Title: | Companion to Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series |
Description: | R companion to Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, second edition (Wiley). Includes data sets, functions and script files required to work some of the examples. Version 0.3-x includes R objects for all data files used in the text and script files to recreate most of the analyses in chapters 1-3 and 9 plus parts of chapters 4 and 11. |
Authors: | Spencer Graves [aut], Georgi N. Boshnakov [cre, ctb] |
Maintainer: | Georgi N. Boshnakov <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 0.4-9 |
Built: | 2025-02-20 06:31:57 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
R companion to Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, second edition (Wiley). Includes data sets, functions and script files required to work some of the examples. Version 0.3-x includes R objects for all data files used in the text and script files to recreate most of the analyses in chapters 1-3 and 9 plus parts of chapters 4 and 11.
ARIMA Arima with Ljung-Box Acf Autocorrelation Function ArchTest ARCH LM Test AutocorTest Box-Ljung autocorrelation test FinTS-package Companion to Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series FinTS.stats Financial Time Series summary statistics TsayFiles List of the names of files downloaded from the "Analysis of Financial Data" web site. apca Asymptotic PCA as.yearmon2 Conditionally convert x to yearmon if the conversion is unique, retaining x as names. ch01data Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 1) ch02data Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 2) ch03data Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 3) ch04data Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 4) ch05data Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 5) ch06data Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 6) ch07data Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 7) ch08data Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 8) ch09data Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 9) ch10data Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 10) ch11data Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 11) ch12data Financial time series for Tsay (2005, ch. 12) compoundInterest Compute compound interest findConjugates Find complex conjugate pairs package.dir Directory of a package plot.loadings Plot loadings plotArmaTrueacf Plot the theoretical ACF corresponding to an ARMA model read.yearmon Reading Monthly zoo Series runscript Run a package script url2data Create local copies of files read from urls
See the scripts
subdirectory of the FinTS
directory = system.file(package='FinTS').
Corrections to the script files provided and contributions to script files for other chapters will be graciously accepted.
Spencer Graves
Maintainer: Georgi N. Boshnakov <[email protected]>
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley)
# Where is the 'FinTS' directory? system.file(package='FinTS') # View the script file 'ch01.R', which is in the 'scripts' # subdirectory of the system.file(package='FinTS') directory: runscript(1, 'view') # SP statistics in Table 1.2 of Tsay data(d.ibmvwewsp6203) FinTS.stats(100*d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "SP"])
# Where is the 'FinTS' directory? system.file(package='FinTS') # View the script file 'ch01.R', which is in the 'scripts' # subdirectory of the system.file(package='FinTS') directory: runscript(1, 'view') # SP statistics in Table 1.2 of Tsay data(d.ibmvwewsp6203) FinTS.stats(100*d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "SP"])
Plot the ACF without the traditional noninformation unit spike at lag 0.
Acf(x, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance", "partial"), plot = TRUE, na.action = na.fail, demean = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'Acf' plot(x, ci = 0.95, type = "h", xlab = "Lag", ylab = NULL, ylim = NULL, main = NULL, ci.col = "blue", ci.type = c("white", "ma"), max.mfrow = 6, ask = Npgs > 1 && dev.interactive(), mar = if (nser > 2) c(3, 2, 2, 0.8) else par("mar"), oma = if (nser > 2) c(1, 1.2, 1, 1) else par("oma"), mgp = if (nser > 2) c(1.5, 0.6, 0) else par("mgp"), xpd = par("xpd"), cex.main = if (nser > 2) 1 else par("cex.main"), verbose = getOption("verbose"), acfLag0 = FALSE, ...)
Acf(x, lag.max = NULL, type = c("correlation", "covariance", "partial"), plot = TRUE, na.action = na.fail, demean = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'Acf' plot(x, ci = 0.95, type = "h", xlab = "Lag", ylab = NULL, ylim = NULL, main = NULL, ci.col = "blue", ci.type = c("white", "ma"), max.mfrow = 6, ask = Npgs > 1 && dev.interactive(), mar = if (nser > 2) c(3, 2, 2, 0.8) else par("mar"), oma = if (nser > 2) c(1, 1.2, 1, 1) else par("oma"), mgp = if (nser > 2) c(1.5, 0.6, 0) else par("mgp"), xpd = par("xpd"), cex.main = if (nser > 2) 1 else par("cex.main"), verbose = getOption("verbose"), acfLag0 = FALSE, ...)
x |
for 'acf': a numeric vector or time series. for 'plot.acf': an object of class 'acf'. |
lag.max |
maximum lag at which to calculate the acf. |
ci |
coverage probability for confidence interval for 'plot.acf'. |
type |
the type of 'acf' or 'plot' |
plot |
logical. If 'TRUE' the 'acf' function will call 'plot.acf'. |
na.action |
function to be called by 'acf' to handle missing values. |
demean |
logical: Should the x be replaced by |
xlab , ylab , ylim , main , ci.col , ci.type , max.mfrow , ask , mar , oma , mgp , xpd , cex.main , verbose
see the help page of |
acfLag0 |
logical: TRUE to plot the traditional noninformation unit spike at lag 0. FALSE to omit that spike, consistent with the style in Tsay (2005). |
... |
further arguments passed to 'plot.acf'. |
These functions are provided to make it easy to plot an autocorrelation function without the noninformative unit spike at lag 0. This is done by calling plot(x, acfLag0 = FALSE, ...). Apart from the 'acfLag0' argument, the rest of the arguments are identical to those for 'acf' and 'plot.acf'.
for acf
, an object of class 'Acf', which inherits
from class 'acf', as described with help('acf', package='stats')
for plot.Acf
Spencer Graves for the FinTS modification of 'plot.acf'.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley)
data(m.ibm2697) Acf(m.ibm2697) Acf(m.ibm2697, lag.max=100) Acf(m.ibm2697, lag.max=100, main='Monthly IBM returns, 1926-1997')
data(m.ibm2697) Acf(m.ibm2697) Acf(m.ibm2697, lag.max=100) Acf(m.ibm2697, lag.max=100, main='Monthly IBM returns, 1926-1997')
Asymptotic Principal Components Analysis for a fixed number of factors
x |
a numeric matrix or other object for which 'as.matrix' will produce a numeric matrix. |
nf |
number of factors desired. |
NOTE: This is a preliminary version of this function, and it may be modified in the future.
A list with four components:
eig |
eigenvalues |
factors |
estimated factor scores |
loadings |
estimated factor loadings |
rsq |
R-squared from the regression of each variable on the factor space |
Ruey Tsay
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, sec. 9.6, pp. 436-440)
# Consider the monthly simple returns of 40 stocks on NYSE and NASDAQ # from 2001 to 2003 with 36 observations. data(m.apca0103) dim(m.apca0103) M.apca0103 <- with(m.apca0103, array(return, dim = c(36, 40), dimnames = list(as.character(date[1:36]), paste("Co", CompanyID[seq(1, 1440, 36)], sep = "")))) # The traditional PCA is not applicable to estimate the factor model # because of the singularity of the covariance matrix. The asymptotic # PCA provides an approach to estimate factor model based on asymptotic # properties. For the simple example considered, the sample size is # $T$ = 36 and the dimension is $k$ = 40. If the number of factor is # assumed to be 1, the APCA gives a summary of the factor loadings as # below: # apca40 <- apca(M.apca0103, 1) # # (min, 1st Quartile, median, mean, 3rd quartile, max) = # (0.069, 0.432, 0.629, 0.688, 1.071, 1.612). # # Note that the sign of any loading vector is not uniquely determined # in the same way as the sign of an eigenvector is not uniquely # determined. The output also contains the summary statistics of the # R-squares of individual returns, i.e. the R-squares measuring the # total variation of individual return explained by the factors. For # the simple case considered, the summary of R-squares is (min, 1st # Quartile, median, mean, 3rd quartile, max) = # (0.090,0.287,0.487,0.456,0.574,0.831).
