Title: | Feature Selection Algorithms for Computer Aided Diagnosis |
Description: | Contains a set of utilities for building and testing statistical models (linear, logistic,ordinal or COX) for Computer Aided Diagnosis/Prognosis applications. Utilities include data adjustment, univariate analysis, model building, model-validation, longitudinal analysis, reporting and visualization. |
Authors: | Jose Gerardo Tamez-Pena, Antonio Martinez-Torteya, Israel Alanis and Jorge Orozco |
Maintainer: | Jose Gerardo Tamez-Pena <[email protected]> |
License: | LGPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 3.4.8 |
Built: | 2024-12-23 06:49:51 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Contains a set of utilities for building and testing formula-based models for Computer Aided Diagnosis/prognosis applications via feature selection. Bootstrapped Stage Wise Model Selection (B:SWiMS) controls the false selection (FS) for linear, logistic, or Cox proportional hazards regression models. Utilities include functions for: univariate/longitudinal analysis, data conditioning (i.e. covariate adjustment and normalization), model validation and visualization.
Package: | FRESA.CAD |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 3.4.8 |
Date: | 2024-06-25 |
License: | LGPL (>= 2) |
Purpose: The design of diagnostic or prognostic multivariate models via the selection of significantly discriminant features. The models are selected via the bootstrapped step-wise selection of model features that offer a significant improvement in subject classification/error. The false selection control is achieved by train-test partitions, where train sets are used to select variables and test sets used to evaluate model performance. Variables that do not improve subject classification/error on the blind test are not included in the models. The main function of this package is the selection and cross-validation of diagnostic/prognostic linear, logistic, or Cox proportional hazards regression model constructed from a large set of candidate features. The variable selection may start by conditioning all variables via a covariate-adjustment and a z-inverse-rank-transformation. In order to integrate features with partial discriminant power, the package can be used to categorize the continuous variables and rank their discriminant power. Once ranked, each feature is bootstrap-tested in a multivariate model, and its blind performance is evaluated. Variables with a statistical significant improvement in classification/error are stored and finally inserted into the final model according to their relative store frequency. A cross-validation procedure may be used to diagnose the amount of model shrinkage produced by the selection scheme.
Jose Gerardo Tamez-Pena, Antonio Martinez-Torteya, Israel Alanis and Jorge Orozco Maintainer: <[email protected]>
Pencina, M. J., D'Agostino, R. B., & Vasan, R. S. (2008). Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: from area under the ROC curve to reclassification and beyond. Statistics in medicine 27(2), 157-172.
## Not run: ### Fresa Package Examples #### library("epiR") library("FRESA.CAD") library(network) library(GGally) library("e1071") # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "Fresa.Package.Example.pdf",width = 8, height = 6) # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") options(na.action = 'na.pass') dataCancer <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, pgtime = stagec$pgtime, as.data.frame(model.matrix(Surv(pgtime,pgstat) ~ .,stagec))[-1]) #Impute missing values dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(dataCancer) # Remove the incomplete cases dataCancer <- dataCancer[complete.cases(dataCancer),] # Load a pre-stablished data frame with the names and descriptions of all variables data(cancerVarNames) # the Heat Map hm <- heatMaps(cancerVarNames,varRank=NULL,Outcome="pgstat", data=dataCancer,title="Heat Map",hCluster=FALSE ,prediction=NULL,Scale=TRUE, theFiveColors=c("blue","cyan","black","yellow","red"), outcomeColors = c("blue","lightgreen","yellow","orangered","red"), transpose=FALSE,cexRow=0.50,cexCol=0.80,srtCol=35) # The univariate analysis UniRankFeaturesRaw <- univariateRankVariables(variableList = cancerVarNames, formula = "pgstat ~ 1+pgtime", Outcome = "pgstat", data = dataCancer, categorizationType = "Raw", type = "LOGIT", rankingTest = "zIDI", description = "Description", uniType="Binary") print(UniRankFeaturesRaw) # A simple BSIWMS Model BSWiMSModel <- BSWiMS.model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, dataCancerImputed) # The Log-Rank Analysis using survdiff lrsurvdiff <- survdiff(Surv(pgtime,pgstat)~ BSWiMSModel$BSWiMS.model$back.model$linear.predictors > 0, data=dataCancerImputed) # The Log-Rank Analysis EmpiricalSurvDiff and permutations of the null Chi distribution lrp <- EmpiricalSurvDiff(dataCancerImputed$pgtime,dataCancerImputed$pgstat, BSWiMSModel$BSWiMS.model$back.model$linear.predictors > 0, type="Chi",plots=TRUE,samples=10000) # The Log-Rank Analysis EmpiricalSurvDiff and permutations of the null SLR distribution lrp <- EmpiricalSurvDiff(dataCancerImputed$pgtime,dataCancerImputed$pgstat, BSWiMSModel$BSWiMS.model$back.model$linear.predictors > 0, type="SLR",plots=TRUE,samples=10000) # The Log-Rank Analysis EmpiricalSurvDiff and bootstrapping the SLR distribution lrp <- EmpiricalSurvDiff(dataCancerImputed$pgtime,dataCancerImputed$pgstat, BSWiMSModel$BSWiMS.model$back.model$linear.predictors > 0, computeDist=TRUE,plots=TRUE) #The performance of the final model using the summary function sm <- summary(BSWiMSModel$BSWiMS.model$back.model) print(sm$coefficients) pv <- plot(sm$bootstrap) # The equivalent model eq <- reportEquivalentVariables(BSWiMSModel$BSWiMS.model$back.model,data=dataCancer, variableList=cancerVarNames,Outcome = "pgstat", timeOutcome="pgtime", type = "COX"); print(eq$equivalentMatrix) #The list of all models of the bootstrap forward selection print(BSWiMSModel$forward.selection.list) #With FRESA.CAD we can do a leave-one-out using the list of models pm <- ensemblePredict(BSWiMSModel$forward.selection.list, dataCancer,predictType = "linear",type="LOGIT",Outcome="pgstat") #Ploting the ROC with 95 pm <- plotModels.ROC(cbind(dataCancer$pgstat, pm$ensemblePredict),main=("LOO Forward Selection Median Predict")) #The plotModels.ROC provides the diagnosis confusion matrix. summary(epi.tests(pm$predictionTable)) #FRESA.CAD can be used to create a bagged model using the forward selection formulas bagging <- baggedModel(BSWiMSModel$forward.selection.list,dataCancer,useFreq=32) pm <- predict(bagging$bagged.model) pm <- plotModels.ROC(cbind(dataCancer$pgstat,pm),main=("Bagged")) #Let's check the performance of the model sm <- summary(bagging$bagged.model) print(sm$coefficients) #Using bootstrapping object I can check the Jaccard Index print(bagging$Jaccard.SM) #Ploting the evolution of the coefficient value plot(bagging$coefEvolution$grade,main="Evolution of grade") gplots::heatmap.2(bagging$formulaNetwork,trace="none", mar=c(10,10),main="eB:SWIMS Formula Network") barplot(bagging$frequencyTable,las = 2,cex.axis=1.0, cex.names=0.75,main="Feature Frequency") n <- network::network(bagging$formulaNetwork, directed = FALSE, ignore.eval = FALSE,names.eval = "weights") ggnet2(n, label = TRUE, size = "degree",size.cut = 3,size.min = 1, mode = "circle",edge.label = "weights",edge.label.size=4) # Get a Cox proportional hazards model using: # - The default parameters mdCOXs <- FRESA.Model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1,data = dataCancer) sm <- summary(mdCOXs$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) # The model with singificant improvement in the residual error mdCOXs <- FRESA.Model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, data = dataCancer,OptType = "Residual" ) sm <- summary(mdCOXs$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) # Get a Cox proportional hazards model using second order models: mdCOX <- FRESA.Model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, data = dataCancer,categorizationType="RawRaw") sm <- summary(mdCOX$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) namesc <- names(mdCOX$BSWiMS.model$coefficients)[-1] hm <- heatMaps(mdCOX$univariateAnalysis[namesc,],varRank=NULL, Outcome="pgstat",data=dataCancer, title="Heat Map",hCluster=FALSE,prediction=NULL,Scale=TRUE, theFiveColors=c("blue","cyan","black","yellow","red"), outcomeColors = c("blue","lightgreen","yellow","orangered","red"), transpose=FALSE,cexRow=0.50,cexCol=0.80,srtCol=35) # The LOO estimation pm <- ensemblePredict(mdCOX$BSWiMS.models$formula.list,dataCancer, predictType = "linear",type="LOGIT",Outcome="pgstat") pm <- plotModels.ROC(cbind(dataCancer$pgstat,pm$ensemblePredict),main=("LOO Median Predict")) #Let us check the diagnosis performance summary(epi.tests(pm$predictionTable)) # Get a Logistic model using FRESA.Model # - The default parameters dataCancer2 <-dataCancer dataCancer2$pgtime <-NULL mdLOGIT <- FRESA.Model(formula = pgstat ~ 1,data = dataCancer2) if (!is.null(mdLOGIT$bootstrappedModel)) pv <- plot(mdLOGIT$bootstrappedModel) sm <- summary(mdLOGIT$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) ## FRESA.Model with Cross Validation and Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees md <- FRESA.Model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1,data = dataCancer, CVfolds = 10,repeats = 5,equivalent = TRUE,usrFitFun=rpart::rpart) colnames(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$LASSO.testPredictions,theCVfolds=10,main="CV LASSO",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$KNN.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10,main="KNN",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="Prediction",main="B:SWiMS Bagging",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="Ensemble.B.SWiMS" ,main="Forward Selection Median Ensemble",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="Ensemble.Forward",main="Forward Selection Bagging",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="eB.SWiMS",main="Equivalent Model",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="Forward.Selection.Bagged",main="The Forward Bagging",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=20, predictor="usrFitFunction", main="Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=20, predictor="usrFitFunction_Sel", main="Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees with FS",cex=0.90) ## FRESA.Model with Cross Validation, LOGISTIC and Support Vector Machine md <- FRESA.Model(formula = pgstat ~ 1,data = dataCancer2, CVfolds = 10,repeats = 5,equivalent = TRUE,usrFitFun=svm) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$LASSO.testPredictions,theCVfolds=10,main="CV LASSO",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$KNN.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10,main="KNN",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="Prediction",main="B:SWiMS Bagging",cex=0.90) md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction[,"usrFitFunction"] <- md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction[,"usrFitFunction"] - 0.5 md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction[,"usrFitFunction_Sel"] <- md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction[,"usrFitFunction_Sel"] - 0.5 pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="usrFitFunction", main="SVM",cex = 0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="usrFitFunction_Sel", main="SVM with FS",cex = 0.90) # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ### Fresa Package Examples #### library("epiR") library("FRESA.CAD") library(network) library(GGally) library("e1071") # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "Fresa.Package.Example.pdf",width = 8, height = 6) # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") options(na.action = 'na.pass') dataCancer <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, pgtime = stagec$pgtime, as.data.frame(model.matrix(Surv(pgtime,pgstat) ~ .,stagec))[-1]) #Impute missing values dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(dataCancer) # Remove the incomplete cases dataCancer <- dataCancer[complete.cases(dataCancer),] # Load a pre-stablished data frame with the names and descriptions of all variables data(cancerVarNames) # the Heat Map hm <- heatMaps(cancerVarNames,varRank=NULL,Outcome="pgstat", data=dataCancer,title="Heat Map",hCluster=FALSE ,prediction=NULL,Scale=TRUE, theFiveColors=c("blue","cyan","black","yellow","red"), outcomeColors = c("blue","lightgreen","yellow","orangered","red"), transpose=FALSE,cexRow=0.50,cexCol=0.80,srtCol=35) # The univariate analysis UniRankFeaturesRaw <- univariateRankVariables(variableList = cancerVarNames, formula = "pgstat ~ 1+pgtime", Outcome = "pgstat", data = dataCancer, categorizationType = "Raw", type = "LOGIT", rankingTest = "zIDI", description = "Description", uniType="Binary") print(UniRankFeaturesRaw) # A simple BSIWMS Model BSWiMSModel <- BSWiMS.model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, dataCancerImputed) # The Log-Rank Analysis using survdiff lrsurvdiff <- survdiff(Surv(pgtime,pgstat)~ BSWiMSModel$BSWiMS.model$back.model$linear.predictors > 0, data=dataCancerImputed) # The Log-Rank Analysis EmpiricalSurvDiff and permutations of the null Chi distribution lrp <- EmpiricalSurvDiff(dataCancerImputed$pgtime,dataCancerImputed$pgstat, BSWiMSModel$BSWiMS.model$back.model$linear.predictors > 0, type="Chi",plots=TRUE,samples=10000) # The Log-Rank Analysis EmpiricalSurvDiff and permutations of the null SLR distribution lrp <- EmpiricalSurvDiff(dataCancerImputed$pgtime,dataCancerImputed$pgstat, BSWiMSModel$BSWiMS.model$back.model$linear.predictors > 0, type="SLR",plots=TRUE,samples=10000) # The Log-Rank Analysis EmpiricalSurvDiff and bootstrapping the SLR distribution lrp <- EmpiricalSurvDiff(dataCancerImputed$pgtime,dataCancerImputed$pgstat, BSWiMSModel$BSWiMS.model$back.model$linear.predictors > 0, computeDist=TRUE,plots=TRUE) #The performance of the final model using the summary function sm <- summary(BSWiMSModel$BSWiMS.model$back.model) print(sm$coefficients) pv <- plot(sm$bootstrap) # The equivalent model eq <- reportEquivalentVariables(BSWiMSModel$BSWiMS.model$back.model,data=dataCancer, variableList=cancerVarNames,Outcome = "pgstat", timeOutcome="pgtime", type = "COX"); print(eq$equivalentMatrix) #The list of all models of the bootstrap forward selection print(BSWiMSModel$forward.selection.list) #With FRESA.CAD we can do a leave-one-out using the list of models pm <- ensemblePredict(BSWiMSModel$forward.selection.list, dataCancer,predictType = "linear",type="LOGIT",Outcome="pgstat") #Ploting the ROC with 95 pm <- plotModels.ROC(cbind(dataCancer$pgstat, pm$ensemblePredict),main=("LOO Forward Selection Median Predict")) #The plotModels.ROC provides the diagnosis confusion matrix. summary(epi.tests(pm$predictionTable)) #FRESA.CAD can be used to create a bagged model using the forward selection formulas bagging <- baggedModel(BSWiMSModel$forward.selection.list,dataCancer,useFreq=32) pm <- predict(bagging$bagged.model) pm <- plotModels.ROC(cbind(dataCancer$pgstat,pm),main=("Bagged")) #Let's check the performance of the model sm <- summary(bagging$bagged.model) print(sm$coefficients) #Using bootstrapping object I can check the Jaccard Index print(bagging$Jaccard.SM) #Ploting the evolution of the coefficient value plot(bagging$coefEvolution$grade,main="Evolution of grade") gplots::heatmap.2(bagging$formulaNetwork,trace="none", mar=c(10,10),main="eB:SWIMS Formula Network") barplot(bagging$frequencyTable,las = 2,cex.axis=1.0, cex.names=0.75,main="Feature Frequency") n <- network::network(bagging$formulaNetwork, directed = FALSE, ignore.eval = FALSE,names.eval = "weights") ggnet2(n, label = TRUE, size = "degree",size.cut = 3,size.min = 1, mode = "circle",edge.label = "weights",edge.label.size=4) # Get a Cox proportional hazards model using: # - The default parameters mdCOXs <- FRESA.Model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1,data = dataCancer) sm <- summary(mdCOXs$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) # The model with singificant improvement in the residual error mdCOXs <- FRESA.Model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, data = dataCancer,OptType = "Residual" ) sm <- summary(mdCOXs$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) # Get a Cox proportional hazards model using second order models: mdCOX <- FRESA.Model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, data = dataCancer,categorizationType="RawRaw") sm <- summary(mdCOX$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) namesc <- names(mdCOX$BSWiMS.model$coefficients)[-1] hm <- heatMaps(mdCOX$univariateAnalysis[namesc,],varRank=NULL, Outcome="pgstat",data=dataCancer, title="Heat Map",hCluster=FALSE,prediction=NULL,Scale=TRUE, theFiveColors=c("blue","cyan","black","yellow","red"), outcomeColors = c("blue","lightgreen","yellow","orangered","red"), transpose=FALSE,cexRow=0.50,cexCol=0.80,srtCol=35) # The LOO estimation pm <- ensemblePredict(mdCOX$BSWiMS.models$formula.list,dataCancer, predictType = "linear",type="LOGIT",Outcome="pgstat") pm <- plotModels.ROC(cbind(dataCancer$pgstat,pm$ensemblePredict),main=("LOO Median Predict")) #Let us check the diagnosis performance summary(epi.tests(pm$predictionTable)) # Get a Logistic model using FRESA.Model # - The default parameters dataCancer2 <-dataCancer dataCancer2$pgtime <-NULL mdLOGIT <- FRESA.Model(formula = pgstat ~ 1,data = dataCancer2) if (!is.null(mdLOGIT$bootstrappedModel)) pv <- plot(mdLOGIT$bootstrappedModel) sm <- summary(mdLOGIT$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) ## FRESA.Model with Cross Validation and Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees md <- FRESA.Model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1,data = dataCancer, CVfolds = 10,repeats = 5,equivalent = TRUE,usrFitFun=rpart::rpart) colnames(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$LASSO.testPredictions,theCVfolds=10,main="CV LASSO",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$KNN.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10,main="KNN",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="Prediction",main="B:SWiMS Bagging",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="Ensemble.B.SWiMS" ,main="Forward Selection Median Ensemble",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="Ensemble.Forward",main="Forward Selection Bagging",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="eB.SWiMS",main="Equivalent Model",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="Forward.Selection.Bagged",main="The Forward Bagging",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=20, predictor="usrFitFunction", main="Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=20, predictor="usrFitFunction_Sel", main="Recursive Partitioning and Regression Trees with FS",cex=0.90) ## FRESA.Model with Cross Validation, LOGISTIC and Support Vector Machine md <- FRESA.Model(formula = pgstat ~ 1,data = dataCancer2, CVfolds = 10,repeats = 5,equivalent = TRUE,usrFitFun=svm) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$LASSO.testPredictions,theCVfolds=10,main="CV LASSO",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$KNN.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10,main="KNN",cex=0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="Prediction",main="B:SWiMS Bagging",cex=0.90) md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction[,"usrFitFunction"] <- md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction[,"usrFitFunction"] - 0.5 md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction[,"usrFitFunction_Sel"] <- md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction[,"usrFitFunction_Sel"] - 0.5 pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="usrFitFunction", main="SVM",cex = 0.90) pm <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds=10, predictor="usrFitFunction_Sel", main="SVM with FS",cex = 0.90) # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() ## End(Not run)
This function removes model terms that do not significantly affect the integrated discrimination improvement (IDI) or the net reclassification improvement (NRI) of the model.
backVarElimination_Bin(object, pvalue = 0.05, Outcome = "Class", data, startOffset = 0, type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), selectionType = c("zIDI", "zNRI") )
backVarElimination_Bin(object, pvalue = 0.05, Outcome = "Class", data, startOffset = 0, type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), selectionType = c("zIDI", "zNRI") )
object |
An object of class |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to either IDI or NRI, allowed for a term in the model |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
startOffset |
Only terms whose position in the model is larger than the |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
selectionType |
The type of index to be evaluated by the |
For each model term , the IDI or NRI is computed for the Full model and the reduced model( where the term
The term whose removal results in the smallest drop in improvement is selected. The hypothesis: the
term adds classification improvement is tested by checking the pvalue of improvement. If
, then the term is removed.
In other words, only model terms that significantly aid in subject classification are kept.
The procedure is repeated until no term fulfils the removal criterion.
back.model |
An object of the same class as |
loops |
The number of loops it took for the model to stabilize |
reclas.info |
A list with the NRI and IDI statistics of the reduced model, as given by the |
back.formula |
An object of class |
lastRemoved |
The name of the last term that was removed (-1 if all terms were removed) |
at.opt.model |
the model before the BH procedure |
beforeFSC.formula |
the string formula of the model before the BH procedure |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Pencina, M. J., D'Agostino, R. B., & Vasan, R. S. (2008). Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: from area under the ROC curve to reclassification and beyond. Statistics in medicine 27(2), 157-172.
This function removes model terms that do not significantly improve the "net residual" (NeRI)
backVarElimination_Res(object, pvalue = 0.05, Outcome = "Class", data, startOffset = 0, type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), testType = c("Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"), setIntersect = 1 )
backVarElimination_Res(object, pvalue = 0.05, Outcome = "Class", data, startOffset = 0, type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), testType = c("Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"), setIntersect = 1 )
object |
An object of class |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to the NeRI, allowed for a term in the model |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
startOffset |
Only terms whose position in the model is larger than the |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
testType |
Type of non-parametric test to be evaluated by the |
setIntersect |
The intersect of the model (To force a zero intersect, set this value to 0) |
For each model term , the residuals are computed for the Full model and the reduced model( where the term
The term whose removal results in the smallest drop in residuals improvement is selected. The hypothesis: the
term improves residuals is tested by checking the pvalue of improvement. If
, then the term is removed.
In other words, only model terms that significantly aid in improving residuals are kept.
The procedure is repeated until no term fulfils the removal criterion.
