df, 2, mean) |> round(3)

# standard deviations
apply(df, 2, sd) |> round(3)

# correlations
cor(df) |> round(3)

scale items from a summated scale and desired Cronbach's Alpha


makeItemsScale() generates a random dataframe of scale items based on a predefined summated scale (such as created by the lfast() function), and a desired Cronbach's Alpha.

scale, lowerbound, upperbound, items, alpha, variance


  alpha = 0.8,
  variance = 0.5



(int) a vector or dataframe of the summated rating scale. Should range from ('lowerbound' * 'items') to ('upperbound' * 'items')


(int) lower bound of the scale item (example: '1' in a '1' to '5' rating)


(int) upper bound of the scale item (example: '5' in a '1' to '5' rating)


(positive, int) k, or number of columns to generate


(posiitve, real) desired Cronbach's Alpha for the new dataframe of items. Default = '0.8'.

See ⁠@details⁠ for further information on the alpha parameter


(positive, real) the quantile from which to select items that give given summated scores. Must lie between '0' and '1'. Default = '0.5'.

See ⁠@details⁠ for further information on the variance parameter



makeItemsScale() rearranges the item values within each row, attempting to give a dataframe of Likert-scale items that produce a predefined Cronbach's Alpha.

Default value for target alpha is '0.8'.

More extreme values for the 'variance' parameter may reduce the chances of achieving the desired Alpha. So you may need to experiment a little.


There may be many ways to find a combination of integers that sum to a specific value, and these combinations have different levels of variance:

  • low-variance: '3 + 4 = 7'

  • high-variance: '1 + 6 = 7'

The 'variance' parameter defines guidelines for the amount of variance among item values that your new dataframe should have.

For example, consider a summated value of '9' on which we apply the makeItemsScale() function to generate three items. With zero variance (variance parameter = '0'), then we see all items with the same value, the mean of '3'. With variance = '1', then we see all items with values that give the maximum variance among those items.

variance v1 v2 v3 sum
0.0 3 3 3 9
0.2 3 3 3 9
0.4 2 3 4 9
0.6 1 4 4 9
0.8 2 2 5 9
1.0 1 3 5 9

Similarly, the same mean value applied to six items with makeItemsScale() gives the following combinations at different values of the 'variance' parameter.

variance v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 sum
0.0 3 3 3 3 3 3 18
0.2 1 3 3 3 4 4 18
0.4 1 2 3 4 4 4 18
0.6 1 1 4 4 4 4 18
0.8 1 1 3 4 4 5 18
1.0 1 1 1 5 5 5 18

And a mean value of '3.5' gives the following combinations.

variance v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 sum
0.0 3 3 3 4 4 4 21
0.2 3 3 3 3 4 5 21
0.4 2 2 4 4 4 5 21
0.6 1 3 4 4 4 5 21
0.8 1 2 4 4 5 5 21
1.0 1 1 4 5 5 5 21

The default value for 'variance' is '0.5' which gives a reasonable range of item values. But if you want 'responses' that are more consistent then choose a lower variance value.


a dataframe with 'items' columns and 'length(scale)' rows


## define parameters
k <- 4
lower <- 1
upper <- 5

## scale properties
n <- 64
mean <- 3.0
sd <- 0.85

## create scale
meanScale <- lfast(
  n = n, mean = mean, sd = sd,
  lowerbound = lower, upperbound = upper,
  items = k
summatedScale <- meanScale * k

## create new items
newItems <- makeItemsScale(
  scale = summatedScale,
  lowerbound = lower, upperbound = upper,
  items = k

### test new items
alpha(data = newItems) |> round(2)

## create items with higher Alpha but same summated scale
newItems <- makeItemsScale(
  scale = summatedScale,
  lowerbound = lower, upperbound = upper,
  items = k,
  alpha = 0.9,
  variance = 0.5

### test new items
alpha(data = newItems) |> round(2)

## very low variance usually gives higher Cronbach's Alpha
mydat_20 <- makeItemsScale(
  scale = summatedScale,
  lowerbound = lower, upperbound = upper,
  items = k, alpha = 0.8, variance = 0.20

### test new data frame

moments <- data.frame(
  means = apply(mydat_20, MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean) |> round(3),
  sds = apply(mydat_20, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sd) |> round(3)
) |> t()


cor(mydat_20) |> round(2)
alpha(data = mydat_20) |> round(2)

## default alpha (0.8) and higher variance (0.8)
mydat_80 <- makeItemsScale(
  scale = summatedScale,
  lowerbound = lower, upperbound = upper,
  items = k, variance = 0.80

### test new dataframe

moments <- data.frame(
  means = apply(mydat_80, MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean) |> round(3),
  sds = apply(mydat_80, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sd) |> round(3)
) |> t()


cor(mydat_80) |> round(2)
alpha(data = mydat_80) |> round(2)