# Consider the monthly simple returns of 40 stocks on NYSE and NASDAQ # from 2001 to 2003 with 36 observations. data(m.apca0103) dim(m.apca0103) M.apca0103 <- with(m.apca0103, array(return, dim = c(36, 40), dimnames = list(as.character(date[1:36]), paste("Co", CompanyID[seq(1, 1440, 36)], sep = "")))) # The traditional PCA is not applicable to estimate the factor model # because of the singularity of the covariance matrix. The asymptotic # PCA provides an approach to estimate factor model based on asymptotic # properties. For the simple example considered, the sample size is # $T$ = 36 and the dimension is $k$ = 40. If the number of factor is # assumed to be 1, the APCA gives a summary of the factor loadings as # below: # apca40 <- apca(M.apca0103, 1) # # (min, 1st Quartile, median, mean, 3rd quartile, max) = # (0.069, 0.432, 0.629, 0.688, 1.071, 1.612). # # Note that the sign of any loading vector is not uniquely determined # in the same way as the sign of an eigenvector is not uniquely # determined. The output also contains the summary statistics of the # R-squares of individual returns, i.e. the R-squares measuring the # total variation of individual return explained by the factors. For # the simple case considered, the summary of R-squares is (min, 1st # Quartile, median, mean, 3rd quartile, max) = # (0.090,0.287,0.487,0.456,0.574,0.831).
Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test for autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH)
ArchTest (x, lags=12, demean = FALSE)
ArchTest (x, lags=12, demean = FALSE)
x |
numeric vector |
lags |
positive integer number of lags |
demean |
logical: If TRUE, remove the mean before computing the test statistic. |
Computes the Lagrange multiplier test for conditional heteroscedasticity of Engle (1982), as described by Tsay (2005, pp. 101-102).
This is provided for compatibility with 'archTest' in the S-Plus script in Tsay (p. 102).
an object of class 'htest'
Bernhard Pfaff
data(m.intc7303) intcLM <- ArchTest(log(1+as.numeric(m.intc7303)), lag=12) # Matches answer on Tsay (p. 102)
data(m.intc7303) intcLM <- ArchTest(log(1+as.numeric(m.intc7303)), lag=12) # Matches answer on Tsay (p. 102)
Fit an ARIMA model and test residuals with the Ljung-Box statistic
ARIMA(x, order = c(0, 0, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(0, 0, 0), period = NA), xreg = NULL, include.mean = TRUE, transform.pars = TRUE, fixed = NULL, init = NULL, method = c("CSS-ML", "ML", "CSS"), n.cond, optim.control = list(), kappa = 1e6, Box.test.lag=NULL, Box.test.df = c("net.lag", "lag"), type = c("Ljung-Box", "Box-Pierce", "rank"))
ARIMA(x, order = c(0, 0, 0), seasonal = list(order = c(0, 0, 0), period = NA), xreg = NULL, include.mean = TRUE, transform.pars = TRUE, fixed = NULL, init = NULL, method = c("CSS-ML", "ML", "CSS"), n.cond, optim.control = list(), kappa = 1e6, Box.test.lag=NULL, Box.test.df = c("net.lag", "lag"), type = c("Ljung-Box", "Box-Pierce", "rank"))
x |
a univariate time series |
order |
A specification of the non-seasonal part of the ARIMA model: the three components (p, d, q) are the AR order, the degree of differencing, and the MA order. |
seasonal |
A specification of the seasonal part of the ARIMA model, plus the period (which defaults to 'frequency(x)'). This should be a list with components 'order' and 'period', but a specification of just a numeric vector of length 3 will be turned into a suitable list with the specification as the 'order'. |
xreg |
Optionally, a vector or matrix of external regressors, which must have the same number of rows as 'x'. |
include.mean |
Should the ARMA model include a mean/intercept term? The default is 'TRUE' for undifferenced series, and it is ignored for ARIMA models with differencing. |
transform.pars |
Logical. If true, the AR parameters are transformed to ensure that they remain in the region of stationarity. Not used for 'method = "CSS"'. |
fixed |
optional numeric vector of the same length as the total number of parameters. If supplied, only 'NA' entries in 'fixed' will be varied. 'transform.pars = TRUE' will be overridden (with a warning) if any AR parameters are fixed. It may be wise to set 'transform.pars = FALSE' when fixing MA parameters, especially near non-invertibility. |
init |
optional numeric vector of initial parameter values. Missing values will be filled in, by zeroes except for regression coefficients. Values already specified in 'fixed' will be ignored. |
method |
Fitting method: maximum likelihood or minimize conditional sum-of-squares. The default (unless there are missing values) is to use conditional-sum-of-squares to find starting values, then maximum likelihood. |
n.cond |
Only used if fitting by conditional-sum-of-squares: the number of initial observations to ignore. It will be ignored if less than the maximum lag of an AR term. |
optim.control |
List of control parameters for 'optim'. |
kappa |
the prior variance (as a multiple of the innovations variance) for the past observations in a differenced model. Do not reduce this. |
Box.test.lag |
the Box.test statistic will be based on 'Box.test.lag'
autocorrelation coefficients of the whitened residuals.
The default is the maximum of the following:
One more than the number of parameters estimated, not counting any 'intercept' in the model. |
Box.test.df |
numeric or character variable indicating the degrees of freedom for the ch-square approximation to the distribution of the Box.test statistic. The default 'net.lag' is 'Box.test.lag' minus the number of relevant parameters estimated. The primary alternative 'lag' is the number of lags included in the computation of the statistic. A positive number can also be provided. |
type |
which Box.test 'type' should be used? Partial matching is used. The 'rank' alternative computes 'Ljung-Box' on rank(x); see Burns (2002) and references therein. NOTE: The default 'Ljung-Box' type generally seems to be more accurate and popular than the earlier 'Box-Pierce', which is however the default for 'Box.test'. |
1. Fit the desired model using 'arima'.
2. Compute the desired number of lags for Box.test
3. Apply 'AutocorTest' to the whitened residuals.
NOTE: Some software does not adjust the degrees of freedom for the number of parameters estimated. Tsay (2005) and Enders (2004) do. The need to adjust the degrees of freedom discussed by Brockwell and Davis (1990), who provide a proof describing the circumstances under which this is appropriate.
This is, however, an asymptotic result, and it would help to have simulation studies of the distribution of the Ljung-Box statistic, estimating degrees of freedom and evaluating goodness of fit. Burns recommends a rank version of the Ljung-Box test, but does not estimate degrees of freedom. If you have done such a simulation or know of a reference describing such, would you please notify the maintainer of this package?
4. If 'xreg' is supplied, compute r.squared.
an 'arima' object with an additional 'Box.test' component and if 'xreg' is not null, an 'r.squared' component.
NOTE: The 'Box.test' help page in R 2.6.1 says, 'Missing values are not handled.' However, if 'x' contains NAs, 'ARIMA' still returns a numeric answer that seems plausible, at least in some examples. Therefore, either this comment on the help page is wrong (or obsolete) or the answer can not be trusted with NAs.
Spencer Graves for the ARIMA{FinTS}
wrapper for
, written by the R Core Team, and
, written by A. Trapletti. John Frain
provided the citation to a proof in Brockwell and Davis (1990) that
the degrees of freedom for the approximating chi-square distribution
of the Ljung-Box statistic should be adjusted for the number of
parameters estimated. Michal Miklovic provided the citation to Enders
Brockwell and Davis (1990) Time Series: Theory and Methods, 2nd Edition (Springer, page 310).
Walter Enders (2004) Applied Econometric Time Series (Wiley, pp. 68-69)
Greta Ljung and George E. P. Box (1978) 'On a measure of lack of fit in time series models', Biometrika, vol. 66, pp. 67-72.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 2)
Patrick Burns (2002) 'Robustness of the Ljung-Box Test and its Rank Equivalent', https://www.burns-stat.com/pages/Working/ljungbox.pdf, accessed 2007.12.29.
