Title: | Robust Estimation in the Presence of Cellwise and Casewise Contamination and Missing Data |
Description: | Robust Estimation of Multivariate Location and Scatter in the Presence of Cellwise and Casewise Contamination and Missing Data. |
Authors: | Andy Leung, Mike Danilov, Victor Yohai, Ruben Zamar |
Maintainer: | Claudio Agostinelli <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 4.2-1 |
Built: | 2025-03-03 06:51:33 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
This data set is taken from UCI repository, see reference. Past usage includes price prediction of cars using all numeric and boolean attributes (Kibler et al., 1989).
A data frame with 205 observations on the following 26 variables, of which 15 are quantitative and 11 are categorical. The following description is extracted from UCI repository (Frank and Asuncion, 2010):
Normalized-losses |
the relative average loss payment per insured vehicle year; ranged from 65 to 256 |
Make |
Vehicle's make |
Fuel-type |
diesel, gas |
Aspiration |
std, turbo |
Num-of-doors |
four, two |
Body-style |
hardtop, wagon, sedan, hatchback, convertible |
Drive-wheels |
4wd, fwd, rwd |
Engine-location |
front, rear |
Wheel-base |
continuous from 86.6 120.9 |
Length |
continuous from 141.1 to 208.1 |
Width |
continuous from 60.3 to 72.3 |
Height |
continuous from 47.8 to 59.8 |
Curb-weight |
continuous from 1488 to 4066 |
Engine-type |
dohc, dohcv, l, ohc, ohcf, ohcv, rotor |
Num-of-cylinders |
eight, five, four, six, three, twelve, two |
Engine-size |
continuous from 61 to 326 |
Fuel-system |
1bbl, 2bbl, 4bbl, idi, mfi, mpfi, spdi, spfi |
Bore |
continuous from 2.54 to 3.94 |
Stroke |
continuous from 2.07 to 4.17 |
Compression-ratio |
continuous from 7 to 23 |
Horsepower |
continuous from 48 to 288 |
Peak-rpm |
continuous from 4150 to 6600 |
City-mpg |
continuous from 13 to 49 |
Highway-mpg |
continuous from 16 to 54 |
Price |
continuous from 5118 to 45400 |
Symboling |
assigned insurance risk rating: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 |
The original data have been taken from the UCI Repository Of Machine Learning Databases at
Frank, A. & Asuncion, A. (2010). UCI Machine Learning Repository [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml]. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science.
Kibler, D., Aha, D.W., & Albert,M. (1989). Instance-based prediction of real-valued attributes. Computational Intelligence, Vol 5, 51–57.
Housing data for 506 census tracts of Boston from the 1970
census. The dataframe boston
contains the corrected data by Harrison and
Rubinfeld (1979). The data was for a few minor errors and augmented with the
latitude and longitude of the observations.
The original data can be found in the references below.
The original data are 506 observations on 14 variables,
being the target variable:
cmedv |
corrected median value of owner-occupied homes in USD 1000's |
crim |
per capita crime rate by town |
indus |
proportion of non-retail business acres per town |
nox |
nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million) |
rm |
average number of rooms per dwelling |
age |
proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940 |
dis |
weighted distances to five Boston employment centres |
rad |
index of accessibility to radial highways |
tax |
full-value property-tax rate per USD 10,000 |
ptratio |
pupil-teacher ratio by town |
b |
where is the proportion of blacks by town |
lstat |
percentage of lower status of the population |
The original data have been taken from the UCI Repository Of Machine Learning Databases at
the corrected data have been taken from Statlib at
https://dasl.datadescription.com/ (originally downloaded from lib.stat.cmu.edu/DASL/)
See Statlib and references there for details on the corrections. Both were converted to R format by Friedrich Leisch.
Harrison, D. and Rubinfeld, D.L. (1978). Hedonic prices and the demand for clean air. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 5, 81–102.
Gilley, O.W., and R. Kelley Pace (1996). On the Harrison and Rubinfeld Data. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 31, 403–405. [Provided corrections and examined censoring.]
Newman, D.J. & Hettich, S. & Blake, C.L. & Merz, C.J. (1998). UCI Repository of machine learning databases [http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mlearn/MLRepository.html]. Irvine, CA: University of California, Department of Information and Computer Science.
Pace, R. Kelley, and O.W. Gilley (1997). Using the Spatial Configuration of the Data to Improve Estimation. Journal of the Real Estate Finance and Economics, 14, 333–340. [Added georeferencing and spatial estimation.]
The Calcium data is from the article by Holcomb and Spalsbury (2005). The dataset used for class was compiled by Boyd, Delost, and Holcomb (1998) for the use of a study to determine if significant gender differences existed between subjects 65 years of age and older with regard to calcium, inorganic phosphorous, and alkaline phosphatase levels. Although the original data from Boyd, Delost, and Holcomb (1998) had observations needing investigation, Holcomb and Spalsbury (2005) further massaged the original data to include data problems and issues that have arisen in other research projects for pedagogical purposes.
A data frame with 178 observations on the following 8 variables.
obsno |
Patient Observation Number |
age |
Age in years |
sex |
1=Male, 2=Female |
alkphos |
Alkaline Phosphatase International Units/Liter |
lab |
1=Metpath; 2=Deyor; 3=St. Elizabeth's; 4=CB Rouche; 5=YOH; 6=Horizon |
cammol |
Calcium mmol/L |
phosmmol |
Inorganic Phosphorus mmol/L |
agegroup |
Age group 1=65-69; 2=70-74; 3=75-79; 4=80-84; 5=85-89 Years |
The original data have been taken from the Journal of Statistics Education Databases at
http://jse.amstat.org/datasets/calcium.dat.txt (originally downloaded from www.amstat.org/publications/jse/datasets/calcium.dat.txt),
the corrected data have been taken from Statlib at
http://jse.amstat.org/datasets/calciumgood.dat.txt (originally downloaded from www.amstat.org/publications/jse/datasets/calciumgood.dat.txt)
Boyd, J., Delost, M., and Holcomb, J., (1998). Calcium, phosphorus, and alkaline phosphatase laboratory values of elderly subjects, Clinical Laboratory Science, 11, 223-227.
Holcomb, J., and Spalsbury, A. (2005), Teaching Students to Use Summary Statistics and Graphics to Clean and Analyze Data. Journal of Statistics Education, 13, Number 3.
## Not run: data(calcium) ## remove the categorical variables calcium.cts <- subset(calcium, select=-c(obsno, sex, lab, agegroup) ) res <- GSE(calcium.cts) getOutliers(res) ## able to identify majority of the contaminated cases identified ## in the reference ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(calcium) ## remove the categorical variables calcium.cts <- subset(calcium, select=-c(obsno, sex, lab, agegroup) ) res <- GSE(calcium.cts) getOutliers(res) ## able to identify majority of the contaminated cases identified ## in the reference ## End(Not run)
Computes the Gaussian MLE via EM-algorithm for missing data.
