Package 'LaMa'

Title: Fast Numerical Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Latent Markov Models
Description: A variety of latent Markov models, including hidden Markov models, hidden semi-Markov models, state-space models and continuous-time variants can be formulated and estimated within the same framework via directly maximising the likelihood function using the so-called forward algorithm. Applied researchers often need custom models that standard software does not easily support. Writing tailored 'R' code offers flexibility but suffers from slow estimation speeds. We address these issues by providing easy-to-use functions (written in 'C++' for speed) for common tasks like the forward algorithm. These functions can be combined into custom models in a Lego-type approach, offering up to 10-20 times faster estimation via standard numerical optimisers. To aid in building fully custom likelihood functions, several vignettes are included that show how to simulate data from and estimate all the above model classes.
Authors: Jan-Ole Koslik [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Jan-Ole Koslik <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 2.0.3
Built: 2025-01-29 12:07:35 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Build the design and penalty matrices for smooth density estimation


This high-level function can be used to prepare objects needed to estimate mixture models of smooth densities using P-Splines.


buildSmoothDens(data, type = "real", par, k = 20, degree = 3, diff_order = 2)



named data frame of different data streams


type of each data stream, either "real" for data on the reals, "positive" for data on the positive reals or "circular" for angular data. Needs to be a vector corresponding to the number of data streams in data.


nested named list of initial means and sds/concentrations for each data stream


number of basis functions for each data stream


degree of the B-spline basis functions for each data stream, defaults to cubic B-splines


order of differencing used for the P-Spline penalty matrix for each data stream. Defaults to second-order differences.


Under the hood, make_matrices_dens is used for the actual construction of the design and penalty matrices.

You can provide one or multiple data streams of different types (real, positive, circular) and specify initial means and standard deviations/ concentrations for each data stream. This information is then converted into suitable spline coefficients. buildSmoothDens then constructs the design and penalty matrices for standardised B-splines basis functions (integrating to one) for each data stream. For types "real" and "circular" the knots are placed equidistant in the range of the data, for type "positive" the knots are placed using polynomial spacing.


a nested list containing the design matrices Z, the penalty matrices S, the initial coefficients coef the prediction design matrices Z_predict, the prediction grids xseq, and details for the basis expansion for each data stream.


## 3 data streams, each with one distribution
# normal data with mean 0 and sd 1
x1 = rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 1)
# gamma data with mean 5 and sd 3
x2 = rgamma2(100, mean = 5, sd = 3)
# circular data
x3 = rvm(100, mu = 0, kappa = 2)

data = data.frame(x1 = x1, x2 = x2, x3 = x3)

par = list(x1 = list(mean = 0, sd = 1),
           x2 = list(mean = 5, sd = 3),
           x3 = list(mean = 0, concentration = 2))

SmoothDens = buildSmoothDens(data, 
                             type = c("real", "positive", "circular"),
# extracting objects for x1
Z1 = SmoothDens$Z$x1
S1 = SmoothDens$S$x1
coefs1 = SmoothDens$coef$x1

## one data stream, but mixture of two distributions
# normal data with mean 0 and sd 1
x = rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 1)
data = data.frame(x = x)

# now parameters for mixture of two normals
par = list(x = list(mean = c(0, 5), sd = c(1,1)))

SmoothDens = buildSmoothDens(data, par = par)

# extracting objects 
Z = SmoothDens$Z$x
S = SmoothDens$S$x
coefs = SmoothDens$coef$x

Calculate the index of the first observation of each track based on an ID variable


Function to conveniently calculate the trackInd variable that is needed internally when fitting a model to longitudinal data with multiple tracks.





ID variable of track IDs that is of the same length as the data to be analysed


A vector of indices of the first observation of each track which can be passed to the forward and forward_g to sum likelihood contributions of each track


uniqueID = c("Animal1", "Animal2", "Animal3")
ID = rep(uniqueID, c(100, 200, 300))
trackInd = calc_trackInd(ID)

Reparametrised multivariate Gaussian distribution


Density function of the multivariate Gaussian distribution reparametrised in terms of its precision matrix (inverse variance). This implementation is particularly useful for defining the joint log-likelihood with penalised splines or i.i.d. random effects that have a multivariate Gaussian distribution with fixed precision/ penalty matrix λS\lambda S. As SS is fixed and only scaled by λ\lambda, it is more efficient to precompute the determinant of SS (for the normalisation constant) and only scale the quadratic form by λ\lambda when multiple spline parameters/ random effects with different λ\lambda's but the same penalty matrix SS are evaluated.


dgmrf2(x, mu = 0, S, lambda, logdetS = NULL, log = FALSE)



density evaluation point, either a vector or a matrix


mean parameter. Either scalar or vector


unscaled precision matrix


precision scaling parameter

Can be a vector if x is a matrix. Then each row of x is evaluated with the corresponding lambda. This is benefitial from an efficiency perspective because the determinant of S is only computed once.


Optional precomputed log determinant of the precision matrix S. If the precision matrix does not depend on parameters, it can be precomputed and passed to the function.


logical; if TRUE, densities are returned on the log scale.


This implementation allows for automatic differentiation with RTMB.


vector of density values


x = matrix(runif(30), nrow = 3)

# iid random effects
S = diag(10)
sigma = c(1, 2, 3) # random effect standard deviations
lambda = 1 / sigma^2
d = dgmrf2(x, 0, S, lambda)

# P-splines
L = diff(diag(10), diff = 2) # second-order difference matrix
S = t(L) %*% L
lambda = c(1,2,3)
d = dgmrf2(x, 0, S, lambda, log = TRUE)

Dirichlet distribution


Density of the Dirichlet distribution.


ddirichlet(x, alpha, log = TRUE)



vector or matrix of quantiles


vector or matrix of shape parameters


logical; if TRUE, densities pp are returned as log(p)\log(p).


This implementation of ddirichlet allows for automatic differentiation with RTMB.


ddirichlet gives the density.


ddirichlet(c(0.2, 0.3, 0.5), c(1, 2, 3))

Forward algorithm with homogeneous transition probability matrix


Calculates the log-likelihood of a sequence of observations under a homogeneous hidden Markov model using the forward algorithm.


forward(delta, Gamma, allprobs, trackID = NULL, ad = NULL, report = TRUE)



initial or stationary distribution of length N, or matrix of dimension c(k,N) for k independent tracks, if trackID is provided


transition probability matrix of dimension c(N,N), or array of k transition probability matrices of dimension c(N,N,k), if trackID is provided


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N)


optional vector of length n containing IDs

If provided, the total log-likelihood will be the sum of each track's likelihood contribution. In this case, Gamma can be a matrix, leading to the same transition probabilities for each track, or an array of dimension c(N,N,k), with one (homogeneous) transition probability matrix for each track. Furthermore, instead of a single vector delta corresponding to the initial distribution, a delta matrix of initial distributions, of dimension c(k,N), can be provided, such that each track starts with it's own initial distribution.

optional logical, indicating whether automatic differentiation with RTMB should be used. By default, the function determines this itself.


logical, indicating whether delta, Gamma and allprobs should be reported from the fitted model. Defaults to TRUE, but only works if ad = TRUE.


log-likelihood for given data and parameters

See Also

Other forward algorithms: forward_g(), forward_hsmm(), forward_ihsmm(), forward_p(), forward_phsmm()


## negative log likelihood function
nll = function(par, step) {
 # parameter transformations for unconstrained optimisation
 Gamma = tpm(par[1:2]) # multinomial logit link
 delta = stationary(Gamma) # stationary HMM
 mu = exp(par[3:4])
 sigma = exp(par[5:6])
 # calculate all state-dependent probabilities
 allprobs = matrix(1, length(step), 2)
 ind = which(!
 for(j in 1:2) allprobs[ind,j] = dgamma2(step[ind], mu[j], sigma[j])
 # simple forward algorithm to calculate log-likelihood
 -forward(delta, Gamma, allprobs)

## fitting an HMM to the trex data
par = c(-2,-2,            # initial tpm params (logit-scale)
        log(c(0.3, 2.5)), # initial means for step length (log-transformed)
        log(c(0.2, 1.5))) # initial sds for step length (log-transformed)
mod = nlm(nll, par, step = trex$step[1:1000])

General forward algorithm with time-varying transition probability matrix


Calculates the log-likelihood of a sequence of observations under a hidden Markov model with time-varying transition probabilities using the forward algorithm.


forward_g(delta, Gamma, allprobs, trackID = NULL, ad = NULL, report = TRUE)



initial or stationary distribution of length N, or matrix of dimension c(k,N) for k independent tracks, if trackID is provided


array of transition probability matrices of dimension c(N,N,n-1), as in a time series of length n, there are only n-1 transitions.

If an array of dimension c(N,N,n) for a single track is provided, the first slice will be ignored.

If the elements of Γ(t)\Gamma^{(t)} depend on covariate values at t or covariates t+1 is your choice in the calculation of the array, prior to using this function. When conducting the calculation by using tpm_g(), the choice comes down to including the covariate matrix Z[-1,] oder Z[-n,].

If trackInd is provided, Gamma needs to be an array of dimension c(N,N,n), matching the number of rows of allprobs. For each track, the transition matrix at the beginning will be ignored. If the parameters for Gamma are pooled across tracks or not, depends on your calculation of Gamma. If pooled, you can use tpm_g(Z, beta) to calculate the entire array of transition matrices when Z is of dimension c(n,p).

This function can also be used to fit continuous-time HMMs, where each array entry is the Markov semigroup Γ(Δt)=exp(QΔt)\Gamma(\Delta t) = \exp(Q \Delta t) and QQ is the generator of the continuous-time Markov chain.


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N)


optional vector of length n containing IDs

If provided, the total log-likelihood will be the sum of each track's likelihood contribution. In this case, Gamma needs to be an array of dimension c(N,N,n), matching the number of rows of allprobs. For each track, the transition matrix at the beginning of the track will be ignored (as there is no transition between tracks). Furthermore, instead of a single vector delta corresponding to the initial distribution, a delta matrix of initial distributions, of dimension c(k,N), can be provided, such that each track starts with it's own initial distribution.

optional logical, indicating whether automatic differentiation with RTMB should be used. By default, the function determines this itself.


logical, indicating whether delta, Gamma and allprobs should be reported from the fitted model. Defaults to TRUE, but only works if ad = TRUE.


log-likelihood for given data and parameters

See Also

Other forward algorithms: forward(), forward_hsmm(), forward_ihsmm(), forward_p(), forward_phsmm()


## Simple usage
Gamma = array(c(0.9, 0.2, 0.1, 0.8), dim = c(2,2,10))
delta = c(0.5, 0.5)
allprobs = matrix(0.5, 10, 2)
forward_g(delta, Gamma, allprobs)

## Full model fitting example
## negative log likelihood function
nll = function(par, step, Z) {
 # parameter transformations for unconstrained optimisation
 beta = matrix(par[1:6], nrow = 2)
 Gamma = tpm_g(Z, beta) # multinomial logit link for each time point
 delta = stationary(Gamma[,,1]) # stationary HMM
 mu = exp(par[7:8])
 sigma = exp(par[9:10])
 # calculate all state-dependent probabilities
 allprobs = matrix(1, length(step), 2)
 ind = which(!
 for(j in 1:2) allprobs[ind,j] = dgamma2(step[ind], mu[j], sigma[j])
 # simple forward algorithm to calculate log-likelihood
 -forward_g(delta, Gamma, allprobs)

## fitting an HMM to the trex data
par = c(-1.5,-1.5,        # initial tpm intercepts (logit-scale)
        rep(0, 4),        # initial tpm slopes
        log(c(0.3, 2.5)), # initial means for step length (log-transformed)
        log(c(0.2, 1.5))) # initial sds for step length (log-transformed)
mod = nlm(nll, par, step = trex$step[1:500], Z = trigBasisExp(trex$tod[1:500]))

Forward algorithm for homogeneous hidden semi-Markov models


Calculates the (approximate) log-likelihood of a sequence of observations under a homogeneous hidden semi-Markov model using a modified forward algorithm.


  trackID = NULL,
  delta = NULL,
  eps = 1e-10,
  report = TRUE



list of length N containing vectors of dwell-time probability mass functions (PMFs) for each state. The vector lengths correspond to the approximating state aggregate sizes, hence there should be little probablity mass not covered by these.


matrix of dimension c(N,N) of conditional transition probabilites, also called embedded transition probability matrix.