## ## Examples from 'arima' ## lh100 <- ARIMA(lh, order = c(1,0,0)) lh100$Box.test # df = 3 = round(log(lh)) - 1 # 2 parameters are estimated, but 1 is 'intercept', # so it doesn't count in the 'df' computation lh500 <- ARIMA(lh, order = c(5,0,0)) lh500$Box.test # round(log(length(lh))) = 4 # Default Box.test.lag = min(5+1, 4) = 6, # so df = 1; without the min(5+1, ...), it would be -1. lh500$Box.test$method # lag = 6 lh101 <- ARIMA(lh, order = c(1,0,1)) lh101$Box.test # works with mixed ARMA USAccD011 <- ARIMA(USAccDeaths, order = c(0,1,1), seasonal = list(order=c(0,1,1))) USAccD011$Box.test # df = round(log(length(USAccDeaths))) - 2: # correct 'df' with nonstationary 'seasonal' as well LakeH200 <- ARIMA(LakeHuron, order = c(2,0,0), xreg = time(LakeHuron)-1920) LakeH200$Box.test # correct 'df' with 'xreg' LakeH200$r.squared ## presidents contains NAs ## graphs in example(acf) suggest order 1 or 3 require(graphics) (fit1 <- ARIMA(presidents, c(1, 0, 0))) fit1$Box.test tsdiag(fit1) ## ## Example with multiple 'xreg' variables ## tLH <- as.numeric(time(LakeHuron)-1920) tLH2 <- cbind(timeLH.1920 = tLH, time.sq = tLH*tLH) LakeH200. <- ARIMA(LakeHuron, order=c(2,0,0), xreg=tLH2) LakeH200.$r.squared
## ## Examples from 'arima' ## lh100 <- ARIMA(lh, order = c(1,0,0)) lh100$Box.test # df = 3 = round(log(lh)) - 1 # 2 parameters are estimated, but 1 is 'intercept', # so it doesn't count in the 'df' computation lh500 <- ARIMA(lh, order = c(5,0,0)) lh500$Box.test # round(log(length(lh))) = 4 # Default Box.test.lag = min(5+1, 4) = 6, # so df = 1; without the min(5+1, ...), it would be -1. lh500$Box.test$method # lag = 6 lh101 <- ARIMA(lh, order = c(1,0,1)) lh101$Box.test # works with mixed ARMA USAccD011 <- ARIMA(USAccDeaths, order = c(0,1,1), seasonal = list(order=c(0,1,1))) USAccD011$Box.test # df = round(log(length(USAccDeaths))) - 2: # correct 'df' with nonstationary 'seasonal' as well LakeH200 <- ARIMA(LakeHuron, order = c(2,0,0), xreg = time(LakeHuron)-1920) LakeH200$Box.test # correct 'df' with 'xreg' LakeH200$r.squared ## presidents contains NAs ## graphs in example(acf) suggest order 1 or 3 require(graphics) (fit1 <- ARIMA(presidents, c(1, 0, 0))) fit1$Box.test tsdiag(fit1) ## ## Example with multiple 'xreg' variables ## tLH <- as.numeric(time(LakeHuron)-1920) tLH2 <- cbind(timeLH.1920 = tLH, time.sq = tLH*tLH) LakeH200. <- ARIMA(LakeHuron, order=c(2,0,0), xreg=tLH2) LakeH200.$r.squared
Convert x
to class "yearmon"
. If duplicate months are
found, return x
. Otherwise, return the conversion with names =
as.yearmon2(x, ...)
as.yearmon2(x, ...)
x |
object suitable for |
... |
additional argument(s) (e.g., a format) passed to
Dates for some monthly data include the day of the month on which the
data were published. For many purposes, one would like to have the
data as a zoo
object with a yearmon
index, while still
retaining the full date for other purposes.
If the yearmon
form of the input is not unique,
returns the input unchanged with a warning.
Otherwise, it returns the yearmon
conversion with the input as
Returns either its argument or its argument converted to class
with names.
x1 <- as.Date(c("2000-01-01", "2000-01-01")) as.yearmon2(x1) #Warning message: #In as.yearmon2(x1) : # 1 duplicate months found in 'x'; returning 'x' unchanged x2 <- as.Date(c("2000-01-01", "2000-02-01")) as.yearmon2(x2) # month of x2 with names x2
x1 <- as.Date(c("2000-01-01", "2000-01-01")) as.yearmon2(x1) #Warning message: #In as.yearmon2(x1) : # 1 duplicate months found in 'x'; returning 'x' unchanged x2 <- as.Date(c("2000-01-01", "2000-02-01")) as.yearmon2(x2) # month of x2 with names x2
Ljung-Box test for autocorrelation
AutocorTest(x, lag = ceiling(log(length(x))), type = c("Ljung-Box", "Box-Pierce", "rank"), df = lag )
AutocorTest(x, lag = ceiling(log(length(x))), type = c("Ljung-Box", "Box-Pierce", "rank"), df = lag )
x |
a numeric vector or a univariate time series |
lag |
the statistic will be based on 'lag' autocorrelation coefficients. Tsay (p. 27-28) says, 'Simulation studies suggest that the choice of [lag = log(length(x))] provides better power performance. This general rule needs modification in analysis of seasonal time series for which autocorrelations with lags at multiples of the seasonality are more important.' |
type |
which Box.test 'type' should be used? Partial matching is used. The 'rank' alternative computes 'Ljung-Box' on rank(x); see Burns (2002) and references therein. NOTE: The default 'Ljung-Box' type generally seems to be more accurate and popular than the earlier 'Box-Pierce', which is however the default for 'Box.test'. |
df |
a positive number giving the degrees of freedom for the reference chi-squre distribution used to compute the p-value for the statistic. This makes it easy to call AutocorTest with the residuals from a fit
and have the p-value computed with reference to a chi-square with
degrees of freedom different from "lag". See the discussion
of degrees of freedom for 'Box.test in |
This is provided for compatibility with 'autocorTest' in the S-Plus
script in Tsay (p. 30). It is a wrapper for the R function
a list of class 'htest' containing the following components:
statistic |
a number giving the value of the test statistic. |
paramter |
a number giving the degrees of freedom of the approximate chi-squared distribution of the test statistic used to compute the p.value. |
p.value |
the p-value of the test. |
method |
a character string indicating which type of test was performed. If(df != lag), this character string ends with paste("(lag = ", lag, ")", sep=""). |
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley)
Patrick Burns (2002) 'Robustness of the Ljung-Box Test and its Rank Equivalent', https://www.burns-stat.com/pages/Working/ljungbox.pdf, accessed 2007.12.29.
data(m.ibm2697) AutocorTest(m.ibm2697, 5) AT4 <- AutocorTest(m.ibm2697, 5, df=4) str(AT4) # $method = "Box-Ljung test (lag = 5)"
data(m.ibm2697) AutocorTest(m.ibm2697, 5) AT4 <- AutocorTest(m.ibm2697, 5, df=4) str(AT4) # $method = "Box-Ljung test (lag = 5)"
Financial time series used in examples in chapter 1.
data(d.ibmvwewsp6203) data(d.intc7303) data(d.3m6203) data(d.msft8603) data(d.c8603) data(m.ibmvwewsp2603) data(m.intc7303) data(m.3m4603) data(m.msft8603) data(m.c8603) data(m.gs10) data(m.gs1) data(d.fxjp00) data(m.fama.bond5203) data(m.gs3) data(m.gs5) data(w.tb3ms) data(w.tb6ms)
data(d.ibmvwewsp6203) data(d.intc7303) data(d.3m6203) data(d.msft8603) data(d.c8603) data(m.ibmvwewsp2603) data(m.intc7303) data(m.3m4603) data(m.msft8603) data(m.c8603) data(m.gs10) data(m.gs1) data(d.fxjp00) data(m.fama.bond5203) data(m.gs3) data(m.gs5) data(w.tb3ms) data(w.tb6ms)
Objects of class zoo giving simple returns for each trading period (day, week or month) for different periods, with different start dates but typically running to the end of 2003.
