New functions (written with Victor Ryan @VictorRyan12 ) :
: nonparametric estimation of the derivatives of
the generator of an elliptical distribution.
: adaptive nonparametric estimation of the generator
of an elliptical distribution.
: estimate the component of the asymptotic mean-square error (AMSE)
of the nonparametric estimator of the elliptical density generator that only
depends on the parameter a
now works in a vectorized way, where a
and/or h
are vectors
of the same length as the grid
on which the estimator is computed. Each value
of the grid is then estimated with the corresponding tuning parameters
(corresponding element of a
and of h
New option averaging = "random"
for the function KTMatrixEst
corresponding to the averaging of a random set of entries in the off-diagonal blocks.
The output of KTMatrixEst
now has colnames and rownames set to the names
if available in blockStructure
Fixed a bug in KTMatrixEst
(whose output did not have ones on the diagonal, contrary to the documentation).
Fixed a bug in EllDistrEst
when the variance matrix is not the identity.
Moving dependence Rmpfr
from Import to Suggest.
New dependence: Suggest: testthat
New dependence: Import: kStatistics
instead of pcaPP
for fast computation of Kendall's tau.Fixed a bug in EllDistrEst
when mu
is not zero. (#1, thanks to Rutger van der Spek)
gains two new arguments: mpfr
and precBits
that allows to use the package Rmpfr
for multiple floating point precision
(needed for dimensions larger than 250).
(#2, thanks to Rutger van der Spek)
New function KTMatrixEst
for fast estimation of Kendall's tau matrix,
potentially under structural assumptions.
(#2, thanks to Rutger van der Spek)
New dependencies: Import: Rmpfr
, pbapply
. Suggest: mvtnorm