Contains the transition probabilities given that the current state is left. Hence, the diagonal elements need to be zero and the rows need to sum to one. Can be constructed using tpm_emb.


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N) which will automatically be converted to the appropriate dimension.


optional vector of length n containing IDs

If provided, the total log-likelihood will be the sum of each track's likelihood contribution. In this case, dm can be a nested list, where the top layer contains k dm lists as described above. omega can then also be an array of dimension c(N,N,k) with one conditional transition probability matrix for each track. Furthermore, instead of a single vector delta corresponding to the initial distribution, a delta matrix of initial distributions, of dimension c(k,N), can be provided, such that each track starts with it's own initial distribution.


optional vector of initial state probabilities of length N

By default, the stationary distribution is computed (which is typically recommended).


small value to avoid numerical issues in the approximating transition matrix construction. Usually, this should not be changed.


logical, indicating whether initial distribution, approximating transition probability matrix and allprobs matrix should be reported from the fitted model. Defaults to TRUE.


Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) are a flexible extension of HMMs, where the state duration distribution is explicitly modelled by a distribution on the positive integers. For direct numerical maximum likelhood estimation, HSMMs can be represented as HMMs on an enlarged state space (of size MM) and with structured transition probabilities.

This function is designed to be used with automatic differentiation based on the R package RTMB. It will be very slow without it!


log-likelihood for given data and parameters

See Also

Other forward algorithms: forward(), forward_g(), forward_ihsmm(), forward_p(), forward_phsmm()


# currently no examples

Forward algorithm for hidden semi-Markov models with inhomogeneous state durations and/ or conditional transition probabilities


Calculates the (approximate) log-likelihood of a sequence of observations under an inhomogeneous hidden semi-Markov model using a modified forward algorithm.


  trackID = NULL,
  delta = NULL,
  startInd = NULL,
  eps = 1e-10,
  report = TRUE



list of length N containing matrices (or vectors) of dwell-time probability mass functions (PMFs) for each state.

If the dwell-time PMFs are constant, the vectors are the PMF of the dwell-time distribution fixed in time. The vector lengths correspond to the approximating state aggregate sizes, hence there should be little probablity mass not covered by these.

If the dwell-time PMFs are inhomogeneous, the matrices need to have n rows, where n is the number of observations. The number of columns again correponds to the size of the approximating state aggregates.

In the latter case, the first max(sapply(dm, ncol)) - 1 observations will not be used because the first approximating transition probability matrix needs to be computed based on the first max(sapply(dm, ncol)) covariate values (represented by dm).


matrix of dimension c(N,N) or array of dimension c(N,N,n) of conditional transition probabilites, also called embedded transition probability matrix.

It contains the transition probabilities given the current state is left. Hence, the diagonal elements need to be zero and the rows need to sum to one. Such a matrix can be constructed using tpm_emb and an array using tpm_emb_g.


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N)


trackID optional vector of length n containing IDs

If provided, the total log-likelihood will be the sum of each track's likelihood contribution. Instead of a single vector delta corresponding to the initial distribution, a delta matrix of initial distributions, of dimension c(k,N), can be provided, such that each track starts with it's own initial distribution.


optional vector of initial state probabilities of length N

By default, instead of this, the stationary distribution is computed corresponding to the first approximating transition probability matrix of each track is computed. Contrary to the homogeneous case, this is not theoretically motivated but just for convenience.


optional integer index at which the forward algorithm starts.

When approximating inhomogeneous HSMMs by inhomogeneous HMMs, the first transition probability matrix that can be constructed is at time max(sapply(dm, ncol)) (as it depends on the previous covariate values). Hence, when not provided, startInd is chosen to be max(sapply(dm, ncol)). Fixing startInd at a value larger than max(aggregate sizes) is useful when models with different aggregate sizes are fitted to the same data and are supposed to be compared. In that case it is important that all models use the same number of observations.


small value to avoid numerical issues in the approximating transition matrix construction. Usually, this should not be changed.


logical, indicating whether initial distribution, approximating transition probability matrix and allprobs matrix should be reported from the fitted model. Defaults to TRUE.


Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) are a flexible extension of HMMs, where the state duration distribution is explicitly modelled by a distribution on the positive integers. This function can be used to fit HSMMs where the state-duration distribution and/ or the conditional transition probabilities vary with covariates. For direct numerical maximum likelhood estimation, HSMMs can be represented as HMMs on an enlarged state space (of size MM) and with structured transition probabilities.

This function is designed to be used with automatic differentiation based on the R package RTMB. It will be very slow without it!


log-likelihood for given data and parameters

See Also

Other forward algorithms: forward(), forward_g(), forward_hsmm(), forward_p(), forward_phsmm()


# currently no examples

Forward algorithm with for periodically varying transition probability matrices


Calculates the log-likelihood of a sequence of observations under a hidden Markov model with periodically varying transition probabilities using the forward algorithm.


  trackID = NULL,
  ad = NULL,
  report = TRUE



initial or stationary distribution of length N, or matrix of dimension c(k,N) for k independent tracks, if trackID is provided


array of transition probability matrices of dimension c(N,N,L).

Here we use the definition Pr(St=jSt1=i)=γij(t)\Pr(S_t=j \mid S_{t-1}=i) = \gamma_{ij}^{(t)} such that the transition probabilities between time point t1t-1 and tt are an element of Γ(t)\Gamma^{(t)}.


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N)


(Integer valued) variable for cycle indexing in 1, ..., L, mapping the data index to a generalised time of day (length n)

For half-hourly data L = 48. It could, however, also be day of year for daily data and L = 365.


optional vector of length n containing IDs

If provided, the total log-likelihood will be the sum of each track's likelihood contribution. Instead of a single vector delta corresponding to the initial distribution, a delta matrix of initial distributions of dimension c(k,N), can be provided, such that each track starts with it's own initial distribution.

optional logical, indicating whether automatic differentiation with RTMB should be used. By default, the function determines this itself.


logical, indicating whether delta, Gamma and allprobs should be reported from the fitted model. Defaults to TRUE, but only works if ad = TRUE.


When the transition probability matrix only varies periodically (e.g. as a function of time of day), there are only LL unique matrices if LL is the period length (e.g. L=24L=24 for hourly data and time-of-day variation). Thus, it is much more efficient to only calculate these LL matrices and index them by a time variable (e.g. time of day or day of year) instead of calculating such a matrix for each index in the data set (which would be redundant). This function allows for that by only expecting a transition probability matrix for each time point in a period and an integer valued (1,,L1, \dots, L) time variable that maps the data index to the according time.


log-likelihood for given data and parameters

See Also

Other forward algorithms: forward(), forward_g(), forward_hsmm(), forward_ihsmm(), forward_phsmm()


## negative log likelihood function
nll = function(par, step, tod) {
 # parameter transformations for unconstrained optimisation
 beta = matrix(par[1:6], nrow = 2)
 Gamma = tpm_p(1:24, beta = beta) # multinomial logit link for each time point
 delta = stationary_p(Gamma, tod[1]) # stationary HMM
 mu = exp(par[7:8])
 sigma = exp(par[9:10])
 # calculate all state-dependent probabilities
 allprobs = matrix(1, length(step), 2)
 ind = which(!
 for(j in 1:2) allprobs[ind,j] = dgamma2(step[ind], mu[j], sigma[j])
 # simple forward algorithm to calculate log-likelihood
 -forward_p(delta, Gamma, allprobs, tod)

## fitting an HMM to the nessi data
par = c(-2,-2,            # initial tpm intercepts (logit-scale)
        rep(0, 4),        # initial tpm slopes
        log(c(0.3, 2.5)), # initial means for step length (log-transformed)
        log(c(0.2, 1.5))) # initial sds for step length (log-transformed)
mod = nlm(nll, par, step = trex$step[1:500], tod = trex$tod[1:500])

Forward algorithm for hidden semi-Markov models with periodically inhomogeneous state durations and/ or conditional transition probabilities


Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) are a flexible extension of HMMs, where the state duration distribution is explicitly modelled by a distribution on the positive integers. This function can be used to fit HSMMs where the state-duration distribution and/ or the conditional transition probabilities vary with covariates. For direct numerical maximum likelhood estimation, HSMMs can be represented as HMMs on an enlarged state space (of size MM) and with structured transition probabilities.

This function can be used to fit HSMMs where the state-duration distribution and/ or the conditional transition probabilities vary periodically. In the special case of periodic variation (as compared to arbitrary covariate influence), this version is to be preferred over forward_ihsmm because it computes the correct periodically stationary distribution and no observations are lost for the approximation.

This function is designed to be used with automatic differentiation based on the R package RTMB. It will be very slow without it!


  trackID = NULL,
  delta = NULL,
  eps = 1e-10,
  report = TRUE



list of length N containing matrices (or vectors) of dwell-time probability mass functions (PMFs) for each state.

If the dwell-time PMFs are constant, the vectors are the PMF of the dwell-time distribution fixed in time. The vector lengths correspond to the approximating state aggregate sizes, hence there should be little probablity mass not covered by these.

If the dwell-time PMFs are inhomogeneous, the matrices need to have L rows, where L is the cycle length. The number of columns again correpond to the size of the approximating state aggregates.


matrix of dimension c(N,N) or array of dimension c(N,N,L) of conditional transition probabilites, also called embedded transition probability matrix

It contains the transition probabilities given the current state is left. Hence, the diagonal elements need to be zero and the rows need to sum to one. Such a matrix can be constructed using tpm_emb and an array using tpm_emb_g.


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N)


(Integer valued) variable for cycle indexing in 1, ..., L, mapping the data index to a generalised time of day (length n). For half-hourly data L = 48. It could, however, also be day of year for daily data and L = 365.


optional vector of length n containing IDs

If provided, the total log-likelihood will be the sum of each track's likelihood contribution. Instead of a single vector delta corresponding to the initial distribution, a delta matrix of initial distributions, of dimension c(k,N), can be provided, such that each track starts with it's own initial distribution.


Optional vector of initial state probabilities of length N. By default, instead of this, the stationary distribution is computed corresponding to the first approximating t.p.m. of each track is computed. Contrary to the homogeneous case, this is not theoretically motivated but just for convenience.


small value to avoid numerical issues in the approximating transition matrix construction. Usually, this should not be changed.


logical, indicating whether initial distribution, approximating transition probability matrix and allprobs matrix should be reported from the fitted model. Defaults to TRUE.