Zoo objects with 4 columns (IBM, VW, EW, and SP). Daily data starts with 1962-07-03. Monthly data starts with 1926-01-30.
Matrices of class zoo with a single column "Intel" starting from January 1973.
Matrices of class zoo with a single column "MMM". Daily data starts with 1962-07-03. Monthly data starts with 1946-02-28.
Matrices of class zoo with a single column "MSFT" starting from 1906-03-14.
Matrix of class zoo with a single column "C" starting from 1986-10-30.
Monthly 10-yr and 1-yr Treasury constant maturity rates (4/53-3/04)
Daily exchange rate between U.S. dollar and Japanese yen
Monthly bond returns as follows:
Monthly 3-yr and 5-yr Treasury constant maturity rates
Weekly Treasury Bill rates
The first 16 of these objects contain daily and monthly simple returns for 8 financial time series analyzed Tsay (2005, Table1.2). These 8 are SP (Standard & Poors), EW, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, and Citi-Group, beginning at different times and running to the end of 2003.
The others are used elsewhere in chapter 1.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 1)
# First half of Table 1.2: data(d.ibmvwewsp6203) data(d.intc7303) data(d.3m6203) data(d.msft8603) data(d.c8603) (Daily.Simple.Returns.pct <- rbind( SP = FinTS.stats(100*d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "SP"]), VW = FinTS.stats(100*d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "VW"]), EW = FinTS.stats(100*d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "EW"]), IBM= FinTS.stats(100*d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "IBM"]), Intel=FinTS.stats(100*d.intc7303[, "Intel"]), MMM= FinTS.stats(100*d.3m6203[, "MMM"]), MSFT=FinTS.stats(100*d.msft8603[, 'MSFT']), C = FinTS.stats(100*d.c8603[, "C"]) ) ) (Daily.log.Returns.pct <- rbind( SP = FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "SP"])), VW = FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "VW"])), EW = FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "EW"])), IBM= FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "IBM"])), Intel=FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.intc7303[,"Intel"])), MMM= FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.3m6203[, "MMM"])), MSFT=FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.msft8603[, 'MSFT'])), C = FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.c8603[, "C"])) ) )
# First half of Table 1.2: data(d.ibmvwewsp6203) data(d.intc7303) data(d.3m6203) data(d.msft8603) data(d.c8603) (Daily.Simple.Returns.pct <- rbind( SP = FinTS.stats(100*d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "SP"]), VW = FinTS.stats(100*d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "VW"]), EW = FinTS.stats(100*d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "EW"]), IBM= FinTS.stats(100*d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "IBM"]), Intel=FinTS.stats(100*d.intc7303[, "Intel"]), MMM= FinTS.stats(100*d.3m6203[, "MMM"]), MSFT=FinTS.stats(100*d.msft8603[, 'MSFT']), C = FinTS.stats(100*d.c8603[, "C"]) ) ) (Daily.log.Returns.pct <- rbind( SP = FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "SP"])), VW = FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "VW"])), EW = FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "EW"])), IBM= FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.ibmvwewsp6203[, "IBM"])), Intel=FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.intc7303[,"Intel"])), MMM= FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.3m6203[, "MMM"])), MSFT=FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.msft8603[, 'MSFT'])), C = FinTS.stats(100*log(1+d.c8603[, "C"])) ) )
Financial time series used in examples in chapter 2.
data(m.ibm2697) data(m.vw2697) data(q.gnp4791) data(m.ibm3dx2603) data(m.3m4697) data(q.gdp4703) data(d.sp9003lev) data(q.jnj) data(m.decile1510) data(w.gs1n36299)
data(m.ibm2697) data(m.vw2697) data(q.gnp4791) data(m.ibm3dx2603) data(m.3m4697) data(q.gdp4703) data(d.sp9003lev) data(q.jnj) data(m.decile1510) data(w.gs1n36299)
Objects of class zoo giving simple returns for each trading period (day, week or month) for different periods.
Monthly returns for IBM stock and the value weighted index from 1926 to 1997.
Growth rate of U.S. quarterly real gnp, from 1947Q2 to 1991Q1.
Monthy returns of IBM stock, the value and equal weighted and Standard and Poors indices from 1926 through 2003.
Monthly simple returns of 3M stock from Feb., 1946 through Dec. 2003.
U.S. quarterly GDP from 1947 through 2003
Daily values of S&P 500 index from 1990 through 2003.
Quarterly earnings of Johnson & Johnson from 1960 through 1980.
Monthly simple returns of Deciles 1, 5, 10. Decile 1 means the weighted returns of companies in the first 10 percent of market cap (i.e. 0 to 10). (Thus, it is not the 10th percentile.) Decile 10 means the returns of the top 10 percent of the companies (market cap). Therefore, decile 1 is the smallest listed companies, and decile 10 is for the largest companies.
The 'index' of 'm.decile1510' has class 'Date'. Since it's a monthly series, it would be better for many purposes if it had 'index' of class 'yearmon'. See the 'examples' below for how to achieve this conversion.
zoo object with two columns, 'gs1' and 'gs3', giving weekly 1-yr & 3-yr interest rates from 1962-01-05 through 2007-11-02. These data were reextracted from the Federal Reserve Bank at St. Louis to replace data from the book's web site that had obvious data quality problems (e.g., a date of 1962-08-32).
To get data covering January 4, 1962, through September 10, 1999, use
window(w.gs1n36299, start = as.Date("1962-01-12"),
see 'examples' below.
Spencer Graves with help from Gabor Grothendieck.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 2)
## m.decile1510 has 'index' of class 'Date' ## Since it's a monthly series, for many purposes, ## it should have 'index' of class 'yearmon'. ## To get this, do the following: ## data(m.decile1510) mDecile1510 <- zoo(m.decile1510, as.yearmon(index(m.decile1510))) ## w.gs1n36299 covers a broader range than used in ## Tsay (2005, sec. 2.9, pp. 80ff): subset using 'window': ## data(w.gs1n36299) w.gs1n3 <- window(w.gs1n36299, start = as.Date("1962-01-12"), end = as.Date("1999-09-10"))
## m.decile1510 has 'index' of class 'Date' ## Since it's a monthly series, for many purposes, ## it should have 'index' of class 'yearmon'. ## To get this, do the following: ## data(m.decile1510) mDecile1510 <- zoo(m.decile1510, as.yearmon(index(m.decile1510))) ## w.gs1n36299 covers a broader range than used in ## Tsay (2005, sec. 2.9, pp. 80ff): subset using 'window': ## data(w.gs1n36299) w.gs1n3 <- window(w.gs1n36299, start = as.Date("1962-01-12"), end = as.Date("1999-09-10"))
Financial time series used in examples in chapter 3.
#m.intc7303 data(exch.perc) data(sp500) #m.ibm2697 #d.ibmvwewsp6203 data(m.ibmspln) data(m.ibmsplnsu) data(d.sp8099)
#m.intc7303 data(exch.perc) data(sp500) #m.ibm2697 #d.ibmvwewsp6203 data(m.ibmspln) data(m.ibmsplnsu) data(d.sp8099)
Three data stes used in chapter 3 are also used in chapter 1 or 2 and are documented with 'ch01data' or 'ch02data': In particular, 'm.intc7303' and 'd.ibmvwewsp6203' are used in chapters 1 and 3 and are documented with 'ch01data'; 'm.ibm2697' is used in chapters 2 and 3 is documented with ch02data.