CovEM(x, tol=0.001, maxiter=1000)
CovEM(x, tol=0.001, maxiter=1000)
x |
a matrix or data frame. May contain missing values, but cannot contain columns with completely missing entries. |
tol |
tolerance level for the maximum relative change of the estimates. Default is 0.001. |
maxiter |
maximum iteration for the EM algorithm. Default is 1000. |
An S4 object of class CovRobMiss-class
The output S4 object contains the following slots:
mu |
Estimated location. Can be accessed via getLocation . |
S |
Estimated scatter matrix. Can be accessed via getScatter . |
pmd |
Squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDist . |
pmd.adj |
Adjusted squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDistAdj . |
pu |
Dimension of the observed entries for each case. Can be accessed via getDim . |
call |
Object of class "language" . Not meant to be accessed. |
x |
Input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed. |
p |
Column dimension of input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed. |
Character string of the name of the estimator used. Not meant to be accessed. |
Mike Danilov, Andy Leung [email protected]
The Superclass of all the objects output from the various robust estimators of location
and scatter for missing data, which includes Generalized S-estimator GSE
, Extended Minimum Volumn
Ellipsoid emve
, and Huberized Pairwise HuberPairwise
. It can also be constructed
using the code partial.mahalanobis
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("CovRobMiss", ...)
but the best way of creating CovRobMiss
objects is a call to either of the folowing
, emve
, HuberPairwise
, and partial.mahalanobis
which all serve as a constructor.
Estimated location. Can be accessed via getLocation
Estimated scatter matrix. Can be accessed via getScatter
Square partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDist
Adjusted square partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDistAdj
Dimension of the observed entries for each case. Can be accessed via getDim
Object of class "language"
. Not meant to be accessed.
Input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed.
Column dimension of input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed.
Character string of the name of the estimator used. Not meant to be accessed.
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: display the object
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: calculate summary information
signature(object = "CovRobMiss", cutoff = "numeric")
: plot the object. See plot
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the squared partial Mahalanobis distances
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the adjusted squared partial Mahalanobis distances
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the dimension of observed entries for each case
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the estimated location vector
signature(object = "CovRobMiss", cutoff = "numeric")
: return the estimated scatter matrix
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the case number with completely missing data, if any
signature(object = "CovRobMiss", cutoff = "numeric")
: return the case number(s) adjusted squared
distances above (1 - cutoff)
th quantile of chi-square p-degrees of freedom.
Andy Leung [email protected]
, emve
, HuberPairwise
, partial.mahalanobis
The Superclass of the GSE-class
and emve-class
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("CovRobMissSc", ...)
but the best way of creating CovRobMissSc
objects is a call to either of the folowing
or emve
Estimated location. Can be accessed via getLocation
Estimated scatter matrix. Can be accessed via getScatter
Estimated M-scale (either GS-scale or MVE-scale). Can be accessed via getScale
Square partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDist
Adjusted square partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDistAdj
Dimension of the observed entries for each case. Can be accessed via getDim
Object of class "language"
. Not meant to be accessed.
Input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed.
Column dimension of input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed.
Character string of the name of the estimator used. Not meant to be accessed.
Class "CovRobMiss"
, directly.
In addition to methods inheritedfrom the class "CovRobMiss":
signature(object = "CovRobMissSc")
: return the GS-scale or MVE-scale of the best candidate.
Andy Leung [email protected]
Computes the Extended S-Estimate (ESE) version of the minimum volume ellipsoid (EMVE), which is used as an initial estimator in Generlized S-Estimator (GSE) for missing data by default.
emve(x, maxits=5, sampling=c("uniform","cluster"), n.resample, n.sub.size, seed)
emve(x, maxits=5, sampling=c("uniform","cluster"), n.resample, n.sub.size, seed)
x |
a matrix or data frame. May contain missing values, but cannot contain columns with completely missing entries. |
maxits |
integer indicating the maximum number of iterations of Gaussian MLE calculation for each subsample. Default is 5. |
sampling |
which sampling scheme is to use: 'uniform' or 'cluster' (see Leung and Zamar, 2016). Default is 'uniform'. |
n.resample |
integer indicating the number of subsamples. Default is 15 for clustering-based subsampling and 500 for uniform subsampling. |
n.sub.size |
integer indicating the sizes of each subsample. Default is 2(p+1)/a for clustering-based subsampling and (p+1)/a for uniform subsampling, where a is proportion of non-missing cells. |
seed |
optional starting value for random generator. Default is seed = 1000. |
This function computes EMVE as described in Danilov et al. (2012). Two subsampling schemes can be used for computing EMVE:
uniform subsampling and the clustering-based subsampling as described in Leung and Zamar (2016).
For uniform subsampling, the number of subsamples must be large to ensure high breakdown point. For clustering-based
subsampling, the number of subsamples can be smaller. The subsample size must be chosen to be larger than
to avoid singularity.
In the algorithm, there exists a concentration step in which Gaussian MLE is computed for of the data points using the
classical EM-algorithm multiplied by a scalar factor. This step is repeated for each subsample. As the computation can be heavy as the
number of subsample increases, we set by default the maximum number of iteration of classical EM-algorithm (i.e.
) as 5.
Users are encouraged to refer to Danilov et al. (2012) for details about the algorithm
and Rubin and Little (2002) for the classical EM-algorithm for missing data.
An S4 object of class emve-class
which is a subclass of the virtual class CovRobMissSc-class
The output S4 object contains the following slots:
mu |
Estimated location. Can be accessed via getLocation . |
S |
Estimated scatter matrix. Can be accessed via getScatter . |
sc |
Estimated EMVE scale. Can be accessed via getScale . |
pmd |
Squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDist . |
pmd.adj |
Adjusted squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDistAdj . |
pu |
Dimension of the observed entries for each case. Can be accessed via getDim . |
call |
Object of class "language" . Not meant to be accessed. |
x |
Input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed. |
p |
Column dimension of input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed. |
Character string of the name of the estimator used. Not meant to be accessed. |
Andy Leung [email protected], Ruben H. Zamar, Mike Danilov, Victor J. Yohai
Danilov, M., Yohai, V.J., Zamar, R.H. (2012). Robust Esimation of Multivariate Location and Scatter in the Presence of Missing Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 107, 1178–1186.
Leung, A. and Zamar, R.H. (2016). Multivariate Location and Scatter Matrix Estimation Under Cellwise and Casewise Contamination. Submitted.
Rubin, D.B. and Little, R.J.A. (2002). Statistical analysis with missing data (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.
Class of Extended Minimum Volume Ellipsoid. It has the superclass of CovRobMissSc
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("emve", ...)
but the best way of creating emve
objects is a call to the function
which serves as a constructor.
Estimated location. Can be accessed via getLocation
Estimated scatter matrix. Can be accessed via getScatter
Estimated EMVE scale. Can be accessed via getScale
Squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDist
Adjusted squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDistAdj
Dimension of the observed entries for each case. Can be accessed via getDim
Object of class "language"
. Not meant to be accessed.
Input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed.
Column dimension of input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed.