The p-values of improvement can be computed via a sign-test (Binomial) a paired Wilcoxon test, paired t-test or f-test. The first three tests compare the absolute values of
the residuals, while the f-test test if the variance of the residuals is improved significantly.
back.model |
An object of the same class as |
loops |
The number of loops it took for the model to stabilize |
reclas.info |
A list with the NeRI statistics of the reduced model, as given by the |
back.formula |
An object of class |
lastRemoved |
The name of the last term that was removed (-1 if all terms were removed) |
at.opt.model |
the model with before the FSR procedure. |
beforeFSC.formula |
the string formula of the the FSR procedure |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
This function will take the frequency-ranked of variables and the list of models to create a single bagged model
baggedModel(modelFormulas, data, type=c("LM","LOGIT","COX"), Outcome=NULL, timeOutcome=NULL, frequencyThreshold=0.025, univariate=NULL, useFreq=TRUE, n_bootstrap=1, equifreqCorrection=0 ) baggedModelS(modelFormulas, data, type=c("LM","LOGIT","COX"), Outcome=NULL, timeOutcome=NULL)
baggedModel(modelFormulas, data, type=c("LM","LOGIT","COX"), Outcome=NULL, timeOutcome=NULL, frequencyThreshold=0.025, univariate=NULL, useFreq=TRUE, n_bootstrap=1, equifreqCorrection=0 ) baggedModelS(modelFormulas, data, type=c("LM","LOGIT","COX"), Outcome=NULL, timeOutcome=NULL)
modelFormulas |
The name of the column in |
data |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
timeOutcome |
The name of the column in |
frequencyThreshold |
set the frequency the threshold of the frequency of features to be included in the model) |
univariate |
The FFRESA.CAD univariate analysis matrix |
useFreq |
Use the feature frequency to order the formula terms. If set to a positive value is the number of estimation loops |
n_bootstrap |
if greater than 1, defines the number of bootstraps samples to be used |
equifreqCorrection |
Indicates the average size of repeated features in an equivalent model |
bagged.model |
the bagged model |
formula |
the formula of the model |
frequencyTable |
the table of variables ranked by their model frequency |
faverageSize |
the average size of the models |
formulaNetwork |
The matrix of interaction between formulas |
Jaccard.SM |
The Jaccard Stability Measure of the formulas |
coefEvolution |
The evolution of the coefficients |
avgZvalues |
The average Z value of each coefficient |
featureLocation |
The average location of the feature in the formulas |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
Ranked Plot a set of measurements with error bars or confidence intervals (CI)
barPlotCiError(ciTable, metricname, thesets, themethod, main, angle = 0, offsets = c(0.1,0.1), scoreDirection = ">", ho=NULL, ...)
barPlotCiError(ciTable, metricname, thesets, themethod, main, angle = 0, offsets = c(0.1,0.1), scoreDirection = ">", ho=NULL, ...)
ciTable |
A matrix with three columns: the value, the low CI value and the high CI value |
metricname |
The name of the plotted values |
thesets |
A character vector with the names of the sets |
themethod |
A character vector with the names of the methods |
main |
The plot title |
angle |
The angle of the x labels |
offsets |
The offset of the x-labels |
scoreDirection |
Indicates how to aggregate the supMethod score and the ingMethod score. |
ho |
the null hypothesis |
... |
Extra parametrs pased to the barplot function |
barplot |
the x-location of the bars |
ciTable |
the ordered matrix with the 95 CI |
barMatrix |
the mean values of the bars |
supMethod |
A superiority score equal to the numbers of methods that were inferior |
infMethod |
A inferiority score equal to the number of methods that were superior |
interMethodScore |
the sum of supMethod and infMethod defined by the score direction. |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
Evaluates a data set with a set of fitting/filtering methods and returns the observed cross-validation performance
BinaryBenchmark(theData = NULL, theOutcome = "Class", reps = 100, trainFraction = 0.5, referenceCV = NULL,referenceName = "Reference" ,referenceFilterName="Reference") RegresionBenchmark(theData = NULL, theOutcome = "Class", reps = 100, trainFraction = 0.5, referenceCV = NULL,referenceName = "Reference" ,referenceFilterName="Reference") OrdinalBenchmark(theData = NULL, theOutcome = "Class", reps = 100, trainFraction = 0.5, referenceCV = NULL,referenceName = "Reference" ,referenceFilterName="Reference") CoxBenchmark(theData = NULL, theOutcome = "Class", reps = 100, trainFraction = 0.5, referenceCV = NULL,referenceName = "Reference" ,referenceFilterName="COX.BSWiMS")
BinaryBenchmark(theData = NULL, theOutcome = "Class", reps = 100, trainFraction = 0.5, referenceCV = NULL,referenceName = "Reference" ,referenceFilterName="Reference") RegresionBenchmark(theData = NULL, theOutcome = "Class", reps = 100, trainFraction = 0.5, referenceCV = NULL,referenceName = "Reference" ,referenceFilterName="Reference") OrdinalBenchmark(theData = NULL, theOutcome = "Class", reps = 100, trainFraction = 0.5, referenceCV = NULL,referenceName = "Reference" ,referenceFilterName="Reference") CoxBenchmark(theData = NULL, theOutcome = "Class", reps = 100, trainFraction = 0.5, referenceCV = NULL,referenceName = "Reference" ,referenceFilterName="COX.BSWiMS")
theData |
The data frame |
theOutcome |
The outcome feature |
reps |
The number of times that the random cross-validation will be performed |
trainFraction |
The fraction of the data used for training. |
referenceCV |
A single random cross-validation object to be benchmarked or a list of CVObjects to be compared |
referenceName |
The name of the reference classifier to be used in the reporting tables |
referenceFilterName |
The name of the reference filter to be used in the reporting tables |
The benchmark functions provide the performance of different classification algorithms (BinaryBenchmark), registration algorithms (RegresionBenchmark) or ordinal regression algorithms (OrdinalBenchmark)
The evaluation method is based on applying the random cross-validation method (randomCV
) that randomly splits the data into train and test sets.
The user can provide a Cross validated object that will define the train-test partitions.
The BinaryBenchmark compares: BSWiMS,Random Forest ,RPART,LASSO,SVM/mRMR,KNN and the ensemble of them in their ability to correctly classify the test data. Furthermore, it evaluates the ability of the following feature selection algorithms: BSWiMS or ReferenceCV, LASSO, RPART, RF/BSWiMS, IDI, NRI, t-test, Wilcoxon, Kendall, and mRMR in their ability to select the best set of features for the following classification methods: SVM, KNN, Naive Bayes, Random Forest Nearest Centroid (NC) with root sum square (RSS) , and NC with Spearman correlation
The RegresionBenchmark compares: BSWiMS,Random Forest ,RPART,LASSO,SVM/mRMR and the ensemble of them in their ability to correctly predict the test data. Furthermore, it evaluates the ability of the following feature selection algorithms: BSWiMS or referenceCV, LASSO, RPART, RF/BSWiMS, F-Test, W-Test, Pearson Kendall, and mRMR in their ability to select the best set of features for the following regression methods: Linear Regression, Robust Regression, Ridge Regression, LASSO, SVM, and Random Forest.
The OrdinalBenchmark compares: BSWiMS,Random Forest ,RPART,LASSO,KNN ,SVM and the ensemble of them in their ability to correctly predict the test data. Furthermore, it evaluates the ability of the following feature selection algorithms: BSWiMS or referenceCV, LASSO, RPART, RF/BSWiMS, F-Test, Kendall, and mRMR in their ability to select the best set of features for the following regression methods: Ordinal, KNN, SVM, Random Forest, and Naive Bayes.
The CoxBenchmark compares: BSWiMS, LASSO, BeSS and Univariate Cox analysis in their ability to correctly predict the risk of event happening. It uses cox regression with the four alternatives, but BSWiMS, LASSO are also compared as Wrapper methods.
errorciTable |
the matrix of the balanced error with the 95 CI |
accciTable |
the matrix of the classification accuracy with the 95 CI |
aucTable |
the matrix of the ROC AUC with the 95 CI |
senTable |
the matrix of the sensitivity with the 95 CI |
speTable |
the matrix of the specificity with the 95 CI |
errorciTable_filter |
the matrix of the balanced error with the 95 CI for filter methods |
accciTable_filter |
the matrix of the classification accuracy with the 95 CI for filter methods |
senciTable_filter |
the matrix of the classification sensitivity with the 95 CI for filter methods |
speciTable_filter |
the matrix of the classification specificity with the 95 CI for filter methods |
aucTable_filter |
the matrix of the ROC AUC with the 95 CI for filter methods |
CorTable |
the matrix of the Pearson correlation with the 95 CI |
RMSETable |
the matrix of the root mean square error (RMSE) with the 95 CI |
BiasTable |
the matrix of the prediction bias with the 95 CI |
CorTable_filter |
the matrix of the Pearson correlation with the 95 CI for filter methods |
RMSETable_filter |
the matrix of the root mean square error (RMSE) with the 95 CI for filter methods |
BiasTable_filter |
the matrix of the prediction bias with the 95 CI for filter methods |
BMAETable |
the matrix of the balanced mean absolute error (MEA) with the 95 CI for filter methods |
KappaTable |
the matrix of the Kappa value with the 95 CI |
BiasTable |
the matrix of the prediction Bias with the 95 CI |
KendallTable |
the matrix of the Kendall correlation with the 95 CI |
MAETable_filter |
the matrix of the mean absolute error (MEA) with the 95 CI for filter methods |
KappaTable_filter |
the matrix of the Kappa value with the 95 CI for filter methods |
BiasTable_filter |
the matrix of the prediction Bias with the 95 CI for filter methods |
KendallTable_filter |
the matrix of the Kendall correlation with the 95 CI for filter methods |
CIRiskTable |
the matrix of the concordance index on Risk with the 95 CI |
LogRankTable |
the matrix of the LogRank Test with the 95 CI |
CIRisksTable_filter |
the matrix of the concordance index on Risk with the 95 CI for the filter methods |
LogRankTable_filter |
the matrix of the LogRank Test with the 95 CI for the filter methods |
times |
The average CPU time used by the method |
jaccard_filter |
The average Jaccard Index of the feature selection methods |
TheCVEvaluations |
The output of the randomCV ( |
testPredictions |
A matrix with all the test predictions |
featureSelectionFrequency |
The frequency of feature selection |
cpuElapsedTimes |
The mean elapsed times |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
## Not run: ### Binary Classification Example #### # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "BinaryClassificationExample.pdf",width = 8, height = 6) # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") # Prepare the data. Create a model matrix without the event time stagec$pgtime <- NULL stagec$eet <- as.factor(stagec$eet) options(na.action = 'na.pass') stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, as.data.frame(model.matrix(pgstat ~ .,stagec))[-1]) # Impute the missing data dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) dataCancerImputed[,1:ncol(dataCancerImputed)] <- sapply(dataCancerImputed,as.numeric) # Cross validating a LDA classifier. # 80 cv <- randomCV(dataCancerImputed,"pgstat",MASS::lda,trainFraction = 0.8, repetitions = 10,featureSelectionFunction = univariate_tstudent, featureSelection.control = list(limit = 0.5,thr = 0.975)); # Compare the LDA classifier with other methods cp <- BinaryBenchmark(referenceCV = cv,referenceName = "LDA", referenceFilterName="t.Student") pl <- plot(cp,prefix = "StageC: ") # Default Benchmark classifiers method (BSWiMS) and filter methods. # 80 cp <- BinaryBenchmark(theData = dataCancerImputed, theOutcome = "pgstat", reps = 10, fraction = 0.8) # plot the Cross Validation Metrics pl <- plot(cp,prefix = "Stagec:"); # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() #### Regression Example ###### # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "RegressionExample.pdf",width=8, height=6) # Get the body fat data from the TH package data("bodyfat", package = "TH.data") # Benchmark regression methods and filter methods. #80 cp <- RegresionBenchmark(theData = bodyfat, theOutcome = "DEXfat", reps = 10, fraction = 0.8) # plot the Cross Validation Metrics pl <- plot(cp,prefix = "Body Fat:"); # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() #### Ordinal Regression Example ##### # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "OrdinalRegressionExample.pdf",width=8, height=6) # Get the GBSG2 data data("GBSG2", package = "TH.data") # Prepare the model frame for benchmarking GBSG2$time <- NULL; GBSG2$cens <- NULL; GBSG2_mat <- cbind(tgrade = as.numeric(GBSG2$tgrade), as.data.frame(model.matrix(tgrade~.,GBSG2))[-1]) # Benchmark regression methods and filter methods. #30 cp <- OrdinalBenchmark(theData = GBSG2_mat, theOutcome = "tgrade", reps = 10, fraction = 0.3) # plot the Cross Validation Metrics pl <- plot(cp,prefix = "GBSG:"); # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ### Binary Classification Example #### # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "BinaryClassificationExample.pdf",width = 8, height = 6) # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") # Prepare the data. Create a model matrix without the event time stagec$pgtime <- NULL stagec$eet <- as.factor(stagec$eet) options(na.action = 'na.pass') stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, as.data.frame(model.matrix(pgstat ~ .,stagec))[-1]) # Impute the missing data dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) dataCancerImputed[,1:ncol(dataCancerImputed)] <- sapply(dataCancerImputed,as.numeric) # Cross validating a LDA classifier. # 80 cv <- randomCV(dataCancerImputed,"pgstat",MASS::lda,trainFraction = 0.8, repetitions = 10,featureSelectionFunction = univariate_tstudent, featureSelection.control = list(limit = 0.5,thr = 0.975)); # Compare the LDA classifier with other methods cp <- BinaryBenchmark(referenceCV = cv,referenceName = "LDA", referenceFilterName="t.Student") pl <- plot(cp,prefix = "StageC: ") # Default Benchmark classifiers method (BSWiMS) and filter methods. # 80 cp <- BinaryBenchmark(theData = dataCancerImputed, theOutcome = "pgstat", reps = 10, fraction = 0.8) # plot the Cross Validation Metrics pl <- plot(cp,prefix = "Stagec:"); # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() #### Regression Example ###### # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "RegressionExample.pdf",width=8, height=6) # Get the body fat data from the TH package data("bodyfat", package = "TH.data") # Benchmark regression methods and filter methods. #80 cp <- RegresionBenchmark(theData = bodyfat, theOutcome = "DEXfat", reps = 10, fraction = 0.8) # plot the Cross Validation Metrics pl <- plot(cp,prefix = "Body Fat:"); # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() #### Ordinal Regression Example ##### # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "OrdinalRegressionExample.pdf",width=8, height=6) # Get the GBSG2 data data("GBSG2", package = "TH.data") # Prepare the model frame for benchmarking GBSG2$time <- NULL; GBSG2$cens <- NULL; GBSG2_mat <- cbind(tgrade = as.numeric(GBSG2$tgrade), as.data.frame(model.matrix(tgrade~.,GBSG2))[-1]) # Benchmark regression methods and filter methods. #30 cp <- OrdinalBenchmark(theData = GBSG2_mat, theOutcome = "tgrade", reps = 10, fraction = 0.3) # plot the Cross Validation Metrics pl <- plot(cp,prefix = "GBSG:"); # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() ## End(Not run)
Fits a BeSS::bess
object to the data, and return the selected features
BESS(formula = formula, data=NULL, method="sequential", ic.type="BIC",...) BESS_GSECTION(formula = formula, data=NULL, method="gsection", ic.type="NULL",...) BESS_EBIC(formula = formula, data=NULL, ic.type="EBIC",...)
BESS(formula = formula, data=NULL, method="sequential", ic.type="BIC",...) BESS_GSECTION(formula = formula, data=NULL, method="gsection", ic.type="NULL",...) BESS_EBIC(formula = formula, data=NULL, ic.type="EBIC",...)
formula |
The base formula to extract the outcome |
data |
The data to be used for training the bess model |
method |
BeSS: Methods to be used to select the optimal model size |
ic.type |
BeSS: Types of best model returned. |
... |
Parameters to be passed to the |
fit |
The |
formula |
The formula |
usedFeatures |
The list of features used by fit |
selectedfeatures |
The character vector of the model features according to BeSS type |
Jorge Orozco
This function bootstraps the model n times to estimate for each variable the empirical distribution of model coefficients, area under ROC curve (AUC), integrated discrimination improvement (IDI) and net reclassification improvement (NRI). At each bootstrap the non-observed data is predicted by the trained model, and statistics of the test prediction are stored and reported. The method keeps track of predictions and plots the bootstrap-validated ROC. It may plots the blind test accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity, contrasted with the bootstrapped trained distributions.
bootstrapValidation_Bin(fraction = 1, loops = 200, model.formula, Outcome, data, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), plots = FALSE, best.model.formula=NULL)
bootstrapValidation_Bin(fraction = 1, loops = 200, model.formula, Outcome, data, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), plots = FALSE, best.model.formula=NULL)
fraction |
The fraction of data (sampled with replacement) to be used as train |
loops |
The number of bootstrap loops |
model.formula |
An object of class |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
plots |
Logical. If |
best.model.formula |
An object of class |
The bootstrap validation will estimate the confidence interval of the model coefficients and the NRI and IDI.
The non-sampled values will be used to estimate the blind accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity.
A plot to monitor the evolution of the bootstrap procedure will be displayed if plots
is set to TRUE.
The plot shows the train and blind test ROC.
The density distribution of the train accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity are also shown, with the blind test results drawn along the y-axis.
data |
The data frame used to bootstrap and validate the model |
outcome |
A vector with the predictions made by the model |
blind.accuracy |
The accuracy of the model in the blind test set |
blind.sensitivity |
The sensitivity of the model in the blind test set |
blind.specificity |
The specificity of the model in the blind test set |
train.ROCAUC |
A vector with the AUC in the bootstrap train sets |
blind.ROCAUC |
An object of class |
boot.ROCAUC |
An object of class |
fraction |
The fraction of data that was sampled with replacement |
loops |
The number of loops it took for the model to stabilize |
base.Accuracy |
The accuracy of the original model |
base.sensitivity |
The sensitivity of the original model |
base.specificity |
The specificity of the original model |
accuracy |
A vector with the accuracies in the bootstrap test sets |
sensitivities |
A vector with the sensitivities in the bootstrap test sets |
specificities |
A vector with the specificities in the bootstrap test sets |
train.accuracy |
A vector with the accuracies in the bootstrap train sets |
train.sensitivity |
A vector with the sensitivities in the bootstrap train sets |
train.specificity |
A vector with the specificities in the bootstrap train sets |
s.coef |
A matrix with the coefficients in the bootstrap train sets |
boot.model |
An object of class |
boot.accuracy |
The accuracy of the |
boot.sensitivity |
The sensitivity of the |
boot.specificity |
The specificity of the |
z.NRIs |
A matrix with the z-score of the NRI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap train sets |
z.IDIs |
A matrix with the z-score of the IDI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap train sets |
test.z.NRIs |
A matrix with the z-score of the NRI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap test sets |
test.z.IDIs |
A matrix with the z-score of the IDI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap test sets |
NRIs |
A matrix with the NRI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap test sets |
IDIs |
A matrix with the IDI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap test sets |
testOutcome |
A vector that contains all the individual outcomes used to validate the model in the bootstrap test sets |
testPrediction |
A vector that contains all the individual predictions used to validate the model in the bootstrap test sets |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
This function bootstraps the model n times to estimate for each variable the empirical bootstrapped distribution of model coefficients, and net residual improvement (NeRI). At each bootstrap the non-observed data is predicted by the trained model, and statistics of the test prediction are stores and reported.
bootstrapValidation_Res(fraction = 1, loops = 200, model.formula, Outcome, data, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), plots = FALSE, bestmodel.formula=NULL)
bootstrapValidation_Res(fraction = 1, loops = 200, model.formula, Outcome, data, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), plots = FALSE, bestmodel.formula=NULL)
fraction |
The fraction of data (sampled with replacement) to be used as train |
loops |
The number of bootstrap loops |
model.formula |
An object of class |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
plots |
Logical. If |
bestmodel.formula |
An object of class |
The bootstrap validation will estimate the confidence interval of the model coefficients and the NeRI. It will also compute the train and blind test root-mean-square error (RMSE), as well as the distribution of the NeRI p-values.
data |
The data frame used to bootstrap and validate the model |
outcome |
A vector with the predictions made by the model |
boot.model |
An object of class |
NeRIs |
A matrix with the NeRI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap test sets |
tStudent.pvalues |
A matrix with the t-test p-value of the NeRI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap train sets |
wilcox.pvalues |
A matrix with the Wilcoxon rank-sum test p-value of the NeRI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap train sets |
bin.pvalues |
A matrix with the binomial test p-value of the NeRI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap train sets |
F.pvalues |
A matrix with the F-test p-value of the NeRI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap train sets |
test.tStudent.pvalues |
A matrix with the t-test p-value of the NeRI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap test sets |
test.wilcox.pvalues |
A matrix with the Wilcoxon rank-sum test p-value of the NeRI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap test sets |
test.bin.pvalues |
A matrix with the binomial test p-value of the NeRI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap test sets |
test.F.pvalues |
A matrix with the F-test p-value of the NeRI for each model term, estimated using the bootstrap test sets |
testPrediction |
A vector that contains all the individual predictions used to validate the model in the bootstrap test sets |
testOutcome |
A vector that contains all the individual outcomes used to validate the model in the bootstrap test sets |
testResiduals |
A vector that contains all the residuals used to validate the model in the bootstrap test sets |
trainPrediction |
A vector that contains all the individual predictions used to validate the model in the bootstrap train sets |
trainOutcome |
A vector that contains all the individual outcomes used to validate the model in the bootstrap train sets |
trainResiduals |
A vector that contains all the residuals used to validate the model in the bootstrap train sets |
testRMSE |
The global RMSE, estimated using the bootstrap test sets |
trainRMSE |
The global RMSE, estimated using the bootstrap train sets |
trainSampleRMSE |
A vector with the RMSEs in the bootstrap train sets |
testSampledRMSE |
A vector with the RMSEs in the bootstrap test sets |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
This function removes model terms that do not improve the bootstrapped integrated discrimination improvement (IDI) or net reclassification improvement (NRI) significantly.
bootstrapVarElimination_Bin(object, pvalue = 0.05, Outcome = "Class", data, startOffset = 0, type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), selectionType = c("zIDI", "zNRI"), loops = 64, print=TRUE, plots=TRUE )
bootstrapVarElimination_Bin(object, pvalue = 0.05, Outcome = "Class", data, startOffset = 0, type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), selectionType = c("zIDI", "zNRI"), loops = 64, print=TRUE, plots=TRUE )
object |
An object of class |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to either IDI or NRI, allowed for a term in the model |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
startOffset |
Only terms whose position in the model is larger than the |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
selectionType |
The type of index to be evaluated by the |
loops |
The number of bootstrap loops |
print |
Logical. If |
plots |
Logical. If |
For each model term , the IDI or NRI is computed for the Full model and the reduced model( where the term
The term whose removal results in the smallest drop in bootstrapped improvement is selected. The hypothesis: the
term adds classification improvement is tested by checking the p value of average improvement. If
, then the term is removed.
In other words, only model terms that significantly aid in subject classification are kept.
The procedure is repeated until no term fulfils the removal criterion.
back.model |
An object of the same class as |
loops |
The number of loops it took for the model to stabilize |
reclas.info |
A list with the NRI and IDI statistics of the reduced model, as given by the |
bootCV |
An object of class |
back.formula |
An object of class |
lastRemoved |
The name of the last term that was removed (-1 if all terms were removed) |
at.opt.model |
The model will have the fitted model that had close to maximum bootstrapped test accuracy |
beforeFSC.formula |
The formula of the model before False Selection Correction |
at.Accuracy.formula |
the string formula of the model that had the best or close to tbe best test accuracy |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Pencina, M. J., D'Agostino, R. B., & Vasan, R. S. (2008). Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: from area under the ROC curve to reclassification and beyond. Statistics in medicine 27(2), 157-172.
This function removes model terms that do not improve the bootstrapped net residual improvement (NeRI) significantly.
bootstrapVarElimination_Res(object, pvalue = 0.05, Outcome = "Class", data, startOffset = 0, type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), testType = c("Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"), loops = 64, setIntersect = 1, print=TRUE, plots=TRUE )
bootstrapVarElimination_Res(object, pvalue = 0.05, Outcome = "Class", data, startOffset = 0, type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), testType = c("Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"), loops = 64, setIntersect = 1, print=TRUE, plots=TRUE )
object |
An object of class |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to the NeRI, allowed for a term in the model |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
startOffset |
Only terms whose position in the model is larger than the |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
testType |
Type of non-parametric test to be evaluated by the |
loops |
The number of bootstrap loops |
setIntersect |
The intersect of the model (To force a zero intersect, set this value to 0) |
print |
Logical. If |
plots |
Logical. If |
For each model term , the residuals are computed for the Full model and the reduced model( where the term
The term whose removal results in the smallest drop in bootstrapped test residuals improvement is selected. The hypothesis: the
term improves residuals is tested by checking the p-value of average improvement. If
, then the term is removed.
In other words, only model terms that significantly aid in improving residuals are kept.
The procedure is repeated until no term fulfils the removal criterion.
The p-values of improvement can be computed via a sign-test (Binomial) a paired Wilcoxon test, paired t-test or f-test. The first three tests compare the absolute values of
the residuals, while the f-test test if the variance of the residuals is improved significantly.
back.model |
An object of the same class as |
loops |
The number of loops it took for the model to stabilize |
reclas.info |
A list with the NeRI statistics of the reduced model, as given by the |
bootCV |
An object of class |
back.formula |
An object of class |
lastRemoved |
The name of the last term that was removed (-1 if all terms were removed) |
at.opt.model |
The model with close to minimum bootstrapped RMSE |
beforeFSC.formula |
The formula of the model before the FSC stage |
at.RMSE.formula |
the string formula of the model that had the minimum or close to minimum RMSE |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
This function returns a set of models that best predict the outcome. Based on a Bootstrap Stage Wise Model Selection algorithm.
