Package 'LSAfun'

Title: Applied Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) Functions
Description: Provides functions that allow for convenient working with vector space models of semantics/distributional semantic models/word embeddings. Originally built for LSA models (hence the name), but can be used for all such vector-based models. For actually building a vector semantic space, use the package 'lsa' or other specialized software. Downloadable semantic spaces can be found at <>.
Authors: Fritz Guenther [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Fritz Guenther <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.7.1
Built: 2025-03-12 06:33:25 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Computations based on Latent Semantic Analysis


Offers methods and functions for working with Vector Space Models of semantics/distributional semantic models/word embeddings. The package was originally written for Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), but can be used with all vector space models. Such models are created by algorithms working on a corpus of text documents. Those algorithms achieve a high-dimensional vector representation for word (and document) meanings. The exact LSA algorithm is described in Martin & Berry (2007).

Such a representation allows for the computation of word (and document) similarities, for example by computing cosine values of angles between two vectors.

The focus of this package

This package is not designed to create LSA semantic spaces. In R, this functionality is provided by the package lsa. The focus of the package LSAfun is to provide functions to be applied on existing LSA (or other) semantic spaces, such as

  1. Similarity Computations

  2. Neighborhood Computations

  3. Applied Functions

  4. Composition Methods

Video Tutorials

A video tutorial for this package can be found here:

A video tutorial for using this package with vision-based representations from deep convolutional neural networks can be found here:

How to obtain a semantic space

LSAfun comes with one example LSA space, the wonderland space.

This package can also directly use LSA semantic spaces created with the lsa-package. Thus, it allows the user to use own LSA spaces. (Note that the function lsa gives a list of three matrices. Of those, the term matrix U should be used.)

The lsa package works with (very) small corpora, but gets difficulties in scaling up to larger corpora. In this case, it is recommended to use specialized software for creating semantic spaces, such as

  • S-Space (Jurgens & Stevens, 2010), available here

  • SemanticVectors (Widdows & Ferraro, 2008), available here

  • gensim (Rehurek & Sojka, 2010), available here

  • DISSECT (Dinu, Pham, & Baroni, 2013), available here

Downloading semantic spaces

Another possibility is to use one of the semantic spaces provided at These are stored in the .rda format. To load one of these spaces into the R workspace, save them into a directory, set the working directory to that directory, and load the space using load().


Fritz Guenther



Implements the king - man + woman = queen analogy solving algorithm





a character vector specifying the first word of the first pair (man in man : king = woman : ?)


a character vector specifying the second word of the first pair (king in man : king = woman : ?)


a character vector specifying the first word of the second pair (woman in man : king = woman : ?)


the number of neighbors to be computed


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


The analogy task is a popular benchmark for vector space models of meaning/word embeddings. It is based on the rationale that proportinal analogies x1 is to x2 as y1 is to y2, like man : king = woman : ? (correct answer: queen), can be solved via the following operation on the respective word vectors (all normalized to unit norm) king - man + woman = queen (that is, the nearest vector to king - man + woman should be queen) (Mikolov et al., 2013).

The analogy() function comes in two variants, taking as input either three words (x1, x2, and y1) or two words (x1 and x2)

  • The variant with three input words (x1, x2, and y1) implements the standard analogy solving algorithm for analogies of the type x1 : x2 = y1 : ?, searching the n nearest neighbors for x2 - x1 + y1 (all normalized to unit norm) as the best-fitting candidates for y2

  • The variant with two input words (x1 and x2) only computes the difference between the two vectors (both normalized to unit norm) and the n nearest neighbors to the resulting difference vector


Returns a list containing a numeric vector and the nearest neighbors to that vector:

  • In the variant with three input words (x1, x2, and y1), returns:

    • y2_vec The result of x2 - x1 + y1 (all normalized to unit norm) as a numeric vector

    • y2_neighbors A named numeric vector of the n nearest neighbors to y2_vec. The neighbors are given as names of the vector, and their respective cosines to y2_vec as vector entries.

  • In the variant with two input words (x1 and x2), returns:

    • x_diff_vec The result of x2 - x1 (both normalized to unit norm) as a numeric vector

    • x_diff_neighbors A named numeric vector of the n nearest neighbors to x_diff_vec. The neighbors are given as names of the vector, and their respective cosines to x_diff_vec as vector entries.


Fritz Guenther


Mikolov, T., Yih, W. T., & Zweig, G. (2013). Linguistic regularities in continuous space word representations. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT-2013). Association for Computational Linguistics.

See Also






Asymmetric Similarity functions


Compute various asymmetric similarities between words





A single word, given as a character of length(x) = 1


A single word, given as a character of length(y) = 1


Specifying the formula to use for asymmetric similarity computation


A numeric threshold a dimension value of the vectors has to exceed so that the dimension is considered active; not needed for the kintsch method


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


Asymmetric (or directional) similarities can be useful e.g. for examining hypernymy (category inclusion), for example the relation between dog and animal should be asymmetrical. The general idea is that, if one word is a hypernym of another (i.e. it is semantically narrower), then a significant number of dimensions that are salient in this word should also be salient in the semantically broader term (Lenci & Benotto, 2012).

In the formulas below, wx(f)w_x(f) denotes the value of vector xx on dimension ff. Furthermore, FxF_x is the set of active dimensions of vector xx. A dimension ff is considered active if wx(f)>tw_x(f) > t, with tt being a pre-defined, free parameter.

The options for method are defined as follows (see Kotlerman et al., 2010) (1)):

  • method = "weedsprec"

    weedsprec(u,v)=fFuFvwu(f)fFuwu(f)weedsprec(u,v) = \frac{\sum\nolimits_{f \in F_u \cap F_v}w_u(f)}{\sum\nolimits_{f \in F_u}w_u(f)}

  • method = "cosweeds"

    cosweeds(u,v)=weedsprec(u,v)×cosine(u,v)cosweeds(u,v) = \sqrt{weedsprec(u,v) \times cosine(u,v)}

  • method = "clarkede"

    clarkede(u,v)=fFuFvmin(wu(f),wv(f))fFuwu(f)clarkede(u,v) = \frac{\sum\nolimits_{f \in F_u \cap F_v}min(w_u(f),w_v(f))}{\sum\nolimits_{f \in F_u}w_u(f)}

  • method = "invcl"

    invcl(u,v)=clarkede(u,v)×(1clarkede(u,v))invcl(u,v) = \sqrt{clarkede(u,v)\times(1-clarkede(u,v)})

  • method = "kintsch"

    Unlike the other methods, this one is not derived from the logic of hypernymy, but rather from asymmetrical similarities between words due to different amounts of knowledge about them. Here, asymmteric similarities between two words are computed by taking into account the vector length (i.e. the amount of information about those words). This is done by projecting one vector onto the other, and normalizing this resulting vector by dividing its length by the length of the longer of the two vectors (Details in Kintsch, 2014, see References).


