Package 'HMMextra0s'

Title: Hidden Markov Models with Extra Zeros
Description: Contains functions for hidden Markov models with observations having extra zeros as defined in the following two publications, Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2016) <doi:10.1111/rssc.12194>; Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Buckby, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2018) <doi:10.1029/2017JB015360>. The observed response variable is either univariate or bivariate Gaussian conditioning on presence of events, and extra zeros mean that the response variable takes on the value zero if nothing is happening. Hence the response is modelled as a mixture distribution of a Bernoulli variable and a continuous variable. That is, if the Bernoulli variable takes on the value 1, then the response variable is Gaussian, and if the Bernoulli variable takes on the value 0, then the response is zero too. This package includes functions for simulation, parameter estimation, goodness-of-fit, the Viterbi algorithm, and plotting the classified 2-D data. Some of the functions in the package are based on those of the R package 'HiddenMarkov' by David Harte. This updated version has included an example dataset and R code examples to show how to transform the data into the objects needed in the main functions. We have also made changes to increase the speed of some of the functions.
Authors: Ting Wang, Wolfgang Hayek, and Alexander Pletzer
Maintainer: Ting Wang <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.1.0
Built: 2025-02-28 07:40:09 UTC
Source: CRAN

Help Index

Hidden Markov Models with Extra Zeros Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) with Extra Zeros



Package: HMMextra0s
Type: Package
Title: Hidden Markov Models with Extra Zeros
Version: 1.1.0
Imports: mvtnorm, ellipse
Suggests: HiddenMarkov
Depends: methods
Date: 2021-08-02
Author: Ting Wang, Wolfgang Hayek, and Alexander Pletzer
Maintainer: Ting Wang <[email protected]>
Description: Contains functions for hidden Markov models with observations having extra zeros as defined in the following two publications, Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2016) <doi:10.1111/rssc.12194>; Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Buckby, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2018) <doi:10.1029/2017JB015360>. The observed response variable is either univariate or bivariate Gaussian conditioning on presence of events, and extra zeros mean that the response variable takes on the value zero if nothing is happening. Hence the response is modelled as a mixture distribution of a Bernoulli variable and a continuous variable. That is, if the Bernoulli variable takes on the value 1, then the response variable is Gaussian, and if the Bernoulli variable takes on the value 0, then the response is zero too. This package includes functions for simulation, parameter estimation, goodness-of-fit, the Viterbi algorithm, and plotting the classified 2-D data. Some of the functions in the package are based on those of the R package 'HiddenMarkov' by David Harte. This updated version has included an example dataset and R code examples to show how to transform the data into the objects needed in the main functions. We have also made changes to increase the speed of some of the functions.
LazyData: no
ZipData: no
License: GPL (>= 2)
Packaged: 2021-08-02 07:17:27 UTC; twang
NeedsCompilation: yes
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2021-08-03 04:20:05 UTC

Index of help topics:

HMMextra0s-package      Hidden Markov Models with Extra Zeros Hidden
                        Markov Models (HMMs) with Extra Zeros
Kii                     Tremor data in the Kii region in 2002 and 2003
                        for use in function hmm0norm2d
Viterbi.hmm0norm        Viterbi Path of a 1-D HMM with Extra Zeros
Viterbi.hmm0norm2d      Viterbi Path of a Bivariate HMM with Extra
cumdist.hmm0norm        Cumulative distribution of an HMM with Extra
hmm0norm                Parameter Estimation of an HMM with Extra Zeros
hmm0norm2d              Parameter Estimation of a bivariate HMM with
                        Extra Zeros
plotVitloc2d            Plot the Classified 2-D Data of a Bivariate HMM
                        With Extra Zeros
plotVitpath2d           Plot the Viterbi Path of a Bivariate HMM With
                        Extra Zeros
sim.hmm0norm            Simulation of a 1-D HMM with Extra Zeros
sim.hmm0norm2d          Simulation of a Bivariate HMM with Extra Zeros

This package contains functions to estimate the parameters of the HMMs with extra zeros using hmm0norm (1-D HMM) and hmm0norm2d (2-D HMM), to calculate the cumulative distribution of the 1-D HMM using cumdist.hmm0norm, to estimate the Viterbi path using Viterbi.hmm0norm (1-D HMM) and Viterbi.hmm0norm2d (2-D HMM), to simulate this class of models using sim.hmm0norm (1-D HMM) and sim.hmm0norm2d (2-D HMM), to plot the classified 2-D data with different colours representing different hidden states using plotVitloc2d, and to plot the Viterbi path using plotVitloc2d.