BSWiMS.model(formula, data, type = c("Auto","LM","LOGIT","COX"), testType = c("Auto","zIDI", "zNRI", "Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"), pvalue=0.05, variableList=NULL, size=0, loops=20, elimination.bootstrap.steps = 200, fraction=1.0, maxTrainModelSize=20, maxCycles=20, print=FALSE, plots=FALSE, featureSize=0, NumberofRepeats=1, bagPredictType=c("Bag","wNN","Ens") )
BSWiMS.model(formula, data, type = c("Auto","LM","LOGIT","COX"), testType = c("Auto","zIDI", "zNRI", "Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"), pvalue=0.05, variableList=NULL, size=0, loops=20, elimination.bootstrap.steps = 200, fraction=1.0, maxTrainModelSize=20, maxCycles=20, print=FALSE, plots=FALSE, featureSize=0, NumberofRepeats=1, bagPredictType=c("Bag","wNN","Ens") )
formula |
An object of class |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
type |
The fit type. Auto will determine the fitting based on the formula |
testType |
For an Binary-based optimization, the type of index to be evaluated by the |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to the |
variableList |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
size |
The number of candidate variables to be tested (the first |
loops |
The number of bootstrap loops for the forward selection procedure |
elimination.bootstrap.steps |
The number of bootstrap loops for the backwards elimination procedure |
fraction |
The fraction of data (sampled with replacement) to be used as train |
maxTrainModelSize |
Maximum number of terms that can be included in the each forward selection model |
maxCycles |
The maximum number of model generation cycles |
print |
Logical. If |
plots |
Logical. If |
featureSize |
The original number of features to be explored in the data frame. |
NumberofRepeats |
How many times the BSWiMS search will be repeated |
bagPredictType |
Type of prediction of the bagged formulas |
This is a core function of FRESA.CAD. The function will generate a set of B:SWiMS models from the data based on the provided baseline formula. The function will loop extracting a models whose all terms are statistical significant. After each loop it will remove the significant terms, and it will repeat the model generation until no mode significant models are found or the maximum number of cycles is reached.
BSWiMS.model |
the output of the bootstrap backwards elimination step |
forward.model |
The output of the forward selection step |
update.model |
The output of the forward selection step |
univariate |
The univariate ranking of variables if no list of features was provided |
bagging |
The model after bagging the set of models |
formula.list |
The formulas extracted at each cycle |
forward.selection.list |
All formulas generated by the forward selection procedure |
oridinalModels |
A list of scores, the data and a formulas vector required for ordinal scores predictions |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
Pencina, M. J., D'Agostino, R. B., & Vasan, R. S. (2008). Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: from area under the ROC curve to reclassification and beyond. Statistics in medicine 27(2), 157-172.
## Not run: # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "BSWiMS.model.Example.pdf",width = 8, height = 6) # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") options(na.action = 'na.pass') stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, pgtime = stagec$pgtime, as.data.frame(model.matrix(Surv(pgtime,pgstat) ~ .*.,stagec))[-1]) fnames <- colnames(stagec_mat) fnames <- str_replace_all(fnames,":","__") colnames(stagec_mat) <- fnames dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) # Get a Cox proportional hazards model using: # - The default parameters md <- BSWiMS.model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed) #Plot the bootstrap validation pt <- plot(md$BSWiMS.model$bootCV) #Get the coefficients summary sm <- summary(md) print(sm$coefficients) #Plot the bagged model pl <- plotModels.ROC(cbind(dataCancerImputed$pgstat, predict(md,dataCancerImputed)), main = "Bagging Predictions") # Get a Cox proportional hazards model using: # - The default parameters but repeated 10 times md <- BSWiMS.model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed, NumberofRepeats = 10) #Get the coefficients summary sm <- summary(md) print(sm$coefficients) #Check all the formulas print(md$formula.list) #Plot the bagged model pl <- plotModels.ROC(cbind(dataCancerImputed$pgstat, predict(md,dataCancerImputed)), main = "Bagging Predictions") # Get a regression of the survival time timeSubjects <- dataCancerImputed timeSubjects$pgtime <- log(timeSubjects$pgtime) md <- BSWiMS.model(formula = pgtime ~ 1, data = timeSubjects, ) pt <- plot(md$BSWiMS.model$bootCV) sm <- summary(md) print(sm$coefficients) # Get a logistic regression model using # - The default parameters and removing time as possible predictor data(stagec,package = "rpart") stagec$pgtime <- NULL stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, as.data.frame(model.matrix(pgstat ~ .*.,stagec))[-1]) fnames <- colnames(stagec_mat) fnames <- str_replace_all(fnames,":","__") colnames(stagec_mat) <- fnames dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) md <- BSWiMS.model(formula = pgstat ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed) pt <- plot(md$BSWiMS.model$bootCV) sm <- summary(md) print(sm$coefficients) # Get a ordinal regression of grade model using GBSG2 data # - The default parameters and removing the # time and status as possible predictor data("GBSG2", package = "TH.data") # Prepare the model frame for prediction GBSG2$time <- NULL; GBSG2$cens <- NULL; GBSG2_mat <- cbind(tgrade = as.numeric(GBSG2$tgrade), as.data.frame(model.matrix(tgrade~.*.,GBSG2))[-1]) fnames <- colnames(GBSG2_mat) fnames <- str_replace_all(fnames,":","__") colnames(GBSG2_mat) <- fnames md <- BSWiMS.model(formula = tgrade ~ 1, data = GBSG2_mat) sm <- summary(md$oridinalModels$theBaggedModels[[1]]$bagged.model) print(sm$coefficients) sm <- summary(md$oridinalModels$theBaggedModels[[2]]$bagged.model) print(sm$coefficients) print(table(GBSG2_mat$tgrade,predict(md,GBSG2_mat))) # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "BSWiMS.model.Example.pdf",width = 8, height = 6) # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") options(na.action = 'na.pass') stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, pgtime = stagec$pgtime, as.data.frame(model.matrix(Surv(pgtime,pgstat) ~ .*.,stagec))[-1]) fnames <- colnames(stagec_mat) fnames <- str_replace_all(fnames,":","__") colnames(stagec_mat) <- fnames dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) # Get a Cox proportional hazards model using: # - The default parameters md <- BSWiMS.model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed) #Plot the bootstrap validation pt <- plot(md$BSWiMS.model$bootCV) #Get the coefficients summary sm <- summary(md) print(sm$coefficients) #Plot the bagged model pl <- plotModels.ROC(cbind(dataCancerImputed$pgstat, predict(md,dataCancerImputed)), main = "Bagging Predictions") # Get a Cox proportional hazards model using: # - The default parameters but repeated 10 times md <- BSWiMS.model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed, NumberofRepeats = 10) #Get the coefficients summary sm <- summary(md) print(sm$coefficients) #Check all the formulas print(md$formula.list) #Plot the bagged model pl <- plotModels.ROC(cbind(dataCancerImputed$pgstat, predict(md,dataCancerImputed)), main = "Bagging Predictions") # Get a regression of the survival time timeSubjects <- dataCancerImputed timeSubjects$pgtime <- log(timeSubjects$pgtime) md <- BSWiMS.model(formula = pgtime ~ 1, data = timeSubjects, ) pt <- plot(md$BSWiMS.model$bootCV) sm <- summary(md) print(sm$coefficients) # Get a logistic regression model using # - The default parameters and removing time as possible predictor data(stagec,package = "rpart") stagec$pgtime <- NULL stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, as.data.frame(model.matrix(pgstat ~ .*.,stagec))[-1]) fnames <- colnames(stagec_mat) fnames <- str_replace_all(fnames,":","__") colnames(stagec_mat) <- fnames dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) md <- BSWiMS.model(formula = pgstat ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed) pt <- plot(md$BSWiMS.model$bootCV) sm <- summary(md) print(sm$coefficients) # Get a ordinal regression of grade model using GBSG2 data # - The default parameters and removing the # time and status as possible predictor data("GBSG2", package = "TH.data") # Prepare the model frame for prediction GBSG2$time <- NULL; GBSG2$cens <- NULL; GBSG2_mat <- cbind(tgrade = as.numeric(GBSG2$tgrade), as.data.frame(model.matrix(tgrade~.*.,GBSG2))[-1]) fnames <- colnames(GBSG2_mat) fnames <- str_replace_all(fnames,":","__") colnames(GBSG2_mat) <- fnames md <- BSWiMS.model(formula = tgrade ~ 1, data = GBSG2_mat) sm <- summary(md$oridinalModels$theBaggedModels[[1]]$bagged.model) print(sm$coefficients) sm <- summary(md$oridinalModels$theBaggedModels[[2]]$bagged.model) print(sm$coefficients) print(table(GBSG2_mat$tgrade,predict(md,GBSG2_mat))) # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() ## End(Not run)
The predicted binary probabilities are calibrated to match the observed event rate. A logistic model is used to calibrate the predicted probability to the actual event rate.
calBinProb(BinaryOutcome=NULL, OutcomeProbability=NULL )
calBinProb(BinaryOutcome=NULL, OutcomeProbability=NULL )
BinaryOutcome |
The observed binary outcome |
OutcomeProbability |
The predicted probability |
The logistic model calibrated to the observed outcome rate
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
It will estimate the baseline hazard (ho) and the time interval that best describes a estimations of the probabilities of time-to-event Poisson events
CalibrationProbPoissonRisk(Riskdata,trim=0.10) CoxRiskCalibration(ml,data,outcome,time,trim=0.10,timeInterval=NULL)
CalibrationProbPoissonRisk(Riskdata,trim=0.10) CoxRiskCalibration(ml,data,outcome,time,trim=0.10,timeInterval=NULL)
Riskdata |
The data frame with thre columns: Event, Probability of event, time to event |
trim |
The percentge of tails of data not to be used to estimate the time interval |
timeInterval |
The time interval for event rate estimation |
ml |
A Cox model of the events |
data |
the new dataframe to predict the model |
outcome |
The name of the columnt that has the event: 1 uncensored, 0; Censored |
time |
The time to event, or time to last observation. |
The function will estimate the baseline hazard of Poisson events and its corresponding time interval from a list of predicted probability that the event will occur for censored (Outome=0) of the actual event happened (Outcome=1). If the timeInterval is not provided, the funtion will estimete the initial time interval to be used to get the best time interval that models the rate of events.
index |
A vector with the prognistic index based on the provided probabilities |
probGZero |
The vector with the calibrated probabilites of the event happening |
hazard |
The predicted hazard of each event |
h0 |
The estimated bsaeline hazard |
hazardGain |
The calibration gain |
timeInterval |
The time interval of the Poisson event |
meaninterval |
The mean observed interval of events |
Ahazard |
The cumulated hazzard after calibration |
delta |
The relative difference between observed and estimated number of events. |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This data frame contains two columns, one with names of variables, and the other with descriptions of such variables.
It is used in several examples of this package.
Specifically, it is used in examples working with the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart
A data frame with names and descriptions of the variables used in several examples
A column with the names of the variables
A column with a short description of the variables
This function returns the outcome associated features and the supervised-classifier present at each one of the unsupervised data clusters
ClustClass(formula = formula, data=NULL, filtermethod=univariate_KS, clustermethod=GMVECluster, classmethod=LASSO_1SE, filtermethod.control=list(pvalue=0.1,limit=21), clustermethod.control= list(p.threshold = 0.95, p.samplingthreshold = 0.5), classmethod.control=list(family = "binomial"), pca=TRUE, normalize=TRUE )
ClustClass(formula = formula, data=NULL, filtermethod=univariate_KS, clustermethod=GMVECluster, classmethod=LASSO_1SE, filtermethod.control=list(pvalue=0.1,limit=21), clustermethod.control= list(p.threshold = 0.95, p.samplingthreshold = 0.5), classmethod.control=list(family = "binomial"), pca=TRUE, normalize=TRUE )
formula |
An object of class |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
filtermethod |
The function name that will return the relevant features |
clustermethod |
The function name that will cluster the data points |
classmethod |
The function name of the binary classification method |
filtermethod.control |
A list with the parameters to be passed to the filter function |
clustermethod.control |
A list with the parameters to be passed to the clustering function |
classmethod.control |
A list with the parameters to be passed to the classification function |
pca |
if TRUE it will compute the PCA transform |
normalize |
if pca=TRUE and normalize=TRUE it will normalize all the data. |
This function will first call the filter function that should return the relevant a named vector with the p-value of the features associated with the outcome. Then it will call user-supplied clustering algorithm that must return a relevant data partition based on the discovered features. The returned object of the clustering function must contain a $classification object indicates the class label of each data point. Finally, the function will call the classification function on each cluster returned by the clustering function.
features |
The named vector of FDR adjusted p-values returned by the filtering function. |
cluster |
The clustering function output |
models |
The list of classification objects per data cluster |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
## Not run: library(mlbench) # Location of the Sonar data set library(mclust) # The cluster library data(Sonar) Sonar$Class <- 1*(Sonar$Class == "M") #Train hierachical classifier mc <- ClustClass(Class~.,Sonar,clustermethod=Mclust,clustermethod.control=list(G = 1:4)) #report the classification pb <- predict(mc,Sonar) print(table(1*(pb>0.0),Sonar$Class)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(mlbench) # Location of the Sonar data set library(mclust) # The cluster library data(Sonar) Sonar$Class <- 1*(Sonar$Class == "M") #Train hierachical classifier mc <- ClustClass(Class~.,Sonar,clustermethod=Mclust,clustermethod.control=list(G = 1:4)) #report the classification pb <- predict(mc,Sonar) print(table(1*(pb>0.0),Sonar$Class)) ## End(Not run)
Returns the set of Gaussian Ellipsoids that best model the data
clusterISODATA(dataset, clusteringMethod=GMVECluster, trainFraction=0.99, randomTests=10, jaccardThreshold=0.45, isoDataThreshold=0.75, plot=TRUE, ...)
clusterISODATA(dataset, clusteringMethod=GMVECluster, trainFraction=0.99, randomTests=10, jaccardThreshold=0.45, isoDataThreshold=0.75, plot=TRUE, ...)
dataset |
The data set to be clustered |
clusteringMethod |
The clustering method. |
trainFraction |
The fraction of the data used to train the clusters |
randomTests |
The number of clustering sets that will be generated |
jaccardThreshold |
The minimum Jaccard index to be considered for data clustering |
isoDataThreshold |
The minimum distance (as p.value) between gaussian clusters |
plot |
If true it will plot the clustered points |
... |
Parameter list to be passed to the clustering method |
The data will be clustered N times as defined by a number of randomTests. After clustering, the Jaccard Index map will be generated and ordered from high to low. The mean clusters parameters (Covariance sets) associated with the point with the highest Jaccard index will define the first cluster. A cluster will be added if the Mahalanobis distance between clusters is greater than the given acceptance p.value (isoDataThreshold) Only clusters associated with points with a Jaccard index greater than jaccardThreshold will be considered.
cluster |
The numeric vector with the cluster label of each point |
classification |
The numeric vector with the cluster label of each point |
robustCovariance |
The list of robust covariances per cluster |
pointjaccard |
The mean of jaccard index per data point |
centers |
The list of cluster centers |
covariances |
The list of cluster covariance |
features |
The characer vector with the names of the features used |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function performs a cross-validation analysis of a feature selection algorithm based on the integrated discrimination improvement (IDI) or the net reclassification improvement (NRI) to return a predictive model. It is composed of an IDI/NRI-based feature selection followed by an update procedure, ending with a bootstrapping backwards feature elimination. The user can control how many train and blind test sets will be evaluated.
crossValidationFeatureSelection_Bin(size = 10, fraction = 1.0, pvalue = 0.05, loops = 100, covariates = "1", Outcome, timeOutcome = "Time", variableList, data, maxTrainModelSize = 20, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), selectionType = c("zIDI", "zNRI"), startOffset = 0, elimination.bootstrap.steps = 100, trainFraction = 0.67, trainRepetition = 9, bootstrap.steps = 100, nk = 0, unirank = NULL, print=TRUE, plots=TRUE, lambda="lambda.1se", equivalent=FALSE, bswimsCycles=10, usrFitFun=NULL, featureSize=0)
crossValidationFeatureSelection_Bin(size = 10, fraction = 1.0, pvalue = 0.05, loops = 100, covariates = "1", Outcome, timeOutcome = "Time", variableList, data, maxTrainModelSize = 20, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), selectionType = c("zIDI", "zNRI"), startOffset = 0, elimination.bootstrap.steps = 100, trainFraction = 0.67, trainRepetition = 9, bootstrap.steps = 100, nk = 0, unirank = NULL, print=TRUE, plots=TRUE, lambda="lambda.1se", equivalent=FALSE, bswimsCycles=10, usrFitFun=NULL, featureSize=0)
size |
The number of candidate variables to be tested (the first |
fraction |
The fraction of data (sampled with replacement) to be used as train |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to either IDI or NRI, allowed for a term in the model |
loops |
The number of bootstrap loops |
covariates |
A string of the type "1 + var1 + var2" that defines which variables will always be included in the models (as covariates) |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
timeOutcome |
The name of the column in |
variableList |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
maxTrainModelSize |
Maximum number of terms that can be included in the model |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
selectionType |
The type of index to be evaluated by the |
startOffset |
Only terms whose position in the model is larger than the |
elimination.bootstrap.steps |
The number of bootstrap loops for the backwards elimination procedure |
trainFraction |
The fraction of data (sampled with replacement) to be used as train for the cross-validation procedure |
trainRepetition |
The number of cross-validation folds (it should be at least equal to |
bootstrap.steps |
The number of bootstrap loops for the confidence intervals estimation |
nk |
The number of neighbours used to generate a k-nearest neighbours (KNN) classification. If zero, k is set to the square root of the number of cases. If less than zero, it will not perform the KNN classification |
unirank |
A list with the results yielded by the |
print |
Logical. If |
plots |
Logical. If |
lambda |
The passed value to the s parameter of the glmnet cross validation coefficient |
equivalent |
Is set to TRUE CV will compute the equivalent model |
bswimsCycles |
The maximum number of models to be returned by |
usrFitFun |
A user fitting function to be evaluated by the cross validation procedure |
featureSize |
The original number of features to be explored in the data frame. |
This function produces a set of data and plots that can be used to inspect the degree of over-fitting or shrinkage of a model. It uses bootstrapped data, cross-validation data, and, if possible, retrain data. During each cycle, a train and a test ROC will be generated using bootstrapped data. At the end of the cross-validation feature selection procedure, a set of three plots may be produced depending on the specifications of the analysis. The first plot shows the ROC for each cross-validation blind test. The second plot, if enough samples are given, shows the ROC of each model trained and tested in the blind test partition. The final plot shows ROC curves generated with the train, the bootstrapped blind test, and the cross-validation test data. Additionally, this plot will also contain the ROC of the cross-validation mean test data, and of the cross-validation coherence. These set of plots may be used to get an overall perspective of the expected model shrinkage. Along with the plots, the function provides the overall performance of the system (accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity). The function also produces a report of the expected performance of a KNN algorithm trained with the selected features of the model, and an elastic net algorithm. The test predictions obtained with these algorithms can then be compared to the predictions generated by the logistic, linear, or Cox proportional hazards regression model.
formula.list |
A list containing objects of class |
Models.testPrediction |
A data frame with the blind test set predictions (Full B:SWiMS,Median,Bagged,Forward,Backwards Eliminations) made at each fold of the cross validation, where the models used to generate such predictions ( |
FullBSWiMS.testPrediction |
A data frame similar to |
TestRetrained.blindPredictions |
A data frame similar to |
LastTrainBSWiMS.bootstrapped |
An object of class |
Test.accuracy |
The global blind test accuracy of the cross-validation procedure |
Test.sensitivity |
The global blind test sensitivity of the cross-validation procedure |
Test.specificity |
The global blind test specificity of the cross-validation procedure |
Train.correlationsToFull |
The Spearman |
Blind.correlationsToFull |
The Spearman |
FullModelAtFoldAccuracies |
The blind test accuracy for the Full model at each cross-validation fold |
FullModelAtFoldSpecificties |
The blind test specificity for the Full model at each cross-validation fold |
FullModelAtFoldSensitivities |
The blind test sensitivity for the Full model at each cross-validation fold |
FullModelAtFoldAUC |
The blind test ROC AUC for the Full model at each cross-validation fold |
AtCVFoldModelBlindAccuracies |
The blind test accuracy for the Full model at each final cross-validation fold |
AtCVFoldModelBlindSpecificities |
The blind test specificity for the Full model at each final cross-validation fold |
AtCVFoldModelBlindSensitivities |
The blind test sensitivity for the Full model at each final cross-validation fold |
CVTrain.Accuracies |
The train accuracies at each fold |
CVTrain.Sensitivity |
The train sensitivity at each fold |
CVTrain.Specificity |
The train specificity at each fold |
CVTrain.AUCs |
The train ROC AUC for each fold |
forwardSelection |
A list containing the values returned by |
updateforwardSelection |
A list containing the values returned by |
A list containing the values returned by |
FullBSWiMS.bootstrapped |
An object of class |
Models.testSensitivities |
A matrix with the mean ROC sensitivities at certain specificities for each train and all test cross-validation folds using the cross-validation models (i.e. 0.95, 0.90, 0.80, 0.70, 0.60, 0.50, 0.40, 0.30, 0.20, 0.10, and 0.05) |
FullKNN.testPrediction |
A data frame similar to |
KNN.testPrediction |
A data frame similar to |
Fullenet |
An object of class |
LASSO.testPredictions |
A data frame similar to |
LASSOVariables |
A list with the elastic net Full model and the models found at each cross-validation fold |
uniTrain.Accuracies |
The list of accuracies of an univariate analysis on each one of the model variables in the train sets |
uniTest.Accuracies |
The list of accuracies of an univariate analysis on each one of the model variables in the test sets |
uniTest.TopCoherence |
The accuracy coherence of the top ranked variable on the test set |
uniTrain.TopCoherence |
The accuracy coherence of the top ranked variable on the train set |
Models.trainPrediction |
A data frame with the outcome and the train prediction of every model |
FullBSWiMS.trainPrediction |
A data frame with the outcome and the train prediction at each CV fold for the main model |
LASSO.trainPredictions |
A data frame with the outcome and the prediction of each enet lasso model |
BSWiMS.ensemble.prediction |
The ensemble prediction by all models on the test data |
AtOptFormulas.list |
The list of formulas with "optimal" performance |
ForwardFormulas.list |
The list of formulas produced by the forward procedure |
baggFormulas.list |
The list of the bagged models |
LassoFilterVarList |
The list of variables used by LASSO fitting |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Pencina, M. J., D'Agostino, R. B., & Vasan, R. S. (2008). Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: from area under the ROC curve to reclassification and beyond. Statistics in medicine 27(2), 157-172.