The other data sets used in chapter 3 are as follows:
numeric vector of length 2497 giving percentage changes in the exchange rate between the German mark and the US dollar in 10 minute intervals, June 5-19, 1989. (The book describes analyses of 2488 observations. If these 2497 observations are plotted, it is difficult to see any differences from Figure 3.2.)
object of class 'zooreg' giving the monthly excess returns of the S&P 500 index starting from 1926. This zooreg object is labeled assuming it starts in January, though the book does not say whether it starts in January or just some time in 1926. (Many of the files included date with the data, but 'sp500.dat' did not.)
object of class 'zooreg' giving the monthly log returns of IBM stock and S&P 500 index from January 1926 to December 1999 for 888 observations. NOTE: The examples in the book use only the first 864 of these observations.
same as 'm.ibmspln' but with a third column 'summer' that is 1 in June, July and August, and 0 otherwise.
zoo object giving the average daily returns of the S&P 500 from 1980 through 1999.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 3)
Financial time series used in examples in chapter 4.
data(m.unrate) #d.ibmvwewsp6203 #m.3m4697 #q.gnp4791 data(w.3mtbs7097) data(m.ibmln2699) data(q.unemrate)
data(m.unrate) #d.ibmvwewsp6203 #m.3m4697 #q.gnp4791 data(w.3mtbs7097) data(m.ibmln2699) data(q.unemrate)
Three data stes used in chapter 4 are also used earlier: 'd.ibmvwewsp6203' is used in chapter 1, and 'm.3m4697' and 'q.gnp4791' are used in chapter 2; these three data objects are docuemented in 'ch01data' or 'ch02data'.
The other data sets used in chapter 4 are as follows:
zoo object giving the monthly US civilian unemployment rate from 1948 through 2004.
zoo object giving the US weekly 3-month treasury bill rate in the secondary market from 1970 through 1997.
zoo object giving the monthly log returns in percentages of IBM stock from 1926 through 1999.
zoo object giving the US quarterly unemployment rate seasonally adjusted from 1948 through 1993.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 4)
Financial time series used in examples in chapter 5.
data(ibm) data(ibm9912.tp) data(ibmdurad) data(ibm1to5.dur) data(ibm91.ads) data(ibm91.adsx) data(day15.ori) data(day15)
data(ibm) data(ibm9912.tp) data(ibmdurad) data(ibm1to5.dur) data(ibm91.ads) data(ibm91.adsx) data(day15.ori) data(day15)
IBM transactions data (11/1/1990 - 1/31/1991)
data.frame of date.time, volume, bid, ask, and price of IBM stock transactions. date.time is of class 'chron', while volume, bid, ask, and price are all numeric. Some tranactions have the same date.time values, which is why this is a data.frame and not a zoo object.
IBM transactions data of December 1999: data.frame of date.time and price.
Adjusted time durations between trades of IBM stock (11/01/1990-1/31/1991).
Format: data.frame with columns date.time and adjusted.duration
subset of 'ibmdurad' limited to positive durations in the first 5 trading days.
a data.frame on the changes in the price of IBM stock transactions between November 1, 1990 and January 31, 1991. This period includes 63 trading days, during which 59,838 transactions were recorded during normal trading hours. The first transaction for each day was dropped leaving the 59,775 transactions in this data.frame.
1 if a price change from the previous trade, 0 otherwise
1 if positive, -1 if negative, 0 if no change
Size of the price change in number of ticks of 1/8 of a US dollar.
NOTE: In this data.frame there are 10 anomalous records for
which A.priceChange !=0
but SizeInTicks == 0
These correspond to price changes of half a tick, which got
rounded down to 0.
a data.frame with 6 variables the same transactions as in 'ibm91.ads':
thousands of shares traded
seconds between the previous two trades
the bid-ask spread in USD of the current transaction.
1 if the previous trade involved a price change from its predacessor, and 0 otherwise
1 if the previous change was positive, -1 if negative, 0 if no change
Size of the price change in the previous trade in number of
ticks of 1/8 of a US dollar.
NOTE: The last three columns are ibm91.ads lagged one
transaction, so
ibm91.adsx[-1, 4:5] == ibm91.ads[-59775, ]
with 24 exceptions.
data.frame with the transaction time and the stock price for the 728 IBM stock transactions that occurred during normal trading hours on November 21, 1990.
a zoo object with the following columns supposedly summarizing only the price changes in day15.ori:
time in seconds since the last price change
1 if the price increased, -1 if it decreased
price change in number of ticks of USD 1/8.
number of trades without a price change since the previous price change ... supposedly. These numbers do not match a manual extraction of these data from 'day15.ori'.
1 if there were multiple transactions within the same one second interval, 0 if not.
cumulative price change in USD since the start of normal trading on November 21, 1990.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 5)
Financial time series used in examples in chapter 6.
data(d.ibmy98) data(d.cscoy99)
data(d.ibmy98) data(d.cscoy99)
Objects of class zoo giving returns for each trading day for different periods
Zoo object giving daily simple returns of IBM stock for each trading day in 1998.
Zoo object giving daily log returns of Cisco stock for each trading day in 1999.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 6)
Financial time series used in examples in chapter 7.
data(d.ibm6298wmx) data(d.intc7297)
data(d.ibm6298wmx) data(d.intc7297)
a zoo object of 9190 observations on several series relating to IBM stock, 1962-07-03 to 1998-12-31:
daily simple returns in percentages of IBM stock
numbers 1:9190
mean-corrected log returns
1 for October, November, December, and 0 otherwise
an indicator variable for the behavior of the previous trading day. Specifically, this is 1 if the meanCorrectedLogRtns for the previous day was at most (-0.025).
number of the last 5 days for which the meanCorrectedLogRtns exceeded +/-2.5
an annual trend defined as (year-1961)/38.
a volatility series based on a Gaussian GARCH(1,1) model for the mean-corrected log returns.
The simpleDailyRtns and the zoo index are from 'd-ibm6298.txt' from the book's web site.
The 'day' and 'meanCorrectedLogRtns' are from 'd-ibmln98wm.txt'.
The last 5 columns are from 'd-ibml25x.txt'; they are described on p. 332 of the book.
a zoo object of daily log returns of Intel stock, 1972-12-15 to 1997-12-31.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 7)
Financial time series used in examples in chapter 8.
data(m.ibmsp2699ln) data(m.bnd) data(m.gs1n3.5301) data(w.tb3n6ms) data(sp5may)
data(m.ibmsp2699ln) data(m.bnd) data(m.gs1n3.5301) data(w.tb3n6ms) data(sp5may)
zoo object giving monthly simple and log returns of IBM stock and the Standard and Poor's 500 from 1926 through 1999. (This combines files 'm-ibmsp2699.txt' and 'm-ibmspln.txt' from the book's web site.)
zoo object giving the monthly simple returns of 30, 20, 10, 5 and 1 year maturity bonds from 1942 through 1999.
zoo object giving 1 and 3 year US Treasury constant maturity interest rates from April 1953 to January 2001 (used in Example 8.6, pp. 373ff).
zoo object giving weekly 3 and 6 month US Treasury Bill interest rates from 1958-12-12 to 2004-08-06 (used in Sect. 8.6.5, pp. 385ff).
A data.frame of 7061 observations on 4 variables based on minute-by-minute observations of the Standard and Poor's 500 Futures and prices in May 1993.
These data are used, after some processing, in Tsay(Sect. 8.7.2, pp. 392ff). Unfortunately, it's not yet clear what these numbers are. The following is a current guess and will doubtless change in the future.
logarithms of June Futures contracts traded at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. The first difference of this series appears to be plotted in Figure 8.16(a), after replacing '10 extreme values (5 on each side) by the simple average of their two nearest neighbors.' (p. 392)
logarithms of Standard and Poor's 500 price levels. The first differences of this series appears to be plotted in Figure 8.16(b), after adjustment similar to that for 'logFuture'.
numbers that assume 19 distinct levels separated by 18 discrete jumps. The name of this will likely change whenever more information about it can be obtained for this documentation.
index for the 19 distinct levels assumed by 'dailyAvgSomething'. This is probably the trading day in May 1993. However, there appear to have been 20 trading days in that month, so if these 19 levels do correspond to trading days, it's not clear which date is missing.
These data were analyzed by Forbes, Kalb, and Kofman (1999); Tsay (1998) was also referenced with the discussion of the analysis of these data.
Forbes, C. S., Kalb, G. R. J., and Kofman, P. (1999) 'Bayesian Arbitrage Threshold Analysis', Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 17: 364-372.