Calculates the (approximate) log-likelihood of a sequence of observations under a periodically inhomogeneous hidden semi-Markov model using a modified forward algorithm.


log-likelihood for given data and parameters

See Also

Other forward algorithms: forward(), forward_g(), forward_hsmm(), forward_ihsmm(), forward_p()


# currently no examples

Forward algorithm for hidden semi-Markov models with homogeneous transition probability matrix


Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) are a flexible extension of HMMs that can be approximated by HMMs on an enlarged state space (of size MM) and with structured transition probabilities.


forward_s(delta, Gamma, allprobs, sizes)



initial or stationary distribution of length N, or matrix of dimension c(k,N) for k independent tracks, if trackID is provided


transition probability matrix of dimension c(M,M)


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N) which will automatically be converted to the appropriate dimension.


state aggregate sizes that are used for the approximation of the semi-Markov chain.


log-likelihood for given data and parameters


## generating data from homogeneous 2-state HSMM
mu = c(0, 6)
lambda = c(6, 12)
omega = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# simulation
# for a 2-state HSMM the embedded chain always alternates between 1 and 2
s = rep(1:2, 100)
C = x = numeric(0)
for(t in 1:100){
  dt = rpois(1, lambda[s[t]])+1 # shifted Poisson
  C = c(C, rep(s[t], dt))
  x = c(x, rnorm(dt, mu[s[t]], 1.5)) # fixed sd 2 for both states

## negative log likelihood function
mllk = function(, x, sizes){
  # parameter transformations for unconstraint optimization
  omega = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) # omega fixed (2-states)
  lambda = exp([1:2]) # dwell time means
  dm = list(dpois(1:sizes[1]-1, lambda[1]), dpois(1:sizes[2]-1, lambda[2]))
  Gamma = tpm_hsmm2(omega, dm)
  delta = stationary(Gamma) # stationary
  mu =[3:4]
  sigma = exp([5:6])
  # calculate all state-dependent probabilities
  allprobs = matrix(1, length(x), 2)
  for(j in 1:2){ allprobs[,j] = dnorm(x, mu[j], sigma[j]) }
  # return negative for minimization
  -forward_s(delta, Gamma, allprobs, sizes)

## fitting an HSMM to the data = c(log(5), log(10), 1, 4, log(2), log(2))
mod = nlm(mllk,, x = x, sizes = c(20, 30), stepmax = 5)

Forward algorithm for hidden semi-Markov models with periodically varying transition probability matrices


Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) are a flexible extension of HMMs that can be approximated by HMMs on an enlarged state space (of size MM) and with structured transition probabilities. Recently, this inference procedure has been generalised to allow either the dwell-time distributions or the conditional transition probabilities to depend on external covariates such as the time of day. This special case is implemented here. This function allows for that, by expecting a transition probability matrix for each time point in a period, and an integer valued (1,,L1, \dots, L) time variable that maps the data index to the according time.


forward_sp(delta, Gamma, allprobs, sizes, tod)



initial or stationary distribution of length N, or matrix of dimension c(k,N) for k independent tracks, if trackID is provided


array of transition probability matrices of dimension c(M,M,L).

Here we use the definition Pr(St=jSt1=i)=γij(t)\Pr(S_t=j \mid S_{t-1}=i) = \gamma_{ij}^{(t)} such that the transition probabilities between time point t1t-1 and tt are an element of Γ(t)\Gamma^{(t)}.


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N) which will automatically be converted to the appropriate dimension.


state aggregate sizes that are used for the approximation of the semi-Markov chain.


(Integer valued) variable for cycle indexing in 1, ..., L, mapping the data index to a generalised time of day (length n). For half-hourly data L = 48. It could, however, also be day of year for daily data and L = 365.


log-likelihood for given data and parameters


## generating data from homogeneous 2-state HSMM
mu = c(0, 6)
beta = matrix(c(log(4),log(6),-0.2,0.2,-0.1,0.4), nrow=2)
# time varying mean dwell time
Lambda = exp(cbind(1, trigBasisExp(1:24, 24, 1))%*%t(beta))
omega = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# simulation
# for a 2-state HSMM the embedded chain always alternates between 1 and 2
s = rep(1:2, 100)
C = x = numeric(0)
tod = rep(1:24, 50) # time of day variable
time = 1
for(t in 1:100){
  dt = rpois(1, Lambda[tod[time], s[t]])+1 # dwell time depending on time of day
  time = time + dt
  C = c(C, rep(s[t], dt))
  x = c(x, rnorm(dt, mu[s[t]], 1.5)) # fixed sd 2 for both states
tod = tod[1:length(x)]

## negative log likelihood function
mllk = function(, x, sizes, tod){
  # parameter transformations for unconstraint optimization
  omega = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE) # omega fixed (2-states)
  mu =[1:2]
  sigma = exp([3:4])
  beta = matrix([5:10], nrow=2)
  # time varying mean dwell time
  Lambda = exp(cbind(1, trigBasisExp(1:24, 24, 1))%*%t(beta))
  dm = list()
  for(j in 1:2){
    dm[[j]] = sapply(1:sizes[j]-1, dpois, lambda = Lambda[,j])
  Gamma = tpm_phsmm2(omega, dm)
  delta = stationary_p(Gamma, tod[1])
  # calculate all state-dependent probabilities
  allprobs = matrix(1, length(x), 2)
  for(j in 1:2){ allprobs[,j] = dnorm(x, mu[j], sigma[j]) }
  # return negative for minimization
  -forward_sp(delta, Gamma, allprobs, sizes, tod)

## fitting an HSMM to the data = c(1, 4, log(2), log(2), # state-dependent parameters
                 log(4), log(6), rep(0,4)) # state process parameters dm
# mod = nlm(mllk,, x = x, sizes = c(10, 15), tod = tod, stepmax = 5)

Reparametrised gamma distribution


Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the gamma distribution reparametrised in terms of mean and standard deviation.


dgamma2(x, mean = 1, sd = 1, log = FALSE)

pgamma2(q, mean = 1, sd = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)

qgamma2(p, mean = 1, sd = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)

rgamma2(n, mean = 1, sd = 1)


x, q

vector of quantiles


mean parameter, must be positive scalar.


standard deviation parameter, must be positive scalar.

log, log.p

logical; if TRUE, probabilities/ densities pp are returned as log(p)\log(p).


logical; if TRUE, probabilities are P[X<=x]P[X <= x], otherwise, P[X>x]P[X > x].


vector of probabilities


number of observations. If length(n) > 1, the length is taken to be the number required.


This implementation allows for automatic differentiation with RTMB.


dgamma2 gives the density, pgamma2 gives the distribution function, qgamma2 gives the quantile function, and rgamma2 generates random deviates.


x = rgamma2(1)
d = dgamma2(x)
p = pgamma2(x)
q = qgamma2(p)

Computes generalised determinant


Computes generalised determinant


gdeterminant(x, eps = 1e-10, log = TRUE)



square matrix


eigenvalues smaller than this will be treated as zero


logical. If TRUE, the log-determinant is returned. If FALSE, the determinant is returned.


generalised log-determinant of x

Build the generator matrix of a continuous-time Markov chain


This function builds the infinitesimal generator matrix for a continuous-time Markov chain from an unconstrained parameter vector.


generator(param, byrow = FALSE, report = TRUE)



unconstrained parameter vector of length N*(N-1) where N is the number of states of the Markov chain


logical indicating if the transition probability matrix should be filled by row


logical, indicating whether the generator matrix Q should be reported from the fitted model. Defaults to TRUE, but only works if when automatic differentiation with RTMB is used.


infinitesimal generator matrix of dimension c(N,N)

See Also

Other transition probability matrix functions: tpm(), tpm_cont(), tpm_emb(), tpm_emb_g(), tpm_g(), tpm_p()


# 2 states: 2 free off-diagonal elements
generator(rep(-1, 2))
# 3 states: 6 free off-diagonal elements
generator(rep(-2, 6))

Build the design matrix and the penalty matrix for models involving penalised splines based on a formula and a data set


Build the design matrix and the penalty matrix for models involving penalised splines based on a formula and a data set


make_matrices(formula, data, knots = NULL)



right side of a formula as used in mgcv


data frame containing the variables in the formula


optional list containing user specified knot values to be used for basis construction

For most bases the user simply supplies the knots to be used, which must match up with the k value supplied (note that the number of knots is not always just k). See mgcv documentation for more details.


a list containing the design matrix Z, the penalty matrix S, the formula, the data and the knots


modmat = make_matrices(~ s(x), data.frame(x = 1:10))

Build a standardised P-Spline design matrix and the associated P-Spline penalty matrix


This function builds the B-spline design matrix for a given data vector. Importantly, the B-spline basis functions are normalised such that the integral of each basis function is 1, hence this basis can be used for spline-based density estimation, when the basis functions are weighted by non-negative weights summing to one.


  type = "real",
  degree = 3,
  npoints = 10000,
  diff_order = 2,
  pow = 0.5



data vector


number of basis functions


type of the data, either "real" for data on the reals, "positive" for data on the positive reals or "circular" for circular data like angles.


degree of the B-spline basis functions, defaults to cubic B-splines


number of points used in the numerical integration for normalizing the B-spline basis functions


order of differencing used for the P-Spline penalty matrix for each data stream. Defaults to second-order differences.


power for polynomial knot spacing

Such non-equidistant knot spacing is only used for type = "positive".


list containing the design matrix Z, the penalty matrix S, the prediction design matrix Z_predict, the prediction grid xseq, and details for the basis expansion.


modmat = make_matrices_dens(x = (-50):50, k = 20)
modmat = make_matrices_dens(x = 1:100, k = 20, type = "positive")
modmat = make_matrices_dens(x = seq(-pi,pi), k = 20, type = "circular")

Loch Ness Monster Acceleration Data


A small group of researchers managed to put an accelerometer on the Loch Ness Monster and collected data for a few days. Now we have a data set of the overall dynamic body acceleration (ODBA) of the creature.




A data frame with 5.000 rows and 3 variables:


overall dynamci body acceleration


logarithm of overall dynamic body acceleration


hidden state variable


Generated for example purposes.

Computes penalty based on quadratic form


This function computes quadratic penalties of the form

0.5iλibiTSibi,0.5 \sum_{i} \lambda_i b_i^T S_i b_i,

with smoothing parameters λi\lambda_i, coefficient vectors bib_i, and fixed penalty matrices SiS_i.

It is intended to be used inside the penalised negative log-likelihood function when fitting models with penalised splines or simple random effects via quasi restricted maximum likelihood (qREML) with the qreml function. For qreml to work, the likelihood function needs to be compatible with the RTMB R package to enable automatic differentiation.


penalty(re_coef, S, lambda)



coefficient vector/ matrix or list of coefficient vectors/ matrices

Each list entry corresponds to a different smooth/ random effect with its own associated penalty matrix in S. When several smooths/ random effects of the same kind are present, it is convenient to pass them as a matrix, where each row corresponds to one smooth/ random effect. This way all rows can use the same penalty matrix.


fixed penalty matrix or list of penalty matrices matching the structure of re_coef and also the dimension of the individuals smooths/ random effects


penalty strength parameter vector that has a length corresponding to the total number of random effects/ spline coefficients in re_coef

E.g. if re_coef contains one vector and one matrix with 4 rows, then lambda needs to be of length 5.


