Package 'EQL'

Title: Extended-Quasi-Likelihood-Function (EQL)
Description: Computation of the EQL for a given family of variance functions, Saddlepoint-approximations and related auxiliary functions (e.g. Hermite polynomials).
Authors: Thorn Thaler <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Thorn Thaler <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.0-1
Built: 2025-01-31 06:26:01 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Extended Quasi-Likelihood Function (EQL)


The package EQL contains functions for

  • computation of the EQL for a given family of variance functions

  • Edgeworth approximations

  • Saddlepoint approximations

  • related auxiliary functions (e.g. Hermite polynomials)

See section ‘Index’ for a list of exported functions. Section ‘Internals’ lists the internal functions of the package, which are not exported but may be referenced by EQL:::.functionName.


Version: 1.0-0
Date: 2009-06-18
Depends: ttutils(>= 0.1-0)
Imports: lattice(>= 0.17-17)
License: GPL-2
Built: R 2.8.1; ; 2009-06-22 15:24:08; unix


approximation : Approximation class
cumulants : Cumulant class for the saddlepoint approximation
edgeworth : Edgeworth approximation
eql : Maximization of the EQL function for a particular
: variance family for a given set of parameters
extBinomialVarianceFamily : Extended binomial variance family (V(μ)=μk(1μ)lV(\mu)=\mu^k(1-\mu)^l)
gammaCumulants : Cumulant functions of the Gamma distribution
gaussianCumulants : Cumulant functions of the normal distribution
hermite : Hermite polynomials
inverseGaussianCumulants : Cumulant functions of the inverse-gaussian distribution
powerVarianceFamily : Power variance family (V(μ)=μθV(\mu)=\mu^\theta)
saddlepoint : Saddlepoint approximation
varianceFamily : Variance family class


.eql : Computes a single EQL value
.getFactor : Calculates the normalizing factor for the saddlepoint approximation
.missingFormals : Check if a list contains all the arguments of a particular function


Thorn Thaler <[email protected]>

Maintainer: Thorn Thaler <[email protected]>

See Also


An Approximation Class


An object of class approximation stores the approximation nodes together with the approximation itself. Some meta information is saved as well.


approximation(y, approx, n,
              type = c("standardized", "mean", "sum"),
              approx.type = c("Edgeworth", "Saddlepoint"))

## S3 method for class 'approximation'
plot(x, do.annotate = TRUE, ...)



a numeric vector or array giving the approximation nodes.


a numeric vector or array giving the approximated values at y.


a positive integer giving the number of i.i.d. random variables in the sum.


a character string giving the type of approximation, i.e. which kind of sum is to be approximated. Must be one of (“standardized”, “mean”, “sum”), representing the shifted and scaled sum, the weighted sum and the raw sum. Can be abbreviated.


a character string giving the approximation routine used. Must be one of of (“Edgeworth”, “Saddlepoint”) and can be abbreviated.


an approximation object.


logical. If TRUE (the default) the value of the argument n is added to the plot.


other parameters to be passed through to the plotting function. Giving a named argument for any of

  • main

  • sub

  • type

  • xlab

  • ylab

overrides the default values in plot.approximation.


An object of class approximation contains the following components:


a numeric vector of values at which the approximation is evaluated (the approximation nodes).


a numeric vector containing the approximated values at the approximation nodes y.


a character string giving the type of sum considered, i.e. one of (“standardized”, “mean”, “sum”).


a positive integer giving the number of i.i.d. random variables in the sum.


a character string giving the type of approximation.


Thorn Thaler

See Also

edgeworth, saddlepoint

Cumulants Class For Saddlepoint Approximations


A cumulants object contains all the cumulant functions that are needed to calculate the saddlepoint approximation.