This package is used to estimate the parameters, carry out simulations, and estimate the Viterbi path for 1-D and 2-D HMMs with extra zeros as defined in the two publications in the reference (also briefly defined below). It contains examples using simulated data for how to set up initial values for a data analysis and how to plot the results.

An HMM is a statistical model in which the observed process is dependent on an unobserved Markov chain. A Markov chain is a sequence of states which exhibits a short-memory property such that the current state of the chain is dependent only on the previous state in the case of a first-order Markov chain. Assume that the Markov chain has mm states, where mm can be estimated from the data. Let St{1,,m}S_t \in \{1,\cdots,m\} denote the state of the Markov chain at time tt. The probability of a first-order Markov chain in state jj at time tt given the previous states is P(St=jSt1,,S1)=P(St=jSt1)P(S_t=j|S_{t-1},\cdots,S_{1})=P(S_t=j|S_{t-1}). These states are not observable. The observation YtY_t at time tt depends on the state StS_t of the Markov chain.

In this framework, we are interested in estimating the transition probability matrix Γ=(γij)m×m\Gamma=(\gamma_{ij})_{m\times m} of the Markov chain that describes the migration pattern and the density function f(ytSt=i)f(y_t|S_t=i) that gives the distribution feature of observations in state ii, where γij=P(St=jSt1=i)\gamma_{ij}=P(S_t=j|S_{t-1}=i).

Let ZtZ_t be a Bernoulli variable, with Zt=1Z_t=1 if an event is present at tt, and Zt=0Z_t=0, otherwise. Let Xt\mathbf{X}_t be the response variable (e.g., location of the tremor cluster in 2D space) at time tt. We set P(Zt=0St=i)=1piP(Z_t=0|S_t=i)=1-p_i and P(Zt=1St=i)=piP(Z_t=1|S_t=i)=p_i. We assume that, given Zt=1Z_t=1 and St=iS_t=i, Xt\mathbf{X}_t follows a univariate or bivariate normal distribution, e.g. for a bivariate normal,

f(xtZt=1,St=i)=12πΣi1/2exp(12(xtμi)TΣi1(xtμi)).f(\mathbf{x}_t|Z_t=1, S_t=i)=\frac{1}{2\pi |\bm{\Sigma}_i|^{1/2}}\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2} (\mathbf{x}_t-\bm{\mu}_i)^T\bm{\Sigma}_i^{-1}(\mathbf{x}_t-\bm{\mu}_i)\right).

The joint probability density function of ZtZ_t and Xt\mathbf{X}_t conditional on the system being in state ii at time tt is

f(xt,ztSt=i)=(1pi)1zt[pi12πΣi1/2exp(12(xtμi)TΣi1(xtμi))]zt,f(\mathbf{x}_t,z_t | S_t=i)=(1-p_i)^{1-z_t}\left[p_i\frac{1}{2\pi |\bm{\Sigma}_i|^{1/2}}\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}(\mathbf{x}_t-\bm{\mu}_i)^T\bm{\Sigma}_i^{-1}(\mathbf{x}_t-\bm{\mu}_i)\right)\right]^{z_t},

where pip_i, μi=E(XtSt=i,Zt=1)\bm{\mu}_i=E(\mathbf{X}_t|S_t=i,Z_t=1) and Σi=Var(XtSt=i,Zt=1)\bm{\Sigma}_i=Var(\mathbf{X}_t|S_t=i,Z_t=1) are parameters to be estimated.


Ting Wang, Wolfgang Hayek, and Alexander Pletzer

Maintainer: Ting Wang <[email protected]>


Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2016) Hidden Markov Modeling of Sparse Time Series from Non-volcanic Tremor Observations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, Applied Statistics, 66, Part 4, 691-715.

Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Buckby, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2018) Identifying the recurrence patterns of non-volcanic tremors using a 2D hidden Markov model with extra zeros. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2017JB015360.

Some of the functions in the package are based on those of the R package “HiddenMarkov":

Harte, D. (2021) HiddenMarkov: Hidden Markov Models. R package version 1.8-13. URL:

Cumulative distribution of an HMM with Extra Zeros


Calculates the cumulative distribution of an HMM with extra zeros.





x is a value at which the cumulative distribution is evaluated.


is a list which contains pie, gamma, sig, mu, and delta (the HMM parameter estimates).



is the calculated cumulative distribution.