Caution: The formatting of re_coef needs to match the structure of the parameter list in your penalised negative log-likelihood function, i.e. you cannot have two random effect vectors of different names (different list elements in the parameter list), combine them into a matrix inside your likelihood and pass the matrix to penalty. If these are seperate random effects, each with its own name, they need to be passed as a list to penalty. Moreover, the ordering of re_coef needs to match the character vector random specified in qreml.


returns the penalty value and reports to qreml.

See Also

qreml for the qREML algorithm


# Example with a single random effect
re = rep(0, 5)
S = diag(5)
lambda = 1
penalty(re, S, lambda)

# Example with two random effects, 
# where one element contains two random effects of similar structure
re = list(matrix(0, 2, 5), rep(0, 4))
S = list(diag(5), diag(4))
lambda = c(1,1,2) # length = total number of random effects
penalty(re, S, lambda)

# Full model-fitting example
data = trex[1:1000,] # subset

# initial parameter list
par = list(logmu = log(c(0.3, 1)), # step mean
           logsigma = log(c(0.2, 0.7)), # step sd
           beta0 = c(-2,-2), # state process intercept
           betaspline = matrix(rep(0, 18), nrow = 2)) # state process spline coefs
# data object with initial penalty strength lambda
dat = list(step = data$step, # step length
           tod = data$tod, # time of day covariate
           N = 2, # number of states
           lambda = rep(10,2)) # initial penalty strength

# building model matrices
modmat = make_matrices(~ s(tod, bs = "cp"), 
                       data = data.frame(tod = 1:24), 
                       knots = list(tod = c(0,24))) # wrapping points
dat$Z = modmat$Z # spline design matrix
dat$S = modmat$S # penalty matrix

# penalised negative log-likelihood function
pnll = function(par) {
  getAll(par, dat) # makes everything contained available without $
  Gamma = tpm_g(Z, cbind(beta0, betaspline)) # transition probabilities
  delta = stationary_p(Gamma, t = 1) # initial distribution
  mu = exp(logmu) # step mean
  sigma = exp(logsigma) # step sd
  # calculating all state-dependent densities
  allprobs = matrix(1, nrow = length(step), ncol = N)
  ind = which(! # only for non-NA obs.
  for(j in 1:N) allprobs[ind,j] = dgamma2(step[ind],mu[j],sigma[j])
  -forward_g(delta, Gamma[,,tod], allprobs) +
      penalty(betaspline, S, lambda) # this does all the penalization work

# model fitting
mod = qreml(pnll, par, dat, random = "betaspline")

Build the prediction design matrix based on new data and model_matrices object created by make_matrices


Build the prediction design matrix based on new data and model_matrices object created by make_matrices


pred_matrix(model_matrices, newdata)



model_matrices object as returned from make_matrices


data frame containing the variables in the formula and new data for which to evaluate the basis


prediction design matrix for newdata with the same basis as used for model_matrices


modmat = make_matrices(~ s(x), data.frame(x = 1:10))
Z_predict = pred_matrix(modmat, data.frame(x = 1:10 - 0.5))

Calculate pseudo-residuals


For HMMs, pseudo-residuals are used to assess the goodness-of-fit of the model. These are based on the cumulative distribution function (CDF)

FXt(xt)=F(xtx1,,xt1,xt+1,,xT)F_{X_t}(x_t) = F(x_t \mid x_1, \dots, x_{t-1}, x_{t+1}, \dots, x_T)

and can be used to quantify whether an observation is extreme relative to its model-implied distribution.

This function calculates such residuals via probability integral transform, based on the local state probabilities obtained by stateprobs or stateprobs_g and the respective parametric family.


  stateprobs = NULL,
  mod = NULL,
  normal = TRUE,
  discrete = NULL,
  randomise = TRUE,
  seed = NULL



vector of continuous-valued observations (of length n)


character string specifying which parametric CDF to use (e.g., "norm" for normal or "pois" for Poisson)


named parameter list for the parametric CDF

Names need to correspond to the parameter names in the specified distribution (e.g. list(mean = c(1,2), sd = c(1,1)) for a normal distribution and 2 states). This argument is as flexible as the parametric distribution allows. For example you can have a matrix of parameters with one row for each observation and one column for each state.


matrix of local state probabilities for each observation (of dimension c(n,N), where N is the number of states) as computed by stateprobs, stateprobs_g or stateprobs_p


optional model object containing initial distribution delta, transition probability matrix Gamma, matrix of state-dependent probabilities allprobs, and potentially a trackID variable

If you are using automatic differentiation either with RTMB::MakeADFun or qreml and include forward, forward_g or forward_p in your likelihood function, the objects needed for state decoding are automatically reported after model fitting. Hence, you can pass the model object obtained from running RTMB::report() or from qreml directly to this function and avoid calculating local state proabilities manually. In this case, a call should look like pseudo_res(obs, "norm", par, mod = mod).


logical, if TRUE, returns Gaussian pseudo residuals

These will be approximately standard normally distributed if the model is correct.


logical, if TRUE, computes discrete pseudo residuals (which slightly differ in their definition)

By default, will be determined using dist argument, but only works for standard discrete distributions. When used with a special discrete distribution, set to TRUE manually. See pseudo_res_discrete for details.


for discrete pseudo residuals only. Logical, if TRUE, return randomised pseudo residuals. Recommended for discrete observations.


for discrete pseudo residuals only. Integer, seed for random number generation


When used for discrete pseudo-residuals, this function is just a wrapper for pseudo_res_discrete.


vector of pseudo residuals


## continuous-valued observations
obs = rnorm(100)
stateprobs = matrix(0.5, nrow = 100, ncol = 2)
par = list(mean = c(1,2), sd = c(1,1))
pres = pseudo_res(obs, "norm", par, stateprobs)

## discrete-valued observations
obs = rpois(100, lambda = 1)
stateprobs = matrix(0.5, nrow = 100, ncol = 2)
par = list(lambda = c(1,2))
pres = pseudo_res(obs, "pois", par, stateprobs)

Calculate pseudo-residuals for discrete-valued observations


For HMMs, pseudo-residuals are used to assess the goodness-of-fit of the model. These are based on the cumulative distribution function (CDF)

FXt(xt)=F(xtx1,,xt1,xt+1,,xT)F_{X_t}(x_t) = F(x_t \mid x_1, \dots, x_{t-1}, x_{t+1}, \dots, x_T)

and can be used to quantify whether an observation is extreme relative to its model-implied distribution.

This function calculates such residuals for discrete-valued observations, based on the local state probabilities obtained by stateprobs or stateprobs_g and the respective parametric family.


  normal = TRUE,
  randomise = TRUE,
  seed = NULL



vector of discrete-valued observations (of length n)


character string specifying which parametric CDF to use (e.g., "norm" for normal or "pois" for Poisson)


named parameter list for the parametric CDF

Names need to correspond to the parameter names in the specified distribution (e.g. list(mean = c(1,2), sd = c(1,1)) for a normal distribution and 2 states). This argument is as flexible as the parametric distribution allows. For example you can have a matrix of parameters with one row for each observation and one column for each state.


matrix of local state probabilities for each observation (of dimension c(n,N), where N is the number of states)


logical, if TRUE, returns Gaussian pseudo residuals

These will be approximately standard normally distributed if the model is correct.


logical, if TRUE, return randomised pseudo residuals. Recommended for discrete observations.


integer, seed for random number generation


For discrete observations, calculating pseudo residuals is slightly more involved, as the CDF is a step function. Therefore, one can calculate the lower and upper CDF values for each observation. By default, this function does exactly that and then randomly samples the interval in between to give approximately Gaussian psuedo-residuals. If randomise is set to FALSE, the lower, upper and mean pseudo-residuasl are returned.


vector of pseudo residuals


obs = rpois(100, lambda = 1)
stateprobs = matrix(0.5, nrow = 100, ncol = 2)
par = list(lambda = c(1,2))
pres = pseudo_res_discrete(obs, "pois", par, stateprobs)

Quasi restricted maximum likelihood (qREML) algorithm for models with penalised splines or simple i.i.d. random effects


This algorithm can be used very flexibly to fit statistical models that involve penalised splines or simple i.i.d. random effects, i.e. that have penalties of the form

0.5iλibiTSibi,0.5 \sum_{i} \lambda_i b_i^T S_i b_i,

with smoothing parameters λi\lambda_i, coefficient vectors bib_i, and fixed penalty matrices SiS_i.

The qREML algorithm is typically much faster than REML or marginal ML using the full Laplace approximation method, but may be slightly less accurate regarding the estimation of the penalty strength parameters.

Under the hood, qreml uses the R package RTMB for automatic differentiation in the inner optimisation. The user has to specify the penalised negative log-likelihood function pnll structured as dictated by RTMB and use the penalty function to compute the quadratic-form penalty inside the likelihood.


  map = NULL,
  psname = "lambda",
  alpha = 0.15,
  smoothing = 1,
  maxiter = 100,
  tol = 1e-04,
  control = list(reltol = 1e-10, maxit = 1000),
  silent = 1,
  joint_unc = TRUE,
  saveall = FALSE,
  epsilon = c(0.01, 0.1)



penalised negative log-likelihood function that is structured as dictated by RTMB and uses the penalty function from LaMa to compute the penalty

Needs to be a function of the named list of initial parameters par only.


named list of initial parameters

The random effects/ spline coefficients can be vectors or matrices, the latter summarising several random effects of the same structure, each one being a row in the matrix.


initial data list that contains the data used in the likelihood function, hyperparameters, and the initial penalty strength vector

If the initial penalty strength vector is not called lambda, the name it has in dat needs to be specified using the psname argument below. Its length needs to match the to the total number of random effects.


vector of names of the random effects/ penalised parameters in par

Caution: The ordering of random needs to match the order of the random effects passed to penalty inside the likelihood function.


optional map for fixed effects in the likelihood function


optional name given to the penalty strength parameter in dat. Defaults to "lambda".


optional hyperparamater for exponential smoothing of the penalty strengths.

For larger values smoother convergence is to be expected but the algorithm may need more iterations.


optional scaling factor for the final penalty strength parameters

Increasing this beyond one will lead to a smoother final model. Can be an integer or a vector of length equal to the length of the penalty strength parameter.


maximum number of iterations in the outer optimisation over the penalty strength parameters.


Convergence tolerance for the penalty strength parameters.


list of control parameters for optim to use in the inner optimisation. Here, optim uses the BFGS method which cannot be changed.

