FIT is a software package for integration of transcriptome data of samples in the field and meteorological data by modeling their relation. This software defines a statistical model of transcriptomes and provides an efficient method for training the model and for transcriptome prediction of unsequenced samples. Given the attributes of samples and meteorological data, this software predicts expression of a gene as $$ \hat{\boldsymbol s}=\beta_0 + \boldsymbol X \boldsymbol \beta, $$ where $\hat{\boldsymbol s}$ is the predictions of log2-transformed values of the normalized expression levels, and β0 is a constant. Design matrix X consists of the plant’s age and the genotype of the samples, the circadian clock, the response to environmental stimuli, and the interactions between the age and the clock and the age and the environmental response.
The plant’s age is the vector of the number of days after transplanting; it is scaled to have the mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1. The circadian clock is represented by the linear combination of the cosine and sine curves with a 24 h period. The response to environmental stimuli is the cumulative sum of nonlinearly transformed environmental stimuli during a given time period.
The model is specified by a set of regression coefficients and other parameters that are used for transformation of meteorological data into the input variables for regression of the expectation values for the gene expression. Optimization of regression coefficients β0 and β and variable selection are simultaneously performed using an adaptive group lasso (Wang and Leng (2008)). Thus, this software explores the regression coefficients minimizing following cost function: $$ \left(\hat{\boldsymbol s} - \boldsymbol s\right)^T \left(\hat{\boldsymbol s} - \boldsymbol s\right) +\lambda\left(\sum_{k\in \{d, r, dr, n\}}\zeta_k|\beta_k|+\zeta_{c}\sqrt{\beta_{cos}^2+\beta_{sin}^2}+\zeta_{dc}\sqrt{\beta_{dcos}^2+\beta_{dsin}^2}\right), $$ where s is the observed log2-transformed values of the normalized expressions, λ is the regularization parameter, and ζj is the adaptive weight for penalizing each covariate. The values of parameters λ and ζj are automatically selected in the software. Regression coefficients, βd, βr, βdr, βn, βcos, βsin, βdcos, and βdsin correspond to the plant’s age, the response to environmental stimuli, their interaction, the genotype, the cosine and sine components of the circadian clock, and those of the interaction between the age and the circadian clock. Parameters related to the transformation of meteorological data are optimized by means of the Nelder-Mead algorithm (Nelder and Mead (1965)).
More details of the model is given in later sections or see the article by Iwayama et al. (2017).
FIT can be easily installed from CRAN by typing the following command in an R session:
To install on Windows, the INSTALL_opts
option is
required as follows:
As an example, we generate synthetic RNA-Seq data. First, we load the meteorological data included in FIT package. <- system.file('extdata', '', package='FIT')
## time temperature
## 10 10 14.5
## 20 20 14.7
## 30 30 14.3
## 40 40 13.9
## 50 50 14.0
## 60 60 14.0
This data contains temperature and radiation measured every 10 m and
column is the offset in minutes from May 1st, 2008 at
In this example, we assume the following situation. Rice plants were transplanted into a paddy field on June 1 and two samples were collected every week from June 12 to September 18, 2008 for 24 h at each time at intervals of 4~h. <- as.POSIXct("2008-06-01") <- c(
as.POSIXct("2008-06-12") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-06-19") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-06-26") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-07-03") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-07-10") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-07-17") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-07-24") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-07-31") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-08-07") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-08-14") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-08-21") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-08-28") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-09-04") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-09-11") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours"),
as.POSIXct("2008-09-18") + as.difftime(rep(seq(0, 20, 4), each=2), unit="hours")
sampling.time <- as.numeric( -, unit="mins")
Here, we consider five types of genes. The mean expression values of these genes vary according to the circadian clock, the response to environmental stimuli, and the plant’s age at the times of sampling. We calculate the mean expression values as below.