A numeric giving the asymmetric similarity between x and y


Fritz Guenther


Kintsch, W. (2015). Similarity as a Function of Semantic Distance and Amount of Knowledge. Psychological Review, 121, 559-561.

Kotlerman, L., Dagan, I., Szpektor, I., & Zhitomirsky-Geffet, M (2010). Directional distributional similarity for lexical inference. Natural Language Engineering, 16, 359-389.

Lenci, A., & Benotto, G. (2012). Identifying hypernyms in distributional semantic spaces. In Proceedings of *SEM (pp. 75-79), Montreal, Canada.

See Also

Cosine conSIM




Random Target Selection


Randomly samples words within a given similarity range to the input




a character vector of length(x) = 1 specifying a word or a sentence/document


the lower bound of the similarity range; a numeric


the upper bound of the similarity range; a numeric


an integer giving the number of target words to be sampled


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


Computes cosine values between the input x and all the word vectors in tvectors. Then only selects words with a cosine similarity between lower and upper to the input, and randomly samples n of these words.

This function is designed for randomly selecting target words with a predefined similarity towards a given prime word (or sentence/document).


A named numeric vector. The names of the vector give the target words, the entries their respective cosine similarity to the input.


Fritz Guenther


Landauer, T.K., & Dumais, S.T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review, 104, 211-240.

See Also

cosine, Cosine, neighbors


data(wonderland)"mad hatter",lower=.2,upper=.3,
                n=20, tvectors=wonderland)

Coherence of a text


Computes coherence of a given paragraph/document


coherence(x,split=c(".","!","?"),tvectors=tvectors, remove.punctuation=TRUE, 
stopwords = NULL, method ="Add")



a character vector of length(x) = 1 containing the document


a vector of expressions that determine where to split sentences


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


removes punctuation from x after splitting the sentences; TRUE by default


a character vector defining a list of words that are not used to compute the sentence vectors for x


the compositional model to compute the document vector from its word vectors. The default option method = "Add" computes the document vector as the vector sum. With method = "Multiply", the document vector is computed via element-wise multiplication (see compose).


This function applies the method described in Landauer & Dumais (1997): The local coherence is the cosine between two adjacent sentences. The global coherence is then computed as the mean value of these local coherences.

The format of x should be of the kind x <- "sentence1. sentence2. sentence3" Every sentence can also just consist of one single word.

To import a document Document.txt to from a directory for coherence computation, set your working directory to this directory using setwd(). Then use the following command lines:

fileName1 <- "Alice_in_Wonderland.txt"

x <- readChar(fileName1,$size)

In the traditional LSA approach, the vector D for a document (or a sentence) consisting of the words (t1, . , tn) is computed as

D=i=1ntnD = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n t_n

This is the default method (method="Add") for this function. Alternatively, this function provided the possibility of computing the document vector from its word vectors using element-wise multiplication (see Mitchell & Lapata, 2010 and compose).

A note will be displayed whenever not all words of one input string are found in the semantic space. Caution: In that case, the function will still produce a result, by omitting the words not found in the semantic space. Depending on the specific requirements of a task, this may compromise the results. Please check your input when you receive this message.

A warning message will be displayed whenever no word of one input string is found in the semantic space.


A list of two elements; the first element ($local) contains the local coherences as a numeric vector, the second element ($global) contains the global coherence as a numeric.


Fritz Guenther


Landauer, T.K., & Dumais, S.T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review, 104, 211-240.

Mitchell, J., & Lapata, M. (2010). Composition in Distributional Models of Semantics. Cognitive Science, 34, 1388-1429.

See Also

cosine, Cosine, costring



coherence ("there was certainly too much of it in the air. even the duchess
sneezed occasionally; and as for the baby, it was sneezing and howling
alternately without a moment's pause. the only things in the kitchen
that did not sneeze, were the cook, and a large cat which was sitting on
the hearth and grinning from ear to ear.",

Two-Word Composition


Computes the vector of a complex expression p consisting of two single words u and v, following the methods examined in Mitchell & Lapata (2008) (see Details).


## Default 
compose(x,y,method="Add", a=1,b=1,c=1,m,k,lambda=2,
      tvectors=tvectors, norm="none")



a single word (character vector with length(x) = 1)


a single word (character vector with length(y) = 1)

a, b, c

weighting parameters, see Details


number of nearest words to the Predicate that are initially activated (see Predication)


size of the k-neighborhood; k \le m (see Predication)


dilation parameter for method = "Dilation"


the composition method to be used (see Details)


whether to normalize the single word vectors before applying a composition function. Setting norm = "none" will not perform any normalizations, setting norm = "all" will normalize every involved word vector. Setting norm = "block" is only valid for the Predication method


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


Let pp be the vector with entries pip_i for the two-word phrase consisiting of uu with entries uiu_i and vv with entries viv_i. The different composition methods as described by Mitchell & Lapata (2008, 2010) are as follows:

  • Additive Model (method = "Add")

    pi=ui+vip_i = u_i + v_i

  • Weighted Additive Model (method = "WeightAdd")

    pi=aui+bvip_i = a*u_i + b*v_i

  • Multiplicative Model (method = "Multiply")

    pi=uivip_i = u_i * v_i

  • Combined Model (method = "Combined")

    pi=aui+bvi+cuivip_i = a*u_i + b*v_i + c*u_i*v_i

  • Predication (method = "Predication") (see Predication)

    If method="Predication" is used, x will be taken as Predicate and y will be taken as Argument of the phrase (see Examples)

  • Circular Convolution (method = "CConv")

    pi=jujvijp_i = \sum\limits_{j} u_j * v_{i-j}


    where the subscripts of vv are interpreted modulo nn with n=n = length(x)(= length(y))

  • Dilation (method = "Dilation")

    p=(uu)v+(λ1)(uv)up = (u*u)*v + (\lambda - 1)*(u*v)*u


    with (uu)(u*u) being the dot product of uu and uu (and (uv)(u*v) being the dot product of uu and vv).