Ting Wang


Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2016) Hidden Markov Modeling of Sparse Time Series from Non-volcanic Tremor Observations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, Applied Statistics, 66, Part 4, 691-715.


pie <- c(0.002,0.2,0.4)
gamma <- matrix(c(0.99,0.007,0.003,
                  0.04,0.01,0.95),byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
mu <- matrix(c(0.3,0.7,0.2),nrow=1)
sig <- matrix(c(0.2,0.1,0.1),nrow=1)
delta <- c(1,0,0)
y <- sim.hmm0norm(mu,sig,pie,gamma,delta, nsim=5000)
R <- as.matrix(y$x,ncol=1)
Z <- y$z
HMMEST <- hmm0norm(R, Z, pie, gamma, mu, sig, delta)
xx <- seq(0,1,0.05)
cumdist <- apply(t(xx),2,cumdist.hmm0norm,HMMest=HMMEST)

Parameter Estimation of an HMM with Extra Zeros


Calculates the parameter estimates of a 1-D HMM with observations having extra zeros.


hmm0norm(R, Z, pie, gamma, mu, sig, delta, tol=1e-6, print.level=1, fortran = TRUE)



is the observed data. R is a T1T * 1 matrix, where TT is the number of observations.


is the binary data with the value 1 indicating that an event was observed and 0 otherwise. Z is a vector of length TT.


is a vector of length mm, the jjth element of which is the probability of Z=1Z=1 when the process is in state jj.


is the transition probability matrix (mmm * m) of the hidden Markov chain.


is a 1m1 * m matrix, the jjth element of which is the mean of the (Gaussian) distribution of the observations in state jj.


is a 1m1 * m matrix, the jjth element of which is the standard deviation of the (Gaussian) distribution of the observations in state jj.


is a vector of length mm, the initial distribution vector of the Markov chain.


is the tolerance for testing convergence of the iterative estimation process. The default tolerance is 1e-6. For initial test of model fit to your data, a larger tolerance (e.g., 1e-3) should be used to save time.


controls the amount of output being printed. Default is 1. If print.level=1, only the log likelihoods and the differences between the log likelihoods at each step of the iterative estimation process, and the final estimates are printed. If print.level=2, the log likelihoods, the differences between the log likelihoods, and the estimates at each step of the iterative estimation process are printed.


is logical, and determines whether Fortran code is used; default is TRUE.



is the estimated probability of Z=1Z=1 when the process is in each state.


is the estimated mean of the (Gaussian) distribution of the observations in each state.


is the estimated standard deviation of the (Gaussian) distribution of the observations in each state.


is the estimated transition probability matrix of the hidden Markov chain.


is the estimated initial distribution vector of the Markov chain.


is the log likelihood.


Ting Wang


Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2016) Hidden Markov Modeling of Sparse Time Series from Non-volcanic Tremor Observations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, Applied Statistics, 66, Part 4, 691-715.


pie <- c(0.002,0.2,0.4)
gamma <- matrix(c(0.99,0.007,0.003,
                  0.04,0.01,0.95),byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
mu <- matrix(c(0.3,0.7,0.2),nrow=1)
sig <- matrix(c(0.2,0.1,0.1),nrow=1)
delta <- c(1,0,0)
y <- sim.hmm0norm(mu,sig,pie,gamma,delta, nsim=5000)
R <- as.matrix(y$x,ncol=1)
Z <- y$z
yn <- hmm0norm(R, Z, pie, gamma, mu, sig, delta)

Parameter Estimation of a bivariate HMM with Extra Zeros


Calculates the parameter estimates of an HMM with bivariate observations having extra zeros.


hmm0norm2d(R, Z, pie, gamma, mu, sig, delta, tol=1e-6, print.level=1, fortran = TRUE)



is the observed data. R is a T2T * 2 matrix, where TT is the number of observations.


is the binary data with the value 1 indicating that an event was observed and 0 otherwise. Z is a vector of length TT.


is a vector of length mm, the jjth element of which is the probability of Z=1Z=1 when the process is in state jj.


is the transition probability matrix (mmm * m) of the hidden Markov chain.


is an m2m * 2 matrix, the jjth row of which is the mean of the bivariate (Gaussian) distribution of the observations in state jj.


is a 22m2 * 2 * m array. The matrix sig[,,j] is the variance-covariance matrix of the bivariate (Gaussian) distribution of the observations in state jj.


is a vector of length mm, the initial distribution vector of the Markov chain.


is the tolerance for testing convergence of the iterative estimation process. Default is 1e-6. For initial test of model fit to your data, a larger tolerance (e.g., 1e-3) should be used to save time.


controls the amount of output being printed. Default is 1. If print.level=1, only the log likelihoods and the differences between the log likelihoods at each step of the iterative estimation process, and the final estimates are printed. If print.level=2, the log likelihoods, the differences between the log likelihoods, and the estimates at each step of the iterative estimation process are printed.


is logical, and determines whether Fortran code is used; default is TRUE.