sample.n <- length(sampling.time)
mean.expression <- matrix(c(5, 5, 5, 4, 7), sample.n, 5, byrow = T)
# gene 1
mean.expression[, 1] <- mean.expression[, 1] + cos(2*pi * sampling.time/60/24)
# gene 2
for(i in 1:sample.n){
env.input <- weather$temperature[sampling.time[i]-60*3<weather$time & weather$time<=sampling.time[i]] - 20
mean.expression[i, 2] <- mean.expression[i, 2] + mean(env.input > 0)
# gene 3
for(i in 1:sample.n){
env.input <- weather$temperature[sampling.time[i]-60*3<weather$time & weather$time<=sampling.time[i]] - 25
mean.expression[i, 3] <- mean.expression[i, 3] + 0.1 * mean((env.input > 0) * env.input)
mean.expression[, 3] <- mean.expression[, 3] + 0.5 * cos(2*pi * (sampling.time/60 - 6)/24)
# gene 4
for(i in 1:sample.n){
env.input <- weather$temperature[sampling.time[i]-60*6<weather$time & weather$time<=sampling.time[i]] - 20
mean.expression[i, 4] <- mean.expression[i, 4] + mean(env.input > 0)
mean.expression[, 4] <- mean.expression[, 4] + 0.5 * cos(2*pi * (sampling.time/60 - 12)/24)
mean.expression[, 4] <- mean.expression[, 4] + 0.01 * floor(as.numeric( -, unit="days"))
# gene 5
for(i in 1:sample.n){
env.input <- weather$temperature[sampling.time[i]-60*6<weather$time & weather$time<=sampling.time[i]] - 25
mean.expression[i, 5] <- mean.expression[i, 5] + 0.1 * mean((env.input < 0) * env.input)
mean.expression[, 5] <- mean.expression[, 5] + 0.5 * cos(2*pi * (sampling.time/60 - 18)/24)
mean.expression[, 5] <- mean.expression[, 5] - 0.05 * floor(as.numeric( -, unit="days"))
mean.expression <- exp(mean.expression)
The read counts of the genes were generated from a negative binomial distribution. The value of the dispersion parameter for each gene is decided as below.
Then, read counts were sampled from a negative binomial distribution.
cnt <- matrix(0, sample.n, 5)
for(i in 1:5){
for(j in 1:sample.n){
cnt[j,i] <- rnbinom(1, size=1/dispersion[i], mu=mean.expression[j,i])
genes <- sprintf("gene%d", 1:5)
colnames(cnt) <- genes
uses the log-counts per million (log-cpm) values as
gene expression data. We also consider 10,000 constantly expressed genes
in order to suppress the influence of the variation of the total read
mean.expression.constant <- exp(rnorm(10000)+5)
cnt.constant <- sapply(mean.expression.constant, function(mu) rnbinom(sample.n, mu/2, mu=mu))
genes.constant <- sprintf("gene-constant%d", 1:10000)
colnames(cnt.constant) <- genes.constant
log.cpm <- t(apply(cbind(cnt, cnt.constant), 1, function(row) log2((row+0.5) / sum(row+1) * 10^6)))
assumes that the observed expression conforms to a
log-normal distribution to which microarray data can be fitted well.
RNA-Seq, which is also a widely-used technology for quantification of
the transcriptome, is discrete in nature and modeled by the negative
binomial distribution. To apply FIT
to RNA-Seq data, we can
use a precision weight method as in voom (Law et
al. (2014)). We associated a precision weight with each
individual normalized observation based on the residuals from the
smoothed time-series.