The Add, Multiply, and CConv methods are symmetrical composition methods,

i.e. compose(x="word1",y="word2") will give the same results as compose(x="word2",y="word1")

On the other hand, WeightAdd, Combined, Predication and Dilation are asymmetrical, i.e. compose(x="word1",y="word2") will give different results than compose(x="word2",y="word1")


The phrase vector as a numeric vector


Fritz Guenther


Kintsch, W. (2001). Predication. Cognitive science, 25, 173-202.

Mitchell, J., & Lapata, M. (2008). Vector-based Models of Semantic Composition. In Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT (pp. 236-244). Columbus, Ohio.

Mitchell, J., & Lapata, M. (2010). Composition in Distributional Models of Semantics. Cognitive Science, 34, 1388-1429.

See Also








Similarity in Context


Compute Similarity of a word with a set of two other test words, given a third context word





The relevant word, given as a character of length(x) = 1

y, z

The two test words, given each as a character of length(y) = 1


The context word in respect to which the similarity of x to y and z is to be computed (a character of length(y) = 1)


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


Following the example from Kintsch (2014): If one has to judge the similarity between France one the one hand and the test words Germany and Spain on the other hand, this similarity judgement varies as a function of a fourth context word. If Portugal is given as a context word, France is considered to be more similar to Germany than to Spain, and vice versa for the context word Poland. Kintsch (2014) proposed a context sensitive, asymmetrical similarity measure for cases like this, which is implemented here


A list of two similarity values

SIM_XY_zc: Similarity of x and y, given the alternative z and the context c

SIM_XZ_yc: Similarity of x and z, given the alternative y and the context c


Fritz Guenther


Kintsch, W. (2015). Similarity as a Function of Semantic Distance and Amount of Knowledge. Psychological Review, 121, 559-561.

Tversky, A. (1977). Features of similarity. Psychological Review, 84, 327-352.

See Also

Cosine asym




Compute cosine similarity


Computes the cosine similarity for two single words





A single word, given as a character of length(x) = 1


A single word, given as a character of length(y) = 1


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


Instead of using numeric vectors, as the cosine() function from the lsa package does, this function allows for the direct computation of the cosine between two single words (i.e. Characters). which are automatically searched for in the LSA space given in as tvectors.


The cosine similarity as a numeric


Fritz Guenther


Landauer, T.K., & Dumais, S.T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review, 104, 211-240.

Dennis, S. (2007). How to use the LSA Web Site. In T. K. Landauer, D. S. McNamara, S. Dennis, & W. Kintsch (Eds.), Handbook of Latent Semantic Analysis (pp. 35-56). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

See Also

distance asym




Sentence Comparison


Computes cosine values between sentences and/or documents


costring(x,y,tvectors=tvectors,split=" ",remove.punctuation=TRUE, 
stopwords = NULL, method ="Add")



a character vector


a character vector


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


a character vector defining the character used to split the documents into words (white space by default)


removes punctuation from x and y; TRUE by default


a character vector defining a list of words that are not used to compute the document/sentence vector for x and y


the compositional model to compute the document vector from its word vectors. The default option method = "Add" computes the document vector as the vector sum. With method = "Multiply", the document vector is computed via element-wise multiplication (see compose).


This function computes the cosine between two documents (or sentences) or the cosine between a single word and a document (or sentence).

In the traditional LSA approach, the vector D for a document (or a sentence) consisting of the words (t1, . , tn) is computed as

D=i=1ntnD = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n t_n

This is the default method (method="Add") for this function. Alternatively, this function provided the possibility of computing the document vector from its word vectors using element-wise multiplication (see Mitchell & Lapata, 2010 and compose).

The format of x (or y) can be of the kind x <- "word1 word2 word3" , but also of the kind x <- c("word1", "word2", "word3"). This allows for simple copy&paste-inserting of text, but also for using character vectors, e.g. the output of neighbors().

To import a document Document.txt to from a directory for comparisons, set your working directory to this directory using setwd(). Then use the following command lines:

fileName1 <- "Alice_in_Wonderland.txt"

x <- readChar(fileName1,$size)

A note will be displayed whenever not all words of one input string are found in the semantic space. Caution: In that case, the function will still produce a result, by omitting the words not found in the semantic space. Depending on the specific requirements of a task, this may compromise the results. Please check your input when you receive this message.

A warning message will be displayed whenever no word of one input string is found in the semantic space.


A numeric giving the cosine between the input documents/sentences


Fritz Guenther


Landauer, T.K., & Dumais, S.T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review, 104, 211-240.

Dennis, S. (2007). How to use the LSA Web Site. In T. K. Landauer, D. S. McNamara, S. Dennis, & W. Kintsch (Eds.), Handbook of Latent Semantic Analysis (pp. 35-56). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Mitchell, J., & Lapata, M. (2010). Composition in Distributional Models of Semantics. Cognitive Science, 34, 1388-1429.

See Also

cosine, Cosine, multicos, multidocs, multicostring


costring("alice was beginning to get very tired.",
      "a white rabbit with a clock ran close to her.",

Compute distance


Computes distance metrics for two single words





A single word, given as a character of length(x) = 1


A single word, given as a character of length(y) = 1


Specifies whether to compute euclidean or cityblock metric


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


Computes Minkowski metrics, i.e. geometric distances between the vectors for two given words. Possible options are euclidean for the Euclidean Distance, d(x,y)=(xy)2d(x,y) = \sqrt{\sum{(x-y)^2}}, and cityblock for the City Block metric, d(x,y)=xyd(x,y) = \sum{|x-y|}


The distance value as a numeric


Fritz Guenther

See Also

Cosine asym




Summarize a text


Selects sentences from a text that best describe its topic





A character vector of length(text) = 1 specifiying the text to be summarized


The number of sentences to be used in the summary


A character vector specifying which symbols determine the end of a sentence in the document


The minimum amount of words a sentence must have to be included in the computations


Further arguments to be passed on to textmatrix


Applies the method of Gong & Liu (2001) for generic text summarization of text document D via Latent Semantic Analysis:

  1. Decompose the document D into individual sentences, and use these sentences to form the candidate sentence set S, and set k = 1.