Character string of the name of the estimator used. Not meant to be accessed.
Class "CovRobMissSc"
, directly.
The following methods are defined with the superclass "CovRobMiss":
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: display the object
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: calculate summary information
signature(object = "CovRobMiss", cutoff = "numeric")
: plot the object. See plot
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the squared partial Mahalanobis distances
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the adjusted squared partial Mahalanobis distances
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the dimension of observed entries for each case
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the estimated location vector
signature(object = "CovRobMiss", cutoff = "numeric")
: return the estimated scatter matrix
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the case number(s) with completely missing data, if any
signature(object = "CovRobMiss", cutoff = "numeric")
: return the case number(s) adjusted squared
distances above (1 - cutoff)
th quantile of chi-square p-degrees of freedom.
In addition to above, the following methods are defined with the class "CovRobMissSc":
signature(object = "CovRobMissSc")
: return the MVE scale of the best candidate
Andy Leung [email protected]
, CovRobMissSc-class
, CovRobMiss-class
Geochemical data analyzed by Smith et al (1984). The variables in the data measures the contents (in parts per million) for 20 chemical elements (e.g., Copper and Zinc) in 53 samples of rocks in Western Australia.
The data contains 53 observations on 20 variables corresponding to the 20 chemical elements.
Smith, R.E., Campbell, N.A., Licheld, A. (1984). Multivariate statistical techniques applied to pisolitic laterite geochemistry at Golden Grove, Western Australia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 22, 193–216.
Agostinelli, C., Leung, A. , Yohai, V.J., and Zamar, R.H. (2014) Robust estimation of multivariate location and scatter in the presence of cellwise and casewise contamination. arXiv:1406.6031[math.ST]
## Not run: library(ICSNP) library(rrcov) data(geochem) n <- nrow(geochem) p <- ncol(geochem) # MLE res.ML <- list(mu=colMeans(geochem), S=cov(geochem)) # Tyler's M geochem.med <- apply(geochem,2,median,na.rm=TRUE) res.Tyler <- tyler.shape(geochem, location=geochem.med) res.Tyler <- res.Tyler*(median(mahalanobis( geochem, geochem.med, res.Tyler))/qchisq(0.5, df=p) ) res.Tyler <- list(mu=geochem.med, S=res.Tyler) # Rocke's Covariace res.Rock <- CovSest(geochem, method="rocke") res.Rock <- list(mu=res.Rock@center, S=res.Rock@cov) # Fast-MCD res.FMCD <- CovMcd( geochem) res.FMCD <- list(mu=res.FMCD@center, S=res.FMCD@cov) # MVE res.MVE <- CovMve( geochem) res.MVE <- list(mu=res.MVE@center, S=res.MVE@cov) # S-estimator with bisquare rho function res.S <- CovSest(geochem, method="bisquare") res.S <- list(mu=res.S@center, S=res.S@cov) # Fast-S res.FS <- CovSest(geochem) res.FS <- list(mu=res.FS@center, S=res.FS@cov) # 2SGS res.2SGS <- TSGS( geochem, seed=999 ) res.2SGS <- list(mu=res.2SGS@mu, S=res.2SGS@S) # Combine all the results geochem.res <- list(ML=res.ML, Tyler=res.Tyler, Rocke=res.Rock, MCD=res.FMCD, MVE=res.MVE, FS=res.FS, MVES=res.S, TSGS=res.2SGS) ## Compare LRT distances between different estimators res.tab <- data.frame( LRT.to.2SGS=c(slrt( res.ML$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.Tyler$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.Rock$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.FMCD$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.MVE$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.FS$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.S$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.2SGS$S, res.2SGS$S) )) row.names(res.tab) <- c("ML","Tyler","Rocke","MCD","MVE","FS","MVES","TSGS") # Calculate proportion of outliers cellwise pairwise.mahalanobis <- function(x, mu, S){ # function that computes pairwise mahalanobis distances p <- ncol(x) pairs.md <- c() for(i in 1:(p-1)) for(j in (i+1):p) pairs.md <- c(pairs.md, mahalanobis( x[,c(i,j)], mu[c(i,j)], S[c(i,j),c(i,j)])) pairs.md } res.tab$Full <- res.tab$Pairs <- res.tab$Cell <- NA for(i in names(geochem.res) ){ ## Identify cellwise outliers uni.dist <- sweep(sweep(geochem, 2, geochem.res[[i]]$mu, "-"), 2, sqrt(diag(geochem.res[[i]]$S)), "/")^2 uni.dist.stat <- mean(uni.dist > qchisq(.99^(1/(n*p)), 1)) res.tab$Cell[ which( row.names(res.tab) == i)] <- round(uni.dist.stat,3) ## Identify pairwise outliers pair.dist <- pairwise.mahalanobis( geochem, geochem.res[[i]]$mu, geochem.res[[i]]$S) pair.dist.stat <- mean(pair.dist > qchisq(0.99^(1/(n*choose(p,2))), 2)) res.tab$Pairs[ which( row.names(res.tab) == i)] <- round(pair.dist.stat,3) ## Identify any large global MD full.dist <- mahalanobis( geochem, geochem.res[[i]]$mu, geochem.res[[i]]$S) full.dist.stat <- mean(full.dist > qchisq(0.99^(1/n), p)) res.tab$Full[ which( row.names(res.tab) == i)] <- round(full.dist.stat,3) } res.tab ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(ICSNP) library(rrcov) data(geochem) n <- nrow(geochem) p <- ncol(geochem) # MLE res.ML <- list(mu=colMeans(geochem), S=cov(geochem)) # Tyler's M geochem.med <- apply(geochem,2,median,na.rm=TRUE) res.Tyler <- tyler.shape(geochem, location=geochem.med) res.Tyler <- res.Tyler*(median(mahalanobis( geochem, geochem.med, res.Tyler))/qchisq(0.5, df=p) ) res.Tyler <- list(mu=geochem.med, S=res.Tyler) # Rocke's Covariace res.Rock <- CovSest(geochem, method="rocke") res.Rock <- list(mu=res.Rock@center, S=res.Rock@cov) # Fast-MCD res.FMCD <- CovMcd( geochem) res.FMCD <- list(mu=res.FMCD@center, S=res.FMCD@cov) # MVE res.MVE <- CovMve( geochem) res.MVE <- list(mu=res.MVE@center, S=res.MVE@cov) # S-estimator with bisquare rho function res.S <- CovSest(geochem, method="bisquare") res.S <- list(mu=res.S@center, S=res.S@cov) # Fast-S res.FS <- CovSest(geochem) res.FS <- list(mu=res.FS@center, S=res.FS@cov) # 2SGS res.2SGS <- TSGS( geochem, seed=999 ) res.2SGS <- list(mu=res.2SGS@mu, S=res.2SGS@S) # Combine all the results geochem.res <- list(ML=res.ML, Tyler=res.Tyler, Rocke=res.Rock, MCD=res.FMCD, MVE=res.MVE, FS=res.FS, MVES=res.S, TSGS=res.2SGS) ## Compare LRT distances between different estimators res.tab <- data.frame( LRT.to.2SGS=c(slrt( res.ML$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.Tyler$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.Rock$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.FMCD$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.MVE$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.FS$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.S$S, res.2SGS$S), slrt( res.2SGS$S, res.2SGS$S) )) row.names(res.tab) <- c("ML","Tyler","Rocke","MCD","MVE","FS","MVES","TSGS") # Calculate