The predefined functions

  • gammaCumulants,

  • gaussianCumulants and

  • inverseGaussianCumulants

compute the cumulant functions for the normal, gamma and inverse gaussian distribution, respectively.


cumulants(saddlef, cgf = NULL, kappa2f = NULL, rho3f = NULL,
          rho4f = NULL, cgf.deriv = NULL,
          domain = interval(-Inf, Inf), ...)

gammaCumulants(shape, scale)
gaussianCumulants(mu, sigma2)
inverseGaussianCumulants(lambda, nu)

## S3 method for class 'cumulants'
check(object, ...)



the saddlepoint function. Corresponds to the inverse of the first derivative of the cumulant generating function (cgf).

cgf, cgf.deriv

cgf is the cumulant generating function. If NULL (the default), it will be derived from cgf.deriv (the generic derivative function of the cgf).


the variance function. If NULL (the default), it will be derived from the function cgf.deriv.

rho3f, rho4f

the 3rd and the 4th standardized cumulant function, respectively. If NULL (the default), the functions will be derived from cgf.deriv if supplied. If neither the cumulants nor cgf.deriv are supplied, a warning will be displayed and a flag is set in the output. In this case, saddlepoint approximations cannot make use of the correction term (see saddlepoint for further details).


an object of type interval giving the domain of the random variable. Will be needed to calculate the normalizing factor. See interval for further information.


additional parameters to be passed to the cumulant functions, respectively function check. See section ‘Details’ for further information.

shape, scale

shape and scale parameter for the gamma distribution.

mu, sigma2

mean and variance parameter for the normal distribution.

lambda, nu

parameters for the inverse Gaussian distribution.


an object to be tested whether or not it meets the formal requirements.


Basically, there are two ways to specify the cumulant functions using cumulants. The first one is to specify each of the following functions seperately:

  • cgf

  • kappa2f

  • rho3f

  • rho4f

Since the functions may (and probably will) depend on some additional parameters, it is necessary to include these parameters in the respective argument lists. Thus, these additional parameters must be passed to cumulants as named parameters as well. To be more specific, if one of the above functions has an extra parameter z, say, the particular value of z must be passed to the function cumulants as well (see the example). In any case, the first argument of the cumulant functions must be the value at which the particular function will be evaluated.

The other way to specify the cumulant functions is to specify the generic derivative of the cgf cgf.deriv. Its first argument must be the order of the derivative and its second the value at which it should be evaluated, followed by supplementary arguments. cgf.deriv must be capable to return the cgf itself, which corresponds to the zeroth derivative.

The function cumulants performs a basic check to test if all needed additional parameters are supplied and displays a warning if there are extra arguments in the cumulant functions, which are not specified.

The generic function check for the class cumulants tests if

  • an object has the same fields as an cumulants object and

  • the cumulant functions are properly vectorized, i.e. if they return a vector whenever the argument is a vector.


cumulants returns an object of class cumulants containing the following components:


the cumulant function.


the saddlepoint function.


the variance function.

rho3, rho4

the 3rd and the 4th standardized cumulant functions.


an interval giving the domain of the random variable.


extra parameter passed to cumulants, typically parameters of the underlying distribution.


character string equating either to “explicit” or “implicit” indicating whether the cumulant functions were passed explicitly or were derived from the generic derivative of the cgf.


logical. If TRUE, the 3rd and/or the 4th cumulant function were not defined.

gammaCumulants, gaussianCumulants and inverseGaussianCumulants return a cumulants object representing the cumulant functions of the particular distribution.


If it happens that one of the cumulant functions f, say, does not need any extra arguments while the others do, one have to define these extra arguments for f nonetheless. The reason is that cumulants passes any additional arguments to all defined cumulant functions and it would end up in an error, if a function is not capable of dealing with additional arguments.

Hence, it is good practice to define all cumulant functions for the same set of arguments, needed or not. An alternative is to add ... to the argument list in order to absorb any additional arguments.

The functions must be capable of handling vector input properly.

Supplementary arguments must not be named similar to the arguments of cumulants (especially any abbreviation must be avoided), for the argument matching may match an argument (thought to be an extra argument for one of the cumulant function) to an argument of cumulants. The same problem may arise, if additional cumulant function parameters are not named.


Thorn Thaler


Reid, N. (1991). Approximations and Asymptotics. Statistical Theory and Modelling, London: Chapman and Hall.