  2. Construct the terms by sentences matrix A for the document D.

  3. Perform the SVD on A to obtain the singular value matrix Σ\Sigma, and the right singular vector matrix VtV^t. In the singular vector space, each sentence i is represented by the column vector ψi=[vi1,vi2,...,vir]t\psi _i = [v_i1, v_i2, ... , v_ir]^t of VtV^t.

  4. Select the k'th right singular vector from matrix VtV^t.

  5. Select the sentence which has the largest index value with the k'th right singular vector, and include it in the summary.

  6. If k reaches the predefined number, terminate the op- eration; otherwise, increment k by one, and go to Step 4.

(Cited directly from Gong & Liu, 2001, p. 21)


A character vector of the length k


Fritz Guenther

See Also

textmatrix, lsa, svd


D <- "This is just a test document. It is set up just to throw some random 
sentences in this example. So do not expect it to make much sense. Probably, even 
the summary won't be very meaningful. But this is mainly due to the document not being
meaningful at all. For test purposes, I will also include a sentence in this 
example that is not at all related to the rest of the document. Lions are larger than cats."


Vector x Vector Comparison


Computes a cosine matrix from given word vectors





a character vector or numeric of length=ncol(tvectors) (vector with same dimensionality as LSA space)


a character vector; y = x by default


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


Submit a character vector consisting of n words to get a n x n cosine matrix of all their pairwise cosines.

Alternatively, submit two different character vectors to get their pairwise cosines. Single words are also possible arguments.

Also allows for computation of cosines between a given numeric vector with the same dimensionality as the LSA space and a vector consisting of n words.


A matrix containing the pairwise cosines of x and y


Fritz Guenther


Landauer, T.K., & Dumais, S.T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review, 104, 211-240.

Dennis, S. (2007). How to use the LSA Web Site. In T. K. Landauer, D. S. McNamara, S. Dennis, & W. Kintsch (Eds.), Handbook of Latent Semantic Analysis (pp. 35-56). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

See Also

cosine, Cosine, costring, multicostring


multicos("mouse rabbit cat","king queen",

Sentence x Vector Comparison


Computes cosines between a sentence/ document and multiple words


multicostring(x,y,tvectors=tvectors,split=" ",remove.punctuation=TRUE, 
stopwords = NULL, method ="Add")



a character vector specifying a sentence/ document (or also a single word)


a character vector specifying multiple single words


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


a character vector defining the character used to split the documents into words (white space by default)


removes punctuation from x and y; TRUE by default


a character vector defining a list of words that are not used to compute the document/sentence vector for x


the compositional model to compute the document vector from its word vectors. The default option method = "Add" computes the document vector as the vector sum. With method = "Multiply", the document vector is computed via element-wise multiplication (see compose).


The format of x (or y) can be of the kind x <- "word1 word2 word3" , but also of the kind x <- c("word1", "word2", "word3"). This allows for simple copy&paste-inserting of text, but also for using character vectors, e.g. the output of neighbors.

Both x and y can also just consist of one single word. In the traditional LSA approach, the vector D for the document (or sentence) x consisting of the words (t1, . , tn) is computed as

D=i=1ntnD = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n t_n

This is the default method (method="Add") for this function. Alternatively, this function provided the possibility of computing the document vector from its word vectors using element-wise multiplication (see Mitchell & Lapata, 2010 and compose). See also costring).

A note will be displayed whenever not all words of one input string are found in the semantic space. Caution: In that case, the function will still produce a result, by omitting the words not found in the semantic space. Depending on the specific requirements of a task, this may compromise the results. Please check your input when you receive this message.

A warning message will be displayed whenever no word of one input string is found in the semantic space.


A numeric giving the cosine between the input sentences/documents


Fritz Guenther


Landauer, T.K., & Dumais, S.T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review, 104, 211-240.

Dennis, S. (2007). How to use the LSA Web Site. In T. K. Landauer, D. S. McNamara, S. Dennis, & W. Kintsch (Eds.), Handbook of Latent Semantic Analysis (pp. 35-56). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Mitchell, J., & Lapata, M. (2010). Composition in Distributional Models of Semantics. Cognitive Science, 34, 1388-1429.

See Also

cosine, Cosine, multicos, costring



multicostring("alice was beginning to get very tired.",
        "a white rabbit with a clock ran close to her.",

multicostring("suddenly, a cat appeared in the woods",

Comparison of sentence sets


Computes cosine values between sets of sentences and/or documents


stopwords = NULL,method ="Add")



a character vector containing different sentences/documents


a character vector containing different sentences/documents (y = x by default)


an integer specifying how many letters (starting from the first) of each sentence/document are to be printed in the row.names and col.names of the output matrix


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


removes punctuation from x and y; TRUE by default


a character vector defining a list of words that are not used to compute the document/sentence vector for x and y


the compositional model to compute the document vector from its word vectors. The default option method = "Add" computes the document vector as the vector sum. With method = "Multiply", the document vector is computed via element-wise multiplication (see compose).


In the traditional LSA approach, the vector D for a document (or a sentence) consisting of the words (t1, . , tn) is computed as

D=i=1ntnD = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n t_n

This is the default method (method="Add") for this function. Alternatively, this function provided the possibility of computing the document vector from its word vectors using element-wise multiplication (see Mitchell & Lapata, 2010 and compose).

This function computes the cosines between two sets of documents (or sentences).

The format of x (or y) should be of the kind x <- c("this is the first text","here is another text") (or y <- c("this is a third text","and here is yet another text"))

A note will be displayed whenever not all words of one input string are found in the semantic space. Caution: In that case, the function will still produce a result, by omitting the words not found in the semantic space. Depending on the specific requirements of a task, this may compromise the results. Please check your input when you receive this message.