proportion of outliers cellwise pairwise.mahalanobis <- function(x, mu, S){ # function that computes pairwise mahalanobis distances p <- ncol(x) pairs.md <- c() for(i in 1:(p-1)) for(j in (i+1):p) pairs.md <- c(pairs.md, mahalanobis( x[,c(i,j)], mu[c(i,j)], S[c(i,j),c(i,j)])) pairs.md } res.tab$Full <- res.tab$Pairs <- res.tab$Cell <- NA for(i in names(geochem.res) ){ ## Identify cellwise outliers uni.dist <- sweep(sweep(geochem, 2, geochem.res[[i]]$mu, "-"), 2, sqrt(diag(geochem.res[[i]]$S)), "/")^2 uni.dist.stat <- mean(uni.dist > qchisq(.99^(1/(n*p)), 1)) res.tab$Cell[ which( row.names(res.tab) == i)] <- round(uni.dist.stat,3) ## Identify pairwise outliers pair.dist <- pairwise.mahalanobis( geochem, geochem.res[[i]]$mu, geochem.res[[i]]$S) pair.dist.stat <- mean(pair.dist > qchisq(0.99^(1/(n*choose(p,2))), 2)) res.tab$Pairs[ which( row.names(res.tab) == i)] <- round(pair.dist.stat,3) ## Identify any large global MD full.dist <- mahalanobis( geochem, geochem.res[[i]]$mu, geochem.res[[i]]$S) full.dist.stat <- mean(full.dist > qchisq(0.99^(1/n), p)) res.tab$Full[ which( row.names(res.tab) == i)] <- round(full.dist.stat,3) } res.tab ## End(Not run)
Accessor methods to the slots of objects of classes CovRobMiss
, emve
, and HuberPairwise
getLocation(object) getScatter(object) getDist(object) getDistAdj(object) getDim(object) getMissing(object) getOutliers(object, cutoff) getScale(obj) getFiltDat(object)
getLocation(object) getScatter(object) getDist(object) getDistAdj(object) getDim(object) getMissing(object) getOutliers(object, cutoff) getScale(obj) getFiltDat(object)
obj , object
an object of any of the following classes
cutoff |
optional argument for |
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the estimated location vector
signature(object = "CovRobMiss", cutoff = "numeric")
: return the estimated scatter matrix
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the squared partial Mahalanobis distances
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the adjusted squared partial Mahalanobis distances
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the dimension of observed entries for each case
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the case number with completely missing data, if any
signature(object = "CovRobMiss", cutoff = "numeric")
: return the case number(s) adjusted squared
distances above (1 - cutoff)
th quantile of chi-square p-degrees of freedom.
signature(object = "CovRobMissSc")
: return either the estimated generalized S-scale or MVE-scale. See GSE
and emve
for details.
signature(object = "TSGS")
: return filtered data matrix from the first step of 2SGS.
## Not run: data(boston) res <- GSE(boston) ## extract estimated location getLocation(res) ## extract estimated scatter getScatter(res) ## extract estimated adjusted distances getDistAdj(res) ## extract outliers getOutliers(res) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(boston) res <- GSE(boston) ## extract estimated location getLocation(res) ## extract estimated scatter getScatter(res) ## extract estimated adjusted distances getDistAdj(res) ## extract outliers getOutliers(res) ## End(Not run)
Computes the Generalized S-Estimate (GSE) – a robust estimate of location and scatter for data with contamination and missingness.
GSE(x, tol=1e-4, maxiter=150, method=c("bisquare","rocke"), init=c("emve","qc","huber","imputed","emve_c"), mu0, S0, ...)
GSE(x, tol=1e-4, maxiter=150, method=c("bisquare","rocke"), init=c("emve","qc","huber","imputed","emve_c"), mu0, S0, ...)
x |
a matrix or data frame. May contain missing values, but cannot contain columns with completely missing entries. |
tol |
tolerance for the convergence criterion. Default is 1e-4. |
maxiter |
maximum number of iterations for the GSE algorithm. Default is 150. |
method |
which loss function to use: 'bisquare', 'rocke'. |
init |
type of initial estimator. Currently this can either be "emve" (EMVE with uniform sampling, see Danilov et al., 2012),
"qc" (QC, see Danilov et al., 2012), "huber" (Huber Pairwise, see Danilov et al., 2012),
"imputed" (Imputed S-estimator, see the rejoinder in Agostinelli et al., 2015), or
"emve_c" (EMVE_C with cluster sampling, see Leung and Zamar, 2016).
Default is "emve". If |
mu0 |
optional vector of initial location estimate |
S0 |
optional matrix of initial scatter estimate |
... |
optional arguments for computing the initial estimates (see |
This function computes GSE (Danilov et al., 2012) and GRE (Leung and Zamar, 2016). The estimator requires a robust positive definite
initial estimator. This initial estimator is required to “re-scale" the partial square mahalanobis distance for
the different missing pattern, in which a single scale parameter is not enough. This function currently allows two
main initial estimators: EMVE (the default; see emve
and Huberized Pairwise
(see HuberPairwise
). GSE using Huberized Pairwise with sign psi function is referred to as QGSE in Danilov et al. (2012).
Numerical results have shown that GSE with EMVE as
initial has better performance (in both efficiency and robustness), but computing time can be longer.
An S4 object of class GSE-class
which is a subclass of the virtual class CovRobMissSc-class
. The
output S4 object contains the following slots:
mu |
Estimated location. Can be accessed via getLocation . |
S |
Estimated scatter matrix. Can be accessed via getScatter . |
sc |
Generalized S-scale (GS-scale). Can be accessed via getScale . |
pmd |
Squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDist . |
pmd.adj |
Adjusted squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDistAdj . |
pu |
Dimension of the observed entries for each case. Can be accessed via getDim . |
mu0 |
Estimated initial location. |
S0 |
Estimated initial scatter matrix. |
ximp |
Input data matrix with missing values imputed using best linear predictor. Not meant to be accessed. |
weights |
Weights used in the estimation of the location. Not meant to be accessed. |
weightsp |
First derivative of the weights used in the estimation of the location. Not meant to be accessed. |
iter |
Number of iterations till convergence. Not meant to be accessed. |
eps |
relative change of the GS-scale at convergence. Not meant to be accessed. |
call |
Object of class "language" . Not meant to be accessed. |
x |
Input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed. |
p |
Column dimension of input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed. |
Character string of the name of the estimator used. Not meant to be accessed. |
Andy Leung [email protected], Ruben H. Zamar, Mike Danilov, Victor J. Yohai
Agostinelli, C., Leung, A. , Yohai, V.J., and Zamar, R.H. (2015) Robust estimation of multivariate location and scatter in the presence of cellwise and casewise contamination. TEST.