We advise against changing the default values of reltol and maxit as this can decrease the accuracy of the Laplace approximation.


integer silencing level: 0 corresponds to full printing of inner and outer iterations, 1 to printing of outer iterations only, and 2 to no printing.


logical, if TRUE, joint RTMB object is returned allowing for joint uncertainty quantification


logical, if TRUE, then all model objects from each iteration are saved in the final model object.


vector of two values specifying the cycling detection parameters. If the relative change of the new penalty strength to the previous one is larger than epsilon[1] but the change to the one before is smaller than epsilon[2], the algorithm will average the two last values to prevent cycling.


returns a model list influenced by the users report statements in pnll

See Also

penalty to compute the penalty inside the likelihood function


data = trex[1:1000,] # subset

# initial parameter list
par = list(logmu = log(c(0.3, 1)), # step mean
           logsigma = log(c(0.2, 0.7)), # step sd
           beta0 = c(-2,-2), # state process intercept
           betaspline = matrix(rep(0, 18), nrow = 2)) # state process spline coefs
# data object with initial penalty strength lambda
dat = list(step = data$step, # step length
           tod = data$tod, # time of day covariate
           N = 2, # number of states
           lambda = rep(10,2)) # initial penalty strength

# building model matrices
modmat = make_matrices(~ s(tod, bs = "cp"), 
                       data = data.frame(tod = 1:24), 
                       knots = list(tod = c(0,24))) # wrapping points
dat$Z = modmat$Z # spline design matrix
dat$S = modmat$S # penalty matrix

# penalised negative log-likelihood function
pnll = function(par) {
  getAll(par, dat) # makes everything contained available without $
  Gamma = tpm_g(Z, cbind(beta0, betaspline), ad = TRUE) # transition probabilities
  delta = stationary_p(Gamma, t = 1, ad = TRUE) # initial distribution
  mu = exp(logmu) # step mean
  sigma = exp(logsigma) # step sd
  # calculating all state-dependent densities
  allprobs = matrix(1, nrow = length(step), ncol = N)
  ind = which(! # only for non-NA obs.
  for(j in 1:N) allprobs[ind,j] = dgamma2(step[ind],mu[j],sigma[j])
  -forward_g(delta, Gamma[,,tod], allprobs) +
      penalty(betaspline, S, lambda) # this does all the penalization work

# model fitting
mod = qreml(pnll, par, dat, random = "betaspline")

Monte Carlo version of sdreport


After optimisation of an AD model, sdreportMC can be used to calculate samples of confidence intervals of all model parameters and REPORT()ed quantities including nonlinear functions of random effects and parameters.


  Hessian = NULL,
  n = 1000,
  probs = c(0.025, 0.975)



object returned by MakeADFun() after optimisation


vector of strings with names of parameters and REPORT()ed quantities to be reported


optional Hessian matrix. If not provided, it will be computed from the object


logical. If TRUE, only confidence intervals instead of samples will be returned


number of samples to draw from the multivariate normal distribution of the MLE


vector of probabilities for the confidence intervals (ignored if no CIs are computed)


Caution: Currently does not work for models with fixed parameters (i.e. that use the map argument of MakeADFun.)


named list corresponding to the elements of what. Each element has the structure of the corresponding quantity with an additional dimension added for the samples. For example, if a quantity is a vector, the list contains a matrix. If a quantity is a matrix, the list contains an array.


# fitting an HMM to the trex data and running sdreportMC
## negative log-likelihood function
nll = function(par) {
  getAll(par, dat) # makes everything contained available without $
  Gamma = tpm(eta) # computes transition probability matrix from unconstrained eta
  delta = stationary(Gamma) # computes stationary distribution
  # exponentiating because all parameters strictly positive
  mu = exp(logmu)
  sigma = exp(logsigma)
  kappa = exp(logkappa)
  # reporting statements for sdreportMC
  # calculating all state-dependent densities
  allprobs = matrix(1, nrow = length(step), ncol = N)
  ind = which(! & ! # only for non-NA obs.
  for(j in 1:N){
    allprobs[ind,j] = dgamma2(step[ind],mu[j],sigma[j])*dvm(angle[ind],0,kappa[j])
  -forward(delta, Gamma, allprobs) # simple forward algorithm

## initial parameter list
par = list(
 logmu = log(c(0.3, 1)),       # initial means for step length (log-transformed)
  logsigma = log(c(0.2, 0.7)), # initial sds for step length (log-transformed)
  logkappa = log(c(0.2, 0.7)), # initial concentration for turning angle (log-transformed)
  eta = rep(-2, 2)             # initial t.p.m. parameters (on logit scale)
## data and hyperparameters
dat = list(
  step = trex$step[1:500],   # hourly step lengths
  angle = trex$angle[1:500], # hourly turning angles
  N = 2

## creating AD function
obj = MakeADFun(nll, par, silent = TRUE) # creating the objective function

## optimising
opt = nlminb(obj$par, obj$fn, obj$gr) # optimization

## running sdreportMC
# `mu` has report statement, `delta` is automatically reported by `forward()`
sdrMC = sdreportMC(obj, 
                   what = c("mu", "delta"), 
                   n = 50)
# now a matrix with 50 samples (rows)

Skew normal distribution


Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the skew normal distribution.


dskewnorm(x, xi = 0, omega = 1, alpha = 0, log = FALSE)

pskewnorm(q, xi = 0, omega = 1, alpha = 0, ...)

qskewnorm(p, xi = 0, omega = 1, alpha = 0, ...)

rskewnorm(n, xi = 0, omega = 1, alpha = 0)


x, q

vector of quantiles


location parameter


scale parameter, must be positive.


skewness parameter, +/- Inf is allowed.


logical; if TRUE, probabilities/ densities pp are returned as log(p)\log(p).


additional parameters to be passed to the sn package functions for pskewnorm and qskewnorm.


vector of probabilities


number of observations. If length(n) > 1, the length is taken to be the number required.


This implementation of dskewnorm allows for automatic differentiation with RTMB while the other functions are imported from the sn package.


dskewnorm gives the density, pskewnorm gives the distribution function, qskewnorm gives the quantile function, and rskewnorm generates random deviates.


x = rskewnorm(1)
d = dskewnorm(x)
p = pskewnorm(x)
q = qskewnorm(p)

Calculate conditional local state probabilities for homogeneous HMMs



Pr(St=jX1,...,XT)\Pr(S_t = j \mid X_1, ..., X_T)

for homogeneous HMMs


stateprobs(delta, Gamma, allprobs, trackID = NULL, mod = NULL)



initial or stationary distribution of length N, or matrix of dimension c(k,N) for k independent tracks, if trackID is provided


transition probability matrix of dimension c(N,N), or array of k transition probability matrices of dimension c(N,N,k), if trackID is provided


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N)


optional vector of length n containing IDs

If provided, the total log-likelihood will be the sum of each track's likelihood contribution. In this case, Gamma can be a matrix, leading to the same transition probabilities for each track, or an array of dimension c(N,N,k), with one (homogeneous) transition probability matrix for each track. Furthermore, instead of a single vector delta corresponding to the initial distribution, a delta matrix of initial distributions, of dimension c(k,N), can be provided, such that each track starts with it's own initial distribution.


optional model object containing initial distribution delta, transition probability matrix Gamma, matrix of state-dependent probabilities allprobs, and potentially a trackID variable

If you are using automatic differentiation either with RTMB::MakeADFun or qreml and include forward in your likelihood function, the objects needed for state decoding are automatically reported after model fitting. Hence, you can pass the model object obtained from running RTMB::report() or from qreml directly to this function.


matrix of conditional state probabilities of dimension c(n,N)

See Also

Other decoding functions: stateprobs_g(), stateprobs_p(), viterbi(), viterbi_g(), viterbi_p()


Gamma = tpm(c(-1,-2))
delta = stationary(Gamma)
allprobs = matrix(runif(200), nrow = 100, ncol = 2)

probs = stateprobs(delta, Gamma, allprobs)

Calculate conditional local state probabilities for inhomogeneous HMMs



Pr(St=jX1,...,XT)\Pr(S_t = j \mid X_1, ..., X_T)

for inhomogeneous HMMs


stateprobs_g(delta, Gamma, allprobs, trackID = NULL, mod = NULL)



initial or stationary distribution of length N, or matrix of dimension c(k,N) for k independent tracks, if trackID is provided


array of transition probability matrices of dimension c(N,N,n-1), as in a time series of length n, there are only n-1 transitions

If an array of dimension c(N,N,n) for a single track is provided, the first slice will be ignored.

If trackID is provided, Gamma needs to be an array of dimension c(N,N,n), where n is the number of rows in allprobs. Then for each track the first transition matrix will be ignored.


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N)


optional vector of k track IDs, if multiple tracks need to be decoded separately


optional model object containing initial distribution delta, transition probability matrix Gamma, matrix of state-dependent probabilities allprobs, and potentially a trackID variable

If you are using automatic differentiation either with RTMB::MakeADFun or qreml and include forward_g in your likelihood function, the objects needed for state decoding are automatically reported after model fitting. Hence, you can pass the model object obtained from running RTMB::report() or from qreml directly to this function.


matrix of conditional state probabilities of dimension c(n,N)

See Also

Other decoding functions: stateprobs(), stateprobs_p(), viterbi(), viterbi_g(), viterbi_p()


Gamma = tpm_g(runif(99), matrix(c(-1,-1,1,-2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
delta = c(0.5, 0.5)
allprobs = matrix(runif(200), nrow = 100, ncol = 2)

probs = stateprobs_g(delta, Gamma, allprobs)

Calculate conditional local state probabilities for periodically inhomogeneous HMMs



Pr(St=jX1,...,XT)\Pr(S_t = j \mid X_1, ..., X_T)

for periodically inhomogeneous HMMs


stateprobs_p(delta, Gamma, allprobs, tod, trackID = NULL, mod = NULL)



initial or stationary distribution of length N, or matrix of dimension c(k,N) for k independent tracks, if trackID is provided

This could e.g. be the periodically stationary distribution (for each track) as computed by stationary_p.


array of transition probability matrices for each time point in the cycle of dimension c(N,N,L), where L is the length of the cycle.


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N)


(Integer valued) variable for cycle indexing in 1, ..., L, mapping the data index to a generalised time of day (length n). For half-hourly data L = 48. It could, however, also be day of year for daily data and L = 365.


optional vector of k track IDs, if multiple tracks need to be decoded separately


optional model object containing initial distribution delta, transition probability matrix Gamma, matrix of state-dependent probabilities allprobs, and potentially a trackID variable

If you are using automatic differentiation either with RTMB::MakeADFun or qreml and include forward_p in your likelihood function, the objects needed for state decoding are automatically reported after model fitting. Hence, you can pass the model object obtained from running RTMB::report() or from qreml directly to this function.


matrix of conditional state probabilities of dimension c(n,N)

See Also

Other decoding functions: stateprobs(), stateprobs_g(), viterbi(), viterbi_g(), viterbi_p()


L = 24
beta = matrix(c(-1, 2, -1, -2, 1, -1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Gamma = tpm_p(1:L, L, beta, degree = 1)
delta = stationary_p(Gamma, 1)
allprobs = matrix(runif(200), nrow = 100, ncol = 2)
tod = rep(1:24, 5)[1:100]

probs = stateprobs_p(delta, Gamma, allprobs, tod)

Compute the stationary distribution of a homogeneous Markov chain


A homogeneous, finite state Markov chain that is irreducible and aperiodic converges to a unique stationary distribution, here called δ\delta. As it is stationary, this distribution satisfies

δΓ=δ,\delta \Gamma = \delta,

subject to j=1Nδj=1\sum_{j=1}^N \delta_j = 1, where Γ\Gamma is the transition probability matrix. This function solves the linear system of equations above.





transition probability matrix of dimension c(N,N)


stationary distribution of the Markov chain with the given transition probability matrix

See Also

tpm to create a transition probabilty matrix using the multinomial logistic link (softmax)

Other stationary distribution functions: stationary_cont(), stationary_p()


Gamma = tpm(c(rep(-2,3), rep(-3,3)))
delta = stationary(Gamma)

Compute the stationary distribution of a continuous-time Markov chain


A well-behaved continuous-time Markov chain converges to a unique stationary distribution, here called π\pi. This distribution satisfies

πQ=0,\pi Q = 0,

subject to j=1Nπj=1\sum_{j=1}^N \pi_j = 1, where QQ is the infinitesimal generator of the Markov chain. This function solves the linear system of equations above for a given generator matrix.





infinitesimal generator matrix of dimension c(N,N)


stationary distribution of the continuous-time Markov chain with given generator matrix

See Also

generator to create a generator matrix

Other stationary distribution functions: stationary(), stationary_p()


Q = generator(c(-2,-2))
Pi = stationary_cont(Q)

Compute the periodically stationary distribution of a periodically inhomogeneous Markov chain


If the transition probability matrix of an inhomogeneous Markov chain varies only periodically (with period length LL), it converges to a so-called periodically stationary distribution. This happens, because the thinned Markov chain, which has a full cycle as each time step, has homogeneous transition probability matrix

Γt=Γ(t)Γ(t+1)Γ(t+L1)\Gamma_t = \Gamma^{(t)} \Gamma^{(t+1)} \dots \Gamma^{(t+L-1)}

for all t=1,,L.t = 1, \dots, L. The stationary distribution for time tt satifies δ(t)Γt=δ(t)\delta^{(t)} \Gamma_t = \delta^{(t)}.

