Package 'EFS'

Title: Tool for Ensemble Feature Selection
Description: Provides a function to check the importance of a feature based on a dependent classification variable. An ensemble of feature selection methods is used to determine the normalized importance value of all features. Combining these methods in one function (building the cumulative importance values) provides a stable feature selection tool. This selection can also be viewed in a barplot using the barplot_fs() function and proved using the evaluation function efs_eval().
Authors: Nikita Genze, Ursula Neumann
Maintainer: Ursula Neumann <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0.3
Built: 2025-01-03 06:58:18 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Visualization of ensemble_fs in barplot


Generates a barplot from the output of ensemble_fs and produces a pdf-file. This file will be located in the working directory. A barplot will only be provided, when the number of features does not exceed 100.
x-axis: sum of all normed importance values of each feature ranging from 0 to 1
y-axis: names of features
If the number of features is greater or equal to 100, a barplot of the summed up importance over all FS method is created.
x-axis: features; y-axis: importance values
If order = TRUE the bars will be ordered in an increasing order bottom up (i.e., the most important parameter are on top).


barplot_fs(name, efs_table, order = TRUE)



a character string giving the name of the file. If it is NULL, then no external file is created (effectively, no drawing occurs), but the device may still be queried.


a table object of class matrix (retrieved from ensemble_fs)


a logical value indicating whether the bars should be sorted in descending order or not


Ursula Neumann

See Also

barplot, pdf


## Loading dataset in environment
 ## Generate a ranking based on inportance (with default
 ## NA_threshold = 0.7,cor_threshold = 0.2)
 efs <- ensemble_fs(efsdata ,5 ,runs=2)
 ## Create a cumulative barplot based on the output from efs 
 barplot_fs("test", efs, order = TRUE)

Evaluation of Ensemble Features Selection


Provides several evaluation tests of the ouput of ensemble_fs. There are performance test, namely the logreg test and permutation test as well as tests of stability via the variance of feature importances and the Jaccard-index (see Details).


efs_eval(data, efs_table, file_name, classnumber, NA_threshold, logreg = TRUE,
  rf = TRUE, permutation = TRUE, p_num = 100, variances = TRUE,
  jaccard = TRUE, bs_num = 100, bs_percentage = 0.9)



an object of class data.frame


a table object of class matrix (retrieved from ensemble_fs)


a character string, name which is used for the two possible PDF files.


a number indicating the index of variable for binary classification


a number in range of [0,1]. Threshold for deletion of features with a greater proportion of NAs than NA_threshold.


a logical value indicating whether to conduct an evaluation via logistic regression or not


a logical value indicating whether to conduct an evaluation via random forest or not


a logical value indicating whether to conduct a permutation of the class variable or not


number of permutations


a logical value indicating whether to calculate the variances of importances retrieved from bootrapping or not


a logical value indicating whether to calculate the jaccard-index or not


a number of boostrap permutations of the importances


a number in range of [0,1]. Proportion of randomly selected samples for boostraping


A logistic regression model with leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) of the selected features and of all feature is conducted by logreg = TRUE. Both AUC-values of the ROC curves are compared with roc.test. The ROC curves are illustrated on the PDF file "file_name" + "LG-ROC.pdf".
By rf = TRUE, random forst model will be constructed and evaluated. Parallel to Logreg, the AUC-values of the two ROC curves of all features and a subset of the best ranked feautres are compared with roc.test. The ROC curves are illustrated on the PDF file "file_name" + "RF-ROC.pdf".

The permutation test (permutation = TRUE) compares the AUC outcome of an logistic regression with p_num AUCs from random permutations of the class variable by a t.test.

Variances of the importances after a bootstrapping analysis are calculated by variances = TRUE. Thereby the number and proportion of the bootstrapping can be set by bs_num and bs_percentage. The function also provides a PDF file "file_name" +"_Variances.pdf". Additionally, the Jaccard-index of this bootstrapped importances can be calculated by setting jaccard=TRUE.


