Package 'GenOrd'

Title: Simulation of Discrete Random Variables with Given Correlation Matrix and Marginal Distributions
Description: A gaussian copula based procedure for generating samples from discrete random variables with prescribed correlation matrix and marginal distributions.
Authors: Alessandro Barbiero, Pier Alda Ferrari
Maintainer: Alessandro Barbiero <>
License: GPL
Version: 1.4.0
Built: 2025-03-06 06:39:44 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Simulation of Discrete Random Variables with Given Correlation Matrix and Marginal Distributions


The package implements a procedure for generating samples from a multivariate discrete random variable with pre-specified correlation matrix and marginal distributions. The marginal distributions are linked together through a gaussian copula. The procedure is developed in two steps: the first step (function ordcont) sets up the gaussian copula in order to achieve the desired correlation matrix on the target random discrete components; the second step (ordsample) generates samples from the target variables. The procedure can handle both Pearson's and Spearman's correlations, and any finite support for the discrete variables. The intermediate function contord computes the correlations of the multivariate discrete variable derived from correlated normal variables through discretization. Function corrcheck returns the lower and upper bounds of the correlation coefficient of each pair of discrete variables given their marginal distributions, i.e., returns the range of feasible bivariate correlations.

This version has fixed some drawbacks in terminology in the previous version; the only actual change concerns the parameter cormat in the ordsample function. Further examples of implementation have been added.


Package: GenOrd
Type: Package
Version: 1.4.0
Date: 2015-09-11
License: GPL
LazyLoad: yes


Alessandro Barbiero, Pier Alda Ferrari

Maintainer: Alessandro Barbiero <>


P.A. Ferrari, A. Barbiero (2012) Simulating ordinal data, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 47(4), 566-589

A. Barbiero, P.A. Ferrari (2014) Simulation of correlated Poisson variables. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, doi 10.1002/asmb.2072

See Also

contord, ordcont, corrcheck, ordsample

Correlations of discretized variables


The function computes the correlation matrix of the kk variables, with given marginal distributions, derived discretizing a kk-variate standard normal variable with given correlation matrix


contord(marginal, Sigma, support = list(), Spearman = FALSE)



a list of kk elements, where kk is the number of variables. The ii-th element of marginal is the vector of the cumulative probabilities defining the marginal distribution of the ii-th component of the multivariate variable. If the ii-th component can take kik_i values, the ii-th element of marginal will contain ki1k_i-1 probabilities (the kik_i-th is obviously 1 and shall not be included).


the correlation matrix of the standard multivariate normal variable


a list of kk elements, where kk is the number of variables. The ii-th element of support is the vector containing the ordered values of the support of the ii-th variable. By default, the support of the ii-th variable is 1,2,...,ki1,2,...,k_i


if TRUE, the function finds Spearman's correlations (and it is not necessary to provide support), if FALSE (default) Pearson's correlations


the correlation matrix of the discretized variables


Alessandro Barbiero, Pier Alda Ferrari

See Also

ordcont, ordsample, corrcheck


# consider 4 discrete variables
k <- 4
# with these marginal distributions
marginal <- list(0.4,c(0.3,0.6), c(0.25,0.5,0.75), c(0.1,0.2,0.8,0.9))
# generated discretizing a multivariate standard normal variable
# with correlation matrix
Sigma <- matrix(0.5,4,4)
diag(Sigma) <- 1
# the resulting correlation matrix for the discrete variables is
contord(marginal, Sigma)
# note all the correlations are smaller than the original 0.6
# change Sigma, adding a negative correlation
Sigma[1,2] <- -0.15
Sigma[2,1] <- Sigma[1,2]
# checking whether Sigma is still positive definite
eigen(Sigma)$values # all >0, OK
contord(marginal, Sigma)

Checking correlations for feasibility


The function returns the lower and upper bounds of the correlation coefficients of each pair of discrete variables given their marginal distributions, i.e., returns the range of feasible bivariate correlations.


corrcheck(marginal, support = list(), Spearman = FALSE)



a list of kk elements, where kk is the number of variables. The ii-th element of marginal is the vector of the cumulative probabilities defining the marginal distribution of the ii-th component of the multivariate variable. If the ii-th component can take kik_i values, the ii-th element of marginal will contain ki1k_i-1 probabilities (the kik_i-th is obviously 1 and shall not be included).