This function performs a cross-validation analysis of a feature selection algorithm based on net residual improvement (NeRI) to return a predictive model. It is composed of a NeRI-based feature selection followed by an update procedure, ending with a bootstrapping backwards feature elimination. The user can control how many train and blind test sets will be evaluated.
crossValidationFeatureSelection_Res(size = 10, fraction = 1.0, pvalue = 0.05, loops = 100, covariates = "1", Outcome, timeOutcome = "Time", variableList, data, maxTrainModelSize = 20, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), testType = c("Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"), startOffset = 0, elimination.bootstrap.steps = 100, trainFraction = 0.67, trainRepetition = 9, setIntersect = 1, unirank = NULL, print=TRUE, plots=TRUE, lambda="lambda.1se", equivalent=FALSE, bswimsCycles=10, usrFitFun=NULL, featureSize=0)
crossValidationFeatureSelection_Res(size = 10, fraction = 1.0, pvalue = 0.05, loops = 100, covariates = "1", Outcome, timeOutcome = "Time", variableList, data, maxTrainModelSize = 20, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), testType = c("Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"), startOffset = 0, elimination.bootstrap.steps = 100, trainFraction = 0.67, trainRepetition = 9, setIntersect = 1, unirank = NULL, print=TRUE, plots=TRUE, lambda="lambda.1se", equivalent=FALSE, bswimsCycles=10, usrFitFun=NULL, featureSize=0)
size |
The number of candidate variables to be tested (the first |
fraction |
The fraction of data (sampled with replacement) to be used as train |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to the NeRI, allowed for a term in the model |
loops |
The number of bootstrap loops |
covariates |
A string of the type "1 + var1 + var2" that defines which variables will always be included in the models (as covariates) |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
timeOutcome |
The name of the column in |
variableList |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
maxTrainModelSize |
Maximum number of terms that can be included in the model |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
testType |
Type of non-parametric test to be evaluated by the |
startOffset |
Only terms whose position in the model is larger than the |
elimination.bootstrap.steps |
The number of bootstrap loops for the backwards elimination procedure |
trainFraction |
The fraction of data (sampled with replacement) to be used as train for the cross-validation procedure |
setIntersect |
The intersect of the model (To force a zero intersect, set this value to 0) |
trainRepetition |
The number of cross-validation folds (it should be at least equal to |
unirank |
A list with the results yielded by the |
print |
Logical. If |
plots |
Logical. If |
lambda |
The passed value to the s parameter of the glmnet cross validation coefficient |
equivalent |
Is set to TRUE CV will compute the equivalent model |
bswimsCycles |
The maximum number of models to be returned by |
usrFitFun |
A user fitting function to be evaluated by the cross validation procedure |
featureSize |
The original number of features to be explored in the data frame. |
This function produces a set of data and plots that can be used to inspect the degree of over-fitting or shrinkage of a model. It uses bootstrapped data, cross-validation data, and, if possible, retrain data.
formula.list |
A list containing objects of class |
Models.testPrediction |
A data frame with the blind test set predictions made at each fold of the cross validation (Full B:SWiMS,Median,Bagged,Forward,Backward Elimination), where the models used to generate such predictions ( |
FullBSWiMS.testPrediction |
A data frame similar to |
A list containing the values returned by |
forwardSelection |
A list containing the values returned by |
updatedforwardModel |
A list containing the values returned by |
testRMSE |
The global blind test root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the cross-validation procedure |
testPearson |
The global blind test Pearson r product-moment correlation coefficient of the cross-validation procedure |
testSpearman |
The global blind test Spearman |
FulltestRMSE |
The global blind test RMSE of the Full model |
FullTestPearson |
The global blind test Pearson r product-moment correlation coefficient of the Full model |
FullTestSpearman |
The global blind test Spearman |
trainRMSE |
The train RMSE at each fold of the cross-validation procedure |
trainPearson |
The train Pearson r product-moment correlation coefficient at each fold of the cross-validation procedure |
trainSpearman |
The train Spearman |
FullTrainRMSE |
The train RMSE of the Full model at each fold of the cross-validation procedure |
FullTrainPearson |
The train Pearson r product-moment correlation coefficient of the Full model at each fold of the cross-validation procedure |
FullTrainSpearman |
The train Spearman |
testRMSEAtFold |
The blind test RMSE at each fold of the cross-validation procedure |
FullTestRMSEAtFold |
The blind test RMSE of the Full model at each fold of the cross-validation procedure |
Fullenet |
An object of class |
LASSO.testPredictions |
A data frame similar to |
LASSOVariables |
A list with the elastic net Full model and the models found at each cross-validation fold |
byFoldTestMS |
A vector with the Mean Square error for each blind fold |
byFoldTestSpearman |
A vector with the Spearman correlation between prediction and outcome for each blind fold |
byFoldTestPearson |
A vector with the Pearson correlation between prediction and outcome for each blind fold |
byFoldCstat |
A vector with the C-index (Somers' Dxy rank correlation : |
CVBlindPearson |
A vector with the Pearson correlation between the outcome and prediction for each repeated experiment |
CVBlindSpearman |
A vector with the Spearm correlation between the outcome and prediction for each repeated experiment |
CVBlindRMS |
A vector with the RMS between the outcome and prediction for each repeated experiment |
Models.trainPrediction |
A data frame with the outcome and the train prediction of every model |
FullBSWiMS.trainPrediction |
A data frame with the outcome and the train prediction at each CV fold for the main model |
LASSO.trainPredictions |
A data frame with the outcome and the prediction of each enet lasso model |
uniTrainMSS |
A data frame with mean square of the train residuals from the univariate models of the model terms |
uniTestMSS |
A data frame with mean square of the test residuals of the univariate models of the model terms |
BSWiMS.ensemble.prediction |
The ensemble prediction by all models on the test data |
AtOptFormulas.list |
The list of formulas with "optimal" performance |
ForwardFormulas.list |
The list of formulas produced by the forward procedure |
baggFormulas.list |
The list of the bagged models |
LassoFilterVarList |
The list of variables used by LASSO fitting |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
A formula based wrapper of the getSignature
CVsignature(formula = formula,data=NULL,...)
CVsignature(formula = formula,data=NULL,...)
formula |
The base formula |
data |
The data to be used for training the signature method |
... |
Parameters for the |
fit |
A |
method |
The distance method |
variable.importance |
The named vector of relevant features |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
Permutations or Bootstrapping computation of the standardized log-rank (SLR) or the Chi=SLR^2 p-values for differences in survival times
EmpiricalSurvDiff(times=times, status=status, groups=groups, samples=1000, type=c("SLR","Chi"), plots=FALSE, minAproxSamples=100, computeDist=FALSE, ... )
EmpiricalSurvDiff(times=times, status=status, groups=groups, samples=1000, type=c("SLR","Chi"), plots=FALSE, minAproxSamples=100, computeDist=FALSE, ... )
times |
A numeric vector with he observed times to event |
status |
A numeric vector indicating if the time to event is censored |
groups |
A numeric vector indicating the label of the two survival groups |
samples |
The number of bootstrap samples |
type |
The type of log-rank statistics. SLR or Chi |
plots |
If TRUE, the Kaplan-Meier plot will be plotted |
minAproxSamples |
The number of tail samples used for the normal-distribution approximation |
computeDist |
If TRUE, it will compute the bootstrapped distribution of the SLR |
... |
Additional parameters for the plot |
It will compute the null distribution of the SRL or the square SLR (Chi) via permutations, and it will return the p-value of differences between survival times between two groups. It may also be used to compute the empirical distribution of the difference in SLR using bootstrapping. (computeDist=TRUE) The p-values will be estimated based on the sampled distribution, or normal-approximated along the tails.
pvalue |
the minimum one-tailed p-value : min[p(SRL < 0),p(SRL > 0)] for type="SLR" or the two tailed p-value: 1-p(|SRL| > 0) for type="Chi" |
LR |
A list of LR statistics: LR=Expected, VR=Variance, SLR=Standardized LR. |
p.equal |
The two tailed p-value: 1-p(|SRL| > 0) |
p.sup |
The one tailed p-value: p(SRL < 0), return NA for type="Chi" |
p.inf |
The one tailed p-value: p(SRL > 0), return NA for type="Chi" |
nullDist |
permutation derived probability density function of the null distribution |
LRDist |
bootstrapped derived probability density function of the SLR (computeDist=TRUE) |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
## Not run: library(rpart) data(stagec) # The Log-Rank Analysis using survdiff lrsurvdiff <- survdiff(Surv(pgtime,pgstat)~grade>2,data=stagec) print(lrsurvdiff) # The Log-Rank Analysis: permutations of the null Chi distribution lrp <- EmpiricalSurvDiff(stagec$pgtime,stagec$pgstat,stagec$grade>2, type="Chi",plots=TRUE,samples=10000, main="Chi Null Distribution") print(list(unlist(c(lrp$LR,lrp$pvalue)))) # The Log-Rank Analysis: permutations of the null SLR distribution lrp <- EmpiricalSurvDiff(stagec$pgtime,stagec$pgstat,stagec$grade>2, type="SLR",plots=TRUE,samples=10000, main="SLR Null Distribution") print(list(unlist(c(lrp$LR,lrp$pvalue)))) # The Log-Rank Analysis: Bootstraping the SLR distribution lrp <- EmpiricalSurvDiff(stagec$pgtime,stagec$pgstat,stagec$grade>2, computeDist=TRUE,plots=TRUE,samples=100000, main="SLR Null and SLR bootrapped") print(list(unlist(c(lrp$LR,lrp$pvalue)))) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(rpart) data(stagec) # The Log-Rank Analysis using survdiff lrsurvdiff <- survdiff(Surv(pgtime,pgstat)~grade>2,data=stagec) print(lrsurvdiff) # The Log-Rank Analysis: permutations of the null Chi distribution lrp <- EmpiricalSurvDiff(stagec$pgtime,stagec$pgstat,stagec$grade>2, type="Chi",plots=TRUE,samples=10000, main="Chi Null Distribution") print(list(unlist(c(lrp$LR,lrp$pvalue)))) # The Log-Rank Analysis: permutations of the null SLR distribution lrp <- EmpiricalSurvDiff(stagec$pgtime,stagec$pgstat,stagec$grade>2, type="SLR",plots=TRUE,samples=10000, main="SLR Null Distribution") print(list(unlist(c(lrp$LR,lrp$pvalue)))) # The Log-Rank Analysis: Bootstraping the SLR distribution lrp <- EmpiricalSurvDiff(stagec$pgtime,stagec$pgstat,stagec$grade>2, computeDist=TRUE,plots=TRUE,samples=100000, main="SLR Null and SLR bootrapped") print(list(unlist(c(lrp$LR,lrp$pvalue)))) ## End(Not run)
Given a list of model formulas, this function will train such models and return the a single(ensemble) prediction from the list of formulas on a test data set. It may also provides a k-nearest neighbors (KNN) prediction using the features listed in such models.
ensemblePredict(formulaList, trainData, testData = NULL, predictType = c("prob", "linear"), type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX","SVM"), Outcome = NULL, nk = 0 )
ensemblePredict(formulaList, trainData, testData = NULL, predictType = c("prob", "linear"), type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX","SVM"), Outcome = NULL, nk = 0 )
formulaList |
A list made of objects of class |
trainData |
A data frame with the data to train the model, where all variables are stored in different columns |
testData |
A data frame similar to |
predictType |
Prediction type: Probability ("prob") or linear predictor ("linear") |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
nk |
The number of neighbors used to generate the KNN classification. If zero, k is set to the square root of the number of cases. If less than zero, it will not perform the KNN classification |
ensemblePredict |
A vector with the median prediction for the |
medianKNNPredict |
A vector with the median prediction for the |
predictions |
A matrix, where each column represents the predictions made with each model from |
KNNpredictions |
A matrix, where each column represents the predictions made with a different KNN model |
wPredict |
A vector with the weighted mean ensemble |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
This function fits the candidate variables to the provided model formula,for each strata, on a control population. If the variance of the residual (the fitted observation minus the real observation) is reduced significantly, then, such residual is used in the resulting data frame. Otherwise, the control mean is subtracted to the observation.
featureAdjustment(variableList, baseFormula, strata = NA, data, referenceframe, type = c("LM", "GLS", "RLM","NZLM","SPLINE","MARS","LOESS"), pvalue = 0.05, correlationGroup = "ID", ... )
featureAdjustment(variableList, baseFormula, strata = NA, data, referenceframe, type = c("LM", "GLS", "RLM","NZLM","SPLINE","MARS","LOESS"), pvalue = 0.05, correlationGroup = "ID", ... )
variableList |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
baseFormula |
A string of the type "var1 +...+ varn" that defines the model formula to which variables will be fitted |
strata |
The name of the column in |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
referenceframe |
A data frame similar to |
type |
Fit type: linear fitting ("LM"), generalized least squares fitting ("GLS") or Robust ("RLM") |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to the F-test, for the model to be allowed to reduce variability |
correlationGroup |
The name of the column in |
... |
parameters for smooth.spline,loess or mda::mars) |
A data frame, where each input observation has been adjusted from data
at each strata
This function prints the residuals and the F-statistic for all candidate variables
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Sequential application of feature selection, linear transformation, data scaling then fit
filteredFit(formula = formula, data=NULL, filtermethod=univariate_KS, filtermethod.control=list(limit=0), Transf=c("none","PCA","CCA","ILAA"), Transf.control=list(thr=0.8), Scale="none", Scale.control=list(strata=NA), refNormIDs=NULL, trainIDs=NULL, fitmethod=e1071::svm, ... )
filteredFit(formula = formula, data=NULL, filtermethod=univariate_KS, filtermethod.control=list(limit=0), Transf=c("none","PCA","CCA","ILAA"), Transf.control=list(thr=0.8), Scale="none", Scale.control=list(strata=NA), refNormIDs=NULL, trainIDs=NULL, fitmethod=e1071::svm, ... )
formula |
the base formula to extract the outcome |
data |
the data to be used for training the KNN method |
filtermethod |
the method for feature selection |
filtermethod.control |
the set of parameters required by the feature selection function |
Scale |
Scale the data using the provided method |
Scale.control |
Scale parameters |
Transf |
Data transformations: "none","PCA","CCA" or "ILAA", |
Transf.control |
Parameters to the transformation function |
fitmethod |
The fit function to be used |
trainIDs |
The list of sample IDs to be used for training |
refNormIDs |
The list of sample IDs to be used for transformations. ie. Reference Control IDs |
... |
Parameters for the fitting function |
fit |
The fitted model |
filter |
The output of the feature selection function |
selectedfeatures |
The character vector with all the selected features |
usedFeatures |
The set of features used for training |
parameters |
The parameters passed to the fitting method |
asFactor |
Indicates if the fitting was to a factor |
classLen |
The number of possible outcomes |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
Returns the top set of features that are statistically associated with the outcome.
univariate_Logit(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", uniTest=c("zIDI","zNRI"),limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_residual(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", uniTest=c("Ftest","Binomial","Wilcox","tStudent"), type=c("LM","LOGIT"),limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_tstudent(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_Wilcoxon(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_KS(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_DTS(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_correlation(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", method = "kendall",limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_cox(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_BinEnsemble(data,Outcome, pvalue=0.2,limit=0,adjustMethod="BH",...) univariate_Strata(data,Outcome,pvalue=0.2,limit=0, adjustMethod="BH", unifilter=univariate_BinEnsemble,strata="Gender",...) correlated_Remove(data=NULL,fnames=NULL,thr=0.999,isDataCorMatrix=FALSE)
univariate_Logit(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", uniTest=c("zIDI","zNRI"),limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_residual(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", uniTest=c("Ftest","Binomial","Wilcox","tStudent"), type=c("LM","LOGIT"),limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_tstudent(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_Wilcoxon(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_KS(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_DTS(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_correlation(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", method = "kendall",limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_cox(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL, pvalue=0.2, adjustMethod="BH", limit=0,...,n=0) univariate_BinEnsemble(data,Outcome, pvalue=0.2,limit=0,adjustMethod="BH",...) univariate_Strata(data,Outcome,pvalue=0.2,limit=0, adjustMethod="BH", unifilter=univariate_BinEnsemble,strata="Gender",...) correlated_Remove(data=NULL,fnames=NULL,thr=0.999,isDataCorMatrix=FALSE)
data |
The data frame |
Outcome |
The outcome feature |
pvalue |
The threshold pvalue used after the p.adjust method |
adjustMethod |
The method used by the p.adjust method |
uniTest |
The unitTest to be performed by the linear fitting model |
type |
The type of linear model: LM or LOGIT |
method |
The correlation method: pearson,spearman or kendall. |
limit |
The samples-wise fraction of features to return. |
fnames |
The list of features to test inside the correlated_Remove function |
thr |
The maximum correlation to allow between features |
unifilter |
The filter function to be stratified |
strata |
The feature to be used for data stratification |
... |
Parameters to be passed to the correlated_Remove function |
n |
the number of original features passed to p.adjust |
isDataCorMatrix |
The provided data is the correlation matrix |
Named vector with the adjusted p-values or the list of no-correlated features for the correlated_Remove
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
## Not run: library("FRESA.CAD") ### Univariate Filter Examples #### # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") # Prepare the data. Create a model matrix without the event time and interactions stagec$pgtime <- NULL stagec$eet <- as.factor(stagec$eet) options(na.action = 'na.pass') stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, as.data.frame(model.matrix(pgstat ~ .*.,stagec))[-1]) fnames <- colnames(stagec_mat) fnames <- str_replace_all(fnames,":","__") colnames(stagec_mat) <- fnames # Impute the missing data dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) dataCancerImputed[,1:ncol(dataCancerImputed)] <- sapply(dataCancerImputed,as.numeric) # Get the top Features associated to pgstat q_values <- univariate_Logit(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", pvalue = 0.05) qValueMatrix <- q_values idiqValueMatrix <- q_values barplot(-log(q_values),las=2,cex.names=0.4,ylab="-log(Q)", main="Association with PGStat: IDI Test") q_values <- univariate_Logit(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", uniTest="zNRI",pvalue = 0.05) qValueMatrix <- cbind(idiqValueMatrix,q_values[names(idiqValueMatrix)]) q_values <- univariate_residual(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", pvalue = 0.05,type="LOGIT") qValueMatrix <- cbind(qValueMatrix,q_values[names(idiqValueMatrix)]) q_values <- univariate_tstudent(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", pvalue = 0.05) qValueMatrix <- cbind(qValueMatrix,q_values[names(idiqValueMatrix)]) q_values <- univariate_Wilcoxon(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", pvalue = 0.05) qValueMatrix <- cbind(qValueMatrix,q_values[names(idiqValueMatrix)]) q_values <- univariate_correlation(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", pvalue = 0.05) qValueMatrix <- cbind(qValueMatrix,q_values[names(idiqValueMatrix)]) q_values <- univariate_correlation(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", pvalue = 0.05, method = "pearson") #The qValueMatrix has the qValues of all filter methods. qValueMatrix <- cbind(qValueMatrix,q_values[names(idiqValueMatrix)]) colnames(qValueMatrix) <- c("IDI","NRI","F","t","W","K","P") #Do the log transform to display the heatmap qValueMatrix <- -log10(qValueMatrix) #the Heatmap of the q-values gplots::heatmap.2(qValueMatrix,Rowv = FALSE,dendrogram = "col", main = "Method q.values",cexRow = 0.4) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library("FRESA.CAD") ### Univariate Filter Examples #### # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") # Prepare the data. Create a model matrix without the event time and interactions stagec$pgtime <- NULL stagec$eet <- as.factor(stagec$eet) options(na.action = 'na.pass') stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, as.data.frame(model.matrix(pgstat ~ .*.,stagec))[-1]) fnames <- colnames(stagec_mat) fnames <- str_replace_all(fnames,":","__") colnames(stagec_mat) <- fnames # Impute the missing data dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) dataCancerImputed[,1:ncol(dataCancerImputed)] <- sapply(dataCancerImputed,as.numeric) # Get the top Features associated to pgstat q_values <- univariate_Logit(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", pvalue = 0.05) qValueMatrix <- q_values idiqValueMatrix <- q_values barplot(-log(q_values),las=2,cex.names=0.4,ylab="-log(Q)", main="Association with PGStat: IDI Test") q_values <- univariate_Logit(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", uniTest="zNRI",pvalue = 0.05) qValueMatrix <- cbind(idiqValueMatrix,q_values[names(idiqValueMatrix)]) q_values <- univariate_residual(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", pvalue = 0.05,type="LOGIT") qValueMatrix <- cbind(qValueMatrix,q_values[names(idiqValueMatrix)]) q_values <- univariate_tstudent(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", pvalue = 0.05) qValueMatrix <- cbind(qValueMatrix,q_values[names(idiqValueMatrix)]) q_values <- univariate_Wilcoxon(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", pvalue = 0.05) qValueMatrix <- cbind(qValueMatrix,q_values[names(idiqValueMatrix)]) q_values <- univariate_correlation(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", pvalue = 0.05) qValueMatrix <- cbind(qValueMatrix,q_values[names(idiqValueMatrix)]) q_values <- univariate_correlation(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat", pvalue = 0.05, method = "pearson") #The qValueMatrix has the qValues of all filter methods. qValueMatrix <- cbind(qValueMatrix,q_values[names(idiqValueMatrix)]) colnames(qValueMatrix) <- c("IDI","NRI","F","t","W","K","P") #Do the log transform to display the heatmap qValueMatrix <- -log10(qValueMatrix) #the Heatmap of the q-values gplots::heatmap.2(qValueMatrix,Rowv = FALSE,dendrogram = "col", main = "Method q.values",cexRow = 0.4) ## End(Not run)
This function performs a bootstrap sampling to rank the variables that statistically improve prediction. After the frequency rank, the function uses a forward selection procedure to create a final model, whose terms all have a significant contribution to the integrated discrimination improvement (IDI) or the net reclassification improvement (NRI). For each bootstrap, the IDI/NRI is computed and the variable with the largest statically significant IDI/NRI is added to the model. The procedure is repeated at each bootstrap until no more variables can be inserted. The variables that enter the model are then counted, and the same procedure is repeated for the rest of the bootstrap loops. The frequency of variable-inclusion in the model is returned as well as a model that uses the frequency of inclusion.
ForwardSelection.Model.Bin(size = 100, fraction = 1, pvalue = 0.05, loops = 100, covariates = "1", Outcome, variableList, data, maxTrainModelSize = 20, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), timeOutcome = "Time", selectionType=c("zIDI", "zNRI"), cores = 6, randsize = 0, featureSize=0)
ForwardSelection.Model.Bin(size = 100, fraction = 1, pvalue = 0.05, loops = 100, covariates = "1", Outcome, variableList, data, maxTrainModelSize = 20, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), timeOutcome = "Time", selectionType=c("zIDI", "zNRI"), cores = 6, randsize = 0, featureSize=0)
size |
The number of candidate variables to be tested (the first |
fraction |
The fraction of data (sampled with replacement) to be used as train |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to either IDI or NRI, allowed for a term in the model |
loops |
The number of bootstrap loops |
covariates |
A string of the type "1 + var1 + var2" that defines which variables will always be included in the models (as covariates) |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
variableList |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
maxTrainModelSize |
Maximum number of terms that can be included in the model |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
timeOutcome |
The name of the column in |
selectionType |
The type of index to be evaluated by the |
cores |
Cores to be used for parallel processing |
randsize |
the model size of a random outcome. If randsize is less than zero. It will estimate the size |
featureSize |
The original number of features to be explored in the data frame. |
final.model |
An object of class |
var.names |
A vector with the names of the features that were included in the final model |
formula |
An object of class |
ranked.var |
An array with the ranked frequencies of the features |
z.selection |
A vector in which each term represents the z-score of the index defined in |
formula.list |
A list containing objects of class |
variableList |
A list of variables used in the forward selection |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Pencina, M. J., D'Agostino, R. B., & Vasan, R. S. (2008). Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: from area under the ROC curve to reclassification and beyond. Statistics in medicine 27(2), 157-172.
This function performs a bootstrap sampling to rank the most frequent variables that statistically aid the models by minimizing the residuals. After the frequency rank, the function uses a forward selection procedure to create a final model, whose terms all have a significant contribution to the net residual improvement (NeRI).
ForwardSelection.Model.Res(size = 100, fraction = 1, pvalue = 0.05, loops = 100, covariates = "1", Outcome, variableList, data, maxTrainModelSize = 20, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), testType=c("Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"), timeOutcome = "Time", cores = 6, randsize = 0, featureSize=0)
ForwardSelection.Model.Res(size = 100, fraction = 1, pvalue = 0.05, loops = 100, covariates = "1", Outcome, variableList, data, maxTrainModelSize = 20, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), testType=c("Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"), timeOutcome = "Time", cores = 6, randsize = 0, featureSize=0)
size |
The number of candidate variables to be tested (the first |
fraction |
The fraction of data (sampled with replacement) to be used as train |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to the NeRI, allowed for a term in the model (controls the false selection rate) |
loops |
The number of bootstrap loops |
covariates |
A string of the type "1 + var1 + var2" that defines which variables will always be included in the models (as covariates) |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
variableList |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
maxTrainModelSize |
Maximum number of terms that can be included in the model |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
testType |
Type of non-parametric test to be evaluated by the |
timeOutcome |
The name of the column in |
cores |
Cores to be used for parallel processing |
randsize |
the model size of a random outcome. If randsize is less than zero. It will estimate the size |
featureSize |
The original number of features to be explored in the data frame. |
final.model |
An object of class |
var.names |
A vector with the names of the features that were included in the final model |
formula |
An object of class |
ranked.var |
An array with the ranked frequencies of the features |
formula.list |
A list containing objects of class |
variableList |
A list of variables used in the forward selection |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
This function uses a wrapper procedure to select the best features of a non-penalized linear model that best predict the outcome, given the formula of an initial model template (linear, logistic, or Cox proportional hazards), an optimization procedure, and a data frame. A filter scheme may be enabled to reduce the search space of the wrapper procedure. The false selection rate may be empirically controlled by enabling bootstrapping, and model shrinkage can be evaluated by cross-validation.