log.count.mean <- colMeans(log.cpm) + mean(log2(rowSums(cnt))) - 6*log2(10) <- apply(log.cpm, 2, function(col) stats::predict(smooth.spline(sampling.time, col), sampling.time)$y)
# residual standard deviations
res.std <- sqrt(colSums((log.cpm -**2) / sample.n)
# LOWESS reqression
lo <- lowess(log.count.mean, sqrt(res.std)) <- approxfun(c(-6*log2(10), lo$x[lo$y>min(sqrt(res.std))], Inf), c(max(sqrt(res.std)), lo$y[lo$y>min(sqrt(res.std))], min(sqrt(res.std))))
R <- log2(rowSums(cnt) + 1)
weight <- apply(, 2,
1 / ( + R - 6*log2(10))**4)
colnames(weight) <- c(genes, genes.constant)
We also need attributes of samples. Attribute data is a dataframe, each row of which corresponds to one sample and represents its genotype, its age, that is a number of days from transplanting, and a time when it was obtained.
attribute <- data.frame(
time = as.numeric( -, unit="mins"),
year = as.POSIXlt($year + 1900,
month = as.POSIXlt($mon + 1,
day = as.POSIXlt($mday,
hour = as.POSIXlt($hour,
min = as.POSIXlt($min,
age = floor(as.numeric( -, unit="days")),
type = 1
Here, time
column is the offset in minutes from the same
reference date as the meteorological data and the columns
, month
, day
, and min
represent the same dates as
in the readable format. The columns age
and type
are plants’ ages and genotypes, respectively.
To load the FIT package, enter the following command in an R session:
## Loading required namespace: FIT
Here, using requireNamespace()
to load the package and
calling its API function with namespace qualifier FIT::
rather than loading via library()
are recommended to avoid
namespace contamination because the FIT package exports fairly
ubiquitous names such as optim
and predict
its API.
First, typical flow of the training of the model is shown below. Before starting, we need to prepare the objects representing the attributes of samples, the meteorological data, and the expression data.
## # Preparing attribute data..done.
## # Preparing weather data..done.
## # Preparing expression data..done.
If we have the weight data, it is also required to convert the data.
## # Preparing weight data..done.
The second arguments of
designate an array of weather factors
to be taken into account during the construction of models and genes to
be contained, respectively. When we want to use all items or genes,
these arguments can be skipped.
If we have saved files, we can use
, and FIT::load.weight()
functions instead of the above four functions. The first argument of
these functions is the path of a file. If the file is a loadable
, then the name of a dataframe object in an
is specified by the second argument. Otherwise, data
are loaded by dget()
in the function.
Because the likelihood function has multiple local maxima, it is desirable to select better initial model parameters. The FIT package offers a way to select the initial model parameters by means of a grid search. A grid of a parameter is specified by a list, where each element is a candidate value of the corresponding parameter variable. The following is an example of specification of a grid.
grid.coords <- list(
env.temperature.threshold = c(10, 15, 20, 25, 30),
env.temperature.amplitude = c(-100/30, -1/30, 1/30, 100/30),
env.temperature.period = c(10, 30, 90, 270, 720, 1440, 1440*3),
gate.temperature.phase = seq(0, 23*60, 1*60),
gate.temperature.threshold = cos(pi*seq(8,24,4)/24),
gate.temperature.amplitude = c(-5, 5)
The training of the model parameters consists of three stages:
initialization of the model parameters, optimization of the parameters
other than the regression coefficients, and fixation of the regression
coefficients. Users can configure each stage of the training via a
custom data structure recipe
. A recipe can be constructed
by the function FIT::make.recipe()
recipe <- FIT::make.recipe('temperature',
init = 'gridsearch',
optim = c('lm'),
fit = 'fit.lasso', = grid.coords,
time.step = 10, = 360)
The first argument specifies weather factors to be taken into
account, i.e., information on temperature is used in this sample. This
recipe configures the following procedure. At the first stage, the
initial value of the model parameters is selected from grid points
via a grid search. At the second stage, the
parameters are optimized by the Nelder-Mead algorithm. The regression
coefficients are optimized by linear regression rather than the adaptive
group lasso at this stage. After the optimization of the model
parameters other than the regression coefficients at the second stage,
the regression coefficients are fixed by the adaptive group lasso. The
arguments time.step
designate the basic unit of time and the minimum opening length of the
gate function for environmental inputs in minute, respectively.