A warning message will be displayed whenever no word of one input string is found in the semantic space.


A list of three elements:


A numeric matrix giving the cosines between the input sentences/documents


A legend for the row.names of cosmat


A legend for the col.names of cosmat


Fritz Guenther


Landauer, T.K., & Dumais, S.T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review, 104, 211-240.

Dennis, S. (2007). How to use the LSA Web Site. In T. K. Landauer, D. S. McNamara, S. Dennis, & W. Kintsch (Eds.), Handbook of Latent Semantic Analysis (pp. 35-56). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Mitchell, J., & Lapata, M. (2010). Composition in Distributional Models of Semantics. Cognitive Science, 34, 1388-1429.

See Also

cosine, Cosine, multicos, costring


multidocs(x = c("alice was beginning to get very tired.",
                "the red queen greeted alice."),
          y = c("the mad hatter and the mare hare are having a party.",
                "the hatter sliced the cup of tea in half."), 

Answers Multiple Choice Questions


Selects the nearest word to an input out of a set of options


MultipleChoice(x,y,tvectors=tvectors,remove.punctuation=TRUE, stopwords = NULL,
   method ="Add", all.results=FALSE)



a character vector of length(x) = 1 specifying a sentence/ document (or also a single word)


a character vector specifying multiple answer options (with each element of the vector being one answer option)


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


removes punctuation from x and y; TRUE by default


a character vector defining a list of words that are not used to compute the document/sentence vector for x and y


the compositional model to compute the document vector from its word vectors. The default option method = "Add" computes the document vector as the vector sum. With method = "Multiply", the document vector is computed via element-wise multiplication (see compose and costring). With method = "Analogy", the document vector is computed via vector subtraction; see Description for more information.


If all.results=FALSE (default), the function will only return the best answer as a character string. If all.results=TRUE, it will return a named numeric vector, where the names are the different answer options in y and the numeric values their respective cosine similarity to x, sorted by decreasing similarity.


Computes all the cosines between a given sentence/document or word and multiple answer options. Then selects the nearest option to the input (the option with the highest cosine). This function relies entirely on the costring function.

A note will be displayed whenever not all words of one answer alternative are found in the semantic space. Caution: In that case, the function will still produce a result, by omitting the words not found in the semantic space. Depending on the specific requirements of a task, this may compromise the results. Please check your input when you receive this message.

A warning message will be displayed whenever no word of one answer alternative is found in the semantic space.

Using method="Analogy" requires the input in both x and y to only consist of word pairs (for example x = c("helmet head") and y = c("kneecap knee", "atmosphere earth", "grass field")). In that case, the function will try to identify the best-fitting answer in y by applying the king - man + woman = queen rationale to solve man : king = woman : ? (Mikolov et al., 2013): In that case, one should also have king - man = queen - woman. With method="Analogy", the function will compute the difference between the normalized vectors head - helmet, and search the nearest of the vector differences knee - kneecap, earth - atmosphere, and field - grass.


If all.results=FALSE (default), the function will only return the best answer as a character string. If all.results=TRUE, it will return a named numeric vector, where the names are the different answer options in y and the numeric values their respective cosine similarity to x, sorted by decreasing similarity.


Fritz Guenther


Landauer, T.K., & Dumais, S.T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review, 104, 211-240.

Mikolov, T., Yih, W. T., & Zweig, G. (2013). Linguistic regularities in continuous space word representations. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT-2013). Association for Computational Linguistics.

See Also

cosine, Cosine, costring, multicostring, analogy



LSAfun:::MultipleChoice("who does the march hare celebrate his unbirthday with?",
                 c("mad hatter","red queen","caterpillar","cheshire Cat"),

Find nearest neighbors


Returns the n nearest words to a given word or sentence/document





a character vector of length(x) = 1 or a numeric of length=ncol(tvectors) vector with same dimensionality as the semantic space


the number of neighbors to be computed


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


The format of x should be of the kind x <- "word1 word2 word3" instead of

x <- c("word1", "word2", "word3") if sentences/documents are used as input. This allows for simple copy&paste-inserting of text.

To import a document Document.txt to from a directory for comparisons, set your working directory to this directory using setwd(). Then use the following command lines:

fileName1 <- "Alice_in_Wonderland.txt"

x <- readChar(fileName1,$size).

Since x can also be chosen to be any vector of the active LSA Space, this function can be combined with compose() to compute neighbors of complex expressions (see examples)


A named numeric vector. The neighbors are given as names of the vector, and their respective cosines to the input as vector entries.


Fritz Guenther


Landauer, T.K., & Dumais, S.T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review, 104, 211-240.

Dennis, S. (2007). How to use the LSA Web Site. In T. K. Landauer, D. S. McNamara, S. Dennis, & W. Kintsch (Eds.), Handbook of Latent Semantic Analysis (pp. 35-56). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

See Also

cosine, plot_neighbors, compose





Normalize a vector


Normalizes a character vector to a unit vector





a numeric or integer vector


The (euclidean) norm of a vector xx is defined as

x=Σ(x2)||x|| = \sqrt{\Sigma(x^2)}

To normalize a vector to a unit vector uu with u=1||u|| = 1, the following equation is applied:

x=x/xx' = x/ ||x||


The normalized vector as a numeric


Fritz Guenther



## check vector norms:

x <- 1:2

sqrt(sum(x^2))              ## vector norm
sqrt(sum(normalize(x)^2))   ## norm = 1

A collection of five classic books


This object is a list containing five classical books:

  • Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne

  • The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

  • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

  • Dracula by Bram Stoker

  • The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Stevenson

as single-element character vectors. All five books were taken from the Project Gutenberg homepage and contain formatting symbols, such as \n for breaks.




A named list containing five character vectors as elements


Project Gutenberg


Dumas, A. (1844). The Three Musketeers. Retrieved from

Shelley, M. W. (1818). Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus. Retrieved from

Stevenson, R. L. (1886). The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Retrieved from

Stoker, B. (1897). Dracula. Retrieved from

Verne, J.(1873). Around the World in Eighty Days. Retrieved from

Pairwise cosine computation


Computes pairwise cosine similarities





a character vector


a character vector


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


Computes pairwise cosine similarities for two vectors of words. These vectors need to have the same length.