FRESA.Model(formula, data, OptType = c("Binary", "Residual"), pvalue = 0.05, filter.p.value = 0.10, loops = 32, maxTrainModelSize = 20, elimination.bootstrap.steps = 100, bootstrap.steps = 100, print = FALSE, plots = FALSE, CVfolds = 1, repeats = 1, nk = 0, categorizationType = c("Raw", "Categorical", "ZCategorical", "RawZCategorical", "RawTail", "RawZTail", "Tail", "RawRaw"), cateGroups = c(0.1, 0.9), raw.dataFrame = NULL, var.description = NULL, testType = c("zIDI", "zNRI", "Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"), lambda="lambda.1se", equivalent=FALSE, bswimsCycles=20, usrFitFun=NULL )
FRESA.Model(formula, data, OptType = c("Binary", "Residual"), pvalue = 0.05, filter.p.value = 0.10, loops = 32, maxTrainModelSize = 20, elimination.bootstrap.steps = 100, bootstrap.steps = 100, print = FALSE, plots = FALSE, CVfolds = 1, repeats = 1, nk = 0, categorizationType = c("Raw", "Categorical", "ZCategorical", "RawZCategorical", "RawTail", "RawZTail", "Tail", "RawRaw"), cateGroups = c(0.1, 0.9), raw.dataFrame = NULL, var.description = NULL, testType = c("zIDI", "zNRI", "Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"), lambda="lambda.1se", equivalent=FALSE, bswimsCycles=20, usrFitFun=NULL )
formula |
An object of class |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
OptType |
Optimization type: Based on the integrated discrimination improvement (Binary) index for binary classification ("Binary"), or based on the net residual improvement (NeRI) index for linear regression ("Residual") |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to the |
filter.p.value |
The maximum p-value, for a variable to be included to the feature selection procedure |
loops |
The number of bootstrap loops for the forward selection procedure |
maxTrainModelSize |
Maximum number of terms that can be included in the model |
elimination.bootstrap.steps |
The number of bootstrap loops for the backwards elimination procedure |
bootstrap.steps |
The number of bootstrap loops for the bootstrap validation procedure |
print |
Logical. If |
plots |
Logical. If |
CVfolds |
The number of folds for the final cross-validation |
repeats |
The number of times that the cross-validation procedure will be repeated |
nk |
The number of neighbors used to generate a k-nearest neighbors (KNN) classification. If zero, k is set to the square root of the number of cases. If less than zero, it will not perform the KNN classification |
categorizationType |
How variables will be analyzed: As given in |
cateGroups |
A vector of percentiles to be used for the categorization procedure |
raw.dataFrame |
A data frame similar to |
var.description |
A vector of the same length as the number of columns of data, containing a description of the variables |
testType |
For an Binary-based optimization, the type of index to be evaluated by the |
lambda |
The passed value to the s parameter of the glmnet cross validation coefficient |
equivalent |
Is set to TRUE CV will compute the equivalent model |
bswimsCycles |
The maximum number of models to be returned by |
usrFitFun |
An optional user provided fitting function to be evaluated by the cross validation procedure: fitting: usrFitFun(formula,data), with a predict function |
This important function of FRESA.CAD will model or cross validate the models. Given an outcome formula, and a data.frame this function will do an univariate analysis of the data (univariateRankVariables
then it will select the top ranked variables; after that it will select the model that best describes the outcome. At output it will return the bootstrapped performance of the model
or bootstrapValidation_Res
). It can be set to report the cross-validation performance of the selection process which will return either
a crossValidationFeatureSelection_Bin
or a crossValidationFeatureSelection_Res
BSWiMS.model |
An object of class |
reducedModel |
The resulting object of the backward elimination procedure |
univariateAnalysis |
A data frame with the results from the univariate analysis |
forwardModel |
The resulting object of the feature selection function. |
updatedforwardModel |
The resulting object of the the update procedure |
bootstrappedModel |
The resulting object of the bootstrap procedure on |
cvObject |
The resulting object of the cross-validation procedure |
used.variables |
The number of terms that passed the filter procedure |
call |
the function call |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Pencina, M. J., D'Agostino, R. B., & Vasan, R. S. (2008). Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: from area under the ROC curve to reclassification and beyond. Statistics in medicine 27(2), 157-172.
## Not run: # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "FRESA.Model.Example.pdf",width = 8, height = 6) # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") options(na.action = 'na.pass') stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, pgtime = stagec$pgtime, as.data.frame(model.matrix(Surv(pgtime,pgstat) ~ .,stagec))[-1]) data(cancerVarNames) dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) # Get a Cox proportional hazards model using: # - The default parameters md <- FRESA.Model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed, var.description = cancerVarNames[,2]) pt <- plot(md$bootstrappedModel) sm <- summary(md$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) # Get a 10 fold CV Cox proportional hazards model using: # - Repeat 10 times de CV md <- FRESA.Model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed, CVfolds = 10, repeats = 10, var.description = cancerVarNames[,2]) pt <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds = 10) print(pt$predictionTable) pt <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$LASSO.testPredictions,theCVfolds = 10) pt <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$KNN.testPrediction,theCVfolds = 10) # Get a regression of the survival time timeSubjects <- dataCancerImputed timeSubjects$pgtime <- log(timeSubjects$pgtime) md <- FRESA.Model(formula = pgtime ~ 1, data = timeSubjects, var.description = cancerVarNames[,2]) pt <- plot(md$bootstrappedModel) sm <- summary(md$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) # Get a logistic regression model using # - The default parameters and removing time as possible predictor dataCancerImputed$pgtime <- NULL md <- FRESA.Model(formula = pgstat ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed, var.description = cancerVarNames[,2]) pt <- plot(md$bootstrappedModel) sm <- summary(md$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) # Get a logistic regression model using: # - residual-based optimization md <- FRESA.Model(formula = pgstat ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed, OptType = "Residual", var.description = cancerVarNames[,2]) pt <- plot(md$bootstrappedModel) sm <- summary(md$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "FRESA.Model.Example.pdf",width = 8, height = 6) # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") options(na.action = 'na.pass') stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, pgtime = stagec$pgtime, as.data.frame(model.matrix(Surv(pgtime,pgstat) ~ .,stagec))[-1]) data(cancerVarNames) dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) # Get a Cox proportional hazards model using: # - The default parameters md <- FRESA.Model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed, var.description = cancerVarNames[,2]) pt <- plot(md$bootstrappedModel) sm <- summary(md$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) # Get a 10 fold CV Cox proportional hazards model using: # - Repeat 10 times de CV md <- FRESA.Model(formula = Surv(pgtime, pgstat) ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed, CVfolds = 10, repeats = 10, var.description = cancerVarNames[,2]) pt <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$Models.testPrediction,theCVfolds = 10) print(pt$predictionTable) pt <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$LASSO.testPredictions,theCVfolds = 10) pt <- plotModels.ROC(md$cvObject$KNN.testPrediction,theCVfolds = 10) # Get a regression of the survival time timeSubjects <- dataCancerImputed timeSubjects$pgtime <- log(timeSubjects$pgtime) md <- FRESA.Model(formula = pgtime ~ 1, data = timeSubjects, var.description = cancerVarNames[,2]) pt <- plot(md$bootstrappedModel) sm <- summary(md$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) # Get a logistic regression model using # - The default parameters and removing time as possible predictor dataCancerImputed$pgtime <- NULL md <- FRESA.Model(formula = pgstat ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed, var.description = cancerVarNames[,2]) pt <- plot(md$bootstrappedModel) sm <- summary(md$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) # Get a logistic regression model using: # - residual-based optimization md <- FRESA.Model(formula = pgstat ~ 1, data = dataCancerImputed, OptType = "Residual", var.description = cancerVarNames[,2]) pt <- plot(md$bootstrappedModel) sm <- summary(md$BSWiMS.model) print(sm$coefficients) # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() ## End(Not run)
All features from the data
will be normalized based on the distribution of the reference data-frame
FRESAScale(data,refFrame=NULL,method=c("Norm","Order", "OrderLogit","RankInv","LRankInv"), refMean=NULL,refDisp=NULL,strata=NA)
FRESAScale(data,refFrame=NULL,method=c("Norm","Order", "OrderLogit","RankInv","LRankInv"), refMean=NULL,refDisp=NULL,strata=NA)
data |
The dataframe to be normalized |
refFrame |
The reference frame that will be used to extract the feature distribution |
method |
The normalization method. Norm: Mean and Std, Order: Median and IQR,OrderLogit order plus logit, RankInv: |
refMean |
The mean vector of the reference frame |
refDisp |
the data dispersion method of the reference frame |
strata |
the data stratification variable for the RankInv method |
The data-frame will be normalized according to the distribution of the reference frame or the mean vector(refMean
) scaled by the reference dispersion vector(refDisp
scaledData |
The scaled data set |
refMean |
The mean or median vector of the reference frame |
refDisp |
The data dispersion (standard deviation or IQR) |
strata |
The normalization strata |
method |
The normalization method |
refFrame |
The data frame used to estimate the normalization |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function will return the classification of the samples of a test set using a k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm with euclidean distances, given a formula and a train set.
getKNNpredictionFromFormula(model.formula, trainData, testData, Outcome = "CLASS", nk = 3)
getKNNpredictionFromFormula(model.formula, trainData, testData, Outcome = "CLASS", nk = 3)
model.formula |
An object of class |
trainData |
A data frame with the data to train the model, where all variables are stored in different columns |
testData |
A data frame similar to |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
nk |
The number of neighbors used to generate the KNN classification |
prediction |
A vector with the predicted outcome for the |
prob |
The proportion of k neighbors that predicted the class to be the one being reported in |
binProb |
The proportion of k neighbors that predicted the class of the outcome to be equal to 1 |
featureList |
A vector with the names of the features used by the KNN procedure |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Returs the list latent features, and their corresponding coeficients, from the UPLTM transform
getLatentCoefficients(decorrelatedobject) getObservedCoef(decorrelatedobject,latentModel)
getLatentCoefficients(decorrelatedobject) getObservedCoef(decorrelatedobject,latentModel)
decorrelatedobject |
The returned dataframe of the |
latentModel |
A linear model with coefficients |
The UPLTM transformation extracted by the IDeA
function is analyzed and a named list of latent features will be returned with their required formula used to compute the latent varible.
Given a coeficient vector of latent variables. The getObservedCoef will return a vector of coefficients associated with the observed variables.
The list of derived coefficients of each one of latent feature or vector of coefficients
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
# load FRESA.CAD library # library("FRESA.CAD") # iris data set data('iris') #Decorrelating with usupervised basis and correlation goal set to 0.25 system.time(irisDecor <- IDeA(iris,thr=0.25)) print(getLatentCoefficients(irisDecor));
# load FRESA.CAD library # library("FRESA.CAD") # iris data set data('iris') #Decorrelating with usupervised basis and correlation goal set to 0.25 system.time(irisDecor <- IDeA(iris,thr=0.25)) print(getLatentCoefficients(irisDecor));
Remove the bias from the test predictions generated via RandomCV
getMedianSurvCalibratedPrediction(testPredictions) getMedianLogisticCalibratedPrediction(testPredictions)
getMedianSurvCalibratedPrediction(testPredictions) getMedianLogisticCalibratedPrediction(testPredictions)
testPredictions |
A matrix with the test predictions from the randomCV() function |
There is one function for binary predictions and one for survival predictions. For each trained-test prediction partition. The funciton will subtract the bias. Then it will compute the median prediction. Warning: This procedure is not blinded to the outcome hence it has infromation leakage.
The median estimation of each calibrated predictions
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function returns the matrix template [mean,sd,IQR] that maximizes the ROC AUC between cases of controls.
getSignature( data, varlist=NULL, Outcome=NULL, target=c("All","Control","Case"), CVFolds=3, repeats=9, distanceFunction=signatureDistance, ... )
getSignature( data, varlist=NULL, Outcome=NULL, target=c("All","Control","Case"), CVFolds=3, repeats=9, distanceFunction=signatureDistance, ... )
data |
A data frame whose rows contains the sampled "subject" data, and each column is a feature. |
varlist |
The varlist is a character vector that list all the features to be searched by the Backward elimination forward selection procedure. |
Outcome |
The name of the column that has the binary outcome. 1 for cases, 0 for controls |
target |
The target template that will be used to maximize the AUC. |
CVFolds |
The number of folds to be used |
repeats |
how many times the CV procedure will be repeated |
distanceFunction |
The function to be used to compute the distance between the template and each sample |
... |
the parameters to be passed to the distance function |
The function repeats full cycles of a Cross Validation (RCV) procedure. At each CV cycle the algorithm estimate the mean template and the distance between the template and the test samples. The ROC AUC is computed after the RCV is completed. A forward selection scheme. The set of features that maximize the AUC during the Forward loop is returned.
controlTemplate |
the control matrix with quantile probs[0.025,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.975] that maximized the AUC (template of controls subjects) |
caseTamplate |
the case matrix with quantile probs[0.025,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.975] that maximized the AUC (template of case subjects) |
AUCevolution |
The AUC value at each cycle |
featureSizeEvolution |
The number of features at each cycle |
featureList |
The final list of features |
CVOutput |
A data frame with four columns: ID, Outcome, Case Distances, Control Distances. Each row contains the CV test results |
MaxAUC |
The maximum ROC AUC |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function provides an analysis of the effect of each model term by comparing the binary classification performance between the Full model and the model without each term.
The model is fitted using the train data set, but probabilities are predicted for the train and test data sets.
Reclassification improvement is evaluated using the improveProb
function (Hmisc
Additionally, the integrated discrimination improvement (IDI) and the net reclassification improvement (NRI) of each model term are reported.
getVar.Bin(object, data, Outcome = "Class", type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), testData = NULL, callCpp=TRUE)
getVar.Bin(object, data, Outcome = "Class", type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), testData = NULL, callCpp=TRUE)
object |
An object of class |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
testData |
A data frame similar to |
callCpp |
is set to true it will use the c++ implementation of improvement. |
z.IDIs |
A vector in which each term represents the z-score of the IDI obtained with the Full model and the model without one term |
z.NRIs |
A vector in which each term represents the z-score of the NRI obtained with the Full model and the model without one term |
IDIs |
A vector in which each term represents the IDI obtained with the Full model and the model without one term |
NRIs |
A vector in which each term represents the NRI obtained with the Full model and the model without one term |
testData.z.IDIs |
A vector similar to |
testData.z.NRIs |
A vector similar to |
testData.IDIs |
A vector similar to |
testData.NRIs |
A vector similar to |
uniTrainAccuracy |
A vector with the univariate train accuracy of each model variable |
uniTestAccuracy |
A vector with the univariate test accuracy of each model variable |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Pencina, M. J., D'Agostino, R. B., & Vasan, R. S. (2008). Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: from area under the ROC curve to reclassification and beyond. Statistics in medicine 27(2), 157-172.
This function provides an analysis of the effect of each model term by comparing the residuals of the Full model and the model without each term. The model is fitted using the train data set, but analysis of residual improvement is done on the train and test data sets. Residuals are compared by a paired t-test, a paired Wilcoxon rank-sum test, a binomial sign test and the F-test on residual variance. Additionally, the net residual improvement (NeRI) of each model term is reported.
getVar.Res(object, data, Outcome = "Class", type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), testData = NULL, callCpp=TRUE)
getVar.Res(object, data, Outcome = "Class", type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), testData = NULL, callCpp=TRUE)
object |
An object of class |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
testData |
A data frame similar to |
callCpp |
is set to true it will use the c++ implementation of residual improvement. |
tP.value |
A vector in which each element represents the single sided p-value of the paired t-test comparing the absolute values of the residuals obtained with the Full model and the model without one term |
BinP.value |
A vector in which each element represents the p-value associated with a significant improvement in residuals according to the binomial sign test |
WilcoxP.value |
A vector in which each element represents the single sided p-value of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test comparing the absolute values of the residuals obtained with the Full model and the model without one term |
FP.value |
A vector in which each element represents the single sided p-value of the F-test comparing the residual variances of the residuals obtained with the Full model and the model without one term |
NeRIs |
A vector in which each element represents the net residual improvement between the Full model and the model without one term |
testData.tP.value |
A vector similar to |
testData.BinP.value |
A vector similar to |
testData.WilcoxP.value |
A vector similar to |
testData.FP.value |
A vector similar to |
testData.NeRIs |
A vector similar to |
unitestMSE |
A vector with the univariate residual mean sum of squares of each model variable on the test data |
unitrainMSE |
A vector with the univariate residual mean sum of squares of each model variable on the train data |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Fits a glmnet::cv.glmnet
object to the data, and sets the prediction to use the features that created the minimum CV error or one SE.
GLMNET(formula = formula,data=NULL,coef.thr=0.001,s="lambda.min",...) LASSO_MIN(formula = formula,data=NULL,...) LASSO_1SE(formula = formula,data=NULL,...) GLMNET_ELASTICNET_MIN(formula = formula,data=NULL,...) GLMNET_ELASTICNET_1SE(formula = formula,data=NULL,...) GLMNET_RIDGE_MIN(formula = formula,data=NULL,...) GLMNET_RIDGE_1SE(formula = formula,data=NULL,...)
GLMNET(formula = formula,data=NULL,coef.thr=0.001,s="lambda.min",...) LASSO_MIN(formula = formula,data=NULL,...) LASSO_1SE(formula = formula,data=NULL,...) GLMNET_ELASTICNET_MIN(formula = formula,data=NULL,...) GLMNET_ELASTICNET_1SE(formula = formula,data=NULL,...) GLMNET_RIDGE_MIN(formula = formula,data=NULL,...) GLMNET_RIDGE_1SE(formula = formula,data=NULL,...)
formula |
The base formula to extract the outcome |
data |
The data to be used for training the KNN method |
coef.thr |
The threshold for feature selection when alpha < 1. |
s |
The lambda threshold to be use at prediction and feature selection |
... |
Parameters to be passed to the cv.glmnet function |
fit |
The |
s |
The s. Set to "lambda.min" or "lambda.1se" for prediction |
formula |
The formula |
outcome |
The name of the outcome |
usedFeatures |
The list of features to be used |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function returns the BSWiMS supervised-classifier present at each one of the GMVE unsupervised Gaussian data clusters
GMVEBSWiMS(formula = formula, data=NULL, GMVE.control = list(p.threshold = 0.95,p.samplingthreshold = 0.5), ... )
GMVEBSWiMS(formula = formula, data=NULL, GMVE.control = list(p.threshold = 0.95,p.samplingthreshold = 0.5), ... )
formula |
An object of class |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
GMVE.control |
Control parameters of the GMVECluster function |
... |
Parameters to be passed to the BSWiMS.model function |
First, the function calls the BSWiMS function that returns the relevant features associated with the outcome. Then, it calls the GMVE clustering algorithm (GMVECluster) that returns a relevant data partition based on Gaussian clusters. Finally, the function will execute the BSWiMS.model classification function on each cluster returned by GMVECluster.
features |
The character vector with the releavant BSWiMS features. |
cluster |
The GMVECluster object |
models |
The list of BSWiMS.model models per cluster |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
## Not run: # Get the Sonar data set library(mlbench) data(Sonar) Sonar$Class <- 1*(Sonar$Class == "M") #Train hierachical classifier mc <- GMVEBSWiMS(Class~.,Sonar) #report the classification pb <- predict(mc,Sonar) print(table(1*(pb>0.0),Sonar$Class)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Get the Sonar data set library(mlbench) data(Sonar) Sonar$Class <- 1*(Sonar$Class == "M") #Train hierachical classifier mc <- GMVEBSWiMS(Class~.,Sonar) #report the classification pb <- predict(mc,Sonar) print(table(1*(pb>0.0),Sonar$Class)) ## End(Not run)
The Function will return the set of Gaussian Ellipsoids that best model the data
GMVECluster(dataset, p.threshold=0.975, samples=10000, p.samplingthreshold=0.50, sampling.rate = 3, jitter=TRUE, tryouts=25, pca=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
GMVECluster(dataset, p.threshold=0.975, samples=10000, p.samplingthreshold=0.50, sampling.rate = 3, jitter=TRUE, tryouts=25, pca=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
dataset |
The data set to be clustered |
p.threshold |
The p-value threshold of point acceptance into a set. |
samples |
If the set is large, The number of random samples |
p.samplingthreshold |
Defines the maximum distance between set candidate points |
sampling.rate |
Uniform sampling rate for candidate clusters |
jitter |
If true, will jitter the data set |
tryouts |
The number of cluster candidates that will be analyed per sampled point |
pca |
If TRUE, it will use the PCA transform for dimension reduction |
verbose |
If true it will print the clustering evolution |
Implementation of the GMVE clustering algorithm as proposed by Jolion et al. (1991).
cluster |
The numeric vector with the cluster label of each point |
classification |
The numeric vector with the cluster label of each point |
centers |
The list of cluster centers |
covariances |
The list of cluster covariance |
robCov |
The list of robust covariances per cluster |
k |
The number of discovered clusters |
features |
The characer vector with the names of the features used |
jitteredData |
The jittered dataset |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
Jolion, Jean-Michel, Peter Meer, and Samira Bataouche. "Robust clustering with applications in computer vision." IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence 8 (1991): 791-802.
This function creates a heat map for a data set based on a univariate or frequency ranking
heatMaps(variableList=NULL, varRank = NULL, Outcome, data, title = "Heat Map", hCluster = FALSE, prediction = NULL, Scale = FALSE, theFiveColors=c("blue","cyan","black","yellow","red"), outcomeColors = c("blue","lightgreen","yellow","orangered","red"), transpose=FALSE, ...)
heatMaps(variableList=NULL, varRank = NULL, Outcome, data, title = "Heat Map", hCluster = FALSE, prediction = NULL, Scale = FALSE, theFiveColors=c("blue","cyan","black","yellow","red"), outcomeColors = c("blue","lightgreen","yellow","orangered","red"), transpose=FALSE, ...)
variableList |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
varRank |
A data frame with the name of the variables in |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
title |
The title of the plot |
hCluster |
Logical. If |
prediction |
A vector with a prediction for each subject, which will be used to rank the heat map |
Scale |
An optional value to force the data normalization |
theFiveColors |
the colors of the heatmap |
outcomeColors |
the colors of the outcome bar |
transpose |
transpose the heatmap |
... |
additional parameters for the heatmap.2 function |
dataMatrix |
A matrix with all the terms in |
orderMatrix |
A matrix similar to |
heatMap |
A list with the values returned by the |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
## Not run: library(rpart) data(stagec) # Set the options to keep the na options(na.action='na.pass') # create a model matrix with all the NA values imputed stagecImputed <- as.data.frame(nearestNeighborImpute(model.matrix(~.,stagec)[,-1])) # the simple heat map hm <- heatMaps(Outcome="pgstat",data=stagecImputed,title="Heat Map",Scale=TRUE) # transposing the heat-map with clustered colums hm <- heatMaps(Outcome="pgstat",data=stagecImputed,title="Heat Map",Scale=TRUE, transpose= TRUE,hCluster = TRUE, cexRow=0.80,cexCol=0.50,srtCol=35) # transposing the heat-map with reds and time to event as outcome hm <- heatMaps(Outcome="pgtime",data=stagecImputed,title="Heat Map",Scale=TRUE, theFiveColors=c("black","red","orange","yellow","white"), cexRow=0.50,cexCol=0.80,srtCol=35) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(rpart) data(stagec) # Set the options to keep the na options(na.action='na.pass') # create a model matrix with all the NA values imputed stagecImputed <- as.data.frame(nearestNeighborImpute(model.matrix(~.,stagec)[,-1])) # the simple heat map hm <- heatMaps(Outcome="pgstat",data=stagecImputed,title="Heat Map",Scale=TRUE) # transposing the heat-map with clustered colums hm <- heatMaps(Outcome="pgstat",data=stagecImputed,title="Heat Map",Scale=TRUE, transpose= TRUE,hCluster = TRUE, cexRow=0.80,cexCol=0.50,srtCol=35) # transposing the heat-map with reds and time to event as outcome hm <- heatMaps(Outcome="pgtime",data=stagecImputed,title="Heat Map",Scale=TRUE, theFiveColors=c("black","red","orange","yellow","white"), cexRow=0.50,cexCol=0.80,srtCol=35) ## End(Not run)
Modeling a binary outcome via the the discovery of latent clusters. Each discovered latent cluster is modeled by the user provided fit function. Discovered clusters will be modeled by KNN or SVM.