This function calculates said periodically stationary distribution.


stationary_p(Gamma, t = NULL, ad = NULL)



array of transition probability matrices of dimension c(N,N,L)


integer index of the time point in the cycle, for which to calculate the stationary distribution

If t is not provided, the function calculates all stationary distributions for each time point in the cycle.

optional logical, indicating whether automatic differentiation with RTMB should be used. By default, the function determines this itself.


either the periodically stationary distribution at time t or all periodically stationary distributions.

See Also

tpm_p and tpm_g to create multiple transition matrices based on a cyclic variable or design matrix

Other stationary distribution functions: stationary(), stationary_cont()


# setting parameters for trigonometric link
beta = matrix(c(-1, 2, -1, -2, 1, -1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Gamma = tpm_p(beta = beta, degree = 1)
# periodically stationary distribution for specific time point
delta = stationary_p(Gamma, 4)

# all periodically stationary distributions
Delta = stationary_p(Gamma)

Sparse version of stationary_p


This is function computes the periodically stationary distribution of a Markov chain given a list of L sparse transition probability matrices. Compatible with automatic differentiation by RTMB


stationary_p_sparse(Gamma, t = NULL)



sist of length L containing sparse transition probability matrices for one cycle.


integer index of the time point in the cycle, for which to calculate the stationary distribution If t is not provided, the function calculates all stationary distributions for each time point in the cycle.


either the periodically stationary distribution at time t or all periodically stationary distributions.


## periodic HSMM example (here the approximating tpm is sparse)
N = 2 # number of states
L = 24 # cycle length
# time-varying mean dwell times
Z = trigBasisExp(1:L) # trigonometric basis functions design matrix
beta = matrix(c(2, 2, 0.1, -0.1, -0.2, 0.2), nrow = 2)
Lambda = exp(cbind(1, Z) %*% t(beta))
sizes = c(20, 20) # approximating chain with 40 states
# state dwell-time distributions
dm = lapply(1:N, function(i) sapply(1:sizes[i]-1, dpois, lambda = Lambda[,i]))
omega = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), nrow = N, byrow = TRUE) # embedded t.p.m.

# calculating extended-state-space t.p.m.s
Gamma = tpm_phsmm(omega, dm)
# Periodically stationary distribution for specific time point
delta = stationary_p_sparse(Gamma, 4)

# All periodically stationary distributions
Delta = stationary_p_sparse(Gamma)

Sparse version of stationary


This is function computes the stationary distribution of a Markov chain with a given sparse transition probability matrix. Compatible with automatic differentiation by RTMB





sparse transition probability matrix of dimension c(N,N)


stationary distribution of the Markov chain with the given transition probability matrix


## HSMM example (here the approximating tpm is sparse)
# building the t.p.m. of the embedded Markov chain
omega = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# defining state aggregate sizes
sizes = c(20, 30)
# defining state dwell-time distributions
lambda = c(5, 11)
dm = list(dpois(1:sizes[1]-1, lambda[1]), dpois(1:sizes[2]-1, lambda[2]))
# calculating extended-state-space t.p.m.
Gamma = tpm_hsmm(omega, dm)
delta = stationary_sparse(Gamma)

Build the transition probability matrix from unconstrained parameter vector


Markov chains are parametrised in terms of a transition probability matrix Γ\Gamma, for which each row contains a conditional probability distribution of the next state given the current state. Hence, each row has entries between 0 and 1 that need to sum to one.

For numerical optimisation, we parametrise in terms of unconstrained parameters, thus this function computes said matrix from an unconstrained parameter vector via the inverse multinomial logistic link (also known as softmax) applied to each row.


tpm(param, byrow = FALSE)



unconstrained parameter vector of length N*(N-1) where N is the number of states of the Markov chain


logical indicating if the transition probability matrix should be filled by row

Defaults to FALSE, but should be set to TRUE if one wants to work with a matrix of beta parameters returned by popular HMM packages like moveHMM, momentuHMM, or hmmTMB.


Transition probability matrix of dimension c(N,N)

See Also

Other transition probability matrix functions: generator(), tpm_cont(), tpm_emb(), tpm_emb_g(), tpm_g(), tpm_p()


# 2 states: 2 free off-diagonal elements
par1 = rep(-1, 2)
Gamma1 = tpm(par1)

# 3 states: 6 free off-diagonal elements
par2 = rep(-2, 6)
Gamma2 = tpm(par2)

Calculate continuous time transition probabilities


A continuous-time Markov chain is described by an infinitesimal generator matrix QQ. When observing data at time points t1,,tnt_1, \dots, t_n the transition probabilites between tit_i and ti+1t_{i+1} are caluclated as

Γ(Δti)=exp(QΔti),\Gamma(\Delta t_i) = \exp(Q \Delta t_i),

where exp()\exp() is the matrix exponential. The mapping Γ(Δt)\Gamma(\Delta t) is also called the Markov semigroup. This function calculates all transition matrices based on a given generator and time differences.


tpm_cont(Q, timediff, ad = NULL, report = TRUE)



infinitesimal generator matrix of the continuous-time Markov chain of dimension c(N,N)


time differences between observations of length n-1 when based on n observations

optional logical, indicating whether automatic differentiation with RTMB should be used. By default, the function determines this itself.


logical, indicating whether Q should be reported from the fitted model. Defaults to TRUE, but only works if ad = TRUE.


array of continuous-time transition matrices of dimension c(N,N,n-1)

See Also

Other transition probability matrix functions: generator(), tpm(), tpm_emb(), tpm_emb_g(), tpm_g(), tpm_p()


# building a Q matrix for a 3-state cont.-time Markov chain
Q = generator(rep(-2, 6))

# draw random time differences
timediff = rexp(100, 10)

# compute all transition matrices
Gamma = tpm_cont(Q, timediff)

Build the embedded transition probability matrix of an HSMM from unconstrained parameter vector


Hidden semi-Markov models are defined in terms of state durations and an embedded transition probability matrix that contains the conditional transition probabilities given that the current state is left. This matrix necessarily has diagonal entries all equal to zero as self-transitions are impossible.

This function builds such an embedded/ conditional transition probability matrix from an unconstrained parameter vector. For each row of the matrix, the inverse multinomial logistic link is applied.

For a matrix of dimension c(N,N), the number of free off-diagonal elements is N*(N-2), hence also the length of param. This means, for 2 states, the function needs to be called without any arguments, for 3-states with a vector of length 3, for 4 states with a vector of length 8, etc.

Compatible with automatic differentiation by RTMB


tpm_emb(param = NULL)



unconstrained parameter vector of length N*(N-2) where N is the number of states of the Markov chain

If the function is called without param, it will return the conditional transition probability matrix for a 2-state HSMM, which is fixed with 0 diagonal entries and off-diagonal entries equal to 1.


embedded/ conditional transition probability matrix of dimension c(N,N)

See Also

Other transition probability matrix functions: generator(), tpm(), tpm_cont(), tpm_emb_g(), tpm_g(), tpm_p()


# 2 states: no free off-diagonal elements
omega = tpm_emb()

# 3 states: 3 free off-diagonal elements
param = rep(0, 3)
omega = tpm_emb(param)

# 4 states: 8 free off-diagonal elements
param = rep(0, 8)
omega = tpm_emb(param)

Build all embedded transition probability matrices of an inhomogeneous HSMM


Hidden semi-Markov models are defined in terms of state durations and an embedded transition probability matrix that contains the conditional transition probabilities given that the current state is left. This matrix necessarily has diagonal entries all equal to zero as self-transitions are impossible. We can allow this matrix to vary with covariates, which is the purpose of this function.

It builds all embedded/ conditional transition probability matrices based on a design and parameter matrix. For each row of the matrix, the inverse multinomial logistic link is applied.

For a matrix of dimension c(N,N), the number of free off-diagonal elements is N*(N-2) which determines the number of rows of the parameter matrix.

Compatible with automatic differentiation by RTMB


tpm_emb_g(Z, beta, report = TRUE)



covariate design matrix with or without intercept column, i.e. of dimension c(n, p) or c(n, p+1)

If Z has only p columns, an intercept column of ones will be added automatically.


matrix of coefficients for the off-diagonal elements of the embedded transition probability matrix

Needs to be of dimension c(N*(N-2), p+1), where the first column contains the intercepts. p can be 0, in which case the model is homogeneous.


logical, indicating whether the coefficient matrix beta should be reported from the fitted model. Defaults to TRUE.


array of embedded/ conditional transition probability matrices of dimension c(N,N,n)

See Also

Other transition probability matrix functions: generator(), tpm(), tpm_cont(), tpm_emb(), tpm_g(), tpm_p()


## parameter matrix for 3-state HSMM
beta = matrix(c(rep(0, 3), -0.2, 0.2, 0.1), nrow = 3)
# no intercept
Z = rnorm(100)
omega = tpm_emb_g(Z, beta)
# intercept
Z = cbind(1, Z)
omega = tpm_emb_g(Z, beta)

Build all transition probability matrices of an inhomogeneous HMM


In an HMM, we often model the influence of covariates on the state process by linking them to the transition probabiltiy matrix. Most commonly, this is done by specifying a linear predictor

ηij(t)=β0(ij)+β1(ij)zt1++βp(ij)ztp\eta_{ij}^{(t)} = \beta^{(ij)}_0 + \beta^{(ij)}_1 z_{t1} + \dots + \beta^{(ij)}_p z_{tp}

for each off-diagonal element (iji \neq j) of the transition probability matrix and then applying the inverse multinomial logistic link (also known as softmax) to each row. This function efficiently calculates all transition probabilty matrices for a given design matrix Z and parameter matrix beta.


tpm_g(Z, beta, byrow = FALSE, ad = NULL, report = TRUE)



covariate design matrix with or without intercept column, i.e. of dimension c(n, p) or c(n, p+1)

If Z has only p columns, an intercept column of ones will be added automatically.


matrix of coefficients for the off-diagonal elements of the transition probability matrix

Needs to be of dimension c(N*(N-1), p+1), where the first column contains the intercepts.


logical indicating if each transition probability matrix should be filled by row

Defaults to FALSE, but should be set to TRUE if one wants to work with a matrix of beta parameters returned by popular HMM packages like moveHMM, momentuHMM, or hmmTMB.

optional logical, indicating whether automatic differentiation with RTMB should be used. By default, the function determines this itself.


logical, indicating whether the coefficient matrix beta should be reported from the fitted model. Defaults to TRUE, but only works if ad = TRUE.


array of transition probability matrices of dimension c(N,N,n)

See Also

Other transition probability matrix functions: generator(), tpm(), tpm_cont(), tpm_emb(), tpm_emb_g(), tpm_p()


Z = matrix(runif(200), ncol = 2)
beta = matrix(c(-1, 1, 2, -2, 1, -2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Gamma = tpm_g(Z, beta)

Builds the transition probability matrix of an HSMM-approximating HMM


Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) are a flexible extension of HMMs, where the state duration distribution is explicitly modelled. For direct numerical maximum likelhood estimation, HSMMs can be represented as HMMs on an enlarged state space (of size MM) and with structured transition probabilities.