A vector of the same length as x and y containing the pairwise cosine similarities. Returns NA if at least one word in a pair is not found in the semantic space.


Fritz Guenther


Landauer, T.K., & Dumais, S.T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review, 104, 211-240.

Dennis, S. (2007). How to use the LSA Web Site. In T. K. Landauer, D. S. McNamara, S. Dennis, & W. Kintsch (Eds.), Handbook of Latent Semantic Analysis (pp. 35-56). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

See Also

cosine, Cosine, multicos,


pairwise("mouse rabbit cat","king queen hearts",

Compute word (or compound) plausibility


Gives measures of semantic transparency (plausibility) for words or compounds


plausibility(x,method, n=10,stem,tvectors=tvectors)



a character vector of length(x) = 1 or a numeric of length=ncol(tvectors) vector with same dimensionality as LSA space


the measure of semantic transparency, can be one of n_density,length, proximity, or entropy (see Details)


the number of neighbors for the n_density method


the stem (or word) of comparison for the proximity method


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


The format of x should be of the kind x <- "word1 word2 word3" instead of x <- c("word1", "word2", "word3") if phrases of more than one word are used as input. Simple vector addition of the constituent vectors is then used to compute the phrase vector.

Since x can also be chosen to be any vector of the active LSA Space, this function can be combined with compose() to compute semantic transparency measures of complex expressions (see examples). Since semantic transparency methods were developed as measures for composed vectors, applying them makes most sense for those.

The methods are defined as follows:

  • method = "n_density" The average cosine between a (word or phrase) vector and its n nearest neighbors, excluding the word itself when a single word is submitted (see also SND for a more detailed version)

  • method = "length" The length of a vector (as computed by the standard Euclidean norm)

  • method = "proximity" The cosine similarity between a compound vector and its stem word (for example between mad hatter and hatter or between objectify and object)

  • method = "entropy" The entropy of the K-dimensional vector with the vector components t1,...,tKt_1,...,t_K, as computed by

    entropy=logKtilogtientropy = \log{K} - \sum{t_i * \log{t_i}}


The semantic transparency as a numeric


Fritz Guenther


Lazaridou, A., Vecchi, E., & Baroni, M. (2013). Fish transporters and miracle homes: How compositional distributional semantics can help NP parsing. In Proceedings of EMNLP 2013 (pp. 1908 - 1913). Seattle, WA.

Marelli, M., & Baroni, M. (2015). Affixation in semantic space: Modeling morpheme meanings with compositional distributional semantics. Psychological Review, 122,. 485-515.

Vecchi, E. M., Baroni, M., & Zamparelli, R. (2011). (Linear) maps of the impossible: Capturing semantic anomalies in distributional space. In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Compositionality (pp. 1-9). Portland, OR.

See Also

Cosine, neighbors, compose, SND



plausibility("cheshire cat",method="n_density",n=10,tvectors=wonderland) 


2D- or 3D-Plot of a list of sentences/documents


2D or 3D-Plot of mutual word similarities to a given list of sentences/documents


   axes=F,box=F,cex=1,chars=10,legend=T, size = c(800,800),



a character vector of length(x) > 1 that contains multiple sentences/documents


the dimensionality of the plot; set either dims = 2 or dims = 3


the method to be applied; either a Principal Component Analysis (method="PCA") or a Multidimensional Scaling (method="MDS")


(3d plot only) the number of closest associate words each word is connected with via line. Setting connect.lines="all" (default) will draw all connecting lines and will automatically apply alpha="graded"


(3d plot only) whether axes shall be included in the plot


(3d plot only) whether a box shall be drawn around the plot


(2d Plot only) A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text should be magnified relative to the default.


an integer specifying how many letters (starting from the first) of each sentence/document are to be printed in the plot


(3d plot only) whether a legend shall be drawn illustrating the color scheme of the connect.lines. The legend is inserted as a background bitmap to the plot using bgplot3d. Therefore, they do not resize very gracefully (see the bgplot3d documentation for more information).


(3d plot only) A numeric vector with two elements, the first specifying the width and the second specifying the height of the plot device.


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


removes punctuation from x and y; TRUE by default


(3d plot only) A numeric vector specifying the luminance of the connect.lines. By setting alpha="graded", the luminance of every line will be adjusted to the cosine between the two words it connects.


(3d plot only) Only relevant if alpha="graded". Specify a numeric value for alpha.grade to scale the luminance of all connect.lines up (alpha.grade > 1) or down (alpha.grade < 1) by that factor.


(3d plot only) A vector specifying the color of the connect.lines. With setting col ="rainbow" (default), the color of every line will be adjusted to the cosine between the two words it connects, according to the rainbow palette. Other available color palettes for this purpose are heat.colors, terrain.colors, topo.colors, and cm.colors (see rainbow). Additionally, you can customize any color scale of your choice by providing an input specifying more than one color (for example col = c("black","blue","red")).


additional arguments which will be passed to plot3d (in a three-dimensional plot only)


Computes all pairwise similarities within a given list of sentences/documents. On this similarity matrix, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or a Multidimensional Sclaing (MDS) is applied to get a two- or three-dimensional solution that best captures the similarity structure. This solution is then plotted.

In the traditional LSA approach, the vector D for a document (or a sentence) consisting of the words (t1, . , tn) is computed as

D=i=1ntnD = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n t_n

This function then computes the the cosines between two sets of documents (or sentences).

The format of x should be of the kind x <- c("this is the first text","here is another text")

For creating pretty plots showing the similarity structure within this list of words best, set connect.lines="all" and col="rainbow"


see plot3d: this function is called for the side effect of drawing the plot; a vector of object IDs is returned.

plot_doclist further prints a list with two elements:


the coordinate vectors of the sentences/documents in the plot as a data frame


A legend for the sentence/document labels in the plot and in the coordinates


Fritz Guenther, Taylor Fedechko


Landauer, T.K., & Dumais, S.T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review, 104, 211-240.

Mardia, K.V., Kent, J.T., & Bibby, J.M. (1979). Multivariate Analysis, London: Academic Press.

