DrugExposureDiagnostics 1.1.0 (2024-12-22)
- Add params to executeChecks so it will write results to disk, no need to separately call writeResultToDisk
DrugExposureDiagnostics 1.0.10 (2024-11-22)
- Fix sample is null bug
- Fix too many rows in diagnostics summary
- Add metadata section to shiny app
DrugExposureDiagnostics 1.0.9 (2024-09-25)
- Integrate shiny app in package
- Fix bug in obscuring results
- Use sample size in dose check
DrugExposureDiagnostics 1.0.8 (2024-09-10)
- Skip unavailable concepts (#253 and #254)
DrugExposureDiagnostics 1.0.7 (2024-07-30)
- Updates related to newest release of DrugUtilisation
DrugExposureDiagnostics 1.0.6 (2024-07-02)
- Fixed bug in generating diagnosticsSummary
DrugExposureDiagnostics 1.0.5 (2024-06-12)
- Use dailyDoseCoverage function from package DrugUtilisation
- Remove Eunomia dependency
- Remove histogram output from checks
DrugExposureDiagnostics 1.0.4 (2024-03-18)
- Add option to exclude drug concept ids
- Performance improvement
- Update license
DrugExposureDiagnostics 1.0.3 (2024-01-31)
- Compatibility with latest CDMConnector
- Fix sample bug
- Remove deprecated functions
- Add links in DESCRIPTION
DrugExposureDiagnostics 1.0.2 (2024-01-14)
- Add hex sticker
- Add argument byConcept to executeChecks
DrugExposureDiagnostics 1.0.1 (2023-11-06)
DrugExposureDiagnostics 1.0.0 (2023-10-25)
- Obscure patient counts in concept/diagnostics summary
- Update documentation regarding default checks
- Major version update: no major interface changes expected
DrugExposureDiagnostics 0.4.7 (2023-10-16)
- Set the default checks to: "missing", "exposureDuration" and "quantity"
- Reduce sample size to 10.000
- Make compatible with duckdb v0.9
DrugExposureDiagnostics 0.4.6 (2023-08-16)
- Fixed bug in obscureCounts
- Add PaRe report vignette
DrugExposureDiagnostics 0.4.5
- Fixed bug in obscureCounts
DrugExposureDiagnostics 0.4.4 (2023-07-16)
- Fixed bug when running subset of checks
- Fixed bug when applying minCellCount
- Fixed bug that caused invalid counts
DrugExposureDiagnostics 0.4.3 (2023-06-13)
- Update CDMConnector to 1.0.0
- Add subsetToConceptId to executeChecks function
DrugExposureDiagnostics 0.4.2
- Update diagnostics summary for the onboarding
DrugExposureDiagnostics 0.4.1 (2023-03-13)
- Update CDMConnector to 0.5.0
DrugExposureDiagnostics 0.4.0 (2023-03-08)
- Initial CRAN release March 8, 2023
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.