Setting up initial values for the real world data can be challenging, especially when the model is large (the number of states is big). In the example below, we include a simple way to set up initial values. If the model is large, the model fitting process should be repeated for many different initial values. In the example below, we set the number of initial values to be N=2N=2 for the ease of compilation. For real-world data analysis, taking the 2D model for the tremor data in Wang et al. (2018) for example, we used at least N=1000N=1000 initial values for the large models with more than 15 hidden states.



is the estimated probability of Z=1Z=1 when the process is in each state.


is the estimated mean of the bivariate (Gaussian) distribution of the observations in each state.


is the estimated variance-covariance matrix of the bivariate (Gaussian) distribution of the observations in each state.


is the estimated transition probability matrix of the hidden Markov chain.


is the estimated initial distribution vector of the Markov chain.


is the log likelihood.


Ting Wang


Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Buckby, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2018) Identifying the recurrence patterns of non-volcanic tremors using a 2D hidden Markov model with extra zeros. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2017JB015360.


pie <- c(0.002,0.2,0.4)
gamma <- matrix(c(0.99,0.007,0.003,
                  0.04,0.01,0.95),byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
mu <- matrix(c(35.03,137.01,
sig <- array(NA,dim=c(2,2,3))
sig[,,1] <- matrix(c(0.005, -0.001,
sig[,,2] <- matrix(c(0.0007,-0.0002,
sig[,,3] <- matrix(c(0.002,0.0018,
delta <- c(1,0,0)
y <- sim.hmm0norm2d(mu,sig,pie,gamma,delta, nsim=5000)
R <- y$x
Z <- y$z
yn <- hmm0norm2d(R, Z, pie, gamma, mu, sig, delta)

# Setting up initial values when analysing real-world data
## nk is the number of states for the fitted model
### In this example we use nk=3

LL <- -10^200 ## A very small value to compare with
              ## the log likelihood from the model

nk = 3

gamma <- array(NA,dim=c(nk,nk))
mu <- array(NA,dim=c(nk,2))
sig <- array(NA,dim=c(2,2,nk))
pie <- array(NA,dim=c(1,nk))

kk <- 1
N <- 2
  temp <- matrix(runif(nk*nk,0,1),ncol=nk)
  diag(temp) = diag(temp) + rpois(1,6) * apply(temp, 1, sum)
  temp <- temp * matrix(rep(1/apply(temp, 1, sum), ncol(temp)), ncol=ncol(temp), byrow=FALSE)
  gamma <- temp

  R1min <- min((R[,1])[R[,1]>=1e-6])
  R1max <- max((R[,1])[R[,1]>=1e-6])
  R2min <- min((R[,2])[R[,2]>=1e-6])
  R2max <- max((R[,2])[R[,2]>=1e-6])
  temp <- cbind(runif(nk,R1min,R1max),runif(nk,R2min,R2max))
  temp <- temp[order(temp[,2]),]
  mu <- temp
  sdR1 <- sd((R[,1])[R[,1]>=1e-6])
  sdR2 <- sd((R[,2])[R[,2]>=1e-6])
  for (j in 1:nk){
    temp <- matrix(runif(4,0.0001,max(sdR1,sdR2)), ncol=2)
    temp[1,2] <- temp[2,1] <- runif(1,-1,1)* sqrt(prod(diag(temp)))
    sig[, ,j] <- temp

  pie <- matrix(sort(c(runif(1, 0, 0.01),runif(nk-1, 0, 1))), nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE )

  delta <- c(6,runif(nk-1, 0,1)) 
  delta <- delta/sum(delta)

    temp <- hmm0norm2d(R, Z, pie, gamma, mu, sig, delta)
    if( LL <= temp$LL){
      HMMest <- temp
      LL =HMMest$LL
      eval(parse(text=paste('HMM',kk,'est = HMMest',sep="")))
#      eval(parse(text=paste('save(HMM',kk,'est, file="HMM',kk,'est.image")',sep='')))
## Uncomment the line above if you would like to save the result into a .image file.
   }, error=function(e){})

Tremor data in the Kii region in 2002 and 2003 for use in function hmm0norm2d


A data frame containing a subset (in years 2002 and 2003) of Kii tremor data used in Wang et al. (2018). The columns are named "year", "month", "day", "hour", "lat", "lon".

We provide some R code in the Examples below for how to convert this dataset into the variables R and Z used in the function hmm0norm2d. This dataset can be obtained directly from the Slow Earthquake Database

If you have your own way to convert the data into the variables R and Z, then you can go to the function hmm0norm2d directly.