HLCM(formula = formula, data=NULL, method=BSWiMS.model, hysteresis = 0.1, classMethod=KNN_method, classModel.Control=NULL, minsize=10, ... )
HLCM(formula = formula, data=NULL, method=BSWiMS.model, hysteresis = 0.1, classMethod=KNN_method, classModel.Control=NULL, minsize=10, ... )
formula |
the base formula to extract the outcome |
data |
the data to be used for training the method |
method |
the binary classification function |
hysteresis |
the hysteresis shift for detecting wrongly classified subjects |
classMethod |
the function name for modeling the discovered latent clusters |
classModel.Control |
the parameters to be passed to the latent-class fitting function |
minsize |
the minimum size of the discovered clusters |
... |
parameters for the classification function |
original |
The original model trained with all the dataset |
alternativeModel |
The model used to classify the wrongly classified samples |
classModel |
The method that models the latent class |
accuracy |
The original accuracy |
selectedfeatures |
The character vector of selected features |
hysteresis |
The used hysteresis |
classSet |
The discovered class label of each sample |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
All continous features that with significant correlation will be decorrelated
ILAA(data=NULL, thr=0.80, method=c("pearson","spearman"), Outcome=NULL, drivingFeatures=NULL, maxLoops=100, verbose=FALSE, bootstrap=0 ) IDeA(data=NULL,thr=0.80, method=c("fast","pearson","spearman","kendall"), Outcome=NULL, refdata=NULL, drivingFeatures=NULL, useDeCorr=TRUE, relaxed=TRUE, corRank=TRUE, maxLoops=100, unipvalue=0.05, verbose=FALSE, ...) predictDecorrelate(decorrelatedobject,testData)
ILAA(data=NULL, thr=0.80, method=c("pearson","spearman"), Outcome=NULL, drivingFeatures=NULL, maxLoops=100, verbose=FALSE, bootstrap=0 ) IDeA(data=NULL,thr=0.80, method=c("fast","pearson","spearman","kendall"), Outcome=NULL, refdata=NULL, drivingFeatures=NULL, useDeCorr=TRUE, relaxed=TRUE, corRank=TRUE, maxLoops=100, unipvalue=0.05, verbose=FALSE, ...) predictDecorrelate(decorrelatedobject,testData)
data |
The dataframe whose features will de decorrelated |
thr |
The maximum allowed correlation. |
refdata |
Option: A data frame that may be used to decorrelate the target dataframe |
Outcome |
The target outcome for supervised basis |
drivingFeatures |
A vector of features to be used as basis vectors. |
unipvalue |
Maximum p-value for correlation significance |
useDeCorr |
if TRUE, the transformation matrix (UPLTM) will be computed |
maxLoops |
the maxumum number of iteration loops |
verbose |
if TRUE, it will display internal evolution of algorithm. |
method |
if not set to "fast" the method will be pased to the |
relaxed |
is set to TRUE it will use relaxed convergence |
corRank |
is set to TRUE it will correlation matrix to break ties. |
... |
parameters passed to the |
decorrelatedobject |
The returned dataframe of the |
testData |
The new dataframe to be decorrelated |
bootstrap |
If greater than 1 the number of boostrapping loops |
The dataframe will be analyzed and significantly correlated features whose correlation
is larger than the user supplied threshold will be decorrelated.
Basis feature selection may be based on Outcome association or by an unsupervised method.
The default options will run the decorrelation using fast matrix operations using Rfast
hence, Pearson correlation will be used to estimate the unit-preserving spatial transformation matrix (UPLTM).
ILAA is a wrapper of the more comprensive IDeA method. It estimates linear transforms and allows for boosted transform estimations
decorrelatedDataframe |
The decorrelated data frame with the follwing attributes |
attr:UPLTM |
Attribute of decorrelatedDataframe: The Decorrelation matrix with the beta coefficients |
attr:fscore |
Attribute of decorrelatedDataframe: The score of each feature. |
attr:drivingFeatures |
Attribute of decorrelatedDataframe: The list of features used as base features for supervised basis |
attr:unipvalue |
Attribute of decorrelatedDataframe: The p-value used to check for fit significance |
attr:R.critical |
Attribute of decorrelatedDataframe: The pearson correlation critical value |
attr:IDeAEvolution |
Attribute of decorrelatedDataframe: The R measure history and the sparcity |
attr:VarRatio |
Attribute of decorrelatedDataframe: The variance ratio between the output latent variable and the observed |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
## Not run: # load FRESA.CAD library # library("FRESA.CAD") # iris data set data('iris') colors <- c("red","green","blue") names(colors) <- names(table(iris$Species)) classcolor <- colors[iris$Species] #Decorrelating with usupervised basis and correlation goal set to 0.25 system.time(irisDecor <- IDeA(iris,thr=0.25)) ## The transformation matrix is stored at "UPLTM" attribute UPLTM <- attr(irisDecor,"UPLTM") print(UPLTM) #Decorrelating with supervised basis and correlation goal set to 0.25 system.time(irisDecorOutcome <- IDeA(iris,Outcome="Species",thr=0.25)) ## The transformation matrix is stored at "UPLTM" attribute UPLTM <- attr(irisDecorOutcome,"UPLTM") print(UPLTM) ## Compute PCA features <- colnames(iris[,sapply(iris,is,"numeric")]) irisPCA <- prcomp(iris[,features]); ## The PCA transformation print(irisPCA$rotation) ## Plot the transformed sets plot(iris[,features],col=classcolor,main="Raw IRIS") plot(as.data.frame(irisPCA$x),col=classcolor,main="PCA IRIS") featuresDecor <- colnames(irisDecor[,sapply(irisDecor,is,"numeric")]) plot(irisDecor[,featuresDecor],col=classcolor,main="Outcome-Blind IDeA IRIS") featuresDecor <- colnames(irisDecorOutcome[,sapply(irisDecorOutcome,is,"numeric")]) plot(irisDecorOutcome[,featuresDecor],col=classcolor,main="Outcome-Driven IDeA IRIS") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # load FRESA.CAD library # library("FRESA.CAD") # iris data set data('iris') colors <- c("red","green","blue") names(colors) <- names(table(iris$Species)) classcolor <- colors[iris$Species] #Decorrelating with usupervised basis and correlation goal set to 0.25 system.time(irisDecor <- IDeA(iris,thr=0.25)) ## The transformation matrix is stored at "UPLTM" attribute UPLTM <- attr(irisDecor,"UPLTM") print(UPLTM) #Decorrelating with supervised basis and correlation goal set to 0.25 system.time(irisDecorOutcome <- IDeA(iris,Outcome="Species",thr=0.25)) ## The transformation matrix is stored at "UPLTM" attribute UPLTM <- attr(irisDecorOutcome,"UPLTM") print(UPLTM) ## Compute PCA features <- colnames(iris[,sapply(iris,is,"numeric")]) irisPCA <- prcomp(iris[,features]); ## The PCA transformation print(irisPCA$rotation) ## Plot the transformed sets plot(iris[,features],col=classcolor,main="Raw IRIS") plot(as.data.frame(irisPCA$x),col=classcolor,main="PCA IRIS") featuresDecor <- colnames(irisDecor[,sapply(irisDecor,is,"numeric")]) plot(irisDecor[,featuresDecor],col=classcolor,main="Outcome-Blind IDeA IRIS") featuresDecor <- colnames(irisDecorOutcome[,sapply(irisDecorOutcome,is,"numeric")]) plot(irisDecorOutcome[,featuresDecor],col=classcolor,main="Outcome-Driven IDeA IRIS") ## End(Not run)
This function will test the hypothesis that, given a set of two residuals (new vs. old), the new ones are better than the old ones as measured with non-parametric tests.
Four p-values are provided: one for the binomial sign test, one for the paired Wilcoxon rank-sum test, one for the paired t-test, and one for the F
The proportion of subjects that improved their residuals, the proportion that worsen their residuals, and the net residual improvement (NeRI) will be returned.
improvedResiduals(oldResiduals, newResiduals, testType = c("Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"))
improvedResiduals(oldResiduals, newResiduals, testType = c("Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent", "Ftest"))
oldResiduals |
A vector with the residuals of the original model |
newResiduals |
A vector with the residuals of the new model |
testType |
Type of non-parametric test to be evaluated: Binomial test ("Binomial"), Wilcoxon rank-sum test ("Wilcox"), Student's t-test ("tStudent"), or F-test ("Ftest") |
This function will test the hypothesis that the new residuals are "better" than the old residuals. To test this hypothesis, four types of tests are performed:
The paired t-test, which compares the absolute value of the residuals
The paired Wilcoxon rank-sum test, which compares the absolute value of residuals
The binomial sign test, which evaluates whether the number of subjects with improved residuals is greater than the number of subjects with worsened residuals
The F-test, which is the standard test for evaluating whether the residual variance is "better" in the new residuals.
The proportions of subjects that improved and worsen their residuals are returned, and so is the NeRI.
p1 |
Proportion of subjects that improved their residuals to the total number of subjects |
p2 |
Proportion of subjects that worsen their residuals to the total number of subjects |
NeRI |
The net residual improvement ( |
p.value |
The one tail p-value of the test specified in testType |
BinP.value |
The p-value associated with a significant improvement in residuals |
WilcoxP.value |
The single sided p-value of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test comparing the absolute values of the new and old residuals |
tP.value |
The single sided p-value of the paired t-test comparing the absolute values of the new and old residuals |
FP.value |
The single sided p-value of the F-test comparing the residual variances of the new and old residuals |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
The Jaccard Index analysis of two labeled sets
clustersA |
The first labeled point set |
clustersB |
The second labeled point set |
This function will compute the Jaccard Index Matrix: for all
possible label pairs presenet in A and B
jaccardMat |
The numeric matrix of Jaccard Indexes of all possible paired sets |
elementJaccard |
The corresponding Jaccard index for each data point |
balancedMeanJaccard |
The average of all marginal Jaccards |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
Prepares the KNN function to be used to predict the class of a new set
KNN_method(formula = formula,data=NULL,...)
KNN_method(formula = formula,data=NULL,...)
formula |
the base formula to extract the outcome |
data |
the data to be used for training the KNN method |
... |
parameters for the KNN function and the data scaling method |
trainData |
The data frame to be used to train the KNN prediction |
scaledData |
The scaled training set |
classData |
A vector with the outcome to be used by the KNN function |
outcome |
The name of the outcome |
usedFeatures |
The list of features to be used by the KNN method |
mean_col |
A vector with the mean of each training feature |
disp_col |
A vector with the dispesion of each training feature |
kn |
The number of neigbors to be used by the predict function |
scaleMethod |
The scaling method to be used by FRESAScale() function |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
FRESA wrapper to fit MASS::lm.ridge
object to the data and returning the coef with minimum GCV
LM_RIDGE_MIN(formula = formula,data=NULL,...)
LM_RIDGE_MIN(formula = formula,data=NULL,...)
formula |
The base formula to extract the outcome |
data |
The data to be used for training the method |
... |
Parameters to be passed to the MASS::lm.ridge function |
fit |
The |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
Bootstraped estimation of mean and 95CI
metric95ci(metric,nss=1000,ssize=0) concordance95ci(datatest,nss=1000) sperman95ci(datatest,nss=4000) MAE95ci(datatest,nss=4000) ClassMetric95ci(datatest,nss=4000)
metric95ci(metric,nss=1000,ssize=0) concordance95ci(datatest,nss=1000) sperman95ci(datatest,nss=4000) MAE95ci(datatest,nss=4000) ClassMetric95ci(datatest,nss=4000)
datatest |
A matrix whose first column is the model predictionground truth, and the second the prediction |
nss |
The number of bootstrap samples |
metric |
A vector with metric estimations |
ssize |
The maximim number of samples to use |
A set of auxiliary samples to bootstrap estimations of the 95CI
the mean estimation of the metrics with its corresponding 95CI
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function fits a linear, logistic, or Cox proportional hazards regression model to given data
modelFitting(model.formula, data, type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX","SVM"), fitFRESA=TRUE, ...)
modelFitting(model.formula, data, type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX","SVM"), fitFRESA=TRUE, ...)
model.formula |
An object of class |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), Cox proportional hazards ("COX") or "SVM" |
fitFRESA |
if true it will perform use the FRESA cpp code for fitting |
... |
Additional parameters for fitting a default |
A fitted model of the type defined in type
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Returns the positive MI-scored set of maximum relevance minimum redundancy (mRMR) features returned by the mMRM.classic function
mRMR.classic_FRESA(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL,feature_count=0,...)
mRMR.classic_FRESA(data=NULL, Outcome=NULL,feature_count=0,...)
data |
The data frame |
Outcome |
The outcome feature |
feature_count |
The number of features to return |
... |
Extra parameters to be passed to the |
Named vector with the MI-score of the selected features
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
Returns the top set of features that are associated with the outcome based on Multivariate logistic models: LASSO and BSWiMS
data |
The data frame |
Outcome |
The outcome feature |
adjustMethod |
The method used by the p.adjust method |
limit |
The samples-wise fraction of features to return. |
... |
Parameters to be passed to the correlated_Remove function |
Named vector with the adjusted p-values of the associted features
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
## Not run: library("FRESA.CAD") ### Univariate Filter Examples #### # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") # Prepare the data. Create a model matrix without the event time and interactions stagec$pgtime <- NULL stagec$eet <- as.factor(stagec$eet) options(na.action = 'na.pass') stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, as.data.frame(model.matrix(pgstat ~ .*.,stagec))[-1]) fnames <- colnames(stagec_mat) fnames <- str_replace_all(fnames,":","__") colnames(stagec_mat) <- fnames # Impute the missing data dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) dataCancerImputed[,1:ncol(dataCancerImputed)] <- sapply(dataCancerImputed,as.numeric) # Get the top Features associated to pgstat q_values <- multivariate_BinEnsemble(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library("FRESA.CAD") ### Univariate Filter Examples #### # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") # Prepare the data. Create a model matrix without the event time and interactions stagec$pgtime <- NULL stagec$eet <- as.factor(stagec$eet) options(na.action = 'na.pass') stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, as.data.frame(model.matrix(pgstat ~ .*.,stagec))[-1]) fnames <- colnames(stagec_mat) fnames <- str_replace_all(fnames,":","__") colnames(stagec_mat) <- fnames # Impute the missing data dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) dataCancerImputed[,1:ncol(dataCancerImputed)] <- sapply(dataCancerImputed,as.numeric) # Get the top Features associated to pgstat q_values <- multivariate_BinEnsemble(data=dataCancerImputed, Outcome="pgstat") ## End(Not run)
FRESA wrapper to fit naivebayes::naive_bayes
object to the data
NAIVE_BAYES(formula = formula,data=NULL,pca=TRUE,normalize=TRUE,...)
NAIVE_BAYES(formula = formula,data=NULL,pca=TRUE,normalize=TRUE,...)
formula |
The base formula to extract the outcome |
data |
The data to be used for training the method |
pca |
Apply PCA? |
normalize |
Apply data normalization? |
... |
Parameters to be passed to the naivebayes::naive_bayes function |
fit |
The |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
The function will return the set of labels of a data set
nearestCentroid(dataset, clustermean=NULL, clustercov=NULL, p.threshold=1.0e-6)
nearestCentroid(dataset, clustermean=NULL, clustercov=NULL, p.threshold=1.0e-6)
dataset |
The data set to be labeled |
clustermean |
The list of cluster centers. |
clustercov |
The list of cluster covariances |
p.threshold |
The minimum aceptance p.value |
The data set will be labeled based on the nearest cluster label. Points distance with membership probability lower than the acceptance threshold will have the "0" label.
ClusterLabels |
The labels of each point |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
The function will replace any NA present in the data-frame with the median values of the nearest neighbours.
nearestNeighborImpute(tobeimputed, referenceSet=NULL, catgoricCol=NULL, distol=1.05, useorder=TRUE )
nearestNeighborImpute(tobeimputed, referenceSet=NULL, catgoricCol=NULL, distol=1.05, useorder=TRUE )
tobeimputed |
a data frame with missing values (NA values) |
referenceSet |
An optional data frame with a set of complete observations. This data frame will be added to the search set |
catgoricCol |
An optional list of columns names that should be consider categorical |
distol |
The tolerance used to define if a particular set of row observations is similar to the minimum distance |
useorder |
Impute using the last observation on startified by categorical data |
This function will find any NA present in the data set and it will search for the row set of complete observations that have the closest IQR normalized Manhattan distance to the row with missing values. If a set of rows have similar minimum distances (toldis*(minimum distance) > row set distance) the median value will be used.
A data frame, where each NA has been replaced with the value of the nearest neighbors
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
## Not run: # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package library(rpart) data(stagec) # Set the options to keep the na options(na.action='na.pass') # create a model matrix with all the NA values imputed stagecImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(model.matrix(~.,stagec)[,-1]) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package library(rpart) data(stagec) # Set the options to keep the na options(na.action='na.pass') # create a model matrix with all the NA values imputed stagecImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(model.matrix(~.,stagec)[,-1]) ## End(Not run)
This function plots ROC curves and a Kaplan-Meier curve (when fitting a Cox proportional hazards regression model) of a bootstrapped model.
## S3 method for class 'bootstrapValidation_Bin' plot(x, xlab = "Years", ylab = "Survival", strata.levels=c(0), main = "ROC", cex=1.0, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bootstrapValidation_Bin' plot(x, xlab = "Years", ylab = "Survival", strata.levels=c(0), main = "ROC", cex=1.0, ...)
x |
A |
xlab |
The label of the x-axis |
ylab |
The label of the y-axis |
strata.levels |
stratification level for the Kaplan-Meier plots |
main |
Main Plot title |
cex |
The text cex |
... |
Additional parameters for the generic |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
This function plots ROC curves and a Kaplan-Meier curve (when fitting a Cox proportional hazards regression model) of a bootstrapped model.
## S3 method for class 'bootstrapValidation_Res' plot(x, xlab = "Years", ylab = "Survival", ...)
## S3 method for class 'bootstrapValidation_Res' plot(x, xlab = "Years", ylab = "Survival", ...)
x |
A |
xlab |
The label of the x-axis |
ylab |
The label of the y-axis |
... |
Additional parameters for the plot |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
The different output metrics of the benchmark (BinaryBenchmark,RegresionBenchmark or OrdinalBenchmark) are plotted. It returns data matrices that describe the different plots.
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_benchmark' plot(x,...)
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_benchmark' plot(x,...)
x |
A |
... |
Additional parameters for the generic |
metrics |
The model test performance based on the |
barPlotsCI |
The |
metrics_filter |
The model test performance for each filter method based on the |
barPlotsCI_filter |
The |
minMaxMetrics |
Reports the min and maximum value for each reported metric. |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
, predictionStats_binary
This function plots test ROC curves of each model found in the cross validation process. It will also aggregate the models into a single prediction performance, plotting the resulting ROC curve (models coherence). Furthermore, it will plot the mean sensitivity for a given set of specificities.
plotModels.ROC(modelPredictions, number.of.models=0, specificities=c(0.975,0.95,0.90,0.80,0.70,0.60,0.50,0.40,0.30,0.20,0.10,0.05), theCVfolds=1, predictor="Prediction", cex=1.0, thr=NULL, ...)
plotModels.ROC(modelPredictions, number.of.models=0, specificities=c(0.975,0.95,0.90,0.80,0.70,0.60,0.50,0.40,0.30,0.20,0.10,0.05), theCVfolds=1, predictor="Prediction", cex=1.0, thr=NULL, ...)
modelPredictions |
A data frame returned by the |
number.of.models |
The maximum number of models to plot |
specificities |
Vector containing the specificities at which the ROC sensitivities will be calculated |
theCVfolds |
The number of folds performed in a Cross-validation experiment |
predictor |
The name of the column to be plotted |
cex |
Controlling the font size of the text inside the plots |
thr |
The threshold for confusion matrix |
... |
Additional parameters for the |
A vector with the AUC of each ROC |
mean.sensitivities |
A vector with the mean sensitivity at the specificities given by |
model.sensitivities |
A matrix where each row represents the sensitivity at the specificity given by |
specificities |
The specificities used to calculate the sensitivities |
senAUC |
The AUC of the ROC curve that resulted from using |
predictionTable |
The confusion matrix between the outcome and the ensemble prediction |
ensemblePrediction |
The ensemble (median prediction) of the repeated predictions |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Returns the probability of having 1 or more Poisson events the adjusted probability (adjustProb) the exptected time to event (meanTimeToEvent) or the exected number of events per interval (expectedEventsPerInterval)
ppoisGzero(index,h0) adjustProb(probGZero,gain) meanTimeToEvent(probGZero,timeInterval) expectedEventsPerInterval(probGZero)
ppoisGzero(index,h0) adjustProb(probGZero,gain) meanTimeToEvent(probGZero,timeInterval) expectedEventsPerInterval(probGZero)
index |
The hazard index |
h0 |
Baseline hazard |
probGZero |
The probability of having any event |
gain |
The calibration gain |
timeInterval |
The time interval |
Auxiliary functions for the estimation of the probability of having at least one Poisson event. Or the mean time to event.
The probability of nozero events. Or the expected time to event (meanTimeToEvent) Or the expected number of events per interval (expectedEventsPerInterval)
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
bagged modelsThis function predicts the class of a BAGGS generated models
## S3 method for class 'BAGGS' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'BAGGS' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class BAGGS |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata. |
a named list with the predicted class of every data sample
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
outcomeThis function predicts the outcome from a ClustClass classifier
## S3 method for class 'CLUSTER_CLASS' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'CLUSTER_CLASS' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class CLUSTER_CLASS |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata |
the predict of a hierarchical ClustClass classifier
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function returns the predicted outcome of a specific model. The model is used to generate linear predictions. The probabilistic values are generated using the logistic transformation on the linear predictors.