See Also

edgeworth, saddlepoint


# Define cumulant functions for the normal distribution

saddlef <- function(x, mu, sigma2) (x-mu)/sigma2
cgf <- function(x, mu, sigma2) mu*x+sigma2*x^2/2

## Not run: 

# cgf, saddlef, kappa2, rho3 and rho4 must have the same argument lists! 
# Functions are _not_ properly vectorized!
kappa2 <- function(x, sigma2) sigma2 
rho3 <- function(x) 0                 
rho4 <- function(x) 0

cc <- cumulants(saddlef, cgf, kappa2, rho3, rho4, mu=0, sigma2=1)

check(cc) # FALSE

## End(Not run)

kappa2 <- function(x, mu, sigma2)
    rep(sigma2, length(x)) 
rho3 <- function(x, mu, sigma2)   # or function(x, ...)
    rep(0, length(x))        
rho4 <- function(x, mu, sigma2)   # or function(x, ...)
    rep(0, length(x))        

cc <- cumulants(saddlef, cgf, kappa2, rho3, rho4, mu=0, sigma2=1)

cc$K(1:2)       # 0.5 2
cc$kappa2(1:2)  # 1 1
cc$mu.inv(1:2)  # 1 2
cc$rho3(1:2)    # 0 0
cc$rho4(1:2)    # 0 0

check(cc) # TRUE

# The same using the generic derivative of the cgf

K.deriv <- function(n, x, mu, sigma2) {
  if (n <= 2) {
    switch(n + 1,
           return(mu * x + sigma2 * x ^ 2 / 2), # n == 0
           return(mu + sigma2 * x),             # n == 1
           return(rep(sigma2, length(x))))      # n == 2
  } else {
    return(rep(0, length(x)))                   # n >= 3

cc <- cumulants(saddlef, cgf.deriv=K.deriv, mu=0, sigma2=1)

cc$K(1:2)       # 0.5 2
cc$kappa2(1:2)  # 1 1
cc$mu.inv(1:2)  # 1 2
cc$rho3(1:2)    # 0 0
cc$rho4(1:2)    # 0 0

check(cc) # TRUE

# The same using a predefined function
cc <- gaussianCumulants(0, 1)

cc$K(1:2)       # 0.5 2
cc$kappa2(1:2)  # 1 1
cc$mu.inv(1:2)  # 1 2
cc$rho3(1:2)    # 0 0
cc$rho4(1:2)    # 0 0

check(cc) # TRUE

Edgeworth Approximation


Computes the Edgeworth expansion of either the standardized mean, the mean or the sum of i.i.d. random variables.


edgeworth(x, n, rho3, rho4, mu, sigma2, deg=3,
          type = c("standardized", "mean", "sum"))



a numeric vector or array giving the values at which the approximation should be evaluated.


a positive integer giving the number of i.i.d. random variables in the sum.


a numeric value giving the standardized 3rd cumulant. May be missing if deg <= 1.


a numeric value giving the standardized 4th cumulant. May be missing if deg <= 2.


a numeric value giving the mean.

May be missing if type = "standardized", since it is only needed for transformation purposes.


a positive numeric value giving the variance.

May be missing if type= "standardized".


an integer value giving the order of the approximation:

  • deg=1: corresponds to a normal approximation

  • deg=2: takes 3rd cumulant into account

  • deg=3: allows for the 4th cumulant as well. The default value is 3.


determines which sum should be approximated. Must be one of (“standardized”, “mean”, “sum”), representing the shifted and scaled sum, the weighted sum and the raw sum. Can be abbreviated.


The Edgeworth approximation (EA) for the density of the standardized mean Z=Snnμnσ2Z=\frac{S_n-n\mu} {\sqrt{n\sigma^2}}, where

  • Sn=Y1++YnS_n = Y_1 + \ldots + Y_n denotes the sum of i.i.d. random variables,

  • μ\mu denotes the expected value of YiY_i,

  • σ2\sigma^2 denotes the variance of YiY_i

is given by:

fZ(s)=φ(s)[1+ρ36nH3(s)+ρ424nH4(s)+ρ3272nH6(s)],f_{Z}(s)=\varphi(s)[ 1 + \frac{\rho_3}{6\sqrt{n}} H_3(s) + \frac{\rho_4}{24n} H_4(s) + \frac{\rho_3^2}{72n} H_6(s)],

with φ\varphi denoting the density of the standard normal distribution and ρ3\rho_3 and ρ4\rho_4 denoting the 3rd and the 4th standardized cumulants of YiY_i respectively. Hn(x)H_n(x) denotes the nnth Hermite polynomial (see hermite for details).

