Changes in version 0.5.3 (2020-12-06) Bug fixes: - Fixed bug that caused stargazer not to render plain OLS models Changes in version 0.5.2 (2020-12-05) Extensions: - Added a prepare_by_group_trend_graph() function to plot time trends by grouping variable - Included grouped time trend plots in ExPanD() Bug fixes: - Fixed notebook code for sub sampling (failed on sampling variables containing NAs) - Fixed a small issue in the Notebook generation code for the time trend and quantile trend chunks - Fixed display of prepare_regression_table() for logit model by group tables with fixed effects Minor Issues: - Replaced lfe with plm package for fixed effect models as lfe has been removed from CRAN - Removed wbstats from Suggests as it is currently not on CRAN - Removed tidyquant package from Suggests as it depends on a package that requires R >= 3.5.0 - Spelling Changes in version 0.5.1 (2020-01-29) Extensions: - Added a vignette to explain the notebook export option of ExPanD() and the resulting notebook Bug fixes: - Fixed bug that stopped ExPanD() displays from rendering on user uploaded panel data Minor Issues: - Updated World Bank data - Allowed ExPanD() to be called with ts_id == NULL and cs_id != NULL so that data frame variables can be specified as cross-sectional identifiers in the cross-sectional mode - Removed some artefacts in cross-sectional mode where cross-sectional and time series identifiers were still provided as variable options in the ExPanD() app - Included manual zip package import in NAMESPACE to make devtoools::check() happy on various CRAN systems - Changed URLs in vignettes to plain HTTP as win-builder seems to have an issue with the SSL handshake of Changes in version 0.5.0 (2020-01-10) Extensions: - Modified ExPanD() to process cross-sectional data with useful defaults - Implemented an export option that allows users to download a zip file containing the data and a R notebook based variant of the ExPanD analysis (export_nb_option = TRUE) Minor issues: - Added an option 'binary' to prepare_missing_values_graph() to visualize whether any values are missing - Typo fixes Changes in version 0.4.0 (2019-04-06) Extensions: - Introduced html_block tag in components to allow users to add self-designed html content to ExPanD() - Added sample_selection, subset_factor, grouping and udvars variables to components in ExPanD() so that these parts can also be re-arranged or omitted - Allowed user defined variables to be built on analysis variables and used in simple_mode - Added new vignette to explain new features Bug fixes: - Made Stata import more robust - Fixed hover code in correlation and scatter plots to adjust for img_css_ratio Minor issues: - Removed non-ASCII characters from NAMESPACE - Allowed more flexible handling of binary variables in ExPanD() - Added additional examples to Github repository (not in package) - Updated World Bank data - Switched to openssl package (Thank you to Jeroen Ooms for the PR) - Marginally improved error checking for config upload Changes in version 0.3.0 (2018-10-12) Extensions: - Removed the requirement for at least one non-numerical variable - Added by group violin plot - Included ! and as allowed functions for user defined variables - Introduced the option to change the order of reported components and to exclude selected components - Added clustered standard errors and fixed effects for logit models in prepare_regression_table() - Implemented binary response logit models in ExPanD() Bug fixes: - Fixed a sorting bug in long variable definition construction - Fixed a bug in ExPanD() extreme obs plot (was sorting on grouping variable) Minor issues: - Removed the dependency with the CodeDepends package - Added rio package to the imports list - Added packages used by ExPanD() to NAMESPACE to make CRAN checks happy - UI cleanups - Fixed the definition of oint_ta in r3 dataset - Added a check to verify that ts_id is provided as an ordered vector - Fixed a typo in worldbank_var_def - Removed the drop_undersore parameter in prepare_regression_table() (no longer needed) - Work-around for special characters in stargazer column.labels - Marginally improved error handling for user provided data files - Allowed treat_outliers() to route parameters through to stats::quantile() (needed for type parameter) - Changed NA handling in prepare_graph type functions Changes in version 0.2.0 (2018-05-11) - Initial version on CRAN