GWASinspector 1.6.4 (2023-05-15)
- Minor changes for compatibility with R v4.3.
- Main function names were renamed by replacing dot with underline.
GWASinspector 1.6.0 (2022-11-22)
- Due to problems with Java and rJava, XLSX package was replaced by OPENXLSX.
GWASinspector 1.5.7
- Some minor debugging was done.
- File order can be set with a string parameter.
- Allele frequency scatter plot is replaced with Smooth Scatter.
- Search of variants in the reference dataset is improved.
- A new column containing CHR:POS:EFF_ALL_OTHER_ALL can be added to the output files.
GWASinspector 1.4.8 (2020-07-28)
- Messages to the terminal can be supressed using 'verbose' parameter.
- New columns can be added to the output files indicating multi-allelic or HQ variants.
- Allele-frequency and RSID from the reference file can be added to the result files.
GWASinspector (2020-05-11)
- Summary statistics are generated seprately for HQ variants.
GWASinspector 1.4.7 (2020-04-22)
- data.table package (1.12.8) is now capable of directly writing gz files. This will be used for saving output zipped files.
- R.utils package is now added to dependecy list. This will be used to read gz files with data.table::fread() function.
GWASinspector 1.4
- Allele matching for Insertion/Deletion multi-allelic variants were improved.
- Report files were edited.
- Minor bug fixes.
- sample.inspector function is renamed to demo.inspector.
GWASinspector 1.3
- S4 object system is used for defining classes and main functions. Package is now much more disciplined compared to the previous version which was in S3.
- Printing of all log messages to the terminal can now be disabled by using suppressMessages() function.
- Minor improvement in code.
GWASinspector 1.2 (2019-09-25)
- "parameters" section in the configuration file was changed to "input_parameters"
- Configuration file sections are checked for consistency
- Output file names are changed from SNPs to vars. This is because they might contain INDELs too.
- Merging of data sets are done with data.table method instead of merge() function.
- Vignette is updated.
- Added compatibility for older versions of R.