This function computes the transition matrix to approximate a given HSMM by an HMM with a larger state space.


tpm_hsmm(omega, dm, Fm = NULL, sparse = TRUE, eps = 1e-10)



embedded transition probability matrix of dimension c(N,N) as computed by tpm_emb.


state dwell-time distributions arranged in a list of length(N). Each list element needs to be a vector of length N_i, where N_i is the state aggregate size.


optional list of length N containing the cumulative distribution functions of the dwell-time distributions.


logical, indicating whether the output should be a sparse matrix. Defaults to TRUE.


rounding value: If an entry of the transition probabily matrix is smaller, than it is rounded to zero. Usually, this should not be changed.


extended-state-space transition probability matrix of the approximating HMM


# building the t.p.m. of the embedded Markov chain
omega = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# defining state aggregate sizes
sizes = c(20, 30)
# defining state dwell-time distributions
lambda = c(5, 11)
dm = list(dpois(1:sizes[1]-1, lambda[1]), dpois(1:sizes[2]-1, lambda[2]))
# calculating extended-state-space t.p.m.
Gamma = tpm_hsmm(omega, dm)

Build the transition probability matrix of an HSMM-approximating HMM


Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) are a flexible extension of HMMs. For direct numerical maximum likelhood estimation, HSMMs can be represented as HMMs on an enlarged state space (of size MM) and with structured transition probabilities. This function computes the transition matrix of an HSMM.


tpm_hsmm2(omega, dm, eps = 1e-10)



embedded transition probability matrix of dimension c(N,N)


state dwell-time distributions arranged in a list of length(N). Each list element needs to be a vector of length N_i, where N_i is the state aggregate size.


rounding value: If an entry of the transition probabily matrix is smaller, than it is rounded to zero.


extended-state-space transition probability matrix of the approximating HMM


# building the t.p.m. of the embedded Markov chain
omega = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# defining state aggregate sizes
sizes = c(20, 30)
# defining state dwell-time distributions
lambda = c(5, 11)
dm = list(dpois(1:sizes[1]-1, lambda[1]), dpois(1:sizes[2]-1, lambda[2]))
# calculating extended-state-space t.p.m.
Gamma = tpm_hsmm(omega, dm)

Builds all transition probability matrices of an inhomogeneous-HSMM-approximating HMM


Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) are a flexible extension of HMMs. For direct numerical maximum likelhood estimation, HSMMs can be represented as HMMs on an enlarged state space (of size MM) and with structured transition probabilities.

This function computes the transition matrices of a periodically inhomogeneos HSMMs.


tpm_ihsmm(omega, dm, eps = 1e-10)



embedded transition probability matrix

Either a matrix of dimension c(N,N) for homogeneous conditional transition probabilities (as computed by tpm_emb), or an array of dimension c(N,N,n) for inhomogeneous conditional transition probabilities (as computed by tpm_emb_g).


state dwell-time distributions arranged in a list of length N

Each list element needs to be a matrix of dimension c(n, N_i), where each row t is the (approximate) probability mass function of state i at time t.


rounding value: If an entry of the transition probabily matrix is smaller, than it is rounded to zero. Usually, this should not be changed.


list of dimension length n - max(sapply(dm, ncol)), containing sparse extended-state-space transition probability matrices for each time point (except the first max(sapply(dm, ncol)) - 1).


N = 2
# time-varying mean dwell times
n = 100
z = runif(n)
beta = matrix(c(2, 2, 0.1, -0.1), nrow = 2)
Lambda = exp(cbind(1, z) %*% t(beta))
sizes = c(15, 15) # approximating chain with 30 states
# state dwell-time distributions
dm = lapply(1:N, function(i) sapply(1:sizes[i]-1, dpois, lambda = Lambda[,i]))

## homogeneous conditional transition probabilites
# diagonal elements are zero, rowsums are one
omega = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), nrow = N, byrow = TRUE)

# calculating extended-state-space t.p.m.s
Gamma = tpm_ihsmm(omega, dm)

## inhomogeneous conditional transition probabilites
# omega can be an array
omega = array(omega, dim = c(N,N,n))

# calculating extended-state-space t.p.m.s
Gamma = tpm_ihsmm(omega, dm)

Build all transition probability matrices of a periodically inhomogeneous HMM


Given a periodically varying variable such as time of day or day of year and the associated cycle length, this function calculates the transition probability matrices by applying the inverse multinomial logistic link (also known as softmax) to linear predictors of the form

ηij(t)=β0(ij)+k=1K(β1k(ij)sin(2πktL)+β2k(ij)cos(2πktL))\eta^{(t)}_{ij} = \beta_0^{(ij)} + \sum_{k=1}^K \bigl( \beta_{1k}^{(ij)} \sin(\frac{2 \pi k t}{L}) + \beta_{2k}^{(ij)} \cos(\frac{2 \pi k t}{L}) \bigr)

for the off-diagonal elements (iji \neq j) of the transition probability matrix. This is relevant for modeling e.g. diurnal variation and the flexibility can be increased by adding smaller frequencies (i.e. increasing KK).


  tod = 1:24,
  L = 24,
  degree = 1,
  Z = NULL,
  byrow = FALSE,
  ad = NULL,
  report = TRUE



equidistant sequence of a cyclic variable

For time of day and e.g. half-hourly data, this could be 1, ..., L and L = 48, or 0.5, 1, 1.5, ..., 24 and L = 24.


length of one full cycle, on the scale of tod


matrix of coefficients for the off-diagonal elements of the transition probability matrix

Needs to be of dimension c(N *(N-1), 2*degree+1), where the first column contains the intercepts.


degree of the trigonometric link function

For each additional degree, one sine and one cosine frequency are added.


pre-calculated design matrix (excluding intercept column)

Defaults to NULL if trigonometric link should be calculated. From an efficiency perspective, Z should be pre-calculated within the likelihood function, as the basis expansion should not be redundantly calculated. This can be done by using trigBasisExp.


logical indicating if each transition probability matrix should be filled by row

Defaults to FALSE, but should be set to TRUE if one wants to work with a matrix of beta parameters returned by popular HMM packages like moveHMM, momentuHMM, or hmmTMB.

optional logical, indicating whether automatic differentiation with RTMB should be used. By default, the function determines this itself.


logical, indicating whether the coefficient matrix beta should be reported from the fitted model. Defaults to TRUE, but only works if ad = TRUE.


Note that using this function inside the negative log-likelihood function is convenient, but it performs the basis expansion into sine and cosine terms each time it is called. As these do not change during the optimisation, using tpm_g with a pre-calculated (by trigBasisExp) design matrix would be more efficient.


array of transition probability matrices of dimension c(N,N,length(tod))

See Also

Other transition probability matrix functions: generator(), tpm(), tpm_cont(), tpm_emb(), tpm_emb_g(), tpm_g()


# hourly data 
tod = seq(1, 24, by = 1)
L = 24
beta = matrix(c(-1, 2, -1, -2, 1, -1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Gamma = tpm_p(tod, L, beta, degree = 1)

# half-hourly data
## integer tod sequence
tod = seq(1, 48, by = 1)
L = 48
beta = matrix(c(-1, 2, -1, -2, 1, -1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Gamma1 = tpm_p(tod, L, beta, degree = 1)

## equivalent specification
tod = seq(0.5, 24, by = 0.5)
L = 24
beta = matrix(c(-1, 2, -1, -2, 1, -1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Gamma2 = tpm_p(tod, L, beta, degree = 1)

all(Gamma1 == Gamma2) # same result

Builds all transition probability matrices of an periodic-HSMM-approximating HMM


Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) are a flexible extension of HMMs. For direct numerical maximum likelhood estimation, HSMMs can be represented as HMMs on an enlarged state space (of size MM) and with structured transition probabilities.

This function computes the transition matrices of a periodically inhomogeneos HSMMs.


tpm_phsmm(omega, dm, eps = 1e-10)



embedded transition probability matrix

Either a matrix of dimension c(N,N) for homogeneous conditional transition probabilities (as computed by tpm_emb), or an array of dimension c(N,N,L) for inhomogeneous conditional transition probabilities (as computed by tpm_emb_g).


state dwell-time distributions arranged in a list of length N

Each list element needs to be a matrix of dimension c(L, N_i), where each row t is the (approximate) probability mass function of state i at time t.


rounding value: If an entry of the transition probabily matrix is smaller, than it is rounded to zero. Usually, this should not be changed.


list of dimension length L, containing sparse extended-state-space transition probability matrices of the approximating HMM for each time point of the cycle.


N = 2 # number of states
L = 24 # cycle length
# time-varying mean dwell times
Z = trigBasisExp(1:L) # trigonometric basis functions design matrix
beta = matrix(c(2, 2, 0.1, -0.1, -0.2, 0.2), nrow = 2)
Lambda = exp(cbind(1, Z) %*% t(beta))
sizes = c(20, 20) # approximating chain with 40 states
# state dwell-time distributions
dm = lapply(1:N, function(i) sapply(1:sizes[i]-1, dpois, lambda = Lambda[,i]))

## homogeneous conditional transition probabilites
# diagonal elements are zero, rowsums are one
omega = matrix(c(0,1,1,0), nrow = N, byrow = TRUE)

# calculating extended-state-space t.p.m.s
Gamma = tpm_phsmm(omega, dm)

## inhomogeneous conditional transition probabilites
# omega can be an array
omega = array(omega, dim = c(N,N,L))

# calculating extended-state-space t.p.m.s
Gamma = tpm_phsmm(omega, dm)

Build all transition probability matrices of an periodic-HSMM-approximating HMM


Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) are a flexible extension of HMMs. For direct numerical maximum likelhood estimation, HSMMs can be represented as HMMs on an enlarged state space (of size MM) and with structured transition probabilities. This function computes the transition matrices of a periodically inhomogeneos HSMMs.


tpm_phsmm2(omega, dm, eps = 1e-10)



embedded transition probability matrix

Either a matrix of dimension c(N,N) for homogeneous conditional transition probabilities, or an array of dimension c(N,N,L) for inhomogeneous conditional transition probabilities.


state dwell-time distributions arranged in a list of length(N)

Each list element needs to be a matrix of dimension c(L, N_i), where each row t is the (approximate) probability mass function of state i at time t.


rounding value: If an entry of the transition probabily matrix is smaller, than it is rounded to zero.


array of dimension c(N,N,L), containing the extended-state-space transition probability matrices of the approximating HMM for each time point of the cycle.