Danilov, M., Yohai, V.J., Zamar, R.H. (2012). Robust Esimation of Multivariate Location and Scatter in the Presence of Missing Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 107, 1178–1186.
Leung, A. and Zamar, R.H. (2016). Multivariate Location and Scatter Matrix Estimation Under Cellwise and Casewise Contamination. Submitted.
, HuberPairwise
, GSE-class
, generate.casecontam
set.seed(12) ## generate 10-dimensional data with 10% casewise contamination n <- 100 p <- 10 A <- matrix(0.9, p, p) diag(A) <- 1 x <- generate.casecontam(n, p, cond=100, contam.size=10, contam.prop=0.1, A=A)$x ## introduce 5% missingness pmiss <- 0.05 nmiss <- matrix(rbinom(n*p,1,pmiss), n,p) x[ which( nmiss == 1 ) ] <- NA ## Using EMVE as initial res.emve <- GSE(x) slrt( getScatter(res.emve), A) ## LRT distances to the true covariance ## Using QC as initial res.qc <- GSE(x, init="qc") slrt( getScatter(res.qc), A) ## in general performs worse than if EMVE used as initials
set.seed(12) ## generate 10-dimensional data with 10% casewise contamination n <- 100 p <- 10 A <- matrix(0.9, p, p) diag(A) <- 1 x <- generate.casecontam(n, p, cond=100, contam.size=10, contam.prop=0.1, A=A)$x ## introduce 5% missingness pmiss <- 0.05 nmiss <- matrix(rbinom(n*p,1,pmiss), n,p) x[ which( nmiss == 1 ) ] <- NA ## Using EMVE as initial res.emve <- GSE(x) slrt( getScatter(res.emve), A) ## LRT distances to the true covariance ## Using QC as initial res.qc <- GSE(x, init="qc") slrt( getScatter(res.qc), A) ## in general performs worse than if EMVE used as initials
Class of Generalized S-Estimator. It has the superclass of CovRobMissSc
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("GSE", ...)
but the best way of creating GSE
objects is a call to the function
which serves as a constructor.
Estimated location. Can be accessed via getLocation
Estimated scatter matrix. Can be accessed via getScatter
Generalized S-scale (GS-scale). Can be accessed via getScale
Square partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDist
Adjusted square partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDistAdj
Dimension of the observed entries for each case. Can be accessed via getDim
Estimated initial location.
Estimated initial scatter matrix.
Input data matrix with missing values imputed using best linear predictor. Not meant to be accessed.
Weights used in the estimation of the location. Not meant to be accessed.
First derivative of the weights used in the estimation of the location. Not meant to be accessed.
Number of iterations till convergence. Not meant to be accessed.
relative change of the GS-scale at convergence. Not meant to be accessed.
Object of class "language"
. Not meant to be accessed.
Input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed.
Column dimension of input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed.
Character string of the name of the estimator used. Not meant to be accessed.
Class "CovRobMissSc"
, directly.
The following methods are defined with the superclass "CovRobMiss":
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: display the object
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: calculate summary information
signature(object = "CovRobMiss", cutoff = "numeric")
: plot the object. See plot
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the squared partial Mahalanobis distances
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the adjusted squared partial Mahalanobis distances
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the dimension of observed entries for each case
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the estimated location vector
signature(object = "CovRobMiss", cutoff = "numeric")
: return the estimated scatter matrix
signature(object = "CovRobMiss")
: return the case number(s) with completely missing data, if any
signature(object = "CovRobMiss", cutoff = "numeric")
: return the case number(s) adjusted squared
distances above (1 - cutoff)
th quantile of chi-square p-degrees of freedom.
In addition to above, the following methods are defined with the class "CovRobMissSc":
signature(object = "CovRobMissSc")
: return the GS scale
Andy Leung [email protected]
, CovRobMissSc-class
, CovRobMiss-class
Flags cellwise outliers detected using Gervini-Yohai filter as described in Agostinelli et al. (2015) and Leung and Zamar (2016).
gy.filt(x, alpha=c(0.95,0.85), bivarQt=0.99, bivarCellPr=0.1, miter=5)
gy.filt(x, alpha=c(0.95,0.85), bivarQt=0.99, bivarCellPr=0.1, miter=5)
x |
a matrix or data frame. |
alpha |
a vector of the quantiles of the univariate and bivariate reference distributions, respectively.
Filtering turns off when alpha is 0. For univariate filtering only, |
bivarQt |
quantile of the binomial model for the number of flagged pairs in the bivariate filter. Default is 0.99. |
bivarCellPr |
probability of the binomial model for the number of flagged pairs in the bivariate filter. Default is 0.1. |
miter |
maximum number of iteration of filtering. Default value is 5. |
This function implements the univariate filter and the univariate-plus-bivariate filter as described in Agostinelli et al. (2015) and Leung and Zamar (2016), respectively.
In the univariate filter, outliers are flagged by comparing the empirical tail distribution of each marginal with a reference (normal) distribution using Gervini-Yohai approach.
In the univiarate-plus-bivariate filter, outliers are first flagged by applying the univariate filter. Then, the bivariate filter is applied to flag any additional outliers. In the bivariate filter, outliers are flagged by comparing the empirical tail distribution of each bivariate marginal with a reference (chi-square with 2 d.f.) distribution using Gervini-Yohai approach. The number of flagged pairs associated with each cell approximately follows a binomial model under Independent Cellwise Contamination Model. A cell is additionally flagged if the number of flagged pairs exceeds a large quantile of the binomial model.
a matrix or data frame of the filtered data.
Andy Leung [email protected], Claudio Agostinelli, Ruben H. Zamar, Victor J. Yohai
Agostinelli, C., Leung, A. , Yohai, V.J., and Zamar, R.H. (2015) Robust estimation of multivariate location and scatter in the presence of cellwise and casewise contamination. TEST.
Leung, A. and Zamar, R.H. (2016). Multivariate Location and Scatter Matrix Estimation Under Cellwise and Casewise Contamination. Submitted.
set.seed(12345) # Generate 5% cell-wise contaminated normal data x <- generate.cellcontam(n=100, p=10, cond=100, contam.size=5, contam.prop=0.05)$x ## Using univariate filter only xna <- gy.filt(x, alpha=c(0.95,0)) mean(is.na(xna)) ## Using univariate-and-bivariate filter xna <- gy.filt(x, alpha=c(0.95,0.95)) mean(is.na(xna))
set.seed(12345) # Generate 5% cell-wise contaminated normal data x <- generate.cellcontam(n=100, p=10, cond=100, contam.size=5, contam.prop=0.05)$x ## Using univariate filter only xna <- gy.filt(x, alpha=c(0.95,0)) mean(is.na(xna)) ## Using univariate-and-bivariate filter xna <- gy.filt(x, alpha=c(0.95,0.95)) mean(is.na(xna))
This is a modified version of the original data set (taken from UCI repository, see reference), where only quantitative variables are considered. This data set is about horse diseases where the task is to determine if the lesion of the horse was surgical or not. It contains rows with completely missing values except for ID and must be removed by the users. They are kept mainly for pedagogical purposes.