The EA for the mean and the sum can be obtained by applying the transformation theorem for densities. In this case, the expected value mu and the variance sigma2 must be given to allow for an appropriate transformation.


edgeworth returns an object of the class approximation. See approximation for further details.


Thorn Thaler


Reid, N. (1991). Approximations and Asymptotics. Statistical Theory and Modelling, London: Chapman and Hall.

See Also



# Approximation of the mean of n iid Chi-squared(2) variables

n <- 10
df <- 2
mu <- df
sigma2 <- 2*df
rho3 <- sqrt(8/df)
rho4 <- 12/df
x <- seq(max(df-3*sqrt(2*df/n),0), df+3*sqrt(2*df/n), length=1000)
ea <- edgeworth(x, n, rho3, rho4, mu, sigma2, type="mean")
plot(ea, lwd=2)

# Mean of n Chi-squared(2) variables is n*Chi-squared(n*2) distributed
lines(x, n*dchisq(n*x, df=n*mu), col=2)

The Extended Quasi-Likelihood Function


Computes the Extended Quasi Likelihood (EQL) function for a given set of variance functions from a particular variance family.


eql(formula,, family = powerVarianceFamily(),
    phi.method = c("pearson", ""), include.model = TRUE,
    smooth.grid = 10, do.smooth = dim(family) == 1,
    verbose = 1, ...)

## S3 method for class 'eql'
plot(x, do.points = (dim(x) == 1 && sum(!x$is.smoothed) <= 20), = TRUE, alpha = 0.95, = TRUE,
     show.max = TRUE, ...)



an object of class formula (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be used to determine the parameters of the variance function.

a list of parameters for which the EQL value should be evaluated. If provided as a named list, the names must equal the names of the parameters defined by the variance family.


an object of class varianceFamily giving a parameterized family of variance functions. See varianceFamily for further details.


a character string giving the name of the method used to estimate the dispersion parameter ϕ\phi. Must be one of (“pearson”, “”) representing the estimation of ϕ\phi by the mean Pearson's statistic or by the mean deviance, respectively.


logical. If TRUE (the default) the final model is included in the output.


an object of class eql.

do.smooth, smooth.grid

do.smooth is a logical value and smooth.grid is an integer value giving the number of nodes for the smoothing process. If do.smooth is TRUE, smoothing is carried out by cubic splines on an equidistant grid with an amount of nodes equals to smooth.grid between two adjacent EQL values. Smoothing is currently only available for one-dimensional variance families, i.e. families that depend only on one parameter.


the amount of feedback requested: ‘0’ or FALSE means no feedback, ‘1’ or TRUE means some feedback (the default), and ‘2’ means to show all available feedback. For the default setting, a progress bar will be displayed to give a rough estimation of the remaining calculation time. Full feedback prints the EQL value for each parameter combination.


further arguments to be passed to the glm routine and the plotting routine, respectively.

do.points, show.max

logical. If do.points is TRUE, the computed EQL values are marked in the plot. If show.max is TRUE, the maximum of the EQL function is emphasized in the plot., alpha is a logical value, if TRUE a α\alpha confidence interval (respectively confidence ellipsoid) is added to the plot.

logical. If TRUE (the default) a “black and white” plot is produced, otherwise colours are used.


The EQL function as defined by Nelder and Pregibon (see ‘References’) is given by:

Qθ+(y,μ)=12log[2πϕVθ(y)]12ϕDθ(y,μ),Q^+_\theta(y,\mu) = -\frac{1}{2} \log [2\pi\phi V_\theta(y)] - \frac{1}{2\phi} D_\theta(y,\mu),

where Dθ()D_\theta() and Vθ()V_\theta() denote the deviance function and the variance function, respectively, determined by the particular choice of the variance family.

The goal is to maximize the EQL function over μ\mu and the not necessarily one-dimensional space of parameters θ\theta. The function eql takes a particular finite set of candidate parameters and computes the corresponding EQL value for each of these parameters and returns the maximum EQL value for the given set. That implies that the function is only capable of capturing local maxima. If the maximum occurs at the boundary of the set, the set of parameters may be badly chosen and one should consider a larger set with the found maximum as an interior point.