A data frame with 1112 rows, each row representing the hour in which tremor events occurred. It contains the following variables:

year, month, day, hour

time of tremor occurrence.


latitude of the tremor event in that hour.


longitude of the tremor event in that hour.


Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Buckby, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2018) Identifying the recurrence patterns of non-volcanic tremors using a 2D hidden Markov model with extra zeros. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2017JB015360. Obara, K., Tanaka, S., Maeda, T., & Matsuzawa, T. (2010) Depth-dependent activity of non-volcanic tremor in southwest Japan, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L13306. doi:10.1029/2010GL043679. Maeda, T., & Obara. K. (2009) Spatio-temporal distribution of seismic energy radiation from low-frequency tremor in western Shikoku, Japan, J. Geophys. Res., 114, B00A09, doi:10.1029/2008JB006043.

See Also



year <- Kii$year
month <- Kii$month
day <- Kii$day
hour <- Kii$hour
lat <- Kii$lat
lon <- Kii$lon

## Transform the time into days*100+hour. Can use other transformation.
## The purpose is to make sure that each hour of a day has a unique number.
xd <- NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(Kii))
  xd[i] <- julian(as.Date(paste(year[i],month[i],day[i],sep="-")))*100+hour[i]

## Create a unique number for each hour in the years 2002 and 2003
## This is to match with xd above, so that we can create the Z variable
## which is 0 for the hours without any tremor occurrence and
## 1 for the hours with tremor events.
a <- seq( julian(as.Date("2002-01-01")), julian(as.Date("2002-12-31")), 1 )*100
b <- seq( julian(as.Date("2003-01-01")), julian(as.Date("2003-12-31")), 1 )*100
aa <- rep(a,each=24)+rep(0:23,times=length(a))
bb <- rep(b,each=24)+rep(0:23,times=length(b))

## Combine all the tremor events which occurred 
## in the same hour to be one tremor cluster.
## Kii has maximum 4 events in the same hour 
## so we used the code below.
## One can adjust the code for regions with more 
## tremor events in the same hour.
## indt: actual time as in each hour
Time <- c(aa,bb)
lt <- length(Time)
indt <- 1:lt

Tim <- Lat <- Lon <- NULL
j <- 1
while (j <= nrow(Kii)-3){
  i <- j
  if (xd[i+3]==xd[i] & xd[i+2]==xd[i] & xd[i+1]==xd[i]){
    Tim <- append(Tim,xd[i])
    Lat <- append(Lat,mean(lat[i:(i+3)]))
    Lon <- append(Lon,mean(lon[i:(i+3)]))
    j <- i+4
    if (xd[i+2]==xd[i] & xd[i+1]==xd[i]){
      Tim <- append(Tim,xd[i])
      Lat <- append(Lat,mean(lat[i:(i+2)]))
      Lon <- append(Lon,mean(lon[i:(i+2)]))
      j <- i+3
      if (xd[i+1]==xd[i]){
        Tim <- append(Tim,xd[i])
        Lat <- append(Lat,mean(lat[i:(i+1)]))
        Lon <- append(Lon,mean(lon[i:(i+1)]))
        j <- i+2
        Tim <- append(Tim,xd[i])
        Lat <- append(Lat,lat[i])
        Lon <- append(Lon,lon[i])
        j <- i+1
Tim <- append(Tim,xd[(nrow(Kii)-1):nrow(Kii)])
Lat <- append(Lat,lat[(nrow(Kii)-1):nrow(Kii)])
Lon <- append(Lon,lon[(nrow(Kii)-1):nrow(Kii)])

## Create a data frame in which each hour is a point
## Those hours when there was no tremor, we set the 
## number of tremors as 0

data1 <- array(0,dim=c(lt,3))
Thour <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(Tim)){
  use <- Time==Tim[i]
  idtem <- (1:lt)[use]
  Thour <- append(Thour,idtem)
  data1[idtem,2] <- Lat[i]
  data1[idtem,3] <- Lon[i]
data1[,1] <- indt ## Every hour is one time point

###########   Data for time series analysis   #############  
lt <- length(indt)
Z <- rep(0,lt)
Z[Thour] <- 1
R <- data1[,2:3]

# Setting up initial values for analysing real-world data
## nk is the number of states for the fitted model
### In this example we use nk=3