Ruey Tsay (1998) 'Testing and Modeling Multivariate Threshold Models', Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93: 1188-1202.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 8)
Financial time series used in examples in chapter 9.
data(m.fac9003) data(m.cpice16.dp7503) data(m.barra.9003) data(m.5cln) #data(m.bnd) <- documented with ch08, also used in ch09 data(m.apca0103)
data(m.fac9003) data(m.cpice16.dp7503) data(m.barra.9003) data(m.5cln) #data(m.bnd) <- documented with ch08, also used in ch09 data(m.apca0103)
a zoo object of 168 observations giving simple excess returns of 13 stocks and the Standard and Poor's 500 index over the monthly series of three-month Treasury bill rates of the secondary market as the risk-free rate from January 1990 to December 2003. (These numbers are used in Table 9.1.)
A. G. Edwards
Ford Motor
General Motors
Mellon Financial
New York Times
Proctor & Gamble
Chicago Tribune
Texas Instruments
Standard & Poor's 500 index
a zoo object of 168 monthly on two macroeconomic variables from January 1975 through December 2002 (p. 412):
consumer price index for all urban consumers: all items and with index 1982-1984 = 100
Civilian employment numbers 16 years and over: measured in thousands
a zoo object giving monthly excess returns of ten stocks from January 1990 through December 2003:
A. G. Edwards
Morgan Stanley
Merrill Lynch
Dell, Inc.
International Business Machines
Proctor & Gamble
a zoo object giving monthly log returns in percentages of 5 stocks from January 1990 through December 1999:
International Business Machines
Merrill Lynch
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
data.frame of monthly simple returns of 40 stocks from January 2001 through December 2003, discussed in sect. 9.6.2, pp. 437ff.
5-digit company identification code
the last workday of the month
in percent
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 7)
data(m.apca0103) dim(m.apca0103) # 1440 3; 1440 = 40*36 # Are the dates all the same? sameDates <- rep(NA, 39) for(i in 1:39) sameDates[i] <- with(m.apca0103, all.equal(date[1:36], date[(i*36)+1:36])) stopifnot(all(sameDates)) M.apca0103 <- with(m.apca0103, array(return, dim = c(36, 40), dimnames = list(NULL, paste("Co", CompanyID[seq(1, 1440, 36)], sep=""))))
data(m.apca0103) dim(m.apca0103) # 1440 3; 1440 = 40*36 # Are the dates all the same? sameDates <- rep(NA, 39) for(i in 1:39) sameDates[i] <- with(m.apca0103, all.equal(date[1:36], date[(i*36)+1:36])) stopifnot(all(sameDates)) M.apca0103 <- with(m.apca0103, array(return, dim = c(36, 40), dimnames = list(NULL, paste("Co", CompanyID[seq(1, 1440, 36)], sep=""))))
Financial time series used in examples in chapter 10.
data(d.hkja) data(m.pfe6503) data(m.mrk6503) #data(m.ibmsp2699) # <- 2 of the 4 columns in m.ibmsp2699ln # documented with ch08data data(d.spcscointc)
data(d.hkja) data(m.pfe6503) data(m.mrk6503) #data(m.ibmsp2699) # <- 2 of the 4 columns in m.ibmsp2699ln # documented with ch08data data(d.spcscointc)
One data set used in chapter 10 is also used earlier: 'm.ibmsp2699' is the first 2 of the 4 columns of 'm.ibmsp2699ln' used in chapter 8.
The other data sets used in chapter 10 are as follows:
zoo object giving the daily log returns of HK and Japan market indices from 1996-01-01 through 1997-05-05 (used in Example 10.1).
zoo objects giving the monthly simple returns including dividends of Pfizer and Merk stocks.
data.frame giving 2275 daily log returns of three items from January 2, 1991 through December 31, 1999:
Standard & Poor's 500 index
Cisco stock
Intel stock
NOTE: This date range seems to include 2280 trading days in the New York Stock Exchange. Since the file on the book's web site did not include dates and since there appear to be more trading days than observations, dates are not currently provided with these observations. This may change with a future revision of this package.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 10)
Financial time series used in examples in chapter 11.
data(aa.3rv) # m.fac9003 described in ch09data # q.jnj described in dh02data
data(aa.3rv) # m.fac9003 described in ch09data # q.jnj described in dh02data
The text of chapter 11 considers one data set not used in previous chapters plus two that are. Monthly excess returns of GM stock are used in Table 9.1 of Chapter 9. Quarterly earnings of Johnson and Johnson are used in Chapter 2.
The data set introduced with Chapter 11 is as follows:
a zoo object of daily 5, 10, and 20 minute realized volatility of Alcoa stock from 2003-01-02 through 2004-05-07.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 11)
Financial time series used in examples in chapter 12.
data(w.gs3n1c) data(w.gs3c) data(m.sp6299) data(m.ibmspln6299) data(m.sp5.6204) data(m.geln)
data(w.gs3n1c) data(w.gs3c) data(m.sp6299) data(m.ibmspln6299) data(m.sp5.6204) data(m.geln)
a zoo object of the change series of weekly US interest rates (3 and 1 year maturities) from Jan. 5, 1962, to Sep. 10, 1999. This was obtained via
diff(window(w.gs1n36299, start=as.Date("1962-01-05"), end=as.Date("1999-09-10")))[, 2:1]
to get the dates with the data. Then 'all.equal' confirmed that these numbers matched those in the file read from the web site (which did not have dates).
These are used in Example 12.1, pp. 556ff.
a zoo object giving the change series of weekly US 3-year maturity interest rates from March 18, 1988, to Sept. 10, 1999. This was obtained via
window(w.gs3n1c[, 1], start=as.Date("1988-03-18"), end = as.Date("1999-09-10"))
Then 'all.equal' confirmed that these numbers matched those read from the web site.
These data are used in Example 12.2, pp. 564ff.
Monthly log returns of S&P 500 index from January 1962 to December 1999. These data are used in Example 12.3, pp. 569ff.
These data are a subset of 'm.ibmspln', used in chapter 3. That series has dates, which were not provided in the file associated with this series on the book's web site. Moreover, the file with chapter 12 has only 4 significant digits where the earlier file has 6. Since the other data are otherwise identical, this 'm.sp6299' was constructed as
window(m.ibmspln[, 2], start = yearmon(1962), end = yearmon(1999+11/12))
Monthly log returns of IBM stock and the S&P 500 index from January 1962 to December 1999. These data are used in Example 12.4, pp. 573ff.
These data are an expansion of 'm.sp6299' and were similarly obtained from 'm.ibmspln'.
Monthly log returns of S&P 500 index from January 1962 to November 1999. These data are used in Example 12.5, pp. 586ff.
Monthly log returns of GE stock from January 1926 to December 1999. These data are used in Example 12.6, pp. 591ff.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 12)
Compute compound interest for a given number of periods, compounding with an indicated frequency per period.
compoundInterest(interest, periods = 1, frequency = 1, net.value = FALSE) simple2logReturns(R)
compoundInterest(interest, periods = 1, frequency = 1, net.value = FALSE) simple2logReturns(R)
interest |
rate of interest per period (usually per year). |
periods |
number of periods over which to compound. |
frequency |
number of times per period to compound;
net.value |
if TRUE, return the total value per unit invested; otherwise return net increase = (net value - 1). |
R |
simple interest to be converted to log(returns). |
These functions are vectorized for all arguments. The code uses
optionally expm1(x) = exp(x) - 1
and log1p(x) = log(1+x)
which can preserve numerical precision for x very close to 0.
vector of the length of the longest argument.