Using the recipe, we can train the model by means of the following code:
## # * Training..
## # ** Prep+Init:
## # Prep (grids)
## # - D, type, C
## # - E(temperature)
## # Init (grid search)
## # - init params for temperature
## # Prep (grids)
## # - D, type, C
## # - E(temperature)
## # Init (grid search)
## # - init params for temperature
## # ** Optim (lm):
## # *** Lm:
## # optimizing gene1
## # | temperature o | => ( temperature , 192.156 )
## # optimizing gene2
## # | temperature # | => ( temperature , 185.4868 )
## # optimizing gene3
## # | temperature o | => ( temperature , 175.5254 )
## # optimizing gene4
## # | temperature o | => ( temperature , 183.2779 )
## # optimizing gene5
## # | temperature o | => ( temperature , 190.8687 )
## # ** Creating optimized models
## # Done (training)
Because function FIT::train()
returns a list of lists of
the trained models, it is convenient to simplify it to the list of the
models by means of unlist()
Using the trained models, we can predict gene expression in unsequenced samples on the basis of the attributes of samples and the meteorological data.
prediction.attribute.file <- system.file('extdata', 'prediction.attribute', package = 'FIT') <- system.file('extdata', '', package = 'FIT')
prediction.attribute <- FIT::load.attribute(prediction.attribute.file);
## # Preparing attribute data..done.
## # Preparing weather data..done.
To evaluate prediction accuracy, the software contains function
, which returns a list of the sum
of squared errors.
prediction.expression.file <- system.file('extdata', 'prediction.expression', package = 'FIT')
prediction.expression <- FIT::load.expression(prediction.expression.file, 'log.cpm', genes)
## # Preparing expression data..done.
prediction.errors <- FIT::prediction.errors(models,
returns the list of predicted expression
levels. An object representing the expression data holds the data as
. The code for plotting the predicted and observed
expression is shown below.
for(i in 1:length(prediction)){
plot(prediction[[i]], prediction.expression$rawdata[,i],
xlab='prediction', ylab='observation')
As mentioned above, package FIT predicts gene expression levels using
the following equation: $$
\hat{\boldsymbol s}=\beta_0 + \boldsymbol X \boldsymbol \beta.
$$ Regression coefficients β0 and β are present as variable
of the S4 object representing the model whose list is
returned by function FIT::train()
## intercept coef.age coef.genotype
## 5.92206872 0.00000000 0.00000000
## coef.clock.cos coef.clock.sin coef.ageClock.cos
## 1.03444111 -0.02484883 0.00000000
## coef.ageClock.sin coef.env.temperature coef.ageEnv.temperature
## 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
Here, intercept
is β0 and the remaining
elements are those of β. Design matrix X is constructed as X = (d, n, ccos, csin, r, d ∘ ccos, d ∘ csin, d ∘ r).
Here, a ∘ b means
an element-wise product of two vectors a and b.
The plant’s age d
is the vector of the numbers of days after transplanting scaled to have
the mean of 0 and standard deviation of
1. Each element of vector n indicates a genotype of a
smaple. Elements coef.age
and coef.genotype
represent regression coefficients of the plant’s age
and genotype, respectively.
The circadian clock in sample j is represented by the cosine and
sine curves with a 24 hr period as
$$ where tj is the time
when the sample j was
obtained. The regression coefficients of these two curves are
and coef.clock.sin
respectively. The linear combination of these two curves is equal to the
cosine curve, that is, $$
$$ Here, arg (βcos + iβsin)
is the gene specific phase of the circadian clock.
Through training, FIT
selects the best environmental
factor to explain the variation of gene expression. The selected
environmental factor is represented by the variable env
the model object. The response to environmental stimuli is the
cumulative sum of an environmental stimulus during a given period p, that is, $$
$$ Here g(T)
is a gate function that represents a diurnal change in a sensitivity to
environmental stimuli. f(⋅) is
a response function that characterizes the type of response to stimuli.