LL <- -10^200 ## A very small value to compare with
## the log likelihood from the model

nk = 3

gamma <- array(NA,dim=c(nk,nk))
mu <- array(NA,dim=c(nk,2))
sig <- array(NA,dim=c(2,2,nk))
pie <- array(NA,dim=c(1,nk))

kk <- 1
N <- 2
  temp <- matrix(runif(nk*nk,0,1),ncol=nk)
  diag(temp) = diag(temp) + rpois(1,6) * apply(temp, 1, sum)
  temp <- temp * matrix(rep(1/apply(temp, 1, sum), ncol(temp)), ncol=ncol(temp), byrow=FALSE)
  gamma <- temp
  R1min <- min((R[,1])[R[,1]>=1e-6])
  R1max <- max((R[,1])[R[,1]>=1e-6])
  R2min <- min((R[,2])[R[,2]>=1e-6])
  R2max <- max((R[,2])[R[,2]>=1e-6])
  temp <- cbind(runif(nk,R1min,R1max),runif(nk,R2min,R2max))
  temp <- temp[order(temp[,2]),]
  mu <- temp
  sdR1 <- sd((R[,1])[R[,1]>=1e-6])
  sdR2 <- sd((R[,2])[R[,2]>=1e-6])
  for (j in 1:nk){
    temp <- matrix(runif(4,0.0001,max(sdR1,sdR2)), ncol=2)
    temp[1,2] <- temp[2,1] <- runif(1,-1,1)* sqrt(prod(diag(temp)))
    sig[, ,j] <- temp
  pie <- matrix(sort(c(runif(1, 0, 0.01),runif(nk-1, 0, 1))), nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE )
  delta <- c(6,runif(nk-1, 0,1)) 
  delta <- delta/sum(delta)
    temp <- hmm0norm2d(R, Z, pie, gamma, mu, sig, delta)
    if( LL <= temp$LL){
      HMMest <- temp
      LL =HMMest$LL
      eval(parse(text=paste('HMM',kk,'est = HMMest',sep="")))
#      eval(parse(text=paste('save(HMM',kk,'est, file="HMM',kk,'est.image")',sep='')))
## Uncomment the line above if you would like to save the result into a .image file.
  }, error=function(e){})

Plot the Classified 2-D Data of a Bivariate HMM With Extra Zeros


Plot the classified 2-D data with different colours representing different hidden states (or different clusters) obtained from the Viterbi path and confidence contours.


plotVitloc2d(object, R, Z, HMMest, CI.level=0.95, npoints=100, cols=NA, 
cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, cex=1, cex.text=2)



is a list containing y (the estimated Viterbi path) and v (the estimated probability of each time point being in each state). This object is returned from running Viterbi.hmm0norm2d(R, Z, HMMest).


is the observed data. R is a T2T * 2 matrix, where TT is the number of observations.


is the binary data with the value 1 indicating that an event was observed and 0 otherwise. Z is a vector of length TT.


is a list which contains pie, gamma, sig, mu, and delta (the bivariate HMM parameter estimates).


is a scalar or a vector, the confidence level for the ellipse contour of each state. Default is 0.95.


is the number of points used in the ellipse. Default is 100.


is a vector defines the colors to be used for different states. If col=NA, then the default colors will be used.


specifies the size of the axis label text.


specifies the size of the tick label numbers/text.


specifies the size of the points.


specifies the size of the text indicting the state number.


Ting Wang and Jiancang Zhuang


Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Buckby, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2018) Identifying the recurrence patterns of non-volcanic tremors using a 2D hidden Markov model with extra zeros. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2017JB015360.


pie <- c(0.008,0.2,0.4)
gamma <- matrix(c(0.99,0.007,0.003,
                  0.04,0.01,0.95),byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
mu <- matrix(c(35.03,137.01,
sig <- array(NA,dim=c(2,2,3))
sig[,,1] <- matrix(c(0.005, -0.001,
sig[,,2] <- matrix(c(0.0007,-0.0002,
sig[,,3] <- matrix(c(0.002,0.0018,
delta <- c(1,0,0)
y <- sim.hmm0norm2d(mu,sig,pie,gamma,delta, nsim=5000)
R <- y$x
Z <- y$z
HMMEST <- hmm0norm2d(R, Z, pie, gamma, mu, sig, delta)
Viterbi3 <- Viterbi.hmm0norm2d(R,Z,HMMEST)
plotVitloc2d(Viterbi3, R, Z,HMMEST)

Plot the Viterbi Path of a Bivariate HMM With Extra Zeros


Plot the 2-D data, Viterbi path and the probability of each time point being in each state over time.


plotVitpath2d(object, R, Z, HMMest, len.dat=96432, varb=8780,
  yearstart=2005, yearend=2012, cols=NA, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5)



is a list containing y (the estimated Viterbi path) and v (the estimated probability of each time point being in each state). This object is returned from running Viterbi.hmm0norm2d(R, Z, HMMest).


is the observed data. R is a T2T * 2 matrix, where TT is the number of observations.


is the binary data with the value 1 indicating that an event was observed and 0 otherwise. Z is a vector of length TT.


is a list which contains pie, gamma, sig, mu, and delta (the bivariate HMM parameter estimates).


is the length of the data, that is, the number of time points. Default is 96432.


is an integer indicating the length of data that will be ploted on each page. The default is 8780.


is the starting year of the data used. Default is 2005.


is the end year of the data used. Default is 2012.


is a vector defines the colors to be used for different states. If col=NA, then the default colors will be used.


specifies the size of the axis label text.


specifies the size of the tick label numbers/text.