a list of kk elements, where kk is the number of variables. The ii-th element of support is the vector containing the ordered values of the support of the ii-th variable. By default, the support of the ii-th variable is 1,2,...,ki1,2,...,k_i


TRUE if we consider Spearman's correlation, FALSE (default) if we consider Pearson's correlation


The functions returns a list of two matrices: the former contains the lower bounds, the latter the upper bounds of the feasible pairwise correlations (on the extra-diagonal elements)


Alessandro Barbiero, Pier Alda Ferrari

See Also

contord, ordcont, ordsample


# four variables
k <- 4
# with 2, 3, 4, and 5 categories (Likert scales, by default)
kj <- c(2,3,4,5)
# and these marginal distributions (set of cumulative probabilities)
marginal <- list(0.4, c(0.6,0.9), c(0.1,0.2,0.4), c(0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9))
corrcheck(marginal) # lower and upper bounds for Pearson's rho
corrcheck(marginal, Spearman=TRUE) # lower and upper bounds for Spearman's rho
# change the supports
support <- list(c(0,1), c(1,2,4), c(1,2,3,4), c(0,1,2,5,10))
corrcheck(marginal, support=support) # updated bounds

Computing the "intermediate" correlation matrix for the multivariate standard normal in order to achieve the "target" correlation matrix for the multivariate discrete variable


The function computes the correlation matrix of the kk-dimensional standard normal r.v. yielding the desired correlation matrix Sigma for the kk-dimensional r.v. with desired marginal distributions marginal


ordcont(marginal, Sigma, support = list(), Spearman = FALSE,
epsilon = 1e-06, maxit = 100)



a list of kk elements, where kk is the number of variables. The ii-th element of marginal is the vector of the cumulative probabilities defining the marginal distribution of the ii-th component of the multivariate variable. If the ii-th component can take kik_i values, the ii-th element of marginal will contain ki1k_i-1 probabilities (the kik_i-th is obviously 1 and shall not be included).


the target correlation matrix of the discrete variables


a list of kk elements, where kk is the number of variables. The ii-th element of support is the vector containing the ordered values of the support of the ii-th variable. By default, the support of the ii-th variable is 1,2,...,ki1,2,...,k_i


if TRUE, the function finds Spearman's correlations (and it is not necessary to provide support), if FALSE (default) Pearson's correlations


the maximum tolerated error between target and actual correlations


the maximum number of iterations allowed for the algorithm


a list of five elements


the correlation matrix of the multivariate standard normal variable


the actual correlation matrix of the discretized variables (it should approximately coincide with the target correlation matrix Sigma)


the target correlation matrix of the discrete variables


a matrix containing the number of iterations performed by the algorithm, one for each pair of variables


the actual maximum error (the maximum absolute deviation between actual and target correlations of the discrete variables)


For some choices of marginal and Sigma, there may not exist a feasible kk-variate probability mass function or the algorithm may not provide a feasible correlation matrix SigmaC. In this case, the procedure stops and exits with an error. The value of the maximum tolerated absolute error epsilon on the elements of the correlation matrix for the target r.v. can be set by the user: a value between 1e-6 and 1e-2 seems to be an acceptable compromise assuring both the precision of the results and the convergence of the algorithm; moreover, a maximum number of iterations can be chosen (maxit), in order to avoid possible endless loops


Alessandro Barbiero, Pier Alda Ferrari

See Also

contord, ordsample, corrcheck


# consider a 4-dimensional ordinal variable
k <- 4
# with different number of categories
kj <- c(2,3,4,5)
# and uniform marginal distributions
marginal <- list(0.5, (1:2)/3, (1:3)/4, (1:4)/5)
# and the following correlation matrix
Sigma <- matrix(c(1,0.5,0.4,0.3,0.5,1,0.5,0.4,0.4,0.5,1,0.5,0.3,0.4,0.5,1),
4, 4, byrow=TRUE)
# the correlation matrix of the standard 4-dimensional standard normal
# ensuring Sigma is
res <- ordcont(marginal, Sigma)
# change some marginal distributions
marginal <- list(0.3, c(1/3, 2/3), c(1/5, 2/5, 3/5), c(0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6))
# and notice how the correlation matrix of the multivariate normal changes...
res <- ordcont(marginal, Sigma)
# change Sigma, adding a negative correlation
Sigma[1,2] <- -0.2
Sigma[2,1] <- Sigma[1,2]
# checking whether Sigma is still positive definite
eigen(Sigma)$values # all >0, OK
res <- ordcont(marginal, Sigma)