See Also

cosine, multidocs, plot_neighbors, plot_wordlist, plot3d, princomp, rainbow



## Standard Plot

docs <- c("alice was beginning to get very tired.",
          "the red queen greeted alice.",
          "the mad hatter and the mare hare are having a party.",
          "the hatter sliced the cup of tea in half.")

2D- or 3D-Plot of neighbors


2D- or 3D-Approximation of the neighborhood of a given word/sentence


   method="PCA",dims=3,axes=F,box=F,cex=1,legend=T, size = c(800,800),
   alpha="graded",alpha.grade = 1, col="rainbow",tvectors=tvectors,...)



a character vector of length(x) = 1 or a numeric of length=ncol(tvectors) vector with same dimensionality as LSA space


the number of neighbors to be computed


the dimensionality of the plot; set either dims = 2 or dims = 3


the method to be applied; either a Principal Component Analysis (method="PCA") or a Multidimensional Scaling (method="MDS")


(3d plot only) the number of closest associate words each word is connected with via line. Setting connect.lines="all" (default) will draw all connecting lines and will automatically apply alpha="graded"; it will furthermore override the start.lines argument


(3d plot only) whether lines shall be drawn between x and all the neighbors


(3d plot only) whether axes shall be included in the plot


(3d plot only) whether a box shall be drawn around the plot


(2d Plot only) A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text should be magnified relative to the default.


(3d plot only) whether a legend shall be drawn illustrating the color scheme of the connect.lines. The legend is inserted as a background bitmap to the plot using bgplot3d. Therefore, they do not resize very gracefully (see the bgplot3d documentation for more information).


(3d plot only) A numeric vector with two elements, the first specifying the width and the second specifying the height of the plot device.


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


(3d plot only) a vector of one or two numerics between 0 and 1 specifying the luminance of start.lines (first entry) and connect.lines (second entry). Specifying only one numeric will pass this value to both kinds of lines. With setting alpha="graded", the luminance of every line will be adjusted to the cosine between the two words it connects.


(3d plot only) Only relevant if alpha="graded". Specify a numeric value for alpha.grade to scale the luminance of all start.lines and connect.lines up (alpha.grade > 1) or down (alpha.grade < 1) by that factor.


(3d plot only) a vector of one or two characters specifying the color of start.lines (first entry) and connect.lines (second entry). Specifying only one colour will pass this colour to both kinds of lines. With setting col ="rainbow" (default), the colour of every line will be adjusted to the cosine between the two words it connects, according to the rainbow palette. Other available color palettes for this purpose are heat.colors, terrain.colors, topo.colors, and cm.colors (see rainbow). Additionally, you can customize any color scale of your choice by providing an input specifying more than two colors

(for example col = c("black","blue","red")).


additional arguments which will be passed to plot3d (in a three-dimensional plot only)


Attempts to create an image of the semantic neighborhood (based on cosine similarity) to a given word, sentence/ document, or vector. An attempt is made to depict this subpart of the LSA space in a two- or three-dimensional plot.

To achieve this, either a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or a Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) is computed to preserve the interconnections between all the words in this neighborhod as good as possible. Therefore, it is important to note that the image created from this function is only the best two- or three-dimensional approximation to the true LSA space subpart.

For creating pretty plots showing the similarity structure within this neighborhood best, set connect.lines="all" and col="rainbow"


For three-dimensional plots:see plot3d: this function is called for the side effect of drawing the plot; a vector of object IDs is returned

plot_neighbors also gives the coordinate vectors of the words in the plot as a data frame


Fritz Guenther, Taylor Fedechko


Landauer, T.K., & Dumais, S.T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review, 104, 211-240.

Mardia, K.V., Kent, J.T., & Bibby, J.M. (1979). Multivariate Analysis, London: Academic Press.

See Also

cosine, neighbors, multicos, plot_wordlist, plot3d, princomp



## Standard Plot

## Pretty Plot

                n=20, connect.lines=2,tvectors=wonderland)

2D- or 3D-Plot of a list of words


2D or 3D-Plot of mutual word similarities to a given list of words


   axes=F,box=F,cex=1,legend=T, size = c(800,800),



a character vector of length(x) > 1 that contains multiple sentences/documents


the dimensionality of the plot; set either dims = 2 or dims = 3


the method to be applied; either a Principal Component Analysis (method="PCA") or a Multidimensional Scaling (method="MDS")


(3d plot only) the number of closest associate words each word is connected with via line. Setting connect.lines="all" (default) will draw all connecting lines and will automatically apply alpha="graded".


(3d plot only) whether axes shall be included in the plot


(3d plot only) whether a box shall be drawn around the plot


(2d Plot only) A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text should be magnified relative to the default.


(3d plot only) whether a legend shall be drawn illustrating the color scheme of the connect.lines. The legend is inserted as a background bitmap to the plot using bgplot3d. Therefore, they do not resize very gracefully (see the bgplot3d documentation for more information).


(3d plot only) A numeric vector with two elements, the first specifying the width and the second specifying the height of the plot device.


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


(3d plot only) A numeric vector specifying the luminance of the connect.lines. By setting alpha="graded", the luminance of every line will be adjusted to the cosine between the two words it connects.


(3d plot only) Only relevant if alpha="graded". Specify a numeric value for alpha.grade to scale the luminance of all connect.lines up (alpha.grade > 1) or down (alpha.grade < 1) by that factor.


(3d plot only) A vector specifying the color of the connect.lines. With setting col ="rainbow" (default), the color of every line will be adjusted to the cosine between the two words it connects, according to the rainbow palette. Other available color palettes for this purpose are heat.colors, terrain.colors, topo.colors, and cm.colors (see rainbow). Additionally, you can customize any color scale of your choice by providing an input specifying more than one color (for example col = c("black","blue","red")).


additional arguments which will be passed to plot3d (in a three-dimensional plot only)


Computes all pairwise similarities within a given list of words. On this similarity matrix, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or a Multidimensional Sclaing (MDS) is applied to get a two- or three-dimensional solution that best captures the similarity structure. This solution is then plotted.