The returned object has four panels. Top two panels: Observed latitudes and longitudes with the center μ^i\hat{\mu}_i of each state overlaid as the red lines; third panel: tracked most likely state sequence of the HMM; bottom panel: the estimated probability of the data being in each state, with blank representing the probability of being in the last state (typically the plot looks better if the last state represents the background state with the minimum proportion of tremor occurrence). Some example plots are in the supplementary file of the reference Wang et al. (2018).


Ting Wang and Jiancang Zhuang


Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Buckby, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2018) Identifying the recurrence patterns of non-volcanic tremors using a 2D hidden Markov model with extra zeros. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2017JB015360.


pie <- c(0.008,0.2,0.4)
gamma <- matrix(c(0.99,0.007,0.003,
                  0.04,0.01,0.95),byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
mu <- matrix(c(35.03,137.01,
sig <- array(NA,dim=c(2,2,3))
sig[,,1] <- matrix(c(0.005, -0.001,
sig[,,2] <- matrix(c(0.0007,-0.0002,
sig[,,3] <- matrix(c(0.002,0.0018,
delta <- c(1,0,0)
y <- sim.hmm0norm2d(mu,sig,pie,gamma,delta, nsim=5000)
R <- y$x
Z <- y$z
HMMEST <- hmm0norm2d(R, Z, pie, gamma, mu, sig, delta)
Viterbi3 <- Viterbi.hmm0norm2d(R,Z,HMMEST)
plotVitpath2d(Viterbi3, R, Z,HMMEST,len.dat=5000,varb=5000,yearstart=2005, yearend=2005)

Simulation of a 1-D HMM with Extra Zeros


Simulates the observed process and the associated binary variable of a 1-D HMM with extra zeros.


sim.hmm0norm(mu, sig, pie, gamma, delta, nsim = 1, seed = NULL)



is a vector of length mm, the jjth element of which is the probability of Z=1Z=1 when the process is in state jj.


is the transition probability matrix (mmm * m) of the hidden Markov chain.


is a 1m1 * m matrix, the jjth element of which is the mean of the (Gaussian) distribution of the observations in state jj.


is a 1m1 * m matrix, the jjth element of which is the standard deviation of the (Gaussian) distribution of the observations in state jj.


is a vector of length mm, the initial distribution vector of the Markov chain.


is an integer, the number of observations to simulate.


is the seed for simulation. Default seed=NULL.



is the simulated observed process.


is the simulated binary data with the value 1 indicating that an event was observed and 0 otherwise.


is the simulated hidden Markov chain.


Ting Wang


Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2016) Hidden Markov Modeling of Sparse Time Series from Non-volcanic Tremor Observations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, Applied Statistics, 66, Part 4, 691-715.


pie <- c(0.002,0.2,0.4)
gamma <- matrix(c(0.99,0.007,0.003,
                  0.04,0.01,0.95),byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
mu <- matrix(c(0.3,0.7,0.2),nrow=1)
sig <- matrix(c(0.2,0.1,0.1),nrow=1)
delta <- c(1,0,0)
y <- sim.hmm0norm(mu,sig,pie,gamma,delta, nsim=5000)

Simulation of a Bivariate HMM with Extra Zeros


Simulates the observed process and the associated binary variable of a bivariate HMM with extra zeros.


sim.hmm0norm2d(mu, sig, pie, gamma, delta, nsim = 1, mc.hist = NULL, seed = NULL)



is a vector of length mm, the jjth element of which is the probability of Z=1Z=1 when the process is in state jj.


is the transition probability matrix (mmm * m) of the hidden Markov chain.


is an m2m * 2 matrix, the jjth row of which is the mean of the bivariate (Gaussian) distribution of the observations in state jj.


is a 22m2 * 2 * m array. The matrix sig[,,j] is the variance-covariance matrix of the bivariate (Gaussian) distribution of the observations in state jj.


is a vector of length mm, the initial distribution vector of the Markov chain.


is an integer, the number of observations to simulate.


is a vector containing the history of the hidden Markov chain. This is mainly used for forecasting. If we fit an HMM to the data, and obtained the Viterbi path for the data, we can let mc.hist equal to the Viterbi path and then forecast futrue steps by simulation.


is the seed for simulation. Default seed=NULL.



is the simulated observed process.


is the simulated binary data with the value 1 indicating that an event was observed and 0 otherwise.


is the simulated hidden Markov chain.