Drawing a sample of discrete data


The function draws a sample from a multivariate discrete variable with correlation matrix Sigma and prescribed marginal distributions marginal


ordsample(n, marginal, Sigma, support = list(), Spearman = FALSE,
cormat = "discrete")



the sample size


a list of kk elements, where kk is the number of variables. The ii-th element of marginal is the vector of the cumulative probabilities defining the marginal distribution of the ii-th component of the multivariate variable. If the ii-th component can take kik_i values, the ii-th element of marginal will contain ki1k_i-1 probabilities (the kik_i-th is obviously 1 and shall not be included).


the target correlation matrix of the multivariate discrete variable


a list of kk elements, where kk is the number of variables. The ii-th element of support is the vector containing the ordered values of the support of the ii-th variable. By default, the support of the ii-th variable is 1,2,...,ki1,2,...,k_i


if TRUE, the function finds Spearman's correlations (and it is not necessary to provide support), if FALSE (default) Pearson's correlations


"discrete" if the Sigma in input is the target correlation matrix of the multivariate discrete variable; "continuous" if the Sigma in input is the intermediate correlation matrix of the multivariate standard normal


a n×kn\times k matrix of values drawn from the kk-variate discrete r.v. with the desired marginal distributions and correlation matrix


Alessandro Barbiero, Pier Alda Ferrari

See Also

contord, ordcont, corrcheck


# Example 1

# draw a sample from a bivariate ordinal variable
# with 4 of categories and asymmetrical marginal distributions
# and correlation coefficient 0.6 (to be checked)
k <- 2
marginal <- list(c(0.1,0.3,0.6), c(0.4,0.7,0.9))
corrcheck(marginal) # check ok
Sigma <- matrix(c(1,0.6,0.6,1),2,2)
# sample size 1000
n <- 1000
# generate a sample of size n
m <- ordsample(n, marginal, Sigma)
# sample correlation matrix
cor(m) # compare it with Sigma
# empirical marginal distributions
cumsum(table(m[,2]))/n # compare them with the two marginal distributions

# Example 1bis

# draw a sample from a bivariate ordinal variable
# with 4 of categories and asymmetrical marginal distributions
# and Spearman correlation coefficient 0.6 (to be checked)
k <- 2
marginal <- list(c(0.1,0.3,0.6), c(0.4,0.7,0.9))
corrcheck(marginal, Spearman=TRUE) # check ok
Sigma <- matrix(c(1,0.6,0.6,1),2,2)
# sample size 1000
n <- 1000
# generate a sample of size n
m <- ordsample(n, marginal, Sigma, Spearman=TRUE)
# sample correlation matrix
cor(rank(m[,1]),rank(m[,2])) # compare it with Sigma
# empirical marginal distributions
cumsum(table(m[,2]))/n # compare them with the two marginal distributions

# Example 1ter

# draw a sample from a bivariate random variable
# with binomial marginal distributions (n=3, p=1/3 and n=4, p=2/3)
# and Pearson correlation coefficient 0.6 (to be checked)
k <- 2
marginal <- list(pbinom(0:2, 3, 1/3),pbinom(0:3, 4, 2/3))
corrcheck(marginal, support=list(0:3, 0:4)) # check ok
Sigma <- matrix(c(1,0.6,0.6,1),2,2)
# sample size 1000
n <- 1000
# generate a sample of size n
m <- ordsample(n, marginal, Sigma, support=list(0:3,0:4))
# sample correlation matrix
cor(m) # compare it with Sigma
# empirical marginal distributions
cumsum(table(m[,2]))/n # compare them with the two marginal distributions

# Example 2

# draw a sample from a 4-dimensional ordinal variable
# with different number of categories and uniform marginal distributions
# and different correlation coefficients
k <- 4
marginal <- list(0.5, c(1/3,2/3), c(1/4,2/4,3/4), c(1/5,2/5,3/5,4/5))
# select a feasible correlation matrix
Sigma <- matrix(c(1,0.5,0.4,0.3,0.5,1,0.5,0.4,0.4,0.5,1,0.5,0.3,0.4,0.5,1),
4, 4, byrow=TRUE)
# sample size 100
n <- 100
# generate a sample of size n
m <- ordsample(n, marginal, Sigma)
# sample correlation matrix
cor(m) # compare it with Sigma
# empirical marginal distribution
cumsum(table(m[,4]))/n # compare it with the fourth marginal
# or equivalently...
res <- ordcont(marginal, Sigma)
res[[1]] # the intermediate correlation matrix of the multivariate normal
m <- ordsample(n, marginal, res[[1]], cormat="continuous")