Parameters wT and θ represent the value of a
meteorological parameter at time T and the response threshold,
respectively. The parameters related to the response are contained in
the model object as the variable params
## env.temperature.period env.temperature.amplitude
## 5360.7976983 65.2137964
## env.temperature.threshold gate.temperature.phase
## 0.3683703 660.2153463
## gate.temperature.amplitude gate.temperature.threshold
## 4.9909164 0.4403824
Here, env.temperature.period
are period p and threshold θ, respectively. The term between
two “.” in the names represents env
, that is, which
environmental factor the model responds to. For instance, the model in
question responds to temperature.
The gate function is defined as $$
$$ where ψg determines at
what time of day the gene is most sensitive to environmental stimuli,
and γg and
θg control
the shape and the opening length of the gate, respectively. A smaller
value of θg results in
longer time of opening of the gate. The shape of this function becomes
approximately rectangular with a smaller value of γg and becomes a
cosine curve with a larger value of γg. In
, ψg, γg, and θg are present
as gate.*.phase
, gate.*.amplitude
, and
, respectively (“*” is an environmental
We can consider two types of the response functions. One type
responds to environmental stimuli if and only if it is greater than the
threshold. On the other hand, the other type responds to stimuli smaller
than the threshold. These two types of the response functions are
defined as $$
$$ Here, fp(x)
is the former type, and fn(x)
is the latter type of the response function. The better type of the
response function is chosen at the stage of the optimization of the
parameters. It fp(x)
is chosen, the value of response.type
of the model object
is 1. Otherwise, it is −1. As γf approaches
minus infinity, the response approaches a dose-dependent response.
Conversely, the response approaches a dose-independent response in the
limit γf → ∞. Element
represents γf.
During training, FIT
normalizes the values of
meteorological data of each environmental factor to have the mean of
0 and standard deviation of 1 as the plant’s age. The mean values and
standard deviations of raw data are held in input.mean
of the model object.
The most time consuming step in FIT::train
is the
fixation of initial model parameters by a grid search. To reduce
computational time, users can fix initial model parameters by setting
them to given values instead of a grid search. For example, we can
perform training with a grid search for only a small number of genes and
fix the initial model parameters for other genes with trained parameters
of a gene that shows the most similar expression patterns.
An example is shown below. Here, the parameters of the trained model for “gene5” are used as the initial values for the reamining genes. First, convert expression data of example genes.
## # Preparing expression data..done.
## # Preparing weight data..done.
The recipe to fix the initial model parameters can be configured as follows:
init.params <- rep(list(models[[1]]$params), 4)
names(init.params) <- genes[-5]
recipe2 <- FIT::make.recipe(models[[1]]$env,
init = 'manual',
optim = c('lm'),
fit = 'fit.lasso', = list(
params = init.params,
response.type = models[[1]]$response.type,
input.mean = models[[1]]$input.mean, = models[[1]]$
time.step = 10, = 360)
We can train the model and predict gene expression as is the case above.
models2 <- unlist(FIT::train(train.expression2,
## # * Training..
## # ** Prep+Init:
## # manually setting init params
## # ** Optim (lm):
## # *** Lm:
## # optimizing gene1
## # | temperature o | => ( temperature , 192.1531 )
## # optimizing gene2
## # | temperature # | => ( temperature , 574.8104 )
## # optimizing gene3
## # | temperature o | => ( temperature , 409.7281 )
## # optimizing gene4
## # | temperature o | => ( temperature , 390.556 )
## # ** Creating optimized models
## # Done (training)
prediction2 <- FIT::predict(models2, prediction.attribute,
for(i in 1:4){
plot(prediction2[[i]], prediction.expression$rawdata[,i],
xlab='prediction', ylab='observation')