The plot function is an important tool to investigate the structure of the EQL function. Confidence intervals and confidence ellipsoids give an idea of plausible parameter values for the variance function. The contour plot used for two-dimensional variance families is generated using the package lattice, which in turn relies on so called trellis plots. Hence, for two-dimensional families the plot function does not only generate the plot, but also returns the plot object to allow for further modifications of the plot. This is not true for one-dimensional variance models, which are plotted using the R standard graphical engine.

For large parameter sets the computation may take a long time. If no feedback is chosen, the function seems to be hung up, because the function does not provide any textual feedback while computing. Hence, a minimal feedback (including a progress bar) should be chosen to have an idea of the remaining calculation time.

An explicitely given deviance function speeds up calculation. A rather large amount of the total calculation time is used to determine the numerical values of the integral in the deviance function.


eql returns an object of class eql, which contains the following components:


a numerical vector with the computed eql values for the given set of parameter values. For one-dimensional variance families (i.e. those families with only one parameter), a smoothing operation can be performed to obtain intermediate values.


a data.frame containing the values of the parameters at which the eql function was evaluated.


the maximum value of the eql function in the considered range.


a data.frame containing the values of the parameters at which the maximum is obtained.


an integer value giving the dimension of the parameters in the underlying variance family.


a logical value indicating whether a smoothing operation was performed.


a vector of logical values of the same length as eql indicating if the particular EQL value was obtained by smoothing or was calculated directly.


an integer value giving the number of points used in the smoothing process or NULL if no smoothing was performed.


if include.model is TRUE, the GLM for which the maximum EQL value was archieved, NULL otherwise.


The EQL for variance functions with Vθ(0)=0V_\theta(0)=0 becomes infinite. Hence, if there are exact zeros in the data, one should provide a variance family, which do not equate to zero at the origin. Nelder and Pregibon propose some adjustment of V(y)V(y) at the origin, which leads to a modified variance function.

The predefined families powerVarianceFamily and extBinomialVarianceFamily are, however, not capable of dealing with exact zeros, for there is no general mechanism to modify the variance function for all possible values of the particular variance family.

The confidence interval for one-dimensional variance families is not calculated exactly, but depends on the amount of EQL values available. Hence, if one is interested in a confidence interval, one should allow for smoothing.

The function eql does not use a direct maximization routine, but rather do a simple maximation over a finite set. Hence, all obtained values including confidence intervals and confidence ellipsoids have a “local flavour” and should not be regarded as global solutions.

The confidence bounds are determined rather empirically and do heavily depend on the amount of parameter values under consideration.


Thorn Thaler


Nelder, J.A. and Pregibon, D. (1987). An extended quasi-likelihood function. Biometrika, 74, 221–232.

See Also

varianceFamily, glm


## Power Variance Family
# Data from Box and Cox (1964)
x <- (-1:1)
y <- c(674,370,292,338,266,210,170,118,90,1414,1198,634,1022,620,438,
yarn.raw <- data.frame(expand.grid(x3=x, x2=x, x1=x), cycles=y)
yarn <- data.frame(x1=yarn.raw$x1, x2=yarn.raw$x2, x3=yarn.raw$x3,

ps.power <- list(theta=seq(1, 4, length = 20))
eq.power <- eql(cycles~x1+x2+x3,,
   family=powerVarianceFamily("log"), smooth.grid=500)

## Not run: 
## Extended Binomial Variance Family
# Data from McCullagh & Nelder: GLM, p. 329
# (zeros replaced by 'NA')

site <- rep(1:9, each=10)
variety <- rep(1:10, 9)
resp <- c(0.05,NA,NA,0.10,0.25,0.05,0.50,1.30,1.50,1.50,
   25,42.50,50,37.50,95,62.50,95,95,95) / 100

ps.binomial <- list(seq(1, 2.2, length=32), seq(1, 3, length=32))
eq.binomial <- eql(resp~site*variety,,

## End(Not run)

Hermite Polynomials


Computes the Hermite polynomial Hn(x)H_n(x).


hermite(x, n, prob = TRUE)



a numeric vector or array giving the values at which the Hermite polynomial should be evaluated.


an integer vector or array giving the degrees of the Hermite polynomials. If length(x) != 1, n must be either of the same length as x or a single value.


logical. If TRUE (the default) the probabilistic version of the Hermite polynomial is evaluated, otherwise the physicists' Hermite polynomials are used. See the ‘Details’ section below for further information.