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, p. 6)
# "Net Value" column of Tsay Table 1.1, p. 4 compoundInterest(0.1, frequency = c(1, 2, 4, 12, 52, 365, Inf), net.value = FALSE) # Example 1.1, p. 6 compoundInterest(.0446, freq = Inf) # Inverse of Example 1.1 simple2logReturns(.0456)
# "Net Value" column of Tsay Table 1.1, p. 4 compoundInterest(0.1, frequency = c(1, 2, 4, 12, 52, 365, Inf), net.value = FALSE) # Example 1.1, p. 6 compoundInterest(.0446, freq = Inf) # Inverse of Example 1.1 simple2logReturns(.0456)
Find all complex conjugate pairs in a vector of complex numbers and return one number from each pair.
findConjugates(x, complex.eps = .Machine[["double.eps"]])
findConjugates(x, complex.eps = .Machine[["double.eps"]])
x |
a vector of complex numbers |
complex.eps |
a small positive number used to identify complex conjugates:
1. Compute normalization m2 = outer(abs(x), abs(x), max)
2. Compute complex differences
c2 = abs(outer(x, Conj(x), "-")) / m2
3. If any abs(c2) < complex.eps
, make sure the numbers are not
duplicate reals via
(d2 = abs(outer(x, x, "-"))) > complex.eps
a complex vector with one representative of each complex pair found
Spencer Graves and Ravi Varadhan
# none findConjugates(NULL) findConjugates(numeric(0)) findConjugates(0:4) findConjugates(rep(0:1,each=3)) # some findConjugates(c(1+1i, 0, 1-1i, 2-2i, 3, 2+2i, NA)) # Testing with polyroot and solve(polynomial(...)) set.seed(1234) if(require(polynom)){ p <- polynomial(sample(1:10, size=45, rep=TRUE)) # degree 44 z <- solve(p) findConjugates(z, complex.eps=.Machine$double.eps) # this identifies all 21 conjugate pairs, R 2.6.0 for Windows z1 <- polyroot(p) findConjugates(z1, complex.eps=.Machine$double.eps) # this only identifies only 3 conjugate pairs, R 2.6.0 for Windows }
# none findConjugates(NULL) findConjugates(numeric(0)) findConjugates(0:4) findConjugates(rep(0:1,each=3)) # some findConjugates(c(1+1i, 0, 1-1i, 2-2i, 3, 2+2i, NA)) # Testing with polyroot and solve(polynomial(...)) set.seed(1234) if(require(polynom)){ p <- polynomial(sample(1:10, size=45, rep=TRUE)) # degree 44 z <- solve(p) findConjugates(z, complex.eps=.Machine$double.eps) # this identifies all 21 conjugate pairs, R 2.6.0 for Windows z1 <- polyroot(p) findConjugates(z1, complex.eps=.Machine$double.eps) # this only identifies only 3 conjugate pairs, R 2.6.0 for Windows }
Summary statistics as in Table 1.2, Tsay (2005), including the start date, number of observations, mean, standard deviation, skewness, excess kurtosis, min and max.
x |
A univariate object of class 'zoo' |
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, p. 11)
FinTS.stats(rep(1, 5)) data(d.c8603) FinTS.stats(100*d.c8603[, "C"]) ## The following generates an error, because FinTS.stats ## expects a vector of class 'zoo', and d.c8603 is a matrix #FinTS.stats(100*d.c8603)
FinTS.stats(rep(1, 5)) data(d.c8603) FinTS.stats(100*d.c8603[, "C"]) ## The following generates an error, because FinTS.stats ## expects a vector of class 'zoo', and d.c8603 is a matrix #FinTS.stats(100*d.c8603)
Display a partial or complete directory of a package. By default, suppress common package contents to focus on 'demo', 'doc', 'scripts', and similar subdirectories whose contents might contain examples that could make it easier to learn capabilities of the package.
package.dir(package = 'base', lib.loc = NULL, exclude = c('chtml', 'data', 'help', 'html', 'latex', 'libs', 'man', 'Meta', 'po', 'R', 'R-ex', 'src'), include = NULL, pattern = NULL, recursive = FALSE)
package.dir(package = 'base', lib.loc = NULL, exclude = c('chtml', 'data', 'help', 'html', 'latex', 'libs', 'man', 'Meta', 'po', 'R', 'R-ex', 'src'), include = NULL, pattern = NULL, recursive = FALSE)
package |
character string naming a locally installed package. If 'package' is not locally installed, it is an error. |
lib.loc |
a character vector with path names of R libraries, or 'NULL'. The default value of 'NULL' corresponds to all libraries currently known. If the default is used, the loaded packages are searched before the libraries. |
exclude |
either NULL or a character vector naming subdirectories of 'package' to exclude from the list. If 'include' is not NULL, 'exclude' is ignored. |
include |
either NULL or a character vector naming subdirectories of 'package' to exclude from the list. If 'include' is not NULL, 'exclude is ignored. |
pattern |
an optional regular expression passed with the results of system.file to dir. Only file names which match the regular expression will be returned. This is ignored if 'recursive' is FALSE. |
recursive |
logical. Should the listing recurse into subdirectories? |
1. fullPath <- system.file(package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc)
2. Dir <- dir(fullPath)
3. Restrict Dir only to 'include' if provided and to all but 'exclude' otherwise.
4. If recursive, return a list produced by dir
for each
of the subdirectories of interest determined in step 3. Else, return
only the list of subdirectories from step 3.
If recursive, a list of the contents of the subdirectories of interest. Else, a character vector of the names of the relevant subdirectories.
Spencer Graves
package.dir() # 'demo' package.dir(recursive = TRUE) # contents of 'demo' package.dir('nlme') # 'mlbook', 'scripts'
package.dir() # 'demo' package.dir(recursive = TRUE) # contents of 'demo' package.dir('nlme') # 'mlbook', 'scripts'
Plots loadings as a separate barplot for each factor.
## S3 method for class 'loadings' plot(x, n = 5, k = ncol(x), mfrow = c(k, 1), ...)
## S3 method for class 'loadings' plot(x, n = 5, k = ncol(x), mfrow = c(k, 1), ...)
x |
A |
n |
Number of components of each factor to plot. |
k |
Number of factors to plot. |
mfrow |
Passed to |
... |
Other arguments passed to |
The top n
components of each of the top k
are displayed in a separate barplot
Return value is a list of the return values from each barplot
data(m.barra.9003) rtn <- m.barra.9003 stat.fac <- factanal(rtn, factors = 3) m.barra.loadings <- loadings(stat.fac) plot(m.barra.loadings)
data(m.barra.9003) rtn <- m.barra.9003 stat.fac <- factanal(rtn, factors = 3) m.barra.loadings <- loadings(stat.fac) plot(m.barra.loadings)
Compute the roots and theoretical ACF corresponding to an ARMA model
plotArmaTrueacf(object, lag.max = 20, pacf = FALSE, plot = TRUE, xlab = "lag", ylab = c("ACF", "PACF")[1+pacf], ylim = c(-1, 1) * max(ACF), type = "h", complex.eps = 1000 * .Machine[["double.neg.eps"]], ...)
plotArmaTrueacf(object, lag.max = 20, pacf = FALSE, plot = TRUE, xlab = "lag", ylab = c("ACF", "PACF")[1+pacf], ylim = c(-1, 1) * max(ACF), type = "h", complex.eps = 1000 * .Machine[["double.neg.eps"]], ...)
object |
either a numeric vector or a list with components 'ar' and 'ma'. If 'object' is numeric, it is interpreted as a model with no 'ma' part. |
lag.max |
the maximum number of lags for which to calculate the ACF or PACF. |
pacf |
logical. Should the partial autocorrelations be returned? |
plot |
logical. Should the ACF (or PACF) be plotted? |
xlab , ylab , ylim , type
arguments for 'plot' |
complex.eps |
a small positive number used to identify complex conjugates: Let 'roots' = the vector of p roots of the characteristic polynomial of the autoregressive part of 'object'. This is used by 'findConjugates': x[i] and x[j] are considered conjugate if their relative difference exceeds complex.eps but the relative difference of their conjugates is less than complex.eps. We use 'solve' in the 'polynom' package, because it was substially more accurate for cases we tested in R 2.6.0 than 'polyroot'. |
... |
optional arguments passed to 'plot'. |
1. Compute and test stationarity. An ARMA process is stationary if all the roots of its AR component lie inside the unit circle (Box and Jenkins, 1970). If the process is not stationary, a warning is issued, and no plot is produced.