A data frame with 368 observations on the following 7 variables are quantitative and 1 categorical. The first variable is a numeric id.
Hospital_Number |
numeric id, i.e. the case number assigned to the horse (may not be unique if the horse is treated > 1 time) |
rectal temperature in degree celcius |
the heart rate in beats per minute; normal rate is 30-40 for adults |
respiratory rate; normal rate is 8 to 10 |
Nasogastric_reflux_PH |
scale is from 0 to 14 with 7 being neutral; normal values are in the 3 to 4 range |
Packed_cell_volume |
the number of red cells by volume in the blood; normal range is 30 to 50 |
Total_protein |
normal values lie in the 6-7.5 (gms/dL) range |
Abdomcentesis_total_protein |
Values are in gms/dL |
surgical_leison |
was the problem (lesion) surgical?; 1 = yes, 2 = no |
The original data have been taken from the Journal of Statistics Education Databases at
Frank, A. & Asuncion, A. (2010). UCI Machine Learning Repository [http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml]. Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science.
## Not run: data(horse) horse.cts <- horse[,-c(1,9)] ## remove the id and categorical variable res <- GSE(horse.cts) plot(res, which="dd", xlog10=TRUE, ylog10=TRUE) getOutliers(res) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(horse) horse.cts <- horse[,-c(1,9)] ## remove the id and categorical variable res <- GSE(horse.cts) plot(res, which="dd", xlog10=TRUE, ylog10=TRUE) getOutliers(res) ## End(Not run)
Computes the Quadrant Covariance (QC) or Huberized Pairwise Scatter as described in Alqallaf et al. (2002).
HuberPairwise( x, psi=c("huber","sign"), c0=1.345, computePmd=TRUE)
HuberPairwise( x, psi=c("huber","sign"), c0=1.345, computePmd=TRUE)
x |
a matrix or data frame. May contain missing values, but cannot contain columns with completely missing entries. |
psi |
loss function to be used in computing pairwise scatter. Default is "huber". If |
c0 |
tuning constant for the huber function. |
computePmd |
logical indicating whether to compute partial Mahalanobis distances (pmd) and adjusted pmd. Default is |
As described in Alqallaf et al. (2002), this estimator requires a robust scale estimate and a location M-estimate,
which will be used to transform the data through a loss-function to be outlier-free. Currently, this function takes
MADN (normalized MAD) and median as the robust scale and location estimate to save computation time. By default, the
loss function psi
is a sign function, but users are encouraged to also try Huberized scatter with the loss function
as . The function does not adjust for intrinsic bias as described in
Alqallaf et al. (2002). Missing values will be replaced by the corresponding column's median.
An S4 object of class HuberPairwise-class
which is a subclass of the virtual class CovRobMiss-class
The output S4 object contains the following slots:
mu |
Estimated location. Can be accessed via getLocation . |
S |
Estimated scatter matrix. Can be accessed via getScatter . |
pmd |
Squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDist . |
pmd.adj |
Adjusted squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDistAdj . |
pu |
Dimension of the observed entries for each case. Can be accessed via getDim . |
R |
Estimated correlation matrix. Not meant to be accessed. |
call |
Object of class "language" . Not meant to be accessed. |
x |
Input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed. |
p |
Column dimension of input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed. |
Character string of the name of the estimator used. Not meant to be accessed. |
Andy Leung [email protected]
Alqallaf, F.A., Konis, K. P., R. Martin, D., Zamar, R. H. (2002). Scalable Robust Covariance and Correlation Estimates for Data Mining. In Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Edmonton.
Class of Quadrant Covariance and Huberized Pairwise Scatter. It has the superclass of CovRobMiss
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("HuberPairwise", ...)
but the best way of creating HuberPairwise
objects is a call to the function
which serves as a constructor.
Estimated location. Can be accessed via getLocation
Estimated scatter matrix. Can be accessed via getScatter
Squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDist
Adjusted squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDistAdj
Dimension of the observed entries for each case. Can be accessed via getDim
Estimated correlation matrix. Not meant to be accessed.
Object of class "language"
. Not meant to be accessed.
Input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed.
Column dimension of input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed.
Character string of the name of the estimator used. Not meant to be accessed.
Class "CovRobMiss"
, directly.
No methods defined with class "HuberPairwise" in the signature.
Andy Leung [email protected]
, CovRobMiss-class
Computes the simple three-step estimator as described in the rejoinder of Agostinelli et al. (2015).
ImpS(x, alpha=0.95, method=c("bisquare","rocke"), init=c("emve","emve_c"), ...)
ImpS(x, alpha=0.95, method=c("bisquare","rocke"), init=c("emve","emve_c"), ...)
x |
a matrix or data frame. |
alpha |
quantile of the reference distribution in the univariate filter step (see |
method |
which loss function to use: 'bisquare', 'rocke'. |
init |
type of initial estimator. Currently this can either be "emve" (EMVE with uniform sampling, see Danilov et al., 2012) or "emve_c" (EMVE_C with cluster sampling, see Leung and Zamar, 2016). Default is "emve". |
... |
optional, additional arguments to be passed to |
This function computes the simple three-step estimator as described in the rejoinder in Agostinelli et al. (2015). The procedure has three steps:
In Step I, the method flags and removes cell-wise outliers using the Gervini-Yohai univariate only filter (see gy.filt
In Step II, the method imputes the filtered cells using coordinate-wise medians.
In Step III, the method applies MVE-S to the filtered and imputed data from Step II (see GSE
The following gives the major slots in the output S4 object:
mu |
Estimated location. Can be accessed via getLocation . |
S |
Estimated scatter matrix. Can be accessed via getScatter . |
xf |
Filtered data matrix from the first step of 2SGS. Can be accessed via getFiltDat . |
Andy Leung [email protected], Claudio Agostinelli, Ruben H. Zamar, Victor J. Yohai
Agostinelli, C., Leung, A. , Yohai, V.J., and Zamar, R.H. (2015) Robust estimation of multivariate location and scatter in the presence of cellwise and casewise contamination. TEST.
Computes the partial square Mahalanobis distance for all observations in x.