An object of class list, with the following components:
"AUC of LR with all parameters",
"AUC of LR with EFS parameter"
"P-value of LR-ROC test", #'
"AUC of RF with all parameters",
"AUC of RF with EFS parameter"
"P-value of RF-ROC test",
"P-value of permutation",
"Variances of feature importances",


Ursula Neumann

See Also

glm, roc,prediction, boxplot, tail, t.test


## Loading dataset in environment
 ## Generate a ranking based on importance (with default
 ## NA_threshold = 0.7,cor_threshold = 0.2)
 ## Conduct AUC test and permutation test
 eval_example <- efs_eval(data = efsdata, efs_table = efs, file_name = 'eval_test', 
                      classnumber = 5, NA_threshold = 0.2,
                      logreg = TRUE,
                      rf = FALSE,
                      permutation = TRUE, p_num = 2, 
                      variances = FALSE, jaccard = FALSE)
## Calculating variances and the Jaccard-index can take several minutes computation time

Meteorological data for feature selection analysis


A dataset with meteorological data from a weather station in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany from february 2016




a data frame with 29 entries and following 7 variables


index variable from 1 to 29


temperature minimum of the day


temperature maximum of the day


sunshine duration of the day


classification variable: if it has not rained: 0, if it has rained: 1


average relative humidity of the day


average wind force of the day


modified data from

Ensemble Feature Selection


Uses an ensemble of feature selection methods to create a normalized quantitative score of all relevant features. Irrelevant features (e.g. features with too many missing values or variance = 1) will be deleted. See Details for a list of tests used in this function.


ensemble_fs(data, classnumber, NA_threshold = 0.2, cor_threshold = 0.7,
  runs = 100, selection = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,



an object of class data.frame


a number indicating the index of variable for binary classification


a number in range of [0,1]. Threshold for deletion of features with a greater proportion of NAs than NA_threshold.


a number used only for Spearman and Pearson correlation. Correlation threshold within features. If the correlation of 2 features is greater than cor_threshold the dependent feature is deleted.


a number used only for randomForest and cforest. Amount of runs to gain higher robustness.


a vector of length eight with TRUE or FALSE values. Selection of feature selection methods to be conducted.


Following methods are provided in the ensemble_fs:

  • Median: p-values from Wilcoxon signed-rank test (wilcox.test)

  • Spearman: Spearman's rank correlation test arccording to Yu et al. (2004) (cor)

  • Pearson: Pearson's product moment correlation test arccording to Yu et al. (2004) (cor)

  • LogReg: beta-Values of logistic regression (glm)

  • Accuracy//Error-rate randomForest: Error-rate-based variable importance measure embedded in randomForest according to Breiman (2001) (randomForest)

  • Gini randomForest: Gini-index-based variable importance measure embedded in randomForest according to Breiman (2001) (randomForest)

  • Error-rate cforest: Error-rate-based variable importance measure embedded in cforest according Strobl et al. (2009) (cforest)

  • AUC cforest: AUC-based variable importance measure embedded in cforest according to Janitza et al. (2013) (cforest)

By the argument selection the user decides which feature selection methods are used in ensemble_fs. Default value is selection = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), i.e., the function does not use either of the cforest variable importance measures. The maximum score for features depends on the input of selection. The scores are always divided through the amount of selected feature selection, respectively the amount of TRUEs.


table of normalized importance values of class matrix (used methods as rows and features of the imported file as columns).


Ursula Neumann


  • Yu, L. and Liu H.: Efficient feature selection via analysis of relevance and redundancy. J. Mach. Learn. Res. 2004, 5:1205-1224.

  • Breiman, L.: Random Forests, Machine Learning. 2001, 45(1): 5-32.

  • Strobl, C., Malley, J. anpercentaged Tutz, G.: An Introduction to Recursive Partitioning: Rationale, Application, and Characteristics of Classification and Regression Trees, Bagging, and Random forests. Psychological Methods. 2009, 14(4), 323–348.

  • Janitza, S., Strobl, C. and Boulesteix AL.: An AUC-based Permutation Variable Importance Measure for Random Forests. BMC Bioinformatics.2013, 14, 119.

See Also

wilcox.test, randomForest, cforest, cor, glm


## Loading dataset in environment
 ## Generate a ranking based on importance (with default NA_threshold = 0.2,
 ## cor_threshold = 0.7, selection = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
 efs <- ensemble_fs(efsdata, 5, runs=2)