# Example 3
# simulation of two correlated Poisson r.v.
# modification to GenOrd sampling function for Poisson distribution
ordsamplep<-function (n, lambda, Sigma) 
   k <- length(lambda)
   valori <- mvrnorm(n, rep(0, k), Sigma)
   for (i in 1:k)
   valori[, i] <- qpois(pnorm(valori[,i]), lambda[i])
# number of variables
k <- 2
# Poisson parameters
lambda <- c(2, 5)
# correlation matrix
Sigma <- matrix(0.25, 2, 2)
diag(Sigma) <- 1
# sample size
n <- 10000
# preliminar stage: support TRUNCATION
# required for recovering the correlation matrix
# of the standard bivariate normal
# truncation error
epsilon <- 0.0001
# corresponding maximum value
kmax <- qpois(1-epsilon, lambda)
# truncated marginals
l <- list()
for(i in 1:k)
l[[i]] <- 0:kmax[i]
marg <- list()
for(i in 1:k)
marg[[i]] <- dpois(0:kmax[i],lambda[i])
marg[[i]][kmax[i]+1] <- 1-sum(marg[[i]][1:(kmax[i])])
cm <- list()
for(i in 1:k)
cm[[i]] <- cumsum(marg[[i]])
cm[[i]] <- cm[[i]][-(kmax[i]+1)]
# check feasibility of correlation matrix
RB <- corrcheck(cm, support=l)
RL <- RB[[1]]
RU <- RB[[2]]
Sigma <= RU & Sigma >= RL # OK
res <- ordcont(cm, Sigma, support=l)
Sigma <- res[[1]]
# draw the sample
m <- ordsamplep(n, lambda, Sigma)
# sample correlation matrix

# Example 4
# simulation of 4 correlated binary and Poisson r.v.'s (2+2)
# modification to GenOrd sampling function
ordsamplep <- function (n, marginal, lambda, Sigma) 
k <- length(lambda)
valori <- mvrnorm(n, rep(0, k), Sigma)
for(i in 1:k)
	valori[, i] <- as.integer(cut(valori[, i], breaks = c(min(valori[,i]) - 1,
               qnorm(marginal[[i]]), max(valori[, i]) + 1)))
valori[, i] <- support[[i]][valori[, i]]
	valori[, i] <- qpois(pnorm(valori[,i]), lambda[i])
# number of variables
k <- 4
# Poisson parameters (only 3rd and 4th are Poisson)
lambda <- c(0, 0, 2, 5)
# 1st and 2nd are Bernoulli with p=0.5
marginal <- list()
marginal[[1]] <- .5
marginal[[2]] <- .5
marginal[[3]] <- 0
marginal[[4]] <- 0
# support
support <- list()
support[[1]] <- 0:1
support[[2]] <- 0:1
# correlation matrix
Sigma <- matrix(0.25, k, k)
diag(Sigma) <- 1
# sample size
n <- 10000
# preliminar stage: support TRUNCATION
# required for recovering the correlation matrix
# of the standard bivariate normal
# truncation error
epsilon <- 0.0001
# corresponding maximum value
kmax <- qpois(1-epsilon, lambda)
# truncated marginals
for(i in 3:4)
support[[i]] <- 0:kmax[i]
marg <- list()
for(i in 3:4)
marg[[i]] <- dpois(0:kmax[i],lambda[i])
marg[[i]][kmax[i]+1] <- 1-sum(marg[[i]][1:(kmax[i])])
for(i in 3:4)
marginal[[i]] <- cumsum(marg[[i]])
marginal[[i]] <- marginal[[i]][-(kmax[i]+1)]
# check feasibility of correlation matrix
RB <- corrcheck(marginal, support=support)
RL <- RB[[1]]
RU <- RB[[2]]
Sigma <= RU & Sigma >= RL # OK
# compute correlation matrix of the 4-variate standard normal
res <- ordcont(marginal, Sigma, support=support)
Sigma <- res[[1]]
# draw the sample
m <- ordsamplep(n, marginal, lambda, Sigma)
# sample correlation matrix