Let be a p-dimensional random vector and
be a p-dimensional vectors of zeros and ones indicating which entry is missing:
0 as missing and 1 as observed. Then partial mahalanobis distance is given by:
With no missing data, this function is equivalent to mahalanobis distance.
partial.mahalanobis(x, mu, Sigma)
partial.mahalanobis(x, mu, Sigma)
x |
a matrix or data frame. May contain missing values, but cannot contain columns with completely missing entries. |
mu |
location estimate |
Sigma |
scatter estimate. Must be positive definite |
An S4 object of class CovRobMiss-class
The output S4 object contains the following slots:
mu |
Estimated location. Can be accessed via getLocation . |
S |
Estimated scatter matrix. Can be accessed via getScatter . |
pmd |
Squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDist . |
pmd.adj |
Adjusted squared partial Mahalanobis distances. Can be accessed via getDistAdj . |
pu |
Dimension of the observed entries for each case. Can be accessed via getDim . |
call |
Object of class "language" . Not meant to be accessed. |
x |
Input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed. |
p |
Column dimension of input data matrix. Not meant to be accessed. |
Character string of the name of the estimator used. Not meant to be accessed. |
Andy Leung [email protected]
## Not run: ## suppose we would like to compute pmd for an MLE x <- matrix(rnorm(1000),100,10) U <- matrix(rbinom(1000,1,0.1),100,10) x <- x * ifelse(U==1,NA,1) ## compute MLE (i.e. EM in this case) res <- CovEM(x) ## compute pmd res.pmd <- partial.mahalanobis(x, mu=getLocation(res), S=getScatter(res)) summary(res.pmd) plot(res.pmd, which="index") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## suppose we would like to compute pmd for an MLE x <- matrix(rnorm(1000),100,10) U <- matrix(rbinom(1000,1,0.1),100,10) x <- x * ifelse(U==1,NA,1) ## compute MLE (i.e. EM in this case) res <- CovEM(x) ## compute pmd res.pmd <- partial.mahalanobis(x, mu=getLocation(res), S=getScatter(res)) summary(res.pmd) plot(res.pmd, which="index") ## End(Not run)
Plot methods for objects of class 'CovRobMiss'. The following plots are available:
- chi-square qqplot for adjusted square partial Mahalanobis distances
- index plot for adjusted square partial Mahalanobis distances
- distance-distance plot comparing the adjusted distances based on classical MLE and robust estimators
Cases with completely missing data will be dropped out. Outliers are identified using some pre-specific
cutoff value, for instance 99% quantile of chi-square with p degrees of freedom, where p is the column
dimension of the data. Identified outliers can also be retrieved using getOutliers
an optional argument of cutoff
, ranged from 0 to 1.
## S4 method for signature 'CovRobMiss' plot(x, which = c("all","distance","qqchi2", "dd"), which = c("all", "distance", "qqchisq", "dd"), ask = (which=="all" && dev.interactive(TRUE)), cutoff = 0.99, xlog10 = FALSE, ylog10 = FALSE)
## S4 method for signature 'CovRobMiss' plot(x, which = c("all","distance","qqchi2", "dd"), which = c("all", "distance", "qqchisq", "dd"), ask = (which=="all" && dev.interactive(TRUE)), cutoff = 0.99, xlog10 = FALSE, ylog10 = FALSE)
x |
an object of class |
which |
Which plot to show? Default is |
ask |
logical; if 'TRUE', the user is asked before each plot, see 'par(ask=.)'.
Default is |
cutoff |
The quantile cutoff for the distances. Default is 0.99. |
xlog10 |
Base-10 logged x-axis? Default is |
ylog10 |
Base-10 logged y-axis? Default is |
## Not run: data(boston) res <- GSE(boston) ## plot all graphs plot(res) ## plot individuals plots plot(res, which="qqchisq") plot(res, which="index") plot(res, which="dd") ## control the coordinates, e.g. log10 transform the y-axis plot(res, which="qqchisq", xlog10=TRUE, ylog10=TRUE) plot(res, which="index", ylog10=TRUE) plot(res, which="dd", xlog10=TRUE, ylog10=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(boston) res <- GSE(boston) ## plot all graphs plot(res) ## plot individuals plots plot(res, which="qqchisq") plot(res, which="index") plot(res, which="dd") ## control the coordinates, e.g. log10 transform the y-axis plot(res, which="qqchisq", xlog10=TRUE, ylog10=TRUE) plot(res, which="index", ylog10=TRUE) plot(res, which="dd", xlog10=TRUE, ylog10=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
Includes the data generator for the simulation study on cell- and case-wise contamination that appears on Agostinelli et al. (2014).
generate.randcorr(cond, p, tol=1e-5, maxits=100) generate.cellcontam(n, p, cond, contam.size, contam.prop, A=NULL) generate.casecontam(n, p, cond, contam.size, contam.prop, A=NULL)
generate.randcorr(cond, p, tol=1e-5, maxits=100) generate.cellcontam(n, p, cond, contam.size, contam.prop, A=NULL) generate.casecontam(n, p, cond, contam.size, contam.prop, A=NULL)
cond |
desired condition number of the random correlation matrix. The correlation matrix will be used to generate multivariate normal samples in |
tol |
tolerance level for the condition number of the random correlation matrix. Default is |
maxits |
integer indicating the maximum number of iterations until the condition number of the random correlation matrix is within a tolerance level. Default is 100. |
n |
integer indicating the number of observations to be generated. |
p |
integer indicating the number of variables to be generated. |
contam.size |
size of cell- or case-wise contamination. For cell-wise outliers, random cells in a data matrix are replaced by |
contam.prop |
proportion of cell- or case-wise contamination. |
A |
correlation matrix used for generating data. If |
Details about how the correlation matrix is randomly generated and how the contaminated data is generated can be found in Agostinelli et al. (2014).
gives the random correlation matrix in dimension p
and with condition number cond
and generate.casecontam
give the multivariate normal sample that is either cell-wise
or case-wise contaminated as described in Agostinelli et al. (2014). The contaminated sample is returned as components of a list with components
x |
multivariate normal sample with cell- or case-wise contamination. |
u |
n by p matrix of 0's and 1's with 1's correspond to an outlier. A row of 1's correspond to a case-wise outlier. |
A |
random correlation matrix with a specified condition number. |
Andy Leung [email protected], Claudio Agostinelli, Ruben H. Zamar, Victor J. Yohai
Agostinelli, C., Leung, A. , Yohai, V.J., and Zamar, R.H. (2014) Robust estimation of multivariate location and scatter in the presence of cellwise and casewise contamination. arXiv:1406.6031[math.ST]
LRT-distance that we use to evaluate the performance of our covariance estimates.
slrt(S, trueS)
slrt(S, trueS)
S |
estimated covariance matrix |
trueS |
true covariance matrix. |
Note that this is not actually a distance in a sense that slrt(M1,M2) != slrt(M2,M1)
scalar LRT-distance
Mike Danilov
Seber, G.A. (2004) Multivariate observations, Wiley
Danilov, M. (2010). Robust Estimation of Multivariate Scatter under Non-Affine Equivariant Scenarios. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia.
Displays summary information for CovRobMiss-class
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("SummaryCovGSE", ...)
:Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the covariance or correlation matrix
signature(object = "SummaryCovGSE")
: display the object
Andy Leung [email protected]
Computes the Two-Step Generalized S-Estimate (2SGS) – a robust estimate of location and scatter for data with cell-wise and case-wise contamination.