The Hermite polynomials are given by:

  • Hn+1(x)=xHn(x)nHn1(x),H_{n+1}(x)=xH_n(x)-nH_{n-1}(x), with H0(x)=1H_0(x)=1 and H1(x)=xH_1(x)=x, (Probabilists' version HnPr(x)H_n^{Pr}(x))

  • Hn+1(x)=2xHn(x)2nHn1(x)H_{n+1}(x)=2xH_n(x)-2nH_{n-1}(x), with H0(x)=1H_0(x)=1 and H1(x)=2xH_1(x)=2x. (Physicists' version HnPh(x)H_n^{Ph}(x))

and the relationship between the two versions is given by


The term ‘probabilistic’ is motivated by the fact that in this case the Hermite polynomial Hn(x)H_n(x) can be as well defined by

Hn(x)=(1)n1φ(x)φ(n)(x),H_n(x)=(-1)^{n}\frac{1}{\varphi(x)} \varphi^{(n)}(x),

where φ(x)\varphi(x) denotes the density function of the standard normal distribution and φ(k)(x)\varphi^{(k)}(x) denotes the kkth derivative of φ(x)\varphi(x) with respect to xx.

If the argument n is a vector it must be of the same length as the argument x or the length of the argument x must be equal to one. The Hermite polynomials are then evaluated either at xix_i with degree nin_i or at xx with degree nin_i, respectively.


the Hermite polynomial (either the probabilists' or the physicists' version) evaluated at x.


Thorn Thaler


Fedoryuk, M.V. (2001). Hermite polynomials. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Kluwer Academic Publishers.


2^(3/2)*hermite(sqrt(2)*5, 3)    # = 940
hermite(5, 3, FALSE)             # = 940
hermite(2:4, 1:3)                # H_1(2), H_2(3), H_3(4)
hermite(2:4, 2)                  # H_2(2), H_2(3), H_2(4)
hermite(2, 1:3)                  # H_1(2), H_2(2), H_3(2)
## Not run: 
hermite(1:3, 1:4)                # Error!

## End(Not run)

Saddlepoint Approximation


Computes the (normalized) saddlepoint approximation of the mean of nn i.i.d. random variables.


saddlepoint(x, n, cumulants, correct = TRUE, normalize = FALSE)



a numeric vector or array with the values at which the approximation should be evaluated.


a positive integer giving the number of i.i.d. random variables in the sum.


a cumulants object giving the cumulant functions and the saddlepoint function. See cumulants for further information.


logical. If TRUE (the default) the correction term involving the 3rd and the 4th standardized cumulant functions is included.


logical. If TRUE the renormalized version of the saddlepoint approximation is calculated. The renormalized version does neither make use of the 3rd nor of the 4th cumulant function so setting correct=TRUE will result in a warning. The default is FALSE.


The saddlepoint approximation (SA) for the density of the mean Z=Sn/nZ=S_n/n of i.i.d. random variables YiY_i with Sn=i=1nYiS_n=\sum_{i=1}^n Y_i is given by:

fZ(z)cn2πKY(s)exp{n[KY(s)sz]},f_Z(z) \approx c\sqrt{\frac{n}{2\pi K_{Y}''(s)}} \exp\{n[K_{Y}(s)- sz]\},

where cc is an appropriatly chosen correction term, which is based on higher cumulants. The function KY()K_Y(\cdot) denotes the cumulant generating function and ss denotes the saddlepoint which is the solution of the saddlepoint function:


For the renormalized version of the SA one chooses cc such that fZ(z)f_Z(z) integrates to one, otherwise it includes the 3rd and the 4th standardized cumulant.