For creating pretty plots showing the similarity structure within this list of words best, set connect.lines="all" and col="rainbow"


see plot3d: this function is called for the side effect of drawing the plot; a vector of object IDs is returned.

plot_wordlist also gives the coordinate vectors of the words in the plot as a data frame


Fritz Guenther, Taylor Fedechko


Landauer, T.K., & Dumais, S.T. (1997). A solution to Plato's problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of acquisition, induction and representation of knowledge. Psychological Review, 104, 211-240.

Mardia, K.V., Kent, J.T., & Bibby, J.M. (1979). Multivariate Analysis, London: Academic Press.

See Also

cosine, neighbors, multicos, plot_neighbors, plot3d, princomp, rainbow



## Standard Plot

words <- c("alice","hatter","queen","knight","hare","cheshire") 

Compute Vector for Predicate-Argument-Expressions


Computes vectors for complex expressions of type PREDICATE[ARGUMENT] by applying the method of Kintsch (2001) (see Details).





Predicate of the expression, a single word (character vector)


Argument of the expression, a single word (character vector)


number of nearest words to the Predicate that are initially activated


size of the k-neighborhood; k \le m


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


whether to normalize the single word vectors before applying a composition function. Setting norm = "none" will not perform any normalizations, setting norm = "all" will normalize every involved word vector (Predicate, Argument, and every single activated neighbor). Setting norm = "block" will normalize the Argument vector and will normalize the [Predicate + neighbors] vector, to weight the Argument and the "Predicate in context" equally.


The vector for the expression is computed following the Predication Process by Kintsch (2001):

The m nearest neighbors to the Predicate are computed. Of those, the k nearest neighbors to the Argument are selected. The vector for the expression is then computed as the sum of Predicate vector, Argument vector, and the vectors of those k neighbors (the k-neighborhood).


An object of class Pred: This object is a list consisting of:


The vector for the complex expression as described above


The vector for Predicate plus the k-neighborhoodvectors without the Argument vector


The words in the k-neighborhood.


The Predicate given as input


The Argument given as input


Fritz Guenther


Kintsch, W. (2001). Predication. Cognitive Science, 25, 173-202.

See Also

cosine, neighbors, multicos, compose




Simulated data for a Semantic Priming Experiment


A data frame containing simulated data for a Semantic Priming Experiment. This data contains 514 prime-target pairs, which are taken from the Hutchison, Balota, Cortese and Watson (2008) study. These pairs are generated by pairing each of 257 target words with one semantically related and one semantically unrelated prime.

The data frame contains four columns:

  • First column: Prime Words

  • Second column: Target Words

  • Third column: Simulated Reaction Times

  • Fourth column: Specifies whether a prime-target pair is considered semantically related or unrelated




A data frame with 514 rows and 4 columns


Hutchison, K. A., Balota, D. A., Cortese, M. & Watson, J. M. (2008). Predicting semantic priming at the item level. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61, 1036-1066.

Semantic neighborhood density


Returns semantic neighborhood with semantic neighborhood size and density





a character vector of length(x) = 1 or a numeric of length=ncol(tvectors) vector with same dimensionality as the semantic space


if specified as a numeric, determines the size of the neighborhood as the n nearest words to x. If n=NA (default), the semantic neighborhood will be determined according to a similarity threshold (see threshold)


specifies the similarity threshold that determines if a word is counted as a neighbor for x, following the method by Buchanan et al. (2011) (see Description below)


the semantic space in which the computation is to be done (a numeric matrix where every row is a word vector)


There are two principle approaches to determine the semantic neighborhood of a target word:

  • Set an a priori size of the semantic neighborhood to a fixed value n (e.g., Marelli & Baroni, 2015). The n closest words to the target word are counted as its semantic neighbors. The semantic neighborhood size is then necessarily n; the semantic neighborhood density is the mean similarity between these neighbors and the target word (see also plausibility)

  • Determine the semantic neighborhood based on a similarity threshold; all words whose similarity to the target word exceeds this threshold are counted as its semantic neighbors (e.g., Buchanan, Westbury, & Burgess, 2001). First, the similarity between the target word and all words in the semantic space is computed. These similarities are then transformed into z-scores. Traditionally, the threshold is set to z = 3.5 (e.g., Buchanan, Westbury, & Burgess, 2001).

If a single target word is used as x, this target word itself (which always has a similarity of 1 to itself) is excluded from these computations so that it cannot be counted as its own neighbor


A list of three elements:

  • neighbors: A names numeric vector of all identified neighbors, with the names being these neighbors and the values their similarity to x

  • n_size: The number of neighbors as a numeric

  • SND: The semantic neighborhood density (SND) as a numeric


Fritz Guenther


Buchanan, L., Westbury, C., & Burgess, C. (2001). Characterizing semantic space: Neighborhood effects in word recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 8, 531-544.

Marelli, M., & Baroni, M. (2015). Affixation in semantic space: Modeling morpheme meanings with compositional distributional semantics. Psychological Review, 122, 485-515.

See Also

cosine, plot_neighbors, compose





A multiple choice test for synonyms and antonyms


This object multiple choice test for synonyms and antonyms, consisting of seven columns.

  1. The first column defines the question, i.e. the word a synonym or an antonym has to be found for.

  2. The second up to the fifth column show the possible answer alternatives.

  3. The sixth column defines the correct answer.

  4. The seventh column indicates whether a synonym or an antonym has to be found for the word in question.

The test consists of twenty questions, which are given in the twenty rows of the data frame.




A data frame with 20 rows and 7 columns

LSA Space: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland


This data set is a 50-dimensional LSA space derived from Lewis Carrol's book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". The book was split into 791 paragraphs which served as documents for the LSA algorithm (Landauer, Foltz & Laham, 1998). Only words that appeared in at least two documents were used for building the LSA space.

This LSA space contains 1123 different terms, all in lower case letters, and was created using the lsa-package. It can be used as tvectors for all the functions in the LSAfun-package.




A 1123x50 matrix with terms as rownames.


Alice in Wonderland from Project Gutenberg


Landauer, T., Foltz, P., and Laham, D. (1998) Introduction to Latent Semantic Analysis. In: Discourse Processes 25, pp. 259-284.

Carroll, L. (1865). Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. New York: MacMillan.