N = 3
L = 24
# time-varying mean dwell times
Lambda = exp(matrix(rnorm(L*N, 2, 0.5), nrow = L))
sizes = c(25, 25, 25) # approximating chain with 75 states
# state dwell-time distributions
dm = list()
for(i in 1:3){
  dmi = matrix(nrow = L, ncol = sizes[i])
  for(t in 1:L){
    dmi[t,] = dpois(1:sizes[i]-1, Lambda[t,i])
  dm[[i]] = dmi

## homogeneous conditional transition probabilites
# diagonal elements are zero, rowsums are one
omega = matrix(c(0,0.5,0.5,0.2,0,0.8,0.7,0.3,0), nrow = N, byrow = TRUE)

# calculating extended-state-space t.p.m.s
Gamma = tpm_phsmm(omega, dm)

## inhomogeneous conditional transition probabilites
# omega can be an array
omega = array(rep(omega,L), dim = c(N,N,L))
omega[1,,4] = c(0, 0.2, 0.8) # small change for inhomogeneity

# calculating extended-state-space t.p.m.s
Gamma = tpm_phsmm(omega, dm)

Compute the transition probability matrix of a thinned periodically inhomogeneous Markov chain.


If the transition probability matrix of an inhomogeneous Markov chain varies only periodically (with period length LL), it converges to a so-called periodically stationary distribution. This happens, because the thinned Markov chain, which has a full cycle as each time step, has homogeneous transition probability matrix

Γt=Γ(t)Γ(t+1)Γ(t+L1)\Gamma_t = \Gamma^{(t)} \Gamma^{(t+1)} \dots \Gamma^{(t+L-1)}

for all t=1,,L.t = 1, \dots, L. This function calculates the matrix above efficiently as a preliminery step to calculating the periodically stationary distribution.


tpm_thinned(Gamma, t)



array of transition probability matrices of dimension c(N,N,L).


integer index of the time point in the cycle, for which to calculate the thinned transition probility matrix


thinned transition probabilty matrix of dimension c(N,N)


# setting parameters for trigonometric link
beta = matrix(c(-1, -2, 2, -1, 2, -4), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
# calculating periodically varying t.p.m. array (of length 24 here)
Gamma = tpm_p(beta = beta)
# calculating t.p.m. of thinned Markov chain
tpm_thinned(Gamma, 4)

T-Rex Movement Data


Hourly step lengths and turning angles of a Tyrannosaurus rex, living 66 million years ago.




A data frame with 10.000 rows and 4 variables:


time of day variable ranging from 1 to 24


hourly step lengths in kilometres


hourly turning angles in radians


hidden state variable


Generated for example purposes.

Compute the design matrix for a trigonometric basis expansion


Given a periodically varying variable such as time of day or day of year and the associated cycle length, this function performs a basis expansion to efficiently calculate a linear predictor of the form

η(t)=β0+k=1K(β1ksin(2πktL)+β2kcos(2πktL)).\eta^{(t)} = \beta_0 + \sum_{k=1}^K \bigl( \beta_{1k} \sin(\frac{2 \pi k t}{L}) + \beta_{2k} \cos(\frac{2 \pi k t}{L}) \bigr).

This is relevant for modeling e.g. diurnal variation and the flexibility can be increased by adding smaller frequencies (i.e. increasing KK).


trigBasisExp(tod, L = 24, degree = 1)



equidistant sequence of a cyclic variable

For time of day and e.g. half-hourly data, this could be 1, ..., L and L = 48, or 0.5, 1, 1.5, ..., 24 and L = 24.


length of one cycle on the scale of the time variable. For time of day, this would be 24.


degree K of the trigonometric link above. Increasing K increases the flexibility.


design matrix (without intercept column), ordered as sin1, cos1, sin2, cos2, ...


## hourly data
tod = rep(1:24, 10)
Z = trigBasisExp(tod, L = 24, degree = 2)

## half-hourly data
tod = rep(1:48/2, 10) # in [0,24] -> L = 24
Z1 = trigBasisExp(tod, L = 24, degree = 3)

tod = rep(1:48, 10) # in [1,48] -> L = 48
Z2 = trigBasisExp(tod, L = 48, degree = 3)

all(Z1 == Z2)
# The latter two are equivalent specifications!

Viterbi algorithm for state decoding in homogeneous HMMs


The Viterbi algorithm allows one to decode the most probable state sequence of an HMM.


viterbi(delta, Gamma, allprobs, trackID = NULL, mod = NULL)



initial distribution of length N, or matrix of dimension c(k,N) for k independent tracks, if trackID is provided


transition probability matrix of dimension c(N,N) or array of transition probability matrices of dimension c(N,N,k) if trackID is provided


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N)


optional vector of k track IDs, if multiple tracks need to be decoded separately


optional model object containing initial distribution delta, transition probability matrix Gamma, matrix of state-dependent probabilities allprobs, and potentially a trackID variable

If you are using automatic differentiation either with RTMB::MakeADFun or qreml and include forward in your likelihood function, the objects needed for state decoding are automatically reported after model fitting. Hence, you can pass the model object obtained from running RTMB::report() or from qreml directly to this function.


vector of decoded states of length n

See Also

Other decoding functions: stateprobs(), stateprobs_g(), stateprobs_p(), viterbi_g(), viterbi_p()


delta = c(0.5, 0.5)
Gamma = matrix(c(0.9, 0.1, 0.2, 0.8), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
allprobs = matrix(runif(200), nrow = 100, ncol = 2)
states = viterbi(delta, Gamma, allprobs)

Viterbi algorithm for state decoding in inhomogeneous HMMs


The Viterbi algorithm allows one to decode the most probable state sequence of an HMM.


viterbi_g(delta, Gamma, allprobs, trackID = NULL, mod = NULL)



initial distribution of length N, or matrix of dimension c(k,N) for k independent tracks, if trackID is provided


array of transition probability matrices of dimension c(N,N,n-1), as in a time series of length n, there are only n-1 transitions

If an array of dimension c(N,N,n) is provided for a single track, the first slice will be ignored.

If trackID is provided, Gamma needs to be an array of dimension c(N,N,n), where n is the number of rows in allprobs. Then for each track the first transition matrix will be ignored.


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N)


optional vector of k track IDs, if multiple tracks need to be decoded separately


optional model object containing initial distribution delta, transition probability matrix Gamma, matrix of state-dependent probabilities allprobs, and potentially a trackID variable

If you are using automatic differentiation either with RTMB::MakeADFun or qreml and include forward_g in your likelihood function, the objects needed for state decoding are automatically reported after model fitting. Hence, you can pass the model object obtained from running RTMB::report() or from qreml directly to this function.


vector of decoded states of length n

See Also

Other decoding functions: stateprobs(), stateprobs_g(), stateprobs_p(), viterbi(), viterbi_p()


delta = c(0.5, 0.5)
Gamma = array(dim = c(2,2,99))
for(t in 1:99){
  gammas = rbeta(2, shape1 = 0.4, shape2 = 1)
  Gamma[,,t] = matrix(c(1-gammas[1], gammas[1], 
                      gammas[2], 1-gammas[2]), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
allprobs = matrix(runif(200), nrow = 100, ncol = 2)
states = viterbi_g(delta, Gamma, allprobs)

Viterbi algorithm for state decoding in periodically inhomogeneous HMMs


The Viterbi algorithm allows one to decode the most probable state sequence of an HMM.


viterbi_p(delta, Gamma, allprobs, tod, trackID = NULL, mod = NULL)



initial distribution of length N, or matrix of dimension c(k,N) for k independent tracks, if trackID is provided

This could e.g. be the periodically stationary distribution (for each track).


array of transition probability matrices for each time point in the cycle of dimension c(N,N,L), where L is the length of the cycle


matrix of state-dependent probabilities/ density values of dimension c(n, N)


(Integer valued) variable for cycle indexing in 1, ..., L, mapping the data index to a generalised time of day (length n)

For half-hourly data L = 48. It could, however, also be day of year for daily data and L = 365.


optional vector of k track IDs, if multiple tracks need to be decoded separately


optional model object containing initial distribution delta, transition probability matrix Gamma, matrix of state-dependent probabilities allprobs, and potentially a trackID variable

If you are using automatic differentiation either with RTMB::MakeADFun or qreml and include forward_p in your likelihood function, the objects needed for state decoding are automatically reported after model fitting. Hence, you can pass the model object obtained from running RTMB::report() or from qreml directly to this function.


vector of decoded states of length n

See Also

Other decoding functions: stateprobs(), stateprobs_g(), stateprobs_p(), viterbi(), viterbi_g()


delta = c(0.5, 0.5)
beta = matrix(c(-2, 1, -1,
                -2, -1, 1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
Gamma = tpm_p(1:24, 24, beta)

tod = rep(1:24, 10)
n = length(tod)

allprobs = matrix(runif(2*n), nrow = n, ncol = 2)
states = viterbi_p(delta, Gamma, allprobs, tod)

von Mises distribution


Density, distribution function and random generation for the von Mises distribution.


dvm(x, mu = 0, kappa = 1, log = FALSE)

pvm(q, mu = 0, kappa = 1, from = NULL, tol = 1e-20)

rvm(n, mu = 0, kappa = 1, wrap = TRUE)


x, q

vector of angles measured in radians at which to evaluate the density function.


mean direction of the distribution measured in radians.


non-negative numeric value for the concentration parameter of the distribution.


logical; if TRUE, densities are returned on the log scale.


value from which the integration for CDF starts. If NULL, is set to mu - pi.


the precision in evaluating the distribution function


number of observations. If length(n) > 1, the length is taken to be the number required.


logical; if TRUE, generated angles are wrapped to the interval [-pi, pi].


The implementation of dvm allows for automatic differentiation with RTMB. rvm and pvm are imported from CircStats and circular respectively.


dvm gives the density, pvm gives the distribution function, and rvm generates random deviates.


x = rvm(10, 0, 1)
d = dvm(x, 0, 1)
p = pvm(x, 0, 1)

wrapped Cauchy distribution


Density and random generation for the wrapped Cauchy distribution.


dwrpcauchy(x, mu = 0, rho, log = FALSE)

rwrpcauchy(n, mu = 0, rho, wrap = TRUE)



vector of angles measured in radians at which to evaluate the density function.


mean direction of the distribution measured in radians.


concentration parameter of the distribution, must be in the interval from 0 to 1.


logical; if TRUE, densities are returned on the log scale.


number of observations. If length(n) > 1, the length is taken to be the number required.


logical; if TRUE, generated angles are wrapped to the interval [-pi, pi].


The implementation of dwrpcauchy allows for automatic differentiation with RTMB. rwrpcauchy is imported from CircStats.


dwrpcauchy gives the density and rwrpcauchy generates random deviates.


x = rwrpcauchy(10, 0, 1)
d = dwrpcauchy(x, 0, 1)