TSGS(x, filter=c("UBF-DDC","UBF","DDC","UF"), partial.impute=FALSE, tol=1e-4, maxiter=150, method=c("bisquare","rocke"), init=c("emve","qc","huber","imputed","emve_c"), mu0, S0)
TSGS(x, filter=c("UBF-DDC","UBF","DDC","UF"), partial.impute=FALSE, tol=1e-4, maxiter=150, method=c("bisquare","rocke"), init=c("emve","qc","huber","imputed","emve_c"), mu0, S0)
x |
a matrix or data frame. |
filter |
the filter to be used in the first step (see Leung et al. (2016)). Default is 'UBF-DDC'. For all filters, the default parameters are used. |
partial.impute |
whether partial imputation is used prior to estimation (see details). The default is |
tol |
tolerance for the convergence criterion. Default is 1e-4. |
maxiter |
maximum number of iterations for the GSE algorithm. Default is 150. |
method |
which loss function to use: 'bisquare', 'rocke'. |
init |
type of initial estimator. Currently this can either be "emve" (EMVE with uniform sampling, see Danilov et al., 2012),
"qc" (QC, see Danilov et al., 2012), "huber" (Huber Pairwise, see Danilov et al., 2012),
"imputed" (Imputed S-estimator, see the rejoinder in Agostinelli et al., 2015), or
"emve_c" (EMVE_C with cluster sampling, see Leung and Zamar, 2016).
Default is "emve". If |
mu0 |
optional vector of initial location estimate |
S0 |
optional matrix of initial scatter estimate |
This function computes 2SGS as described in Agostinelli et al. (2015) and Leung and Zamar (2016). The procedure has two major steps:
In Step I, the method filters (i.e., flags and removes) cell-wise outliers using Gervini-Yohai univariate filter (Agostinelli et al., 2015)
or univariate-bivariate filter (Leung et al., 2016) or univariate-bivariate-plus-DDC filter (Leung et al., 2016; Rousseeuw and Van den Bossche, 2016).
The filtering step can be called on its own by using the function gy.filt
or DDC
In Step II, the method applies GSE or GRE (GSE with a Rocke-type loss function), which has been specifically designed to deal with
incomplete multivariate data with case-wise outliers, to the filted data coming from Step I. The second step can be called on its own
by using the function GSE
The 2SGS method is intended for continuous variables, and requires that the number of observations n be relatively larger than 5 times the number of variables p for desirable performance (see the rejoinder in Agostinelli et al., 2015). In our numerical studies, for n too small relative to p, 2SGS may experience a lack of convergence, especially for filtered data sets with a proportion of complete observations less than 1/2 + (p+1)/n. To overcome this problem, partial imputation prior to estimation is proposed (see the rejoinder in Agostinelli et al., 2015). The procedure is rather ad hoc, but initial numerical experiements show that partial imputation may work. Further research on this topic is still needed. By default, partial imputation is not used, unless specified.
In general, we warn users to use 2SGS with caution for data set with n relatively smaller than 5 times p.
The application to the chemical data set analyzed in Agostinelli et al. (2015) can be found in geochem
The tools that were used to generate contaminated data in the simulation study in Agostinelli et al. (2015) can be found in generate.cellcontam
and generate.casecontam
The following gives the major slots in the output S4 object:
mu |
Estimated location. Can be accessed via getLocation . |
S |
Estimated scatter matrix. Can be accessed via getScatter . |
xf |
Filtered data matrix from the first step of 2SGS. Can be accessed via getFiltDat . |
Andy Leung [email protected], Claudio Agostinelli, Ruben H. Zamar, Victor J. Yohai
Agostinelli, C., Leung, A. , Yohai, V.J., and Zamar, R.H. (2015) Robust estimation of multivariate location and scatter in the presence of cellwise and casewise contamination. TEST.
Leung, A., Yohai, V.J., Zamar, R.H. (2016). Multivariate Location and Scatter Matrix Estimation Under Cellwise and Casewise Contamination. arXiv:1609.00402.
Rousseeuw P.J., Van den Bossche W. (2016). Detecting deviating data cells. arXiv:1601.07251
, gy.filt
, generate.cellcontam
, generate.casecontam
set.seed(12345) # Generate 5% cell-wise contaminated normal data # using a random correlation matrix with condition number 100 x <- generate.cellcontam(n=100, p=10, cond=100, contam.size=5, contam.prop=0.05) ## Using MLE slrt( cov(x$x), x$A) ## Using Fast-S slrt( rrcov:::CovSest(x$x)@cov, x$A) ## Using 2SGS slrt( TSGS(x$x)@S, x$A) # Generate 5% case-wise contaminated normal data # using a random correlation matrix with condition number 100 x <- generate.casecontam(n=100, p=10, cond=100, contam.size=15, contam.prop=0.05) ## Using MLE slrt( cov(x$x), x$A) ## Using Fast-S slrt( rrcov:::CovSest(x$x)@cov, x$A) ## Using 2SGS slrt( TSGS(x$x)@S, x$A)
set.seed(12345) # Generate 5% cell-wise contaminated normal data # using a random correlation matrix with condition number 100 x <- generate.cellcontam(n=100, p=10, cond=100, contam.size=5, contam.prop=0.05) ## Using MLE slrt( cov(x$x), x$A) ## Using Fast-S slrt( rrcov:::CovSest(x$x)@cov, x$A) ## Using 2SGS slrt( TSGS(x$x)@S, x$A) # Generate 5% case-wise contaminated normal data # using a random correlation matrix with condition number 100 x <- generate.casecontam(n=100, p=10, cond=100, contam.size=15, contam.prop=0.05) ## Using MLE slrt( cov(x$x), x$A) ## Using Fast-S slrt( rrcov:::CovSest(x$x)@cov, x$A) ## Using 2SGS slrt( TSGS(x$x)@S, x$A)
Class of Two-Step Generalized S-Estimator. It has the superclass of GSE
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("TSGS", ...)
but the best way of creating TSGS
objects is a call to the function
which serves as a constructor.
Estimated location. Can be accessed via getLocation
Estimated scatter matrix. Can be accessed via getScatter
Filtered data matrix from the first step of 2SGS. Can be accessed via getFiltDat
Class "GSE"
, directly.
In addition to the methods defined in the superclass "GSE", the following methods are also defined:
signature(object = "TSGS")
: return the filtered data matrix.
Andy Leung [email protected]
The data are from a national sample of 6000 households with a male head earning less than USD 15,000 annually in 1966. The data were clasified into 39 demographic groups for analysis. The study was undertaken in the context of proposals for a guaranteed annual wage (negative income tax). At issue was the response of labor supply (average hours) to increasing hourly wages. The study was undertaken to estimate this response from available data.
A data frame with 39 observations on the following 10 variables:
Average hours worked during the year |
Average hourly wage (USD) |
Average yearly earnings of spouse (USD) |
Average yearly earnings of other family members (USD) |
Average yearly non-earned income |
Average family asset holdings (Bank account, etc.) (USD) |
Average age of respondent |
Average number of dependents |
Percent of white respondents |
Average highest grade of school completed |
DASL library (http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/DASL/Datafiles/wagesdat.html), the dataset is not anymore available at this source.
D.H. Greenberg and M. Kosters, (1970). Income Guarantees and the Working Poor, The Rand Corporation.