## S3 method for class 'fitFRESA' predict(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'fitFRESA' predict(object, ...)
object |
An object of class fitFRESA containing the model to be analyzed |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata;predictType=c("linear","prob") and impute=FALSE. If impute is set to TRUE it will use the object model to impute missing data |
A vector with the predicted values
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
modelsThis function predicts the outcome from a BESS model
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_BESS' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_BESS' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class FRESA_BESS |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata |
the predict BESS object
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
modelsThis function predicts the outcome from a filteredFit model
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_FILTERFIT' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_FILTERFIT' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class FRESA_FILTERFIT |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata |
the predicted outcome
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function predicts the outcome from a FRESA_GLMNET fitted object
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_GLMNET' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_GLMNET' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class FRESA_GLMNET containing the model to be analyzed |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata |
A vector of the predicted values
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function predicts the outcome from a BOOST_BSWiMS model
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_HLCM' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_HLCM' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class FRESA_HLCM |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata |
the predict of boosted BSWiMS
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
modelsThis function predicts the outcome from a FRESA_NAIVEBAYES model
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_NAIVEBAYES' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_NAIVEBAYES' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class FRESA_NAIVEBAYES |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata |
A vector of the predicted values
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
modelsThis function predicts the outcome from a LM_RIDGE_MIN model
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_RIDGE' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_RIDGE' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class FRESA_RIDGE |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata |
A vector of the predicted values
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
modelsThis function predicts the outcome from a TUNED_SVM model
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_SVM' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'FRESA_SVM' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class FRESA_SVM |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata |
the predict e1071::svm object
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
modelsThis function predicts the outcome from a FRESAKNN model
## S3 method for class 'FRESAKNN' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'FRESAKNN' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class FRESAKNN containing the KNN train set |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata |
A vector of the predicted values
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
, class::knn
modelsThis function predicts the outcome from a FRESAsignature model
## S3 method for class 'FRESAsignature' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'FRESAsignature' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class FRESAsignature |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata |
A vector of the predicted values
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
clustersThis function predicts the class of a GMVE generated cluster
## S3 method for class 'GMVE' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'GMVE' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class GMVE |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata. thr=p.value threshold |
a named list with the predicted class of every data sample
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
outcomeThis function predicts the outcome from a GMVEBSWiMS classifier
## S3 method for class 'GMVE_BSWiMS' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'GMVE_BSWiMS' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class GMVE_BSWiMS |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata |
the predict of a hierarchical GMVE-BSWiMS classifier
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function predicts the calibrated probability of a binary outcome
## S3 method for class 'LogitCalPred' predict(object,...)
## S3 method for class 'LogitCalPred' predict(object,...)
object |
An object of class LogitCalPred |
... |
A list with: testdata=testdata |
the calibrated probability
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function returns the statistical metrics describing the association between model predictions and the ground truth outcome
predictionStats_binary(predictions, plotname="", center=FALSE,...) predictionStats_regression(predictions, plotname="",...) predictionStats_ordinal(predictions,plotname="",...) predictionStats_survival(predictions,plotname="",atriskthr=1.0,...)
predictionStats_binary(predictions, plotname="", center=FALSE,...) predictionStats_regression(predictions, plotname="",...) predictionStats_ordinal(predictions,plotname="",...) predictionStats_survival(predictions,plotname="",atriskthr=1.0,...)
predictions |
A matrix whose first column is the ground truth, and the second is the model prediction |
plotname |
The main title to be used by the plot function. If empty, no plot will be provided |
center |
For binary predictions indicates if the prediction is around zero |
atriskthr |
For survival predictions indicates the threshoold for at risk subjects. |
... |
Extra parameters to be passed to the plot function. |
These functions will analyze the prediction outputs and will compare to the ground truth. The output will depend on the prediction task: Binary classification, Linear Regression, Ordinal regression or Cox regression.
accc |
The classification accuracy with its95% confidence intervals (95/ |
berror |
The balanced error rate with its 95%CI |
aucs |
The ROC area under the curve (ROC AUC) of the binary classifier with its 95%CI |
specificity |
The specificity with its 95%CI |
sensitivity |
The sensitivity with its 95%CI |
ROC.analysis |
The output of the ROC function |
CM.analysis |
The output of the |
corci |
the Pearson correlation with its 95%CI |
biasci |
the regression bias and its 95%CI |
RMSEci |
the root mean square error (RMSE) and its 95%CI |
spearmanci |
the Spearman correlation and its 95%CI |
MAEci |
the mean absolute difference(MAE) and its 95%CI |
pearson |
the output of the |
Kendall |
the Kendall correlation and its 95%CI |
Bias |
the ordinal regression bias and its 95%CI |
the balanced mean absolute difference for ordinal regression |
class95ci |
the output of the bootstrapped estimation of accuracy, sensitivity, and ROC AUC |
KendallTauB |
the output of the |
Kappa.analysis |
the output of the |
CIFollowUp |
The follow-up concordance index with its95% confidence intervals (95/ |
CIRisk |
The risks concordance index with its95% confidence intervals (95/ |
LogRank |
The LogRank test with its95% confidence intervals (95/ |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
The data set will be divided into a random train set and a test sets. The train set will be modeled by the user provided fitting method. Each fitting method must have a prediction function that will be used to predict the outcome of the test set.
randomCV(theData = NULL, theOutcome = "Class", fittingFunction=NULL, trainFraction = 0.5, repetitions = 100, trainSampleSets=NULL, featureSelectionFunction=NULL, featureSelection.control=NULL, asFactor=FALSE, addNoise=FALSE, classSamplingType=c("Proportional", "Balanced", "Augmented", "LOO"), testingSet=NULL, ... )
randomCV(theData = NULL, theOutcome = "Class", fittingFunction=NULL, trainFraction = 0.5, repetitions = 100, trainSampleSets=NULL, featureSelectionFunction=NULL, featureSelection.control=NULL, asFactor=FALSE, addNoise=FALSE, classSamplingType=c("Proportional", "Balanced", "Augmented", "LOO"), testingSet=NULL, ... )
theData |
The data-frame for cross-validation |
theOutcome |
The name of the outcome |
fittingFunction |
The fitting function used to model the data |
trainFraction |
The percentage of the data to be used for training |
repetitions |
The number of times that the CV process will be repeated |
trainSampleSets |
A set of train samples |
featureSelectionFunction |
The feature selection function to be used to filter out irrelevant features |
featureSelection.control |
The parameters to control the feature selection function |
asFactor |
Set theOutcome as factor |
addNoise |
if TRUE will add 0.1 |
classSamplingType |
if "Proportional": proportional to the data classes. "Augmented": Augment samples to balance training class "Balanced": All class in training set have the same samples "LOO": Leave one out per class |
testingSet |
An extra set for testing Models |
... |
Parameters to be passed to the fitting function |
testPredictions |
All the predicted outcomes. Is a data matrix with three columns c("Outcome","Model","Prediction"). Each row has a prediction for a given test subject |
trainPredictions |
All the predicted outcomes in the train data set. Is a data matrix with three columns c("Outcome","Model","Prediction"). Each row has a prediction for a given test subject |
medianTest |
The median of the test prediction for each subject |
medianTrain |
The median of the prediction for each train subject |
boxstaTest |
The statistics of the boxplot for test data |
boxstaTrain |
The statistics of the boxplot for train data |
trainSamplesSets |
The id of the subjects used for training |
selectedFeaturesSet |
A list with all the features used at each training cycle |
featureFrequency |
A order table object that describes how many times a feature was selected. |
jaccard |
The jaccard index of the features as well as the average number of features used for prediction |
theTimes |
The CPU time analysis |
formula.list |
If fit method returns the formulas: the agregated list of formulas |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
## Not run: ### Cross Validation Example #### # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "CrossValidationExample.pdf",width = 8, height = 6) # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") # Prepare the data. Create a model matrix with interactions but no event time stagec$pgtime <- NULL stagec$eet <- as.factor(stagec$eet) options(na.action = 'na.pass') stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, as.data.frame(model.matrix(pgstat ~ .*.,stagec))[-1]) fnames <- colnames(stagec_mat) fnames <- str_replace_all(fnames,":","__") colnames(stagec_mat) <- fnames # Impute the missing data dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) dataCancerImputed[,1:ncol(dataCancerImputed)] <- sapply(dataCancerImputed,as.numeric) # Cross validating a Random Forest classifier cvRF <- randomCV(dataCancerImputed,"pgstat", randomForest::randomForest, trainFraction = 0.8, repetitions = 10, asFactor = TRUE); # Evaluate the prediction performance of the Random Forest classifier RFStats <- predictionStats_binary(cvRF$medianTest, plotname = "Random Forest",cex = 0.9); # Cross validating a BSWiMS with the same train/test set cvBSWiMS <- randomCV(fittingFunction = BSWiMS.model, trainSampleSets = cvRF$trainSamplesSets); # Evaluate the prediction performance of the BSWiMS classifier BSWiMSStats <- predictionStats_binary(cvBSWiMS$medianTest, plotname = "BSWiMS",cex = 0.9); # Cross validating a LDA classifier with a t-student filter cvLDA <- randomCV(dataCancerImputed,"pgstat",MASS::lda, trainSampleSets = cvRF$trainSamplesSets, featureSelectionFunction = univariate_tstudent, featureSelection.control = list(limit = 0.5,thr = 0.975)); # Evaluate the prediction performance of the LDA classifier LDAStats <- predictionStats_binary(cvLDA$medianTest,plotname = "LDA",cex = 0.9); # Cross validating a QDA classifier with LDA t-student features and RF train/test set cvQDA <- randomCV(fittingFunction = MASS::qda, trainSampleSets = cvRF$trainSamplesSets, featureSelectionFunction = cvLDA$selectedFeaturesSet); # Evaluate the prediction performance of the QDA classifier QDAStats <- predictionStats_binary(cvQDA$medianTest,plotname = "QDA",cex = 0.9); #Create a barplot with 95 errorciTable <- rbind(RFStats$berror, BSWiMSStats$berror, LDAStats$berror, QDAStats$berror) bpCI <- barPlotCiError(as.matrix(errorciTable),metricname = "Balanced Error", thesets = c("Classifier Method"), themethod = c("RF","BSWiMS","LDA","QDA"), main = "Balanced Error", offsets = c(0.5,0.15), scoreDirection = "<", ho = 0.5, args.legend = list(bg = "white",x = "topright"), col = terrain.colors(4)); dev.off() ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ### Cross Validation Example #### # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "CrossValidationExample.pdf",width = 8, height = 6) # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package data(stagec,package = "rpart") # Prepare the data. Create a model matrix with interactions but no event time stagec$pgtime <- NULL stagec$eet <- as.factor(stagec$eet) options(na.action = 'na.pass') stagec_mat <- cbind(pgstat = stagec$pgstat, as.data.frame(model.matrix(pgstat ~ .*.,stagec))[-1]) fnames <- colnames(stagec_mat) fnames <- str_replace_all(fnames,":","__") colnames(stagec_mat) <- fnames # Impute the missing data dataCancerImputed <- nearestNeighborImpute(stagec_mat) dataCancerImputed[,1:ncol(dataCancerImputed)] <- sapply(dataCancerImputed,as.numeric) # Cross validating a Random Forest classifier cvRF <- randomCV(dataCancerImputed,"pgstat", randomForest::randomForest, trainFraction = 0.8, repetitions = 10, asFactor = TRUE); # Evaluate the prediction performance of the Random Forest classifier RFStats <- predictionStats_binary(cvRF$medianTest, plotname = "Random Forest",cex = 0.9); # Cross validating a BSWiMS with the same train/test set cvBSWiMS <- randomCV(fittingFunction = BSWiMS.model, trainSampleSets = cvRF$trainSamplesSets); # Evaluate the prediction performance of the BSWiMS classifier BSWiMSStats <- predictionStats_binary(cvBSWiMS$medianTest, plotname = "BSWiMS",cex = 0.9); # Cross validating a LDA classifier with a t-student filter cvLDA <- randomCV(dataCancerImputed,"pgstat",MASS::lda, trainSampleSets = cvRF$trainSamplesSets, featureSelectionFunction = univariate_tstudent, featureSelection.control = list(limit = 0.5,thr = 0.975)); # Evaluate the prediction performance of the LDA classifier LDAStats <- predictionStats_binary(cvLDA$medianTest,plotname = "LDA",cex = 0.9); # Cross validating a QDA classifier with LDA t-student features and RF train/test set cvQDA <- randomCV(fittingFunction = MASS::qda, trainSampleSets = cvRF$trainSamplesSets, featureSelectionFunction = cvLDA$selectedFeaturesSet); # Evaluate the prediction performance of the QDA classifier QDAStats <- predictionStats_binary(cvQDA$medianTest,plotname = "QDA",cex = 0.9); #Create a barplot with 95 errorciTable <- rbind(RFStats$berror, BSWiMSStats$berror, LDAStats$berror, QDAStats$berror) bpCI <- barPlotCiError(as.matrix(errorciTable),metricname = "Balanced Error", thesets = c("Classifier Method"), themethod = c("RF","BSWiMS","LDA","QDA"), main = "Balanced Error", offsets = c(0.5,0.15), scoreDirection = "<", ho = 0.5, args.legend = list(bg = "white",x = "topright"), col = terrain.colors(4)); dev.off() ## End(Not run)
This function takes a data frame and a reference control population to return a z-transformed data set conditioned to the reference population. Each sample data for each feature column in the data frame is conditionally z-transformed using a rank-based inverse normal transformation, based on the rank of the sample in the reference frame.
rankInverseNormalDataFrame(variableList, data, referenceframe, strata=NA)
rankInverseNormalDataFrame(variableList, data, referenceframe, strata=NA)
variableList |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
referenceframe |
A data frame similar to |
strata |
The name of the column in |
A data frame where each observation has been conditionally z-transformed, given control data
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
## Not run: # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "Example.pdf") # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package library(rpart) data(stagec) # Split the stages into several columns dataCancer <- cbind(stagec[,c(1:3,5:6)], gleason4 = 1*(stagec[,7] == 4), gleason5 = 1*(stagec[,7] == 5), gleason6 = 1*(stagec[,7] == 6), gleason7 = 1*(stagec[,7] == 7), gleason8 = 1*(stagec[,7] == 8), gleason910 = 1*(stagec[,7] >= 9), eet = 1*(stagec[,4] == 2), diploid = 1*(stagec[,8] == "diploid"), tetraploid = 1*(stagec[,8] == "tetraploid"), notAneuploid = 1-1*(stagec[,8] == "aneuploid")) # Remove the incomplete cases dataCancer <- dataCancer[complete.cases(dataCancer),] # Load a pre-established data frame with the names and descriptions of all variables data(cancerVarNames) # Set the group of no progression noProgress <- subset(dataCancer,pgstat==0) # z-transform g2 values using the no-progression group as reference dataCancerZTransform <- rankInverseNormalDataFrame(variableList = cancerVarNames[2,], data = dataCancer, referenceframe = noProgress) # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "Example.pdf") # Get the stage C prostate cancer data from the rpart package library(rpart) data(stagec) # Split the stages into several columns dataCancer <- cbind(stagec[,c(1:3,5:6)], gleason4 = 1*(stagec[,7] == 4), gleason5 = 1*(stagec[,7] == 5), gleason6 = 1*(stagec[,7] == 6), gleason7 = 1*(stagec[,7] == 7), gleason8 = 1*(stagec[,7] == 8), gleason910 = 1*(stagec[,7] >= 9), eet = 1*(stagec[,4] == 2), diploid = 1*(stagec[,8] == "diploid"), tetraploid = 1*(stagec[,8] == "tetraploid"), notAneuploid = 1-1*(stagec[,8] == "aneuploid")) # Remove the incomplete cases dataCancer <- dataCancer[complete.cases(dataCancer),] # Load a pre-established data frame with the names and descriptions of all variables data(cancerVarNames) # Set the group of no progression noProgress <- subset(dataCancer,pgstat==0) # z-transform g2 values using the no-progression group as reference dataCancerZTransform <- rankInverseNormalDataFrame(variableList = cancerVarNames[2,], data = dataCancer, referenceframe = noProgress) # Shut down the graphics device driver dev.off() ## End(Not run)
Given a model, this function will report a data frame with all the variables that may be interchanged in the model without affecting its classification performance. For each variable in the model, this function will loop all candidate variables and report all of which result in an equivalent or better zIDI than the original model.
reportEquivalentVariables(object, pvalue = 0.05, data, variableList, Outcome = "Class", timeOutcome=NULL, type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), description = ".", method="BH", osize=0, fitFRESA=TRUE)
reportEquivalentVariables(object, pvalue = 0.05, data, variableList, Outcome = "Class", timeOutcome=NULL, type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), description = ".", method="BH", osize=0, fitFRESA=TRUE)
object |
An object of class |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to the IDI , allowed for a pair of variables to be considered equivalent |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
variableList |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
timeOutcome |
The name of the column in |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
description |
The name of the column in |
method |
The method used by the p-value adjustment algorithm |
osize |
The number of features used for p-value adjustment |
fitFRESA |
if TRUE it will use the cpp based fitting method |
pvalueList |
A list with all the unadjusted p-values of the equivalent features per model variable |
equivalentMatrix |
A data frame with three columns. The first column is the original variable of the model. The second column lists all variables that, if interchanged, will not statistically affect the performance of the model. The third column lists the corresponding z-scores of the IDI for each equivalent variable. |
formulaList |
a character vector with all the equivalent formulas |
equivalentModel |
a bagged model that used all the equivalent formulas. The model size is limited by the number of observations |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
Given a model and a new data set, this function will return the residuals of the predicted values. When dealing with a Cox proportional hazards regression model, the function will return the Martingale residuals.
residualForFRESA(object, testData, Outcome, eta = 0.05)
residualForFRESA(object, testData, Outcome, eta = 0.05)
object |
An object of class |
testData |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns, with the data set to be predicted |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
eta |
The weight of the contribution of the Martingale residuals, or 1 - the weight of the contribution of the classification residuals (only needed if |
A vector with the residuals (i.e. the differences between the predicted and the real outcome)
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Plots of calibration and performance of risk probabilites
RRPlot(riskData=NULL, timetoEvent=NULL, riskTimeInterval=NULL, ExpectedPrevalence=NULL, atRate=c(0.90,0.80), atThr=NULL, plotRR=TRUE, title="", ysurvlim=c(0,1.0) )
RRPlot(riskData=NULL, timetoEvent=NULL, riskTimeInterval=NULL, ExpectedPrevalence=NULL, atRate=c(0.90,0.80), atThr=NULL, plotRR=TRUE, title="", ysurvlim=c(0,1.0) )
riskData |
The data frame with two columns: First: Event label (event=1, censored=0). Second: Probability of any future event within the riskTimeInterval |
timetoEvent |
The time to event vector |
riskTimeInterval |
The time interval of the probability estimations |
ExpectedPrevalence |
For Case-Control Studies: The expected prevalence of events. |
atRate |
The desired TNR (specificity) or FNR (1.0-sensitivity) of the computed risk at threshold |
atThr |
The risk threshold |
plotRR |
If set to FALSE it will not generate the plots |
title |
The title postfix to be appended on each one of the generated plot titles |
ysurvlim |
The y limits of the survival plot |
The RRPlot function will analyze the provided probabilities of risk and its associated events to generate calibration plots and plots of Relative Risk (RR) vs all the sensitivity values. Furthermore, it will compute and analyze the RR of the computed threshold that contains the prescribed rate of true negative cases (TNR) or if the atRate value is lower than 0.5 it will assume that it is the FNR (1-Specificity). If the user provides the time to event data, the function will also plot the Kaplan-Meier curve and return the logrank probability of differences between risk categories. For the calibration plot it will use the user provided riskTimeInterval to get the expected number of events. If the user does not provide the riskTimeInterval the function will use the maximum time of observations with events.