The saddlepoint approximation is an improved version of the Edgeworth approximation and makes use of ‘exponential tilted’ densities. The weakness of the Edgeworth method lies in the approximation in the tails of the density. Thus, the saddlepoint approximation embed the original density in the “conjugate exponential family” with parameter θ\theta. The mean of the embeded density depends on θ\theta which allows for evaluating the Edgeworth approximation at the mean, where it is known to give reasonable results.


saddlepoint returns an object of class approximation. See function approximation for further details.


Thorn Thaler


Reid, N. (1991). Approximations and Asymptotics. Statistical Theory and Modelling, London: Chapman and Hall.

See Also

approximation, cumulants, edgeworth


# Saddlepoint approximation for the density of the mean of n Gamma
# variables with shape=1 and scale=1
n <- 10
shape <- scale <- 1
x <- seq(0, 3, length=1000) 
sp <- saddlepoint(x, n, gammaCumulants(shape, scale))
plot(sp, lwd=2)

# Mean of n Gamma(1,1) variables is n*Gamma(n,1) distributed
lines(x, n*dgamma(n*x, shape=n*shape, scale=scale), col=2)

Variance Family Class For The EQL-Method


varianceFamily provides a class for a parameterized family of variance functions to be used with eql.

The predefined functions powerVarianceFamily and extBinomialVarianceFamily compute the variance family defined by the parametric variance functions Vθ(μ)=μθV_\theta(\mu) = \mu^\theta and Vk,l(μ)=μk(1μ)lV_{k,l}(\mu) = \mu^k(1-\mu)^l, respectively.


varianceFamily(varf, devf = NULL, link = "log", initf = NULL,
               validmuf = NULL, name = "default")

powerVarianceFamily(link = "log")
extBinomialVarianceFamily(link = "logit")



the parameterized variance function.


the deviance function. If NULL (the default) it will be determined numerically from the variance function varf.


the link function.


a function returning an object of class expression. The expression object should give a sequence of initializing commands for the glm routine such as setting the starting values. If NULL (the default), a very rudimentary initialize function is chosen, which may not be appropriate. See family for further details.


a function giving TRUE if its argument is a valid value for μ\mu and FALSE otherwise. If NULL (the default), all μ\mu are supposed to be valid.


a character string giving the name of the variance family.


The purpose of the function varianceFamily is to provide a convenient way to specify families of variance functions. An extended glm family object for a particular choice of a parameter vector can be obtained via the class member family.

The minimal specification for a varianceFamily object is the variance function Vθ(μ)V_\theta(\mu) with θ\theta describing the vector of family parameters. If not given explicitly, the deviance function is determined numerically.

The family parameter of powerVarianceFamily is ‘theta’, while the names of the parameters of extBinomialVarianceFamily are ‘k’ and ‘l’.


varianceFamily returns an object of class varianceFamily containing the following components:


a function which computes an extFamily object, which is an extension of the family object known from classical glm. extFamily inherits from class family and contains an additional field holding the value of the particular parameters at which the family was evaluated.


a character string giving the name of the variance family.


a list of the parameters of the variance family.

a character string. Equals either “explicit” or “numerical” depending on how the deviance function was determined.


Those arguments passed to varianceFunction that are functions, are supposed to accept the variance family's parameter as an argument. The idea is that any of these functions may give different results for different values of the family's parameters. Even if any of these functions do not depend on these parameters, they must be contained in the function's argument list.


Thorn Thaler


Nelder, J.A. and Pregibon, D. (1987). An Extended Quasi-Likelihood Function. Biometrika, 74, 221–232.

See Also

family, eql


# The extended binomial variance family
# (the deviance is determined numerically)

# init does not depend on k and l but it must accept
# these parameters anyways
init <- function(k, l) {
    mustart <- (weights * y + 0.5)/(weights + 1)
    n <-, nobs)}))
validmuf <- function(mu, k, l) {
  return(all(mu > 0) && all(mu < 1))
varf <- function(y, k, l)  y^k*(1-y)^l
suppressWarnings(vf <- varianceFamily(varf=varf, link="log", initf=init, 
vf$family(1,1) # corresponds to binomial()

y <- runif(10, 0, 1)
mu <- runif(10, 0, 1)

all.equal(vf$family(1,1)$dev.resids(y,mu,1),     # TRUE