Ting Wang


Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Buckby, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2018) Identifying the recurrence patterns of non-volcanic tremors using a 2D hidden Markov model with extra zeros. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2017JB015360.


## Simulating a sequence of data without using any history.
pie <- c(0.002,0.2,0.4)
gamma <- matrix(c(0.99,0.007,0.003,
                  0.04,0.01,0.95),byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
mu <- matrix(c(35.03,137.01,
sig <- array(NA,dim=c(2,2,3))
sig[,,1] <- matrix(c(0.005, -0.001,
sig[,,2] <- matrix(c(0.0007,-0.0002,
sig[,,3] <- matrix(c(0.002,0.0018,
delta <- c(1,0,0)
y <- sim.hmm0norm2d(mu,sig,pie,gamma,delta, nsim=5000)

## Forecast future tremor occurrences and locations when tremor occurs.
R <- y$x
Z <- y$z
HMMEST <- hmm0norm2d(R, Z, pie, gamma, mu, sig, delta)
Viterbi3 <- Viterbi.hmm0norm2d(R,Z,HMMEST)
y <- sim.hmm0norm2d(mu,sig,pie,gamma,delta,nsim=2,mc.hist=Viterbi3$y)
# This only forecasts two steps forward when we use nsim=2. 
# One can increase nsim to get longer simulated forecasts.

Viterbi Path of a 1-D HMM with Extra Zeros


Finds the most probable sequence of hidden states of an observed process.


Viterbi.hmm0norm(R, Z, HMMest)



is the observed data. R is a T1T * 1 matrix, where TT is the number of observations.


is the binary data with the value 1 indicating that an event was observed and 0 otherwise. Z is a vector of length TT.


is a list which contains pie, gamma, sig, mu, and delta (the HMM parameter estimates).



is the estimated Viterbi path.


is the estimated probability of each time point being in each state.


Ting Wang


Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2016) Hidden Markov Modeling of Sparse Time Series from Non-volcanic Tremor Observations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, Applied Statistics, 66, Part 4, 691-715.


pie <- c(0.002,0.2,0.4)
gamma <- matrix(c(0.99,0.007,0.003,
                  0.04,0.01,0.95),byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
mu <- matrix(c(0.3,0.7,0.2),nrow=1)
sig <- matrix(c(0.2,0.1,0.1),nrow=1)
delta <- c(1,0,0)
y <- sim.hmm0norm(mu,sig,pie,gamma,delta, nsim=5000)
R <- as.matrix(y$x,ncol=1)
Z <- y$z
HMMEST <- hmm0norm(R, Z, pie, gamma, mu, sig, delta)
Viterbi3 <- Viterbi.hmm0norm(R,Z,HMMEST)

Viterbi Path of a Bivariate HMM with Extra Zeros


Finds the most probable sequence of hidden states of an observed process of a bivariate HMM with extra zeros.


Viterbi.hmm0norm2d(R, Z, HMMest)



is the observed data. R is a T2T * 2 matrix, where TT is the number of observations.


is the binary data with the value 1 indicating that an event was observed and 0 otherwise. Z is a vector of length TT.


is a list which contains pie, gamma, sig, mu, and delta (the bivariate HMM parameter estimates).



is the estimated Viterbi path.


is the estimated probability of each time point being in each state.


Ting Wang


Wang, T., Zhuang, J., Buckby, J., Obara, K. and Tsuruoka, H. (2018) Identifying the recurrence patterns of non-volcanic tremors using a 2D hidden Markov model with extra zeros. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2017JB015360.


pie <- c(0.002,0.2,0.4)
gamma <- matrix(c(0.99,0.007,0.003,
                  0.04,0.01,0.95),byrow=TRUE, nrow=3)
mu <- matrix(c(35.03,137.01,
sig <- array(NA,dim=c(2,2,3))
sig[,,1] <- matrix(c(0.005, -0.001,
sig[,,2] <- matrix(c(0.0007,-0.0002,
sig[,,3] <- matrix(c(0.002,0.0018,
delta <- c(1,0,0)
y <- sim.hmm0norm2d(mu,sig,pie,gamma,delta, nsim=5000)
R <- y$x
Z <- y$z
HMMEST <- hmm0norm2d(R, Z, pie, gamma, mu, sig, delta)
Viterbi3 <- Viterbi.hmm0norm2d(R,Z,HMMEST)