CumulativeOvs |
Matrix with the Cumulative and Observed Events |
OEData |
Matrix with the Estimated and Observed Events |
Decision Curve Analysis data matrix |
RRData |
The risk ratios data matrix for the ploted observations |
timetoEventData |
The dataframe with hazards, class and expeted time to event |
keyPoints |
The threshold values and metrics at: Specified, Max BACC, Max RR, and 100 |
OERatio |
The Observed/Expected poisson test |
OE95ci |
The mean OE Ratio over the top 90 |
OARatio |
The Observed/Accumlated poisson test |
OAcum95ci |
The mean O/A Ratio over the top 90 |
fit |
The loess fit of the Risk Ratios |
ROCAnalysis |
The Reciver Operating Curve and Binary performance analysis |
prevalence |
The prevalence of events |
thr_atP |
The p-value that contains atProb of the negative subjects |
c.index |
The c-index with 90 |
surfit |
The survival fit object |
surdif |
The logrank test analysis |
LogRankE |
The bootstreped p-value of the logrank test |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
## Not run: ### RR Plot Example #### # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "RRPlot.pdf",width = 8, height = 6) library(survival) library(FRESA.CAD) op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) ### Libraries data(cancer, package="survival") lungD <- lung lungD$inst <- NULL lungD$status <- lungD$status - 1 lungD <- lungD[complete.cases(lungD),] ## Exploring Raw Features with RRPlot convar <- colnames(lungD)[lapply(apply(lungD,2,unique),length) > 10] convar <- convar[convar != "time"] topvar <- univariate_BinEnsemble(lungD[,c("status",convar)],"status") print(names(topvar)) topv <- min(5,length(topvar)) topFive <- names(topvar)[1:topv] RRanalysis <- list(); idx <- 1 for (topf in topFive) { RRanalysis[[idx]] <- RRPlot(cbind(lungD$status,lungD[,topf]), atRate=c(0.90), timetoEvent=lungD$time, title=topf, # plotRR=FALSE ) idx <- idx + 1 } names(RRanalysis) <- topFive ## Reporting the Metrics ROCAUC <- NULL CstatCI <- NULL LogRangp <- NULL Sensitivity <- NULL Specificity <- NULL for (topf in topFive) { CstatCI <- rbind(CstatCI,RRanalysis[[topf]]$c.index$cstatCI) LogRangp <- rbind(LogRangp,RRanalysis[[topf]]$surdif$pvalue) Sensitivity <- rbind(Sensitivity,RRanalysis[[topf]]$ROCAnalysis$sensitivity) Specificity <- rbind(Specificity,RRanalysis[[topf]]$ROCAnalysis$specificity) ROCAUC <- rbind(ROCAUC,RRanalysis[[topf]]$ROCAnalysis$aucs) } rownames(CstatCI) <- topFive rownames(LogRangp) <- topFive rownames(Sensitivity) <- topFive rownames(Specificity) <- topFive rownames(ROCAUC) <- topFive print(ROCAUC) print(CstatCI) print(LogRangp) print(Sensitivity) print(Specificity) meanMatrix <- cbind(ROCAUC[,1],CstatCI[,1],Sensitivity[,1],Specificity[,1]) colnames(meanMatrix) <- c("ROCAUC","C-Stat","Sen","Spe") print(meanMatrix) ## COX Modeling ml <- BSWiMS.model(Surv(time,status)~1,data=lungD,NumberofRepeats = 10) sm <- summary(ml) print(sm$coefficients) ### Cox Model Performance timeinterval <- 2*mean(subset(lungD,status==1)$time) h0 <- sum(lungD$status & lungD$time <= timeinterval) h0 <- h0/sum((lungD$time > timeinterval) | (lungD$status==1)) print(t(c(h0=h0,timeinterval=timeinterval)),caption="Initial Parameters") index <- predict(ml,lungD) rdata <- cbind(lungD$status,ppoisGzero(index,h0)) rrAnalysisTrain <- RRPlot(rdata,atRate=c(0.90), timetoEvent=lungD$time, title="Raw Train: lung Cancer", ysurvlim=c(0.00,1.0), riskTimeInterval=timeinterval) ### Reporting Performance print(rrAnalysisTrain$keyPoints,caption="Key Values") print(rrAnalysisTrain$OERatio,caption="O/E Test") print(t(rrAnalysisTrain$OE95ci),caption="O/E Mean") print(rrAnalysisTrain$OARatio,caption="O/Acum Test") print(t(rrAnalysisTrain$OAcum95ci),caption="O/Acum Mean") print(rrAnalysisTrain$c.index$cstatCI,caption="C. Index") print(t(rrAnalysisTrain$ROCAnalysis$aucs),caption="ROC AUC") print((rrAnalysisTrain$ROCAnalysis$sensitivity),caption="Sensitivity") print((rrAnalysisTrain$ROCAnalysis$specificity),caption="Specificity") print(t(rrAnalysisTrain$thr_atP),caption="Probability Thresholds") print(rrAnalysisTrain$surdif,caption="Logrank test") dev.off() ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ### RR Plot Example #### # Start the graphics device driver to save all plots in a pdf format pdf(file = "RRPlot.pdf",width = 8, height = 6) library(survival) library(FRESA.CAD) op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) ### Libraries data(cancer, package="survival") lungD <- lung lungD$inst <- NULL lungD$status <- lungD$status - 1 lungD <- lungD[complete.cases(lungD),] ## Exploring Raw Features with RRPlot convar <- colnames(lungD)[lapply(apply(lungD,2,unique),length) > 10] convar <- convar[convar != "time"] topvar <- univariate_BinEnsemble(lungD[,c("status",convar)],"status") print(names(topvar)) topv <- min(5,length(topvar)) topFive <- names(topvar)[1:topv] RRanalysis <- list(); idx <- 1 for (topf in topFive) { RRanalysis[[idx]] <- RRPlot(cbind(lungD$status,lungD[,topf]), atRate=c(0.90), timetoEvent=lungD$time, title=topf, # plotRR=FALSE ) idx <- idx + 1 } names(RRanalysis) <- topFive ## Reporting the Metrics ROCAUC <- NULL CstatCI <- NULL LogRangp <- NULL Sensitivity <- NULL Specificity <- NULL for (topf in topFive) { CstatCI <- rbind(CstatCI,RRanalysis[[topf]]$c.index$cstatCI) LogRangp <- rbind(LogRangp,RRanalysis[[topf]]$surdif$pvalue) Sensitivity <- rbind(Sensitivity,RRanalysis[[topf]]$ROCAnalysis$sensitivity) Specificity <- rbind(Specificity,RRanalysis[[topf]]$ROCAnalysis$specificity) ROCAUC <- rbind(ROCAUC,RRanalysis[[topf]]$ROCAnalysis$aucs) } rownames(CstatCI) <- topFive rownames(LogRangp) <- topFive rownames(Sensitivity) <- topFive rownames(Specificity) <- topFive rownames(ROCAUC) <- topFive print(ROCAUC) print(CstatCI) print(LogRangp) print(Sensitivity) print(Specificity) meanMatrix <- cbind(ROCAUC[,1],CstatCI[,1],Sensitivity[,1],Specificity[,1]) colnames(meanMatrix) <- c("ROCAUC","C-Stat","Sen","Spe") print(meanMatrix) ## COX Modeling ml <- BSWiMS.model(Surv(time,status)~1,data=lungD,NumberofRepeats = 10) sm <- summary(ml) print(sm$coefficients) ### Cox Model Performance timeinterval <- 2*mean(subset(lungD,status==1)$time) h0 <- sum(lungD$status & lungD$time <= timeinterval) h0 <- h0/sum((lungD$time > timeinterval) | (lungD$status==1)) print(t(c(h0=h0,timeinterval=timeinterval)),caption="Initial Parameters") index <- predict(ml,lungD) rdata <- cbind(lungD$status,ppoisGzero(index,h0)) rrAnalysisTrain <- RRPlot(rdata,atRate=c(0.90), timetoEvent=lungD$time, title="Raw Train: lung Cancer", ysurvlim=c(0.00,1.0), riskTimeInterval=timeinterval) ### Reporting Performance print(rrAnalysisTrain$keyPoints,caption="Key Values") print(rrAnalysisTrain$OERatio,caption="O/E Test") print(t(rrAnalysisTrain$OE95ci),caption="O/E Mean") print(rrAnalysisTrain$OARatio,caption="O/Acum Test") print(t(rrAnalysisTrain$OAcum95ci),caption="O/Acum Mean") print(rrAnalysisTrain$c.index$cstatCI,caption="C. Index") print(t(rrAnalysisTrain$ROCAnalysis$aucs),caption="ROC AUC") print((rrAnalysisTrain$ROCAnalysis$sensitivity),caption="Sensitivity") print((rrAnalysisTrain$ROCAnalysis$specificity),caption="Specificity") print(t(rrAnalysisTrain$thr_atP),caption="Probability Thresholds") print(rrAnalysisTrain$surdif,caption="Logrank test") dev.off() ## End(Not run)
This function returns a normalized distance to the signature template
signatureDistance( template, data=NULL, method = c("pearson","spearman","kendall","RSS","MAN","NB"), fwts=NULL )
signatureDistance( template, data=NULL, method = c("pearson","spearman","kendall","RSS","MAN","NB"), fwts=NULL )
template |
A list with a template matrix of the signature described with quantiles = [0.025,0.100,0.159,0.250,0.500,0.750,0.841,0.900,0.975] |
data |
A data frame that will be used to compute the distance |
method |
The distance method. |
fwts |
A numeric vector defining the weight of each feature |
The distance to the template: "pearson","spearman" and "kendall" distances are computed using the correlation function i.e. 1-r. "RSS" distance is the normalized root sum square distance "MAN" Manhattan. The standardized L^1 distance "NB" Weighted Naive-Bayes distance
result |
the distance to the template |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function prints two tables describing the results of the bootstrap-based validation of binary classification models. The first table reports the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and area under the ROC curve (AUC) of the train and test data set, along with their confidence intervals. The second table reports the model coefficients and their corresponding integrated discrimination improvement (IDI) and net reclassification improvement (NRI) values.
## S3 method for class 'bootstrapValidation_Bin' summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bootstrapValidation_Bin' summary(object, ...)
object |
An object of class |
... |
Additional parameters for the generic |
performance |
A vector describing the results of the bootstrapping procedure |
summary |
An object of class |
coef |
A matrix with the coefficients, IDI, NRI, and the 95% confidence intervals obtained via bootstrapping |
performance.table |
A matrix with the tabulated results of the blind test accuracy, sensitivity, specificities, and area under the ROC curve |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Returns a summary of fitted model created by the modelFitting function with the fitFRESA parameter set to TRUE
## S3 method for class 'fitFRESA' summary(object, type=c("Improvement","Residual"), ci=c(0.025,0.975), data=NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'fitFRESA' summary(object, type=c("Improvement","Residual"), ci=c(0.025,0.975), data=NULL, ...)
object |
fitted model with the |
type |
the type of coefficient estimation |
ci |
lower and upper limit of the ci estimation |
data |
the data to be used for 95 |
... |
parameters of the boostrap method |
a list with the analysis results.
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function takes the variables of the cross-validation analysis and extracts the results from the univariate and correlation analyses. Then, it prints the cross-validation results, the univariate analysis results, and the correlated variables. As output, it returns a list of each one of these results.
summaryReport(univariateObject, summaryBootstrap, listOfCorrelatedVariables = NULL, digits = 2)
summaryReport(univariateObject, summaryBootstrap, listOfCorrelatedVariables = NULL, digits = 2)
univariateObject |
A data frame that contains the results of the |
summaryBootstrap |
A list that contains the results of the |
listOfCorrelatedVariables |
A matrix that contains the |
digits |
The number of significant digits to be used in the print function |
performance.table |
A matrix with the tabulated results of the blind test accuracy, sensitivity, specificities, and area under the ROC curve |
coefStats |
A data frame that lists all the model features along with its univariate statistics and bootstrapped coefficients |
cor.varibles |
A matrix that lists all the features that are correlated to the model variables |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
This function plots the time evolution and does a longitudinal analysis of time dependent features. Features listed are fitted to the provided time model (mixed effect model) with a generalized least squares (GLS) procedure. As output, it returns the coefficients, standard errors, t-values, and corresponding p-values.
timeSerieAnalysis(variableList, baseModel, data, timevar = "time", contime = ".", Outcome = ".", ..., description = ".", Ptoshow = c(1), plegend = c("p"), timesign = "-", catgo.names = c("Control", "Case") )
timeSerieAnalysis(variableList, baseModel, data, timevar = "time", contime = ".", Outcome = ".", ..., description = ".", Ptoshow = c(1), plegend = c("p"), timesign = "-", catgo.names = c("Control", "Case") )
variableList |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
baseModel |
A string of the type "1 + var1 + var2" that defines the model to which variables will be fitted |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
timevar |
The name of the column in |
contime |
The name of the column in |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
description |
The name of the column in |
Ptoshow |
Index of the p-values to be shown in the plot |
plegend |
Legend of the p-values to be shown in the plot |
timesign |
The direction of the arrow of time |
catgo.names |
The legends of the binary categories |
... |
Additional parameters to be passed to the |
This function will plot the evolution of the mean value of the listed variables with its corresponding error bars. Then, it will fit the data to the provided time model with a GLS procedure and it will plot the fitted values. If a binary variable was provided, the plots will contain the case and control data. As output, the function will return the model coefficients and their corresponding t-values, and the standard errors and their associated p-values.
coef |
A matrix with the coefficients of the GLS fitting |
std.Errors |
A matrix with the standardized error of each coefficient |
t.values |
A matrix with the t-value of each coefficient |
p.values |
A matrix with the p-value of each coefficient |
sigmas |
The root-mean-square error of the fitting |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Given a longituinal data set, it will extract the associated polynomial coefficients for each sample.
trajectoriesPolyFeatures(data, feature="v1", degree=2, time="t", group="ID", timeOffset=0, strata=NULL, plot=TRUE, ...)
trajectoriesPolyFeatures(data, feature="v1", degree=2, time="t", group="ID", timeOffset=0, strata=NULL, plot=TRUE, ...)
data |
The dataframe |
feature |
The name of the outcome |
degree |
The fitting function used to model the data |
time |
The percentage of the data to be used for training |
group |
The number of times that the CV process will be repeated |
timeOffset |
The time offset |
strata |
Data strafication |
plot |
if TRUE it will plot the data |
... |
parameters passed to plot |
coef |
The trayaectory coefficient matrix |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
FRESA wrapper to fit grid-tuned e1071::svm
TUNED_SVM(formula = formula, data=NULL, gamma = 10^(-5:-1), cost = 10^(-3:1), ... )
TUNED_SVM(formula = formula, data=NULL, gamma = 10^(-5:-1), cost = 10^(-3:1), ... )
formula |
The base formula to extract the outcome |
data |
The data to be used for training the method |
gamma |
The vector of possible gamma values |
cost |
The vector of possible cost values |
... |
Parameters to be passed to the e1071::svm function |
fit |
The |
tuneSVM |
The |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function reports the mean and standard deviation for each feature in a model, and ranks them according to a user-specified score.
Additionally, it does a Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test on the raw and z-standardized data.
It also reports the raw and z-standardized t-test score, the p-value of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, the integrated discrimination improvement (IDI), the net reclassification improvement (NRI), the net residual improvement (NeRI), and the area under the ROC curve (AUC).
Furthermore, it reports the z-value of the variable significance on the fitted model.
Besides reporting an ordered data frame, this function returns all arguments as values, so that the results can be updates with the update.uniRankVar
if needed.
uniRankVar(variableList, formula, Outcome, data, categorizationType = c("Raw", "Categorical", "ZCategorical", "RawZCategorical", "RawTail", "RawZTail", "Tail", "RawRaw"), type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), rankingTest = c("zIDI", "zNRI", "IDI", "NRI", "NeRI", "Ztest", "AUC", "CStat", "Kendall"), cateGroups = c(0.1, 0.9), raw.dataFrame = NULL, testData = NULL, description = ".", uniType = c("Binary", "Regression"), FullAnalysis=TRUE, acovariates = NULL, timeOutcome = NULL)
uniRankVar(variableList, formula, Outcome, data, categorizationType = c("Raw", "Categorical", "ZCategorical", "RawZCategorical", "RawTail", "RawZTail", "Tail", "RawRaw"), type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), rankingTest = c("zIDI", "zNRI", "IDI", "NRI", "NeRI", "Ztest", "AUC", "CStat", "Kendall"), cateGroups = c(0.1, 0.9), raw.dataFrame = NULL, testData = NULL, description = ".", uniType = c("Binary", "Regression"), FullAnalysis=TRUE, acovariates = NULL, timeOutcome = NULL)
variableList |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
formula |
An object of class |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
categorizationType |
How variables will be analyzed : As given in |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
rankingTest |
Variables will be ranked based on: The z-score of the IDI ("zIDI"), the z-score of the NRI ("zNRI"), the IDI ("IDI"), the NRI ("NRI"), the NeRI ("NeRI"), the z-score of the model fit ("Ztest"), the AUC ("AUC"), the Somers' rank correlation ("Cstat"), or the Kendall rank correlation ("Kendall") |
cateGroups |
A vector of percentiles to be used for the categorization procedure |
raw.dataFrame |
A data frame similar to |
testData |
A data frame for model testing |
description |
The name of the column in |
uniType |
Type of univariate analysis: Binary classification ("Binary") or regression ("Regression") |
FullAnalysis |
If FALSE it will only order the features according to its z-statistics of the linear model |
acovariates |
the list of covariates |
timeOutcome |
the name of the Time to event feature |
This function will create valid dummy categorical variables if, and only if, data
has been z-standardized.
The p-values provided in cateGroups
will be converted to its corresponding z-score, which will then be used to create the categories.
If non z-standardized data were to be used, the categorization analysis would return wrong results.
orderframe |
A sorted list of model variables stored in a data frame |
variableList |
The argument |
formula |
The argument |
Outcome |
The argument |
data |
The argument |
categorizationType |
The argument |
type |
The argument |
rankingTest |
The argument |
cateGroups |
The argument |
raw.dataFrame |
The argument |
description |
The argument |
uniType |
The argument |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
Pencina, M. J., D'Agostino, R. B., & Vasan, R. S. (2008). Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: from area under the ROC curve to reclassification and beyond. Statistics in medicine 27(2), 157-172.
This function reports the mean and standard deviation for each feature in a model, and ranks them according to a user-specified score. Additionally, it does a Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test on the raw and z-standardized data. It also reports the raw and z-standardized t-test score, the p-value of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, the integrated discrimination improvement (IDI), the net reclassification improvement (NRI), the net residual improvement (NeRI), and the area under the ROC curve (AUC). Furthermore, it reports the z-value of the variable significance on the fitted model.
univariateRankVariables(variableList, formula, Outcome, data, categorizationType = c("Raw", "Categorical", "ZCategorical", "RawZCategorical", "RawTail", "RawZTail", "Tail", "RawRaw"), type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), rankingTest = c("zIDI", "zNRI", "IDI", "NRI", "NeRI", "Ztest", "AUC", "CStat", "Kendall"), cateGroups = c(0.1, 0.9), raw.dataFrame = NULL, description = ".", uniType = c("Binary","Regression"), FullAnalysis=TRUE, acovariates = NULL, timeOutcome = NULL )
univariateRankVariables(variableList, formula, Outcome, data, categorizationType = c("Raw", "Categorical", "ZCategorical", "RawZCategorical", "RawTail", "RawZTail", "Tail", "RawRaw"), type = c("LOGIT", "LM", "COX"), rankingTest = c("zIDI", "zNRI", "IDI", "NRI", "NeRI", "Ztest", "AUC", "CStat", "Kendall"), cateGroups = c(0.1, 0.9), raw.dataFrame = NULL, description = ".", uniType = c("Binary","Regression"), FullAnalysis=TRUE, acovariates = NULL, timeOutcome = NULL )
variableList |
A data frame with the candidate variables to be ranked |
formula |
An object of class |
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
categorizationType |
How variables will be analyzed: As given in |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
rankingTest |
Variables will be ranked based on: The z-score of the IDI ("zIDI"), the z-score of the NRI ("zNRI"), the IDI ("IDI"), the NRI ("NRI"), the NeRI ("NeRI"), the z-score of the model fit ("Ztest"), the AUC ("AUC"), the Somers' rank correlation ("Cstat"), or the Kendall rank correlation ("Kendall") |
cateGroups |
A vector of percentiles to be used for the categorization procedure |
raw.dataFrame |
A data frame similar to |
description |
The name of the column in |
uniType |
Type of univariate analysis: Binary classification ("Binary") or regression ("Regression") |
FullAnalysis |
If FALSE it will only order the features according to its z-statistics of the linear model |
acovariates |
the list of covariates |
timeOutcome |
the name of the Time to event feature |
This function will create valid dummy categorical variables if, and only if, data
has been z-standardized.
The p-values provided in cateGroups
will be converted to its corresponding z-score, which will then be used to create the categories.
If non z-standardized data were to be used, the categorization analysis would return wrong results.
A sorted data frame. In the case of a binary classification analysis, the data frame will have the following columns:
Name |
Name of the raw variable or of the dummy variable if the data has been categorized |
parent |
Name of the raw variable from which the dummy variable was created |
descrip |
Description of the parent variable, as defined in |
cohortMean |
Mean value of the variable |
cohortStd |
Standard deviation of the variable |
cohortKSD |
D statistic of the KS test when comparing a normal distribution and the distribution of the variable |
cohortKSP |
Associated p-value to the |
caseMean |
Mean value of cases (subjects with |
caseStd |
Standard deviation of cases |
caseKSD |
D statistic of the KS test when comparing a normal distribution and the distribution of the variable only for cases |
caseKSP |
Associated p-value to the |
caseZKSD |
D statistic of the KS test when comparing a normal distribution and the distribution of the z-standardized variable only for cases |
caseZKSP |
Associated p-value to the |
controlMean |
Mean value of controls (subjects with |
controlStd |
Standard deviation of controls |
controlKSD |
D statistic of the KS test when comparing a normal distribution and the distribution of the variable only for controls |
controlKSP |
Associated p-value to the |
controlZKSD |
D statistic of the KS test when comparing a normal distribution and the distribution of the z-standardized variable only for controls |
controlZKSP |
Associated p-value to the |
t.Rawvalue |
Normal inverse p-value (z-value) of the t-test performed on |
t.Zvalue |
z-value of the t-test performed on |
wilcox.Zvalue |
z-value of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test performed on |
z-value returned by the |
zNRI |
z-value returned by the |
zIDI |
z-value returned by the |
zNeRI |
z-value returned by the |
Area under the ROC curve returned by the |
cStatCorr |
c index of Somers' rank correlation returned by the |
NRI returned by the |
IDI returned by the |
NeRI |
NeRI returned by the |
kendall.r |
Kendall |
kendall.p |
Associated p-value to the |
TstudentRes.p |
p-value of the improvement in residuals, as evaluated by the paired t-test |
WilcoxRes.p |
p-value of the improvement in residuals, as evaluated by the paired Wilcoxon rank-sum test |
FRes.p |
p-value of the improvement in residual variance, as evaluated by the F-test |
caseN_Z_Low_Tail |
Number of cases in the low tail |
caseN_Z_Hi_Tail |
Number of cases in the top tail |
controlN_Z_Low_Tail |
Number of controls in the low tail |
controlN_Z_Hi_Tail |
Number of controls in the top tail |
In the case of regression analysis, the data frame will have the following columns:
Name |
Name of the raw variable or of the dummy variable if the data has been categorized |
parent |
Name of the raw variable from which the dummy variable was created |
descrip |
Description of the parent variable, as defined in |
cohortMean |
Mean value of the variable |
cohortStd |
Standard deviation of the variable |
cohortKSD |
D statistic of the KS test when comparing a normal distribution and the distribution of the variable |
cohortKSP |
Associated p-value to the |
cohortZKSD |
D statistic of the KS test when comparing a normal distribution and the distribution of the z-standardized variable |
cohortZKSP |
Associated p-value to the |
z-value returned by the glm or Cox procedure for the z-standardized variable |
zNRI |
z-value returned by the |
NeRI |
NeRI returned by the |
cStatCorr |
c index of Somers' rank correlation returned by the |
spearman.r |
Spearman |
pearson.r |
Pearson r product-moment correlation coefficient between the variable and the outcome |
kendall.r |
Kendall |
kendall.p |
Associated p-value to the |
TstudentRes.p |
p-value of the improvement in residuals, as evaluated by the paired t-test |
WilcoxRes.p |
p-value of the improvement in residuals, as evaluated by the paired Wilcoxon rank-sum test |
FRes.p |
p-value of the improvement in residual variance, as evaluated by the F-test |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
Pencina, M. J., D'Agostino, R. B., & Vasan, R. S. (2008). Evaluating the added predictive ability of a new marker: from area under the ROC curve to reclassification and beyond. Statistics in medicine 27(2), 157-172.
This function updates the results from an univariate analysis using a new data set
## S3 method for class 'uniRankVar' update(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'uniRankVar' update(object, ...)
object |
A list with the results from the |
... |
Additional parameters to be passed to the |
A list with the same format as the one yielded by the uniRankVar
Jose G. Tamez-Pena
This function will take the frequency-ranked set of variables and will generate a new model with terms that meet either the integrated discrimination improvement (IDI), or the net reclassification improvement (NRI), threshold criteria.
updateModel.Bin(Outcome, covariates = "1", pvalue = c(0.025, 0.05), VarFrequencyTable, variableList, data, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), lastTopVariable = 0, timeOutcome = "Time", selectionType = c("zIDI","zNRI"), maxTrainModelSize = 0, zthrs = NULL )
updateModel.Bin(Outcome, covariates = "1", pvalue = c(0.025, 0.05), VarFrequencyTable, variableList, data, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), lastTopVariable = 0, timeOutcome = "Time", selectionType = c("zIDI","zNRI"), maxTrainModelSize = 0, zthrs = NULL )
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
covariates |
A string of the type "1 + var1 + var2" that defines which variables will always be included in the models (as covariates) |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to either IDI or NRI, allowed for a term in the model |
VarFrequencyTable |
An array with the ranked frequencies of the features, (e.g. the |
variableList |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
lastTopVariable |
The maximum number of variables to be tested |
timeOutcome |
The name of the column in |
selectionType |
The type of index to be evaluated by the |
maxTrainModelSize |
Maximum number of terms that can be included in the model |
zthrs |
The z-thresholds estimated in forward selection |
final.model |
An object of class |
var.names |
A vector with the names of the features that were included in the final model |
formula |
An object of class |
z.selectionType |
A vector in which each term represents the z-score of the index defined in |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya
This function will take the frequency-ranked set of variables and will generate a new model with terms that meet the net residual improvement (NeRI) threshold criteria.
updateModel.Res(Outcome, covariates = "1", pvalue = c(0.025, 0.05), VarFrequencyTable, variableList, data, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), testType=c("Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent"), lastTopVariable = 0, timeOutcome = "Time", maxTrainModelSize = -1, p.thresholds = NULL )
updateModel.Res(Outcome, covariates = "1", pvalue = c(0.025, 0.05), VarFrequencyTable, variableList, data, type = c("LM", "LOGIT", "COX"), testType=c("Binomial", "Wilcox", "tStudent"), lastTopVariable = 0, timeOutcome = "Time", maxTrainModelSize = -1, p.thresholds = NULL )
Outcome |
The name of the column in |
covariates |
A string of the type "1 + var1 + var2" that defines which variables will always be included in the models (as covariates) |
pvalue |
The maximum p-value, associated to the NeRI, allowed for a term in the model |
VarFrequencyTable |
An array with the ranked frequencies of the features, (e.g. the |
variableList |
A data frame with two columns. The first one must have the names of the candidate variables and the other one the description of such variables |
data |
A data frame where all variables are stored in different columns |
type |
Fit type: Logistic ("LOGIT"), linear ("LM"), or Cox proportional hazards ("COX") |
testType |
Type of non-parametric test to be evaluated by the |
lastTopVariable |
The maximum number of variables to be tested |
timeOutcome |
The name of the column in |
maxTrainModelSize |
Maximum number of terms that can be included in the model |
p.thresholds |
The p.value thresholds estimated in forward selection |
final.model |
An object of class |
var.names |
A vector with the names of the features that were included in the final model |
formula |
An object of class |
z.NeRI |
A vector in which each element represents the z-score of the NeRI, associated to the |
Jose G. Tamez-Pena and Antonio Martinez-Torteya