2. Compute and plot the theoretical ACF.
3. Analyze periodicity of any complex roots
a list with the following components
roots |
a complex vector of the roots sorted by modulus and sign of the immaginary part. |
acf , pacf
a named numeric vector of the estimated ACF (or PACF of 'pacf = TRUE'). |
periodicity |
a data.frame with one row for each complex conjugate pair of roots and columns 'damping' and 'period'. |
George E. P. Box and Gwilym M. Jenkins (1970) Time Series Analysis, Forecasting and Control (Holden-Day, sec. 3.4.1. Stationarity and invertibility properties of Mixed autoregressive-moving average processes)
Ruey Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Wiley, ch. 2)
# Tsay, Figure 2.3 op <- par(mfcol = c(1, 2)) plotArmaTrueacf(.8, lag.max = 8) title("(a)") plotArmaTrueacf(-.8, lag.max = 8) title("b") par(op) # Tsay, Figure 2.4 op <- par(mfrow = c(2,2)) plotArmaTrueacf(c(1.2, -.35)) title("(a)") plotArmaTrueacf(c(.6, -.4)) title("(b)") plotArmaTrueacf(c(.2, .35)) title("(c)") plotArmaTrueacf(c(-.2, .35)) title("(d)") par(op) # Tsay, Example 2.1 data(q.gnp4791) (fit.ar3 <- ar(q.gnp4791, aic = FALSE, order = 3)) plotArmaTrueacf(fit.ar3)
# Tsay, Figure 2.3 op <- par(mfcol = c(1, 2)) plotArmaTrueacf(.8, lag.max = 8) title("(a)") plotArmaTrueacf(-.8, lag.max = 8) title("b") par(op) # Tsay, Figure 2.4 op <- par(mfrow = c(2,2)) plotArmaTrueacf(c(1.2, -.35)) title("(a)") plotArmaTrueacf(c(.6, -.4)) title("(b)") plotArmaTrueacf(c(.2, .35)) title("(c)") plotArmaTrueacf(c(-.2, .35)) title("(d)") par(op) # Tsay, Example 2.1 data(q.gnp4791) (fit.ar3 <- ar(q.gnp4791, aic = FALSE, order = 3)) plotArmaTrueacf(fit.ar3)
Read a text file containing monthly data with a date column and return a zoo object with index = a yearmon series with the dates read as names.
read.yearmon(file, format = "", tz = "", FUN = NULL, regular = FALSE, index.column = 1, ...)
read.yearmon(file, format = "", tz = "", FUN = NULL, regular = FALSE, index.column = 1, ...)
file |
character giving the name of the file which the data
are to be read from/written to. See |
format |
date format argument passed to |
tz |
time zone argument passed to |
a function for computing the index from the first column of the data. See details. |
regular |
logical. Should the series be coerced to class |
index.column |
integer. The column of the data frame in which the index/time is stored. |
... |
further arguments passed to |
The arguments are as for read.zoo
TS <- read.zoo(...)
zoo(coredata(TS), as.yearmon2(index(TS)))
an object of class "zoo"
or "zooreg"
## Not run: ## turn *numeric* first column into yearmon index ## where number is year + fraction of year represented by month z <- read.zoo("foo.csv", sep = ",", FUN = as.yearmon2) z2 <- read.yearmon("foo.csv", sep = ",") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## turn *numeric* first column into yearmon index ## where number is year + fraction of year represented by month z <- read.zoo("foo.csv", sep = ",", FUN = as.yearmon2) z2 <- read.yearmon("foo.csv", sep = ",") ## End(Not run)
Run a script associated with a particular chapter
runscript(x, method = c('run', 'copy', 'view', 'show', 'dir'), ask = TRUE, fmt = "ch%02d.R", package = "FinTS", subdir = "scripts", lib.loc = NULL)
runscript(x, method = c('run', 'copy', 'view', 'show', 'dir'), ask = TRUE, fmt = "ch%02d.R", package = "FinTS", subdir = "scripts", lib.loc = NULL)
x |
an object to identify a file in package/subdir via
For example, the default 'fmt' translates CAUTION: Under some systems like ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics)
under Windows, pop-up menus such as produced by |
method |
One of the following:
Partial matching is allowed. |
ask |
logical: Should |
fmt |
a format to be used with 'x' in sprintf to create the name of a file in lib.loc/package/subdir. |
subdir |
subdirectory of package containing a file of the name constructed
via |
package |
Name of a package with subdirectory 'subdir'. |
lib.loc |
NULL or character string identifying the location where
the full path and filename, invisibly unless method == 'dir'
Gabor Grothendieck and Spencer Graves
## Not run: # provide a menu runscript() # run R/library/FinTS/scripts/ch01.R runscript(1) # same as: runscript(1, "run") # make a copy as 'ch01.R' in the working directory runscript(1, 'copy') # display on console only runscript(1, 'view') # display using file.show runscript(1, 'show') # where is it? runscript(1, 'dir') # run R/library/nlme/scripts/afda-ch01.R if(require(fda)) runscript(1, fmt = "afda-ch%02d.R", package = "fda") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # provide a menu runscript() # run R/library/FinTS/scripts/ch01.R runscript(1) # same as: runscript(1, "run") # make a copy as 'ch01.R' in the working directory runscript(1, 'copy') # display on console only runscript(1, 'view') # display using file.show runscript(1, 'show') # where is it? runscript(1, 'dir') # run R/library/nlme/scripts/afda-ch01.R if(require(fda)) runscript(1, fmt = "afda-ch%02d.R", package = "fda") ## End(Not run)
A list organized by chapter and text vs. exercises of the files downloaded from the web site associated with Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Springer) and stored in "~library/FinTS/scripts/TsayFiles". These facilitate the process of creating and updating the 'FinTS' package (and documenting the creation process).
A list with names 'ch01', 'ch02', ..., 'ch12' for components describing the files associated with the corresponding chapter.
Each chapter component is a list with 'text' and 'exercises' components, where 'text' and 'exercises' are each a character array giving names for 'data', 'file', 'url', and 'found' for the data referenced in the text or exercises of that chapter:
'file' without the extension, e.g, 'd-ibmvwewsp6203' for daily simple returns of IBM, VW, EW, SP (7/3/62-12/31/03) = 'file' without the extension.
short file name = 'data' plus the extension, e.g., 'd-ibmvwewsp6203'.txt' for daily simple returns of IBM, VW, EW, SP (7/3/62-12/31/03)
universal resource locator for the data, e.g.,
'TRUE' if the data were found, 'FALSE' if the attempt to access the url failed.
(1) 13 files are referenced twice, and 2 are referenced three times on the web page. This redundancy is retained in 'TsayFiles'.
(2) A few files (most noticably some with with '.dat' extension) are referenced in the HTML code without an apparent visible link. These 'invisible files' are retained in 'TsayFiles'.
A character string giving the universal resource locator (URL) associated with the Tsay (2005) book:
FinTS.url <- "https://faculty.chicagobooth.edu/ruey-s-tsay/teaching"
Tsay (2005) Analysis of Financial Time Series, 2nd ed. (Springer)
data(TsayFiles) TsayFiles$ch01$exercises
data(TsayFiles) TsayFiles$ch01$exercises
Call 'download.file' with each element of a vector of character strings assumed to be URLs, create a local copy for each, and return a character matrix summarizing what was done.
url. |
a vector of character strings assumed to be URLs, whose names are assumed to be the names to be used for local copies of the URLs. |
1. fili <- names(urls.)
2. dati <- fili
without its extension, i.e., the part
following the last '.'
3. for(i in 1:length(url.)try(download.file(url.[i], fili[i]));
found[i] = TRUE
if something found and FALSE if not.
4. Return a character matrix with 4 columns: data = dati, file = fili, url = url., and found.
# See ~R\library\FinTS\scripts\TsayFiles.R
# See ~R\library\FinTS\scripts\TsayFiles.R